Where is the most vitamin C found? Vitamin C: Daily Value. Vitamin C: instructions for use. Where is more vitamin C

The commonly known variant of small, sour-pleasant tablets of ascorbic acid, in people who grew up in the post-Soviet space, is still associated with the taste of childhood.

It is about this vitamin that we can safely say: both pleasant and useful.

The role and significance of ascorbic acid

Around the end of the 1920s, active experiments began to study vitamin C. Almost immediately the result of what leads to a deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body became obvious. Initially, great expectations were placed on the effectiveness of this powder.

Did you know? The beginning of understanding the benefits of ascorbic acid was laid in the 18th century, in Edinburgh as a medical student. General observations showed that citrus fruits were especially effective in the treatment of scurvy disease. Only 200 years later, it became clear to scientists which substance in citrus plants is a healing one. This substance turned out to be vitamin C.

Then, in the 1970s, there was a period of not overestimating the importance, but exaggerating the recommended intake of vitamins. The considered optimal doses were too high, which naturally led to problems.

So far, a large number of studies that help to have an objective view of acid and, of course, reveal different facets of its effect on human health.
Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble drug, so it does not linger inside the body, which means that its amount must be regularly replenished. She is also susceptible to destructive effects. high temperatures, therefore, this method of processing is undesirable.

Ascorbic acid has the ability to restore oxidative processes as it is a rather powerful antioxidant. It protects the body from the effects of bacteria and various viral infections; strengthens the immune system, normalizes the blood coagulation system, as well as the endocrine and nervous systems of a person; helps to speed up the process of getting out of various colds; promotes the absorption of iron, protein and some others important elements and for a person; synthesizes hormones; restores function thyroid gland and pancreas.

Transforms bad cholesterol v bile acids, so necessary for a person; removes toxic substances from the body (mercury, lead), i.e. reduces intoxication; is extremely important for growth, formation of tissue and bone cells, teeth, nails. Prevents cancer and atherosclerosis. Increases resistance to stress.

Daily rate

The measure is good in any, even good deeds. The same is true about the amount of consumption of any vitamins, including ascorbic acid. Depending on who, and for what, decided to use the drug, it will also depend on how much of the given preventive medicine should be consumed by humans.

The increased need for the drug is in the elderly and smokers, since the above factors significantly reduce the level of acid in the body.

For adults

In men and women daily rate the drug is the same: 70-90 mg / day. The calculation is standard regardless of age or weight.

For kids

The daily requirement of children for vitamin will depend, first of all, on the age of the child. The recommended dose of the drug for children: up to 6 months - 30 mg; up to 12 months - 35 mg; 1-3 years - 40 mg; 4-10 years old - 45 mg; 11-14 years old - 50 mg.

For pregnant

The dose of the drug during pregnancy and during lactation will be different. For pregnant women, the recommended dose is 95 mg; during breastfeeding - 120 mg.

For athletes

Under some factors, the need for the supply of acid increases. Such factors can be stress, climate changes, and sports training and muscle loads.

During the period of planned classes daily dose drug - 150-200 mg. 2-3 days before and after the competition period, the dose should be increased to 200-300 mg.

Important! Taking the daily dose should be divided into several parts, since the vitamin is consumed rather quickly. It is more rational to practice a gradual replenishment of the vitamin reserve than a one-time intake of a large dose.

What foods contain the most

Ascorbic acid is widespread in food products available to humans today. Although its main sources are herbs, fruits and vegetables, it can still be found in other plants.

Below is a list of where and in what quantity this vitamin can be found in nature. The amount of substance in products is shown per 100 g.

It is the rosehip that holds the record for the amount of vitamin C, thereby outstripping the lemon that is firmly entrenched in our perception.

Depending on the variety of this medicinal plant the amount of ascorbic acid will also differ. The maximum percentage of the vitamin found in the form of Begger's rose hips is from 7 to 20% (the reason for this significant difference is the difference in the size of the shrubs).

Did you know? Already in the 17th century in Russia, rosehip was used to treat soldiers wounded in the war with the Turks. To heal wounds, bandages soaked in decoction of petals were applied to them, and fruit broth washed the edges of the wounds to avoid gangrene.

For 100 g of product in dry and fresh rose hips, 1100 mg and 650 mg of vitamin, respectively.

Red and green peppers

Serves not only as a seasoning for main dishes, but also as a carrier of ascorbic acid - 245 mg / 100 g.

