Why is the temperature below 36 degrees. The main causes of low body temperature. What to do if your body temperature is low

How dangerous is subfebrile condition? How to treat it and should it be done? Continuous questions! Let's try to figure them out

Expert - candidate medical sciences, neuropathologist Marina Aleksandrovich.

Since childhood, we all know that the normal body temperature is 36.6 ° C. However, it turns out that this established opinion is just a myth. Indeed, in fact, this indicator for the same person in different periods life can change repeatedly.

Where did you go to gallop?

For example, a thermometer can give different numbers for one month, even with full health. This is mainly typical for girls - their body temperature usually rises slightly during ovulation and returns to normal with the onset of menstruation. Fluctuations can also occur within one day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the temperature is minimal, and in the evening it usually rises by half a degree. Stress, eating, being physically active, taking a bath or drinking hot (as well as strong) drinks, being on the beach, wearing too warm clothes, emotional outburst, and more can cause a small temperature jump. And then there are people for whom the normal value of the mark on the thermometer is not 36.6, but 37 ° C or even slightly higher. As a rule, this applies to asthenic young men and women who, in addition to their graceful physique, also have a subtle mental organization. Subfebrile condition is not uncommon, especially in children: according to statistics, almost every fourth person differs in this modern child between the ages of 10 and 15. Usually such children are somewhat withdrawn and slow, apathetic or, conversely, anxious and irritable. But even in adults, this phenomenon is not unique. However, you should not blame everything on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, if the usual body temperature was always normal and suddenly measurements made with the same thermometer for a sufficiently long time and in different time days, they began to show higher numbers than always, there is a significant cause for concern.

Where do the legs grow from the "tail"?

An increased body temperature usually indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or the presence of an infection. But sometimes the thermometer readings remain above normal even after recovery. Moreover, this can continue for several months. This is how the syndrome of post-viral asthenia is often expressed. Doctors in this case use the term "temperature tail". The slightly elevated (subfebrile) temperature caused by the consequences of the transferred infection is not accompanied by changes in the tests and goes away on its own.

However, there is a danger of confusing asthenia with incomplete recovery, when a rise in temperature indicates that the disease, which has subsided for a while, has begun to develop anew. Therefore, just in case, it is better to take a blood test and find out if the leukocytes are normal. If everything is in order, you can calm down, the temperature will jump and jump and eventually "will come to its senses."

Other common reason subfebrile condition - experienced stress. There is even a special term - psychogenic temperature. It is more often accompanied by symptoms such as bad feeling, shortness of breath and dizziness.

Well, if in the foreseeable past you did not endure either stress or infectious diseases, and the thermometer still stubbornly creeps up, then it is better to be vigilant and be examined. After all, prolonged subfebrile condition may indicate the presence dangerous diseases... So it is imperative to understand where the legs grow from the "temperature tail".

By elimination method

The first step is to exclude all suspicions of inflammatory, infectious and other serious diseases (tuberculosis, thyrotoxicosis, iron deficiency anemia, chronic infectious or autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors). First you need to contact a therapist who will make individual plan survey. As a rule, in the presence of an organic cause of subfebrile condition, there are others characteristic symptoms: pain in different sites body, weight loss, lethargy, increased fatigue, sweating. When palpating, an enlargement of the spleen or lymph nodes may be found. Usually, finding out the reasons for subfebrile condition begins with a general and biochemical analyzes urine and blood, lung X-ray, ultrasound internal organs... Then, if necessary, more detailed research- for example, blood tests for rheumatoid factor or thyroid hormones. In the presence of pain of unknown origin, and especially with a sharp weight loss, consultation with an oncologist is necessary.

"Hot" people

If surveys have shown that there is order on all fronts, it seems that you can calm down, deciding that this is your nature. But it turns out that there is still cause for concern.

