Manufacture of prepared pet food. Show all brands

- leading directions in domestic business. In this article, we will focus on the production of animal feed, because it can turn into profitable business. Just choose the area that interests you the most, each one has its own advantages.

The production of pet food as a business can bring excellent profits, because these products are needed either as part of a livestock business, or for people who love pets very much.

Food for cats and dogs

Lovers of cats and dogs cannot reconcile in any way, the only thing that unites them is the love for their pets. They are so caring that they rarely save on caring for their animals, ranging from and ending with comfortable. is an successful business because the demand for these products is very high and increasing every year.

Your feed manufacturing plant will produce a variety of feeds:

  • type: dry, wet or canned;
  • class: economy, standard, premium, super-premium, holistic;
  • orientation: cats, dogs, age, weight, breed.

Manufacturing process:

  • making a prescription;
  • processing of raw materials;
  • mixing with the addition of hot water;
  • processing, formation;
  • drying, coating with fat;
  • package.

Every year, sales of products in the vastness of Russia amount to about $1 billion a year. This number will only grow. Success is ensured not only by the popularity of products, but also by the cheapness of raw materials.

Investments in business - 1,000,000 - 6,500,000 rubles, depending on the scale.

Profitability: 20%

Payback: up to 3 years.

Food for parrots, rodents and fish

There are also a lot of lovers of small animals that do not require much attention, no doubt they pay due attention to the choice of food. The production of feed for fish, parrots, and various rodents is a profitable and simple business.

For fish there are 2 types of food - aquarium or pond food. You can make both, but in any case, consider the composition of the feed based on biological features fish and their way of life.

Feed happens:

  • dry, consisting of various components, such as fishmeal, proteins, protein, starch; sold in the form of plates, tablets, granules;
  • frozen: plankton, various insects, plants.

parrots they use various grain mixtures, which in their composition have cereals, seeds, dried vegetables and fruits, minerals, sometimes fats, sugar.

Different rodents they mainly feed on mixtures of grains (wheat, millet, corn, oats, etc.) and fruits. Types of food depend on the size of the animal (small, medium, large). A separate type of food - for chinchillas, is due to the peculiarities of the nutrition of this animal.

When making feed, use extrusion technology, because it is important not only to select high-quality feed, but also to mix it well. With home production, you will need a minimum of equipment, just a sealer, and freezer if you are into frozen food.

Investments for a home business - from 50,000 rubles. (mainly for raw materials).

Profitability: parrots or rodents - 20%, fish - 70%

Payback: up to 2 years.

Feed production

The range of feed is formed from the purpose of the animal, that is, growing for the sake of meat, milk, eggs, wool.

Compound feed happens:

  • concentrated;
  • as an additive to the main food;
  • as the main food.

There are also such compound feeds: loose, granulated (the most popular), in briquettes.

It is not profitable to engage in the production of one or two types, it is better to offer customers as many products as possible, but at the same time you will have to purchase about 100 types of raw materials.

Manufacturing technology, as well as the choice of raw materials, depends on the type of animal, but you will still need equipment to grind, mix, dose, cool and granulate products. Don't forget about packing finished products.

Investments for combined feed - more than 2,000,000 rubles.

Payback: at least 1 year.

How to make herbal pellets

conquered the Russian market, because the products are not only popular among numerous, but are quite simple to manufacture.

Production herbal flour and pellets is directed to the cultivation of large cattle, partly poultry.

Feed production in this form has a number of advantages, but the main thing is the use of a special feed production technology that preserves all useful material which improves the conditions for raising livestock.

The size of the granules is affected by the animals for which they will be used:

  • small ones - to a young bird;
  • medium - to an adult bird;
  • large - for different animals: cows, sheep, pigs, etc., great for.

The manufacturing process is very simple. Processing grass into granules requires grinding, drying, thorough grinding and granulation. For all these processes, select a full-fledged line of equipment, but a large area is required for it. To keep production running smoothly, hire workers.

Investments in a home business - about 700,000 rubles.

The average profit from each ton of products is about 7,000 rubles.

