The use of modern social psychological techniques by a teacher psychologist. "Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist

"Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist"

G. Balakovo

educational psychologist

MADOU kindergarten number 38

Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies are aimed at the implementation of preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult in communication with children adheres to the position: "Not next to, not above him, but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, methods of teaching, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process ().

Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:

    Conceptuality Consistency Controllability Efficiency Reproducibility

Conceptuality - reliance on a certain scientific concept, including a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical rationale for achieving educational goals.

Consistency - the technology must have all the features of the system:

The logic of the process,

The interconnection of its parts,


Modern educational technologies include:

    technology technology; personality-oriented technologies; technology for a preschooler's and educator's portfolio game technology TRIZ technology, etc. Health-saving technologies

Health-saving technologies

The purpose of health-preserving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and skills for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher's influence on the child's health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for the formation of his health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on:

From the type of preschool,

From the duration of the stay of children in it,

From the program according to which the teachers work,

The specific conditions of the preschool educational institution,

Professional competence of a teacher,

Children's health indicators.

In the work of a teacher-psychologist, the following psychological and pedagogical technologies are distinguished:

    technology for preserving and stimulating health (gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, relaxation, etc. technologies for health preservation and health enrichment of teachers - technologies aimed at developing a health culture of kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. health preservation in working with preschool educators:

Training seminars "Psychological health of teachers";

Consultations for teachers "Signs of fatigue in a preschooler child", "Prohibited physical exercises for preschool children", "How to do gymnastics correctly ( different kinds) with preschoolers "," Prevention of fatigue in preschoolers in preschoolers ", etc .;

Workshop for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Receptions of relaxation, stress relief during the working day";

Discussion of health preservation issues at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (communication games, problem-game situations, elements of game training, game therapy, self-massage, etc.)

Correctional technologies (technologies of musical influence, technologies of influence with color, technologies of behavior correction, elements of fairy tale therapy, etc.)

Project technology

Purpose: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and teaching of preschoolers unanimously note that the life activity organized according to it in kindergarten allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate into the inner world of the child.

Currently, information and communication technologies are widely used in the work of a preschool educational psychologist. The use of ICT is carried out in various directions.

Methodical work - Work in Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Registration of reporting and current documentation, creation of diagnostic results, drawing up graphs and diagrams. Creation of your own presentations, photo albums.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, independent directions are distinguished:

Humanistic and personal technologies, characterized by their humanistic essence, psycho-therapeutic focus on helping a child with weakened health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

the technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between a teacher and a child, partnership in the system of relationships "Adult - child".

The technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantee the achievements of the preschooler and further guarantee their successful learning at school.

Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. Creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the cognitive process in its developing state will always be the main reference point. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

And I would like to end my speech with the words of Charles Dickens

"A person cannot truly improve if he does not help others to improve."

Create yourself. As there are no children without imagination, so there is no teacher without creative impulses. I wish you creative success!

An article on the topic "Systematization of the use of health-saving technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist of a correctional school" was prepared for the final pedagogical council for the past academic year. It provides a system for using health preservation methods within the framework of the activities of a teacher-psychologist (teacher of correctional education) of a correctional school.

The proposed forms of work can be used in work with primary school children (group lessons) or with secondary school students (individual lessons).

The contingent of children is not limited, it is possible to work in correctional schools of the I - VIII type.

In a number of priority human values, health is of paramount importance, and in terms of its relevance, this problem is considered one of the most difficult in modern science. It is obvious that the problem of maintaining health should be of concern to every person. However, at present, the health of the child population in the Russian Federation is a serious social problem. The deterioration in health is characterized by an increase in morbidity, structural changes and an increase in the frequency of chronic diseases. Also, in recent years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of children with developmental disabilities. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, there are currently 2 million children living in our country, i.e. 4.5% of the entire child population belong to the category of children with disabilities and need special education.

In connection with the current situation in recent years, such a concept as health-preserving technologies has appeared in domestic pedagogy and psychology, which involves the consolidation of all the efforts of the school aimed at preserving, shaping and strengthening the health of students.

In a general sense, the concept of "health" includes the following components:

1) somatic;

2) physical;

3) psychological;

4) moral.

The priority direction in the work of a school psychologist is the preservation of the psychological health of students.

Experimentally, in the work of the pedagogue-psychologist of the Kamensk correctional school No. 15, the directions of corrective influence were determined through the use of health-saving technologies that contribute to the maintenance of the psychological health of children.

Scheme No. 1

The technologies used have a number of advantages and contribute to the reflective health-preserving process of development of pupils with disabilities.


1. Interactive interaction.

It implies correctional work using computer technology (for the development of cognitive processes).


a) Great interest in children.

b) Wide multimedia capabilities:

Nice graphics;

Dynamics in changing the image;

Saving time resources.

Promotes: the development of sensorimotor and perceptual cognitive functions, an increase in learning efficiency, stabilization of learning motivation, the development of creative abilities.

2. Non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal group therapy, which is based on

the use of motor expression.

One of the main forms of non-verbal communication is psycho-gymnastics. This is a complex of special tasks (studies, exercises, games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the psyche of children (cognitive and emotional-personal spheres).


a) Allows you to better understand yourself and others.

b) There is no mental stress in the process of communication.

c) There is an opportunity for self-expression.

Promotes: coordination of communicative actions, overcoming social infantilism, reducing difficulties in the arbitrary regulation of behavior and activity.

3. Kinesiological exercises - a set of exercises aimed at the development and activation of interhemispheric interaction.

1) Breathing exercises:

Strengthening the immune system in children.

Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

2) Eye movement exercises:

Strengthening of vision.

Decreased mental fatigue.

For example, "Exercise for the eyes" (methods of Bazarny M.F., Avetisov E.S.)

3) Body Exercise:

Normalization of the nervous system.

Reducing anxiety and stress.

