What medicines to take to relieve the symptoms of kidney inflammation? Effective medicines to treat inflammation of the kidneys

Inflammation of the kidneys often occurs unexpectedly. A similar ailment equally often affects patients of both sexes, and often occurs this disease and among children. Inflammatory kidney lesions are usually caused by opportunistic pathogens living in human body. If you don't make it on time therapeutic measures, then inflammation is fraught with a variety of complications. Therefore, when signs of a renal inflammatory process appear, it is required to consult a specialist without delay.

Medications for inflammation of the kidneys

Renal inflammation is a pathology that is an infectious lesion that develops in the pyelocaliceal structures. Usually, inflammation is accompanied by hyperthermic manifestations, chills and pronounced lumbar pain. Children often have primary chronic inflammation, which initially proceeds without any acute manifestations.

Inflammatory lesions of the renal tissues can manifest as nephritis or pyelonephritis. Often, nephritis is diagnosed in pregnant women, since in such a state the load on the liver structures increases, and the immune defense is significantly reduced.

Therapy of such conditions is aimed at eliminating pain and destroying pathogens of the inflammatory process, at cleaning the kidneys from sand and crushing large stones, as well as at restoring renal activity.

In general, patients are prescribed medical preparations various groups:

  • Diuretic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • calcium preparations;
  • Glucocorticosteroid;
  • Immunostimulating agents;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Preparations of the cytostatic group;
  • Means that normalize renal circulation;
  • Antihypertensive drugs.

In the absence of effect, therapy is supplemented by plasmapheresis and hemosorption. With adequately selected therapeutic prescriptions, the patient's condition noticeably improves after a week of therapy.


Folk remedies in the treatment of kidney inflammation are quite popular and effective. Even doctors believe that some herbal remedies really have a healing anti-inflammatory effect on the kidneys. Thanks to the use of such herbs, it is possible to eliminate inflammatory processes and normalize the activity of the urinary structures, which will significantly speed up recovery.

Among the most famous herbs healing for the kidneys are calendula and marshmallow, horsetail and buckthorn, birch, chamomile and juniper. Herbs are brewed and taken like tea. And the use of corn stigmas contributes to the removal of excess liquid, sand and the smallest stones. Bearberry has an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which is widely used for renal inflammation.

Here are the most common recipes:

  • One large spoon of bearberry + a glass of boiling water. The mixture is insisted for half an hour, taken in a large spoon after a meal after 30 minutes. Similar treatment contraindicated in pregnant women and those suffering from glomerulonephritis;
  • Mix the same amount of juniper, licorice roots, harrow and lovage thoroughly. Take a large spoonful of this mixture in a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid, leave for 6 hours, then boil for 15 minutes. The infusion is drunk several times. Recommended for chronic inflammation. Pregnancy and acute inflammation are a contraindication for taking the infusion;
  • Mix one part of horsetail and pikulnik with 2 parts of knotweed. Then a large spoonful of the mixture is poured into 250 ml of water and incubated for 6 hours. Then you need to boil the mixture for no more than 5 minutes, strain and drink a glass a day.

Excellent healing properties stigmas of corn and buds of a birch tree have buds for kidneys. They are brewed and taken as tea in half a cup at least 4-5 r. per day. Also the most effective remedy, according to people with kidney problems, this vegetable diet based on the use of crops such as pumpkin, watermelon, dried apricots and jacket potatoes.
In the video, folk remedies for inflammation of the kidneys:


Since infectious lesions are the main inflammatory factor, antibiotics are the most common drugs for their treatment. They are actively used in the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis and glomerulonephritis.

In addition, appointed:

  1. Diuretics made on the basis of vegetable raw materials, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys and the general well-being of the patient.
  2. Preparations with an active active ingredient in the form of pipemidic acid. Such medicines include Pimidel, Urotractin or Palin. These medications most effective in the treatment of urinary inflammation in the male population, which arose against the background of prostate adenoma. It is necessary to take such drugs twice a day after meals, one pill each. But pregnant women and children similar drugs contraindicated.
  3. Medicines plant origin uroantiseptic action. Usually prescribed, which is produced in tablet form and in the form of drops. Take it 50 drops or 2 pills three times a day. It can also be prescribed, which is produced in the form of a paste. A teaspoon of the paste is dissolved in half a glass of warm sweetened water.

