Which of the following foods is rich in vitamin A? What foods contain the highest amount of vitamin A?

Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble compounds (lipovitamins). It is able to be deposited in the body, mainly in the liver.

According to the WHO, with hypovitaminosis of vitamin A, none of the food products can cover its deficiency, and therefore the intake of retinol in the form of pharmacological preparations is required.

Vitamin A is formed in the body from provitamins - "carotenoids" coming from outside. The term comes from carrot (carrot, English), since these precursor substances were first discovered in carrots. Related compounds present in a wide range of fruits and vegetables (especially yellow, red and orange), as well as algae and certain types mushrooms.

Currently, more than half a thousand carotenoids are known to science.

The most common of these are:

  • a-, b- and d-carotene;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • lutein;
  • lycopene.

Beta-carotene undergoes oxidation in the human liver, and, splitting, forms vitamin A.

The unit of measurement for retinol is 1 ER, which corresponds to 1 µg of retinol, 6 µg of b-carotene, or 12 µg of other carotenoids.

1 mcg is 3.33 IU for retinol or 10 IU for b-carotene.

Important:it has been experimentally proven that beef, skimmed milk, as well as cereals contain insufficient amounts of carotene and retinol, i.e., they cannot serve full sources vitamin A.

Animal foods containing vitamin A:

  • beef liver;
  • Cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • sea ​​fish caviar;
  • whole milk;
  • cream;
  • egg yolk.

Plant Sources:

  • carrot;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper ("Bulgarian" and hot cayenne);
  • spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • parsley;
  • parsley;
  • peas;
  • soya beans;
  • apples;
  • (kelp seaweed).

Important:in in large numbers provitamin A is present in herbs such as alfalfa, horsetail, pepper, lemongrass, nettle, sage, hops, and plantain.

Vitamin A is involved in a number of metabolic processes occurring in the human body. It plays an important role in the regulation of protein biosynthesis and ensures the stability of cell membranes. The connection is necessary for the formation bone tissue as well as enamel and dentin. Thanks to him, they form necessary to a person fat reserves.

Note:It has been known since ancient times that liver consumption improves visual acuity and helps prevent or cure night blindness.

Retinol is necessary for adequate photoreception (perception of light); it takes part in the biosynthesis of retinal pigment. The most important carotenoids prevent cataracts and significantly reduce the likelihood of degeneration. yellow spot"- a pathology that is one of the main causes of blindness.

Vitamin A is one of the most effective natural antioxidants. It minimizes the harmful effects of free radicals, which allows the use of retinol and carotenoids for the prevention and treatment (as part of complex therapy) oncological diseases. During clinical research b-carotene has been shown to reduce the likelihood of relapses malignant neoplasms after the surgical intervention.

The antioxidant effect prevents the development of a number of serious pathologies heart and blood vessels.

Vitamin A is able to increase serum concentration necessary for the body high density lipoproteins.

The carotenoid lycopene, which is found in large quantities in tomatoes, prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the vascular walls, thus protecting a person from and his dangerous consequences. This provitamin also reduces the likelihood of developing malignant and breast cancer, as well as prostate cancer.

The state of non-specific depends largely on vitamin A. The compound is able to increase the body's resistance against infectious agents of bacterial and viral nature(significantly increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes).

Sufficient intake of vitamin A with food reduces the likelihood of developing colds, as well as infections of the genitourinary and respiratory systems and organs gastrointestinal tract.

Children who eat well and regularly receive retinol and carotenoids in the right amount are much easier to tolerate "" and.

Continuous presence in serum is sufficient high level retinol significantly increases the life expectancy of patients suffering.

Vitamin A is actively involved in the process of regeneration of the epithelial layer skin and mucous membranes. Its preparations are widely used in the treatment of any (, etc.), as well as skin damage due to mechanical injuries or burns. Due to the stimulation of the collagen biosynthesis process, retinol provides the fastest healing, greatly reducing the risk of developing secondary infectious complications. Vitamin A significantly improves the quality of tissue that is newly formed at the site of significant damage.

many modern cosmetic preparations include retinoid substances, which are nothing more than synthetic analogues of vitamin A. Retinoid creams are very good for sunburn.

The beneficial effect of retinol on epithelial cells improves the functional activity of the bronchi and lungs. Receiving vitamin A preparations for patients can speed up recovery in such organ pathologies. digestive tract, how peptic ulcer and colitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the walls of the large intestine).

