Neumyvakin treatment with hydrogen peroxide compress. Hydrogen peroxide for treatment. Preparation for the procedure and carrying out therapeutic measures

Surely many have heard about the wonderful technique, which, nevertheless, is not recognized by official medicine. Before talking in detail about the method itself and the miraculous healings, let us consider what Professor Neumyvakin's rationale is for treatment with hydrogen peroxide, why and why does a person need it?

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What is the risk of lack of oxygen

In the era of globalization, we eat mostly harmful food (fatty, fried, smoked), in which there is no oxygen, we breathe gas-polluted air, we lead a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of oxygen is a typical problem of modern humans. Therefore, a city dweller who finds himself in a forest often faints.

The body literally fights for every "breath of oxygen", since its lack is fraught with various diseases, including death. Oxygen deficiency affects the heart, brain and retina the most.

Therefore, taking peroxide is the best option for saturating tissues with oxygen and maintaining all vital processes at the required level. For the first time in the CIS, this method of treatment was applied by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin.

Once in the body, hydrogen peroxide is converted by the enzyme catalase, resulting in the release of water and atomic oxygen. The functions of the latter:

  • saturation of tissues with oxygen (the strongest antioxidant);
  • oxidation of toxic products that block the intestines;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • correction of the resonant frequency of each cell.

That is, hydrogen peroxide can be compared to a fuel, having received which the cells of our body seem to wake up for full-fledged work.

Hydrogen peroxide is used:

  • To stimulate oxidative processes
  • Restoring oxygen balance
  • Activation of your own atomic oxygen

Natural sources of atomic oxygen formation:

  • Waterfall
  • Oxygen baths
  • Ultraviolet irradiation

Chizhevsky's chandelier also allows obtaining atomic oxygen - a device made just for the treatment of patients according to the theory of a lack of oxygen in human cells.

How to take hydrogen peroxide internally according to Neumyvakin

Now that we have figured out the benefits of treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, let's move on directly to the method of taking the drug.

For internal use, use the following scheme.

  1. One drop of the agent is diluted in two tablespoons of water, taken three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Every day, the dose of peroxide is increased by one drop, after the tenth day, a break is made for 2-3 days.
  3. Next, a solution is taken at the rate of ten drops, without increasing anything.
  4. Take 10 drops for two to three days, then take a break of the same duration and continue taking it again.

Thus, the maximum dose is 10 drops. Although many patients stop at a dose of 3-5 drops, considering it to be optimally comfortable for themselves.

In such doses, you can take H2O2 during pregnancy. Children can also take this remedy. For the age of 5 years, for two tablespoons of water, the dose is 1-2 drops, for 5-10 years - 2-5 drops, 10-14 years - 5-8 drops. Reception is also carried out three times a day thirty minutes before meals (or two hours after).

Neumyvakin warns that when taking hydrogen peroxide inside, discomfort in the stomach may appear (heaviness, pulling pains), then the dose is reduced to 3-5 drops or it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a couple of days. It is advisable to consume vitamin C during the course of treatment.

We offer you to watch a video about the treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, in which the professor himself personally talks about the nuances of the technique

Internal use of the solution treats the following diseases:

  • Purulent and viral infections
  • Intestinal dysbiosis
  • Vascular diseases of the brain
  • Diseases of peripheral vessels (Alzheimer's, cerebrosthenia, etc.)
  • Heart pathologies (heart attack, angina pectoris)
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic)
  • Obliterating endarteritis
  • Diabetes
  • Malignant neoplasm
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Allergic manifestations

Enemas with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

In addition to internal and external use, H2O2 is also used to cleanse the small and large intestines. The professor himself emphasizes that the most effective effect is colon hydrotherapy, however, to carry it out, special equipment and personnel of appropriate qualifications are needed.

At home, enemas with hydrogen peroxide give a good result: when they are used, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.

Pre-do a cleansing enema, and then directly with peroxide. You will need a ready-made solution (it is pre-heated slightly) and a disposable system. It is connected to a bottle with a solution, the needle is removed from the other end, the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly and it is inserted into the rectum. The solution flow should be 60 drops per minute.

Dose for adults - 200 ml of saline with 5 ml of peroxide (3%), for children - 100 (with the same amount of peroxide).

In some cases, an enema with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is much more effective than other methods of taking the drug. It is shown to be carried out in preparation for pregnancy, to restore blood and lymph flow, reproductive function, etc.

After cleansing the body from the inside, the cells, freed from toxins, will be able to provide themselves with oxygen. For cancer problems, it is effective to make microclysters at the rate of 1 teaspoon of peroxide per 120 ml of saline.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment of nail fungus, Parkinson's disease, sinusitis and influenza by the method of Neumyvakin

In his book, Ivan Pavlovich says that peroxide, both internally and externally, is very helpful in the treatment of influenza, viruses, colds and acute respiratory infections, as well as serious skin diseases and disorders of human mental activity (Parkinson's disease, strokes and post-stroke conditions, etc.). )

For external use, 1-2 teaspoons of a 3% liquid is diluted in 50 grams of water. The solution is used for:

  • Rubbing into any problem areas (joints, heart, for healing fractures, etc.)
  • Mouthwash (to eliminate odor)
  • With multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • For compresses (keep up to an hour)
  • For the treatment of fungus and skin diseases
  • To remove warts

Rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide according to the Neumyvakin method is very effective.

Washing the nasal sinuses with peroxide is used for:

  • Flu
  • Headache
  • Colds
  • Sinusitis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx
  • Runny nose
  • Inflammation of the frontal sinuses
  • Noise in my head

Influenza, sinusitis

With flu, sinusitis and the above-described diseases, the nose is washed according to the method of Ivan Pavlovich:

A tablespoon of water will require 10-15 drops of H2O2, the solution should be instilled into both nostrils with a pipette into each. After 2 days, the dose is increased to 2-3 pipettes into each nostril. Then the liquid can already be injected using a disposable syringe (one cube at a time).

After introducing the contents of the pipette, after about half a minute, it is necessary to blow out the mucus coming out of the nostril. They do this in the bathroom, pinching the second nostril with a finger and tilting their head to the shoulder.

After manipulation, you cannot eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes.

The professor advises this method as very effective in the treatment of all diseases listed above.

Hearing loss

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin will help get rid of hearing loss from ear diseases. To do this, 0.5% peroxide is dripped into the ears (or injected on a cotton turunda), then a 3% peroxide is instilled in a few days.

Parkinson's disease treatment

It is known that the cause of many neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, Professor Neumyvakin considers the use of H2O2 appropriate for this disease as well. In addition to ingestion (a drop three times a day, half an hour before meals, dissolve in a spoonful of water), the whole body is wiped once a day with this liquid: 1-2 teaspoons of 3% peroxide diluted in 50 ml of water. Nasal rinses as described above are also very effective.

Fungus and skin diseases

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide of nail fungus according to Neumyvakin can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in a 3% H2O2 solution and thoroughly lubricate all nail plates affected by the fungus with it. Do it 2-3 times a day until the harmful fungus finally leaves the nails.
  2. A 15-25-30% solution prepared from tablets of hydropyrite also helps. It also treats such insidious diseases as psoriasis and eczema, not only fungus. The resulting solution is smeared with nails and rashes twice a day until the disease passes.

Warm baths with peroxide (1-2 tablespoons of the drug per liter of water) also help well, however, it is ineffective to treat the fungus only with them, you need to use all methods.

Intravenous H2O2

In his practice, Dr. Neumyvakin uses a 3% solution with a shelf life of 15 days, since it contains less lead.

For intravenous administration, a disposable diffusion system is used. The procedure is carried out in a hospital or at home, for the optimal effect, you will need 1 procedure every two days in the first week, and then once every three days in the next. In addition, you need to revise your diet, move more, and cleanse the body of toxins. Thus, the body will gradually rebuild to the mode of its own production of H2O2.

For the first time, you will need 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of saline (0.03%). In the future, the dose will increase to 10 ml and 200 ml of saline (0.15-0.2%).

In the case of a repeated course, they start all the same with small doses, gradually moving towards an increase. Depending on the severity of the disease, the maximum dose will be 15 ml of peroxide per 200 ml of saline.

To collect the required amount of hydrogen peroxide, take 1 or 2-gram syringe, unscrew the outer cap of the peroxide bottle, insert the needle without opening the inner cap, and draw up the required amount. So the properties of the solution will last longer.

The number of injections directly depends on the severity of the disease. Usually, improvements come after 3-5 treatments. Professor Neumyvakin advises to carry out 10-12 injections, in severe cases 15-20.

Hydrogen peroxide is injected into a vein and without a diffuse system: using a syringe (20 grams). It is filled with 20 ml of saline and 0.3-0.4 ml of 3% H2O2. The fluid is slowly injected into the vein over a period of 2 minutes. In the second procedure, 1 ml of peroxide is injected, then the dose can be increased to 1.2-1.5 ml per 20 ml of saline. Such emergency care can be provided to the patient anywhere; this does not require a hospital stay.

Observance of precautions for intravenous administration:

  • Hydrogen peroxide should not be mixed or administered with other medications
  • Do not inject the solution too quickly, it can cause pain.
  • It is not recommended to inject into a vessel with inflammation.
  • If pain is felt at the injection site, you can apply a cold compress to it.


  • Hemometric anemias
  • Afibrinogenemia
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Hemophilia
  • DIC syndrome
  • Capillary toxicosis

With the first intravenous administration, an increase in body temperature is possible. This is a consequence of the intoxication of the body, when atomic oxygen too quickly destroys pathogenic microflora. That is why it is desirable that the first such manipulations be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

However, if there is a temporary deterioration in the condition, then, as a rule, it goes away after 1-3 procedures. It is important at the time of treatment to exclude alcohol and smoking, after the infusions, you need to lie down for an hour or two, drink herbal tea with honey.

It must be said that such intravenous injections are safe from the point of view of the development of gas embolism, since atomic oxygen molecules in peroxide are separated by water molecules.

Store hydrogen peroxide in a sealed container in a dark place. If stored properly, it retains its properties for two years. But it is worth noting that pharmacies often sell a solution, the shelf life of which is 15 days.


Read the book by I.P. Neumyvakin about his method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide you can READ here

(lang: ‘ru’)

Hydrogen peroxide and soda - it would seem, what connection could there be? It turns out - straight! Professor Neumyvakin offers us treatment and recovery with these simple means, and, moreover, very effectively. Professor Neumyvakin proved the importance of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and baking soda for the body.

There are no contraindications for taking hydrogen peroxide, but you should not take more than 30 drops of peroxide diluted in water at a time.

So, Dr. Neumyvakin treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Professor Neumyvakin hydrogen peroxide treatment

Before reading his recommendations - a few words about Professor Neumyvakin himself. For more than 30 years he has been involved in the health of our astronauts, he is one of the pioneers of space medicine. Later he created a treatment and prophylactic center dedicated to the development of traditional medicine.

Hydrogen peroxide helps:

1) You need to drink hydrogen peroxide inside - 1 drop (we need 3% peroxide) per glass in water, three times a day. Every day, add one drop at a time (for example, on the second day 2 + 2 + 2 already 6 drops), bringing a single dose to ten drops at a time by the tenth day. Then take a break for 3 days, after the break, take ten drops of hydrogen peroxide solution for another 10 days. Then again a break and drink again.

