Why the child has a strong smell of mouth. Why the child appears an unpleasant smell of rot from the mouth

The bad smell of the child's mouth should be concerned about the parents. This may be a symptom of many diseases. It is very important not to miss the right moment, starting treatment in time. Let's describe in detail the reasons why the child smells from mouth and how to deal with it.

Why the child smells unpleasantly

The reasons for the appearance of bad smell a lot. At first, parents should pay attention to the observance of the oral hygiene. Parents need to teach the baby to brush their teeth, rinse the mouth after meals.

Important! Starting from the biennium, buy a special children toothpaste. Brush your teeth with a soft pile.

There is a very common problem. There are diseases of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract. For example:

  • periodontitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • perodontitis.

Such problems lead to a change in microflora of mucous, reproduction of bacteria, inflammatory processes. The result is such - the child appears nasty smell from mouth.

The reasons

The reason for the appearance of poor fragrance is often dry oral cavity. Causes of dryness:

  • the appearance of adenoids;
  • the cold illness of the kid, which is accompanied by a runny nose;
  • falling asleep, the child breathes his mouth;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the curvature of the nasal partition. Such a problem often occurs after a nasal fracture;
  • insufficient air humidity.

All these factors contribute to the drying of the mucous membrane, the unpleasant fragrance appears.

Important! The process of salivation is controlled by the central nervous system, so stressful situation Often causes stench.

Why smells in the morning

The most common reason for the appearance of bad fragrance in the morning there is a decrease in the production of saliva at night, which is natural antiseptic. With it, it is washed off all the bacteria that are in the oral cavity in the child.

The situation can deteriorate significantly if the baby is sleeping with open lips. The smell appears because of or. Eliminating health problems, bad fragrance also decrease.

Take a kid after sleeping your teeth, using children's pasta with pleasant taste. Careful cleaning not only teeth, but also the language will eliminate all the problems.

Also try not to feed the baby heavy food in three hours before sleep. Then she will have time to digest, and will not linger in the stomach for the whole night, creating an unpleasant fragrance.

Important! Remember that onions, garlic, excessive use Sweet is the cause of a bad fragrance, which is difficult to get rid of.

Smells acetone

The aroma of acetone from the mouth of the child can signal many pathologies and diseases. For example:

  • violation of the activities of the pancreas;
  • nervous arthritical diathesis;
  • diabetes;
  • availability ;
  • liver disease;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections.

If, except for acetone smell, is observed increased temperature, Weakness can be told about the appearance of acetional syndrome. This is due to the abrasiveness in the blood of ketone bodies, which are formed as a result of splitting protein exchange products. Most often, the disease is genetically predisposed.

To remove the symptoms you need to give a drink to the baby saline Small doses so as not to provoke vomiting. Also follow a special diet. Every day in the diet should be present dairy products, eggs, low-fat meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals.

Important! When the symptoms of acetonemic syndrome do not slow down. Call ambulanceTo begin treatment in the hospital.

Smell like acid

The acidic smell indicates the presence of diseases of the stomach, such as:

  • reflux (Rabros gastric juice in the esophagus);
  • increased acidity.

To determine the cause of the appearance of a bad fragrance, consult a gastroenterologist.

Smells kaloma

Most often, the smell of feces arises due to neurosis and intestinal obstruction, dysbiosis. Such a symptom is very anxious sign. In the body, the kid accumulates toxins that poison it and cause bad fragrance.

What will help:

  1. To get rid of such trouble, consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the cause.
  2. To reduce the fragrance you need to clean and teeth every day, and language.
  3. After receiving food, it is advisable to rinse the cavity of the mouth with the infusion of chamomile, mint, oak bark.

Do not feel about the problem is frivolous, because the diseases can go to chronic form. Then eliminate the smell will not be so simple.

Smells like rotten eggs

The smell of rotten eggs appears when reduced acidity Stomach, why food is not digested and starts to rot. Another reason is overeating.

If a unpleasant symptom It is often manifested, this indicates chronic diseases:

  • atrophic gastritis;
  • athony of the stomach;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Important! If smells rotten eggs, diarrhea appears, elevated temperature, child poisoning.

Smells a gnill

The inflammatory process in the nasopharynk is often accompanied by a grinding aroma. The almonds are formed by raid, traffic jams from which the stench comes. After adequate treatmentthat the doctor appoints, all the symptoms disappear.

