How a maiden breaks up. Does a Virgo man return after a breakup? Psychology of men How virgin men part

I think we should immediately put all the dots over the "I". If you are sentimental and dream of fabulous love, you should immediately part with your new acquaintance - the Virgin, otherwise, instead of the expected Lucullus feast, you risk getting a modest vegetarian dinner, consisting of a watery soup seasoned with several roots, and a handful of rice poured with vegetable oil. A true gourmet is unlikely to like this.

The Virgo man exists entirely on a practical, materialistic level; he simply does not have time for all sorts of unearthly passions. He is certainly not the type to serenades under your window, and even if you lower a rope ladder from the window so that he can climb it, he is unlikely to use it, preferring to enter through an ordinary door.

In fact, the Virgo very early, even in childhood, experience a feeling of love, but not of the same type as the immortal passion of Romeo and Juliet. In his concept, the word "love" is associated with selfless devotion to family and friends and in general to beings weaker and less organized than himself. Virgo is born with an instinctive love of work, duty and discipline and devotion to the defenseless. Even those of them who do not follow such high ideals in life are constantly experiencing internal remorse.

The type of love that is expressed in passionate promises, stormy scenes and sweet, sentimental babble leaves the Virgo man downright cold. On the contrary, it may even frighten him and push him to flee. If your romance proceeds with moderate ardor, you may be able to melt the feelings of this person, made as if from ice and steel. There are certain secret approaches to the heart of the Virgo man. Aggressive pursuit is not among them, as well as coquetry and even supersensuality, which many passionate divas, to their surprise and disappointment, could see.

In love, Virgos seek, first of all, quality, not quantity. And since high quality is a rather rare thing, there are very few novels in the life of male Virgos, but even those that happen most often end tragically. A typical Virgo reaction is to dig even deeper into work, avoid socializing, and be twice as careful next time. Therefore, having chosen a Virgo man for yourself, you will have to develop some strategy in order to succeed. The main desire of the Virgin is chastity, and the Virgin is able to deviate from this principle only for the sake of a very worthy woman. Many Virgos, although not all, can live in abstinence much longer than other signs of the zodiac, and not experience any inconvenience. A sense of discipline and submission to fate is deeply rooted in Virgo, and if fate wants him to remain a bachelor, then so be it.

The Virgo man, although he is not always aware of this, is a sophisticated seducer. The combination of wit and rationalism attracts many women, but he himself, being a master of critical analysis, rarely gets carried away enough to take the relationship from platonic to more earthly. In order for a Virgo man to catch fire with passion, the object of his love must be truly unique. There are, of course, cases when the Virgo is so carried away that she succumbs to ordinary earthly passions. But these cases are extremely rare and passion passes quickly. In the love of the Virgin there is always an element of virginity and primordial purity, which is never clouded, even in moments of the highest passion.

The Virgo man spends a lot of precious time looking for his chosen one - no less than food, clothes, health and work, because he takes everything very seriously. Don't try to lie to him, he still sees right through you and has no illusions. He longs for an honest and equal union. He is well aware that it is very difficult for him, with his claims, to find the desired object of love, but, nevertheless, he will not agree to a surrogate.

A Virgo man is quite difficult to emotionally captivate. Sometimes he can stay with you for a very long time without showing any external signs of love, and you decide that he simply does not have a heart. But it's not. He has a heart. And whoever has the patience will be able to verify this.

As soon as he realizes that you are his true chosen one, he will immediately let you know this. His love will burn with an even, soft flame, without flashes characteristic of other signs, but the warmth with which he surrounds you will warm you from all life's adversities and storms. Is this not enough? In the love of the Virgo man, there is still a quality inherent in the love of fairy-tale princes: if you are his true love, he will go through all the trials to achieve you, travel thousands of miles to press his only beloved to his heart. In the name of his love, he is able to sacrifice a lot and will adore you all his life.

After you become his wife, he will not make you jealous, trying to court another, and will try to do everything so that no emotional and material difficulties touch you. The only thing he needs is to constantly feel you next to him. You will not find a better comforter and helper when your heart is broken or you are sick. True, he will not shower you with money, but you will always be provided with everything you need and you will be given maximum attention.

