What vitamins belong to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins. Properties of fat-soluble vitamins

The optimal metabolism in the human body is the first indicator of the fact that he is healthy. Do you want to be always healthy? Then you cannot do without the use of elements such as fat-soluble vitamins. Some are able to accumulate by the human body on their own, while others - people can only get them by consuming them from the outside (from products or drugs purchased at the pharmacy). The only condition is the complete interaction of nutrients with an organic solvent.

The substances necessary for the body, which participate in metabolic processes with the help of fat, have received the "name" fat-soluble vitamins. Their active components begin to decay, saturating cells with useful substances only when combined with fats, both plant and animal origin. If there is no fat, then the substances necessary for the body are practically not absorbed - vitamin deficiency sets in. There is a decrease in immunity, brittle nails, hair, apathy, a general deterioration in a person's condition. Excess constituents of nutrients accumulate in the liver and then are removed in the urine.

The role of fat-soluble vitamins in the human body

The main function of vitamins is to saturate each cell of the human body with useful micro- and macroelements. The biological composition of cells is designed in such a way that with a lack of one component, they disintegrate and are destroyed. The complex of timely taken useful substances preserves youth, beauty of a person, his health, longevity. Some of their components help cells fight free radicals (groups A, D).

What vitamins are fat-soluble - list

Fat-soluble vitamins include groups of substances such as A, E, D, K, F, useful for the body. If at least one component is lacking, the functions of organs may be impaired, which affects not only the appearance of a person, but also the state of health. To avoid these consequences, you need to carefully build your diet. Saturating the nutritional system with all the necessary substances, you can achieve excellent health and a beautiful appearance.

Vitamin A

If your visual acuity has decreased, the body's defensive reaction to viruses, and other health problems have appeared, this is the body's first impulse to a lack of vitamin A. This group of elements is responsible for:

  • condition of the skin;
  • normal metabolism in the body;
  • the formation of teeth, skeletal system;
  • work of immunity, elasticity of human mucous membranes;
  • retinal health (retinol), low light vision.

This substance in a ready-to-eat form is contained inside the yolk of an egg, liver, and fish oil. The body can produce vitamin A on its own through transformation from beta-carotene, which is found in legumes, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, apricot, and melon. This substance is found in sweet peppers, milk, cheese products, vegetables and fruits of bright red or orange colors.

An overabundance of a substance of group A can lead to the opposite effect. A person will become more likely to get sick with viral diseases, peeling of the skin may appear, vision deterioration, the state of the skeletal system. The main rule is to observe a sense of proportion so that the daily requirement of a given substance inside the body does not exceed the norm necessary for health.

Vitamin E

An important component for prolonging youth, beauty, reproductive health for all genders is vitamin E, the basis of which is tocopherol (a powerful antioxidant). Combining it with retinol helps slow down the oxidation process of the latter. Group E substances improve muscle tone, blood circulation inside the body. It is better to take them from oils of animal and vegetable origin, sprouted grains. Meat, milk, liver, eggs help to fill its deficit. Otherwise, the work of the heart, vascular, nervous systems is disrupted, which leads to infertility, anemia.

Vitamin D

A group D substance has several advantages:

  • normalizes the process of assimilation of calcium and phosphorus inside the human intestine;
  • participates in the formation of teeth, bones;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • possesses anticarcinogenic properties (blocks the appearance of tumor compounds and cells);
  • is capable of being produced by itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and accumulates in adipose tissue and liver.

This component, useful for the body, is found in butter, milk, eggs, cheese, fat and fish liver, and cereal products. It helps to avoid breast cancer and osteoporosis in adults. You need to treat it with caution. With an excess of vitamin D, headache, muscle weakness, damage to the vessels of the heart and kidneys occur. Children less than one year old should take a drug containing a substance of group D, in order to avoid the development of rickets.

Vitamin K

The component of the K group is known for its excellent control over the processes:

  • metabolism in bones and connective tissue;
  • assimilation of calcium;
  • blood clotting;
  • proper functioning of the kidneys.

