Diaphragmatic breathing: how to breathe, technique. The benefits of diaphragmatic breathing

“To follow fashion is ridiculous, but not to follow is stupid,” the famous TV presenter and fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev likes to repeat. It turns out that it is easier to seem ridiculous than stupid. But there can be no two opinions about health: it is always fashionable to be healthy, but how much diaphragmatic breathing is in trend today, the site has figured out.

What types of breathing are there?

There are two main types of breathing: diaphragmatic and chest, or lower and upper. Pectoral breathing, in turn, is subdivided into clavicular and costal. What is the difference between these species?

At diaphragmatic(or abdominal) breathing, a strong muscular septum is involved in the process - the diaphragm, which, when inhaled, contracts and falls down, and the stomach relaxes and protrudes. When a person exhales, the diaphragm rises in a domed manner, forcing the air out of the lungs. The main advantage of diaphragmatic breathing is the better enrichment of blood with oxygen, since almost the entire volume of the lung is involved in the process.

It is very interesting that a newborn baby breathes with the help of the diaphragm, but very soon his breathing becomes pectoral, which is physiologically characteristic of an adult.

At chest breathing an active function is performed only by upper lobes lungs. In particular, clavicular breathing as a kind of chest is carried out by raising the collarbones while inhaling and lowering them when exhaling. Such breathing is inherent in the elderly, when only 20% of the total lung volume is working.

Another subspecies chest breathingcostal- occurs due to the intercostal muscles, which provide expansion chest when inhaling and constricting when exhaling. It must be said that this is how most people breathe, but rib breathing is not optimal.

Why is diaphragmatic breathing considered correct?

As already mentioned, during chest breathing, only part of the lung, a smaller amount of oxygen enters the blood as compared to that which would have entered the diaphragmatic variant.

By actively enriching the blood with oxygen, breathing with the diaphragm improves performance of cardio-vascular system, stimulates lung function, helping to relieve shortness of breath and even quit smoking.

In addition, the diaphragm, while moving, carries out a natural massage of the internal organs located in the chest and abdominal cavities. This is the bursa of the heart - the pericardium, pancreas, liver, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands. This massage significantly improves the functioning of these organs, which allows you to maintain the health of the body as a whole.

Regarding the health of the gastrointestinal system, it is important to note that proper breathing has a beneficial effect on bowel function by relieving constipation, reducing bloating and soothing excessive peristalsis.

With inadequate lung function, when the process of gas exchange is disrupted during chest breathing, part of the lung function is shifted to the skin, which provokes the development skin diseases, the appearance of acne and even premature wrinkles.

Learning to breathe correctly

Diaphragmatic breathing - fashionable or useful?

Learning to use the diaphragm for proper breathing is difficult but achievable. First of all, you need to be patient, because the first successes will appear no earlier than the sixth lesson, and at first, dizziness and even fear may generally occur.

There is no need to be afraid of this, because these processes are physiological and are associated with oxygen saturation, which is unusual for the body.

So where do you start? The most important thing is to choose the right place and time. Experts advise to conduct classes either in the morning or in the evening. And the place should be calm and secluded, since for about half an hour no one should distract and interfere with concentration.

There are two main methods of exercise, and here is the first one:

  • You need to lie on your back and relax as much as possible;
  • Put right hand on the lower abdomen, and the left - on the chest;
  • Breathe in such a way that the right hand remains motionless, and the left one rises on inhalation, this is our usual breathing;
  • Then you need to inflate your stomach while inhaling, feeling how the right hand rises, and then drops as you exhale. At the same time, it is important that left hand lying on her chest remained motionless. This is diaphragmatic breathing.

The second technique is called dog breathing.

  • You need to get comfortable in a sitting position and start breathing with your diaphragm, controlling inhalation and exhalation with your hands lying on your stomach. It is good if your eyes are closed, this will allow you to fully concentrate on breathing;
  • Then you need to get on all fours, completely relax your stomach and begin to breathe strongly and often with your open mouth. This position will allow you to feel well the movement of the diaphragm and learn how to control the breathing process. But you should be careful - hyperventilation of the lungs and a sharp saturation of the body with oxygen can cause severe dizziness, therefore, this phase of the exercise should not last long;
  • The next step is to lie on your back and put a thick book on your stomach, but not too heavy. It will allow you to visually observe correct diaphragmatic breathing without using your hands.

