Bifidumbacterin for newborns. The use of bifidumbacterin during pregnancy and childhood: instructions and reviews. How to dilute and take Bifidumbacterin: instructions for using the powder

Bifidumbacterin - first generation probiotic, eliminating dysbacteriosis and restoring intestinal microflora. The drug is also effective against pathogenic microorganisms- staphylococci, enteropathogenic E. coli, shigella, fungi of the genus Candida.

In contact with

Composition and release form of the drug

Bifidumbacterin belongs to monocomponent drugs... The main active substance preparation - live bifidobacteria in the form of a dried mass (antagonistically active strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum No. 1, filling a healthy intestinal microflora person).

One dose of the product contains 107 or more CFU of these microorganisms.

It also contains lactose, which promotes the growth of bifidobacteria, and Activated carbon- a sorbent filled with microorganisms.

Bifidumbacterin has a variety of release forms

  1. Powder.
  2. Liquid concentrate.
  3. Pills.
  4. Capsules.
  5. Vaginal suppositories.

The powder is packed in bags made of multilayer metal-polymer material. One carton contains from 10 to 30 sachets medicinal substance... The powder looks like a light gray or dark gray substance with black blotches of activated carbon fragments and a weak fermented milk smell.

The composition of one package of Bifidumbacterin:

Important! What form of drug release will be the most effective for each patient can only be determined by a specialist.

Indications for the use of Bifidumbacterin

Powdered Bifidumbacterin for adults and children is used when:

  • Difficulty stool (constipation)
  • acute intestinal infections of a clear and unspecified etiology (shigellosis, salmonellosis, enterocolitis);
  • foodborne toxicoinfections;
  • chronic pathologies of the digestive system with concomitant dysbiosis (ulceration of the stomach, duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, liver disorders, cholecystitis);
  • allergies, pneumonia, bronchitis, ARVI, diseases genitourinary system accompanied by a disturbed balance of intestinal microflora;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, diarrhea, often occurring after prolonged antibiotic therapy, antibacterial treatment, hormonal agents, NSAIDs.

The drug can also be used for prevention purposes.

The probiotic helps to prevent the development of pyoinflammatory diseases before and after surgical intervention in the area of digestive tract, staphylococcal infections in maternity hospitals, respiratory diseases infectious origin, dysbiosis in patients who often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections and colds (more than 4 episodes within one year).

Using the medication Bifidumbacterin during pregnancy(on early date) allows you to improve your well-being and reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, provides effective prevention mastitis in lactating women.

The product is often prescribed during infancy. Bifidobacteria for newborns have great value, as they increase the level of body resistance various infections and ensure complete assimilation of food.

The powder can be used both as an independent medicine and in combination with other medicines as an auxiliary component of therapy.

The probiotic does not have an extensive list of contraindications. The product is not recommended for people prone to hypersensitivity to its components.

How to dilute and take powder

A powdery preparation is prescribed for patients of various age groups and categories. To receive pronounced effect it is necessary to clarify how to take Bifidumbacterin correctly. Before use, the medicine must be mixed with a small amount of liquid (boiled water, fermented milk products).

For newborns, the drug is diluted according to a different principle. For the use of the powder by infants, it is combined with breast milk or nutritional formula.

Any liquid used in the preparation of the solution must have a temperature within room temperature.

During treatment, the question may arise - Bifidumbacterin, how to dilute the drug T? Dissolving the powder should form a mixture with fine black particles.

The resulting composition must be used without waiting for it to completely dissolve.

Attention! It is forbidden to dilute the powder in hot water... This leads to the death of bifidobacteria and the lack of therapeutic effects.


Single dosage for adults - 2 sachets powder per 100 ml of liquid. Reception of the drug is repeated 2-3 times during the day. Bifidumbacterin during pregnancy is taken according to the standard adult regimen. The dosage will be 2 sachets three times a day.

For newborns, 1 sachet of the drug is dissolved in 30-50 ml of liquid food. The process is repeated 2 to 3 times a day. For children from 3 years old, the solution is prepared from 1 sachet and 50 ml of boiled water. Use the resulting product 3-4 times throughout the day.

Instructions for use prescribe the use of the drug orally simultaneously with food, and shortly before feeding in infants. If necessary, the medicine can be used between meals.

Application features depending on the diagnosis

Depending on the type of diagnosis of the patient dosage and duration of application of the powder vary I am.

Treatment courses can be repeated 2-3 times. Each of them should be carried out after 1 month after the previous one.

