Vegetovascular dystonia: how can you get rid of forever at home? How to treat vegetovascular dystonia yourself at home

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD, neurocirculatory dysfunction) - a violation nervous system, which is characterized general violation health and condition of the patient. Dystonia is manifested by violations in the work of many organs and systems of the body. In most cases VSD is detected in childhood and adolescence (5-15 years), more about this in our separate.

Patients often present with many different complaints. But at comprehensive examination the patient does not find any changes in the organs, since the symptoms occur with deviations in the structure and functions of the autonomic nervous system.


Individuals suffering from VVD may complain of pain, interruptions in the work of the heart, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, as well as headache and dizziness.

The resulting symptoms depend on the type of autonomic disorders: sympathicotonia or vagotonia.

The patient is characterized by increased fatigue, weakness, lethargy, sleep disturbance by the type of insomnia or drowsiness, depressed mood. Also, the patient has signs of violations of the work of various organs and systems. From the side of disorders of the nervous system appear, fainting and fever up to 37.5 C and above are frequent. Disorders in the work of the digestive tract are represented by pain in the abdomen, disruption of the intestines. From the side of the cardiovascular system, disorders are manifested by pain in the region of the heart, or by the appearance of heart murmurs. In case of violations in the respiratory system, breathing difficulties appear, o with slight exertion. Signs of disorders in the urinary system are often a tendency to increase the amount of urination at night.

Signs of dystonia can be detected at any age, but more often the disease occurs in girls 7-8 years old.

Vegetovascular dystonia can be latent, have a constant course or be in the form of seizures (vegetative crises).

Crises often occur with increased emotional stress, mental and physical strain in various infectious diseases. They can be long-term or short-term (from several minutes to several hours).


It is impossible to diagnose the patient himself at home.

In the clinic, for the diagnosis, they begin to examine the organs, the violations of which disturb the patient. It is advisable to start the survey by deciphering clinical analyzes blood and urine. Then, various tests are carried out to detect disorders of the autonomic nervous system, electrocardiography and echocardiography are performed to detect lesions of the heart, various breathing tests can be performed to detect disorders in the respiratory system, to detect disorders in digestive tract ultrasound can be done abdominal cavity. Also, to assess the function of the central nervous system, it is advisable to conduct electroencephalography, echoencephalography.

Also, a special role in the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is given to hereditary burden for this disease. At the same time, neurodermatitis is often found in the families of children of vagotonics, and hypertension in children with sympathicotonia,.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, consultations of many specialists are necessary, such as a neurologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, ENT doctor, and sometimes a psychiatrist.

Almost everyone who has vegetovascular dystonia is weather dependent: they often get worse general state when the weather changes. The disease is often accompanied by a feeling of fear, panic, fear of death.

The main factor in the development of the disease is genetic predisposition, but if , then the development of the disease can be avoided. For example, patients with vegetovascular dystonia who have high blood pressure should limit their intake of salt, fried and fatty foods, flour products. Patients with low blood pressure need to limit the intake of foods with, sodium and potassium. And it is also necessary to deal with, observe sleep and wakefulness, avoid overwork and stress.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

Persons with VVD should lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress, and receive as many positive emotions as possible.

Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive, include the use of medicines, as well as compliance with a rational regime of work and rest, moderate physical activity, a positive emotional mood.

Preference in the treatment of the disease is given to non-drug methods of treatment. A positive effect is provided by therapeutic massage, acupuncture, water procedures, physiotherapeutic methods.

You can try to reduce the manifestations of the disease with the help of medicinal herbs, such as ginseng root, eleutherococcus, leuzea, zamaniha, aralia, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian.

With inefficiency non-drug methods appoint pharmaceuticals. These drugs are selected individually for each patient, start with minimal doses and gradually bring to the desired concentration. Particular attention is paid to getting rid of chronic foci of infection in the body, treatment of endocrine and other pathologies.

Various sedatives, antidepressants are widely used for treatment; drugs that help restore normal blood supply to the brain; it is necessary to take various vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is necessary to carry out constant monitoring of patients with vegetovascular dystonia, it is necessary to examine them in the clinic once every 3-6 months and more often, depending on the form and severity of the disease, and most carefully in spring and autumn, and prescribe a set of therapeutic measures at this time.

With the timely detection and treatment of patients, as well as compliance with all preventive advice the prognosis is favorable. With the progressive course of the disease, it is possible to form the pathology of various organs and systems that adversely affect the quality of life of the patient, as well as leading to his social disadaptation.

Which doctor to contact

Patients with vegetovascular dystonia are usually treated by a neurologist. Additionally, consultations of a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist are appointed. The treatment involves a physiotherapist, a specialist in physiotherapy exercises and massage, a reflexologist.

Harbingers of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) are heart palpitations, shortness of breath, feeling of a lump in the throat. In addition to the primary signs of the disease, secondary consequences may appear in the form of peptic ulcer, heart disease. A prerequisite for the development of VVD can be not only an infection, diseases of the spine, but even stress.

Reference! According to medical data, it has been established that almost 80% of people suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia..

This is a symptom complex of individual ailments that are associated with neurology, hormonal indicators, and somatics. The second unofficial name is sensitive heart disease. Therefore, we can conclude that this is a disease that develops on the basis of regular nervous experiences.

The characteristic features of VSD are:

  • headache that occurs very often;
  • unjustified appearance of a feeling of inner fear;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive sweating;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm failures;
  • often cold extremities;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • loss of strength and constant lethargy;
  • shortness of breath.

Treatment of VVD is not simple enough, therefore it is necessary not only to stop the symptoms that have manifested, but also to eliminate the main cause of the development of the disease. The patient must understand that the therapy will be long-term, but without the need for hospitalization.

Attention! During the treatment of VVD, it should be remembered that the disease develops primarily due to regular stress, anxiety, worries, unstable emotional state therefore additional psychotherapy may be required.

When does the disease become dangerous?

If we consider the disease as a whole, then it does not pose any danger to the patient. But, when the syndrome is supplemented by a chronic disease, there are complications in the course of VVD and restrictions in carrying out some medical procedures. Based on this, several types of VSD are distinguished.

Heart disease leads to hypertonic type. In this case, the patient must constantly monitor the indicators of blood pressure. After all, a sharp increase in blood pressure can become a critical moment. To do this, it is best to limit excessive fluid intake, especially hot herbal drinks (with properties that increase blood pressure), as well as exercise.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, caution should be exercised in the use of herbal medicine, if there are suggestions for VVD. Plants that can irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the course of treatment. When in parallel with the VVD there are violations in the work endocrine system, then non-traditional treatment is strictly prohibited in order to avoid serious complications. An equally dangerous combination is VVD in traumatic brain injury, so the patient is recommended to be under the supervision of a specialist. In this case, a diet, the use of herbal medicine and the main drug course of treatment will be prescribed. Therefore, the treatment of VVD in various combinations with ailments requires a special approach.

