Good relax sleep and health. How does the lifestyle affect the healthy sleep? Rejection of bad habits

Sometimes we hear from their friends and friends of the complaint to the need to hold a third of life in a dream and complaints about in vain, lost time ... But is it that time is lost, because healthy sleep is the necessary component of a full-fledged way of life of a person, without him our existence would be simply impossible . William Shakespeare called Night Recreation by a miracle of the mother of nature and delicious of the dishes on the earthly feast. In the mythology of ancient Greece, a deep and healthy SNU patronized the whole two gods - Hynos and God of dreams of Morphors.

But the modern pace of life, nervous overload, bustle, excessive passionateness of television programs or a multi-hour seat seat destroy this necessary part of our existence, which is very poorly affected by human health.

The meaning of a full-fledged night rest for a person

Not in vain, a full-fledged holiday at night is called a pledge of health. It contributes to the development of a number of important hormones, in particular Melatonin - a hormone of youth, which restores vitality.

For the lifestyle of a modern person is characteristic of the disregard for sleep. However, it is during such recreation that blood pressure is normalized, and the correct sleep mode protects against chronic diseases, helps to start self-healing mechanisms.

Separate parts of the brain at night work even more active than during the day: the impression received during the day is analyzed, selective selection of information occurs. Something brain erases, and more important information is "archived" and goes into long-term memory. Thanks to these night processes, perception is improved, the ability to learn is growing, the ability to concentrate is improved. No wonder the wise Russian Public saying reads - the morning of the evening wisen. A person has long been known that a full-fledged rest helps to solve the most difficult tasks.

What does the lack of sleep

If sleep mode is broken for a long time, the body may threaten serious troubles: heart disease and vessels, the appearance of symptoms of diabetes, problems with the activities of individual parts of the brain. The fact is that due to insomnia, neural processes in the dark zone of the brain are inhibited, and because of this, the reaction rate is significantly reduced, it becomes difficult to formulate thoughts, violations are possible that, of course, negatively affects the activities of the entire body.

Negative consequences of violation of the correct sleep mode:

  • deterioration of mental and cognitive functions of the brain;
  • immunity problems, it becomes more vulnerable. During sleep, the immune system works and synthesizes special proteins - cytokines. They are needed to combat infections. But if a person is inappropriate, the cytokines are not developed enough;
  • with insomnia, the production of humpy hump is ghodin. Because of this, the night appetite syndrome often arises, which leads to excess weight and obesity.

10 steps for the right organization night sleep

Obviously, healthy sleep contributes to improving the lifestyle of a person. Consider 10 factors that will help make a night rest more useful and invigorating.

  1. Fresh air in the bedroom. The perfect temperature for hard sleep is 18-22 degrees. Indeed, such a temperature may seem too low to someone, but it has long been proven that this temperature is facilitated by the most complete rest.
  2. Comfortable and wide bed with carefully selected mattress, which should not be too soft.
  3. No noise and working devices. Experts do not advise sleeping in a room penetrated by electromagnetic radiation, so if there is wi-fi in the bedroom, computers, and so on, all this should be turned off overnight.
  4. The modern way of life is difficult to imagine without the use of high technologies. But before bedtime, it should not be long to sit in front of a computer or a TV. Japanese scientists have proven the fact of negative influence of such a pastime before bedtime on a night rest.
  5. Instead of a computer or television, it is more correct to choose the old good book in its traditional paper version. Tactile sensations from touching paper, the smell of the book - all this can not replace modern gadgets.
  6. Certain flavors are promoted healthy. Share in the bedroom should be avoided. But the aromas of citrus, lavender, sandalwood or melissa contribute to strong sleep. Of course, the choice of smells in the bedroom depends on personal preferences.
  7. The urgent recommendations are not well known before bedtime, it is necessary to finish a dinner 3 hours before falling asleep. The facts of the influence of certain products on sleep quality are somewhat less well known. For example, a lightweight snack of fresh cherries or a cherry juice cup can even increase the duration of the night rest. This berry contains a lot of melatonin, which even contributes to a healthy sleep. Magnesium that helps calm the nervous system is also the necessary element, it is very much in bananas.
  8. Walking in front of a night rest help to calm the nervous system and contribute to strong sleep.
  9. Warm shower literally "mocking" fatigue and nervous load. It is not worth taking a contrasting soul in the evening, it will become the perfect option for the morning procedures, and in the evening he will only excrete a nervous system, and quickly fall asleep.
  10. Positive thoughts before bedtime are very important. Not worth it, even taking into account the intense lifestyle of a modern person, to think about the production or personal problems before bed. In this case, it is better to take an example with the famous Scarlett from the novel "Gone by the Wind" and say to yourself: "I'll think about it tomorrow."

