Why gastroscopy before surgery? Gastroscopy before laparoscopy Specialized tests before gynecological operations

Laparoscopy is a medical and diagnostic procedure that is performed to identify and eliminate diseases of internal organs without a scalpel. What is the preparation for laparoscopy in gynecology, what should the patient do on the eve of the procedure? We will consider these issues in detail in the article.

Features of laparoscopy

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting and is a seamless type of surgical intervention. A laparoscope and additional medical instruments with illumination and a video camera are inserted into the abdominal cavity. An image of cavity structures appears on the monitor, and the surgeon can conduct a study of the state of internal organs with a laparoscopic instrument.

To obtain a volumetric image of the cavity organs, air or a gaseous substance is injected into the patient's body using pneumoperitoneum. Conducting a laparoscopic examination requires careful preliminary preparation of the patient at home. It is necessary to follow a number of rules and recommendations of the gynecologist.

Indications for laparoscopy

  • suspicion of the presence of neoplasms of a different nature;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • endometrial diseases;
  • adhesive formations;
  • polycystic ovary disease;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • infertility.

Also, laparoscopy is performed for diseases of the appendages, ectopic pregnancy and for diseases that are not cured by conservative therapy. In some cases, an examination with a laparoscope is also prescribed in the first months of pregnancy.

How to prepare for surgery

What you need to know before laparoscopy, and how to prepare correctly? The list of requirements necessary to prepare for the survey includes:

  • positive attitude of the patient;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • collection of the necessary analyzes;
  • drawing up a medical history;
  • taking prescribed medications;
  • adherence to diet and nutritional regimen;
  • a procedure to remove hair from the pubic part.

A positive attitude is necessary to form the correct idea of ​​the upcoming procedure. The patient should know in advance about all the details of this examination, about the possible risks and their prevention, as well as about ways to quickly recover in the postoperative period.

An ultrasound examination must be done in advance. In addition to ultrasound diagnostics, the gynecologist can refer to magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. The decision is made depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

The sampling of biomaterial for laboratory research is mandatory. Analyzes are taken for both biochemical and antiviral research. The laboratory may also require the donation of blood from relatives in case of an emergency during laparoscopic diagnostics.

Before the operation, a detailed medical history of the woman is drawn up, which includes a list of past diseases, abdominal and other operations, organ trauma, drug intolerance. This is necessary for a successful examination with a laparoscope.


Why go on a diet? Two weeks before laparoscopy, the patient should change the dietary regimen. Firstly, this is due to the delivery of the biomaterial to the laboratory. Secondly, it is necessary to eliminate the processes of gas formation in the intestine. Therefore, women are advised to exclude from the menu:

  • smoked and fatty foods;
  • foods high in carbohydrates.

This is especially true for the last three to four days before laparoscopy. Every day, the amount of food eaten should be gradually reduced. In the last two days, you can take laxatives, an enema is given to completely cleanse the intestines. An enema must be done without fail, otherwise, with the introduction of anesthesia, the intestines will clear spontaneously.

List of prohibited foods:

  • milk and black bread;
  • fatty meat and potatoes;
  • apples and plums;
  • all legumes;
  • fresh and salted cabbage;
  • eggs and black bread.

What can you eat from food? It is advisable to use low-fat fermented milk products, cereals, fish and broths.

To reduce bloating, take activated charcoal for 5 days in a row, 6 tablets per day (in three divided doses). To calm the nervous system, preparations of valerian, motherwort or other sedatives of herbal origin are used. If necessary, take sleeping pills.

Personal hygiene

To prepare for laparoscopy, you must thoroughly wash your entire body using antibacterial agents. It is recommended to treat the peri-umbilical area with medical alcohol, the groin area is completely shaved.

Doctors also require a woman to shave the umbilical area if she has hair. When is the best time to shave? It is better for the woman to shave directly on the day of the operation - then the bristles will not have time to appear.

Laparoscopy for colds

An important issue is the presence of a cold on the eve of the operation. Can anesthesia be used for cold symptoms? Cough, runny nose must be cured. Inserting a tube into the trachea when coughing can cause respiratory failure and oxygen deprivation of internal organs. With a prolonged lack of oxygen in the brain, the patient may not come out of anesthesia.

If the nasal passages are clogged with mucus, this will also interfere with the anesthesia. For mild nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops should be used. In order not to get sick before the operation, take care of your health. You can take funds to increase the immune defense, strengthen the status of the body.


Laparoscopy is considered a major abdominal surgery that requires preparation. Careful implementation of all recommendations will reduce the risk of complications during the operation itself and after it. Dress for the season so as not to get sick with rhinitis or another form of cold: a cough and runny nose will complicate the use of anesthesia.

You have a planned operation and here, along with various analyzes, the doctor sends you to ... gastroscopy of the stomach.

And why should I do this gastroscopy before the operation? - you think, - even without this, there is enough trouble and nerves. My stomach doesn't seem to hurt ...

Well, a lot of things do not hurt until they catch them :) And this does not mean that there are no changes or neoplasms in the organs and there will be no surprises during the operation.