Changing lifestyle with CVD

Since the disease depends on nervous experiences, first of all, experts advise to reconsider the character and become a less emotional person. Additionally, you can be distracted by a hobby, which will help not only not to pay attention to stressful situations, but also to relax. You can do yoga for this.

It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, including morning exercises (walking in the morning, warm-up) and the rejection of bad habits(alcohol and tobacco only aggravate the condition of the vessels). Massage techniques in the cervical-collar zone will help improve blood circulation and thus oxygenate the brain.

The main manifestations of VVD can be eliminated with the help of breathing exercises. This is explained by the fact that the lack of oxygen is one of the root causes of the development of this disorder. Convenience this method is that the procedure does not require any special devices.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova's method:

  1. The patient should sit comfortably.
  2. Bends arms and legs, and palms turn away from you.
  3. While clenching the fists, a deep breath is taken, when the fists are unclenched, you can exhale.
  4. In one session, you need to take eight deep breaths (20 sets).

It is important to follow a diet during the treatment period, which is based on buckwheat, herbs, vegetables (especially carrots), and dried fruits. To prevent headaches, you need to consume citrus fruits as often as possible, which stimulate blood flow. To improve the condition of the vascular system, you should follow a milk diet.

When a patient has attacks of fear, there is a panic, you can attend special auto-trainings, after which the patient will be able to overcome fears, become much more self-confident. Auto-trainings are based on the methods of Levy, Kurpatov. In addition, psychological training helps to eliminate panic attacks, which are a common occurrence in VVD.

Recommendations for improving the condition in various types of VVD attacks

Hypertensivehigh pressure indicators;
violation of the pulse;
emotional overexcitation;
heart pain;
panic attacks
First of all, the patient needs to pull himself together, calm down, since it is panic that contributes to the renewal of the VVD memory, which leads to subsequent ensuing consequences.

Most often, patients are haunted by the fear of a heart attack, there is a panic about a possible imminent death. Therefore, if the panic attack is not eliminated, then the patient's condition will worsen critically.

Urgent relaxation is needed, which can be done through breathing exercises. To begin with, the patient needs to take a comfortable position, disconnect from unnecessary thoughts and begin to imagine how relaxation occurs from top to bottom, while it is recommended to take breaths. It is also recommended to carry out head massages for the patient, activating biologically active points. Just as important are outdoor walks and hot baths.

hypotonicthere is a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
a sudden panic attack occurs;
the patient has an unreasonable desire to cry
Due to the influence of any irritant, the thoughts of the dominant are activated, which provoke a panic state. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary to take cold and hot shower, spend ten minutes of breathing exercises, conduct auto-training
Cardiacan attack of severe pain in the chest;
occurrence panic thoughts
Similar manipulations are carried out to calm down and put thoughts in order to eliminate a panic attack. Take a warm-hot shower and massage the cervical-collar area
Vagotonicaccompanied by severe headaches;
the emergence of panic thoughts and internal anxiety;
fear of imminent death;
overexcitation is replaced by self-isolation
To improve the condition, a warm shower is recommended on the occipital area for ten minutes, and after a head massage with an effect on active points. Headaches can be blocked by taking a hot foot bath with sea salt.
Mixedcan be characterized by both low and high blood pressure;
there is pain behind the sternum;
the patient may be too overexcited or inhibited;
uncontrollable panic thoughts
AT this case help calm down breathing exercises in the form of an elongated warm exhalation. Gymnastics should be used after taking a hot shower (depending on the pressure, there may be a contrast shower). Also shown autotraining

Treatment with drugs (what medications are effective for VVD)

The course of treatment should include two main vectors of direction - the first, based on admission medicines that eliminate the underlying cause (diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands) and the second - for the direct treatment of VVD and blocking panic attacks.

Drug groupName and application
sedatives1. Based on extracts of medicinal plants (Motherwort and Valerian).
2. For adults general action(Persen, Sedafiton).
3. strong action(Barboval, Valocardin)
tranquilizersIt is recommended to take with persistent nervous disorders, after severe stress.

1. Buspirone.
2. Adaptol

AntipsychoticsThey are used to normalize blood pressure and stabilize the heart rate, as well as reduce irritability.

1. Ridazine.
2. Neurispin

sleeping pillsWith VVD, sleep disturbance is observed, followed by headaches, therefore, to eliminate them, it is necessary to take sleeping pills.

1. Donormil.
2. Zolpidem

NootropicsThey are used to improve memory and eliminate dizziness.

1. Pantogam.
2. Piracetam

NeurometabolitesThe action is similar to the effect of nootropics.

1. Actovegin.
2. Cerebroside

CerebroangiocorrectorsNormalize blood circulation in the brain.

1. Stugeron.
2. Oxybral.
3. Cavinton

To lower blood pressure1. Anaprilin.
2. Metoprolol.
3. Bisoprolol
To increase blood pressure1. Mezaton.
2. Ginseng tincture.
3. Lemongrass tincture
For metabolism in the heartIf during attacks there is pain in the chest.

1. Riboxin.
2. Mildronate.
3. Hawthorn

VegetotropicTaken for general improvement.

1. Bellataminal.
2. Bellaspon.
3. Platifillin

AntioxidantsI promote cerebral circulation.

1. Mexidol.
2. Kratal.
3. Succinic acid

vitaminsNecessary for the complex treatment of VVD and improvement of the state of the nervous system.

1. Neurovitan.
2. Neurorubin.
3. Neurobex

Note! All of the above drugs should be taken as prescribed by a specialist in certain dosages. The duration of admission is also determined by the doctor, while the patient is prohibited from interrupting therapy on his own.

Video - Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Physiotherapy at home

The use of physiotherapy helps to minimize the use of drugs. It is recommended to take this course in a sanatorium, but if it is not possible, you can resort to independent procedures. To do this, you can use a contrast shower or, depending on the indicators of blood pressure, hot-warm.

But, in general, the patient needs to undergo electrophoresis, paraffin baths, acupuncture.


If a patient is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then nutrition is important, which directly affects the patient's condition. It is very important to exclude foods that can excite the nervous system - first of all, alcohol and caffeinated drinks, fried, spicy, fast foods. After seven in the evening, food intake is not recommended for those suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

To improve the condition, you can reduce weight with unloading days. A starvation diet is strictly contraindicated, because in this case the body will receive even more stress.

The use of folk methods

In addition to the main treatment regimen, you can use folk recipe based medicinal plants. The duration of such alternative treatment should take place within four weeks.

