Lilith is in the sign of Gemini. Lilith in the signs of the zodiac Black moon in Libra

Lilith in the abode of Mars and Pluto, in the sign of exaltation of the Sun, in the element of fire.
Here she is very strong. In past incarnations, the karma of a killer was accumulated, a warrior who killed in excess of military duty, looted, and enjoyed violence. With a weak Black Moon, there may simply be a tendency to rudeness and rudeness.
At the first level in this life, it again pulls to be rude, to use force, to kill. Following these desires pushes on the destructive path of aggravation of Karma, does not give redemption.
At the second level of manifestation of Lilith in this life there is no conscious "evil creation".
Circumstances punish for what has been done in the past - in any business there are a lot of obstacles, rudeness, rudeness from others, a desire to interfere, attempts to beat are possible.
Fears, obsessions, fear of being killed may appear, cowardice appears, a painful attraction to sharp objects, fire, firearms.
If you respond to rudeness with rudeness, then you can attract open enemies to yourself, even murderers while remaining defenseless, since the previous sign - Pisces - has a water element.
You should avoid activity, pressure, increased physical dynamics, swiftness, do not come into contact with cold and firearms, fire, sharp objects.
Commandment: do not kill, do not be rude, develop fearlessness.
At the third level, it is possible to immediately distinguish murderers, rapists, to see situations where Evil can manifest itself in the form of violence. It turns out that such situations pass by, do not affect.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the zodiac.

Lilith in Aries: Violation of justice in the manifestation of will, personal activity; defaming acts.
At the lowest level - participation in fights, stabbing, murders, banditry.
At the middle level - a victim of violence, mockery of a person.
At the highest level - the ability to recognize killers, personal fearlessness, invulnerability.

Black Moon in Aries.
Increased intolerance, imprudence, a tendency to overexcitation, the inability to trust one's "I" to others - and the power of personal attraction.

The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash.

Lilith in Aries
In the element of Fire, Lilith manifests itself very strongly. In a past life, a person was a killer, a warrior. This situation often happens with "mokrushnikov", among "too active" people. The man fought a lot, fought, the consequences of this must be removed at all levels.
People with Lilith in Aries should avoid activity, swiftness, pressure, be afraid of fire, firearms, sharp objects. Develop fearlessness, endurance

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Black Moon (Lilith) in Aries
The Black Moon generates astral whirlwinds that cause strong emotions and desires that prevent consciousness from controlling its influence. The Black Moon sharply accentuates one of the polar components of the sign, while activating its involutionary properties, as a result of which it begins to dominate the other component. This not only enhances the extremes in the manifestations of the sign, but also distorts its primary qualities. Under the influence of the Black Moon, it is impossible to balance the opposite properties of the sign - it acts on each pole in turn, and a person falls from one extreme to another.
If the Black Moon strengthens the main pole of the sign (active for male signs, passive for female signs), this leads to redundancy, excessive manifestations of the qualities of the sign. If the Black Moon suppresses the main pole of the sign, and activates the hidden one (for male signs it is passive, for female signs it is active), this in itself is a distortion of the primary zodiac qualities, their natural manifestations seem to turn inside out. In both cases, the Black Moon enhances the involutionary manifestations of the sign.
Aries symbolizes the first manifestation, impulsiveness and action.
The ability of Aries to give thoughts, feelings and actions a concentrated aspiration turns under the influence of the Black Moon into a destructive force - for others, if the active pole of the sign is strengthened, and for the person himself, if the qualities of Aries become passive.
If the Black Moon increases activity, then the internal impulse to action becomes so powerful that all manifestations characteristic of Aries are accompanied by an uncontrolled release of energy. Decisiveness turns into an irresistible pressure, sweeping away everything in its path, impulsiveness into absolute unpredictability, and independence and independence into a desire to impose one's will and subjugate others. The fight against obstacles and the suppression of other people's resistance give a person an inexplicable pleasure. Under the influence of the Black Moon, egocentrism, aggressiveness, the desire for leadership sharply increase, a feeling of permissiveness, cruelty and a tendency to violence appear, attacks of rage and anger often occur. The world becomes an object of conquest and conquest. The Black Moon gives desires and thoughts such strength that they can be transmitted to others. It often contributes to the development of excessive sexuality.
Aries is an impulse to purposeful action. In an effort to get as much energy as possible, the Black Moon stimulates violent external activity, the original meaning of which is lost. Activity turns into an end in itself, does not achieve a practical result and is accompanied by huge energy costs.
Since the natural manifestations of Aries are masculine, the suppression of external activity and the predominance of passivity are already a distortion of the essence of the sign. Under the influence of the Black Moon on the passive component, all the qualities of Aries turn into their opposite. A person becomes a convenient object for manipulation - controlled, suggestible, weak-willed. Indecision, lack of initiative, lack of independence, laziness, the desire to shift responsibility to others develop. At the same time, unmanifested aggressiveness accumulates, which has a devastating effect on a person’s health and is reflected in his emotional state. Sometimes this aggressiveness breaks out into outbursts of rage. Such influence of the Black Moon can also cause a decrease in sexuality.
Galina Volzhina. Black Moon in the signs of the Zodiac

Lilith in Aries.
Indulgence on one's own actions. A person is very proud of any, even the most insignificant of his deeds. Washing dishes can be perceived by him as the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. In addition, a person feels like a pioneer in any business. He is drawn to the invention of bicycles. Since such self-esteem exists, a person believes that he is constantly carrying an unbearable burden, and that without his “titanic” efforts, everything will simply collapse. The pioneer complex presupposes the need to drag along other people who are a priori considered as followers, and everything done by joint efforts is credited. It shows aggressiveness when people identified as followers refuse to be such, i.e. unwilling to follow his "selfless" impulse. He perceives the dissatisfaction of others with his actions as a personal insult, which can often be washed away only with blood.
Playing Danko or Robin Hood.
S.V. Evtushenko "Grotesque manifestations of Lilith"

Lilith in Gemini in the 1st house:
Any undertakings can be hindered by excessive chatter. A person can start doing something based on incorrect information or false conclusions. It is possible that he will ring everyone in advance about his actions and decisions. This position of Lilith can give doubts and throwing at the moment of the first step, the start of a certain process. You can jump from one to another, unable to decide where to start, or start several processes at the same time, chasing 2 birds with one stone (or even more). Too "easy to lift". Constantly need to be in motion, fussiness. Other people's words, unnecessary or incorrect information can influence your decisions.
In terms of the first impression of personality and self-positioning, Lilith in Gemini in the 1st house can give some feeling of windiness, frivolity, talkativeness, in the worst case, a feeling of bifurcation; the superficiality of your self. On appearance and in behavior, it can manifest itself in jerkiness, excessive mobility of facial expressions, violent gestures. With certain indicators, it can also manifest itself vice versa: unwillingness to move, sluggishness. In any case, these are problems of body mobility, its mobility.
Your image may contain simulated youthfulness and excessive talkativeness. The image of a light joker or talker, with which you cover up something else. You can deliberately spread rumors about how wonderful you are, constantly talking about yourself first. Your task is to learn how to make decisions with concentration, not scatter, rush about less and not look like a talker (-nom).