For example, self-massage and massage in pairs; "Brain gymnastics".


a) Doesn't tire students.

b) Increases motivational activity.

c) The ability to exercise arbitrary control.

Promotes: the development of fine and gross motor skills, synchronization of the work of the cerebral hemispheres, improvement of memory and attention, facilitation of the processes of reading and writing.

4. Art therapy is a complex of methods of artistic activity that allows to correct deviations and disorders of personal development (aggressiveness, negativism, irritability).

When working with students with intellectual disabilities, it is appropriate to use the following art therapy methods.

1) Isotherapy:

The use of traditional methods of visual activity (paints, plasticine).

Working with wax, thread, natural material.

2) Game therapy:

Puppet therapy (bi-ba-bo dolls, finger dolls).

Imagotherapy (influence through the image) - plot performances.

3) Fairytale therapy:

Bibliotherapy (use of literary texts).



a) Positive emotional attitude of children.

b) Expression of feelings at the symbolic level.

c) Facilitation of the communication process.

Contributes to: correction of emotional deprivation (the experience of emotional rejection), reduction of anxiety and phobias, the formation of adequate self-esteem.

5. Relaxation complexes

1) Games for self-regulation of the emotional state - "Komariki", "Hide and Seek", "Pencil", "Lemon", etc.

2) Relaxation exercises (for muscle relaxation) - "Carousel", "The sun and the rain", "Doll", etc.


a) Formation of a positive attitude and a benevolent attitude towards others.

b) Learning to manage oneself in a playful way.

c) Correction of violations of the behavior of children.

Promotes: decrease in psycho-emotional stress, the formation of skills for self-regulation of the emotional state.

Thus, for a teacher-psychologist of a correctional educational institution, the use of health-saving technologies in their activities is an important and necessary way of studying the nature of a child, maintaining his psychological health.

In working with children with disabilities, due to the specifics of their development, it is sometimes difficult to achieve a reflexive attitude towards their health, an adequate reflection of the real situation.

To paraphrase I.G. Pestalozzi, I would like to say that "education (in our case, the preservation of psychological health) should help children become helpers to themselves."

At present, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process requires active and comprehensive work of the entire teaching staff. A huge role in this work is assigned to the teacher - psychologist. Namely: the creation of a system of social and psychological conditions conducive to the development of the personality of pupils, ensuring their emotional well-being, promoting the free and effective development of each child, providing timely psychological assistance to children, teachers, and parents.

In my practice I use the following technologies: adaptive education and upbringing, modular and distance learning, information and communication technologies.



Psychology - pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher - psychologist.

At present, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational process requires active and comprehensive work of the entire teaching staff. A huge role in this work is assigned to the teacher - psychologist. Namely: the creation of a system of social and psychological conditions conducive to the development of the personality of pupils,ensuring their emotional well-being, promoting the free and effective development of each child, providing timely psychological assistance to children, teachers, and parents.

In my practice I use the following technologies: adaptive education and upbringing, modular and distance learning, information and communication technologies.

Adaptive technology training and education allowsto create a flexible system for organizing correctional and developmental classes, taking into account the individual psychological and somatic characteristics of the pupils. The use of modular training technology allows us to strive to achieve several didactic goals in correctional and developmental work with children and parents. I actively use distance learning when drawing up a program for parents, which makes it possible to form a psychological and pedagogical culture among the parents of pupils. For this, various materials are used in electronic and printed forms, which can also be attributed to ICT technologies.

The use of adaptive technology makes it possible to carry out correctional and developmental work, both in a group mode and individually: at the same time, the individual psychological and somatic characteristics of the pupils are taken into account. I vary the tasks, didactic material (games, exercises) depending onage of children, composition of correctional groups, individual characteristics of children, as well as types of mental disorders and deviations. The use of adaptive education and upbringing technology gives a positive result in psycho-correctional work with children:comfortable conditions have been created for the education and upbringing of children, as a result of which a positive dynamics of their development is visible.

Modular learning technology.The use of this technology allows me to divide the topics of correctional and developmental classes into modules:

1. In the areas of psycho - corrective influence (emotional and cognitive spheres);

In recent years, the number of children with psycho-emotional development disorders has been increasing. These include such manifestations as emotional instability, hostility, aggressiveness, anxiety, etc., which seriously complicates the child's relationship with the outside world. In this direction I work according to the program"I am surprised, angry, afraid, bragging and happy" Kryukova S.V., Slabodyanik N.P. The main goals of the program: initial acquaintance with various feelings and emotions; development of children's ability to adequately express their emotional state; developing the ability to understand the emotional state of other children.

Cognitive sphere of preschoolers(attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, speech) is a complex mental education that ensures the full intellectual development of a child in the world around him. I carry out correctional and developmental work in this direction according to the program of N.Yu. Kurazheva. and Kozlova I.A."Flower - seven-flower". Classes in this program are aimed at the development of all mental processes of preschoolers, are held in an interesting playful way, accessible to children of a certain age (in accordance with the age group). In addition, this program contains graphic tasks, which I consider especially necessary when preparing a child's hand for writing.

2. By themes: "Toys"; "Autumn", "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Trees", "In the forest", "Clothes and shoes", "Dishes", "Food", "Parts of the body", "Winter", "New Year's holiday", "Winter fun", "Pets", "Pets and their cubs", Wild animals "," Wild animals and their cubs "," Defender of the Fatherland Day "," Pets and wild animals "," Mother's holiday "," Pets birds "," Wild birds "," Our home "," Our family "," Transport "," Spring. Meadow and Garden Plants "," Flowers "," Insects "," Summer ".

Technology distance learningis closely related to ICT - technologies, I use it as a homework assignment for pupils, with the aim of the most complete study and memorization of the topics covered, for the development of the cognitive sphere. This technology can be carried out both in the form of graphic tasks on paper, and by providing parents with a variety of information on CD-disks, USB flash drives, tasks by e-mail, computer educational games (for the development of perception, memory, thinking, emotional sphere of preschoolers) and etc.

