Double line of mind on the right hand. What do the lines on the palm of the left and right hands mean - meanings. Deciphering by palmistry

The line of the mind (line of the head) in palmistry determines the type and depth of a person's thinking. This line in the palm of your hand can tell about mental abilities, learning ability, intelligence development. First of all, palmists look at the curvature and length of the line of the mind. The line of the mind is one of the main lines on the hand and is located in the center of the palm, "cutting" it across into two parts.

The line of mind in palmistry can be viewed separately from other lines, receiving information about a person's thinking. Since the line of mind is also responsible for the health of the head, it can also determine the physical and emotional state of a person, as well as learn about his character and perception of the world around him.

Mind line on hand and your type of thinking

The curved line of the mind- creative thinking. The owner of such a line is quick to think and adapts to changes. He analyzes well and is able to make decisions quickly.

Straight, straight line of mind in the palm of your hand indicates a person whose thinking is based on logic. The owner of such a line loves to delve into the little things in search of the essence. Mathematical mindset, imagination is poorly developed.

Short line of mind says that intelligence is not an important aspect in life for a person. As a rule, a short line of mind is found in those people who are engaged in physical labor, as well as in those who have not been able to realize themselves in life. The thinking of such people cannot be called limited, but sometimes they think very narrowly. They tend to be stubborn and insist on their point of view at all costs.

Long and rounded mind line- creative type of thinking. Such people will be able to find themselves in the acting profession, writing and other art paths.

The mind line is distant from the life line- a kind of thinking. A person wants to achieve everything himself and learn from his own mistakes. He strives for integrity and independence. A good sign for businessmen and careerists.

Wavy line of mind suggests that a person has a very multifaceted thinking. He has a lot of hobbies and hobbies, but there is a risk that he will not be able to succeed in any business. Such people need to determine their priorities and goals as quickly as possible and focus their energy on one thing.

Straight line, going almost across the arm speaks of realistic thinking.

The depth of the line of mind will tell about the depth of human intelligence. The clearer and deeper the line, the higher the development of a person.

Cavities within the line or intersecting lines indicate stress. Such a person should protect his nervous system.

The head line has gaps in the palm- a sign that a person cannot make a decision and are torn by thoughts and doubts into two parts.

Analyzing only one line of the mind on the hand, you can draw a lot of conclusions about a person. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

22.10.2014 09:40

Boris Akimov, an expert of the "Invisible Man" program and a palmist, told in an interview to the TV-3 channel about how ...

The study of the lines and hills on the hand of a person is engaged in the science of palmistry. The line of the mind originates on the edge of the palm between the index and thumb and crosses it horizontally. It is considered one of the most important. A long line of mind indicates a highly developed intellectual level of a person, about his ability to foresee a situation. It should be noted that its length does not always indicate the full realization of the potential given to an individual. A person with a short line can realize himself even more than one with a long one.

It is good if the line of the mind is well expressed and even. If it is tilted, the person has a vivid imagination, if it is straight, the person is practical and devoid of imagination.

The creative line of the mind is directed towards the wrist. The owner of such a line has a rich imagination, approaches everything creatively. If the work does not capture him, he quickly gets tired and plunges into the world of his own dreams, loves everything beautiful, has good taste.

The practical line of the mind is straight. Its owners stand firmly on their feet and are confident in themselves, constantly keep everything under control, and are independent in making any decisions.

If at the end the line of the mind branches out - the person has the talent of a writer, is original and creative. He has a vivid imagination, he has a lot of original ideas, which he then put into practice. Such a line is also found on the hands of an artist, teacher and even an entrepreneur. It is called the writer's fork.

If it is rounded at the end towards the fingers, this indicates large material demands.

There may be signs on the line of the mind: chains, breaks, islands, dashes. An island can talk about or a period of crisis in a person's life. The chain is about some kind of stressful condition or a period when intellectual abilities could not be fully used. Perpendicular lines that cross the line of the mind may indicate frequent headaches, and a rupture may indicate a head injury or unconsciousness. If the line of the mind is thin and weakly expressed, the person does not invest much time in thought processes. But if it is at the same time long, he will look knowledgeable and erudite in the eyes of others.