  1. To prepare the decoction, you will need to take twenty grams of lingonberry and bearberry leaves, sixty grams of horsetail and strawberries, forty grams of wild rose (fruits) and nettles, ten grams of rose petals.
  2. All the above ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water. It will take half a liter of water.
  3. Then boil over low heat for half an hour, but do not bring to a boil. After cooling, the decoction is ready for use.
  4. It is recommended to take daily in the amount of one hundred and fifty milliliters.

The second recipe involves the use of dill and valerian. These plants are rich in vitamins such as C, PP, B6. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a glass of already dried dill and only two tablespoons of valerian, pour boiling water (one liter). You can store in a thermos. Treatment involves taking a decoction three times a day, one spoon daily for three weeks.

Video - How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia


For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take a herbal decoction of half a cup twice a day. For cooking, you need to take the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio (rose hips, birch buds, chamomile, St. John's wort, elecampane). The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, and then boiled for one minute. Upon preparation, the broth is filtered. The prophylactic course lasts for one month, after which no VVD attacks are observed.

Note! This decoction can be bitter, so you can add a small amount of honey to it, which will significantly improve the taste.

If a breakdown in VVD

This recipe will help eliminate one of the main symptoms of VVD - the feeling of rapid drowning. To do this, a glass of oat grains is taken and poured with warm water to form a slurry and boil. After readiness, the liquid is drained, mixed with milk (one hundred grams) and honey (one spoon). In one day, you should drink up to four glasses of oatmeal liquid. Takes at least one month.

If insomnia with VVD

To normalize sleep, you need to take thirty drops of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and dilute in a glass of water. This medicinal mixture of sedative action is taken twice a day for twelve days.

Attention! Taking sedatives excludes work that requires increased attention.

Thus, VVD is not a sentence and can be treated at home, the main thing is timely assistance for panic attacks.

Read in the article:

VSD can be cured without medication in 70% of cases

Vegeto - vascular dystonia (VVD), or neurocirculatory dysfunction - a pathological condition of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in insufficient supply of organs and tissues with oxygen.

According to doctors, about 80% of people of all ages experience these or other signs of VVD.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: symptoms and signs ^

The autonomic (autonomic) nervous system, located in the spinal cord and brain, is the most important part of the human body - it completely coordinates the activities of all internal organs, vessels and endocrine glands and ensures their adaptation to changes external environment.

In particular, the autonomic nervous system regulates blood pressure, heart contractions, body temperature, composition and volume of interstitial fluid, blood flow, metabolic processes, feeling of thirst, hunger and satiety, sweat gland function, kidney function, muscle tone of internal organs, circadian (daily) rhythms and much more.

For vegetovascular dystonia, which is a consequence of a violation of vascular tone, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • psychoneurological symptoms of VVD - weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, low performance, dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, fainting, decreased sexual activity, panic attacks;
  • thermoregulatory symptoms of VVD associated with impaired sweating and thermoregulation - spontaneous increase in body temperature, excessive sweating, fever, hot flashes, or, conversely, chilliness of the extremities;
  • vascular - instability of arterial and venous pressure;
  • cardiological - interruptions in the work of the heart, rapid heart rate and pain in the region of the heart;
  • respiratory (respiratory) - shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest and a feeling of lack of air;
  • dyspeptic symptoms of VVD - a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea), urination disorders and gallbladder dyskinesia.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: types and causes ^

The best prevention of vegetative - vascular dystonia - a healthy lifestyle

Despite the fact that unified classification VVD does not exist, it is customary to divide the following types of vegetative - vascular dystonia:

By the nature of the flow of vegetative - vascular dystonia is classified into the following forms:

  • permanent form of IRR - proceeds without sharp jumps in the patient's condition;
  • paroxysmal, or paroxysmal - manifests itself in the form of attacks (crises or panic attacks), in the intervals between attacks, the manifestations of the disease are almost invisible;
  • mixed VVD (permanent-paroxysmal) - combines signs of permanent and paroxysmal forms;
  • latent, or latent form - with this type of VVD, the disease may not manifest itself in any way for quite a long time, before the appearance of provoking factors (stress, illness, overwork).

Depending on the disorders of the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertensive type, or vegeto - vascular dystonia of hypertensive type. Accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure (145/90 - 175/95 mm Hg), sometimes with palpitations, sudden agitation, chills, symptoms of a panic attack; moreover, the pressure can increase not only during periods of emotional stress, but also in a state of complete rest;
  • hypotensive type, or vegeto - vascular dystonia of hypotonic type. In this case, blood pressure is significantly lower than normal and reaches 100/50 and even up to 90/45 mm Hg. Art. and is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, fatigue of the patient, sometimes fainting;
  • normotensive, or cardiac (cardiac) type does not depend on blood pressure, but is determined by palpitations (slow heart rate or, conversely, rapid heart rate, sensations of fading and interruptions in the work of the heart), as well as pain in the chest region;
  • the mixed type of VVD combines several symptoms and signs characteristic of different types at the same time.

Depending on the cause of vegetative - vascular dystonia, the following types of VVD are distinguished:

  • hereditary,
  • infectious-allergic,
  • post-traumatic,
  • psychogenic (as a reaction of the body to stress or a traumatic situation),
  • as well as resulting from excessive emotional or physical overstrain.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: treatment and diagnosis ^

The success depends largely on the timely and correct diagnosis of VVD. further treatment. If you are experiencing the following symptoms:

  • frequent paroxysmal headaches,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • fatigue,
  • insomnia,
  • causeless anxiety,
  • fear,
  • jumps in blood pressure and heart rate,
  • "lump in the throat,
  • dyspnea,
  • pain in the heart and abdomen,
  • as well as cold or numb limbs.

- all these are possible symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia, requiring immediate medical attention.

No need to listen to the harmful advice of friends and acquaintances like "VSD is not a disease and will pass without treatment." Doctors claim that untreated dystonia is very dangerous, as it can be complicated by panic attacks and other serious disorders that occur on an erroneous command of the autonomic nervous system and deplete the nervous system.

With panic attacks (sympathoadrenal crisis), a person suddenly (most often in a crowded place) begins to tremble, suffocate and become covered with cold sweat. At the same time, he has a wild fear of death, his heart is pounding furiously and his blood pressure rises.

VSD in adolescents

Vegeto - vascular dystonia in children and adolescents requires special attention from parents and doctors. The first symptoms of the disease are usually seen early childhood- such children often get sick, conflict, capricious, do not tolerate any stress (physical, intellectual, emotional) and are prone to sudden mood swings.

Symptoms of VVD in adolescents also cannot be attributed to adolescence and expect that they will go away on their own.

  • If a teenager is emotionally unstable,
  • sweating profusely,
  • easily turns pale or blushes,
  • experiencing hot flashes and pressure surges

- according to doctors, these are nothing more than signs vegetative dystonia Therefore, urgent measures are required to level its manifestations.