Please remember that you need to take peroxide half an hour before meals or 2 hours after.

3) If you tortured sinusitis, drip 15 drops of peroxide into a tablespoon of water, take it into a pipette and drip it into your nose.

4) Another great recipe that will help with bad breath, periodontal disease, bleeding gums.

We will need:

  • half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • lemon juice - a couple of drops;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 20 drops.

Stir everything and brush your teeth. When you have cleaned for 10-15 minutes, do not eat anything.

5) For any sore throat, gum disease, sore throat, rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide -1-2 teaspoons diluted in ¼ glass of water, then hold the solution on the tonsil and spit it out.

With the same solution, it is necessary to drip three drops into the nose for a cold, in the ears for pain.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide by Dr. Neumyvakin

1) The usual three percent hydrogen peroxide - dilute one to two teaspoons in 50 milliliters of water, apply as rubbing or compresses for any skin diseases, as well as for rinsing. Take 50 milliliters of water, add 2-3 teaspoons of peroxide there, dampen a cotton cloth, apply it to any painful areas in the form of a compress. Or, you can wipe the painful areas with a napkin dampened with 3% peroxide.

2) If you suffer from a toothache, throw two tablets of hydroperite in half a glass of water, let them dissolve and rinse for a long time.

3) For pain in the neck with osteochondrosis, compresses will help. Soak a napkin in peroxide and apply to the sore spot. Wrap with a plastic bag for warmth and hold for 15 minutes, the pain will subside.

When taking peroxide, dizziness is possible, as the body is quickly saturated with oxygen.

Can hydrogen peroxide be given to children? Yes, of course, in the following dosage:

  • up to five years - one drop per one tablespoon of water;
  • from 5 to ten years old - 2-5 drops;
  • from 10-14 years old - 5-8 drops, also for one or two tablespoons of water.

4) Another interesting recipe for regular dental care.

Take half a teaspoon of baking soda, drip 5-6 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it, stir and spread on a cotton pad. Use this swab to brush your teeth and gently massage the gums for four to five minutes. It is better to do this in the morning after sleep, but you can also do it in the evening before going to bed.

Since we move a little, eat anything, the body always lacks oxygen, so taking one or two tablets per 50 ml of water for any disorders will not be superfluous.

There are practically no contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide, only individual intolerance, and most importantly, observe the dosage.

Conclusion: it turns out how many useful properties hydrogen peroxide has. Be sure to use this cheap and effective medicine, and when taken orally, as Dr. Neumyvakin advises to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, it is still worth getting advice from a doctor.

Simple and affordable hydrogen peroxide can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet. Hydrogen peroxide treatment helps with many diseases and is the prevention of some dangerous diseases.

Professor Ivan Neumyvakin

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a famous doctor, creator of space medicine. On his account there are many works of authorship and inventions, a large number of titles and degrees.

The famous doctor considers the main task of medicine to be to combine the accumulated experience of folk and official methods to resist ailments and serious illnesses. It is Neumyvakin who owns the method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide, and he tested all his developments on himself.

According to the Neumyvakin method, patients are cured of many diseases when official medicine is powerless. This is how the doctor's wife, Lyudmila Stepanovna, was healed.

In the Kirov region, Professor Neumyvakin's Health Center has been established and is operating. The methods of treatment of a well-known doctor have positive reviews.

Hydrogen peroxide: medicinal properties

Hydrogen peroxide is sold in all pharmacies and at an affordable price. It is generally accepted that the agent is used to disinfect wounds. However, peroxide has a number of unique properties that are useful in the treatment of many diseases.

The benefits and effects of peroxide on the body:

  1. Peroxide is a good antioxidant that kills almost all infections.
  2. Favorable effect on blood - normalization of blood composition, purification, oxygenation.
  3. Participation in the fight against free radicals.
  4. Peroxide normalizes the acid-base balance.
  5. Takes part in the hormonal processes of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads.
  6. Peroxide perfectly fills all tissues with oxygen.
  7. Participates in the process of supplying calcium to the brain.
  8. Peroxide does not accumulate in the body even after prolonged use. This helps to avoid toxic and allergic reactions.
  9. Hydrogen peroxide is beneficial for diabetics. It acts as insulin - it transports sugar to cells from the blood plasma.
  10. Regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Expands blood vessels of the heart, brain, respiratory organs.
  12. Stimulates immunity and mental activity.
  13. Hydrogen peroxide promotes body rejuvenation and tissue regeneration.

What does hydrogen peroxide cure?

Thanks to a simple, but at the same time, unique remedy - hydrogen peroxide - it is possible to cure:

  • Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system (varicose veins, coronary artery disease).
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI, tonsillitis.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Different types of allergies.
  • Leukemia.
  • Colds.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity (caries, stomatitis, periodontal disease).
  • ENT disease.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Sclerosis, stroke.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct application of hydrogen peroxide. Do not take concentrated peroxide, it can be dangerous and can harm the body. It is necessary to correctly make aqueous solutions and observe the conditions of admission.

How to use hydrogen peroxide

Neumyvakin offers three ways to take hydrogen peroxide:

The first is outdoor... The use of peroxide externally for disinfecting wounds.

The second is internal... The solution with peroxide must be drunk, instilled or given enemas.

Third - intravenous administration... This method is difficult and dangerous and requires certain medical skills.

How to drink hydrogen peroxide solution. Main rules

  1. To prepare the solution, you need to use only purified water and peroxide.
  2. The amount of peroxide should be increased gradually. Reception scheme:

1 day- 1 drop of 3% solution in 50 ml of water. Prepare and drink the solution three times a day. On the first day, the dosage of peroxide should not exceed three drops.

2nd day- increase the dosage by 1 drop. You will get 6 drops per day.

On the following days, increase the dose of peroxide by 1 drop. But the maximum daily dose should not exceed 30 drops.

  1. The solution should be taken only 2 hours after a meal. After drinking the solution, you need to wait 40 minutes and only then can you eat.
  2. After bringing the course of admission to 30 drops of 3% peroxide solution (this is 10 days), you need to take a break for 5 days. Then you can continue the course again, taking 30 drops every day (i.e. 10 drops at a time three times a day). But it is forbidden to exceed this norm. This can cause severe burns.
  3. The effect of peroxide is enhanced by foods containing vitamin C.
  4. Other medicines should not be used concurrently with peroxide solution. Either 30 minutes or half an hour after taking the solution.

For intravenous infusion, you must use a 20-gram syringe. For 20 milliliters of saline, 0.3 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide is needed. The injection should be done very slowly, within 3 minutes.

For subsequent injections, the dosage of peroxide is increased by 0.1 cube. Gradually, the dose is adjusted to 1 ml of peroxide per 20 ml of saline.

The intravenous course lasts 8-9 days, then there is a break for 2-3 weeks. Then the injection (1 ml of peroxide per 20 ml of saline) is done 2-3 times in seven days.

Body reaction and contraindications

After the first use of a peroxide solution, bad consequences can be observed. There is a strong intoxication of the body and the condition worsens.

But there is nothing dangerous in this. This is due to the fact that hydrogen immediately begins to destroy bacteria in the body. The toxins generated during this process can negatively affect the condition of the skin. Skin inflammations and rashes appear. On average, this lasts a week.

Adverse reactions:

  • The skin is covered with a rash
  • Nausea, lethargy, tiredness
  • Sleepy state
  • Runny nose and cough
  • Rarely diarrhea

There are no contraindications for the use of peroxide solution. But for people who have undergone organ transplantation, it is undesirable to use this treatment method. Since organ compatibility problems may arise.

Recipes for Neumyvakin at home

Before you start using the recipes for treatment according to Neumyvakin, it is recommended to cleanse the body. So the effectiveness of the treatment will be higher.

1. How to get rid of nail fungus

  • Dilute peroxide with water (1: 1).
  • Keep a finger infected with fungal bacteria in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then wipe dry.

The course lasts depending on the severity of the disease, it can be continued for several months.

2. Angina

Angina is treated by gargling. 1 tsp Dissolve peroxide in ¼ glass of water, gargle and gargle. In the area of ​​the tonsils, retain the solution a little.

2. Sinusitis

Sinusitis can be treated by dripping a peroxide solution into the nose.

To do this, you need to dilute 15 drops of peroxide in 1 tbsp. water. Take the prepared solution with a pipette and drop it into both nostrils.

After this, mucus will be released, it should be carefully removed from the nose.

3. Periodontal disease

To cure periodontal disease, you need to prepare a mixture - 3 grams of baking soda, add 10 drops of lemon juice and 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

You need to brush your teeth with this mixture and do not take anything in your mouth for 15 minutes. This method will also help if the gums are sore or inflamed.

4. Runny nose

With a solution of hydrogen peroxide, a runny nose can be cured both with common colds and with viral diseases.

You need to drip two drops of solution into the nose (3% peroxide for two parts of water). Then completely free the nose of mucus and secretions. After the procedure, do not eat or drink for 15 minutes.

5. Treatment of wounds

Children tolerate hydrogen peroxide well when treating wounds. It does not sting and does not cause discomfort, you cannot get dirty with it, peroxide stops bleeding well.

6. Papillomas

External application of a 3% peroxide solution will help if papillomas have formed on the skin. In this case, 1 drop of peroxide every 5 hours is sufficient.

7. Otitis media

Peroxide can help with otitis media. For treatment, you need to dilute 15 drops of peroxide in 30 ml of water. You need to lie down so that the sore ear is on top and drop half of the solution into the ear.

After 10 minutes, tilt your head slowly so that the remaining solution flows out.

8. Psoriasis

Psoriasis can be treated with hydrogen peroxide compresses. 2-3 tsp A 3% solution must be diluted in half a glass of boiled water. Apply such compresses to the damaged areas for an hour and a half and in 30 days even the most dense formations dissolve.

9. Cracked heels

Often in adulthood, cracks appear on the heels. To get rid of them and put your feet in order, you can do hot baths with hydrogen peroxide. For this, 4 tbsp. 3% peroxide should be mixed with 1500 ml of warm water and poured into a container comfortable for the feet.

If the skin is only slightly rough, 10 minutes of treatment is sufficient. If the heels are hardened, the cracks are deep, then the duration of the bath should be at least 20 minutes.

10. Prostatitis

To cure prostatitis, you can do warm enemas with peroxide or drink a peroxide solution according to the Neumyvakin scheme (three times a day, increasing the dosage to 30 drops).

11. Stomach and gastrointestinal tract

Drinking a peroxide solution according to the Neumyvakin method can also cure the stomach, including gastritis and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

12. Joints

It is good to apply compresses with a 3% peroxide solution on sore joints and accompany the treatment with an internal intake of the solution for two months.

Rheumatoid arthritis is best treated by injection within 10 days. The dosage in this case is prescribed by the attending physician.

13. Hemorrhoids

Peroxide-based lotions can cure hemorrhoids. The process takes place in a horizontal position and no more than 15 minutes. Apply a cotton swab soaked in 3% peroxide solution to the affected areas.

14. Diseases of the eyes

Hydrogen peroxide can also treat eye diseases. To do this, you need to rinse your eyes with a 0.5% peroxide solution. It is dangerous to use a more saturated solution.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment is an affordable alternative treatment for many conditions. It is very important to follow the rules for using peroxide so as not to harm the body.

