Different ears mean. Why ears are big: causes, diagnosis and treatment. People with the largest ears

Incredible facts

Did you know that not only fingerprints are unique to each person, but also ears.

In physiognomy, your ears represent your health and destiny between the ages of 1 and 14. The right ear is an indicator of fate from 8 to 14 years old, and the left ear is from 0 to 7 years old.

In addition, all earlobes can be roughly divided into two types: loose and adherent. If you've never noticed this, feel the tip of your earlobe - is it attached to your head or not?

Now look at the next image and answer which option is more similar to yours.

Character by the shape of the ears

1. Loose earlobe - generous and independent

If your earlobes are hanging loose, you are a free person, not very attached and not trying to live up to society's expectations. You allow life to follow its intended path and you know that everything will be fine in the end.

Despite your independence, you maintain close relationships with your small circle of people. People with loose earlobes devote themselves only to the most important people and things. You definitely live at your own pace, but you cannot be called insensitive.

You always think about others and are ready to give a lot for the sake of loved ones.

2. An adherent earlobe - confident and purposeful

If your earlobes are attached, then you can be called an inward-looking person. You are perfectly aware of all your actions and how they can affect others. Nothing escapes your gaze, you pay attention to everything that is happening around. You are confident in your decisions, and your gaze is always directed towards the future.

However, there is one danger: you have a tendency to always assume that your opinion is correct. Try to listen to other people's opinions and try to see everything from the other person's point of view.

Ear size

Big ears are a sign of vitality and longevity. The owners of such ears are lively and energetic. They are more likely to take risks than those with small ears. If your friend has big ears, then he or she is likely to be good listeners.

People who have small ears, cautious, thoughtful, self-absorbed, but rather purposeful.

Ears medium size say that a person finds a middle ground between risk and fear. At the same time, a person whose ears are noticeably different in size may experience many ups and downs in their life.

Ear shape

Rounded ears indicate sociable, positive person with a rich imagination.

Slightly square ears communicates that you are practical, quick-witted, insightful and capable of doing several things at the same time.

If top part ear pointed, then such a person is secretive and mysterious. It takes a very long time to get to know this person better.

Bulging ears speaks of the independent character of a person who does not like being told what to do. People with this type of ears are stubborn and rarely accept advice from others. However, these people easily attract money.

Ears location

People with high ears(ears are located above the tip of the nose and end at the eyebrows) quickly grasp information, while people with low-set ears(the ears are below the eyebrows and the tip of the nose) absorb information more slowly.

Long ears(the earlobes are below the tip of the nose and the top is above the eyebrows) are a sign of genius.

The ears are generally slightly tilted (the top of the ear is slightly farther than the earlobe), but if tilt angle large enough, its owner is adamant and loves to control others.

Pinna curl

People with rounded curl auricles need mental stimulation. They are energetic and love to have a good time.

People with thin curl impulsive, enthusiastic and extroverted by nature.

If curl is very thin, a person will always be concerned about the issues of humanity as a whole.


Long earlobes are an indicator of a long and healthy life... They also show that a person is endowed with an excellent sense of understanding and judgment.

People with thick earlobes many friends. They are hardworking, and their wealth tends to grow over the years. Women with thick earlobes have good luck in marriage and bring wealth to their husbands.

In general very large earlobes- this is a sign of spiritual development and high status. If you have long and large earlobes- you will be accompanied by incredible luck. You know how to enjoy life, and everything in life will be easy for you. Even if you get into trouble, they will always help you.

Human health by ears

    Harmonious ears and size indicate good heredity and a strong immune system.

    Too hot or red ears(even if symptoms appear suddenly and for a short time) may indicate blood pressure problems and vascular disorders nervous system. People who often have burning ears are prone to aggression and react quickly to any external changes.

    Cold and pale ears may be a sign of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, a decrease blood pressure, general weakness and decreased brain activity.

    Bluish tint to the ears may indicate heart failure (even if other signs are not yet present), pulmonary and bronchial diseases.

    pay attention to dark red or blue ears, which can be a consequence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, pancreas or liver.

    If the ear skin becomes shiny with brown or dark red spots(a sign of an imbalance of minerals in the body), this indicates general fatigue and bowel problems.

    If the ears look like pads (soft and thick), the person has a tendency to obesity and decreased mental activity.

    When there are many folds and wrinkles on the ears, this suggests a predisposition to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including atherosclerosis, heart attack and diabetes.

Points on the ears responsible for organs

Reflex ear massage has been used in Chinese medicine hundreds of years for the treatment of various ailments. Did you know that the ears are the reflex map of our body?