If the line of the mind at its beginning touches with then the person will first think, and then do something. If they do not touch, but are located close to each other, a person is confident in his abilities and from childhood differs from anyone in an independent way of thinking. The greater the distance between them, the more freedom-loving a person is. If they merge over the course of a certain segment, the individual was strongly influenced by upbringing, and he could not make decisions on his own.

On the line of the mind, you can designate a temporary event, if you drop a straight line down from the base point on the inside, we get a mark of 20 years. The 35 year mark will cross the line down from the middle of your middle finger.

Knowing when something happened in a person's life, you can see the reflection of what happened on his hand.

Fundamentals of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Mind Line (Head)

Mind Line (Head)

The Mind Line indicates the general state of a person's intelligence. Along this line, you can determine how a person thinks and how he approaches the solution of his problems. In general, the line of the Mind shows how a person relates to his life.

It is believed that the longer the Mind line, the smarter its owner and the higher his intellect. However, the presence of a long line of Mind does not always indicate that a person will be able to fully realize his intellectual abilities. It is known that each of us uses only a small part of our natural intellectual potential. For example, a person with a short line of Mind, actively realizing his intellectual potential, will achieve much more in life than someone who has a long line of Mind, but is lazy to use his intellect.

The length of the Mind line indicates the degree of complexity of a given person's thinking. The longer this line, the more deeply, complex and broad a person thinks.

The Mind Line originates between the bases of the thumb and forefinger and, crossing the palm, reaches approximately to its middle. In some cases, it can completely cross the palm. The line of the Mind should be clear and even. Ideally, there should be no unfavorable signs on it. Islets or chains on the line of Mind indicate a life period during which a person thought confusedly and had difficulty concentrating.

The angle of inclination of the Mind line indicates how vivid and imaginative its owner possesses. If the line of the Mind crosses the palm in a straight trajectory, this indicates that the person is practical and devoid of imagination. If the line of the Mind crosses the palm diagonally, this indicates that the person has a vivid imagination, and the greater the angle of inclination of this line, the richer our imagination. If the line of the Mind falls too low, then such a person does not adequately assess reality. Mind lines are divided into two main groups: creative and practical.

The creative line of the Mind has a pronounced bend and is directed towards the wrist (Figure 112). It ends on the part of the palm that controls creativity and the subconscious. Such a person has a rich imagination. We can say the following about the owner of the creative line of Mind.

Rice. 112. Creative Line Mind

In everything he does, he tries to be creative, making the most of his imagination. It is very important that the work he is doing completely absorbs him, otherwise he will quickly get tired of it and plunge into the world of his own dreams and fantasies. He works best in an aesthetic setting, because he values ​​beauty and loves to surround himself with beautiful things. It has a refined, sophisticated taste.

The practical lines of the Mind make up the second main group (Figure 113). This line crosses the palm in a straight line. Its name suggests that it is found on the palms of people who are firmly on their feet and living in the present day.

Rice. 113. Practical Mind Line

A person with a practical Mind line takes a practical and simple approach to everything he does. He is not inclined to rely on blind faith, preferring to keep the situation under control. He likes to get to the bottom of everything and make decisions on his own. In some cases, the Mind line bifurcates at the end (Figure 114). One branch on the diagonal tends to the zone of creativity and subconsciousness, and the second crosses the palm in a straight line. This combination is known as the writer's fork. Her presence in the palm of your hand suggests that a person has a vivid, vivid imagination and often gives birth to original ideas that can later be put into practice. This is primarily what writers do. Representatives of other professions also keep up with them. The writer's fork is an auspicious sign on the hand of an entrepreneur, as well as on the hand of an artist.

Rice. 114. Vivid imagination

The line of the Mind, rounded at the end towards the fingers, indicates a person with great material needs (Figure 115). You can see such a line on the hand of a young girl seeking to find herself a rich husband, or on the hand of an entrepreneur who dreams of becoming a millionaire. In some cases, such a line of Mind is a kind of auspicious sign. However, she often points to a person obsessed with the idea of ​​endless enrichment, and on this path he is not able to stop.