During the work of the digestive system of a healthy person, vitamin K (phylloquinone) is produced and accumulated in the intestines. If it is not enough, people experience bleeding from the gums, prolonged healing of cuts and wounds. It is easy to make up for the deficiency of this component in the body from dairy products, cereals, liver, lettuce, cabbage.

Vitamin F

If you have problems with the skin, hair, nails, cardiovascular system, then it makes sense to make up for the lack of vitamin F in the body. This complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, linolenic and linoleic) is responsible for normal blood circulation, improves skin regeneration. Substance F strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. They are rich in oil from flax, walnut, olives, corn, sunflower.

The properties and functions of vitamins of group A, E, D, K, F are shown in the table below. The classification of these elements allows in some cases to use them as a medicine for diseases. These vitamins help to quickly affect metabolic processes in the body, improve not only a person's appearance, but also his internal functionality. The table indicates how each specific vitamin is useful, what it contains, and it is written about the possible harm to the body in case of deficiency.

Fat-soluble vitamins - characteristics and names. Table of fat-soluble vitamins - all about medicines and health on Zdravie4ever.ru

How to provide the body with them and what the lack of them leads to, we will find out in more detail.

What is it: main characteristics

It enters the body along with certain but its main share is produced on the basis of cholesterol in the skin under the influence of sun (ultraviolet) rays.

However, calciferol is needed not only for the formation of bone tissue:

  • but also for their strengthening, fusion: it is additionally prescribed for fractures, during menopause (when bone strength decreases after operations to accelerate wound healing;
  • cosmetologists use calciferol to improve growth
  • it reduces the risk of
  • also known as elixir
  • together with elements A and C avoiding
  • calciferol stimulates the thyroid gland and also removes lead from tissues.

The lack of this substance is usually complained about by people who rarely visit fresh air.However, a decrease in its level in the human body today is a common phenomenon: due to atmospheric pollution, the presence of smog over cities, the concentration of sunlight decreases.

In this case, it will help to correct the situation. vitamin D derived from foods:

  • butter;

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, was discovered in 1922 through research.

Only hydrogen, carbon and oxygen are found in its composition, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most important trace elements of the human body, which is responsible for the ability to reproduce.

Important!In fact, element E is a collective name for two subgroups of tocopherols and tocotrienols, which are very similar in structure and properties, but differ in the degree of biological activity.

Characterizing this connection, it is worth noting the following:

  • like all representatives of the fat-soluble group, it does not dissolve in an aqueous medium and accumulates in adipose tissues, liver, as well as adrenal glands and pituitary gland. But, unlike most other vitamins, its excess is removed from the body quickly, so this complex is non-toxic;
  • not afraid of high temperatures, the action of acids. However, upon repeated heating, it loses the bulk of its useful properties;
  • the human body is able to assimilate no more than 50% of vitamin E contained in foods at a time (provided there is a sufficient amount of bile acids for their processing).

In addition to reproductive function, tocotrienols and tocopherols work in other directions:

  • stimulate the endocrine system;
  • take part in protein metabolism, ensuring development (for this they are so loved
  • protect the body from the harm of free radicals due to the presence of a free OH group.
  • during the prevention of the appearance of pathologies in the fetus.
You can replenish its stocks using:
  • and in

    Lack of calciferol (D-compound) leads to underdevelopment of bones and rickets in childhood, and in adults it is fraught with osteoporosis.

    It leads to extremely negative consequences for the body lack of vitamin E: it provokes malfunctions of the nervous system, heart, and can also cause

    We believe we were able to provide an explanation of what fat-soluble vitamins are. Their role is difficult to overestimate, but it is worth remembering an important nuance: their excess is also extremely harmful to the body. If it is correct, there is no need for additional vitamin complexes, therefore, without an appointment, it is better not to use them in order to avoid an overdose.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


The optimal metabolism in the human body is the first indicator of the fact that he is healthy. Do you want to be always healthy? Then you cannot do without the use of elements such as fat-soluble vitamins. Some are able to accumulate by the human body on their own, while others - people can only get them by consuming them from the outside (from products or drugs purchased at the pharmacy). The only condition is the complete interaction of nutrients with an organic solvent.