Lilith in Gemini in the 2nd house:
- spender. Material resources and valuables do not stay with you for a long time. You think that the best way to handle money is to keep it flowing. However, you are not able to regulate this flow, because. money literally slips through your fingers. You can easily earn and just as easy to spend. However, the acquired things do not bring pleasure. The problem of choosing things: You can think for a long time about the color of the blouse or the choice of one of two dishes. As a result, you can take two identical things of different colors for no reason. It is possible that you will change later. This can also mean "playful hands", and in the sphere of the 2nd house - the habits of a kleptomaniac. The thing as such is not needed, but sleight of hand must be shown. In terms of food, this position of Lilith is dangerous because you literally "eat" bad information. While eating, you should not read, chat, and even more so swear. "When I eat - I am deaf and dumb" - should be your recipe for a healthy diet. Any false or negative information will immediately affect your energy.
At the other extreme, this can be expressed in the form of fixation on the information written on the packaging of products or products. You can stubbornly search for information about all the flavors and acidity regulators, and then choose what to purchase from this. When buying, you are guided not by the sensations and comfort of the thing, but by the information. Thus, the pleasant sensations from the purchased item may suffer.
In terms of personal energy and resources, Lilith in Gemini in the 2nd house gives the same dispersion and inability to accumulate.
Brothers, sisters and friends can push you to purchases you don’t need, speak badly about your things, spoiling your mood. Gifts from these people may not please you.
As bad habits, this may be the need to constantly chew, write or draw something, knock on the table, pull something with your hands. Your task is to learn not to get hung up on the informational component of purchases and products, not to waste money and your own energy, and also not to talk while eating.

Lilith in Gemini in the 4th house:
House on wheels. It is difficult for you to live in one place for a long time, all the time you want to move somewhere, restlessness, vanity in the house. You get used to a new house quite easily, but you just as easily take off. This leads to the fact that you can not "root" in any way, settle in one place. Constant changes do not allow to stabilize, or vice versa - the fear of these changes in the house, a change of residence.
All sorts of unexpected visitors are possible that disturb your peace. In the worst case, the house turns into a "passage yard".
In relations with parents, grandparents, Lilith in Gemini in the 4th house gives misunderstanding, disputes, lies, slanders against each other. Too superficial, "friendly" attitude towards parents, no sense of roots, tribal affiliation, but attitude towards ancestors as to all relatives in general.
Perhaps you have incorrect information about your ancestors, something is hidden or deliberately distorted by your parents. Neighbors may spread bad news about your family, parents, gossip and intentionally spread slander about your family. Most likely, you should watch what you say so that you yourself do not give them a reason, chat less about what is happening in your house and family, and also do not gossip about them. A brother or sister may try to quarrel with your parents, or you may quarrel with them.
When traveling to parents, all sorts of misunderstandings, failures are possible, because. You yourself have forgotten something, then confused. You can't focus on the trip and your parents.
Also, Lilith may be related to the process of moving. False or misunderstood information may not give you the desired result. It is advisable to check the information or connect a person who understands this. When choosing a place of residence, you can simply get confused in the variety of options, being afraid to miscalculate, you will look for new ones. Limit yourself to a reasonable amount.
Your task is to learn how to communicate with your parents without negativity and lies, limit the flow of visitors to the house, and be more careful in your statements about your family. In terms of residence, try not to run from place to place.

Lilith in Gemini in the 5th house:
Here, too light and superficial attitude towards their children is possible. You need to constantly take him somewhere, introduce him to all kinds of developmental circles, but you don’t give your child a real focus on one thing and don’t ask if he needs it. You can lie to the child, just distort the information, not considering it bad.
There may be doubts about your child, his talents. You can wind yourself up with bad thoughts about the incidents with the child, do not trust him and, therefore, check all his contacts and movements.
Similarly, with a loved one - you should not check his mail and read SMS. There is a high probability that you will either read not too pleasant things there, or you may misinterpret a short SMS phrase. As a result of such actions, love and romance lose their colors, or even disappear altogether. Be careful with love confessions - they may turn out to be lies, or you will misinterpret the words of a man who wanted to say something completely different. In the romantic period, vanity intervenes, incidents on the road interfere with dates.
In creative terms, Lilith in Gemini in the 5th house gives doubts about her talent, creativity. In writing, graphomania or indigestible texts. With your articles and stories, you can push people to do the wrong things. the embedded thought does not correspond to the “born” one on the sheet. You can rush from one direction or type of creative activity to another, without really realizing anywhere. The same with hobbies - 10 activities, but not one brings satisfaction and pleasure.
Your task is to learn how to properly communicate with your loved one and children. Avoid parallel creative activities, their frequent changes and a frivolous attitude towards them.

Lilith in Gemini in the 6th house:
Harm at work. It is difficult for you to stay in one workplace, you have to try one, another, third ... then you can return to the first one and compare and think it over again.
Endless chatting with colleagues and on the phone with people on the side distract you from work duties. You have no time to work, because you need to discuss a lot of interesting things, pass on all the gossip, visit all the sites and wish your classmates good morning. Perhaps just a frivolous attitude to their duties.
Lilith in Gemini in the 6th house gives misunderstandings with various references, documents. Arriving at the right authority, you may find that there is a typo or incorrect data in the certificate - you have to go a second time. It is possible that they "like" to drive you around the offices, or you yourself forget the necessary paper and go again. Similarly with a trip to the doctors - wrong prescriptions, typos in the extracts.
You may be tempted to go to several doctors. Several different conclusions will only confuse you.
Officials and doctors can annoy you by talking a lot with colleagues in your presence, going to drink tea, or being superficial in their duties.
Do not get annoyed - these are just your own mistakes and shortcomings that have returned to you. Be attentive to your work and visitors, check documents immediately.

Lilith in Gemini in the 7th house:
gives throwing and doubts associated with a partner and marriage, distrust, lies.
You can constantly think about marriage, about the image of a suitable partner, but everything will not be right or wrong. New information will only confuse. All sorts of different dirty tricks from the outside, which you will believe, will be said about the partner. All negative words about someone's failed marriages will resonate with you, you will think about them and "try on" them for yourself.
Loneliness does not give this directly, but there is difficulty in choosing a partner. You may overly believe his words, which may turn out to be false. Or you can cheat yourself.
This can give too windy, superficial attitude towards marriage. In case of any difficulties, you can go looking for a new candidate or husband. This is duality in relationships.
Also, Lilith in Gemini in the 7th house can give doubts in the person himself, who will incarnate. Having one permanent partner, you begin to doubt "will everything be fine?", "Is this my person?" etc. This leads to the fact that you are looking for an alternative. And all these doubts, and "parallel paths" one way or another, ruin your permanent relationship. You doubt whether your marriage will be successful. Do not allow the thought "will there be another marriage in case of failure." These thoughts are detrimental to your relationship.
Also, various omissions, misunderstanding and other people's gossip can cause the acquisition of new enemies; a slander or a carelessly spoken phrase is the cause of the court.
You should be attentive to the information disseminated around and filter the information from the outside. And also less projecting other people's words on your relationship. Learn to build relationships regardless of the incoming information and the words spoken by the partner.

Lilith in Gemini in the 8th house:
Your language can cause a difficult, crisis situation. Keep track of the information flow, as being too talkative or too secretive can cause problems. In particular, misunderstandings with banks and the tax office. Someone can take advantage of the information you carelessly dropped and cause you material damage. You can fall victim to blatantly lying scammers or scammers out of money through verbal intimidation or sleight of hand. As a result, you may look at any information with suspicion. A possible mistake may be your excessive predilection for information and deepening into the process of analysis. Do not delve too much into the words spoken. Information can frighten, cause a state of depression, heaviness. You are subject to suggestion, verbal pressure, you are easily intimidated by words.
In terms of relations with relatives and neighbors, the situation is not too easy, because. they can become a source of destruction and crises in your life. However, you need to understand that they only serve as a tool for your lessons.
Excessive fuss and running around with Lilith in Gemini in the 8th house can lead to an accident or a dangerous situation on the road, even if you are not driving. Talking on the phone or chatting while driving can cause a critical situation. This can give a light and careless attitude to danger, so you can underestimate the situation.
Do not rush to accept information blows and verbal dirt of other people. And also do not try to hide information for the purpose of manipulation. Your goal is to learn to be careful in words and attentive on the road.