Rice. 115. Obsession with the idea of ​​enrichment

If at the beginning the line of Mind touches the line of Life (Figure 116), this indicates that the person is cautious, prudent, who thinks first, and only then does.

If at its beginning the Mind line does not touch the Life line, but is located very close to it (Figure 117), this suggests that a person is confident in his own strengths and from childhood was distinguished by independence of thought.

Rice. 117. Self-confidence

If the Mind line begins on the hill of Jupiter (the bump at the base of the index finger), this indicates that the person is extremely ambitious and ambitious. He will not allow anyone or anything to stand in his way to success (Figure 119).

Rice. 118. Great love of freedom

If the Mind line starts inside the Life line and crosses it (Figure 120), this indicates a person who lacks self-confidence, which may be the result of family relationships early in his life.

Rice. 119. High Ambition

If the line of Mind comes from the line of Life (Figure 121) and merges with it for a certain segment, this symbolizes such a huge influence of the family that the person was not able (or simply did not feel the need) to make decisions on his own.

Rice. 120. Self-doubt

The Mind Line of medium length crosses the palm and ends somewhere under the ring finger (Figure 122).

Rice. 121. Weak independence

The long line of the Mind indicates the versatile development of a person, characterized by an abundance of interests and quick thinking (Figure 123).

Rice. 122. Disposition to thinking

If the line of the Mind crosses the palm entirely, almost reaching its ribs (Figure 124), this indicates that the person has an exceptional gift of foresight and rare insight. As a result, the Mind line divides the palm in half, disrupting the natural flow of energy.

Rice. 123. Versatility of thinking

People with a short Mind line (Figure 125) are straightforward and practical in their thoughts and actions. They try to get to work as quickly as possible and get it done without wasting time. These people are not inclined to analysis to the extent that those who have a long line of Mind are inclined to it.

Ideally, the Mind line should be long, deep and clear, which indicates an extraordinary mind and a tendency to think logically.

If there is an island on the line of the Mind, it symbolizes a period when a person thought chaotically and irrationally. The reason for this could be difficulties arising from the discrepancy between what he would like to do ideally, what he is forced to do in reality. An island on the Mind line often indicates a psychological crisis or a nervous breakdown.

Rice. 124. Having the gift of foresight

The chain on the Mind line speaks of a stressful, stressful period in a person's life or a period when his intellectual abilities were not used properly. This could be the result of depression or the consequence of severe headaches. Small perpendicular lines crossing the Mind line can also indicate frequent headaches.

Rice. 125. Straightforwardness and Practicality

The gap on the Mind line (Figure 126) suggests that for some period of time this person's brain was clearly inactive. Typically, this is the result of the person being unconscious or suffering from a traumatic brain injury.

Rice. 126. Break on the Mind Line

If the line of the Mind on a person's hand looks thin, pale and weakly expressed, this indicates that he prefers not to invest a lot of time and effort in thought processes. But if at the same time the line of the Mind is also long, then this person will seem much more erudite and knowledgeable than he really is.

If the line of the Mind looks pale and wide, it betrays an obvious slow-wittedness who takes a long time to make a decision.

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There is a myth in palmistry that the length of the line of the mind is directly related to the mental abilities of a person. This is not true. The length of the line of the mind does not determine the speed of information processing by a person or his analytical abilities, etc. It is associated with other qualities.

The line of the mind on the hand is the flow of energy that determines the thinking, mental abilities of a person, etc. Therefore, a short line of mind indicates that a person thinks conservatively, dogmatically. He is characterized by stereotypes, complexes to a strong degree. His thinking is determined by models, opinions, traditions.

The long line of the mind describes the mental energy that spreads over all the open spaces of the palm, therefore it describes thinking that is more flexible and wider. This person is not fixated on traditions, opinions. His thinking is little limited by stereotypes.

