How to dye a fur collar at home. How to properly dye fur at home to make the product look new

In some cases, dyeing the fur is indispensable. It is necessary to dye natural fur at home if you are making something from it, if the fur of a fur coat has burnt out in the sun during the process of wearing, or if you have ceased to like the color of your fur product.

But how to dye the fur correctly so as not to spoil its appearance? Of course, the easiest way is to contact a specialized studio. But why, if everyone can paint or tint fur at home.

When deciding to dye natural fur yourself, remember that you first need to clean it, since dirt prevents the penetration of the dye into the structure of the pile.

Important: Before you start dyeing a fur coat, vest, fur collar or hat, treat this thing with an alkaline solution that you can prepare yourself. To do this, you will need:

  1. Water - liter
  2. Soda - 2 tsp
  3. Dishwashing detergent - 1 tsp
  4. Ammonia from the pharmacy - 1 tsp

Fur cleaning instructions:

  • Prepare a solution by mixing all substances thoroughly.
  • Apply a greasy cream to the skin. This is necessary in order to prevent it from drying out.
  • Using a brush, apply the solution to the pile, spreading it evenly over the entire surface.
    Rinse the fur under running tap water.
  • Spread the fur garment horizontally and leave to dry at room temperature.

How to dye natural fur with hair dye?

First of all, having decided to dye natural fur yourself, you should decide on the color in which you will dye it. General recommendations boil down to dyeing a fur product in darker tones. If, on the contrary, you want to dye it a light color, then the fur must first be lightened with hydrogen peroxide.

You will need:

  • Hair dye
  • Rubber gloves


  1. Before painting the fur of a fur coat, thoroughly moisten it in water.
  2. Dye the fur with hair dye.
  3. Spread the paint evenly over the surface of the fur
    Leave the paint for as long as indicated in the paint instructions.
  4. To wash off the coloring matter, rinse the fur in warm water, to which you need to add a little table vinegar.
  5. Dry the garment by flattening it and lay it out to dry in an upright position.

How to dry the fur?

You need to dry the fur correctly, otherwise you can irrevocably spoil its appearance.
Never dry the fur with a hair dryer, use a special steamer instead..

While drying the fur with a jet of steam, brush it with a fur brush available from the pet store. The fur should be combed against the growth of the pile.

To give the fur a natural shine, you can rinse it with a hair balm or homemade solution. Using these products will give your fur a natural shine and softness.

How to tint fur with a spray?

Usually, at home, the spray is used to tint the long ends of fur... At the same time, the undercoat itself and the flesh remain intact.

It is necessary to spray the spray on the fur at a distance of 60-70 cm from its surface. You need to distribute the coloring matter slowly, smoothly moving the can from one side to the other.

As soon as the tips of the villi are stained, comb the fur with a brush to prevent further adhesion and remove excess moisture.

In addition to hair dye and spray, you can use toning hair shampoo at home.

This instruction on how to dye fur at home is for guidance only. Also recommends watching a video demonstrating the whole process.

How to dye faux fur

When deciding to dye a faux fur garment, decide what color you want to dye it. Perhaps it just needs to be updated, giving it freshness.

You can dye your faux fur with hair dye. If you need a color refresh, use a long-lasting hair dye. If you just want to freshen up the color, use a toning hair shampoo or spray.

Before painting, it is recommended to clean the artificial fur from traces of grease and dirt, which most often arise from contact with the skin. If the fur is not cleaned first, the coloring matter may not be distributed evenly.

To clean faux fur at home, just use regular soapy water, which can be applied with a sponge.

When starting to paint, make sure that the color you choose will fit well. To do this, apply paint to the pile from the wrong side of the product. If you are satisfied with the result, feel free to start painting the fur.

Important: prepare a faux fur product by spreading it flat on the surface and pulling it along the edges, otherwise the fur will be dyed with shreds.

When dyeing faux fur, strictly follow the hair dye instructions.

After the time indicated in the instructions has passed, wash off the paint. What's more, you can hand wash the product without using powder or shampoo. Just do it without fanaticism!

A still wet faux fur product must be combed and allowed to dry, and after it is completely dry, it must be combed again.

If you want to dye the fur of a polar fox, it is not necessary to bring it to a specialist. You can do any procedure at home. Coloring can be done with ordinary hair dye. Several packs of paint are required. Arctic fox is capable of very good color retention. Be sure to try to carry out all cleaning and painting procedures on a small piece of fur so that you know how the fur will change.