Lilith in Gemini in the 9th house:
- the image of such Lilith is a journalist of the "yellow press" who will give any information as he needs, not particularly considering its reliability. The position of the disputer in the company and the team. Other people's opinions and views you perceive with suspicion, question. And the reason is that you are afraid of any unnecessary information to damage your slender and easy life philosophy. Otherwise, you can be proud that you know a lot of things, but knowledge is usually superficial and controversial.
Argue with teachers and teachers, do not trust people of other views. With pleasure, you pounce on non-believers and ideological rivals, catching phrases, splitting idea and faith into parallels, introducing doubts into beliefs. Having gained authority, you simply confuse the interlocutor or give deliberately false information. You can deliberately distort information, lie, influencing the minds of people. A good position for a politician is to talk to anyone, but it may not come to real deeds, everything will be limited to demagogy.
Lilith in Gemini in the 9th house can play a cruel joke with you in the form of foreign languages ​​that spoil your authority. You can get confused when choosing the path to the goal. When traveling abroad or communicating with foreigners, misunderstandings are possible. It can be both errors in the documents associated with them, and misunderstanding in the process of communication - foreigners may not understand at all what you were trying to say. Unpleasant incidents, misunderstandings are also possible with representatives of the law - you should not interpret the law in two ways or try to slip out from under it.
This can serve as a lesson for you and show how you yourself feel about other people's opinions and laws. You need to learn to see the whole and the global without dividing it into separate phrases and ramifications. You should not be afraid to change your life philosophy, but you should not do this too often.

Lilith in Gemini in the 10th house:
It interferes with the achievement of goals and career heights. If a person doubts his victory, he will never see it. Your career may be hindered by the intrigues of gossip and people who deliberately spoil your reputation. Spiteful critics can "whisper in the ear" of the boss a clear lie or represent your professional qualities in a bad light. In youth, there may be difficulties with choosing a profession, because. You don’t really know what you want: everything is interesting, you have to try yourself in any business.
In relations with her father, Lilith in Gemini in the 10th house carries the same circumstances and also distorts information and communication. Your relatives, brothers, sisters can turn your father against you, interfere with your career, spoil your achievements and spread notoriety. Also, your business may suffer from your own talkativeness.
In the worst case, such a Lilith can give outright lies in order to achieve a cherished goal, any withholding of information for the sake of maintaining prestige or position. It is not recommended to combine several positions or parallel professions, as well as to chase "two birds with one stone". A split in a career or striving for 2-3 goals at once will only lead to defeat.
Learn to get along with your father and boss. Be more silent about your goals and do not blurt out professional information - the information available to the Masters cannot become the property of everyone. Do not doubt your success.

Lilith in Gemini in the 11th house:
"All men are brothers" may be for you in your youth. You are ready to look for more new friends, chat endlessly and not miss a single word of your friends. You may be worried about the problem of choice: which girlfriend (friend) is better, which one to prefer today. It is not very good of you to gossip with one friend about the affairs of another. Mishandling of words, information: You can either hide for profit or out of false motives, or you do not know how to remain silent when necessary. Dating through friends or on the Internet can harm you. You can falsely elevate temporary friends to the rank of friends, who are essentially people who are close in spirit.
You can blurt out your plans to your friends, from which they are subsequently violated or already lose their significance and you look frivolous in the eyes of your friends. Plans are too windy and fickle, you change them endlessly, not having time to really bring them to life.
You can suddenly pack up and leave somewhere, smelling the wind of Freedom, but this can distract you from important matters. Fussiness on the road can lead to an accident. "Wind in the head" can interfere with work or personal relationships, you just do not have time to stop, think or feel something. The constant search for new information and the desire to absorb it more and more will lead to the fact that you simply do not have time to analyze and process what you have found.
Carelessness, inattention. Everything new in your life can pass you by in a continuous stream and you do not have time to grasp and realize it. The opposite of endless running around can be passivity and unwillingness to move, unwillingness to communicate with like-minded people, because. it may seem that they do not understand you. Not wanting to think about your future.
Your task is to learn to appreciate your friends and not confuse them with superficial friends. Learn to collect and analyze information. Build and implement your plans.

Lilith in Gemini in the 12th house:
The hidden action of Lilith. The 12th house is our unconscious, and therefore such a Lilith leads to distortions of information at an unconscious level. You can involuntarily deceive or keep back the necessary information, the desire to remain silent where it is necessary to speak. It is easy for you to inspire other people's thoughts. Information is everywhere in this world and you subconsciously collect all the informational dirt, scraps of other people's thoughts and words. You suffer from forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, "flying in the clouds." You can be confused and deceived. In the worst case, the owner of Lilith in Gemini in the 12th house closes or starts talking to himself.
The opposite extreme is the inability to keep secrets. You blurt out everything you know without seeing the value of the information. This is especially true for the money and valuables of your friends. Friends can take advantage of your forgetfulness: ask a thing to vilify, borrow something, and then not return it.
Brothers, sisters, relatives and neighbors may plot something against you, but you will not notice it. Gossip and rumors go around behind your back.
You may find it difficult to fall asleep or meditate because A swarm of thoughts in my head makes it difficult to relax. One obsessive thought or song can spin in your head for hours and this is not good, because. distracts from conscious processes, from work and perception of useful information.
Your task is to learn to be collected and attentive, to be able to appreciate the purity and clarity of information and to keep secrets. Spread gossip less and don't listen to "well-wishers" neighbors.


The problem of independence

The pig will find dirt everywhere, and the Aries demon will find work. He does something every second. He works hard like a horse even for a pittance, and, before he has time to come home, he immediately rushes to put things in order, wash, cook ... The word rest is unfamiliar to him. He complains that he is tired, and on weekends and vacation periods he goes crazy from lack of work, he begins to look for her. He offers you his help by action (clean up the apartment, wash, cook dinner), and before you have time to answer anything, he rushes to do it. In any team, he is distinguished by activity, initiative, and shows organizational skills. He constantly talks about how hard he works, how tired he is because he has to do everything for others, because. without it no one can do anything. He believes that if it were not for him, all things would have stopped long ago, the apartment was overgrown with mud, the family died of hunger. Does not recognize that others are generally capable of doing something on their own. "No one can do anything, only me!" - Aries demon is sure. A person lying on a bed during the day causes undisguised contempt in him. If you hesitate even for a second, immediately after eating, rush to wash the plate, he will mercilessly stigmatize you. He complains that his colleagues at work put up with the injustice of their superiors, he alone calls them to fight for their rights and boldly expresses everything he thinks.

What provokes the Aries demon. In others: inaction, attempts to rely on others and on himself in particular. In himself: when he tries to force himself to work, but there is no strength anymore. When forced to admit the fact of lack of independence, they say: "Without us, you would not be able to do this."