It is important to observe the measure in everything.

Everything in the world has its own reverse side: the best undertakings can lead to negative results, effective medicine may have contraindications,


How a person breathes depends on how he feels. Improper breathing leads to the fact that the blood is not enriched with oxygen in the right amount, as a result, they suffer internal organs... In particular, a lack of oxygen leads to problems with the vessels of the brain. The diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle, takes an active part in breathing. It is located between the abdominal and chest cavity... As you inhale, the diaphragm tenses, and the dome descends, relaxing the abdominal muscles. When you exhale, it relaxes, its dome rises up, squeezing the lungs and pushing the air out of them, the abdominal muscles at this time.

Abdominal breathing is intended for better oxygenation of the blood. In this case, you need to breathe slowly, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. As a result, air slowly fills the lungs. Blood enriched with oxygen disperses better through all blood vessels of the body, during breathing, the diaphragm moves and performs massage of the lungs and organs abdominal cavity... At the same time, the lungs work with more full dedication. Diaphragmatic breathing is especially valuable for people with bronchopulmonary diseases, with a predisposition to such diseases, as well as for smokers.

By using diaphragmatic breathing, shortness of breath can be relieved. Massage gastrointestinal tract allows you to normalize the activity of the abdominal cavity and get rid of constipation. This way of breathing helps to improve the functioning of the heart, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys and other organs. People suffering from hypertension should refrain from abdominal breathing, because in in this case the diaphragm increases the intrathoracic pressure slightly. Organism healthy person perceives this quite normally, it is better not to risk it.

Diaphragmatic breathing is best done while standing or lying down. Start the exercise with a full exhalation, then inhale slowly, the diaphragm will lower. Breathe rhythmically through your nose as you exercise. The breathing rate should not differ from the usual one. Do not try to breathe too deeply and often, this can cause hyperventilation of the lungs, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. As you master the exercise, gradually increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation (up to 10-14 heart beats). If significant discomfort develops, stop exercising before next day, while doing, reduce the load.

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Tip 2: Exercise for Correct Diaphragmatic Breathing

It is known that on inhalation, the diaphragm bends downward, while the volume of the lungs increases, and the anterior abdominal wall is pushed forward. The muscles contract and exhale occurs. Correct diaphragmatic breathing is necessary in order to master a smooth and calm speech, to ensure the correct functioning of the respiratory system, healthy blood circulation.

Why is it so important to work on correct diaphragmatic breathing? A person may not be aware that he is breathing incorrectly. In the hustle and bustle Everyday life a person breathes inattentively, superficially, shallowly. With such breathing, the blood is poorly enriched with oxygen.

Internal organs and blood vessels of the brain suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is impossible to control every inhalation and exhalation, but if you set aside a few minutes a day for special exercises for breathing, you can correct the situation in better side.

Exercise # 1. Lie on your back, straighten your legs, put your arms loosely along your torso. Relax. Place your hand on your upper abdomen (diaphragm area). Watch the movement of the abdominal muscles, watch for some time his "breathing". Breathe calmly in a rhythm: into the account 1/2 - inhale; into account 1/2/3/4 - exhale. Repeat this sequence for 5 minutes daily.
Make sure that your shoulders do not rise during breathing, do not focus your attention on inhaling or exhaling, concentrate on the work of the abdominal muscles. Do the exercise effortlessly, trying to avoid increasing muscle tone.

Exercise number 2. Place a strip of paper at a distance of 10 cm from the lips. Blow slowly and calmly on the paper so that it deflects. Do not be too zealous, make sure that the exhalation is smooth, but the air flow should reach the paper.

Exercise number 3. Spread your arms out to represent a "splint". Exhale and gently cross your arms so that your right hand rests on left shoulder and vice versa, respectively. The chest should be slightly compressed as you exhale. Return your arms to their original position, inhale.

