Sauerkraut. Why is sauerkraut useful and harmful?

Cabbage entered the diet of our ancestors many centuries ago, and the best way to save her during the winter turned out fermentation... Correctly cooked cabbage can be stored up to 10 months and at the same time keep all vitamins and healing properties.

An amazing paradox is observed: a fermented vegetable contains more vitamins and valuable substances than a fresh one, and it is considered more useful... Perhaps that is why the dish was so popular all over the world.

In Russia, not a single feast can do without him and does not do. In Germany, the dish is recognized as a national dish and is served with sausages and smoked meats for all holidays; in Alsace, cabbage is complemented with seafood, pork and is called “choucrut”. Even in Korea, such a product is known as kimchi. Sauerkraut at all times was considered a source of strength and health, therefore it was a constant dish both in the peasant's family and on the table of nobles.

Useful and medicinal properties for health

Modern medicine and dietetics have confirmed that sauerkraut is a treasure useful substances and is vital for maintaining health.

Several centuries ago, sailors and travelers who studied the northern countries noticed that this product saved from scurvy. Moreover, it turned out that in halves and quarters of a fermented vegetable more vitamins than shredded leaves. In addition, the same nutrients are retained in the brine as in the vegetable.

Sauerkraut- that rare case when official medicine uses the long-term experience of folk healers in the treatment of dozens of diseases without reservations and contraindications. Healing vegetable really has a wide range of effects on the body and has undeniable healing properties.

  • Stimulates work gastrointestinalintestinal path... Normalizes the composition gastric juice, improves the absorption of food, restores the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the intestines from decomposition products and serves as an excellent prevention of peptic ulcer disease. A glass of brine has a pronounced laxative effect, allows you to quickly get rid of constipation. Also, brine inhibits the development colibacillus and other pathogenic bacteria. It is used both as an anthelmintic and as a way to get rid of lamblia in the liver. To prepare a medicinal drink, cabbage brine and tomato juice are used in equal proportions.
  • Improves assimilation proteins the body thanks to vitamin B 6. Therefore, sauerkraut is so often used as a side dish for meat dishes.
  • Stops development malignant tumors ... Recent studies have shown that eating a vegetable prevents the occurrence of cancer of the stomach, mammary glands, lungs, and if the problem already exists, it stops the development of the tumor.
  • Sauerkraut juice removes from the blood bad cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic, prevents the formation of blood clots, and also improves blood circulation and heart work.
  • The special vitamin and mineral composition of the product has a beneficial effect on nervous the system, increases resistance to stress, eliminates irritability, fatigue, relieves nervous exhaustion, improves sleep. This is one of the dishes that doctors recommend for people who suffer from depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Normalizes hormone exchange, in particular the work of the thyroid gland. Improves metabolism, eliminates edema and fat deposits. Due to the huge amount of fiber and low sugar content, sauerkraut is indispensable for diabetes mellitus.
  • Suppresses allergic reactions. How effective antihistamine recommended for people suffering from all types of allergies and asthmatics.
  • Cabbage and brine are endowed with bactericidal properties. They are offered to be taken in the autumn-winter season as a preventive measure against influenza and other viral diseases.

This is far from full list healing properties of the vegetable. Sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, saves from vitamin deficiency and stimulates cell regeneration, the active substances in its composition break down fat and remove it from the body. All these qualities contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the body as a whole.

For men Sauerkraut and pickle are a proven hangover cure. But not many representatives of the stronger sex know that the product allows you to maintain potency. long years and to prevent diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Hundreds of years ago, cabbage and pickle were for women proven cosmetic product... Moistening with brine removes excess dryness and tightens loose skin, and helps to restore chapped skin on the hands.

Sauerkraut gruel masks tighten pores, relieve acne, acne, remove freckles, pigmented heels, make the skin soft and velvety.

Composition and calorie content

Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamins. For example, it contains ascorbic acid. 400 grams the product will be enough to provide the amount of vitamin C for the whole day. B vitamins are widely represented in cabbage: B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, vitamin K, vitamin U, A, PP, E and trace elements, including iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus , sodium, sulfur, fluorine, chromium, chlorine, potassium, copper, molybdenum, etc.

B vitamins, among other things, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, for which they are called beauty vitamins. In this case, it would be fair to call sauerkraut vegetable beauty.

Small amounts of fiber and sugar are contained in the product, which makes this dish valuable. for diabetics... The tartronic acid present in it prevents sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates from turning into fat, which is important for people with diabetes. second type... There are more organic acids in sauerkraut than in fresh cabbage, since during the fermentation process the vegetable is enriched with lactic and acetic acids.

Caloric content of the product on 100 grams is only 20 kcal, therefore, it has become the basis of many weight loss diets. There are a number of techniques that allow you to quickly lose weight and keep it at the desired level. Many of them are based on regular use sauerkraut and dishes from it.

Already thousands of people who have tried cabbage diets can confirm the truly magical ability of a vegetable to remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of fat deposits.

Use during pregnancy

Is this product useful for pregnant, should I include it in the menu? This question arises quite often, we will try to answer it in detail.

During pregnancy, a woman's body has to work for two, therefore nutrients he needs much more to maintain health. Sauerkraut can provide mommy and her toddler everything you need.

  • Vitamin B prevents depression in women and contributes to the formation of a healthy nervous system fetus.
  • Cabbage and brine weaken the symptoms of toxicosis in the early stages, eliminate nausea, heartburn.
  • The product supports the intestinal microflora, kills dangerous pathogenic bacteria, and has a mild laxative effect.
  • Treats anemia, prevents frequent problems with hair, teeth and nails.
  • Sauerkraut prevents the appearance of tumors in mothers and children, improves heart function.
  • Allows you to keep weight, not to gain extra pounds, especially in the last months of pregnancy.
  • Unlike fresh cabbage, sauerkraut not only does not cause flatulence and colic, but is able to eliminate them.

It should be noted that to cook this a traditional dish, and store it in an aluminum container contraindicated... It is necessary to use enameled containers. In this case, other substances do not penetrate into the cabbage, but valuable properties are preserved in full.

While carrying a child, women try to avoid chemicals... Sauerkraut can replace light antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs. It can be taken both as a preventive measure and as a medicine.

Harm and contraindications

As you understood, the benefits and medicinal properties sauerkraut is difficult to overestimate. However, it is a fermentation product rich in acids, and this property is associated with contraindications to use.

It is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, diseases pancreas, gallstone illness complaining of high blood pressure , renal failure.

Excessive consumption of cabbage, especially the one that was fermented with salt, may not eliminate, but on the contrary, provoke swelling and cause bloating belly.

There is practically no allergy to cabbage, but if for some reason you do not like this product, listen to your body and give it up at least for a while.

Delicious and healthy dish will give beauty and health if you follow these simple rules.

Sauerkraut since ancient times with our ancestors, and now with us - their descendants, is one of the favorite food products in Slavic cuisine. Each family can boast of their own "author's" pickling recipe with the addition of apples and others additional components... Moreover, there are about a hundred variations in its preparation. But not everyone knows about the benefits and harms of this pickle. Therefore, we will take a closer look at these points, as well as the structure and calorie content of the popularly beloved product.