What are fat-soluble vitamins

The substances necessary for the body, which participate in metabolic processes with the help of fat, have received the "name" fat-soluble vitamins. Their active components begin to decay, saturating cells with useful substances only when combined with fats, both plant and animal origin. If there is no fat, then the substances necessary for the body are practically not absorbed - vitamin deficiency sets in. There is a decrease in immunity, brittle nails, hair, apathy, a general deterioration in a person's condition. Excess constituents of nutrients accumulate in the liver and then are removed in the urine.

The role of fat-soluble vitamins in the human body

The main function of vitamins is to saturate each cell of the human body with useful micro- and macroelements. The biological composition of cells is designed in such a way that with a lack of one component, they disintegrate and are destroyed. The complex of timely taken useful substances preserves youth, beauty of a person, his health, longevity. Some of their components help cells fight free radicals (groups A, D).

What vitamins are fat-soluble - list

Fat-soluble vitamins include groups of substances such as A, E, D, K, F, useful for the body. If at least one component is lacking, the functions of organs may be impaired, which affects not only the appearance of a person, but also the state of health. To avoid these consequences, you need to carefully build your diet. Saturating the nutritional system with all the necessary substances, you can achieve excellent health and a beautiful appearance.

Vitamin A

If your visual acuity has decreased, the body's defensive reaction to viruses, and other health problems have appeared, this is the body's first impulse to a lack of vitamin A. This group of elements is responsible for:

  • condition of the skin;
  • normal metabolism in the body;
  • the formation of teeth, skeletal system;
  • work of immunity, elasticity of human mucous membranes;
  • retinal health (retinol), low light vision.

This substance in a ready-to-eat form is contained inside the yolk of an egg, liver, and fish oil. The body can produce vitamin A on its own through transformation from beta-carotene, which is found in legumes, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, apricot, and melon. This substance is found in sweet peppers, milk, cheese products, vegetables and fruits of bright red or orange colors.

An overabundance of a substance of group A can lead to the opposite effect. A person will become more likely to get sick with viral diseases, peeling of the skin may appear, vision deterioration, the state of the skeletal system. The main rule is to observe a sense of proportion so that the daily requirement of a given substance inside the body does not exceed the norm necessary for health.

Vitamin E

An important component for prolonging youth, beauty, reproductive health for all genders is vitamin E, the basis of which is tocopherol (a powerful antioxidant). Combining it with retinol helps slow down the oxidation process of the latter. Group E substances improve muscle tone, blood circulation inside the body. It is better to take them from oils of animal and vegetable origin, sprouted grains. Meat, milk, liver, eggs help to fill its deficit. Otherwise, the work of the heart, vascular, nervous systems is disrupted, which leads to infertility, anemia.

Vitamin D

A group D substance has several advantages:

  • normalizes the process of assimilation of calcium and phosphorus inside the human intestine;
  • participates in the formation of teeth, bones;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • possesses anticarcinogenic properties (blocks the appearance of tumor compounds and cells);
  • is capable of being produced by itself under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and accumulates in adipose tissue and liver.

This component, useful for the body, is found in butter, milk, eggs, cheese, fat and fish liver, and cereal products. It helps to avoid breast cancer and osteoporosis in adults. You need to treat it with caution. With an excess of vitamin D, headache, muscle weakness, damage to the vessels of the heart and kidneys occur. Children less than one year old should take a drug containing a substance of group D, in order to avoid the development of rickets.

Vitamin K

The component of the K group is known for its excellent control over the processes:

  • metabolism in bones and connective tissue;
  • assimilation of calcium;
  • blood clotting;
  • proper functioning of the kidneys.

