Oncological diseases of the stomach. PCT cancer: symptoms. General Symptoms of Disease in Women and Men

This is a very serious disease, characterized by uncontrolled reproduction of abnormal cells. This pathology is several times more often diagnosed in men, and at the age of 50 years. In this article we will talk about how the stomach cancer is developing (symptoms and manifestation of the disease in the early stages), as well as what methods of treatment offers modern medicine.


This is nature, which is characterized by the development of malignant neoplasm from the epithelium of the mucous membrane. The tumor can be formed in any departments of this organ. The risk of sorrowfully increases both in men and representatives of the beautiful floor after 50 years. As for the question of the geographical distribution of this pathology, in Russia this disease is in second place in the frequency of diagnosis among all the neoplasms of malignant nature. So, 100 thousand healthy people account for approximately 36 patients. Worse, the situation is only in Japan, Scandinavia and Brazil.

According to experts, over the past 30 years, circumstances changed dramatically. Doctors note a gradual decline in the incidence of cancer. For example, in America, this pathology is diagnosed relatively rarely (only five cases per 100 thousand people).

Today, scientists have proven that in absolutely healthy stomach oncology can not arise. The disease is always preceded by the so-called prediction stage, when the nature of the nature of the cells linked from the inside this body is observed. On average, this state lasts from 10 and approximately 20 years.

The stomach in the early stages can be confused with gastritis or ulcers. Initially, a small tumor is formed. Over time, it can increase in size, grind and wishl. At this stage, the disease is manifested in the form of a violation of normal digestion. As a result, a person begins to lose weight unfortunately. Passing through the walls of the stomach, the neoplasm can go to other organs (thick intestine, pancreas).

The disease is characterized by an early appearance of metastases (separation from a tumor and their further distribution throughout the body). They most often amaze lymph nodes and liver. Light, bones, peritonear space, ovaries can be involved in the pathological process. Gradually, the work of all the affected bodies is changing, which entails a fatal outcome.

Main reasons

Currently, the exact causes provoking the development of the disease are not studied to the end. Experts only identify a set of factors whose action in the aggregate leads to the formation of cancer.

  • Bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Scientists have long proved that this bacterium is capable not only to survive in an acidic medium, but also to be the cause of peptic ulcer and gastritis. As medical practice shows, sometimes these pathologies are reborn into cancer. Helicobacter pylori gradually deforms the mucous membrane, hydrochloric acid begins to hit the unprotected stomach walls, causing numerous erosion. This kind of ulceration is considered an excellent medium for the vital activity of cancer cells.
  • Unhealthy food. The presence in the diet is fried, oily, acute and salty foods several times increases the likelihood of malignant neoplasms.
  • The presence of nitrates and nitrites in the body. It is assumed that these substances have high chemical activity. They can disturb the usual integrity of the cells of the gastric mucosa and penetrate their structure. The source of nitrates and nitrites in our country, as a rule, vegetables are. In addition, salt of nitrate and nitric acid in large quantities are contained in smoked, some cheese, tobacco, beer.
  • Bad habits. In addition to the fact that nitrates and nitrites are also present in alcoholic beverages, ethyl alcohol itself can serve as a provocative of neo-formations of malignant nature. Scientists have proven that the longer the person smokes, the higher the likelihood that the symptoms of the stomach and intestines cancer will be detected at a young age.
  • Durable medicines. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids - all these medicines have a number of side effects, which include the development of the stomach ulcers. As you know, it can turn into the most real tumor.
  • Effect of radiation.

The risk group also includes people with overweight body, hereditary predisposition and other oncological ailments.

What diseases may precede the stomach cancer?

  1. Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin plays a direct role in the formation of many organism cells.
  2. Polyps of the stomach.
  3. Some subspecies of chronic gastritis (atrophic shape, Mealry's disease, etc.).
  4. Ulcer stomach. According to experts, in 12% of cases, this pathology develops into a gastric cancer.

Symptoms and manifestation of the disease

This ailment at the initial stages of development, as a rule, does not have specific features. The patient can feel constant fatigue, complaining about fast fatigue and unprepaid after eating food in the patient may appear heartburn, a feeling of gravity in the stomach, bloating, or even indigestion. Such symptoms of the stomach cancer in the early stages (photo of patients can be viewed in the medical literature) should be a reason for applying for advice to the doctor.

As the illness progresses and tumor growth can appear all new symptoms:

  • Stool violation.
  • Discomfort in the upper zone of the abdomen.
  • Fast saturation.
  • An increase in the size of the abdomen.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Vomiting with blood impurities.

All of the above features most often indicate the gastric cancer. Symptoms, disease manifestations are not sufficient to confirm the diagnosis, as they may indicate other tract pathology. It is extremely important to undergo a detailed examination.

Classification of the disease

Based on which cells underlie the neoplasm, the following varieties of stomach cancer are distinguished:

  • Adenocarcinoma. This is the most common form of the disease. The formation of the tumor occurs on the basis of those cells that are directly responsible for the production of mucus.
  • Leiomiosarcoma. The neoplasm consists mainly of muscle cells of the organ.
  • Lymphoma. The tumor is based on lymphatic cells.
  • Solid gastric cancer. Photos of this pathology can be viewed only in specialized literature, as it is extremely rare.
  • Pisnevelo cell Cancer. Consideration of such a neoplasm under the microscope allows you to identify the similarity of the forms with perspirations, which was the reason for its name. For this form of the disease, a rapid increase in pathological cells is characterized and early metastasis.

Stages of the disease

Today, experts conventionally allocate several stages of the development of pathology, thanks to which you can classify the cancer of the stomach. Symptoms and manifestation of the disease at the initial stages of development may be absent, which makes it much difficult to diagnose.

To predict the treatment of oncology, the term "five-year survival" is widely used. If after therapy the patient lives 5 years, it can be considered healthy. Such a patient has every chance that it will never encounter this type of cancer.

Common survival with a given disease, if you believe the statistics, is 20% among all patients. Such a relatively low percentage is explained by the late diagnosis of the ailment. However, each specific case is still individual, whether it is the initial stage of the development of the disease or grade 4 degrees with metastases. How many people live with such a diagnosis depends primarily from the timeliness of the treatment and compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor.

  • Zero stage. At this stage, an exclusively mucous stomach is involved in the pathological process. Treatment is carried out by in 90% of cases, patients are completely recovered.
  • The first stage. The tumor penetrates deeper into the mucous membrane, metastases are formed in lymph nodes around the stomach. With timely treatment, the probability of recovery ranges from 60 to 80%.
  • Second stage. The neoplasm does not affect only muscle tissue. Five-year survival in the diagnosis of illness is 56%.
  • Third stage. Pathological cells penetrate the organs of the organ, the lymph nodes are completely amazed. With a diagnosis of gastric cancer, 3 stage "Life expectancy (15 people from a hundred can live five years or more).
  • Fourth stage. The cancer tumor penetrates deeply not only into the organ itself, but also gives metastases to other parts of the body (pancreas, liver, ovaries, lungs). In this form, paragraphs are diagnosed in 80% of patients. However, the probability of living five years or even more is only five people from a hundred.

Experts warn: even the complete cure of oncology is far from every case has a positive forecast. The thing is that such a disease has a tendency to relapses, which only occasionally can be eliminated by re-surgical intervention. Later, the identification of the disease in our country is explained very simple. First, many doctors are not enough knowledge in this area of \u200b\u200bmedicine to confirm the ailment on time. Secondly, patients look very late for help, for example, when the diagnosis of "stomach cancer, 3 stage is diagnosed. How many such patients do you live? Of course, neglecting your own health entails the worst forecasts.


Treatment may be successful only if a specialist in the early stages can confirm the gastric cancer. Manifestations of the first signs of the disease should alert and become a reason for applying for advice to the gastroenterologist.

Today, Gastroscopy (EGDS) is considered the main method of studying pathology. During this procedure, the doctor assesses the general state of the mucosa, makes the biopsy of its suspicious areas. Histological examination of the material obtained allows to determine the nature of the neoplasm (malignant / benign). Sometimes appointed:


Is it possible to overcome the cancer of the stomach? The manifestations of a malignant tumor, the presence of metastases, the size of the neoplasm, the degree of germination in neighboring areas - all these factors primarily determine the tactics of therapeutic measures. Modern medicine offers three options for treating such pathology: tumor removal by surgical intervention, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The specific treatment tactics is chosen by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient.

In the case of early diagnosing the tumor (zero or first stage), when metastases are absent, it is possible to completely excite the cancer. During operation, the doctor removes the stomach wall site, nearby fabrics, as well as lymph nodes.

Radiation therapy is recommended to stop the growth of pathological cells and reduce the size of the tumor itself. Chemotherapy has to resort to the diagnosis of "Cancer 4 degree cancer with metastases". How many patients live after a course of treatment, to say exactly, unfortunately, it is impossible. Very often, doctors prescribe jointly radiation and chemotherapy to enhance a positive effect.


Of course, with such a diagnosis, special attention is recommended to pay not only directly therapy, but also a daily diet. Specialists advise avoiding products, which contain nitrates. The thing is that these substances are capable of reborn into nitrites and form nitrosamines. The latter, in turn, often act as the main cause of the development of stomach cancer. The formation of nitrosamines can be prevented by regular consumption of products with antioxidants, vitamins C and E. In addition, the daily diet of the patient with such a diagnosis should include food with a low glycemic index. Such products are slowly digested, help maintain a stable blood sugar level.

This article has already listed the main methods of how to diagnose the gastric cancer in the early stages. After the doctor confirmed the presence of a disease and prescribed the appropriate treatment, the question arises on how to eat. The diet of the patient should be maximally balanced and rich in vitamins. It is recommended to use fruits and vegetables (better in raw form), chicken and low-fat fish (protein source).

You will have to abandon all bold and fried, sweets and baking, the red meat falls under the ban. In coordination with the doctor you can exclude salt from the diet. The thing is that it consumption in large quantities contributes to the formation of an ulcers on the walls of the already weakened due to the treatment of the stomach.

Prediction and prevention

Stomach cancer (photos of patients with such a disease are presented in this article) is most often diagnosed at the stage of an incurable tumor. Only in 40% of cases, doctors identify the neoplasm in which there is a possibility of a successful prediction of cure. Here we are talking about the disease in the early stages and without metastases. The rapid flow of pathology is most often found in the diagnosis of "stomach cancer, 3 stage". The life expectancy of such patients and their general condition is practically no different from those in the event of a disease of the fourth stage. In both situations, the forecast for patients is extremely unfavorable.

Operational treatment of coupled with different methods of antitumor therapy gives five-year survival rate in 12% of patients. If the symptoms of the gastric cancer in the early stages were seen by the patients themselves, and they immediately turned to a doctor, survival increases to 70%.

As for the issue of prevention, the specialists today are strongly recommended to treat all the ailments in a timely manner, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. In addition, it is very important to exclude bad habits, with particular attention to receiving drugs.

In conclusion, it should be noted that today the stomach cancer is increasingly diagnosed. Symptoms and manifestation of this disease should be a reason for consulting a specialist. The earlier the doctor confirms pathology and prescribes appropriate treatment, the higher the chances of a favorable forecast. Lelic time or inattention to its own body is often the life of a person.

The gastrointestinal system, especially the stomach, are dangerous that the body quickly loses the opportunity to absorb food qualitatively.

In addition, the stomach is surrounded by other vital organs targets for mutating metastase cells. With early diagnosis, the chances of survival are large enough. But often this type of oncopathology is found already in the later stages.

Causes of disease development

The reasons for the development of the pathological process in the tissues of the stomach are more lighted in violation of the rules of healthy nutrition, inattention to their own health.

All causes of the development of the carcinoma of the stomach can be divided into the following groups:

  • Food habits - the abuse of goodies and confidence from the bold, smoked marinated series. In this case, damage to the mucous membrane, lining the stomach. In the injured sections of the tissue are absorbed by substances that contribute to the development of the oncological process.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  • The presence of chronic pathological processes affecting the mucous membrane. Culprit of ulcers, colitis, other inflammatory diseases of the GTS system most often is bacterium
  • . It can exist in the stomach and intestines, the gastric juice for it is displaced. During its activities, this pathogen destroys the plots of the stomach mucosa, provoking the development of gastritis, sites of necrosis. So, for example, the atrophic form of gastritis is considered a precancerous state.
  • Hereditary history - if there were cases of carcinoma of the gastrointestinal organs in the family, then there is a risk of developing oncopathology.
  • Endocrine and hormonal factor.

