No appetite after illness. It is sick of food and no appetite for a long time. Bulimia and complete absence of appetite

Appetite - the desire to eat (translated from Latin) is manifested at the time of decrease in the concentration of nutrients (glucose) in the blood plasma.

One of the frequent pleasant sensations that experience any living organism is eating. A good, healthy appetite is one of the signs of the health of any organism.

Any biologically healthy body when absorbing food is sense of satisfaction. Starting from plants - after irrigation in the room without air movement, light sickening of foliage is visible; Cat - often purr; The dog - wags the tail; And a person - experiences pleasant feelings when food consumption.

Meal - one of the main needs of the body, which is naturally accompanied by a sense of satisfaction. In order to stimulate the behavior of a person to mining, and then to the reception of food, the subconscious "encourages" the consciousness of the portion of endorphins ("hormones of happiness"), which causes a person a sense of joy and satisfaction when taking food and saturation.

All people love to eat. But at times the human body begins to "capricious" when:

  • "I want something delicious",
  • "I don't know what I want",
  • either it goes into "Something I don't want to eat at all, it is only because it is necessary. Appetite completely disappeared. "
  • "Something my appetite disappeted, I don't really want."

To understand how dangerous for a person there can be a lack of appetite, it is important to understand the meaning of the need for food.

Food is a substance that replenishes not only the energy potential of man, but is "building material". The body constantly updates the tissues of various organs, restores damaged cells, trace elements and vitamins in food, participate in all types of metabolism.

The most vulnerable to nutritional deficit is the nervous system and the highest mental activity of the human body since all mental functions (memory, attention, intellect, emotionally - volitional activity, etc.) Very energy lifts.

In the central departments of the brain (hypothalamus) there are centers responsible for the feeling of saturation and feeling of hunger. Reducing the blood glucose level is the signal that the body needs nutrients, and when entering blood glucose intake, the receptors sign on saturation. Thus, the loss of appetite causes the loss of saturation sense and subsequently to a hazardous reduction in the level of vital substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which leads to the imbalance of all systems and organs and exhaustion.
Different somatic (physiological) or mental factors, which affect the suppression of the work of the brain structures that stimulate food intake can become the cause of the appetite.

What to do if the appetite is gone

A psychotherapist, when studying the causes of poor appetite, should take into account all the likely reasons, to find out the innate features of the appetite manifestation, and the presence of physical disorders of the bodies, and the presence of various psychotrauming situations in life, both at the moment and in the past.

The loss of appetite in humans is considered by the doctor in the broadest aspect, taking into account all possible reasons. Only after deep analysis, the doctor will be able to make a conclusion about true reasons and answer the question why the appetite in humans disappears, accordingly, to properly choose the treatment techniques, return the missing appetite, and hence health.

If we consider the disappearance of the appetite from a materialistic point of view of a doctor of reducing therapy or a psychotherapist, then its decrease or complete absence may initially formally form due to a violation of the biological processes of the brain defining both consciousness and subconscious. This aspect is very important for the doctor, and its correct diagnosis will affect the effectiveness of therapeutic measures in general.

Gone appetite

What if a bad appetite accompanies you more than two weeks?

First of all, it is necessary to refer to the therapist, which will hold an initial examination, will exclude the disease of the internal organs, the primary examination will make it possible to establish the causes of the absence of appetite more narrowly and, possibly, if the reason and mechanism of the appetite disorder will be established, the necessary treatment will be carried out.

If the therapist on the examination detects the causes of appetite disorders that are associated with other problems with which he himself cannot cope, he will send to a narrower specialist to exclude or confirm (clarify) of the preliminary diagnosis.

According to medical statistics, more than 80% of patients who, who, at primary reception, say that they have appetite or there are decline complaints, change (increasing, absence) appetite, register various mental changes, which requires compulsory correction from the doctor Psychotherapist or doctor of replacement therapy in neurology.

How to treat

Alone, nothing needs to be taken and forcibly taking food is still not worth it.

Meal, normally, must be accompanied by pleasant sensations, which indicates the normal interaction of the body and the nervous system. Still in the old days they said that with pleasure, the adopted food brings tenfold benefits.

Therefore, you should not torment yourself, you need to trust a good specialist, and not engage in self-medication.

Successful treatment and recovery techniques for loss of appetite help people not only normalize appetite and enjoy meals, but also significantly improve the quality of human life, increasing his living standards, both mental and social, and economic.

After all, it is known that a healthy person works more effectively, which promotes it, it allocates it profitably among others and attracts good luck to himself.

Self-treatment - always leads to serious health problems. Consult your doctor!

If the appetite disappears

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We will be able to provide high-quality assistance.

A good appetite was always considered a sign of good health. The correct work of the mechanism responsible for satisfying the need for nutrients and the receipt of pleasure from it is indicated that the body is functioning without special deviations. However, man's appetite is a non-permanent value. It depends on the nutrition of the food culture, taste addictions (which may change more than once), weather, moods and many other factors. Therefore, the periodic decrease in appetite is the norm. The full lack of interest in food, especially when it is observed for a long time, may be a sign of serious health problems.

Appetite is regulated by a special food center located in the brain. If you get into the body toxins, the functioning of this structure is temporarily blocked, since the main operation of all systems at that moment is aimed at attempts to get rid of hazardous substances. Inxication can be called:

  • food poisoning;
  • overdose of nicotine or alcohol;
  • the impact of chemical compounds that are part of household chemicals, cosmetic or perfumes, as well as paints used in the production of tissues and other harmful components contained in the subjects with which the person has frequent direct contact;
  • with carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • the use of drugs;
  • acute infection (influenza, ORVI, hepatitis, etc.).

As a rule, after the output from the body of toxic substances, the appetite is returned.

Diseases of digestive organs

Patients suffering from gastrointestinal tract pathologies often experience unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia: abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea. In such cases, the disappearance of appetite is associated with the reflex fear of food intake.

Of course, it is not for such patients at all: it will only aggravate a painful state. The output from the situation is a special diet, eliminating sharp, salty, sour dishes, fried and smoked products, fast food and canned food. Food must be semi-liquid and have an enveloping effect (for example, mucous porridges and mashed mysteries are useful).

Hormonal failures

Hormonal background fluctuations greatly affect appetite. This is especially noticeable in pregnancy, when serious changes in the body of a woman can lead to very specific food needs and changing taste addiction.

Pathological deviations in the work of the domestic secretion glands usually become the reason for the weakening of the appetite. This process is characterized by graduality: for example, when the thyroid function is reduced (hypothyroidism), the desire to consume food decreases or disappears at all over a long period, in parallel with the total loss of the body's tone, the development of rapid fatigibility, the appearance of sleepiness, plasticity and other signs of the disease.

Nervous disorders

The decrease in appetite can be explained by psychogenic causes. So, when depressed food ceases to deliver a person to man; Often, even the smell of food is nauseous. At the same time, patients complain about the feeling of the overflow of the stomach, too fast saturation. People in severe depressive condition sometimes have to feed forcibly.

One of the most common psycho-emotional deviations characterized by the absence of appetite is anorexia. Young women suffering from the complex of inferiority and dissatisfied with their body, the desire to lose weight at all costs leads first to follow the unnecessarily strict diets, artificial liberation of the stomach from the absorbed food, and then to the absolute rejection of any meal. This is the hardest neuropsychiatric disorder, the treatment of which specialists should be engaged; Often it requires hospitalization.

In all cases, a long lack of interest in food must be consulted with a doctor. If no pathologies in humans are found, but a persistent decline in appetite threatens his health, a desire to eat can be strengthened by moderate sports (for example, swimming), walks. In some situations, the reception of decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs are helping: wormwoods, gold male, Aira, mint, highly high, triple watch, fenugreek, barbaris. Medicinal teas are also useful from strawberry leaves, black currants and raspberries.

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A good appetite was always considered a sign of the health and normal operation of the body. The feeling of hunger is a natural phenomenon that signals that a person needs to "recharge" and restore the energy spent. Accordingly, the lack of interest in food may indicate a number of diseases or malfunctions in the work of the internal organs. What does the absence of appetite speak in adults, and in what cases need to contact the doctor?

No appetite: reasons for adult

What is a healthy appetite?

The signal that the body needs to fill the stocks of proteins, carbohydrates and other substances, is formed in the brain. According to the neural endings, it is transmitted to the digestive organs, as a result of which the secretion of the gastric juice is activated, the level of insulin increases in the blood, and the person feels a feeling of hunger.

Mechanisms of our appetite

The absence of appetite testifies to failures in this process - these may be diseases of the digestive tract, hormonal disorders, oncology and much more.

The causes of loss of appetite can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The reasons for the loss of interest are divided into pathological, that is, those that are a consequence of failures in the work of the body, and nonpathological - they do not bear the threats to health and do not require medical intervention.

Nepatological reasons for the decline of appetite

You can distinguish nonopeatological reasons for the health of states in a number of signs. In this case, the appetite is absent for 3-5 days (maximum week), after which the work of the body independently comes to normal. Such episodes are repeated no more than once a month, do not cause severe weight loss and are not accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever and other symptoms. Such reasons include the impact on the body of external factors and some changes in its work, which can be corrected without medical intervention.

  1. Accommodations. The absence of appetite can be observed under certain conditions - for example, with very hot weather or a sharp change of climatic belts.

In hot weather, most people are decreasing appetite

Chronic fatigue and no appetite

Lack of appetite due to stress

Power Mode Violations

In pregnant women, the absence of appetite can be caused by toxicosis

The decline in appetite is often observed in the elderly, which can also be considered an option for the norm - in the mature age, metabolic and digestive processes in the body slow down.

Pathological causes of lack of appetite

Causes of loss of interest in food that are associated with various diseases are a serious health hazard. Vitamins, microelements and nutrients cease to enter the body, which over time can lead to general exhaustion and even to death. These include:

  • infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • disorders of the endocrine system (especially those related to pancreatic dysfunction);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal organs;

In this case, the loss of appetite is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, etc. In the development of these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since such a condition threatens serious consequences.

Of particular concern should be case when a person is sick of one type of food, or he begins to experience disgust for once beloved products (for example, meat dishes) - such a phenomenon often accompanies oncological diseases.

If sick of food, you need to think seriously about the state of health

What to do with the loss of appetite?

If the absence of appetite is not accompanied by additional symptoms, you can try to restore it, observing simple rules. When disgusting to food, it is not worth raping the body - it is better to eat when I want to eat small portions, but at the same time it is desirable to streamline meals and eat approximately at the same time. The dishes should be delicious, useful and beautifully decorated - so that interest in food won't wake up from one species.

Decorate the dishes of fresh greens

In addition, when a decrease in appetite should be drunk as much water as possible, to prevent dehydration, more often walking in the fresh air, to do physical activity and fully rest. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes, especially those that contain vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins group B and PR

Vitamins C, E, D, K

What should the menu have when losing an appetite in adults? The key rule is that the diet should be balanced, contain all the necessary microelements and nutrients necessary for health. In addition, there are a number of products that contribute to an increase in appetite - first of all these are spices, spices, sharp and salty dishes, as well as marinades. True, the abuse of them is categorically not recommended - in large quantities, such food can cause digestive disorders, gastritis, and even an ulcer.

Spices improve appetite, but you should not abuse

It should not use a lot of fatty and heavy dishes - after eating there should be a sense of saturation, not the severity and overflow of the stomach.

Do not abuse heavy for stomach dishes

Before taking food, you can drink 50-100 grams of red dry wine or other light alcohol with bitter taste - aperitifs in reasonable quantities contribute to a good appetite.

