Where to look for a dog if she ran away. How to find the owner of a dog by brand: database, procedure and advice from experienced dog handlers. Video - What to do if your dog is lost

The loss of a dog can be a very disturbing situation for its owner. However, you are more likely to find it than lose it forever. It is especially important to remain calm at the same time in order to be able to carry out searches without unnecessary experiences that impede your logical thinking. Do deep breath and use this article to help you find your furry friend.


Part 1

Finding a dog at home

    Interview family members. If you haven't seen the dog in a while, ask family members about it. Perhaps she is hiding in someone's room, or someone has gone for a walk with her. In addition, this way you can set the time when the dog was last seen.

    Lure the dog to you. Dogs love food, so you can lure your pet out of hiding by rattling a package of treats or food. Walk around the house at the same time so that the dog can definitely hear you.

    Approach your search methodically. When you realize that the dog is not in sight, start a methodical search within the walls of the house. Carefully check each room, look under the beds and in the closets. Be sure to check all rooms, toilets and closets at home. Don't forget to look under and behind pieces of furniture.

    Look for your dog in unusual places. Frightened dogs may simply hide in unique places. Look behind items household appliances and inside them, as dogs can hide behind refrigerators and climb into dryers. Also, be sure to look behind the protective screens and even in the technical rooms, for example, where the heating boiler is located. Small dogs can hide under reclining chairs (behind footrests) and even climb behind books on bookshelves.

    Call the dog. During the search, do not forget to call the dog by name. Your dog may be fast asleep in a corner and not hear you right away.

    Call your dog by name often. The dog knows its name and can react to it. In addition, it gives the dog an auditory cue of where you are.

    • Don't forget to also use the dog's pet nicknames. If at home you call your dog "Sweetheart" more often than "Princess", try calling it both.
  1. Take a pack of treats with you. Food is a strong motivator for any dog, so bring treats with you. Shake the treat package as you go and call your dog by name while promising him the treat.

    • For example, if you usually refer to treats as treats, you should call your dog something like this: "Rex! Do you want some treats?"
  2. Take advantage of the silence. Most effective time for searching with treats and summoning a dog, this is a quiet time of the day. Try doing this early in the morning so that your dog feels safer if he decides to come out to you. At this time, she herself can leave the shelter and search for food.

    Become a detective. When searching, pay attention to any traces of your pet. Look out for paw prints in the dirt or feces left by the dog. See if there are any leftover pieces of wool. These clues can point you in the right direction for your search.

    Look up and down. Your dog may hide under thresholds, climb into car bodies or behind sheds. Look into any small holes you see, as dogs can squeeze through even very small gaps. Check dark places with a flashlight. Don't forget to look under and behind the bushes.

    Listen for as long as you call your dog. You need to listen in order to be able to hear the sounds the dog makes, such as howling, barking or rustling. The dog can lead you to it if you stop and listen.

    Leave your dog's favorite items outside. Lay out your dog's favorite toy so he can lure it home. Additionally, try leaving something with its own smell outside, such as a worn shirt, whose smell can show the dog the way.

    Review recent events in your area. Look into abandoned or under construction houses, as dogs can hide in such places. Also consider if any of the neighbors moved when your dog went missing, as sometimes dogs get into furniture trucks.

    Use the car. You need to explore the surrounding area on your own feet in order to be able to look into all the nooks and crannies. However, if you can't find a dog nearby, get in your car and start driving around. Drive slowly and systematically scan all the streets. Keep your car windows down and call your dog from time to time.

    Start searching nearby and gradually move further. Some dogs, given the opportunity to escape, start running. You should definitely search an area within a radius of 1.5-3 km on the first day of searching, but you also need to keep in mind that the dog can run up to 8-16 km. Even though dogs rarely run as far as 10 miles, expanding your search won't hurt.

    Ask for help. How more people searches for the dog, the more likely it will be to return. Ask for help from relatives, friends and neighbors, and coordinate your actions during the search. That is, you must define each person his own search territory, so as not to waste time duplicating your actions.

