Medicinal herbs and plants. Types of medicinal plants and methods of their use

It is a mistake to assume that useful medicinal plants are found exclusively in wild nature. Of course, they are mainly collected in forests and meadows. But with the same success it is possible to grow medicinal herbs on household plots- it goes without saying, when he creates conditions close to natural.

See photos and descriptions below. medicinal plants, as well as find out what medicinal herbs are and how they can be grown in your garden.

Forest and meadow medicinal herbs

St. John's wort (HYPERICUM). Animal family.

Speaking about what medicinal herbs are, St. John's wort comes to mind one of the first. It is a rhizomatous herb, but more often a semi-shrub and shrub. Another name for this medicinal herb- "Ivanovskaya grass". It is due to the fact that St. John's wort begins to bloom on Midsummer Day.

The leaves of this herbaceous medicinal plant are whole, hard, in some species - hibernating; flowers solitary or in corymbose inflorescence, golden. Flower growers often use herbs or shrubs.


St. John's wort (H.ascyron)- forest medicinal herb of Siberia and the Far East, up to 100 cm high, lanceolate leaves up to 10 cm long.

St. John's wort (H.calycinum)- plant 25 cm high, from the Eastern Mediterranean, oval leaves, large.

St. John's wort (H. gebleri)- a medicinal plant of wet meadows of the Far East, flowers are bright orange, resistant.

St. John's wort (H. olympicum)- dry forests of Southern Europe, height 50 cm, in middle lane Russia is not stable, the leaves are narrow-lanceolate, gray, height 25 cm.

St. John's wort (N. perforatum).

Growing conditions. The genus is very diverse in terms of the ecological needs of species; it also includes typical plants of Central Russian meadows - h. perforated, and drought-resistant, heat-loving subshrubs of Southern Europe (s. cup-shaped, s. Olympic).

They are grown in sunny, wind-sheltered locations with well-drained alkaline soils. Drought-resistant.

Reproduction. The division of the bush (spring and late summer) and cuttings. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Melissa (MELISSA). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

Melissa officinalis (M. officinalis)- perennial of Southern Europe, forms a dense bush 40-60 cm high from branched dense stems covered with ovate leaves, serrated along the edges. The whole plant is soft-pubescent. The flowers are small, white, in whorls. And if the description of this medicinal plant is unremarkable, then the aroma deserves the highest praise. The plant exudes a very pleasant lemon smell, which is why it is sometimes called lemon mint. Aurea has leaves with yellow spots.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded places with rich loose soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mint (MENTHA). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

(M. piperita)- perennial from the countries of Southern Europe with a branched hairy stem 60-80 cm high. Leaves ovate, dark green; the shoot ends in a spike-shaped inflorescence with whorls of purple flowers. It grows rapidly due to above-ground stolons.

Growing conditions. Light and semi-shaded places with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. Segments of rooted stolons. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.


Lovage officinalis(L. officinaie)- decorative and deciduous perennial with a thick rhizome. The leaves are shiny, slightly bluish, pinnately dissected, large in the rosette and on the stem. The stem is branched, up to 150 cm high, bears a large umbrella of yellowish flowers. The whole plant has a specific pleasant aroma, therefore it is also used as a flavoring agent.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded locations with clayey, rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density -3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Soapweed (SAPONARIA). Carnation family.

Perennials with creeping rhizomes, grow mainly in the Mediterranean. The flowers are fragrant, collected in a shield.


Soapweed officinalis(S. officinalis)- height 100 cm.

Soapweed basil leaf (S. ocymoides)- height 10 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with well-drained, light, lime-rich soil. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), summer cuttings.

Briefly about medicinal plants of the forest and meadow

Below you can find a description of the medicinal herbs comfrey, yarrow, echinacea and valerian.

Comfrey (SYMPHYTUM). Borage family.

Perennials with a thick rhizome, 30-100 cm high, from the light forests of Europe, the Caucasus. Stems winged, thick, straight. Leaves petiolate, lanceolate. Plants are covered with stiff hairs. Flowers in drooping inflorescences - a curl.


Comfrey Caucasian (S. caucasicum)- 80-100 cm high, forms a thicket, blue flowers.

Comfrey officinalis (S. officinale)- 50-60 cm high, forms bushes.

Comfrey grandiflorum (S. grandiflorum)- low (30-40 cm) compact bushes.

Growing conditions. Shady and semi-shady places with moist peaty soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Yarrow (ACHILLEA). Aster family (composite).

The genus includes about 100 species found in the meadows of the temperate zone. It attracts attention with its undemanding culture, the ability to grow rapidly and beautiful gray-green, usually pinnate leaves. Small baskets are collected in a corymbose inflorescence (10-20 cm in diameter).

Yarrow(A. millefolium)- with a long branching rhizome, therefore it forms a thicket 70-80 cm high.

Yarrow ptarmica, sneezy herb (A. ptarmica), has a variety with white double flowers - pearl oyster, height - 60 cm.

At "Perry's White" and "The Pearl"- white balls of baskets are collected in a loose brush.

Yarrow meadowsweet (A. filipendulina)- dense bush, 60-100 cm high, leaves are dark green, pinnate; the flowers are bright yellow in dense large corymbs (diameter up to 9 cm).

Yarrow felt (A. tomentosa)- 15-20 cm high, leaves finely dissected, grayish, pressed to the ground, shield of yellow flowers 6-8 cm in diameter.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil, grow well on the sands.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter or spring), dividing the bush (spring and autumn). Planting density -5-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea (ECHINACEA). Aster family (composite).

Perennial tall (up to 150 cm) herbs with a tap root and dense leafy stems, at the top in July-August with a large pinkish basket. The leaves are oval, pubescent, sharp-toothed along the edge. Three species grow in the grasslands and prairies of the southeast North America.

Most often grown echinacea purpurea (E. purpurea) with a dark pink basket.

Echinacea angustifolia(E. angustifolia) has a smaller and lighter basket.

And at echinacea pale (E. pallida)- reed flowers are narrow, pale pink. The last two species are more dry-loving.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with rich soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. In one place without division, echinacea can grow up to 15 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea purpurea will decorate any flower garden, mixborder, and can be grown as separate bushes on the lawn. Often used as a medicinal plant.

Valerian (VALERIANA). Valerian family.

Perennial rhizomatous grasses of meadows and light forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia. They grow both as separate bushes and thickets (species with underground stolons). The flowers are small, in a beautiful openwork inflorescence-brush, the leaves are usually pinnate.


Valerian mountain(V. montana)- bush 40 cm high, pink flowers in bunches.

Valerian officinalis(V. officinalis)-height up to 100 cm, white flowers, pinnate leaves.

Valerian Fori (V. fauriei)- forms thickets 40 cm high.

Valerian lipolifolia(V. tiliifolia)- up to 150 cm high, leaves are large, simple, heart-shaped, white flowers, in corymbose inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded areas with moderately moist rich soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring and before winter), dividing the bush (in spring), often weed. Planting density -5 pcs. per 1 m2.

If we talk about this medicinal plant briefly, we can define it medicinal properties like sedatives. And in landscape design it is used to create a dense evergreen ground cover on tree trunks, spots on shady rockeries.

Description of the best medicinal herbs

(SALVIA). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

A large genus (almost 700 species), which includes plants of different life forms, growing all over the world. All of them contain essential oils, grow in warm habitats. The leaves are ovate, the stems are branched, the final inflorescence is a brush of medium-sized helmet-shaped flowers.


Clary sage(S.glutinosa)- semi-shrub up to 100 cm high, from the forests of Southern Europe, pale yellow flowers.

meadow sage(S. pratensis)- height 70-80 cm, blue flowers.

Sage rejected(S. patens)- height 70 cm, blue flowers.

oak sage (S. nemorosa)- height 60 cm, purple flowers.

Salvia officinalis(S. officinalis)- height 50 cm.