Retinol is one of the most important organic compounds needed for normal prenatal development future child.

Women who are preparing to become mothers are advised to consume enough vitamin A to improve the nutrition of the fetus and reduce the likelihood of having an underweight baby.

For pregnant women, the daily intake of retinol should be 750-770 micrograms. For nursing mothers, the norm recommended by Russian doctors is higher - 1200-1300 mcg.

Important: during childbearing, you can not consume more than 6000 IU per day, because high doses have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. For the same reason, during pregnancy, women are categorically contraindicated in fish oil.

How much vitamin A is required per day?

The average intake of vitamin A for an adult is 3300 IU (1000 mcg) per day. Against the background of pathologies caused by hypovitaminosis A, it is recommended to increase consumption by 3 times (up to 10,000 IU).

Important:climatic conditions can affect the body's need for vitamin A. Cold weather has no effect on retinol metabolism, but a hot climate makes its own adjustments: the need for this vitamin increases significantly.

Babies in their first year of life need 400 micrograms of retinol per day. Children from 1 to 3 years old need 450 mcg of the vitamin, those aged 4 to 6 years need 500 mcg, and from 7 to 10 years old 700 mcg per day.

For teenagers, the rules are the same as for adults.

Note:the need is reduced in women who take birth control pills.

Hypovitaminosis: causes and symptoms

Plasma vitamin A levels are considered insufficient if they are below 0.35 µmol/L.

Even at a level of 0.70-1.22 µmol / l, the amount of retinol in its main “storage”, i.e., in the liver, is noticeably reduced.

The main reasons for the development of hypovitaminosis include:

For the full absorption of vitamin A, it is necessary to consume enough fats and complete protein. It must be present in food, the absence of which makes it difficult to absorb retinol.

Important:hypovitaminosis A is often observed in vegetarians who do not replace animal products with the necessary amount of high-grade vegetable protein.

The characteristic manifestations of hypovitaminosis include:

  • increased temperature sensitivity;
  • lowering the pain threshold;
  • early aging of the skin (the appearance of wrinkles);
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • feeling " foreign body"or" sand "in the eyes;
  • accumulation of mucus and the formation of crusts in the corners of the eyes;
  • urinary incontinence (sphincter weakness);
  • hyperesthesia (pathologically high degree sensitivity) tooth enamel;
  • deterioration of erectile function;
  • early ejaculation.

Very characteristic manifestation retinol deficiency is hemeralopia - a significant deterioration in vision at dusk.

Consequences of vitamin A deficiency:

  • xerophthalmia (dryness of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes);
  • clouding of the cornea;
  • precancerous pathologies and skin cancer;
  • atrophic gastritis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • pancreatitis;
  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • mastopathy;
  • malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
  • gynecological diseases (etc.);
  • cachexia (exhaustion);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • frequent respiratory infections;
  • cystic formations of the liver;
  • insomnia.

Indications for taking vitamin A

Vitamin A is prescribed orally, for injection (IM) or for local application if diagnosed:

  • pathology of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • burns, fractures and other injuries (to accelerate regeneration).

Mild and moderate hypovitaminosis require doses up to 33,000 IU for adult patients and from 1,000 to 5,000 for children. At skin diseases dosages are higher - 50000-100000 and 5000-10000 IU, respectively.


Important:vitamin A has a toxic effect on the body when consumed 25,000 IU per day.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • pain in the abdominal region;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • alopecia;
  • arthralgia;
  • "Zaedy" in the corners of the mouth;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • dry skin;
  • increased fragility and thickening of the nail plates.

Important:a lack of zinc leads to a violation of the absorption of retinol.

The combination of vitamin A and ethanol causes more significant liver damage than alcohol exposure.

Hello dear readers!
Not every one of us will begin to think about what foods contain vitamin A. The fact is that we are all unfairly unfamiliar with this useful nutrient. For example, each of us, having heard about vitamin C, will immediately say “Oh, this is for strong immunity", And about calcium -" It's for the bones. But why do we need vitamin A? It turns out that he, like his "brother" vitamin B, consists of a whole group of vitamins. In this article, I will talk about its benefits, as well as how the pro-vitamin beta-carotene differs from retinol.

NB! Retinol is the original form of the vitamin, it is also the growth vitamin that our body receives from food, and carotene is a provitamin, that is, a substance that enters our body and already forms vitamins in it.