Circadian rhythms and sleep

Our lifestyle depends on certain daily biological rhythms, they are called circadian rhythms. They determine the degree of intensity of all biological processes of the human body. These rhythms depend on sunlight, visual receptors react to it and send a signal to the brain. The consequence of signals is the development of two vital hormones, melatonin and cortisol, they are responsible for sleep and awakening.

Blue-shaped iron produces melatonin with darkness. It calms the body, reducing and pressure, and body temperature. When lights, the production of cortisol begins, he wakes up a man, gives him energy and vigor. Therefore, the correct sleep mode involves an 8-hour night-night vacation, it is useful at 10 pm, and the most optimal awakening time is 6 o'clock in the morning.

You can ask, but what about the "owl" and "larks"? After all, sleep and wake rhythms can be individual. Unfortunately for some, such a separation is rather not a natural feature, but a product of the lifestyle of a person's post-industrial era. Therefore, it is better to try to rebuild your personal waking schedule in accordance with the more natural circadian rhythms for the person.

No less important is the dream.

In an increasingly accelerating pace of our life, allow themselves to go to bed more than 8 hours a day - a non-disabilities. Many are trying to "take" a dream time to spend it on more necessary daily affairs and care.

That's how it is correct and how the dream fits into the concept, I will try to state in this article.

Everyone heard that wrapping a third of life is normal and happening with everyone. During sleep, our body carries out "recharging", restoring the physical forces and processing the information accumulated per day.

Consider the basic rules of healthy sleep:

1. Very individual for each person, but on average ranges from 7 to 8 hours. At the same time, sleep is divided into several different. As far as it is important to sleep, the same and it is important not to "sleep" longer than the body requires. In the state of "lack of sleep" and "transfer" there are sensations of apathy and a breakdown, it is not rarely a light headache.

2. It is very important to observe the day of the day: go to bed and get up at the same time. To train the body, you can try to make certain actions before bedtime: for example, drinking herbal tea circle. In this way, in a couple of weeks, tea based on Melissa, chamomile or mint will serve as a signal to the selection. To drink coffee, cola, cocoa, alcohol and tea is not recommended because of caffeine contained in them.

3. Before beding, to ventilate the bedroom is useful and nice, but should not leave the draft. The ideal room temperature is considered 18-20 ° C. Silence and darkness in the bedroom are also important.

4. The last meal is made 3-4 hours before sleep. "Fuck" a feeling of hunger can be a glass of kefir () or an apple, but not less than in 20 minutes.

5. The bed should be not too solid and not too soft, the pillow is small and quite solid. Spend money and time to choose from the right mattress and pillows, and the body will immediately thank the sweet and healthy sleep. As for, it is best to sleep on the back or on the right side, but it is extremely unfavorable for internal organs.

6. Looks into bed, all experiences need to discard and think only about good, you can dream a little (it's time to do visualization!). Reading classic books helps "release" a head from day problems.

7. Do not neglect physical activity during the day. Evening loads need to start 3-4 hours before sleep. A simple evening walk in the outdoor will also be very useful.

Day sleep, so common in warm countries, the so-called Siesta turns out to be very useful: in the interval from 13:00 to 15:00 and a duration of 10-30 minutes.

Photos from open sources

In the modern world, a healthy lifestyle is increasingly popular, people go to proper nutrition, follow their weight, are engaged in various physical exertion and get rid of bad habits, such as alcohol and tobacco. But some forget about one most important element of a healthy lifestyle is a good and full-fledged dream that you need any person without exception. According to experts, a person spends about a third of his life in a dream, only so our body will be able to function normally and for a long time.

The first thing is to take care and buy a set of bed linen, which is suitable for you, it does not matter here, whether these are silk sheets, or a simple set of a cheap store. The main condition is a feeling of comfort. The same goes and the mattress, as well as space for sleep.

There are several stages of sleep:

Slow sleep:

The first stage. At this time, a person just begins to fall asleep and is in a halfway, at the moment you can feel how muscles relax, breathing is leveled, the body temperature is reduced;
The second stage is the moment of shallow sleep;
Third stage - slow dream. At this point, the human body is almost completely relaxed, cells rest, and the recovery process begins;
The fourth stage is a deep slow dream when the body and the body relaxes to the end. It is with the help of the third and fourth stages waking up in the morning we can feel good.