The Virgo man is very attentive to the little things that women attach so much importance to. Possessing a clear memory, he remembers all the small, but important dates and events for you, although he is slightly perplexed why they are so important to you. The Virgo man will never throw you wild, ugly scenes of jealousy, but you must remember that the Virgo is the owner like no one else, so try not to walk too far from home, otherwise, when you return home one day, you will find that there is no one there . Virgo men, loyal by nature, hate the thought of breaking family ties, but if you go too far, he will divorce you without hesitation. And without stormy scenes, pleas, tears, reconciliations. The end is the end. As they say, sorry - goodbye.

After all, he belongs to the breed of those who believe that glued shards are not the same thing as a whole cup, and you cannot restore the destroyed harmony.

If you have fallen in love with a Virgo man, think about what and how you say it. Virgos hate stupidity and ignorance no less than dirt and vulgarity. I advise the girlfriend of the Virgo man not only to dress elegantly, but discreetly and have an elegant hairstyle, but also to have a smart head.

Of course, you may not master the art of the chef of an expensive restaurant, but do not console yourself with the thought that your Virgo husband will allow you to feed him canned food. A self-serving, stupid, lazy woman, even if she belongs to the category of sex bombs, will never succeed with a Virgo man. After all, he is looking primarily for a wife-friend, and not a mistress.

Virgo men do not have a strong attraction to fatherhood to confirm their masculinity, they do not need children at all. Therefore, Virgos usually have very small families. But if the child is still born, Virgo will pay him the closest attention; he is a very responsible parent. He will be happy to work with the child, read to him, teach him all kinds of skills, help with homework, take walks, with special emphasis on intellectual development. Even in the event of a divorce, the Virgo father will not lose interest in raising a child. He is not one to spoil children, so his child will grow up disciplined. Virgo, however, can be reproached for some coldness in relation to children, which over time can grow into a whole wall of misunderstanding. Sometimes Virgo fathers are too critical, expecting too much from their children, more than they can give.

The Virgo husband loves when you take care of his health, in turn, he pays you in the same coin. Sometimes Virgo has an overly grouchy mood. At such moments, let him grumble alone, then he himself will come to you and surprise you with his tenderness. Let him take care of you. This does not contradict his character and gives him pleasure.

If, after all that has been said, you have not changed your mind about making Virgo your chosen one, you will get a smart, intelligent, although perhaps somewhat coldish spouse. He is reliable and pleasant, if you are so tactful that you will not notice his mistakes and shortcomings. And to be honest, he doesn't have many flaws. Well, just think, when he comes home from work, he likes to run his finger over the furniture to see if there is dust on it.

Learn to respect his habits. Regardless of whether you like what he does or not, do not reprimand him, do not be a bore. Take his criticism with a laugh and you won't have any problems. Virgo husband is not an angel, but many women will envy you.

After all, how many husbands are there who work from dawn to dusk, neat, fit, outwardly pleasant, remembering the anniversary of your first meeting, always having money, rarely visiting men's companies and almost never having mistresses? Take a look around. I think you have every right to consider yourself the happiest of mortals.

Men born under the sign have a sharp analytical mind. They are careerists by nature and love money very much. If such a man marries, then his wife can be completely confident in the financial well-being of her family. Very often, it is the representatives of this sign who take the leading positions of large global companies.

Virgin very picky in choosing friends and even more selective in choosing a life partner. Among male virgins, the largest statistics of bachelors. The reasons lie in the personal characteristics of the representatives of this zodiac. For them, making an offer is such an important and responsible step that very often they do not do it at all.

Here you have to show initiative to partners if they want a legal relationship. Virgos never quarrel over trifles, they are very vulnerable and prefer to smooth out conflicts than bring them to open confrontation, it hurts them too much.

Reasons for leaving, due to which the Virgo man will not return

Virgo man in no hurry to enter into a new relationship. He will look at the girl for a long time and mentally make predictions for the future. It's hard for him to turn his head. This zodiac is guided by cold calculation. And the virgins do not tolerate pressure and obsession.

Therefore, it is important to keep a distance when the relationship is just - just starting, otherwise you can frighten off a man and it will be almost impossible to return him. For example, private calls or other reminders of yourself will only worsen the relationship.

It will be especially negative for the virgin trying to distract him from work. We must not forget that all men are virgins careerists. One has only to try to stand between such a workaholic and his favorite job, as the love affair will immediately come to an end. Virgo chooses work.

Virgos can't stand cheating. Even the slightest lie or innuendo can cause a breakup. The man himself is always honest and demands the same from his partner. If you want a long and trusting relationship, never deceive a virgin!