However, if the fur is very dirty, then it should be cleaned with an alkaline solution. The dye does not penetrate well into the structure of dirty or oily hair. Cleaning solutions are prepared by adding salt, ammonia, detergent, baking soda, and water. Everything is applied to the fur with a brush. The fur is washed and dried naturally.

It should be noted that the skin from the inside of the fur - the flesh - is pre-treated with fatty creams or glycerin so that it does not dry out. It is also a very simple procedure. How to paint a polar fox collar efficiently? It is recommended to dye fur in a darker color than natural. Before dyeing in a lighter color, the fur must be bleached with hydrogen peroxide.

Dye the fur using regular hair dye. Apply paint quickly. Before the procedure, you can moisten the fur with water so that the paint is evenly distributed. It is necessary to work with gloves so that you can rub the paint with your hands and avoid unpainted areas. Keep for as long as indicated on the box, taking into account the color. After that, rinse the fur in warm water, add vinegar. Blot gently with a towel.

Dry your fur naturally. The fur sometimes shrinks after dyeing. For this reason, gently stretch it so as not to tear, on some surfaces with the fur to the top, pinning it. The skin dries long enough. When choosing a dye for fur, buy only those shades that are darker than those in which the fur of the thing is already dyed.

If the fur is white or beige, then it can be dyed in various shades. If the fur is dark, it can be dyed only in the darkest color. How to dye the collar correctly? It is possible to dye fur products only in a stainless steel barrel or in a special plastic tank, using a tinting agent or an oxidizing dye.

It is easiest to dye your fox collar with oxidation dye, as it is inexpensive and allows the fur to be dyed at lower temperatures, resulting in a chic shine. If the fur is old it may not withstand the procedure. As already mentioned, a dirty and stained fur product is poorly dyed.

It is known that fur products look beautiful and luxurious, they warm well in winter cold. Like any clothing, they lose their great appearance over time. If your favorite thing has faded or is simply bored, you can paint it at home without contacting specialists, thereby making something new and unique out of it.

How to dye arctic fox fur at home

The fur of the Arctic fox lends itself well to dyeing. If you want to update your fox thing, you will need:

  • hair dye;
  • fat cream (can be replaced with glycerin);
  • hair balm;
  • rubber medical gloves;
  • a brush or old toothbrush for applying the coloring composition;
  • vinegar.

Your actions:

  1. Lubricate the flesh with cream.
  2. Stretch the material on a flat surface, secure it.
  3. Moisten the previously cleaned surface thoroughly with water.
  4. Put on gloves, quickly apply the dye composition, smoothing the nap with your hand.
  5. Wait for the period of time indicated in the staining instructions.
  6. Rinse the villi under running warm water, rinse in a vinegar solution.
  7. Treat the thing with a balm diluted in water, rinse.
  8. Lubricate the flesh again with cream, gently stretch it, pin it, let it dry.

Dyeing a mink coat

The mink coat looks great and is durable. If the color of the product has faded, you can dye the mink fur. Before dyeing your mink fur at home, prepare:

  • hair dye;
  • spray;
  • a comb with frequent teeth;
  • shampoo;
  • hair balm;
  • fat cream (glycerin is possible).

Your actions:

  1. Clean the item from grease and dirt.
  2. Treat the flesh with a cream.
  3. Prepare the composition for coloring according to the instructions.
  4. Lightly dampen the surface with water using a spray bottle.
  5. Apply the dye to the pile with a spray gun from a distance of 50 cm.
  6. Even out the tone by combing the surface with a comb.
  7. Wait half an hour.
  8. Wash off the coloring compound with warm water and shampoo.
  9. Rinse with balm diluted in water.
  10. Apply the cream to the flesh.
  11. Lay out the product, leave it to dry.
  12. Comb the villi in the desired direction.

Fur cleaning

Before dyeing the fur at home, you need to clean it. Particles of paint hardly penetrate into greasy, dirty pile. Before dyeing a fur coat or other fur item, you should clean the product with an alkaline solution. To do this, you will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • ammonia - 1 tsp;
  • detergent (dishwashing gel, washing powder) - 1 tsp;
  • baking soda - 2 tsp

Your actions:

  1. Dissolve the components in water, stir well until smooth.
  2. Treat the flesh with a greasy cream (you can use glycerin) to keep it from drying out.
  3. Apply the resulting solution evenly to the pile using a brush.
  4. Rinse off thoroughly under running water.
  5. Lay out the item, let it dry at room temperature.