Diagnosis of vegetative - vascular dystonia

To correctly diagnose VVD, it is necessary to exclude somatic (organic) diseases that give similar symptoms.

  • For example, to exclude thyroid disease (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism), an ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland is performed and blood is taken for its hormonal activity.
  • Sometimes it is required to do an ECG (electrocardiogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), vascular dopplerography (ultrasound of the cerebral vessels), visit an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist.
  • And only after the exclusion somatic diseases and full confirmation of the diagnosis of VVD, the doctor can prescribe individual treatment.
  • Treatment of VVD should be carried out in a complex and in close cooperation of the patient with a neuropathologist, internist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, sometimes with a gynecologist.

If treatment is started on time, at the very first stages of the disease, then the prognosis is very favorable and it is often possible to do without the use of medications. According to doctors, despite the widespread prevalence of VVD, in professional treatment need no more than 1/3 of patients.

Treatment of vegetative - vascular dystonia should begin with the organization correct mode day and a complex of restorative measures, which, with their regular use, give an excellent therapeutic and healing effect:

  • The duration of uninterrupted night sleep should be at least 8 - 9 hours, in addition, it is advisable to rest, if possible, a few hours during the day.
  • Physical activity should be regular and moderate, to the point of feeling slightly tired, especially with high blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg). Useful swimming, cycling, light running (excluding jumping), hiking, aerobics, skiing.
  • Massage of the head, collar area and back, in the absence of contraindications and after consultation with a doctor, gives a good therapeutic effect. You can additionally use applicators for massage (Lyapko, Kuznetsova).
  • Daily contrast showers and exposure to sunlight (phototherapy) are very helpful.

Diet for vegetative - vascular dystonia

  • Nutrition for VVD should be balanced and contain the physiologically necessary amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and trace elements, potassium and magnesium are especially necessary in the diet.
  • Potassium is found in tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beets, eggplants, beans, sorrel, dill, rhubarb, apricots, prunes, figs, raisins.
  • Sources of magnesium can be nuts, beans, soybeans, carrots, rose hips and whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat).
  • Salty, spicy, smoked dishes, strong tea, coffee, chocolate should be excluded from the menu as much as possible, and animal fats should be replaced with vegetable ones.

If the normalization of the regimen and nutrition do not give the desired effect, doctors have many modern effective drugs in their arsenal:

  • antihypertensive drugs (lowering blood pressure),
  • beta blockers (for tachycardia),
  • neuroprotectors (activators of brain metabolism),
  • antioxidants (protect cells from oxidation and destruction),
  • drugs to improve blood circulation,
  • tranquilizers (having a sedative, i.e. calming effect),
  • antidepressants to help relieve depression and anxiety.

Treatment of VVD at home and prevention ^

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia folk remedies can be a good addition to drug therapy, but must be assigned as medical preparations, by your doctor:

  • The sedative effect of hawthorn, motherwort, oregano, valerian, peony, red viburnum, mint, hops, lemon balm, pine needles is widely known - they are good to use in the hypertensive type in the form of teas, decoctions and baths.
  • In the hypotonic type and in the absence of insomnia, you can use tonic plants that increase blood pressure and performance - eleutherococcus, ginseng, Schisandra chinensis.
  • With low blood pressure, pearl and aromatic baths, circular and contrast showers are useful.

In addition, a patient with VVD must learn how to relax properly - doctors recommend mastering the technique diaphragmatic breathing, which well relieves internal stress and improves blood supply to the heart and lungs.

  • You need to breathe superficially - at the expense of "one" inhale shallowly, sticking out your chest, and at the expense of "two - three" exhale deeply, drawing in your stomach.
  • Good relaxing effect special gymnastics, which allows you to relax first sequentially, and then simultaneously the muscles of the face, neck, shoulder girdle and back.

If the causes of dystonia are psychological disorders(stress, depression, chronic fatigue, neurosis, overwork), in addition to medication, it is advisable to visit a professional psychotherapist who, using well-established techniques such as hypnotherapy or behavioral therapy, will help get rid of fears, panic attacks and phobias and provide the necessary psychological assistance.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - how to resist?

"Therapy without hydrotherapy is a withered therapy, hiding its impotence under a mountain of poisonous or useless drugs."

A. Zalmanov "Secret wisdom of the human body."

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- these are violations in the work of the vascular system of the body, leading to insufficient supply of tissues and organs with oxygen.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs quite often - both in children (12-25%) and in adults (up to 70%). This is a consequence of the fact that the growing pace modern life requires full commitment internal resources and strength in the process of study and work.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can develop as a result of acute and chronic diseases, lack of sleep, overwork at work, improper diet, etc. However, its main cause is stress.

A hormonal surge and inconsistency in the rate of development of the muscular and cardiovascular systems in schoolchildren are superimposed on intensive study, especially during exams. A teenager may complain of dizziness, nausea, headaches - fortunately, such ailments are not dangerous and go away on their own with age.

In most adults, vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeds sluggishly, aggravating in the off-season, as well as with emotional breakdowns, overload or weakened immunity. Usually we do not take it too seriously - and in vain, since there is only one step from the first symptoms of VVD to the initial manifestations of insufficient blood supply to the brain, which means a significant increase in the risk of stroke - by 2-3 times.

Headaches, weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fainting, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day - all these warning signs are symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

With a more accurate diagnosis, three types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished:

- If, with general signs of fatigue, you sometimes have a feeling of lack of air, you complain of heartbeat interruptions, then this is vegetative-vascular dystonia of the cardiac type;

- The hypotensive form is characterized by low blood pressure, general weakness, headaches, cold fingers and toes, a tendency to faint;

- Periodic bursts of blood pressure indicate hypertensive vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Let's talk more about the symptoms. Since this disease is on the border of different diseases, it has the features of many ailments.

These are psychological disorders, and neurological, and cardiological, and vascular.

The first area is psychological. VSD appears in the form fatigue, psychological vulnerability, may be exacerbated personality traits(for example, in a person prone to shyness or anxiety, these character traits become more noticeable).

In second and third place are neurocardiological and vascular disorders. Their most common manifestations are: interruptions in the work of the heart (feeling that the heart "knocks", "freezes", etc.); cold hands and feet; excessive sweating; "jumps" in blood pressure; heaviness or pain in the head and temples; fainting states.

With VVD, changes in skin color are also observed. It becomes pale or bluish in color. And if you draw a pencil over the skin, then red or white marks appear that do not go away for some time. There are so-called nervous redness: after a person is nervous, red spots appear on the skin of the face, neck, chest, this happens more often in women.

Externally, VVD manifests itself not only on the skin, but also in the degree of dryness or moisture of the mucous membranes. For example, if a person is worried, his mouth dries up. Sometimes on nervous ground the temperature rises. Many internal organs are touched tangentially, for example, when stressed in the stomach, it can rumble. The urinary system can also respond to stress, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Metabolism is disturbed, a person can begin to lose weight.