In our kindergarten there is a counseling center for children who do not attend a preschool institution. I advise parents when I visit, and sometimes I use e-mail, or communicate via video or audio communication.

ICT technology I use it not only in distance learning, but also in ordinary classes with children (group and individual). I show some games and manuals on the big screen, with the help of a presentation, which children really like, and gives a positive result in my work. For example, pop-up or disappearance of a picture, gif - animations revive and make the task more interesting. In my "ICT piggy bank" there is also diagnostic material (Luscher color test; diagnostic material for the manual "Correctional and developmental classes: senior, preparatory group." and exercises ("Find the Differences", "What's Excessive?", "Sequential Pictures", "What's Going on?"

The technologies used in my work are based on the following directions: prevention, diagnostics (individual and group), correctional and developmental work (individual and group), counseling (individual and group), psychological education of the subjects of the educational process.

I carry out diagnostics both individually and in a group, at the request of parents (individual requests), teaching staff and administration.Based on the results of diagnostics, I receive information about the level of psychological development and emotional state of the child, which forms the basis for drawing up a plan for working with children.

I devote a significant part of my work to preventive (group), correctional and developmental classes, which I do individually and in small subgroups. I unite the groups, taking into account the common problem, the emotional and volitional sphere, the zones of actual and immediate development. Unfortunately, nowadays we often encounter children with mental retardation. For them, we collectively develop a special individual program, taking into account potential opportunities and existing problems or difficulties.

In correctional - developmental, preventive classes I use such methods as: games, elements of fairy tale therapy, elements of sand therapy, puppet therapy, relaxation exercises, psycho-gymnastics.

Play is the most accessible activity for children. With the help of play in children, I develop mental processes: memory, thinking, perception, attention. In my practice I use games such as: "Sit down those who ..", "Keys", "Find and cross out", "Labyrinth", "Find the differences", "Who will call first", "Connect by dots" and others - attention; "Find a pair"The game "Cut pictures", "Confusion". the game "Contours", the game "What did the artist forget to draw?" "What's gone?", "What has changed?" and others - visual and auditory memory; andgame "Sequential pictures", "Logic chains", "Logical square", "What's superfluous?", "Opposites", "Patch up the rug", "Analogies", etc. - thinking. “Non-existent animal”, “Make up a story”, “Continue drawing”, “Blot”, “Reanimation of an object”, etc. - imagination. While playing, the child transmits his own and learns to recognize other people's emotions: the game "I'm not afraid of horror stories into whoever you want to turn", the game "Bridge of Friendship", the game "Ball", the game "Do as I do", "Who will be whom?", "Theater moods "," Merry - sad "," Country of moods "," ABC of emotions "," Cube of mood "," Pick up an emotion ", etc.

Play in children is a means of reflecting the surrounding reality and human relationships. Playing together, children begin to take into account the desires and actions of the other, defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans. Therefore, play has a huge impact on the development of children's communication.

Fairytale therapy is a treasure in working with children for the manifestation and correction of the child's personal problems: increasing self-esteem, relieving anxiety, contributes to the development and correction of emotional states, and the removal of aggressive manifestations. In a fairy tale, it is easier to accept and work through the problem. For the hero, the child himself comes up with a way out of the current situation, helps to solve it.

Using sand therapy, I help children regulate emotional states and manifestations. Along with tactile sensations, children learn to listen to themselves, to their own world, to articulate their feelings.

I use cuclotherapy as a means of resolving conflicts, social adaptation of a child, while correcting manifestations of anxiety, fears, emotional excitability. A child, unconsciously uses a toy to "throw out" his state, playing a plot, experiences his emotions, and sometimes gives vent to feelings (crying bitterly or, on the contrary, laughing).

Relaxation is one of the favorite methods for children, since there is also an element of play here. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, restore strength, and concentrate. For a deeper effect, I choose my musical repertoire very carefully. Music promotes calmness and pacification: birdsong, rain noise, waves lapping, etc. , helps to relax and gradually prepare for another activity.

Psycho-gymnastics adjoins psychological-pedagogical and psychotherapeutic techniques, the general task of which is to preserve mental health and prevent emotional disorders in children. In my work, I prefer one of the recognized authorities in this field - M.I. Chistyakov. All classes are conducted in the form of games - dramatizations on topics that are understandable and fascinating for a child: "Toy Store", "Visiting Baba Yaga", "Gardener", "Pump and Ball", "Butterfly", etc. The source of plots for games and exercises are not only psychological situations, but also any children's books, cartoons, TV shows. In the final partclasses necessarily include exercises and games to consolidate the positive effect that stimulates, regulates the mental and physical activity of the child, in order to bring the children into a state of emotional balance.

Any activity can be either technology or creativity. It all starts with a creative idea and ends with technology. The basis of any technology is a clear definition of the end goal.

The specificity of the work of a psychologist is that he must master various modern technologies, methods and techniques, be able to combine and modify them. I keep up with the times and master modern technologies, which gives a positive result in my work with children.

Teacher - psychologist: M.V. Pisareva.

The organization of the educational process in kindergarten in modern innovative conditions is associated with the expansion of ideas about the goals of education, which include the goals of development, upbringing, ensuring the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children. The Federal State Educational Standard defines a new approach to preschool education, where one of the main requirements is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve the maximum result in the upbringing and development of future schoolchildren.

This situation requires teachers to search for new forms, means and methods of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers, the implementation of personality-oriented approaches in teaching, the use of modern educational technologies in order to provide the child with the necessary timely individualized psychological and pedagogical assistance.

The transformation in preschool education into a new system has not bypassed our preschool institution either. The new concept of our kindergarten is a set of measures for its renewal as a result of the development of innovative processes; takes the position of personality-oriented relations, where the main social value is the child, who is a full participant in the pedagogical process.

