Divination by attitude on a piece of paper. Divination on paper. Predicting the future of romantic relationships

The future is a mystery that everyone so wanted to look at with at least one eye, and doing this was not such an easy task. If you do not have cards, then you can tell fortunes with a simple piece of paper and a pen. A lot of useful information can be pulled out of paper! Divination on paper is very simple and does not require special skills, but it gives a reliable answer to many important questions: from love affairs to success in life.

With one sheet of paper and a pen, you can know your future!

Does he love me

The difference between fortune-telling and similar ones is that it gives an answer only from the series “yes or no”, and the question must certainly contain a “whether” particle.

This fortune-telling is also presented in some sources as Fortune-telling with a sheet and with a pen for a guy and for love. As already mentioned, the question must be asked strictly with the particle whether.

To carry out fortune-telling on the betrothed, write your question on the piece of paper, to the right of it, the date of your birth in the format: “dd.mm.yyyy”. Cross out all the same letters and count the number of characters left in the question. Remember or write down this number. Calculate your number.

To do this, add the numbers of the month to the birthday numbers, and the year numbers to the amount received. Remember this number, it will come in handy in many other divination. Add these two numbers. If the number is two-digit (ten or more), sum up the digits of the resulting number. Repeat this action until you get a number from one to nine.

For example, you asked the question: “Does the guy (name) love me?”. Date of your birth: 05/12/1998. Having crossed out the same letters, we get: “you love me?”. The number of letters in the phrase is nine. Your number: 1+2+0+5+1+9+9+8=35=3+5=8.

After the calculation, use the table to see the answer:

  • 1 - yes;
  • 2 - no;
  • 3 - more likely yes than no;
  • 4 - more likely no than yes;
  • 5 - intuition will tell you;
  • 6 - some person interferes;
  • 7 - yes, but now;
  • 8 - hardly;
  • 9 - everything is in your hands.

Number 9 says relationships are in your hands. Take action!

What will be the name of my fiancé

With the help of fortune-telling on a sheet, you can find out the name of the guy betrothed to you, it is with him that you will find happiness and be able to create family comfort.

The method of divination for the betrothed is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but it gives more information. You do not have to guess the attitude of a particular guy towards you, you will immediately know your fate. Before starting, remember a very important rule: no one should know about divination for a betrothed, even the closest people.

The ritual of divination for girls will require small mathematical calculations. For fortune-telling on the betrothed, do the following:

  1. Write down your name, surname and patronymic on a piece of paper.
  2. Count the number of letters in the full name (H).
  3. Count the number of letters in the full name (h).
  4. Remember these numbers.
  5. Count the number of each letter.
  6. Remember the numbers at least two (ch1, ch2, ch3, ..., chn).
  7. Perform the following mathematical operation: Ch- (ch+ch1+ch2+ch3+..chn).
  8. Use the table to interpret the results.

For example, your name is Petrova Victoria Valerievna. There are twenty-five letters in the full name, that is, Ch \u003d 25. There are eight letters in the name: h = 8. Accordingly, h1=3 (number of letters E), h2= 2 (number of letters T), h3=3 (number of letters P), h4=2 (number of letters O), h5=4 (number of letters B), ch6=3 (number of letters A), ch7=2 (number of letters I). Thus, we get the number │25-(8+3+2+3+2+4+3+2)│= │-2 │=2.

To find out the name of the betrothed, use the list below:

  • One - Adam, Dmitry, Eugene, Nikita, Sergey.
  • Two - Alexey, German, Denis, Nikolai, Semyon.
  • Three - Anton, Gennady, Yegor, Nazariy, Said.
  • Four - Andrei, Vasily, Ilya, Oleg, Timur.
  • Five - Arkady, Vladimir, Ivan, Omar, Fedor.
  • Six - Antip, Bogdan, Cyril, Pavel, Philip.
  • Seven - Anatoly, Victor, Mikhail, Peter, Edward.
  • Eight - Arthur, Vitaly, Mark, Ruslan, Yuri.
  • Nine - Arseny, Boris, Matvey, Rustem, Yaroslav.

Now you know how to guess in the name of a boy on paper with a pen.

What does a guy think of me?