However, first let's try to figure out where the elevated temperature comes from when, it would seem, complete absence for that organic causes... It does not appear at all because the body accumulates too much heat, but because it gives it away poorly. environment... The disorder of the thermoregulation system at the physical level can be explained by the spasm of the superficial vessels located in the skin of the upper and lower limbs... Also, in the body of long-term temperature people, disruptions in the endocrine system can occur (they often have disrupted adrenal cortex and metabolism). Doctors consider this condition as a manifestation of the syndrome. vegetative dystonia and even gave it a name - thermoneurosis. And although this is not a disease in its pure form, because no organic changes occur during this, it is still not the norm, since a prolonged high temperature is stress for the body. Therefore, this condition must be treated. But, of course, not antibiotics or antipyretics - they are not only not harmless, but in this case also ineffective.

Medicines for subfebrile conditions are generally rarely prescribed. More often, neurologists recommend massage and acupuncture (to normalize the tone of peripheral vessels), as well as herbal medicine and homeopathy. Often stable positive effect provide psychotherapeutic treatment and psychological assistance.

Greenhouse conditions do not help, but rather interfere with getting rid of thermoneurosis. Therefore, for those who suffer from this violation, it is better to stop taking care of themselves, and start hardening and strengthening the body. People with problematic thermoregulation need:

● correct daily routine;

● regular good nutrition with an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits;

● taking vitamins;

● sufficient exposure to fresh air;

● physical education (except for team games);

● hardening (the method is effective only with regular, not one-time use).

by the way

Confusion in testimony

Are you measuring the temperature correctly? Please note that a thermometer placed under the armpit may give incorrect information - due to the abundance of sweat glands in this area, inaccuracies are likely. If you are used to measuring the temperature in your mouth (where it is half a degree higher than under the arm), then know that the numbers will go off scale if you ate or drank hot or smoked an hour before. The temperature in the rectum is, on average, a degree higher than in armpit, but remember that the thermometer can "lie" if you take measurements after taking a bath or exercising. Measuring the temperature in the ear canal is considered the most reliable today. But this requires a special thermometer and strict adherence to all the rules of procedure. Any violation can lead to an error.

The most informative and accessible indicator of health status is considered to be body temperature. At colds, infections and exacerbations of many chronic diseases are usually diagnosed with an increase. However, there is also a reverse reaction of the body - when the body temperature is lowered. Is this a pathology? How dangerous is a drop in temperature and what should be done to help the body cope with the problem?

To begin with, let's clarify which lower thermometer readings can be dangerous and what is the norm.

The standard norm for a person's body temperature in the armpit is 36.6 Celsius. However, this is an average standard and is very different when measured on a case-by-case basis.

So, for the same person at different times of the day, the temperature will be different: in the morning it is lower (the subject has just woken up and all the systems of his body are just adjusting), in the afternoon - the thermometer will record 36.6, and in the evening, when the person is tired, the thermometer will again show more low numbers(say 36.4).

At the same time, some have a normal rate of 36.6, while others have a little higher or slightly lower. The range of 35.6 - 36.9 is considered normal. But provided that the subject feels good, does not feel discomfort, fatigue, headache, and at the same time such indicators are found in him for a long time.

However, a decrease in a person's body temperature (hypothermia) can be a symptom of an illness or a sign of hypothermia. For both an adult and a child, it will turn out to be dangerous even with indicators below 35.0. If the temperature drops further, and the thermometer falls below 34.0, the work of all internal systems: the patient will feel shortness of breath, he will have bradycardia, chills and a feeling of coldness, the skin will turn pale, appear cold sweat, small tremors in the hands and fingers, speech will slow down, consciousness will be confused, hallucinations, nausea, vomiting are possible.

A thermometer reading below 35.0 is a reason to call a doctor.

If the temperature is low, dropped below 32.0, it is life-threatening. An urgent need to call a doctor. Such indicators can provoke coma, respiratory arrest and death of the patient. Mark below 21.0 degrees considered fatal to humans.

When is hypothermia in children normal?

Different age groups children, the causes of low rates thermometer are different. How are the methods for elimination different this state... In many cases, hypothermia in children has the same causes as in adults, but sometimes it is provoked by specific factors.