Exercise number 4. Stand straight, put your hands on your belt, spread your arms shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, slowly and lingeringly uttering the sound "a". Take the starting position.

Make sure that your head does not tilt forward during the exercise.

For many people, breathing is disturbed during speech, which is why at the moment a person experiences excessive muscle tension. In order for the tension to decrease, it is necessary to learn how to relax the abdominal muscles while breathing. Relaxed abdominal muscles help a person breathe smoothly, and, therefore, speak easily, breathing in and out freely. This breathing can be learned through daily exercise.

No wonder the diaphragm is called the second heart, its active work disperses oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. If you are haunted by noise in your head or ears, then it will soon stop if you do the simple exercises described above.

Correct diaphragmatic breathing will allow you to get rid of shortness of breath, improve the functioning of the intestines, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, heart, pelvic organs - in women, prostate in men. Exercises for the development of correct diaphragmatic breathing cannot be hypertensive, because it raises the pressure a little.

In addition to enriching the body with oxygen, the diaphragm provides an excellent mechanical massage to the internal organs.

It is possible for hypertensive patients to breathe with the diaphragm, but it is advisable not to completely tighten the diaphragm while inhaling. The basic principles when performing these exercises are: slowness, smoothness, regularity. Remember that diaphragmatic breathing helps to restore the body's strength, and therefore maintain your health.

The respiratory system does not require our intervention to work: it works automatically. However, the correct breathing technique able to improve the physical state person, save him from snoring and a number of other ailments, as well as help him lose extra pounds. Diaphragmatic breathing is a synonym healthy body and beautiful body... The advantages of this breathing technique, its effective exercise, including for slimming procedures, - you can learn from our material.

What is diaphragm breathing

The diaphragm is a specific dome-shaped muscle that is located between two cavities - the chest and abdominal. During inhalation, its strong tension occurs, while the stomach relaxes: it becomes voluminous and round. In the process of exhalation, the diaphragm goes into a completely relaxed state, its "dome" rises up and compresses the lungs, pushing the air out of them.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a deep and natural breathing exercise performed by the abdomen. "Lower" or in another way abdominal breathing is inherent in people from birth: children who breathe slowly and deeply are fluent in it.

An adult, especially a metropolitan resident, breathes in and out air in a different way. Tight clothes, everyday worries and troubles, stress - all this negatively affects breathing technique... A person, without hesitation, begins to breathe exclusively with his chest, that is, he prefers shallow breathing. This bad habit- breathing incorrectly - can lead to hypoxia, shortness of breath, heart disease, bad exchange substances, obesity.

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Benefits of "bottom" breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing has significant advantages over breastfeeding... With its help are carried out:

  • Intensive enrichment of blood with oxygen: organs of all systems begin to function with maximum efficiency;
  • A noticeable improvement in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems: pains in the heart muscle disappear, blood vessels are cleansed, nerves calm down;
  • Effective massage of the lungs and abdominal organs: bronchopulmonary pathologies and shortness of breath are eliminated;
  • Improvement of gastrointestinal tract functions: restored proper digestion, absorption is normalized nutrients, constipation and systematic swelling pass;
  • Improvement of the pancreas and kidneys, elimination of diseases of the gallbladder, as well as diseases of the genital organs;
  • A productive fight against obesity and overweight subject to the daily performance of complex exercises.

Important! The only contraindication that stands out in diaphragmatic breathing is hypertension... When the diaphragm moves, intrapulmonary and intrathoracic pressure increases.

Technique for performing belly breathing

Learn to breathe correctly best on the back... Then follow the steps:

  1. Lie on a mat, bend your knees and relax. Inspect all muscles and organs with an "inner eye", from the crown of the head to the toes. As you breathe, you will notice how tense your muscles are: try to relax them.
  2. For better "vision", close your eyes: the breath will feel better if only your thoughts and gaze are concentrated on it. Concentrate on working and gradually relaxing your abdominal and lower back, chest and face muscles.
  3. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your lower abdomen: this way you will have complete control of your breathing.
  4. As you breathe, make sure that the left hand is raised and the right hand is motionless. These are basic skills in diaphragmatic breathing practice.
  5. While inhaling, inflate your stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, gently lower it. The stomach should rise and fall evenly. In this case, the chest should be motionless. The maximum lowering of the left arm will mark the completion of a full exhalation.