In a preschool institution, a set of measures has been developed aimed at creating a developing subject-spatial environment, timely providing each child with favorable conditions for development, successful learning and the formation of a full-fledged personality adequate to age. FSES highlights the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children. The teachers and specialists of our DS solve these tasks in an integrated manner, in a complex, ensuring the diversified development of pupils.
As part of the accompaniment of psychological services in our kindergarten, interaction with all subjects of the educational process is carried out: with children, their parents and teachers. Psychological and pedagogical support in kindergarten is built by us as a system of professional activity aimed at creating social and psychological conditions for the successful development, education, upbringing and socialization of children at every age stage, and is provided as an integrated technology using modern methods of psychoprophylaxis and correctional and developmental work with preschoolers.

One of the most important tasks of support is to assist all subjects of educational activity in overcoming the child's difficulties in assimilating knowledge, emotional difficulties through the implementation of psychoprophylactic and pedagogical programs. The interaction of a teacher-psychologist with children is carried out in the course of direct educational activities according to the author's psycho-preventive programs: "Kind rays" (social and communicative development), "Along fairy paths to success" (emotional development of preschoolers), "We boldly walk along the ladder of knowledge "(Prevention of school maladjustment, cognitive development). Form of holding meetings both in subgroups and individually.

The psychological and methodological service, together with the teachers, develops common goals and objectives, develops the planning of educational and educational activities, creates a work program for the DS, analyzes the conditions, analyzes problem situations, the dynamics of the development of pupils in the educational process (by groups).

At the present stage, the state imposes high requirements on the quality of educational and educational activities and presupposes the following criteria of competence: implementation of an integral pedagogical process; creation of a developing environment; ensuring the protection of the life and health of children. Therefore, the teaching staff is constantly improving their qualifications, studying at courses, mastering the necessary arsenal of educational technologies to stimulate the cognitive activity of children. Teachers are ready to respond flexibly to emerging changes in the content of education, to creatively adapt it, taking into account the emerging and constantly changing cognitive interests and inclinations of pupils.

The use of modern technologies by a teacher-psychologist gives wider opportunities for creating favorable conditions for accompanying and developing children, for ensuring the development of the qualities of a preschooler's personality and achieving a sufficient educational level in kindergarten as a whole. Providing psychological assistance, various technologies are integrated into the educational space of the kindergarten: health-preserving, personality-oriented, communication, play, fairy-tale therapy, "TRIZ" technologies of project activities and portfolio (both pupils and teachers), information and communication technologies, and others.

In the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, a whole range of technologies is used in integration.

Interactive learning forms are used by the teacher-psychologist to interact with the subjects of the educational process, parents and teachers. Forms of holding: teachers' councils, training seminars, meetings - "Round table", business and role-playing games, discussions, "Open Doors Days", trainings, thematic meetings, master classes, projects, information stands, questions and answers on the website for parents. Information, both timely and relevant, is provided in an understandable and accessible form, contributes to both the professional growth of educators and the enhancement of parental competence.

The teaching staff is provided with psychological and methodological support and assistance in building the educational trajectory of the preschooler, in creating an individual route for the child, taking into account the dynamics of the child's development, his achievements, capabilities, interests and needs. We rely on such educational achievements that a child has and make up the baggage of his personality. These achievements, in turn, serve as an assessment of the quality of educational activities carried out in kindergarten, an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical influences.

Humanization of education, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child stimulate us to search for new ways in educational activities, to use modern technologies and methods that meet the new needs of society and the state.
Currently, in the educational process, the ideas of the development and self-development of the individual, the disclosure of the child's creative potential, his activity and independence are being put forward. Usage student-centered technology in our kindergarten it is carried out as an effective educational system for ensuring comfortable, safe conditions based on respect for the personality of the child, taking into account the peculiarities of his development, where each child is an active participant in the educational process with his own individual pace of activity and ability to assimilate material, with his own interests and inclinations.

When organizing educational activities with younger preschoolers, teachers, a psychologist use play methods of interacting with children, gaming techniques through the toy. Children are offered play situations, for example, “A toy (doll, bunny) is visiting”; “A toy to get to know the guys” (plays and works with the guys); "The bear has a birthday"; "Traveling with a toy", "Whose toy", "Holiday for toys" - contribute to the development of emotions, the development of communication skills.

During the adaptation period, it is especially important to organize interaction between the kids in a group. We use such emotional games, how: "We made friends, made friends" (for interaction); "Flag", "Under the umbrella" (for union); "Greetings with noses, cheeks" (development of trusting relationships); "Gifts," Binding thread "(for the union); "Skok-skok, guess whose voice", "Scarlet flower" (development of attention to a peer); "Snail" - removal of emotional stress; “We kneaded the dough, we made a cake” (development of trusting relationships), where the child is “the future cake”. Round dance games for unification are held: “I walk around the house”, “Smooth circle”, “Carousel”, “Bears”; exercises for the development of emotions: "Secrets"; "Golden Drops", "Magic Balls", etc.
With older preschoolers, they are widely used in work information and communication technologies with multimedia support. ICT allows you to more effectively develop the intellectual, creative abilities of children, acquire new knowledge, master new games. Teaching a child to work with information, teaching to learn is an important task at the present stage of work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. It is revealed that the use of new unusual techniques of explanation and reinforcement in a playful way increases the motivation of learning, develops voluntary attention, thinking, imagination and memory, creative thinking, which, in general, leads to an increase in children's readiness for school.

Information computer technology provide a personality-oriented approach to children: in this way, in children with increased abilities, after using computer technology, thinking abilities are stimulated; in children with developmental problems, there is an equalization of opportunities; in preschoolers with behavioral problems (for example, with hyperactivity), volition, volitional regulation develops.

Application interactive technologies promotes active interaction between "adult and child", there is a joint search for a solution to the problem through the creation and solution of upbringing situations, through a variety of creative activities. It was found that the use of this technology, enriched with computer means, contributes to the development of independence, initiative of children; increasing self-esteem, self-confidence; reducing tension between pupils in the group.