What other reasons for bad smell:

  • caries;
  • periodontalosis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • angina.

Often it may be a consequence of the reduced acidity of the stomach.

Smell like iodine

If the child smells like iodine, it means that in its body an excess of this trace element. Parents need to be referred to an endocrinologist to diagnose the body.

Important! Sometimes the reason for the appearance of the smell of iodine can be a long-lasting kid near the sea.

When you feed the baby chest, then bad smell It may arise if you are taking iodine-based preparations. This trace element has the ability to accumulate in the body. Sometimes children have the intolerance to iodine or increased sensitivity To this element.

How to eliminate the smell what to do

Teach the child to comply with the rules of oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day using a special children's toothpaste. It will not be superfluous to rinse the mouth after meals. To do this, you can use grasses champs.

Limit the consumption of the sweet, which also causes caries. Replace candy fruit and honey. The kid not only disappears a bad smell, but also to improve digestion.

Important! Apples great product To clean the teeth from the plaque.

Do not let children drink sweet compote, juice, gas. They cause fermentation processes in the stomach, which is the reason for the emergence of the problem. Replace these drinks with simple water or unsweequate compote from dried fruits.

All these preventive measures Do not affect if the child is sick. Therefore, pass the surveys from a pediatrician, dentist, a gastroenterologist, a otolaryngologist.

The appearance of a specific smell of the child's mouth is not such a harmless phenomenon, as it may seem at first glance. It is important to find out if it is a symptom of a serious illness.

The child has an unpleasant smell of mouth: causes that do not require treatment

Most frequent cause The bad smell of the child from the child is non-compliance with hygiene. It is also the easiest assault: parents need to teach the child to correct the teeth and follow the regularity of hygienic procedures.

The health of the child is directly related to the quality of nutrition. If there is too much protein or sweets in the diet, it can find a bad smell of mouth. The reason for this is the processes of rotting in the intestine.

The specific smell may be the reaction of the body to a certain product. In this case, it will disappear after cleaning the teeth, but can pursue the child and the next day. Most often, the smell of mouth remains after the use of the following products:

  • Garlic
  • Solid cheeses
  • Corn
  • Radish
  • Milk products
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.

Failures in work digestive system Against the background of normal nutrition, children are noted during the period of intensive growth. This is due to the fact that internal organs Do not have time to adjust the rapidly changing skeleton. Usually, such problems arise aged 6-7 and 10-12 years in girls and 4-6 and 13-16 years old in boys. In this case, the smell of mouth is a normal phenomenon that goes by itself and does not require treatment.

Reason for concern

In the oral cavity of a healthy child is great amount bacteria. Some of them are non-propogenic bacteria - will never cause the disease. Another group of bacteria is conditional and pathogenic - do not show themselves until the favorable conditions appear for their reproduction. If the child's immunity is weakened, the activation of pathogenic flora begins.

The imbalance of microorganisms in the oral cavity is most often caused by dry mucous membranes. There are several reasons that contribute to drying:

  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Low moisture in the room
  • Insufficient volume of fluid consumed
  • Violation of salivary stalls
  • Durable ads of medicines
  • Psychological stress.

The oral ridiculous cavity is a favorable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Settled on the mucous membranes, they cause inflammation in the mouth (stomatitis, caries, periodontitis, fungal infections) and nasooplotics (rhinitis, tonsillitis, adenoitis), which become sources of unpleasant odor. The inflammatory process in the nasopharynk is also accompanied by eaps under the eyes, disruption of nasal respiration, snoring.

Sugar diabetes indicates the characteristic smell of acetone, the kidney disease is the smell of ammonia.

An unpleasant symptom may also be called epidemic parotitisaffecting salivary glands.

Psychological factor of illness

With the appearance of the child, the smell of mouth, parents immediately rush to look for physical pathologies. but psychological stress can play no less meaningful role In the appearance of the smell of mouth, because it helps to reduce the secretion of saliva, and this reduces local immunity And makes a child vulnerable to infection.

It is worth thinking: perhaps the reason was jar of Hearts? Need to analyze the behavior of the kid in lately, His relationship with others: find out if there are no problems in children's garden Or school, do not give up the child's opposite. It is important to create a positive atmosphere in the family: then the baby will trust the parents and tell about his fears and concerns.

If the child experienced strong excitement, it is necessary to drink it plenty to avoid dehydration and dry the mucous membranes.