    Talk to neighbors. Your neighbors may become good help looking for your dog. They could see her running in a particular direction, or even one of them could take her in. Walk down the street from door to door, showing your neighbors a picture of a dog.

    Notify local animal shelters of a lost dog. That is, inform the staff of animal shelters that you have lost a dog and you are looking for it so that they are aware of the matter. Don't forget to call private animal shelters as well.

    Contact veterinary clinics. Notify your veterinarian if your dog is missing, especially if it had tags on its collar with contact details for the veterinary clinic. However, you should call other veterinary clinics in your area to make sure that your injured dog has not been brought there.

    Take precautions while searching. Do not search for the dog alone at night, and always take flashlights and cell phones with you.

    Don't stop searching. Pets can live successfully long time outside the house. You may find your dog months away, so keep looking for it and check animal shelters regularly.

Part 3

Posting an ad about a lost dog

    Put up ads. Print ads with a photo of the dog, its description, name and your name. cell phone. Don't forget to report where you went missing, but don't give out your personal address. Also include the date in the ad.

Yours. Ask passers-by and local residents about it, especially old women sitting at the entrances. Be patient so that everyone you meet describes your dog with everyone characteristic features. Give yourself some time to search so that the dog, if he is nearby, has time to smell you and come running to you.

Seek help from local owners who come your way. This category, of course, will respond to your trouble. Leave them your phones and be sure that when they see your pet, they will certainly call or try to detain him until you arrive.

If you could not find the dog in hot pursuit, return home and print out announcements about your loss. Indicate in it not only your contact numbers. Place a photo of the dog and describe it in the text. external signs, distinctive : tattoos, unusual , spots, scars. Involve friends and acquaintances in the search, give them advertisements for posting on the streets and in the yards.

Place an ad in a popular newspaper about the loss, use the "creeping line" on local television. Take advantage of the online search opportunities that the Internet provides, just do not forget to indicate the city of your residence in the forums or on special sites. Look through local newspapers and Internet forums for yourself, where messages from those who found the dog may be published.

When your dog gets lost, the first thing to do is to calm down and collect your thoughts. While you are panicking and crying, your dog goes further and further away, and the chances of finding him decrease. Therefore, pull yourself together, remember the details of what happened and go in search.

Plan A. Operational searches:

1. Spend the first 2-3 hours exploring the surroundings. Be attentive, look everywhere, call the dog loudly or whistle if it responds to the whistle. Be sure to bring a photo of your dog with you. A photo on your phone is fine too.

2. Talk to people along the way and show them a photo, perhaps one of them saw your dog, noticed where it went or whether a person took it (if it was suddenly stolen). Talk to everyone you meet: passers-by, sellers of kiosks, tents, open sales points, janitors, people in the parking lot and bus stops, elderly people at the entrances, dog owners, children, etc. The result of your searches may depend on your sociability and perseverance!

3. Leave people your coordinates (phone number). Many people cannot immediately remember the necessary information, but it is likely that over time the information you need will pop up in their memory, and you will be far away.

4. Take a partner with you, or better, attract as many people as possible to search. This way you can see a larger area in less time, and you can also interview more people.

5. Involve children in the search. Children love animals and new Interesting games they will surely help you. In addition, children's thinking is different from the thinking of an adult - they can look where you never even think of.

If the operational search is not successful, do not despair and go to plan B.

Plan B. Alert everyone, everywhere:

1. When a dog is not found during a survey of the surrounding area, you should immediately notify the organizations in whose department the capture of homeless animals is located, if any. locality. Remember, this is a must to increase the chances of finding your four-legged friend alive and unharmed ... It is best to visit these organizations in person, because talking with employees face to face, it will be more difficult for them to refuse or lie to you. In addition, by talking to you in person, workers will remember you and your grief as they carry out their duties. Talk to them “without raids”, do not reproach them and do not demand anything, but humbly ask them to tell you the truth, if the dog is no longer alive, so that you do not have empty hopes, ask for help, let them know that you value your pet very much . Don't forget to leave them a photo of the dog and your contact details.