How does a demon appear? Shouts, in a stormy, irritated form, accuses others. Standard accusations: “lazy, can’t do anything, sleep for a long time, freeloaders, do not fulfill their duties, live in a pigsty, rely on someone, are not independent, indecisive, passive amoebas, secretive cowardly quiet people. He was already tired at work, and here he has to do everything for them. The Aries Demon can scoff, go over cash insults, the essence of which is: "you can't do anything." The extreme form is aggression, rushes at others with fists or grabs the first object that comes to hand. It can manifest itself in the passive form of a complainant when there is no strength for activity.

How to neutralize a demon. Agree with him, promise to do everything yourself, and not load him with unnecessary work. In case of violent manifestations - to avoid contact, in case of aggression - to fight back, to frighten with physical violence. If he complains, don't sympathize.

Problem. The independence of the demon Aries is window dressing. In fact, there is someone (parents, partner, organization) who financially and energetically supports him. He rushes forward because he feels: there is always a reliable rear, in case of failure there is someone to count on. Lilith in Aries does not know how to truly rely only on herself! As soon as this rear disappears, it will turn into a helpless child. Because he himself is not able to prepare a reliable ground for action, and everyone can come to the ready. But at the same time, the Aries demon still does not recognize that others have prepared the ground for its activity. If he has to use your help, he will then say for a long time that he would have done just fine without you. He looks active and independent, but only after joining a reliable state organization or as an employee in a company. He is afraid to open his own business. Unfixed wages scare him - this is the key to his willingness to work for a pittance. Better pennies, but guaranteed by the organization, than a large salary, but dependent on himself. This is where the whole illusory self-confidence of the Aries demon is revealed, because in fact he is not sure of himself. He tells others that they cannot do anything on their own, but deep down he believes that he himself cannot, and will hide this uncertainty under ostentatious activity.

Its activity is 90% unnecessary, unnecessary actions. Their result: the mountain gave birth to a mouse. He could get the same results with many times less energy, then he would not feel like a driven horse. Example: a woman goes to work to the other end of the city, because she has been on the waiting list for several years, hoping to get an apartment from the organization. But it is quite obvious to everyone that no apartments will be given there. The main thing that keeps her is subconscious self-doubt: they created good conditions for me here (they also pay pennies, but a little more than others), what if I quit, and they won’t give it in another place. If she stopped relying on someone, she would get a job close to home, and even better, she would look for a way to independently earn money on her own. Now the situation has reached the point where her salary is delayed, they don’t even pay these pennies, they don’t create absolutely no conditions for work, but demand brilliant results. This should make her understand that you can only rely on yourself. Another example: already working independently, fully providing for herself, a woman continues to go to state work. Works for pennies on night shifts, spends a lot of energy. It motivates like this: it is necessary to finalize it before retirement, this is guaranteed money. Again, self-doubt slips: you never know, suddenly I can’t earn money myself.

Overloads often lead a person with Lilith in Aries to health problems. Only to prove (first of all to himself) that without him all things will stand up, he does the work that others should have done. He cannot clearly separate his duties from the duties of others, because afraid that others will not do their part of the work, and the whole thing will be ruined. The true motive of this fear: the result of his work will not be seen, he will not be able to express himself. If not me, then who? he thinks. And others take advantage of this, shifting their tasks to Aries.

The Aries demon creates a problem for other people, depriving them of their independence. He rushes to do everything for a person, not out of a sincere desire to help, but only to reproach him for this later, to expose the person as a worthless parasite, and himself as active, omnipotent, responsible. He diligently tries to suppress the activity of those around him, mercilessly criticizing every action of the other person. As soon as a person is ready to do something, the demon of Aries already yells: “Well, you are doing it wrong, I knew that you couldn’t do anything. Let me do it myself!”

The leadership qualities and courage of the demon Aries are also a fiction. He shouts that no one needs anything, calls to fight for their rights, to openly express their dissatisfaction to the authorities, the powerful of this world, but as soon as it comes to the point, he hides in the bushes. He accuses others of wordless obedience, but he himself cannot speak out openly in defense of his rights. Shows ostentatious courage when no one attacks him, in a passive environment, but is frightened when meeting real opponents. He pretends that he organized it, led others, while in reality they went perfectly well without him.

Ways to solve the problem of Lilith in Aries:

Engage in a business that requires the professional manifestation of the qualities of Aries. Self-employment, starting your own business. Organizer. A job that requires leadership qualities and great personal activity. A leader who leads others.

Learn to relax and rest. Accept yourself in a state of passivity, when you do nothing, do not take the initiative. Recognize that the support of others is sometimes needed, feel free to reach out for it.

Do household chores, be active only when you feel like it and when it's really necessary - you don't have to do it all the time!

Do not interfere with others to act independently, do not impose your help by action.

Don't do other people's work for them. Fulfill only your duties - if the case fails due to the failure of others to fulfill their duties, you are not responsible for this.

Stand up for your rights when they are violated, express your dissatisfaction directly. Do not agree to work for pennies, perform other people's duties for free, work in inappropriate conditions.

Show initiative in your work, put forward your proposals.

Do not be afraid to go into open conflict with a real opponent.

Do not believe the promises (states, organizations, relatives...) to provide you with anything (an apartment, a stable income...), rely only on yourself.

What gives a worked Lilith in Aries.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person realizes himself according to Aries to the maximum. He is able to lead not only a few people in the team, but the whole people in the fight for justice. Example: Vladimir Lenin, who raised the people to revolution, the overthrow of state power. In the behavior and character of Lenin, the qualities of Aries were clearly manifested. Astrologers try to explain this by the proximity of his Sun (April 22) to the sign of Aries, but in fact it was manifested by his Lilith.

Famous people with Lilith in Aries: Vladimir Lenin, Yuri Andropov, Albert Einstein, Pamela Andersen, Richard Gere, Lev Durov, Evgeny Zharikov, Alla Pugacheva, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Taylor, Louis de Funes, Alexander Pushkin, Honore de Balzac, Lev Kassil, Rabindranath Tagore.


Security problem

Some collect stamps, others collect coins. And the Taurus demon is apartments. People around sometimes lose count: how many of them he has. But no matter how many there are, he will not refuse one more. Real estate itself goes into his hands: he inherits after the death of numerous relatives, as a result of ingenious combinations with an exchange, through a successful marriage, and even from the state he manages to receive multi-room apartments. A woman believes that a man is obliged to provide for her 100%, having married, immediately gives birth to a child, so that there is a legitimate reason to demand money from her husband in which case. She divorces without hesitation, as soon as her husband is left without a job for a month, he becomes furious, hangs the label of a gigolo. If he earns little, he accuses her of irresponsibility, cruel insidious deceit (he promised to provide when he got married!), In an effort to sit on her and her parents' necks, to live at the expense of others. In case of delay in the payment of alimony, at least for a day, she runs to court, even if she is owed pennies on them, and she herself is a millionaire. As a rule, both women and men with Lilith in Taurus have more than one child, they are in several marriages. A man considers himself obligated to provide for all his wives and children until their (or his) death, and he is often blackmailed by children. However, the demands of money from his wives and children often infuriate him, and he refuses. He likes to be begged for money, and he thought for a long time before giving it. He does not spare any money for his needs, satisfies them in the very first place, while others are waiting for leftovers from the master's table. A person who works for an idea, and not just for money, causes him a fit of indignation.

What provokes the Taurus demon. In others: when they do not earn money, they ask from others and from him in particular. When they say that he does not know how to earn money, he lives at the expense of others. When a husband refuses money to his wife and children, saying that he does not owe them anything. In himself: when he cannot refuse, feeling obligated, and everything is squeezed out of him to the penny.