According to the instructions for use of Bifidumbacterin powder, acute cases require the use of the medication for 5-10 days. In the presence of chronic diseases, therapy is performed from 2 weeks to 1 month. For the purpose of prophylaxis, the drug is taken for about six months.

Side effects and the likelihood of overdose

Subject to the recommended dosages side effects from treatment is not noted. In rare cases, there is a possibility of manifestation of allergic reactions to the components of its composition.

Regardless of whether the drug was taken before meals or later, it does not affect the ability to concentrate and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

The probiotic does not have cumulative properties, is not able to accumulate in the body, and therefore an overdose is unlikely. If you accidentally take too much Bifidumbacterin before or after meals, the excess funds are excreted naturally - with feces.

Antibiotic drug compatibility

Bifidumbacterin does not tend to interact with other drugs. The exceptions are B vitamins and antibiotics. In the first case, an increase in the therapeutic effect is noted.

If you use Bifidumbacterin with antibiotics- growth suppression and gradual death is observed beneficial microorganisms... This leads to a decrease or complete absence the therapeutic effect of the probiotic. In this regard, it is necessary to know how it is recommended to take Bifidumbacterin with antibiotics. The dosage and duration of powder intake for patients undergoing antibiotic therapy should be increased.

Analogues and substitutes for drugs

There are many drugs that have a composition similar to this drug, pharmacological and therapeutic action... Widely used the following Bifidumbacterin analogues:

  • Probifor;
  • Acylact;
  • Bififol.

Substitutes showing a stronger effect and containing different kinds bacterial cultures are presented:

  • Linex;
  • Maxilac;
  • Bifiform;

Due to the presence in these probiotics of several types of bacteria of normal microflora, these drugs are capable act faster and maintain balance in the body longer.

Expiration date and storage rules

Since the preparation contains live microorganisms, its shelf life is no more than 1 year from the date of production. The product should be kept in a dry place, protected from bright light, out of reach of children, at air temperature no higher than + 10 ° C.

During the transportation of the powder, the air temperature should not exceed 20 ° C. In such conditions, the product can be stored for up to 10 days.

Conditions for dispensing the drug from pharmacies

The product is subject to over-the-counter dispensing from the pharmacy chain. If you have any questions or doubts about the appropriateness of its use, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


Bifidobacteria for newborns, older children and adults are a must normal functioning immunity, digestion, elimination of toxins... In spite of a large number of more expensive modern drugs Bifidumbacterin remains the most commonly prescribed by doctors.

Bifidumbacterin refers to drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora. This drug acts as a kind of "migration service" that regulates the "national" composition of the microbial population inhabiting the intestines. After all, it is no secret that the species composition of bacterial microflora is unstable and, under certain circumstances, the balance can be shifted towards pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms. Everything happens almost like in real life: when the number of labor migrants from third world countries reaches a critical mass, expect social unrest. With regard to the digestive tract, these "disturbances" are expressed in the development of various intestinal infections. Infectious intestinal invasions, in turn, trigger inflammatory and degenerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract, cause intestinal dysbiosis, contribute to impaired motility of the digestive tract and, in most cases, tend to go to chronic stage... Antibacterial drugs (including, of course, antibiotics), widely used to eliminate intestinal infections, often carry one or another adverse reactions: severe allergies, persistent dysbacteriosis, the formation of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains (which later cannot be broken even afterwards - any treatment will be useless), oppression cellular immunity etc. In this regard, the efforts of infectious disease specialists to the present stage the development of medicine is aimed at the permissible limitation of antibiotic therapy and a gradual departure from these sometimes irreplaceable, but very "problematic" drugs.

Bifidumbacterin in some cases can be used as an adequate alternative antibacterial drugs... First of all, bifidumbacterin is a probiotic, i.e. a drug that contains live microorganisms that normally inhabit the human intestine. Moving along the "nooks" of the digestive tract, these bacteria artificially introduced into the body retain their activity and in every possible way contribute to the maintenance of a normal internal "microclimate", modifying the composition of microflora and affecting its metabolism. Bifidobacteria, which are part of bifidumbacterin, are antagonistic towards many pathogenic and facultative pathogenic microorganisms (here we can mention staphylococci, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, Shigella, a number of yeast-like fungi, etc.). Bifidobacteria restore the balance of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, optimize the digestive and protective functions of the intestine, and increase the body's nonspecific resistance.

