Purulent discharge from the gums. Methods of treatment of purulent inflammation of the gums near the tooth

Many are familiar with the situation when blood appears from the gums when brushing your teeth or biting off an apple. Not always people think about visiting a dentist and just try to change toothpaste or a brush. Bleeding stops, but the causes are not eliminated. Time passes, and pus appears in the gum. Bleeding gums is the first symptom of developing inflammatory process, which indicates the presence of infection within the tissues. If this process is not stopped in time, over time you can lose healthy teeth. Consider the question: the causes of pus in the gums, methods for their elimination and prevention.

Pus is not a cause, but a consequence of the activity of the inflammatory process of soft tissues. The reasons for the formation of a focus of inflammation can be different:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • uncomfortable;
  • penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the periodontal pocket;
  • injury to gum tissue with a toothbrush, blow, fragment of a dental crown;
  • advanced caries.

You can also injure the gums with a regular toothpick, if you carelessly clean the interdental space. Micro wounds serve as an entrance into the tissues, where pathogenic microorganisms enter. The development of pathology is not always noticeable, and most people are not aware of the onset of the inflammatory process.

The first symptom that is visible to the naked eye is the appearance of blood from the gums. However, prior to bleeding, the gum tissue may swell and ache when pressed. Then a small abscess appears, which is also not paid attention to. In some cases, the abscess may resolve, but with reduced immunity, this inflammation threatens to develop into. V severe cases pathology can turn into a general infection of the blood.

Important! If you have or develop a small abscess, seek immediate dental care.

Suppuration of the gums may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decrease in the general tone of the body;
  • the appearance of hyperthermia;
  • general intoxication of the body - aching bones, muscles;
  • spicy pain syndrome, an abscess appears on the gum.

V initial stage pathological process, inflammation can be localized around one tooth, however, in the future, the process spreads to the entire gum and causes periodontal disease. Troubles can be avoided if treatment is started on time. In the arsenal modern dentistry effective medicines, and herbal tinctures of traditional medicine come to the aid in the treatment of gums.

When do gums become inflamed and bleed? This may be a symptom:

  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • fistula formation;
  • periostitis;
  • osteomyelitis.

An accurate diagnosis can only be confirmed by a dentist after examining the oral cavity. It is impossible to determine the disease on your own. However, remember that pus in the gums cannot appear without the presence of pyogenic bacteria: the infection requires treatment by a specialist. The source of infection can be localized anywhere: both on the surface of the dental roots and inside them. Depending on the characteristics of the source of infection and its localization, a treatment regimen is selected.

Pus in the gums as a symptom of the disease

Suppuration of the soft tissues of the gums can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, a slight swelling appears, which degenerates into a fistula. Sometimes a fistula may be accompanied by swelling of the cheeks or lips. It depends on the characteristics of the inflammatory process inside the tissues.

Running caries eventually leads to granulating periodontitis in chronic form, which is characterized by the formation of granulation tissue in upper section tooth root. Pathological tissue gradually spreads to healthy periodontal tissue, resulting in an extensive focus of purulent exudate.

Pus is looking for a way out, provoking the formation of a fistula. With granulating periodontitis, patients complain of discomfort when chewing food, especially solid foods. A chronic granulating focus of inflammation can degenerate into an odontogenic granuloma, which is characterized by inflammation of the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues of the gums.

Localization of the infection in the gum

Pus in the gums appears for two reasons: infection of the apex of the tooth root (periodontitis) and the inflammatory process of tissues in periodontitis.


This pathology appears with untimely removal of caries and pulpitis, as well as with unprofessionally performed work on cleaning and filling root canals. Statistics show that in 60% of cases, the dental canals are sanitized and sealed poorly. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the occurrence of purulent exudate in the root area is the result of a poorly treated tooth by a dentist.

The root of a tooth with a carious defect is the cause of the appearance and spread of an infection that takes the form of a cyst or. Cyst for a long time does not give itself away, sometimes declaring itself discomfort when chewing solid foods. With a decrease in immunity, the cyst manifests itself as swelling and sharp pain in the projection of the focus of suppuration.


With this pathology, the symptoms of the disease are practically not expressed - no acute pain and inconvenience when chewing products. However, when the gums are pressed, pus oozes from the periodontal pockets. In periodontitis, the junction of the root of the tooth with the gum forms large pockets filled with dental deposits. This is a fertile environment for the activity of pyogenic bacteria.

Periodontal pathology is not characterized by a strong swelling of the tissues: only a slight swelling of the gum contour. When brushing your teeth, blood and pus may come out. In some cases, pus oozes from periodontal pockets spontaneously, without pressure. The formation of deep pockets is accompanied by severe swelling, resembling a focus of inflammation in periodontitis.