Stowing alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, whose appointment is slightly quenched thirst and excite your appetite. They are served snacks

Classic Venetian aperitif

The number of products that contribute to improving appetite include:

  • black radish juice - take on a tablespoon for several days, drinking a spoonful of pure water;

The rule of such treatment is as follows: from potent means (horseradish, mustard, onions, radish) you need to choose one one, and it should be used for no more than 20 days in a row.

Medical preparations for increasing appetite

To drugs that contribute to an increase in appetite should only be resorted in extreme cases after consulting a doctor. Each of them has a number of contraindications and side effects, and if improper use and dosage may cause serious harm to the body.

The complete absence of appetite is an alarming bell that signals about failures in the work of the body (endocrine disorders, rheumatic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, liver, kidney disease, etc.) Let's try to figure out what causes a bad appetite is whether it is possible to quickly establish food and restore health.

Why appetite disappears

The decrease in appetite or food failure leads to a violation of the food balance, a decrease in the content of nutrients and glucose in the blood, which is dangerous for the normal operation of the body. The main food functions are energy, bioregulatory, plastic, adaptation, protective, signal-motivational - ensure the vital activity of the body and the constancy of the inner medium. Failing to the body, food contributes to the construction of new cells, participates in the formation of enzymes and hormones, replenishes the body with proteins, minerals and vitamins.

If there is no appetite for a long time or there is any other violation of the usual relationship to food - this is the signal that a person needs help. Psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist are specialists who will establish the causes of appetite violations and will help you restore it.

The loss or decline in appetite in adults can have a number of reasons:

  • Intoxication of the body as a consequence of inflammatory processes and poisoning.

It occurs in the period of ORVI, intestinal infections, hepatitis B and C, chronic renal failure. Inxication is accompanied by rheumatic diseases in acute form (red lupus, polyarthritis, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis), poisoning of food products, drugs, poor-quality alcohol, carbon monoxide. The person has almost no appetite, weakness appears, since the body is hardly digesting food. It is impossible to feed the doubt to not harm. It is useful to use a lot of fluid that will help free from toxins that have arisen when the body is struggled with infection. To find out the cause of disadvantage, it is recommended to take a detailed blood test and sowing feces to intestinal infection causative agents.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute states.

Digestion disorders occur during gastritis, enteritis, colitis, ulcerative illness of the stomach, liver diseases. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, bellying with bitterness, painful sensations in the esophagus and stomach. At the same time, a person is purely reflexively afraid. Recommended frequent fractional nutrition (liquid porridge based on oat, buckwheat, manna, rice croup, without salt and seasonings). Such a diet should be complemented by traditional treatment that the doctor will appoint. It is important to pass an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fibrogastroscopy (with gastritis), make a general blood test and liver samples. To eliminate viral hepatitis, it is recommended to pass the blood for hepatitis B and C.

  • Violations in the work of the endocrine system.

They lead not only to the loss of appetite, but also to fast fatigue, constant drowsiness, decrease in blood pressure, slowing down speech. Such symptoms are manifested for many years. The pathology of the thyroid gland is sometimes associated with the improper work of the pituitary and hypothalamus.

It is necessary to be examined at the endocrinologist, donate blood to the hormones of the thyroid gland T3, T4 and TSH. If suspected of the failures in the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus, the doctor will appoint a brain computed tomography.

  • Violation of metabolism in connection with oncology.

Malignant formations violate the metabolism in the body, so the taste sensations are distorted and appetite disappears. The man feels, weakness appears, the intolerance of meat and dairy products often occurs. An oncologist at a suspected malignant tumor assigns examinations in accordance with clinical manifestations and on the results prescribes treatment.

  • Diseases of the nervous system, psychological disorders (loss of appetite during depression, neurosis, dementia).

Appetite may vary as in the direction of decline and in the direction of increasing. The loss of appetite on the nervous soil is characterized by the lack of feeling of taste of food. Sometimes the mention of food or its smell itself cause a negative reaction to nausea and vomiting. Man eats only to survive, because the food itself does not bring pleasure, and even a small portion of the adopted food causes a feeling of stomach overflow.

Neurogenic anorexia is one of the mental disorders and is common among young girls. Pathological thirst to correct the "flaws" of the figures at any cost even with the usual weight leads to a refusal of food. Over time, persistent disgust for food appears, muscles are atrophy, the operation of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed. Patients refuse food so long that it ceases to be absorbed by the body. There is a change in the psyche, and the person is no longer able to independently come out of this state. Psychotherapist will help, and in severe cases - and inpatient treatment.

Loss of appetite during pregnancy, in children and old people

If the child disappears appetite, it displaces vitamins, micro, macroelements necessary for growth and development. The kids do not want to eat when they cut milk teeth (period from 3 months to 3 years), since this process is often accompanied by increased temperature and pain. Pigeons and older children refuse food during stomatitis (rash and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth), which causes pain.

Pregnant women can briefly disappear appetite. The products that the woman loved to pregnancy often cause disgust at the beginning of the term, the morning or daily nausea appears, which does not contribute to the appetite.

What boosts appetite

There are simple ways to increase the appetite:

Fabric nutrition is better perceived by the body. It is recommended to eat small portions in 4-5 receptions at the same time. Beautiful table setting will help excite your appetite.

Walking in the fresh air and exercise will give energy charge and stretch appetite.

  • Get rid of bad habits.

Having lost his pleasure from nicotine and alcohol, the body will look for it in something else, and most often - in food.

  • Healing herbs and products.

Nasty wormwood, mint tea, radish juice, onion, garlic, parsnap, chicory, car, black currant, plantain, all citrus fruits, green vegetables increase intestinal motorcycles, strengthen the stomach, increase appetite. The course of vitamins, minerals, ascorbic acid will strengthen the body and stretch appetite.

  • Elevated drinking mode.

With poisoning or overeating, clean drinking water is the best medicine. It is washing the poisons and toxins from the body. Dehydration breaks all vital processes at the cellular level.

  • Treatment of the main disease.

With gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney diseases, diseases of a rheumatic nature, you need to get a qualified advice of a doctor and treatment.

  • One-day starvation and diet.

Improving appetite contributes short-term starvation within 12 or 24 hours. The body rests, get rid of remnants of untapped food, poisons and toxins. With gastritis starvation contraindicated.

The inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt) and fiber (microcrystalline cellulose cellulose, vegetables, fruits, bran) in large quantities restores the digestive system, normalizes the intestinal microflora and stimulates appetite.


To increase the child's appetite or adult, you need to figure out and eliminate the causes of violations (cure diseases, change the lifestyle, to establish the power mode). A healthy appetite will provide good health and mood for many years of life.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!


A healthy appetite is taken to be something else as a clear sign of magnificent health, general well-being and mood. Term " appetite"There was a word" appetitus."That translated from the Latin language means" aspiration" or " a wish" Appetite is a feeling that is directly related to the need of an organism in food. Plus, this is also a physiological mechanism that regulates the intake of various nutrients into the body. Unfortunately, a good appetite is observed far from everyone, which indicates directly on failures in the work of a particular organism. Given this fact, this problem should be considered extremely serious. In no case do not leave this fact without proper attention. Right now we will tell you how about the reasons losses appetiteAnd on the methods, with which you can fix the situation.

Appetite - what is it?

Appetite is a fairly multi-valued concept that is directly interrelated with the functioning of a number of brain structures that are called the food center. This center is located mainly in the hypothalamus and large hemispheres. Immediately, we note that both the presence and the absence of appetite are determined by a number of very diverse factors.

The list can be reached into their list:

  • number and quality of food;
  • feeding conditions;
  • the rate of learning of food;
  • the amount of water contained in body tissues;
  • level of fat stock.
During meals, the appetite is gradually dulled. This is not surprising, since the food edible stretch the walls of the stomach, after which their digestion occurs. The splitting products are then absorbed by the body, causing in turn a saturation sense.

Types of disorders

Modern specialists allocate 2 types of appetite:
1. general or "Want to eat!": In this case, a person does not care what to eat;
2. specialized forms: In this case, a person wants to eat something defined, which indicates a lack of some substance in its body. The body may experience a shortage of both fat and carbohydrates, minerals, proteins or vitamins.

Any appetite disorders are often referred to as one sole term, namely dysrexia . There are certain subgroups of this pathological state.
To their number, you can rank:

  • giography: deterioration or bad appetite;
  • anorexia: Full absence of appetite;
  • hyperreks: pathological growth of desire to eat;
  • bulimia: uncontrollable gluttony;
  • pararorexia: various kinds of appetite perversion.

Causes of disorders

List of reasons that can lead to loss of appetite are huge.
Here are the most common of them:
  • dementia ( melotic, resulting from the disease or damage to the brain);
  • hypothyroidism ( condition characterized by long and persistent disadvantage of thyroid hormones);
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • lack of zinc in the body;
  • ulcerative colitis ;
  • pregnancy period;
  • alarming states;
  • nervous disorders;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • thalassemia ( the pathology of the blood arising from the genetically determined insufficient or completely absent synthesis of the hemoglobin organism);
  • crohn's disease ( recurrent chronic disease affecting various digestive tract departments);
  • acute viral hepatitis;
  • course of drug therapy, including chemotherapeutic preparations, morphine, codeine or antibiotics;
  • obstructive disease of the lungs of chronic character;
  • use of narcotic drugs, including heroin, amphetamine and cocaine;
  • stomach cancer, colon, blood, lung, pancreas or ovaries;
  • hypervitaminosis ( excessive amount of vitamin D in the body);
  • kidney inflammation ;
  • influenza state;
Some bad habits can also deteriorate significantly. So, for example, it is not recommended to use sweets or soft drinks between meals. Often appetite worsens and against the background of anorexia ( losses of feelings of hunger associated with neurological diseases, hormonal dysfunction or malignant formations).

How dangerous is it?

Bad appetite is a rather dangerous phenomenon. The fact is that food products that we eat are, a kind of binding of our body with an external environment. In addition, numerous functions are assigned to food, namely energy, bioregulatory, plastic, protective and many others. It is thanks to these functions, the body is managed both to synthesize and build new cells. In addition, food provides the body with the necessary amount of energy, it takes an integral part in the formation of hormones and enzymes, improves the work of all organs and systems, and also significantly increases the body's stability to various pathological conditions.

Nutrition foods have another important function, namely the signal-motivational. It is with its help that the appetite is excited. Experts argue that the feeling of hunger occurs in moments when a decrease in the level of nutrient components in the blood is noted. Simply put, appetite leads control over the admission to the body of the right amount of both vitamins and proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, as well as fats. It follows from this that poor appetite can cause a violation of the food balance ( natives of food components).

What are the consequences of a long lack of appetite?

If a person does not want to eat for a few weeks, it can lead, first of all, to the depletion of the whole organism, which is due to the lack of nutritional components that are so necessary for the normal operation of all its organs and systems. Often, the consequences are determined by the very reason that caused the deterioration of appetite. So, for example, people suffering from diabetes can occur in the work of both the nervous system and the kidneys, the liver or eyes can occur. If the patient is sick with cancer, the long absence of appetite can lead to his death.

The list of other consequences can be applied:

  • decrease in cerebral activity;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

Loss of appetite during pregnancy

A sufficiently large number of pregnant women notice that in the first months of the fetus tool, they disappear every desire to eat. It is important to remember that it is in the first 3 months that there is both internal organs and fetus systems, so that high-quality food in this period is simply necessary. Only food is capable of enriching the body of the baby by all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. The loss of appetite in the first months of pregnancy is most often due to the lack of vitamin organism AT 9 . Folic acid, as well as iron. These trace elements are customary to be basic for the body as a future milf and her child. Enrich the body with these components will help eating large quantities of buckwheat and apples. Folic acid can also be purchased in a pharmacy in the form of tablets. It should take it strictly on the prescription of the doctor, in order not to make a mistake in the dosage. Most often, patients are prescribed from 400 to 800 μg of this drug per day.