According to reflexology, certain areas and points of the ears are associated with energy centers in our body known as meridians.

Knowing these points, you can get rid of discomfort, pain and ailments in a matter of minutes. All you need to do is place a clothespin on your ear for 5 seconds or pinch the dot with your fingers.

The shape of the ears is very individual; it can only be changed by surgery. To determine the character by the ears, it is necessary to determine their location on the head.

Ears set high, speak of the owner's mind, the person will live long life will make a good career. In politics, such people are successful. People with low-set ears, very stubborn, capricious, can achieve their goal.

The ears are not symmetrically located - they speak of the passion of a person who is not ready to compromise. Protruding ears are a sign of promiscuous sex. Red ears belong to an angry person who is unable to contain his emotions. Yellow ears indicate a person's illness. The normal color of the ears is white and pink.

If wrinkles appear on the ears, this indicates that the person is experiencing stress. When the body rests, then the wrinkles disappear. The presence of hair on the ears speaks of sexuality. Changes in the auricles - problems with brain activity... Fleshy, dense ears indicate good health and longevity. The thinned edge of the ears makes it clear about the lack of sexuality.

Big ears

Those with big ears - happy people with ingenuity, good disposition, ear for music. Such people are successful, achieve success in business, live richly and happily. Ears with large lobes speak of wisdom and nobility.

Protruding ears

Protruding ears - belong to freedom-loving people who have a discerning eye, are able to distinguish between good and bad deeds. If the upper part of the ear moves away from the head, then a person's life is unstable, he will have to work hard. Many consider a person with large, protruding ears to be stupid people, more often they are very stubborn, among them there are maniacs.

Pointed ears

People with pointed ears are very cunning and calculating natures, they are fickle, they often quarrel with others. They have a difficult childhood, accompanied by diseases, many live to middle age. The owners of such ears are cruel, insidious, they think only of themselves.

Small ears

Small ears, belong to the owners of a light and sociable nature. They have many friends and fans. People with small ears without a lobe are able to idealize the world around them, fall in love at first sight. Uneven and small ears indicate a restless character.

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Highly important information, which helps to determine the fate of a person, carry the ears. In this respect, many factors are decisive: size, shape, proportions of individual parts, and even color. Ears can be very large, large, medium and small. In this article, we will tell you how to determine the character of a person by the ears.

Large (large) ears

In physiognomy, large ears indicate that their owners are inclined towards philosophy, global thinking. They are very kind and sociable. They willingly listen to the opinion of others on a topic of interest to them. Calm, non-conflict. They live an interesting life full of events and interesting meetings. In the family, they are compliant, executive, they always go to meet the household members. They advance in the service only thanks to their hard work and wide knowledge in many areas. They do not tolerate a position dependent on their superiors, they never ask for indulgences.

"December" - inveterate debaters, always prove their point of view to the end, even if they know that they are wrong. Eternal fighters for justice, for the protection of the wronged. They have many friends and sympathizers, they all find support. Great success is achieved in the professions of an investigator for special important matters, attorney, lawyer, human rights activist. The family does not strive for leadership, it is enough for them in the service. They spend more time at work. Comprehensively developed people, are fond of sports, can achieve great success in professional sports. Natural born drivers, they never get into accidents, they have an excellent reaction. Very explosive in extreme situations may be violent if brought down. They love to drink, but they are never drunk.

"July" - calm, benevolent, compliant. For a long time they cannot choose a life partner, they are very careful and suspicious, somewhat modest in dealing with the opposite sex. Talented in mathematics, can devote themselves scientific activities... Unobtrusive, never interfering in other people's affairs, do not ask anyone for help, are too independent and proud. They cannot be called talkative, but if necessary, they show excellent oratory skills. They clearly state their thoughts, clearly explain ideas.

"Autumn" big ears in humans, and especially "October" ones, are very calculating, they perfectly show themselves in the field of financial activity. Talented in the field of medicine, especially surgery or cardiology. They are very attentive in their work, they never make mistakes. Physically hardy, have good health are psychologically stable. They do not like to complain about fate, they easily endure a lack of funds, they know how to be content with little, if there is no way to have more. It is believed that everything can be achieved by one's own labor. They are constantly in search of new technologies, improving the existing ones. They try to raise production to a higher level, often devote their whole life to one cause. They are not vindictive, but they remember the offense for a long time, they do not know how to forgive. They experience failure a lot, but do not lose faith in the best. They carefully analyze the reasons for failures, find mistakes. They have an excellent ear for music and can be conductors.