These phytopreparations must necessarily be combined with antimicrobial antibiotic therapy carried out by drugs like:

  • Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin, which are taken in tablet form twice a day, and in injectable form are administered intravenously at a dosage of 200-400 mg of the drug. Children and pregnant women are contraindicated.
  • Norfloxacin, which is also taken twice a day at 400 mg for a 1-1.5-week course. It is also contraindicated in children and pregnant women.
  • Aminopenicillins like Penicillin or Amoxicillin. Penicillin is commonly used to treat inflammation of the kidneys in pregnant women.
  • Cephalosporin antibiotics like Cefalexin, Cefalotin, Zinnat, Klaforan. Enough effective drugs, significantly improving the condition of patients already on the third day of therapy.
  • Aminoglycosides, especially in complicated pyelonephritis. Assign Amikacin, Gentamicin, Netilmicin, etc.

As an additional therapy, patients may be prescribed other medications of various pharmaceutical groups and forms.

The list of medicines for inflammation of the kidneys is as follows:

  • Diuretics like Hydrochlorothiazide, which should be taken 1-2 pills daily after breakfast;
  • Bactericidal drugs, for example, Meropenem, which requires taking 500 mg intravenously every 8 hours;
  • Normalizing renal circulation - Trenpental. Usually the drug is administered intravenously as part of an infusion. Contraindicated in children;
  • Antihypertensive drugs such as Verapamil, which should be taken as a tablet twice a day in the process of eating. Pregnant women are not prescribed.

Quite often, with inflammation of the kidneys in men and women, injections are prescribed to eliminate infectious processes in the kidneys and urinary system. The most common injections include Cifran, Tsiprobay, etc. But only a nephrologist or other treating specialist can prescribe such drugs, their independent use is dangerous.

Strong injections that relieve inflammation of the kidneys have an accelerated therapeutic effect, but they are usually not recommended for use in childhood or bearing a baby. Such injection therapy is carried out in stationary conditions under strict medical supervision.
In the video, an overview of drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys:

Medications during pregnancy

When carrying a lot of diseases can worsen, because the immune system weakens. Therefore, pregnant women with kidney problems are recommended a salt-free diet, limited consumption fluids, move more and observe some food restrictions. If complications cannot be avoided, then medication is prescribed.

What medicines to drink for inflammation of the kidneys, a question that is complicated by the fact that most drugs are not suitable for pregnant women. But it is necessary to treat inflammation, since the disease can become seriously complicated, which will only harm the child, causing premature delivery, prematurity of the fetus, etc. If the mother is admitted to the hospital with pyelonephritis, then she is prescribed injectable antibiotic therapy with drugs like Ceftriaxone or Cefazolin. The latter is not prescribed for pregnant women early dates gestation, and later months used only when absolutely necessary.

Any disorders in the work of the kidneys in pregnant women must be monitored by specialists, therefore, with inflammation, a woman is placed in a hospital, where, in addition to drug therapy, she is also given positional treatment, which is based on performing special exercises.

Patients of any age and gender are strictly unacceptable to take medication for inflammation of the kidneys on their own. Any medicine, be it a pharmacy drug or a prescription traditional medicine, must be agreed with a nephrologist, and pregnant women need to decide the possibility of taking it with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Kidney inflammation is treatable, only the approach to it must be professional, then it will be possible to avoid chronicity renal pathology and other complications caused by improper treatment.

The kidneys in the human body perform a lot of functions, which increases the chances of a variety of ailments. The most common pathology is inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis). The disease is divided into several types, requires immediate treatment. The lack of help from specialists leads to a gradual loss of organ efficiency, kidney failure, further need for transplantation.

How to suspect the course of the disease in men, what to do if inflammation of the kidneys is detected? First of all, study the symptoms, the causes of the pathology, contact a qualified specialist. Self-treatment of the disease leads to complications, an unfavorable outcome.

Probable causes

Jade in men is formed against the background of various adverse factors. Pathology can be primary (appears as a result of the course of kidney disease, for example, with) and secondary.

Nephritis is actively progressing as a result of exposure to the patient of certain circumstances:

  • weakened immunity. Doctors note an outbreak of inflammation of the kidneys in autumn-spring period when the body is most vulnerable;
  • excessive physical activity or her complete absence;
  • constant containment of the urge to empty the bladder (observed in men who have a sedentary job);
  • the course of chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • unbalanced diet, not drinking enough fluids (permanent dehydration);
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the field of the male reproductive system;
  • hypothermia;
  • poisoning with various poisons ( heavy metals, chemical substances);
  • the presence of cancer, chronic alcoholism.

Acute nephritis is formed against the background of damage to the kidney tissue by various pathogenic microorganisms (streptococci, coli, proteus, coccal infection). Chronic form diseases are often the result of acute inflammation kidneys, lack of or improper treatment.

Less commonly, pathology develops on its own, for example, against the background of long-term use of potent drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics). Very often, chronic nephritis is diagnosed against the background of the course of oncological ailments.