You can get rid of the smell from your mouth with the help of hygiene and nutrition adjustments. Several tips to help parents:

  • Replace sugar with natural fruit and honey
  • Add to diet more vegetables
  • Reduce the amount of protein
  • Watch the child to drink at least one and a half liters clean water in a day
  • Purchase high-quality toothpaste and brush
  • Teach a child teeth cleaning technique (removing food particles from interdental space and climb from language).

If the child is still very small, it is worth checking if he does not have a foreign body in his nose. Perhaps this is the reason for the bad smell: develops in the nose inflammatory processand form purulent dischargewhich baby swallows.

To remove a foreign body, you need to consult a doctor.

If these methods do not help, most likely, the reason lies in the beginnings. In this case, you do not need to mask an unpleasant symptom: it is important to apply for help and cure the disease.

Parents should not be engaged in self-medication. Most. right decision Will a visit to the pediatrician: he will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the child, clarify all the necessary information for a preliminary diagnosis and only will send to the desired doctor (dentist, otorinolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, etc.). To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist may assign laboratory and ultrasound research. This approach will allow as soon as possible establish the cause of the unpleasant odor and prevent the development of serious consequences.

Delicate problem: an unpleasant smell from the mouth

If a child is already enough adult to assess the attitude of others to himself, he may be shy of the bad smell of mouth. Moreover, in school, he may experience difficulties in communication, undergo humiliation and ridicule.

It is very important that parents spend the educational conversation on time and explained the child that he is not to blame for the problem. Sometimes the sensitive reaction causes a strong interest from a child to cope with the trouble, and he gladly performs all prescribed recommendations.

The opposite situation is possible: the child has a complex of inferiority, it closes in himself and does not want to come to contact either parents or doctors. In this case, it is worth thinking about the consultation of the psychologist.

Immediately after birth, the baby has a very pleasant smell. It is connected with its "sterility". The newborn has not yet managed to fully encounter harmful effect ambientTherefore, the microflora of his body is cleaned and ideal. However, with age, parents may notice a rather unpleasant and even repulsive smell from the child. It bothers many, so we'll figure it out for the causes of this pathology.

Bad smell of mouth in a child - a symptom, the reason for which it is necessary to find out

Unpleasant smell of mouth - norm or pathology?

The kid smells from the mouth, especially in the morning, may be due to the dryness of saliva, accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity or disease development. In the latter case, the smell will be resistant and characteristic. If, after morning procedures (cleaning teeth and tongue, rinsing), a specific fragrance does not leave, the child should be shown a doctor. The pediatrician will examine him, will examine and confirm either refute the fears of relatives.

Why u healthy child Is there a strange smell of mouth? Consider the physiological reasons for this phenomenon:

  • consumption of very sweet, carbohydrate food or products with a specific smell (onions, garlic);
  • slowness of the nasopharynx mucosa and saliva due to excessive physical activity, stress or after sleep;
  • use medicinal preparationscausing odor;
  • a small child can shove anything in the nose (for example, a piece of washcloths, rubber), which will lead to the rotting of the subject and the occurrence of the smell;
  • hormonal restructuring during puberty, lack of vitamins, trace elements and iodine in the body.

The main reasons for an unpleasant odor

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An unpleasant smell of mouth appears at any age and can be associated with rotting, iodine, acid, acetone, urine or rotten eggs (we recommend reading :). With the transition to solid food and the appearance of teeth breast kid And children older than the year in the oral cavity remains of food, which leads to the reproduction of bacteria and mushrooms in the body. For proper care And the stench's mouth hygiene usually disappears if there is no symptom of any disease.

Consider the main causes of pathology:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • bronchial infections;
  • disease organs of digestive
  • lesion of liver, kidneys;
  • diabetes.

Disregard of the oral hygiene

The most common cause of the morning odor is insufficient or improper hygiene of the child's mouth or the use of food causing a specific aroma (for example, garlic).

Parents must take this question under control, as some children neglect the oral cavity. As a result, many microbes appear on the residues of food in the mouth, it rotates, decomposes, a raid on teeth and language is formed (we recommend reading :). Carees appear and nestable breathing.

Diseases of teeth and gums

An unpleasant smell of mouth is accompanied by almost all diseases of teeth and gums:

  • caries;
  • gingivitis (recommend reading :);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontalosis;
  • toothstone, etc.