Classification of oncological diseases of the stomach

Stomach Cancer - Dangerous Disease

The basis of the classification of carcinoma organ is the location of the tumor in the gastric departments. Views of oncopathology of the stomach:

  1. cardiac plot - entrance to the stomach from the esophagus;
  2. tumors of the lower part of the esophagus;
  3. karcinomas of the gastric body;
  4. cancer of the output department or the antral part of the organ;
  5. the angle of the stomach is a plot between the organ and the duodenum;
  6. multiple lesion of tissues with infiltrative forms of carcinoma.

Form distinguish 2 types of malignant neoplasms affecting the stomach esophageal system. The classification is based on the form of the tumor process. Allocate:

  • exofite type of neoplasm - Volumetric tumor, resembles a polyp or inflorescence, ulceration;
  • infiltrative - altered tissues spread over the surface of the mucous membrane, lining the inner cavity of the stomach.

Tactics of treatment with various types of malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal system will differ.

Stages and symptoms of the pathological process

Diagnosis of gastric cancer - MRI

The basis of the partition at the stage is the degree of damage to the tissues of the stomach, surrounding organs, the presence of secondary tumors in nearby organs, lymph nodes.

  • Stage 0 or cancer on the road. A portion of mutated cells is found. The tumor does not go beyond the gastric mucosa. Metastases are not detected.
  • Stage 1. At the substand 1A carcinoma affects only the mucous membrane. Metastasation is absent. At the substrade 1B, the tumor went beyond the limits of the stomach. Metastasis in 1-2 nearest lymph collectors.
  • Stage 2. Touched on all layers and tissues of the stomach. Metastases in the nearest lymph nodes, blood vessels.
  • Stage 3. Increase the size of malignant fabric. More than 15 lymphatic reservoirs are affected.
  • Stage 4. Multiple metastases in the bones, brains, pancreas, lymph nodes.
  • Thermal stage. Symptoms depends on the stage of the malignant process and the accompanying pathologies in the nearby organs.

Signs of stomach cancer:

  1. There is no symptoms on the zero stage.
  2. In stage 1 - specific signs of pathology are absent. In the analysis of blood - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin. The patient complains about fast fatigue, belching, fast saturation.
  3. At stage 2 -, increasing body temperature, refusal from any dishes, discomfort when taking food.
  4. Stage 3 - Pain, sharp weight loss, anorexia, and vomiting with blood or stagnant content, disruption of defecation. In the blood test, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin.
  5. Stage 4 is the strongest painful syndrome, rejection of food, ascites due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Joy is observed due to liver damage.

When suspicious symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately contact the gastroenterologist. If vomiting is observed with blood or black mucus, then you need to immediately cause ambulance.

Diagnostic events

The gastric cancer asymptomically does not pass

The gold standard of diagnostics in suspected of malignant formation of the gastrointestinal system, other pathologies of inflammatory genesis is gastroscopy.

How is the differential analysis:

  • Physical inspection, analysis of patient complaints.
  • Videosophagastrodenoscopy. The procedure is carried out using an endoscope and allows you to carefully examine all the stomach departments. During the study, fabric fence is possible for histological examination to determine the nature of the neoplasm. If necessary, the suspicious area of \u200b\u200bthe tissue is possible. Manipulation is well tolerated, with a biopsytte fence or excision section of the mucous membrane shows intravenous anesthesia.
  • - Safe and non-invasive procedure. Allows you to evaluate the functionality of the organ. It is indispensable for suspected recurrence of the disease and in the diagnosis of infiltrative forms of malignant neoplasms, since both biopsy will be negative with this form of cancer.
  • The abdominal cavity is the definition of carcinoma by indirect signs. The procedure is shown during the survey of the epigastria organs on the subject of secondary carcin.
  • CT or MRI - help establish an accurate diagnosis, detail the location and size of pathogenic tissue.
  • Endoscopic ultrasound - shown in suspected carcinomas, located in the thickness of the stomach wall under the mucous layer. The survey helps to determine the volume of invasion into the wall of the organ and in neighboring systems.
  • - shown in controversial cases, with suspected metastasis in the liver, pancreas.
  • - These protein compounds produce only malignant fabrics. In a healthy body they are missing. For the early diagnosis of metastasis with cancer in remission, the monackers of Ca 19.9, Raa, Ca 72.4 are used. As a primary diagnostic tool, these studies are uninformative.

Medical Strategy and Tactics

Stomach Cancer: Operational Intervention

The list of therapeutic measures depends on the stage of the disease. The choice of treatment methods is the prerogative of the oncologist.

What can offer modern medicine:

  1. Stage 0 - Surgical resection of 80% of the tissues of the stomach. Chemotherapy and radio income are not shown.
  2. Stage 1 - Operational treatment is combined with chemo and radiotherapy to prevent metastasis. In some methods, chemotherapy preparations and irradiation sessions are used to surgical intervention. It increases the chances of the patient.
  3. Stage 2 - At this stage of development of the malignant process, treatment tactics is elected based on the basis of the neoplasm. If the tumor can be removed, then the tall resection of the stomach is used. At this stage, the appointment of chemotherapy, radio operators, hormone therapy is additionally shown. If the carcinoma is inoperable, then only conservative methods use.
  4. In the third stage, most of the patients are inoperable. Therefore, they use radiotherapy, aggressive chemical preparations, hormone therapy. If the doctor believes that surgery will improve the patient's condition, it should be carried out.
  5. At 4 stages there are a large number of secondary tumors in various tissues and systems. At this stage, all therapy methods are aimed at maintaining life, reducing pain, reducing secondary malignant foci. Operational treatment is inappropriate. Chemotherapy and radio incidence is shown as palliative therapy. Conducted to relieve bleeding and elimination of the stenosis of the esophagus or stomach sections.


The forecast depends on the cancer diagnosis stage

The predictions of the survival of patients with malignant neoplasms of the stomach depend on the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, the presence of metastases, other individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to treatment.

What does medical statistics approve:

  • In step 0 after resection, five-year survival is 90% of patients.
  • In stage 1 - even with secondary tumors in nearby nodes after operational and drug treatment - 80% of patients survive for 5 years.
  • In stage 2 - provided that the operator's tumor or the body reacts well to drugs of chemotherapy, radio oil - the five-year barrier cross only 50% of patients.
  • Stage 3 - Chances are small - about 37% of patients live 5 years.
  • Stage 4 - no more than 5% of patients survive.

Even if the forecast is disappointing, then you should not lower your hands.

Preventive actions

The prevention of oncological diseases is the best way if you cannot avoid them, then in time to diagnose and increase the chances of recovery.

Especially carefully should be treated with their own health, who in the family history there are cases of cancer of any organ.

  1. Change the diet - remove fatty and heavy, sharp and pickled dishes. Change the cooking method, fried meat replaced baked. Forget about garbage food, minimize communication with semi-finished products.
  2. Smoking and no one did not make anyone. The digestive tract is suffering from ethanol and nicotine - from the esophagus to the liver and pancreas.
  3. Timely and high-quality treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal system. Any neoplasms -, thighs - must be removed on time, since the probability of their rebirth is 50%.

Cancer of any organ is a heavy test for the patient and his family. Even if you were diagnosed, then do not lower your hands. Forecasts by forecasts, but the desire to live and recover contributes to the good reaction of the body for treatment and increases the chances of overcome the disease.

Maximum information about oncology - in the video:

We are all when healthy, easily give good tips in patients

Symptoms and symptoms of gastroincing cancer, treatment

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Stomach cancer refers to one of the common oncological diseases with an increased degree of lethal exodus.

The atypical rebirth of the cells occurs in the mucous membrane and then goes deep into and along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Metastases with a gastrointestinal cancer occur in 80% of patients, due to this, the disease proceeds quite hard.

The oncology of the gastrointestinal tract has several species, most often in patients detected adenocarcinoma.

International statistics helped to identify that the gastrointestinal tumors are characteristic of:

  • Male representatives.
  • People between the ages of 40 years the risk of getting raised and goes to a decline after 70 years.
  • In Asian countries, patients are greater than in all others. Conducted by some features of life and diet and so that with a low level of social culture, people's earnings pay less attention to preventive inspections.
  • Cancer of the stomach, intestinal cancer quickly gives metastases. The neoplasm can germinate into the intestines, the pancreas through the walls of the organ. And with blood flow, atypical cells fall into the lungs, liver. According to the lymphatic system, cancer cells are penetrated into lymph nodes.
  • The intestinal cancer ranks second after the oncology of the lungs for mortality.

The rebirth of normal cells into atypical is a multi-step chain of action.

Causes of disease

Gastroenterologists are engaged in problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. A similar section in medicine is studying the causes of the disease, its symptoms, the features of the flow.

Perennial research has not yet revealed the exact reason for which the intestinal cancer appears. Several factors can contribute to its occurrence. The main objects include the following:

  • The accumulation and stimulation of mutations under the influence of carcinogens, both external and internal.
  • Precuracial pathology in gastric walls.
  • Stimulation of cancer appearance against the background of carcinogens and pathology.

Malicious effect of chemical, toxic substances for gastric epithelium

External carcinogens:

  1. Outly in the food salt, food additives with the mark "E", smoked, canned foods, pickles, marinades, as well as fried food. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco use and some medicines, which contain aspirin and hormones.
  2. Lack of vitamin C. This vitamin normalizes in the body the level of hydrochloric acid content reduces the bleeding, which allows preventing initial disorders in the gastric walls. Low content in the organism of vitamin E also provokes the occurrence of gastric cancer. The tocopherol is positive effect on the resistance of the mucous membrane, adjusts the content of macro and trace elements, beta - carotene.

Internal carcinogens:

  • The infection is the negative effect of Helicobacter pylori, staphylococcular, streptococci and micrococci, fungus of the Candida family, Epstein-Barra virus.

The participation of the virus as the cause of the causing gastric cancer and the intestinal tract has already been proven by special markers, which are presence of herpes in tumor cells;

  1. The hereditary factor is the hereditary transmission of the low level of the level of the E-Kadherin gene or the epithelium protein, which in normal conditions does not give to develop tumor cells. People with a group of blood A (II) have 20% risk more, which will arise a malignant tumor than others.
  2. Immune problems - the resistance of the epithelium decreases due to the insufficient amount of immunoglobulin A in the wall of the mucous membrane. The autoimmune process has a large influence on the formation of cancer.

Chronic pathology preceding gastroincing cancer

These include diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis having a chronic form;
  • Polyps of the walls of the stomach;
  • Resection on the stomach and other surgical interference on this organ;
  • The underdeveloped structure of the stomach walls.

Listed diseases can develop without stimulation by carcinogens. In this case, any neoplasm will be benign.

Important! The infection of H. pylori, carcinogens and damage to the walls of the stomach plays a major role in the occurrence of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Classification of the disease

In the oncology, several classifications of malignant damage to the stomach are used, it is necessary to choose a more efficient course of therapy with a gastrointestinal cancer.

According to the classification of Borman, cancer tumors are divided into four types:

  • Polypussed mushroom-like tumor. This neoplasm from the mucous layer grows into the cavity of the organ, the borders of the tumor are clear, the base is wide or in the form of a fine leg. The mushroom formation of cancer is characterized by slow growth and late advent of metastasis. Polypin cancer is mainly localized at the bottom of the stomach.
  • Announced presentation. It visually resembles a saucer with raised outer edges and a middle failed. It germinates such a tumor into the lumen of the stomach, metastases are formed late. Malignant formation is deslacified in a large cryvism of the stomach.
  • Ulcerative-infiltrative tumor stomach. The neoplasm does not have clear outlines, the growth has infiltrative.
  • Diffuse-infiltrative carcinoma. This tumor is a mixed structure, originated in mucous and submucosal layers. During the examination, small ulcers can be detected. At the later stages of the wall disease become more thickened.

According to histology of the stomach cancer, it is also divided into types:

  1. Adenocarcinoma. This type of cancer is striking in almost 95% of cases. Develop a tumor begins in secretory cells of the mucous layer.
  2. Flake carcation cancer. The tumor of this type is formed from the atypical rebirth of epithelial cells.
  3. Pisnevelo cell tumor. Education takes its beginning from glassoid cells responsible for the formulation of mucus.
  4. Iron cancer. The reason for the appearance of this type of cancer is the malignant rebirth of healthy glands.