The easiest way to find out a guy's feelings towards you is to guess in a notebook for a loved one by name and date of birth. Write your name, date of birth on the left on a blank sheet, and the same data of your passion on the right.

Using a notebook and a pen, you can find out the true attitude of a guy

For example, you are Joanna, born on 03/12/1997, and your boyfriend is Vlad, born on 02/14/1998. Your name has six letters, your loved one has four. The nominal number of your relationship: 6+4=10=1+0=1.

You can get a prediction and determine the main characteristic of your relationship using the list:

  • One - you are suitable for each other only for a temporary relationship, you should not expect anything serious.
  • Two - you are made for each other, you can easily get along together, create a strong family, despite all the hardships and problems.
  • Three - in a relationship, he is unlikely to respect you and fulfill any of your whims, the relationship will be difficult and will not bring anything good, you should not even try.
  • Four - your heart and the heart of a young man beat in the same rhythm, in marriage you will understand each other perfectly, and your parents will get along well with the groom's parents.
  • Five - you do not sit still, look for adventure and the opportunity to have a great time, you have a lot in common and it is easy for you to find a common language, but your relationship is too windy and can easily collapse from betrayal.
  • Six - you prefer to stand firmly on your feet and be confident in the future, however, neither you nor your lover are deprived of imagination, which will help you create a strong marriage union.
  • Seven - life together will be easy and comfortable, your mutual love will help to avoid any difficulties, create home comfort and warmth.
  • Eight - you are both highly intelligent and comprehensively developed people, but together you will be bored - there will not be enough passionate feelings and a little romance.
  • Nine - a spark of passion will always be between you, you will never be bored, although you will often encounter quarrels and jealousy, this will only improve your relationship.

The number 9 indicates that a spark of passion constantly runs between you.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen involves working with dates of birth.

Add up all the numbers included in the dates of birth of both partners. In your example it will be like this: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7+1+4+0+2+1+9+9+8= 66=6+6=12=1+2 =3.

Looking for an interpretation:

  • One is the final stage of your relationship, then there are two options: marriage or separation.
  • Two - do not expect a simple development of events, both partners will have to try hard not only to save, but also to bring them to a new level.
  • Three - all responsibility for your relationship will fall on the betrothed, the outcome of your relationship depends on him;
  • Four - you will probably become a mother very soon.
  • Five - very soon a partner can make you happy with an offer, an alliance with this person promises you only happiness.
  • Six - not everything is as smooth as we would like, fight for your lover and beware of betrayal.
  • Seven - what the doctor ordered, success awaits you not only in family matters, but also in career and financial matters.
  • Eight - in such a relationship you will lose yourself and remain unhappy.
  • Nine - your partner loves gambling, and this can ruin your relationship, try not to get involved in gambling.

Interpretation 9? Your partner is addicted to gambling that will ruin your relationship

Divination for love on paper gives not only truthful, but also accurate results.

How does he treat me

A simple fortune-telling on a guy for girls, which allows you to find out the real attitude towards you of a person dear to your heart.

Take a piece of paper in a box and write the name of the guy on the right. If you are right-handed, then do this and the next with your left hand, if you are left-handed, vice versa. Cut out a heart from paper.

Count the number of cells inside the heart. Divide them by six and write the remainder of the division on the left. For example, you have 34 cells in your heart, then when divided by six, you get 5 (remaining 4).

By the number received, you can quickly find out how a young man treats you:

  • 0 - loves;
  • 1 - respects;
  • 2 - does not notice;
  • 3 - thinks about you;
  • 4 - jealous;
  • 5 - indifferent to you.

Will the wish come true

In addition to love, you can tell fortunes for the fulfillment of desires. In order to perform fortune-telling on a wish, you will need a sheet in a cage.

The principle of fortune-telling is the same as in the first fortune-telling: write down the question, underline the same letters and count the number of remaining ones.

According to the received number, "read" the results:

  • One, eight - the wish will come true.
  • Two, six - will not come true.
  • Three, five - you should make an effort to implement it.
  • Four, nine - you need help.
  • Seven - you will be disappointed in your desire.

The number 7 says that you will be disappointed in your desire.

Will the day or event be successful?

Fortune telling with a pen and paper allows you to find out what awaits you in the distant and not so future.