During the work of the digestive system of a healthy person, vitamin K (phylloquinone) is produced and accumulated in the intestines. If it is not enough, people experience bleeding from the gums, prolonged healing of cuts and wounds. It is easy to make up for the deficiency of this component in the body from dairy products, cereals, liver, lettuce, cabbage.

Vitamin F

If you have problems with the skin, hair, nails, cardiovascular system, then it makes sense to make up for the lack of vitamin F in the body. This complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, linolenic and linoleic) is responsible for normal blood circulation, improves skin regeneration. Substance F strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. They are rich in oil from flax, walnut, olives, corn, sunflower.

The properties and functions of vitamins of group A, E, D, K, F are shown in the table below. The classification of these elements allows in some cases to use them as a medicine for diseases. These vitamins help to quickly affect metabolic processes in the body, improve not only a person's appearance, but also his internal functionality. The table indicates how each specific vitamin is useful, what it contains, and it is written about the possible harm to the body in case of deficiency.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Found a mistake in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we'll fix it! Human health is the main indicator of good mood and vitality. Today, 85% of diseases are associated with environmental pollution. Air, water, food in the modern world are not environmentally friendly. The body needs constant nutrition in the form of vitamins and dietary supplements.

Fat-soluble vitamins: basic characteristics

Fat-soluble vitamins are organic compounds that are vital for humans and animals. Promote the active work of the body over a long period of time.

The daily dose required for normal life is very small. But its absence can lead to metabolic disorders, subsequently to a decrease in immunity, various diseases, weight gain, and acceleration of the aging process of the body. At the same time, excessive consumption of vitamins can cause more harm to the body than a lack of them.

This group of vitamins is called elixir of life and youth ... Our body is not able to synthesize them on its own, so we get them with the use of food of animal and plant origin. Depending on age and gender, each person needs a certain dose of fat-soluble vitamins every day. It is difficult to calculate it correctly at home. In the pharmaceutical industry, a whole range of vitamin medicines has been developed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The main characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins are their ability to dissolve and accumulate in the body, mainly in the liver and subcutaneous fat. There are four main groups: A, D, E, K.

General properties of fat-soluble vitamins

  • Highly soluble in fats.
  • They are components of cell membranes that are involved in metabolism.
  • They are able to accumulate in the subcutaneous fat, creating a supply of vitamins in the liver. Excretion from the body occurs naturally.
  • Contained in products of animal and vegetable origin: meat, milk, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables, fruits and vegetable oils.
  • Fat-soluble substances are practically not excreted from the body. Therefore, with a balanced diet, there is no shortage of them.
  • Overdose is more common. Excessive use of these substances often leads to intestinal upset and various diseases.

Functions of fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A - retinol ... The assimilation of this element by the body occurs better with edible fats, has good solubility. It can accumulate in nerve tissues, bone marrow, heart, ovaries, testes. Vitamins of this group are responsible for maintaining youth and slowing down the aging process. Retinol normalizes the function of vision and hearing, improves skin condition, stimulates the growth of nails and hair, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys. Acts as an auxiliary element for vitamin C.

Lack of vitamin A in the body can cause infections of the hearing organs. Many people suffer from a deficiency due to the fact that it does not accumulate in the body, with the exception of the liver, from where the vitamin is excreted in the form of carotene. Vitamins of this group are used when allergic reactions occur, as well as in combination with other drugs.

Carotene Is a hydrocarbon contained in the leaves of orange-colored fruits. Its presence in the body is very important! The shortage leads to serious illnesses:

  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis.
Overdose is rare. The main symptoms of excess are: skin rash, swelling, nausea, insomnia, hair loss.

Important! Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and carcinogenic products reduces the content of vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin D - calciferol ... The presence of this substance in the body is very important for newborn children, since the vitamin is responsible for the function of strengthening bones and forming the skeleton. It is obtained partly during meals, and partly under the influence of sunlight.

Vitamin D helps phosphorus and calcium to settle in bones. It has a beneficial effect on the strengthening and growth of teeth. Prevents rickets, stabilizes the absorption of salts.