Black currant

During the ripening period of the berry, the largest amount of vitamin falls - 200 mg / 100 g. In overripe berries, the period of decay of vitamins quickly begins, so their effectiveness drops to 70%. Therefore, it is not advisable to skip the season of these medicinal berries.

Sea buckthorn and red rowan

The vitamin is contained in the berries of these trees during the ripening period in the off-season - 200 mg / 100 g.

Orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are by right the most popular carriers of vitamin C. But, oddly enough, there is only 40 mg of it in lemon, 45 mg in grapefruit, and 60 mg in orange.

The advantage of these fruits is that they are widespread and available in winter, when other fruits are scarce. It is in citrus fruits that there is an element of citrine, which promotes the absorption of vitamin C, and not just a vitamin in itself.

Pineapple and kiwi

Pineapples and kiwi have a long shelf life, and the same applies to the vitamins inside them. Due to the acids and peels of the fruit, ascorbic acid does not break down during storage. In addition, these fruits do not lose their usefulness even after conservation.

Did you know? In China, pineapple is a must festive table when celebrating the New Year in oriental style. It is believed to bring success and prosperity in the coming year.

Papaya and mango

Although the fruits of the trees differ in their appearance, they are low in calories and extremely fortified. B contains up to 60 mg of vitamin C, B - 30 mg.

Despite the fact that their growing environment is not related to ours, they can still be found in modern bazaars and in some supermarkets.

Strawberries and strawberries

These summer berries contain 60 mg of vitamin per 100 g. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

Comparable in the amount of vitamin with citrus fruits (including their peel). Therefore, some people prefer this particular product, relying primarily on pleasant taste sensations.

An unusually useful and affordable product throughout the year. It is unique for its dietary properties, the presence of a large amount of fiber and the preservation of minerals and vitamins for a long time.

Apples are characterized by a wide variety of varieties, but the internal composition is approximately the same for each. As for the discussed vitamin, there are 10 mg of it per 100 grams of apples. It turns out that in order to replenish the daily allowance, depending on the size of the fruit, you need to eat from three to five apples a day.

Parsley and dill

Green twigs and leaves, which have been used to decorate and decorate dishes, serve as a storehouse of usefulness. Parsley contains slightly more ascorbic acid (150 mg) than dill (100 mg).

Parsley is known for its anti-aging effects as well as normalizing digestive tract... Dill stimulates work of cardio-vascular system, decreases inflammatory processes in the body and lowers blood pressure.

Spinach and sorrel

Not everyone will like spinach and sorrel greens because of their specific taste. But the set of nutrients in it more than compensate for this feature.

Did you know? Among the people, sorrel was often called meadow apple or wild beet.


A product such as cabbage is also unique in its properties, the medicinal potential of which has been studied for a long time. Are common beneficial features combine each variety of this plant. But there is a slight difference in the composition of each species. Also, the cooking method greatly affects the reduction medicinal properties product. Cabbage has a feature of long storage, it is resistant to slight frosts, therefore it is available throughout the year.

Below are the most common types of cabbage in our area and the ratio of vitamin C in them.

45 mg / 100 g is the standard ratio of ascorbic acid. Just 150 grams of freshly cooked cabbage replenish your daily vitamin requirement. Even after the sourdough, it does not lose its properties, which makes the salad from this product both tasty and healthy.

It is considered a medicinal vegetable. It is included in dietary diet cores and in diseases of the nervous system. 90 mg of ascorbic acid accounts for 100 grams of this vegetable. It is important not to forget that heat treatment reduces this percentage slightly.

Did you know? George W. Bush did not like broccoli very much, so he banned it in the White House.



This cabbage differs from others in that it is not the leaves, as usual, that are consumed in it, but the lower part of the fruit - the stem-grower.

The informal names for kohlrabi gardeners - "lemon from the garden" or "northern lemon" - speak for themselves. 100 grams of fresh cabbage contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid.

Its properties are very similar to white cabbage... By taste slightly different, especially in its density. 50-70 mg of ascorbic acid is found in 100 grams of this variety of cabbage.

70 mg per 100 g fresh product put cauliflower on a par with the leaders in the amount of ascorbic acid.

As you can see, ascorbic acid is found not only in our usual citrus fruits, but also in products that are associated with completely different properties.