Growing conditions. It is one of the best medicinal plants that prefers sunny areas (except glutinous sage) with fertile, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (spring), dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Zubyanka (DENTARIA). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

Perennial herbs 15-20 cm high with a long beaded rhizome and dark green leaves, large pink and crimson flowers. Typical early spring forest ephemeroids, ending the growing season already in June. Attractive in that in the spring they form a bright pink flowering carpet. They bear fruit. They form self-seeding.


Zubyanka Tuberous(D. bulbifera)- a plant of the Caucasus with fawn flowers.

Zubyanka glandular (D. glandulosa)- from the Carpathians, with large crimson flowers.

Zubyanka five-leafed (D. quinquefolia)- from the forests of Europe, pink flowers.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under tree canopy with forest soils, moderate moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing freshly harvested) and segments of rhizomes (after the end of flowering). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Initial letter (BETONICA). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

About 15 species growing in the meadows of the temperate zone. Short-rhizomatous herbs, forming decorative dense bushes from rosettes of ovate, crenate leaves along the edge.


Capital letter large-flowered - large-flowered chistets (B. macrantha = B. grandiflora = Stachys macranthus) height 50-60 cm, beautiful leaves and dark pink large flowers.

Initial letter medicinal (B. officinalis)- taller plant (80-90 cm), smaller flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile soils and moderate moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the third year. Planting density -12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Burnet (SANGUISORBA). Rosaceae family.

Short-rhizome perennials from wet meadows of the temperate zone of Eurasia.


Burnet officinalis (S. officinaiis)- 80-100 cm high, dark red flowers.

Burnet splendid (S. magnifica)- height 80-90 cm, large pinkish-crimson flowers.

Small burnet (S. minor)- height 40 cm, graceful inflorescences, red flowers, openwork plant.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded areas with fertile, moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in autumn), dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Perennial medicinal herbs with photos and descriptions

Below are photos and descriptions of medicinal herbs of elecampane, zopnik and cuff:

Elecampane (INULA). Aster family (composite).

Perennial herbaceous species (about 200), widely distributed in meadows and light forests in the temperate zone of Eurasia. The rhizomes are thick, powerful, the root system is deep. The basal leaves are large heart-shaped, oval, the stems are straight, slightly branched (except for the magnificent elecampane), the flowers are large yellow "chamomiles".


Elecampane magnificent(I. magnifica = I. orientalis)- up to 150 cm high, branched stem, basket -15 cm in diameter in rare shields, sprawling bush.

Elecampane high (I. helenium)- the stems are slightly branched, 150-200 cm high, the leaves are elliptical, the baskets are 6 cm in diameter, the bush is cylindrical in shape.

Elecampane mechelistny(I. ensifolia)- 30 cm high, narrow leaves, basket 4 cm, "Compacta" variety - 20 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil and medium moisture. Resistant perennials.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Elecampane is a perennial medicinal herb that lives without transplants and division for 8-10 years. Planting density of large plants - 3 pcs. per 1 m2; elecampane swordtail - 12 pcs.

Zopnik (PHLOMIS). Family of yasnotkovye.

Perennial herbs (about 100 species) with a thick rhizome or taproot, rough leaves, flowers are collected in false whorls, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence.


Zopnik Russela(P. russeliana)- 90 cm high, flowers are yellowish-pinkish.

Zopnik tuberous (P. tuberosa)- 50-70 cm high, purple flowers.

Zopnik meadow (P. pratensis)- 50-70 cm high, pink flowers.

Cuff (ALCHEMILLA). Rosaceae family.

Pay attention to the photo of this medicinal herb - the cuff has a short rhizome and a rosette of rounded, often fluffy, bright green leaves that form a spherical bush. At the height of summer, loose openwork inflorescences of small yellow flowers rise above them. Flowering is abundant and long.


Alpine cuff(A. aipina)- with trifoliate dense leaves and small inflorescences.

Red-leafed cuff (A. erythropoda)- with gray-green dense leaves, 30 cm high.

Soft cuff(A.moiiis)- the most beautiful, stable, undemanding cuff. Her leaves are rounded, fluffy, pale green with a wavy edge, up to 6 cm in diameter. Peduncles numerous, up to 60-70 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with loose fertile neutral soils and moderate moisture. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Easily tolerates division and transplantation. Planting density - 5 bushes per 1 m2.

One of the most colorful, consistently decorative and interesting plants in mixed flower beds. The cuff looks good in flower beds of the "natural garden" style and in mixborders along with leucanthemum, geyhera, cornflowers, coreopsis, etc. It is used to decorate bouquets, giving them lightness and delicacy.

Medicinal herbs and their cultivation

Thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya grass (THYMUS). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

A large genus (about 400 species) of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs with recumbent or ascending woody stems and straight, upwardly directed peduncles. Grow on rocks in the southern regions of Eurasia. The leaves are small, oval, opposite, leathery, usually hibernating. Due to the recumbent, rooting shoots, the plants grow rapidly, forming low, dense "mats" and "pillows" (10-30 cm high), exuding a pleasant aroma. In the middle of summer, numerous heads of inflorescences of small flowers appear.


Thyme lemon-scented (Th. citriodorus).

Thyme ordinary (T. vulgaris)- height 5-15 cm, leaves are pubescent on the underside.

creeping thyme (T. serpillum)- Leaves are larger than other species.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with light, well-drained soil, neutral to alkaline. Grows on the sands.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and at the end of summer), by seeds (sowing before winter), cuttings (in spring). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used as a carpet plant in mixed flower beds, in rockeries and on paths among tiles. Looks good in containers.

Hellebore (VERATRUM). Melantiev family (lily).

Tall (100-150 cm) herbaceous perennials growing in meadows and steppes of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Powerful short rhizome and deep roots. Stems, straight, thick, hard, folded along the veins, elliptical beautiful leaves. The flowers are small, open, in a large paniculate inflorescence. All species are similar in appearance.


Hellebore white (V album)- flowers are whitish-greenish.

Hellebore Californian(V. californicum)- white flowers with green veins.

Hellebore black (V. nigrum)- flowers are blackish-brown.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich soils, moisture-loving, but tolerate drought well.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 5-6th year. By dividing the bush (in spring), the delenki slowly grow, often die. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Chernogolovka (PRUNELLA). Family of yasnotkovye (labial).

Perennials with creeping rhizome, erect low (25-40 cm) stem; leaves are entire, with an uneven edge; flowers in false whorls in capitate inflorescence.


Chernogolovka large-flowered(P. grandiflora)- height 25 cm.

Chernogolovka Webb (P. xwebbiana)- purple flowers.

Chernogolovka ordinary (P. vulgaris)- flowers are reddish.

Growing conditions. Sunny to slightly shaded areas with garden, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. The division of the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2. Able to form thickets, weeds.

Euphorbia (Euphorbia). Euphorbia family.

Large genus - about 2000 species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, but there are species in the temperate zone. Their height, leaf shape and type of root system are different, but they are distinguished by original flowers.

Look at the photo of this medicinal plant: small flowers are collected in an inflorescence surrounded by a common veil in the form of a glass (which seems to be a flower), and the “glasses” are collected in complex umbrella-shaped inflorescences with wrappers. In general, all this gives the impression of a “flying”, openwork yellowish inflorescence.

In sunny dry places - spurge cypress (E. cyparissias)- undersized (15-20 cm) plant of the steppes with narrow bluish leaves, densely located on lodging stems.

In sunny places with rich soils - spurge multicolor(E. poiychroma), forming a tall bush (50-60 cm) from densely leafy woody shoots.

In the shadow - spurge longhorn (E. macroceras) with a high stem (up to 100 cm) and scaly spurge (E. squamosa) 20-30 cm high with a spherical through bush.

Growing conditions. Euphorbia can grow in a wide variety of conditions, depending on the ecological characteristics of the species, but always on well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer).