Cabbage pickle: a historical excursion

Cabbage pickles are mouth-watering and healthy pickles, harvested for future use by almost every grandmother. And do you know the fact that helps this product: during squash, cabbage acquires so many beneficial and important properties, which is not typical for raw cabbage. This is due to the preservation of sub-microelements and minerals, and (no matter how paradoxical it sounds!) The addition of new, useful properties.

This amazing property was noted by the representatives of Asia. Initially, they mastered this harvesting method. From the available evidence modern humanity learned that cabbage pickle was one of the main products that the builders of the Great Chinese structure ate. Therefore, this pickle cannot be called a truly Slavic dish.

In the absence of refrigerators for our ancestors, it was necessary to store food enough long time... And not just store them, but preserve as many different useful substances as possible in order to saturate the body in such useful microelements... Our ancestors fermented cabbage in large oak barrels, sometimes the number of these containers reached tens of units. Our ancestors even invented a separate holiday - the Sergius Skit. It was believed that this dish should be prepared only on the eighth day of October.

Sauerkraut came to the table not only for the Slavs. It has become widespread in European lands:

  • from the Germans;
  • Poles;
  • Lithuanians;
  • Romanians, etc.

Nutrition and structure

Until now, this vegetable has no substitutes in the preparation of many dishes, but how can sauerkraut help with certain diseases?

With fermented brine, hangover syndrome is well removed, it also relieves pregnant women from toxicosis. It is useful to eat sauerkraut in the fight against impotence and obesity. Cabbage brine is good for colds and cosmetic procedures.

Salted cabbage is a storehouse of benefits, especially ascorbic acid. Its role is undeniable in the daily life of the body. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system, participates in the absorption of iron by the body, affects the increase in immunity before viral infections... The body's need for vitamin C is constant. And sauerkraut completely satisfies this need, since one hundred grams of such cabbage replaces 70 mg of ascorbic acid.

Sauerkraut contains the whole range of trace elements and minerals, organic acids, fiber and pectins.

Sauerkraut, in addition to ascorbic acid, contains the following vitamins: E, B1, A, PP, B2, H, U, K. as well as trace elements:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • chromium.

And now a few words about the benefits of sauerkraut on the body's systems.

  1. Digestion. Sauerkraut is used in the fight against gastrointestinal ulcers intestinal tract... However, nutritionists do not advise eating it on a "bare" stomach, it is better suited as a side dish or as a component in the preparation of another dish. Lactic acid bacteria are involved in maintaining the correct intestinal microflora... And thanks to the large amount of ascorbic acid, appetite increases, and serves as a mild laxative. It is scientifically proven that pickled brine reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  2. Cardiac system. Sauerkraut lowers cholesterol levels, helps dissolve various plaques, normalizes blood circulation, reduces the possibility of strokes and heart attacks, and also prevents various heart diseases.
  3. Nervous system. The trace elements contained in this product are a natural source of components that eliminate insomnia, irritability; correct the psychological state.
  4. Immunity. Sauerkraut contains more ascorbic acid than any other citrus fruit. The pickle of this vegetable is an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent in the fight against colds.
  5. Cosmetology. Today cabbage sourdough is widely used as anti-aging masks that can be made at home. They give the skin freshness, rejuvenation, remove toxins and cleanse the pores.

Along with the positive effect on the body, this product also has negative consequences. The main disadvantage is the sometimes excessive salt content.

This can cause acute heartburn, swelling, and sometimes flatulence.

It is forbidden to use cabbage starter in the following cases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • aggravated ulcer (12-persistent intestine or stomach);
  • violation of the biliary function;
  • renal colic;
  • high acidity;
  • acute heartburn.

Pros and cons of cabbage pickle

Cabbage brine helps to protect the body from dehydration, it is advised to use it to eliminate the "hangover".

Due to the high content of vitamins, it is used to restore strength, give the body vigor and energy.

It was recently noticed that sauerkraut is advised to be consumed by men after 45 years of age to restore male strength and maintain the general state of his body in a vigorous state.

Pickled pickle is an excellent fighter against cancer cells. Regular consumption of sauerkraut reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Fermented pickle has a positive effect on women's health. With its regular use in food, it normalizes general state skin, the integrity of the nails is restored, the hairline is strengthened.


  • exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • cardiac hypertension;
  • the formation of kidney stones and urine.


  1. Cabbage brine, like sauerkraut, is an irreplaceable treasure trove of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  2. This is a well-proven remedy in the fight against many types of diseases.
  3. Sauerkraut is a dietary product that removes toxins and toxins from the body.
  4. Sauerkraut - new step in modern cosmetology on the way to search for the source of immortality and longevity of the body.
  5. Drinking cabbage brine can give you a better head start than drinking citrus fruits.
  6. Along with the positive effect on the body, there are also contraindications for use, which should not be neglected.
  7. Sauerkraut contains more benefits than fresh sauerkraut.

So, whether to use sauerkraut or not is up to each of you individually. It depends on both your general health and personal food preferences.

Video: useful properties of sauerkraut

Traditional medicine ascribes to sauerkraut simply magical healing properties. Healers recommend using sauerkraut and its juice for any ailments, from the common cold to such serious illnesses as epilepsy and bronchial asthma.

It is believed that daily consumption of sauerkraut can significantly increase potency and maintain it until old age. For women, it is useful for cosmetic purposes. Sauerkraut mask will give freshness and velvety to the skin of the face, discolor age spots, and also help get rid of acne.

Needless to say, the benefits of sauerkraut are great. However, there are some sins behind it. For example, due to the high content of organic acids, it is contraindicated for people with increased acidity of gastric juice, with diseases of the pancreas, renal failure, gallstones and hypertension.

It is also useful in that it helps to maintain a figure. Its calorie content is lower even without that low-calorie fresh cabbage. At the same time, it creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. The tartronic acid it contains interferes with the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.

Sauerkraut is rich in valuable vitamins. So, only 200 g of this product covers almost half of daily needs in vitamin C.

It also contains vitamin B6, which contributes to the best assimilation of protein.

In addition to vitamins, sauerkraut contains a lot of niacin, which ensures the normal course of vital cellular processes and makes hair shiny and nails strong.

Also, sauerkraut is rich in trace elements such as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc. It is also an excellent prophylactic agent against gastric ulcer and duodenum.

Its fiber aids digestion and improves the microflora of the intestinal tract. In general, sauerkraut strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism. There is also a healing effect for stomach pains.

There is a "classic" recipe. According to him, the cabbage needs to be peeled, chopped, thoroughly mash with salt so that it lets the juice, add carrots, put it tightly in barrels, the bottom of which must be covered with cabbage leaves, also cover the top with leaves, then cover with a clean cloth, press down with a wooden circle (in diameter barrels) and put oppression on top. Cabbage should ferment at room temperature, it will take about a week, but if you put it in a cool place, then the fermentation time will increase. So that the cabbage does not acquire bad smell and bitterness, you need to pierce it a couple of times during fermentation with a knife in several places to the bottom of the barrel. At the end of the process, the cabbage, without removing the oppression, is taken out to a cold place.