What do big ears mean

  • Very large, large ears portend many minor troubles and complications. A person very often does not have a personal life, there is an unsuccessful marriage, failure on the love front. But at the same time, he does not have insoluble problems and troubles leading to significant losses.
  • Huge ears indicate that the life of their owner will be long, and old age will be happy.
  • Large, but not much larger than average ears are found in people who are able to achieve a lot. Most often, such personalities are accompanied by success, and if they apply a little strength and determination, they will not only make a career and achieve material well-being, but will also become famous in science or creativity. These people are lucky primarily in business, science or art. In their personal life, some disappointments, sorrows, unpleasant surprises may await them, which will lead to forced loneliness or misunderstanding.
  • Large fleshy ears portend great disappointment or loss that will change the next life. Most likely, this is due to the closest relative, the child. But many pleasant events and joyful meetings are expected in your future. In addition, in the future, you will not be alone if you try to be more restrained, calm person.
  • Thin big ears portend career success. In youth, success is with the opposite sex. This does not always lead to the creation of a family. Most likely, a person with such ears and character will prefer loneliness, independence and independence. Family ties will attract him at a more mature age. If the family is created in youth, then the likelihood of divorce is high. Usually people with such ears have a long life and a happy old age, among loving relatives and friends.

Medium ears

It is not difficult to determine the character of a person by average-sized ears. They will say a lot about the future of their owner.

Such a person is unlikely to face bitter disappointments and failures associated with the opposite sex. A little effort on their part - and success is assured. But at the same time, such people cannot be called absolute lucky ones. In the future, they will also have some disappointments, sorrows associated primarily with their material well-being and career growth.

Small ears

Small ears portend a stormy life full of unexpected pleasant and unpleasant incidents.

A lot of adventures await such a person, especially if his life, work, activities are associated with moving, traveling. A person with such ears will lead a rather frivolous life, commit rash acts. As a result, this will not only bring him troubles and unpleasant experiences, but also the happiness he dreams of.

Small, pale, beautifully "sculpted" ears foreshadow a quiet life. Such a person, most likely, will successfully make a career, achieve a lot in material terms, he will be respected by employees, friends, acquaintances. But in family life, the likelihood of complications is high: disagreements and quarrels with loved ones are possible.

Symmetrical ears

Symmetrical ears are a sign of a person's harmonious development, asymmetrical ears are a sign of physical disharmony.

According to the ancients, each is dual in nature. Accordingly, there is a "good" ear (for men - right, for women - left) and a "bad" ear (for men - left, for women - right). At the same time, it should be remembered that the great and left ears differ in the information provided. A "good" ear speaks of karmic achievements, of a favorable scale.

So, for men, the right, "good" ear is the most important indicator. If anyone had any ominous signs, in ancient times such a person could be cursed or beaten with a stick.

First of all, you need to determine which ear in a person is more pronounced, even slightly, more harmoniously (harmonious - this is an entire ear, without breaks, even in shape). If this is an "evil" ear, then such a person is karmically more prone to evil and must realize negative karma.

Each of us has about the same ears, and this suggests that a person has equal chances to use both good and evil. Each ear, as it were, symbolizes a cup from which we draw good and evil in order to use it in our lives.

Pointed ears

The shape of the auricle with a pointed angle at the end indicates the contradictory nature of their owners. The character of people with pointed ears is complex, quarrelsome, uncompromising. It is difficult to make acquaintances, have few friends, it is difficult to build relationships with the team in production, it is hard to endure quarrels in the team and the family. However, they are very responsible, obligatory, hardworking. Depending on the name and patronymic, such people can be devoted friends who never leave friends in trouble, or they may not have friends at all.

Children with this shape of ears are very irritable, easily agitated. Parents should pay attention to their nervous system.

"January" people with pointed ears are difficult to communicate, always dissatisfied with something, dissatisfied. They do not know how to perceive criticism in their address, even fair. But they themselves are very fond of criticizing everyone and everything. They don't get along with colleagues too easily, they choose their own friends. Squeamish, have a good sense of smell. Not every house can eat, they notice the slightest details of cooking. They achieve great results in sports, in any form, courageous, fearless, hardworking. Such ears can be found among world champions and Olympic champions. In the family, such people try not to create conflicts, they have enough difficulties outside the home. They are unobtrusive, do not burden anyone with their requests, do not like when their ideas or problems are imposed on them. Curious, seriously interested in politics, can devote themselves political activities... They have good memory, including visual memory. They have a tenacious memory, a sharp mind.