Easily form self-seeding, capable of weeding. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

The eryngium (ERYNGIUM). Celery (umbrella) family.

About 230 species are known, growing on almost all continents. But in culture, perennial herbs are often grown with leathery, whole or dissected leaves, along the edge - prickly. The flowers are small, blue, located in the axils of the bracts and collected in a capitate inflorescence, surrounded by hard, prickly leaves of the involucre. Magnificent in their originality and exoticism. Fruit profusely.


Alpine eryngium(E. alpinum) - 70 cm high, an interesting wrapper of bluish, upcurved leaves.

Amethyst eryngium (E. amethystinum)- amethyst blue wrapper.

Burg's erysipelas (E. bourgatii)- 30-40 cm high, leathery leaves with a white pattern.

eryngium flat-leaved (E. planum)- a plant of the steppes of Europe and Asia, the stems are bluish, capitate inflorescences are small, bluish.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose, poor, sandy or rocky soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (before winter) or dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Wormwood (ARTEMISIA). Aster family (composite).

Large genus (more than 250 species). Of the numerous species cultivated mainly subshrubs and perennials with fragrant silvery leaves, pubescent or tomentose. The flowers are inexpressive, colorless, so it is better to cut the flower stalks.

Kinds. In central Russia, the most decorative and stable:

Wormwood Pursha (A. purchiana)- forms a cover of straight stems with silvery elongated whole leaves, responds well to constant pruning, can be planted in borders.

Steller's Wormwood (A. steieriana)- a low plant with spatulate leaves, forming a dense spot, sometimes the leaves hibernate.

Wormwood Louis(A. iudoviciana)- with narrow, lanceolate leaves.

Wormwood Schmidt (A. schmidtiana), especially interesting is the form "Nana" 15-20 cm high with rounded, heavily indented leaves.

Growing conditions. Artemisia are undemanding plants that grow well in full sun with any soil, especially well-drained sandy alkaline substrates.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and at the end of summer), by seeds (sowing in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Description of the best medicinal plants and their photos

In this chapter, you can find a description of such medicinal herbs and plants as rhubarb, cat's foot, cyanosis, flaxseed and mullein.

Rhubarb (RHEUM). Buckwheat family.

A powerful perennial with a multi-headed rhizome, from which large, rounded, five to seven lobed light green leaves extend on long fleshy ribbed reddish petioles.

At the end of spring, a powerful peduncle (height up to 150 cm) rises above the rosette of leaves, bearing a large panicle of small whitish-yellow flowers. Grows in the meadows of Eurasia.

Kinds. In culture, more often use:

Rhubarb (Rh. palmatum) and R. Tangut (Rh. tanguticum) with more deeply dissected leaves.

Black Sea rhubarb (Rh. rhaponticum)- dense glossy leaves.

Growing conditions. Well-lit and semi-shaded areas with deep fertile garden soils and normal moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - single.

Cat's paw, antennaria (ANTENNARIA). Aster family (composite).

Low (5-10 cm) dioecious plants from the pine forests of Europe and North America. The leaves are densely pubescent, white-tomentose, wintering, collected in a rosette. They grow by creeping shoots. Flower baskets are small, rounded, in a capitate inflorescence.

Kinds. Cat's foot dioecious (A. dioica) has the form:

Tomentosa- more densely pubescent; Rubra- with red-pink flowers; Minima- 5 cm high.

Rosea- with pink flowers; Antenaria sun-loving(A. aprica)- 10-15 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with poor subacid dry sandy soils. On ordinary garden soils, it will quickly grow and lose its decorative effect.

Reproduction. By dividing a bush or a plot of a creeping shoot (in spring or late summer). Plant densely -36 pcs. per 1 m2.

On poor sandy soils, it creates a low, slow-growing, but stably decorative, silvery ground cover.

Blue (POLEMONIUM). Blue family.

Cross-rooted perennials, grow in light forests of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bushes from 25 to 50 cm tall, leaves are decorative, wintering; flowers are numerous, collected in inflorescence-brush, blue.


Creeping cyanosis(P. reptans)- 30 cm high.

Cyanosis blue (P. caeruleum)- 60 cm high.

Growing conditions. Light or semi-shaded areas with normal garden soils. A very undemanding plant.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring, at the end of summer). Self-seeding possible. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Flaxseed (LINARIA). Norichnikov family.

Perennials from the Mediterranean with narrow leaves and two-lipped flowers with a spur in a racemose inflorescence. Plants are graceful, low (40-50 cm).


Dalmatian flax (L. daimatica)- yellow flowers.

common flax (L. vuigaris)- yellow flowers.

Macedonian flax (L. macedonica)- pubescent plant, yellow flowers.

Flax purple (L. purpurea)- flowers are red.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy dry soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 20 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mullein (VERBASCUM). Norichnikov family.

Plants of open dry places in Europe and the Mediterranean. Biennials and perennials from 50 to 150 cm high, basal leaves are large, on petioles; the stem is straight, with sessile whole pubescent leaves. The flowers are wheel-shaped, small, in a branched large inflorescence. A magnificent plant that provides the architecture of a flower garden.


Mullein hybrid (V. x hybridum)- often grown as a biennial.

mullein olympic (V. olympicum)- height 180-200 cm, strongly pubescent leaves, yellow flowers.

Mullein purple (V. phoeniceum)- height 100 cm, purple flowers in a rare brush.

Mullein black(V. nigrum)- height 120 cm, yellow flowers with a red center.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy soils. Drought tolerant.

Reproduction. Seeds (spring), seedlings bloom in the second year.

Our "herbalist" is the 14 most useful herbs you can rely on with a full description valuable properties and a list of contraindications.


This plant of the succulent genus was first discovered in the countries of South Africa and Arabia. During the journey of the Russian ship to South Africa one of the crew members contracted an unknown dengue fever and had to be left ashore. Literally a month later, another team found the sailor in the same place ─ he looked much better. It turned out that in the jungle he found a tropical plant that looked like a shrub and chewed its leaves (rather from hunger), and then noticed that his health began to improve significantly. So, according to unofficial data, aloe came to Russia.

More than 200 are known in nature. different types aloe, but the most common in our country is aloe tree or agave. As a rule, two useful products are obtained from its leaves ─ juice and gel. The first is more often used in medicine, the second - in cosmetology. Aloe juice contains useful trace elements: manganese, copper, potassium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, bromine, vanadium, iron, iodine, silver, fluorine, silicon, zinc and many others.

strengthens the immune system
purifies the blood
treats diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and urinary systems
has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect
treats eye diseases
enhances the secretions of the digestive glands
normalizes cholesterol levels
accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers
treats diseases in the gynecological field
relieves inflammation from the gums

Aloe juice should not be consumed when oncological diseases, possible allergic reactions, uterine bleeding and pregnancy (only with the permission of the attending physician).


This perennial plant of the Araliaceae family grows mainly in mountainous regions, and most often it can be found in the Far East, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Altai, and Siberia. China is recognized as the birthplace of the plant, and the pronunciation of its name is borrowed from Chinese(although in the original ginseng is written in two words and translated as "the root of life"). The most useful part ginseng is indeed a root, shaped like a small human figure (in this regard, ginseng is sometimes translated from the same Chinese as “root man”).

has an anti-inflammatory effect
affects carbohydrate metabolism

improves visual performance
increases the body's endurance and its resistance to stress, infections, changes in external temperatures, etc.
equalizes blood pressure in hypotension
lowers cholesterol levels
activates adrenal function
stimulates blood circulation in the brain
speeds up fat metabolism
Promotes rapid healing of wounds and ulcers

In cases of self-treatment with uncontrolled intake of drugs containing ginseng, the state of health may worsen up to fatal poisoning, so it is better to consult a doctor before taking it. Ginseng is completely contraindicated in the development of acute infectious diseases, high blood pressure, pregnancy.