This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process of the periosteum. This is due to the penetration of infection into the blood and lymph. The cause of the pathology is untreated caries and poor oral hygiene. Through the blood, the infection penetrates into other systems and organs of the body, causing intoxication of the body. Therefore, with suppuration of the gums and periosteum, the patient's well-being worsens - the head hurts, muscles and bones aches, and hyperthermia appears.

Wisdom teeth

Difficulty eruption of the wisdom tooth is called recoronitis. The problem is associated with a lack of space in the gums, as a result of which the teeth begin to grow not straight, but to the side. Especially it concerns mandible. In this regard, the focus of inflammation and suppuration is often localized in the gum. In difficult cases, the pain is transmitted along the nerve endings to neighboring tissues - the throat, ear, cheek and jaw. The temperature rises, worsens general well-being. The patient is unable to fully open his mouth, which makes it difficult for the dentist to examine.

Purulent exudate looks for a way out and penetrates into tissues adjacent to the tooth, causing swelling and severe pain. An improperly growing wisdom tooth is a source of infection and poses a potential threat to health and even human life.

Medical therapy

Consider the question: pus in the gums - medication treatment. First of all, you should get rid of the source of inflammation. To do this, it is necessary to unfill and clean the dental canals (for periodontitis). With periodontitis, the method of treatment consists in cleaning the periodontal pockets from the accumulation of deposits. Rinses, a course of antibiotics and the use of applications give a temporary effect, without relieving the tissue from the source of infection. As a result pathological processes pass deep into the gums, destroying bone tissue.

Treatment for periodontitis

To eliminate the focus of infection in the apical part of the root, two methods are used - surgery or therapeutic treatment. At the beginning, the doctor does X-ray, and if the diagnosis of periodontitis is confirmed, treatment is carried out. The channels are unsealed for the outflow of pus, sanitized and closed. In difficult cases, surgery is performed - a dissection of the gums to eliminate purulent contents. The patient is also prescribed a course of antibiotics to completely eliminate the activity of microorganisms.

Treatment of periodontitis

Before prescribing a treatment regimen, the patient is given an X-ray of the gums, with the help of which the periodontist sees the volume of the affected areas and the depth of the periodontal pockets. Treatment consists in cleaning the pockets of dental deposits, sanitation with antiseptics. In some cases, tooth depulpation is performed. In the treatment of periodontitis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. After carrying out the necessary manipulations, a decision is made on - surgical correction.


In the treatment of suppuration, physiotherapy helps well:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • laser.

Electrophoresis facilitates the release of tissues from pus and promotes regeneration. This method is based on the introduction medicinal substances deep into the tissues with the help of small doses of current: the patient feels a slight tingling, there is no discomfort.

Ultrasound therapy helps to relieve swelling and alleviate the patient's condition. Five procedures are enough to make the patient feel much better. Laser therapy has a similar effect.

home treatment

Herbal substances have long been used to reduce pain and healing of ailments. modern medicine widely uses herbal rinses, lotions, baths and compresses to remove acute form inflammation and acceleration of tissue regeneration. However, it should be remembered that herbal rinsing is an additional, and not the main method of treatment.

Note! Herbal rinses can help at the initial stage of the infection. With extensive purulent exudate, drug treatment under the supervision of a dentist.

In inflammatory processes, you can rinse your mouth herbal decoctions With antiseptic properties. These are well-known plants:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Oak bark;
  • calendula.

You can prepare the infusion yourself, following the instructions on the pack, you can buy alcohol tincture in a pharmacy. In addition to herbal rinses, a salt solution with soda is also used (a spoonful of each ingredient per cup of warm boiled water).

Instead of herbal remedies, you can use antiseptic solutions:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • furatsilin;
  • potassium permanganate.

When dissolving potassium permanganate in water, make sure that all the grains melt - a burn of the mucous membrane is possible. A solution of potassium permanganate should be a pale pink, not a saturated shade.

Antiseptic solutions relieve puffiness, disinfect, reduce the intensity of the development of the purulent process, cleanse the tissues.

Important! After each meal, clean your mouth with a rinse: this will speed up the process of tissue repair.

Don't injure soft tissues gums when using a toothbrush or floss. Any injury can trigger an inflammatory process.


If there is pus in the gums - what to do? Do not apply warm compresses or warm sore spot in a different way. Purulent processes in the tissues from this can spread to neighboring areas. At the beginning acute inflammation it is recommended to apply an ice cube to a sore spot or do nothing - neither cool nor heat.