To know what to expect from the day, write your full name and date of birth in letters on a piece of paper. Cross out repeated letters, count the number of remaining ones. If it is two-digit, reduce it to one-digit using the methods described earlier. Such fortune-telling on the day of the meeting is easy to combine with other methods of prediction; such a ritual and ritual fortune-telling in the name of the betrothed will be well combined.


  • 0 - acquaintance;
  • 1 - laughter;
  • 2 - disappointment;
  • 3 - road;
  • 4 - news;
  • 5 - surprise;
  • 6 - success;
  • 7 - despondency;
  • 8 - resentment;
  • 9 - love.

Many girls are interested in answers to secret questions and ways to know the future. You can get reliable information with the help of magic. Divination on paper is available to beginners, it makes it possible to discover the secret of the future and get hints from fate. Fortune-telling of this type cannot include summoning spirits or attracting evil spirits. They only show how successful your choice of partner is.

Basic Rules

Any work with magic requires attention and respect for. Beginners use simple rituals, where the likelihood of getting a rollback is minimal. But improper performance of the ritual can lead to serious problems. To avoid them, you must follow the rules:

  • believe in the existence of magic, you can not perform rituals for the sake of entertainment;
  • during fortune telling to be alone;
  • turn off electrical appliances that contribute to interference;
  • light candles and create a mysterious atmosphere;
  • formulate a request or desire as accurately as possible;
  • do not talk about the fact of divination and its results.

Rites with predictions can be performed no more than once a day. The first answer is the most correct and clear, even if it does not suit the fortuneteller.

It is important to remember that such rituals are not always for children. You can't ignore magic. Date of birth for fortune telling is not important. Both girls and adult women can perform rituals.

There are various interesting rituals on dashes, on hearts, using origami. But the most popular and reliable of them are those that operate or images.

Learn the future

Divination allows you to determine upcoming events, prepare for them. At the time of performing the rites, it is necessary to focus on one's destiny, to ask the higher powers for insight and help.

For the day to come

A simple ritual that will help determine the course of the next day, prepare for the twists of fate. All you need to do it is paper and a pen.

Perform the ritual like this:

  1. The last name, first name and patronymic of the fortuneteller are written in one line. The date of interest is written next to it in cursive, without affecting the year. Date of birth is not important here.
  2. Repeating letters are written under the first of them, forming columns.
  3. Cross out repeated characters in pairs from the phrase.
  4. The remaining letters from last names, first names and patronymics in the matrix are counted, reducing the value in numbers to one digit by adding.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper is interpreted as follows:

  • 0 - standard day ahead, not full of events;
  • 1 - a pleasant surprise, a meeting is expected;
  • 2 - sad news, a quarrel with a loved one;
  • 3 - long way, working trip;
  • 4 - good news;
  • 5 - admiration of others;
  • 6 - a pleasant meeting, a date;
  • 7 - unreasonable sadness;
  • 8 - the beginning of a new love relationship or the development of existing ones;
  • 9 - betrayal or betrayal of a girlfriend.

according to drawing

Easy divination with a pen on paper, allowing you to look into the future. It will require 10 sheets of paper and a pen or pencil. The girl draws one of the 10 obligatory drawings on each piece of paper, after which she folds them and mixes them. Next, the conductor closes her eyes and randomly takes out one sheet.

Required drawings and decoding of figures:

  1. Man - means safety and comfort, symbolizes the fulfillment of desire.
  2. Woman - you should be more careful and prudent, learn to recognize lies. It is important to stop expecting more from others than they can give.
  3. Home - the establishment of family relationships, a dream associated with relatives will come true.
  4. Fence - good events ahead, achievement of the goal. Relatives will provide support not only in words.
  5. Door - you need to become more active, make efforts to fulfill your dream.
  6. The river is ahead of a journey or a meeting with a person who has not been seen for a long time. She will be fateful.
  7. - problems in the material sphere.
  8. Flower - the financial condition will increase, changes will come in life and in love relationships.
  9. - there are tests that are destined to be easily dealt with.
  10. - in the near future the goal will not be achieved, but you should continue the path to it. Everything will come true in the future.

In the process of divination, it is not necessary to carefully draw all the details. It is enough to sketch a schematic image.