Bifidumbactein is available in four dosage forms at once: tablets, vaginal and rectal suppositories (one form, but both routes of administration can be used), powder for oral administration and topical application and a lyophilisate for preparing a suspension. The dosage regimen depends on the purpose of using the drug and the dosage form. When preparing a solution of bifidumbacterin, it is not recommended to use water heated above 40 ° C. Reception oral forms the drug is not compatible with taking antibiotics.


Live bifidobacteria have high antagonistic activity against wide range pathogenic and opportunistic intestinal microorganisms (including staphylococci, proteus, enteropathogenic colibacillus, shigella, some yeast-like fungi), restore the balance of intestinal and vaginal microflora, normalize the digestive and protective function intestines, activate metabolic processes, increase nonspecific resistance organism.

Release form

5 doses - bottles (10) - cardboard packs.


For oral administration 20-30 minutes before meals or during meals (infants can be given immediately before feeding, after dissolving the lyophilisate).

Patients with surgical pathology - 3-5 days before the operation and within 10-15 days after it - 15-30 doses / day.

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: (increased doses), 25-50 doses 1-3 times / day; the course of treatment is 10-14 days.

The suppository contains 1 dose of bifidobacteria bifidum. For intestinal diseases - rectally, 1-2 suppositories 3 times / day in combination with taking oral forms 20-30 minutes before meals, 5 doses 1-2 times / day. The duration of treatment after acute intestinal infections is 7-10 days, with protracted and chronic forms - 15-30 days or more.

In gynecological practice - intravaginally, 1 suppository 2 times / day for 5-10 days.

In case of violation of the purity of the vaginal secretion in pregnant women up to III-IV century. - 1 suppository 1-2 times / day for 5-10 days or more, under the control of restoring the purity of vaginal secretions up to I-II st. and disappearance clinical symptoms.

For the purpose of prevention purulent-septic complications for planned gynecological operations - intravaginally, 1 suppository 1-2 times / day for 5-10 days before the proposed operation or delivery.

After antibiotic therapy - intravaginally, 1 suppository 1-2 times / day for 10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 3-4 months.

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for oral administration and local application (in the form of irrigations, applications, lotions) is used for urogenital dysbiosis - intravaginally, a tampon is injected for 2-3 hours, abundantly moistened in a solution (5-10 doses are dissolved in 15-20 ml of boiled water room temperature); the course of treatment is 8-10 days.


The effect of the drug is enhanced by vitamins (especially of group B), reduced by antibiotics.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


For oral administration

For local, intravaginal and rectal use

  • dysbiosis of the urogenital tract, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases the urogenital tract (including urogenital sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, urogenital chlamydia, genital herpes);
  • bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis);
  • nonspecific colpitis (including hormone-dependent colpitis - senile);
  • chronic colitis of various etiologies, intestinal dysfunction after acute intestinal infection;
  • preparation for planned gynecological operations(for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications);
  • prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk of inflammatory diseases (for the prevention and treatment of vaginal dysbiosis).

Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for oral administration and topical application is used to prevent mastitis in nursing mothers at risk.


  • children under 3 years of age (for suppositories);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application features

Application during pregnancy and lactation

It is used according to indications.

Application in children

Contraindicated in childhood up to 3 years (for suppositories).

special instructions

The use of suppositories can be combined with the simultaneous administration of antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating drugs.

Suppositories with a smell of rancid oil or with broken packaging are not suitable for use.

Children and pregnant women are at risk of developing diseases associated with the activation of opportunistic flora in the body. These conditions are united by the term dysbiosis. Bifidumbacterinmedicinal product, able to restore the disturbed microbial balance.

Bifidumbacterin: what is this drug

Bifidumbacterin belongs to the group of eubiotics, that is, preparations containing representatives of the normal intestinal microflora. This is a lyophilized mass of bacteria Bifidobacterium bifidum in the nutrient medium on which they were grown. Thanks to a special gentle method of drying, bifidobacteria in the human intestine quickly restore their activity and begin to actively multiply. At the same time, they secrete substances that inhibit growth, or even completely lead to the death of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, as well as Candida fungi that cause. During its life cycle artificially derived bifidobacteria form in the intestine a favorable environment for the reproduction of its own beneficial microflora. As a result, against the background of treatment with this drug, the microbial balance is restored much faster, and the symptoms of dysbiosis disappear.