Virgo man cannot stand if his honor and dignity are violated. Any overt or covert disrespect for his person and relationships can be forgotten. Arguing with a virgin can also be interpreted as an attempt to humiliate, so arguing with a virgin, as they say, is more expensive for yourself.

However, men born under this sign, and they themselves do not like disputes and conflicts and try not to lead to open confrontation.

Why do Virgos break up with almost all zodiac signs? It's just that few people are able to withstand such a pedant. If you want to part with Virgo, start being late and force your Virgo to be late. The Virgo man is very intelligent, and he demands the same from his chosen one. The standard of intelligence, of course, is himself. Don't know how to break up with a Virgo man? Forget about your intelligence, pretend to be “ugly”, answer smart questions: “I don’t know”, etc.

Another way to break off relations with a Virgo man is to forget about cleanliness and order. A man born under the zodiac sign Virgo does not tolerate mess and dirt, does not like unkempt and unkempt girls. So the flag is in your hands - it's time to turn from an elegant person into a rustic simpleton. Believe me, after such changes, the Virgo man will begin to think, are you his ideal?

How Virgos break up

Many signs of the zodiac do not know how to part. And Virgo will be a prime example. A painful breakup will become something terrible, and the Virgo herself will be very difficult to endure. The next relationship can take place after an extended period of time. Therefore, you need to be careful about breaking up with such a person so as not to leave a scar. If Virgo decides to end the relationship herself, then everything will work out in the best way. To do this, you need to do everything the wrong way. Frequent lateness, senseless spending and too easy attitude will make the Virgo lonely and her lover free.

Stage one. Embarrassment

Everything is fine for virgins, they are able to live in their clean, pretty, fair world for a long, long time, and if their companion snores at the Vienna Opera, makes vulgar jokes at a social reception, or does something else that they don’t quite like, Virgos, rather , will quietly laugh or poke in the side with an elbow, joining him and supporting him, than they will turn their noses and say "fu". They will experience real embarrassment when some Marya Alekseevna, pursing her lips, says, "What is it with you, dear?"

Then the Virgos will hide their inner bully and nod, shrug their shoulders, and at home they will say passionately: “Vit, you still don’t snore like that anymore, okay? Otherwise, people are watching.” Well, it will go further and further as usual, relatively peacefully, until at the next party their companion or companion again gets into a mess, or is convicted of something bad.

At this stage, Virgos are ready to forgive a lot of things on their own, voluntarily, setting a huge backlash and space for a variety of manifestations of their partner's traits and not particularly worrying. But for some reason, in public, it pricks and itches, and embarrasses, and throws you into the paint, and you start mumbling indistinctly, justifying and justifying.

Stage two. Irritation

If the companion of the Devs does not heed the calls to keep himself in check a little, and this period lasts long enough, the Virgos, imperceptibly to themselves, begin to experience real irritation.

So far, it is not very noticeable for the Virgos themselves, and they automatically grunt, giggle or grin. But they are no longer as sincerely fun as they used to be. One part of the Dev giggles, and the second part shrugs and quietly says "I could / could have figured out that I don't like it." But something stops Dev from saying it out loud, maybe they are afraid to spoil or shake the scenario in which Virgo and her companion are a single team, one against everyone, and for each other.

At the end of this stage, irritation begins to break through in deaf silence and angry looks, intonations, an offended facial expression, a bad mood, with which the Virgos cope with difficulty, but it would be even more difficult for them to express everything that quietly bubbles in them out loud.

Stage three. Scandal

Virgos can and know how to make a real scandal. The rest of the signs in this are just children compared to them. What can a Virgo do out of nothing? Hat, salad and scandal. But here - not from nothing. Here, the Virgo quite rightly understand that they have exhausted their rich range of influence on their partner. Somehow:

  • treat with humor;
  • take seriously and gently scold;
  • gently ask not to do it again;
  • firmly ask not to do so again;
  • demand to do differently;
  • to beg to do differently, but SO - not to do;

Therefore, Virgos make a scandal. They may scream, they may not scream, they may be like the Wontotkakegotamkull volcano, they may be like a glacier, so that the partner begins, without exaggeration, to mince and fawn with fright.