How does a demon appear? The woman accuses in an irritated, rude tone. Standard accusations: "alphonse, irresponsible - cannot provide for his family, lives at the expense of others, beggar, beggar, greedy, consumer, impractical - works for an idea, not for money." She threatens her husband with a lawsuit if he delays the payment of alimony even for a day. The man accuses that his relatives, like leeches, are pulling money from him, threatening to deprive him of money, to kick him out of the house. In a particularly irritated state, it can strike.

How to neutralize a demon. To say that you are already looking for additional income, that you were promised a salary increase soon, that money work is planned. Tell your husband: “OK, we will no longer ask you for money, I will be content with my earnings, I will get a better paid job.”

Problem. Posing as a wealthy person, to whom everyone is allegedly trying to get on his neck, calling others gigolos who do not know how to make money, the Taurus demon hides his problem. In fact, he lives on everything ready, Lilith in Taurus does not know how to provide for herself. Even in adulthood, he lives at the expense of his parents, the apartments are not earned by his own labor, but inherited. The contradiction of the Taurus demon is that, wanting a lot of money, he does not want to lift a finger to earn it. As a rule, he gets a low-paid job, because. I'm used to the fact that you don't need to worry about money, it's not his concern, but that of your parents and partner. If the demon of Taurus is engaged in a highly paid business, then it turns out that someone attached him there, as a rule, a partner who does not want to be sat on his neck. And the Taurus demon himself would not have moved, he would have worked in a low-paid position.

Lilith in Taurus is difficult to realize that family ties do not oblige anyone to provide for another, a person must be able to provide for himself, and not demand this from others. As a result, he often finds himself trapped when this setting turns against him. For example, hiding behind the interests of children, the ex-wife, being herself not poor, draws all the money out of him, buys new cars for herself, and spends money on herself. And he, even seeing this, cannot refuse, because it is said: “Children. You have to! From the outside it may seem that he is very generous and caring. But he gives money not at all because he wants it, but because a tough program of duty sits in his subconscious. If he refuses, then the installation of self-condemnation will turn on. And in his soul, at the same time, he grinds his teeth and thinks: “May you choke!” When the contradiction accumulates, he has an attack of greed, and he refuses relatives money even for bread.

Until the Taurus demon realizes its problem, it will attract mirror partners. Panically afraid to get a husband who will not be able to provide for her and will sit on her neck, a woman herself chooses unsecured men as husbands, and more than once. Example: when getting married, a woman knew that her husband would not earn much, but said that she did not care. She herself worked as a teacher, received little, lived at the expense of her parents. I immediately wanted to have a baby. When she was pregnant, her husband lost his job. Immediately, she attacked him with anger along with her parents, divorced him, took away all the things that she bought him, right down to the last sock. She married a second time for a man of a working specialty, who also received a little. Immediately gave birth to his second child. She managed to get a four-room apartment from the state, making an advance with money from the sold car, again not her own, but her parents'. She sawed her husband constantly for a small income, which sits on the neck of her parents, cannot provide for her family. He got drunk and she divorced him. The husband was registered in the apartment, and she started a lawsuit to exchange it, buy her husband a small room, and take everything else for herself. By that time, their family had several apartments on their account. As a result, she remained in these apartments alone with two children.

The Taurus demon prevents the partner from making money. He himself offers to support him financially, agrees to live with an unsecured partner, says that money means nothing to him, but then begins to reproach him for being dependent and irresponsible, puts pressure on his psyche every day, inspires his partner that he is worthless, unable to find a job , can never earn decently. This is the key to the fact that, seemingly thirsty for money, the Taurus demon chooses an unsecured partner. He does not need his partner's money, but his energy. He would not be able to vampire a wealthy partner.

A large number of children of the Taurus demon is explained not so much by the desire to have them, but by the subconscious attitude that there must be children in marriage, and right away, because. only for this marriage exists, as well as in general the relationship of a man and a woman. And so he fulfills the program, in each marriage immediately having children. And later, during periods of a nervous breakdown, exhaustion, the demon of Taurus rips off evil on his own children, born without desire, refuses to educate, ignores them. Another of his installations is that only children are able to keep a partner in marriage. In fact, having children, he subconsciously tries to keep himself in marriage.

Because another problem of the Taurus demon is the installation of constancy, to which he is not really inclined. A man lives with one woman not because he wants to, but only because of this attitude, trying to resolve the internal contradiction by numerous one-time contacts with priestesses of love. He does not enter into relations with non-professionals, tk. he will automatically feel obliged to her, but he will not be able to leave the previous woman either. He can renew relations with his ex-wife or girlfriend, and then he does not know how to end them, he is afraid to refuse. Another example: it seems to everyone that a guy changes girlfriends like gloves, he is considered a womanizer, a don Juan. But in fact, he does not enter into sexual relations with any of them, and runs away from the girl even before anything starts, because. believes that the relationship will oblige him. As a result, he still finds himself trapped in a powerful woman who takes him under her heel and leads him like a calf on a string. If he entered into a relationship with a woman, he would be ready to marry her, even if she was even 40 years older than him. The same attitude is found in women with Lilith in Taurus.

Ways to solve the problem of Lilith in Taurus:

Engage in a business that requires the professional manifestation of the qualities of Taurus. A job where you will deal with money, where money will go through your hands. Distribution of financial flows, issuance of salaries to employees. Cashier, bank job. Acceptance of payment for something, collection of money. Real estate work. A position where you will acquire real estate and other material benefits for the organization.

Accept yourself in the state when you do not supply others with money, and when you do not have any at all. Recognize that you do not always earn money yourself, for example, that you live at the expense of your parents.

Look for a highly paid job, do not get a job with a small salary, hoping that others will provide you with material support. Provide material wealth for yourself.

Give money to loved ones when they really need it and when you yourself want it, and not when you are blackmailed with duties. Learn to say "no" to such blackmail. If your wife or adult children are not able or do not want to earn money themselves, this is not your problem, you are not responsible for this, and you are not obliged to support them forever.

Give others the opportunity to earn money on their own, do not impose your help with money.

Give yourself freedom in personal relationships. If you no longer want to maintain a relationship with a partner, honestly tell him about it, without fear of a negative reaction. If he wanted to see you as his property, counted on love to the grave - this is his business. You don't have to be in a relationship with someone and keep it forever. And no threats or laws can force you to do this if you don't want to. Also, do not consider your partner as property.

Have children only if you want to, and not as a guarantee of the strength of the marriage or a duty.

What gives a worked Lilith in Taurus.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person realizes himself according to Taurus to the maximum. He owns enormous wealth and can provide not only one family, but many people, the whole country. Example: Catherine II, being an unknown and poor foreigner, achieved control of the whole country through a successful marriage. Then she deprived her husband of everything and received huge wealth in her hands. But Vincent van Gogh could not realize the potential of Taurus during his lifetime, he died in poverty, but he invested the energy of Taurus in his works, and after his death, his paintings began to grow rapidly in price, and are currently the most expensive paintings in the world.

Famous people with Lilith Taurus: Sergei Vronsky, Rene Descartes, Catherine II, Abraham Lincoln, Luc Besson, Georgy Zhzhenov, Bill Murray, Mikhail Pugovkin, Julia Roberts, Ivan Aivazovsky, Karl Bryullov, Vincent van Gogh, Edgar Poe, Johann Bach, Alexander Lebed, Valeria Novodvorskaya.