To create favorable conditions for self-expression of children, the development of a positive image of "I", to facilitate the process of communication, the ability to act in concert, we use behavioral therapy(in the form of training), where children learn new forms and positive ways of behavior. Through solving problem situations, we acquaint children with different emotional states, develop the ability to find ways to regulate their states and constructive ways to resolve conflict situations. As a result of the work carried out, conflicts in the group occurred less often, the children became more benevolent, more attentive to their peers, the degree of their responsibility and organization increased.

In order to expand the experience of communication of children, we practice socio-game approaches in work. Children are offered, for example, such exercises as "Getting rid of anger", "Falling tower", "Leaf fall", "Paper fireworks"; exercises to develop self-control, for example, "Stop, tap", "Turtle races", "Secret word", "Forbidden movement".

By nature, a preschooler is curious, he is inherent in activities aimed at learning about the world around him. In order to develop thinking abilities (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.), we use in GCD Tresearch technology, which provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions of interest to him, makes him feel like a researcher.

An experiment, initially a mental one, allows a child to create a model of a natural-scientific phenomenon and generalize the knowledge gained. For example, children are offered modeling tasks: “Change the picture (tree without leaves) so that it is summer (autumn); or: "Pick a vase for each bouquet" (shape-size). Creative developmental situations "What will happen if you find yourself ..." and topics are discussed: "Uninhabited island", "Magic garden", "Wish tree" (conclusion: not all desires can lead to good); “Top of the Mountain”, “Island of Luck” - options for responding to an unusual situation are discussed.

The value of a real experiment, in contrast to a mental one, lies in the fact that the sides of an object or reality phenomenon hidden from direct observation are clearly revealed. So, for example, children were asked to create a new product - “non-existent animal” (put together from parts); create a fairy tale ("Salad from fairy tales" or a multifunctional building. Game practical tasks were also used to determine "Sinking - not sinking", "Soft - hard" (wet-dry; pouring - pouring), "What - to whom, pick up", " What attracts a magnet ”,“ Find a pair ”(profession - object; object - size; hero - mood; hero - space).
The technology of research activities is also specially organized activities in the form of various journeys: to a fairy-tale country, along the map, along the "river of time", etc.

According to our observations, the use of research technology can significantly increase the interest of children in educational activities and the effectiveness of perception of the given program content; promotes the development of creative, cognitive abilities and intellectual activity in preschoolers.

Play is the main activity of a preschooler. gaming technologies - role-playing and other types of games - provides the organization of the cognitive activity of preschoolers, develops emotions; serves to correct behavior, remove destructive elements in behavior, etc. Role-playing game, usually includes a provocative situation to develop control skills. Thanks to the game, the prevention of negative tendencies in personal development is carried out: managing emotions, expanding the range of behavioral reactions of the child, forming the experience of empathy and sympathy. The children are offered problematic or conflict situations for role-playing (or conversation): "What to do if ..." in situations such as: "Fight", "Birthday", "Walk", "Lost ...", "Meeting with a friend "," Disease of a friend "," Blue Leaves ".

Gaming technologies are closely intertwined with technologies such as collaborative learning and creative reworking of the game. For example, "The Tale of the Gnome Prankster," who interfered with the children, rearranged and hid toys (author). It is not just a game that unfolds here, but a whole plot: the fulfillment of play tasks by children, the search for a mischievous person, the solution of the problem "how to act", "how to make friends with a dwarf."
The basic principles of game trainings: recognition of the individuality, value, uniqueness of the child; respectful, friendly attitude towards children; emotional support; positive emotional assessment of the child's achievements; adherence to the principles of free participation; mutual respect; awareness; reflection (feedback from children).

The importance of play in working with preschool children is beyond doubt. Children with rich play experience are more prepared for creative activity, they are socially active, more tolerant, they have better developed interaction skills, they act more flexible than their peers with a deficit of play practice.

TRIZ technologies. The main task of this technology is to teach a child to think outside the box and find their own solutions. TRIZ technology is used in our preschool institution to develop children's creative imagination, creative thinking, analytical and synthetic abilities, enhancing cognitive activity, developing convergent and divergent thinking. Children are offered a system of tasks according to the author's program of the psychologist "We boldly walk along the ladder of knowledge"). TRIZ for preschoolers is a system of collective games, exercises for solving creative and inventive problems, contributes to the development of the qualities of a creative personality, helps to overcome shyness, isolation, and develops the independence and activity of the child.
The TRIZ method is actively used by us in the search for new ideas, the development of creativity. Practice has shown that with the help of traditional forms of work it is impossible to fully reveal the creative potential of a child. One of the directions: "Coming up with new fairy tales" (continuation to the plot). For example, “Colored balls of wool lay in grandmother's wicker basket. One day…" - continue."Turn the story into a fairy tale", "The Secret of the Double" (identifying the "good-bad" contradictions), "How to save the Kolobok from the fox (resolving the contradictions)," The Adventures of the Flying Apple "(the method of focal objects)," Goldfish "," Kolobok in a new way ”(changing the plot of the tale). At the same time, play, speech activities, as well as productive activities are involved: drawing, modeling according to the tale of fairy-tale heroes and attributes.

It remains essential for us that the children should learn a moral and practical "lesson" from the fairy tale: "one must not leave the house"; “Do not open the door to a stranger”; “Do not laugh at a comrade if he does not know how to do something”; “The better to be reconciled than to be angry”; "Business - time, fun - hour"; "Learn to play together"; "Playing together is more fun", etc.