If the pus came out on its own before visiting the dentist's office, it is still necessary to go to the appointment: inflammatory processes could affect the tissues adjacent to the gum. Install clinical picture pathology can only be a dentist, but not you. You may need to take a course of antibiotics.

Spontaneous intake of antibiotics is prohibited: you will not be able to choose the right medicines and calculate the dose of the drug. Self-medication can only aggravate the course of the disease and lead to complications. Purulent processes in the tissues of the body are dangerous by the spread of infection through the blood to other organs and blood poisoning.

The appearance of blood when brushing your teeth indicates the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity. If it is not treated, then pus may be released from the gums near the tooth. Let's find out how to deal with this problem.

What contributes to the appearance of purulent inflammation

With proper oral hygiene, the likelihood of any problems is low. But pus from the gums near the tooth may indicate the presence of infectious processes. They develop as a result of food getting into the gap between the tooth and the gum, decay occurs, then inflammation and pus is released. This is the main reason for the development of an abscess.

Another factor that provokes the appearance of infection is trauma to the gums. Wounds can be caused by the sharp edge of a broken tooth, too-hard brush bristles when brushing, a poor quality crown, as well as intensive manipulation with a toothpick or other inappropriate objects. Pus appears with inflammation of the hood near the wisdom tooth.

Do not forget that the gums are very easily injured, so all actions carried out in the oral cavity must be performed effortlessly, carefully.

What are the manifestations

Purulent formations can be of different sizes - from the smallest, barely noticeable, to large, causing pain and causing discomfort. But this is not the main thing. The size of the abscess is not of fundamental importance for the severity of the disease. Even the appearance of a small hearth should be a reason to go to the dentist, otherwise there may be serious consequences, purulent inflammation will spread over the entire surface of the gums, and the infection will affect the entire body.

Purulent inflammatory processes are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • in general, health worsens;
  • noted fever body;
  • sharp pain occurs;
  • abscesses form;
  • there is a general intoxication of the body.

If at the initial stage, when an abscess occurs near one tooth, appropriate measures are not taken, then later the process will completely move to the surface of the gums, foci appear in other places, and the disease can become chronic.

What to do

If you notice that the gum is abscessing, then hurry to the health worker who will correctly diagnose and prescribe the right therapy to remove purulent accumulations. Even if the abscess has broken through, then you should not reassure yourself that everything worked out and you no longer need to turn to specialists. Flux can reappear on a larger scale. Therefore, the right decision is to visit the dentist.

But what you don’t need to do is take your own medicines, and especially antibiotics. Also, you can not warm the sore spot, as this will only increase inflammation.

What are the treatments

Only a dentist, having examined the patient, will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment. This may be therapy using pills and additional application folk recipes, which are very effective in the initial stages of the manifestation of the disease.

After the examination, the dentist removes the formed plaque from the surface of the tooth or gum. If necessary, tartar is also cleaned, because it happens common cause injury to the gums and can result in an inflammatory process.

Treatment includes opening a purulent focus and getting rid of purulent masses. Further, depending on the situation and the severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or limit himself to rinses and lotions. It is important not to forget that decoctions should be room temperature, because both cold and hot liquid can do harm in this situation.

What to do before visiting a doctor? At home, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, you can rinse oral cavity disinfectant solutions. It might be ready pharmaceutical products- Chlorhexidine, Furacilin or a slightly acidic solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Also recommended for rinsing use medicinal herbs- chamomile, yarrow, calendula. When suppuration is advised to apply a cold compress, it reduces soreness and relieves inflammation. Cool is applied to the cheek. When the pain is palpable, painkillers will help.

If abscesses in the oral cavity are found in a child, it is worth shortest time see a doctor. Since children's immunity is not strong enough to cope with infections, it can be distributed throughout the body. Toxins that enter the bloodstream threaten the occurrence of serious diseases.

If before visiting the dentist the child had a breakthrough of the abscess, then you should rinse your mouth soda-brine solution(a teaspoon of each component per 250 ml of water).

It is very important to monitor the baby's oral cavity, because purulent inflammation near the milk teeth can cause destruction of the already existing permanent rudiments.

How to prevent disease

To avoid such a problem, you should not neglect hygiene procedures. Thoroughly clean the dentition twice a day, while not being too active so as not to cause injuries, and use a soft brush.

It is worth examining the oral cavity on your own to identify the most initial signs illness. Must be done systematically preventive examination. If caries or other diseases are found in the oral cavity, they should be treated immediately. Proper nutrition and refusal bad habits help keep your teeth healthy.

The presence of pus in saliva cannot but cause concern, especially if the source of the problem is unknown. But if you have any dental diseases, or you have recently undergone treatment and its complications, the reason most likely lies in dental diseases.