2. Then take care of the ads. In the ad, describe the dog as accurately as possible without using terminology. Write simply, in short sentences. So you can be sure that after reading the ad, everyone will understand it. Be sure (!) to include a large photo of the dog. To get more people interested, use colored paper for printing or a color printer (color photo). Such ads are striking and stand out from the crowd. Make tear-off stubs with coordinates for ads and very brief information about the dog, so that the person who tore off the leaflet would not forget whose phone it was. Contact information must also be included in the main part of the ad, so that if all the roots are torn off, you can still be contacted.

So in your ad:
- the phrase "lost dog" in large print,
- breed (or “looks like ...” such and such a breed),
- color (including minor features),
- age,
- floor,
- distinctive external signs (for example, one ear hangs, the nose is pink, there is a scar on the muzzle, the tail is docked, etc.),
- nickname,
- the presence of an address tag, token,
- information about the collar (material, color, etc.),
- information about where and when the dog disappeared,

-indicate that you guarantee a reward to the one who found and returned your dog to you. Some people only react to it. Do not think about their morality, your task is to interest as much as possible more people with their problem. But remember, since you promised a reward, then be sure to give it to the one who deserves it - do not tempt fate by deceiving those who helped you.
- the presence of a microchip and brand. BUT! Do not include the brand number in the ad, otherwise you may be deceived. The brand number and location will help you find out if your dog was found by the caller. Do not pronounce the brand number yourself, ask the caller to name it. If a person refers to the fact that the brand is illegible, then you know exactly which letters and numbers can really be distinguished and which cannot. Do not transfer anything to anyone until you receive your pet.

3. Print business cards with brief information about the dog and your contact phone number. You can distribute them to everyone with whom you will talk in the process of searching.

4. Then go posting ads everywhere and everywhere. If operational searches have not yielded results, now you should look everywhere. Dogs are fast and smart: they can jump into public transport, chase someone and run away, thus far from home, follow a stray bitch in heat and the like. In addition, people can pick them up and take them away from the place of discovery. Therefore, you will have to look for and post ads throughout the entire settlement, even if it is a metropolis. If other settlements are located near the place where the dog was lost, then you should look there too. Put up ads wherever you can and where you are allowed. Do not forget to explain the situation to people and ask for assistance where permission is needed to place an ad, for example, in courtyards - these are janitors, in stores - managers and administrators, in public transport- at least a driver.

5. Patrol the missing dog area every day, expand the search area, talk to people, hand out business cards, paste ads where they were torn off or tear-off roots ran out.

6. Be creative (without breaking the law) in posting information about your trouble. You can write with chalk on a fence, paint on asphalt, and so on.

7. Contact local radio and local newspapers. Advertise there. It is not as expensive as it might seem. There are also free ads in newspapers. You can order a running line on a local TV channel.

8. Place an ad on the Internet at least 3 sites (bulletin boards).

9. If your purebred dog, notify your breeder and the club, as well as the RKF, about her loss, ask help. These organizations can and should be given the number of the stamp and microchip. This will help prevent fraud if thieves suddenly try to cash in on mating or selling your dog, for example.

10. Inform all dog breeding clubs and kennels in your locality, as well as veterinary clinics, dog training schools, go to pet stores.

11. Involve, if possible, all your friends and acquaintances, work colleagues, relatives.

12. Check newspaper and e-mail ads every day. Perhaps someone has already picked up your dog and is looking for you. If your pet has a pedigree, then pay attention to the sale of dogs of the same breed in your and nearby settlements. Dogs with good pedigree data (especially males) may be offered for mating, so look at these ads as well.

13. Try to answer all calls or call back people who called if you did not have time to pick up the phone. Any information can help in the search, and maybe complete them!

14. Do not despair, even if a week or more has passed and the dog has not been found. Situations are very different. There are many cases when it was possible to find a pet months later.