In babies

In the first days of life, newborns sometimes have low temperatures. This is the so-called cold shock. The baby experienced stress at birth, and then found himself in new conditions for him. Its thermoregulation system is only being adjusted so far, therefore, in the first days, newborns normally have indicators up to 35.6 degrees. The baby only needs to be well covered and kept warm.

Premature babies also have low body temperature. They need extra warmth until their own thermoregulation is in place.

In adolescence

There is a hormonal surge, which sometimes affects the regulation of heat exchange in the adolescent's body. This is due to the fact that the hypothalamus, which is responsible for ensuring normal thermoregulation of the "nucleus" (internal organs), also undergoes a hormonal surge and in such a non-standard way reacts to changes.

Common causes of low thermometer readings in adults and children

Hypothermia, as a pathology, is uncommon, an increase in body temperature is much more common. but low temperature the cause of the body is also serious and is a kind of marker, signaling the problem.

Statistics say that about 80% of all cases of hypothermia are associated with insufficient nutrition and too heavy loads leading to the depletion of vitality. Among the most likely pathological causes will be:


With a long stay in stressful situation, a person sleeps little, he has no appetite, from constant stress he loses a significant amount of energy, which affects his health.

A person feels constant coldness, fatigue, sometimes headache, dizziness and nausea.

If the reason is a stressful situation, then you just need to rest and the temperature will return to normal. In difficult cases, the consultation of a psychotherapist will be required.


Among the causes of hypothermia will be chronic fatigue, overexertion of forces consumes too much energy, which affects the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body. Their lack leads to exhaustion and impaired thermoregulation. In such cases, there is rapid fatigue, headache, and a feeling of cold, sometimes a person is chilly, nauseous. In case of overwork, to restore normal temperature, you will need to rest well, eat right and get some sleep.


Another reason for low body temperature and a violation of the carbohydrate-protein balance is diet. Long-term restrictions in carbohydrates and fats lead to depletion of the body, iron deficiency anemia and impaired heat regulation.

Here there is nausea, a feeling of constant fatigue, a feeling of chills, the hair becomes brittle, the nails are pale and weak, the skin is very dry, pale. Tinnitus and dizziness may occur.

Relief of symptoms will require a visit to a doctor and treatment. Low hemoglobin is dangerous for more complex disorders, since there is a failure in delivery nutrients literally to all internal organs.

Postponed infection

Moreover, literally any infection from a banal ARVI to Botkin's disease or syphilis can cause a low temperature. When viruses or bacteria enter the body, all immune forces are mobilized to fight them. There is a significant increase in temperature, after which the opposite process occurs: first, the fever is replaced by a low-grade temperature, and then it can also drop to 35.6. The body needs to adjust thermoregulation. Here you just have to wait a little and after a few days the temperature will return to normal by itself.

Treatment outcome (iatrogenic hypothermia)

Hypothermia occurs after surgical operations, here, as a result of anesthesia, a blockade of nerve endings occurs, which cause a malfunction of the thermoregulatory organs.

Among the more common and more frequent reasons will be too intense knocking down of high temperature. This is typical for small patients, mothers cannot always correctly calculate the dose of the medicine. In such cases, there is cold sweat, pallor skin, headache, cold hands and feet.

What to do if the temperature is low after taking too much antipyretic? It is imperative to wrap the patient in a warm blanket, put a heating pad in his legs, or offer the patient a warm foot bath with mustard. Drink warm raspberry tea or green tea with echinacea. Do not give coffee or too hot tea. Measures should be taken gradually, so as not to expose the patient to sharp.


A person is warm-blooded, and therefore, low ambient temperatures act on him. The temperature can drop with a long stay in cold water too long in the cold without proper clothing.

The most famous record (the child survived) is the girl's stay in the cold without clothes for 6 hours.
It will take a lot of warm drinks, warm blankets and clothes to keep warm and raise the temperature. It is good to take a warm shower or bath. A warm heating pad is placed on the chest and back of the head. In the most difficult cases, a heated solution of calcium chloride is administered intravenously in the hospital.