The Problem of Concreteness

In the beginning there was a word... and then another, and another, another, ten, twenty, one hundred, million words falling on you like a stormy waterfall. It's not God who creates the universe, it's just a Gemini demon. His words stick in your brain like splinters and make you change your point of view, even if he has two years of education, and you are a professor and know everything about life. His ideas, opinions and words, like computer viruses, enter the minds of other people, staying there for a long time, if not forever, and erasing what does not correspond to them. However, he often turns out to be right, and his intuitive assumptions are subsequently confirmed by science, theoretical ones - by practice. Listening to him, as if under hypnosis, you will agree with him, although later you may not even remember what he told you. However, it is sometimes simply impossible to understand what he is saying - his speech is structured in such a way that it leads you to the true meaning of his words along the same path as Susanin Poles, he splashes out on you a huge, but completely unsystematic flow of information, is expressed vaguely. At the same time, the Gemini demon himself is sure that he simply and clearly stated his thought to you, and will be indignant at what a dull donkey he came across. Woe to you if you do not agree with his opinion - he will not even listen to yours and will raise a cry louder than a police siren. Opinions that do not coincide with his own opinion, the Gemini demon cannot stand and considers his point of view to be the only true one. Whatever you ask him, he will give an answer, as if he knows about everything in the world. His intellect is constantly at work, he invents something, composes, writes. “If I don’t think, then I don’t exist,” the Gemini demon believes. He often complains that he has to think for everyone and educate everyone, since there is only the darkness of ignorance around, and only he is the only source of knowledge that broadcasts to the entire Universe, and there is no one else to educate the people. He complains that everyone exploits his mental abilities, for example, he has to solve problems for all his classmates. He thinks in advance what should happen, suggests how other people might behave, a clear program is built in his brain, and if reality does not fit in with his plans, he becomes furious. Try to promise him something and not do it - even your death will not be considered a good reason and will not save you from his wrath! The ensuing silence in the process of communication infuriates him, he will accuse you that you are not able to maintain a conversation on topics of interest to him and you are bored. He only does what interests him at the moment. If interest is lost, he will give up this occupation, no matter what the money. His life is like a game, you can't figure out the motives of his behavior without a bottle. He makes plans like a great schemer, and in how to complicate the simple as much as possible, he has no equal. It will hopelessly confuse even the most banal situation. Any fly will be presented to you as an elephant, going to the store for bread will be presented as Caesar's passage of the Rubicon. In all cases, in a hurry, as if on fire. Whatever comes to his mind must be done instantly. “If not now, then never!” - considers the demon Gemini. If you do not immediately rush to fulfill his order or recommendation, he will raise a cry that you are irresponsible, indecisive, lazy. If he began to speak out, it is useless to object, because. it is easier to block a stormy river with a dam than to shut Lilith's mouth in Gemini. Incurably suffers from "verbal diarrhea". He will throw out all the information that is currently present in his mind, absolutely frankly tell not only about himself, but also reveal all other people's secrets. He will tell anyone, even the highest boss, what he thinks of him, regardless of any consequences. He never thinks about the tact of his words, that he can offend or offend another person with his words, he does not “filter the market”. An incorrect turn of phrase or a missing comma irritates him like a bull's red rag. If a person does not understand something perfectly, the Gemini demon will consider him a hopeless dumbass.

What provokes the Gemini demon. In others: incomprehensibility, disagreement with his opinion, slowness, when they are forced to do what he is not interested in, when things do not go as he planned, when he is forbidden to speak openly, when he is reproached for being taciturn or in a free attitude to intellectual work. In oneself: when the level of knowledge does not allow one to speak out on any issue, when it forces oneself to communicate, but there is no desire to communicate, when one tries to force oneself to engage in mental work, but there is no strength left.

How does a demon appear? Shouts, changes to a threatening, imperious tone. Standard accusations against others: “primitive interests, stupid, do not understand, do not know how to speak correctly; unable to think for themselves, one has to think for them; indecisive, too slow; selfish, do not consider the interests of others. Throws a violent tantrum with insults and foul language. Aggressive, can hit.

How to neutralize a demon. Agree with him, promise to do as he wants. If he fights, resist, tie him up. Since Gemini is an air sign, the demon of Gemini is a mental level, unlike other demons, it can be stopped by calling on the arguments of the mind.

Problem. The Gemini demon acts as a universal informant, but in fact Lilith in Gemini cannot convey information to the external environment, embody the idea in the material world. Cannot express an idea in specific words in a way that others can understand. Expresses an idea in general and does not want to trifle, going into details. Calling for something, he does not give instructions on what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve this. He hovers mentally on a higher plane, not wanting to ground information so that it becomes understandable to every person.

The talkativeness, sociability of the Gemini demon is imaginary. He rarely starts a conversation first, waits for you to speak to him and will keep the conversation going. He will pour out streams of words about his professional interest or hobby, but will not be able to tell you a word about anything else. That is why he prefers to communicate only with people of his level and with similar interests - other people are more likely to find a common language with an alien than with him. He is indeed, in a sense, an alien: he lives in his own world, limited by the circle of his interest, and does not want to hear about anything else. Lilith in Gemini is pressed by a subconscious mindset about the need to be sociable, to be able to find a common language with everyone, and when she fails, she gets annoyed and withdraws into herself, the subconscious mindset of self-condemnation turns on. Rather, he prefers to avoid contact with people of other interests, because. I was initially sure that there would be nothing to talk about with them, but I would blame myself for this.

Leaving the real world in mental constructions is another problem for Lilith in Gemini. Having built a mental structure, she waits for it to be carried out by itself, without taking any action on the physical plane. It's the same problem of grounding ideas. As a result, nothing happens and she becomes frustrated. Or she acts, but on the basis of her illusory ideas, divorced from reality, therefore, for others, she remains an invisible person. It seems to him that he expressed everything clearly, but no one understood anything, because. he spoke his own language.

Woe from Wit - this expression is the best fit for Lilith in Gemini. Having the mindset that the mind must be in complete control of the senses, she often suppresses her true feelings, replacing them with the arguments of the mind, engaging in self-deception and deception of others. This is an obstacle in her personal life, because. she cannot afford, say, to confess her love, considering falling in love as an uncontrolled state of mind a shame. Will try to cover up love with reasonable pretexts or present it as a meaningless game. When she still tries to express feelings in words, she does it in such a way that she is not understood.

The next installation of Lilith in Gemini - you must definitely shine with intellect, the mind is the main dignity of a person. The Gemini Demon subconsciously believes that he is valued only for his mind, he is no longer interested in others in any capacity and is no longer capable of anything. And now he, forgetting about everything else, devotes all his strength to study, then to mental work, one where his intellect is visible, speaks in public, demonstrating the fruits of his intellect. If the demon of Aries can be called a drummer of physical labor, then the demon of Gemini is a drummer of mental labor. “If I don’t shine with my mind, I am nothing,” he says. Example: a girl in the second grade sheds streams of tears due to the fact that she received not a five, as usual, but a five with a small minus. She strove to read the most words per minute, and she succeeded, but somewhat negatively affected the quality of reading. Others consoled her, saying that she still read the most words and got a five, but she did not listen to anything and considered this small minus a great shame for herself. Other Liliths in Gemini, who initially fail to study well at school, subconsciously suffer from an inferiority complex due to the fact that they are not smart enough, envy excellent students, raising them almost to the rank of saints. Or vice versa, they hate excellent students, loudly express their contemptuous attitude towards them, but in their hearts, again, they envy. Example: a girl, having met her classmate studying at the university, proudly declares to her that she got married and had a baby at 17, as if this is some kind of heroic achievement. She does not study anywhere herself, she works as a seller in a stall. He says: “what are you, come on, too. Get married and have a baby, keep up with us, why this study?” But another girl of the same year, also with Lilith in Gemini, says to her classmate: “how I envy you, it would be better if I studied than to babysit.” This girl also got married and had a baby at the age of 17, but then went to law school anyway.