People subject to VVD begin to feel the weather changes more sharply, they become "meteopaths".

What happens to the vessels during VVD? Their adequate response to internal processes in the body is disrupted and external influences. The most striking example is fainting. In this case, the vessels respond inadequately to fluctuations in the external and internal environment. As soon as a person stands up abruptly or in some other way changes the position of the body, he becomes dizzy and dark in his eyes, which in turn can lead to fainting. The fact is that normally the heart begins to drive blood faster: even a healthy person simply does not notice this through the vessels, because this is all fully regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The vessels narrow and expand exactly to the extent that the body needs at the moment.

With VVD, the vessels do not expand enough or contract more than necessary, which leads to the fact that insufficient oxygen and other necessary substances enter the brain with blood. A variety of pains that a person feels with VVD, most often headaches (migraine), back pains are associated with the functions of the LRC. In this zone there is also a center of deep pain sensitivity, which perceives impulses from the internal organs. This complex is a kind of filter, and a person does not perceive signals from internal organs. And when this center is weakened, the filter breaks, as it were, and the impulses enter the human consciousness, which begins to perceive all sorts of unpleasant sensations. For example, harmless impulses from a joint are perceived as extraneous sensations - pain. Such a person begins to perceive the internal processes of the body more sharply. He may sometimes feel his blood pressure rise or fall. If it is lowered, this is expressed in a weakening of vitality, fatigue, lethargy, poor health, weakness of the whole organism.

This is due to the fact that the vascular system does not fully supply the brain with blood. And with increased pressure, a person feels a headache, dizziness and other ailments. The reason is that there is already too much blood flowing to the brain. Protective spasms of blood vessels occur - the body thus protects the brain from the pressure of excess blood.

The risk of getting sick is primarily genetically predisposed people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, physiotherapeutic methods are mainly used. It can be hydromassage, physiotherapy exercises. Perhaps you should be interested in auto-training techniques, take a course of psychotherapy. With a serious manifestation of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, acupuncture, manual therapy, herbal medicine give good results.

It is necessary to activate the energy reserves of the body using hydrotherapeutic means, using a limited number of drugs. Hydrotherapy induces a normal distribution of body fluids in the various body cavities.

To overcome vascular problems it is necessary to revive the peripheral blood circulation, intensify the work of small capillaries. Violation of the physiology of scattered small capillaries is not a secondary factor, but, on the contrary, one of the main elements of a deep disorder of the body in any disease.

“If a remedy is found to dilate the capillaries when they are contracted by spasm, a remedy to stop the paralyzing atony when they are dilated, if a way is found to improve their insufficient permeability or curb their violent permeability, then the nutrition of tissues and cells will be improved, the supply of oxygen to the cells will be established, the drainage of tissues is facilitated, the energy balance of the affected tissues is increased; cells that are in a state of bionecrosis will be returned to life, and the elimination of cellular waste products will be ensured in order to avoid slow but dangerous protein intoxication.

“Water is the divinely restoring remedy of a nature that never makes mistakes, boldly, without confusion, internally and externally used, acts more fully and faster than any other remedy.”

W. Cannon.

In a complex of recreational activities for vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) in without fail includes physiotherapy. Hydrotherapy and electrotherapy are especially effective. If you need to receive procedures such as calcium iontophoresis, galvanic collar, electrosleep in a clinic or sanatorium, then hydrotherapy is available to everyone at home.

Hydrotherapy is extremely effective for the treatment functional disorders nervous system and rightfully enjoys preference not only among doctors (especially reasonable ones), but also among the patients themselves (the medicine is very pleasant).

Of course, hydrotherapy is not aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, but at relieving symptoms, but this is what is IMPORTANT for the patient. For him, the most important thing is precisely the disappearance or mitigation of the manifestations of the disease that torment him, and water can best cope with this.

“Hydrotherapy procedures with thermal and mechanical influences have a beneficial effect on the symptoms associated with functional disorders autonomic nervous system: improves muscle tone, increases muscle strength. Hydrotherapy in this way can serve as a measure to combat muscle fatigue, which at times manifests itself rather sharply in sufferers. It is also useful for those who seek to acquire beautiful figure- after all, fat burning occurs precisely due to active movement, a large muscle mass. Therefore, it is much easier for men to lose weight.

"Improvement vascular tone after hydrotherapy procedures, it has a positive effect on blood circulation. Temperature and mechanical stimuli affect the metabolic functions of the body, and hence, obviously, the effect of hydrotherapy in the sense of improving metabolic functions in the nervous system, freeing it from harmful products associated with fatigue.

The above two quotes are from the basic textbook by M. M. Anikin and G. S. Varshaver "Fundamentals of Physiotherapy", Medgiz 1950.


Russian sauna- not quite home, but a common means of self-help. It ranks first in terms of its beneficial effects on the body. Each nation has developed its own methods and techniques to restore shaken health. Yoga, qi-gong, meditation, prayer, steam bath, sauna.

Heat, cold and mechanical influences while staying in a bath (sauna) have a positive effect on the tone of the autonomic nervous system, affect peripheral blood circulation, improve skin trophism and stimulate its functions.

One of the main symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia is impaired thermoregulation of the skin. The process of thermoregulation is carried out under the control of the nervous system. The bath helps to adapt to various environmental conditions and temperature changes, stabilizes and normalizes the activity of blood vessels. Find detailed, interesting and useful information about the bath is easy. Enough to go to any book store or learn from familiar pros that any person probably has.

However, with hypotension or severe severe symptoms vegetovascular dystonia, with any rejection of this procedure, other intolerance (I, for example, cannot stand a bath since childhood), one has to resort to other hydrotherapy procedures.

baths. Herbal baths have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, thanks to the vitamins, microelements, and phytoncides contained in plants. In addition, inhaling the aromas of herbs calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

To prepare such a bath, you need to take 1.5 cups of a mixture of dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and pour the broth into the bath.

You can take a bath with the addition of a collection of herbs - valerian, oregano, lime blossom and calendula. It is better if the water in the bath is at a normal temperature, about 35 degrees, since cold baths are not recommended for very advanced cases - they excite the nervous system too much.

Bath with the addition of sea salt. Natural sea ​​salt harmless and contains components necessary for the whole organism: potassium regulates the nutrition of skin cells; calcium, penetrating into cells, ensures normal blood clotting; magnesium promotes muscle relaxation (if you suffer from muscle cramps at night, conclude that you lack magnesium, add magnesium-rich foods to your diet); bromine calms the nervous system; iodine acts as an antiseptic.

The optimum temperature is 32-34 degrees. The duration of the bath is 10-12 minutes. Course - at least 12 procedures. Then a short break.