The effect of vitamin A on our body

  • First of all, it is necessary for vision. Remember the childhood joke about carrots being good for the eyes because rabbits don't wear glasses? There is some truth in it: this product contains vitamin A, which helps the eye moisturize the cornea, improve the condition of the epithelium, and also “sharpen” visual perception eyes.
  • Bones and muscles also need it, especially growing ones. Also, a useful nutrient helps to form dental tissue. So if your baby has a milk clove and is about to hatch a permanent one, in addition to calcium-rich cottage cheese, let him crunch vegetables and other foods that have a lot of vitamin A (which ones are needed, I will tell you in detail below).
  • Retinol is a strong antioxidant. That is, he fights against the aging of every cell of our body, at the same time “vigorously watching” so that malignant neoplasms do not occur anywhere.
  • Not only vitamin C is needed for immunity. Beta-carotene also helps fight both the common cold and dangerous viruses.
  • Retinol is also essential for healthy skin and nails. Therefore, if it is not enough in the body, not a single cream will make your hands velvety.
  • This useful element is also necessary for sound sleep And normal operation nervous system.
  • Normal metabolism, stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, genitourinary systems are the result of an "A-diet", that is, a diet rich in this vitamin.

NB! Finally, this nutrient is important not only for maintaining health big organism, but also for the “building” of a small body, which is why gynecologists so often tell pregnant women about its importance.

What if there was too much?

Our body will immediately respond to an “overdose” with symptoms such as:

  • headache,
  • nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting,
  • itching (skin can be disturbed anywhere, including under the hair on the head),
  • chapped lips,
  • painful swelling,
  • increased emotional excitability.

Doctors reassure: if you "extract" this vitamin only from food, an overdose is unlikely to occur. Although this does not mean that you can overdo it with some particular food. Doctors warn: if too much fish oil enters the body, it “clogs” the intercellular membranes, which can even come back to haunt the formation of tumors.

NB! All of the above symptoms can be observed with a strong passion for pharmacy vitamin preparations. In order for the body to recover faster, the doctor may advise a “poor” diet for vitamin A, that is, the patient will have to choose foods that do not contain this nutrient, but have a lot of vitamin C.

And further! No matter how necessary and important retinol is for pregnant women, its excess for a woman in position is also dangerous.

How much of this vitamin does a person need?

The maximum daily allowance for an adult, for which doctors strongly do not recommend going, is considered 3000 mcg. But there are also norms, below which one should not fall too. They depend on the gender and age of each individual person.

  • A man needs 900 micrograms.
  • A woman or young girl (for example, a high school student) - 800 mcg.
  • Children from 4 to 8 years old - 400 mcg.
  • Toddler group (from one to three) - 300 mcg.
  • Infants (from six months to a year) - 500 mcg.
  • Newborns (up to six months of age) - 400 mcg.
  • Pregnant and lactating - 2800 mcg.

If the "milk mother" consumes a lot of foods containing vitamin A, she will not have to worry about complementary foods for the baby - he will receive an important nutrient with her milk.

How to eat right?

A, D, E, K - are fat-soluble vitamins therefore, without the presence of fats, they will not be absorbed. What do we have to do? Cod liver, egg yolk, cheeses, caviar already contain fats in their composition, but in order to get a vitamin from vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to prepare salads with the addition of vegetable oil or sour cream, for example, the recipe simple salad- from . When preparing first and second courses, vegetables should be stewed with the addition of vegetable oil. For example, when stewing onions with carrots, the oil turns orange, which indicates that the vitamin has dissolved in the oil.

22 Foods Highest in Vitamin A

We have all heard about how rich in beta-carotene carrots are. But in fact, most of this nutrient is in animal products - liver, fish oil, egg yolk are especially saturated with vitamin A. Where is it more, and how much exactly? The table will tell.

Content mcg(per 100g) Daily rate (in%)
beef liver 8367 837
Cod liver 4400 440
Carrot 2000 200
red rowan 1500 150
parsley 950 95
925 93
750 75
Spinach 750 75
653 63
Red caviar 450 45
434 43
386 39
Swiss cheese 300 30
leaf lettuce 292 29
cheddar cheese 277 28
267 27
250 25
250 25
250 25
200 20
200 20

What other foods contain this nutrient?