The Gemini Demon looks deeply educated, but only looks. It seems that he knows about everything in the world, but this knowledge is superficial, unsystematic. It is difficult for him to structure the acquired knowledge, he does not remember the sources of the acquired knowledge, he cannot remember where he learned it from. He can afford, just starting to study any direction, already write scientific papers on it and teach others. This number passes through his intuition, of course, in the future his intuitive assumptions are confirmed. But when it is required to present specific facts, knowledge of the basics, history, this knowledge is not enough, and often not at all. The Gemini demon can reinvent the wheel and discover America. He does not believe in someone else's experience, he must definitely reach everything himself.

The unwillingness to listen to an opinion that does not coincide with his own is sometimes based on the fact that the Gemini demon himself is not yet completely sure of his opinion, doubts it, does not have enough convincing (primarily for himself) evidence. Aggressively proving his opinion to others, he tries to convince himself.

The frankness of the Gemini demon is also imaginary. Much of what he allegedly says frankly is not true, does not reflect his true opinion, or is greatly exaggerated.
Reproaching others for irresponsibility, the Gemini Demon hides that he does not like to take responsibility, preferring to do things according to his mood, to do only what he is interested in and not burden himself with any duties. He reproaches others for selfishness, but he himself always thinks first of all about his own interest, forgetting about the interests of others.

Gemini, like Libra, is a sign of equal partnership, and Lilith in these signs will give an advantage in one direction or another, rejection of equal relations. That is, a person will strive either to dominate in relationships, to have a dependent, subordinate partner, or he himself will be happy with a subordinate, dependent position. Gemini is a sign of the unity of opposites, and Lilith in Gemini, on the contrary, gives the desire to divide everything and everyone into black and white, according to certain signs, differences, classify. In the most extreme form - racism, etc. Adolf Hitler, who divided people into white Aryans and blacks - everyone else, was the demon of Gemini.

Lilith in Gemini does not allow others to show their intellectual abilities, offering her help in writing texts, solving problems, giving advice on how to act correctly. As soon as others begin to show something on their own, he lashes out with criticism that they are not doing well, and it’s better that he does everything himself. He complains that he has to think and decide for everyone, while he does not give other people the opportunity to think and decide for themselves in order to keep them under control and engage in vampirism.

Isolation from the earthly plane of Lilith in Gemini leads to the fact that she does not accept the simplicity of real life, she strives to complicate everything, confuse, play roles and change masks, drawing others into her scenarios, she wants life, like in a novel or a science fiction film. Those around suffer from such complications, and the Gemini demon itself, being divorced from reality, comes into conflict with it.

Ways to solve the problem of Lilith in Gemini:

Engage in a business that requires the professional manifestation of the qualities of Gemini. Journalist, writer. Programmer, scientist, teacher. Working with databases, work that requires sorting, structuring, issuing information, where you have to read a lot, process information. Translator. Director, screenwriter, actor.

Learn to relax, take a break from mental work. Accept yourself in that state when you think of nothing, the mind does not work, and you live only with emotions.

Don't force yourself to talk if you don't feel like it, you don't have to talk to everyone and about everything. If you can’t keep up a conversation with someone, don’t feel guilty, the other person is just as involved in communication, and could also make an effort. You are not a universal database and are not required to share all the interests of the world. Allow yourself to say "I don't know this" or "I have nothing to say on this subject."

Raise your level of education, read more books, get knowledge from different sources. First accumulate enough knowledge, and then give it to the external environment. Record all the books you read, write out quotes so that you can always show the source of information.

When you want to teach others, to convey your idea to others, compose such a text as if you were going to teach a first grader, so that even he would understand.

Express feelings not in words, but manifest them directly, in emotions and concrete actions.

Do not build mental constructions of how events will develop, live in the present moment - the future depends only on your actions. If you do not act, but only assume and wait, nothing will happen. If you already make plans, then only about your own actions, and not about the actions and reactions of other people. Implement all planned actions, do not leave unrealized mental constructions hanging over you.

Do not try to think and speak for everyone, give other people the opportunity to show their intelligence.

Before forcing others to play the roles that you have assigned them in a life scenario, be an actor yourself, first learn how to play the role you have chosen for yourself. Do not impose roles on others that do not suit them at all, look realistically at what this or that person is capable of.

What gives a worked Lilith in Gemini.

When problems are solved and experience is gained, a person can manifest the qualities of Gemini to the maximum. His ideas will be perceived not only in a narrow circle of like-minded people, but also on a country, nation, and world scale. Not only the immediate environment, but the whole world will become a stage where the performance will take place according to his scenario. Examples: Karl Marx, whose teachings spread throughout the world and set off a wave of revolutions. Adolf Hitler, who hypnotized millions with his speeches and raised them to the world war.

Lilith in the abode of Mercury and Proserpine, in the exaltation sign of Proserpine, in the element of air.
Dark karma is associated with theft, denunciations, deceit, slander, gossip, and fraud.
In this life, one should avoid deceit, theft, kleptomania, watch one's speech, do not say too much, do not harm with a word, do not gossip and do not slander.
On the first level, a person enjoys deceit, theft, gossip, slander, various distortions of information, fraud, enmity with close relatives and neighbors.
On the second level, bullying by brothers and sisters, relatives, and neighbors is punishment and redemption. Deceptions, slander, intrigues due to envy persecute a person. An Oedipus complex may develop. An indicator of the correctness of the Path and spiritual growth is the absence of anger, the forgiveness of the guilty.
The threat from the elements is the danger of suffocation, or a plane crash, as well as gas poisoning.
Commandment: Do not repay evil for evil, gossip for gossip, deceit for deceit, etc.
When you move to the third level, such situations begin to repel you. You can immediately distinguish between scammers, gossips, deceivers. You cannot be deceived, you see the deception. If someone tries to spread gossip or rumors about you, then no one believes in them, it does not stick to you.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

A very difficult situation. In a past life, a person was an "eternal boy", doing all evil very easily, without a twinge of conscience. In the past there were denunciations, intrigues, "setting up": "steps", meanness. Theft. Man did harm to others and rejoiced.
In this life one should avoid deceit, theft, not engage in gossip, slander, not talk too much, not pay evil for evil.
Fear of intrigues from neighbors, plane crashes, gas poisoning, suffocation.

L. Nevedomskaya, E. Demyanova. Knots and Moons

It is categorically contraindicated for you to conflict, to participate in any kind of fraud - otherwise you yourself will become a victim of deception, you will find yourself robbed and slandered.
Strive with all your might to overcome the craving for gossip, love for practical jokes, learn to be responsible for your every word - and idle fictions will stop sticking to you yourself, and no one will encroach on your property - both spiritual and material.
Nicolo Paganini October 27, 1782 Black Moon in Gemini.