Those born in March are very vulnerable, sensitive. They try not to offend anyone themselves, are correct and tactful, carefully weigh their every word. They are intelligent, have a good upbringing. Show empathy for others. Loyal friends and partners, reliable, obligatory. Punctual, pedantic to some extent. Balanced, laconic, listening more than speaking. They have something to say, but they do not rush to conclusions, do not consider it necessary for everyone to speak about their opinion. Many turn to them for help, and they do not refuse anyone. It is difficult to build their personal life, they can get married several times. They can't find their mate for a long time. It takes a long time to choose a companion for the first time, but rarely successfully. There are also troubles in the team, it is difficult to find with them mutual language, reach an agreement. They do not tolerate falsehood, hypocrisy, and sycophancy. They do not go for scams, they hardly compromise. With some patronymic names, such people can be too violent, capable of murder, if thrown off balance. Basically, such people are good diplomats and psychologists. They know how to build a dialogue, but only for the sake of a common cause. In private conversation, they behave very differently.

"July" people with pointed ears are very mobile and energetic. Nervous system unstable. Impatient, can interrupt the interlocutor, ending his thought. They like to sleep in the morning, wake up with difficulty, but I do not advise waking them up. Purposeful, they know how to plan their time. They have many friends, they love an interesting company, they will not miss a single party, formal reception, presentation. Women deliberately get married late, are very independent, they always rely only on their own strength. They adore animals, they have cats or dogs of a small breed in the house. However, they pay little attention to pets, they do not like to walk with them.

Fleshy ears

In physiognomy, too fleshy ears are more often found in people who are gloomy, laconic, closed in their little world. In extreme situations, such people can be tough and even cruel. Fleshy lobes lagging far from the cervical muscles indicate a strong will of such people. They are brave, decisive, strong natures... Often, such ears can be found among professional athletes involved in power sports: wrestling, heavy weight barbell. These people are very kind to family and friends, they love funny companies, are reputed to be good-hearted, witty. But I do not advise you to test their patience.

"February" people with fleshy ears - it is difficult to build their lives, especially personal. They can marry several times, they cannot create a strong family for a long time. Such people are not very sociable, secretive, do not like to talk about their personal life, do not share their problems even with loved ones. They are very hardworking, stubborn, assertive. They have a good reaction, they are perfectly oriented in any situation. They do not tolerate lies, they can explode and break wood. They are prone to justified risk, practical and prudent. If it is profitable for them to do something, they will make every effort to achieve success, if not, they will never get involved in a dubious business. Decisive, do not waste time if they want to achieve something. They do not tolerate non-binding, those who want to carry them out may end up badly. They love to admire themselves in the mirror, have a perfect haircut, are always elegant, fit. They start to turn gray early, or even go bald. They are devoted to their relatives, adore their parents, they never forget about them.

How to find out the character of a person by the shape of the ears if he was born in March? People with such ears are somewhat awkward, awkward. Very vulnerable, too squeamish. They do not like to visit, stay-at-home, only very large events can force them to visit friends or acquaintances. Such people have good intuition, bordering on the foresight of events, but they do not believe in fortune-telling at all, they are wary of astrologers and psychics.

Women with such ears also find it difficult to arrange their personal lives, they are in several marriages. They often give birth to children of different sexes and from different marriages. They are very curious, read a lot, are interested in everything, have extensive knowledge in all areas. Inveterate disputants, prove their innocence to the bitter end, are very upset if they fail. Many have good musical skills and sing well. They love drinking songs, they gladly fulfill the request of friends to sing.

"October" women are very calculating, observant, practical. With certain names and patronymics, women have an adventurous character, they perfectly realize themselves in the political sphere of activity, in the economy, and in business. They are contact, sociable. Get along well with men. Have a good figure bright personalities... Attractive to men. Easy to get promoted. Wonderful actresses. Jealous, unceremonious, if they catch a lover of treason, they can publicly arrange a scene of jealousy. They love flattery, praise, compliments. However, with all women's weaknesses, they have a masculine mindset, they have an iron logic. Achieve great results in professional activity, occupy high positions.

What the ears say about a person

The table below gives the main guidelines for determining the character of a person by the ears:

Personality / destiny

Full, solid, large, brightly colored

Nobility, prosperity

The outer and inner rims are well rounded and well balanced

A very successful way out of poverty in the middle years

Well rounded, firm, full, close to the head, set above eye level, bright in color.