Knowledge of hydrogen peroxide is limited to antiseptic and hemostatic properties. Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin created a phenomenal technique for the unconventional use of hydrogen peroxide.

What is the method of using hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, reviews and side effects of this type of treatment - in our article.

Dr. Neumyvakin: the effect of hydrogen peroxide on the body

The compound in question is present in any living organism. When disintegrated, water and atomic oxygen are formed, which support the vital resources of a person. Lack of oxygen causes disruption to the functioning of organs, they go into emergency mode.

Hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin (reviews and side effects - in our article) helps to replenish the atomic oxygen necessary for the human body

The consumption of hydrogen peroxide replenishes the loss of atomic oxygen in the body, which:

  • accelerates metabolism - maintains the balance of substances in the body;
  • participates in the synthesis of vitamins;
  • activates the body's systems.

Peroxide is involved in the oxidation of toxic substances in the body. Oxidation contributes to:

  • improvement of blood composition, regulation of the ratio of plasma to erythrocytes, platelets and leukocytes;
  • assimilation of glucose and production of insulin, reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • strengthening memory, increasing intelligence.

What diseases can be treated with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide heals the heart and blood vessels, restores the nervous and hormonal systems, and the respiratory system. The only difference is in the methods of cure.

Since hydrogen peroxide kills disease-causing flora, it helps in treating:

  • viruses and purulent infections of various etiologies - staphylococci, streptococci, etc .;
  • fungal diseases - candidiasis, lichen, mycoses, etc.;
  • the most severe epidemiological infections;
  • hemorrhagic inflammation of various etiologies;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • neurological and neurodegenerative diseases;
  • pathologies of the heart;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • stroke;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Hydrogen peroxide, which has an antiseptic effect, is used to treat many diseases, such as diabetes.

A natural question arises - does hydrogen peroxide work against oncology? The stage of the disease plays an important role; the doctor advises the use of hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with traditional methods of treatment - chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.

Studies show that with an acute nature of the disease, the result of using peroxide is quite quick, while chronic forms require long-term admission.

According to Neumyvakin, hydrogen peroxide effectively fights immunodeficiency disorders - various types of allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. The technique has both positive and negative reviews, as side effects arise that are inevitable.

Doctor Neumyvakin's advice on hydrogen peroxide treatment

Dr. Neumyvakin recommends, in parallel with the treatment with peroxide, to find time for exercise at any age. An active lifestyle promotes oxygenation of cells, improves shape and well-being, and calms the nervous system.

In addition, exercise stimulates the brain. This reduces the risk of degenerative diseases.

Before the course of treatment with peroxide, Dr. Neumyvakin recommends not to drink alcohol or smoke, to switch to proper nutrition. After all, there is no point in simultaneously cleaning and polluting the body.

How to properly take hydrogen peroxide internally

Dissolve 1 drop of the medicine in 2-3 tbsp. l. water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, then between meals (2 hours before or 1 hour after), 3 times a day.

Every day, increase the dose of the portion by 1 drop, gradually reaching 10 drops 3 times a day for 10 days. Then a break for 2-3 days and start a new 10-day course immediately with 10 drops. The daily dose of peroxide should be no more than 30 drops.

Hydrogen peroxide is given intravenously. Neumyvakin conducted clinical studies on himself and on volunteers, which proved that such use gives an even stronger effect, especially in the treatment of infections and cancers.

Intravenous injections are supervised by a doctor.

External use of hydrogen peroxide (instruction)

Outwardly, peroxide is used for compresses, the procedure takes about an hour. For oral hygiene, it is used in the form of rinsing. In autoimmune, degenerative and neurodegenerative diseases, the surface of the body is rubbed.

Mixture preparation: 1-2 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide per 0.5 l of water.

When treating lichen and allergic skin lesions such as psoriasis, eczema, hydrogen peroxide 3% does not need to be diluted with water. You can prepare a more saturated aqueous solution of hydroperite (15-33%).

Apply to areas of rash (eczema) or plaque (psoriasis) until the lesions disappear.

With colds and otolaryngological diseases, the instillation of hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages is effective.

Preparation of the mixture: 10-15 drops of the drug per 1 tbsp. l. water. Drip one full pipette at a time. Gradually increase the rate to 2-3 pipettes, then inject the solution with a 1 ml syringe without a needle. After 1 min, free the nasal passages from mucus. After that, do not eat or drink for 10-15 minutes.

In ENT diseases, it is effective to instill an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nose; Treatment with hydrogen peroxide: contraindications

There are relative (intravenous and intra-arterial) and absolute contraindications.

Contraindications to hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin Mode of application Side effects
Some diseases affecting blood clotting: afribinogenemia, hemophilia, hemolytic anemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation Intravenously Internal bleeding or blood clots
Some allergic diseases: capillarotoxicosis Intravenously Vascular wall rupture
Some types of diathesis: thrombocytopenic purpura Intravenously Increased hemorrhage
Organ transplant Any Possible rejection
Pregnancy Any Fetal death, miscarriage
Breast-feeding Any Change in milk composition, impact on the baby

There are no reviews of these contraindications due to the lack of clinical experience.

Side effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment

Often hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin - reviews, side effects, contraindications, cause skepticism about the method. But the fact that the professor tested the system on himself, and at his age has good health and is actively working, inspires confidence.

At the beginning of treatment, the state of health may deteriorate, intoxication of the body is observed. This is a natural reaction to exposure to peroxide. The destruction of the pathogenic environment begins, and a temporary deterioration of the condition occurs. This is normal, the discomfort will disappear.

Hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin causes the following side effects, which are known from the reviews of people undergoing treatment:

One of the side effects of using hydrogen peroxide is bloating.

  • bloating;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • rash;
  • unproductive cough.

If a side effect manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, do not quit treatment. You can combine oral administration with external use.

People who took hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin leave both positive and negative reviews about the effectiveness of this method of treating diseases. However, almost everyone agrees that the technique of Dr. Neumyvakin is a new approach to life. It sets you up for a positive result and helps to cope with diseases with the help of hydrogen peroxide.

How to take hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin (reviews and side effects of this remedy), you will learn from this video:

Check out the indications and contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide according to the treatment regimen of I. Neumyvakin:

Hydrogen peroxide treatment. Recipes and methods of Neumyvakin

The panacea of ​​the XXI century - hydrogen peroxide - is a relatively new, rather universal prophylactic agent that helps to eliminate atherosclerosis, acute vascular diseases, prevent heart attacks, strokes and ... - the list of diseases is very long.

Thanks to the labors and experiments of Professor Neumyvakin, treatment with hydrogen peroxide has become more accessible and understandable. Neumyvakin, while researching treatment with hydrogen peroxide, did it on himself and tested all the properties of this drug, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was awarded nationwide approval.

With atherosclerosis it is necessary to use ordinary 3% pharmacy hydrogen peroxide. Start with 1-2 drops for 1-2 tablespoons. clean tap water 40 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals. Add 1 drop every day and so on up to 10 drops 2-3 times a day. In total, the daily intake of drops should not exceed 30. When the adoption reaches 10 drops at a time, take a break for 3-5 days, and then continue treatment for a long time, you can and for life.

For flu, colds, sinusitis in 1 tbsp. drip 10-15 drops of peroxide and drink. Do not eat or drink after 15 minutes.

This method of treatment is popular in Russia as well as in the West. Many with the help of peroxide are cured of duodenal ulcers, adenomas, hypertension. With atherosclerosis, it is necessary to use ordinary 3% pharmacy hydrogen peroxide. Start with 1-2 drops for 1-2 tablespoons. clean tap water 40 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals. Add 1 drop every day and so on up to 10 drops 2-3 times a day. In total, the daily intake of drops should not exceed 30. When the adoption reaches 10 drops at a time, take a break for 3-5 days, and then continue treatment for a long time, you can and for life.
Hydrogen peroxide saturates the body with oxygen well and is more effective if you cleanse the vessels, intestines, etc., but you can do it without cleaning. It is used internally for all vascular diseases (heart attacks, strokes), as well as externally (for 50 mg of water - 1-2 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution), as a compress. Keep from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can rub it into any painful place for skin diseases, joint pain, fungus on the legs, warts and rashes. Lubricate for a few days, and everything will pass.

Sinusitis and hydrogen peroxide:

for treatment, dissolve 15 drops of peroxide in a tablespoon of water, collect and drip the nose. Thoroughly blow out the mucus that is secreted.

Osteochondrosis and its treatment with hydrogen peroxide:

the pain in the cervical spine caused by it, relieves the H2O2-compress. Moisten a napkin made of natural fabric in peroxide, put on the neck, cover with polyethylene, hold for 15 minutes. After a few repetitions, the pain will go away.


For sore throat, dilute a teaspoon of peroxide in a quarter of a glass of water. Rinse the mouth and throat with this solution, retaining the liquid on the tonsils. The treatment is carried out several times a day. Instill 3-5 drops of the drug in each nostril for a runny nose, in the ears for ear pain

Periodontal disease and bleeding gums, we treat with peroxide according to Neumyvakin:

(bad breath) add 10 drops of lemon juice, 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide to 3 g of baking soda and brush your teeth with the resulting mixture. After that, do not rinse your mouth, do not eat or drink for 10-15 minutes.

Sore spots- it is recommended to apply compresses on them. Moisten the cloth with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide (three teaspoons in a quarter of a glass of water). After a quarter of an hour, the compress is removed and the place is wiped with a napkin soaked in pure peroxide. You can rub the whole body with peroxide. It is useful for Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.


also removed when using hydrogen peroxide. For this, 2 tablets of hydroperite must be dissolved in 100 ml of water. Rinse the rod as long as possible, repeat several times.

As with many other methods of treatment, the following postulate is relevant when using hydrogen peroxide: "There is no cure without cleansing." Cleansing the body is a prerequisite for curing any disease. If the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, the result will be achieved faster and with a more noticeable effect.

Hydrogen peroxide. Introduce intravenously. A consultation with a doctor is required!

Intravenous peroxide treatment- Of course, here more than in other cases, consultations with the attending physician are necessary.

The American doctor Farr made such a discovery: the best oxygenation of tissues occurs by introducing ... hydrogen peroxide into the blood! When injected intravenously, H2O2 causes an increase in the rate of metabolic processes by 2 - 3 times!

Professor Neumyvakin, talking about the methods of treatment with hydrogen peroxide, on himself, claimed that he was injecting peroxide into himself intravenously.

A 20 ml syringe is required, with 0.3-0.4 ml of 3% peroxide per 20 ml of saline. Introduce slowly into a vein for 2-3 minutes. Increase each subsequent injection by 0.1 cube, bringing the dose to 1 ml of peroxide per 20 ml of saline. Injections are carried out daily, in a general course of 8-9 injections. After a 2-3 week break, injections should be carried out 2-3 times a week, 1 ml for 2-3 weeks. The state of health will prompt the need for further procedures.

During the decomposition of H2O2, atomic oxygen is formed, which destroys any pathogenic organisms. Intoxication of the body with dead microbes can cause an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. Therefore, at the first injections, it is necessary to inject the solution in small doses. For example, after mixing 20 ml of saline with 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide, with the first injection we use a third of this amount, with the second - half, with the third - 3/4.