The child needs to be removed to the dentist, even if there are no changes on the teeth. Many pathological processes In the teeth begin without defeat enamel, so the specialist's inspection is necessary to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

Nasopality diseases

Bad smell from the mouth will be observed for diseases of the ENT organs

Bad smell from the mouth can be a consequence developing disease LOR organs. Major diseases causing pathology:

  1. Acute, purulent or chronic tonsillitis (angina). As a result of the reproduction of bacteria in the nasopharynk on the glands formed purulent traffic jams, Almonds are inflamed. The child with an angina feels ailment, pain when swallowing, it increases the temperature. In the throat accumulates mucus with bacteria, which causes a rotten, acidic smell.
  2. Siny or chronic rhinitis It also causes this unpleasant pathology. Purulent mucus flows back wall Nasopharynx, stagnation of snotes, pus, so it smells of a child.
  3. Neoflasses and cysts in the throat. This pathology is the most dangerous, since single symptom may be skylight from mouth. Often the disease proceeds asymptomatic.

Pulmonary infections

Pulmonary infections affect the bronchial secretion, provoking the selection of sputum and causing cough. This process is very dangerous for children, especially for a child up to a year. Its lungs are not developed enough to get rid of the mucus, so it is accumulated together with bacteria in the bronchial tree, and the smell appears when pumping out. If the problem is not solved, bronchitis and pneumonia develops.

Diseases of digestive organs

When, when communicating with a child, the relatives notice that he smells like sour or rotten, then, most likely, the baby has a digestive problem.

GTS Diseases are also the cause of unpleasant smell of mouth

The appearance of an unpleasant smell may indicate:

  • gastritis;
  • violation of the stomach;
  • excessive selection of gastric juice;
  • duodenal disease;
  • neoplasms and tumors in digestion organs;
  • violation of the valves in the stomach;
  • incorrect meals

Liver diseases

The appearance of a sweet smell in a child from his mouth when exhaling testifies to liver diseases. If the disease passes in acute formOther symptoms arise: change the color of nails and skin Pokrov, yellowish falling on the tongue, itching and rash on the body. These symptoms point to Ostly hepatic insufficiency, violation of its work and blood flow.

On the disease of the liver point to a sweet or rotten smell not only from the mouth. The same fragrance begins to exhibit the skin of the baby.

When appearance additional symptoms It is urgent to consult a doctor who will send for tests and ultrasound. If it does not take action on time and not start treatment, the child can go to whom.

Kidney disease

The child's mouth can smell with urine or ammonia. This pathology is associated with:

  • not proper nutrition;
  • reception of drugs;
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis, stones, neoplasms).

The functioning of the kidneys affects the lack of fluid in the body. If a child drink little water, and its diet mainly consists of carbohydrate food, it leads to increased load on the urinary system. The kidneys do not cope with their functions, in the body there is stagnation of urine and accumulation of decay products, which cause the smell of ammonia.


For the full vital activity of the body, glucose is needed, which comes from certain products. Insulin hormone helps her in cells, which produces pancreas. When it lack glucose into cells is not transported, which leads to their starvation.

So that there is no unpleasant smell of mouth with sugar diabetes, you need to adhere to special diet

Such a picture is observed in children with diabetes mellitus, when the hormone is not produced enough or it is completely absent. To this lead pathological changes in the pancreas. The reason for this may be heredity. The blood cluster of glucose and ketone substances provokes the smell of acetone and iodine.

Does the appearance of the smell depend on the child?

The smell of mouth may appear in any period of life and does not depend on age. This problem is relevant for both adults and for children, and in childhood Such pathology occurs more often. This is mainly due to insufficient hygiene and not proper nutrition. Whatever the reason for the appearance of the smell, the child should be shown in any case.

What is the treatment of pathology?

The unpleasant odor of the oral cavity caused physiological reasons, does not require treatment. It often happens to revise the mode and quality of the child's nutrition, to limit the use of carbohydrate and sweet food, follow the amount of liquid use and the right hygiene oral cavity. If the smell does not pass in a week, it speaks about any disease. Such a smell will be held when the reason is revealed and eliminated. To do this, contact a specialist.


From the early age It is necessary to instill a child's teeth care habit

For the prevention of smell of the oral cavity, the crumb should be accustomed to follow the hygiene of the mouth from the moment of teething. In addition, since six months, the baby between meals is given clean boiled water, since in this age of the liquid contained in the maternal milk is not enough to maintain water balance.