But you need to warm a person gradually. Acting slowly with increasing warmth. So, for a person with a body temperature of 34.0, a bath with a temperature of 37.0 will be not only warm, but also hot.

If there are frostbite areas, they cannot be rubbed, you only need to apply a thermal bandage (this way the skin will be warmed from the inside, it will receive the least damage).

If breathing stops, artificial respiration is given.

When hypothermia is a symptom of a chronic illness

Human bodies can hide in the exacerbation of chronic diseases. A prolonged decrease should definitely alert if you have the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of coldness, chills.
  • Headache.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Violation of cardiac activity.
  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Pale skin.
  • Difficulty memorizing.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Fatigue, general weakness.

Constantly lowered body temperature, supplemented by some of these symptoms, should be a reason for going to a therapist. In the future, it will be necessary to conduct a number of examinations to establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

By her own low temperature the body is not a disease, but it is a symptom of another disease. Diseases that can cause hypothermia include:

Disruption of the thyroid gland. Here, a lower temperature will arise against the background of lethargy mental processes, brittle hair and nails, rapid fatigability... This condition is caused by a lack of the hormone TSH (thyroid). Treatment can only be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Hormonal disruptions. They are inherent not only in adolescents, but also in pregnant women, women in menopause... A decrease in body temperature is not always a reason for treatment. For examination and treatment, you will need to contact a therapist or gynecologist.

Chronic diseases in latent form. In some diseases, for example, brain tumors, prolonged hypothermia is possible as one of the symptoms of the disease. Availability specific symptoms at low body temperature can be caused by diseases of the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, internal bleeding... With a decrease in blood pressure, hypothermia is also observed.

Only a specialist with a narrow focus can prescribe the causes and treatment, but first you need to contact a therapist.

Diseases of the skin. Emergence skin diseases, in which large areas are affected, can provoke a decrease in temperature. Here it is caused by the fact that the blood must serve the affected areas, as a result of which the supply of other organs suffers.

Alcohol, drugs. Too large doses ethyl alcohol in the body, drugs and a number of other poisonings, chronic alcoholism, addiction also cause a decrease in body temperature. It is especially dangerous to be drunk in the cold. This will provoke more rapid decline temperature, which often leads to complications such as frostbite and damage to internal organs.

If, as a result of an exacerbation of a chronic disease, a low body temperature has arisen, only a specialist will tell you what to do. Here you will need not only consultation, but also competent, long-term treatment.

What to do at low temperatures?

In everyday life at a low body temperature, a number of mandatory actions should be carried out:

  1. Measure the temperature, with readings below 35.0, call an ambulance.
  2. With indicators above this mark, you will need to establish the cause. If this problem caused by hypothermia, recent illness or diets will require warm drinks, hot foot baths, warm clothing.
  3. In case of fatigue, all of the listed procedures must be supplemented with good sleep.
  4. With a prolonged decrease (over 1-2 weeks), it is better to consult with a therapist to establish what the low temperature is talking about.
  5. The presence of such additional symptoms, as inhibition of speech, loss of consciousness, severe pallor should be the reason for an urgent call for an ambulance.

Get medical treatment and be healthy!

The usual temperature of our body is considered to be the temperature of 36 and 6. But sometimes it happens that our temperature goes down, from what exactly this is happening, we cannot understand, but you need to know that first of all you should consult a doctor, since a decrease in temperature is a signal failure normal work organism, and in this it is recommended to be examined by a therapist. Do not forget that health requires attention as well as constant care.

Each person should be aware of and understand for himself what a drop in temperature is, and what factors could affect its decrease.

In the body of every person there are:

  • chemical thermoregulation, which helps to normalize the temperature when it is cold;
  • physical thermoregulation, which promotes heat recovery through a variety of physiological processes;
  • behavioral thermoregulation, it makes our body look for a warmer place.

If at least one type of thermoregulation is violated, then a decrease in temperature occurs. The lowered temperature can be kept long time, with a short-term decrease, you should not pay for this special attention and panic. But, if lowering the temperature is a normal process for you, then you should consult a doctor, as well as undergo a full examination and examination.