  • Rustic (that is, fatty) sour cream - 0.25 mg.
  • Sprats in oil - 0.15 mg. When buying this product, check where it is canned: in a seaside town, or somewhere in the outback. In the second case, thawed fish is clearly used, so canned food will turn out to be less useful!
  • Fresh sea ​​fish fatty varieties - 0.1 mg.
  • Fatty cottage cheese - 0.1 mg.
  • Melon. In 100 g of melon queen you will find 170 micrograms.
  • Tomatoes - 40 mcg.
  • Green peas - 38 mcg.
  • Green bell pepper - 18 mcg.

NB! To correctly understand which of the listed foods contains more vitamin A, you need to understand the difference between the designations “mg” and “mcg”. Mg is a milligram (0.001 gram) and mcg is a microgram (0.001 milligram).

Does it exist in oils?

Except for butter, it's practically non-existent. But you should not eat a salad of peppers and tomatoes without oil dressing. The fact is that pumpkin, corn, sesame, walnut or democratic sunflower oil help the pro-vitamin beta-carotene, getting into our body, turn into the retinol we need.

NB! By the way, if you often buy pharmacy vitamin complexes, you might notice that synthetic vitamin And pharmacists offer us exactly in the form of an oil solution. And this is no accident!

Lack of retinol and beta-carotene in the human body

  • Sudden appearance of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases. During the treatment of the organs of vision with drugs, it was found that therapeutic effect comes faster if a person begins to eat food, rich in vitamin BUT.
  • Various skin problems, especially on the face (pimples, dryness or roughness). The person may become painfully pale and perspire constantly. Also, skin problems can be caused by a malfunction. sebaceous glands. Finally, women may develop cellulite.
  • Problems with hair (they began to fall out more than usual, break).
  • Reduced immunity (only hands are frozen - a runny nose is already right there).
  • Constant apathy (fatigue piles up already in the morning).
  • The reaction of the brain slows down, the person becomes inattentive.
  • If this is a child, he may begin to lag behind peers in growth.

Finally, I would like to remind you: raw foods much more vitamins than boiled, stewed or baked. So it’s better to crunch on raw peppers or carrots than to cook stews from them. Of course, you are unlikely to want to use the liver "as is", but you should not overcook it either - in some cases, doctors generally recommend eating this product with blood, only holding it a little in a frying pan.

A feature of foods rich in vitamin A is also a complete non-combination with alcohol. So if you want your body to absorb all the retinol from the portion of food offered to you, drink it not with vodka or wine, but with juice. And if you have problems with nails, then let it be carrot in general!

Vitamin A also has a second name - retinol. A person needs to consume at least three quarters of a gram of this substance per day.

Lack of retinol in the body can lead to such backfire as: dry skin of the face and head, weakening of tooth enamel, deterioration of vision and immunity, loss of appetite, diseases of a very different nature.

That is why it is important to know the foods that can become a source of vitamin A in order to get it at any time. naturally.

Where is vitamin A found? Vegetables and greens

Vegetables with retinol can often be distinguished by their bright red or orange color. The most striking example is carrots: eating two pieces a day, you consume the daily intake of vitamin A. Also, the lack of vitamin A can be replenished by adding pumpkins, melons, red bell peppers, tomatoes. A lot of vitamin A is found in herbs and spices: in parsley - 950 mcg per 100 g of product. Exactly 10 times more (9500 mcg) of vitamin A is contained in 100 g of ordinary potatoes.

Green foods are also a source of vitamin A, namely:

green onions;


Beijing salad;




Polka dots.

Vitamin A, contained in vegetables and herbs, can be consumed without any harm to health, because for an overdose you need to eat really great amount these products.

There are recommendations for consumption: it is best to season a fresh vegetable salad with sour cream or add cheese, since in combination with vitamin A from animal products it will be absorbed much better. The addition of fats, such as olive oil, will also improve the absorption of the salad.

But carrots, oddly enough, are better to be boiled: in boiled carrots, unlike raw ones, biologically available beta-carotene is contained in a larger amount. The rule here is: the softer, the better, so it is best to use vegetables in a soft consistency, ideally in juice or mashed potatoes. We are not talking about packaged juices, but only about freshly squeezed ones.

Meat products that may contain vitamin A

You can draw retinol not only from vegetable products, but also from animal products. Here the risk of overdoing and getting an overdose is higher, because vitamin A is absorbed immediately. An excess will not only not benefit, but also harm the human body. What animal products contain vitamin A?