First of all, it should be understood that the actual tooth cannot be. It only serves as a channel through which pus comes out.

Most often, the reason is that pus forms in the root of the tooth due to infection of the root canals. Pathogens that have invaded this area cannot be removed by brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth, allowing them to grow and multiply unhindered.

Pus in a decayed tooth

Infection can occur under the following circumstances:

  • poor-quality root canal treatment, in which tissues of an already infected pulp remain in their lumen;
  • spontaneous opening of the canals of the tooth due to the penetration of microbes into the roots through carious cavity;
  • with damage to the soft tissues of the gums, which creates a kind of "gateway" for pathogens that penetrate the roots through a wound in the gums.

Though infectious process proceeds in the root canals, sooner or later the purulent content reaches those volumes that are no longer able to fit in the canals. In this case, the pus enters the cavity of the crown part of the tooth and then, through the carious cavity, out. In the second case, pus in the canal of the tooth can find its way out through the gum tissue, forming on it.

Factors that increase the likelihood of developing a purulent process in the tooth are:

  • a decrease in the body's defenses due to a recent ARVI;
  • avitaminosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • presence in the oropharynx or nasopharynx of the focus chronic infection(tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.).

Additional symptoms

In most cases, the appearance purulent discharge from a tooth is a fairly predictable phenomenon, as it is preceded by other conditions and symptoms that indicate dental problems.

Even before pus has appeared in the tooth, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • , which is most intense in the morning. It differs from the "usual" morning smell and is fetid, very unpleasant. But even after a thorough cleaning of the teeth, the smell only weakens, and is not completely eliminated.
  • Education on the gum. When touched, it is mobile and most often painless, and can only react with a slight feeling of discomfort.
  • An increase in such a bulge is accompanied by swelling of the entire gum and its “looseness”.
  • The presence of pain depends on whether the pulp is involved in the pathological process. If it develops outside of it, the pain syndrome may be absent altogether or be expressed slightly, only when chewing or brushing your teeth.


The long course of a purulent process never passes without complications. The most frequent are:

  • spread of infection to surrounding tissues;
  • the exit of the infection to other organs and structures (sinuses, fiber of the eye, brain, lymph nodes, etc.);
  • dissolution of the jaw bone and its spontaneous fracture.

It should be understood that the wording "long course" is not the same for all situations. So, in one person, complications can develop after a few weeks or even months, and in another - already on the second or third day, if the purulent process proceeds rapidly against the background of weakened immunity.


In all cases, without exception, the first stage of treatment is to ensure the outflow of pus. To do this, the dentist performs an opening of the root canals and / or granuloma formed on the gum.

If the process continues long time, and the accumulation of pus is quite voluminous, the opening of the granuloma can be inserted into its cavity with a sterile gauze turunda. This allows you to both pull the pus out of the tooth and prevent premature overgrowth of the gums and the formation of a new purulent focus.

For root canals, daily washing is prescribed. antiseptic solutions, For example, . The procedure is carried out in the dental office using special tools that ensure the penetration of the antiseptic directly into the infected area.

In parallel, a systemic antibiotic therapy. The choice of a specific drug is up to the doctor, who selects the antibiotic, taking into account all the features of the clinical situation.

home treatment

Regardless of whether you can see a doctor or not, as soon as pus is found in the tooth, proceed to self-treatment:

  • Rinse your mouth thoroughly with decoctions every 2-3 hours. medicinal plants(chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort). The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water. Put the dishes in which the herbs and boiling water are located on a slow fire and immediately after boiling, remove from the stove and cover tightly. After cooling the broth to body temperature, you can start rinsing.
  • Regardless of whether pain is present, take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (, , , Diclofenac). Read the instructions for the drug first and make sure that it is not contraindicated for you. Do not exceed the dosages indicated in the annotation and the allowable daily amount of NSAIDs.
  • Eliminate thermal treatments on the face and head.
  • If there is a mass on the gum that probably contains pus, be careful not to injure the gum on a regular basis, and until the situation has been reviewed by the dentist, do not use the massage mode of the irrigator or electric toothbrush.

These measures will help both remove pus from the tooth and reduce the risk of infection spreading to surrounding tissues.

If you find that your gums are festering near the tooth, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and not wait for the disease to go away on its own. At least for early stages suppuration of the gums usually does not cause pain, but there are other symptoms that signal that you have an abscess.

Where does the abscess in the gums come from?

Pus in the gums, commonly known as a gum abscess and medically known as a periodontal abscess, is a condition of localized inflammation with the formation of pockets of pus in the tissues (periodontal tissues) that support our teeth. The pus that comes out of the gums causes soreness, redness, and pain in the tooth. The area around the tooth may feel loose, and biting or chewing may cause pain. And also it swells, and you can see a bubble from which pus will ooze.