Virgos have one problem: they are quick-witted. Therefore, having shouted or frozen, they will not be able to remain in this state for a long time due to natural kindness and ardor of character, and will depart. The former, cheerful and loving will become again. But, if their companion does not heed this and does not take anything from him, and it is still difficult to live with him so that he gets high, the Virgos embark on one tricky trick, as it seems to them.

Stage four. Creative

The natures themselves are creative and boring, Virgos strive to attribute these qualities to a partner. Therefore, a pedagogical vein wakes up in them. Moreover, the vein of a teacher of elementary grades. And with an insolent partner, these naive and pure-hearted creatures begin ... to play. If the newlywed throws his socks and half a year of exhortations does not affect him in any way, then the Virgin will hang her socks on the chandelier and start writing notes to her husband, where she will try to awaken in him an inquisitive thought and a tortured look with arrows and puzzles.

If this is no longer a newlywed, but just a hardened husband and father drinking, and his crimes have long been no longer "in socks", but in something worse, the Virgin will arrange a costume ball for him on the DR and then she will look: did the magic work? Has your partner's picture of the world changed? Suddenly yes? And suddenly now everything, decisively everything will change? After all, he was so stunned and delighted, and amazed, and kissed her for a long time ... If it doesn’t work, the Virgos will come up with more and more, and pour water into an empty barrel, and throw beads, because they just can’t crack and cut in half . Boring. It is necessary with a twist. And to die - so with music.

Stage five. suspension

Nothing works, and the Virgins are depressed. Their union is falling apart, they are offended and insulted there, they feel bad there, like in a draft, and their throat already hurts, and there is no strength. Then the Virgins stop waiting and asking. If their partner had taken the trouble to know them better, he would have realized at this stage that he was losing them. But he just feels that everything seems to have worked out by itself somehow. And it was the Virgins who went to kind people with those requests, suggestions and interaction with which they used to turn to their beloved. Now the whole world is their home. All are close. And only he is a stranger.

It is at this stage that the final removal of the Virgin from the former beloved takes place. Out of the corner of their eye, they are still watching with longing - will he come to his senses? Will not remember. And longing intensifies, and determination is mixed with it.

Stage six. Revenge. End

Knowing themselves and their kind, outgoing heart, Virgos do not risk going nowhere. Every Virgo of any gender always has a spare card hidden in her sleeve: a longtime admirer or a girl in love who will accept the Virgo with joy. Or at least show her the difference between an ex-partner's sleazy callous approach and this one, simple and fresh as a May wind.

And when the former partner vomits and throws, and screams, come back, the Virgins sit in a shelter, drink tea with a bagel and they look good and calm. And in the depths of their souls, behind anger, gloating and bullshit, they hide a deep longing for unfulfilled happiness, and they cannot, cannot forgive their partner for everything that he has broken, spoiled or crippled.

Virgos do not easily move away from a failed connection, do not interrupt contacts, but due to their temperament, when they meet, there is a high probability of quarreling again, and therefore they try for a long time to meet with their former partner only on business and preferably in the presence of other people.

The signs of the zodiac experience breakups in different ways. Find out how.

Love is a beautiful, exciting feeling. When it exists, it gives us happiness, and when it leaves, it causes sadness, regret, and sometimes despair. Everyone experiences different feelings, and this applies to separation to the fullest. However, in the behavior of many people there is much in common, and the breakup horoscope will tell about this.

Since breaking up relationships is a very common phenomenon, especially in the modern world, it never hurts to know how different zodiac signs behave after breaking up. How do representatives of different zodiac constellations experience it, do they return after a break? All this is important, because the feelings, mannerisms, actions of our already former partners continue to influence our lives - at least for a while.

So, parting according to the signs of the Zodiac ...

How does Aries break up, how do Aries men and women experience separation?

Aries wants to separate himself ...

These people are very impulsive, quick-tempered and "explosive". The love relationship of these representatives of the Zodiac is a series of quarrels, endless departures and returns. How do Aries break up when they think it's time to finally break up? They experience the situation very emotionally, they will cry with a crushed partner, confess their love, change their minds and ... again make the final decision. Parting with Aries, man or woman, is not possible immediately and completely. Aries and his former partner are sure to meet more than once in secret, adventurous circumstances.

If you leave an Aries...

A break with Aries not on his initiative is a completely different, far from so sentimental story. An abandoned Aries quickly begins to feel not love, but anger and even hatred. Even if he still loves his partner, he will never admit it. The former Aries takes revenge with complete indifference, on the street he will quickly pass by the ex-wife or spouse, often without even saying hello.