Of course, in a city apartment there is hardly a place for a barrel of sauerkraut. Today, everyone decides in their own way what to ferment and how to store cabbage. However, some rules still need to be followed:

It is best to use glass or enamel dishes.

In no case should you use plastic, galvanized and tinned containers.

As oppression, a granite cobblestone or a jar of water is suitable, but metal products cannot be used.

Store ready-made cabbage at a temperature of 0-2 ° C.

You should not freeze cabbage, it can become soft and become beige, and its beneficial properties are also reduced.

It is necessary to ensure that the cabbage is completely covered with brine, otherwise it will begin to darken and change taste qualities... As soon as the cabbage is out of juice, vitamin C begins to break down in it.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is called chronic illness, which is characterized by regular attacks of suffocation caused by bronchial spasms. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and coughing. The patient's breathing is often difficult.

The main reason for the occurrence bronchial asthma- a change in the work of the bronchi, when their sensitivity and reactivity decreases. Sometimes asthma is inherited. In this case, the patient's position can be aggravated due to the impact on his body of unfavorable environmental factors.

Bronchial asthma can also be allergic in nature. It also occurs as a result of the penetration of bacteria, viruses or fungi into the body. Some infectious diseases, which include sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia and rhinitis, can also trigger the development of bronchial asthma.

If bronchial asthma occurs as a result allergic reaction organism, the manifestations of this disease are seasonal.

Strong allergens that can trigger an asthma attack are pollen, household dust, certain drugs, animal hair, hay, nutritional supplements, chocolate, strong odors etc.


Sauerkraut is an excellent remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma. It is recommended to eat 0.5 kg of sauerkraut mixed with 20 g of onion and 5 g of garlic every day.

Umbilical hernia in children

An umbilical hernia is a defect in the development of the anterior abdominal wall. It's pretty frequent illness, mainly occurs in girls.

Cause of occurrence umbilical hernia are anatomical features abdominal wall. When the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical ring closes, a seal forms in its lower part. Top part the umbilical ring is much weaker than the lower one, and with a weak development of the abdominal wall it closes only partially.

In such loose and uncovered places, an umbilical hernia forms. A round or oval bulge appears on the abdominal wall near the navel.

If the child is in a calm state, the hernia is easily repositioned into the abdominal cavity.


Traditional medicine advises to apply a compress from gauze soaked in cabbage brine to treat an umbilical hernia in children. Cut circles of raw potatoes are placed on top of the cheesecloth, and all this is secured on top with a bandage.

The compress can be removed after 2-3 hours. Repeat several times during the day. The course of treatment should be carried out within 30 days.

Impotence (impotence)

Impotence is a violation of sexual function, accompanied by a complete or partial loss of a man's ability to have sexual intercourse. The cause of the disease can be a strong emotional shock, spinal injuries, alcohol consumption, taking sleeping pills, sedatives and other medications.


The cause of this disease is the pathology of the cavernous vessels of the rectum, resulting in stagnation of blood in them.

Hemorrhoids develop due to impaired blood outflow, chronic constipation, sedentary work, disorders of the pelvic organs, etc. As a result, the cavernous vessels swell and form hemorrhoids.

For hemorrhoids, you can make lotions using warm sauerkraut brine. It relieves inflammation well and has an analgesic effect.

Hemorrhoids are internal and external, depending on where the hemorrhoids are located - on the walls of the rectum or outside around anus.

The first signs of hemorrhoids are itching in the anus and difficult bowel movements. With the development of the disease, bleeding occurs, which in severe cases can lead to anemia.

In the last stages of the disease, internal hemorrhoids fall out from the rectum during bowel movements. At first, they are easily pulled back on their own, but in the future there is a need to adjust them with your hands. Lack of treatment leads to the fact that the nodes begin to fall out at the slightest load or just while walking.

Sometimes the development of thrombosis of hemorrhoids and their infringement is possible. This form of hemorrhoids is called acute. Inflammation of the nodes leads to the appearance of edema, so the patient feels pain in the anus.


For the treatment of hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation and bleeding, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of cabbage brine 1-2 times a day.


This increased gassing accompanied by colicky pain and bloating. Very often this phenomenon is observed in young children. The main symptoms: the abdominal muscles are tense, the child shows increased anxiety.

Flatulence in pregnant women is a common and normal occurrence, so you should not worry about this.


The patient needs to drink 100 ml of sauerkraut brine 3 times a day.

For inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity, it is useful to rinse with fresh cabbage juice diluted in warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.


Gallstone disease develops due to the formation of stones in the bile ducts, gallbladder or liver as a result of metabolic disorders. The development of the disease is facilitated by impaired metabolism of salts and cholesterol, infections that enter the biliary tract, and stagnation of bile. It occurs more often in women aged 35-60 years.

Gallstones differ in composition and are of 3 main types. Pigmented stones are composed of bilirubin and calcium salts; cholesterol stones are cholesterol deposits; mixed are composed of calcium salts, cholesterol and bilirubin. Cholesterol stones are the most common.

Development gallstone disease contributes to the abuse of fatty foods, diseases such as arthritis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, as well as infections of the biliary tract, atherosclerosis, liver disease, increased hemolysis (the process of breakdown of red blood cells).

The disease is accompanied by hepatic colic (pain in the right hypochondrium), as well as digestive disorders. Pain may not appear if the stones are located at the bottom of the gallbladder. When they move, on the contrary, a severe painful attack occurs, which occurs due to a spasm of the ducts or gallbladder.

Colic can be caused by taking fatty foods, hypothermia, physical or nervous strain. The pain is often very severe, sometimes it can lead to painful shock.

As a rule, an attack begins suddenly and ends just as suddenly. This often happens at night.

The nature of the pain is cutting or stabbing. Its localization is all the right hypochondrium. She radiates (gives) to the area right scapula, shoulder, neck, jaw. Then it is localized in the epigastric region and at the location of the gallbladder.

In some cases, pain can trigger an attack of angina pectoris. Sometimes it is protracted due to the fact that the general bile duct overlaps. Jaundice may develop with prolonged spasm.

Often the attack is accompanied by an increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting may occur. These symptoms disappear immediately as soon as the pain subsides.

The attack can last for several minutes, but can last for hours. Very rarely, the pain persists for several days. Attacks can be repeated with different frequency and frequency.

The patient's condition quickly normalizes as soon as pain disappears.

In some cases, the manifestations of exacerbation of gallstone disease are reduced to dyspeptic syndrome, while there is a feeling of heaviness in the area solar plexus, belching appears, sometimes - vomiting. The pain in the right hypochondrium can be mild, and only palpation of the abdomen can reveal them.

The development of the disease is accompanied by clinical manifestations complications - cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) or acute cholecystitis(inflammation of the gallbladder), signs of blockage of the bile ducts as a result of the shift of stones.

As a result of blockage of the cystic duct, dropsy of the gallbladder develops. It is accompanied by sharp pains. After they stop, an enlarged gallbladder can be felt. Dropsy causes a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

When the infection joins, there is a deterioration in the general condition, an increase in body temperature, and pains return. If the bile duct is completely blocked, jaundice develops, the color of feces changes, an enlargement of the liver is observed - it becomes denser and painful. In case of stagnation of bile in the biliary tract and gallbladder, an inflammatory process may begin.