With the loss of appetite during pregnancy, experts recommend using the following advice:

  • as possible, walk in the fresh air. After such walks, you will certainly want to eat;
  • make a chart of meals and clearly follow him;
  • get a new dish, which will like you. It is best to stop your choice on red dishes. It's no secret that the red color contributes to the excitation of appetite;
  • the table should be served beautifully so that it was nice to sit behind it;
  • try not to eat alone. It is best to look for yourself a company, among which you will be pleased to sit at the dinner table.

Loss of appetite in infants

When the newborn stops eating, young moms are very much worried about this. It is not surprising, since the baby can not yet say what the true cause of their abandonment of food. Do not panic ahead of time. In the first place, the infants may refuse food due to the early colds. Often, such little kids refuse to eat and because of the stress that they had to be transferred.
The fact is that even the most common change of the situation can become a strongest stressful situation for them. Do not assume that the crumbs do not understand anything at all. They are especially sharply experiencing a shift of both climate and environment surrounding them. In such cases, try to give the baby as much attention as possible. A specialist should only be visited if the loss of appetite is accompanied by a significant decrease in the total body weight.

Loss of appetite in children

The eating habits of kids are changing all the time. Sometimes the child eats more, sometimes generally refuses to eat, and throughout the day, and sometimes several days. In most cases, children refuse to eat when they do not feel feelings of hunger or no matter yourself. Fatigue can also cause a child's refusal to fail. Often they have a whole day eating sandwiches instead of eating three full-fledged dishes. Children have both their preferences regarding how food is prepared and presented. So, for example, they gladly eat raw carrots, but the carrots, cooked for a couple, eat them just do not force.

Possible reasons for worsening appetite in a child

One of the most common reasons is the beginning of a cold or any other pathology. In such cases, to force the baby to eat in no case. Best carefully follow exactly how it leads himself. It is possible that after a few hours, he will complain about pain in any kind of body or you will notice the heat or rash. Sick children need to give as much liquid as possible in the form of juices, tea, water or broths. All food should be easily digested. The excess load is not needed now. As soon as the child can recover, the appetite will immediately come back to him.

Often, kids refuse to eat and because of the use of a certain amount of sweets. It can be both cookies and carbonated drinks, candy or juices. All these products tend to suppress appetite. If dinner is not ready yet, and the child asks to eat, then instead of sweets, offer him some vegetable sticks for snack.

Emotional stress is another fairly frequent cause of the loss of appetite. In such cases, the most important thing to find an approach to the child. Calm it, stick and co-efforts help the baby get rid of the problem. If one's own efforts do not manage any effort, then show the kid by a specialist who will help you.

Factors influencing the appetite kid

1. Intensity of hormone synthesis: The child grows unevenly. So, for example, in children up to the year, as well as adolescents there is a developing of a very large number of both sex hormones and parathyroid hormones, as well as the thyroid gland. It is not surprising, since it is in these periods of life that the child is particularly growing and developing. Given this fact, his appetite is usually enhanced;
2. Seasonal patterns: Since in the winter period the body produces much less hormones, the child eats less, but in the summer everything happens on the contrary;
3. Individual features of metabolic processes: Surely many of you have not once again noticed how two well-feeding children have a different body weight, i.e. One of them gets better, but the other is not. In this case, a special role is assigned to the amount of non-eaten, but assimilated food;
4. Energy cost level: Regular use of food allows you to enrich the body as all the necessary nutrients and lost energy. It's no secret that children are especially mobile, therefore, day after day their body loses a fairly large amount of energy. The more energy they spend, the better eating.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the true cause of a bad appetite of the patient most often sent to a number of surveys. To the number of diagnostic methods that are used in such cases can be attributed:
  • HIV test;
  • Evaluating the work of the kidneys;
  • Estimate of the hepatic function;
  • Barium enema ( x-ray analysis of colon);
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity;
  • Test on the rate of erythrocyte sediment;
  • Study of the work of the thyroid gland;
  • Colonoscopy ( visual inspection of the lower digestive tract from the inside);
  • Sigmoidoscopy ( survey of the sigmoid colon).
The last two studies are conducted only if a specialist has suspicions for cancer. In some cases, it does not work out without the help of a psychotherapist.

Appetite loss therapy methods

The course of therapy of the loss of a normal appetite is determined in the first of all, the reason that led to the development of this state. If there is some kind of pathological condition everything, then the appetite returns immediately after its cure. The appetite itself is restored during pregnancy, so that future mothers in special treatment most often do not need. If a person ceases to eat normally because of nausea, then it is not to do without special drugs. In most cases, such patients prescribe promethazine or ondansetron.

Operational intervention is carried out by patients who have impaired appetite caused by appendicitis. If a person suffers from dementia, then the course of treatment involves the use of special high-calorie nutritional mixtures. In extremely severe cases, artificial power is prescribed directly through the gastrostomy tube.

The deterioration of appetite caused by a decrease in the total number of hormones of the thyroid gland is treated with special drugs, which tend to replace missing hormones. If the appetite worsens against the background of infectious ailment, then it is not necessary without antibiotic drugs. And finally, during cancer, chemotherapy is carried out, radiation therapy or operational intervention.

Tips for those who have lost a good appetite

1. Forget about breakfasts in bed and snacks in the bedroom or children's;
2. Clearly follow the defined meal schedule, and do it in the premises intended for this;
3. Seving for a dining table, in no case are not in a hurry. Meals must last from 20 to 30 minutes;
4. In the interruptions between meals, drink as much liquid as possible in the form of coffee, unsweetened tea or mineral water without gases;
5. Reduce to a minimum consumption of both chocolate and many other sweets;
6. Completely use cabbage juice, which is characteristic of perfectly stimulate appetite;
7. How often you eat meat decoctions or broths;
8. Improve appetite help various sauces, so add them to any dishes;
9. Support the concept of the norm and never overeat;
10. You need to eat often, but at the same time in small portions;
11. Carefully review the medicines that you take;
12. Regularly perform physical exertion;
13. Eat only those dishes that you fall to taste.

Medicinal plants

1. Recipe number 1: Take 20 gr. Herbs of an umbrella gold male, pour it with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then the infusion is filtering and take it in 2 - 3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. From the same plant, you can cook a special tincture that 40 drops three times a day should be taken. Both means will help both improve appetite and restore the normal process of digestion;

2. Recipe number 2: We mix the 1st part of the roots of AIR marsh with 2 parts of the wormwood, put everything in a bottle and pour good vodka. After 10 days, the tincture is filtering and use it to receive inside 25 drops three times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals;

3. Recipe number 3: Magnificently increases the appetite and the guilty yellow. Take 20 gr. The root of this plant, thoroughly grind it, pour vodka and leave it. Then the tincture is filtering and accepting it 1 glass 3 times a day. Before applying, the necessary dosage should be diluted with a small amount of water;

4. Recipe number 4: 1 tsp. Pasternak's widespread roots pour 400 ml of water and let it get bored for 10 minutes. Then we leave the decoction for another 30 minutes to appease, filter it and accept according to the following scheme: 1st week - 0.25 glasses 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals; 2nd week - three-quarters of a glass immediately before meals;

5. Recipe number 5: Fill 200 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. Ground grass Melissa. After 4 o'clock the infusion is filtering and take it inside at half a glass four times a day before taking food. Every day we prepare a new infusion;

6. Recipe number 6: It is necessary to take 1 tsp. Anise fruits and pour them 200 ml of hot boiled water. After 60 minutes, infusable and use it to receive inside half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

7. Recipe number 7: We blame 1 tbsp. l. Blue cornflower flowers in 2 glasses of boiling water. As soon as the infusion is beyond, filtering it and take in 3 receptions 30 minutes before meals;

8. Recipe number 8: We take 4 h. l. Rasp fruits and pour them 400 ml of boiling water. After 3 - 4 hours, infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take it half a glass four times a day. It is very important to use it exclusively in warm form;

9. Recipe number 9: Carefully grind the rhizomes of AIRA Bolotnaya, after which 1 tsp. The resulting raw materials fill with 2 glasses of boiled water and boil on low heat for 15 minutes. All this time, the saucepan must be covered with a lid. Then the decoction is filtering, add some sugar to it and take inside half a glass 3 times a day before meals. This agent is particularly effective if the appetite has deteriorated against the background of the development of some gastrointestinal disease;

10. Recipe number 10: Grind 2 h. Dandelion roots and pour raw materials with 1 glass of boiled water, pre-cooling it. After 8 hours, the infusion is filled with and use it to take it into one-quarters of a glass of four times a day. The use of this tool will improve the process of digestion, and, therefore, and return appetite.

Herbal fees

1. Collection number 1: We mix on 1 part of the grass of an ordinary and dandelion of the dosage and half of the grass of the yarrow of the ordinary and the same amount of Waway's bark. 1 tbsp. l. The obtained collection is poured with 1.5 glasses of hot boiled water and leave it to 30 - 40 minutes. After that, infusion is filled with infusion and take it inside at half a glass three times a day 10 minutes before meals;

2. Collection number 2: We take 20 grams. Herbs of the goldenfall of umbrella and leaves of the root of scented, 10 gr. The leaf of the sage medicine and the same number of the roots of the dyagil pharmaceutical. To prepare this means, it is necessary to pour 3 glasses of boiling water 3 Art. l. obtained collection. Already after 30 minutes, infusable and take it to 1 cup three times a day. It is very important that the reception of this infusion is carried out before meals;

3. Collection number 3: Immediately, we note that it can be given even to children. We mix 15 ml of the reurenik tincture, anise seeds, vegetable glycerin, chamomile root and ginger, after which the resulting mass is placed in a dark cool place. Before each application, the tool must be carefully shaking. It is recommended to take it 1 tsp. before each meal;

4. Collection number 4: It can also be given to a child. We take 7 mg of Sassafras, Sarsapalel, as well as chamomile roots and mix all this with 1 tbsp. l. The grated root of ginger and 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting means is placed on fire and boil it for a quarter of an hour. Then the decoction is filtering, add a little honey to it and take 1 t. L. before eating.

Full loss of appetite or anorexia

Anorexia is a disorder of food behavior, more often than a mental nature. This disorder is characterized predominantly increased attention both to food products and to their own weight, which pushes people to extremely hard to limit themselves in food.
We note immediately that this condition is observed mainly in adolescents. So, for example, almost 50% of girls whose age varies from 13 to 15 years old, the opinions are adhered to that they need to get rid of extra kilograms. All anorexiks pursue the fear of fooling, that is why they may not eat weeks, despite the whole range of problems directly related to their health.

The signs that indicate the development of anorexia can be ranked:

  • general malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • faint;
  • excessive fragility and dullness of hair;
  • scattering the skin;
  • pain and stomach constipation;
  • increased sensitivity to cold;
  • the appearance of a large amount of hair in the form of a gun on the body and face;
  • complete cessation of menstruation;
  • failures in the work of both digestive and central nervous, as well as the cardiovascular system.
As for the course of treatment of this pathological condition, it provides for the very first of psychotherapy, since this disease arises against the background of mental disorders. Those or other drugs are prescribed by patients in limited quantities. Most often this is a medication called tsiprogeptadinwho tends to increase the total body weight, as well as act as an antidepressant. Equally important is a special medical nutrition, which also contributes to a gradual increase in the total body weight.