All domestic and foreign specialists in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide such as C. Farr and W. Douglas are confident that intravenous injections of this drug for treatment purposes should be carried out only by a doctor who is well acquainted with the mechanism of its action, percentage ratios of the solution and the intricacies of administration, verified on practice. Professor Neumyvakin agrees with them in this. Self-medication in this case is excluded.

Both Professor Neumyvakin himself and his associates continue not only to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, but also use it as a powerful prophylactic agent. The treatment of patients undergoing successful treatment with the professor and his followers is based precisely on the intake of H2O2. His most famous followers are Dr. V. D. Kuzmin and the American physician and scientist W. Douglas. Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective weapon against viruses, bacteria and fungi, capable of fighting a large number of infections and diseases and supporting most vital processes. This drug is able to resist any infections and diseases, stimulates the immune system, being a universal remedy used to support all vital processes. In addition to cardiovascular diseases, with the cure of which the active use of hydrogen peroxide began, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, and allergies are treated. The drug destroys cancer cells, oxidizes and removes accumulated fats from the walls of blood vessels, and treats leukemia. Neumyvakin and treatment with hydrogen peroxide, has a systematic approach to the treatment of various diseases with the help of this remedy, we will talk about this further.

There are almost no contraindications to actually taking hydrogen peroxide, you just need to correctly determine the dosage. A natural contraindication may be the intolerance of a particular organism to taking this drug, with possible side reactions:

Skin rashes, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, phenomena similar to colds (runny nose, cough), less often - diarrhea. This happens in 1-2 percent of people.

You should not be afraid of a slight burning sensation in the stomach when taking the medicine. Temporarily reduce the dose taken until the body gets used to it.

You can take drugs based on hydrogen peroxide in parallel with the intake of various herbal remedies. However, it is completely unacceptable to take various medications at the same time as peroxide. There should be a time interval of at least thirty minutes between these treatments.

P.S. Granulomas from her perfectly hiss and grow (this is when blood vessels grow in the wound instead of a dried crust ...). And they grow in all directions (including damage to bones, joints, etc.) ... As a result, surgeons have more work to do, operations are more difficult ...
And at first, it is unrealistic for a layman to distinguish a granuloma from an ordinary wound.
Don't overuse.

Improving health, improving the body and even defeating many ailments, allows ordinary hydrogen peroxide... So says the founder of space medicine, Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. It was he who developed an amazing technique, thanks to which it is possible to avoid heart attacks, strokes, eliminate vascular diseases, atherosclerosis. Moreover, the famous professor tested his developments on himself. His teachings were supported by the whole world. Consider how to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin.

The author of the technique In ancient times, folk healers, who, with their skills could heal the disease, they were considered criminals. Despite their good intentions, healers were persecuted and severely punished. Today the situation has fundamentally changed. And many patients who have not been helped by official medicine turn to traditional healers. One of them is Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin.

The renowned physician has a number of titles and scientific degrees. He received 85 copyright certificates for his inventions. More than 200 scientific works written by Ivan Pavlovich are of great value.

Professor Neumyvakin is the founder of space medicine. In this area, his experience is simply incredible. At the same time, constantly looking for new ways to treat and prevent various diseases, an amazing doctor has always strived for one thing. He believed that the main task of medicine is to combine the invaluable experience of folk and official methods of combating ailments, as well as the physical and spiritual world, accumulated by people.

Center of Neumyvakin

All the ideas of the great scientist were supported by his wife Lyudmila Stepanovna, a doctor by training. In the past, she suffered a disease that mainstream medicine could not heal. It was then that she turned to traditional methods of treatment for help. Having experienced the healing power of alternative medicine, she completely shared her husband's ideas.

This is how the Neumyvakin health center was created, which has no analogues in the whole world. It is located in the Kirov region, in the village of Borovitsa. Called "Wellness center of professor Neumyvakin".

The doctor believes that all diseases occur due to violation of the laws of nature and spiritual essence. To cure any pathology, you will need to change your diet and some other factors. In addition, it is important to monitor the endoecology of your own health.

The health improvement system developed by the spouses is based on the following postulates:

The human body is a bioenergetic system in which everything is interconnected. It is capable of self-reproduction and self-regulation.

Impaired immunity, toxins in the body, a failure in the bioenergetic balance - these are the main causes of any pathology.

All the books of the great scientist are based on the above principles.

Effects on the body

It was thanks to the experience and labors of an excellent doctor such as Ivan Neumyvakin that hydrogen peroxide began to be used to treat various ailments.

Moreover, it is found in every living organism... Hydrogen peroxide is an essential ingredient. After all, she takes part in many different processes in the body:

1) Hydrogen peroxide is the best antioxidant. It destroys toxic elements, destroys a variety of infections - bacteria, fungi, viruses.

2) The substance is actively involved in bioenergetic reactions, fat, carbohydrate, protein metabolism, the formation of mineral salts, vitamins, heat in cells.

3) Acting on the blood, it normalizes its composition, improves fluidity, cleanses and saturates with oxygen.

4) Takes part in the fight against free radicals.

5) Normalizes acid-base balance.

6) Participates in the regulation of some hormonal processes of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads.

7) Saturates all body tissues with oxygen.

8) Participates in the process of transporting calcium to the brain.

9) With prolonged use, it does not accumulate in the body. Thus, it does not provoke the development of allergic or toxic reactions.

10) Hydrogen peroxide is able to do the work of insulin. It moves sugar into cells from the blood plasma. This greatly facilitates the functioning of the pancreas. It helps diabetics reduce the need for insulin.

11) Normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

12) Promotes the expansion of blood vessels: brain, heart, respiratory system.

13) Stimulates mental performance.

14) Promotes tissue regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

15) Leads to the restoration of disturbed electrolyte balance.

As you can see, it is not in vain that Professor Neumyvakin classifies hydrogen peroxide as a remedy. The correct use of this "medicine" can be a panacea for most pathologies, even those that are intractable.

Mechanism of action

Consider what the Neumyvakin method is based on? Most doctors agree that in the human body any pathologies arise mainly due to improper nutrition. As a result, it disrupts the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, many people sometimes drink food with various liquids during their meals. Once in the stomach, they dilute the digestive juice that the stomach, liver and pancreas produce. In this form, the ability to normally process food is reduced.

The body requires the release of additional acidic juices. In this case, the person feels a heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn. In the future, this can lead to the development of an ulcer. Stomach acid that is not completely neutralized enters the duodenum. This condition provokes the development of new pathologies, ranging from constipation and ending with the emergence of a cancerous tumor.

To eliminate the process of decay of incompletely digested products in the digestive tract, the body needs atomic oxygen. It is produced in humans from normal inhaled air.

Unfortunately, the environmental situation is often the cause of oxygen deficiency. And, given modern life, it should be noted that today the human body needs it much more. The reasons for this need lie in excessive eating, smoking, drinking, lack of mobility, and improper diet.

Use in such situations is advised by the doctor Neumyvakin hydrogen peroxide. Once inside the body, it helps to improve the general condition. After all, it saturates with the necessary oxygen. In addition, hydrogen peroxide normalizes redox processes and balances the digestive system.

Medicinal properties

Hydrogen peroxide has a truly fantastic healing effect. Professor Neumyvakin gives a whole list of diseases from which she helps to cure. Its medicinal properties are based on an oxygen atom.

The list of diseases, which is given by Professor Neumyvakin, is quite extensive. The doctor describes in detail how to use hydrogen peroxide for various pathologies. Among the diseases that this substance successfully fights against, the following are distinguished:

- pathology of the respiratory system: pulmonary emphysema, cancer;
- diseases of the oral cavity: caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis;
- skin ailments: fungal diseases, eczema, cancer;
- infectious pathologies: pneumonia, bronchitis, ARVI, tonsillitis; - disorders of the cardiovascular system: varicose veins, ischemic disease;
- neurology: sclerosis, osteochondrosis, stroke;
- metabolic pathologies: lupus, diabetes mellitus;
- ENT diseases: pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Admission rules

People who decide to use the advice of a well-known doctor need to know how to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. After all, any panacea, if used incorrectly, can harm the body.

So, the rules of use are quite simple:

1) Only qualitatively purified hydrogen peroxide solutions are allowed for ingestion.

2) You need to start the treatment process with a small dose. It is recommended to dilute 1-2 drops of a 3% solution in 1-2 tablespoons of water. During the day, this procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. Each subsequent day, you must increase the dose by one drop. This happens until a single dose is 10 drops. It is extremely important to remember that the daily dose of taken hydrogen peroxide should not exceed the allowable rate of 30 drops.

3) To obtain a beneficial effect from the treatment, you should remember how to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. Exclusively on an empty stomach. The presence of food in the digestive system seriously increases the negative effects of this drug. Thus, at least 2-3 hours should pass after the meal. After drinking hydrogen peroxide, you should also refrain from eating. In this case, 40 minutes is sufficient.

4) The therapeutic effect will significantly improve if the remedy is taken cyclically. The following scheme is recommended. The drug is used for 10 days. This should be followed by a short break - 3-5 days. It is permissible to start a new course immediately with 10 drops. However, increasing the dose is strictly prohibited. Remember that high concentration of peroxide will cause severe burns.

A more detailed study of the method of taking a panacea allows Neumyvakin's book “Hydrogen peroxide. On the guard of health. " In addition to her, a talented doctor has written many more works that tell about the amazing methods of healing.

Body reaction

Patients who are just starting treatment with hydrogen peroxide can face quite unpleasant situations. Often, after the first use, there is a strong intoxication of the body. The condition worsens quite sharply.

However, there is nothing terrible in this. ... This phenomenon is associated with the fact that hydrogen peroxide is an active substance that, when it enters the body, begins to immediately destroy bacteria.

An extremely unpleasant manifestation, but at the same time evidence of a healing effect, is the occurrence of a variety of skin inflammations and rashes. It is through them that toxic substances are removed from the body. Such manifestations are observed on an average week.

In addition, patients may experience the following adverse reactions:

Skin rash;
- unusual tiredness;
- phenomena reminiscent of a cold - cough, runny nose;
- diarrhea (rare).

There are practically no contraindications for the use of this method. However, people who have undergone organ transplants are advised not to resort to this method of treatment. Since there may be problems.

How are diseases treated?

Consider how to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin for various pathologies:

1) Sinusitis. To combat such a disease, one should take a tablespoon of water dissolve 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting solution is instilled into the nose. After that, the patient should blow out the mucus as carefully as possible, which will be released from the sinuses.

2) Osteochondrosis. This remedy perfectly treats painful discomfort that occurs in the cervical region of the spine. For this, compresses are used. A napkin made of natural fabric is moistened in peroxide and applied to the neck. It is advisable to cover the top with cellophane. Such a compress should be kept for about 15 minutes. It will take several repetitions of this procedure for the pain to completely leave the patient.

3) Angina. In case of severe discomfort in the throat, pour a teaspoon of peroxide into 1/4 cup of water. With this solution, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and throat well. The best effect will be obtained if the liquid is somewhat retained on the tonsils. The procedure should be repeated several times a day. With a runny nose, it is necessary to instill 3-5 drops in each nostril.