It is necessary to take 0.5-1 glass of sauerkraut juice daily 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is designed for 1.5–2 months.

Avitaminosis C

This disease develops as a result of malnutrition, lasting a long time, and leads to a painful condition characterized by following symptoms:

–Headaches and dizziness;

–The appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;

- increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;

–The appearance of bruising on the skin;

general malaise;

- bleeding gums.

For the prevention and treatment of this disease, first of all, a diet rich in vitamins is prescribed.


It is recommended to regularly eat sauerkraut in salads. In addition, you need to drink cabbage brine 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or take 1-2 teaspoons of dry cabbage juice, dissolving it in 100 ml of water, 3-4 times a day before meals.


- developmental disorders and growth retardation in children;


- memory disorder.


To remove worms, it is recommended to take 100 ml of cabbage brine 30 minutes before meals. In addition, you need to eat 100-200 g of sauerkraut 2-3 times a day, without mixing it with other food. With tapeworm it is necessary to drink cabbage brine 0.5 liters per day before lunch for 20-30 days.


Sclerosis is caused by the thickening of connective tissue due to the death of parenchymal elements, in which scarring occurs in the heart, spinal cord, brain, liver and blood vessels (atherosclerosis).


For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to drink 0.5–1 glass of cabbage brine 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. It is also beneficial to regularly eat sauerkraut and cabbage salads.

Pectins and cellulose fibers, which sauerkraut contains, prevent cholesterol and bile acids from being absorbed in the intestine and form deposits on the walls of blood vessels or stones in the gallbladder.


Constipation develops as a result of weakening of peristalsis. It is accompanied by depression heavy sweating, decreased appetite and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Toxins are formed in the stomach and intestines of the patient, which are distributed throughout the body. Cabbage treatment helps to normalize bowel function and neutralize the effects of toxins.


Sauerkraut brine is very helpful as a laxative. It should be drunk warm, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.


Burns are understood as damage to individual parts of the body as a result of exposure to heat or radiation energy and chemicals. Burns are of varying severity, which is determined by the area and depth of damage:

- I degree - redness and swelling of the skin;

- II degree - the formation of bubbles filled with yellowish liquid;

- III degree - the development of skin necrosis;

- IV degree - deep necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues.

A burn has several stages: burn shock, acute toxemia, septicotoxemia, and recovery. Burn shock develops as a result of the simultaneous irritation of many nerve endings at the site of the lesion.

With large areas of injury, burn shock can lead to the death of the patient.

Toxemia is a poisoning of the body caused by the decay products of damaged tissues. It starts almost immediately and gradually gets worse. In this case, the metabolism in the body is disrupted.

The next stage of the burn is caused by the ingress of infection on the surface exposed as a result of the burn.

The patient has an increase in body temperature, anemia develops, inflammatory processes occur in damaged tissues and, as a result, edema. The inflammation and waste products of the affected tissues act on the nerves, causing severe pain. There is a violation of blood circulation.

With burns of the 1st degree, blood circulation soon normalizes, the inflammatory process stops, the edema becomes less, the pain disappears.

With burns of the II degree, all painful processes also gradually pass and after 14-16 days a complete recovery occurs, if the damaged surface was not infected and suppuration did not begin. In this case, the disease lasts for several weeks or even months.

With burns of III or IV degree, the patient has lethargy, drowsiness, convulsions, nausea, sweating, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dehydration and severe intoxication. In especially severe cases, the functions of the liver and kidneys are impaired, ulcers appear on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Minor burns can be treated on their own with folk remedies such as cabbage. With burns of III and IV degrees, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.


For burns, compresses from chopped sauerkraut leaves are effective.

To do this, the leaves must be crushed to a mushy state, applied to the affected area and applied with a bandage soaked in cabbage brine. The dressing should be changed 2-3 times a day.

Salty brine can cause severe burning, in which case it must be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio.

You can make compresses from whole leaves of sauerkraut, fixing them with bandages.


Wounds are external damage to the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes, sometimes penetrating deep into the bones and tendons, and damage to blood vessels and nerves is possible. If the instrument penetrates into the cavity (abdominal, chest, cranial, etc.), then it is called penetrating. Wounds can be inflicted by various objects and, depending on this, are divided into the following types:

- stabbed by a knife, needle, bayonet, awl, etc. They are especially dangerous due to the fact that internal damage organs can go unnoticed and cause internal bleeding or inflammation;

- cut, applied with a cutting object (knife, razor, glass, scalpel, etc.);

- chopped, applied with a heavy, sharp object (ax, checker, etc.);

–Shot, inflicted with a blunt object (hammer, stone, club, etc.);

- firearms inflicted by various fire projectiles (bullet, shot, shrapnel, etc.). Such wounds are through (when there is an inlet and outlet), blind (when the object with which the wound is inflicted gets stuck in the body) and tangential (when the object of the wound passes nearby, touching only the skin).

Foreign objects in the wound cause suppuration.

Wounds are often accompanied by bleeding, the intensity of which depends on which vessels were damaged - artery, vein or capillaries.

Shrapnel wounds cause extensive tissue damage, often accompanied by contamination and infection.


To heal wounds, you need 200g of fermented cabbage leaves mince or chop strongly with a knife and apply to the affected area. Apply a bandage on top.

In order to soften the wound, lotions are made from fresh sauerkraut leaves.

Mastitis (breast)

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. It usually occurs due to cracked nipples in nursing mothers. The mammary gland swells, becomes dense, tight and very painful. The skin around the nipple turns red and shiny. An increase in temperature is observed.

If a disease occurs, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor in order to prevent complications. In this case, you can not give the breast to the baby, and the milk must be expressed and poured out.


It is necessary to wrap the sore chest with sauerkraut leaves, apply a bandage and wrap the chest with a warm blanket.

Such compresses are best done at night.


Most often it occurs with caries - a dental disease characterized by demineralization of the hard tissues of the tooth and their subsequent destruction, resulting in the formation of a cavity.

Tooth decay is caused by poor diet and poor dental care.

On the initial stage caries is asymptomatic and is detected only with a thorough examination. The enamel becomes dull, there is White spot at the site of the lesion. However, the tooth does not yet respond to cold or hot food.

With the further development of the disease, pain appears when sweet, sour or salty hits the tooth. Later, a reaction to temperature changes also appears. The carious cavity at this stage becomes noticeable to the patient himself.



Headache is one of the main symptoms of a number of different diseases.

The human brain is devoid of pain receptors, but the thin layer separating it from the bones of the skull has them. Pain receptors are also present in the tendons and muscles of the scalp, which contract rapidly in response to physical or emotional stimuli.

A blow to the head and severe stress can cause prolonged migraine. Thus, a headache is the result of an injury or overstrain of the muscular layer of the skull. Of such kind discomfort most commonly experienced by women.

The headache can be severe or weak, throbbing or persistent, depending on the underlying cause. It can be aggravated by smoking, drinking, overworking or listening too much.