Classification and symptoms of pathology

Depending on the type of kidney inflammation in men, the clinical picture varies, and the treatment is also different. Only an experienced doctor can identify a specific form of nephritis in men, after a series of diagnostic manipulations.


With such an ailment, the renal glomeruli are affected, the disease has an immunoinflammatory nature. Pathology is often formed against the background of a current purulent tonsillitis caused by group A streptococcus.

Signs of inflammation of the kidneys:

  • blood is excreted along with urine;
  • sometimes at the beginning of the course of the pathology, there is a complete absence of urine in the victim;
  • edema occurs on the face, advanced cases form throughout the body;
  • sharp rise blood pressure leads to frequent headaches, dizziness;
  • Patients often complain of pain of varying severity in the lumbar region.


The nonspecific form of the disease is characterized by damage to the pelvis, calyx of the kidney. The causative agent of this form of the inflammatory process is opportunistic microflora (staphylococci, Escherichia coli). formed in two ways: ascending (bacteria enter from underlying departments genitourinary system); descending (microorganisms are carried with blood from foci of inflammation existing in the human body).

The clinical picture of pyelonephritis includes:

  • sharp pains in the lumbar region, frequent;
  • frequent, painful urination(especially against the background of the course of cystitis);
  • fever, headaches, intoxication of the body, general weakness, violation of potency.

Beam jade

Progresses under the influence of long-term influence on the patient's body ionizing radiation. The disease leads to dystrophy of the epithelium renal tubules, its further atrophy. Pathology is usually chronic, accompanied by pain in the back, high blood pressure, painful urination.


The interstitial tissue of the kidneys, tubules is affected. The disease is formed against the background of long-term use nonsteroidal drugs, analgesics sold without a doctor's prescription. Pathology is often accompanied by various rashes on the body, internal bleeding. Patients complain of fever of unknown etiology, general weakness.


Reveal the cause feeling unwell the patient is managed by doctors with the help of special diagnostic manipulations:

  • mandatory are laboratory tests: biochemical, complete blood count of the patient, urinalysis, blood test for electrolytes, bacteriological culture of urine;
  • instrumental studies: ultrasound internal organs, in particular kidney, monitoring of the affected person's blood pressure;
  • additional manipulations include: immunological examination, biochemical analysis of urine, radioisotope diagnosis of the kidneys.

In severe situations, a kidney biopsy is required. The method allows you to quickly make a diagnosis. During the study, examinations by other specialists may be prescribed to identify chronic foci of inflammatory processes. Also, an immunologist can be included in the treatment of nephritis in men, since the main mechanism for the formation of pathology is immune.

General rules and methods of treatment

How to treat inflammation of the kidneys? Nephritis in men is a serious problem that requires immediate treatment.

First aid

In case of acute pain during inflammation of the kidneys, it is recommended to call ambulance. While waiting for doctors, it is not recommended to take strong painkillers, which can distort the clinical picture and make it difficult to diagnose the pathology. Best Option- taking a warm bath hot water helps to relieve pain, eliminate muscle spasms.

Medical therapy

Treatment of kidney inflammation in men involves the use of vitamin-containing drugs (including calcium, thiamine, riboflavin). Home therapy is prohibited treatment of nephritis should be carried out under the strict supervision of physicians.

Effective drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys:

  • Cyclophosphamide. Available in tablet form, take on an empty stomach with a small amount of mineral water. It is forbidden to use the medication if available cancers, nephrosis. The drug should be accompanied by a diet, the use of diuretic drugs;
  • Ceftriaxone. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Daily rate for an adult should not exceed 4 grams. Be wary appoint patients with diabetes.

Additionally, the patient is prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory agents. Medicines stop inflammatory process, relieve puffiness. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken in short courses, with nephritis are used: Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Verapamil;
  • antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys. Aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microflora, which caused the appearance of the inflammatory process. The specific dosage, duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor. Often use Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Cefalexin;
  • antihistamines help limit the formation of antibodies to renal tissue (Suprastin, Zirtek);
  • diuretics. Contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the body (Diakarb, Furosemide).


It is a special procedure by which a special machine purifies the patient's blood. It is prescribed in serious situations, if the kidneys do not cope with their functions. Hemodialysis cleanses the body of the victim of metabolic products, improves the patient's well-being. The measure is temporary, the patient needs a kidney transplant.