Make sure the dog is lost

A frightened, intense look, the whole pose indicates uncertainty (lowered tail, flattened ears, creeping uneven movements). The dog rushes along the street, now trying to sniff the tracks, then looking into the faces of passers-by. The behavior is generally inadequate, it is clear that the dog is fussing. The wool is ruffled. If the dog spent at least a day outside, then the coat is simply dirty. If you talk to a lost dog, then it is clearly torn between the desire to accept the help of a stranger and the desire to continue the search for the lost owner.

A lost animal behaves in a special way on the street: it is restless, rushing from side to side in an obvious search, either running away from people, or, on the contrary, huddling in crowded places and looking into the eyes in search of sympathy and alms, or lying apathetically, having already lost any hope, and almost does not react to the environment. If the dog's actions on the street are confident and purposeful, most likely the animal has already adapted to the situation and does not really need your help.

Try to find out if the dog has been lost for a long time?

The long lost dog has characteristic appearance: obvious thinness, unkempt, dirty coat.

What to do next?

If the dog was lost recently, then be sure to stand with it for 10-15 minutes in place, wait - the out of breath owner will suddenly appear.

If the dog has been lost for a long time or the owner has not appeared on the horizon, then take it on a leash (any rope, scarf, etc. will do) and give the command “let's go home”. It is possible that the dog knows where his home is and will lead you there.

If the miracle did not happen, and you are ready to deal with the fate of this animal, then bring it to you. At home in a calm environment, carefully examine the dog.

  • The label is on inside ears or groin. Contains a set of several Russian or English letters and numbers. Try to disassemble it correctly. If the mark is difficult to read, shave the wool in this place and wipe the skin with alcohol, then it will be easier to read the number. Write it all down possible options number interpretation. Next, look for it in the bases of stamps:
  • The ID tag is a small metal capsule on the collar. The capsule needs to be unrolled, it contains a piece of paper with the contacts of the owner of the dog.
  • Phone number on collar. It happens to be written on the inside of the collar, so remove the collar and check from all sides.

Explore lost dog ads online

First of all, take a look at these forums:

Place ads about the found dog

Definitely with a photo. The photo must be of high quality. To do this, it is enough to take the dog outside during daylight hours, tie it to any tree and take pictures from all sides. Photos taken in a dark apartment where only two are visible from the flash glowing eyes, will not help you in finding the owners.

Post full information about the dog on the sites:

Please provide all available information:

  • breed
  • color, appearance
  • special features of a dog
  • approximate age
  • the place where you found it
  • add a photo

Don't forget to leave your contacts!

If the dog is clearly purebred, contact the clubs that deal with this breed. They may be able to help you find hosts.

Print and post ads "Found a dog!". Place them at bus stops, in places of mass dog walking (parks, dog playgrounds). Unfortunately, ads are often torn down, so they will have to be pasted several times.

Talk to the dog owners you meet on the walk, tell them about your find and that you are looking for owners. Leave them your coordinates. You can print small flyers with information about the found dog and your phones.

If the owners were not found, then you have 2 options:

  • Find new owners. The principle of searching for new owners is the same as described above - the Internet, newspapers;
  • Leave the dog alone.

What does the law say?

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 230. Stray animals

1. A person who has detained neglected domestic animals is obliged to return them to their owner, and if the owner of the animals or his place of residence is unknown, not later than three days from the moment of detention, report the discovered animals to the police or to the local self-government body, which take measures to search for the owner.

2. For the time of the search for the owner of the animal, they may be left by the person who detained him, at his own expense and in use, or handed over for maintenance and use to another person who has the necessary conditions for this. At the request of the person who detained neglected animals, the search for a person who has the necessary conditions for their maintenance, and the transfer of animals to him is carried out by the police or local government.

3. The person who detained neglected animals, and the person to whom they were transferred for maintenance and use, are obliged to properly maintain them and, if guilty, are responsible for the death and damage of animals within the limits of their value.

In practice, it turns out like this: you come to the police station at the place of residence and declare the find. Then they tell you that the police have enough work even without your insane statements, that even lost people are not found all, but you and the dog ... In general, you are convinced that no one will look for the owner of the dog. But if your statement about the find is nevertheless accepted and registered by the relevant authority, know that you have not wasted your time.