Conducting a variety of research, I often recall the monologue “There are many friends of Horatio, which our wise man never dreamed of,” especially when I discover empty niches for business right “under my nose.” Actually it all started with preparation for a and. Gradually delving into the essence, I learned that those same extruders are used not only to prepare feed for pigs, poultry and cattle, but by changing the silent recipe they “rivet” dog food.

Of course, how good or bad such nutrition is is a moot point. Having studied the topic a little, I was surprised to find that dry food is good (well, or almost good), but their constant use for dogs and cats is not recommended. I have read quite a lot of information and debates on this subject, but for me personally, the “point” was the fact that most (if not all) specialized nurseries high level practically do not use dry food when growing. Agree, who knows best "what is good and what is not very", the one who earns money on it. I think it would be difficult to challenge such a claim. Then the question creeps in, what do they feed their pets with? And they use natural minced meat with mineral and vitamin supplements to feed dogs and cats. Moreover, they are supplied by small specialized companies, and small workshops involved in its production. True, it is extremely difficult to find such a product in stores due to commonplace reason throughout the country there are only a few such small producers. Why not an idea to create your own business?

Why is the production of natural food for cats and dogs a successful business?

There are several reasons:

  • The first - no matter how paradoxical it sounds, but the real cost of natural food, along the chain:

mini-workshop - shop - buyer

2 times lower than dry feed. Why is this happening? It's simple, the cost of dry food production is higher, due to the energy intensity of the production cycle itself, plus the cost of delivery and marketing, the maintenance of a large plant, and the margins of intermediaries. A small production has a higher cost of raw materials, but there are practically no other articles and we have cheaper products as a result.

By the way, if I have enough strength and, most importantly, desire, I will publish an article with the cost of producing natural food, but already at the first stage I came to the conclusion that if you set the price for a product similar to dry food, you can use not only meat of the second category, but even the first ( mechanical failure). What is used to make sausages and other meat products.

  • Secondly, people who are fond of their pets (the so-called "dog lovers" and "cat lovers") spend even very decent money on the maintenance of their pets. Moreover, marketing research of large manufacturers of dry dog ​​food has shown that the demand for their products is stable and independent of financial, economic and even political crises. And the factors that really influence demand are really radical in nature, I don’t want to voice them, I can only say that if this happens, then there’s no need to talk about business at all.

But not only is demand stable and inelastic. The trend towards a “healthy” lifestyle for pets is quite real, which in fact provides huge advantages for natural feed. From this position, the mini-workshop will have a stable demand and, as a result, a stable profit all year round regardless of financial winds and economic storms.

It sounds ridiculous, of course, but to be honest, dog hairdressers, dog sewing workshops and so on sound even more absurd, but at the same time it's all real.

  • The third is the organization of the production of natural canine and cat food very simple, it does not require large financial investments. Honestly, this business can be called an idea with minimal investment.

How to organize a mini-workshop for the production of natural pet food?

Actually, all the main technological nuances of organizing such a production are similar to the creation of a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products, which I talked about in an article about equipment. I will not repeat, it is better to talk about the features.

After purchasing the equipment and arranging the workshop itself, we need a recipe and specifications (technical conditions) for the production certain types stern. Moreover, small capacities make it possible to be mobile and to arrange the production of a large range of products. Where to get the recipe?

Optimally apply to specialized veterinary institutes, they can easily issue great amount variety of food options. But my advice, after receiving "scientific" data from specialized authorities, contact nurseries and thus "kill two birds with one stone." On the one hand, they will be able to give recommendations from a practical point of view, what is best for dogs or cats, on the other hand, close cooperation will allow in the future to get a wholesale client.

As for the approval of the technical specifications, everything is a little more complicated, on the one hand, this can be done independently, the procedure is clearly spelled out. True, this method will take a lot of time, on the other hand, you can contact specialized law firms that will do it quickly but of course more expensive. But this process must be completed.

The last step is marketing. It is clear that the bulk of dog and cat food diverges through specialized shops and here comes the problem, outlets do not have refrigeration equipment for storing natural feed. Buying and "distributing" such equipment is very expensive, and they are unlikely to decide to buy it on their own. The only way out to sell it through regular stores, they definitely have such equipment. But such an implementation will require you to invest in local advertising.