How does Taurus break up, how do Taurus men and women experience separation?

Taurus wants to leave on his own ...

Every Taurus connection is carefully thought out. He does not choose random partners, and if he decides on a relationship, he is already sure of the correctness of his choice. But what if it turns out that he was mistaken, that Taurus wants to leave? This is very painful for him, he feels deceived and cannot believe that he could have made such a mistake. The person of this zodiac sign believes that he did everything for the relationship that he simply could not miss. For him, a breakup, divorce is the last resort. How do Taurus break up? They can leave in English, disappear without a word.

If you leave Taurus...

Abandoned Taurus suffers alone. He does not like to share his pain (but above all - the feeling of defeat) with the world. For a person of this zodiac sign, self-esteem and image are very important, so he is not inclined to fight for someone's chilled feelings and to revenge. Often, after parting, Taurus is surrounded by fake friends who assure a friend / girlfriend of his / her perfection and the shortcomings of former partners. For this reason, abandoned Taurus do not draw conclusions from their failed love experience.

How do Gemini break up, how do Gemini men and women survive a breakup?

The twins want to separate themselves ...

Gemini is very practical about a love union. If one fails, then the next one will. If the partner does not meet his expectations, Gemini will start looking for another without remorse. He believes that life is one, and you should not waste it on unsuccessful relationships. Therefore, the answer to the question of how the Gemini breaks up almost always implies the answer "Pretty easy." Young representatives of the sign are especially easy to decide on a break.

If you leave the Gemini...

Abandoned Gemini after a forced break will try to drown out the pain and quickly rush into the maelstrom of social life. They will be happy to go with friends to parties or travel. Do Geminis return after a breakup? There is no need to be embarrassed about this.

They do not recognize the return and believe that it is impossible to enter the same river twice. According to the breakup horoscope, Gemini is quick to draw conclusions from the past and are ready for other relationships. Having rich experience, they choose a new partner very carefully. As a rule, this is the complete opposite of the former passion.

How does Cancer break up, how do Cancer men and women experience separation?

Cancer wants to leave itself ...

Cancer believes in great, beautiful, romantic love for life, so they will do anything to avoid breaking up. He will turn a blind eye to all the first bells and signs of the coming end of the relationship. He himself will never be able to decide on parting. Cancer will give itself more and more chances and interpret all doubtful situations in its favor.

If you leave Cancer...

When a partner tells him that he is leaving, Cancer will hang around his neck, not allowing him to take a step. He will explain that this is only a temporary misunderstanding that can still be explained and corrected. When the partner disappears around the corner, abandoned Cancer falls into the abyss of despair. He will call, beg, beg, blackmail, trying to speculate on a pregnancy (in most cases, invented) or threatening suicide. And all this to the accompaniment of mournful music. The calmness of the abandoned Cancer after parting will be restored when he meets the next love of his life - the only one and forever.

How does Leo break up, how do Leo men and women experience separation?

Leo wants to leave himself ...

Proud Leos are often disappointed in partners. And when rose-colored glasses fall from their eyes, then nothing and no one is able to convince them to continue the relationship, you still have to part with Leo. He will royally condescendingly explain that the further joint path through life does not make sense, and for the good of the other side, one should part. Separation conversations take place without mutual claims, but often in tears. If the abandoned partner does not give up, Leo can part very decisively. He just stops answering the phone. The exception is the very loving Leos, who still believe in their partner, although they are aware of his shortcomings. Such Lions, although they are thinking about a divorce, will still fight for the relationship to the end.

If you leave Leo...

The abandoned Leo suffers a lot and, as a rule, so that the partner does not see this. In addition to the despair caused by the end of the relationship, he is hurt by a wounded ego. If Leo is abandoned, he usually leaves with dignity. Sometimes, after parting, Leo feels the desire to take revenge, but, as a rule, revenge ends at the planning stage.

How does Virgo break up, how do Virgo men and women experience separation?

Virgo wants to leave herself ...

Breaking up for Virgo is a huge personal defeat. She will not allow herself such an opportunity for as long as possible. As the breakup horoscope assures, Virgo avoids a cardinal decision to end the relationship. Even if this person is unhappy in his personal life, he still does not want to say the last word, he postpones it indefinitely. Therefore, Virgo's dysfunctional relationships most often end up leaving her, not her.