The fact is that it is from the moment of registration of such an application that the countdown begins under Article 231 of the Civil Code. If, within six months of filing your claim, the owner of the dog is not located or does not show up on its own, you will legally acquire ownership of the property. this dog. That is, in six months it becomes yours.

But suppose that three months after the dog was in your house and you declared it to the police or to the local government, its former owner showed up. Suppose he provided you with convincing evidence that this is really his dog (documents of origin, photographs), and the dog was delighted to meet.

In this case, you will have to return the dog to its owner, since the six-month period of its stay with you has not yet expired, and the previous owner, by law, can take it away. However, in accordance with Art. 232 of the Civil Code, you have the right to reimburse you for the costs associated with keeping a dog, as well as a reward for a find in the amount of 20% of its value. At the same time, you should be aware that maintenance costs should be documented, and remuneration is paid only if you at one time declared the find and did not try to hide it (Part 2, Clause 2, Article 229 of the Civil Code). As for the cost of the dog, you will have to determine it by agreement with the owner.

If the previous owner of the dog was found after six months, then you have every right not to return the dog to him. The law will be on your side, except when former owner will be able to prove that you mistreated his dog.

From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Having picked up a stray dog ​​on the street, be sure to report your find to the nearest police station or local government.
  • Ensure that your application is accepted and properly registered.
  • For the first six months, collect all cashier's checks and receipts for material costs for the maintenance of a dog from pet stores, veterinary clinics and other institutions. If you have advertised your find in the press, be sure to keep receipts from there as well.
  • If the owner shows up within six months of filing your claim of discovery, in addition to presenting him with a bunch of various receipts, be sure to also state your legal right to a reward.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 231

1. If, within six months from the moment of the application for the detention of neglected domestic animals, their owner is not found or does not declare his right to them, the person who kept and used the animals acquires the right of ownership to them.

If this person refuses to acquire ownership of the animals kept by him, they become municipal property and are used in the manner determined by the local self-government body.

2. In the event that the former owner of the animals appears after they have passed into the ownership of another person, the former owner shall have the right, in the presence of circumstances indicating that these animals remain attached to him or about the cruel or other improper treatment of them by the new owner, to demand their return on the terms determined by agreement with the new owner, and in case of failure to reach an agreement - by the court.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 232

In the event of the return of neglected domestic animals to the owner, the person who detained the animals, and the person who kept and used them, shall have the right to reimbursement by their owner of the necessary expenses associated with keeping the animals, offsetting the benefits derived from their use.

A person who has detained homeless pets is entitled to a reward in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 229 of this Code.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 229, paragraph 2.

The finder of the thing has the right to demand from the person entitled to receive the thing a reward for the discovery in the amount of up to twenty percent of the value of the thing. If the found thing is of value only to the person entitled to receive it, the amount of remuneration is determined by agreement with this person.

The right to remuneration does not arise if the finder of the thing did not declare the find or tried to conceal it.

Based on materials from articles by lawyer Marina Yakutova.

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Many owners panic if a dog is lost, but this method (at least) will not give any result. Until your pet returns home, your task is to gather strength and do everything to help him. A lot of dangers await the dog on the street, and the more effective it is to look for it, the more likely it is that it will return alive and unharmed. Quite often, four-legged animals find their way home on their own, but this can only be counted on if the pet is lost in a familiar area.

The search for lost dogs is, one might say, a science, you need to take into account maximum amount factors and all the features of your ward. Service dog breeds have a certain independence and their chances of returning home in their own footsteps are much higher. Decorative tetrapods are not so brave and collected, they can panic, run without looking back, in addition, they do not have such a sharp sense of smell and territorial memory.

Important! The best prevention loss of a pet is a collar with an address tag or a GPS device.