We predict love relationships

Romantic relationships don't always go smoothly. And sometimes it's just interesting to know how things will develop. Magic and interesting will help with this. With the help of rituals, you can determine the degree, clarify probable problems, and choose the right course of action.

By cells

The ritual is also called school fortune-telling, it makes it possible to learn about the feelings of a loved one, to understand his motives. To carry it out, you need a notebook in a cage and a pencil or marker. Fortune telling with a pen on a piece of paper is carried out alone, imagining the image of a guy in his thoughts:

  1. The girl draws a heart on a piece of paper with the same hand that she usually holds a pen. Image size doesn't matter.
  2. Deletes all the cells that remain intact.
  3. Counts the exact number of cells broken by the heart line.

If the number turned out to be two-digit, it is reduced to one digit by addition. Fortune telling on a guy with a pen on paper in numbers is interpreted as follows:

  • 0 - the one who likes, experiences reciprocal feelings, you should expect an invitation to a date;
  • 1 - the guy did not understand his thoughts and desires, you must wait;
  • 2 - love relationships will not work, but you can start an excellent friendship;
  • 3 - the beloved is too shy, it is necessary to take the initiative; 4 - one who likes, is in love, but is very jealous, one should talk, express emotions in words;
  • 5 - a man has deep feelings, there is a possibility of a strong marriage in the future;
  • 6 - the chosen one does not want a relationship, it is better to forget about him;
  • 7 - the guy was seriously carried away by the other;
  • 8 - relationships can develop, but not for long, this union will not bring happiness to anyone;
  • 9 - a man is sincerely in love.

Ritual for the New Year

Such fortune-telling for love with a pen on paper is performed to clarify the name of the betrothed, with whom it will be possible to create a strong family.

On the evening of January 13, the girl takes the leaves, writes on pieces of paper in a box any names of men that come to the mind of a fortune teller. Mix it up and put it under the pillow.

The next day, you need to randomly get one of the sheets. The name indicated there will correspond to the name of the future husband. The fortune-telling girl will be able to re-test only in a year. But you can guess by the hand even on the same day.

Rite of opportunity to be together

The ritual allows you to determine the possibility of a relationship with a man of interest. To conduct fortune-telling for love on paper, you need to write on a notebook sheet your own dates of birth, last names, first names and patronymics of a guy and a girl under each other. It is better to take paper in a cage.

In each line, the number of repeated letters is counted, writing them out for convenience. It is important to find matches of the same letters in the boy and girl data. The number of such pairs is the result of the ritual. It is interpreted like this:

  • 1 - the couple does not have common interests, each partner cares only about himself;
  • 2 - you should not continue the relationship, the man will not live up to expectations and will break his heart;
  • 3 - strong love will develop into a strong marriage that no one can destroy;
  • 4 - petty quarrels overshadow romance, you need to learn to find compromises;
  • 5 - the partner will demand complete submission;
  • 6 - a fortuneteller needs a leadership position, you should discuss the situation with your loved one;
  • 7 - a harmonious union that will last a lifetime;
  • 8 - complete mutual understanding, the opportunity to start a family;
  • 9 is a perfect match.

How to get an answer from fate

Classic fortune-telling with a pen on paper, which allows you to find a solution to the situation, get information about the future, and clarify problematic points. The ideal time to complete it is, but the girls also guess on other dates, receiving reliable information.

To perform the ceremony, you will need a candle, a small container and a piece of paper with a pencil.

Late in the evening, the girl stays at home alone and begins fortune-telling on her betrothed on paper:

  1. A lit candle is placed next to a white wall so that it becomes possible to observe the shadow.
  2. On a piece of paper write a clearly formulated question.
  3. With a sharp movement, it is necessary to crumple the paper, place it on a saucer and set it on fire from a candle. Wait until the leaf dissolves in the fire.

Then proceed to the interpretation of the results. To do this, the container is placed between the wall and the candle, looking at the ashes and reflections of the shadow. There are several generally accepted meanings with predictions.

Fortune telling for love on paper: 7 of the simplest and most effective options + recommendations for their implementation with examples + video on how to guess for love on burning paper.

Divination for love on paper is perhaps the simplest and most accessible of all types of "love" divination. You don't have to go to a fortune teller, get comfortable with a deck of cards, or look for sites that offer fortune telling online.