Ideal type for a very successful career

Relatively small headbands, almost invisible from the front

Enterprising type, high position with power

The outer rim is like on the fly, the middle ear sticks out

Endless toil no outside help, never earns much

Lack of inner rim, ear protrudes entirely forward, lobes are weak

Violent events at the end of life

The outer rim is flat and wide open, the inner one, on the contrary, the whole ear is low

Clashing with the law in my youth, constant poverty

The ear is set high enough, but the middle part of it has outgrown, covering the lobe

Inability to save money, endless, exhausting labor

The apex of the ear is relatively small, but located above the level of the eyebrows and is lighter in color than the face and earlobe

Popularity, prosperity, life to old age, death without offspring

Personality / destiny

The top of the ear is above the eyebrows, the outer rim is directed outward, bent back

A pleasant life until old age, death without offspring

The ear is large, the top is round, on departure. pointed lobe

Lack of intelligence, thieves, hooligans, scammers

Ear above eye level close to head, outer rim firm

Nobility, wealth, great glory in generations

Outer bezel shabby, thin, not massive

Waste of inherited or acquired fortune, poverty in old age

Drop ears leaning forward

Good life in youth, good success in middle years, poverty and loneliness in old age

The top of the ear is located above the eyebrows, full outer and inner rims, shoulder-length lobes, round head, large forehead

Nobility, high position, life to old age

Nice outer and inner rims. soft lobes, slightly receding

Daily work, poverty, failure in old age

Determination of character by the size of the ears

In physiognomy, the size of the ears also has great importance in determining the character of a person.

  • Large ears are considered good if they are balanced with other factors, including thickness, softness, graceful shape and radiant coloration of the ear. People with ears like this can be successful. But overly large ears, poorly shaped, discolored and covered with rough skin are a sign of an evil personality. How general rule: Ears that are too large without being in balance with other facial features means a conceited, stubborn nature.
  • Ears that are smaller than normal and out of balance with the rest of the face indicate a dull and dull person. Because of their character, such people are easily influenced by others, and they lack determination and self-confidence.
  • If small size ears with a defect, this indicates a treacherous personality.
  • The unusually small ears of a person of great intelligence, high forehead, strong eyebrows, domineering eyes, indicate a person who cannot be trusted, prone to violence and often have a criminal nature.
  • How to determine the character of a person by the ears? Thin and soft ears with low weight indicate a tendency to take unnecessary risks in business. Most observations say that ears with low mass indicate a lonely person. Soft ears with an inner rim turned outward indicate a lustful, voluptuous person, sexually promiscuous. If such a soft ear is tilted forward, then it indicates a very tolerant person, indulgent, indulging in pleasures, and sometimes obscenely lustful.
  • How to find out the character of a person by the pointed shape of the ears? These ears are relatively common and come in a variety of shapes. Pointed at the top, they indicate a person of a destructive nature and low intelligence. If the ears are pointed and prohibitively small, then this indicates a stubborn and cruel character.
  • The rim or rim of the ear must be free from defects. If the rim is small and soft, then this indicates that the person is weak and with a lack of willpower. If it is round, smooth and balanced with other facial features, then this indicates a happy person with a wonderful character and close family ties. When the rim, external, internal or middle, is clearly delineated, then this indicates intelligence or early development at a tender age. Ears with heavily disheveled outer rims - which in the West are called " cauliflower"- indicate a brave, decisive person with an independent mind. Such people, in the literal sense of the word, conquer their destiny.
  • Reddish ears affect a person's character - a stormy life filled with adventures and unusual incidents will lead to a not very pleasant ending. If the person does not change, loss, loneliness and significant health problems await him.
  • Ears close to the head - this person will be able to achieve a lot in life. If he sets a goal for himself, he will stubbornly go towards it, no obstacles will stop him on the way. That is why we can say that he will achieve everything in life not so much due to the favor of fate to him, but because of his own perseverance and unbending character. Most likely, such a person does not have much success in his environment (at work, among friends), but close, well-informed people appreciate and respect him.
  • If the ears are proportional, neat - success in love, Special attention from the side of the opposite sex. But it is quite possible that the first marriage will be unhappy. Problems and complications in the relationship are likely, which can lead to divorce. Several successful periods of life await such a person. At this time, success will accompany him in everything. But after the ups, moments of recession, deep disappointment and difficult experiences certainly follow.
  • How to determine the character of a person by his rounded ears - a calm long life. Sometimes it may seem to a person not so much happy as boring. Some variety can be considered minor family troubles and complications. But in the future, there may be some amazing, out of the ordinary event that will change a person's whole life if he decides to take a risky step. With such a development of events, a person is able to achieve a lot.
  • Cartilaginous ears portend a happy family life, pleasant experiences, incidents primarily associated with loved ones. A person with such a trait, if he strives for love, fate gives an all-consuming feeling that will become the main thing for him. Success accompanies in relationships with people. He will probably have many loyal and loyal friends.