Folk remedies and recipes

Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys folk remedies:

  • healing collection. Combine in equal proportions coltsfoot grass, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle, centaury. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting collection with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for one hour. Strain the remedy, take half a glass twice a day, the course of therapy should last at least 25 days;
  • decoction. Grind in equal proportions flax seeds, strawberries, stinging nettles, birch leaves. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer on fire for a quarter of an hour. Strain the resulting product, divide into two parts, take in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition, the severity of unpleasant symptoms;
  • parsley. Finely chop two thick parsley roots, pour half a liter of water, the same amount of milk. Boil the remedy a little, sue, strain. Take a decoction of 100 ml per day, the course of therapy lasts a month, after 30 days it is repeated.

Diet and nutrition rules

  • limit salt intake (no more than 1.5 grams per day);
  • drink at least 1.5 liters pure water in a day;
  • cook all dishes for a couple, bake, boil, it is forbidden to fry and stew;
  • take a decoction of wild rose, it is allowed to drink fruit drinks and natural juices;
  • give up the use of smoked meats, sweets, fried, spicy and salty foods. It is not recommended to use radish, seaweed, peas, legumes;
  • milk with a small amount of soda will help stop swelling;
  • allowed to use lean varieties meat, vegetables, fruits, all kinds of greens. Be careful with dairy products, listen to the doctor's recommendations.

The doctor prescribes the diet, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. It is not recommended to make such serious decisions on your own.

What is the danger of inflammation of the kidneys

The kidneys are responsible for many operations, including filtering the blood. Violation of the work of these organs threatens acute, which requires an organ transplant. Absence medical assistance threatens the patient with death. Negative consequences can be avoided by timely contacting a specialized institution.

To prevent inflammation of the kidneys in men, experts recommend several ways:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not wear tight pants, they hinder movement, lead to squeezing inguinal region, the formation of a number of diseases;
  • refuse to drink drinks containing alcohol, avoid stress;
  • timely treats all inflammatory processes in the body;
  • reduce the consumption of fried, smoked foods.

Jade is common in men. Take care of the treatment of the disease in time, do not let the disease take its course. Timely therapy is the key to the absence of complications, a favorable prognosis.

The topic of the next video is inflammation of the kidneys, causes and treatment:

Inflammation of the kidneys or nephritis is a disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the pyelocaliceal apparatus, tubules, glomeruli or vessels of the kidneys. The most common cause of its development is hypothermia of the body. Sometimes nephritis occurs as a complication urolithiasis, renal failure, diseases of the reproductive system. The causative agents of the inflammatory process in the kidneys can be such conditionally pathogenic microorganisms as E. coli, staphylococci, enterococci.

Without adequate therapy nephritis can lead to grave consequences for the body. In this regard, the question of how to treat inflammation of the kidneys should be taken responsibly, seek medical help in a timely manner and take preventive measures to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Types of jade

Depending on the area of ​​distribution of the inflammatory process, there are:

  • diffuse nephritis, characterized by a complete lesion renal glomeruli, according to the nature of the course, it can be acute or chronic;
  • focal nephritis, when only separate foci of inflammation are present in the kidneys.

The term "nephritis" refers to a certain group of diseases that differ in the mechanisms of occurrence, localization of the inflammatory process and signs of inflammation of the kidneys. These include:

  • shunt nephrite;
  • interstitial nephritis.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys caused by a bacterial infection that affects the pelvicalyceal apparatus and renal tubules. This type of jade is the most common among all. Hypothermia, chronic foci of infection in the body and the presence of kidney stones that prevent the normal excretion of urine contribute to its occurrence.

Glomerulonephritis is autoimmune disease, in which inflammation of the glomeruli (renal glomeruli) is observed and the process of blood purification and urine excretion is disrupted. As the disease progresses, the glomeruli are gradually replaced connective tissue which eventually leads to CKD.

In interstitial nephritis, the inflammatory process covers the tubular apparatus of the nephrons and the tissue between the tubules and glomeruli (interstitium). The causes of its development are usually drug intoxication, viral or bacterial infections.

Shunt nephritis is characterized by damage to the immune complexes in the glomeruli. They attach to blood vessels and interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Typical symptoms of kidney inflammation

Symptoms of nephritis may vary depending on the specific type of disease and its form. At acute course patients have a sharp increase in temperature with inflammation of the kidneys. Its performance can reach 39-40 ° C. In addition, there is fever, chills and headaches. chronic inflammation kidney is characterized by a change in periods of exacerbations and remissions. Frequent exacerbations lead to the death of the renal glomeruli and the development of CRF.

Signs of nephritis include:

  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent painful urination;
  • nocturia;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea;
  • dry mouth, peeling skin, thirst;
  • increase in pressure;
  • increased muscle tone of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • puffiness;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • excretion of cloudy urine containing flakes.

Cloudy urine may be a sign of kidney inflammation.