Causes of low body temperature.

Causes and treatment of low body temperature

The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, let's talk specifically about each of them:

  1. The reason for the decrease in body temperature is violation immune system person. This reason most often occurs in a person who has suffered a serious illness, his body is weakened, and simply cannot maintain the temperature he needs.
  2. A drop in temperature may occur due to poisoning with toxins ... Diseases such as plastic or iron deficiency anemia, almost always require monitoring of body temperature, since with such diseases it can drop sharply.
  3. Violated endocrine system Is also an important reason for the temperature drop. This can be the cause of adrenal gland disease or hypothyroidism. These include constant fatigue, the tendency to lack of sleep, as well as simple overstrain. All these reasons, both in combination and separately, can be a factor in reducing body temperature.
  4. The reasons for this phenomenon may be chronic diseases , it is the moment when they progress. This includes vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  5. Also, a decrease in temperature can occur when a large amount of alcohol in the blood , or with dysfunction of the brain, which may be associated with serious illness brain and general organism person.

Low temperature in a child is called hypothermia ... This disease is characterized by impaired regulation of body temperature.

Causes of low body temperature in a child.

The reasons for the decrease in temperature are very varied. Very often premature babies suffer from a low temperature, but this is not a serious problem for them. Since, due to prematurity, children find it difficult to adapt to the environment, and that is why the child's temperature goes down. It can also be the cause of the child's whims and "sluggish" behavior.

Low temperature is a very common occurrence in newborn children, they were just born and cannot immediately adapt to the environment, which is why the temperature also decreases.

All other cases can characterize such reasons for this phenomenon as:

  1. Reduced immunity of the child, or lack of certain vitamins.
  2. Long-term illness, or the progression of a chronic illness.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  4. Cold.
  5. Intoxication of the body can occur as a result of poisoning.

A decrease in the child's body temperature below normal can also be observed in the case of hypothermia of the body , which occurs if:

    the child is lightly dressed for a long time on the street,

    the child is in the water for a long time, this is a very common phenomenon in summer. - the child is outdoors for a long time in damp clothes,

Symptoms of low body temperature.

It is very difficult to determine a decrease in temperature, if we immediately determine a high temperature by the reading of a thermometer, then a low one can be determined by symptoms, as well as changes in the body.

Symptoms of a low temperature include a simple malaise of the body, weakness, and increased nervousness. Usually a person who has a low temperature in the morning does not feel vigor, he is tired, he treats everyone irritably, is constantly nervous, and also cannot complete any business, as he gets tired very quickly.

A low temperature is a provocateur of the body's mental reactions, therefore a person with a low temperature reacts very slowly to any situations, and also cannot accurately answer the questions posed. This state is also accompanied by a person's inclination to sleep, which he cannot cope with on his own.

If the low temperature lasts for a certain period and does not rise to normal, then one should already look for the reason for its decrease. Very often the reason is hypothermia, and if this is really the case, then it is necessary to warm the person, and then immediately go to the doctor's office. If you cannot establish the cause on your own, then you must immediately visit a doctor, it is recommended to do this immediately, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Symptoms of low body temperature in a child.

If the child has a low temperature, then he is apathetic, he has Bad mood, he will stop playing, complains of a headache, and refusal to eat may also follow.

If such symptoms are observed, then it is worth measuring the child's temperature, in case of a low temperature, you should consult a doctor for advice, and also undergo an examination.

What to do if the body temperature is lowered?

If a woman has a low temperature, then at the beginning she needs to check if she is pregnant, there are a lot of testing methods, since a drop in temperature can be a sign of pregnancy. You can also just go for a consultation at the hospital.

If the body temperature has dropped for no reason, then you just need to sleep, or go in for sports and take a contrast shower.

To do this, contact your therapist. Perhaps in such cases, herbal treatment. Tinctures from herbs of motherwort, valerian, ginseng, drink them two to three times a day. Also, such a drink will contribute to the overall normalization of the nervous system. The constantly lowered temperature already requires examination.