In order to replenish the lack of all trace elements in the body, the person must be properly and rationally eat. In the event that there is no appetite, and the food itself causes rejection and a lot of other unpleasant sensations, it means that a person needs help. The absence of appetite can be caused by a mass of reasons, including not only diseases and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Few people know, but on the nervous soil it can also be involved. In what situations the absence of appetite is accompanied by nausea and weakness, learn later.

  1. The absence of appetite is that a person would not hurt to eat, signals the brain, whose neural endings send a signal to the digestive organs, forcing a person to think about food. As a result, gastric juice is gradually produced, and the level of insulin in the blood increases. If there is no appetite, it means that the brain is busy with absolutely other, more important at the moment, affairs. It can also be supported by diseases of the digestive tract, as a result of the progression of which, the absence of appetite occurs as a natural protective reaction.
  2. Nausea - this process is also quite physiological, it is necessary to release the contents of the stomach into critical situations. This feature is extremely important in diagnosis, since in combination with other symptoms allows you to put a more accurate diagnosis.
  3. Weakness is aware of all, especially those people who are forced to work much and hard. A person with special difficulty can perform the usual actions, while feeling increased load and fast fatigue.

Nausea, weakness and lack of appetite, perhaps the most encountered symptoms with which the familiar and adult and the child. What prerequisites can influence the emergence of a similar clinical picture?

The reasons

If you systematize all possible reasons that can cause weakness with nausea and complete lack of appetite, then conventionally can be divided into two large groups: pathological and nonpatological.

Napatological reasons

These reasons are in no way related to the presence of disease. They arise in the event that external pathogenic factors have their impact on the body, or they occur as a natural process. The main feature is as follows:

  • symptoms last not more than 4-5 days, after which they are trained independently;
  • do not require medical care and medication;
  • do not put on the body of side effects threatening life;
  • may be repeated, but not more often 1 time per month;
  • do not cause acute weight loss.
  1. Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome - in the course of hormonal restructuring and preparation for fertilization, the body of the woman literally subordinates the actions of hormones. The sharp jumps of progesterone and estrogen, to which the body adapts to gradually, can provoke nausea, and weakness, and loss of appetite. When the cycle ends and new, the woman can also feel headaches and spasms in the stomach, which is a completely natural process that does not require intervention.
  2. Overeating, especially at night - when, during the day, a person had no opportunity to fully eat, and food intakes were reduced to a maximum of fast food, then coming home where the delicious dinner would be difficult to control themselves. As a result, all day the gastrointestinal bodies did not have a load, and in the evening, when, in fact, the body and all of its systems are preparing to sleep and slow down their livelihood processes, eaten food can cause bad sleep. The use of heavy food before bedtime leads to the fact that nausea appears, which indicates the inability of the pancreas to produce the desired number of enzymes. Especially acute symptoms are manifested in the morning, when nausea may continue with vomiting, which will entail weakness and absence of appetite.
  3. Prolonged fasting - a self-free refusal of food, allegedly in order to loss of unnecessary kilograms, may cause nausea and weakness. The fact is that if in the stomach for a long time does not come food, generated by the secret adversely affects the mucous membranes, causing irritation. Sometimes nausea arises immediately after a person is experiencing a strong sense of hunger. Lack of food reduces performance, and also provokes weakness.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome is observed in people who constantly experience fatigue and decay. This condition is characteristic of people who work without days off, and the number of hours of operation more than rest. Workingolism is praised, but affects health. The lack of a full sleep affects the nervous system and the brain, which can give the wrong commands to the entire body.

These reasons are most common in everyday life, since modern rhythm of life makes it impossible for a full nutrition and a normal rest.

Pathological reasons

Associated with the presence of a disease in the body. To eliminate most cases, medical care is required. This group includes such reasons:

  1. Dysbacteriosis is a bowel disease, in which the balance of useful and pathogenic microorganisms involved in the processes of digestion is disturbed. Poor digestion adversely affects the whole body, since it is not possible to receive from food all the nutrients that it is rich.
  2. Endocrine diseases - hormonal imbalance and deficiency of the production of certain hormones can provoke nausea, sometimes vomiting, after which the weakness and absence of appetite occurs.
  3. Chronic digestive organs that have escaped - most often such symptoms are inherent in gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenalist, as well as gastroduodenitis. Nausea, weakness and absence of appetite are the first signs that old diseases require that preventive treatment have passed on them and in a timely manner.
  4. Psyche disorders - if a person is constantly experiencing increased emotional load and stress, while there is no rest and support for loved ones, depression may come. This psycho-emotional state implies indifference to everything that happens around, and is also accompanied by a lack of appetite, nausea and general weakness.
  5. Inxication - if the body is active in the body of pathogenic microorganisms, it provokes intoxication. Especially often such processes occur in the stomach and intestines, when falling from the outside, the bacteria begin to actively "fit" into the body and take everything available from it. In this case, nausea and loss of appetite are primary signs indicating the presence of pathogenic microflora.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases - similar symptoms familiar to people suffering from chronic arterial hypertension when pressure is increased in the body. Nausea can occur even after eating, and weakness is dictated by vessels.
  7. Drug addiction - if a person in his will or as needed constantly accepts medicines, the gastrointestinal tract gets a colossal load, digesting and absorbing chemical compounds. As a result, nausea and lack of appetite can talk about the presence of gastritis and ulcerative disease, as well as about the pathologies of the pancreas.
  8. The presence of cancer - when a person has cancer (no matter what organ), and chemotherapy is carried out, all processes are knocked in the body, including digestion. The appetite is reduced, against which fatigue and drowsiness appear. Nausea and vomiting may appear, especially after receiving chemotherapeutic agents.
  9. The presence of an infection or virus in the body - many think about why, when you feel, eat at all I do not want. The answer is very simple. The fact is that at the time of active generation of leukocyte cells, the body concentrates all its strength on this process, allowing the patient to recover as soon as possible. The absence of appetite in this case is a justified measure. An excessive amount of toxins can provoke nausea and weakness, the elimination of which is possible only when maintaining a sufficient water balance.

Also, the decline and complete absence of appetite, weakness and nausea are inherent in the following categories of the population:

  1. Drug addicts - a long-term admission of narcotic drugs gradually reduces the sensitivity of the brain and nerve cells, which leads to social degradation. At the same time, all the processes occurring in the brain are directed only to one thing: dose search at any cost.
  2. People who smoke - Nicotine kills microscopic cells in the stomach. From here the process of cleavage of food is somewhat complicated. Plus, to the whole, saturated with tobacco smoke, is able to influence the blood circuit system, provoking anemia.
  3. Alcoholism is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, which is produced systematically leads to a violation of the digestive processes, and also has a devastating effect on the cells of the pancreas and liver.
  4. Toxicosis of pregnant women - manifests as a protective reaction of the body. At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormonal background is rebuilt so that all the conditions are favorable for the development of the fetus, although the body itself is in every way trying the fruit of the fruit, perceiving it as an alien substance.

Top 5 reasons

Among the most rarely encountered diseases that are talking about their existence, by provoking nausea, lack of appetite and weakness, allocate:

  1. Sugar diabetes - determined by disruption of metabolism in the body, as well as the digestibility of glucose. A person may not suspic that he has problems with the pancreas and a hormonal system. Pathology can develop for years and decades, until it takes an acute form with more dangerous symptoms.
  2. Neurosis is a disorder of mental equilibrium, in which a person, under the influence of external stimuli, is coming out of the comfort zone. Nausea with neurosis appears exactly after the appetite disappears. It is logical to assume that if the food does not come in the body, it means there is no energy, and as a result, weakness is manifested.
  3. The pathology of the thyroid gland is the fairly small sizes of this gland can cause large health problems when its activity becomes uncontrollable. The disadvantage or oversupport for the hormones of the thyroid gland provoke various pathologies and diseases that are difficult to correction and treatment.
  4. Oncology - in 95% of all cases of cancer diagnostics, it is for a random survey. A person may not know about his problem, and the lack of appetite and the weakness will be written off for all nausea in the morning, the absence of appetite and weakness.
  5. Anorexia is a disease associated with mental disorder, is the most life-threatening. A long-lasting refusal of food plays a cruel joke with a person, subsequently provoking a complete disgust to any food, even if she caused earlier complete delight. A sharp weight loss always accompanies dizziness and insomnia. Absolutely all processes in the body are violated, so all existing forces are aimed at maintaining vital processes.

When do you need medical care?

Only 3% of all patients who note the constant nausea, weakness and decline in appetite, seek help to doctors. Most of the conscious patients are ready to give thousands for the "tablet from all diseases", recommended by the good aunt from the pharmacy.

Consider a number of situations where medical care is really extremely necessary:

  1. Nausea does not pass more than 5 days, enhanced after awakening and ends with vomiting.
  2. In addition to general symptoms, more specific manifestations appear: pain in the abdomen, throat, back.
  3. The body temperature increases and is not shot down by any medicines.
  4. There is a sharp attack of pain.
  5. Blood discharge appear.

In these cases, it makes no sense to try to help a person alone. Self-treatment is not only inappropriate, but also can cause complications. The most correct choice is the consultation of the doctor and a complete medical examination.

What actions can be taken?

If the nausea that appeated, the absence of appetite and weakness can be compared with the prerequisites (overeating, poisoning, PMS), and the general condition of the patient does not cause concerns, you can resort to such actions as:

  1. Drink plenty of water, clean mineral.
  2. Take medicines with enzymes: Pancreatin, Mezim, Pancreazim, which will accelerate the digestion process, and will also help to digest everything that the body could not cry out for their own.
  3. PCS pains and the absence of appetite can be eliminated by a cranberry moss, a decoction of nettle and chamomile tea.
  4. If on the face of signs of infection or virus, the main task in this case is to maintain the water balance (in order to prevent dehydration and speed up the removal of toxins from the body), as well as the reception of antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Of course, the main reason is related to the wrong power, so it is possible to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms and can be completely removed using such recommendations:

  1. Refuse fast food, eat only healthy food.
  2. Take food fractionally, not for one reception, and for 5-6. The smaller the portion, the faster it to digest and worry in the body without burdened it.
  3. Drink more pure mineral water, because it is the lack of water in the body that provokes a violation of all vital processes at the cellular level.
  4. Eating low-fat varieties of meat and fresh vegetables.
  5. Refuse starvation, even if it is produced in medicinal purposes. Only sport and proper rational food helps reduce weight.
  6. Under the annual medical examination, without ignoring the testimony of doctors.

Thus, the unpleasant symptoms of nausea and the loss of appetite can be associated with more than a hundred diseases, different in their direction. This fact indicates that if independently the symptoms does not pass, and the clinical picture is complemented by new manifestations, which means it is necessary to seek help to a doctor.


The presence of such symptoms as:

  • nausea
  • weakness
  • lack of appetite
  • constipation
  • smell from the mouth

gastritis or ulcers.


Read the article on how a woman got rid of these symptoms defeating their main reason. Take the material ... Do not poison yourself with pills!

The presence of such symptoms as:

  • nausea
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • belching
  • high gas formation (meteorism)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, it testifies to developing

gastritis or ulcers. These diseases are hazardous by developing serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment should be started now.

Read the article on how a woman got rid of these symptoms to beat them the main cause of the natural method. Total material ...

Loss of appetite

Symptoms and signs:
weight loss
Loss of taste sensations

The loss of appetite is called anorexia from a medical point, it can be caused by various conditions and diseases. Some of the conditions may be temporary and reversible, for example, the loss of appetite from the effects of drugs. Some of the conditions may be more serious, for example, from the effects of cancer.