Important: If you experience symptoms that resemble inflammation of the kidneys, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis and treatment is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the kidneys includes:

  • general blood tests (KLA) and urine tests (OAM);
  • blood chemistry;
  • functional urinary tests;
  • nephroscintigraphy;
  • MRI or CT, etc.
With inflammation of the kidneys in the KLA it is noted increased amount leukocytes and an increase in ESR. V biochemical analysis blood, high concentrations of protein metabolism products are detected, due to impaired renal function in their excretion. OAM contains protein, erythrocytes, epithelial cells and bacterial microflora.

Methods for treating inflammation of the kidneys

How to treat inflammation of the kidneys? In order to select the correct therapeutic regimen, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of nephritis and, if possible, eliminate the cause that caused it. In the acute stage, treatment should be carried out in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor and control of the dynamics of the disease. The patient is assigned bed rest, reducing the load on the kidneys diet and medication. As an auxiliary method of therapy, treatment with folk remedies can be used.

Advice: After the end of the main course of therapy, people who have had nephritis are recommended to improve their health in a specialized sanatorium.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment for nephritis should be comprehensive and include means to eliminate the cause of the disease, remove accumulated toxins, and relieve symptoms.

Of the drugs for inflammation of the kidneys are prescribed:

  • antibacterial drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium preparations;
  • antihistamines;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • immunostimulants;
  • antihypertensive drugs;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation and nutrition in the kidney tissues;
  • cytostatics;
  • vitamins (C, P, B).

V severe cases with the accumulation of toxic products in the blood for detoxification of the body, plasmapheresis and hemosorption are performed. Sweat glomerulonephritis as part of a complex drug therapy also prescribed immunosuppressants.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys are selected on the basis of a bacteriological study of urine to determine the sensitivity of identified microorganisms to specific drugs. The most effective for nephritis are fluoroquinolone derivatives.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys are prescribed if the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection

Important: When prescribing antibiotics, one should take into account contraindications and possible side effects, including their negative impact on weakened kidneys.

With timely and properly selected treatment, the patient's condition improves significantly after one week, and the final recovery occurs after four weeks.

Diet and drinking regimen for inflammation of the kidneys

In the absence of edema and high blood pressure, the patient is recommended plentiful drink. Mineral water, compotes, natural juices are allowed. Especially useful will be fruit drinks made from cranberries and lingonberries and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The diet for inflammation of the kidneys is aimed at reducing the load on the affected organ. The diet should mainly consist of fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals. Meat products and other sources of protein, as well as salt, are recommended to be limited in use. The preferred cooking method is boiling or steaming. It is strictly unacceptable to eat fried, smoked, spicy and salty dishes with an excess of spices, marinades and seasonings. Also, the use of pickles and preserves is not allowed.

A good diuretic and body-cleansing effect is given by watermelons, apples, melon, pumpkin. Citruses are recommended as a valuable source of vitamin C, necessary to strengthen the body in the fight against infection.

Watermelon contributes to the normalization of kidney function during inflammation

Alternative methods of treatment for inflammation of the kidneys

With inflammation of the kidneys, treatment with folk remedies is often used as part of complex therapy. It is carried out in certain courses with short breaks and can take long time. Decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants and their collections are prescribed, which have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hypotensive effects and normalize the work of the affected organ. Among them are used:

  • flowers of blue cornflower, chamomile, linden;
  • grass horsetail, highlander bird, pikulnik;
  • leaves of bearberry, sage;
  • harrow root, licorice;
  • Birch buds;
  • corn silk;
  • fruits of juniper, wild rose;

Important: Treatment with folk remedies should be agreed with the doctor, since many medicinal plants have contraindications.

Nephritis during pregnancy

The risk of nephritis in a pregnant woman is quite high, which is associated with a decrease in immunity and an increase in the load on the kidneys. If even before pregnancy, a woman had chronic illness kidneys, then in this case, the likelihood of getting its exacerbation increases.

) includes a whole group of diseases that affect this organ. The tubules, glomeruli, pelvis, or calyces may be affected. Each type has its own symptoms, causes and mechanism of development. In order to get rid of ailments in time, complex treatment is necessary, which includes correctly prescribed pills for inflammation of the kidneys, lifestyle changes, and a diet.

Types of nephritis and causes

Inflammation of the kidneys includes the following types of diseases:

  • interstitial nephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • shunt inflammation;
  • glomerulonephritis.

During interstitial nephritis the tubular apparatus of the nephron, the tissues between these tubules and glomeruli become inflamed. Provocateurs are most often infections, bacterial or viral. Less commonly, pathology is the result of prolonged use of drugs that cause intoxication of the body.