Double abscess or flux

Causes and risk factors of pus in the gums

If the gum festered after it was injured or after the removal of a wisdom tooth, then this is due to the invasion and reproduction of bacteria in the mouth. It can also happen due to any of the following factors:

  • any gum injury due to foreign body, such as fish bone, the bristles of a toothbrush or a toothpick, can lead to the formation of pockets of pus, and inflammation will begin from pus in the gum;
  • any obstruction in the opening of the gum tissues;
  • incomplete removal of tartar and plaque from under the gum line or its deep pockets;
  • pus can also form as a result of pulp disease through the lateral root canals or root tip;
  • conditions such as bruxism, which put excessive pressure on the teeth, can cause infection and pus-filled blisters on the gums
  • not brushing properly leaves food stuck between teeth, leading to a buildup of bacteria and resulting in infection and festering pockets;
  • changes or decrease in immunity due to medical diseases like diabetes;
  • perforation of the sides of the teeth during procedures such as root canals can cause pus to form.

Diagram of the structure of the abscess

Signs and symptoms of pus

One of the main symptoms of pus is pain, which can be intense and throbbing, and can be felt when biting or chewing. Other symptoms:

  • A damaged tooth may become loose or sensitive.
  • The gums feel swollen, red and sore when touched.
  • There is pus formation with tracing through the bone, resulting in a shiny, red, painful swelling on the jawbone.
  • There may be symptoms of seepage or discharge of pus through the gum pocket.
  • The pus can spread into the soft tissues causing facial cellulitis. Temperature increases with increasing lymph nodes around the affected area.
  • If pockets of pus are left untreated, then sepsis may occur. digestive tract or liver problems.

Sometimes on the face in the jaw area may appear purulent pimple which can be easily squeezed out.

But dentists strictly forbid doing this, because this action can lead to the spread of bacteria on the skin of the face or inside the mouth. Such a pimple is removed by a doctor or treated with special preparations. Some wait for the pus to come out on its own. But if the pus does not come out within two or three days, or if the gum from the inside of the jaw begins to redden or swell, and the tooth attached to it is not as stable as before, then you should immediately see a dentist. He will tell you how to treat the disease and by what method.

Severe pain is a sign

Difference Between Gum Abscess and Tooth Abscess

If pus comes out of the gums or when pressure is applied to the inflamed area of ​​​​the oral cavity, blood or an incomprehensible liquid is released, then you have one of the types of abscess. The symptoms of a gum abscess are similar to those caused by a tooth abscess. It is important to distinguish between both diseases as the required treatment is different for both. The following factors help differentiate a gum abscess from a tooth abscess.

  • The location of the pocket of pus or abscess helps determine whether it is a gum abscess or a tooth abscess. If a purulent gel is present on the root tip, it indicates the origin of cellulose, which is observed in dental abscesses.
  • If there is decay in the tooth with sensitivity to cold or heat, then this indicates an abscess of the tooth.
  • If there is gum disease with bone loss and chopping, then this indicates a gum abscess.
  • In the case of a dead tooth, it can either be a gum abscess or a tooth abscess.
  • If the tooth is normal and healthy, but there are purulent portions present on the gum with inflammation, then this is a gum abscess.

Diagnosis of accumulation of pus in the mouth

To start fighting the disease before it gets worse general state health, it is necessary to diagnose it in time. To do this, use the following measures:

  • an x-ray is taken to identify the source of the infection, whether it comes from the tooth or the gum;
  • the vitality of the tooth is tested by performing a pulp vitality test;
  • a microbial test is performed by taking a sample of pus to identify the bacteria involved;
  • You can also do a blood sugar test.

The development of an abscess before the release of pus

How to get rid of pus?

There are several options for removing pus from the gums. Treatment consists of relieving pain and controlling or preventing the infection from spreading elsewhere. Removal of pus from the gums is carried out by cutting it. In this way, drainage is carried out.

Drainage of pus through the incision

  1. A horizontal incision is made using a surgical blade in the area of ​​the swelling, which is the most variable.
  2. An elevator or curette is then used to facilitate lifting of the tissues to allow the pus to drain. So the festering area is removed.
  3. After stopping the drainage of pus, the affected area is rinsed with salt water.
  4. In this method, sutures are usually not needed.
  5. Then the patient is advised to rinse his mouth several times a day.
  6. Antibiotics may be given along with pain relievers to relieve pain.
  7. The patient comes to the appointment the next day.