In nature, there are about 30 different types of Eleutherococcus, but only one is used in medicine - Eleutherococcus senticosus. This species is a shrub, with branching, thorny trunks (plant trunks can reach 4 meters in height) and fruits in the form of black berries. Eleutherococcus belongs to the Araliaceae family, like ginseng, and, accordingly, has properties similar to it. For this reason, it is often used in overwork as a tonic. By the way, eleutherococcus is included in the classic composition of the Russian drink "Baikal".

tones up
increases efficiency
relieves chronic fatigue
puts in order nervous system
helps lower blood sugar levels
helps in the prevention of cancer
has a calming effect on the eyes, favorably affects vision in general
improves appetite
increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases
helps with radiation and poisoning
contributes to the treatment of stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity
useful for restoring the menstrual cycle and infertility
increases male sexual activity

Eleutherococcus is not recommended for use in chronic insomnia, high blood pressure, fever, pregnancy, increased nervous excitability, as well as children under 12 years of age.


Tussilágo or "cashlegon" is the Latin name for this plant. “Mother and Stepmother” is more of a Russian folk interpretation, based on the leaves of the plant, slippery on the outside and fluffy on the inside. The plant belongs to the aster family (composites), and its main useful property is the treatment of cough and other bronchodilator diseases. Coltsfoot contains alkaloids that have an antibacterial effect, and inulin, which improves the quality of food absorption and improves digestion.

improves the secretion of gastric juice
decoction of the plant relieves muscle and joint pain
helps with inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, acne)
helps with excessive sweating feet
contributes to the treatment of infections and inflammatory diseases(angina, tonsillitis, pharyngitis)
helps with dental problems (periodontal disease, gum disease)
treats bronchodilators


Salvia (the Latin name for sage) is a large genus of shrubby plants. By the way, as for the original name of sage, it comes from the Latin word salvere (from Latin “to be healthy”). Descriptions of the use of this plant have remained in the records of many Greek and Roman physicians. Hippocrates, in particular, called sage the "sacred herb".

About 700 species of salvia have been recorded worldwide. However, in medical purposes, in theory, only 100 of them are used, but in practice, known for their medicinal properties of sage species, only 2 - meadow sage (wild) and medicinal sage (specially grown in gardens and orchards). For treatment, mainly sage leaves are used: decoctions, tinctures, oils and ointments are prepared from them. Fresh sage leaves are used only externally. The leaves contain vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, resinous and tannins, natural antioxidants.

helps with treatment skin diseases, external wounds, ulcers, tumors
has anti-inflammatory properties
has a general strengthening effect on the body
limits sweating
helps with diarrhea
contributes to the prevention of arthritis and the treatment of frostbite
has antiseptic and antispasmodic effects
effective in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and women's diseases
helps improve memory
has a strengthening effect on the hair (slows down the process of baldness in men)

Women should not use sage during breastfeeding, as it helps to reduce lactation (however, when the time comes to wean the child from breast milk, sage, on the contrary, will be useful)


Nettle owes its original name and infamous popularity among children to the stinging hairs that cover its stems and leaves. In theory, we are all early childhood we know that you can’t touch nettles with your hands, because you can get burned or “sprinkled”, however, in practice, the benefits of nettles significantly exceed its malicious property of “stinging” everyone (except for the nettle tree, which comes from New Zealand, touching which not only burns, but also in fundamentally life threatening).

In Russia, you can find only two types of nettle - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. Nettle contains carotene (there is more of it than in carrots and sorrel), vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, nickel, sodium, copper, titanium, manganese, boron, iodine, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2 and PP, and in terms of vitamin C content, nettle surpasses even lemon. Nettle is often used for cooking various decoctions for medicinal purposes, but its leaves can also significantly brighten up the taste of many soups in cooking.

purifies the blood
increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
contributes to the treatment of skin diseases (boils, acne, eczema)
has a hemostatic and healing effect
helps the female body recover faster after childbirth
relieves symptoms of PMS and menopause
helps to increase tone of cardio-vascular system improves heart function
helps in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, relieving muscle pain
can be applied to hair and scalp care, reduce hair loss
improves the functioning of the digestive system, gives a choleretic and laxative effect
normalizes blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus

Nettle is contraindicated in pregnancy, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis.

Ginkgo biloba

The main places of origin of ginkgo biloba are Japan and Southeast Asia. It existed on our earth in the Mesozoic era. Ginkgo biloba has long been one of the main preparations of Asian medicine, and today it is successfully used both in the West and in Russia as a means to improve memory and prolong youth. The composition of the extract from the leaves of ginkgo biloba includes more than 40 biologically active compounds. This plant also has its own unique components ─ bilobalides and ginkgolides (to which it owes its unusual name), and it is they that largely determine its special pharmacological activity.

stimulates mental activity
improves concentration, mental clarity and memory
slows down the development of senile dementia and brain aging processes
relieves dizziness and headaches
fights depression
stimulates responsiveness and performance
eliminates feelings of restlessness, anxiety and irritability
stimulates sexual activity
improves sleep

Women should not use ginkgo biloba extract during pregnancy.


Kombucha or, as it is called in Russia, tea mushroom─ this is a symbiosis of vinegar sticks and yeast fungi. Kombucha came to us in the 20th century through Transbaikalia straight from China. At home and folk medicine both Russia and the countries-discoverers of kombucha (China, Japan, India) use not the mushroom itself, but its infusion. In Japan, geisha drank an infusion of kombucha for weight loss, rinsed their hair with it, removed dark spots and even warts on the skin. In India, infusion of kombucha was used to fix paints on fabrics. In China and Russia, it is also drunk as an invigorating and excellent thirst-quenching drink. Kombucha does a good job with healing tasks, as it contains many healing components (alkaloids, vitamins, enzymes, glycosides, aromatic substances, as well as sugar, acetic acid and alcohol).

strengthens the immune system
has antibacterial and antiviral effects
helps in the treatment of runny nose, tonsillitis, bacterial disinterria
tones up
relieves mental fatigue
restores the microflora of the stomach after taking strong drugs

Because of high content Kombucha sugar may not be useful for people suffering from fungal diseases, obesity, diabetes.


A perennial plant of the legume family, whose homeland is China, has a high nutritional value, in connection with which it is often used for digestive disorders. The composition of the plant includes isoflavones and flavones (substances that regulate hormonal activity in women), saponins (substances that block the absorption of cholesterol) and chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse the entire body. Alfalfa also contains minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, calcium) and acids (citric, malic, ascorbic, fumaric, oxalic).

cleanses the body
helps women's health(for menopause, breastfeeding)
helps in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pyelonephritis
stops nasal bleeding
promotes the removal of stones from the kidneys
helps stimulate hair growth
relieves redness and swelling


Leuzea grows high in the mountains. The most famous places where you can pick a bouquet of leuzea are Altai, the Sayan Mountains, the mountains of Kazakhstan. In the people, this plant is often called "maral root", and all because in autumn the deer-marals living in some mountainous regions dig up and eat its roots. Actually, thanks to them, the usefulness of Leuzea was once discovered.

For biostimulants concentrated in the root of Leuzea, the plant is also often called a natural anabolic (a substance that gives energy, increases endurance, and promotes rapid muscle recovery). So leuzea root can often be found in popular sports supplements.

improves blood composition
stimulates the vital processes of the body
promotes vasodilation, thereby regulating blood pressure
increases hemoglobin levels
has a tonic and restorative effect
treats apathy, depression
increases efficiency
lowers blood sugar levels
May help fight alcoholism and impotence

Leuzea root is contraindicated for epilepsy, arrhythmias, sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, increased nervous excitability, chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, acute period infectious diseases.