Pyelonephritis affects the renal tubules and pelvicalyceal apparatus. This is the most common form of kidney inflammation in women and men. It can be caused by chronic bacterial infections, prolonged hypothermia of the body and the presence of calculi that prevent the withdrawal of urine and lead to its stagnation.

If immune complexes in the glomeruli are damaged, shunt nephritis may be diagnosed. The vessels suffer from this, a violation occurs normal operation kidneys. Glomerulonephritis refers to autoimmune diseases, which also affects the glomeruli - glomeruli. At the same time, the processes of urine excretion and blood purification are disrupted.

The cause of the inflammatory process can be:

  1. infections respiratory system;
  2. acute form;
  3. diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  4. malnutrition;
  5. weak immunity;
  6. stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

It is less common in men than in women. This is due to the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system. The fair sex has a shorter urethra, due to which pathogenic microorganisms can quickly enter the bladder and kidneys.

Main symptoms

The clinical picture largely depends on the form of inflammation, its causes and the stage of the disorder. At chronic nephritis the signs of the disease are blurred and manifest weakly. In an acute course, the pathology occurs almost suddenly, the symptoms are pronounced.

During an exacerbation, there is a significant increase in temperature (up to 39-40 degrees), chills, fever. There are other symptoms of the disease, which include:

  • lower back pain;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the joints, muscles and lower back;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • persistent dry mouth;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

At inflammatory diseases kidney problems with urination begin. Possible frequent false urges that increase at night. Urine is excreted in smaller quantities, it becomes cloudy, may contain flaky sediments. There is no feeling of relief after going to the toilet.


Symptoms of kidney inflammation can resemble a number of other diseases of the urogenital area. In case of any unpleasant signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Accurate Diagnosis placed only after all the necessary research has been carried out.

The patient is assigned:

  1. blood biochemistry;
  2. general urine and blood tests;
  3. urinary functional tests;
  4. nephroscintigraphy;
  5. ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

If the kidneys are inflamed, there is an increase in ESR and an increase in the number of leukocytes. Violation of the functions of the body leads to a high concentration of protein metabolism products. Bacteria, epithelial cells, erythrocytes and proteins are observed in the urine.

Necessary Therapy

To decide how to treat the disease, it is necessary to identify the type of nephritis and eliminate the cause of its appearance. It is often possible to treat at home under the supervision of the attending physician. The patient needs a diet that reduces the load on the organ, bed rest and drug treatment.

Therapy necessarily includes taking medications from several groups. These include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hypotensive;
  • antibiotics;
  • diuretics;
  • uroseptics;

Depending on the overall clinical picture and the state of the body, additional immunostimulants, antihistamines and vitamins of groups B, C and P can be recommended.

If toxic products have accumulated in the blood, detoxification of the body is necessary - hemosorption or plasmapheresis.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

Nonsteroidal drugs for inflammation of the kidneys are drunk to muffle the inflammatory process and remove the temperature. An additional plus is a pronounced analgesic effect. Active ingredients that contain drugs for the treatment chemical substances contributing to pain, inflammation and fever.

Medicines do not contain hormones, do not accumulate in the body and do not cause an immune response. What pills of this group can be taken with nephritis:

  1. Ketoprofen;
  2. Ibufen;
  3. Naproxen;
  4. Diclofenac.

Such medicines are prescribed with caution in diseases of the gastric mucosa or duodenum: some of them can provoke the development of an ulcer or cause bleeding. Similar side effects deprived of a new generation of funds - Nimesulide, Movalis, Celecoxib, Xefocam.


Glucocorticosteroids are hormones that are produced by the adrenal cortex. The products containing them control, contribute to the establishment of protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, remove the inflammatory process. Powerful healing effect combined with a large number of side effects and contraindications.

For the kidneys appoint:

  • Cortisone;
  • Celeston;
  • Prednisol;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Fluticasone;
  • Triacort.

It is necessary to refuse to take such medications in case of severe infections. Conditional contraindications include heart problems, diabetes, gastric ulcer, thrombosis and tuberculosis. If there are negative reactions to the chosen medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, it is worth temporarily refusing to take it and contact a specialist for another appointment.

The dosage is selected individually and may be revised if side effects or change in symptoms. Long-term use glucocorticosteroids is dangerous for addiction and the development of iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency.

If you have to treat the kidneys with glucocorticosteroids for a long time, you need to cancel the drug gradually so as not to provoke adrenal insufficiency. A personal scheme is being developed, according to which the dosage is reduced every few days.

When using hormonal drugs for inflammation of the kidneys, it is additionally recommended to take vitamin D and mineral complexes with calcium - this will help prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis. Phosphalugel and Almagel will reduce the negative impact on the gastric mucosa.