Fur dyeing with hair dye

The pile of natural fur resembles human hair in structure. Therefore, hair dye is suitable for home dyeing. This drug can be purchased at any supermarket, household chemicals store. The choice of colors and shades is varied, and it will not be difficult for you to find the right tone. It is better to choose shades that are darker than the original color, for example, black. To give the thing a light shade, you need to discolor it by treating it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Dyeing fur with this tool is simple, reminiscent of the procedure for dyeing your own curls.

Spray for dyeing fur

Another product for home dyeing is a special spray. This medication is used to tint the long ends. The undercoat and flesh are not affected. The coloring matter is dispersed at a distance of 60-70 cm. The can should be moved slowly, measuredly for even distribution of the substance. The painted area must be combed immediately to remove excess product and prevent the villi from sticking together.

Video: is it possible to dye a mink coat

A fur product is purchased taking into account the fact that it will last more than one year. Unfortunately, even expensive things can fade... The fur coat or vest itself is still in good condition, but its appearance leaves much to be desired. What to do with such a thing? A fur product that has lost its color should be dyed. That is why women need to figure out how to update their fur coat.

Finding a favorite fur coat without the original color, many ladies are very worried. Do not be upset, as the situation can be corrected, dyeing the fur... To cope with the task at hand, you first need to decide on the color, and then on the method of painting.

It is important to follow the painting instructions. If this is not done, the fur coat can simply be ruined. In addition, it is worth remembering that before starting the painting process, the product is being prepared.

Fur dyeing methods

Modern means allow you to dye fur in any color

At the moment, there are four popular ways to dye a fur product, these include:

  1. Spreading method... The method involves applying paint with a brush or a bunch of feathers. Excess paint is removed by centrifugation.
  2. Fur gilding... A similar method is to discolor the pile. It is best to use this method if you want to paint a raccoon, arctic fox, mink or fox.
  3. Perch method... This is the most common way to dye fur coats. The product is completely immersed in the paint and lasts until it is colored.
  4. Combined method... In this way, you can imitate the fur of a wild animal.

Regardless of the method chosen, the hostess must follow the instructions. Only consistent adherence to the steps will allow you to properly paint the product.

You can create your own image

Stages of staining

Women who decide to dye a fur product should immediately understand that the dyeing process consists of several stages. If one of the points is performed incorrectly or is skipped altogether, the fur coat will not be painted neatly.

The painting process consists of preparation and painting. Each stage should be given special attention. Only in this case can we hope for a positive result.

Fur cleaning

Despite the fact that you can dye a fur product on your own, you cannot go straight to the dyeing process. You must first prepare your fur coat.

For this, the fur product is cleaned of contamination. This can be done with an alkaline solution. To prepare the solution, you must mix 3 teaspoons of table salt, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 2 teaspoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of ammonia solution with 1 liter. water. The resulting solution is applied to the fur product using brushes... After that, the product is washed and dried.

In the next stage of cleaning, it is necessary to process the inside of the fur. For this, it is recommended to use glycerin or fatty cream. Such processing will protect the fur from drying out.


It usually takes no more than 50 minutes to dye a fur product. The hostess just needs

Piece of art

decide on the method of coloring the product. Some ladies prefer to dye their coats with hair dyes, while others prefer sprays for dyeing fur products. Each of the staining methods has its own characteristics.

Spray for dyeing fur

You can dye a fur product using a special spray. Thanks to this preparation, you can give a shade to the long ends. The spray cannot stain the flesh and undercoat.

When spraying, a can of paint must be kept from the fur coat at a distance of 65 centimeters. In this case, the can moves slowly, without sudden movements. If you make chaotic movements, the product will be colored unevenly. Immediately after dyeing, the fur is combed. This way, excess paint can be removed.

You can also use a simple spray can. This method may come out cheaper, but more effective. It is also worth remembering that you do not need to paint the product completely, but only those places that have lost their original appearance.

The same case when both the fur coat and hair are dyed with hair dye

Paint for dyeing

The most popular way to dye fur is to use hair dyes... It should be noted that the dyeing process is carried out only on treated fur. When painting, attention should be paid to all layers of fur. Don't forget about the flesh.