If you leave Virgo...

The abandoned Virgo, faced with the refusal of a partner to continue the relationship, completely loses faith in herself. To part with Virgo means to doom her to deep thought. She puts the connection on the shelves, looking for the moment when she made a fatal mistake. She believes that if she had tried harder, things would have ended differently. Do Virgos return to former partners? Yes, and quite often, and after another breakup, they take on new guilt. The abandoned Virgo believes that if she and her partner broke up, then she does not deserve love, and she will not meet anything good in life anymore.

How do Libra part, how do Libra men and women experience a breakup?

Libra wants to part themselves ...

Libras do not like and cannot stand loneliness. They are ready to be in an unsuccessful relationship just because they have no alternative. Seeing the shortcomings of their partners, representatives of this zodiac sign close in on themselves, but cannot take the last step. How do Libras break up? The end of the love affair in their performance is very vague. They do not know how to say that this is the end, they are very distant from their partner or simply disappear. Because of the fear of loneliness, after parting, Libra is ready to enter into another unsuccessful relationship.

If you throw Libra ...

Abandoned Libra is very much going through parting. They are convinced of their lack of attractiveness and may become victims of scammers, marriage swindlers who take advantage of their weakness. If these people truly love, then this is for a long time. It often happens that years after a breakup, Libra still can't get over their ex-partner.

How does Scorpio break up, how do Scorpio men and women experience separation?

Scorpio wants to leave himself ...

Scorpio does not admit defeat in any field, including in his personal life. If he decides that he wants to be in a love relationship with someone, then this person does not change his point of view. How do Scorpios part if they so purposefully fought for the feelings of the person they were interested in?

The decision to break up makes him accept the betrayal and disloyalty of the partner. Then Scorpio's love turns into hatred, and he is ready to raze the former / former to the ground.

If you throw a Scorpio...

Breaking up with a Scorpio is very difficult. He doesn't even want to listen when they tell him he's been dumped. First, at first he will convince the partner to stay and restore the relationship. If this does not help, the abandoned Scorpio falls into a rage, in anger he is ready for his worst words and deeds. Of course, Scorpio takes revenge on the former - subtly, insidiously, with passion and fantasy. Then, when the act of revenge is accomplished, the ex-partner ceases to exist for him.

How does Sagittarius part, how do Sagittarius men and women experience separation?

Sagittarius wants to leave himself ...

Sagittarius is sure that all storms and storms in a love affair can be overcome, if only you really want to. So he gives his partner chance after chance. However, everything has its limit - and the archer's patience too. How do Sagittarians break up? Quite calmly, and after the breakup they often remain with their former partners on friendly terms, they will always help and support him.

If you leave Sagittarius...

Abandoned Sagittarius leaves proudly and with dignity. It is not customary for people of this breed to ask or beg for the continuation of the relationship. They believe that there is no such evil, from which something good would not come out. Sagittarius, after parting, knows that everything is still ahead, enthusiastically rushes into the whirlpool of acquaintances and quickly enters into the next relationship.

How does Capricorn break up, how do Capricorn men and women experience separation?

Capricorn wants to leave himself ...

Capricorns often mistake infatuation for love - and they're wrong. Therefore, when he discovers that he made a mistake again, he immediately ends the relationship. How do Capricorns break up? These are quite cruel people in their sincerity who do not spare their partner. Capricorn believes that he should be frank, but does not see and does not understand how ruthless he can sometimes be.

If you leave Capricorn...

An abandoned Capricorn never looks back. As the parting horoscope assures, he quickly enters into another relationship and looks into the past without regret. He believes that he lives here and now, and crying for the former and remembering something is a waste of time. If Capricorn was very passionate about relationships, then he drowns out his sadness with work. He does not tell anyone about his feelings, therefore, often it is not even known to those around him that their acquaintance Capricorn is already “former”, because. broke up with someone.

How does Aquarius break up, how do Aquarius men and women experience separation?

Aquarius wants to leave himself ...

Aquarius in a love relationship is kept by enthusiasm, fascination with a partner. When she disappears, he will quietly disappear without a twinge of conscience. How do Aquarians break up? They do not like sentimental scenes and despair and do everything to avoid this. He will leave home in the absence of a partner, change his phone number and ignore any attempts to contact him. When he decides that the time of "mourning" for the second half has passed, he himself will contact his former partner and check if everything is in order with him. Then, perhaps, a sincere friendship will begin between Aquarius and a former partner, often accompanied by friendly intimacy.