Antihypertensive drugs

If the inflammatory process is accompanied by hypertension, an antihypertensive agent is prescribed. Such drugs allow you to maintain the functionality of the body and normalize the circulatory system in the affected kidneys.

  1. Lecoptin;
  2. Atsupamil;
  3. Verapamil.

Lekoptin is available in the form of tablets or solution for injection. The active substance is verapamil hydrochloride, which blocks slow calcium channels. The agent has antiarrhythmic, antianginal and hypotensive effects. Dosage and duration of administration are determined individually. Among the contraindications are pregnancy and lactation, atrioventricular blockade and intolerance to the components.

Active active substance Atsupamil is verapamil. Release form - capsules with antiarrhythmic, antianginal and hypotensive effects. Within a few hours after administration, there is a noticeable improvement in the outflow of blood from the ventricles. The drug is only suitable for adults who do not have heart problems.

Verapamil affects both the myocardium itself and peripheral arteries and hemodynamics. The dosage is determined individually. In case of impaired renal function, it is recommended to limit daily dose- no more than 120 mg of the active substance per day.


Antibiotics are prescribed only if, according to the results of urine culture, an infectious agent is detected. Are used different groups medicines, best option selected depending on the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

Assigned to accept:

  • aminopenicillins: penicillin, amoxicillin;
  • cephalosporins: Clarofan, Cefalexin, Zinnat and Cefalotin;
  • fluoroquinolones: Sparfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Pekfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin;
  • aminoglycosides: Netilmicin, Gentamicin, Amikacin.

Antibiotics have a large number of contraindications and side effects, therefore uncontrolled reception prohibited. The dosage and duration of the course is determined individually. Premature refusal of further intake is dangerous with a repeated exacerbation of the inflammatory process.


Diuretics are prescribed in violation of the formation and outflow of urine. These drugs help to remove decay products from the body and relieve intoxication.

With inflammation of the kidneys appoint:

  1. Aldactone;
  2. Furosemide;
  3. Hydrochlorothiazide;
  4. Torasemide.

The mechanism of action of diuretics is based on the suppression of reverse absorption of electrolytes in the renal tubules. The sodium concentration is markedly reduced. Due to the decrease in fluid volumes, it is possible to control arterial hypertension.


The most effective uroseptics are:

  • vegetable: Cyston, Kanefron, Uronefron, Phytolysin;
  • nitrofurans: Furazolidone, Furagin, Furadonin;
  • fluoroquinolones and quinolones: Norfloxacin, Nolicin;
  • oxyquinolines: 5-NOC, Nitroxoline, Nibiol.

They are appointed at severe forms inflammatory process. They are highly effective, but have many contraindications. Herbal uroseptics are favorably distinguished by their natural composition and act gently, but show good results with mild or moderate degrees.

The main therapeutic agent for inflammation of the kidneys are medications. Additionally, folk remedies with diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects can be used. Complex treatment also includes a diet, the exclusion of serious physical activity and bed rest.

Inflammation of the kidneys has different causes. Often the inflammatory process in the kidneys provokes hypothermia. Microbes that enter this organ from the blood lead to inflammation of the kidneys. Infection in a similar way occurs if there is a focus of inflammation in the body. The most common pathology is currently considered to be nephritis.

Kidney nephritis is a collection of diseases that affect not only this excretory organ, but also nearby tissues. All diseases have common feature. Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys caused by an infection. Inflammatory processes affect the renal tissue, glomeruli, tubules.

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Depending on what becomes inflamed with nephritis, diseases are divided into several groups. Pathologies of bacterial origin are referred to as pyelonephritis; inflammation affecting the glomeruli is called; the renal tubules can become inflamed - in this case they are diagnosed. If pathological changes have affected the immune complexes of the organ, shunt nephritis appears.

Treatment of nephritis will be successful if you correctly determine the type of pathology and the factors that provoked its manifestation.

If this pathology of the kidneys is not treated, inflammation can spread from the organ to the tissue surrounding it; the spread of pathogenic microorganisms from the affected organ throughout the body is possible.

With kidney damage, nephritis leads to the formation of a focus of pus in this organ, and the patient may develop bacteriostatic shock. With any form of nephritis, the disease can end. In this case, cardinal treatment will be required, often it is necessary to perform an organ transplantation operation. At untimely treatment nephritis is a disease that can be fatal.

Symptoms of nephritis

All pathologies that experts refer to the group of nephritis have their own special symptoms. But a number of symptoms are characteristic of all forms of the disease. With inflammation of the kidneys, the patient has a general intoxication of the body, accompanied by weakness, sweating, dizziness. When the patient's temperature rises, he feels chills, he experiences pain in the lumbar region and abdomen. Perhaps the appearance of nausea, with significant intoxication, vomiting appears. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, the process of urination is painful. The sick person is experiencing intense thirst swelling may appear.