To evenly distribute the paint over the product, you need to wrinkle the fur with your hands. The paint acts on the product for 40 minutes. After that, the fur must be held under a stream of warm water. To consolidate the effect, the fur coat can be placed in a saline solution for 10 minutes. When the dyeing process is completed, the fur coat must be dried by spreading it out on a horizontal surface.

How to dye arctic fox fur at home

Some women are interested in the question of how to dye a fur coat at home if it is made of arctic fox? Like any other fur, the arctic fox must first be processed. It should be noted that it is better to paint the white fox in light colors. If desired, dark furs can also be dyed in light colors, but then they will first need to decolorize with hydrogen peroxide.

Before dyeing, you need to test the fur. To do this, a little paint is applied to the pile of the product. If nothing serious happens to him, you can start staining.

It is best to buy 2 more packs of paint. The fur coat should be painted with a brush, after wearing rubber gloves. After painting, warm water is poured onto the product. The last stage of painting is drying. The product is placed on a horizontal surface away from heaters.

How to dye mink fur at home

Many women are interested in the question of how to dye mink fur? In fact, there is nothing complicated. You can use both hair dye and sprays to dye the mink. If paint is used, then it can be applied to the product with a brush or toothbrush. You can evenly place the paint with your hands. After 40 minutes, the paint must be washed off under the pressure of warm water.

Drying is carried out in the same way as when painting other things. A mink vest or fur coat is stretched on a horizontal surface, away from heating appliances. A hair dryer can be used for quick drying. However, remember that, first of all, it is worth dyeing fur precisely in order to return the product to its original appearance, and not change it.

Arctic fox fur is one of the most popular today. It is beautiful, comfortable and warm, and belongs to the long-haired types of fur. It is often used to make wonderful fur coats, hats, even bags, and are used as accessories to complement designer clothing items. In nature, there are two types of polar fox: a rare blue and white, but fashion designers often use various colors to give fur products the most unusual shades. And how to dye the fur of a polar fox at home, so that afterwards you can decorate outerwear with a luxurious collar, or just update an old thing? It's not that hard.

How to prepare Arctic fox fur for painting

Before dyeing, it is necessary to clean the fur so that in the future the dyes will penetrate well into the hair structure. Most often, the fur is cleaned with an alkaline solution, which effectively removes dirt. Take the following ingredients:

  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 spoonful of ammonia;
  • 1 spoon of any detergent (you can use washing powder).

All ingredients must be dissolved in a liter of water. The solution is applied to the product with a brush. After cleaning, the fur is washed with water and dried naturally. To add shine, you should treat the product with a swab or sponge dipped in vinegar. In order not to dry out the skin, you need to spread it with baby cream or cosmetic petroleum jelly in advance.

How to choose a mink fur coat. What should you pay attention to?

We paint fur at home. Read how to do this in this article.

How to peel white fur

If you decide to dye the fur product white, try first carefully cleaning it from greasy stains and removing yellowness. The stains will be removed by a solution from a teaspoon of ammonia, three tablespoons of ordinary rock salt, dissolved in a liter of water.

A mixture of talc and hydrogen peroxide can successfully deal with yellowness. Apply it to the scalp. And when the fur is dry, gently shake it. You can also try to peel white fur with starch or semolina.

How to color a product from a polar fox

So, the desired fur item is dry. Now you need to find out how the paint will behave. Apply paint to a small area of ​​the fur product, see how well it is dyed, whether the hair does not come out. You can take the usual paint, which is used to dye human hair.

Are you wondering how to dye your fox fur at home blue or pink? Keep in mind that white arctic fox will be the easiest to paint in light colors. But even dark shades can be pre-lightened by treating the fur with hydrogen peroxide. It is better to dye collars and caps in darker colors.

Before painting, moisten the fur with water, then quickly paint the product with a brush, wearing rubber gloves on your hands. You need to withstand the paint for as long as indicated in the instructions. It is recommended to take paints with a margin, not one, but two packs. Once you are sure that the hairline is sufficiently colored, wash off the paint under the shower head.

The last step: drying. The fur product must be stretched on a wooden board with the fur up and secured with pins. To dry the item faster, you can use a hair dryer (only the air must be warm). As soon as the flesh is dry, you can continue working with the dyed fur.

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