Forms of release of Bifidumbacterin

For the treatment of children and pregnant women, it is possible to use any of the following forms of release:

  1. Bifidumbacterin dry - powder, packaged in gelatin capsules in 5 doses, in glass bottles or in hermetically sealed disposable sachets made of metal-polymer material for oral administration.
  2. Bifidumbacterin Forte - capsules for internal administration b.
  3. Bifidumbacterin suppositories are rectal and vaginal.
  4. Lyophilized mass for topical use(lotions, tamponade, irrigation) and ingestion in the form of a prepared solution.

In addition, in pharmacies you can see analogues of the drug Bifidumbacterin... it Bifinorm, Euphlorin B, Probiform, Normoflorin B, Lyophilized biomass of bifidobacteria.

Bifidumbacterin: scopes

Bifidumbacterin is an eubiotic containing the most common beneficial bacteria found in the human intestine. Therefore, the main indication for its use is the maintenance or restoration of normal microbial balance. for any infectious or inflammatory diseases of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.These are bacterial or candidal stomatitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysfunction.

Unlike another probiotic, resistant to the action of many antibiotics, Bifidumbacterin is not used simultaneously with them, but after the end of the course of antibiotic therapy, it quickly eliminates the resulting dysbiosis. Therefore, the drug is indicated in the period of convalescence of any diseases for the treatment of which antibiotics were used.

For allergic diseases - atypical diathesis, eczema, food allergies- the course of treatment with Bifidumbacterin helps to reduce skin and intestinal symptoms, and in some cases - to achieve a stable remission.

Violation of the microbial balance of the urogenital tract, including with thrush. Preventive treatment in preparation for childbirth, for bowel surgery.

Bifidumbacterin: use in pregnancy

No side effects have been reported from taking the drug at any stage of pregnancy. Approved for use both for oral administration and topically.

With severe toxicosis of pregnancy, manifested by nausea and selective taste, it is possible for a woman to reject the smell of dry powder and freshly prepared solution. In this case, it is recommended to take capsules by mouth.

The dosage of Bifidumbacterin for oral administration depends on the type of disease and its severity and varies from 5 to 10 doses. The frequency of application of the drug can be from 2 to 4 times a day. Suppositories and tampons are administered 2 times a day, and irrigation of the affected surfaces or lotions is done 1 time a day.

Bifidumbacterin: is it allowed for newborns

The absolute safety of the drug has been proven during the neonatal period, subject to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, storage conditions and the dilution method of the drug. Only vaginal and rectal suppositories are contraindicated.

How to give bifidumbacterin to newborns? It is diluted with boiled water, the temperature of which should not be higher than 40 degrees, or with breast milk. Give to the child at the beginning of feeding from a spoon or through a nipple.

The usual treatment regimen with Bifidumbacterin is up to 3 times a day, 1 to 3 doses.

How is Bifidumbacterin used for children

For children over 6 months and up to 7 years, a single amount of the drug is 5 doses. Frequency of admission: up to 3 years - 3 times, from the 4th year of life - up to 6 times a day. After 7 years, it is possible to increase up to 10 doses 2 - 4 times a day.

Suppositories are allowed from the age of 3. There is no age limit for external use.

Contraindications to use and side effects of Bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin is contraindicated with previously noted allergic reaction on him, which is extremely rare. Due to the use of lactose as nutrient medium for bifidobacteria, the use of oral forms is not recommended medicinal product with lactase deficiency, at the same time locally and in suppositories - it is allowed.

Bifidumbacterin: reviews

  • Helena.During pregnancy, my eczema worsened on my hands. A dermatologist prescribed treatment for me: 2 antiallergic drugs (in tablets and in the form of an ointment), a diet and activated charcoal. But I decided to try only charcoal and take Bifidumbacterin. It helped! On the third day, the itching was gone, the rash was not added. After 10 days of eczema, only unpleasant memories remained. To consolidate the success, I drank Bifidumbacterin for another 2 weeks and sat on hypoallergenic diet before giving birth. The kid is healthy.
  • Victoria. For the first month and a half, my child suffered from constipation. When I started giving Bifidumbacterin, I recovered from the first dose. The chair was even somewhat watery, but the baby did not have to strain. As advised by the pediatrician, she gave this medicine for 20 days. She cured not only constipation, but also diathesis on the cheeks.

Designed to normalize the intestinal microflora. The instructions for use suggest using Bifidumbacterin in the most different cases and in a wide variety of patient categories.

Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic designed to normalize the intestinal microflora.

The main component of Bifidumbacterin is active live bacteria normally contained in the intestinal microflora healthy person in the amount of 107 per dose.