Curvature of the Mind Line

The curvature of the line of the mind is of great importance. The curvature of the line describes changes in the flow of mental energy. These are eddies, turbulent flow, etc. This is a good sign. Usually creative people have a curved line of mind. They think outside the box.

It is necessary to understand the differences in two different attributes. A long line of mind describes flexible thinking, the absence of obsession with traditions, principles, that is, the ability to accept facts, arguments that contradict some foundations. This is partly tolerance. The curvature of the line of the mind indicates a person's ability to think outside the box for himself. Therefore, a long line of mind does not indicate that a person has good intelligence. This is indicated by the curvature of the line of the mind.

Short line of mind, but curvature, describes a person who, even with stereotypes, attachment to principles, traditions, is able to think in an original way within these frameworks. The presence of intelligence in a person is determined by the curvature of the line of the mind. But the curvature itself can be different.

Strongly crooked line of mind describes a very original thinking, because of which a person can behave inappropriately and even dangerous to others. This characteristic needs to be clarified with other signs.

Straight line of mind indicates the typicality of thinking, the lack of "zest" in thinking.

Ending the line of mind

End bend... It is necessary to distinguish the bends of the line of the mind from the slope at the end of its end. The mind line begins where the life line begins. Then she goes through the middle of the palm. At the end, she can go straight or, on the contrary, make a bend.

Straight line ending of the mind indicates the presence of logic, discipline. This is due to the fact that the line of the mind itself or its extension goes to the hill of Mars. If the line of the mind makes at the end a slope towards the hill of the Moon, then this is a sign of creative thinking, fantasy, imagination. Such people are endowed with a good imagination, love to think and come up with something of their own. But there is one drawback - it is a lack of logical thinking.

There is another case that describes the extreme. When we observe that the line of the mind goes to the hill of the Moon, passes but it and has various bends, roundings on it, then this is a negative case. With a 90% probability we have in front of us an inadequate person, with the danger of mental illness. It is also one of the signs of suicidal tendencies. If, in addition, there are other signs that confirm that a person has a weakly developed reality principle, then we have a person who does not distinguish reality from sleep. Therefore, you need to be careful with him.

A good sign is the bend at the end of the line of the mind towards the hill of the sun... Mental energy receives properties for which the Sun is responsible. In palmistry, the Sun is associated with art, the expression of oneself, one's own inner world. All this can be realized both in art and in any other creative work. In most cases, this is a sign of acting.

The fork at the end of the line of mind... An interesting feature that is described in almost all books on palmistry. Whatever they call him. Some believe that this is a sign of writing talent. Others argue that this is a sign of creative thinking. Mental energy is divided into two streams. Therefore, everything will depend on whether the branches are equal in length or not. Also, the interpretation depends on where the branches are directed. The most ideal case would be when the branches are of equal length and one of the branches is directed to the hill of the moon, and the other to the hill of Mercury. In this case, a person can realize his fantasies, creative ideas very effectively. This can be the talent of a writer, artist, sculptor, or just a designer. This is a very strong sign.

When one of the branches is longer than the other, this indicates an imbalance. For example, a twig that points to the hill of the Moon is longer than a twig that goes to the hill of Mercury. We are dealing with a case when there are many fantasies, but there are no skills to fully realize it. Therefore, the strength of the feature described above is reduced.

An island at the end of the line of the mind. Sometimes we see that there is an island at the end of the line of the mind. If we consider this island with the line of the mind, then we can say that the island is a bucket, and the line of the mind is a handle. This is not a good sign. In most cases, it means difficulties in thought processes. Usually such people make incorrect conclusions. There can be many reasons. In one case, it may be a brain disease, in others, laziness, inadequacy. We can say that there is a problem, a flaw in the physical body of a person or in his character, which prevents him from thinking and thinking correctly. Therefore, such people cannot engage in science or activities that require hard mental work.

Width and depth of the Mind line

Wide line of mind characterized by mental energy that flows slowly. Therefore, human thinking is slow. He is characterized by lethargy, slowness in thinking. Such a person cannot immediately find a way out of the situation or adapt to the situation. It cannot be called stupid. Slowly, but he can tackle serious and difficult problems.