Headache often occurs as a result of exposure of the human body to viruses and bacteria that cause the development of infectious diseases (influenza, pneumonia) and toxins (alcohol, nicotine).

Low or high blood pressure, many inflammatory processes in oral cavity(caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease) or paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) are also accompanied by headaches.



The second type lives only in underwear. Both types are dangerous in that they can be carriers of pathogens of typhus and relapsing fever and a number of other diseases. The third type affects the pubic region of the body.

Prolonged lice can lead to depletion of the patient's body.

Lice breed by laying small white eggs, nits, that attach to hair or clothing.

It is useful after shampooing to rinse it with water and cabbage brine in a 1: 5 ratio.


In a passive state (in a dream), a person spends almost a third of his life. However, the amount of time required for sleep is individual for each person and depends, first of all, on his age, as well as physical condition.

Children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 14-15 should be allowed at least 10 hours of sleep a day. People aged 15 to 45-50 should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, and those over 50 should get 5-7 hours of sleep.

Sleep disturbances occur, as a rule, as a result of the abuse of nicotine and alcohol, as well as in the absence of sufficient physical activity... Insomnia can also be caused by disorders of the nervous system, systematic stress, nervous tension.


Good remedy for insomnia is the following: pour 0.5 teaspoon of cabbage seeds in 100ml hot water and boil for 10 minutes.

Mix the broth with 0.5 cups of cabbage brine and drink before bed.


This disease is characterized by an acute inflammatory process in the skin. Impetigo is caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Sometimes it occurs as a result of infection. Children are more likely to get sick. Men can get impetigo while shaving.

Sauerkraut brine helps pregnant women with toxicosis, having a beneficial effect on the intestines.

In some cases, the disease can be a complication of a medical condition (itching).

Impetigo has several forms.

Disease in streptococcal form is characterized by the appearance of small, easily opening bubbles filled with light contents, formed on open areas of the skin.

After opening the bubbles, their contents dry out, and amber crusts are formed. If removed, a bright red eroded surface is revealed, surrounded by a slightly protruding rim of the stratum corneum.

With impetigo in staphylococcal form pathological changes occur at the mouths of the hair follicles. They form pustules, the size of which can reach the size of a pea. As a result of the drying out of the contents, they take the form of a cone-shaped crust.

There is also a vulgar impetigo, which can occur on the skin of the face, less often on the skin of the limbs and trunk.


For the treatment of this disease, as well as for burns, sauerkraut brine is used. They lubricate the affected areas of the skin.


Lichens are a group of diseases that arise for various reasons and affect the skin, mucous membrane, and sometimes nails.

Deprive red flat

The causes of lichen redness have not yet been established. This form is observed mainly in adults.

Of all sauerkraut and salted vegetables, sauerkraut has the greatest number of medicinal properties.

On the affected skin, small reddish-purple papules with a shiny surface appear, in the center of which there are umbilical depressions.

Most often, papules are localized on the lower back, abdomen and forearms. Their formation is accompanied by severe itching.

As the disease progresses, papules fused with each other form small plaques. A mesh pattern appears on their surface - the Wickem mesh. It becomes especially noticeable when wetted. After the papules dissolve, pigment spots remain on the skin.

Papules can appear on the mucous membrane, in the area of ​​the red border of the lips, on the tongue. Lichen erythematosus can also affect the inner cheeks, the glans penis in men, and the vulva in women.

Redness and swelling of the affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane are characteristic of the exudative-hyperemic variety of lichen lichen.

Ulcers or erosion occur, in addition to papules, with erosive peptic ulcer disease. Such a lesion has a chronic course and occurs in patients with hypertension (increased arterial blood pressure) and diabetes mellitus.


Shingles has two forms: simple and gangrenous. It is caused by a special virus. The disease can be provoked by hypothermia.

The patient's skin becomes red, then bubble rashes appear, which are accompanied by burning, itching, and sometimes pain.

The fusion of the bubbles leads to the formation of large foci of inflammation. Such foci are usually located along the intercostal or facial nerves.

The gangrenous form is considered the most severe. With shingles gangrenous, the resulting blisters are filled with bloody contents, some areas of the skin are subject to necrosis (necrosis).

Deprive pityriasis

Pityriasis (or multicolored) lichen is a fungal skin disease.

The disease begins with the appearance of yellowish-brown spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm on the skin. Their contours are clear, the borders are uneven. When scraped, the spots flake off. Most often, lichen is localized on the chest, neck and back, while in rare cases, spots can appear on the shoulders and head (on the scalp).

The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor is the fungus Pityrosporumorbiculare. The onset of lichen can cause sweating and seborrheic diathesis.

In the course of the development of the disease, the spots, increasing, can merge. Painful sensations, itching is not observed.

The diagnosis is clarified thanks to the iodine test: after smearing the spots with iodine tincture, they are immediately treated with alcohol.

The diagnosis is confirmed if the spots acquire dark brown and stand out sharply against the background of healthy skin.

Deprive pink

Pink lichen is a disease from the group of infectious erythema. The reasons for its occurrence have not been established, the disease is seasonal in nature, appears mainly in the autumn and spring months, which is facilitated by frequent hypothermia of the body.

After a person has suffered an illness, he develops an immunity that prevents relapses.

The disease begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque on the skin, which appears on the trunk. It is a pink spot with a diameter of 2 cm or more. The development of the disease is accompanied by peeling of the central part of the plaque, its wrinkling and yellowing.

The diameter of the new spots is less than the diameter of the main maternal plaque. It fluctuates within 0.5-1 cm. The centers of the spots, surrounded by a red border, peel off, forming scales. Lichen is itchy.

After a few days, spots appear on the back, chest, sides, abdomen and limbs along the so-called Langer's lines.

Pityriasis rosacea can change, acquiring an eczema-like shape. This is facilitated by rare washing, sweating, as well as the patient's predisposition to allergies.


You can use sauerkraut leaves instead of brine. They should be placed on gauze folded in four, or cotton cloth, applied to the skin affected by shingles.

It is not recommended to eat spicy food, canned food, drink alcohol. Hypothermia, stress should be avoided, as they contribute to the weakening of the body and the development of the disease. Synthetic and woolen underwear should not be worn, because it irritates the skin, it is not recommended to wet and wash the affected skin.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor who can guide and correct treatment.

Angina catarrhal

Catarrhal sore throat is an extremely contagious infectious disease. As a rule, it occurs when the body is hypothermic.

Catarrhal sore throat is accompanied by chills and fever. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity dries quickly, sore throat appears, swallowing is accompanied by severe pain. Examination reveals redness and enlargement of the tonsils, as well as inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes.

Sore throat ulcerative membranous

Sore throat ulcerative membranous usually lasts 6-8 days. If the general condition of the body at the time of the disease is unsatisfactory, it will take more time to treat the ailment. The diagnosis is made after examining a smear taken from the patient's throat, in which the presence of a spirochete and a fusiform bacillus is detected.

With ulcerative filmy sore throat, a whitish-yellow plaque appears on the tonsils, pharynx, and sometimes on the inside of the cheeks, which is easily removed. Under the plaque, there are always sores that cause bad breath. The patient's body temperature rises to 37–38 ° C. Submandibular lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, but palpation does not cause severe pain.