In the structure of cells, you can find out how aggressive the growth of cancer education. Classification allocates the following forms:

  • Highly differentiated cancer - atypical cells differ little from normal. This form has a slow tumor growth rate, and metastasis occurs only at the last stage.
  • A moderately differentiated cancer in the extent difference from healthy stomach cells occupies an average step.
  • The low-differentiated form of cancer is determined when malignant cells are almost completely different from normal, in their structure.
  • Undifferentiated. Tumor is born in immature cells of the stomach mucosa. Different with rapid growth, aggressive flow. Metastasation occurs in a short time.

The gastric cancer is divided into forms depending on the type of tumor growth.

  1. Diffuse-cells of growing education have no connection between themselves. The tumor affects the thickness of the walls of the organ, but does not germinate in the cavity. The diffuse type of malignant education is more likely with an undifferentiated cancer.
  2. Intestinal type - with this pathology, the reborn cells are interconnected with each other. The tumor opens into the body cavity. This type of oncology is characterized by slow growth and is less aggressive.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of the stomach and intestines cancer at an early stage are not manifested by clinical signs. But, with a careful attitude to its body, you can see repeating manifestations of the disease. These symptoms are characteristic of many oncological diseases, they are called "small diagnostic signs".

  • The usual standing of the body has changed. Appeared weakness, fatigue.
  • Appetite decreased significantly.
  • The feeling of discomfort in the stomach is a feeling of gravity, a feeling of the overflow of the stomach, reaching in pain.
  • Sharp weight loss without a visible cause.
  • Mental changes appear in the form of apathy, depression.

Disps are often manifested:

  • Appetite has decreased significantly or completely disappeared.
  • Favorite food causes disgust. Especially often a person ceases to eat protein products - fish, meat.
  • Physical saturation disappears.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • The stomach is quickly overflowing.

Often one of the above features may testify in power errors. But if several of them arise simultaneously, then you should consult a doctor, to eliminate malignant education.

Signs of illness inherent in both women and men:

  1. In the chest area, the feeling of gravity, pain. The symptoms can go to the back zone, blades.
  2. Problems in the work of the digestive system. The exhibition, heartburn, the swelling of most patients appear before the pain of oncology.
  3. Problems with swallowing or dysphagia. This disorder indicates a malignant tumor located at the top of the stomach. At the initial stage, it is difficult to swallow solid food, then a soft and semi-liquid food ceases to pass normally.
  4. The attacks are nauseated with the fact that the gastric lumen has decreased, and normal digestion does not occur. After vomiting the condition is facilitated.
  5. Blood is present in the lots. This indicates the breakdown of the tumor and that the cancer process spread throughout the body. Blood has a scarlet color, can be in the form of inclusions. Permanent bleeding lead to the development of anemia in a sick person.
  6. The presence of blood in the cartoons. Signs of blood noticeably in the color of the feces, they are painted in almost black color.
  7. Patients are very thin.

As the cancer neoplascence increases, the symptoms of the body intoxication are joined by the basic signs - irritability, weakness, anemia, lethargy may occur. Under the damage to atypical cells of other organs, there is a violation in their work, and accordingly new signs of the disease appear.

  • Symptoms in children

This pathology is also found in children. The symptoms of Cancer Cancer manifest themselves gradually and in the initial stages they are confused with enterocolitis, gastritis, dyskinesia of biliary tract.

Doctors prescribe appropriate treatment, which at the time smoothes the symptoms of pathology.

The early signs of the oncology of the stomach concluded in the following - poor well-being, the deterioration of appetite, weakness.

The main symptoms grow gradually. These include - pain, discomfort in the stomach, the child complains of belching, bloating, colic. Sometimes there may be a liquid stool with an admixture of blood.

The detailed picture of the malignant tumor is manifested at the last stage. The child suffers from constant pain syndrome, the appetite is completely absent, constipation is prolonged. A sharp stomach may develop. A large tumor in a child is tested during palpation.

The presence of listed symptoms is not sufficient evidence that a tumor developed at the intestine or in the stomach. The diagnosis of "cancer of the gastrointestinal tract" is carried out only after a full examination of the patient.

However, the emergence of such signs requires urgent appeal to a specialist for inspection.


The results of histological examination of the tumor can serve as a reason for making a diagnosis with a note - there is a gastric cancer or it is not. But to find education, clarify the size, localization and implementation of biopsy are prescribed gastroscopy.

Increased lymph nodes of the mediastinum and the presence of metastases in the lungs can be detected using the X-ray of respiratory organs. Contrast radiography of the GTI will reveal the presence of a tumor in the stomach.

Ultrasound examination is carried out to clarify the tumor process. For the same specialist, multispiral computed tomography or MSCT is prescribed. It is possible to determine the degree of propagation of the tumor using PET is positron-emission tomography. A study is carried out using radioactive glucose, which is introduced into the body, and then it is collected in tumor cells, visually showing how the neoplasia has spread far. In some cases, the doctor may be appointed computer or MRI - magnetically resonant tomography.

In the laboratory, when analyzing blood, it is possible to identify oncomarkers, according to which the type of cancer is determined. Faces are studied for the presence of blood.

A careful study of education, the possibility of its excision is determined using laparoscopy, with this procedure, a bioptate can be taken to explore.

Treatment methods

The choice of therapy is determined by the stage of the disease, in which place is located a tumor, a common state of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. The main method of treatment of cancer in the early stages is surgical intervention in combination with enhanced and non-television chemotherapy. Latest stages use palliative and symptomatic treatment.

Surgical intervention with stomach resection

Before carrying out operation, the patient is carried out laparoscopy. Prescribe it to eliminate the presence of metastasis on the gland and in the peritoneum.

  • Endoscopic resection

Depending on the stage of the disease, the state of the patient and the size of the neoplasum, an operation can be carried out with minimal opening of peritoneum or endoscopic resection. After resection, complications may appear.

  • Pain syndrome. It is borne by medication or light irradiation;
  • Split stomach walls. It can be partial or complete. Removed by physical impact;
  • Bleeding. Stops drugs and physical intervention.

Physical intervention implies an ignition by electrothermal or laser influence.

  • Extensive operation

It is assigned in the absence of any contraindications. If the resection cannot be performed chemotherapy or irradiation. It is done in order to reduce carcinogenesis.

Before surgical intervention, it is necessary to prepare a patient.

The main stage of therapy is the period of rehabilitation after the operation. It includes the installation of drainage tubes to remove exudate. Patients in the absence of complications are allowed to sit for the first time, and walk - already on the second.

Contraindication for the operation are the following indicators:

  • unstable blood pressure, blood coagulation problems;
  • respiratory arrhythmia.

The events needed after surgery performed:

  • from the first days they are anesthesia medication;
  • on the third day they make stimulation of intestinal peristaltics;
  • from the first days, feeding the patient with the help of probe and special mixtures;
  • a four or six-day antibiotic reception rate is assigned;
  • if necessary, medicines are introduced, reduced blood clotting.

All actions are performed under the supervision of the doctor. Additional healing activities are detected individually. A week after the residue, the seams are removed.

  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is assigned to suppress tumor growth. The complex of drugs includes highly toxic agents that destroy cancer cells. After surgery, chemotherapy is used to suppress the vital activity of the remaining atypical cells. This is necessary in order to exclude the recurrence of the stomach cancer.

As needed, chemotherapy can be combined with radiation therapy. This will help strengthen the effect of the operation. Surgical intervention is also combined with one or another method for suppressing cancer cells.

Patients, patients with oncology of the stomach, should fully eat throughout the entire rehabilitation time. The body struggling with cancer is needed a large amount of protein, trace elements, vitamins. The daily diet must be calorie. If on the background of apathy, the depressed patient refuses to supply food, the reception of food is carried out tripled.

Important! When cancer, the stomach must be observed a diet.

Prevention and forecast

The cancer of the gastrointestinal tract is usually detected at the last stage when the tumor is not cured. The probability of cure is possible only in 40% of cases. This is when the tumor at an early stage, metastasis is missing or metastases are located in the nearest lymph nodes.

When diagnosing a stomach cancer of the third, fourth stage and ate there is a tendency to rapid flow and complications, the forecast is unfavorable.

Surgical intervention in a complex with other methods of anti-cancer therapy gives a five-year survival rate of only 12% of patients. If the cancer was discovered at an early stage, when there is no germination in the submembolized layers of the stomach wall, then the five-year survival reaches 70% of cases. In case the patient suffers for malignant ulcer of the stomach, survival ranges between 30 and 50%.

In non-cultural tumors, the most unfavorable forecast. This is due to the fact that the neoplasm sprouted through all the layers of the stomach wall and penetrated into nearby fabrics. If metastases in lungs and liver have been found, the forecast is also unfavorable.

Important! Therapy, in the inoperable stomach cancer, is aimed at reducing the symptoms and the rate of progression of the tumor, as well as facilitating the overall state of the patient.

The main measures of the prevention of the oncology of the stomach are the following actions:

  • Therapy of diseases that belong to the prejudice should be carried out in a timely manner.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

It is necessary to control the state of the gastric mucosa, this will help in a timely manner to determine the origin of the tumor.

Let's look at what is understood as a gastrointestinal cancer, how to recognize this ailment and how to treat it?

PCT cancer: features of oncoooooo

The gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) consists of such parts:

  • esophagus (tube connecting the oral cavity with the stomach);
  • stomach. This organ having a bag shape. The stomach consists of several departments. Most often, the neoplasms occur in the lower (pyloric) department, which has a transition to the small intestine. The stomach is the most common place to localize oncology among the gastrointestinal bodies.
  • intestines. It consists of a thin and colon, which ends with anal hole.

Cancer or carcinoma GTS is a malignant tumor developing in the mucous membrane of the organs of the digestive tract. The esophagus, stomach and intestines are connected to a single system, so the cancer tumor of one of them can easily go to another.

Such neoplasms are characterized by a fairly rapid growth rate. They germinate the wall of the organ, leading to its deformation, and then they can spread to the surrounding structures. Also, cancer tumors are capable of forming metastases, that is, secondary tumors in other organs.

A person with a carcinoma of the gastrointestinal tract appear problems with digesting food, which negatively affects the whole body. Perhaps the full overlap of the enlightenment of the organ (stenosis). This is a dangerous state that requires ambulance.

Another danger of the disease is that the first symptoms of the gastrointestinal track of the gastrointestinal tract are often late, and in the early stages to suspect cancer hard. Receive it either by chance during surveys, or in the started state, when the tumor reaches large sizes.

Causes of gastrointestinal cancer

Studies have shown that the carcinoma of the GTS is more often diagnosed in men over 55 years. In the development of many ailments, the role of Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori plays, so its presence is a risk factor. Also on the gastrointestinal tract significantly affects the food culture and human diet. Reception is hot, sharp, too salted, poorly fired food, as well as strong alcoholic beverages negatively affect the digestion system and lead to the development of inflammatory diseases.

There are precancerous states, against the background of which malignant tumors are developing:

  • ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • metaplasia;
  • leukoplakia;
  • food Barrette
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • duodenogastral reflux;
  • adenomatous polyps;
  • menetry's disease;
  • siderias.

Malignant transformation arises due to changes in the structure of the mucous membrane occurring under the action of a long inflammatory process. It will happen, it may not immediately, but after a long time.

Interesting fact! Chronic gastritis causes a stomach cancer in 70-80% of cases!

Other risk factors are:

  • smoking;
  • obesity;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in food, consumption of water with nitrites and nitrates;
  • oncology in the family;
  • damage to the esophagus and stomach with chemicals;
  • atrophy of the stomach;
  • hereditary diseases (neurofibromatosis 1, multiple neoplasia type 1, Gordner syndrome, Lynch syndrome, etc.).

There are also cases of developing tumors after operations on the gastrointestinal bodies.

Classification of Cancer Zhkt.

The tumors of the gastrointestinal tract are classified depending on localization.

  • cervical and uppergrates of the esophagus;
  • cancer of the average germ part;
  • nizhnegorudnaya;
  • abdominal.

According to the histological type of cancer, the gastrointestinal tract can be:

Interesting fact! Most often occurs adenocarcinoma. In second place there is a flat-belling cancer.

There are 3 forms of malignant tumors of the tract:

  • ulcerative (grows exofecto in the enumeration of the organ);
  • nodal or polypose (it has the shape of cauliflower, as it turns out the lumen of the organs);
  • infiltrative (diffuse).