To be honest, the business idea for the production of natural dog food is one of the few that requires a “massive” advertising campaign using local newspapers, magazines, and even television. At the same time, such investments in advertising will also quickly “beat off”.

We put an ellipsis on this, nevertheless, the plans remain to publish a full-fledged business plan in this area, you can ask questions right there in the comments or in the VK group, do not forget to subscribe to the site and join our group.

Interesting on this topic

When choosing one of the first questions about the type arises - feeds are dry, wet and canned. The stores sell a lot of feed from various manufacturers, each of which claims that it is their product that is the best and most useful. With so much variety, choosing a cat food can be a daunting task. This choice is facilitated if a person imagines how ready-made feeds are produced. This article highlights the main industrial production processes for dry, wet and canned cat food.

Dry food for cats.

On the dry food accounts for the bulk of commercial cat food sales. There are several manufacturing methods, the main ones being sintering, granulating and extruding. All three methods are, in fact, similar, differing only in the final stage - the formation of solid pieces of food. Therefore, we will focus on the most accessible - extruded or, more simply, pressed. Although there are many options, the basic processes described below are used by most companies.

Raw materials for cat food.

Feed production begins with the preparation of raw materials. Usually grain, meat, and fat are used, which are delivered to factories in wagons or trucks, depending on the capacity of the enterprise. Concentrated vitamin and mineral supplements usually delivered packaged in bags from 15 to 50 kg. Upon arrival, raw materials are stored in special warehouses, grain, as a rule, in bunkers.

Grinding process.

Raw materials are crushed to obtain particles right size. Crushed particles have better accessibility nutrients and are also easier to handle. Commercial hammer mills are commonly used to grind particles to the desired size. Most dry mixes are made from particles ground to the consistency of wholemeal flour. Uniform grinding is important to ensure water absorption and subsequent sintering.

Mass preparation and mixing.

Good mixing of all ingredients milestone to obtain a homogeneous composition. If the mixture is not sufficiently mixed, the necessary nutrients in certain parts of the finished product may be excessive or absent. Huge blenders are used for mixing, capable of kneading up to a ton of future feed at a time. In this initial mixing, only dry ingredients are used. The resulting mixture is stored dry, awaiting the next processing steps.


The extrusion process is very similar to the process of making dough: mixing, kneading, ripening (dough rising), shaping, rising again and cutting. First, the dry mix is ​​prepared to gelatinize the starch. Carefully measured volumes of dry mixture and liquid are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which contains fat, meat products, water, etc. The prepared mass is evaporated for about 45 seconds, then enters the extruder. An extruder is a device originally developed for the production of plastics. Tailored for Food Industry variants are used to produce 90% of animal feed. The extruder consists of a cylindrical multi-segment drum with a screw that feeds the prepared mixture inside and extrudes it through thin holes for knives that cut pieces of the desired length. In the process of moving through the extruder, the mass is heated due to internal friction and compression, supporting the process of baking the mixture. The speed and pressure inside the drum are adjusted depending on the formula and composition of the future feed in such a way as to obtain the desired temperature and cooking time.

Drying and cooling.

The resulting granules, still soft and friable, pass from the extruder to the dryer, where residual moisture is removed from them. The drying process usually takes about 15 minutes. If dried too quickly or at too high a temperature, the pellets will become brittle and will break during packaging, handling, etc., increasing the level of waste (dust that is usually present at the bottom of the package).

After drying, the granules are cooled for about 7 minutes. If the granules are packaged insufficiently cooled, condensation will fall on them, which can contribute to the formation of mold and the growth of bacteria.


The last step in the production of dry food is glazing, when outer surface granules are added special liquids or powders - fats and flavorings. Fats are usually not added during the mixing step because they can interfere with the starch gelatinization process. Fat and flavors greatly enhance the taste and appeal to cats, so it is most effective to apply them on the surface of the pellets.

Wet food for cats.