4) Periodontal disease. This treatment is used for bleeding gums and for bad breath from the mouth. In this case, you will need, as Dr. Neumyvakin recommends, soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice. The professor advises using the following recipe. 10 drops of lemon juice drip on 3 grams of baking soda. Add hydrogen peroxide to the composition, in the amount of 20 drops. The resulting product must be thoroughly cleaned teeth. After the procedure, do not eat or drink, and do not rinse the oral cavity for 10-15 minutes.

5) Painful spots. It is recommended to apply a compress on the areas causing discomfort. The fabric is moistened with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide. In other words, you need to dilute 3 teaspoons in 1/4 cup of water. The resulting compress should be applied to the painful area. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. After removing the compress, the area causing discomfort should be wiped off with a cloth soaked in pure peroxide. Even the whole body can be rubbed. This procedure is beneficial for multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.

6) Toothache. Unpleasant, excruciating discomfort can also be alleviated by using hydrogen peroxide. For such purposes, it is recommended to dissolve two tablets of "Hydroperita" in water (100 ml). In case of toothache, rinse the resulting solution as long as possible in the mouth. This procedure should be repeated several times.

Patient opinions

Many people talk about the unique method of treatment. It is not surprising, because the therapy is quite non-standard. And the favorable results obtained after the treatment fuel a keen interest.

However, opinions, as always, were divided. Some patients consider hydrogen peroxide to be a real panacea that can heal from various pathologies. Others regard the technique as a deception, they talk about the strongest poisoning of the body.

So what did Neumyvakin introduce to the world, if we talk about hydrogen peroxide? Reviews of patients who have experienced this remedy on themselves tell about the excellent results of treatment. People share their amazing stories, in which they were able to get rid of migraines, perfectly supported the body with varicose veins. Such patients say that after a while they were even able to do without compression underwear.

People with psoriasis have received positive results. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, they were able not only to stop the exacerbation, but also to significantly reduce the frequency of their occurrence.

Excellent effects were noted by patients suffering from joint pathologies. Hydrogen peroxide helped to eliminate pain, heaviness in the legs, cramps. And even with stomach ulcers, an amazing panacea was able to help. Patients suffering from severe pathology for a long time were able to say goodbye to pain and unpleasant heartburn.


Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap method to treat many diseases. But its application requires great care and full compliance with the rules given by Professor Neumyvakin. And, of course, approval by the attending physician. Be healthy!

Treat not a disease, but a person. Hippocrates spoke about this most important principle of healing. Our contemporary Ivan Neumyvakin developed a method of healing the body with simple and cheap means: soda and hydrogen peroxide. These "medicines" help not only to get rid of diseases, but also to prevent them. It is interesting that I.P. Neumyvakin came to healing from official medicine, he is a professor. But his method has not yet received the recognition of colleagues, although many of them do not deny the benefits of its application. How to properly use soda and peroxide for healing and getting rid of diseases?

How the treatment method according to Professor Neumyvakin works

Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is convinced: there are no diseases. There are various malfunctions in the body that arise due to metabolic problems and violations of the acid-base balance.

Over the years, a person inevitably accumulates toxins and toxins, and they interfere with the normal functioning of all systems and organs. In addition, acidic blood or, on the contrary, containing an excess of alkali (ideal pH balance of 7–7.5) also leads to serious ailments. Therefore, the main rule of health is to remove toxins and maintain a pH balance close to ideal.

The ratio of acids and alkalis in the human body must be balanced

You don't have to spend a lot on intoxication programs to be healthy. It is enough to take extremely cheap but effective means.

This is how I.P. Neumyvakin . His method of healing is based on the intake of hydrogen peroxide and regular baking soda, internally and externally. The same simple substances will help get rid of already acquired diseases. You can use them in combination or separately.

A sick person leaves a lot of money in the pharmacy, and Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin says that this is superfluous: there will be no diseases while maintaining the acid-base balance

Properties of hydrogen peroxide (peroxide)

A solution of hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol, or, more commonly, peroxide, is a clear liquid that has no taste or smell. The drug should be in all first-aid kits, it has proven itself as a disinfectant.

Most people know little about its other useful properties. Official medicine recommends only external use of peroxide. Dr. Neumyvakin suggested drinking a solution of H 2 O 2 and even infusing it intravenously.

This compound easily decomposes into elements: water (H 2) and free oxygen (O 2). Thus, according to the healer, the human body will receive a hefty portion of O 2, which will help protect it from infections and other adverse factors.

Hydrogen peroxide professor Neumyvakin advises to use both externally and internally

When taken internally, hydrogen peroxide acts on the body as follows:

  • kills pathogens;
  • restores acid-base balance;
  • cleans blood vessels from deposits;
  • helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • actively detoxifies;
  • increases the body's immune forces;
  • includes mechanisms of self-regulation and recovery.

Released as a result of the reaction, active oxygen destroys pathogens

Why does hydrogen peroxide hiss when it hits an open wound, but there is no such reaction on the whole skin? Human blood contains the enzyme catalase (or peroxidase). It instantly separates peroxide into water and active oxygen, it is from it that hissing bubbles consist. O 2 stops bleeding and disinfects the wound.

Dr. Neumyvakin advises using hydrogen peroxide both as a prophylaxis and in the treatment of a number of diseases.

The effect of baking soda on the body

Ordinary baking soda also has a stimulating effect on the human body. These white crystals have long been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. A solution of sodium bicarbonate (bicarbonate or bicarbonate) sodium Na 2 HCO 3 was once taken as a rejuvenating agent. Yes, and modern doctors often advise to gargle their throat and mouth cavity to get rid of infections or prevent them, wash out wounds and suppuration.

Ancient healers believed that sodium bicarbonate solution rejuvenates a person

Sodium bicarbonate (soda) upon contact with hot water (from 60 degrees) is converted into three substances: sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water. This reaction produces a violent hissing foam.

Dr. Neumyvakin noticed how a white powder dissolved in hot water has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. It balances the ratio of acid and alkali, renews the main fluid of our body at the cellular level.

Baking soda is a cheap and affordable remedy that can cure disease and support health

The effect of soda solution on the body:

According to the author of the method, peroxide and soda are quite interchangeable. They act similarly to the human body. Therefore, you can limit yourself to the use of one of these substances. But complex therapy will give a greater stimulating and restorative effect.

There are some rules for using baking soda and peroxide together. Especially careful should be those who are engaged not in prevention, but in the treatment of already acquired ailments.

What diseases can be treated with these simplest remedies? According to I.P. Neumyvakin, the list is quite impressive:

Healer Neumyvakin emphasizes that treatment with peroxide and soda will not work if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle: overeats, moves a little, gets nervous for no reason. Health, the author of the method believes, is a harmonious combination of peace of mind and physical well-being. And peroxide and soda only help to maintain it at the proper level.

Dr. Neumyvakin and his followers assure that the method of treatment with peroxide and soda is supported by favorable practical experience. But there is no reliable statistical information about this. And official medicine does not recognize such therapy. Although there are positive reviews even from doctors, most believe that this type of treatment is not credible.

Neumyvakin himself in no way advises to abandon traditional treatment, especially when it comes to serious illnesses, emergency conditions requiring surgical intervention. He warns that his method is not a panacea.

Not everyone is shown the ingestion of soda and peroxide solutions. Often, the dosage must be selected individually, carefully monitoring the body's reactions. If the state of health deteriorates, it is necessary to abandon non-traditional therapy.

A few words about the author of the method

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin successfully combined official medicine and the traditions of folk healing. He received a special education, defended his doctoral dissertation, and later became a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (this is a public organization that unites creative scientists). Received the title of "Best Healer in Russia".

Doctor Ivan Numyvakin became one of the pioneers of space medicine

Doctor I.P. Neumyvakin was engaged in the health of aviators, and with the beginning of the space age he was invited to the Institute of Biomedical Research. The young scientist solved extreme problems outside the box. Working with astronauts gave him rich food for thought and scope for experiments. For 30 years, he published about two hundred articles and several books, invented health-improving devices, and developed unusual and effective methods of treatment. One of his main brainchildren, which has become especially popular among the people, is health improvement with the help of soda and peroxide. He devoted separate works to these substances, and personally experienced their effect on himself.

The healer Neumyvakin not only promotes his method, he himself applies it

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is already 89 years old (born in 1928). He himself is a vivid example of the application of his method of healing. In old age, he writes books, conducts seminars, receives patients.

Video: how to heal and live according to Dr. I. Neumyvakin

Methods for using soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

According to the method of Dr. Neumyvakin, soda and peroxide can be used in pairs or independently. Although the chemical composition of these substances is different, they can replace each other during recovery. One example: for external use, solutions of soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) and peroxide (15 drops per 1 liter of water) are equal in effect.

It is absolutely impossible to take these substances inside at the same time. Between their use, at least half an hour should pass, and preferably more.

Peroxide prophylaxis

For health and maintaining immunity in an active state, the healer Neumyvakin advises three times daily on an empty stomach (at least an hour before meals) to drink an aqueous solution of 3% peroxide. It is added dropwise to a small amount of liquid (about 50 ml). You should start with 2 drops, then increase the dose every day. The maximum is 10 drops, and so drink for ten days. After taking a break for 3 days, continue taking 10 drops. Then another pause and a new cycle.

Starting therapy with peroxide, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. Malaise, discomfort is the reason for reducing the dose or completely discontinuing the drug.

The healer Neumyvakin recommends taking a solution of hydrogen peroxide constantly with short breaks

Convalescent courses, the author of the method of treatment with peroxide, believes, are prophylaxis that can be carried out throughout life, taking short breaks or reducing the amount of the drug. Hydrogen peroxide is a source of oxygen, recalls I.P. Neumyvakin, and this is a useful dietary supplement.

Video: I.P. Neumyvakin on the use of hydrogen peroxide

General Wellness Soda

Dissolve soda for ingestion in hot (from 60 degrees) water or milk. Only then will you get a healthy cocktail, not a laxative. Dr. Neumyvakin recommends adding the powder to a glass of boiling water, and then wait until it cools. It is necessary to take the solution on an empty stomach, and then refrain from food for at least half an hour. The amount of soda is increased gradually. The initial dose is on the tip of a teaspoon (about the size of a pea), after a couple of days you can take half a spoon, after another two days - a whole one.

In order for the beneficial properties of soda to be revealed, it must be dissolved in hot water.

As with taking peroxide, you need to listen to the body's reactions. If unpleasant symptoms occur, reduce the amount of baking soda or stop therapy altogether.

Video: how does soda affect the human body

Options for using solutions of peroxide and soda

Peroxide and soda according to the Neumyvakin method can be used not only orally, but also in other ways: injections, baths, compresses, lotions. From these substances, pastes are prepared for the treatment of fungal diseases and the improvement of the oral cavity.

Intravenous infusion

Dr. Neumyvakin's method involves the intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate. Such procedures, in his opinion, accelerate healing. After all, the active elements go directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the intestinal tract. Intravenous injections should be carried out very carefully and only under medical supervision.

Oxygen is an essential element for the human body. It provides respiration and energy exchange processes. Sodium regulates the work of the cardiovascular and excretory systems, participates in the generation of nerve impulses during muscle contraction. Both the deficiency of these elements and their excess are dangerous for human health.

Baths and trays with soda

The largest human organ is its skin. Healthy epithelium is an indicator of general well-being, and medical procedures that act directly on the skin are also effective for internal organs. Therefore, baths and baths with soda are so useful.