Developed in the sublifted layer, more often covers the organs circularly, that is, in a circle. It looks like a tumor as a whitish thickened mucous membrane, against which ulcerations may occur.

Symptoms and signs of gastroincing cancer

The symptoms of the Cancer Cancer differ depending on the localization of the tumor, but they have something in common. Often, patients complain of weakness, fatigue, weight loss. The reason for this state is to limit food intake into the body, as well as cancer intoxication.

With the defeat of the esophagus, when the neoplasm reaches large sizes, there is a difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), which is associated with the overlap of the body's lumen. Some people experience pain when swallowing. Other symptoms of the carcinoma of this localization are the painful pain behind the sternum and in the back, abundant salivament.

Late manifestations of illness can be hearthole, jeeping, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth and smell of mouth. These phenomena appear due to metabolic disorders and reduce the quality of oxidative processes. Cough, witnessing voice, suffocation, can evidence about metastases.

Signs of gastric gastric cancer - this is:

  • pain and abdominal discomfort;
  • the feeling of overcrowding and earlier saturation (in some cases, patients, on the contrary, are constantly experiencing hunger and cannot be satisfied);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • disps disappointments.

Important! When cancer, the gastroofing can be bleeded. It is evidenced by vomiting with blood and blood in a chair.

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • changing the color of the chair;
  • jaundice;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain and bloating.

Note! The symptoms of the gastrointestinal cancer in the early stages are often unobistant. When there are pronounced deviations, it says about the starting process.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis of cancer cancer begins with careful collection of anamnesis and external patient examination. The doctor proves the belly for the presence of increased organs and lymph nodes, draws attention to the color of human skin, the general condition, examines the oral cavity.

If the colorectal cancer is suggested, it is necessary to carry out a palpator survey of the rectum.

To make a diagnosis use:

  1. Radiography with barium contrast. This technique allows you to confirm the presence of a tumor in the stomach, esophagus or intestines, its localization, size, length and various complications.
  2. Endoscopy. This is a more perfect way. With it, you can inspect the organs from the inside. At the same time do not make any cuts. The flexible tube with the camera at the end is inserted through the mouth or to the anal hole (when examining the intestine).
  3. Biopsy. During endoscopic examination, biopsy is often made (take a fragment of the tumor for a microscopic study). Such a procedure is a mandatory point in the diagnosis of malignant formations, since only biopsy makes it possible to establish the type and form of oncology.
  4. Laboratory tests, among which biochemical blood test and daily urine analysis. The fact is that the tumors of the gastrointestinal tract are able to produce various substances or hormones. During the analysis, they establish whether there are deviations in the indicators of these substances that are called oncomarkers.

What are the monasarkers to take with a possible gastrointestinal cancer? One of the monomarkers, which indicates neuroendocrine tumors is chromograin A. In the urine, the level of serotonin is often rising.

To detect metastases in the surrounding organs and structures (lymph nodes, blood vessels, muscles, etc.), CT and ultrasound of the abdominal or thoracic cavity are carried out, as well as the retroperitoneal space. In addition, tracheobronchoscopy may be needed (for bronchus surveys) and laparoscopy (for peritone surveys).

More advanced techniques for finding metastases in any body portion is MRI (using a magnet) and PET (carried out using a radionuclide substance that is introduced into Vienna).

If metastases were found, they also need to be taken to the biopsy. From the lymph nodes, the material is taken with the help of a special syringe, a surgical incision may be required to study internal organs.

Treatment of gastrointestinal cancer

Treatment of cancer CBC consists of surgical removal of a tumor in combination with chemotherapy and / or irradiation. The most common and efficient method is the operation. The rest are applied as an addition and not so much significantly affect the forecast of life for the patient.

Choosing the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer depends on the prevalence of the process:

  • In the earliest stages, when the tumor is only in the mucous membrane, endoscopic resection can perform. At the end of the endoscope, a special tip is installed for resection, a tube is introduced through the mouth into the esophagus, the stomach or duodenum and remove the neoplasm. Control over the operation is performed through a chamber that is equipped with an endoscope.
  • With small tumors, a wide excision is practiced: a neoplasm with several centimeters of surrounding fabric is cut.
  • The best indicators in the treatment of common onco-windows are observed after resection. This is an operation, during which a part of the organ with a tumor or completely all organs is removed through a cut in the abdomen. Of course, the total resection is not always possible due to the prevalence of cancer cells at a high distance. In such cases, the task of the doctor is to remove the maximum possible volume of neoplasm (subtotal resection) and restore the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract so that the person can eat normally. In addition to part of the affected organ, if necessary, remove lymph nodes, as well as other damaged organs (intestines, spleen, etc.). Such operations are rather heavy, therefore mortality is from 5 to 10%. After the operation, the resulting material is sent to the laboratory and is examined under the microscope to determine the result of the treatment and tactics of further therapy.

Interesting fact! Total resection is when cancer cells are not detected along the edges of the remote tissue.

After the operation, it is necessary to carry out plastic remote fragments. The doctor must choose the most rational method of plastics to maximally restore the anastomosis. The best indicators are marked with simultaneous operations.

It is worth noting that the majority of patients with carcinoma gasts are older people, and, as you know, they often have other related pathologies (in particular cardiovascular and respiratory systems). Because of this, surgical treatment is significantly limited. To determine the testimony for the operation, you need to pass a number of tests, otherwise the treatment can end with a fatal outcome.

Those patients who are contraindicated operation are palliative care. It can consist of chemotherapy, irradiation, symptomatic therapy. In the presence of complications, such as stenosis, carry out an operation on the imposition of bypass anastomosis. Also can carry out gastrostomy (the creation of an artificial entrance to the stomach through the abdominal cavity) or a colostomy (remove the sector of the intestine into the wall of the abdomen, creating a closet for emptying).

Chemotherapy for gastrointestinal cancer is used before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or after (to destroy its residues). Preoperative chemotherapy has a positive effect on further resection and reduces the likelihood of local recurrence. Doctors prescribe several cytostatic preparations according to a specific scheme.

The schemes of chemotherapy are presented for different types of gastroincing cancer

HT 1 line diagram with esophagus cancer:

  • Platidiam 100 mg / m2 (in the 1st day of the course);
  • 5-fluorouracil 500 mg / m2 (1 and 8 day).

CT 2 line diagram with esophagus cancer:

  • Platforms 100 mg / m2 (in the 1st day);
  • Etoposide 120 mg / m2 (in 3, 4 and 5 day);
  • Pharmorubicin 30 mg / m2 (3 and 10 day).
  1. Doxorubicinmg / m2 (1 and 8 day);
  2. Wepzid 120 mg / m2 (5, 6, 7 day);
  3. PlatidiamMG / m2 (on 3 day of course).

Chemotherapeutic diagram with stomach cancer:

  1. Bulustin 80 mg / m2 (in 1 day);
  2. Wepzid 120 mg / m2 (3, 4, 5 days);
  3. 5-fluorouracil 500 mg / m2 (1, 8, 15 day).

Scheme for the treatment of cancer of the rectum:

  • Oxaliplatin 85 mg / m2 (in 1, 15, 29 days);
  • Calcium folinate 500 mg / m2;
  • Formuracyl 500 mg / m2 (1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th days).

Often, cytostatics are administered intravenously, but with malignant stomach neoplasms, such an approach does not give a pronounced effect, due to which intraarterial polychimotherapy is used, which implies the introduction of drugs in artery, feeding the tumor (left gastric artery or right gastrointestinal). To improve the effectiveness of antitumor therapy, the local hypertermy is used: the tumor is heated to 40-44 °.

Preoperative radiation therapy is carried out 2 weeks before the operation. It makes it possible to expand the testimony for radical treatment, reduce the risk of relapses and metastasis. If it fails to be used for any reason, then for small, well-degraded tumors, it is advisable to prescribe exposure after the operation.

The classic option of radiation therapy implies 5 irradiation sessions with a total dose of 20 to 45 Gy, depending on the size of the neoplasm (the number of sessions may be greater!). Rays are directed to the tumor and zones of the arrangement of lymph nodes of possible metastasis. Internal exposure is considered effective: the probe with a radioactive substance is introduced through the esophagus to the location of the oncooca. Also can carry out intraoperative LTs with Sodr.

Radiation therapy is the main method of treatment for non-speaking patients. In 30-40% of such irradiation patients make it possible to achieve the disappearance of painful symptoms.

Patients with malignant tumors of the esophagus, stomach or intestines should be avoided physical exertion and comply with the diet. Diet with gastrointestinal cancer includes refusal of oily and heavy food, alcohol, seasonings and spices. You need to eat fresh crushed vegetables, croups, soups, low-fat meat.

Alternative methods for treating cancer

Some patients can offer alternative methods that replace surgery. For example, there is cryosurgery that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze cancer tissue. Also, the tumor can be destroyed using ultrasound, laser, radiotherapy.

Radiotherapy is a kind of radiation therapy at which high dose radiation exposure is used. The beam is directed clearly to the tumor, as a result of which its cells die. There is also a variant of radiation therapy at which the radioactive substance is placed inside the tumor. This method is called brachytherapy.

Currently, the method of hormone therapy is developing: the patient is introduced to the analogues of somatostatin. This prevents the hormone generation to the tumor and slows her growth.

Additionally, during the treatment of cancer, the GTS can be performed by interferon immunotherapy. It stimulates the human immune system, helping the body better work and fight tumor intoxication.

Metastasis and relapse when cancer gastroof

Metastases with stomach, intestines or esophagus cancer are distributed in several ways:

  1. Implantation (there is an increase in the volume of tumor and germination into neighboring structures);
  2. Hematogenous (cancer cells are separated from the primary tumor, fall into the bloodstream and propagate with blood flow into any part of the body);
  3. Lymphogenic (on the lymphatic system).

Metastatic tumors have the same form as the primary neoplasm. The path of their dissemination depends on the localization of the oncoprocess. So, the neoplasms of the esophagus first apply to the lymphatic vessels that are in the sublifted layer. They can be found in 5 and even 10 cm from the visible edge of the tumor. Next occurs in the lymph nodes (cervical, parasepal, tracheobronchial, paracardial). Remote metastases are more often found in the liver, lungs and bone system.

Metastases in the stomach cancer are usually distributed lymphogenic. Initially, lymph nodes are affected, located in the ties of the stomach, then - retroperitoneal, and at the end there is metastasis for remote organs (delicate intestines, pancreas, liver, butter).

Treat metastasis surgically. At the same time they can delete the affected organ. When metastases in the liver, it is carried out its transplant or embolization of the hepatic artery. Also, treatment includes powerful chemotherapy.

Forecast for gastroincing cancer

The forecast of life during the cancer of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the following factors:

In the carcinoma of the esophagus, the average 5-year survival after complex radical treatment is 56%, with tumors of the stomach - 25%, with an intestine carcinoma - 40-50%.

Such indicators are explained by the fact that most patients come from 3-4 stages. 1 and 2 stages are rarely observed, but if you carry out a high-quality operation during this period, you can achieve 80-90% of 5-year survival and about 70% - 10-year-old.

The untreated cancer has bad forecasts. Such people live a maximum of 5-8 months. Palliative care helps to live for several years, and some even more than 5 years.

Prevention of the disease

The prevention of gastrointestinal cancer includes balanced nutrition. It is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits, more drinking green tea. If you do not want to root, then from alcohol and cigarettes should be abandoned at all.

Since the symptoms of the disease in the early stages are unobistant, doctors need to be more wary about the oncology and in the case of the slightest suspicion to send a person to an extensive examination.

In the presence of precancerous diseases, it is necessary to conduct their treatment in time, and then regularly examined.

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The first symptoms of gastric cancer

The gastric cancer is a common oncological disease that more often amazes men than women. Developing, a malignant tumor can spread to the liver, lungs, esophagus and other organs. If the treatment of gastric cancer start at the first stages of its development, that is, the chance to completely get rid of this disease and save the life of the patient. What features, the first signs and symptoms of this oncological disease?

Features of the manifestation of gastric cancer

The oncological disease caused by the formation of a malignant tumor from the cells of the gastric mucosa occupies 4th place among cancer diseases. Often the inhabitants of Asia suffer from him. The malignant tumor can develop in any part of the stomach. In the early stages of the cancer of the digestion body, it is very problematic to diagnose, because there is no pronounced painting of the disease. This cancer is classified by histological type of cells, for tumor growth and clinical stage.