You can take such pharmacy preparations like persen, normoxan, pantocrine. They are taken according to the annotation that comes with each medicine.

It is possible to add to everything remedial gymnastics, correct regime day, as well as hardening.

In some cases, taking hot green tea helps, after which it is recommended to go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

It is possible that a low temperature is a consequence of a lack of vitamins, so take more foods that contain vitamins, and also drink vitamins in tablets.

Low body temperature in a child, what to do?

Low body temperature in a child

If a decrease in temperature in your child is observed often, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. If this happened in a single case, then it is necessary:

  • remove the reasons that could cause hypothermia of the child, that is, if he is cold, then urgently need to warm him up, wrap him in a blanket, and give him a hot drink.
  • when the temperature is lowered at infant, it can be warmed by hugging it and fed with breast milk.

But, even if a low temperature is an isolated case, it is still necessary to consult a doctor so that he can establish the cause of its occurrence. After all, it is possible that the reason for the sharp drop in temperature is a disease that is early stages easier to cure and that is why you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of low body temperature.

So that the body temperature does not drop, you need to exercise more often, eat more vitamins, and also monitor your body.

It will have a very beneficial effect on your body proper nutrition, as well as the daily routine.

Try to get yourself some rest during the day and not overwork.

If you feel that your body is on the verge of overwork, then experts advise to postpone everything and just relax, drink hot tea and sleep, during sleep your body will normalize its work, and the body temperature will recover. This will deprive you of fatigue, as well as overwork.

Prevention of low temperature in a child.

The most important and common reason for a decrease in the temperature of a child is weak immunity... Therefore, parents should pay due attention to children, namely the natural resistance of their body to viruses.

    It is necessary to temper the child, at least once a week to carry out the hardening procedure.

    Play sports with your child, make sure that the classes are regular or at least once a week. It all depends on the state and physical activity child.

    Your child's nutrition should be balanced. Every day he needs to receive a large number of vitamins and nutrients, which are necessary.

In general, low body temperature is not as noticeable as it seems at first glance. But even it is accompanied by a number of symptoms, knowing which it is possible to determine this deviation of the organism.

It's not a secret for anyone that a low temperature can be an individual feature of the human body, if at a low temperature a person feels very well and does not observe himself typical symptoms, then for this person such a temperature is the norm.

In any case, no matter how a person feels, good or bad, you just have to visit a doctor and go through a full medical examination... Doctors must establish the exact cause of this phenomenon, as well as prescribe treatment themselves, which can be different for each person, taking into account his symptoms.

If a low temperature is normal, treatment is not required, the doctor himself will announce to you that this is the norm for your body. Take your health, as well as the health of your children, seriously, and do not lose sight of such seemingly insignificant situations.

Everyone knows what thirty-six and six is. This is considered to be the normal human temperature. Also, everyone knows that if the reading of the thermometer is higher or lower than this value, then this is a sign possible problems with health. But the question of how much this reading should differ from 36.6 ° C in order to see a doctor is often difficult. Let's see what temperatures are considered normal, low and high by modern medicine.

The number 36.6 was obtained at the end of the 19th century as the average statistical result of measurements in the armpit of a large number of people. You can focus on "36.6", but the difference is a few tenths of a degree not indicative of abnormality.

According to doctors, when determining the normal thermal state of the human body, attention should be paid to the following main factors:

  • age;
  • method of measurement;
  • daily and seasonal biorhythms;
  • current intensity of physical activity or mental activity.

Upper bounds normal values when measured under the arm according to age are shown in the following table.

In addition, a woman's body is usually 0.5 ° C warmer than a man's.

Should be considered and measuring method... Compared to the reading of the thermometer under the arm, the value measured in the mouth is 0.5 ° C higher; but in the ear, vagina or anus- by about 1.0 ° C.

Have healthy person daily fluctuations are also normal: in the evening the human body is a few tenths of a degree colder than in the morning.