In addition to them, the drug contains a bifidogenic factor that promotes growth beneficial bacteria, and the disaccharide lactose. Expected results from taking the drug:

  • revitalization;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • an increase in the body's nonspecific resistance to negative factors;
  • accumulation of toxins;
  • immunomodulation of the body;
  • preventive action for dysbacteriosis after radiation therapy, chemotherapy, medication and hormones;
  • normalization of the digestion process.

The action of the drug extends to a large number of representatives of the pathogenic flora:

  1. staphylococci;
  2. Proteus;
  3. shigella;
  4. enteropathogenic E. coli;
  5. yeast-like mushrooms.

After taking the drug, the intestines are colonized with bifidobacteria, which begin the process of flora normalization and regeneration, and detoxification of the body.

Who is the probiotic for use?

Bifidumbacterin is used to treat hepatitis and pancreatitis.

The high therapeutic activity of Bifidumbacterin is used for the following conditions and diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal tract - treatment and prevention of ulcerative lesion Gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, pancreatitis, antibiotic treatment, hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • infections caused by pathogenic microflora;
  • violation of the process of defecation after long-term treatment microflora antagonists - antibiotics (constipation or diarrhea);
  • food poisoning;
  • maalsorption syndrome;
  • pre- and postoperative normalization of the biocenosis of the digestive tract;
  • prevention of nosocomial infections.

The drug can be applied topically, as well as rectally or intravaginally in the following cases:

  1. urogenital infections;
  2. urogenital dysbiosis;
  3. gardnerellosis;
  4. colpitis of various etiology, including senile;
  5. dysbiosis of the vagina of pregnant women - prevention before childbirth;
  6. preoperative prevention of vaginal infections;
  7. prevention of mastitis during lactation.

A wide range of indications for taking the drug, its effectiveness and low cost contribute to the high popularity of Bifidumbacterin.

Bifidumbacterin - dosage forms

Bifidumbacterin comes in various forms.

The probiotic Bifidumbacterin comes in various forms:

  1. powder in bags;
  2. liquid concentrate (lyophilisate);
  3. capsules;
  4. ampoules;
  5. suppositories (vaginal suppositories);
  6. children's rectal suppositories.

Ampoules and vials contain Bifidumbacterin in the form of previously frozen and subsequently dried live bacteria and their growing medium (lactulose and bifidogenic factor). The powder containing the drug contains only bacteria.

Such dosage form, like Bifidumbacterin forte, in addition to bacteria, contains activated carbon, which ensures their immobilization (immobility). Due to this, the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria and the restoration of its mucous membranes occurs much faster.

Application features

Before taking probiotics, you should consult with a gastroenterologist.

Before taking a probiotic, you should consult with your doctor (pediatrician, therapist, surgeon) and read the instructions for use.

Self-medication and self-diagnosis are unacceptable, especially when treating children and elderly patients with Bifidumbacterin. Methods of using the drug:

  • oral,
  • rectal,
  • intravaginal.

Oral administration requires dilution of the agent in a liquid medium: a small amount of boiled water, liquid food. Newborns and infants are given the drug during feeding, it is diluted in breast milk or formula for baby food.

It is not necessary to completely dissolve Bifidumbacterin, the solution with bacteria should be drunk immediately. It is advisable to take the probiotic with meals, but strict adherence to this condition is not at all necessary. Recommended doses of the drug:

  1. Preparation for gastrointestinal surgery and prevention postoperative complications- from 15 to 30 doses daily, they need to be taken 3-5 days in advance. before surgery, and within 1.5-2 weeks. after her.
  2. , inflammatory diseases - from 25 to 50 doses daily, take 1.5-2 weeks. In addition to this method of treatment, you can use 1-2 rectal suppositories three times a day. If the intestinal infection has turned into chronic form, the treatment is extended until complete recovery(3-4 weeks on average).
  3. Prevention of gynecological vaginal infections, recovery high degree purity of vaginal secretions before childbirth, for the prevention of complications after operations on the pelvic organs - 2 suppositories per day, course - 5-10 days.
  4. For irrigation of the vaginal mucosa, preparation of vaginal baths, applications for the prevention of mastitis, with urogenital dysbiosis - a lyophilisate solution is prepared from 5-10 doses of the drug per 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, a tampon for local use is moistened in it, the course of treatment is until the symptoms of the disease disappear, on average - 8-10 days.