The lack of this element in the body is observed mainly in children, since the entire reserve is consumed in the process of growth and strengthening of the skeleton. Therefore, it is very important to follow the diet of the child. Lack of vitamin A can lead to rickets.

This element is found in grains, milk, eggs and vegetables. And since the vitamin helps the work of calcium and phosphorus, it is prescribed for diseases of the joints and spine. Dosed depending on the sex and age of the person.

Important! Toxic substances are emitted as part of the element, therefore, before using it, you should consult a specialist.

Vitamin E is tocopherol. This vitamin is responsible for the safety of our cells and has an anti-toxic effect. It enters the body through the use of vegetable oils, animal fats, eggs and milk. Has a direct impact on the activation of the endocrine system, adrenal glands, especially the gonads, improving the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Tocopherol for the human body performs the function of protection from radiation, from the action of heavy metals, medicinal and toxic substances. It improves blood circulation, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It has a beneficial effect on vision, preserving vitamin A in the retina.

It is of no small importance for the female body, as it helps to restore reproductive functions, helps the intrauterine development of the fetus. Vitamin E keeps beauty and youthfulness. It is used to treat eye and skin diseases, diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease.

Lack of vitamin E in the body can cause cardiovascular diseases, cataracts of the eyes, muscle weakness, impaired reproductive functions, and acceleration of the aging process.

An overabundance of an element is extremely rare. But its presence leads to an increase in blood pressure, bowel disease, toxicosis in pregnant women, depression, impaired potency in men.

In the next article, you will learn.

Vitamin K - phylloquinone. The lack of this substance can be traced if a person's blood is difficult to stop. It is this vitamin that helps to normalize its clotting. The element improves liver function, participates in the formation of the skeleton. It enters the body with food, mainly vegetables.

This vitamin is used to stop bleeding, preserve the fetus in pregnant women, and during breastfeeding. In surgical practice, it is used before operations, in particular, for cesarean section.

In the human body, there is a constant accumulation of toxic, chemical and medicinal substances. Vitamin helps to remove them from the body.

Unlike other elements, vitamin K is produced by the body on its own in the required amount, provided that liver functions are not impaired. Otherwise, there is a deficit. The deficiency manifests itself in infants due to the low vitamin content in the mother's milk and with long-term use of strong medications.

Additional Information. Despite the fact that vitamin K is contained in the body in sufficient quantities, it is highly soluble and disappears under the influence of heat. Therefore, there is a need for constant replenishment.

Essential foods containing fat-soluble vitamins

Scientists' observations show that vitamin A mostly found in fish oil and liver, it is found in eggs, cream, milk, raw vegetables and fruits of orange, red and yellow colors: papaya, apricot, pumpkin, carrot, tomato.

Important! An excess of vitamin A in the body of the expectant mother leads to early toxicosis, as well as to fetal mutations. Fish oil is contraindicated during pregnancy!

Availability vitamin D can be traced in cheeses, cottage cheese, dairy products, vegetable and butter, fish liver, fish oil. For a normal diet, elements of this group are also found in plant products: potatoes, oatmeal, alfalfa, dandelion leaves, parsley, nettle, horsetail.

Vitamin D actively interacts with vitamins of other groups. Babies are given it in the form of fish oil. For good absorption, the drug is produced in capsules.

Orange contains fiber to improve digestion and a whole range of vitamins. Eating it in food increases appetite and mood. For medical purposes, it is recommended to take citrus fruit for diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels and, in general, to normalize metabolism.

Walnut is not only a tasty product, but also a medicine. It activates the brain, is a source of energy, strengthens the walls of the heart and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, helps to improve the structure of hair, muscles and bones.

Vitamin K lives in vegetables with green leaves: white cabbage, broccoli, green peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, kiwi, bananas, rose hips, soybean and olive oil and in animal products: dairy products, beef and pork liver, eggs and fish fat.