Majority production wet food for cats (they are also called semi-dry) is similar to the production of dry food, but with some differences. The raw material is prepared, mixed, passed through the extruder, just like in the manufacture of dry food. However, the extruder is set to much more low temperature and pressure. After the extruder, the product does not go into drying, but rather is saturated with water, moisture-retaining substances, and essential acids. After that, the product is fed into a cooling refrigerator, where it is brought to a predetermined humidity and acquires a spongy structure.

The moisture content of such food (25-35%) is significantly higher than that of dry food (about 10%), therefore, it is more susceptible to spoilage from mold and bacteria. High humidity also poses a risk of structural damage during drying. To eliminate these problems, special antibacterial and mold-protective substances are added, and the food itself is packaged in airtight packaging.

Canned cat food.

For the first time, the production of canned food was established back in 1809 for the soldiers of the French army. Since then, the process has undergone many improvements, but basic principles remained unchanged. Package food products in a sealed container, followed by heat sterilization remains one of the most common and available ways conservation of food for people and animals.

Preparation of raw materials.

Most canned food is produced on the basis of meat products. Fresh and frozen meat is delivered to the factories in special refrigerators. The meat is minced, an accurately measured amount of additives containing vitamins is added to it, minerals and sometimes grain.

Mixing and cooking.

The prepared raw material enters the mixer, where it is thoroughly mixed. At the same time, the temperature rises so much that starch gelatinization can occur, and the proteins begin to change their properties, which improves the texture and taste of the future product. Foods containing carbohydrates usually require processing when high temperature to fully cook the starch. When the product reaches readiness, canning begins.

Packaging and sealing.

While the prepared mixture is hot, it enters the machine, which unfolds and hermetically seals it in cans. This machine fills, caps and seals at a rate of 300-600 cans per minute. To prevent the ingress of microorganisms, the process takes place at a high temperature, therefore, when the sealed jar cools, the pressure in it is less than atmospheric pressure.


Sealed jars are sterilized for three or more minutes at a temperature of at least 120 degrees. In this case, the remaining bacteria die. Most dangerous bacteria- Clostridium botulinum bacteria are destroyed at temperatures above 116 degrees. After sterilization, canned cat food is refrigerated, labeled on cans, and shipped to stores.

Brief conclusions.

Understanding the processes involved in the production of cat food helps you choose best option for food. Having settled on some type of food, you can search for the manufacturer and study in detail the products they offer, taking into account the composition and individual needs of the cat. The seemingly complex production of pet food is actually very similar to the way human food is produced. good producers go to great lengths to ensure their products are of the highest quality and meet all nutritional requirements for cats.

Hey Pushkin!

Pet owners are a solvent audience that does not spare money for their pets, this is exactly what entrepreneur Andrey Pushkin thought, who successfully launched a network of hotels for cats a few years ago. And in 2018, he launched a new product on the market - food for cats and dogs from raw meat Hati, counting on high demand. But there is no hype yet, and the entrepreneur has to make a lot of efforts for sales.

35 years old, entrepreneur from Moscow, founder of a company producing natural food for animals Hati. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, after which he worked as a financial analyst at the Airports of the Regions holding, then at the state corporation Rosatom. In 2014 he opened a hotel for animals "Sir Cat" in the center of Moscow, which has grown into a network of four establishments. The Hati project was launched in 2018.

From cats to dogs

In 2014, Andrey Pushkin, who had previously worked as a financial analyst for seven years, launched his first business project, the Sir Cat pet hotel. This was prompted by his desire for self-realization and love for animals.

“In the office, I lacked a complex task that I could carry out “from” and “to”. There you are a cog in a big machine, not an independent unit. In "Sir Cat" it warms my soul that I came up with and made this project with my own hands. Although some said - well, the man quit Rosatom in order to deal with cats, ”recalls Andrey.

This business is developing successfully, today "Sir Kot" is a chain of four hotels in Moscow. But in 2018 Andrey wanted to implement some new project, from another area. “Since I was always moving in the animal world, my thoughts involuntarily went in this direction. In pet hotels, I have seen some owners bring raw meat as food for their cats. And I thought about creating natural animal feed,” says Andrey Pushkin.