Cod liver oil can be called the undoubted leader: 100 g of the product covers the daily intake of vitamin A by 3333%, 100 g contains 30,000 mcg of this useful substance. But 100 grams of cod liver cannot be eaten just like that, with a spoon from a jar, because it is a very fatty product, so you should still use it for sandwiches.

Beef liver is also rich in retinol: eating only a small 100-gram piece of it, you can get 9442 micrograms of vitamin A. Apart from beef liver and cod liver, vitamin A contains:

In chicken, pork, goose and duck liver and kidneys;

In any granular caviar;

IN fatty varieties meat and fish, for example, in trout;

In sprats;

In the meat of chicken, pheasant, duck, quail, turkey, chicken;

In seafood - mussels, shrimp, anchovies.

It doesn't matter how all the products on the list are cooked: vitamin A tolerates any method of cooking. The content of the substance will drop a little after cooking, but these inevitable losses are not too significant.

Vitamin A: where is it found, except for vegetables and meat?

To find a vitamin that strengthens the immune system and gives elasticity to the skin, you should linger at the shelves with dairy products and eggs. Yolk chicken egg rich in vitamin A: 100 g of the product contains 908 mcg. Retinol is also found in cheese, milk, high-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, cheese. However, it is important to choose the right milk: only the milk of cows fed grass and hay will provide the body with the maximum amount of retinol.

Vitamin A contains oils in large quantities: butter, olive, linseed. Important point: The oil must be obtained by cold pressing, not refined, not deodorized, not refined. Otherwise, the initial content of vitamin A will be greatly reduced.

The use of vitamin A from berries and fruits will provide the body with the necessary antioxidants, which is very beneficial for the beauty of the skin and general well-being. Fruits and berries that contain the most vitamin A:

Apples, pears, mangoes;

Apricots, peaches, persimmons;

Rowan, viburnum, wild rose, cherry;

Blackberry, sea buckthorn, black currant;

Watermelons, melons and grapes;


Figs, pineapple.

Where to look for vitamin A in a pharmacy? Preparations in which it is definitely contained

Retinol isn't just found in the grocery store. Of course, getting vitamins from food is preferable, but sometimes it is easier and faster to get them. vitamin complex. Other medicines should be used with caution: in combination with vitamin A, tetracycline causes serious problems with health. You should not combine the intake of vitamins with alcohol libations, this will lead to undesirable consequences. At a minimum, the effect of vitamins will come to naught.

Now there are a lot of drugs and complexes, and it is not necessary to be afraid of the two terrible words "fish oil": modern vitamins easy to swallow, they almost do not smell. Sometimes vitamin A is prescribed in injections, then it will be required oil solution called A-palmitate.

Where else is vitamin A found? Some names of medicines: Aevit, Retinol, Aquadetrim.

Often you can find this vitamin in the complexes: Complivit, Gendevit, Pangeksavit and others.

Examples of foods that contain vitamin A

Vitamin A is not only useful, but also very tasty. Here are some recipes for dishes rich in this valuable substance, which can be called a "retinol bomb".

Salad "Sea"

Prepared from boiled shrimp, celery, apple, small red pepper, dressed with sour cream or olive oil to choose from.

Salad "Orange"

The main ingredient is carrots. This is an extremely simple salad from childhood: carrots and an apple are rubbed on a grater, seasoned with sour cream and a spoonful of sugar. If desired, you can add an additional product with vitamin A - parsley.

Spinach soup

Preparing simply: boiled spinach is added to roasted onions and carrots, a little butter and cream, all this is whipped in a blender. The density can be adjusted by adding more or less flour to the roast.

Liver paste

In the preparation of liver pate, the main thing is to stew the liver for a long time so that it becomes very soft. After that are added boiled eggs and boiled carrots, all together passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender, at the end added butter and seasonings, mixed.

Carrot casserole

For this dish you will need 2 carrots, butter (a teaspoon), egg, flour, milk, sugar, salt. Finely chopped carrots are stewed until soft, while a sauce of flour and milk is prepared in parallel. The sauce is combined with carrot puree, yolk and protein foam are added. All this is laid out in a mold, greased with oil, baked in the oven.