In the city, not far from the house, almost all pets will move towards the house, but the four-legged can get in the way:

  • Cars- quite often, frightened animals run out under the wheels, get serious injury or die.
  • Doghunters Bipedal creatures that take pleasure in the suffering and death of animals.
  • Trapping- in almost all cities there are communal services involved in trapping and killing animals. Some cities have municipal shelters and quarantine sites where the life span of animals is limited to 10-14 days.
  • violent teenagers- Regrettably, but thousands of animals die in agony every year just because children are interested in trying their hand at the weak.

Quite often, dogs do not return home because they die from poisoning. You need to understand that after 3-8 hours the pet will begin to suffer from thirst and hunger, the instinct will make the dog look for sources of food, and this can lead to:

  • Bait poisoning- Utilities often scatter poisoned baits (even though this is illegal in most countries) to reduce the number of stray dogs and cats. From hunger, the dog may begin to hunt rodents. An inexperienced hunter will be able to catch only a poisoned rodent.
  • poisoning food products - again, hunger, can provoke a dog to eat missing food, for example, near garbage cans.

During the prosperity of cynology in the USSR, each dog owner taught his ward to fight, or rather, to defend himself. This approach was considered absolutely normal, since fights among quadrupeds could happen even on walking grounds. Today, it is considered bad practice to train a dog to "bite" because its skills can reflect on people. However, what will such a “toothless” pet do when meeting with a larger stray dog or a pack of dogs? No, this is not a call to action, this is an occasion to think. Any dog ​​should be able to protect itself, and if its character is too constrained, the danger of its being on the streets is extreme.

Dogs are not the only danger but also cats. It is important to wean your pet from chasing purrs back in puppy age. Of course, many cats will be frightened of the dog and will run away, but there are also fighters among the street tailed-striped ones. Cats that know how to fight do not run away from the dog, they attack, and cruelly and desperately. If you have ever seen a cat in anger, it is easy to guess that the purr will not hesitate to throw himself on the dog's face, damage his eyes or cause other serious injuries.

Unfortunately, the danger factors include not only animals, but also people. Intentional cruelty is mental disorder but even among healthy people there are greedy, envious individuals. If your pet is expensive or popular breeds, it can be picked up and deliberately not returned. It can be called theft, but no ... you yourself lost the dog, and returning it or not is a matter of decency.

Advice: if you know that your dog has been adopted and is not going to be returned, try to get in touch with the “invaders” and offer a very solid reward or gift in the form of a puppy of the same breed, most often it works.

Search in hot pursuit

When you find out that a dog is missing, the main thing is not to panic and think calmly, even if your pet is still a puppy. Moreover, in the second case, you need to gather all your will into a fist, mobilize all your acquaintances and act as quickly as possible. Do not wind yourself up, imagining that the pet is already dead, search and do not back down! Despite all the above dangers, remember that there are more sympathetic, sympathetic and decent people than their antipodes.

Dropping your hands, you will reproach yourself for years and let your pet down, because he will look for a way to you and need your help. Accept it as a fact that troubles happen and do everything to prevent them. If the pet is still lost, you should have a clear picture in your mind of when and what to do.

So, the first factor that affects the search tactics is the circumstances under which the dog was lost. Globally, all options can be divided into three categories:

  • Ran away for a walk - the most common case. Dogs may run away when they are scared. loud sounds, so you should not walk your pet without a leash during mass celebrations and until the call is fully worked out.
  • Ran out of the house and ran away - often happens with non-neutered males and non-neutered bitches during estrus.
  • You found out that the dog was not lost right away - you were away, you forgot to close the door, the dog jumped over the fence while you were at work, woke up in the morning and did not find the dog in the yard.

Only in the third case, you need to start with a mass posting of announcements about the loss, in the other two cases, the tactics are slightly different. The more people who help you with the search, the more likely you are to quickly return the pet home. A few hours after the loss of a pet, you (your family members or a friend) should stay where you are, because if the dog is able to go back on its own tracks, it will do it. If the pet has fallen off the leash, he may not go to the place of escape, but home - this must also be taken into account.