Pine bath. It is prescribed for overwork, insomnia, diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Pine extract is sold in pharmacies. Apply it according to the instructions. DO NOT make your own pine baths - don't trust the recipes in various books - see if you can clean your bath afterwards!

Iodine-bromine bath. With the help of this procedure, you will get rid of obsessive headaches, relieve fatigue, muscle tension. Buy at the pharmacy 100 gr. Sodium iodide and 250 gr. Potassium bromide, dissolve them in 1 liter of water. Pour 100 ml of the resulting concentrate into a warm (35-36 degrees) bath, in which you can pre-dissolve table salt (2 kg). You need to take such a bath for 10-12 minutes. Store the remaining concentrate in a dark place and use as needed.

Melt water. It has long been believed that melt water helps to rejuvenate the body. The structure of melt water is similar to the structure of the cellular fluid of our body - in frozen and then melted water, the diameter of the molecules changes, and they easily pass through cell membranes. So chemical reactions in the body, when drinking melt water, they pass faster and the exchange of salts is activated.

Get melt water you can freeze the usual tap water passed through the filter. The cloudy parts of the ice should be scraped off or washed off with water (these are salts and other harmful chemical elements). To remove deuterium, which is hazardous to health, it is necessary to remove the quickly formed frost when the water is just beginning to freeze.

With VVD, for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the vascular system, 2-3 glasses of cold are used, it is possible with pieces of ice, melt water inside. The first glass should be drunk early in the morning an hour before meals, and the rest - during the day. An hour before the next meal. Quantity needed to render therapeutic effect, is calculated as follows: 4-6 gr. melt water per 1 kg of weight. In case of obesity, metabolic disorders, increase the dose.

Melt water cannot be stored for a long time. You should not completely switch to melt water. About 30% of melt water will be enough.


With the hypotensive type of VVD, exciting compresses are used. To do this, you need to take a long (up to 4 m) and wide (at least 30 cm) canvas bandage. Moisten one end with water room temperature. Squeeze it lightly and lay it crosswise on the chest and back; bandage the remaining dry part over the wet. The temperature difference between skin and water results in fast and efficient heating. The patient should lie in bed, covered with a warm blanket, for 3 hours.

If VVD is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, headaches, flushing of blood to the head (hypertensive type), then we can recommend “distracting” water procedures: a compress on the calves, a fan shower on the legs, foot flow baths. You can walk along the seashore at high tide, if possible. All these procedures have a thermal and mechanical effect, as a result of which the legs become red and hot, the blood drains from the head, the face becomes pale, the pain subsides, and the pressure returns to normal.

Activity disorders gastrointestinal tract also quite often oppress people suffering from VVD. In case of digestive disorders during the day, short (2-3 minutes) and cold (20-15 ° C) sitz baths can be carried out. If it is necessary to normalize the tone of the intestines, then the following stimulating procedures are recommended: a fan shower lasting no more than 1 minute and a water temperature of 20-22 ° C or a half-bath with water at a temperature of 25 ° C with rubbing and pouring over cold water(15-20 °C).

In order to normalize sleep and calm the nervous system, take a bath or shower in the evening - if desired. Without drying yourself, put on pajamas or a nightgown on your wet body and immediately go to bed. Cover your neck with a blanket. Sleep will come to you very quickly. You can try another way. Soak a small towel in warm water and squeeze it well. Lie down in bed and place a wet towel over your stomach area. Put a dry towel and a woolen scarf on top.

With insomnia from mental overwork, dousing is used.

Get out of bed in the morning. Pour a little table vinegar into a bucket of cold water. Pour the bucket on yourself (not on your chest, otherwise you can get sick with bronchitis) and after the procedure, go back to bed. After about an hour, when the body is completely warm, it will be possible to get up.


This procedure causes an increase in capillary blood flow and activates gas exchange in the lungs. Fold a large terry towel 2-3 times, so that its width covers your chest from the armpits to the end of the ribs, and choose the length so that one end of the folded towel overlaps the other end by 30-40 cm when wrapping the chest. Roll this towel into roll like a bandage. Then take a second terry towel, the same length as the first, but a little wider so that the second towel, folded 2-3 times, overlaps the width of the first towel. Roll it up too. Fold a thin woolen or flannelette blanket in three layers along the length so that when folded it overlaps the width of the second towel, after which the blanket is also rolled up.

Strip down to the waist. You should have an assistant who dips the first rolled towel into a basin of hot water (temperature not lower than 60 ° C; control it with a thermometer), wets it well (within 15-20 seconds), wringing it out and quickly wrapping it around your chest. A dry towel should be applied over the wet one, and then a blanket. Lie in bed on your back, wrap yourself well up to your chin with a warm (cotton) blanket and lie in bed for 1 hour.

If you do not have an assistant, do this procedure yourself. To do this, place a woolen or flannelette blanket folded 4 times across the bed, on it - a dry terry towel folded in half lengthwise. On top of a dry towel, place a well-wrung terry towel, also folded in half, soaked in hot (65-70 ° C) water. Lie on your back on all three layers and quickly wrap the ends over your chest first. wet towel, and then - the ends of a dry towel and then a blanket. Cover with a cotton blanket on top. You should lie down for 20 minutes, and then after the procedure, rest in bed for at least an hour.


Since the 19th century medicinal purposes shower is widely used. Souls are divided into types:

    dust (not drops fall on the body, but sprayed water), rain (heavy drops fall on the body), needle (or Charcot's shower, when a large number small streams of water), underwater shower-massage.

All types of shower mechanically irritate the skin and are, as it were, acupressure. As a result, metabolic processes are activated in the body, blood circulation in tissues and organs improves, hormonal support for metabolic processes is enhanced. Water washes away from the body all toxins and metabolic products that come out of the pores that have expanded during the shower.

A shower and a cup of morning coffee are good for those who suffer from asthenia and hypotension. A vigorous rubdown and a cool shower (20 degrees) for 15 minutes invigorate. Efficiency increases, chilliness and lethargy decrease, and a further decrease in water temperature leads to a significant improvement in well-being.

In the evening, before going to bed, a long warm shower is used to normalize sleep.

Charcot's shower has been known since the 19th century and until now, a shower with a stronger impact did not exist. There had to be a real technological breakthrough for something new to appear. This breakthrough was made by the Russian inventor Ph.D. (for now, soon Doctor of Technical Sciences) A.N. Alekseev. He managed to come up with a way to get conoidal outlets for water by casting thermoplastic materials. These are special jets of water with, firstly, high kinetic energy and, secondly, changing behavior. At a distance of 50 cm from the exit holes, they turn into quantum jets - as if bombarding the surface of the skin, thereby providing extraordinary sensations and a rare healing effect.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a pathology of the autonomic nervous system, manifested in insufficient work of blood vessels and arteries that feed the brain. The disease is complex and insidious, as it has a very wide non-specific symptomatology. So often the patient does not notice the appearance and development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, referring to the usual fatigue, stress, ailments, colds and many other factors behind which the disease can hide for a long time. As a result, the patient comes to see a doctor already at an advanced and chronic stage, which is quite difficult to treat and has many negative consequences for almost all human organ systems.