Another reason to turn to this niche was the dog chihuahua breeds, who often visits Andrei. She ate canned food all the time. At some point, the entrepreneur thought about why people consider it normal to feed their animals with canned food, while they themselves eat as fresh food as possible. And why, when choosing products for themselves, people look at the expiration date, but do not do the same with food for their pets?

Andrew thought that the rules healthy eating that people apply to themselves must also be applied to pets. Need food to be an alternative prepared feed industrial production.

Andrei hoped that food made from natural raw meat would be in demand among Moscow dog and cat owners. Therefore, he decided to start production for the production of such food - and founded the Hati project.

step by step

When developing his product - sausages in a polyamide casing made from raw meat and offal (there are options with the addition of vegetables and cereals) - Andrei Pushkin relied on the requirements for feed that exist in Europe and the USA. Together with Russian veterinarians, the project team worked out the recipe and the ratio of ingredients.

After that, it was necessary to decide on the packaging in which to produce the food: to sell raw meat in pieces, in the form of nuggets or sausages. When working out each option, the idea with sausages seemed to be the most optimal.

“Determining the form of release was important even at the investment stage in order to buy the right equipment. If you change your mind later, it will be too late. We had to take responsibility, although we did not know whether our customers would like the sausage format,” says Andrey Pushkin.

The necessary equipment was purchased in Belarus. But the project team had to suffer with it before it was possible to produce sausages of the required weight.

“The equipment arrived, so shiny and beautiful, and at first we looked at it like sheep at a new gate. They didn't know what to do with it. While we were setting up the equipment and making the first experimental batches, we used about 100 kilograms of raw materials,” says the entrepreneur.

All sausages in the first batches were of different weights. And in accordance with GOST for the production of food for pets, the deviation in the mass of each product should be no more than 1%. Here, some sausages were obtained weighing 90 grams, the next - 120 grams.

“I looked at all this, and I was not well. We have not had time to think about sales yet, but with production we have already stepped on such a rake. Although, according to the passport, the equipment should have produced an error within 1%, ”recalls Andrey.

It was possible to correct the situation after a call to the manufacturer. Its representatives explained that they needed to make some changes to the design of the "syringe" that feeds the meat into the package. When this was done, sausages of the desired weight began to be obtained.

At first, Andrey offered to test the finished products for free to his friends and acquaintances who have pets. He asked them for an honest evaluation of the food. The response was positive, but a number of changes thanks to feedback still included. We switched from a 7-layer casing to a 2-layer one and reduced the diameter of the sausages from 45 to 32 millimeters. As a result, the product freezes faster in the blast freezer (30 minutes), thaws faster at the customer's home and is easier to remove from the packaging.

Supplier search

For the production, it took about 3 months to look for a suitable room, since there are certain requirements for meat shops (for example, the presence of flushing in the floor, tiled floors and walls up to two meters, electric power 50 kW, etc.). Andrey Pushkin looked through only the finished premises, so that at the start he would not have to spend money on repairs. The necessary workshop was found in Korolev near Moscow.

A lot of time was spent on the choice of suppliers. The HatiFood project was not suitable for private traders offering to buy meat in small quantities. In this case, it would be necessary to independently organize the slaughter process to obtain a veterinary certificate, or do without it. Therefore, we were looking for only large and reliable suppliers whose meat is accompanied by necessary documents. The founder of Hati selected only those farms that do not use antibiotics and growth stimulants.

Although domestic animals that are carnivores have natural defense mechanisms against harmful microorganisms, however, each batch of products is sent to the laboratory for research - for the presence pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, in order to find reliable suppliers, I had to change several dozen enterprises. “Those with whom we are working now were searched for by trial and error,” adds Andrey.

How and from what food is prepared for four-legged

The entire animal carcass is used to make Hati products. Not trimmings that are no longer suitable for cooking for people, but all parts of the carcass. The first butcher of the project could not come to terms with this.

“He was horrified. How is it to use tenderloin or loin for animal feed? For a long time he did not agree that meat should not be salted and peppered, that water should not be added to make the mass elastic. He suggested adding an onion that dogs should not eat. In the end, we didn't get along. This man was haunted that we feed the dogs good meat", - says Andrey Pushkin.