Do not be afraid of the first sensations: after carrying out the diaphragmatic breathing technique, you may experience dizziness and slight fear. The first is evidence of full oxygen saturation. blood vessels, the second - is a natural reaction of the body to the unknown.


How to learn to breathe with your diaphragm

Learn the complex breathing exercises best with the help of a trainer, but you can do it yourself. Diaphragmatic breathing is best done at home. Thus, while learning, you will not be distracted by strangers.

  1. Accept comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and start breathing exclusively with your diaphragm. Concentrate on the muscle, feel its movement. To get a better feel for the lifting and "retraction" of the abdomen, place your hand on it.
  2. Dog breath. Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. Relax your stomach, open your mouth and start breathing as fast and as fast as possible. In the "on all fours" position, you will most easily feel the diaphragm. However, do not overdo it: you should be especially vigilant with this exercise, as it is analogous to Holotropic Breathwork. Do the exercise for a short time. If symptoms of dizziness appear, the exercise should be stopped immediately.
  3. Lie on your back, place a light book on your stomach and relax. Breathe exclusively with your diaphragm. Simultaneously observe the movement of the book up and down. Make sure that the chest is still.
  4. Reduction of inspiratory / expiratory volume. Inhale and exhale a minimum of air. With the correct exercise, you will soon no longer feel the air in your nose. Close your eyes and focus on the movement of your diaphragm.

In the initial stages it is not recommended to breathe too often and overly deep. With the wrong approach to the implementation of the complex, hyperventilation of the lungs, dizziness and fainting may occur. Begin to practice gradually and be vigilant for the slightest changes in physical and mental conditions.

Using diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss

The principle of diaphragmatic breathing techniques is the same: due to the increased flow of oxygen into the blood, a significant acceleration of metabolism occurs, as a result of which deposits in the form of fat are effectively burned.

Consider the popular breathing exercises for weight loss.


This exercise system is considered one of the most effective: it promotes fast weight loss and normalization of digestion. The complex combines special breathing exercises based on the principle of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing, and certain types load.

As a result of aerobic respiration occurs intensive breakdown of fat... These exercises provide enhanced muscle training, stimulate and restore their natural elasticity, smoothen the skin and remove cellulite. The "Bodyflex" system - with a slow and calm pace - produces an aerobic effect many times stronger than regular running and complex strength exercises.


Breathing exercises can be done even after meals. The main thing is that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. No equipment is required to perform daily Oxisize exercises. The duration of the gymnastics is 20 minutes, the results will be noticeable two weeks later intensive classes.

The OxySize system has no contraindications, unlike Bodyflex. Pregnant and lactating women can also do complex exercises.


"Lose Fat" - literal translation this oriental method... Into the complex breathing exercises includes 3 exercises: "Wave", "Toad" and "Lotus" that effectively eliminate feelings of hunger, remove tension, relieve stress and normalize correct exchange substances.

This system is aimed at harmless and gradual disposal of extra pounds... Exercise machines and special equipment are not needed to perform the technique; it is enough to wear loose and comfortable clothes.

With the correct execution of the above methods, you will quickly lose weight and acquire immunity from many diseases. In just 3 months of intensive exercise, the vital volume of your lungs can increase up to 3000 ml!

Thanks to diaphragmatic breathing and complex exercises, you will forget about diseases of the digestive and respiratory system, get rid of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, fatigue and stress. Correct execution technology promotes effective weight loss and complete recovery of the body. Breathe naturally!

Video: How to breathe correctly with the diaphragm

In the world of health and various systems of health improvement, we constantly come across the concept of "correct breathing". But to an ordinary person it is difficult to define what it means to breathe correctly?

Belly breathing, diaphragm breathing, chest breathing, shallow breathing - these are just an incomplete list that we can meet. Basically, if you understand and study various healing systems, you come across the concept of "diaphragmatic breathing", "diaphragm breathing", which is considered correct and natural, as well as "chest breathing", which is called incorrect. Let's try to understand these two types of breathing, their benefits and harms to the human body.