When studying structural features ears in centenarians, we managed to identify interesting fact... It turned out that for people over 90 years of age, in 85% of cases, three reliable signs are characteristic: large, somewhat elongated sizes of auricles, an elongated and thickened earlobe, a convex antihelix crest.

How to find out the character by the ears

  • The formlessness and pallor of the outer ear indicate unfavorable factors, and the flabbiness and lethargy of the ears indicate the soreness of the body, which does not exclude stomach cancer.
  • Huge auricles ("donkey ears" of King Midas), called macrotia, are observed in various personality defects, as well as in oligophrenia and Down's disease.
  • Moderately large ears with well-defined convolutions indicate musical ability. Protruding, large ears (lop-eared) are quite common and to a certain extent speak of the stupidity and ingenuity of the subject.
  • Ears set high (the top line of the auricle above the eyebrows) is a sign of powerful intelligence.
  • If the tops of the ears are at eye level, intelligence is above average; the low position of the ears (the tops below the level of the eyes) indicates an average or even insufficient development of the mind.
  • How to find out the character of a person by the shape of the ears? Large, thin, protruding ears indicate musical talent, especially if they are also hairy.
  • Small, fat - about the lack of such abilities, the ears pressed sometimes betray pettiness, inconstancy, vindictiveness, deceit.
  • Long, narrow ears are in people who are not assembled, unable to concentrate, often stingy, envious.
  • If the ears are in addition and thick - in front of you most likely limited person.
  • Gifted people have wide and thin ears. Pointed up "wolf" ears betray rudeness, cruelty.
  • Fluff on the ears characterizes the passion of nature.
  • The inner rim of the ear is an indicator of emotional expression. More hidden behind the outer rim - means restraint; convex - impulsivity. The normal ear color is pink.
  • Blueness or yellowness of the ears is a sign of malaise.
  • Dark spots near the front and top of the ear - chance latent disease.
  • Hard, hard ears indicate good condition health and longevity.
  • Soft, flabby ears are a sign of weakness of connective and cartilaginous tissues, poor health. Interestingly, ear stiffness varies from month to month, reflecting general state organism.
  • Favorable are full, hard ears, long, close to the head and rising above the eyebrows, with a wide ear canal and fleshy lobes, light or pink in color.
  • If the ears do not correspond to this description or the inner circle of the auricle is not clearly expressed, their owners are in danger of health problems, their fate will be less fortunate than those of people with favorable ears.
  • Flabby flabby ears are a sign of body soreness (stomach cancer is not excluded).
  • Large ears with an elongated auricle, an elongated thick lobe, a convex antihelix ridge - these are the ears of a long-liver.
  • Ears with deep auricles, large dense lobes and split tragus are evidence of wisdom.

What the ears say about personality and personality

Wide-bore ears

A passage is considered wide if you can put 1-2 fingers there. The wide passage speaks of intelligence, generosity, nobility, openness and long life. People with ears like this love to gain new knowledge, they are very sociable, by nature they are democratic leaders. The ears are considered the best, in which the hairs grow.

Ears with a narrow passage

A passage is considered narrow if even one finger does not enter there. It is believed that the owner of the ear is dull, secretive, conservative and stingy. Businessmen often have such ears. But people with such ears do not live long, because they are constantly in a state of stress. A large distance between the eyebrows and well-shaped eyes can serve as softening features.

Ears with small lobes

These ears have short and thin lobes. It is believed that a person has very little vitality and is unhappy. These are people with a complex character, they do not get along well with other people, they often quarrel. They have to work hard for little money. They rarely make a career.

Rectangular ears

Ears are considered rectangular if they have corners at the top and bottom. Ears of this form are an indicator of strength, health, lust for power and the ability to achieve their goals.

Ears set high

How to find out the character of a person by the shape of the ears? If the upper part of the ear is located above the level of the eyebrows, its owner is endowed with intelligence, often talent, most likely he will live a long life, can make an excellent political career.

Ears set low

In this case, the earlobe is located below the end of the nose. It is believed that people with such ears are very persistent, stubborn, purposeful, and they also live a very long time. The first part of their life is full of difficulties, but the second is illuminated with happiness.

Ears with bulging circles

If both circles in the ear - inner and outer - are clearly visible and even protrude forward, then a person has ambition, energy, is very energetic and is able to unite people.