It is normal to slightly exceed 36.6 ° C with intense physical or mental activity, with stress, fear, excess positive emotions, when having sex.

Temperatures less than 35.0 ° C are considered low. A person experiences weakness and malaise, drowsiness and fatigue.

The most common cause is hypothermia, hypothermia in cold weather or in water. In this case trembling appears in the body and numbness of the limbs, especially fingers and toes. To normalize the state of the body with hypothermia, warm clothing and hot drinks are enough.

Another common cause is the flu or cold. Strong organism usually fights them off by producing heat, thereby "burning through" the infection and removing it through sweat. But if the immunity is reduced and the body is weakened and it does not have the strength to fight the infection, then there is a decrease in body temperature. It is important not to waste time on self-medication, but to see a doctor.

There may be other reasons for a drop in body temperature:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • problems in the hormonal sphere, decreased functionality of the thyroid gland, problems with the adrenal glands;
  • abuse of drugs and dietary supplements;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depletion of the body or lack of vitamins;
  • great blood loss;
  • radiation sickness;
  • HIV infection.

If the temperature drops during pregnancy and lactation, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Hyperthermia and fever

Depending on the cause of the high temperature, modern medicine singles out hyperthermia and fever.


Hyperthermia is overheating of the body due to excessive external heat or poor heat exchange with the environment. The body reacts by dilating the skin vessels, profuse sweating and others physiological mechanisms thermoregulation.

If the causes of hyperthermia are not eliminated, then heating the body to 42 ° C can lead to heatstroke, and in the case of people with cardiovascular diseases, even death.


Fever (in Latin "febris") is an increase in temperature, which is a protective reaction of the body to pathogenic effect... Common causes are:

  • viral infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • tissue and joint injuries;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory or endocrine systems;
  • weakened immunity;
  • allergy.

In young children, the temperature often rises during teething.

Medical classification high temperature is presented in the table.

Temperature dynamics are monitored by temperature curves.

Temperature curves

Temperature versus time plots are called temperature curves. They play an important role in diagnosis and prognosis. The horizontal axis shows the time values, the vertical axis shows the temperature values. Temperature curve classification is given in the table.

Fever typeLatin nameTemperature curve dynamics
ConstantFebris continuaFluctuations in pyretic or febrile body temperature in the range of 1 ° C.
Laxative (remitting)Febris remittensDaily fluctuations over 2 ° C.
Intermittent (intermittent)Febris intermittensCycles of a sharp rise to pyretic values ​​and a rapid decline to normal.
Exhausting (hectic)Febris hecticaDaily fluctuations are greater than 3 ° C, that is, higher than with relapsing fever. Rapid decline to normal and subnormal values.
ReturnableFebris recurrensRapid growth, then lasts for several days and decreases to normal. After a while, a new cycle.
UndulatingFebris undulansUnlike recurrent fever, a gradual increase and decrease.
PervertedFebris in versaEvening temperatures are lower than morning temperatures.
Wrong The most common type of fever. Chaotic dynamics.

If you are abroad, keep in mind that in the USA, Canada and a number of other countries, they do not use Celsius (° C), but Fahrenheit (° F). 36.6 ° C corresponds to 98 ° F; 0 ° C (ice melting) - 32 ° F; 100 ° C (boiling water) - 212 ° F.

Thermoregulation is one of the most important abilities of our body. The temperature is maintained by the body's forces at a certain level, reflecting its ability to produce heat and exchange with the environment. During the day, the temperature level can fluctuate, but only slightly. This is due to the metabolic rate: by the morning it is minimal, and in the late afternoon it rises by about 0.5 ° C.

Healthy person's temperature

WITH early childhood we know that the normal human temperature is 36.6 ° C. A slight deviation in one direction or another is allowed. Depending on the human condition, microclimate, daily rhythm and other parameters, it can range from 35.5 to 37.4 ° C. The average temperature level of women is slightly higher than that of men by 0.5-0.7 ° C.

Body temperature can differ among representatives of different nationalities: for example, for the Japanese, its average value is 36 ° С, for the Australians - about 37. В different parts body readings of the thermometer also differ: in the armpit they are lower than on the toes.