All you need is a pen, paper, and the ability to count to ten. It seems that people who have asked such difficult questions as love and relationships have all of the above.

1. Divination for love by sticks drawn on paper

Remember how in the first grade, before learning to write letters, you learned to draw even sticks at the same angle of inclination? Now this skill will come in handy, although the sticks do not have to be perfectly straight. Simply, there should be a lot of them, you can even paint the whole sheet with chopsticks.

In general, while sitting at home, you think about your chosen one and draw sticks until you get bored (drawing), and then you start to cross them out two by two. If in the end all the sticks turned out to be crossed out, your love is mutual. If there is one uncrossed out stick left, it means that you will be alone in these relationships, because the guy either does not love you, or will leave you anyway.

2. Divination for love "yes-no"

This requires a clear wording of the question, suggesting clear answers “yes” or “no”. Then the number of written letters is summed up.

With a two-digit indicator, the numbers that make up it are summed up until you get a value from 1 to 9. Then you just have to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the result - and now you know for sure whether the person you were guessing at loves you.

How to guess on "yes-no":

Interpretations of the test "yes-no":

  • 1 - you yourself know about it;
  • 2- yes;
  • 3- no;
  • 4 - of course;
  • 5 - 50 to 50;
  • 6 - yes, but something interferes with your feelings;
  • 7 - there is hope that yes, but more like no;
  • 8 - yes, you will be told about it soon;
  • 9 - probably not.

Please note that the unambiguous "yes" in different variations falls on even values, and the options "no", "maybe" and "most likely" fall on odd ones. Thus, it does not matter whether you formulate the question with or without a “whether” particle - two more letters will “shift” the interpretation by two positions, and the answer, in general, will be the same, although with a different shade of emotions.

3. Divination for love on paper: on 1-2-3-4

This is a great divination for love for girls who are not an experienced fortuneteller or have a poor visual memory. You just need to think about the person you like, write the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on paper in any arbitrary sequence and see the interpretation.

Divination interpretation on "1-2-3-4":

4. Divination for love at home on paper according to the principle of chamomile

Divination on a chamomile "loves - does not love" with tearing off the petals has been known since ancient times. If it is winter in the yard or you live in a metropolis, from where it is at least an hour by train to the nearest chamomile field, then you can tell fortunes on love on paper using the same counting rhyme.

Write down the names of you and your desired one in the same format - for example, first and last name - and start counting according to the principle "one letter = one petal." The counting is cyclical, suggesting six options for a young man's attitude towards you.

Name format and counter:

If you are too lazy to count, you can simply cross out 6 letters and “count” for the last 4. If the result is disappointing, try writing names in a different format. For example, just names or full name. The main thing is that the format is the same for you and for your chosen one. That is, the entry, "Helen + Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich" will not give a correct answer to the request.

5. Divination for love by spelling names written on paper

This method is also associated with writing names in the same format, counting and bringing the result to a single digit.
  1. Write your names - for example, Mikhail and Elena.
  2. Cross out the matching letters - here it is "a" and "l".
  3. Count those that didn't match - there are seven of them.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation (7 - remain friends).
  5. If you don't like it, try Misha and Lena.
  6. Cross out the common letter "a".
  7. Count the remaining letters - there are six of them.
  8. Familiarize yourself with the interpretation (6 - made for each other).

Trying other options is, of course, not a completely honest maneuver, but in real life we ​​often go for tricks in the name of our love. And, interestingly, it helps a lot! It is only important to correctly "read" the hint.

Perhaps if the informal "Misha and Lena" gives a more pleasant result than the semi-formal "Mikhail and Elena", then it's time for you to stop pretending and seem more serious than you are.

Interpretation of fortune-telling by letters:

6. Divination for love on checkered paper

Here you will need not a simple paper, but a checkered one - you can use it from an ordinary school notebook “for mathematics”. You don’t have to write anything - you will draw a heart, moreover, with your eyes closed. An important point: right-handers draw with their left hand, and left-handers with their right. So, we started.
  • Draw a heart with your left hand (left-handers - right!) With your eyes closed.
  • Outline the "whole" cells inside the line of the heart.
  • Cross out the cells in groups of 6 pieces.
  • The last 6 cells (if 6 remain) do not cross out.
  • If less than 6 cells are left, see how many whole cells are left inside the heart.
  • Explore the interpretation of meaning.
  • Cells crossed by the line of the heart do not participate in the calculations.