W. one-year-old kids The first teeth need to be cleaned by a bandtic. It is wound on clean forefinger, wet with boiled water and wipe each tooth on both sides. If there is a flare in the child, it must be removed, not pressing, so as not to provoke a vomit reflex and does not injure fabrics.

From 2 years old parents clean the teeth to the toddler with a toothbrush. A three-year-old child should do it himself under the parental supervision. Since 10 years, children can use tooth thread (see also: ). In the diet of the child there should be fish, fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber. Parents need to be monitored by the amount of pure water, drunk by a child (without taking into account teas, juices, compotes, etc.). The norms of its use.

Last update of the article: 03/25/2018

Children possess indescribable, delicious aroma, which distinguishes them from adults. Babies are inherent in the sweet smell of the milk, which remains at the child until the year.

Annual and older child smells too very nice. Loving mothers feel the smell of their kids especially and begin to worry, if suddenly something has changed in the usual amber. The unpleasant smell of the child's mouth also causes anxiety.


  1. Poor cleansing of the oral cavity.
  2. Caries.
  3. Other diseases.

Poor oral purification

Food after a meal is clogged in the intervals between the teeth, accumulates in the root zone and on uneven surfaces. And if it does not remove it on time, it begins to decompose, sourcing is malicious, rotten smell.

From an early age, the habit of brushing teeth is laid. It will be very cool to conduct hygienic procedures together, feeding this good example.

In order to get rid of food residues, mouth after meals is recommended to rinse with water or special rinse fluids. At least twice a day you need to brush the teeth with pasta and brush.

Dental cleaning scheme

The process of cleaning up to 6 years is necessarily controlled by adults!

The child should properly keep the brush and direct the bristles from the roots to the tops. In addition to the teeth you also need to clean interior surface Schemok, packed and tongue, as a large number of bacteria accumulates there.

The gaps between the teeth pass to the special thread to remove food residues inaccessible to the usual toothbrush.

W. big baby At about 6 months, the first tooth rubs. From this point on, the teeth are cleaning with a special silicone brush with a limiter or in the form of an attack.

Spend only 5 minutes of time in the morning and evening to the toilet of the child's oral cavity is not a problem.


Quite often caries teeth accompanied putrebile smell from mouth. Three main causes of caries:

  • poor cleansing of the oral cavity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • insufficient saliva.

With hygiene is already clear. But what kind of food contributes to the formation of caries? Sweets of all varieties, seeds, sweet carbonated water.

The saliva performs the mineralizing function, as it contains in its composition ionic compounds of calcium and phosphorus. Those, in turn, strengthen enamel. Also saliva reduces acidity in the oral cavity, thereby protects tooth enamel from destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that its quantity is normal.

In order to prevent the formation of caries and the smell of rot from the mouth, it is necessary to inspect and rehabilitate the oral cavity at least once a year. The first inspection of the dentist is carried out at 10 months when the baby can be from 2 to 6 teeth.

As a child, saliva is produced in large quantities. Thanks to her, the oral cavity in constant mode is cleared and does not give the bacteria to multiply. After all, it is the disintegration of bacteria that have a smell of sulfur or ammonia.

It is because of dryness that arises an unpleasant smell of the mouth of the infants.

Measures to prevent this situation are:

  • air humidification, ventilation;
  • ensuring normal respiration through nasal moves;
  • to enhance salivation give water with lemon;
  • a child from 5 years old should drink approximately one and a half liters of water per day (especially in the summer);
  • exclude salty foods, be sure to give fresh fruits and vegetables (also enhance salivation).

Difficult nasal breathingassociated with runny nose or adenoid leads to drying in the mouth with the consequences described above. The mucous contents from the nasopharynx falls into purph cavitybringing in its composition harmful bacteriawhich also worsen the aroma of mouth.

Guys S. chronic tonsillitami accompanies the foul spirit due to suppurations and traffic jams in the lacuna almonds. Also small children love to drink various foreign bodiesthat exude silver smell With the late identification and long-term deposit in the nasal cavity.

All these states are a reason for visiting an otorinolaryngologist. The smell of the child from a child over two years old due to the presence of adenoids may require surgical treatment.

Other diseases

According to Dr. Komarovsky, smells from the mouth at the expense of the 4 factors described above, the other states and diseases do not have any relationship to this. But still you can argue with it.