More ancient Greek philosopher Xenophanes wrote about her in his writings. Over the entire history of the existence of wormwood, about 400 of its species have been bred. There are about 180 species in our country, of which the most popular is wormwood. The plant is a straight stem about 1.5 meters high with leaves and yellow (sometimes reddish) flowers. In the stems and leaves of wormwood, a lot of useful substances and essential oils are concentrated. In addition, carotene, ascorbic acid, potassium salts, malic and succinic acids were found in wormwood. By the way, another popular type of wormwood is tarragon, which you definitely know as tarragon. Wormwood is an ingredient in absinthe and some other vermouths.

stimulates the vital activity of the body
gives the body tone
has cleansing properties
fights pyogenic infections
has anthelmintic action
helps in the treatment of eczema, bronchial asthma and rheumatism
used for rinsing the mouth with an unpleasant odor


Horsetail ─ perennial herbaceous plant, known to many gardeners as a difficult to eradicate weed. Horsetail reproduces by spores, looks like a mini-tree and looks a bit like a ponytail (horsetail is a derivative of "tail"). As befits a weed, horsetail does not have its historical homeland, it is only known in different countries, depending on the climate, its height varies. For example, in Russia it reaches no more than 1-1.5 meters, but in South America you can also find a 12-meter plant. Horsetail contains many useful substances and elements ─ vitamin C, flavonoids, potassium salts, silicic acid salts, bitterness, saponins, carotene, resins and tannins.

stops bleeding
heals wounds and ulcers
has a strong diuretic effect
has antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and restorative effects
treats diarrhea
treats eczema, ringworm and dermatitis
recommended for tuberculosis prevention
useful for arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism

The use of horsetail is contraindicated in pregnancy, nephrosis and nephritis.


This perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family usually grows in wastelands, hence its name. The motherwort distribution area is very extensive: it can be found in Europe, Central Asia, Caucasus, Western Siberia. The most common type of plant is the motherwort. It is his solution that soothes stressful situations and has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Of all known soothing herbs, motherwort has the strongest effect: it contains flavonol glycosides, essential oil, saponins, stachydrine alkaloid, tannins and carotene.

contributes to the treatment of neuroses, heart diseases
helps with disorders gastrointestinal tract
has a beneficial effect on sleep and menstrual disorders
heals wounds and burns
applied on early stages hypertension

Motherwort is contraindicated in pregnancy, arterial hypotension, bradycardia, stomach ulcers, erosive gastritis.


Echinacea is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family. In nature, there are only 9 types of echinacea, and the most studied is Echinacea purpurea, which is used for medicinal purposes. With its appearance, echinacea resembles a chamomile (only the petals of a different color), and you probably often come across it in nature. Stems, flowers, leaves and rhizomes with roots are used as medicinal raw materials. All parts of echinacea contain polysaccharides, essential oil, caffeic acid esters (echinacoside), glycosides, resins, betaine, organic acids (cerutic, palmitic, coffee, linoleic, oleic, as well as phytosterols, phenolic compounds, phenolic acids, tannins, polyenes and alkaloids). Echinacea is a powerful herbal antibiotic.

has an immunostimulating effect
increases the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases (due to caffeic acid)
has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
helps with burns, furunculosis, wounds, abscesses, urticaria, insect and snake bites, eczema, herpes and other skin diseases
used for diseases caused by exposure ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation, chronic inflammatory processes
helps in the treatment of polyarthritis, rheumatism, gynecological disorders, prostatitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract

In the presence of an acute stage of the above diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using these plants and their derivatives. For children under 12 years old, these plants, with rare exceptions, are not recommended.

The section tells about medicinal plants - their places of growth and healing properties, rules for collection and storage. You will learn how to take care of these plants, what role they play in human life. Below is a list by name in alphabetical order of the main, from the point of view of use in medicine, medicinal plants with detailed descriptions, pictures and recommendations for use in the treatment of various diseases.

Medicinal plants - an extensive group of plants used in medical and veterinary practice for various diseases with therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. The medicinal properties of medicinal plants are due to the presence in them of certain chemical compounds - the so-called active substances.

Medicinal plants are used in the form of fees, or teas, powders and others, or after processing (see, Dosage forms). Special groups of medicines prepared from medicinal plants at chemical and pharmaceutical plants are products of their primary processing (fatty and essential oils, resins, etc.), pure (without admixture of ballast substances) amounts of active ingredients, individual chemical compounds and their combinations. Active ingredients are distributed unevenly in medicinal plants. Usually only those parts of the plant where it accumulates are used. maximum amount active substances. The composition and amount of active substances in medicinal plants change throughout the year, with the age of the plant and depending on the conditions of its habitat, temperature, light, air, soil conditions, etc. Many medicinal plants are only of historical interest, as they are currently in medicine are not used.

List of the most important wild and cultivated medicinal plants

The nomenclature of medicinal plants approved for use in medical practice contains about 160 names. Preparations or raw materials of 103 of these plants are described in the tenth edition of the State USSR (SFH). Approximately half of the requests for raw materials of medicinal plants in terms of tonnage and about 75% in terms of nomenclature are met by collecting wild plants, and the rest - by cultivated medicinal plants.

A morphological description of annual medicinal plants introduced into the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR is also given, the content of biologically active substances in them is given, the viability of plants in new conditions is described, and some issues of agricultural cultivation are considered.

Recently, interest in herbal medicine has increased, which in turn has increased the number of pickers. However, it is impossible to use medicinal plants without knowing their properties and chemical composition. Many medicinal plants, their distribution and use are described in popular publications. The chemical composition, methods for obtaining certain biologically active substances from plants are considered in scientific papers. Despite the seemingly abundance of well-known medicinal herbs, new ones are being discovered, which are undergoing primary tests in botanical gardens and at experimental stations. Botanical gardens, located in different climatic zones of the globe, have collections of various medicinal plants to study the biological characteristics, medicinal properties and methods of growing these herbs. Thanks to this, new types of medicinal plants are being introduced into the industry. Seeds are the main material for exchange with other botanical gardens and other organizations. Similar work is carried out in the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR.

The section contains some information about annual medicinal plants grown in the experimental plot, provides data on some long-known plants, but for some reason forgotten. Most plants synthesize useful material in the aboveground mass - in the grass (chamomile, string, snakehead, fume), in many species, seeds are valuable (coriander, anise, dope, flax, sleeping pills poppy, large plantain, etc.). In some plants, flowers have medicinal properties (calendula officinalis, blue cornflower, etc.).

Our long-term studies show that many introduced plants do not change their chemical composition, and often the quantitative content of active substances is not inferior to the content in wild plants. The study of the chemical composition of medicinal plants was carried out jointly with the laboratory of the Institute of Physiology and Experimental Pathology of High Mountains and the laboratory of natural compounds of the Organic Institute.

All plants are divided into two groups: 1) introduced into scientific medicine and included in the pharmacopoeias of the Soviet Union; 2) used in folk medicine.

Medicinal plants - types of plant organisms used for the manufacture of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs that are used in medical and veterinary practice. Herbal medicines account for over 30% of all medicines circulating on the world market. In the USSR, about 40% of the medical preparations used are made from plants.

About 2,500 species of plants from the flora of the USSR, including those used in folk medicine, have medicinal value.

The variety of soil and climatic conditions of the USSR makes it possible to introduce into its territory numerous species of foreign medicinal plants of the cold, temperate and subtropical zones.

More than 600 species of plants can be used as raw materials for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in the pharmacy network and for export. Of this number, except for secondary medicinal plants, only about 200 species belonging to 70 families are practically used in medicine (mainly of the family Asteraceae, Rosaceae, legumes, labiales, umbrella, nightshade, buckwheat, cruciferous, buttercup). About 70% of the medicinal plants used are used in galenic production, the rest of the species are used in the pharmacy network, homeopathy and are exported.

When harvesting wild and cultivated medicinal plants, as a rule, separate organs or parts of the plant are collected.