Shortage and oversupply

The complex symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency are quite varied:

  • weakened immunity and, as a result, frequent infectious diseases;
  • painful spasms in the joints;
  • the chronicle of respiratory viruses;
  • insomnia, depression and emotional exhaustion, irritability, nervous breakdowns;
  • being overweight;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • deterioration of skin elasticity, dryness and the appearance of wrinkles;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • fast damage to the nail plate;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rheumatoid pain;
  • scurvy.

Important! It should be remembered that more severe and destructive consequences for the body await a person with a lack of vitamin C than with an excess of it. This should stimulate regular preventive consumption. pharmaceutical product or acids in their natural form.

Symptoms of an excess of vitamin in the body:
  • reduced absorption of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which is contained in fermented milk products, meat and fish products, liver and egg yolk. With its deficiency, anemia (anemia) develops;
  • skin irritation and malfunction of the urinary system;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of kidney stones.

Important! It is forbidden to exceed the norm in the use of ascorbic acid for pregnant women, people with diabetes mellitus and poor blood clotting.

Interaction with other substances

  • inactivation occurs under the influence of high temperatures;
  • with improper storage and preparation of products, ascorbic acid is oxidized with oxygen, which minimizes the beneficial properties;
  • oxidation occurs when combined with iron or copper dishes (except aluminum);
  • long-term storage kills the vitamin;
  • reduces therapeutic effect antipsychotics and antidepressants.
So, thinking about how to strengthen your body, do not forget that ascorbic acid can be the main assistant for you.

To form a healthy diet, you need to know as much as possible about the composition of foods, so as not to make an accidental mistake and not eat something useless or even harmful. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about vitamins - what foods contain them, how much, how to combine them correctly so that the foods are better absorbed.

Let's start with vitamin C. The second name of this substance is ascorbic acid. The good news, perhaps, will be the fact that you cannot overdose vitamin C. Its excess is easily excreted by the body without any consequences. However, there is no need to talk about the harmlessness of pharmaceutical forms of ascorbic acid, because in in this case we are dealing with concentrate. As for products containing vitamin C, its concentration in food is so low that an excess of such products cannot harm. The recommended daily dose of "ascorbic acid": 70 to 95 mg.

What foods contain the most vitamin C

There is a lot of vitamin C in dry and fresh rose hips (in dry 1200 mg per 100 grams, in fresh 470). Great, huh? Dried fruits can be bought at any pharmacy, brewed with hot, but not boiling water, infused, slightly sweetened and drunk.

The recognized leader in the content of ascorbic acid - bell pepper(250 mg per 100 grams of product). Of course, not canned or cooked - in soup, stew or stuffed. A huge amount of the vitamin is found in fresh pepper pulp, which can be added to salads.

Sweet pepper vitamin salad recipe

take forks of cabbage weighing up to a kilogram, large Bell pepper red, a bunch of dill, a bunch of green onions, a tablespoon of oil and half a lemon. Wash and dry the vegetables beforehand. Chop the cabbage, add salt, remember with your hands to make the juice stand out. Cut the peeled bell peppers into thin strips. Mix it with kale. Wash the dill and green onions, chop finely, add to the salad. Season with salt to taste, season with oil and lemon juice. A serving of this salad contains a daily dose of vitamin C.

By the way, there is also a lot of ascorbic acid in fresh herbs, although less than in bell peppers. The most "vitamin" greens are found in parsley (150 mg per 100 grams of product). Dill and wild garlic, spinach, sorrel, green onions are slightly inferior to her. You can significantly increase the vitamin value of any salad by simply adding fresh herbs in various combinations. Just observe the measure: like any acid, vitamin C destroys tooth enamel... Therefore, it is recommended to rinse after eating oral cavity clean water, and also refrain from brushing your teeth with a paste with whitening components for several hours.

A few more sources of ascorbic acid: berries, citrus fruits and different kinds cabbage. The most vitamin, oddly enough, is Brussels (120 mg per 100 grams of product). Cauliflower contains slightly less vitamin C - 70 mg per 100 grams. However, it should be borne in mind that few people consume cauliflower raw. And when heat treatment vitamin C is destroyed.

In other types of cabbage (white cabbage, red cabbage, kohlrabi), there is not so much ascorbic acid. In red cabbage - 60, in white cabbage - 45, in kohlrabi about 50. The content of vitamin C can be slightly increased by combining different types cabbage in salads and adding greens.