Normal (healthy) appetite, not everyone can boast. In most cases, people suffer impaired appetite with subsequent malnutrition or overeating. However, external signs: excessive thinness and excessive fatness - not the only problem arising from this. Disruption of appetite is an alarm signal, which indicates serious changes in the work of the body. Recently, the cases of loss of appetite and uncontrolled weight loss, which have a negative impact on health status.

How dangerous is the decline in appetite?

To understand how dangerous for a person can be a bad appetite, it is important to realize the need for food itself. Food is a binder of the human body with the environment. In addition, it performs a number of important functions: plastic, energy, protective, bioregulatory and adaptive-regulatory, which participate in the reproduction and construction of new cells, serve to cover energy costs, increase the body's stability to diseases, take part in the formation of enzymes and hormones, contribute to the normal activity of different organism systems.
There is another feature of food - alarm-motivational, which comes down to the excitation of appetite. The desire to eat (in per. With a lat. Appetite) appears when the concentration of nutrients in the blood occurs. In other words, it is an appetite regulates the necessary number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals into the body.
Two centers are located in the brain department (hypothalamus), which are responsible for saturation and feeling of hunger. Reducing blood glucose levels, gives a signal that the body needs nutrients, while the admission to the blood of the active substance (cholecystokinin) signals the saturation. Thus, the loss of appetite can disrupt the food balance - the correct ratio in the body of food substances, including essential (proteins, vitamins, minerals).
Interestingly, animals, like in ancient people, the concentration of nutrients decreases, in the process of hunting, so the need for food increases when food is mined. In the modern world, a person has disappeared the need to extract food in the literal sense of the word, so people eat food with the appetite appetite.

Consequences of poor appetite

Of course, a bad appetite, at least once in life there is every person. Our wise body is capable of self-restoration, therefore, with a short-term decline of appetite, nothing terrible will happen. But a systematic refusal of eating a long period of time, has extremely negative effects for the body, can cause "starvation" of all organs and tissues, including a brain.
With a balanced rational nutrition, the food diet corresponds to the floor, age, the nature of the human activity and weight. Thus, food and appetite of children of preschool age is different from the nutrition of schoolchildren and students. And the food of an adult, depending on the kind of activity, should bring the replenishment of physical exertion or learned mental labor. Similarly, it is important to take into account some features of the elderly nutrition, food in after the rehabilitation period, during pregnancy, etc.
If the child does not have an appetite, the baby may not be prereparable to biologically valuable substances, vitamins, macro and trace elements necessary for its normal growth and development. Bad appetite for students and people with mental activities, reduces brain activity. With a decrease in the appetite of those who are engaged in physical labor, an increase in fatigue is noted. It is difficult to even imagine what a bad nursing mother for a baby can turn around. The exhaustion of the body, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness is all the consequences of the loss of appetite.
Failure to eat for a long time, may cause severe disease - anorexia. The disease is manifested by partial or complete loss of appetite and is caused by psychopathological disorders. Especially widespread in recent years has received neurogenic anorexia. In the process of the disease, the patient shows an insistent desire to correct "excesses" of the figure. In the launched state, with anorexia, muscle atrophy occurs, disorders are noticed in the operation of the musculoskeletal system, the functions of the entire systems and the operation of individual organs are disturbed. A man rejects food so long that it is no longer absorbed by the body.

What to do: gone appetite?

Appetite control is one of the most important characteristics when the proper nutrition is met. For health, it is equally important to reduce the appetite in excess weight and the excitation of appetite during exhaustion.
In most cases, we suffer from poor-quality food and gluttony, therefore there are a huge number of recommendations, available methods and methods that tell how to reduce appetite. If you are brief, then they all reduce that it is necessary to use small-calorie food, eliminate the use of sweets and flour products, fried and sharp dishes, products that excite appetite, intensively engage in physical exercise. The availability of information will help choose the correct diet or the most suitable weight loss method.
For people suffering from lack of weight, it is necessary to ensure an increase in appetite, that is, to initiate a desire for food. If the appetite disappears, it is not necessary to despair, but it is not worth it to postpone the solution.

Any preserving symptoms of the absence of appetite should be appreciated by a professional kingdom of a gastroenterologist.

Loss of appetite Noshnota

In heart failure, a loss or change of appetite may occur or nausea. Some people feel gravity in the stomach, even if they ate very little. They may also experience pain or sensitivity in the stomach.

These symptoms often occur due to the accumulation of fluid around the liver and intestines that prevent digestion. If you notice any changes in appetite or digestion problems, it may mean that heart failure progresses and you should contact a doctor or nurse.

Loss of appetite and nausea are also often the side effects of some drugs.

So as not to risk once again with your own health, do not trust the people's methods, and consult a doctor.

Weakness of the loss of appetite

The lack of vitamin B, causes the loss of appetite, weakness and apathy, increased irritability, insomnia, loss of body weight, the appearance of unclear stupid and sharp pain, mental depression and constipation. In children, this often leads to height delay. In cases of serious insufficiency of thiamine, Tiambi disease may occur. Since in, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, its disadvantage is manifested in the loss of useful and knee reflexes, nerupt or muscular weakness of the legs, ICR and the hips. Psychological symptoms of insufficiency include a violation of mental equilibrium, poor memory, scoreless concerns, stiffness and managing. The mystery of the scientists of the whole world remains a tireless tendency to self-evaluate the person of his body. Contrary to common sense, the almost ideal mechanism of the human being is destroyed due to improper lifestyle and nutrition. Often, shameless confusion in food gives rise to a brutal appetite. On the other hand, despite the natural appetite appetite, a person rejects food without giving the body to get nutrients, so necessary for normal life. We present the main reasons that determine the bad appetite.
Violation of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)
Gastritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis may be accompanied by painful sensations, toxicosis, weakness, this often leads to a deterioration in appetite and strong exhaustion.

Wrong diet

With irrational nutrition, when the desire to get rid of excess weight is accompanied by exhaustive diet, limiting or eliminating consumption of a certain category of products, the decline in appetite is one of the problems that arise. The rapid weight loss, develops into an uncontrolled loss in weight and without interfering with qualified specialists, can lead to full or partial loss of appetite (anorexia).


There are several ways to starvation, which, as a rule, are accompanied by a long or one-day failure. It should be noted that, subject to all recommendations and under the supervision of nutritional specialists, medical fasting benefits. However, non-compliance with the conditions and rules of starvation, the presence of diseases in which starvation is contraindicated, can lead to full loss of appetite. Fasting should be attributed to the voluntary rejection of food and as a protest.
The result of improper treatment and use of harmful products

Long-term use of drugs, herbal infusions or potent drugs, without recommendations of doctors or in connection with an erroneous diagnosis - one of the reasons for a bad appetite. Food refusal can serve as use of narcotic substances, smoking, abuse of means to reduce weight, the use of low-quality medical drugs.

Incorrect (irrational) nutrition
Incompretation of food, as well as poor quality food, lead to the formation of poisons and toxins, which lead to decay forces and deterioration of appetite. In addition, in the food diet, compliance with the correct combination of food products of different groups (vitamins, proteins, fats).

Psycho-emotional state

One of the reasons for a person's refusal from food includes psychological and emotional disorders associated with the loss of close people or animals, quarrels and other troubles. Often, arising from this depression and a sense of inferiority, the cause of closetness and abandonment.

Since the loss of appetite leads to a decrease in weight, the timely appeal to the doctor will help avoid such problems as the exhaustion of the body or anorexia.

Temperature loss of appetite

In most cases, all this occurs during the poisoning of the body. After all, infectious poisoning always has the symptoms of the incessant vomiting and diarrhea, as well as with all this there is a weakness of the body, constantly throws in the cold sweat. But if it is accompanied by vomiting, then at the time of all this will need to drink somewhere around two liters of water to clean your intestine from infection. But after all this, you need to take the patient into the infectious branch of the clinic. After a series of droppers and washing the stomach in the body restores the acid-alkaline balance. And with all the weakness of the body will be released a little. The patient in poisoning will need to sit on a strict diet and take special antibiotics to lose all infections that caused the disease.

But if the patient meets, malignant histiocytosis, then it is accompanied by weight loss, and it appears increasing weakness and high temperature rises. But also there is often diarrhea.

But with the stomach diarrhea, there are also such symptoms as temperature, diarrhea, weakness of the whole organism, and dry mouth occurs. But there may be even observed dizziness, the loss of appetite and the bloating of the belly that will go into a sharp pain.

But diarrhea for the body is very dangerous because the water-salt balance is disturbed on time, which, with non-treatment, can lead to a fatal outcome. From the body, we need vitamins like calcium, and magnesium that are very necessary for the normal functioning of the body are removed.

After all, each hanging of temperature and diarrhea, which leads to the weakness of the body, is not the ideal condition of a person.

But on the contrary, it is considered not a very useful state, because any infection in the human body can lead to a number of different diseases. And all these symptoms should be treated only under the supervision of the therapist. Since the correct treatment can prevent the body's dehydration and the loss of salts and the necessary minerals, which contribute to the right and efficient functioning of the body. Because not every disease can be cured independently and at home.

Loss of appetite in a child

Persecurity in food can be maintained in school children

Parents often believe that their children are picky or caprizins in nutrition. Indeed, in the study of food behavior in young children, it was shown that up to 50% of parents consider their children with capricious eaters.

Although some children have adherence in food for a short time, others have a constant problem. According to one of the studies, in 21% of cases, parents characterized their children aged 4-5 years as pending consumers. In another study, it was discovered that the assistant in food in some children remains to 9 years of age.

The typical options for the behavior of perturbed consumers are as follows:

eating very little;

so much on certain types of food;
Eating little fruit and vegetables;
refuse to try new types of food;
Interrupt or delay meals.

Excessive intelligibility in nutrition can lead to the fact that gaps will appear in your child's diet:

peopleful children often get significantly less protein and energy than children with a normal appetite;

in addition, picky children often receive an insufficient number of some vitamins and minerals, in comparison with children with a normal appetite.

Potential hazards observed in children with permanent food caprises and poor appetite:

differences related to nutrient consumption;

reducing the consumption of fruits, vegetables and fibers;
reduction of consumption of some microelements;
height violation;
Slow mental development.

Tips: How to cope with the chance of a child in nutrition and improve appetite:

try to make the child not distracted while eating: it follows in a relaxed atmosphere;

take a neutral position in relation to the behavior associated with food: Avoid excessive praise, critics, stimulation and coercion;
Cake a child through the right time intervals and avoid "snacking" in order to strengthen the child's appetite: feed it with an interval of 3-4 hours and do not let any intervals;
limit the duration of food intake: the food must last 20-30 minutes, and if the child does not eat - 15 minutes;
Use products in accordance with the child's age;
Enter new foods one each time and up to 5 times offer the child the same product before you agree that it will not eat it;
Stimulate the child to independent meals;
Please accept the fact that during the meal, the child spends its characteristic additional research.

How to find out what a child is in danger

Talk to your child's doctor about his arrogant food behavior. This is especially important if a child:

loses weight or stopped gaining weight;

grows slower than it is relying;
It looks tired or not enough energetic;

Dear parents, do not risk the health of your children, consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the loss of appetite

Loss of appetite is a partial or complete refusal to eat. The loss of appetite is a protective reaction of the body. This reaction is expressed in slowing the digestion process in order to prevent substances from entering the organism that can prevent recovery. The loss of appetite may be a symptom of serious diseases.

Not only diseases lead to a decrease in appetite, as well as reception of various drugs: drugs with a mixture content; antibiotics; drugs from a cold containing FPA (phenylpropanolamine); anesthetic; Diabetes medications; anesthetics; Preparations for chemotherapy.