In our institution, specialists and teachers are introduced into the system of educational activities methodologyproblem learning. A conversation is held with the children to discuss problem situations, during which the children put forward options for solving the problem.
A problematic situation with regard to the motives of the heroes in solving a moral dilemma (according to Piaget), which allows teaching children the ability to reason, draw conclusions on their own, transfer the acquired experience into real life: “Boy Sasha wanted to help his mother wash the cups and accidentally broke five cups .... And the boy Misha, when no one was at home, climbed onto the shelf for jam, touched and dropped one cup, and broke it. Which of the children is more to blame? "

Problem situation for the fair distribution rate: “Imagine that you and a friend (girlfriend) wanted to play and asked the teacher for new toys. She brought three toys, gave it to you and said, "Play." Question: “What will you do? Why?"
A problematic situation for the study of the emotional attitude to moral norms: Vanya broke the typewriter that was presented to him for his birthday. He was very upset. Think about how to help Vanya. Think of times when you need to use words of encouragement.
A problematic situation on the formation of moral ideas on the example of the analysis of situations and actions of the heroes: "Lay out the pictures, which depict good, good deeds on the one hand and on the other - bad and evil" (methodology "plot pictures by R. R. Kalinina).
A situation with a hidden problem for resolving controversial issues, introducing children to constructive ways to resolve children's conflicts: "Two boys were making a boat, and when it was ready, they did not share it, they began to pull - each one to himself - and broke the boat."
Children really like to be participants in theatrical performances, so we often play different situations, compose a "sequel". The performances were based on the moral plays of S.Ya. Jacobson: "Pebble in a Shoe", "Alien Cube", "Ruined Fortress", etc., including as a puppet theater. As a result of the work carried out, there was a decrease in conflicts in the group, the children became more friendly towards each other.

Technology of creative assignments. Assignments of a creative nature were offered, for example, "Think of a fairy tale on behalf of a sparrow on a branch", "A fairy tale on behalf of a boy who went out for a walk and suddenly it snowed (rain) ..." into the yard and took a kitten. Suddenly a dog jumped out ... "- What to do?

Practical: "Build a house for a bunny and a house for a chanterelle" (game material based on Voskobovich); "Lay out the plot pictures so that you get a story, come up with a continuation:" Once ... "; “Choose a face-emotion for every situation” (according to the author's program “Along the fairy-tale paths to success”).

An important place in the use of technologies for maintaining and promoting health in our kindergarten is given to the methods art therapy and fairy tale therapy.

Art therapy methods used with preschoolers with various behavioral and emotional disorders.
The main goals of art therapy are self-expression, self-knowledge, expanding personal experience, harmonizing personality. Art therapy helps to develop the child's creative and imaginative thinking, speech, fine motor skills of the hands, helps to relieve emotional stress, to work out disturbing situations. The child creates on paper a world that belongs only to him.

In the process of creative activity, musical accompaniment is used. Children are offered in practice the themes "immersion" in colors, sounds, smells and images of nature, a journey into a fairy tale: "Let's listen to the sounds outside the window"; “Imagine that the room becomes orange, filled with orange air bubbles ...”, “Imagine a beautiful garden, where each of the children is a wonderful flower (option: an animal). Exercises: "Let's laugh at fears" ("Surprise the mouse") - work with fears, "Affectionate palms" - children draw simple figures on each other's backs; "Magic patterns" - draw patterns on glass, determine what images they look like; "My mood"; "Magic Island", "Gift to a Friend" - create islands of kindness.

One of the interesting syntheses of fairy tale therapy and art therapy is a fairy tale sand therapy... In the psychologist's playroom there is a light table for drawing with sand. When they meet, children are offered exemplary themes "Visiting the Sand Fairy", "Magic Hands", "Mysterious Objects", "Unusual Footprints". Children create with their fingers, a brush or using stencils on a light table, flower glades and patterns, forests and mountains, fairy-tale characters.

The methods of correction and psychoprophylaxis with the use of modern technologies are diverse, but the most active, in our opinion, is the method fairy tale therapy... Correction of the mental and personal development of a preschooler with fairy tale therapy techniques solves a number of problems: creating a positive emotional mood, the formation of value orientations; development of social interaction skills.

Through the perception of the fairy-tale world, the necessary conditions are created for the development of the emotional sphere of the preschooler: the development of empathy, trusting relationships between children. The method of fairy tale therapy contributes to the enrichment of the child's inner world, the development of his creative abilities, promotes the expansion and development of skills of interaction with peers and adults, with the world around him.

Fairytale therapy- "This is therapy with an environment, a special fairy-tale setting." (Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.). A preschool child is distinguished by high emotionality, faith in miracles. A fairy tale for a child has a special attraction. In the fairy tale "good conquers evil" - this moral message becomes the main means of this technology.

Fairytale therapy is the process of transferring fairytale symbols and meanings into reality, the formation of a connection between fairytale events and behavior in real life. In a fairy tale, we find the resource that will then help the child, harmonize his emotional sphere. The method of fairy tale therapy contributes to the expansion of the behavioral repertoire, the development of the skill of establishing friendly relations with peers, and the correction of the preschooler's behavior.

A child, being in a fairy tale, interacts with different fairy-tale characters, looking for ways to solve the problem facing him. In fairy tales there are positive characters, kind and generous, and there are negative, evil and cunning ones. A fairy tale determines a model of behavior, pushes to find ways out of a problem situation, and encourages empathy for the characters. As a result, the child has his own emotional experience, new ideas about people and the world around him, about good and evil, are formed. Thanks to fairy tales, a kind of "bank" of life situations is formed in the child's mind.

Thus, we unobtrusively form a preschooler's rejection of negative qualities in ourselves and develop positive moral qualities, a desire for "doing the right thing", for positive interpersonal relationships.

Significant experience of working with preschoolers led to the conclusion that the fairy tale has a huge psychotherapeutic potential, has an impact on the emotional and cognitive spheres of children. Work on the psychotherapeutic fairy tales of O. Khukhlaeva: "A case in the forest" - increases the child's self-confidence, his desire for independent action; "The Tale of Vitya the Hedgehog" - prevents the emergence of difficulties in communication with peers; The tale "About the Beaver, the Fox and the Wolf" (as a beaver saved a chanterelle) - promotes the development of empathy and friendliness; The tale "About the children who saved their dad" - develops in children the desire to take care, contributes to the formation of adequate self-esteem, increases self-confidence: "I can do it."