In addition, in nature, there is a quick sleep, or doctors called it another paradoxical sleep. This stage comes after seventy minutes when a person fell asleep. Interestingly, at this moment the brain has exactly the same activity as in the afternoon, but the body is completely relaxing.

Doctors and specialists have compiled a few rules of healthy sleep for a person. The main rule is to fall asleep and wake up every day at one time, despite the weekend. Better, if you have managed to get into the bed until eleven o'clock in the evening, at this moment the body requires the most relaxation.

Do not take heavy and acute food before bedtime. If you want to eat hard, eat an apple or drink kefir. The same applies to alcohol before bedtime, as well as drinks containing caffeine.

Never decide your problems before bedtime, try to abstract from day business and bustle, think about good. Never take a cold or contrasting shower overnight, leave it in the morning, but the hot bath will help the muscles to relax.

Before bedtime, it is necessary to ventilate, do not dress a lot of clothes, it is best to sleep naked if it becomes cold, you can hide the blanket. In the morning, to feel the cheerfulness and tide of strength, do not roll long after waking up, it is best to get up immediately as your eyes opened. Move slowly, but with pleasure, and your day will become beautiful.

Good sleep - the necessary condition for a healthy lifestyle

Healthy sleep is physiologically necessary for a person and is an important condition for physical and spiritual . A person spends about a third of life in a dream, so this part of our life needs close attention and take care that the dream is healthy and correct. The quality of our wakefulness depends on the quality of sleep, that is, from how our body rests at night, it depends on how it will function in the afternoon. The right dream is a source of excellent mood, well-being and, of course, our beauty.

Stages of sleep
Man's sleep consists of several stages, repeated several times per night. Sleep stages are characterized by the activity of various brain structures and carry various functions for the body. Sleep is divided into two stages: slow sleep and fast sleep. The stage of slow sleep is divided into four more stages.

Slow Son.

    The first stage. The man is in a half-condition state, sleeping. The person reduces muscle activity, pulse and breathing rate, the body temperature decreases.

    Second stage. This is a step of shallow sleep. Muscle activity, pulse and respiratory frequency continues to decrease.

    Third stage. Stage of slow sleep. At this stage, the human body is almost completely relaxed, cells begin to restore work.

    Fourth stage. Stage of deep slow sleep. The human body is completely relaxed, the body rests and is restored. Thanks to the third and fourth stage, when we wake up, we feel rested.

Fast sleep.
Fast Sleep Stage is also called paradoxical sleep or stage of BDG (quick eye movement). This stage occurs around 70-90 minutes after the start of sleep. The paradox of this stage is that during this period the activity of the brain is practically the same as during wakefulness, despite the fact that the human body is in a completely relaxed state. In addition, the body temperature and blood pressure increase increase, the frequency of respiration and heartbeat increases, and the eyes under the centuries begin to move quickly. It is during this period that most dreams are usually involved.

Sleep functions

    Holidays of the body.

    Protection and restoration of organs and organism systems for normal life.

    Recycling, consolidation and storage of information.

    Adaptation to the change in illumination (day-night).

    Maintaining the normal psycho-emotional state of the person.

    Restoration of the body's immunity.

Rules of healthy sleep
There are a number of rules, the observance of which will allow you to make a dream exclusively healthy. These rules help the body correctly perform their functions during sleep, which certainly favorably affects the well-being and mood of man during the time of wakefulness.

    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time regardless of the day of the week.

    It is best to go to bed until 23 o'clock. It is at this time that the organisms of most people are configured to relax.

    Do not eat food before bed. A couple of hours before sleep, you can have a snack , for example, vegetables, fruits or fermented products.

    You should not use alcohol and drinks containing caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea). Tea with chamomile, mint or warm milk with honey, drunk before bedtime, will benefit the body and help faster and easier to fall asleep.

    Quickly sleep will help Before bedtime in the fresh air.

    Before bed, you should not think about problems and experiences, you will have time to think about them in the afternoon. And in the evening it is best to relax and help the body fully relax and recover during night sleep. If possible, relax the muscles and think about something pleasant.

    Do not take before bedtime , Leave this procedure for morning. In the evening it is best to take a warm bath or shower.

    For rapid and calm fallback, you can read calm literature or turn on a quietly slow music, the sounds of nature, lullabies, etc.

    Do not forget to avoine a sleeping room before bedtime.

    Turn off the light in the bed, otherwise the dream is likely to be superficial, which will not give your body to relax and recover.

    Sleep is best naked, and in case of freezing to hide an additional , not to wear warm things.