Ears with a bulging outer circle

The outer circle is responsible for the mind and health. If for a person this circle is distinct and relief, then the person has talents that he is not going to make money with. Most often, people who choose liberal professions have such ears.

Ears with a bulging inner circle

People with this head start are destined for political or financial careers. But a strong bulging of the inner circle shows ambition with a small mind and not too good health. Both of these factors can get in the way of success.

How the ear tragus affects character

The tragus is an indicator of the secret, intimate that every person has. The tragus is the "umbilical cord" that connects our karma with the Cosmos, through which we receive secret information. Some of the structure of the tragus determine the origin of man.

  • A round tragus and recessed inward is considered the best indicator.
  • The tragus protrudes outward - a sign that a person needs constant nourishment from the outside. Good only for an intuitive person.
  • The ear tragus stands upright - this means that a person needs constant nourishment, receives information, sees prophetic dreams, but not independent, there is no initially accumulated potential.
  • The tragus is bent inward - evidence that a person himself can realize his internal potentials. A sign of a complex: a person hides a lot, does not reveal anything.
  • The tragus is straight (neither sticks out, nor is it drowned) - normal people who receive as much and distribute in themselves.

Now you know how to determine the character of a person by the ears.

You probably think that the ears are just an organ of hearing? However, ear shape and character closely related! He will talk about this in more detail. Therefore, take a mirror in your hands to carefully examine your own ears and learn something new about your character, or, on occasion, take a closer look at the ears of your beloved, they will be able to tell you a lot.

And so, the various types of human ears can be divided into the following groups.

First group. Lobe of the fused type - you will not be bored with such people

The owners of such ears are well-known artists and TV presenters: Maxim Galkin, Sergey Germash, Leonid Yakubovich, Ekaterina Andreeva.

Ears with a fused lobe characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are distinguished by decisiveness: if it is required to “cut off”, then they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high stress resistance and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash actions, they are easily turned on, which quite often becomes the cause of quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. In childhood, many of them cause a lot of problems for their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childhood principle, such people have a unique charm. As for women who like to wear clips or earrings, they should be more attentive to the design - they should not be large, graceful and delicate.

Second group. Leadership sign - protruding roller

Another distinguishing feature that helps to determine character on the ears- protruding roller. You can see this shape of ears in Sergei Bezrukov, Yulia Bordovskikh, Aurora, Lada Dance, Elena Hanga.

Ears of this shape may indicate that their owners are purposeful, strong-willed and persistent people. They do not doubt their desires and know exactly what they want from life and those around them. Usually, those who have such ears are nonconformists, who are almost impossible to manipulate. People say about such people: "where you sit on them, there you get off." If the ear is also large enough, then the combination of these signs speaks of the makings of a leader. In the same case, when the inner roller (or as it is also called "antihelix") is too pronounced, this may indicate the extreme persistence of a person, which, quite often, turns into stubbornness and perseverance. This antihelix usually divides into two "legs" at the top of the ear. Moreover, the more harmonious and even these "legs" are, the more harmonious a person is, and vice versa. Owners of a slightly pronounced inner roller also have all of the above qualities, but to a lesser extent.

Third group. Large lobe - wisdom

Excellent owners of such ears are: Ekaterina Strizhenova, Lev Leshchenko, Alexander Malinin.

The highlighted lobe is rounded in combination with not big ears, may be a sign that their owner is able to control himself under any circumstance. For people with such lobes, an occupation is characteristic that makes it possible to communicate with others. They are sensitive enough to even the smallest details in personal relationships, in addition, they know how to understand people. Of great importance for such people, when deciding matters, it is not emotions that are of great importance, but careful planning and analysis. In this case, reason wins over feelings. And this is quite understandable, since a lobe, from a physiological point of view, is a kind of projection area heads. If the lobe is not only pronounced, but also large, the owners of such ears have natural wisdom, and the best thing to do for them is philosophy. At the same time, very long lobe indicates excessive scrupulousness and delicacy.

Fourth group. Lop-ear is a sign of musicians

Such famous actors and TV presenters as Dmitry Dibrov, Yulia Nachalova, Dmitry Pevtsov are endowed with musical abilities.

Ears that are too protruding, thin and large, as a rule, are for those who have great talent and musical ability... Here, the attentiveness of parents is important, who should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they want to become singers or musicians, they will certainly succeed and, one fine moment, become famous! But about people with thick and small ears, which fit snugly to the head, as a rule, they say that "the bear has trampled their ears."