The system of play and fairy-tale tasks allows you to teach children how to resolve contradictions. Tasks are set, for example, “How to help Zoika-Oika to do everything by herself”, “Do I need to share and help” (based on the tale of O. Prokofieva “The First Berries”); “How to help the fox to become kinder and more attentive” (based on the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina's hut”); “How not to offend friends and not be left alone” (based on the tale of V. Suteev “Ship”).

In the process of discussing the content of a fairy tale, the attention of children is drawn to the fact that in fairy tales a lot of important information is always encrypted for us, and, using the example of the heroes, the fairy tale wants to teach us something important, and we must guess what exactly. In conclusion, together with the children, a general conclusion is made, which leads them to an awareness of the events taking place with them: in what life situations children can use this or that fairytale lesson.

Thus, expanding the possibilities of using modern educational technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist makes the educational and educational process developing, attractive for the child; leads to an increase in the effectiveness of correctional and developmental psychological and pedagogical influences, promotes the activation of the personal potential of a preschooler, stimulates cognitive activity, ensuring his versatile development, and, in general, affects the increase and effectiveness of the quality of education in kindergarten.

The application of modern technologies in practice is impossible without the creativity of both an adult and a child, and this is an expansion of the horizons of the surrounding world for a preschooler, a joyful living with the present, comprehension of the past, and modeling of the future.

Description of psychological and pedagogical technology


nomination "Educator-Psychologist-2018"

Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna

MADOU d / s No. 36 of the city of Tyumen

Tyumen 2018

Description of psychological and pedagogical technology of work

teacher-psychologist Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna

Parenting is difficult and difficult.

only as long as we want, without educating ourselves,

raise your children or whoever ...

Leo Tolstoy

The main goal of a child psychologist working in kindergarten, as well as a psychological education service in general, is creation of conditions conducive to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, promoting the free and effective development of each child.

The implementation of this goal in our kindergarten is achieved by solving a set of tasks:

    Implement the development opportunities of every age in work with children;

    Develop the individual characteristics of the child.

    Create a favorable psychological climate for the development of a child in kindergarten;

    Identification, prevention and correction of behavioral and emotional disorders in children,

    Provide timely psychological assistance to children, parents, teachers.

    To develop and implement psychological programs aimed at overcoming deviations in the social and psychological health of preschoolers, difficulties in adaptation, training and education, to promote the individualization of the educational route.

The solution of these problems is reflected in the areas of psychological and pedagogical activity: psychological education, prevention, diagnosis, psychological correction, consulting and expert work. In each of the directions I use different psychological and pedagogical technologies, however, the preferred ones are ART therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, mandalotherapy, fairy tale therapy, photo-fairy therapy, Legotherapy, training sessions and projective methods and techniques, most often I use AQUA therapy to relieve muscle tension. where we use motivational games in water and with water.

Now briefly about each technology used by a teacher-psychologist at MADOU No. 36 .:

Photocatherapy helps to build trusting relationships with children, in a relaxed and safe atmosphere to discuss relevant issues for children.

Emotional living, identification with the heroes of movies and fairy tales give children a unique opportunity to realize their own characteristics and gain invaluable personal experience. Films and fairy tales allow pupils to reinforce the skills learned in the educational program, and adults - to better understand children and their needs.

ART therapy is a method of correction and development through artistic creativity. Its attractiveness for psychologists can be explained by the fact that, in contrast to the main correctional and developmental directions, which mainly use verbal communication channels, art therapy uses the "language" of visual and plastic expression. This is especially true when working with children and makes it an indispensable tool for research, development and harmonization in cases where the child cannot express his emotional state in words.

Children in most cases find it difficult to verbalize their problems and experiences. Non-verbal expression is more natural for them. This is especially significant for children with speech disorders, since their behavior is more spontaneous and they are less capable of reflecting on their actions and deeds. Their experiences "come out" through the artistic image more directly. Such a “product” is easy to perceive and analyze.

The natural tendency of the child to play activities, the richness of children's imagination are important. Taking this into account, when organizing correctional work with elements of art therapy, an atmosphere of play and creativity is created in the classroom. Art therapy technologies are also of interest for working with families. Through joint spontaneous self-expression, family relations are harmonized. There is an opportunity to distance yourself from the family problem and look at it from the other side.

The use of art therapy technologies allows a psychologist to help a child cope with his problems, restore his emotional balance or eliminate his existing behavioral disorders, and help intellectual development.

Currently, the concept of "art therapy" has several meanings:

A set of arts used in treatment and correction;

A complex of art therapy techniques;

Direction of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional practice;

Techniques for projective diagnostics.

Mandalotherapy- one of the key symbolic forms that occupy an important place in different cultures as an expression of unity and integrity and are often used as a factor in achieving internal balance and harmony is a circle (sphere). The image and contemplation of circular forms can be an integral part of the practice of self-regulation.

So, for example, a person can form a circular image reflecting his idea of ​​a resource state (a state of internal balance, comfort, focusing on the source of internal strength) and use this image as a visual model, tuning into which he can achieve this state or support it. ... All this can be carried out on the basis of creating drawings in a circle of different sizes and filling their inner space with different shapes and colors associated with the current or desired state. This technique works equally effectively at the level of the unconscious for both adults and children.

Repetition of this procedure can contribute not only to the development of self-regulation skills, but also to identify the features of the dynamics of internal changes, making the visual signs of states more evident as they change within different periods of time (for example, during the course of art therapy or after its completion).

Sand therapy- in the context of art therapy, it is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection, where the main emphasis is on the client's creative self-expression, thanks to which, at the unconsciously symbolic level, there is a response to internal tension and a search for ways of development. This is one of the psychocorrectional, developmental methods aimed at resolving personal problems through the work of the personal and collective unconscious. These images appear in symbolic form in the process of creating a creative product - a composition of figures built in a psychological sandbox. The sand therapy method is based on a combination of non-verbal and verbal expression. Sand therapy is equally well suited for working with adults and children.