Berries as a source of ascorbic acid

You have probably already guessed which berry contains the most ascorbic acid. Black currant, of course! And also - vitamin C in these berries is approximately equal, 200 mg per 100 grams of product. But it is only contained in fresh currants and sea buckthorn. Compotes, preserves and other processed products of berries are tasty, but completely useless in terms of saturating the body ascorbic acid.

Other "berry" sources of vitamin C: red mountain ash (70 mg per 100 grams), garden and forest strawberries, strawberries (60 mg per 100 grams). Moreover, vitamin C contains almost the same amount as fresh. But cranberries, lingonberries, chokeberry, cherries and grapes contain very little ascorbic acid. Cranberries, for example - only 15 mg per 100 grams of berries, and grapes only 6. So these berries are not suitable for saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

And what else?

In addition to vegetables and sea buckthorn currants, kiwi contains a record amount of the desired vitamin. This sweet exotic fruit almost caught up with brussels sprouts- it contains 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of fresh pulp. Kiwi can be eaten just like that or used to make smoothies.

Papaya and oranges are another tasty source of vitamin C. Papaya contains 62 mg, oranges 60. But lemons have only 40, but if you put a circle of lemon in hot tea, vitamin C is destroyed. To preserve this volatile vitamin, use lemon juice(add to other juices or salads). As for grapefruits and tangerines, there is almost as much ascorbic acid in them as in lemons.

In order to be healthy, every person needs a daily serving of vitamins. The vitamin set is found in many foods that are available in any quantity, every day.

Do daily diet vitamins will help the most useful: A, B, C, D, E... Such vitamin composition will enrich the diet and help quality work all organs.

What foods contain the greatest amount of vitamin reserves, we will consider further.

What Foods Contains Vitamin B?

All vitamins are the building blocks for the human body. Without their participation, life processes would not have occurred at the level at which a person feels healthy and happy.

Knowledge of foodstuffs that contain these vitamins will help make nutrition and diet complete and healthy. Availability the right products, which contain a complex of vitamins and minerals, are responsible for the level of health and life in general.

Particularly important for the human body are group vitamins V... They are responsible for normalization of the nervous system, hair and nail growth.

The tremendous benefit of trace element B is high-quality functioning of the liver and eyes... If you eat food that contains useful component B, you can to establish digestion processes and improve metabolism.

By the type of structure of the human body, some organs themselves produce the useful component B, but in insufficient quantities.

The main human diet should include:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • flax seeds;
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • liver;
  • bran;
  • oat flakes;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • hard cheeses;
  • corn flour;
  • parsley;
  • sorrel;
  • dates;
  • buckwheat;
  • green vegetables.

For more effective result better to use vitamin complex group B which includes: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 and B17 better together.

It is important to adjust your diet so that all life-giving elements of the B-group enter the body.


B12 or cyanocobalamin, participates in the normalization of hematopoiesis and structuring of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 is contained in foods:

  • Meat (beef, rabbit, pork, chicken; especially liver and heart);
  • Fish (carp, perch, sardine, trout, cod, etc.);
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk, kefir);
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Seaweed;
  • Butter.

It is worth noting, great amount B12 is found in meat products... Therefore, beef, pork and lamb meat should be included in the list of foods for regular consumption.


B2 (riboflavin) contains enzymes that facilitate the transport of oxygen and the metabolic process of saccharides. It promotes the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates from food.

This component improves eyesight, its acuity and sensitivity to light. The presence of this trace element in the daily menu improves nervous system and affects the growth of hair and nails.

In order to make up daily rate B2, you need know which foods contain it:

  1. Dried baker's yeast.
  2. Fresh yeast.
  3. Powdered milk.
  4. Almonds, pine nuts and peanuts.
  5. Chicken eggs.
  6. Veal, lamb and beef.
  7. Honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons.
  8. Spinach.
  9. Rose hip.
  10. Cottage cheese.
  11. Goose meat.
  12. Mackerel.
  13. Chicken liver.


B6 is essential for healthy, full functioning of the body. It is indispensable in ensuring the exchange of amino acids, which are the constituents of proteins. Without protein substances, the human body will weaken and rapidly begin to deplete. Also takes part in the production of hormones and hemoglobin.

Vitamin B6 is contained in foods:

  • banana;
  • walnuts and pine nuts, hazelnuts;
  • liver;
  • soya beans;
  • spinach;
  • bran;
  • millet;
  • Garnet;
  • sweet pepper (bulgarian)
  • mackerel, tuna;
  • garlic, horseradish;
  • chicken meat;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • beans;
  • flax-seed.