The loss of appetite can be a symptom of the following diseases

Addison disease (bronze disease)

Still's disease (chronic polyarthritis in children)
Still's disease - Shoffhara (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
Typhoid fever
Inficious diseases
Gastroesophageal Reflux disease (gastrooforous reflux)
Dementia (dementia)
Peptic ulcer (ulcer of the stomach and duodenum)
Seasonal affective disorder
Schizoaffective disorder

Treat the disease at an early stage is always much easier and faster, so do not postpone tomorrow, consult a doctor now!

Diarrhea Loss Appetitis

Usually a series of wave-like muscle contractions promotes food through the digestive tract. If they become too fast, the large intestine can not suck the food so much fluid as follows. This leads to diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be sharp or chronic; The frequency of the liquid chair can change the day from the day and is different from different people. The chair can be bloody, contain mucus or pitt or something.

Simultaneously with diarrhea, a person usually experiences pain or spasms in his stomach, he can have a nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite. Depending on the reasons for diarrhea, the type of chair and other symptoms differ.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of acute intestinal infection Suddenly arising exclusively liquid stools;

strong smell of chair;
painful and sensitive belly;
bad appetite;
weight loss.

Diarrhea and other symptoms of colon cancer Bloody diarrhea, interpretated with a chair thick with a pencil;

abdominal pain;
loss of appetite;
weight loss;

Diarrhea with painful intestinal sensitivity At the same time, diarrhea can alternate with constipation and normal stool.

painful, sensitive or bloating belly;
stomach upset;

Diarrhea and other symptoms of ulcerative colitis: repeating bloody diarrhea containing pus or mucus;

spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen;
light heat;
loss of appetite;
Sometimes nausea or vomiting.

Since diarrhea can mean not just a frustration of a rudeness, but a very serious illness, do not self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor.

Loss of appetite and weight

Healthy appetite is a sign of good health. But even minor physical or psychological problems can affect the appetite of a healthy person. The loss of appetite may depend on various factors, starting with problems with digestion and ending with serious diseases. In this article, consider the causes and treatment of the loss of appetite.

Causes of the loss of normal appetite. 1. Serious liver diseases: chronic renal failure, cirrhosis.

2. Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute heart failure.
3. Pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, kidney infection, influenza.
4. Inflammation of the intestines, digestive channel or pancreatitis.
5. Endocrine problems, low thyroid hormone level, diabetes mellitus.
6. Some types of cancer - blood cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer.
7. Autoimmune diseases are rheumatoid arthritis and sclerodermia.
8. Certain medicines, antibiotics, anesthetics, chemotherapy, drugs from diabetes.
9. Drugs Digitalis, Demerol, Morphine, sympathomimetics - for example, ephedrine.
10. Mental disorders: nervous anorexia, depression, schizophrenia.
11. Pregnancy.
12. Separate types of dementia - for example, Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, some harmful habits also cause loss of appetite: the use of non-alcoholic sweetened drinks or sweets between dishes. Sometimes the excessive use of "heavy" dishes rich in saturated fats can cause a loss of appetite. In addition, you can call many more reasons. And in some cases it happens that the reason to identify is simply impossible.

Diagnostics of the loss of appetite. If a gradual loss of appetite occurs, accompanied by weight loss, a medical examination is necessary - these symptoms can signaling serious health problems.

With a medical examination, a number of analyzes are carried out to determine the reasons for a bad appetite. With the help of blood test, it is determined whether the reason in the hormonal imbalance, the occurrence of diabetes, liver diseases lies. Urine analysis allows identifying kidney infections. The chest x-ray makes it possible to identify lung cancer or pneumonia. Among medical procedures, diagnosing the causes of poor appetite, are the most common are:

full blood test

hIV test
Study of the abdominal organs,
Testing the function of the kidneys, liver,
Barium enema,
study of the function of the thyroid gland,
Analysis of urine,
X-ray of the upper departments of the gastrointestinal tract,
pregnancy test.

The consequences of the long-term absence of appetite. If the absence of appetite remains for several weeks, the result of the body, the lack of nutrients necessary for its normal functioning can be the result of the organism. Many consequences depends on the cause that caused the loss of appetite. So, diabetes can lead to a violation of the work of various internal organs (kidneys, nervous system, eye), and cancer - to death.

Treatment of the loss of normal appetite. In many ways, treatment depends on the cause of this state. As a rule, the appetite is restored after the disease caused by a poor appetite is fully cured.

If the loss of appetite is associated with pregnancy, then, as such, treatment will not be needed, after a few weeks the appetite will restore himself.

If the loss of appetite is caused by nausea, then for treatment, they are mainly used, such drugs like ondansetron or promethazine.
If the loss of appetite is caused by appendicitis, surgical intervention will be required.
People suffering from dementia are prescribed high-calorie nutrient mixtures, and even artificial powered through the gastrostomy tube.
If the loss of appetite is associated with a reduced level of thyroid hormone, special hormone replacements are prescribed.
If the cause of the absence of appetite is infectious diseases, treatment is carried out by antibiotics.
The main methods of cancer treatment are radiation and chemotherapy, surgical intervention.

Getting rid of poor appetite at home. At home, to cope with the loss of appetite will help the inclusion in the diet of nutritional dishes, snacks, drinks rich in proteins.

The yeast together with the Vitamin B complex is one of the most efficient nutritional food additives. The green vegetables appetite is still very well stimulated. The lack of zinc mineral affects the smell and touch, and this negatively affects the human appetite.
You can stimulate your appetite herbal influences if you drink them half an hour before meals. With the loss of appetite caused by emotional problems, herbal decoctions on the basis of chamomile, melissa, dill, peppermint mint should be used. The healing properties of these herbs will help not only calm the psyche, but also stimulate appetite.

Since the causes of the loss of appetite and weight can be a lot, we all advise you not to engage in self-treatment, but to pass the survey program.

Many people do not think that a good appetite is a sign of well-being and health. As soon as the desire disappears to eat, often the question often arises: "Why". But the reason can be various factors. If you can not immediately eliminate the reason for the absence of a good appetite, you can bring your body of that condition when nothing can be helped.

What is appetite?

Not all people experiencing hunger have a good appetite. Alas, not everyone eaten with pleasure. The appetite manifestation is measured by the amount of gastric juice. If all human bodies operate in the right way, then the amount of enzyme for the processing of received food is sufficient. When consuming food in such cases, the walls of the stomach are in the voltage, their movements are impulse and strong, and the hijacker is plentiful. It is in such cases that a person eats food with appetite.

Good appetite - sign of health and well-being

An integral attribute of the correct nutrition and pleasure obtained during the meal is the beauty of the dish and the time spent on its absorption. A leisure and thorough use of food brings more benefits and satisfaction than the dyspheme absorbed food. No wonder the French say that the appetite comes while eating. The role of taste receptors is important.

At the same time, different factors both domestic and external factors affect the appetite. It can be:

  • chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • violation of the regime;
  • an overdose of alcohol or drugs;
  • stressful situations;
  • pain;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • overwork;
  • nervous and mental disorders;
  • endocrine and hormonal disorders;
  • injuries and other factors.

The appearance of one focus of excitement reduces the other. This rule is.

If the appetite disappears, it means there is a different focus of excitability. And on the contrary, the appetite appetits is a sign of a derogation of a disease or any voltage. As they say, a good appetite is peculiar to people with healthy and prosperous.

Appetite just does not disappear. The main thing is that it was not for a long time

But it is not worth confused by a good appetite with the desire to eat something specific, that is, the dish, the taste and fragrance of which a person can predict. Here we are talking about the satiety and the right work of the body. In such cases, there is a psychological factor of satisfaction.

The influence of the human brain on the appetite appetite: stock footage

... and his loss

Appetite disorder is almost always associated with violations of the food center. They may be due to organic lesion of the central nervous system, but more often are functional in nature, since they are associated with a change in the effect on the bark of the brain, as well as with pulses of peripheral receptors of chemical homeostasis and metabolism in the body in the case of their interaction in the pathological process.

Bad appetite implies the absence of positive emotions from food anticipation. This adversely affects health.

The main causes of the loss of appetite


One of the essential factors affecting appetite is the occurrence of intestinal dysbiosis. This disease is necessarily associated with a violation of the microflora of the digestive organs, which in good condition takes an active part in the assimilation of the substances necessary to human body. With its modification or absence, the development of mallabsorption occurs, which leads to weight loss and gradual decrease in appetite against the background of pain.

Dysbacteriosis is one of the causes of the absence of appetite

During the dysbacteriosis after the use of even dietary food, due to the stretching of the walls, the appearance of meteorism, the absorption of toxins, the occurrence of inflammatory processes, as a rule, pain occurs. The brain associates their appearance with food consumption, which leads to the absence of appetite. If there is no necessary treatment, and the "hunger strike" lasts for a long time, muscle atrophy occurs, which leads to the dysfunction of the organism systems. Over time, the person gets used to the lack of food so that even when it gets into the esophagus and / or a stomach, it ceases to absorb, getting rejection in the form of spontaneous vomiting. The result is anorexia.


With gastritis with any secretory activities, especially during the periods of their exacerbation, people often lose appetite. This is due, as in cases with dysbacteriosis, primarily with the occurrence of pain arising almost immediately after food intake. The food center blocks the desire to eat, the unhealthy digestive system protects itself from excess work using such a way. As a result, a person disappears interest even to their favorite dishes. Sleepiness and lethargy appears, immunity decreases.

Gastritis can cause the loss of appetite

If in such a situation listen to the "desires" of the patient of the stomach, then you can bring ourselves to completely exhaustion. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the occurrence of gastritis. When a person on the background of the exacerbated disease loses more than 10 kg in weight, then such a state can lead to serious malfunctions in the work of the whole organism and to anorexia.

Food allergy

Some types of food allergies may be accompanied by a decrease in appetite. Many food can cause gastrointestinal manifestations, among which are often found:

  • stomach ache;
  • floor in the oral cavity;
  • numbness and swelling of the language;
  • allergic enterocolitis;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

Initially, with allergic reactions to some food, a clear connection with the causal product is distinguished. And as a result, the food center in the brain sends a pulse associated with the refusal of certain foods. Gradually, it is possible that the loss of appetite is in general. Therefore, when an allergy appears, a very important point is the timely recognition of true causes. Allergenic food must be replaced in time on an equilibrium, but non-exclusive body product.

Food allergies can cause food failure

Elder Dementia

Dementia is not a separate disease, but a group of progressive neurodegenerative diseases that lead to the decay of the personality. At the same time violated:

  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • speech;
  • logics.

Downtry attacks of rage can be replaced by depression, hallucinations are perceived as a reality. With this senile dementia, the perception of reality occurs. Often the patient seems to be like their neighbors or relatives. Against the background of this, a person refuses food. There is a decrease in appetite. In parallel, due to memory problems, the elderly people forget about food. The condition is complicated by a violation of the day of the day, when patients begin to confuse day and night. All this happens against the background of exacerbation of chronic diseases and delusional ideas. The result may be deplorable and vehicle.

Elder dementia often becomes the culprit of the loss of appetite


If a person suddenly disappears sharply, the weight is reduced, and there is no explicit reason, it means that there is some faction in the body. Sometimes persistent reluctance to eat food can be the first ringing of a dangerous disease - oncology. Often in the early stages of development of cancer proceeds asymptomatic. There is no pain, discomfort, special features of the presence of malignant neoplasms. However, against the background of the loss of appetite may be attended by:

  • constant fatigue;
  • long non-healing cuts and abrasions;
  • low or high body temperature for no cause;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle (in women);
  • unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • frequent colds and infections;
  • changing the color of the skin and the scool of the eyes;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • hair loss and nail fragility;
  • unless shortness of breath and hoarse vote;
  • the emergence of suspicious moles;
  • sleep disturbance.