During the day, the temperature of the same person can vary by up to one degree. The lowest value is reached at 4-6 am and the highest at 4-8 pm. In women, the temperature can vary depending on the day of the cycle. For some people, 38 ° C is considered a normal variant and is not a sign of any disease.

Normal temperature the human body is kept at the same level due to the work of the hypothalamus and the thyroid gland: thyroid hormones are responsible for metabolic processes. Estradiol affects basal temperature, it decreases with an increase in its amount. The thermoregulation process is very complex and deviations from the norm should alert you right away. An increase or decrease in temperature indicates that there are problems in the body that must be urgently dealt with.

Extremely low temperature

It is worth worrying when the thermometer reads less than 35.2 ° C. At a temperature of about 32.2 ° C, a person feels stunned, 29.5 - loses consciousness, and 26.5 leads to death in most cases.

Hypothermia can be caused by one of the following factors:

  • disruption of the thermoregulatory centers in the central nervous system. This happens with brain lesions. organic: for tumors, injuries.
  • hypothyroidism.
  • paralysis, paresis, which lead to a decrease muscle mass and, consequently, to a decrease in heat production.
  • exhausting diets, fasting lead to the fact that the body does not have enough energy to generate heat.
  • hypothermia - a long stay of a person in conditions of low temperature, when the body's own regulatory mechanisms cannot cope with thermoregulation.
  • dehydration: a lack of fluid in the body leads to a decrease in metabolism.
  • alcohol: ethanol disrupts all brain functions, including thermoregulatory functions.
  • ionizing radiation: free radicals affect the metabolism, resulting in a decrease in body temperature.

A moderate decrease in temperature (up to 35.3 ° C) may be due to the following reasons:

  • overwork, prolonged physical and mental stress, chronic fatigue.
  • disturbed diet, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity.
  • hormonal problems, pregnancy, menopause, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.
  • violation carbohydrate metabolism against the background of liver diseases.

Subfebrile temperature

Do not underestimate a slight (37 - 37.5 ° C) increase in temperature: it may not pose any threat, but it may indicate serious violations in the body. Therefore, it is important to find out the reason for this condition.

Subfebrile conditions can lead to:

  • hard strenuous work in a hot environment, playing sports;
  • sauna, hot bath, bath, solarium;
  • increased production thyroid hormones, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism;
  • viruses, colds;
  • hot, spicy food;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases.

For a long subfebrile temperature lead and serious illnesses that pose a threat to human life. Tuberculosis, oncology in the early stages give a slight increase in temperature as one of the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is very important not to knock it down, but to see a doctor to find out the reasons. At the same time, symptoms such as weakness, sweating, weight loss and inflammation of the lymph nodes should be especially alarming. Additional examination will help identify the cause and eliminate it in time.

Febrile temperature

A temperature above 37.6 ° C indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. Thus, the body fights against pathogens and creates unfavorable conditions for their existence. Therefore, you should not immediately knock it down with medication. Up to 38.5 ° C, you can simply drink a lot of water to reduce the concentration of toxins - so they are excreted from the body with sweat and urine.

Pyretic temperature

Temperatures over 39 ° C indicate an acute inflammatory process... If the thermometer reads more than 39, doctors recommend starting taking antipyretics (the most popular drug is aspirin). In this state, convulsions are possible, so you need to be more attentive to those people who have concomitant diseases.

Frequent culprits of this condition are bacteria, viruses that enter the body during burns, injuries, hypothermia, by airborne droplets... The doctor can say exactly about this, having previously taken all the tests. At high temperature a person feels weakness, loss of strength, headache, chills, body aches. Appetite is greatly reduced, sweating and arrhythmia are observed.

Hyperpyretic temperature

An alarm should be sounded if the thermometer mark has crept over 40.3 ° C. This condition is life threatening and requires the immediate intervention of doctors. The critical temperature is 42 ° C: the metabolism in the brain tissues is disrupted, which leads to death.

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