Types of gastric cancer:

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  • Flake carcinoma arising from the reincarnation of epithelium cells.
  • Pisnevelo cell, formed from watershed cells.
  • Irony, which is the result of the rebirth of ferrous cells.
  • Undifferentiated, arising from immature cells.
  • Adenocarcinoma formed from the secretory cells of the mucous membrane. This type of oncology is diagnosed in 90% of cases.

With a diffuse type of cancer growth, there is no connection between the tumor cells, which grows through the wall thickness and does not enter the stomach cavity. Such behavior is characteristic of an undifferentiated type of cancer. In the intestinal type of cell growth, there is a connection between themselves. Malignant education in this case is slowly growing stomach. It also behaves with iron cancer, adenocarcinoma. By clinical manifestation, this cancer is divided into 5 stages (0-4).

What are the first symptoms and signs of gastric cancer

The first symptoms of the stomach cancer are difficult to determine, so they are often taken for manifestation of ulcers or gastritis. Only an experienced doctor will be able to distinguish in the early stages of development a malignant education in this organ of the digestive system. The treatment of the stomach cancer at an early stage gives a high probability of getting rid of this disease. If there is a suspicion of oncology, then to accurately diagnose cancer, the patient can assign a survey.

The diagnosis of cancer is carried out using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, MRI, ultrasound, blood test on the monarchors of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the signs of the stomach cancer? Doctor L.I. Savitsky believed that the early stage of the disease is possible to determine on the special state of the body. He introduced a new term "syndrome of small signs with a stomach cancer."

Its presence in the body is characterized by constant weakness, fatigue, depressive condition, weight loss, deterioration of appetite, discomfort in the stomach. An experienced doctor when identifying small signs of cancer will be able to appoint effective treatment. In the initial stages of the disease, the first symptoms of onco-scabers are vague and often depend on its localization in the stomach. Below will look at the basic first signs of this cancer.


Disruption of appetite is a common sign of a stomach cancer, which is found in people of senior and middle age. On a row with this symptom, patients may experience nausea, severity in the opposite region. Such patients note that for the first time noticed the unpleasant sensations in the stomach after abundant meals. Subsequently, they stopped receiving pleasure from eating, so they have decreased appetite. Often patients in the early stages of the development of the tumor complain about the severity, heartburn, belching, flatulence.

Disciplous sensations in the chest

At the first stages of cancer, unpleasant, painful sensations in the chest area appear. These include: a sense of cutting, pressure, gravity, burning, light temporary convulsive phenomena. These symptoms occur after taking a heavy, abundant or hard-permeable food. With the development of the stomach cancer, discomfort in the chest is enhanced and worried about the patient even with moderate dietary dishes. Patients at the initial stage of development of this onco-scabing are often complaining of a doctor for breast pain, which gives in the heart or blades

Difficulties in swallowing

If malignant education is localized in the upper stomach department, it sometimes causes problems when swallowing food. This symptom cannot be ignored. At the first stages of the growth of cancer, the patient is experiencing only a small discomfort when absorbing food in the form of large, coarse pieces. However, with the development of a tumor and an increase in its size, it becomes hard to swallow soft, liquid food.

Nausea and vomiting

Stomach cancer at the initial stage is often manifested in the form of uncomfortable sensations after meals. Many patients noticed that after meals, nausea appears, which does not pass for a long time after lunch. Another of the first symptoms of this cancer is vomiting, starting after eating or at another time of the day. For some patients, it appears periodically, others - once. If vomiting contains the blood of scarlet or brown, then the urgent consultation of the doctor is necessary.

Cancer manifests itself at the initial stage by the presence of hidden blood in feces. This phenomenon indicates gastric bleeding. Moreover, when the stomach cancer, the tests on the blood content in Kale will constantly have confirmation of its presence in feces. If, with repeatedly conducted such studies, the result is always positive, then this is a serious symptom confirming the development of a malignant tumor in the stomach.

If the bleeding in the stomach is regular, then they are accompanied by a breath, fatigue, pallor of the skin. Not in all cases of cancer at an early stage in feces contains blood. The cause of blood in feces or vomiting masses will help to establish a doctor after examination. Bleeding can cause not only malignant formations in the stomach, but also a duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Dry slimming and change of well-being

Constant fatigue and sharp weight loss - the first symptom of the stomach cancer. It is noted that this sign of cancer often arises from those who have suffered from gastritis with secretory deficiency for a long time. Other people have thinness due to the fact that they cease to consume enough food due to the loss of appetite and the occurrence of discomfort after meals.

How fast is the gastric cancer

The prejudition state of this disease sometimes lasts. At this time, only with the first symptoms of the disease, an experienced doctor will be able to suspect cancer. Often, the oncology of the stomach is revealed already in the later stages. At first, a person is sick with gastritis, which, in the absence of suitable treatment, goes into a chronic form. Then there is atrophy of the gastric mucosa, the formation of atypical and cancer cells. Those who lead a healthy lifestyle Cancer develops slower than those who use tobacco, alcohol, and too hot food.

How many people live with stomach cancer

There is a notion of "five-year survival". This term denotes that if after the treatment of cancer, the patient has lived for 5 years, he recovered and will never suffer from this disease again. Statistics show that when discovering and medical care at the 1st stage of the disease, survival forecast is 80% of patients, on the 2nd - 56%, on the 3rd - 38%, on the 4th - 5%. These data show that the disease to defeat the disease is really if you appeal at the first manifestations and follow the recommendations of the doctor.

The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Symptoms and symptoms of gastroincing cancer, treatment

Stomach cancer refers to one of the common oncological diseases with an increased degree of lethal exodus.

The atypical rebirth of the cells occurs in the mucous membrane and then goes deep into and along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Metastases with a gastrointestinal cancer occur in 80% of patients, due to this, the disease proceeds quite hard.

The oncology of the gastrointestinal tract has several species, most often in patients detected adenocarcinoma.

International statistics helped to identify that the gastrointestinal tumors are characteristic of:

  • Male representatives.
  • People between the ages of 40 years the risk of getting raised and goes to a decline after 70 years.
  • In Asian countries, patients are greater than in all others. Conducted by some features of life and diet and so that with a low level of social culture, people's earnings pay less attention to preventive inspections.
  • Cancer of the stomach, intestinal cancer quickly gives metastases. The neoplasm can germinate into the intestines, the pancreas through the walls of the organ. And with blood flow, atypical cells fall into the lungs, liver. According to the lymphatic system, cancer cells are penetrated into lymph nodes.
  • The intestinal cancer ranks second after the oncology of the lungs for mortality.

The rebirth of normal cells into atypical is a multi-step chain of action.

Causes of disease

Gastroenterologists are engaged in problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. A similar section in medicine is studying the causes of the disease, its symptoms, the features of the flow.

Perennial research has not yet revealed the exact reason for which the intestinal cancer appears. Several factors can contribute to its occurrence. The main objects include the following:

  • The accumulation and stimulation of mutations under the influence of carcinogens, both external and internal.
  • Precuracial pathology in gastric walls.
  • Stimulation of cancer appearance against the background of carcinogens and pathology.

Malicious effect of chemical, toxic substances for gastric epithelium

  1. Outly in the food salt, food additives with the mark "E", smoked, canned foods, pickles, marinades, as well as fried food. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco use and some medicines, which contain aspirin and hormones.
  2. Lack of vitamin C. This vitamin normalizes in the body the level of hydrochloric acid content reduces the bleeding, which allows preventing initial disorders in the gastric walls. Low content in the organism of vitamin E also provokes the occurrence of gastric cancer. The tocopherol is positive effect on the resistance of the mucous membrane, adjusts the content of macro and trace elements, beta - carotene.
  • The infection is the negative effect of Helicobacter pylori, staphylococcular, streptococci and micrococci, fungus of the Candida family, Epstein-Barra virus.

The participation of the virus as the cause of the causing gastric cancer and the intestinal tract has already been proven by special markers, which are presence of herpes in tumor cells;

  1. The hereditary factor is the hereditary transmission of the low level of the level of the E-Kadherin gene or the epithelium protein, which in normal conditions does not give to develop tumor cells. People with a group of blood A (II) have 20% risk more, which will arise a malignant tumor than others.
  2. Immune problems - the resistance of the epithelium decreases due to the insufficient amount of immunoglobulin A in the wall of the mucous membrane. The autoimmune process has a large influence on the formation of cancer.

Chronic pathology preceding gastroincing cancer

These include diseases such as:

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis having a chronic form;
  • Polyps of the walls of the stomach;
  • Resection on the stomach and other surgical interference on this organ;
  • The underdeveloped structure of the stomach walls.

Listed diseases can develop without stimulation by carcinogens. In this case, any neoplasm will be benign.

Important! The infection of H. pylori, carcinogens and damage to the walls of the stomach plays a major role in the occurrence of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Classification of the disease

In the oncology, several classifications of malignant damage to the stomach are used, it is necessary to choose a more efficient course of therapy with a gastrointestinal cancer.

According to the classification of Borman, cancer tumors are divided into four types:

  • Polypussed mushroom-like tumor. This neoplasm from the mucous layer grows into the cavity of the organ, the borders of the tumor are clear, the base is wide or in the form of a fine leg. The mushroom formation of cancer is characterized by slow growth and late advent of metastasis. Polypin cancer is mainly localized at the bottom of the stomach.
  • Announced presentation. It visually resembles a saucer with raised outer edges and a middle failed. It germinates such a tumor into the lumen of the stomach, metastases are formed late. Malignant formation is deslacified in a large cryvism of the stomach.
  • Ulcerative-infiltrative tumor stomach. The neoplasm does not have clear outlines, the growth has infiltrative.
  • Diffuse-infiltrative carcinoma. This tumor is a mixed structure, originated in mucous and submucosal layers. During the examination, small ulcers can be detected. At the later stages of the wall disease become more thickened.

According to histology of the stomach cancer, it is also divided into types:

  1. Adenocarcinoma. This type of cancer is striking in almost 95% of cases. Develop a tumor begins in secretory cells of the mucous layer.
  2. Flake carcation cancer. The tumor of this type is formed from the atypical rebirth of epithelial cells.
  3. Pisnevelo cell tumor. Education takes its beginning from glassoid cells responsible for the formulation of mucus.
  4. Iron cancer. The reason for the appearance of this type of cancer is the malignant rebirth of healthy glands.

In the structure of cells, you can find out how aggressive the growth of cancer education. Classification allocates the following forms:

  • Highly differentiated cancer - atypical cells differ little from normal. This form has a slow tumor growth rate, and metastasis occurs only at the last stage.
  • A moderately differentiated cancer in the extent difference from healthy stomach cells occupies an average step.
  • The low-differentiated form of cancer is determined when malignant cells are almost completely different from normal, in their structure.
  • Undifferentiated. Tumor is born in immature cells of the stomach mucosa. Different with rapid growth, aggressive flow. Metastasation occurs in a short time.

The gastric cancer is divided into forms depending on the type of tumor growth.

  1. Diffuse-cells of growing education have no connection between themselves. The tumor affects the thickness of the walls of the organ, but does not germinate in the cavity. The diffuse type of malignant education is more likely with an undifferentiated cancer.
  2. Intestinal type - with this pathology, the reborn cells are interconnected with each other. The tumor opens into the body cavity. This type of oncology is characterized by slow growth and is less aggressive.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of the stomach and intestines cancer at an early stage are not manifested by clinical signs. But, with a careful attitude to its body, you can see repeating manifestations of the disease. These symptoms are characteristic of many oncological diseases, they are called "small diagnostic signs".

  • The usual standing of the body has changed. Appeared weakness, fatigue.
  • Appetite decreased significantly.
  • The feeling of discomfort in the stomach is a feeling of gravity, a feeling of the overflow of the stomach, reaching in pain.
  • Sharp weight loss without a visible cause.
  • Mental changes appear in the form of apathy, depression.

Disps are often manifested:

  • Appetite has decreased significantly or completely disappeared.
  • Favorite food causes disgust. Especially often a person ceases to eat protein products - fish, meat.
  • Physical saturation disappears.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • The stomach is quickly overflowing.

Often one of the above features may testify in power errors. But if several of them arise simultaneously, then you should consult a doctor, to eliminate malignant education.