If all this lasts more than two weeks, then you need to immediately consult a doctor. An early examination and timely treatment can extend and, even save lives.

The neoplasm highlights toxins into the blood - products of their livelihoods. In addition, the malignant tumor of the internal organs has a graceful impact from the first days of its appearance. Incexication and false representation of the fullness of the stomach (this is present during the pancreatic cancer, lungs, liver and other organs located near the digestive system, as well as the gastric cancer itself) causes a resistant appetite loss - hypration. Often the refusal of food occurs at that time when the tumor disintegrates and metastases extend throughout the body.

The loss of appetite is one of the symptoms of cancer. The main thing is to notice the disease in time!

Virtually 80% of cancer-progressive form of cancer for various reasons, decreased appetite and dull feeling of hunger. Sometimes changes in the metabolism or early saturation due to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum (ascites) may be causes of the lack of desire to eat delicious.

"Absolute diagnostic symptoms (sensations of the patient himself) or signs (changes that may also be noticeable for others) does not exist, so diagnostic studies should eventually provide for tissue samples and studying them under a microscope (biopsy) because this is the only way to prove The presence of cancer. "

But there are other causes of loss of appetite during oncology - this is chemical and radiation therapy. Therapeutic and at the same time poisoning effect of medicines and chemical products can provoke a persistent disgust for food associated with the occurrence of nausea, pain in the stomach and diarrhea after eating.

Arterial hypertension

If, against the background of a sharp loss of appetite, the following pathological symptoms manifested at the same time, then we can talk about arterial hypertension:

  • frequent headaches of varying degrees of intensity localized in the nape region;
  • glare and sparks in the eyes with a sharp change of body position;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • worsening memory;
  • violation of attention;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety and scattered;
  • dyspnea;
  • reduced performance;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • a sharp pallor and / or redness of the skin of the face.

When there is no necessary and timely treatment, the nausea and vomiting, dizziness and numbness of the fingers of the limbs can join the dullness of hunger.

High pressure and loss of appetite are interrelated

All these manifestations only aggravate the loss of appetite, as a person automatically loses its main activator - a full physical exertion. It is an increase in pressure that does not give a person to waste energy, which then needs to be filled at the expense of nutrition. The absence of even the occurrence of activity gradually leads to sensitization: force and desire disappear. Lifelong lifestyle and drugs controlling pressure lead to deterioration. In such cases, only the right self-organization will return the taste of favorite products and the joy of life.

Nervous disorders

Very often, people lose appetite in the occurrence of various nervous disorders. Stressful situations are varied:

  • a period of love;
  • loss of loved ones;
  • shock due to serious illness;
  • problems at work;
  • crossing;
  • detachment in personal life.

And first of all it affects physiological and mental health.

Depression is the main causal factor that even a favorite food can make tasteless and hated. A person does not see the meaning in obtaining pleasure from food intake. Sometimes food fragrance can cause nausea. At the same time, many on the background of nervous disorders are experiencing a stomach overflow, rapid saturation from minimal consumption of food and even vomiting when trying to eat anything.

Nervous disorders and stress can lead to irreversible consequences.

As a rule, the loss of appetite against the background of nervous disorders suffer from young women. It seems to them that the rejection of food is a normal phenomenon. At first, the desire to lose weight, various kinds of exhausting diets are used with the limitation or exception from the diet of the products needed. Weight slimming goes into a rapid weight loss when the appetite completely disappears. Then hospitalization is required to restore the health capacity of the body, since the long-term abstinence from food use leads to strong depletion and development of the nervous anorexia, capable of bringing to the deadly outcome.

Acceptance of antibiotics and other drugs

Sometimes appetite disappears with oral reception of antibiotics. These means, killing pathogenic microorganisms, affect the microflora of the organs of the digestive system. The most dangerous poisoning of drugs, their overdose and / or incorrect use. Usually, this happens during self-treatment when a person uses large doses of the drug.

Do not get involved in drugs. The difference between the medicine and poison is a dose!

Poisoning by medical preparations involves not only the loss of appetite and signs of food poisoning. Gradually join:

  • fever;
  • diarrhea;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • violation of consciousness;
  • high body temperature;
  • cramps.

In such cases, emergency hospitalization is required, as the consequences may be irreversible: hearing loss, kidney failure, eye damage. So in such cases - the loss of appetite is not the worst. This is just a protest of the body on the reception of medication.

Violation of metabolism and hormonal shifts

It is not uncommon that hormonal disorders and metabolic disorders are accompanied by a lack of appetite. In such cases, "companions" become:

  • worsening memory;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • reduction of pressure;
  • thirst;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • impaired sensitivity in the limbs;
  • intolerance to low temperatures;
  • increase body weight (which is surprising).

Bad appetite and simultaneous weight gain is one of the main signs of hormonal dysfunction. (As well as increased appetite and weight loss).

Usually it occurs in type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and even pregnancy. Serious shifts in the body can lead to a change in taste addictions, as well as to irreversible changes in organs.

Violation in the work of the endocrine system can lead to the loss of appetite

In addition to the above, there are still many many diseases and conditions at which there is a significant reduction in or complete loss of appetite. Among them:

  • parotitis (pig);
  • scarlet fever;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • pancreatitis;
  • of different kind of fever;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and others.

Loss of appetite is a bad sign.

Glice Invasii

The decline in appetite may be when man is infected with worms. However, most often, with melted invasion, the patient loses weight in weight against the background of elevated interest in food. Helmintes absorb all nutrients entering food. Man constantly want to eat. Pain and weakness come at a time when the patient is hungry. Therefore, glitter invasions cannot be called the main reason for the decline in appetite.

Restoration of appetite in adults

How to deal with loss of appetite? Nasive feeding will not lead to the desired result.

It is necessary to diagnose the disease underlying the appearance of such a symptom as the absence of appetite. Only by installing and eradicating the cause, you can eliminate symptoms.

To determine the true cause, a number of medical diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • complete blood test;
  • urine and feces;
  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity;
  • study of the thyroid gland;
  • x-ray;
  • hIV test;
  • MRI and CT - if necessary;
  • for women - ultrasound of small pelvis organs and pregnancy testing.

In each case, the treatment will be individual.

  1. If it is established that the cause of the lack of appetite has a pregnancy, it is not necessary for special measures. It is enough to make some changes in the diet and after a couple of weeks the desire to eat tasty will return itself.
  2. When the culprit is appendicitis or intestinal obstruction, without surgery can not do.
  3. In infectious diseases, appetite is restored against the background of correctly selected therapeutic treatment.
  4. If the reason lies in senile dementia, then high-calorie nutrient mixtures are used, and, if necessary, artificial power through the probe.
  5. When medical preparations are to blame for pathology, sometimes they are enough cancellation or replacement. Drugs taken orally replace on injections.
  6. When detecting oncology after radiation therapy or operational intervention, the patient's condition is improving.
  7. If the loss of appetite is associated with nausea and vomiting reflex, they use such drugs such as ODANSETRON, PROMETASIN.
  8. Hormonal failures helps to correct replacement therapy using artificial hormones.
  9. When the cause of the loss of appetite depression is prescribed antidepressants, stimulating drugs, hypnosis, acupuncture, physiotics, cardion loads, vitamins. And sometimes sufficiently safe sedatives, such as a lattice tincture, and / or valerian. Their regular use relieves the nervous tension and at the same time improves the activities of the gastrointestinal organs.
  10. If the established reason was arterial hypertension, then it is enough to prescribe drugs that stabilize the situation and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor so that the patient recovered appetite.

The exhausted organism requires rest and treatment corresponding to the main disease. At the same time it is necessary to normalize the portion of nutrition and its schedule.

Features of nutrition

For the recovery of appetite, a special diet should be adhered to: food by the hour, with the same intervals, at least five times. At the same time, portions should be small. Each dish needs to be thoroughly chewed, spending at least 20-30 minutes. Sweets using sweets to be eliminated, as well as food with a large content of fats. Food should be rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, complex carbohydrates, fiber. Must be taken into account portability of products. Do not get involved in cold and very hot food.

If there are no restrictions on the use of spices, spices and marinades, it is desirable to use them, as an addition to the main meal to excite the appetite. Each reception should be started with fresh vegetables or fruit salads.

It is advisable to include in the diet sometime for the patient's favorite dishes together with fresh sweet pepper and white cabbage. A complete exception is required from the menu of the carbonated sweet drinks and alcohol. In this case, the volume of the fluid consumed must be maximum.

There are a number of products that are able to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and provoke an increase in appetite:

  1. Citrus. All of these southern fruits, except for some types of grapefruit, are able to activate food digestion.
  2. Apples. Preference is better to give the fruits of green. The optimal choice is urinary apples.
  3. Korean carrots. Spices in aggregate with taste of carrots are able to cause appetite. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to eat a small amount before the main welcome.
  4. Sauerkraut. Instantly accelerates appetite, but it is a product with a "minus calorie content", since it is for digesting this product to spend more energy than it gives the body.
  5. Fresh tomatoes with bow. With these salad, it is impossible to get enough, however, it is perfectly inflaming the desire to eat.
  6. Salted cheeses. Fill the lack of calcium and at the same time stimulate appetite.
  7. Chewing gum. In the process of its use, a large volume of salivary fluid is produced, which, falling into the stomach, provokes the production of gastric juice. All this provokes the occurrence of the desire to eat delicious.
  8. Ginger. Natural antiseptic and product, reviving the digestive system of the human body. When using his man begins to feel a sense of hunger.
  9. Pickled vegetables. It is better to use them in limited quantities, since these products are able to delay the liquid. However, the little cucumber will not hurt a day, but only stretches the appetite appetit.
  10. Soy sauce. This is one of the natural taste amplifiers, which will help to reveal and feel a bouquet of many dishes.

All people are different, and in any case a separate menu is developed from those products that are allowed to use for a single person, in accordance with its individual needs and capabilities, given the health of health.

Products stimulating appetite: Photo Gallery

Application of traditional medicine recipes

You can try to stimulate appetite with various herbal decoctions, chains and info. Menses based on chamomile, mint, melt, mint, dill, which not only have a positive effect on appetite, but also reassuring human psyche.