So why should you breathe with your diaphragm?

Diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) is considered natural and congenital. We can see this by observing newborns: their chest is motionless, while breathing only the stomach moves.

From the reference:

“Diaphragmatic breathing, also called abdominal breathing, involves the use of movements of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to achieve full deep breathing. a common problem associated with diaphragmatic breathing is that most people try to take deep breaths in and out too quickly. The goal of correct abdominal breathing is to slowly fill the lungs and reduce the frequency respiratory movements... In addition to activating the parasympathetic nervous system diaphragmatic breathing has another plus - it allows you to ventilate the lower lobes of the lungs, which, when chest type breaths are usually not filled with air enough. "

Physiology of diaphragmatic breathing- when inhaling, the diaphragm goes down, the body relaxes, the lungs are almost completely filled with air.

Breathing top and middle part lungs is abnormal, promotes hyperventilation of the lungs and oxygen starvation organism. It leads to rebirth acute form diseases become chronic, age-related and "incurable ailments" appear. Therefore, you need to breathe at rest with a diaphragm, and breathing full breast permissible only for large physical activity such as running, heavy physical labor... Considering that the heart occupies a somewhat horizontal position in the chest and the pericardium (pericardial sac) lies close to the diaphragm, then with diaphragmatic inhalation, when the diaphragm is lowered down, the most optimal conditions for the work of the heart and lungs

V modern world breathing diaphragm It is used in methods for losing weight, body flex, breathing methods through the Frolov simulator. And this is no coincidence.

The diaphragm carries a lot of functions, for example: Pump function for the lymphoid system. The diaphragm is responsible for the movement of lymph in the body.

Also, when inhaling, the diaphragm, going down, massages the spleen, liver, stomach and colon, and through their movement affects the uterus, appendages and prostate gland, which contributes to their better functioning.

The benefits of diaphragmatic breathing:

  1. The heart is massaged.
  2. There is a massage of the gastrointestinal tract which contributes to the improvement immune system, and massage of the abdominal organs helps to eliminate and prevent the causes of adenoma, prostatitis, impotence in men and to eliminate and prevent the causes of fibrosomatous, sclerosomatous changes in the uterus and ovaries, frigidity, early climacteric syndrome among women.
  3. Ventilation of the lower lungs, the release of the lower parts of the lungs from long-term accumulations of various dust (coal, asbestos, household).
  4. Observedlowering blood pressure.

Is it difficult to learn to breathe with a diaphragm?

In fact, a person always breathes with a diaphragm! In natural respiratory process the diaphragm is directly involved. It is she who separates the internal organs, subdominal organs, and lungs in our torso. The inner septum is fused to the lower part of the lungs. That is why, when it goes down, it stretches accordingly. Breathing is also involved and pectoral muscles.

If you notice that you are breathing with your chest, then this fact needs to be addressed Special attention and try to fix it.

Chest breathing as we have already noted, in many health systems it is noted as wrong.

Five dire consequences chest breathing:

  1. Muscles expend a lot of energy (try breathing deeply through your mouth for a few minutes - dizziness, weakness, fatigue will begin).
  2. The person triggers chest breathing in extreme situations(excitement, experience). Nature took care of a person, connecting the chest organs to breathing at the moment of danger.
  3. It is necessary to remove the work of chest breathing. After you do this, all organs begin to work normally.
  4. During chest breathing, the diaphragm rises up, squeezing the lower part of the lungs, and blood circulation is disturbed. The lower part of the lungs does not breathe, the efficiency decreases.
  5. During chest breathing, there is a chain of processes leading to undesirable consequences and deterioration of health in general.

How to get rid of chest breathing?

It turned out that initially diaphragm breathing is inherent in children under 3 years of age. Chest breathing occurs later, when the child learns the world, since he has hyperventilation, tensions appear. This means that for a person diaphragmatic breathing is correct and innate. Do not think that diaphragmatic breathing is hard and unnatural for a person. With constant practice and training, diaphragmatic breathing will return and become a habit.