For general prevention colds it is enough to eat 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut per day.

Angina lacunar

The duration of this disease usually does not exceed 5 days.

Lacunar angina is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, in some cases up to 40 ° C, pain when swallowing and an increase in submandibular lymph nodes. Examination of the patient reveals typical symptom this disease - light yellow or white bloom on the tonsils, which consists of bacteria, epithelial cells and leukocytes and is easily removed during treatment.

Angina phlegmonous

Phlegmonous sore throat is sometimes called a peri-rectal abscess. This disease often develops as a complication of other types of sore throat.

Phlegmonous tonsillitis begins to develop when an infection enters the body weakened by the disease, the focus of which is in the lacunae of the tonsils. During malaise, inflammation occurs, followed by suppuration of the tonsils.

A person recovering from a primary sore throat begins to feel a sore throat again when swallowing. His appetite worsens, his overall vitality decreases, his body temperature rises rapidly and can reach 40 ° C. There is limited opening of the mouth, the voice becomes nasal. Examination reveals swelling and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes, on the affected side of the oral mucosa - edema and hyperemia soft palate, the amygdala is sharply protruded, the uvula is displaced in healthy side... The patient's head is constantly tilted in the direction on which the abscess develops.

Follicular angina

The duration of follicular sore throat is on average 4 days.

At follicular sore throat the body temperature rises, there is a sore throat and pain when swallowing, inflammation is observed, followed by suppuration of the follicles, which cover the swollen tonsils with small pale yellow dots. Submandibular The lymph nodes swell quickly and become painful on palpation.

Angina Louis

Angina Louis is an acute inflammation of the oral mucosa. This disease is usually a consequence of complications caused by the lack of treatment for various dental diseases.

Angina Louis is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, loss of appetite, a decrease in overall vitality and insomnia. Examination reveals swelling of the larynx and oral mucosa. Swallowing and chewing are accompanied by severe pain, speech becomes slurred. In especially advanced cases, the disease leads to sepsis, tracheal edema. The patient's breathing becomes heavy and intermittent. The final stage of Louis' sore throat is suffocation.


For the treatment of sore throat, sauerkraut brine is used. They are advised to gargle. The frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day. It is also useful to drink warmed brine 5-6 times a day, 50 ml each.

Cabbage, sauerkraut, retains 1.5–2 times more vitamins than shredded cabbage.

This method must be combined with taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Treatment lasts until the patient is fully recovered.


This disease manifests itself on the skin of the child, but the cause of it is a violation of activity. digestive tract. Skin rashes, as a rule, appear after eating a particular food. Since the mother's milk is the main food of the baby, she has to monitor her diet so as not to cause diathesis in the baby. However, not only the mother's diet is important, but also the state of her gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, for the prevention of diathesis, it is recommended to treat both the mother and the child.

Mother's treatment

First of all, it is necessary to carry out internal cleansing. To do this, within 2 weeks, you need to take activated charcoal 2 tablets 5 times a day. It is recommended to take the drug before or after a meal, with the interval between eating and taking activated carbon must be at least 1 hour.

A woman needs to monitor the state of the gastrointestinal tract, pay attention to stools, and carefully choose food for her diet. It should be remembered that many chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be transmitted to a child.

To normalize the processes in the intestines and stomach, it is useful to drink cabbage brine, 100–150 ml 3-4 times a day, and more often to eat salads, which include sauerkraut.

Child treatment

In addition, you need to ensure that the child has a bowel movement every day, and, if necessary, you need to do an enema.

For skin areas with diathetic rashes, it is recommended to make baths and lotions using cabbage brine or apply compresses from chopped sauerkraut leaves.

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been the hallmark of many peoples, as soon as the name changes, while the dish itself remains unchanged.
Each fruit or vegetable has its own visiting vitamin, so in cabbage it is methylmethionine. At the same time, sauerkraut is highly valued for its ability to preserve the most important and essential vitamin "C" for the body for a long time.

This longevity of vitamin "C" is connected with the fact that it is not only found in cabbage in its pure form, but also in various chemical compounds. That is, it does not break down during storage, even a slight heat treatment does not destroy vitamin C.

In addition to the main two components, this product, obtained by natural fermentation, contains the most valuable substances for the human body: phytoncides, enzymes, vitamins, micro and macro elements, fiber.

Sauerkraut is a healthy and tasty pickle that is harvested for the winter in almost any family. Did you know that in the process of fermentation, cabbage becomes several times more useful than a fresh vegetable, since not only all the available vitamins and microelements are preserved in it, but new ones appear, medicinal properties.

This feature was noticed by the peoples of Asia, and it was the Chinese and Koreans who were the first to learn to ferment cabbage. There is even documentary evidence that workers who erected the Great Wall of China were fed with this pickle. So this dish cannot be called a primordially Russian product, since the Eastern Slavs adopted the recipe for cooking cabbage from other peoples.

Sauerkraut made it possible to preserve vitamins, which were so necessary in the conditions of the long and cold Russian winter, and helped to resist vitamin deficiency. In the past, not a single feast in Russia was complete without this beloved vegetable. They harvested cabbage for the winter in large quantities and fermented it in huge oak barrels. There was even a special holiday - Sergei Kapustnik. The whole family worked that day: they chopped and fermented cabbage according to special family recipes.

This vegetable is no less popular in other countries. The Germans cannot imagine their table without a signature national dish - pork legs with stewed sauerkraut, and the Poles have invented a breathtaking thing - bigus, which is also made from a mixture of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage. In Asian countries, it is used to prepare hot snacks, and Romanians ferment it in barrels with whole heads of cabbage and then prepare stuffed dishes.

Useful micronutrients found in sauerkraut

The range of vitamins contained in sauerkraut is very wide: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, K, P, U. The latter belongs to the category of rather rare vitamins, it has an amazing property - warning
em appearance ulcerative lesions on the walls of the stomach and duodenum. In addition to vitamin C, cabbage contains ascorbigen (a derivative of ascorbic acid), which is not destroyed even during long-term storage, moreover, with moderate heat treatment it turns into vitamin C and the amount of ascorbic acid per 100 g of sauerkraut increases.

Choline (it belongs to the group of B vitamins), contained in sauerkraut, has a beneficial effect on metabolism and normalizes lipid processes in the body. Considering that there are only 27 calories in 100 g of the product, then this is an ideal food product for those who are struggling with extra pounds.

The minerals contained in sauerkraut make it practically the record holder among similar products. It contains: iron, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, cobalt, fluorine, silicon, arsenic, boron, copper, zinc, sulfur, selenium, etc.

No less useful and valuable are the amino acids found in sauerkraut: lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, methylmethionine. The flavonoids and probiotics contained in the product also have a beneficial effect.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

At the same time, in the presence of all the listed useful properties, sauerkraut has its drawbacks. They must be constantly taken into account, since the consumption of sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, due to the high level of organic acids, the use of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

Researchers have found that tartronic acid is formed in cabbage when fermented. This substance is the worst enemy of fat, it not only prevents its formation, but also successfully breaks down even old, perennial deposits. Moreover, there is no tartonic acid in fresh cabbage.