The collection of medicinal plant materials is carried out at a certain time - during periods of maximum accumulation of active substances. The collected raw materials are usually dried.

In the USSR, a comprehensive study of medicinal plants already known in medicine is being carried out (identifying their reserves, introducing them into culture, increasing productivity and finding ways to reduce the cost of raw materials, establishing better harvesting dates, conditions for drying and storing raw materials, preparing new drugs and dosage forms).

There are searches for new and cheaper sources of plant raw materials to replace already known imported or scarce ones. medicinal products, as well as medicinal plants with new pharmacological and therapeutic effects (the study of their chemical composition, pharmacological activity and therapeutic value, the development of technology for the production of drugs and their manufacture).

New medicinal plants and physiologically active substances of plant origin are identified by continuous or selective chemical and pharmacological studies of the flora of individual regions of the USSR. At the same time, information about the use of certain medicinal plants in traditional medicine is taken into account.

In directed searches for a particular compound, species and genera that are phylogenetically close to the plant from which this compound has already been isolated are primarily studied.

So, to date, over 6,000 plant species have been previously studied for the content of alkaloids, over 4,000 for the presence of essential oils, about 2,000 for the presence of cardiac glycosides, about 3,000 for saponins, about 1,000 for flavonoids, and about 1,000 species for coumarins.

As a result, a large number of individual chemicals have been isolated and many new medicinal preparations have been created on their basis.

As practice shows, we do not always know how to competently and fully use the gifts of mother nature, which generously provided us with natural medicines, with the help of which our ancestors treated many diseases. It's time to remember the healing properties of herbs and plants, their role in medicine, the rules of admission, harm and benefits.

Medicinal plants in medicine

The healing properties of plants have been used by all peoples of the world for thousands of years. It was with their help that people treated many diseases, turning to nature, to its gifts. Today in the world there are about 12,000 medicinal plants, which have healing properties and are used both in traditional and folk medicine. In this case, often medicinal plants are perfectly combined with other types of treatment.

But medicinal plants are used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes, for example, to cleanse the body. It is regular cleansing that is one of the secrets of people who, even in old age, can boast of excellent physical and mental health.

Of course, drugs from plants do not have a pronounced pharmacological activity, since they act on the body slowly, but in some cases it is the plants that are more effective than their synthetic "brothers". Thus, among the 3,000 drugs that are used by modern medicine, about 35-40 percent are produced from medicinal plants, and the number of herbal preparations is increasing every year.

However, it is important to remember that only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe a medicinal plant, while self-medication may not lead to the desired result (at best) or worsen well-being (at worst).

What is the secret of the effectiveness of herbal medicines?
The fact is that plants are a biogenetically formed complex consisting of active substances and other (secondary) elements, including:

  • metabolites,
  • proteins,
  • various essential oils
  • chlorophyll,
  • trace elements,
  • different groups,
  • inorganic salts.
This kind of complex, which is formed in a living cell, is more similar to the human body than active substance created chemically. Therefore, medicinal plants are more easily assimilated by the body and have fewer side effects.

Therefore, it is not surprising that scientific medicine, which considers folk methods of treatment imperfect and archaic, still resorts to the help of medicinal plants that have proven their effectiveness and usefulness during their existence. And this is not surprising, because medicinal herbs and plants do not have any chemical additives, since nature itself endowed them with useful properties, creating a kind of safe "natural pills".

Little of, modern science not only the experience of traditional medicine is studied and carefully checked, but also the arsenal of therapeutic agents is replenished.

Medicinal plants and their uses

When deciding to resort to the help of medicinal plants, it is necessary to take into account the important fact that among plants there are a large number of potent and poisonous species. Therefore, it is better to purchase herbs and fees in pharmacies.

In addition, you can collect medicinal plants yourself (for this you need to be well versed in plants and herbs, since they are often similar in appearance, but have various properties) or purchased from experienced herbalists.

From medicinal plants are made:

  • infusions,
  • decoctions,
  • tinctures,
  • powders,
  • ointments,
  • extracts,
  • syrups.


Infusions are perfectly absorbed, have a quick, and, most importantly, strong effect. For the preparation of infusions use:
  • cold method - the crushed plant (or collection) is poured with cold boiled water, infused for 5-8 hours, after which the mixture is filtered through gauze,
  • hot way - the crushed plant (or collection) is poured with boiling water and put on fire for 20 minutes, while it is important not to bring the water to a boil, then the infusion is squeezed through gauze.
The generally accepted ratio for the preparation of infusion is 1 tbsp. dry crushed plant in 250 ml of cold water or boiling water.


Decoctions are absorbed by the body somewhat more slowly than infusions, but they last longer. It should be borne in mind that certain substances may volatilize or break down during the boiling process. In addition, the composition of decoctions often includes a lot of foreign substances that weaken the action of the main medicinal substances, as a result of which such a method of treatment can negatively affect the body.

To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to pour the crushed plant with water and bring to a boil, then strain and bring to the desired volume by adding boiled water. Both decoctions and infusions are stored for no more than one or two days.


Tinctures are prepared using alcohol, due to which they have a strong effect, and therefore the medicine should be taken in small doses (no more than 20 drops, and in some cases no more than two drops, diluted in several tablespoons of cold boiled water). Plants are infused mainly for 10 days (sometimes several months). The tincture is stored in a glass sealed container. The shelf life is several years, while the medicine does not lose its healing properties.


Used for both indoor and outdoor use. For cooking, dry plants and herbs are used, which are ground in a mortar or ground with a coffee grinder. The powder is stored in a tightly closed container.


Usually used for compresses. The ointment is prepared by grinding fresh or dry plants, which are mixed with an astringent.


  • petrolatum,
  • lanolin,
  • unsalted pork fat,
  • fresh butter or vegetable oil.
Important! Ointment, the astringent of which is animal fat, is a rapidly perishable product.


They are a concentrated dosage form extracted from biologically active substances contained in herbal medicinal materials.


These are medicines, in the preparation of which concentrated plant juice and sugar are used. The syrup can be diluted with various preservatives that are approved for medical use.

Properties of medicinal plants

The medicinal properties of medicinal plants used in scientific and traditional medicine are due to the presence of biologically active substances in them, namely:
  • alkaloids,
  • glycosides,
  • coumarins and furocoumarins,
  • essential oils,
  • resin,
  • tannins,
  • vitamins.


To date medicines, which include alkaloids, is given one of the most significant places in the management system of many physiological processes observed in the body of not only a sick person, but also a healthy person.

The most used alkaloids:

  • strychnine,
  • brucine,
  • caffeine,
  • morphine,
  • nicotine,
  • quinine,
  • atropine.
The main plants of the alkaloid group:
  • pilocarpus,
  • belladonna,
  • periwinkle pink,
  • securinega subshrub,
  • ephedra,
  • egg-pod.


The most used glycosides:
1. cardiac glycosides:
  • digitalis,
  • lily of the valley,
  • Adonis.
Due to their high toxicity, cardiac glycosides, which are widely used in medical practice, are considered poisonous. In addition, they have a steroid structure, which makes them similar in properties to hormones.

2. Anthraglycosides:

  • buckthorn,
  • rhubarb,
  • cassia,
  • aloe.
This group of low-toxic glycosides has a laxative effect.

3. Saponins.
They have the following effects on the body:

  • expectorant: istod roots, cyanosis and primrose roots,
  • diuretic: kidney tea herb,
  • choleretic: St. John's wort.
In addition, saponins: 4. Bitter glycosides:
  • sagebrush,
  • gentian,
  • dandelion,
  • centaury.
Properties of bitter glycosides:
  • increase appetite,
  • increase the peristalsis of the stomach,
  • improve digestion,
  • I increase the secretion of gastric juice.
5. Flavonoids:
  • hawthorn,
  • chokeberry,
  • liquorice root,
  • tansy,
  • buckwheat.
Flavonoids are:
  • P-vitamin activity,
  • bactericidal action,
  • choleretic action,
  • removal of radioactive materials.