Drainage of pus through the gum pocket

  1. The infected area is anesthetized using local anesthesia.
  2. The probe is gently inserted into the pocket to stretch its wall and then allow drainage.
  3. Pus is removed from the pocket.
  4. Cleaning with saline solution in the affected area is carried out.
  5. The lift is then carefully inserted into the pocket to further drain the pus and heal any granulation tissue, if present.

Gingival incision to release pus

Subsequent treatment of pus in the gums

Sometimes after the pus from the gums near the tooth has been removed, complications may appear: when you press on the diseased area there is blood, the cheek is swollen, an abscess or pimple has appeared that cannot be squeezed out. In this case, you may need additional treatment consequences of illness, such as:

  • scaling and root planning below the gum tissue line, i.e. subgingival treatment;
  • periodontal flap surgery, which is done to treat any bone defects, as pockets of pus can seep into the jawbone
  • tooth extraction may be required if the involved tooth is in bad condition or the gum under the tooth is very badly damaged;
  • antibiotics are prescribed if the infection is spreading and the patient has symptoms such as swelling of the face, fever, inflammation of nearby lymph nodes.

Home remedies to get rid of pus in the gums

There are many ways to remove pus from the gums at home. It is very useful to know how to treat the affected area and how to remove tissue decay. We will tell you how to draw pus out of the gums on your own, using natural materials.

  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C and helps in strengthening teeth and preventing gum disease. Usage lemon juice in the affected area helps to remove pus.
  • Unripe guava is also rich in vitamin C and contains an antioxidant. Eating raw guava helps stop the formation of pus. You can rinse your mouth with a solution made from guava bark juice. This helps stop bleeding and pus release. Problems can also be treated by chewing guava leaves.
  • Onions contain powerful germicides that help prevent bleeding gums. Use raw onion helps kill germs and draws out pus.
  • The juice of carrots and raw spinach in equal amounts is very helpful in treating pus and bleeding gums.
  • Lettuce leaves, eaten before meals, help to remove pus.
  • Orange is also rich in vitamin C, which helps keep gums and teeth healthy. orange peel you can rub the gums, only gently so as not to cause the appearance of pus.
  • Pepper powder used along with salt is very a good remedy for cleaning teeth from dental problems such as plaque, cavities, tooth sensitivity, bleeding gums and pockets of pus.
  • Powdered pomegranate peel mixed with pepper and regular salt helps fight against bacterial infection getting rid of plaque and tartar.
  • Soaking wheat in water for about 10 minutes and then chewing it is good exercise to increase blood circulation, it is also useful in the treatment of ulcers and bleeding from the gums.
  • Applying marjoram oil extract on the gums about twice a day works well when they rot.
  • The application of a mixture consisting of basil leaves, which are dried, ground and mixed with mustard oil, on the teeth and gums helps in the treatment of pus, toothache and bleeding.
  • Chewing fresh babule bark also helps to stop bleeding and get rid of pus.

Aloe juice is used in the treatment

Prevention of the appearance of pus in the gums

We often ask ourselves the question why we have certain problems in the mouth. Pus or any other dental problems mostly occur as a complication of gum disease or cavities. Any type of dental problem can be prevented with practical oral hygiene. Some of the measures to prevent pus in the mouth include:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day.
  • Using mouthwashes helps prevent the buildup of bacteria, thereby preventing pus from forming.
  • For healthy teeth and gum is important to follow healthy diet and avoid sugary foods and drinks. Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as grapes, oranges, guava, and pineapple, helps in maintaining oral health.
  • Quitting smoking will help in improving oral hygiene.
  • The use of toothpicks should be avoided, instead it is better to use dental floss.
  • It is important to conduct annual dental checkups to detect and prevent problems with gums and teeth.

Prognosis of pus in the gums

The prognosis for the appearance of a purulent bubble near the tooth or under the gum is good to start treatment on time. The pus can be easily removed and the involved tooth can also be saved if it is not badly damaged. If pockets of pus are left untreated, the abscess may burst in the mouth, which may leave a sinus pathway between the source of infection and the mouth.

This leads to regular discharge of pus, which can lead to other complications, some of which can be fatal: sinusitis, osteomyelitis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, and dental cyst.

Therefore, it is important to see a doctor immediately at the first symptoms, such as strong pain fever, difficulty opening your mouth, breathing, or swallowing; swelling on the face, jaw and at the base of the mouth.

Complications usually develop in people with diabetes and in those who have impaired the immune system, such as people with HIV/AIDS, during chemotherapy, steroid use, in patients with sickle cell anemia, and after spleen removal.