Signs of illness inherent in both women and men:

  1. In the chest area, the feeling of gravity, pain. The symptoms can go to the back zone, blades.
  2. Problems in the work of the digestive system. The exhibition, heartburn, the swelling of most patients appear before the pain of oncology.
  3. Problems with swallowing or dysphagia. This disorder indicates a malignant tumor located at the top of the stomach. At the initial stage, it is difficult to swallow solid food, then a soft and semi-liquid food ceases to pass normally.
  4. The attacks are nauseated with the fact that the gastric lumen has decreased, and normal digestion does not occur. After vomiting the condition is facilitated.
  5. Blood is present in the lots. This indicates the breakdown of the tumor and that the cancer process spread throughout the body. Blood has a scarlet color, can be in the form of inclusions. Permanent bleeding lead to the development of anemia in a sick person.
  6. The presence of blood in the cartoons. Signs of blood noticeably in the color of the feces, they are painted in almost black color.
  7. Patients are very thin.

As the cancer neoplascence increases, the symptoms of the body intoxication are joined by the basic signs - irritability, weakness, anemia, lethargy may occur. Under the damage to atypical cells of other organs, there is a violation in their work, and accordingly new signs of the disease appear.

This pathology is also found in children. The symptoms of Cancer Cancer manifest themselves gradually and in the initial stages they are confused with enterocolitis, gastritis, dyskinesia of biliary tract.

Doctors prescribe appropriate treatment, which at the time smoothes the symptoms of pathology.

The early signs of the oncology of the stomach concluded in the following - poor well-being, the deterioration of appetite, weakness.

The main symptoms grow gradually. These include - pain, discomfort in the stomach, the child complains of belching, bloating, colic. Sometimes there may be a liquid stool with an admixture of blood.

The detailed picture of the malignant tumor is manifested at the last stage. The child suffers from constant pain syndrome, the appetite is completely absent, constipation is prolonged. A sharp stomach may develop. A large tumor in a child is tested during palpation.

The presence of listed symptoms is not sufficient evidence that a tumor developed at the intestine or in the stomach. The diagnosis of "cancer of the gastrointestinal tract" is carried out only after a full examination of the patient.

However, the emergence of such signs requires urgent appeal to a specialist for inspection.


The results of histological examination of the tumor can serve as a reason for making a diagnosis with a note - there is a gastric cancer or it is not. But to find education, clarify the size, localization and implementation of biopsy are prescribed gastroscopy.

Increased lymph nodes of the mediastinum and the presence of metastases in the lungs can be detected using the X-ray of respiratory organs. Contrast radiography of the GTI will reveal the presence of a tumor in the stomach.

Ultrasound examination is carried out to clarify the tumor process. For the same specialist, multispiral computed tomography or MSCT is prescribed. It is possible to determine the degree of propagation of the tumor using PET is positron-emission tomography. A study is carried out using radioactive glucose, which is introduced into the body, and then it is collected in tumor cells, visually showing how the neoplasia has spread far. In some cases, the doctor may be appointed computer or MRI - magnetically resonant tomography.

In the laboratory, when analyzing blood, it is possible to identify oncomarkers, according to which the type of cancer is determined. Faces are studied for the presence of blood.

A careful study of education, the possibility of its excision is determined using laparoscopy, with this procedure, a bioptate can be taken to explore.

Treatment methods

The choice of therapy is determined by the stage of the disease, in which place is located a tumor, a common state of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases. The main method of treatment of cancer in the early stages is surgical intervention in combination with enhanced and non-television chemotherapy. Latest stages use palliative and symptomatic treatment.

Surgical intervention with stomach resection

Before carrying out operation, the patient is carried out laparoscopy. Prescribe it to eliminate the presence of metastasis on the gland and in the peritoneum.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the state of the patient and the size of the neoplasum, an operation can be carried out with minimal opening of peritoneum or endoscopic resection. After resection, complications may appear.

  • Pain syndrome. It is borne by medication or light irradiation;
  • Split stomach walls. It can be partial or complete. Removed by physical impact;
  • Bleeding. Stops drugs and physical intervention.

Physical intervention implies an ignition by electrothermal or laser influence.

It is assigned in the absence of any contraindications. If the resection cannot be performed chemotherapy or irradiation. It is done in order to reduce carcinogenesis.

Before surgical intervention, it is necessary to prepare a patient.

The main stage of therapy is the period of rehabilitation after the operation. It includes the installation of drainage tubes to remove exudate. Patients in the absence of complications are allowed to sit for the first time, and walk - already on the second.

Contraindication for the operation are the following indicators:

The events needed after surgery performed:

  • from the first days they are anesthesia medication;
  • on the third day they make stimulation of intestinal peristaltics;
  • from the first days, feeding the patient with the help of probe and special mixtures;
  • a four or six-day antibiotic reception rate is assigned;
  • if necessary, medicines are introduced, reduced blood clotting.

All actions are performed under the supervision of the doctor. Additional healing activities are detected individually. A week after the residue, the seams are removed.

Chemotherapy is assigned to suppress tumor growth. The complex of drugs includes highly toxic agents that destroy cancer cells. After surgery, chemotherapy is used to suppress the vital activity of the remaining atypical cells. This is necessary in order to exclude the recurrence of the stomach cancer.

As needed, chemotherapy can be combined with radiation therapy. This will help strengthen the effect of the operation. Surgical intervention is also combined with one or another method for suppressing cancer cells.

Patients, patients with oncology of the stomach, should fully eat throughout the entire rehabilitation time. The body struggling with cancer is needed a large amount of protein, trace elements, vitamins. The daily diet must be calorie. If on the background of apathy, the depressed patient refuses to supply food, the reception of food is carried out tripled.

Important! When cancer, the stomach must be observed a diet.

Prevention and forecast

The cancer of the gastrointestinal tract is usually detected at the last stage when the tumor is not cured. The probability of cure is possible only in 40% of cases. This is when the tumor at an early stage, metastasis is missing or metastases are located in the nearest lymph nodes.

When diagnosing a stomach cancer of the third, fourth stage and ate there is a tendency to rapid flow and complications, the forecast is unfavorable.

Surgical intervention in a complex with other methods of anti-cancer therapy gives a five-year survival rate of only 12% of patients. If the cancer was discovered at an early stage, when there is no germination in the submembolized layers of the stomach wall, then the five-year survival reaches 70% of cases. In case the patient suffers for malignant ulcer of the stomach, survival ranges between 30 and 50%.

In non-cultural tumors, the most unfavorable forecast. This is due to the fact that the neoplasm sprouted through all the layers of the stomach wall and penetrated into nearby fabrics. If metastases in lungs and liver have been found, the forecast is also unfavorable.

Important! Therapy, in the inoperable stomach cancer, is aimed at reducing the symptoms and the rate of progression of the tumor, as well as facilitating the overall state of the patient.

The main measures of the prevention of the oncology of the stomach are the following actions:

  • Therapy of diseases that belong to the prejudice should be carried out in a timely manner.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

It is necessary to control the state of the gastric mucosa, this will help in a timely manner to determine the origin of the tumor.

- It is a malignant rebirth of gastric epithelium cells. The disease of 71-95% of cases is associated with the defeat of the stomach walls by Helicobacter Pylori by bacteria and refers to common oncological diseases of people aged 50 to 70 years. In men, the gastric cancer is diagnosed 10-20% more often than women of the same age.


In the structure of Russia's cancer, the stomach cancer occupies a leading position along with malignant lesions of the lung, breast, a thick division of intestines and leather.

The incidence rate is 17-19 people per 100 thousand inhabitants of Russia per year. For some information, it reaches 30 people per 100 thousand population. The duration of the preclinical period of the disease is from 11 months to 6 years.

There is a geographical heterogeneity of incidence frequency on a global scale:

    High level - Russia, Japan, South Korea, Finland, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Iceland.

    Low - Western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, Indonesia.

The debut of the stomach cancer is associated with H. pylori and preceding pathologies: mucous membranes, ulcerative disease, polyps on the walls of the stomach, gastritis and other diseases. Of course, the negative impact of smoking and strong alcohol on the body, as well as the regular use of food dyes, flavors and taste amplifiers, is definitely proved.

In countries with a high level of medical care, cancer are detected in the early stages, so mortality statistics look quite optimistic. The five-year survival rate of cancer patients in Japan under the condition of early diagnosis is about 70-90%.

How many stomach cancer live?

Patients with cancer of the stomach men live on average for 12 years, and women are 15 years old less peers.

In Russia, the structure of identification and survival of patients is as follows:

    I stage of disease determine 10-20% of patients, survival for five years - 60-80%;

    II-III stage with the defeat of regional lymph nodes determine in 30% of patients, survival rate for five years fluctuates at the level of 15-45%;

    IV Stage with metastases in neighboring organs is diagnosed in 50% of the diseased, survival rate for five years is no more than 5-7%.

Active attempts are made to create objective prediction systems for the disease. As immunohistochemical markers of this form, oncologists use various enzyme systems, including MMP-9. The method is based on clinical oncology in order to determine the possibility of surgical treatment.

The disease is not very manifested by clinical signs.

Basic diagnostic errors are associated with symptoms making stomach cancer similar to neonocological pathologies of the heart or gastrointestinal tract:

    Similar to heart disease. The localization of the tumor in the cardiac part of the stomach is accompanied by stolen pains (angina), especially on the background of people after fifty years.

    Diseases with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Localization of the tumor closer to the intestinal part of the stomach is manifested by signs resembling gastritis, peptic disease, cholecystitis. All these diseases are manifested by pain in the abdomen, vomiting and gastric bleeding.

An erroneous diagnosis can hide the main disease for a long time. Moreover, a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist with an in-depth examination usually find multiple deviations in patients with solid age, while there are no obvious signs of oncology.

The doctor leading the patient must alert:

    Lack of effect after a course of treatment;

    The presence in the patient in the history of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The patient and the doctor should also concern the subjective sensations (at least two or three), indicating the signs of small gastric cancer:

    Permanent discomfort in the abdomen (overflow, severity);

    Difficult to swallowing food, the stubborn pain, which gives in the back;

    Pain that is not losing after meals and not removed by the reception of medicines;

    Fatigue and chronic weakness after minimal exercise;

    Fast weight loss (10-20 kg for 6 months with a body weight of 80-90 kg) and a decrease in appetite;

    Disgust for meat dishes, previously not observed intelligibility in food;

    Fast saturation with minimal food.

Based on clinical studies, the regularities of the appearance of signs of the disease (at the same time at least two to three of the following), which are later identified as signs of oncology, namely:

    Pain in the central region of the epigastria, about 60% of patients inform about it;

    The progressive reduction in body weight, reports about 50% of patients;

    Nausea and vomiting after meals - about 40% of patients;

    Nausea and vomiting with blood - about 25%;

    The pallor of the mucous membranes is about 40%.

Clinical symptoms have some differences depending on the localization of the tumor in the upper, middle and lower part of the stomach:

    The defeat of the upper part of the stomach is manifested by cardiological symptoms (pain in the heart of the heart), as well as difficulty in swallowing, up to the inability to eat. Development is developing, threatening disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DVS syndrome). Also dangerous protein starvation, which aggravates violations of nitrogen exchange and leads to a critical level of non-compounded substances in the blood.

    The defeat of the middle part of the stomach is manifested by gastric bleeding and the development of anemia. Large vessels are located in this zone. Hidden bleeding is determined by simple laboratory methods, and massive bleeding is determined by the change in the consistency and color of the feces - it becomes black and tiny. The pain is most often associated with the involvement in the carcinogenesis of the pancreas. Other symptoms are common.

    The defeat of the lower part of the stomach is manifested by dyspexia (diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and gastric pains), belching with the smell of rotten eggs.

The very first symptoms of gastric cancer

At the first signs should be paid to how long to the symptoms characterizing the III-IV stages of the stomach cancer. Detection of the disease in the last stages is almost a patient.

The following pathologies should be associated with precancerous diseases:

    Chronic (atrophic) gastritis, regardless of the reasons, is characterized by uniform signs well detected during a clinical examination of the patient - it is nausea and vomiting.

    The ulcer of the stomach, regardless of the options, is manifested by gastric bleeding in the form of bloody vomiting, massive or hidden blood loss in defecates, permanent or periodic pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. For ulcerative disease, seasonal exacerbations and successful removal of drug intake are characterized.

    Polyps of the stomach walls, including large (adenomatous) and small (hyperplastic). Early stages proceed subclinically, benign neoplasms when traumatizing bleeding. Polyps are inclined to malignancy, located the initial stomach department.