Coumarins and Furocoumarins

Coumarins are predominantly found in the following plant families:
  • umbrella,
  • legumes,
  • rue.
Furocoumarins, which are a group of natural compounds, have the following properties:
  • vasodilator,
  • antispasmodic,
  • antitumor,
  • photosensitizing.

Essential oils

This is a group of fragrant and easily volatile substances that are found mainly in flowers, leaves, and also fruits of plants.

The most common essential oils:

  • mint,
  • valerian,
  • thyme,
  • eucalyptus,
  • oregano,
  • Melissa,
  • juniper,
  • wormwood,
  • sage.
Pharmacological properties:
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antiviral,
  • antihelminthic,
  • soothing,
  • stimulating
  • painkiller,
  • vasodilator,
  • expectorant.


Thick liquid with a characteristic aroma, which in its own way chemical composition close to essential oils. A resin that does not harden for a long time is called a balm.

Plants from which resins are obtained:

  • rhubarb,
  • Pine,
  • Birch,
  • sandarac,
  • gopher,
  • myrrh.
Resin properties:
  • bactericidal,
  • antiseptic,
  • wound healing,
  • laxative.


This group was named for its unique ability to tan leather.

Plants with tannic properties include:

  • Birch,
  • bird cherry,
  • hypericum,
  • Oak bark,
  • sagebrush,
  • rhubarb,
  • tansy.
  • astringent,
  • bactericidal,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • hemostatic,
  • anti-inflammatory.
Also used for poisoning with alkaloids or salts of heavy metals.


Vitamins are assigned a primary role in the process of metabolism, assimilation and use of basic nutrients, which are proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Lack of vitamins leads to disruption of the functioning of organs and systems, as well as to a decrease in efficiency. It should be noted that the medicinal properties of plants are most often associated with the presence of a whole complex of substances in them.

Reception of medicinal plants

When taking herbal medicines, the following rules must be observed.

1. Before taking herbs, you should mandatory consult with a doctor who will select the required dose and develop a regimen for taking the drug.

2. Strong herbal preparations are taken for 7 to 20 days, then a ten-day break is made, after which the course of treatment is resumed.

3. Medicinal herbal preparations that do not have a strong effect are allowed to be taken for no more than two months.

4. Remember that the dosage indicated in the prescription is designed for taking the drug by an adult, therefore, when taking the medicine for children, adolescents and sick people, it is necessary to reduce the dose, adhering to the recommendations of a specialist.

5. In the absence of clear instructions in the recipe regarding the use of the drug, it is recommended to take it half an hour before a meal.

6. Strictly observe the duration of taking a medicinal plant, as certain toxic plants can provoke the following reactions:

  • allergic,
  • temporary impotence,
  • weakness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness.
7. You can not take medicinal plants without indications, otherwise you can "undermine" the immune system. The body must learn to fight infection on its own. And only in the case when he cannot cope with the problem, you can help him by taking herbal preparations.

8. In the process of using medicinal plants, it is forbidden to use alcoholic drinks and fatty foods.

9. It is undesirable to take long breaks in treatment, as this may lead to the need to repeat the entire course.

10. Raw materials should be stored in a dry, and, most importantly, clean place, and for storage it is necessary to use closed containers into which dust cannot enter. Contact of the medicinal plant with animals, which are often carriers of dangerous diseases, should also be excluded.

11. Infusions and decoctions must be prepared daily, as they deteriorate very quickly, especially in the summer.

12. Plants used for medicinal purposes must be carefully monitored. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase them in pharmacies or in special drug stores.

Important! Sometimes the use of medicinal plants can provoke a deterioration in the condition (especially in the first days of taking the drug, infusion or decoction). You should not be afraid of such manifestations, because in this way the immune mechanism is activated. But if no improvement is observed after 3-4 days, it is better to stop taking the drug or replace it with another (similar) one.

The benefits of medicinal plants

The benefits of medicinal plants are undeniable:
  • low toxicity
  • the possibility of long-term use,
  • the complexity of the impact,
  • lack of significant side effects,
  • easy absorption by the human body,
  • bioavailability,
  • infrequent cases of intolerance,
  • wide range actions,
  • high degree activity against strains of microorganisms, as well as viruses that have managed to acquire resistance to various synthetic drugs, including antibiotics, during their existence.
The following conditions are treated with the help of medicinal plants:
  • chronic diseases,
  • relapsing diseases,
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • pathology urinary tract,
  • respiratory pathology,
  • skin problems
  • functional disorders neuroendocrine system.
Herbs are often used in the treatment chronic diseases in the elderly, children, pregnant women. The use of medicinal plants during recovery period coming after surgical operations and severe debilitating diseases.

Harm of medicinal plants

The plant can not only heal, but also harm health, which must be remembered when taking any medicinal plant. Therefore, it is extremely important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage, method and time of taking the drug.

Self-medication can provoke poisoning even by non-poisonous plants.

Yes, long-term use sweet clover can cause:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • migraine,
  • drowsiness,
  • violation of the liver,
  • disruption of the CNS.
St. John's wort long-term use leads to: nettle cannot be used in the presence of the following conditions:
  • increased blood clotting,
  • hypertension,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • bleeding.
With prolonged use yarrow dizziness and a skin rash may occur.

The following medicinal plants that have an abortive effect are contraindicated for pregnant women:

  • aralia,
  • aloe,
  • Highlander,
  • elecampane,
  • barberry,
  • oregano,
  • nettle,
  • buckthorn,
  • crocus,
  • wormwood,
  • celandine,
  • licorice,
  • thyme,
  • juniper,
  • bearberry,
  • yarrow,
  • sage.

Poisonous medicinal plants

There are a fairly large number of poisonous plants, an overdose of which can lead to a deterioration in well-being and even death.

I must say that the toxic properties of many medicinal plants do not disappear anywhere during drying or heat treatment. Many of the poisons present in plants have no taste or smell, making them particularly insidious and dangerous.

Particularly poisonous plants, the intake of which should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription and in the dose established by him:

  • hypericum,
  • buckthorn bark,
  • fern Male,
  • yarrow,
  • sagebrush,
  • belladonna,
  • tansy,
  • rhubarb,
  • rhododendron,
  • horsetail,
  • licorice,
  • bearberry,
  • physalis,
  • hellebore,
  • henbane,
  • common bird cherry.

Popular medicinal plants

Aloe vera

This plant has truly unique medicinal properties:

  • moisturizes the skin
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • eliminates sunburn,
  • heals cuts and scrapes
  • relieves inflammation, providing a calming effect,
  • reduces itching and burning,
  • relieves swelling.


With the help of a large burdock, you can get rid of:
  • boil,
  • rashes
  • bruise,
  • burn,
  • acne,
  • ringworm,
  • traces of insect bites.
In addition, this plant is used for blood purification, as a diuretic and diaphoretic.


Modern medicine resorts to the help of marigolds in the treatment of: A decoction or infusion of marigolds will help cure chronic infection and take the heat off.


Preparations, the main element of which is chamomile, affect the body as follows:
  • increase the secretory work of the digestive glands,
  • stimulate the process of bile secretion,
  • increase appetite,
  • relieve spasms localized in the abdominal organs,
  • reduce gas formation in the intestines,
  • relieve pain
  • eliminate inflammation,
  • regulate the menstrual cycle,
  • relieve itching,
  • increase perspiration.
In addition, chamomile has antimicrobial and antiallergic properties.


This culture has the following properties:
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antifungal,
  • antiviral,
  • antiallergic,
  • antirheumatic,
  • immunomodulatory.
Echinacea is widely used in the treatment of such diseases: Echinacea is also prescribed after chemotherapy, radiation therapy and after antibiotic treatment.