Narrow line of mind characterizes a person whose thinking is fast and quick. This person instantly reacts to changes and is able to quickly think things over. Only one caveat remains. Fast doesn't mean good. Such people have more developed working memory than long-term memory.

The superficial line of the mind indicates that the subject has a lack of mental energy. This sign can still mean a weakness of the intellect. Perhaps it is difficult for a person to think for a long time or to engage in long-term mental work. Lack of mental energy is the main meaning of such a sign. Not a very good sign when our line of mind is shallow and narrow. This is a sign of mistakes and delusions.

Deep line of mind on the contrary, it indicates great mental potential and, possibly, the presence of good intelligence.

Defects on the line of the mind

Break in the line of the mind. This defect has a standard interpretation. The mental energy was cut off. There can be many reasons. If it is a brain disease, a blow to the head, or something else like that, then we should see the corresponding signs on the life line. Another reason may lie in a career, then we check the lines of fate and the line of life. Another option is to look at the heart line. Maybe emotions drown out the mind? It is necessary to combine the values ​​of defects on different lines. The gap in the line of the mind has the effect of surprise. A person cannot think normally, his thinking is abruptly interrupted. There can be many reasons for this. Here we use the rules of palmistry.

Break with overlap... This symptom is also described in many books. Some believe that the meaning of this feature depends on how the gap is located. There are two types of rupture. In the first case, the other half of the mind line is located closer to the bases of the fingers. When the second half of the mind line is located closer to the base of the palm, then we are dealing with the second case. These two cases have different interpretations in palmistry books. This is due to the fact that the energies of the lines upon discontinuity can extinguish each other or, on the contrary, amplify. The overlapping break also has a surprise effect. The gap on the line of the mind is a consequence, which is human behavior, its problematics. His mental energy was cut off. In other words, the thought processes stopped abruptly. A cause is an objective event that needs to be calculated.

A square on the line of the mind... The square has a guarding function. In some cases it is necessary, in others it is already overkill. It is the same with the line of the mind. If there is a defect on the line of the mind inside the square, then the square softens the negative meaning of the defect. When we see just a square on the line of the mind, then this is a negative sign. The meaning of this case is obsession, dependence. Perhaps the person was inspired by something or he was fired up by the idea that drives him. The square on the line of mind is often seen in politicians.

Island na line of mind... Such a sign bears the character of stagnation. This is stagnation in thinking. Interestingly, an island on the line of the mind can mean both a head injury and migraines, as well as a period of time when it was difficult for a person to think, to realize their ideas. An island on the line of the mind does not have the effect of surprise. If a break on the line of the mind has the effect of surprise and often means a head injury, then an island on the line of the mind speaks of an illness that was to be expected. As with other signs, we must examine the entire palm in order to assert something.

Dashes on the lines of the mind... The lines on the mind line have the same characteristics as on the life line. We distinguish two areas. One of them is positive - this is the direction to the hill of Jupiter or the hill of the Sun. Another negative is the direction to the hill of Saturn. Let's take a closer look at these areas.

  • Direction to Mount Jupiter. The mental energy was diluted with the energy of Jupiter. Thinking was colored with elements of the meanings of the planet Jupiter. The person had ideas related to management, teaching, teaching someone, business, etc. This is a good sign.
  • Direction ka hill of saturn ... It is probably wrong to say that the direction of the lines to the Saturn line always has a negative meaning. The mental energy was colored with the elements of the meanings of the planet Saturn. To some extent, thinking has become strict, concrete. Man no longer flies in the clouds. Perhaps systematics, analytics, accuracy, rigor are present in thinking. This usually occurs when a person makes a mistake or realizes that they may make a mistake. Therefore, in order to clarify this sign, it is necessary to consider the entire palm.
  • Direction ka hill of the sun ... This is a good sign. The mental energy is colored with the energy of the Sun. In most cases, this sign denotes a state of clarification, understanding of what is needed. If before that a person was rushing about and did not know how to achieve what he wants, then a dash directed to the hill of the Sun indicates that he has found a way out. In other words, he is experiencing a state of enlightenment.
  • Direction to the hill of Mercury ... The mental energy received the quality of the attributes of the planet Mercury. The person had ideas, thoughts related to trade, communication, public relations, inventions, etc.