The value of the number of cells is from 1 to 6: the number 1 is love, 2 is friendship, 3 is slight sympathy, 4 is a feeling of jealousy, 5 is you entered his dreams, 6 is complete indifference.

7. Divination for love on paper from pictures

And, finally, the opportunity to relax and just draw, without thinking about the clarity of the picture, so, for your own pleasure.

You need 10 identical sheets of paper, from you - 10 schematic images. After the leaves are mixed and one gets at random (do not peep!). Let us clarify that this is, as it were, an “extended” fortune-telling not only for love, but also for everything connected with it - desires, prospects, accomplishments.

You study the interpretation of the image and evaluate the perspectives of relationships in this context. For convenience, we give a single list of what you need to draw, and what this drawing means if you come across it at random.

Divination by drawing on paper:

  1. Woman - you want too much, so either lower your requests or match them.
  2. Man - your desire will be fulfilled with outside help, maybe even with the help of the man you are guessing at.
  3. Home - a desire will come true only if it is solid and serious.
  4. The door is a symbol of future accomplishments and good luck if you are active.
  5. Tree - financial turmoil is possible and if the relationship is built on a mercantile basis, then nothing good will come of it.
  6. The fence is the end of difficulties, including in love.
  7. Bird - so far there will be no serious changes, but perseverance may, in the end, be rewarded.
  8. Flower - powerful changes in your life path.
  9. Cat - your hopes will not come true, but you will survive it.
  10. The river is a romantic trip or meeting, but the wish is still far from being fulfilled.

So, now you know the 7 best ways to divinate love at home on paper. The question may arise: can such simple fortune-telling be reliable?

We will answer with the words of the great thinkers of the era: "Everything ingenious is simple." Who wants to purposefully complicate the task - we offer a video on how to guess love on burning paper:

Divination on paper

Find out the future of your love and the answers to all your questions!

Fortune telling on paper with a pen - what the sheet will tell

Fortune telling on paper with a pen will allow you to quickly and easily get answers to those questions that interest you. The main advantage of the rite is that you do not have to prepare a variety of magical attributes - arm yourself with a simple sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.

Divination on paper with a pen

Today there are many different fortune-telling that will help in matters of health, career, relationships. This is divination on playing cards and Tarot, rings, books, runes and on paper with a pen.

Formulate a clear, concise question. Write it down. Then calculate the number of characters. Example:

Will I get this job? (I+n+o+l+y+h+y+e+t+y+r+a+b+o+t+y = 16) Punctuation marks do not count. The two-digit number is still added. 1+6=7.

Then see the result:

  • 1 - everything will happen as expected;
  • 2 - positive response;
  • 3 - the probability of what will happen is extremely small;
  • 4 - it will happen;
  • 5 - will surely happen;
  • 6 - make an effort;
  • 7 - everything will be fulfilled, but you have to wait;
  • 8 - the answer will be known soon;
  • 9 - will not happen.

Many girls want to know what will happen to them on a particular day of the week. When the purpose of divination is this, this ritual is more suitable. Take a sheet of paper, a pen. Many additionally do.

From above in a column write down the day of the week, last name, first name, patronymic. After below, list all the letters that occur in the full name more than once. For example:

Krashevskaya Olga Igorevna

A - 4; IN 2; K - 2; P - 2; E - 2; O - 2; G - 2.

Cross out all duplicates and write out separately those that remain. Do the math. It turned out a two-digit number, add up, as in the previous case.

(In the above version, it turned out W+S+L+L+I+H = 6.)

Interpretation of the result:

  • 0 - no happy news;
  • 1 - meeting with old friends;
  • 2 - troubles at work, quarrels at home;
  • 3 - traveling, visiting a new place;
  • 4 - there will be something that will make you change your mind;
  • 5 - meeting with a loved one;
  • 6 - receiving good news;
  • 7 - boredom, melancholy;
  • 8 - joyful event, meeting;
  • 9 - nothing is expected.