This plant is rich in the following elements:
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • manganese.
  • reduces symptoms such as "irritable bowel",
  • eliminates digestive disorders,
  • relieves fever
  • normalizes the digestive process,
  • fights flatulence,
  • reduce nausea,
  • relieves headache,
  • reduces inflammation
  • dilates the vessels of the heart, lungs and brain.

Tea tree

Butter tea tree used in the treatment of the following diseases:
  • acne,
  • various vaginal infections,
  • mycosis,
  • warts,
  • insect bites,
  • herpes,
  • burns,
  • thrush.
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • antiseptic bactericidal,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • antifungal,
  • antiviral.


It contributes to the overall health of the body, which is affected by the following:
  • calms the nervous system
  • reduces cholesterol levels
  • boosts immunity,
  • increases endurance,
  • improves appetite,
  • normalizes sleep
  • relieves pain in chronic gastritis,
  • normalizes bowel function.


Sage leaves have the following properties:
  • antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • diuretic,
  • astringent,
  • antispasmodic,
  • pain reliever.
Sage is indicated for the following disorders:
  • angina,
  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract,
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • tracheitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa,
  • obesity,
  • articular rheumatism,
  • arthritis,
  • climax.
In addition, sage preparations increase blood pressure, as well as increase sexual activity and potency.


This plant has the following properties:
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • wound healing,
  • bactericidal,
  • antispasmodic,
  • choleretic,
  • sedative.
Calendula is used in the treatment of:
  • erosion of the cervix,
  • colpitis,
  • proctitis,
  • chronic fistulas,
  • minor wounds,
  • cuts,
  • burns,
  • boils,
  • edema,
  • cardiovascular diseases.

St. John's wort

This plant has the following properties:
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antibacterial,
  • painkiller,
  • soothing,
  • hemostatic,
  • stimulating.
John's wort is widely used for:
  • biliary dyskinesia,
  • hepatitis,
  • stagnation in gallbladder,
  • cholecystitis,
  • gastritis,
  • flatulence,
  • diarrhea.
Medicinal plants, widely used in both scientific and folk medicine, can not only treat, but also support the functioning of the body, thereby increasing efficiency and endurance, improving the quality of human life.

The fact that medicinal plants have beneficial properties is an axiom - otherwise these herbs would not be called medicinal. However, few people know exactly what properties medicinal plants have - for which diseases their use is recommended, and for which, on the contrary, the use of medicinal herbs is strictly prohibited. To understand this issue, read this material.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of medicinal herbs and plants

In this section of the article, you will learn about the properties and uses of medicinal plants such as marshmallow, immortelle, valerian, elecampane and oregano:

Marshmallow officinalis . The roots have an expectorant, emollient, enveloping, analgesic effect, reduce irritation of the skin and mucous membranes in inflammatory and ulcerative processes.

Contraindication of this medicinal plant is pregnancy, in infancy- constipation,.

Sandy immortelle. It has anesthetic, hemostatic, blood-purifying, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, antimicrobial, antihelminthic effect. Also, this medicinal plant has the property of increasing blood pressure.

The plant is of low toxicity, however, the dosage should be strictly observed. Contraindicated in cholestasis.

Valerian officinalis. It reduces the excitability of the nervous system, dilates the vessels of the heart, normalizes sleep, relieves spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, has anticonvulsant activity, antihelminthic and carminative properties. Overdose can cause nausea, heart failure, headache, drowsiness.

Contraindicated with increased blood clotting, chronic enterocolitis.

Elecampane is high. Regulates the secretory function of the stomach and intestines, stimulates the metabolism in the body, has a calming, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic and antihelminthic properties.

Caution should be exercised in the use of elecampane for kidney disease, is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Oregano ordinary. The medicinal properties of this medicinal plant are to stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate appetite, relieve stomach and intestinal spasms.

Helps with: headache, nausea, vomiting, regulates the menstrual cycle in women, indicated for insomnia, epilepsy, rickets, diathesis,.

Contraindicated in pregnant women.

The healing properties of medicinal plants and their benefits for humans

The properties of medicinal plants and herbs such as ginseng, St. John's wort and calendula are described here:

Panax ginseng. Restores strength after illness, promotes longevity. Due to its properties, the use of this medicinal herb is indicated when it normalizes blood pressure. Ginseng effectively helps digestion, stimulates heart activity, hematopoiesis, and increases the function of the gonads. But it should be remembered that in case of an overdose, headaches, insomnia, and an increase in blood pressure are possible.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, increased excitability and bleeding, inflammatory diseases.

St. John's wort . Healing properties This medicinal plant helps with diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver, bladder,. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, wound healing, urinary and choleretic properties. The plant is slightly poisonous.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 12 years of age, with phototherapy.

Calendula officinalis. It is used as an expectorant, sweat, diuretic and choleretic agent. The benefits of this medicinal plant are that it calms the central nervous system, regulates heart activity, and lowers blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, bactericidal, wound healing, blood pressure lowering properties.

Medicinal herbs: useful properties and contraindications

And what are the medicinal properties and contraindications of herbs such as nettle, burdock, coltsfoot and lungwort?

Stinging nettle . It has general strengthening, vitaminizing, stimulating, hemostatic, wound healing, analgesic, diuretic and laxative properties. The healing properties of this medicinal herb are that it enhances metabolism, improves blood composition, removes excess sugar from the body, and reduces allergic reactions.

Contraindicated in pregnancy increased risk thrombosis, serious illnesses kidney and impairment.

Burdock . Used for kidney stones, gout, rheumatism. It has firming, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, antibacterial, urinary, diaphoretic properties, stimulates the production of breast milk. The benefits of this medicinal plant for humans are great in the treatment of skin diseases - acne, rashes, lichen, eczema, boils,.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and intestinal colic.

Common mother and stepmother . It has anti-inflammatory, stimulating, enveloping, expectorant, emollient, disinfecting properties. It is prescribed for catarrh of the stomach, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, colds, tuberculosis, arterial hypertension, cough, suffocation, dropsy, scrofula, etc.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, liver disease, children under 2 years of age.

Medicinal lungwort . It has anti-inflammatory, emollient, expectorant, antiseptic, hemostatic and wound healing properties. The properties of this medicinal herb are used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, respiratory organs, female diseases, scrofula and hemorrhoids.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, increased blood clotting.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of herbs (with photo)

Below are photos of medicinal herbs and describe the properties of medicinal plants such as lemon balm, mint, dandelion, plantain, wormwood and motherwort:

Melissa officinalis. Regulates the activity of the heart, calms the nervous system, stimulates appetite, enhances the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses nausea and vomiting. Beneficial features of this medicinal herb lies in the fact that it has a sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, laxative and diaphoretic effect. Reduces blood pressure.

Contraindicated if needed increased concentration attention.

Peppermint . It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative, expectorant and choleretic properties. The healing properties of this medicinal herb are used to stimulate appetite, stimulate the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to use it when, in large quantities, it contributes to the deterioration of sleep, reduces the secretion of breast milk.

Contraindicated in pregnancy and increased heart rate.

Yarrow . It has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal,. Reduces blood pressure, relaxes smooth muscles, enhances uterine contraction, stimulates the production of breast milk.

Three-part succession . It has hemostatic, anti-allergic, wound-healing, antiseptic, perspiration and diuretic properties. It is used to improve digestion, with metabolic disorders, is effective for colds, coughs, as well as gout, rickets,. Outwardly, the sequence is used for diathesis, for the treatment of psoriasis, scrofula, and various skin diseases.

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and in the second half of pregnancy.

Salvia officinalis . It has hemostatic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antimicrobial properties. Reduces perspiration and milk production in nursing mothers. Topically used for hair loss. Not recommended for acute nephritis, pregnancy, inflammation of the kidneys and a strong cough.

Attention! When using the medicinal properties of plants and herbs, always pay attention to contraindications to their use.

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