It is formed only as a result of fermentation and fermentation of the vegetable. It is this component that effectively lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of plaques that clog blood vessels. Thus, sauerkraut not only helps to lose weight, but also heals the body as a whole.

To everyone who wants to have beautiful figure, you need to introduce sauerkraut into your diet, as it is a low-calorie vegetable that contains only 20 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that this is one of available methods losing weight. Diets that include sauerkraut are generally the same type.

Nutritionists warn that to combat obesity, you cannot use a mono-diet, that is, consume only sauerkraut. It contains a lot of organic acids (lactic, acetic), which irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and, if consumed regularly on an empty stomach, can lead to diseases of the digestive tract.

The fiber contained in cabbage is rather rough and can provoke fermentation processes in the stomach, bloating and increased gas production. Therefore, you need to use pickles for weight loss correctly and follow the cabbage diet under the supervision of a specialist. Yes, and it can be prescribed only when there are no problems with the digestive tract.

With the right approach, in a week of the cabbage diet, you can lose up to 5 kg. It is recommended to consume sauerkraut in small portions and combine this product with neutral side dishes and protein foods. Ideal is boiled chicken breast and rice as a side dish.

Additionally, once a week, you can drink 50 ml of cabbage brine before each meal, this will help speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the liver and remove toxins, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the body. Sauerkraut enhances intestinal motility, helps to get rid of constipation and has a positive effect on digestion.

While following the diet, one should not forget about the enhanced drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5-2.5 liters of liquid per day. Moreover, this volume should not include tea, coffee, juices, compotes. It should only be clean drinking water.

Since sauerkraut contains quite a lot of salt, this product can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, swelling. Therefore, a diet based on sauerkraut should not be kept by those who have heart pathologies and serious diseases of the digestive system. This weight loss option is suitable only for those who do not have severe health problems and concomitant diseases, in which the use of salty and fermented foods is contraindicated.

Why sauerkraut is useful for women

The benefits of sauerkraut for women are due to its high cosmetic properties; it is used to prepare masks and lotions for acne, age spots, freckles, and oily, porous skin. Remember to make simple face masks with sauerkraut when cooking sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut face masks

  • The most simple mask- squeeze sauerkraut, cut into small pieces and put on the skin of the face, covering with a napkin on top. After 10 - 15 minutes, rinse off and apply a nourishing cream. This mask whitens the skin, cleanses, tightens, smoothes fine wrinkles.
  • You can use not the cabbage itself, but its brine, for which the cabbage is also chopped and squeezed well. In the resulting brine, a napkin is impregnated and applied to the face, having previously made holes for the eyes, nose and lips. After 10 minutes, you need to wash with cool water. It is useful to do such lotions 2 times a week for acne.
  • For oily and porous skin prepare such a mask: chop two tablespoons of sauerkraut, add whipped egg white and a spoonful of potato starch. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes, then wash.
  • For dry skin, you can also make an excellent sauerkraut mask. Chop two tablespoons of cabbage, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply to face for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, wash your face warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Hair Mask

To strengthen the hair, sauerkraut brine is rubbed into the scalp once a week or a mixture of cabbage juice and liquid honey taken in equal amounts is prepared, which is applied to the hair roots 30 minutes before shampooing.

For women, the low calorie content of sauerkraut and the presence of organic acids in it, which prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits, is important.

Why sauerkraut is useful for men

Is sauerkraut good for men? It is safe to say that it is useful, its regular use increases physical and mental activity, low calorie content, high content fiber and ascorbic acid serve as a good prevention of obesity and hemorrhoids.

The benefits of sauerkraut juice

In addition to information about the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, you need to know how useful sauerkraut juice is. It, like the vegetable itself, contains a large number of lactic acid, which is so necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism... Therefore, it is very often prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus. In this case, the juice must be mixed with lemon and consumed three times a day.

Many people confuse the drink with cabbage pickle. But the juice is contained inside the cabbage and is obtained by passing it through a juicer. It is much more concentrated than brine. The tremendous value of the juice lies in its mineral and vitamin composition.

Many people know how sauerkraut is useful and how to use it. And the use of a drink from it as a remedy is much wider. The juice is prescribed by physicians to patients who have low acidity, as well as with weakening of intestinal motility and poor appetite.

Gargling with cabbage juice can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat and other diseases. Nectar can be consumed in case of poor digestion, which has been caused by overeating, as well as alcohol abuse. With this treatment, the work of the stomach improves and the production of gastric juice improves.

Sauerkraut during pregnancy

Cabbage brine helps pregnant women to cope with toxicosis. The beneficial properties of sauerkraut allow men to avoid prostate diseases and keep their potency normal.

Cabbage pickle will help with a hangover

Probably everyone knows how useful sauerkraut pickle is after a good time with friends. With a hangover, both the cabbage itself and its pickle are excellent. If you do not forget about this dish during the feast, then the probability of waking up in good mood very large.

One more amazing properties brine - the ability to increase masculine strength... People have long noticed this feature and used it as an aphrodisiac that can keep a man in great shape for many years.

For women, cabbage brine helps to maintain beauty and is an excellent tool for strengthening hair, improving the condition of skin and nails. In addition, the healing drink speeds up metabolic processes, breaks down fat deposits and helps to lose extra pounds.

Diluted cabbage brine can be used for rinsing. For sore throat, these procedures help relieve irritation, swelling and other discomfort. Antiseptic properties cabbage juice prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria and accelerate recovery.

Concentrated brine can be taken as a prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis, lack of appetite, low blood pressure. In this case, start treatment with a minimum dose (1 tbsp. L.) And gradually increase the volume to 50 ml of brine per 1 dose.

How to cook sauerkraut

This recipe eliminates the addition of sugar, spices and other ingredients. For 2 kg of white cabbage, you should take 40 g of coarse salt (not iodized) and 1 kg of carrots. Vegetables are finely chopped or chopped in a wooden trough (whoever has such an opportunity). Next, the vegetable mass must be thoroughly rubbed with salt so that it lets the juice and tamp it tightly into the jars up to the shoulders. The top of the neck is closed with a clean gauze napkin.

Cabbage should stand at room temperature for 4-5 days, all this time the fermentation process is going on in it and it must be pierced from time to time with a wooden stick to release gas. The fermentation process is considered complete when foam ceases to appear on the surface of the cabbage. After that, the jars are closed with lids and put into the refrigerator. Tasty, and most importantly, healthy pickles are ready, and you can safely use cabbage not only for culinary, but also for medicinal purposes.

Sauerkraut and folk beliefs

If we talk about traditional medicine, then sauerkraut there practically has magical beneficial properties. Traditional healers recommend cabbage and its juice practically for treatment
all possible diseases. Starting from colds and ending with severe forms of illness (asthma, epilepsy). There is also some magical mention of cabbage in a dream.

Important: German scientists conducted a study that confirmed that if any person eats a serving of sauerkraut at least 2-3 times a week, he will significantly reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

If in a dream you dreamed of cabbage, then soon some troubles are expected.

Well, there is a belief that if a young girl wants to increase her dignity (breast), then she should constantly use sauerkraut.