    Dysplasia, metaplasia. All stages of cell atiypics (dysplasia) up to the last IV stage (cancer in situ) are detected mainly by laboratory methods in cytological and histological examination. In recent stages, digestion disorders, nausea and vomiting are diagnosed.

Vomiting during gastric cancer

Unmotivated, at first glance, vomiting may indicate early signs of oncology. The diagnostic value is vomiting in combination with other signs.

The vomit reflex can be provoked:

    Narrowing the digestive tube of a developed tumor that creates an obstacle to the promotion of food (has diagnostic importance in the later stages);

    Irritation of the receptors of the vomit in the chemical and mechanical exposure of pathogenesis products (has a large diagnostic value, including in the early stages).

In the first case, food is thrown out immediately after eating. Massows contain swallowed food without signs of splitting with its gastric juice. The accompanying symptoms indicating the digestive tube cancer are a sharp weight loss, the pallor of the mucous membranes, as well as changes in the walls of the stomach at the cellular level. The vomiting of undigested food is observed with intoxication in a short period of time. But if it is associated with stomach cancer, it is manifested for a long time.

Secondlywith irritation of the vomiting, the vomiting comes regardless of meals. Most often it is related to the body intoxication by products of carcinogenesis.

With a single spasm of vomiting contains a semi-earned, with multiple - liquid content:

    Yellow (bile ducts normally);

    Light colors (obstruction of the ducts, it is possible to metastasize in the liver);

    Starids or thickens of dark red (damage to blood vessels).

Vomiting and cancer accurately have a link in the presence of two or three additional signs of damage to the digestive tract.

Blood with stomach cancer

Changes are observed in feces (in the form of mellows - the so-called "" Smorodine Kissel "), as well as in the vomit masses. Not always gastric bleeding has a connection with an oncological disease. The combination of bleeding and small signs of the stomach cancer (see above) significantly increases the probability of communication with the main disease.

Signs of gastric bleeding:

    The lots of mass have dark color and do not impress, it distinguishes the blood of the stomach from pulmonary bleeding;

    Cal because of the rolled blood is black, the consistency is liquid, the smell is malicious, is released by small portions.

Transformation of normal cells in malignant is a multi-step chain of events.

Below is a simplified vision of carcinogenesis and a phased inclusion of a variety of reasons:

    Stimulation and accumulation of mutations under the influence of external and / or internal carcinogens;

    Development of precancerous diseases in the walls of the stomach (chronic gastritis, ulcerative disease, benign neoplastic formations);

    Stimulation of the development of oncology on the background of the prejudice and exposure of carcinogen.

First stage

To have mutations, carcinogenic effects on the epithelium of the stomach are necessary.

External carcinogens (mostly food and drinks), including:

    Excessive regular use of cook salt, nutritional supplements with marking "E". For example, meat products and delicacies, which are always (provided for by technology), add sodium nitrate E251 to give meat red, sodium glutamate or E261 to improve taste. Protect stomach cancer Also smoked, sharp, pickled, canned and fried foods, strong alcohol, tobacco smoking, drug use (aspirin, hormones);

    Inmission of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which normalizes the level and quality of hydrochloric acid, reduces the bleeding, thereby preventing the development of primary disorders in the stomach walls. It also destructively affects the low level of vitamin E (tocopherol), which regulates the resistance of mucous membranes, beta-carotene and some macro and trace elements.

Internal carcinogens (infectious, hereditary, immune factors), including:

    Infectious - negative impact of Helicobacter pylori, micrococci, strepto- and staphylococci, fungi genus Candida, Epstein-Barra virus. The participation of the latter as the cause of the stomach cancer is certainly proven by the detection of herpes markers in tumor cells of certain types of tumors;

    Hereditary - it is proved that the incidence of individual forms of cancer is 20% higher in persons inheriting a (ii) blood group. The hereditary transfer of a low level of gene called E-Kadherin is also confirmed - this is the epithelium protein, which in normal conditions suppresses the growth of tumor cells;

    Immune - decrease in the resistance of the epithelium due to the lack of immunoglobulin (Ig) and in the wall of the mucous membranes. The effect of autoimmune processes on cancer formation is also proven.

Second phase

Includes the development of diseases preceding cancer, including:

    Resection of the stomach and other operations on the stomach;

    Dysplasia and metaplasia walls of the stomach.

Diseases can develop without the participation of carcinogens, then the pathogenesis is limited to a benign flow. In case of their impact, the disease is transformed into malignant.

Third stage

Directly carcinogenesis starts with the combination of the two above factors and unknown additional reasons. The depth mechanisms for the transformation of normal cells in malignant fully understood. However, it is known that in almost 100% of cases of stomach cancer are preceded by the infection of H. pylori, damage to the stomach walls and the unconditional participation of carcinogens.

The designation of the primary tumor - t with the addition of numbers from 1 to 4 and small capital letters (A, b) to describe the parts of the carcinogenesis occurring in the primary tumor. Designation of the lesion of regional lymph nodes - N with the addition of numbers from 0 to 3 and small capital letters (A, B). To designate remote uses the Latin letter - M and numbers - 0, 1 to designate the absence or presence of remote metastases.

1 stage of the stomach cancer

1 stage can be encrypted in three versions, namely:

    stage 1A (T 1 n 0 m 0), the primary tumor of the first stage, germinates to the mucous and submucoscent layer, without lesion of lymph nodes and remote metastases;

    stage 1B, option 1 (t 1 n 1 m 0), the primary tumor germinates into the mucous and submucosal layer, metastases in one-six regional lymph nodes, distant metastases are absent;

    stage 1 in, Option 2 (T 2A / B N 0 m 0), the primary tumor sprout into the muscular and suberozic layer, the lesions of lymph nodes and remote metastases is not observed.

2 Stage of Stomach Cancer

2 Stage can be encrypted in three versions, namely:

    (T 1 n 2 m 0), the primary tumor germinates into the mucous and submucosal layer, 7-15 regional lymph nodes are involved, distant metastases are absent;

    (T 2A / B N 1 m 0), the primary tumor in the muscular and subero bed, the involvement of 1-6 regional lymph nodes is diagnosed and the absence of remote metastases;

    (T 3 n 0 m 0), the primary tumor is located in a serous shell and visceral wall without involving neighboring organs, the lesions of regional lymph nodes and remote metastases are not observed.

3 Study of the stomach cancer

3 Stage can be encrypted in four versions, namely:

    Stage IIIA, option 1 (T 2A / B N 2 m 0), which means the involvement in the pathogenesis of the muscular and submern layer of the stomach wall, the defeat of 7-15 regional lymph nodes and the absence of remote metastases;

    Stage IIIA, option 2 (T 3 N 1 m 0), means damage to all layers of the serous stomach shell without engaging adjacent organs, the defeat of 1-6 regional lymph nodes and the absence of remote metastases;

    Stage IIIA, option 3 (T 4 n 0 m 0), has spread to neighboring organs in the absence of lesion of regional lymph nodes and without remote metastases;

    Stage IIIV, (T 3 N 2 m 0), damage to all layers of the serous shell, defeat 7-15 regional lymph nodes, the absence of remote metastases;

4 Stagging Street Cancer

4 Stage can be encrypted in three main versions, namely:

    (T 4 N 1, N 2, N 3, M 0), the propagation of the tumor to adjacent organs, the lesion of regional lymph nodes (1-6) -n 1, or (7-15) - N 2, or (more than 15) - N 3, the absence of remote metastases;

    (T 1 T 2 T 3, N 3 m 0), lesion of the mucous and submembratus layer - T 1 or the damage of the muscular and suberoal layer - T 2 or the defeat of all seasons of the serous shell, the defeat of more than 15 regional lymph nodes, the absence of remote metastases;

    (T any, n any, M 1), primary tumor of various growth options, also any options for lesion of regional lymph nodes and the mandatory presence of remote metastases.

Basic stomach cancer with metastases

So denote the stage of the disease in which it is impossible or inappropriate to apply the methods of surgical removal (resection) of part of the stomach and lymph nodes in order to stop the disease. Inexperienced cases do not include palliative operations in order to facilitate the state of the patient.

Basic cancer can be:

    Locally common, when a significant part of the stomach or multiple damage is damaged; there are mosaic and hurt the vital parts of the body (large vessels, nerve knots), cells are distributed lymphogenically, contact or implantation;

    Metastatic when lesions of remote organs are detected, usually liver, lungs, adrenal glands, bones and subcutaneous fiber. Cancer cells apply to the bloodstream.

The most positive results are observed in radical radical therapy of local processes. According to some given data, life expectancy after a course of combination treatment can be increased to 20-24 months. At the same time, complications from the effects of ionizing radiation are significantly lower than the therapeutic effect, and the patient receives a chance to extend life in the absence of pain. Unfortunately, it is impossible to guarantee more in modern medicine.

The main methods of metastasis pass through the lymphatic system, so secondary neoplasms and the most significant metastases are detected, first of all, in lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer metastases:

    In a paragreotal tissue or in space near the rectum - shnitzer;

    In the field of navel - sisters Marie Joseph;

    In the left-screw region - Virchova;

    In the ovarian area - Krokkenberg.

These secondary tumors are evidence of the launched stages of the disease, when the therapeutic strategy and tactics are selected individually and, most often, is palliative, that is, aims to improve the quality of life of the patient.

The stomach cancer is divided into localization site and distribution methods - this may be, for example, squeezing the surrounding tissues or vice versa, infiltration into the surrounding tissues. Histological forms of cancer are essential for pathogenesis: diffuse or polypo-shaped.

Pisne-cell hell gastric cancer

Diagnosed with cytological and histological examination. This is a kind of diffuse cancer. The changed plot consists of flat-like cells. The disease is distinguished by aggressive flow.

Histochemical studies have the hormonal nature of this tumor. In the tissues of the neoplasm, women have an increase in estrogen levels, and in men - testosterone.

Distinctive feature of this type of disease:

    The predominance of women in the structure of patients. The number of patients of women is 55%, men - 45%. The ratio may vary, but the pattern is confirmed by numerous studies;

    The peaks of morbidity in the age intervals from 40 to 50 years and 60-70 years. In other intervals of life, such cancer is diagnosed with reliably below;

    In the structure of patients, people with a group of blood A (II) prevail - about 45%, with other variants of blood groups are significantly lower.

    The dependence of the debut of the disease from the preceding harmful habits (consumption of alcohol, salt, smoked marinated food) and exogenous factors (work with radiation, in chemical production) was not established.

    This kind of stomach cancer is more often found from city inhabitants.

Infiltrative gastric cancer

The morphological form of carcinoma, without clear allocation of the borders of the neoplasm. The growth of malignant cells occurs mainly in the stomach wall thickness.

Features of the disease:

    May meet with respect to young people, a hereditary predisposition is noticeable;

    Small foci of the growth of oncoclecks are detected at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other;

    This is one of the most malignant forms of cancer, often gives metastases;

    The pathogenesis of the clinical stage is accompanied by symptomatics associated with dyspecific phenomena (chronic vomiting, peristaltic disorder);

    At the last stages, the tumor is determined in the form of a dense stone-like education, the stomach decreases in size.

Low-differentiated gastric cancer

Normal epithelium cells are updated at high speed, after about 3-4 days, the generation is completely replaced. High update speed is an important factor in the appearance of defects.

The high reproduction rate of low-differentiated cells underlies the aggressiveness of cancer pathogenesis. Low-differentiated stomach cancer is the form of the stomach adenocarcinoma consisting of stem cells.

Features of the disease:

    High growth rate, the development of inflammatory and necrotic foci around the tumor;

    Inability to determine the type of changes. Hidden development of carcinogenesis in the thickness of the stomach wall;

    The absence of clear tumor boundaries, growth occurs by the type of diffuse impregnation of the walls of the stomach;

    Fast formation of metastases in regional lymph nodes and remote organs: metastasis reaches 90% of all cases of low-differentiated oncogenesis.

Diagnosis of gastric cancer

Of particular importance for the early detection of the disease is the onconuscity and attentiveness of a general practitioner. The diagnosis is carried out in stages and includes physical, instrumental and laboratory methods.

Diagnostics begins with clinical inspection, palpation and auscultation.

In the early stages of the stomach cancer, it allows you to identify remote signs of the disease on the condition of the skin, color, humidity, temperature, pain, including in the abdomen area.