In working with children, sand therapy is used to solve both correctional and developmental, didactic and even general educational tasks. Transferring traditional developmental activities to a psychological sandbox helps to increase educational motivation, make the study of even the most difficult and boring material for a child an interesting and exciting game. This principle is the basis of my author's program, developed for children of primary preschool age 2-3 years old, "Magic Sand".

In my work I use quartz, colored, kinetic, live sand. Also, for both developmental and corrective classes, work with dry and wet, kinetic sand is of great importance. Many techniques are based on responding to feelings, emotional states, developing perception using various properties of sand.

Music therapy- a psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a remedy.

The healing effect of music on the human body has been known since ancient times. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, the belief in the healing effect of music was exceptionally great.

There are four main directions of the therapeutic action of music therapy:

    Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

    Development of interpersonal skills (communication functions and abilities);

    Regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes;

    Increased aesthetic needs.

As the mechanisms of the therapeutic action of music therapy, they indicate: catharsis, emotional release, regulation of the emotional state, facilitating the awareness of one's own experiences, confrontation with life problems, increasing social activity, acquiring new means of emotional expression, facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Music therapy comes in two main forms : active and receptive.

Active music therapy is a therapeutically directed, active musical activity: reproduction, fantasy, improvisation with the help of voice and selected musical instruments.

Receptive music therapy involves the process of perceiving music for a therapeutic purpose. In turn, receptive music therapy exists in three forms:

    Communicative(joint listening to music, aimed at maintaining mutual contacts, understanding and trust),

    Reactive(aimed at achieving catharsis)

    Regulatory(contributing to the reduction of neuropsychic stress).

All these forms of music therapy can be successfully applied in the context of relaxation.

Musical programs are based on gradual changes in mood, dynamics and tempo, taking into account their different emotional load. First piece should form a certain atmosphere for the whole lesson, show the mood of the group members, establish contacts and introduce them into a musical lesson, prepare for further listening. It is a calm piece with a relaxing effect. Second piece- dynamic, dramatic, tense, carries the main load, its function is to stimulate intense emotions, memories, associations of a projective nature from a person's own life. Third piece should relieve tension, create an atmosphere of peace. It can be calm, relaxing, or, on the contrary, energetic, giving a charge of cheerfulness, optimism, energy.

Fairytale therapy and photo-fairytale therapy- a method that uses a fairy-tale form to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, improve interaction with the outside world.

There are several main functional features of fairy tales.

1. The texts of fairy tales cause an intense emotional resonance, both among children and adults. The images of fairy tales address simultaneously two mental levels: the level of consciousness and subconsciousness, which creates special opportunities for communication.

2. The concept of fairy tale therapy is based on the idea of ​​the value of metaphor as a carrier of information:

    about vital events;

    about life values;

3. The fairy tale contains in symbolic form information about: how this world works, who created it, what happens to a person at different periods of life, what "traps", temptations, difficulties one can meet in life and how to cope with them, what values ​​should be guided in life, etc.

4. Fairy tales return both the child and the adult to a state of holistic perception of the world. They give an opportunity to dream, activate creative potential, betray knowledge about the world, about human relationships.

AQUATHERAPY-it the method of psychotherapy, which is used both in work with children and with adults, is the correction of various kinds of violations of parent-child relationships, in which water is used.

Target: Organization of a variety of exciting activities with pupils, contributing to the correction of personality and mental functions; Implementation of innovations in the content of the educational process.

Tasks: Correct and develop mental functions, fine motor skills, emotional sphere, expand the sensory experience of pupils; Contribute to the removal of psycho-emotional stress, anxiety, aggressiveness, harmonization of relations with others; To create conditions for productive leisure activities, to meet the needs of pupils in creative self-realization, expression of their thoughts and feelings.

The relevance of the topic is that motivational games in water and with water are the most loved by children. With the help of motivational water games, contacts between children are more easily established, muscle clamps are removed, blood circulation in the limbs is improved, mental processes are more active. With the help of motivational games with water, the emotional state is stabilized much faster during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, psycho-emotional stress in the body is more easily relieved.

Water is what life gives us all. That gives us strength and vivacity. Crystal clear or very dirty. In any state, it is useful. Who knows where the water comes from? Perhaps from the snow? Maybe made of ice? Or maybe she hits from underground springs. And she gives life and bloom to everyone.

All the technologies I have described are equally effective and safe both in working with adults and with children. The use of these technologies in a continuous complex process allows you to achieve your goals.

My work in this direction includes a wide range of forms and methods of work.


form (individual psychocorrectional lessons)

Group form (group psychocorrectional classes)



Fairytale therapy

Play therapy

Art therapy

Developmental work carried out by me in order to form the mechanisms of emotional and personal adaptation of the child. It includes the development of the emotional and personal sphere of children, communication skills, relieving emotional stress.

Objective of gaming sessions:

Overcoming stressful conditions in children during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution

Creating a positive emotional climate in the children's team

Relief of emotional and muscle tension

Development of perception, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, arbitrary behavior, the ability to obey the rules

Activation of speech processes

Formation of parent-child relationships.

An analysis of developmental work shows that many children have developed positive character traits (self-confidence and their strengths, self-respect, kindness, sympathy and sympathy for their peers), it became easier for them to communicate, they understand the feelings of others and express their own more easily. In children, insecurity, fears, aggressiveness, and isolation gradually disappear.

The dynamics of the removal of emotional stress using AQUATHERAPY:

From all of the above, we can conclude that the psychological and pedagogical technologies I use in my work contribute to the creation of conditions for a social situation for the development of preschoolers, which opens up opportunities for positive socialization of the child, his all-round personal, moral, moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities, which corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

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