VVD negatively affects the vessels of the brain

Finding out the cause of the appearance of dystonia is the primary task of a neuropathologist, since further treatment tactics depend on it.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - the result of an excessive overload of the nervous system (the nerve endings and vessels of the brain do not withstand) - may appear due to:

  • severe stressful situations, constant emotional overload (problems in school, at work, in communication with loved ones, in the family, a serious illness or death of a loved one, debts, outstanding loans, psychological abuse by third parties);
  • past complex infectious diseases
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hormonal failure;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • physical overstrain (hard work, professional sports);
  • improper sleep pattern;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of the disease

Disorder in the functioning of the nervous system leads to an inadequate and exacerbated reaction of the body to external stimuli, even the most insignificant from the point of view of a healthy person. In the case of an acute course of the disease, the patient's body is so weakened that it can turn off in stressful situations, the person faints.

Dizziness is very typical for VVD.

The symptomatic picture of vegetative-vascular dystonia is very wide. Most often, the manifestations of dystonia alternate with each other, in a difficult situation they can be present constantly. Most often, patients complain about:

  • swelling of the eyes and the entire face;
  • regular dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • pulling pains in the region of the heart and chest, palpitations, fading;
  • headaches, heavy head as if in a fog;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • mood swings, emotional instability, irritability;
  • weather dependence;
  • heavy breathing, lack of oxygen, suffocation;
  • flushes of heat to the face, followed by chills;
  • discomfort in the abdomen and intestines, problems with stools;
  • frequent urination;
  • trembling of hands, lips, eyelids, head;
  • panic attacks;
  • allergic reactions;
  • exacerbated premenstrual syndrome in women.

The above symptoms accompany many throughout life, not everyone considers this a reason to see a doctor. But doctors advise to be more attentive to your health and pay attention to the appearance of such factors. Experts recommend to complete diagnostics body for the presence of cerebral VVD syndrome in the presence of at least a few of the above symptoms. Treatment should not be delayed because some Negative consequences dystonia on the body are irreversible and destructive.

Diagnostic Measures

Diagnosis of dystonia is very difficult due to a wide range symptoms that may indicate a variety of other diseases. The situation is also complicated by the lack of precise indicators by which it could be determined without a doubt. Therefore, doctors prefer to carry out multilateral diagnostics of all important organ systems of the body in order to identify other pathologies.

  • urine, blood tests;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • functional tests (pharmacological, orthostatic);
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • radiography;
  • electroencephalography.

The doctor may require testing

In the absence of other diseases, a diagnosis is made - vegetative-vascular dystonia and the question of choosing a course of therapy is decided.

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia of the brain

A patient with a similar diagnosis may be under constant supervision by a neurologist, psychiatrist, therapist or endocrinologist, depending on the severity of certain symptoms.

An effective course of treatment for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be comprehensive, long-term and individual, taking into account the patient's personal characteristics, his general health, emotional background and concomitant diseases.

Since VVD is mostly a disease of the nervous system, it is not drug treatment preferably. How to strengthen the vessels of the brain with VVD without the use of drugs?

A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of the health of the whole organism. You should give up bad habits, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, breathe more fresh air, it is advisable to spend weekends and holidays outside the city.

Proper nutrition will help strengthen the body. We limit the intake of salt, liquids, strong coffee and tea, refuse all fried, fatty, smoked, canned, spicy, spicy, flour and sweet, add cereals, seafood, cottage cheese, dairy products, legumes, meat, nuts, fruits to your diet and vegetables.

Maintaining a proper daily routine is very important. effective treatment VSD of the brain. You need to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and vacations. Stop watching TV, reading books, and surfing the web before bed. A warm bath and a pleasant conversation with a loved one will help to relax, unwind and prepare yourself for sleep. Any conflict situations with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues throughout the day, especially before bedtime. Positive emotions will help you fall asleep quickly and easily. A constant supply of fresh air in the bedroom will make sleep soft and calm, relieve disturbing dreams and nightmares.

Sufficient physical activity keeps the autonomic nervous system in good shape. Do morning exercises, walks, physiotherapy exercises. If the work is sedentary, then you need to regularly get up from your chair and walk around the office, develop muscles, and do light gymnastics. In the evening after work, do not rush to be on the couch in front of the TV, take a walk before going to bed and breathe fresh air is much more useful.

Morning exercise helps keep the body in good shape

Water treatments perfectly relieve stress, cheer up and strengthen muscles (swimming in the pool, aqua aerobics, baths, contrast showers, douches).

Physiotherapy treatment greatly facilitates the patient's condition and speeds up his path to recovery. When VVD is most often prescribed:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • breathing exercises;

How to train blood vessels with vegetative-vascular dystonia? To normalize the work of the nervous system, independent work on oneself is very important, even if a psychologist has already been consulted. It must be remembered that all problems are temporary, a dark streak in life will definitely be replaced by a light one. You should not swear with others over trifles, keep anger and resentment in yourself, spoil relations in the family and the team because of your irritability and excessive susceptibility. Human thoughts are material, therefore bad thoughts and experiences in your head must be eliminated, replacing with positive emotions, joy, dreams. Do not forget that people themselves attract into their lives what they think about. Self-esteem plays a huge role. Scientists and doctors have proven that even the most seriously ill, but optimistic patients manage to recover much faster than pessimists with the same care and treatment.

Medical treatment

In most cases, the use of the above non-drug methods of dealing with vegetative-vascular dystonia is sufficient for an almost complete cure. But sometimes the disease turns out to be stronger, the person is not able to cope with it himself, then the following drugs are prescribed for cerebral vessels with VVD:

  • sedatives, antidepressants and tranquilizers artificially support the nervous system and protect it from emotional overload;
  • means for maintaining vascular tone, improving cerebral circulation;
  • drugs to keep blood pressure within normal limits;
  • vitamin-mineral and antioxidant complexes have a general strengthening effect on the nerves, blood vessels and the body as a whole.

Vitamin-mineral complexes have a general strengthening effect

Prevention methods

Preventive measures against vegetative-vascular dystonia of the brain are aimed at general strengthening of the body, maintaining the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, strengthening its ability to self-regulate. For this it is enough:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • adhere to a healthy sleep and rest regimen;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid physical and nervous exhaustion;
  • to live an active lifestyle.

With early detection and adequate treatment dystonia is treatable in 90% of patients. Therefore, doctors recommend that everyone listen to their body, correctly recognize its signals and seek help from specialists in time.