It should be noted that the directions have both positive and negative values. For example, the direction to the hill of Jupiter can also mean pride, self-interest, vanity. The direction to the hill of the Sun can also mean the realization that a person was going in the wrong direction and did a lot of things wrong. In other words, the negative and positive meanings of the traits are linked to each other.

Crosses and asterisks on the lines of the mind... Such signs on the line of the mind indicate problems. Crosses, stars on the line of the mind are problems on the mental level. They do not necessarily mean an external factor. On the line of the mind, they denote problems related to the person himself. It can be ignorance of your life goals or illness. But it can also mean an external factor that interferes with normal thinking and thinking. In this case, the asterisk has a more negative meaning, in contrast to the crosses.

Point, comet... Such a sign on the line of the mind always has a negative meaning. They almost always denote a problem related to the person himself, and not an external factor. These are problems with self-determination, with the attitude of life. On the physical level, a dot means a disease of the brain or nervous system, especially if hairs are moving away from it. In other words, a comet on the line of mind denotes head disease 90% of the time. The dot also denotes a problem with the person himself. There is no vector, direction of thinking. There is a dissipation of mental energy, its leakage.

Merging the Mind Line with the Life Line at the Beginning... On the palms, we usually see two cases. In the first case, the line of the mind and the line of life go together without separating at the beginning. Then there is a fork, and they go in different directions. The period of time when the lines go together means a period of growing up, upbringing. Mental energy cannot yet go on its own, it is strongly influenced by vital energy. These can be parents, relatives, home, school, city, etc.

The second case is when the mind line goes separate from the life line... Already at the very beginning of his life, a person thinks independently and external conditions do not affect him as strongly as in the first case. Usually these children grow up independently. Even if parents raise them, they learn everything on their own. Unfortunately, in the future they have to relearn a lot, but this is not always the case.

Merging the Mind Line with the Life Line at the End The fusion of these two lines means the dependence of mental energy on life energy. During childhood, growing up, this is normal. But there are cases when such a merger occurs in the middle of the palm or at the end of the line of the mind bends and connects with the line of life. This is an abnormal sign and is rare enough. The anomaly is as follows. Events occur that lead a person to the fact that he again cannot think and develop independently. It can be both accidents and just a weak character of a person.

Double line of mind... There are cases when there is a duplication of the mind line on the hand. The interpretation is obvious here. It is an enhancement of mental faculties. Extraordinary thinking. The difficulty here lies in the fact that you will have to date two lines of the mind. Negative moments on one line are smoothed out by positive moments on the other line of the mind.

Dating the line of mind

The mind line starts where the life line is. Time flows from the beginning of the line of the mind to its end. The scale of up to 20-22 years of life is preserved. This period of time is determined using a vertical line - we lower the vertical line between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn. After that, we find a defect in this interval, interpret it and ask the owner of the palm to give the exact date, then we calculate the step - a scale or a time period of 2 years. Now, having calculated the scale, we determine the time period 20-22 years. The 20-22 year point can be at the intersection of the vertical line with the line of the mind, but it can also be located before and after the intersection. Select a line close to the beginning of the mind line from these lines, after which we look for an event from 20-22 years before this intersection. We clarify it and produce a scale.

Similarly, we define the period after 40 years, if it can be determined. In some cases, we have a short line of mind or not long enough. Therefore, we need now to decide which lines of mind we will have long and which are short. The long lines of the mind are the lines that run under the hill of Saturn and go up to the hill of the sun, possibly in a bend. The short lines of the mind do not reach the middle of the hill of Saturn. The gentle lines of the mind slope sharply down to the base of the palm or up to the base of the fingers. In this case, the line of the mind makes a tilt already under the hill of Saturn. All information that was given for gentle and short lines of life is correct for gentle and short lines of the mind, respectively. In other words, on some of the short lines of the mind, scale is maintained and a long period of life is displayed. But there are other short mind lines that show a period of time up to 35-40 years. On gentle lines of the mind, the scale changes continuously after 20-22 years.