Also in the list food components, without which it is impossible to obtain the production of a substance, includes:

  • Strawberry;
  • potato;
  • peaches, apples and pears;
  • lemon.

B6 is especially needed for normal work Central nervous system. With the use of this vitamin, you can get rid of cramps, hand numbness and muscle spasms.

Vitamin B17 contributes to the normalization of metabolism. It prevents the appearance cancer cells and contributes to the prevention of ONCO diseases.

Foods that contain B17:

  1. Apricot pits.
  2. Brewer's yeast.
  3. Bird cherry.
  4. Green buckwheat.
  5. Millet.
  6. Sweet potato.
  7. Beans, beans.
  8. Apricot oil.
  9. Cherries, pears, peaches, elderberries, blueberries.
  10. Flax-seed.
  11. Pumpkin seeds.
  12. Raisins, prunes, dried apricots.
  13. Spinach.

Where is the most vitamin C?

Vitamin C incredibly beneficial to human health. It participates in the metabolic processes of our body, helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and fights against viruses and infections. Also, this trace element helps in the production of collagen, which is indispensable for the elasticity and youth of the skin.

In order to replenish the daily intake of a substance, it is necessary know what foods it contains.

Many assume that lemon is the leader with the highest amount of vitamin C. But, undisputed winner- it rose hip. Then there are red and green bell peppers, sea buckthorn, black currant, parsley and Brussels sprouts.

You can get the natural component C in large doses by using mousses, compotes and jelly. The daily inclusion of this component in the diet is especially important. After all, it protects the body from the activation of microbes and bacteria, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and improves the protective functions of the whole body.

Vitamin C rich foods:

  • Rosehip (dry and fresh);
  • Pepper (red Bulgarian and green);
  • Black currant;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Parsley, wild garlic, dill, spinach, sorrel;
  • Cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage);
  • Kiwi;
  • Lemons, tangerines, oranges.
  • Beef liver.

Daily rate for adults 70 - 100 mg, for children - 42 mg.

What foods contain vitamin A?

Daily use of the required dose of vitamin A helps to normalize the condition of the cells of teeth and bones, improves metabolic processes, and helps to synthesize protein.

Vitamin A-rich foods:

  • carrot;
  • apricot;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • parsley;
  • wild garlic;
  • broccoli;
  • seaweed;
  • processed cheese;
  • viburnum.

The main products that contain an excess of the nutrient are:

  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • butter;
  • egg yolks;
  • cream.

List of Vitamin E Rich Foods

Trace element E is an activator reproductive functions living organisms, therefore its presence in the diet is a must. It helps to increase protective functions organism, improving sexual and endocrine system, slows down the aging process.

In order to replenish the daily dose, you need to know which foods contain vitamin E.

Vitamin E-rich foods:

  1. Vegetables and fruits: carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, apples;
  2. Legumes: beans and peas
  3. Almonds, hazelnuts, Walnut, pistachios, cashews and peanuts;
  4. Meat: beef;
  5. Fish (pike perch, salmon, eel, mackerel);
  6. Spinach, sorrel;
  7. Barley groats, oatmeal, wheat;
  8. Prunes, dried apricots;
  9. Rose hip;
  10. Sea buckthorn.

With the regular inclusion of component E in your diet, the body will be saturated useful substances... It will begin to affect the activation of the muscles, help to improve immune system and slow down the aging process.

Vitamin C- one of essential vitamins, the presence of which in the human body must be mandatory. a lack of vitamin C helps to reduce immunity to various infectious diseases and the emergence of many other pathologies.

A little about vitamin

Vitamin C has several more names that are used both in colloquial speech and in medical terms... These are: ascorbic acid, an antiscorbutic vitamin and an anticintic vitamin.

The body's daily need for vitamin C always different. For example, for an adult healthy person it is about 120-150 mg. For colds, it needs to be increased to 500 mg, and sometimes up to 2000 mg.

Also the number vitamin C should also increase during lactation.

Why is vitamin C so useful?

  • Promotes education connective tissue and collagen.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, dental and bone tissue.
  • Helps the work of metabolic processes.
  • It is the main antioxidant that suppresses the effects of toxic substances.
  • It removes toxins and poisons from the body.
  • Reduces the production of cholesterol.
  • Protects blood vessels from the formation of deposits, thereby preventing the development of many diseases.
  • Reduces exposure to allergens.
  • Promotes more fast healing wounds.
  • Activates the adrenal glands.
  • Helps the absorption of iron, which is necessary for the normal functioning of hematopoiesis.