Vitamin A was the first to be discovered. That's why it got its name according to the first letter of the Latin alphabet. This vitamin is very important for a person. Foods containing vitamin A are not only tasty, but also healthy. This vitamin is a member of the group useful substances, soluble in fatty medium. Well, where is vitamin A contained, and in what forms, you can find out from this article.

Vitamin A is presented in two forms: original (retinol) and provitamin (carotene). They are considered strong antioxidants that can slow down the aging process in the human body.

"Vitamin of growth" is the same retinol. Among his useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body include:

  • maintaining vision;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • the ability to prevent the occurrence of cancer;
  • regeneration of skin cells.

To test for yourself the "miraculous" effect, it is worth knowing which foods contain vitamin A. Below we offer a list in which they are presented.

What products contain

It is worth noting that animal products are considered a source of vitamin and provitamin A.

In large quantities, retinol is found in the liver and fat of mammals, as well as marine inhabitants. So, for example, halibut occupies a leading position - its liver and fat contain the most of it. natural vitamin. On the second and third places are cod and salmon, respectively.

The percentage of vitamin A in foods is clearly shown in the table:

Retinol is also found in medical fish oil. It has 100 gr. weight contains 19 mg of a natural component.

Vitamin A is found in the liver of polar animals. But these foods are poisonous. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the "second heart" polar bear.

The amount of retinol contained in animal products directly depends on the food they eat. A striking example to that - medical cod-liver oil. Its vitamin content is much higher than that of pet products, as shown in the table. This is because the plankton that fish feed on also contains retinol.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are not direct sources of vitamin A. But some of them contain beta-carotene. It, in turn, promotes the production of retinol when ingested.

Most of this element is found in products that are colored by nature in green, orange, red and yellow. These include:

  • tomatoes, carrots, Bell pepper, spinach, broccoli;
  • pumpkin, watermelon, melon, red apples, apricots, pears.

From exotic fruits, the main sources of provitamin and the original vitamin A are oranges, pineapples, kiwi and pomegranate.

The spectrum of action of retinol

The value and role of this natural element is so high for the human body that it is advised to use it when various diseases. Products containing retinol and stimulating its production are considered indispensable for children and adults of any age. This useful element also has a beneficial effect on the body in the form of a prophylactic agent.

By learning about which foods contain the most vitamin A, you can supply it to the body constantly. The sources of such a natural element, which the table shows, can be eaten:

Plant and animal products (table above) that contain retinol are important for pregnant women. Vitamin A and beta-carotene contained in them in large quantities contributes to normal development fetus. His diet, subject to daily allowance future mother will be balanced.

Usually, the lack of weight in a newborn indicates that the new mother did not supply the body with the proper amount of retinol.

Dose required for a person

To calculate the required daily dose of vitamin A, the help of a specialist will become mandatory. His individual approach, based on many factors, will help determine the exact amount of retinol. He will also tell you what to eat in order to increase the content of such a natural substance.

Based on the overall picture, the following table suggests the daily dose for the average person.

Worth contacting without fail see a doctor if the body is found acute insufficiency this natural ingredient. Usually, in such situations, daily dose is prescribed by specialists from 1000 to 3000 mcg.

If you do not eat meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, which contain such a useful component as retinol and carotene, you can seriously harm the body.

Consequences of lack of it useful components and elements can affect:

  • eyes - in the form of visual impairment;
  • teeth - as the destruction of enamel;
  • hair - they will become dry, dandruff may appear;
  • skin;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • genitourinary system;
  • "women's" health;
  • mental state;
  • general well-being (dizziness, weakness).

It is also important to know which foods have the most retinol and carotene in order to increase their effect. This is possible with the simultaneous use of elements such as phosphorus, zinc, potassium, vitamins B, E, D.

Compatibility is best observed in natural elements A and E. The latter, in particular, is necessary for good absorption of retinol. As for the rest, they act as the main "builder". In other words, if the body lacks the nutrients listed above, then retinol simply does not form. It is worth remembering about contraindications. After all, such an element as retinol, contained in many products, is not compatible, first of all, with alcohol. The list of such substances is replenished with retinoids, which cause adverse processes in the body. In general, it is worth remembering that the natural components obtained by a person from natural meat, fish, fruits and vegetables are the most the best medicine. Therefore, take some time to find out which products have retinol in order to improve and strengthen your health.