A bath with the addition of soda has a beneficial effect on the entire body

Carrying out the procedure, you can achieve the following results:

  • improve overall well-being;
  • normalize the nervous state;
  • get rid of insomnia;
  • increase male potency;
  • heal skin diseases;
  • detoxify the body.

Before the procedure, soda is diluted in hot water (from 60 0 C). For the first time, it is enough to add half a glass of sodium bicarbonate to the bath. Then the amount is gradually increased to half a kilogram. The solution should cool down to 40 0 ​​С. You can immerse yourself in a soda bath no higher than the level of your heart. The procedure must be taken at least 15 times a month, alternating with rest days.

Local baths with soda are done in the same way, but only problem parts of the body are dipped into the solution.

Soda enemas

Another way to use soda inside is in the form of an enema. This procedure cleanses the intestines well, improving overall well-being.

An enema with soda is prepared as follows:

  1. Make a cleansing enema with lukewarm boiled water (1.5–2 liters).
  2. Prepare the solution: add 1 tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate to 800 ml of freshly boiled water.
  3. Cool the liquid to 35-40 degrees.
  4. After an hour from emptying the intestines after a cleansing enema, take a soda water.

Enemas with the addition of baking soda are done no more than 1-2 times a week. Better in the morning.

Microclysters are carried out in the same way, but with a more concentrated solution. A teaspoon of baking soda is placed in a glass of water.

External use of hydrogen peroxide and soda

For local external use, 1% solutions are usually prepared from soda and hydrogen peroxide. A high concentration of these substances is unlikely to benefit, but it can burn the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide is a rather corrosive liquid, and when concentrated, it can burn the skin.

But when getting rid of warts, fungal infections, the solutions are made more saturated - up to 15%. In this case, the product is applied strictly to the problem area, and the skin around is protected. It can be greased with a fat cream and covered with a film.

Keep the solution from 15 minutes to an hour. The procedure should be carried out at least twice a day until there is improvement. In some cases, for example, with varicose veins, a compress with 1% peroxide solution is left overnight.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda for various diseases

According to the healer Neumyvakin, properly prepared solutions of soda and peroxide, with strict adherence to the scheme of use, cure many diseases: from a banal rhinitis to diabetes or melanoma. But in case of severe ailments, he advises not to abandon traditional treatment.

Treatment with pharmacy drugs can be replaced with therapy with soda and peroxide, but in case of serious diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor

Table: treatment regimen for painful conditions according to the Neumyvakin method

Photo gallery: methods of using soda and peroxide for various diseases

Lubricating the nail with a solution based on soda will relieve fungal infection Solutions of soda or peroxide, getting on the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity, destroy the infection Applying undiluted peroxide to the warts several times a day allows you to get rid of outgrowths Cleaning your teeth with a composition of hydrogen peroxide and soda strengthens the gums and prevents their bleeding

Treatment of children with peroxide and soda

As Professor Neumyvakin assures, the use of soda and peroxide will not harm children either. In his opinion, solutions with these substances help to heal and strengthen a growing body. This therapy is especially useful for respiratory infections.

Soda and peroxide, only in smaller doses, will be useful for young patients.

The only difference is the dosage. Babies from 5 years old are given no more than 1 drop of peroxide dissolved in a spoonful of water. A ten-year-old child - up to 5, after 14 years - 8 drops. The amount of soda is reduced accordingly. The younger the patient, the lower the oral dose. But soda rinses, compresses can be done without restrictions.

A non-standard method of treating a child should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician and under his supervision.

Cleansing the body and losing weight according to the Neumyvakin method

Taking baking soda and hydrogen peroxide solutions can help you lose extra pounds. These substances cleanse the body from the inside and speed up the metabolism. But they will not give the expected result without a radical change in nutrition and an increase in motor activity.

Soda solution cleanses the body and helps to get rid of extra pounds

Here's how to cleanse your body with baking soda and lose weight:

  1. A week before the start of taking a soda course, it is necessary to exclude from the menu all protein products (both animal and plant origin). Only fruits and vegetables should remain in the diet, you can add olive oil.
  2. Within 3 days, three times, 15–20 minutes before meals, you need to drink a glass of water in which soda is dissolved (¼ part or half a teaspoon).
  3. In the morning, they put enemas from a soda solution.
  4. The cleaning is completed by the unloading intake of apple juice, it is drunk for 3 days.

You can also use a hydrogen peroxide cocktail for weight loss. Dr. Neumyvakin noticed that this drink reduces appetite, helps to cope with overeating, heals the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up metabolism. But without a revision of the diet, physical activity will not have an effect.

It is also important to respect the dosage of the peroxide. To cleanse the body and reduce weight, prepare the following drink: add 2 drops of peroxide to 200 ml of water. They drink it three times a day for 20 days.

Video: Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin on the rules of nutrition and weight loss

Contraindications and possible harm

The healer I.P. Neumyvakin believes that there are very few serious contraindications for the use of his method. But still, there are diseases and conditions in which soda and peroxide will not be useful, but harmful. Among them:

  • tumor diseases, except for the initial stage;
  • stomach ulcers and others with gastrointestinal problems, including increased or decreased acidity;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • HIV infection and tuberculosis;
  • anemia (moderate to severe);
  • lack of weight;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • an allergic reaction to baking soda or peroxide;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This method should be used with caution in the very old and at an early age. If there is discomfort after using the solutions, you should immediately reduce the dose or interrupt the course.

Often there are negative reviews about the effect of the method associated with the incorrect use of soda and peroxide solutions.

Among the most common mistakes is drug overdose. It can cause headache, nausea, stomach or intestinal pain, and diarrhea.

Diarrhea will also be caused by soda dissolved not in hot, but in cool or warm water. Dr. Neumyvakin advises to strictly observe the dose, the method of preparation of solutions and the duration of treatment.

Surely many have heard about the wonderful technique, which, nevertheless, is not recognized by official medicine. Before talking in detail about the method itself and the miraculous healings, let us consider what Professor Neumyvakin's rationale is for treatment with hydrogen peroxide, why and why does a person need it?

What is the risk of lack of oxygen

In the era of globalization, we eat mostly harmful food (fatty, fried, smoked), in which there is no oxygen, we breathe gas-polluted air, we lead a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of oxygen is a typical problem of modern humans. Therefore, a city dweller who finds himself in a forest often faints.

The body literally fights for every "breath of oxygen", since its lack is fraught with various diseases, including death. Oxygen deficiency affects the heart, brain and retina the most.

Therefore, taking peroxide is the best option for saturating tissues with oxygen and maintaining all vital processes at the required level. For the first time in the CIS, this method of treatment was applied by Professor I.P. Neumyvakin.

Once in the body, hydrogen peroxide is converted by the enzyme catalase, resulting in the release of water and atomic oxygen. The functions of the latter:

  • saturation of tissues with oxygen (the strongest antioxidant);
  • oxidation of toxic products that block the intestines;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • correction of the resonant frequency of each cell.

That is, hydrogen peroxide can be compared to a fuel, having received which the cells of our body seem to wake up for full-fledged work.

Hydrogen peroxide is used:

  • To stimulate oxidative processes
  • Restoring oxygen balance
  • Activation of your own atomic oxygen

Natural sources of atomic oxygen formation:

  • Waterfall
  • Oxygen baths
  • Ultraviolet irradiation

Chizhevsky's chandelier also allows obtaining atomic oxygen - a device made just for the treatment of patients according to the theory of a lack of oxygen in human cells.

How to take hydrogen peroxide internally according to Neumyvakin

Now that we have figured out the benefits of treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, let's move on directly to the method of taking the drug.

For internal use, use the following scheme.

  1. One drop of the agent is diluted in two tablespoons of water, taken three times a day half an hour before meals.
  2. Every day, the dose of peroxide is increased by one drop, after the tenth day, a break is made for 2-3 days.
  3. Next, a solution is taken at the rate of ten drops, without increasing anything.
  4. Take 10 drops for two to three days, then take a break of the same duration and continue taking it again.

Thus, the maximum dose is 10 drops. Although many patients stop at a dose of 3-5 drops, considering it to be optimally comfortable for themselves.

In such doses, you can take H2O2 during pregnancy. Children can also take this remedy. For the age of 5 years, for two tablespoons of water, the dose is 1-2 drops, for 5-10 years - 2-5 drops, 10-14 years - 5-8 drops. Reception is also carried out three times a day thirty minutes before meals (or two hours after).

Neumyvakin warns that when taking hydrogen peroxide inside, discomfort in the stomach may appear (heaviness, pulling pains), then the dose is reduced to 3-5 drops or it is necessary to stop taking the drug for a couple of days. It is advisable to consume vitamin C during the course of treatment.

We offer you to watch a video about the treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, in which the professor himself personally talks about the nuances of the technique

Internal use of the solution treats the following diseases:

  • Purulent and viral infections
  • Intestinal dysbiosis
  • Vascular diseases of the brain
  • Diseases of peripheral vessels (Alzheimer's, cerebrosthenia, etc.)
  • Heart pathologies (heart attack, angina pectoris)
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic)
  • Obliterating endarteritis
  • Diabetes
  • Malignant neoplasm
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Allergic manifestations

Enemas with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

In addition to internal and external use, H2O2 is also used to cleanse the small and large intestines. The professor himself emphasizes that the most effective effect is colon hydrotherapy, however, to carry it out, special equipment and personnel of appropriate qualifications are needed.

At home, enemas with hydrogen peroxide give a good result: when they are used, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.

Pre-do a cleansing enema, and then directly with peroxide. You will need a ready-made solution (it is pre-heated slightly) and a disposable system. It is connected to a bottle with a solution, the needle is removed from the other end, the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly and it is inserted into the rectum. The solution flow should be 60 drops per minute.

Dose for adults - 200 ml of saline with 5 ml of peroxide (3%), for children - 100 (with the same amount of peroxide).

In some cases, an enema with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is much more effective than other methods of taking the drug. It is shown to be carried out in preparation for pregnancy, to restore blood and lymph flow, reproductive function, etc.

After cleansing the body from the inside, the cells, freed from toxins, will be able to provide themselves with oxygen. For cancer problems, it is effective to make microclysters at the rate of 1 teaspoon of peroxide per 120 ml of saline.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment of nail fungus, Parkinson's disease, sinusitis and influenza by the method of Neumyvakin

In his book, Ivan Pavlovich says that peroxide, both internally and externally, is very helpful in the treatment of influenza, viruses, colds and acute respiratory infections, as well as serious skin diseases and disorders of human mental activity (Parkinson's disease, strokes and post-stroke conditions, etc.). )

For external use, 1-2 teaspoons of a 3% liquid is diluted in 50 grams of water. The solution is used for:

  • Rubbing into any problem areas (joints, heart, for healing fractures, etc.)
  • Mouthwash (to eliminate odor)
  • With multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • For compresses (keep up to an hour)
  • For the treatment of fungus and skin diseases
  • To remove warts

Rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide according to the Neumyvakin method is very effective.

Washing the nasal sinuses with peroxide is used for:

  • Flu
  • Headache
  • Colds
  • Sinusitis
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx
  • Runny nose
  • Inflammation of the frontal sinuses
  • Noise in my head

Influenza, sinusitis

With flu, sinusitis and the above-described diseases, the nose is washed according to the method of Ivan Pavlovich:

A tablespoon of water will require 10-15 drops of H2O2, the solution should be instilled into both nostrils with a pipette into each. After 2 days, the dose is increased to 2-3 pipettes into each nostril. Then the liquid can already be injected using a disposable syringe (one cube at a time).