Most people are familiar with the situation when, when biting an apple or brushing their teeth, blood appears from the gums. Not all the time people start thinking about going to the dentist and just try to change toothbrush or pasta. Bleeding ends, but their causes have not been eliminated. Time passes, and pus begins to appear from the gums.

Bleeding gums is the first sign of the development of the inflammation process, which indicates the presence of an infection inside the tissues. If this process is not stopped in a timely manner, then very soon you can lose all healthy teeth. In this article, we will consider the causes of the formation of pus in the tooth and gum, methods of treatment and prevention.

Symptoms and causes of pus from the gums

Pus is not the cause, but the result of the activity of the process of inflammation of soft tissues. Reasons for the appearance hearth The inflammatory process can be different:

  • uncomfortable removable dentures;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • advanced stage of caries;
  • trauma to the gum tissue with a fragment of a dental crown, a blow, a toothbrush;
  • penetration from the periodontal pocket of pyogenic bacteria.

The gum can be injured with a simple toothpick if you carelessly clean the space between the teeth. Small wounds are the entrance to the inside of the tissues into which pathogenic organisms enter. Appearance pathology not always noticeable, and many people do not even know that their gums are starting to fester.

The first sign that can be seen with the naked eye is the discharge of blood from the gums. But before the appearance of blood, gum tissue can hurt during pressure and swell. After a small abscess is formed, which is also not paid attention to. In certain situations, the abscess can resolve, however, during a weakened immune system, this inflammation can turn into a flux. In severe situations, the disease can turn into a general blood poisoning.

Attention: When your gums bleed or start to fester, you should immediately contact your dentist for help.

Suppuration of the gums is often accompanied by such symptoms:

  • development of hyperthermia;
  • deterioration in the general tone of the body;
  • acute pain, an abscess forms on the gum;
  • general intoxication of the body - aching muscles and bones.

At the initial stage of the pathology process, inflammation can form around one tooth, but later the process goes to the entire gum and causes the development of periodontal disease. This trouble can be prevented if timely treatment is carried out. In the arsenal of modern dental treatment there are effective medicines, and herbal tinctures from traditional medicine recipes can come to the rescue in the treatment of gums.

When do gums bleed and become inflamed? This may be symptom:

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a dentist after examining the oral cavity. It is impossible to identify the disease on your own. But do not forget that pus cannot appear in the gum without pyogenic bacteria getting into it: infection needs dental treatment. The source of infection can be anywhere: both inside the roots of the teeth and on their surface. Taking into account the characteristics of the causative agent of infection and its location, a treatment regimen is selected.

Pus in the gums as a sign of pathology

Suppuration of the soft tissues of the gums can manifest itself in different ways. In certain situations, a slight swelling is formed, turning into a fistula. In some cases, the fistula is accompanied by swelling of the lips or cheeks. This will depend on the characteristics of the passage of the process of inflammation inside the tissues.

Running caries over time leads to chronic granulating periodontitis, which is characterized by the appearance in the upper part of the tooth root granulation fabrics. Pathological tissue eventually passes to healthy periodontal tissue, as a result of which a large focus of purulent exudate is formed.

Pus is trying to find a way out, provoking the development of a fistula. During granulating periodontitis, patients note discomfort when chewing food, especially solid foods. A granulating chronic focus of inflammation begins to transform into an odontogenic granuloma, which is expressed by the inflammatory process of the neighboring soft tissues of the gums and periosteum.

Localization of inflammation in the gum

Pus in the gums can appear for several reasons: inflammation of the tissues during periodontitis and infection of the apex of the tooth root (periodontitis).

This disease appears during untimely removal of pulpitis and caries, as well as during unprofessional work on cleaning and filling root canals. Statistics show that in 50% of cases, the canals of the tooth are poorly sealed and sanitized. Therefore, most often the appearance of purulent exudate in the root area is a poor-quality treatment of the tooth by a doctor.

A tooth root with a carious defect is main a factor in the development and spread of infection, taking the form of a granuloma or cyst. The cyst does not give itself away for a long time, in some cases declaring itself discomfort when eating solid foods. During the weakening of the immune system, the cyst itself is manifested by sharp pain and swelling in the projection of the purulent focus.


With this disease, the symptoms are almost not expressed - there are no acute pain and discomfort while chewing food. But pus comes out of the periodontal pockets when you press on the gums. The junction of the gum with the root of the tooth with periodontitis forms large pockets that are filled with dental deposits. This is an ideal environment for the activity of pyogenic microorganisms.

Periodontal disease is not characterized by severe puffiness tissues: only a slight swelling of the gum contour. During brushing, pus and blood may be released. In certain cases, pus spontaneously comes out of periodontal pockets. The appearance of deep pockets may be accompanied by severe swelling, which resembles the focus of inflammation during periodontitis.