As a result, another butcher was hired for this place, who at first also asked similar questions, but still managed to overcome his previous professional habits and now clearly follows the cooking recipe.

Hati sausages are made with chicken, beef, turkey and rabbit. Offal of the first category is added to the composition, and in some varieties - whole vegetables. The production does not use dyes, flavors, preservatives, gluten, grains and synthesized additives.

It takes one working day to produce one batch. First, the butcher removes the meat from the bones of the carcass. Then the meat and offal are chopped, after which they are mixed with the rest of the ingredients. After that, the product is injected (packed) into the shell, clamped with clips and enters the shock freezing chamber. The process of packing 200 kg of product takes about 3-4 hours.

Hati food is stored in freezers. To feed the animal, the food must first be thawed and placed in a bowl, freed from packaging.

Issue price

Now Hati sausages from chicken cost 49 rubles per 100 grams, from turkey - 59 rubles, from beef - 79 rubles, from a rabbit - 99 rubles.

Some buyers ask again if there is a mistake here. “They are surprised that this price is per 100 grams and not per kilogram. But beef of this quality cannot cost 79 rubles per kilogram. Even kits for dogs, which are “non-format” for human consumption, are more expensive, ”Andrey quotes the calculations.

Some buyers compare the cost of Hati food with the cost of canned meats and commercially produced dry food. They cost less than the products manufactured by Andrey Pushkin's enterprise. “But there is either no meat in this feed (used meat and bone meal, an animal protein hydrolyzate), or eating “dog-grade” meat, i.e. stringy trimmings, minced meat and anything that can’t be sold unprocessed for human consumption,” he explains.

After the launch of the project, the project website became the main platform for selling Hati products. Now, when ordering from 2500 rubles, delivery in Moscow is free. If the order is for a smaller amount, then delivery will cost 189 rubles.

Over time, social networks began to bring more purchases. The project has pages in almost all in social networks, but Instagram turned out to be the most selling. The founder of Hati suggests that this is due to what a potential buyer sees here. real reviews other buyers. So it is easier for him to decide on the purchase of a new product. In order to increase the number of sales through social networks, it is planned to increase activity in them, primarily on VKontakte.

The project cooperates with the MoscowFresh online store, which purchases Hati products and then sells them on its own. Now it is planned to master offline sales: an agreement has already been signed with one pet store, negotiations are underway with another.

“We put our Hati food freezers in the store and see how sales go. For us, this is a new economy (you need to recoup the cost of a freezer) and a new channel. So far, we have no such experience,” says Andrei.

Hati cooperates with breeders - they are authorities for those who buy dogs or cats from them. Therefore, their recommendations on choosing pet food are listened to. “They are sometimes trusted even more than veterinarians. We can motivate breeders to cooperate with us with a one-time payment for an attracted client or a percentage of sales. Such a sales channel shows itself well, but the problem is that there are only a few breeders who know how to sell, and most importantly, know how to do it in social networks, ”concludes Andrey Pushkin.

Most often, Hati food is bought by owners small dogs. Feed large dogs such food for their owners is too expensive. Cooking porridge is cheaper, to which they add a little meat. Now the buyers of the project are only residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Startup mistakes

Andrey Pushkin says that his first project, Sir Kot zoo-hotel, quickly became popular. And to attract customers, he and the team of this project had practically no effort. Andrei expected that this would be the case with Hati.

“We assumed that now we would offer the market a new product - natural food for animals, and it will immediately be torn from us with our hands. It was our mistake, of course, just turning on ads, nothing happens. Each buyer must be "accompanied," says Pushkin.

“There are two cases where sales occur as if “without our efforts”. The animal does not eat its food well, and the owner is forced to constantly change food, and then finally finds us. Or the owner is already feeding his pet natural raw food, and we just make it easier for him and save time, ”Andrey Pushkin shares his observations.