After introducing the contents of the pipette, after about half a minute, it is necessary to blow out the mucus coming out of the nostril. They do this in the bathroom, pinching the second nostril with a finger and tilting their head to the shoulder.

After manipulation, you cannot eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes.

The professor advises this method as very effective in the treatment of all diseases listed above.

Hearing loss

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin will help get rid of hearing loss from ear diseases. To do this, 0.5% peroxide is dripped into the ears (or injected on a cotton turunda), then a 3% peroxide is instilled in a few days.

Parkinson's disease treatment

It is known that the cause of many neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, is a lack of oxygen. Therefore, Professor Neumyvakin considers the use of H2O2 appropriate for this disease as well. In addition to ingestion (a drop three times a day, half an hour before meals, dissolve in a spoonful of water), the whole body is wiped once a day with this liquid: 1-2 teaspoons of 3% peroxide diluted in 50 ml of water. Nasal rinses as described above are also very effective.

Fungus and skin diseases

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide of nail fungus according to Neumyvakin can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in a 3% H2O2 solution and thoroughly lubricate all nail plates affected by the fungus with it. Do it 2-3 times a day until the harmful fungus finally leaves the nails.
  2. A 15-25-30% solution prepared from tablets of hydropyrite also helps. It also treats such insidious diseases as psoriasis and eczema, not only fungus. The resulting solution is smeared with nails and rashes twice a day until the disease passes.

Warm baths with peroxide (1-2 tablespoons of the drug per liter of water) also help well, however, it is ineffective to treat the fungus only with them, you need to use all methods.

Intravenous H2O2

In his practice, Dr. Neumyvakin uses a 3% solution with a shelf life of 15 days, since it contains less lead.

For intravenous administration, a disposable diffusion system is used. The procedure is carried out in a hospital or at home, for the optimal effect, you will need 1 procedure every two days in the first week, and then once every three days in the next. In addition, you need to revise your diet, move more, and cleanse the body of toxins. Thus, the body will gradually rebuild to the mode of its own production of H2O2.

For the first time, you will need 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of saline (0.03%). In the future, the dose will increase to 10 ml and 200 ml of saline (0.15-0.2%).

In the case of a repeated course, they start all the same with small doses, gradually moving towards an increase. Depending on the severity of the disease, the maximum dose will be 15 ml of peroxide per 200 ml of saline.

To collect the required amount of hydrogen peroxide, take 1 or 2-gram syringe, unscrew the outer cap of the peroxide bottle, insert the needle without opening the inner cap, and draw up the required amount. So the properties of the solution will last longer.

The number of injections directly depends on the severity of the disease. Usually, improvements come after 3-5 treatments. Professor Neumyvakin advises to carry out 10-12 injections, in severe cases 15-20.

Hydrogen peroxide is injected into a vein and without a diffuse system: using a syringe (20 grams). It is filled with 20 ml of saline and 0.3-0.4 ml of 3% H2O2. The fluid is slowly injected into the vein over a period of 2 minutes. In the second procedure, 1 ml of peroxide is injected, then the dose can be increased to 1.2-1.5 ml per 20 ml of saline. Such emergency care can be provided to the patient anywhere; this does not require a hospital stay.

Observance of precautions for intravenous administration:

  • Hydrogen peroxide should not be mixed or administered with other medications
  • Do not inject the solution too quickly, it can cause pain.
  • It is not recommended to inject into a vessel with inflammation.
  • If pain is felt at the injection site, you can apply a cold compress to it.
  • Hemometric anemias
  • Afibrinogenemia
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura
  • Hemophilia
  • DIC syndrome
  • Capillary toxicosis

With the first intravenous administration, an increase in body temperature is possible. This is a consequence of the intoxication of the body, when atomic oxygen too quickly destroys pathogenic microflora. That is why it is desirable that the first such manipulations be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

However, if there is a temporary deterioration in the condition, then, as a rule, it goes away after 1-3 procedures. It is important at the time of treatment to exclude alcohol and smoking, after the infusions, you need to lie down for an hour or two, drink herbal tea with honey.

It must be said that such intravenous injections are safe from the point of view of the development of gas embolism, since atomic oxygen molecules in peroxide are separated by water molecules.

Store hydrogen peroxide in a sealed container in a dark place. If stored properly, it retains its properties for two years. But it is worth noting that pharmacies often sell a solution, the shelf life of which is 15 days.


Read the book by I.P. Neumyvakin about his method of treatment with hydrogen peroxide you can READ here

Traditionally, hydrogen peroxide is used topically as an antiseptic. The drug enhances thrombus formation, stops small capillary bleeding... Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.P. Neumyvakin offers methods on how to take hydrogen peroxide inside.

An authoritative physician closely associated with space medicine claims that the drug has a comprehensive effect on the body. After conducting a series of experiments and testing the substance on himself, Ivan Pavlovich drew conclusions about the preventive properties of the drug and explains why his method should be used in medicine. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is used for pathologies of the cardiovascular, digestive systems, respiratory diseases, to strengthen immunity.

How does peroxide affect the human body

According to the professor, the healing properties of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) are unique. The drug restores the balance between the bioenergetic field and the physiological state of a person, treats diseases of internal organs.

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide for the human body:

  • improves metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • is an antioxidant, removes free radicals from the body, prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks, oncology and many other internal diseases;
  • regulates the work of the glands, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands, contributes to the normal production of hormones;
  • evens out the level of insulin in the blood in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • increases the amount of oxygen in the body, ensures the transport of trace elements to the brain;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
  • improves brain activity;
  • removes toxins from the body, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microbes(bacteria, fungi);
  • restores water-alkaline balance;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes rejuvenation.

This widespread impact is due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide supplies the body with additional oxygen, improving all physiological processes.

In what cases is Neumyvakin treatment indicated?

The list of pathologies for which H2O2 is useful and effective is extensive. Indications for oral administration:

  1. Respiratory system organs - ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, emphysema and lung cancer.
  2. Heart and vascular system - atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, varicose veins, myocardial infarction.
  3. Nervous system - stroke, brain disorders (sclerosis, nervous disorders).
  4. Metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus, obesity, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  5. Skin diseases - eczema, various types of skin cancer, fungal infections.
  6. Diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, periodontal disease, caries.
  7. The skeletal system - osteoporosis, arthrosis.
  8. Digestive system - disorders of motility and peristalsis, putrefactive processes, changes in acidity, enzymatic disorders, constipation.
  9. Gynecological diseases.

Methods for using hydrogen peroxide

Dr. I.P. Neumyvakin offers several options for the use of the drug. The basis of any treatment is oral administration. To maximize the effect, hydrogen peroxide is prescribed in a complex, internally and externally, for example, for diseases of the veins, joints, skin.

In the instructions for use, according to Neumyvakin, hydrogen peroxide is recommended for medicinal purposes to be taken as a drink, in the form of injections, externally (baths, lotions, compresses), for enemas, douching. Use only a 3% H2O2 solution.


Drinking hydrogen peroxide with water is prescribed for various diseases. It is important to maintain the correct dosage..

Reception scheme: 1st reception - 1 drop per 1 tbsp. water, with a large patient weight, 2 drops per 2 tablespoons are shown. water. Consume 2-3 times a day. The daily dose must be increased by 1 drop. Gradually bring a one-time dose to 10 caps. The maximum allowable daily volume of medication is 30 caps.

How to drink correctly: water with hydrogen peroxide is prescribed in the morning on an empty stomach and throughout the day exclusively on an empty stomach. After eating, two hours should pass. When interacting with products, the drug loses its medicinal properties. After using the solution, you can eat in 40-60 minutes.


Indications for use: cleansing of the large intestine with fermentative and putrefactive dyspepsia, hemorrhoids.

Solution preparation method: 20-30 drops per glass of water. If the enema is a cleansing enema, the temperature of the solution should not exceed 25 ° C, if it is therapeutic (to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids), then the water should be warm, 32-34 ° C.

The volume of a portion of an enema with hydrogen peroxide for bowel cleansing is not more than 1 liter.

For therapeutic purposes, an enema is placed at night, the volume of the injected fluid is 60-100 ml. It is desirable that the solution remains in the intestines until the morning bowel movement. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Solution action: softens feces, promotes gentle and painless bowel movements, prevents trauma to the mucous membrane during the act of defecation, stops bleeding from the nodes, disinfects and prevents the addition of infection, relieves pain, itching and irritation.

The proportions of an enema with hydrogen peroxide for bowel cleansing must be strictly observed to avoid complications.


Hydrogen peroxide is given as an intravenous injection. This method is indispensable when you need to provide urgent assistance to a patient.... Once in the blood, the drug instantly saturates it with oxygen, which is an impetus for the normalization of the functioning of internal organs. Use a solution prepared from NaCl 0.9% and hydrogen peroxide 3%.

Method of application: 1st injection - 20 ml of saline solution for 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide. The entire volume is injected intravenously slowly over 3 minutes. This is the period during which the body must adapt to high doses of atomic oxygen. Gradually, the proportion of hydrogen peroxide should be increased by 0.1 ml daily, and brought to 1 ml.

The method is used for pathologies of the heart, nervous system.


The use of the drug for hydrotherapy has a relaxing effect on the nervous and vascular systems., relieves spasm of smooth muscles of the digestive system.

Oxygen baths are useful for skin lesions, high blood pressure, joint diseases. They have a positive effect on the psychological state of patients.

A bath with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin is prepared according to several recipes:

Recipe number 1. Take 5-15 100 ml H2O2 vials per bath, dilute in warm water (temperature not higher than 38 ° C). The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes.

Recipe number 2 (with massage effect). Ingredients: baking soda (100 g), copper sulfate or copper sulfate (2.5 g), 30% peroxide solution (200 ml). Stir all the ingredients in the bathroom until dissolved and let it brew for 10 minutes. The bath is ready, the water temperature is 38 ° C, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.


Use the solution for the purpose of disinfection after unprotected intercourse, with inflammatory processes in the vagina, for the treatment of fungal infections of the mucous membrane.

Method of application: take 50 ml of H2O2 for 300-400 ml of warm water, mix thoroughly. Douching is carried out twice, in the morning and in the evening, the course of treatment is a week, if necessary, therapy is extended to 10 days. The procedure restores the pH of the vagina, prevents the development of colpitis.

All procedures are performed exclusively after consulting a specialist!