This disease is characterized by inflammation periosteum. This is due to infection in the lymph and blood. The cause of the disease is poor oral hygiene and untreated caries in a timely manner. The infection passes through the blood to other organs and systems of the body, thereby causing intoxication of the body. Therefore, during suppuration of the periosteum and gums, a person’s well-being worsens - hyperthermia appears, bones and muscles ache, and a headache.

Complicated eruption of the wisdom tooth is called a disease such as pericoronitis. The reason is due to the lack of space in the gum, as a result of which the teeth grow sideways, and not straight. This applies even more to bottom jaws. Therefore, suppuration and a focus of inflammation often appear in the gum. In severe cases, pain through the nerve channels can be transmitted to neighboring tissues - the ear, throat, jaw and cheek. The general state of health worsens, the temperature increases. A person cannot open his mouth completely, which complicates the examination by a doctor.

Medical treatment

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the focus of the inflammatory process. Why you need to unfill and clean the dental canals (during periodontitis). With periodontitis, the method of treatment consists in cleaning from the accumulation of deposits of periodontal pockets. The use of applications, a course of antibiotics and rinsing can give a temporary effect, this does not eliminate the source of infection. As a result, pathological processes occur in depth gums, which destroys bone tissue.

Treatment during periodontitis

To get rid of the focus of infection in the apical part of the tooth root, two methods are used: therapeutic treatment and surgery. First, the dentist makes an x-ray and, when the diagnosis is confirmed by periodontitis, treatment is performed. For the outflow of pus, the channels are unsealed, sanitized and closed. In difficult situations, produce surgery- to eliminate purulent contents, a gum incision is performed. Also, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics to completely eliminate the activity of pathogenic organisms.

Treatment of periodontitis

Before developing a treatment regimen, the patient is given an x-ray, with the help of which the periodontist can see the depth of the periodontal pockets and the volume of the affected areas. Treatment consists in sanitation with antiseptics, cleaning pockets from dental deposits. In certain cases, tooth depulpation is performed. During the treatment of periodontitis, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. After performing all the required manipulations, a decision is made on surgical correction - curettage of the gingival pocket.


It helps a lot during the treatment of suppuration physiotherapy treatment:

  • laser;
  • ultrasound;
  • electrophoresis.

Electrophoresis can facilitate the release of tissue pus and promote regeneration. This method based on the introduction medicines deep into the tissues with the help of small doses of current: there is no discomfort, the patient feels a slight tingling.

ultrasonic treatment will help relieve swelling and alleviate the patient's condition. 5 procedures are enough to make the patient feel much better. Laser treatment has the same effect.

Treatment at home

For a long time, herbal substances have been used to reduce pain and treat diseases. Today, medicine widely uses herbal lotions, rinses, compresses and baths to accelerate tissue regeneration and relieve acute inflammation. But we must not forget that herbal rinsing is not the main method of treatment, but an additional one.

During the processes of inflammation, you can rinse the oral cavity with decoctions of herbs with antiseptic action. These are such popular plants as:

You can make the infusion with your own hands, following the instructions on the package, you can buy ready-made alcohol tincture at the pharmacy. In addition to herbal rinses, a solution of soda with salt is also used (a spoonful of each component per cup of boiled warm water).

Instead of herbs, you can use antiseptic facilities:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin;
  • chlorhexidine.

During the dissolution of potassium permanganate in water, make sure that all the crystals melt, as a mucosal burn is likely. The solution of manganese should not be a saturated shade, but a pale pink.

Antiseptic solutions disinfect, relieve puffiness, cleanse tissues, reduce the activity of the development of a purulent process.

Attention: After any meal, clean the oral cavity by rinsing: this can speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

When using dental floss or a brush, do not injure the soft tissues of the gums. Any injury can provoke the process of inflammation.


What to do when pus appears in the gum? It is forbidden to apply a warm compress or warm the affected area in any other way. From this, purulent processes in the tissues can move to neighboring zones. At the initial stage of an acute inflammatory process, it is best to apply an ice cube to the sore spot or do nothing - neither heat nor cool.

When the pus came out on one's own before visiting dental office, then you still need to go to the reception: inflammation processes could touch the tissues adjacent to the gum. Only a doctor can determine the clinical picture of the disease, but not you. It will probably be necessary to take a course of antibiotics.

Spontaneous intake of antibiotics is prohibited: you will not be able to choose the right medicines and calculate the dosage of the drug. Self-medication can only aggravate the passage of the disease and lead to serious complications. In the tissues of the body, purulent processes are dangerous through the blood by the spread of infection to other organs.