Ear trivia

  • A fleshy large lobe is a sign of a strong-willed character and powerful physical strength.
  • If there is a transverse wrinkle on the lobe, or even two, then this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs a good rest and sleep. As soon as a person rests as much as is necessary for his psyche and body, the wrinkle will disappear.
  • An interesting enough sign is the hair on the ears. In ancient times, this was considered evidence of the increased sexuality of their owners.
  • If the left and right ears differ slightly from each other, then we can talk about a contradictory character.
  • Highly set large ears (the upper edge of which significantly exceeds the line of the eyes) with a large lobe is evidence that their owner has outstanding intellectual abilities. But, as a rule, such people are rare enough - laureates Nobel Prize etc.

Information for thought

Ears are a specific part of our body, where all the nerve endings of the organs converge. For example, on one lobe alone there are more than ten different points that are associated with the eyes, tongue, head, genitals and muscles. That's why those who love earrings need to be careful. V eastern countries it was known several centuries ago, they knew how to heal various ailments using acupuncture or moxibustion of specific points on the human ear.

You can tell about human health by appearance his ears:

  • healthy people have a tough auricle usually pink in color;
  • pallor, yellowness or blueness is a sign of malaise.

Have different people different character traits, writes Meaww. Sometimes they can be identified by outward signs- for example, in the shape of the ears. She is able to tell about inclinations, distinctive features personality, aspirations and unique properties of a person.

Here are 7 of the most common ear and lobe shapes that can help you recognize a person's character:

1. People with accrete lobes.

This is one of the most common forms of earlobes. Most people have it and characterize them from a good point of view. The owners of such a lobe warmly relate to others, they know how to put themselves in the place of another person, they have a kind and sympathetic heart. The desire to understand the other is their priority.

On the other hand, they can be extremely closed people, acting impulsively, following their instincts. Others may see such behavior as signs of arrogance. But they are not worried about the opinion of others, they live the way they want. This is their path, the choice is only theirs.

2. People with wide earlobes.

People with these lobes are usually at ease and relaxed. This is by nature. They don't like to complicate things, they don't like to take themselves and the world around them seriously. More than anything, they value a good sense of humor and lightness in character.

They like to smile, laugh, have fun, be surrounded by the same positive-minded people, they care little about the troubles of life.

A sense of humor helps them get through tough times. They know how to laugh at themselves. Their weapon is sarcasm, which usually indicates the presence of intelligence, but in this case, there is usually nothing behind sarcasm.

3. People with narrow ears.

People with ears like this are usually reserved and like to keep everything under their own vigilant control. They are distinguished by calmness and the ability to control themselves. You don't often hear offensive or harsh words from them.

They like to be themselves, they hate idleness and aimless pastime. They say little, but when they take the floor, you can hear a sober, well-reasoned assessment of the situation from them.

They are not scattered with words, thoughts are carefully hidden from others, especially from those people who are not able to appreciate them. The ideas and actions of these secretive people speak louder than words.

4. People with pointed ears.

People with ears like this have a keen mind and a natural acumen. They treat others with caution, know how to observe and draw the right conclusions. They have a real gift to see not only details, but also the whole picture.

They may have an obsessive desire for perfectionism, a meticulous nature that makes them so organized and tenacious. Attention to detail helps to do everything the best way... For them there is no quick decisions, no shortcuts.

5. People with round earlobes.

Such people are extremely loyal and kind. Their trust must first be earned, if not cherished, they can be lost forever. Most of all, they hate betrayal. They are distinguished by a sincere desire to help other people.

They unconditionally believe that the world is not without good people. Forgiveness is easy for them, but they will not be able to forget about the offense. You can get a second chance from them, but it will also be the last. If you deceive their hopes, you will be left without a devoted friend.

6. People with square ears.

These are people-creators, thinkers and visionaries who think globally, not paying attention to details.

They go to their worlds, live in dreams. Creative nature draws them to nature, to a secluded place where you can just sit, dream up about things that you would like to create.

Only a truly special person can become a part of this world, who means a lot to the owner of such a shape of ears. He will receive all the best, he will be surrounded with care, attention and love.

7. People with protruding ears.

They are strange and completely different, they do what others would never think of. Their uniqueness is not the result of effort or hard work. This is by nature.

Their views on the world, actions, thoughts differ from the standards accepted in society. They do not like to explain their position to others - this is a very tedious and often useless task.

It is difficult for such people to find like-minded people. Not everyone can understand their thoughts. These unique people bring new colors and variety to life.

What earlobes do you have? Does the description match your character?

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