Self-treatment of common diseases

How to drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, as well as use a solution for rinsing, lotions in everyday life for common diseases:

  1. Angina. Cooking method: 1 tbsp. l. H2O2 per 100 ml of water. Rinse your throat thoroughly up to 5 times a day, keeping the solution in your mouth. Apply for perspiration, pain, inflammation of the tonsils.
  2. Cold coryza. Method of preparation: 3-5 drops per tablespoon of water, instill 2-3 drops into the affected nostril.
  3. Sinusitis. Method of preparation: dissolve 15 drops of peroxide in a tablespoon of water. Instill 3 drops into the nose every 4 hours. The medicine will increase the formation and discharge of mucus, therefore, immediately after the procedure, you need to clear the nostrils.(blow your nose) until nasal breathing is fully restored.
  4. Toothache. Method of preparation: dissolve 2 tablets of hydroperite in 200 ml of water or 1 tbsp. l. peroxide. Rinse your mouth out throughout the day. The procedure soothes and relieves pain.
  5. Periodontal disease. Method of preparation: baking soda (3 g), fresh lemon juice (10 drops), H2O2 (20 drops). Mix all ingredients until smooth. The resulting product is intended for cleaning teeth throughout the day. Action: eliminates bleeding gums and unpleasant (putrid) odor from the oral cavity.
  6. Pain symptom. To relieve joint pain, lotions are made on the affected skin. Method of preparation: add 10 ml of peroxide to 1/4 cup of water. Gauze or cotton cloth is moistened in the solution, squeezed out and applied to the affected skin for 15 minutes. The solution can be used for a warming compress, the duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. It is possible to be treated with a solution of peroxide as a rubbing with multiple sclerosis, rubbing the entire body with a liquid.

The drug is prescribed internally for prophylactic purposes to cleanse the liver and intestines from toxins, and blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. An aqueous solution is drunk to remove toxins, enhance cellular metabolism.


The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. This happens when the dosage, time and number of doses are grossly violated..

The main contraindications:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • acute form of dermatitis;
  • severe liver and kidney disease (cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis);
  • hypertensive crisis.

There is conflicting information about taking the solution during pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend taking hydrogen peroxide inside, so the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied. Due to the characteristics of the drug, external use is permitted, with the exception of warm baths.

Do not use peroxide according to Neumyvakin in patients who have undergone internal organ transplantation so as not to cause tissue rejection.

An aqueous solution of peroxide is not an alternative to the main therapy, although it does help for many ailments. It can be combined with many techniques, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect of pharmacological drugs.

According to Neumyvakin, hydrogen peroxide is considered an effective tool for preserving a person's youth. Ivan Pavlovich, professor, specialist in traditional medicine, advises the daily use of this drug. He explains this by the fact that an unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet interfere with the natural production of hydrogen peroxide, which is supposed to protect the body.

Useful properties of peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide destroys the causes of infection, dilates blood vessels, regulates hormonal processes, positively affects mental activity, protects against damage to structures important for life, in general, it helps to normalize the functioning of the body and treats diseases:

  • a cold;
  • allergies;
  • headache;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • emphysema of the lungs;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • leukemia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • cancer cells.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, after many years of research and based on his own experience, was able to prove that treatment with hydrogen peroxide promotes the elimination of toxins, oxygenation of body cells, tissue renewal and longevity.

Reception methods according to Neumyvakin

The general scheme for using H2O2, created by Ivan Pavlovich, is quite simple. On the first day, you should use one drop of a three percent product diluted in fifty milliliters of water in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.

On the second day, you need to dissolve two drops in fifty milliliters of water and drink the same number of times, on the third day - three drops. And so increase the dose per drop until ten days have elapsed, and then drink ten drops at a time for another ten days. Now you can take a break for three days and continue drinking ten drops for ten days with a three-day break.

A solution of the drug is consumed two hours after a meal or half an hour before it.

You can also take H2O2 intravenously, but you need to be extremely careful with this method: it is the most dangerous.

An intravenous syringe is filled with twenty milliliters of saline and three tenths of milliliters of three percent peroxide. This liquid is injected into a vein rather slowly, about two or three minutes. The dosage of the drug increases with each injection by one tenth of a cube, reaching one milliliter of hydrogen peroxide per twenty milliliters of saline solution.

The drug is taken intravenously every day. After eight, nine doses, they take a break for a couple of weeks. After this time, the injections are resumed, but they are performed only two or three times a week, mixing one milliliter of H2O2 with twenty milliliters of saline.

Pediatric therapy

People of different ages, even children, can be treated with peroxide, but only after consulting a doctor and strictly adhering to the instructions of the prescription.

Children from five to ten years old are given two to five drops of the product in a spoonful of water.

From ten to fourteen years old, it is allowed to take five, eight drops of peroxide in one or two tablespoons of water.

Neumyvakin recipes for various ailments

To fight a specific disease with hydrogen peroxide, you must adhere to a specific recipe.

  • Angina. For the treatment of angina, take a quarter of a glass of water and pour in one teaspoon of the drug. Gargle with the resulting liquid. Particular attention in this process should be paid to the tonsils.
  • Osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis, this antiseptic is used as an ingredient for the preparation of a compress. With this drug (better than a 1% concentration, so that there are no burns), natural tissue is moistened, which is then attached to the painful area and tied with polyethylene for fifteen minutes. If the product is three percent, then it is diluted with water (two teaspoons of the medicine for fifty milliliters of water). Several of these compresses relieve pain completely.
  • Periodontal disease. The peroxide in your dentifrice mixture can help fight periodontal disease. Such a paste is prepared as follows: ten drops of lemon juice, twenty drops of the drug are added to three grams of baking soda. After cleaning, do not rinse your mouth and consume food or liquid for fifteen minutes.
  • Sinusitis. Fifteen drops of H2O2, mixed with a tablespoon of water, are drawn into a pipette and dripped into the nose to fight sinusitis. At the end of the procedure, it is worth properly cleaning the nasal cavity from the secreted mucus.
  • Otitis. For otitis media, peroxide is instilled into each ear three, four drops three times a day. The treatment period is five days.
  • Psoriasis. The area affected by psoriasis is treated with a cotton swab soaked in H2O2 twice a day. You can treat this disease with compresses. For these purposes, a three percent agent is dissolved in fifty milliliters of water and cotton pads are moistened with this solution. The compress is applied to areas with psoriasis for a short time.

Possible consequences

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide can lead to unpleasant consequences. The person being treated may experience stomach discomfort, sweating, nausea, rashes on the body, severe throbbing, and other signs of the negative effects of the antiseptic. With such symptoms, it is better to reduce the dose of the drug or refuse to take it altogether.


There are not many reasons for abstaining from treatment with the Neumyvakin method:

  • intolerance to hydrogen peroxide;
  • blood disease;
  • damage to the mucous membrane (H2O2 can provoke serious burns);
  • pregnancy;
  • transplanted organs or implants in the body.

Even in the absence of these obstacles, before starting treatment, it is imperative to get medical advice from a specialist.

It is very important to keep in mind some safety information before taking the drug:

  • It is worth purchasing H2O2 only at a three percent concentration.
  • Do not use the drug not diluted in accordance with the prescription.
  • Store hydrogen peroxide as directed in the instructions.
  • It is highly advisable not to combine the product with other drugs.
  • Only distilled or spring water is used to dilute the antiseptic.
  • It is useful, with the use of H2O2, to take foods rich in vitamin C. This will enhance the effect.
  • It is unacceptable to exceed the dosages indicated in the prescription.
  • There should be an interval of at least an hour and a half between doses of the drug.
  • To solve any questions and problems during treatment with hydrogen peroxide, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment is not well researched. There have not yet been official facts of recovery or deterioration in health when using this remedy. Not all doctors support the Neumyvakin method. Some experts refute the effectiveness of this method and even argue that this therapy can harm the human body. This is why it is so important to seek the advice of a professional before self-medicating.

Hydrogen peroxide is a familiar remedy for disinfecting wounds and cuts.

But according to the concept of the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, peroxide is also a panacea for all diseases, a universal drug for strengthening the body.

Even among non-traditional methods of treatment, this method will seem extraordional to many, but it still has a rational grain.

However, there are also many opponents of such therapy and arguments proving the uselessness and possible danger of using the drug for other purposes.

So what is right and can a common chemical treat a multitude of ailments? And how should you use it correctly?

General principles of treatment

The therapeutic concept is based on the interaction of hydrogen peroxide with the human body. So, a substance, mixing with blood and a special enzyme, catalase, decomposes into water and oxygen.

And oxygen, in turn, promotes blood thinning, enhances metabolism and improves the functioning of all systems.

According to Neumyvakin, if a therapeutic effect is not achieved, then the whole point is in the general slagging of the body, and therefore the academician advises before conducting a therapeutic course complete cleanup.

Also during the period of therapy strictly it is forbidden to take alcohol, aspirin and any substances that thin the blood, otherwise it can provoke a stroke.

The whole secret of the benefits of H2O2 lies in the saturation of tissues and cells with life-giving oxygen. But this method should be used with great care and always listen to your own body.

The practice of oral intake of H2O2 is quite simple in theory: take 1 drop of the usual 3% peroxide solution diluted in 50 milliliters of water three times a day.

In the following days follows increase the number of drops, taken at a time, by one, and reduce the volume of water to 40 milliliters.

For 10 days, increase the dose to 10 drops, then take a break for 2-3 days and drink again three times a day, 10 drops. The medicinal product should be consumed at least 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.

As the professor-adept of unusual treatment warns, due to the active saturation of blood with oxygen, which is unusual for the body, possible side effects:

  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • burning sensation in the stomach and heartburn;
  • episodes of dizziness and loss of spatial reference.

If discomfort occurs, it is necessary to reduce the dosage, or take a premature break in taking the mixture.

Neumyvakin allows you to give H2O2 to children: up to 5 years old, the dosage is 1 drop per tablespoon of water, from 5 to 10 - 2-5 drops, and from 10 to 14 years old - 5-8 drops.

Gargles and compresses

For the treatment of skin diseases, including nail fungus, you can apply compresses with peroxide. You will need 1 to 2 teaspoons of the solution per ¼ cup of water and any clean cotton cloth.

Apply to affected areas as often as needed.

At osteochondrosis and sharp pain in the cervical vertebrae a compress with a pure peroxide solution will be effective. Moisten a cloth and apply to a sore spot.

Wrap the top with polyethylene to keep warm and hold for up to 15-20 minutes until the pain subsides.

The same applies to removal headache... To prepare the compress, you will need cold water and a medicinal solution in equal proportions. Dampen gauze or a waffle towel and keep it on your forehead until the pain stops tormenting.

Rinsing with H2O2 will help for toothache - for a mug of water you need to take 2 teaspoons of the substance, or 2 tablets of hydroperite. To whiten teeth and improve blood supply to the gums, you need to mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and 5-6 drops of peroxide.

Apply the resulting mixture to a cotton pad and wipe the gums and teeth with it for 4-5 minutes. It is good to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed, but you can also before breakfast. To eliminate bad smell from the mouth to soda and peroxide, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply in the same way.

Sore throat can be relieved by gargling. Take 3-4 tablespoons of dessert solution in a glass of water. Rinsing contributes to the destruction of pathogens and relieves inflammation in the larynx.

Intravenous administration

For intravenous administration, you will need 2 ml of peroxide per 200 grams of saline, but for the first time it is better to limit yourself to 100 grams. The agent is instilled very slowly, about 60 drops per minute.

In the first days of the treatment course, an increase in temperature and redness at the site of the catheter installation are likely - this refers to natural reactions. A cold compress is recommended.

In Russia, such therapy is not recognized by official medicine, although in the West, peroxide droppers are used.

People who recognize alternative medicine assure that these procedures are good at renewing and rejuvenating the body, but without proper preparation and minimal medical knowledge, you still should not experiment with intravenous treatment, and it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist before taking a course of oral H2O2 administration.

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