Foods containing vitamin C

In the process of evolution, the human body has lost its ability to produce itself vitamin C... Therefore, for the normal maintenance of one's life, it is necessary to receive it from the outside, i.e. eat foods containing vitamin C or take appropriate medications.

This table shows the most popular food products and the amount vitamin C contained in them.

Products Vitamin C content in mg per 100 g
fresh / dried 600-850/1200-1300
Coriander 520-550
Sea buckthorn 250-500
Guava 210-235
Chilli 215-230
Red pepper, sweet and bitter 230-260
Dried boletus mushroom 200-220
Dried white mushroom 140-155
Honeysuckle 145-155
Bulgarian sweet pepper 150-160
Horseradish 110-120
Brussels sprouts 110-115
Hawthorn 95-100
Dill greens, tomato 90-110
Kiwi 90-110
Broccoli 85-95
Rowan 65-80
Cauliflower 65-75
Green onion 60-65
Kohlrabi 60-65
Strawberry 65-80
Papaya 55-70
Sorrel 50-65
Orange 55-80
White, red currant 30-50
Red cabbage 50-65
Spinach 50-60
A pineapple 50-65
Beef liver 35-50
Lemon 45-55
Grapefruit 45-55
Melon 35-45
Strawberry 50-65
Tangerines 40-55
Leek 35-40
White cabbage 40-60
Chanterelle mushrooms fresh 35-40
Apples 30-45
Mango 30-35
Fresh white mushroom 30-35
Squash 20-30
Green pea 20-25
Potato 25-35
Cowberry 35-40
Chicken, pork liver 20-25
Zucchini 15-25
Cherry 15-20
Cherry plum 15-20
Pomegranate, peach, banana 10-15
Beef kidney 10-15
Grapes, pear, watermelon, eggplant 5-10
Sea fish, cheese 2-5
Milk, river fish 1-4
less than 1

Content amount vitamin C indicated in two numbers: the first is the lower edge, the second is the upper one. They depend on several factors: the place where the product is grown, on the amount of dressings used for them better growth and other things.

The table shows where the most vitamin C... The leaders are: vegetables, fruits and herbs. But its content in animal products is minimized. There is no ascorbic acid in some cereals (millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) and in rye bread.

Daily replenishment of the body vitamin C performed by eating potatoes, tomatoes, onions and cabbage.

How to store vitamin C?

When most of the products listed in the table are heat treated, the amount of ascorbic acid in them is reduced by 60%. Therefore, in order to preserve the vitamin and all the benefits of the products, it is advisable to consume them raw.

First of all, this applies to vegetables and fruits, and does not apply to mushrooms, fish, meat and others.

If you cannot immediately consume the products, then they must be placed in a cool and dark place. Indeed, in addition to heat treatment at vitamin C there are many more enemies: water, oxygen, light. They promote the oxidation of ascorbic acid to inactive substances.

Also, vitamin oxidation occurs when elevated temperatures, neutral or alkaline environments. V acidic environment on the contrary, it becomes resistant even to heating up to 100⁰С.

This factor is the reason great content vitamin in apples, lemons and sauerkraut.

V herbal products contains the so-called enzyme ascorbinase (antivitamin), which promotes the gradual destruction vitamin C... This happens during long-term storage.

This antivitamin is found in many fruits and vegetables, but citrus fruits and currants are less abundant. That is why vitamin C they have more than the rest.

How to recognize a vitamin deficiency?

To understand what the body lacks vitamin C, you need to pay attention to some signs. For instance:

  • bleeding gums when brushing your teeth;
  • hair loss;
  • long wound healing;
  • frequent and easy appearance bruising;
  • joint pain and weakness in them;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • swelling of the face;
  • the appearance of a blood network on the whites of the eyes;
  • frequent colds and flu;
  • a state of depression and hysteria;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia.

If you find these signs, you should pay Special attention your diet. The diet should include foods in which vitamin C contains the most.

Excess vitamin

Even despite the fact that all excess ascorbic acid is removed from the body along with urine, in medicine there are cases of excess vitamin C... Symptoms of this pathology:

  • nausea and vomiting of unexplained origin;
  • red rash on the face;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • stitching pains in the abdomen.