If you leave Aquarius...

The abandoned Aquarius convinces himself that, apparently, an unhappy personal life is written for him in kind, and he completely devotes himself to his hobbies and work. And so it will be until he loves again.

How do Pisces part, how do Pisces men and women experience separation?

Pisces want to part themselves ...

As the breakup horoscope says, for Pisces, breaking up a love relationship is a huge problem. First of all, they are never sure if they made the right decision. Therefore, just in case, Pisces do not say the last, final word and always leave the door open, having prepared a loophole for themselves. Often, Pisces start relationships on the side and then shift the entire burden of their breakdown onto the second half betrayed by them. The stars say that after a breakup, Pisces tend to go back to their exes in emergencies.

If you leave Pisces...

Abandoned Pisces is a completely different matter. They are amazed and outraged by the fact that someone did something behind their backs. They start a "thinking marathon" and eventually come to the conclusion that they are worthless, that the breakup is their fault. Initial anger turns into despair and self-flagellation. Do Pisces take revenge? Yes, but their revenge may be limited to the fact that they will annoy the partner with a detailed showdown and attempts to arouse feelings of guilt in him.

The first impression of a star sign is often misleading. Looking like people mired in everyday trifles, in fact they are endowed with sensitive intuition and are trying to change the world for the better. The characteristic of the Virgo man marks poise, but a negative reaction to vulgar and rude behavior.

Virgo man sign - characteristic

The constellation is in the element of earth. The zodiac sign of the Virgo man avoids situations in which he can show sensual emotions. Representatives of this constellation cannot relax in public places and behave very reservedly and silently. Having accumulated a large amount of negativity, he will throw out a stream of stinging bile at the first who dares to criticize him.

The Virgo man, whose characteristics indicate excessive meticulousness, becomes the main problem in communicating with people around him, contrary to this trait, such guys are the most reliable friends, always ready to help. They are punctual and stable in their decisions. Purposeful representatives of the stronger sex assertively follow up the career ladder, but in love they cannot decide on the first step.

Virgo man character

From childhood, these guys become fighters for justice. Behind the screen of a restrained and secretive nature, sentimentality and sensitivity are hidden. The sign of the Virgo man, whose characteristics indicate diligence in every business started and the desire to constantly achieve the desired success, thanks to life's troubles, only strengthens the inner spirit.

What kind of work is suitable for Virgo men?

Due to the analytical mind, attention to detail, accuracy and punctuality, a wide choice of professions opens up before a person. The Virgo man is a workaholic, which is why he is highly valued in areas such as medicine, architecture, and scientific research. The service sector and administrative work is also well suited for self-realization of such guys.

The inability to aggressively promote solutions hinders the creation of your own business. The ability to correct other people's mistakes helps to manifest itself in the field of consulting or working as a proofreader. Having impeccable taste, many guys are drawn to art. They make excellent designers, jewelers, photographers and art historians. The Virgo man, whose characteristics indicate the ability to work with jurisprudence and audit, often chooses professions from this area.

Virgo man in love

A closed and pedantic young man is ready to change for the sake of real feelings. He proceeds to the choice of his beloved scrupulously and meticulously. The Virgo man, in love with a woman, begins to look for a hidden catch and suspect his chosen one of self-interest. Such guys like serious and independent ladies. In order to establish a strong alliance, it is necessary to draw up requirements and claims in a logical chain.

How does a Virgo man show his feelings?

The secrecy of the emotional side of the character does not allow the guys to show feelings. Timid glances in the direction of the lady he likes and a trembling in his voice is practically the only thing that can betray a young man in love. Trying to win the sympathy of the opposite sex, humorous talent and incoherent speech turn on. How the Virgo man loves - the main signs:

  1. Jealousy. Even in the coldest nature, one can evoke such a feeling.
  2. Generosity. During the romantic period, do not skimp on gifts and flowers.
  3. Thrift. Responsiveness to help in household chores, the trump card of a young man in love.
  4. A sincere look at your beloved is hard not to notice.

How does a Virgo man deal with a breakup?

Breaking a bond with a guy born under the Virgo zodiac is very difficult. In the presence of a vulnerable character of a young man, forgiveness for treason will definitely not follow. It depends on the efforts of a woman whether the Virgo man will return if he decides to leave or not. If you change objectionable, the spouse will consider ways to return. Without undue perseverance, establish friendly communication and gradually give hints of a desire to return the sympathy of a loved one.