  • the smell of acetone or blade Appears at high temperature and intoxication, diabetes, dehydration.
  • sour smell Sofodent milk from the mouth occurs in infants when joined. Most often, such a phenomenon is found in newborns or monthly children, since the sphincter is not formed between the stomach and the esophagus. Any overeating or separation of gas from the stomach is accompanied by shinking. The acidic aroma is still characteristic of babies suffering from gastritis and reflux-esophagitis.
  • sweet smell - Feature in diseases of the liver and biliary ducts.
  • appearance unhealthy odor With breath occurs during diseases respiratory system (Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia).

Of course, parents alarmed the fact that the previously smelling kid began to exhibit unpleasant odors. This is solved by independent proper hygiene, optimal drinking mode and adequate air condition in the room.

The most pleasant smell in the world is the smell of a newborn baby. The baby smells like milk and vanilla, in addition it smells like tenderness, velvet, caress and love. The child will grow up, acquires an individual fragrance, peculiar to man. Once in the morning, Mom will be terrified, having silent kid slicker, familiar to individual parents.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from among children

Normally, the air of the mouth is neutral, does not attract attention. But periodically felt a sharp, unpleasant fragrance, causing the excitement of parents. The reasons for the appearance of the child are different, consider the most frequent:

More often, odors are temporary, not related to pathology. They change during the day, appear and disappear. This is a normal phenomenon.

Smell at a certain age

When growing odds, outgoing from the mouth of the child, change. Age peculiarities will be prompted by the parent. What varies the scent of breathing baby and a teenager:

What smell talks about illness

Sometimes an unpleasant smell appears as a symptom of the disease. How to understand, in which case is enough hygienic procedureAnd when do you need a doctor help? Halitosis is not a disease, but helps to determine connected disease. Rate the fragrance and compare whether the description is suitable:

  • Purulent or rotary, accompanies the diseases of the ENT organs: tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. Mine smells are felt in the presence of stomatitis and caries of teeth. Inspect the oral cavity, you may quickly find the focus of inflammation.
  • Sourne speaks about the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis or candidiasis of the mucous membrane.
  • Speaks about the abundance in the stomach of hydrogen sulfide gases, a rotten smell of mouth indicates possible diseases stomach.
  • Sweet fragrance - alarming sign, a shrouded sweet smell indicates liver disease.
  • If you feel in the breath of the baby, the taste of acetone - possibly there is a consequence of diabetes or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requires urgent appeal to the doctor.
  • The malicious smell of rotes appears during a cold, ORVI, with a cold, means that the inflammatory process develops in the body.
  • If bile falls into the esophagus, the child, it happens, smells of vomit, although it is not sick.

Directly breathing aromas are not a symptom of the disease, they are not required to be treated, but in conjunction with other signs give impetus to the correct diagnosis, if you see signs: heat, runny nose, unnatural color of urine, pain, child is quickly tired. If the smell does not pass throughout the months - go on the reception to the pediatrician. The doctor will hold a comprehensive examination.

How to get rid of the opposite smell of mouth?

If the "aroma" became a consequence of the disease, observe the appointment of a doctor. Be sure to follow the prescribed procedures, go the appointed additional research. When the main reason is eliminated, goes and the smell. What if the child is healthy, and the smell is still present? Famous in Russia Dr. Komarovsky gives recommendations:

How to disguise bad smell of mouth, if you can not fix at all

One of the causes of sall breathing is the reception of medicines. The fragrance will accompany the child until the reception of the drugs becomes sharper with each dose obtained. Either, more frequently, when the baby eats something silent ( fresh Luc), And you need to lead the child to classes or visit. How to disguise or kill an unpleasant fragrance:

  1. Clean your teeth, gums and pasta tongue with mint aroma or needles, rinse the mouth with a rinse with alcohol.
  2. Hold in the mouth, chew another product with a strong but pleasant smell. For example, mint or melissa (possibly dried), cedar of citrus fruits.
  3. Rinse your mouth with decoction of herbs. Well clean odors: bark oak, mint, chamomile, melissa, rosehip.
  4. Teenage Give coffee beans or a piece of ginger. Coffee absorbs extraneous smells.
  5. Use a refreshing spray that does not contain alcohol or chewing gum sugarless.

Do not disguise the smell if you do not know the reason. Perhaps this is the only sign of a hidden illness.

The fragrance of your baby is light and gentle. With proper care, it will remain enjoyable on long years. Compliance with the rules of hygiene, day and nutrition regimes and timely appeal to the pediatrician - pledge good health Children. Take care of it.

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