With auscultation of the heart, the pain in the field of breast is a common complaint of the patient. Noise and splash should be eliminated, not characteristic of the cardiovascular pathologies. With the palpation of the abdominal wall in the early stages of the disease, there are no changes, and in the later can be detected by seals under the skin in the epigastria.

2. Instrumental methods

The methods of contrasting x-ray diagnostics are used, as well as endoscopy.

X-ray diagnostics. It is an indirect method, helps to quickly determine the presence of pathology in the nature of the X-ray shadow.

The radiologist takes into account the following changes in a negative picture, where the dense is bright areas, and loose - these are dark sections:

    Local change (thickening, folding) walls;

    Defects of different values \u200b\u200bin the form of filled areas on the inner wall circuit with polypovoid forms of stomach cancer;

    Seals, decrease in the elasticity of the tissue of the stomach;

    Niches with the zone of infiltration and folding walls of the mucous membranes;

    Deformation in the form of pushing the walls of the walls around the tumor or the impregnation of the tissues of the stomach walls;

    Reduced peristaltic (determined not by all methods).

Modern methods of x-ray diagnostics allow indirectly, by the nature of the dimming, to identify up to 85% of changes in the stomach walls. A more valuable method of diagnosis oncologists of the stomach - endoscopy.


Value increases upon receipt of a biopsytte from various sections of the stomach wall for histological and cytological research. Color visualization of the organ wall helps reveal the minimum deviations from the norm by the nature of the color of the inner walls, the thickness of the folds, the presence of the stomach peristals and heels of bleeding, in the form of a wall defect (elevated, imputed, in-depth).

Gastroendoscopy modifications:

    Staining helps to determine the sections of metaplasia and other early pathologies that are not visible to the naked eye;

    Treatment with drugs selectively accumulating in tumor cells, with laser illumination helps to determine the changed area of \u200b\u200bfluorescence;

    Endoscopy with nozzles for optical increase helps to determine the changes in the stomach walls at the cellular level;

    Endoscopes with ultrasound nozzles - a combination of the method of ultrasound and visualization;

    Relatively new method - Introduction to the stomach uncontrollable video and, which in real time shows a visibility not aiming picture of the wall of the stomach.

Disadvantages of endoscopy:

    An unpleasant sensation in the patient when tubing with a relatively large diameter. It is usually accompanied by a reflex vomit reflex, which is prevented by drugs (dedicated, Cerukal);

    The complexity of differentiation of benign and malignant formations.

Therefore, endoscopy is usually combined with the electrocoagulation of neoplasms on the walls of the stomach.

Morphological method

Based on histological and cytological research in a laboratory with a high degree of reliability, a histological type of tumor is determined. General pattern: tumors located closer to the cardiac part (entrance to the stomach), with a greater probability have the properties of malignancy.

3. Additional methods

Ultrasound diagnostics. Spend in three main versions:

    Outside, through the abdominal wall;

    Outside, after filling the stomach degassed liquid;

    From the inside, using an endoscopic probe.

Laparoscopy is the second additional method of diagnosing a stomach cancer. This technique is used to determine the operatoriness of the tumor and the presence of metastasis. Laboratory study of biological fluids is applied to clarify the state of the patient before the operation. In recent years, the methods of determining onco-barreling using oncomarcres are used.

Differential diagnosis of gastric cancer

The above methods are used to differentiate cancer from less dangerous or preceding disease cancer, including:

    Atrophic forms of gastritis;

    Ulcerative disease;

    A variety of polyps;

    Infectious diseases with similar symptoms (, stomach tuberculosis,);

    Diseases of the lower departments of the esophagus (narrowing, ahalasia - incomplete relaxation of the sphincter closer to the stomach).

The choice of treatment tactics is determined by the staging of carcinogenesis and is discussed at the consultation with the participation of specialists of several medical specialties. The main method of treating the tumor of early stages is a surgical removal in combination with adjuvant and non-television chemotherapy. The methods of treatment of late stages are palliative and symptomatic.

All patients are conventionally divided into three groups:

    The first - patients have early stages (patients with carcinoma in situ and the first stage);

    The second is patients with a precursor localized stage (correspond to patients to stage III);

    Third - Patients with the inoperable stage of generalized stomach cancer (correspond to patients with stage IV, having severe concomitant symptoms or involvement in the oncoprocess of vital organs and systems).

Sometimes, even patients with early oncology forms are recognized, for example, with damage to the tumor of vital parts of the body or the impossibility of conducting a surgery for other reasons.

The greatest probability of complete recovery (up to 90% at five-year survival) without significant consequences for the body at the first group of patients. The forecast within the second group has a significant scatter, due to the many nuances of this stage of the disease. The minimum favorable forecast in patients with the last, third group. In this case, it should be told about the extension and improvement of the quality of life of patients during the disease.

Removal (resection) of the stomach during cancer

Patients, with the exception of some categories, laparoscopic diagnostics is shown before the operation in order to exclude metastasis on the gland and in the peritoneum.

Endoscopic resection

Depending on the stage of the disease, the clinical state of the patient and the size of the tumor can be assigned an operation with a minimum opening of the abdominal wall - endoscopic resection. There are several options - a choice for your doctor.

Possible complications of endoscopic resection:

    Postoperative pains are stopped by medicines or dosage irradiation;

    The hole (full, partial) stomach walls is eliminated by physical impact methods;

    Postoperative bleeding - stopped by physical methods and pharmaceutical preparations.

Simplified intervention option - migration of neoplasms by electrothermal or laser influence on the walls of the stomach.

Extensive operation

It is carried out in the absence of absolute and relative contraindications. In case of the impossibility of performing resection, the issue of conducting chemotherapy or the use of radiation effect on the tumor to reduce carcinogenesis before the further operation is solved.

In the indications of the operation, preoperative preparation is concluded, which consists of a number of manipulations aimed at stabilizing the state of the patient.

The planning of the operation algorithm includes a choice:

    Access to the tumor during the operation period;

    Volume of surgical intervention in the body;

    Tactics for removing packages of lymph nodes;

    Method of reconstruction of the organ.

An important stage of treatment is postoperative recovery, which includes the imposition of drainage tubes to remove the exudate. Patients in the absence of complications allow you to sit down in the first day, and walk - already on the second day after the operation.

Contraindications for a striding operation with a stomach cancer are violations:

    Hemodynamics in the form of an instability of blood pressure and the FFC syndrome;

    Rhythm of breathing (respiratory arrhythmias).

Planned postoperative measures:

    Postoperative anesthesia, from the first days;

    Stimulation of intestinal peristaltics, on the third day;

    Enteral (through the probe and if necessary) food with special mixtures, from the first days;

    Antibiotic therapy in the form of a four or six-day courses;

    The introduction of medicinal substances that reduce blood viscosity (according to indications).

All manipulations are conducted under the supervision of the doctor. There are limitations and contraindications. The need for additional medical events is determined individually. Removing seams - no earlier than 7 days after intervention.

Chemotherapy with stomach cancer

Surgical intervention for the complete cure of the stomach cancer is usually not enough. The patient is observed for a long time in order to determine the clinical dynamics. During this period, chemotherapy is prescribed to eliminate the hidden local foci of secondary carcinogenesis.

Chemotherapy has a general negative impact on the body. Its use is justified only with the real possibility of increasing the chances of recovery or at least improving the quality of the patient's life.

Adjuvant chemotherapy: The term "adjuvant" "means strengthening or addition. That is, this species is used after surgery, in contrast to non-television chemotherapy, which is used before intervention in order to reduce the size of the tumor before the operation. In recent years, the attitude towards adjuvant effect has changed. Previously, this method of chemotherapy during a stomach cancer was considered not effective.

Such treatment is carried out in the form of polychimotherapy (exposure to several drugs) with two and three courses at different intervals. Pharmaceutical cytostatics are used in various combinations: doxorubicin, etoposide, cisplatin, fluoruracyl, mitomycin, cisplatin and others.

Palliative chemotherapy. Another type of therapy that is used when it is impossible to partial or total removal of the stomach and affected lymph nodes.

Complications after chemotherapy are inevitable. Cytostatics suppress the growth of malignant cells.

But at the same time, side effects are developing in the form of toxicosis, accompanied by:

    Recoverable hair loss;

    Toxic lesion of the liver;

    Violation of blood formation;

    Suppressing the cooperation of humoral and cellular immunity.

Typically, these phenomena are completely eliminated during reducing treatment.

Juices with stomach cancer

The disease is accompanied by loss by the body of large volumes of fluid after multiple vomiting and gastric bleeding. When cancer, patients complain of a decline in appetite due to loss of taste and olfactory sensations, pain and other reasons.

The value of the juice:

    Acid - to increase acidity, as the walls of the stomach reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, as well as reduce the need for a cook salt and increase the threshold of the vomit reflex. Sweet juices have the best tonic effect;

    Sweets - they must saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, not digestible fiber, which is contained in the pulp and is necessary for improving the peristaltics. Too sweet juices better dilute with water;

    Weak-bitter - for example, from cabbage, turnips or grapefruit for stimulation of appetite and peristaltics.

After agreeing with the attending physician, the amount of liquids, especially in the form of refreshing juices and fermentation drinks:

    increase during coursework chemotherapeutic agents, with dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting;

    reduce by edema, cluster ascitic fluid in the pleural and abdominal cavity.

After the course treatment of the gravity of the stomach chemotherapy, some patients were shown instead of juice to take up to 20-30 ml of table wine. A small amount of wine has a stimulating and tonic effect, increases immunity and soothes.

The liquid is necessary for man to eliminate the metabolic products from the body, improving fabric nutrition, improve well-being and improving immunity.

Therapeutic diet nutrition with a stomach cancer performs the following tasks:

    Prevents body weight loss due to balanced nutrition;

    Increases the tolerance of aggressive antitumor treatment and reduces the risk of postoperative complications;

    Normalizes metabolism and minimizes its violations;

    Increases and maintains the body's stability to physical exertion;

    Supports immunity, prevents infections, including slow, developing on the background of immunodeficiency;

    Accelerates the reductive activity of the body tissues after partial or total resection of the stomach;

    Improves high-quality indicators of life.

The principles of therapeutic nutrition during stomach cancer:

    Methods of cooking - boiling, baking, quenching;

    Patient power mode - four or six times a day;

    An individual approach in nutrition - taking into account the energy costs and features of metabolism. Introduction to the diet of proteins, including animal origin, fats, carbohydrates and liquids, is gradually produced.

    Power correction, taking into account the steps of treatment, is carried out in order to reduce the side effects of antitumor therapy.

Three versions of the diet for patients with stomach cancer, taking into account the characteristics of the metabolism and body weight.

First option

- organization of nutrition of a patient with a normal body weight in the absence of pronounced metabolic disorders:

    Energy value - not higher than 2400 kilocalories per day;

    The total amount of protein is 90 grams, including an animal - 45 grams;

    The total amount of fats - 80 grams, including vegetable - 30 grams;

    The total amount of carbohydrates is 330 grams.

Second option

- organization of the patient with a pronounced body weight deficit, exhaustion, with visible metabolic disorders, as well as after operations, chemical or radiation therapy:

    Energy value - not higher than 3,600 kilocalories per day;

    The total amount of protein is 140 grams, including an animal - 70 grams;

    The total number of fats - 120 grams, including vegetable - 40 grams;

    The total amount of carbohydrates is 500 grams.

Third option

- For patients with a critical reduction in body weight and laboratory confirmed disorder of the excretory function of the kidney and liver:

    Energy value - not higher than 2650 kilocalories per day;

    The total amount of protein is 60 grams, including an animal - 30 grams;

    The total amount of fats - 90 grams, including vegetable - 30 grams;

    The total amount of carbohydrates is 400 grams.

Conduct work that includes general activities: an increase in the level of medical knowledge of the population, informing about the causes of the stomach cancer.

Common events

Dialogue with the population:

    Explanations of the danger of cancer and improving people's cavity;

    Description of the action algorithm in case of detecting the first signs of the stomach cancer;

    Popularization of a healthy lifestyle.

Medical events

Work in this direction is carried out in risk groups. It consists of measures for the prevention and treatment of precancerous diseases.

It is necessary to carry out therapy against Helicobacter Pylori bacteria to the development of precancerous changes in the body. This type of bacteria is an etiological factor of 71-95% of all cases of stomach cancer.

The risk group includes people who have anamnesis:

    Genetic predisposition;

    H. pylori carriage;

    Resection of the stomach;

    Long period of work in harmful and chemical production;

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