How does it affect the liver?

Sauerkraut is believed to help cleanse the liver and enhance its ability to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances... For this purpose, it is recommended to make a special “health cocktail”. Its recipe is extremely simple. It is necessary to mix cabbage brine and tomato juice in equal proportions and drink this invigorating drink three times a day after meals.

In the same time, overuse sauerkraut can harm the liver due to excess salt and will not be beneficial for severe organ pathologies. With severe liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, you can not use sauerkraut. In other cases, you should consult with your doctor about how much and how often sauerkraut can be used to improve the liver.

Contraindications to taking sauerkraut

At the same time, in the presence of all the listed useful properties, sauerkraut has its own limitations. They must be constantly taken into account, since the consumption of sauerkraut can harm your body. Namely, due to the high level of organic acids, the use of cabbage is prohibited for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

Pickles should not be consumed under the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • renal failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice, gastroesophageal reflux;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, a tendency to heartburn.

Sauerkraut is loved by many. It has been an excellent addition to the diet for a long time. Appetizing, extremely healthy - sauerkraut is prized for its rich vitamin composition, taste and ability self-cooking, when familiar and equally useful products can act as additional components.

Cabbage is one of the most demanded vegetables on our table. This unique product is present in the recipes of many dishes, ranging from classic cabbage soup and cabbage rolls to all kinds of salads and cold snacks.

The most common way of harvesting cabbage is pickling it. Sauerkraut is included in most European and Asian cuisines: Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Mediterranean, German, Polish, Czech, Korean, Chinese.

Various variations of the preparation of sauerkraut allow us to diversify the menu of our compatriots as much as possible and enrich the diet of the whole family with vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter-spring period.

Today we will take a closer look at the topic "sauerkraut - the benefits and harms for the body", focusing separately on the contraindications of the dish.

Cooking methods

There are many unique recipes for the preparation of each type of cabbage (finely chopped, chopped, whole cabbage, in combination with cranberries, Korean spicy, etc.), but sodium chloride (table salt) remains an invariable component of the dish, which has undoubted preservative properties.

Lactic acid bacteria present in fresh leaves cabbage, ferment natural sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) from vegetable juice, due to which lactic acid is released - a natural preservative that prevents the growth of moldy fungal microflora. It is lactic acid that determines the specific smell of the finished product, which resembles the aroma of soaked barrel apples.

The most common sourdough options include:

  • salting chopped or shredded cabbage;
  • salting whole cabbage;
  • salting heads cut into halves or quarters;
  • combined salting (with sour berries, mild fruits and roots).

Shredded or diced cabbage is lightly kneaded with your hands to extract juice, while adding salt. Next, the product is placed in containers (cans, barrels, buckets, etc.), covered with a thick layer of gauze and placed under oppression. The juice that appears on the surface begins to ferment, and after 2-7 days (depending on temperature regime) fermentation is completed.

Long-term storage of the product is carried out at temperatures from 0 to + 6 ° C.

Many chefs ferment cabbage along with juicy beetroot or carrot. Before salting, sour apples, paprika, garlic, berries (cranberries, lingonberries, viburnum, etc.) can be added to cabbage.

Of the spices in sauerkraut recipes, ground and whole dill seeds are most often found, different types pepper, caraway seeds. Sometimes granulated sugar is added to the recipe to speed up fermentation.

If you are a supporter of rational nutrition, then you should eat dishes that contain sauerkraut. The benefits and medicinal properties of the product are due to the specific preparation process and unique biochemical composition. Obtained by lactic acid fermentation, undoubtedly, normalizes the intestinal microflora and improves all digestive processes.

Rarely is a product that retains all the beneficial properties and biologically active substances during long-term storage. In sauerkraut, the vitamin and mineral composition remains unchanged for 2-3 months (subject to storage conditions - in a cold place).

One of the main health benefits of sauerkraut is that it contains a large dose of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a powerful antioxidant and vitamin responsible for cellular health. Regular inclusion of sauerkraut dishes in the menu helps prevent vitamin deficiency and increase immunity, which is especially important in the cold season.

But that's not the only health benefits of sauerkraut. In addition to vitamin C, the product is rich in carotene, vitamins of group B, P, PP, coarse dietary fiber, minerals: sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron, zinc and selenium, enzymes, organic acids.

High content coarse fiber- fibers that are not digested in the intestines, helps to cleanse the body of accumulated metabolites and cope with constipation. Enzymes and lactic acid bacteria sour product improve the state of microflora in the small intestine and prevent the development of dysbiosis.

Not only cabbage is useful, but also the brine formed during the cooking process. It is recommended to drink it as a remedy against intoxication of the body. No wonder ethnoscience recommends the use of brine from a hangover syndrome.

Scientists have discovered another useful property of sauerkraut - the ability to resist malignant cell transformation. This is due to the cleansing of the intestines from toxic substances and saturation of the body with natural antioxidants.

The low calorie content of the product (18-22 kcal / 100 g) and the tartronic acid contained in it (a substance called a natural fat burner) makes it indispensable in the diet of all those who are losing weight.

Sauerkraut is useful in treatment and prevention diabetes mellitus, due to its ability to remove excess glucose from the blood. According to many men, the daily inclusion of snacks based on it in the diet maintains sexual activity for a long time and increases male strength.

In home cosmetology, cabbage is actively used as anti-inflammatory, whitening, pore-tightening masks for the face and hair that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Many beauties with oily and problem skin daily wipe their face with brine, which retains all the beneficial properties of the product.

Unfortunately, the use of the product is not allowed for everyone and, sometimes, it can cause harm to the human body. For more details see "contraindications" below.

How to use?

To enhance the beneficial properties of sauerkraut, nutritionists recommend filling it with first-cold-pressed vegetable oils. This combination activates all types of metabolism, improves the condition of the liver, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and excretory systems, skin and skin appendages.

The best oils for making cold snacks are: homemade and, sesame, olive, pumpkin, grape seed,.

Vegetable oils partially neutralize the acid, which makes it possible to include cabbage (in small portions) in the diet of patients with increased gastric acidity.

Sauerkraut contraindications

Despite the beneficial properties, sauerkraut has contraindications. The product may harm patients with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

In the process of digesting cabbage, fermentation processes in the intestine are activated, so everyone who suffers from flatulence (increased gas production) should refrain from it.

Since salt is used in the manufacture of the product, it should be used with caution by people prone to edema and having kidney problems, arterial hypertension, gout, and joint diseases. Even a small serving of cabbage contains half of the total daily allowance sodium chloride.

In order not to harm the body and get a positive effect from consumption, it is advisable to include sauerkraut dishes in the menu 2-4 times a week, depending on individual characteristics.

  • Listen to the reaction of your digestive tract to certain foods, and you can determine as accurately as possible whether the food is right for you.

Now you know all the beneficial properties of sauerkraut, its benefits and harms for the body, and you can consciously enrich your diet with delicious and nutritious food. Pamper your loved ones with new recipes of sour Russian cabbage soup, spicy German bigus, various appetizer salads and vinaigrette based on sauerkraut, enriching the diet with everyone essential vitamins and trace elements.

Enjoy your meals and be healthy!

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