In many cases, this kidney disease is not accompanied by severe symptoms.

The patient notes only chronic fatigue, a slight increase in temperature and a feeling of discomfort when passing urine.

With the manifestation of nephritis, the symptoms often resemble pyelitis and cystitis.

Briefly about pyelitis

Pyelitis is an inflammatory process localized in the renal pelvis. renal pelvis play leading role in water-salt metabolism. It is the pelvis that distributes how much fluid is excreted in the form of urine and how much returns to the channel along which the blood moves. The pelvis can become inflamed, then their functioning is impaired.

Pathological changes can occur simultaneously in both organs or affect only one. The pelvis and left kidney are affected with the same frequency, and right kidney. Inflammation of the renal pelvis is primary if an infection occurs in the organ itself. If the defeat of the pelvis occurs in the presence of foci of inflammation in other organs, we can assume that the disease is secondary.

The disease is most often observed in children, especially in girls. Pathology develops after hypothermia, with intestinal diseases may occur after an acute respiratory infection. Parents notice that the child's temperature rises sharply, the skin turns pale, weakness appears. The child refuses to eat, complains of pain in the lumbar region. Experts believe that with such inflammation of the kidneys, treatment can be lengthy.

If you do not pay attention to warning signs and not hold competent treatment, then the pathology can go into a chronic stage.

In adults, inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney develops if the infection is brought into the organ by blood or lymph flow. Sedentary people who have reduced immunity are susceptible to a similar pathology. Ladies who are fond of strict diets, men who smoke a lot and consume a significant amount of alcoholic beverages.

May be acute or chronic. With delayed treatment acute form disease can become chronic. Having noticed the first signs of inflammation of the kidneys, you should visit a urologist as soon as possible. Having chosen adequate methods of medical influence, the attending physician is able to prevent this process.

Causes of the manifestation of pathology

Inflammation in the kidneys can be caused by various factors.

In women, the causes of kidney inflammation lie in anatomical features structures of their genitourinary system. In women, the urethra is located very close to the anus and vagina. pathogenic microorganisms get into it after each sexual intercourse. If a woman has reduced immunity, pathogens rise through the urinary tract into the organ and, causing inflammation, can cause nephritis.

Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys can occur in women during menopause. Violations hormonal background occurring in women at this age are accompanied by dryness of the epithelial integuments. Pathogenic microbes are easily introduced into the body.

In men, the disease can provoke an infection, the pathogens of which entered the body during sexual contact.

Concomitant factors in this case will be weakened immunity and prolonged stress.

How to relieve inflammation of the kidneys

The question: "How to treat inflammation of the kidneys" - remains relevant for many people. When diagnosed with inflammation of the kidneys, the symptoms and treatment are different. An experienced urologist knows how to determine effective methods treatment.

Usually, with inflammation of the kidneys, treatment is prescribed based on the results of a urinalysis. Blood test results are also important. Ultrasound is now widely used to clarify the diagnosis. urinary organs. For successful treatment kidney nephritis it is necessary to stay sick in medical institution, under the supervision of specialists who know well how to treat nephritis. Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys involves the use of antibacterial drugs, which the doctor selects after making a diagnosis.

Antibiotics can quickly relieve inflammation, and after a few days the patient's condition stabilizes.

However, in without fail it is necessary to analyze the sensitivity of microflora to antibacterial drugs. The results of the analysis have great importance. In case if positive result could not be achieved, the drug should be replaced based on the data obtained. Treatment for inflammation of the kidneys antibacterial drugs is 10 days.

Symptoms of kidney inflammation help relieve anti-inflammatory drugs that have vegetable base. Canephron has proven itself well. The drug has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, it has no contraindications.

The value of a rational load on the body is enormous. With inflammation of the kidneys, the patient's regimen should be gentle. At severe course illness, the patient must spend some time in bed.

When nephritis is detected, treatment begins with a diet. It is necessary to exclude from the menu products that irritate the mucous membranes of the body.

It is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, fatty and salty foods, spices, smoked meats.

Required to use a specific set fermented milk products and foods containing fiber. The patient should drink about 4 liters of fluid per day. Useful fresh fruit and berry juices, mineral water.

Traditional healers know how. It is recommended to drink tea from medicinal herbs. Part medicinal collection may include horsetail, berries and leaves of juniper, cowberry, cranberry. It is useful to drink a decoction or infusion of wild rose. The tool improves immunity, helps relieve inflammation, improves the functioning of the urinary system. However, it should be remembered that such treatment gives an effect only in combination with traditional methods.