Here are some ways to fix this:

1. Lie on your back, put one hand on the upper abdomen, and the other hand on the chest and take a very calm breath with the lower part of the lungs so that top part the abdomen protruded forward, and the chest remained motionless.

2. Lie on your side and breathe calmly with your stomach. Lying on your side, it will be difficult for you to include your chest in the breathing process.

3. Try to relax your shoulders, neck, do deep breath, exhale, the pectoral muscles relax, then the stomach begins to breathe.

In some traditions, chest breathing was removed using certain techniques, which in turn saved with asthma, bronchitis and many respiratory diseases... One of the techniques was that a bag of sand was placed on the chest, while it became impossible to breathe with the chest, then the person automatically switched to breathing with the diaphragm. This made it possible to get rid of skin diseases and even oncology!

Mothers also swaddled their babies tightly over the years. Swaddling in this way avoids chest breathing.

According to some modern techniques, offered, for example, by Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, highlights the methods implying the elimination of chest breathing at night. These techniques allow you to get rid of snoring, which can be fatal. For example, Buteyko recommends bandaging the chest with a corset or bandage, for women - under the breasts, and for men - exactly over the breasts. As a result, the movement of the chest amplitude should decrease and diaphragmatic breathing will be activated.

The need to use breathing practices has been proven by many modern scientists, and the results that can be obtained by doing correct breathing are simply amazing.

That is why we constantly run a 5-day course "We do health-improving breathing practices together."

If you want to get acquainted with the reviews of its participants, as well, then click the button below and find out the details:

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You can not only breastfeed, but also. It is the latter kind that all women ignore, wanting to have. Although this is the most correct and useful for. What is it?


  1. Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing (abdominal) is performed with the participation of the diaphragm. During inhalation, it is compressed and lowered down, and during exhalation, it is raised to the top in order to push air out of the lungs. In this case, the stomach on inhalation is relaxed and protruding. During this type, the entire volume of the lungs is involved.
  2. The pectoralis is divided into clavicular and costal. Clavicular- the type carried out with the help of the clavicles: on inhalation, the clavicles rise, on exhalation, they fall. Most often, elderly people breathe this way, using only 1/5 of the total lung volume. Costal the same - is performed with the participation of intercostal muscles. The latter are responsible for the expansion of the chest during inhalation and contraction during exhalation. This is the most common, but not the most optimal, type that is used by more people.

The benefits of breathing like this

Diaphragmatic breathing does not pose any harm to a person, but its benefits, in particular, for the development of the voice, have been proven for a long time. During the use of this type of human blood is saturated with oxygen more than under any other circumstances. This helps to improve performance.

The volume of the lungs is fully engaged. The organ fills up and ventilation is improved. Diaphragmatic breathing does not create obstacles for the functioning of the speech apparatus, therefore the human voice is also transformed: it becomes more beautiful.

The diaphragm, making movement on inhalation and exhalation, massages the internal organs, which improves their functioning. Also, this variety has a positive effect on the intestines, relieves a person of bloating and other things. With its help, you can even improve the condition, which will reduce the amount and prevent it from appearing.

Execution technique rules

The technique of diaphragmatic breathing is applied correctly only if during a conversation or singing there is a feeling that "presses" on the diaphragm. It seems to shift to the bottom, and the lungs stretch, filling completely with air. You have a reserve for beautiful speech.

Exercising regularly to train your diaphragm and increase lung capacity will make your breathing almost invisible. The main thing is perseverance and consistency. Mastering such a technique is not easy at all, so please be patient.

There are 4 main exercises for developing diaphragmatic breathing:
  • Simple concentration. The starting position is sitting. Be relaxed and breathe through your diaphragm. Close and concentrate on diaphragmatic movements. Feel them.
  • Book movement. Starting position - lying on your back. Place the heavy one on your stomach. Start breathing. Observe how the book moves (up and down).
  • Breathing of a dog. The starting position is on all fours. The mouth is open, the stomach is relaxed. Start breathing faster. Feel the movement of the diaphragm.

Important!Be careful: too frequent breaths can cause hallucinations. As soon as you felt headache, stop exercising.

  • Decrease in the volume of inhalation-exhalation.
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