Tip: if you have no one to ask for help, you need to leave one of your things (jacket, sweater, sock) at the place of escape, go home, return with a bowl of water and food and go home again. When dogs run away for a walk, most often they return to the house.. If possible, ask the neighbors to keep watch at the house, and go in search of yourself.

Stay where you are and constantly call your pet as soon as he is out of sight. Control your tone of voice, it should not be irritating or threatening. The pet is well aware that he blundered, he is already scared, and the threat of punishment is not the best incentive to return. Tell everyone you meet that your dog is missing and be sure to give a phone number. For the first few hours, the quadrupeds circle near the place of loss. By the way, looking for a dog in the direction in which she ran away is not always true. Quite quickly, the pet will realize that it does not see you and will start running in circles.

It makes sense to go through all the routes that you take walks. Perhaps your pet has favorite places to play. Be sure to check the territory where the dog walks in the company of relatives, very often the lost ones follow exactly there. Some owners have found their wards near bodies of water (if the dog likes to swim) and shops that you happened to go to while walking.

Advice:if your pet is shy, follow the route to examine the bushes, spaces under benches, behind garages, under stairs and other shelters.

Although this method seems passive, the more unfamiliar the area is for the pet, the more you should stay put. If the dog is lost in the forest, at the scene you need to leave its ammunition (leash, muzzle), some personal items, water and snacks. You need to check the area 1 time in 1-2 hours. Very often, dogs return to the place of escape and, having found their own, things are waiting for the owner.. If you came to the forest by car - start the engine. Your voice is not as audible as the engine vibration. If you forgot the dog in the forest (yes, this happens), it is very likely that he will be waiting for you at the “camp” site.

The most difficult case is the loss of a pet in the country (in season) or on the coast - the area is unfamiliar, there are quite a lot of people and smells. Only in this case it is reasonable not to stay in place for a long time. Again, inform all people you meet about the loss, ask if they have seen the dog, give your phone number, insist that your number be saved in the phone book.

If you have a car, special attention should be paid to the owners of vehicles of the same brand and with a similar engine speed. When lost in holiday villages, it is people who help to find the lost dog (most often), do not be shy, even if your behavior is intrusive. You have lost a family member, his return is worth any inconvenience!

The most “simple” option is the loss of a pet that ran out of the apartment. In this case, the dog almost always comes by itself, and if it does not come, it probably needs help. Staying in the apartment (if there is no printer), write 10-20 handwritten ads and go outside. Ads must be attached at the entrance to the entrances and near nearby shops.

Advice: if the dog ran out of the apartment, it is worth searching the neighboring entrances. Very often, a frightened dog sits on the same floor as he lives, but in a neighboring entrance or even a house.

Where to look for a dog?

What to do if the day is over, but the pet could not be found? Listen to the advice above - do not give up. Your dog (like any other creature) has basic needs for food, water, and sleep. In order to get some sleep and gain strength, the dog will hide. The street is too unsafe, the pet knows about it, and in order to fall asleep deeply, the dog needs to be at rest. The search for water and food will lead the quadruped to:

  • Garbage bins.
  • Places where birds are fed.
  • Places where dogs and cats are fed.
  • Shops, because the dog's instinct will tell that there is food there.
  • Stops, because people accumulate on them.

You need to start looking for a dog at dawn, and you need to have 150-200 ads about finding a dog in stock. At the time when the sun rises, the streets are usually quiet and the air is thinner. Constantly call the dog, for example, like this: "Black, let's go eat, Black go home, Black boy where are you, Black come here my good one." We say the nickname constantly, we change the supporting arguments. Pay attention to your tone of voice and don't yell too loudly, as this can make your pet appear threatening. If the dog is accustomed to whistling - whistle, yes, you have heard enough of dissatisfied people, but this is a forced victim.

Near all of the above places you need to paste ads. Attach them with duct tape or glue, but make sure your search doesn't turn into damage to someone else's property. Such behavior will obviously not help you, and the ad will be torn down as soon as they see it. Try to find guardians of homeless animals, that is, those people who feed dogs, cats and even birds. Be sure to leave your number and promise a solid reward for returning the pet.