Galina Volzhina. Black Moon in the signs of the Zodiac

The Black Moon generates astral whirlwinds that cause strong emotions and desires that prevent consciousness from controlling its influence. The Black Moon sharply accentuates one of the polar components of the sign, while activating its involutionary properties, as a result of which it begins to dominate the other component. This not only enhances the extremes in the manifestations of the sign, but also distorts its primary qualities. Under the influence of the Black Moon, it is impossible to balance the opposite properties of the sign - it acts on each pole in turn, and a person falls from one extreme to another.
If the Black Moon strengthens the main pole of the sign (active for male signs, passive for female signs), this leads to redundancy, excessive manifestations of the qualities of the sign. If the Black Moon suppresses the main pole of the sign, and activates the hidden one (for male signs it is passive, for female signs it is active), this in itself is a distortion of the primary zodiac qualities, their natural manifestations seem to turn inside out. In both cases, the Black Moon enhances the involutionary manifestations of the sign.
Gemini is a sign that perceives and transforms information. His qualities are contact and interchange, mobility, lightness, the desire to cover everything and not miss a single opportunity.
If the Black Moon strengthens the active component of the sign, a person becomes overly contact, all his time and energy is absorbed by communication, which gradually becomes an end in itself. There is illegibility and multiplicity of connections, dispersion, superficiality. The action of the Black Moon on the active pole can affect the ability to perceive and assimilate information. Then the person becomes talkative, the words cannot stay on the tongue and splash out. Gemini is a sign symbolizing the concrete mind. Under the influence of the Black Moon, there is often a preponderance of concrete, rational thinking over the abstract. A person substantiates everything with the help of logic, subordinates feelings to reason, almost losing the ability for figurative perception. Such unevenness interferes with a comprehensive and harmonious knowledge of the world.
Under the influence of the Black Moon on the passive pole of the sign, the need for the perception of information sharply increases. A person intensively absorbs it from the surrounding space, information "omnivorousness" arises. There is a need to constantly communicate with someone, talk endlessly on the phone, watch TV, read, and all this is done almost indiscriminately, solely for the sake of obtaining any information. A special form of vampirism develops, in which a person is fueled by the energy of other people's words and thoughts. Strengthening the passive component of Gemini reduces the ability to objective, logical thinking. A person hardly concretizes ideas, thinks mainly in images. This action of the Black Moon often creates problems with the transformation of information. Trying to express a thought in words, a person experiences great difficulties, loses a large amount of energy.
Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person becomes suggestible, perceives other people's thoughts and words as his own, and therefore is easily infected with all sorts of ideas.

S.V. Evtushenko "Grotesque manifestations of Lilith"

Man indulges in the weight of his words. He believes that everything he said is of very high value, both in terms of information and as valuable indications. According to these people, everyone is just waiting for their weighty word, which will solve all problems and dot the i's.
The game of the "voice of God".

Planets in signs. The art of predicting. Semira and V. Vetash

Poor distinction between good and evil, separation from the natural way of life - and the ability to get out in the most difficult circumstances.

Lilith (Black Moon) in the horoscope is, as it were, a counter of sins and mistakes, the totality of which in astrology is commonly called dark, or black, karma. Knowing the position of the Black Moon in the sign of the zodiac in his horoscope and consciously avoiding certain situations, a person is able to correct his fate.

Lilith (Black Moon) in the signs of the zodiac

In no case can one demand from fate a quick and generous reward for the work done in this regard.

In fact, we are only talking about correcting one's own mistakes, and by no means about feats, although the expenditure of mental and physical strength in this case sometimes turns out to be no less than when performing a feat.

Determining the psychology of a person's bad inclinations, black karma tends to intensify from every dishonest, criminal, immoral act of a person, from every false word and unworthy, low thoughts.

Lilith in Aries

It is necessary to be extremely careful when handling cutting or piercing objects, they also cannot pick up weapons unless absolutely necessary.

Despite numerous provocations from others (indifferently, acquaintances or strangers), one should by all means refrain from rudeness, harshness, rudeness. You can not rely on the use of weapons and physical strength.

This will help to avoid a painful attraction to weapons, the fear of being killed or maimed, and relieve many obsessions.

Lilith in Taurus

In no case should people with Lilith in Taurus save or save anything. On the contrary, it is necessary to learn to live according to the proverb: "God will give the day, God will give bread."

It should be emphasized that people with Lilith in Taurus cannot save anything - neither books, nor things, nor knowledge, nor money, nor strength.

No matter how noble the goals for which such a person begins to make his reserves, he still will not be able to use anything from the accumulated without weighing down his dark karma.

And, by making it heavier, he inevitably dooms himself to new losses and additional torments.

Lilith in Gemini

Do not take part in any gossip and gossip, do not allow yourself to discuss someone's behavior in a business or home environment, do not provoke others to idle talk and a frivolous attitude to words.

Put your own thoughts in order, achieve a complete cessation of fragmentary thoughts and other people's statements randomly scrolling in your head.

Do not provoke others to steal and do not leave your purse or wallet in a place accessible to other people.

Lilith in Cancer

Disrespect for ancestors, desecration of tribal, national, religious or occult traditions, betrayal and a tendency to cherish one's secret vices are an important component of a person's life with such an indicator.

It is necessary to steadfastly endure the period of severe trials and endure well-deserved suffering, passing through them without anger and fear, and thus rising to the highest level of manifestation of the Black Moon.

Lilith in Leo

Such people have to experience a lot of suffering because of the negative attitude towards them from the powerful of this world, as well as because of all kinds of impostors and upstarts with unsatisfied ambition.

A person who has such an indicator in his horoscope and is at the average level of manifestation of Lilith in Leo should not put himself in the center of everyone's attention or strive for fame and glory, you should not go into power.

Lilith in Virgo

Such people always try to choose as friends those who are lower than themselves in terms of culture and general development.

They easily and willingly play by the worst rules of the bureaucratic and bureaucratic apparatus, neglect their official duties and thereby violate the integrity and purity of the society around them.

Bowing before those who are stronger than him, and at the same time brazenly deceiving them, such a person easily becomes a servant of two masters and begins to deceive them both.

Lilith in Libra

In the life of these people there are always many problems associated with social or socio-political activities; ambiguous, contradictory and confusing situations often form, leading to numerous litigations and persistent disagreement with public opinion.

Such people need to be extremely fair in relation to others, never make excuses to anyone and always remember that a person with the Black Moon in Libra becomes guilty at the very moment when he begins to prove his innocence to someone.

Lilith in Scorpio

People who have Lilith in Scorpio are often forced to live surrounded by blackmailers, rapists, sadists, maniacs, racketeers and simply insane.

It is necessary to gain courage and steadfastly endure all trials, constantly engaging in the most thorough purification of the soul and thoughts.

Lilith in Sagittarius

Those people who have such an indicator in their horoscope should, despite all the difficulties and obstacles, look for a path to the Temple with which the faith of their ancestors was associated, and avoid any innovations in the religious sphere.

It is desirable for these people to stay as far away from any ideological battles as possible and to refrain from nomenclature positions.

Lilith in Capricorn

People around willingly mock those who are at this level of karmic rewards, and treat them like a thing.

In such situations, it is necessary to come to terms with the role of an innocent victim and understand that this is a form of karmic retribution for sins mentally or clearly committed in the past.

It is necessary to learn in any circumstances to maintain self-esteem and continue to move towards the intended goals, carefully choosing the means to achieve them.

Lilith in Aquarius

Those who were born under Lilith in the sign of Aquarius should not make long-term plans, they need to be able to achieve everything in “short dashes” and make plans no more than two or three days in advance.

Such people should also handle electrical appliances as carefully as possible, carefully follow the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm, and in no case abuse medications, because there is a high risk of provoking a drug allergy.

Lilith in Pisces

People with Lilith in Pisces often have to deal with secret revenge, the evil eye, damage and other black magic influences.

Those born under Lilith in the sign of Pisces need to lead an absolutely sober life, do not smoke or abuse drugs. Any sessions of hypnosis, spiritualism or magic are also contraindicated.