Foods containing vitamin A are healthy and tasty. The very first vitamin discovered by scientists is retinol, which has pronounced antioxidant qualities. For this reason, he received the name - vitamin A - in accordance with the name of the first letter of the Latin alphabet. This vitamin is not soluble in the aquatic environment, and in order for the body to assimilate it, fats and minerals are required. Human body is able to accumulate vitamin A in the liver, which in turn allows you to live for a certain time without food products that contain retinol.

Despite the insolubility in the aquatic environment, retinol is destroyed during the culinary processing of products, for example, during cooking or canning. Most of retinol, approximately 60-80 percent remains after heat treatment. This vitamin is even more destroyed when products containing it are stored in the air for a long time.

Recent discoveries by qualified specialists have proven that retinol deficiency cannot be filled with food alone, so you should definitely take it in the form vitamin preparations. The spectrum of effects of retinol on the human body is extensive. Foods containing vitamin A are extremely important. Without this vitamin, complete protein synthesis, metabolism, cell health, bones, teeth, and the full distribution of lipid deposits are simply impossible. And vitamin A slows down aging and takes an active part in the appearance and formation of new cells.

Vitamin A is known to be very important for vision. Retinol plays an important role for the correct perception of light or photoreception, and also for a full state eye retina and functioning visual analyzers. It is interesting that the properties of vitamin A were known in ancient times, so doctors and healers treated night blindness with boiled liver. Thus, you can see the undeniable value of foods containing vitamin A.

In the case of a deficiency of this vitamin, it is simply impossible to fully function. immune system, and therefore there is no protection against infections and other ailments. Therefore, foods containing vitamin A should be included in the diet. Retinol is able to increase the resistance of mucous membranes to various viruses, and also helps to increase the activity of leukocytes, protects against infections Airways, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system. In case of vitamin A deficiency, malfunctions are possible endocrine system. It is very important to eat foods that contain vitamin A.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Vitamin A is found in yellow, red, green vegetables, fruits, and also in berries and herbs. From plants and fruits contain the most retinol: carrots, pumpkin, apricots, spinach, parsley.

The best sources of this vitamin are liver and fish oil, egg yolks, butter, whole milk, cream. Skimmed milk, grains, beef, contain a very small amount of this vitamin.

When a person eats vegetables and fruits that are rich in beta-carotene, the body, with the help of oxidative reactions converts all these substances into vitamin A.

How much vitamin A does a person need?

The need of each organism for retinol is individual, an important role is played by gender, physique, age, physical and mental condition body and many other factors, but still, it is necessary for everyone to consume foods containing vitamin A without exception. For instance, daily requirement men is 700-1000 micrograms, women need 600-800 micrograms, but during pregnancy should increase the rate by 100 micrograms, and all nursing mothers need even more than men with a large physique, since 1200 micrograms are required. Children and adolescents should get at least 400-1000 micrograms from foods containing vitamin A. In cases acute shortage qualified professionals prescribe up to 3000 micrograms of retinol per day.

In addition, it should always be borne in mind that hard work, illness, stress significantly increase the need for retinol. Climatic conditions also affect the need for this vitamin, so in a temperate or cold climate it is not necessary to increase the norm, but in a hot climate the need for a vitamin increases significantly.

From the table below, it is clear in what quantity and in what foods vitamin A is contained.

Vitamin A content in foods

Foodvitamin A
mg per 100 g
Fish fat 19
chicken liver 12
beef liver 8,2
Cod liver 4,4
Lamb liver 3,6
Pork liver 3,4
Beluga caviar granular 1,0
Acne 0,9
Quail eggs 0,5
Butter unsalted 0,5
Caviar caviar granular 0,45
chicken eggs 0,35
Dry cream 0,35
cheddar cheese 0,30
Cheese Russian 0,26
Roquefort cheese 0,25
Cream 35% 0,25
Sour cream 30% 0,23
beef heart 0,23
Beef kidneys 0,23
Poshekhonskiy cheese 0,23
Dutch cheese 0,20
Sprats in oil 0,15
Processed cheese 0,15
Whole milk powder 0,13
Brynza 0,12
Fat cottage cheese 0,10
Kura 0,09
Condensed milk with sugar 0,04
Herring 0,03
curdled milk 0,02
acidophilus 0,02
Kefir fat 0,02
cocoa powder 0,02
Rabbit meat 0,01
horse mackerel 0,01
Cod 0,01