Advice: ask people (if a dog is found) to keep the pet in sight until you arrive at the place. Promise to pay for assistance and time.

Before leaving the house, take a few bowls, food and water. Leave the bowls around the house and in places where you usually walk your dog. Attach an announcement near the bowls (on a pole, tree, bench). Having found gifts with your smell, the dog will remain near the bowls for some time. The left food should be checked 3-4 times a day, as it may be noticed by stray or passing animals.

Important! If you see a pet, but he continues to run away from you - do not panic and do not chase!

So the dog was affected by stress, she no longer knows who is a friend and who is an enemy. by the most effective method in this case, he will sit down on the ground without making sudden movements and calmly call the ward by patting himself on the knee. This procedure can take from several minutes to several hours, but in the end the pet will come to you.

Ads and other search methods

The longer your pet is away from home, the more intense the need to inform others about the loss. Remember that there will always be people who are not satisfied with the fact that someone pasted a piece of paper. Update ads at least once every 3 days. In one run, you need to re-paste (or re-paste) at least 100 leaflets. At this stage, you will certainly need help, so ask everyone for help.

If it was not possible to find assistants, you can turn to schoolchildren who will gladly agree to help with sticking up for a small fee. The only caveat is to make sure that the parents of schoolchildren know what their children are doing. By the way, teenagers and children are much more attentive to animals. If you have managed to involve schoolchildren in the search, explain to them that you are ready to pay for the return of the dog. Usually such actions lead to the fact that teenagers mobilize entire search parties. There is only one caveat - the amount of remuneration should be sufficient so that the children can share it among themselves.

How to write a missing animal notice?

The success of the search largely depends on the correctness of the ad. The information you provide should be memorable and understandable as much as possible. If you simply write: “The dog is missing”, a phone number and a photo, the likelihood that only scammers will call you is very high. The minimum data that needs to be placed in the ad is:

  • Breed dogs, if she is purebred. This item should be deliberately omitted if your pet belongs to a very expensive breed.
  • Gender and age pet.
  • Size- not in centimeters and kilograms, but in comparison: knee-deep, very small, etc.
  • The structure of the coat and its color.
  • Your contacts– phone number, address, area or landmark. Be sure to specify the area, because people need to understand how far the ad is from the dog's place of residence.
  • photograph dogs, preferably colored.

When composing text, uses one font in different sizes and boldness. Too much overload (underlining, italics, color) repels attention only because it is hard to read. On each ad, you need to make 7-10 tear-off stubs with the inscription "Lost Dog" and a phone number. Use short sentences and align all lines, except for the title, to the left of the page - this format is more familiar to reading and is better perceived.

Be sure to indicate in the ad that the finder will be rewarded. It is advisable not to write the exact amount unless it is really large. Better write: "big reward" or In a similar way. Do not use hackneyed phrases: “children are crying”, “the whole family is suffering”, “we are very worried”, etc. It is better to use more effective incentives: “the dog needs treatment”, “the dog is allergic and needs expensive feeding”, “the dog suffers from epilepsy”. Yes, cheating is not good, but leave the remorse until the time when your pet returns home.

Advice: if your dog is worth a lot of money it doesn't need to be mentioned. In this case, it is wise to constantly monitor message boards and markets, in case your pet is being sold.

Paper ads are not the only method. Information should be disseminated on all available resources, namely:

  • Internet bulletin boards, most often, they are free, so it's better to post ads every day and several of them.
  • On the trading floors online.
  • In all available in social networks and thematic communities- try to choose active groups in which there are discussions and "reposts" of records.
  • On urban informative websites.
  • On urban TV channels and radio stations.
  • In local magazines and newspapers in which ads are posted.

Do not give up, update information and wait. It happened that lost dogs found after a few months and even years, in other cities and shelters. Try to go around everything veterinary clinics, there is a possibility (albeit not a big one) that your pet will be delivered by those who found it or those who cannot get past the dog's trouble.