Virgo man how to win his heart?

In this case, the usual coquetry and flirting is not suitable. Excessive emotionality and displaying feelings frighten modest young men. In order to attract his attention, you must be direct and calm. A Virgo man in love cannot stand the lack of concentration and illiteracy of his partner. The girl should be ready to support any conversation, and show interest in the topic.

Virgo man in sex

They perform methodical actions in sexual amusements. The main task for a young man is the maximum satisfaction of his partner. The Virgo man in bed does not dare to experiment and adheres to the classics. Forcing a lover to sexual intimacy is not in his style; rather, the partner will take the initiative in her hands. A guy should have regular and frequent sexual contact.

Erogenous zones of the Virgo man

The most exciting actions for a young man are gentle strokes and kisses just below the navel. Virgo men are ears and buttocks. A light massage of the earlobes and cat tenderness turn lovers on with a half turn. A great start to good sex will be erotic games in the shower. No less sensitive are the feet. A light foot massage after a hot bath is the main weapon of a seductress.

Virgo man in marriage

Having settled on a certain person, the spouse gradually submits to the established rules. The Virgo man in a relationship will never deviate from life principles, so patience and endurance will be required to maintain family relationships. Distinguished by pedantry, it requires perfect cleanliness and healthy nutrition, all things should lie exactly in their places.

The Virgo man, whose personality characteristic indicates an unwillingness to have children, most often becomes a father at an already mature age, or even has no children at all. Representatives of the constellation believe that the baby will bring chaos to everyday life. Such couples decide on a maximum of one child. A good feature of a young man is invariability in decisions, if he got married, then forever. Such people do not want changes and surprises, living together with them is boring and monotonous.

Virgo man - compatibility with other signs

An attentive and caring young man, sympathizing with a woman, cannot directly speak about feelings. Virgo is a zodiac sign that indicates a smart, intelligent and reliable spouse. However, adherence to principles and pedantry is not the best quality in family matters. Which partner will withstand the onslaught of her lover, and will be able to establish comfort in the family, will tell the compatibility horoscope:

  1. Aries. An energetic and ambitious person will become an impetus for an indecisive partner. A hard-working, provocative and ambitious partner helps to achieve heights in her own business and maintains a comfortable environment at home.
  2. Taurus. Both partners are accustomed to achieve the desired success, strive for cleanliness and order, and are set for a long family union. The lover is not entirely satisfied with the excessive frugality of the chosen one, but she appreciates hard work and honesty.
  3. Twins. A direct and windy person is not suitable for a serious relationship. She cannot bear the stability and insensitivity of a loved one.
  4. Cancer. The same outlook on life, frugality in communication and the desire to create a happy family are the main pluses in this union. Both indecisive partners look at each other for a long time, but after marriage they become friendly and reliable.
  5. a lion. The lioness prefers to be the center of attention, which makes her boyfriend nervous. For unknown reasons, the guys are ready to endure the squandering and windiness of their beloved.
  6. Virgo. The couple has more spiritual than carnal connection. The only way to smooth out differences is the ability to give gifts to a loved one. The joint craving for cleanliness and comfort is harmoniously combined with romance.
  7. scales. The girl is active and enterprising, and the young man is a closed loner. A family in such compatibility is practically not real.
  8. Scorpion. Mutual support and the desire to create a strong family is the motto of the partners. Scorpios are passionate and emotional personalities that satisfy guys.
  9. Sagittarius. There can be no romance here. Sagittarians are attracted by flirting, playfulness and boasting, which unnerves modest guys. Compatibility of horoscopes promises excellent cooperation in business.
  10. Capricorn. Clearly understanding the difference in characters, such couples create strong families. Sex happens only for any reason: the conception of a child, relaxation, control, or another. Capricorn does not look for easy ways to achieve what he wants, thereby conquering the heart of his beloved.
  11. Aquarius. Common addictions to order and misanthropy bring such people together. Aquarius creates an image of the ideal and clearly follows the intended path. In bed, the puritanism of partners easily develops into unbridledness.
  12. Fishes. Spouses are a complete complement to each other. The fish does not care about the financial situation and the appearance of the beloved, and the young man notices every little thing. Sexual relations are at the highest level. Such an alliance can be great for a business partnership.