Fortune telling on a piece of paper with a pen will help determine how relationships with your loved one will develop. This is a simple and effective method. As in the previous ritual, write on the full name of each of the partners. Then mark the repeating letters.

For example:

Petrova Olga Igorevna
(E - 2; R - 2; O - 3; B - 2; A - 3; G - 2)

Saveliev Maxim Viktorovich
(C - 2; A - 2; B - 4; E - 2; K - 2; I - 3; O - 2)

See which of the selected matches in the names of the partners. We have 4 couples. There are also simple ways -.

Interpretation of the result:

  • 1 - probable disappointment in a partner, loss, doom;
  • 2 - everyone is obsessed with satisfying their own interests;
  • 3 - strong union, true love;
  • 4 - to be happy, learn to find a compromise;
  • 5 - one of the partners will have to constantly sacrifice time, interests for the sake of the other;
  • 6 - the companion is honest with you;
  • 7 - your destiny;
  • 8 - the relationship is difficult, but it is not excluded that such an alliance will be strong;
  • 9 - a harmonious union, but the relationship is platonic.

one of the most reliable. Use it to determine how the young man feels towards you. Take paper and a writing object.

Draw a heart on the paper. Important condition: take a sheet in a box. Shade all whole cells. At this point, count the unshaded cells. This number will reveal the true feelings and intentions of the young man. When the number is two digits, the digits are added again.

Divination on paper is a simple and effective way to get answers to exciting questions. There is an opinion that divination on paper with a pen is just a child's game that allows you to pass the time, but does not predict your future. This judgment is incorrect. Such fortune-telling has a rather long history. They first appeared in ancient Egypt, when magic and mysticism were of great importance. You will be surprised, but the Egyptian pharaohs often read papyrus, looking for answers to important political and personal questions. So, what are fortune-telling on paper?

Divination on paper for love

Divination for love will allow you to find out how your loved one feels for you. If you doubt his intentions, then take a piece of paper in a box and draw a heart on it. If you are right-handed, then hold the pen in your left hand, if you are left-handed - in your right. After that, along the inner contour of the heart, it is necessary to mark all whole cells. Then start crossing out four cells in the heart (you can in a row, you can square). The number of whole cells remaining will tell you how your partner feels about you.

The meaning of divination on paper

  • one cell - your loved one does not have strong feelings for you, but you are not indifferent to him. He appreciates and respects you;
  • two cells - he feels friendly sympathy for you, nothing more;
  • three cells - he is in love with you and wants to spend more time with you;
  • four cells - he is very jealous of you;
  • five cells - he is interested in you and wants to get to know you better;
  • six cells - he is indifferent to you.

This fortune-telling will allow you to find out about the feelings of any person for you. Fate itself will control your hand during divination and answer the most secret questions.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen: what awaits on the scheduled day

If an important event awaits you ahead, and you want to know how it will end, then use paper fortune telling for the future. Take a blank piece of paper and write on it your date of birth, as well as the date you are guessing. All data must be written in one line. Then add up the numbers and bring the result to a single digit. For example: the date of birth is 01/11/1973, and the date of the event is 05/23/2014. We add up all the numbers and get 23 + 17 \u003d 40 \u003d 4. This number will mean the outcome of the event of the day.

The meaning of divination on paper

  • 0 - nothing special will happen on this day. Everything is as it was and will remain
  • 1 - good luck in business awaits you
  • 2 - the events of this day will disappoint you
  • 3 - you have a road or a serious conversation
  • 4 - wait for news
  • 5 - an unexpected meeting awaits you
  • 6 - all your plans will collapse
  • 7 - everything will happen as you planned
  • 8 - on this day, your ill-wishers can greatly annoy you
  • 9 - expect a miracle

Guessing on a sheet of paper. Will the wish come true

If you want to know if your wish will come true, then take a piece of paper in a box and circle your left hand, while thinking about your desire. Find the topmost cell on the outline of the hand and start numbering each cell in this row from there, going down. When you put the number at the very bottom of the palm, then put the pen aside and see which number was the last. If it is even, then your wish will come true, if it is odd, then it will not come true.

With the help you can get answers to your questions and learn about your future. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2014 14:55

Fortune telling on desire can answer all the exciting questions about the intended business. Will your...