With the permission of a doctor, the following recipes of traditional medicine can be used:

  1. Hop cones. It is used most often in the form of a beam, but you can like a tincture or dry powder. 1 teaspoon every day, drinking water.
  2. Wild chicory root. The most classic remedy with the disappearance of the appetite: brew the root, and drink half an hour before meals. You can connect it with a coffee drink made of cereals in a 1: 4 ratio.
  3. Berries of black currant. It is recommended that there are fresh berries at half a glass 30 minutes before meals, or drink currant juice 2-3 times a day in 100 ml.
  4. Wormwood. A teaspoon of chopped dry grass to pour in one glass of boiling water, it is half an hour. Drink 20 minutes before eating three times a day on 1 tablespoon.
  5. Melissa Drug. Pour a glass of boiling water 4 teaspoons of vegetable raw materials, let it stand for 4 hours. Drink 4 times a day in half a cup.
  6. Anis with cinnamon. 500 grams of sugar pour in one liter of boiling water, add 40 grams of anise seeds and 1 gram of cinnamon. Mix everything well. Insist 45 days, then strain. The resulting infusion take 1 tablespoon after reception of food.
  7. Onion. To enhance the appetite and improving digestion, the use of informative or welded in the vinegar onion is very useful.
  8. Parsley. Parsley seeds (1/3 teaspoon) pour the glass of cold water, tomorrow for a pair for half an hour. After cooling, decoction to strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.
  9. Celery. A good causative agent of appetite is Celery's juice, it needs to be taken on 1 teaspoon for 20-30 minutes before receiving food.
  10. Juniper. With the loss of appetite: dripped into boiling water dried juniper cones (1 tablespoon on 2 glasses of water), boil 15-20 minutes, then strain. Take three times a day on 1 tablespoon of drink.
  11. Lemon with sugar. Mix skewing fruit powder with sugar sand in a ratio of 2: 1. Take 1/2 tablespoon before meals.
  12. Cornflower. Ring in one glass of boiling water 1/2 tablespoon of flowers. Nasty to drink half an hour before meals.
  13. Honey with honey. Take 1 teaspoon of a cooler shit with sugar or honey daily.
  14. Yarrow. Putting a tablespoon of grass to fill over a glass of boiling water, heated for a pair of 15 minutes, then let it stand for 20-30 minutes. The infusion is cool, strain and take 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon for half an hour before receiving food.
  15. Dandelion. Two teaspoons of chopped roots of the plant pour 1 cup of cold water and leave toasting for 8 hours. Take four times a day for 50 ml half an hour before meals.
  16. Clover meadow. Pour 1 teaspoon of inflorescence with one glass of boiling water, insist 5-8 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

In the appointment of the attending physician in nutrition, you can use drugs (dietary supplements) with the vitamins of the group in and zinc, which enhances the body's need for food and improves the smell.

Folk remedies: photo

Medicia treatment

If the loss of appetite carries a clear threat to a person's life and is not temporary, the attending physician appoints special drugs. At the same time, all adverse reactions and contraindications are required.

  1. Iron preparations: Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer, Feneuls.
  2. Histamine and Serotonin antagonists: Supersan, Peritol, Tsiprodin, Astonin, Vinorex and others.
  3. Electsire Pernexin - a safe preparation on a natural basis.
  4. Anabolic steroid. To enhance the appetite, many are inclined to the fact that the best is Primobolan.
  5. Insulin. Popular among athletes who need to strengthen appetite and gain weight.
  6. Pharmacy bitterness. Perfectly stimulate the production of pepsin and increase appetite.
  7. Antiwheat: Volagen, Albex, Diegezan, Motilium, Peridon and others.
  8. Dopamine blockers and digestive activity regulators: Prama, Cerukal, Viskal, Maksolon.
  9. Bioduds: Limontar, stimulate.
  10. Peptides: Hexarelin, HCHRP-6, -2.

You can not engage in self-medication and use medical drugs without appointing a doctor.

If the absence of appetite is a pathology that arose against the background of diseases requiring operational intervention, it can be eliminated only by surgical way (this has already been mentioned above). The following diseases may be indications of the operation:

  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oncology;
  • stomach diseases: hernia, ulcer;
  • tumors of different etiology, including benign.

Surgical intervention is not the treatment of the absence of appetite. This measure is used only when there is no possibility otherwise to restore or improve the condition of the patient person.

What to do if there is no appetite: video


Increase the level of appetite and feel the joy of life will help: the right diet, physical activity and harmony in the family.

  1. Many nutritionists recommend "feeding appetite." A stroll through the park or the embankment is the perfect option for saturation of light oxygen. This will help cause the desire to eat delicious. It will be worthwhile to go past a bakery or cafe where pleasant smells of fresh baking are coming. This will help wake taste receptors.
  2. Physical activity in nature is an excellent appetite activator. It is quite suitable for a journey, a bicycle walk, any sport in the fresh air, and best of all - swimming. Water classes are able to call "Wolf Hungry". But it is impossible to overvolt, because exhaustion can lead to the opposite effect. Only pleasant fatigue will certainly return the appetite lost before this.
  3. Often the problems with the appetite are associated with a collection of day and reception of food. Normal sleep should be restored. Then the appetite will show itself.
  4. There is an opportunity to restore appetite, engaged in your favorite affairs. In the depressed state it is worth remembering the old hobby - it is very useful.
  5. It is worth abandoning bad habits, as they negatively affect the entire body.

The consequences of a long lack of appetite

Sometimes the decline in appetite can be selective. Sometimes is temporary, and this state passes on its own. However, often in the absence of appropriate therapeutic measures, the persistent absence of appetite can lead to anorexia (full loss of desire to eat food) or to sithophobia (fear of reception of food against the background of concerning the increase in some pain).

Long loss of appetite can entail irreversible consequences in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to directly appeal to specialists doctors, such as:

  • therapist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • oncologist;
  • allergist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • neurologist;
  • infectiousist.

Attentive attitude towards himself and its loved ones will help to identify in a timely manner and eliminate the fundamental factors for the development of such pathology as the lack of appetite.

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The lack of medical education does not indicate that the person does not understand medicine)))

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Many of us are familiar to such a situation: you wake up in the morning and it would be necessary to eat, but there is no feeling of hunger and in risen, and even the aromatic coffee gets up in a throat, not to mention some kind of porridge, cottage cheese or sandwiches. But with the onset of the evening inside, as if a monster wakes up, ready to absorb everything that is on the shelves of the refrigerator.

This state of affairs does not match how it should be from the point of view. And in this article we will try to figure out: why this happens, for which breakfast is required and how to make this most breakfast is absorbed in appetite.

Why don't you want to eat in the morning

Vodno allocate several reasons for the lack of appetite in the morning. However, most people already "trained" did not have breakfast, as the thoughts that it was wrong, it does not arise. Meanwhile, a member of the national society of nutritionists and the European Association for the study of obesity Lyudmila Denisenko calls the three main reasons for the morning absence of appetite (and why not breakfast is harmful, we will still talk):

  • A lot of coffee. There are people who drink this drink and in the mornings, and during the day, and even in the evening. But excess caffeine affects the human nervous system quite interesting: initially it excites it, and then begins to slow down, and in particular - slows down the feeling of hunger. As a result, there are failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Hence the conclusion that for lovers of coffee his morning dose is the best breakfast.
  • Late waste to sleep. People, waking up late and, breakfast with much more reluctant than the others, because their body still does not really woke up, and it is already "pinking" food.
  • "Carbohydrate hangover." Speaking with simple words, it's just a rich dinner before bedtime. If in the evening there is a lot of food from the evening, by the morning he simply does not have time to get rid. And just in the evening, he will again demand it to feed him. There is a lot on the night.

In addition, the lack of appetite in the morning can provoke stress, hasty fees to work and some individual characteristics of the body. Most of the reasons mentioned above can be eliminated without much effort, but in the case when the body does not want to eat for some kind of "convictions", it is best to consult a doctor and pass the survey to identify the source of violations.

What may threaten the absence of breakfast

The fact that the lack of regular morning meals is fraught with the chief physician "Expert" polyclinic, doctor of medical sciences and a gastroenterologist Sabir Mehtiyev. In his opinion, the body against physiological laws is not only wrong, but also is dangerous. If a person does not have breakfast, the following things happen in his gastabase:

  • The stomach digested itself. It does not matter, a man was rooted or not - the stomach in any case will produce hydrochloric acid. And during the night sleep, it accumulates a lot. And if food does not arrive in the morning, the acid begins to affect the mucous membrane. As a result, habitat, heartburn, pain and other uncomfortable sensations may even appear in people on suffering from increased acidity.
  • Casting bile. The gallbladder is reduced only if food falls into the stomach. It begins to allocate bile in the intestine, contributing to the digestion of fats and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. If the stomach is inactive, the bile remains in the bubble, it becomes more thick and pressed into stones.
  • The intestines is not working. So that the intestine is activated, he needs to get his dose of bile in the morning, and this is possible only by breakfast. If the food does not do, the peristalistic is disturbed, which in turn causes dysbacteriosis, constipation, gravity in the stomach and bloating.

In addition, the absence of breakfast often becomes the cause of a set of excess weight, because scientifically proven that non-breakfast people consume more calories during the day. The production of hormones occurs by the clock, and metabolism is most active in the morning - in the period from 7 to 10 o'clock in the morning, and it does not matter whether a person feels woken or not. Early in the morning, the main hormones are thrown: thyrotropic hormone, sex hormones, cortisol, prolactin and others. It stimulates the metabolism in the body, and that the pituitary glands, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and other organs worked normally, it is necessary to provide the body to the timely and optimal flow of energy contained in food.

With systematic bandwidth breakfast, the balance is broken, as a result of which the body begins to spend its own energy resources, which are necessary for life, and they will not have time to mind. And one of the results of this exchange violation is an increase in weight.

Not just so nutritionists refer to the breakfast "cornerstone" of the daily diet. Those who have breakfast, intuitively seek eat food, which contains less fat. And those who breakfast misses, on the contrary, compensate for the unfavorable, saturated with high calorie and oily food. As a result, it is much more difficult for them to overcome the temptation to eat tightly before going to sleep, which also provokes obesity.

If you leave an overweight, there is another negative consequence of the systematic absence of breakfast - an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. As is known, the main reason for the appearance of heart diseases is thrombus, which are bunches of blood, locking blood flow in large vessels. Because of these thrombus, the power of the heart (or another organ) ceases. Metabolism disorders associated with the lack of breakfast and lead to slow motion blood flow, gluing platelets and thrombus appearance.

And one more thing: Due to violations of metabolic processes in the body, cholesterol rises, and this produces the formation of stones in the kidneys and the bustling bubble and the occurrence of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Summarizing, it is only possible to say that the rejection of breakfast is extremely and the cause of all sorts of ailments connected not only with digestive, but also with other systems of the body. Therefore, it must be struggling with it, and it should be started as early as possible.

How to start regularly breakfast

We offer some simple, but very effective recommendations that will help you get rid of the absence of appetite in the morning and there is pleasure:

  • Try to eliminate the reasons for the lack of appetite in the morning, which we talked about at the beginning. Match your lifestyle with them and highlight what you "fits", and then make appropriate changes.
  • Even if I don't want to eat at all in the morning, do it through "I can not". It is not necessary to force your body, of course, but gradually introduce some food in the morning diet. You can start with several porridge spoons, a small omelet, a piece of cheese with wholegrain bread, etc.
  • Make the morning menu varied, for example, alternate protein and carbohydrate breakfasts.
  • Immediately after awakening, drink a glass of drinking water to neutralize the hydrochloric acid, corrosive the walls of the stomach, and "to start" the intestine. After half an hour, it is recommended to eat easily, and if there is no such possibility - drink another glass of water.
  • Fly for breakfast easy, low-fat and easily-friendly food containing proteins and vitamins.
  • If you do not have breakfast, it is not necessary to wait until lunch. Just slightly slide breakfast time and eat in an hour and a half after awakening.
  • Little to reduce your evening diet, in order to completely abandon later snacks.

It's not so difficult to start in the morning - it is only enough to make a small effort on it, and after a couple of weeks it will be impossible to start your day, not to eat anything useful and tasty. To form a habit of breakfast every day, you:

  • Normalize the work of the GTC
  • Activate the process of excavation from the body of slags
  • Relive yourself from the need for unloading days and special cleaning
  • Accelerate the exchange processes of its body on average by 5%
  • Stretch immunity and viruses
  • Warn the emergence of gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and obesity diseases
  • Normalize weight and lose extra kilograms
  • Provide the body forces and energy for the whole day
  • Walk faster
  • and memory
  • Raise your vital tone and increase stress resistance

Pluses the regular breakfasts are very much, but remember that you only need to make a morning ration with a focus on the rules.

We wish you an appetite in the morning and health for many years!

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