"We thought we'd publish beautiful photo meat, and everything will fly in terms of sales. We are used to "Sir Cat" that people correspond in the comments to our posts, and we "sleep". Now at Hati we immediately respond to comments as soon as they appear. It seems obvious that this is how it should be, but for us it was a discovery, ”explains Pushkin.

Its founder invested about 8 million rubles in the launch of the Hati project. For a faster payback, he plans to launch new products in the near future - cookies made from natural meat. In their composition, they will be the same as sausages. For their production, you will need to buy an oven in which they will be baked and dried.

Another novelty in the assortment is jelly for dogs. For its preparation, bones will be used, from which meat is cut for Hati sausages. Now these bones are thrown away, and in the production of jelly they will become an ingredient for it, and not waste.

“It is too early to talk about payback periods. We exist recently and are only studying the market. To break even, we need to grow in terms of sales at least six times. And we will try to reach this figure by the end of the year, ”Andrey Pushkin cites the figures.

Becomes more and more popular every day. Breeding cats, dogs, rodents and even reptiles is also considered profitable business and an enjoyable activity. But in order to keep any pets, including for, it is necessary to choose the right food. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the pets will be healthy, beautiful and live a long life.

Russian manufacturers of animal feed

Most of the pet food on the shelves of Russian stores is owned by foreign brands. However, every year there are more and more products of Russian manufacturers, due to the variety and quality of which there is no longer a need to buy and cook it yourself.

There are different types of feed - dry, frozen and canned. Many of them do not need to be supplemented with vitamins or minerals, which is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Advice: many people are afraid to buy special food for their pets, in particular, dry ones. High-quality feed is always balanced in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements, so they are optimal nutrition. The most important thing is to try not to choose the most budget options.

Bioenergy-OS LLC

The company Bioenergy-OS is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of high-quality feed for animals, fish and birds. Thanks to the usefulness and balance of compound feed, it is greatly simplified, as well as sheep, pigs and other domestic animals. The composition of such nutrition includes meat, grains, legumes, oilseeds, shells, bones, nuts, which provides optimal dosages of nutrients and vitality. important substances. The products are produced in granules in special dextrin packaging, which provides the possibility of long-term storage.

LLC "AgroTroika"

AgroTroika specializes in the production of dry food and canned food for dogs and cats. The organization promises that their food will be a complete replacement for natural and natural food for predators, providing them with all essential vitamins, trace elements and nutrients.

GK "Golden Fish"

Working since 1991, GK " gold fish» manufactures products in Russia under the brand name DoctorZOO. Among the company's developments are multivitamin complexes and treats, accessories, shampoos and many other products. In addition, the Group of Companies is engaged in the import of feed from Europe.

LLC "Clever"

Among the products from the company "Clever" there are special functional pet food in Russia. The manufacturer guarantees that its products are of high quality and do not contain anything other than natural natural and plant components.

OOO "Leader PTK"

The Leader PTK company, opened in Russia in 2012, is engaged in the production of goods under the IDEAL brand. To date, the main products that the company offers for the market are specially developed feed for parrots and rodents. The company independently formulates its products and constantly improves their quality, updates the range.

Rostok LLC

Rostok produces feed for farm animals: cattle, rabbits, birds different types. The organization ensures the supply of promising seeds, feed, feed additives, mineral and vitamin complexes, fertilizers and plant protection products against pests.

STM-Bryansk LLC

STM-Bryansk products can be purchased under the 7 seeds trademark. The most popular food and treats for rodents and birds, cereals and hay. Under this brand, you can find other products, such as fillers, wood shavings, claws.


The company's products are canned food for cats, dogs and ferrets, which is produced under the brand name Lunch For Pets. The quality of feed is guaranteed by the balance of nutrients, mineral and vitamin supplements, as well as the basis of natural ingredients. High technology allows products to be subjected to long-term storage without quality loss.

Technolaym LLC

Technolaym also has own production in Russia, which ensures the supply of modern innovative pet products under the "Design" series. Among the products are any goods from economy to premium class. for various purposes sold through large and small retail chains, online stores. Under the company's trademark, you can buy high-tech feed for birds, rodents, fish, Stuffed Toys, collars, claws, leashes and much more.