When these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce or temporarily exclude the use of foods containing a large amount vitamin C

V winter time the majority of the population in our country receives relatively large amounts of vitamin C from potatoes, as well as from fresh and sauerkraut.

Although potatoes at this time contain relatively little vitamin C (about 10 mg% in 100 g), and in sauerkraut less than 20 mg%, yet due to their consumption in large quantities in total, the amount of vitamin C supplied with these products is significant.

With a lack of vitamin C, scurvy develops. Excessive doses (up to several grams per day) of ascorbic acid are also harmful to the body and can lead to severe complications such as kidney stones.

Required amount of vitamin C(adults from 50 to 100 mg, children from 30 to 70 mg per day) should be ingested with food.

The main sources of vitamin C are berries, vegetables and fruits. The daily need for vitamin is replenished by cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc.

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips (up to 1200 mg), berries black currant(up to 200 mg), red pepper (up to 250 mg). There is a lot of vitamin C in sea buckthorn, oranges, lemons; very little - in animal products.

Vitamin C content in foods. table

The product's name

Vitamin C, mg / 100 g.

Rosehip (dried)

Rosehip fresh

Cilantro (coriander) greens

Hot pepper (chili)

Red pepper (sweet and bitter)

Dried boletus (mushroom)

Sea buckthorn

Black currant

Parsley (greens)

Dried white (mushroom), Cloudberry

Bulgarian sweet pepper

Brussels sprouts, Horseradish

Dill, Kiwi


Cauliflower, Rowan

Green onion

Orange, Papaya, Kohlrabi, Pomelo

Sorrel, Cranberry, Strawberry

Currant red, white

Spinach, Pineapple

Red cabbage

Lemon, Grapefruit, Strawberry

Beef liver

Tangerines, green onions (feather)

Fresh white cabbage, Leek

Apples, Cep, Rutabaga, Garlic, Mango

White cabbage (sauerkraut), Patisson

Green peas

Radish, Tomato red

Chicken liver

Pork liver

Radish, Green beans, Asparagus

Potatoes, Lingonberry, Quince

Cherry, Sweet cherry, Cherry plum, Honey mushrooms, Salad, Zucchini

Peaches, Bananas, beets, plums, Butters, Onions.

Beef kidney, Avocado, Pomegranate

Watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, eggplant, pear

Peanuts, pistachios

Sea fish

Milk, Cottage cheese, River fish


Vitamin C is not found in rye bread, in such cereals as: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oat flakes, millet.

The table shows that the main sources of vitamin C are greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, fruits. The daily need for this vitamin is met by cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc. A lot of ascorbic acid is also found in green bell peppers, red peppers, black currants, horseradish, strawberries, sorrel, lemons, oranges and many other products. vegetable origin.

Rosehip is its natural concentrate (100 g of dried fruit contains up to 1500 mg of vitamin C). Dried rose hips are an excellent source of vitamin C and are especially valuable in winter and spring. Infused for 10-12 hours. a decoction of rose hips contains a daily dose of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is also obtained synthetically, it is produced in the form of a powder, pills, tablets with glucose, etc .; it is part of various multivitamin preparations.

But that's strange. The aborigines of the Far North - Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, who do not consume vegetables, fruits, or herbs, did not show signs of C-vitamin deficiency. At one time, there was such a hypothesis: long-term, centuries-old nutrition of many generations, very poor in vitamin C, led to the fact that the body of these peoples adapted, adapted to small amounts of vitamin C, and sharply reduced its need for this nutritional factor.

What happened in reality? Arkhangelsk Research medical institute in the Far North of the USSR, carried out on the Nenets, and the observations of American scientists on the Eskimos showed that these peoples still receive up to 50 mg of Vitamin C per day due to very large, from the point of view of a European, quantities of meat and fish, internal organs often consumed lightly or raw.

The supply of the body with vitamins and other nutritional factors depends to a large extent on the nutritional structure, which varies greatly in different nations... So, for example, cabbage and potatoes, in comparison with many other foods, are not so rich in ascorbic acid.

But the population of our and many other countries consumes almost all year round in such significant quantities that due to them the need for vitamin C is satisfied to a much greater extent than due to, for example, pineapples or oranges much richer in ascorbic acid. On the other hand, pineapples and oranges, which do not grow in Russia, in some southern countries are consumer foods and therefore serve as very essential sources of vitamin C.

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