The ability to read the palm of your hand is one of the most interesting and mysterious skills that many wanted to possess. Not everyone is given to fully comprehend this art, since it is not enough just to know the names of the lines, but you also need to be able to interpret them. This science is palmistry. The head line is one of the most significant markings by which a professional palmist can learn about a person's abilities and potential.

Divination hand

As a rule, they guess by the right hand, since it is she who determines the developed qualities of the personality. Marks of the left hand give an idea of ​​congenital, hereditary qualities. The line of the head (mind) in the palm of your hand can tell about a person's ability to analyze information and understand the details of a case. But at the same time, its length does not always mean the presence of a great mind, since smart are not born, but become.

Where, after all, is this trait that can say so much about its owner? It takes its origin in the middle of the palm, between the thumb and forefinger, in the direction towards the opposite side. It is very difficult to view it as it stands out from the others. And of course, it is individual for everyone and can take on different shapes.

Meaning of symbols on the line of the mind

Width, depth and slope

Palmists, first of all, examining the line of the head in the palm of their hand, determine its depth, clarity, the presence of various signs and length. This information can tell a lot to a professional.:

The presence of a bend and its angle of inclination

Not only the above qualities can tell a lot of interesting things about a person. The bending of the head line on the arm also affects the final psychological portrait. The straight line of the head belongs to a practical person who has no imagination at all. The person to whom such a mark belongs stands firmly on his feet and always knows what he expects from life.

At the same time, the angle of inclination also speaks of certain qualities of a person. The more the line is inclined, the more confidently you can say that you have a rich imagination. And if the mark is located too low, then the person is most likely unable to perceive reality as it really is. Most often these are creative individuals.

End and beginning of line

It is often found that this trait has a double end. What does this mean? Most often this phenomenon is called - "writer's fork". She talks about the presence of a creative mind in a person, about his ability to skillfully control his imagination and express his thoughts on paper. The head line can fork in people who are ready to devote their lives to literature or writing professions. In addition, they often become artists and entrepreneurs, oddly enough.

If the strip at the end rounds to the fingers, then with perfect accuracy we can say that in front of the palmist is a person with certain financial needs. He loves money and tries in every possible way to find a way out to them. Girls with such a sign most often marry rich and promising men who are able to solve their material needs.

It is not uncommon for two main marks to merge at their origins. It is about a life line that starts at the same place as the mind line. The meaning of this phenomenon can tell interesting facts about a person.

The owners of the connected lines of life and mind are rational individuals, capable of adequately reacting to any situation, even conflict. However, if the connection is too large, more than 2 cm, then such a person is not able to make spontaneous decisions, is often unsure of himself, constantly hesitates and withdraws into himself.

Another case when the line of mind and life begins separately from each other: this happens only in people with independent thinking, confident in themselves. It is very difficult to convince such interlocutors in a dispute - for this it is necessary to present indisputable facts, and only in this case he admits his defeat. These are very stubborn personalities, calmly walking towards their goal, not paying attention to extraneous factors. The main qualities possessed by such people are flexible thinking, freedom, openness, independence and enterprise.

Having a strong intellect can split the line of the mind in the palm of your hand. The meaning of such a phenomenon means that in front of the palmist there is a real genius with unlimited power or a person who can suddenly become rich.


Often on the line of the mind, you can see various marks and signs that an experienced palmist can tell a lot of necessary information.

The ability to correctly interpret the signs located on the palm of your hand can give you confidence and direct you in the right direction. At the same time, it is better not to make mistakes in the interpretation of signs, as they can affect the emotional mood of a person. To avoid misunderstandings, it is better to double-check your conclusions each time, relying on reference books with illustrations.

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