    For recreation of the body, four full sleep cycles consisting of slow and fast sleep and described above are enough to sleep.

    The sleeping place should be smooth, not too soft and not too tough.

    It is necessary to sleep in a horizontal position, it is desirable alternately on the right, then on the left side. Experts do not recommend sleeping on the stomach.

    In order to give a good mood since the morning, do not get into bed long, immediately after waking up, smile and get up. Do it slowly and with pleasure.

Some people suffer from chronic lack of sleep and complain that there is even 10 hours after reaching, they do not feel rested. Why is this happening? The fact is that a person should be able to sleep correctly, then the seven-eight hours of night rest will be quite enough in order to be fresh and cheerful. Do not believe?! Then we will consider the basic principles of the right sleep and explain how the lifestyle affects healthy sleep.

A healthy dream is really of great importance for our well-being and is inextricably linked with a healthy way of life. For many of us, the right holiday at night is an impracticable task. Even after a hard working day, it is difficult to fall asleep. All Wine Lifeline Lifestyle, Stresses, Vasted Day Mode ...

To get rid of this problem, you need to make a habit every day not only to get up, but also to fall at the same time. Thus, the body will get used to the regime, which is largely a healthy lifestyle. If you are engaged in some kind of sport, if possible, transfer workouts at daytime.

Try to lie at least under the sixties. If you exercise exercises with physical exertion later than this time, then the body can be excessively activated in the evening, and it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. Of course, sports helps us remain healthy, but they should not interfere with a full-fledged vacation of the body ...

Those who want to sleep hard at night, you need to refuse from a dense dinner less than 3 hours before sleep. Late meal leads to the fact that the stomach, instead of resting, must digest the eaten by you, continuously feeding signals to the brain about his work and interfering with him to rest. In addition, coming overnight, you quickly benefit due to disorders of metabolism and the transition of unused energy into fat deposits.

It makes no sense to check on the clock how much time you slept. An adult person is enough about seven or eight hours of full sleep. But since each organism is individual, then repel when making a solution for yourself from your sensations. Do not configure yourself that in the nearest weekend spend the whole day in bed. Such a rest will lead to a night insomnia, and you will not be able to sleep fully.

It is better to lie for an hour and a half earlier than usual, and before going to bed some relaxing procedures. For example, take a bath with essential oils or decrain, normalizing the state of the nervous system (mint, eucalyptus, melissa). Drink a glass of tea or warm milk with honey. At the same time I do not advise you to read books and magazines for the night, and even more so watch TV!

Try to relax and disconnect from your thoughts and problems. So you can quickly fall asleep, and the next morning feel vigorous and rested.

If you suffer from the fact that you have no time to fall asleep, ensure yourself the most favorable conditions for a good rest. To do this, before going to bed, check the room. Do not refuse it even in winter. In the heat you can use the air conditioner. Turning it on before bedtime, you will ensure a full-fledged rest.

Lying in the evening in bed, stop thinking about tomorrow. Tune in to the fact that today came to the end, and therefore, all unresolved questions must be postponed on the morning. Everyone will decide, you know, so why "cheat" ...

On the weekend, do not deny yourself the pleasure of drinking a little red wine. It greatly contributes to relaxation. Even better, if tomorrow you do not need to get up early and rush somewhere. But remember that everything is fine only in moderation!

Most people are accustomed to bed for a long time to sit at the computer monitor. Such a habit of bad and in our time is the first reason for the bad sleep and the inability to relax overnight. Computer dependence leads to bad night dreams, and, therefore, increases the risk of inappropriate. However, you will have health and sleep, how a healthy lifestyle will begin to lead ...

If you love to take a little afternoon in the afternoon, do it, but not more than 20 minutes and maximum - twice a day. Those who need a full-fledged day rest can provide themselves with a two-hour sleep, but it is necessary to wake up to 16 hours. If you plan to the evening, it will be difficult for you to continue wakefulness and prepare for the night sleep at the right time.

Pay attention to the posture in which you sleep. Best of all while sleeping lying on the back. So you are fully relaxing, all limbs are in the natural position and system of organs are also located correctly, therefore, you will be waiting for a good dream. The more often you turn to the side on the side overnight, the less complete is the night rest.

Try to go to bed until 12 o'clock in the morning. It is believed that people who spend the border between the days in a dream, resting correctly. However, if you remember the commandments of yogis, they always advised to sleep until 22 o'clock local time.

And finally, I repeat, but a healthy lifestyle and a healthy dream are important conditions, observing which, you will be active, workable person, which means you can save good well-being for many years!

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