The need and properties of fat-soluble vitamins (video)

Let's watch a short video detailing what foods need to be eaten in order to receive vitamins, their properties and daily doses, deficiency and overdose, signs of diseases when consumed in excess.

Vitamins are vital organic compounds that humans and animals need for a healthy life. They are obtained from plant and animal foods, as well as special additives. All of them can be divided into fat-soluble and vitamin-like compounds. In this article, we'll take a closer look at fat-soluble vitamins. These include compounds A, D, E, and K.

They have a number of the following properties:

  • They enter cell membranes.
  • Soluble in fats, not affected by water.
  • They accumulate well in the fat capsules of internal organs and subcutaneous fat, creating a strong reserve.
  • Due to their good accumulation and slow excretion from the body, a lack of fat-soluble vitamins is very rare.
  • The main source is animal food (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, etc.), less found in plant foods.
  • Overdose entails serious consequences in the body, especially if these are compounds A and D.

Fat-soluble vitamins: functions

  1. Biological function - maintenance of cell membranes in a normal state.
  2. Help the body absorb food , provide the breakdown of fats.
  3. Induce protein synthesis. Vitamin D has a special hormonal activity in this regard.
  4. Antioxidants A and E have a protective function and protect from free radicals.

Let's consider each of the fat-soluble vitamins in more detail, and give them a general description.

A (retinol)

It is an antioxidant essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, vision, bones, and improving immunity. It is available in two forms: ready-made vitamin A (retinol) and provitamin A (carotene) - it is converted into a complete one after entering the body. ?

It performs many functions:

  • regulation of protein synthesis;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • the formation of teeth, bones and fatty deposits;
  • participation in the creation and growth of new cells;
  • slowing down aging, etc.

To assimilate it, you need a fatty medium and auxiliary minerals. In general, it accumulates well in the body, so it does not need to be replenished daily.

Sources of

  • Eggs, dairy products and milk, liver, beef.
  • Sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, apples, peanuts, almonds and other nuts, legumes, cereals, rose hips, Brussels sprouts, bran, soy, asparagus, celery and carrot tops, etc.

Synthetic sources - vitamin complexes, Undevit, etc., separate preparations of alpha-tocopherol acetate.

A group of vitamins that provide a good level of blood clotting and are involved in the synthesis of proteins. Plays an important role for the metabolism of bones and connective tissue, in the work of the kidneys. Also, vitamins of this group are involved in strengthening the skeletal system, providing cells with energy, building lung and heart tissues.

performs the following functions:

  • Through its active participation in the process of blood clotting, it helps to avoid unnecessary bleeding in the event of damage.
  • Provides the interaction of D and calcium, thanks to which it improves their digestibility.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of osteocalcin - a protein that ensures the restoration and formation of bones, treats osteoporosis, improves kidney function.
  • Provides the creation of proteins, which are essential for good lung and heart function.
  • Removes accumulated toxins from the body.
  • Participates in the regulation of the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • It has a prophylactic effect in the case of senile inflammation.

Sources of

Most of the person gets from food, the rest is synthesized in the intestinal microflora. For assimilation, high-quality work of the gallbladder and liver is needed.

  • Animals: eggs, milk and dairy, beef liver.
  • Vegetable: spinach, rose hips, green vegetables, asparagus, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, oatmeal, kiwi, avocado, bananas, seaweed, alfalfa, cereals, etc.
  • Chemical: "Vikasol", multivitamin complexes.

These are the four fat-soluble vitamins. Now you know what functions they perform and what they are for. It is important to take them in the correct dosage to avoid vitamin deficiency and hypervitaminosis.

If a person eats a variety of fresh and healthy foods in a balanced manner, leads a healthy lifestyle and often spends time outdoors, especially in the summer months, this will not be a problem.

Vitamins are often taken in courses as dietary supplements in individual cases, as well as in the off-season. To determine the appropriate dosages, look at the special tables, which indicate the correct doses depending on personal data (gender, age, lifestyle, etc.). It will also be useful to consult a doctor - he will prescribe a course of taking vitamins if necessary.

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