For the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, the agent in the form of a powder in sachets during the day is used in the following doses:

  • adults - 2 packages 3-6 times;
  • patients over 7 years old - 2 packets 3-4 p .;
  • from 3 to 7 years old - 1 package 3-5 rubles;
  • from 6 months up to 3 years old - 1 package 3-4 rubles;
  • from birth to 6 months - 1 package 2-3 p.

The course of taking a probiotic, which takes from 3 to 5 weeks, is prescribed by the attending physician. If necessary, courses are repeated several times after a month's break between them.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug belongs to pharmacological group probiotics, which contains live bacteria with increased antagonistic activity against a wide range harmful microorganisms intestines. Thanks to its chemical composition the drug destroys protea, enteropathogenic E. coli, staphylococcus, shigella and some yeast-like fungi.

In addition, it contributes to the productive restoration of the balance of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, normalizes the digestive and protective activity of the intestine, activates metabolism and increases the body's resistance to so-called bacterial attacks.

In this article, we will consider when doctors prescribe a drug, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. If you have already used Bifidumbacterin, leave feedback in the comments.

Composition of Bifidumbacterin:

  • Dried microbial mass of live bifidobacteria (bacteria included in normal microflora intestine) with the addition of a bifidogenic (promoting the growth of bifidobacteria) factor - lactose (a disaccharide contained in milk).

Release form:

  • Lyophilisate, 5 doses - vial 10 pieces.
  • Powder for suspension preparation, 50 million CFU - pack. 10 or 30 pcs.
  • Capsules, 50 million CFU - pack. 10 or 30 pcs; 50 million CFU (5 doses) - 10, 20, 30, 30, 40 or 50 pcs.
  • Tablets, 10 or 50 million CFU (5 doses) - 20, 30 or 60 pcs.
  • Suppositories for vaginal or rectal administration, 10 million CFU (1 dose) - 10 pcs; 1 × 107 CFU - 10 pcs.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Bifidumbacterin is prescribed for children and adults in the following cases:

  • acute (, staphylococcal, shigellosis);
  • , as well as prophylaxis during drug therapy;
  • intestinal infections of an unexplained nature and foodborne toxicoinfections;
  • allergic diseases accompanied by dysbiosis;
  • intestines resulting from various diseases(, ulcer, diseases of the biliary tract and liver);
  • malabsorption syndromes;
  • dysbiosis in chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the urogenital tract of an inflammatory nature;
    bacterial colpitis and vaginosis.

Also prescribed to nursing mothers in order to prevent mastitis. Bifidumbacterin can be used alone or in combination with other drugs.

Pharmacological properties

The therapeutic effect of bifidumbacterin is determined by the live bifidobacteria contained in it, which have a broad-spectrum antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Bifidumbacterin has a normalizing effect on gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes, prevents the development of long-term intestinal dysfunctions, increases the body's nonspecific resistance.

Vaginal use of the drug reduces the risk of occurrence and reduces the severity of the course of purulent-inflammatory processes in the vagina.

Instructions for use

If you plan to use the drug Bifidumbacterin for treatment, the instructions for use should be taken into account.

  • Adults with intestinal dysbiosis are prescribed orally 5 doses of the drug 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined depending on the severity clinical manifestations... Usually it is 2-4 weeks, in some cases - up to 3 months. In order to prevent intestinal dysbiosis, the drug is prescribed orally in 5 doses 1-2 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  • For children who are at risk from birth in terms of the development of intestinal dysbiosis, it is necessary to take 1-2 doses inside three times daily. After half a year daily dose increases to 3 doses. The remedy should be given to children immediately before feeding. After one year of age, children receive 5 doses 2 or 3 times a day. If prevention of dysbiosis is necessary for children who are ill, sepsis, etc., 2-3 doses of the drug should be taken per day. If the child has a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the threat of manifestation of enterocolitis, 10 doses should be taken per day
  • Treatment of the nipple and areola in nursing women is carried out using a solution obtained by diluting 1 packet of Bifidobacterin in 10-15 ml of boiled water, half an hour before breastfeeding.
  • In case of colpitis and violation of the vaginal secretion of III-IV degree in pregnant women of the "risk" group, the drug solution is used intravaginally (in the vagina). A sterile tampon is impregnated with a solution containing 5-10 doses and inserted into the vagina for 2-3 hours 1 time a day for 5-8 days under the control of restoring the purity of the vaginal secretion and until the clinical symptoms of inflammation disappear.

When administered orally, the drug should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals. The dissolved preparation is used immediately, do not store. The rest of the undissolved drug is stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of + 2- + S ° С for no more than 1 day.

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