A symptom complex of a complex nature, which extends to different systems and organs, and can have various clinical manifestations, is defined as vegetative-vascular dystonia. A fairly common ailment that begins to disturb from a young age. Moreover, every third person suffers from VVD. Stress and other nervous experiences, pregnancy, and chronic illnesses can aggravate the symptoms. The main danger of VVD is the lack of normal blood supply to the brain, and this increases the likelihood of a stroke.

This pathological process leads to dysfunction of several vital systems. But the diagnosis is sometimes difficult, since the symptoms that appear can characterize other ailments. This is explained by the fact that the performance of all organs and systems is under the control of the PNS. It, in turn, has two main subsystems - parasympathetic and sympathetic. Their regulation occurs by the opposite effect on the state of the body. For example, for parasympathetic system a slowdown in the heart rate is characteristic, while the sympathetic can only speed up.

At healthy body the two systems mentioned above interact harmoniously without disturbing the normal balance. When a pathological process occurs in the body in the form of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the performance of one of the systems begins to increase, suppressing the second. As a result, the patient begins to feel bad (symptoms will directly depend on the activated system).

Reference! According to statistics, VVD is observed in almost 25% of children, if we talk about the elderly population, then here the figure is more serious and the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is confirmed in more than 70%.

To diagnose a pathological disease, the following research methods are used:

  1. Blood tests that show hormonal levels, an indicator of clotting.
  2. In some cases, a urinalysis
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs.
  4. Radiography.
  5. Tomography.

Video - Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Why does VSD occur?

This disease manifests itself even in childhood and the main cause of the occurrence is considered to be a hereditary factor. Parallel to VVD leads to an imbalance in the development of the neuro-hormonal apparatus with physical development generally.

The following factors can provoke the activation of the disease in an adult:

  1. The body is weakened after suffering chronic ailments.
  2. Exhaustion of the body due to intoxication.
  3. Lack of normal sleep due to regular insomnia.
  4. Protracted state of depression.
  5. Depressed mood.
  6. The person feels chronic fatigue.
  7. Physical overload.
  8. Hormonal changes that occur during adolescence during pregnancy.
  9. Climate change.

These factors, due to the inability of the body to adapt in a timely manner, lead to disruption of the ANS. As a result, metabolic dysfunction occurs in the vessels and cardiac tissues. The result is an inadequate reaction of the body to a standard load.

Manifestation of symptoms

The signs of VVD are varied and can be misleading by simulating the symptoms of other serious illnesses. But, if we consider the pathological condition as a whole, then VVD manifests itself as certain syndromes.

Syndrome nameBrief description of symptoms
CardiovascularDuring this syndrome, irregular heart rhythms begin to appear, leading to arrhythmias.
BP jumps.
Uncharacteristic marbling of the skin.
Flushing or unhealthy skin pallor
cardialgicThere are heart pains in the form of burning and discomfort in the sternum on the left side. It was determined that the manifestation of such symptoms is absolutely independent of physical activity and maybe even when the patient is in a state of complete rest
hyperventilatingThe patient may feel a slight suffocation. That is, there are problems with the function of breathing when the frequency of breaths is increased, but the patient feels a clear lack of air
disturbed sweatingThe patient begins uncharacteristically healthy condition body to sweat in the feet and palms
Irritable bowelSoreness in the lower abdomen.
Chair problems. Nausea and vomiting.
Increased urge to defecate.
Loss of appetite
Changed urinationThe patient has no inflammation urinary organs but he still feels sore after urinating
Thermoregulation disordersIn general, the patient's condition is normal, there is no infection in the body, but the body temperature ranges from a slight increase to a barely noticeable decrease.

Note! The manifestation of such syndromes can be temporary and occur in the form of seizures or be permanent. If the patient does not use therapy for a long period of time and starts the disease, then prolonged depression, secondary asthenia and even phobias occur.

Effective treatment of VVD

Only in rare cases, drug treatment is required, mostly patients manage with general therapy, which includes stabilizing the performance of the nervous system through a review of lifestyle.

Normalization of the daily routineThe patient needs to adjust the daily routine with the right ratio labor and rest. Also duration healthy sleep at least eight hours, only during this time the body is able to fully restore its strength. At the same time, sleep conditions are very important: constant airing of the room is necessary, a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress
Rest breaksThe patient is recommended to alternate physical and mental stress. Staying at the computer and watching TV should be reduced. During sedentary work, do not forget to do a warm-up in the form of exercises for the back and eyes every hour and a half
Physical education with adequate loadIt is best to exercise in nature or in the pool. Exercises should be light and exclude the load on the cardiovascular system. In sports, it is recommended to give preference to swimming and cycling, swimming gymnastics. Thus, there will be a moderate load on the muscles of the heart, which will help improve not only general well-being, but also the psycho-emotional state. Exclude jumping and all sports with sudden movements from the lifestyle - this worsens the condition of the vessels
Proper DietThe diet must be designed in such a way that it includes magnesium and potassium. These minerals will enhance the transmission of impulses. Also, potassium and magnesium normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It is necessary to use buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, dried fruits. If the patient has a hypotonic type of illness, then coffee, tea, milk should be consumed. When the hypertensive type is diagnosed, coffee and spicy foods are excluded.
PhysiotherapyThe use of physiotherapy not only improves the general condition of the patient, but also contributes to the normal interaction of the two systems - sympathetic and parasympathetic, as well as vascular tone. In addition, blood circulation will improve and metabolic processes will return to normal. To the number necessary procedures include:

Electrophoresis, which is applied directly to the cervical region.
Paraffin applications on collar zone as an alternative, ozokerite applications can be used.
Laser treatment in combination with magnetotherapy.
Water procedures (contrast baths, underwater massage)

The use of massage techniques and acupunctureThese procedures are necessary for a patient suffering from VVD to normalize sleep and blood pressure levels, get rid of anxiety. The hypotonic type of the disease requires an intensive massage, while for the hypertonic type, a slow massage is indicated.
Taking herbal preparationsWhen a patient has high blood pressure, the doctor prescribes drugs with antihypertensive and sedative effects (motherwort tincture). Preparations with an activating effect are necessary for patients with a hypotonic variant of the disease (ginseng tincture)

Drug treatment: cure VSD once and for all

When general therapy is powerless before the VVD, the patient is prescribed medication.

Drug treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist after examination and taking into account all individual characteristics and symptoms. With self-medication, the patient may be addicted to drugs and dependent on them (relief of the condition only after taking the drug directly).

Video - How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia

To prevent the development of the disease, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Normalize the daily routine.
  2. Sleep at least eight hours.
  3. Balanced and rational nutrition.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Avoid nervous strain and stressful situations.
  6. Play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Summing up, it should be noted that VSD is not a complex disease that threatens a person's life, but despite this, it requires immediate treatment.