A gastroscopy before surgery is necessary for a number of reasons:

1. In abdominal operations, as a rule, a tube is inserted into the stomach.

And if in the walls of the esophagus or stomach there are neoplasms, ulcers, congenital or emerging in the process of life bulging of the organ wall(diverticulum), then you can damage its integrity.

2. If in the stomach or esophagus there is a neoplasm of a malignant nature, then surgical intervention leads to an exacerbation of the process. After the operation, the body throws all its strength into the healing and recovery process, the metabolism is activated, which leads to the growth of the tumor.

And here it is very important to know that in the early stages, cancer does not manifest itself in any way and does not hurt. And the lesion may be small.

It's better to take care of yourself in advance and make sure that everything is in order with you.

3. In postoperative period often occur exacerbation of erosions and ulcers(if they are not healed before the operation). it fraught with massive bleeding, which are difficult to stop due to the weakening of the body and the inevitable blood loss during the operation itself.

If endoscopically - with medical gastroscopy - it is not possible to stop the bleeding, then you have to take the patient back to the operating table on an emergency basis. Reoperation in a short time is a serious blow to the body and is fraught with a long and dangerous postoperative period.

We talk openly with you about the possible consequences so that you are aware of the risks that you take when you think about doing or not doing a gastroscopy before surgery.

Price list opening. Wait..

Gastroscopy is used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This examination also allows a number of medical procedures to be carried out. So, gastroscopy is performed to assess the degree of damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract by a malignant tumor and to select the correct treatment method. In domestic medicine, gastroscopy is used to remove tumors and to localize their foci.

What can be achieved by gastroscopy

Gastroscopy before surgery is performed in order to clarify the location of tumors, their localization to assess the degree of damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Before surgery, this procedure is also performed to detect bleeding vessels. Bleeding inside the organs can lead to the death of the patient, in order to avoid this, a gastroscopy is performed using an endoscope. During the examination, the doctor performs the following actions:

1) studies the state of organs and gives an assessment of the degree of damage;

2) based on the information received and the picture of the disease, concludes that it is necessary to use emergency surgical intervention;

3) performs surgical procedures in order to save the life of the patient.

The advantage of gastroscopy over the operation is that the surgeon gets the right choice of the treatment method and, based on the complete picture of the disease, performs the operation and eliminates the threat to the patient's life. In a modern medical center, gastroscopy before the operation is performed without fail in order for the doctor to determine the risks and possibilities of complete removal of malignant tumors, choose the correct procedure for the operation and thus reduce the risks for the patient to zero.

Nature of the study

Gastroscopy can be performed using a disposable capsule or an endoscope, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and his desire. Gastroscopy using a capsule is carried out as follows:

... the patient swallows a pill and drinks it with water;

During the time the capsule is inside the gastrointestinal tract, it passes through all parts, starting from the esophagus;

During the study, pictures are taken;

The received information is processed by a computer, a preliminary diagnosis is made;

The doctor makes a final diagnosis and chooses a treatment method.

Gastroscopy using an endoscope is necessary to collect materials for biopsy. This analysis evaluates the number and effect of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, this analysis is necessary for the accurate diagnosis of cancer. The fact is that tumors can be benign or malignant. The first type of tumor is potentially harmless to the patient and does not lead to risks. The second type of tumor is dangerous and requires immediate treatment in order to save the patient's life.

Gastroscopy is performed by a highly qualified doctor and his assistant at the medical center. In order to prevent the patient from feeling pain during the study, anesthetics can be used, and special antiemetic drugs can be used to suppress the gag reflex. Gastroscopy is of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This examination is carried out if there are symptoms that indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroscopy is widely used in world medicine, along with the diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases by other methods.

For many people, the stomach delivers a lot of problems, since it is the gastrointestinal tract diseases that are considered the leading among all chronic diseases.

Every second adult in the world has stomach problems, and in order to identify them, you need to conduct a study, one of which is the FGS of the stomach. FGS is an abbreviation, the full name of such an abbreviation is fibrogastroendoscopy. This procedure is not very pleasant, since a small hose with a camera is inserted through the patient's mouth to examine the mucous membrane. In addition, tissue sampling can be done for biopsy. How FGS of the stomach is done, how to properly prepare for FGS of the stomach, what you can eat and what a similar examination of the stomach shows, will be described in the article.

The main difference between FGS and FGDS

What is shown by FGS? This procedure allows you to examine the condition of the stomach, its walls and mucous membranes. If you prepare about fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), then the doctor will be able to diagnose not only the stomach with this method, the duodenum is additionally examined. One study and the other are very similar to each other, not only in how to prepare for the procedure, but also in how the procedure is done.

Many people are interested in what FGS is and how it is diagnosed. If you read the reviews or listen to people who have previously undergone such a diagnosis, then you can be very scared, since not so long ago a device was used quite large in diameter. Due to this, the examination of the stomach was problematic, and the procedure itself was very unpleasant and sometimes traumatic. Therefore, today many are interested in whether it hurts to make such a diagnosis.

Today, after FGS, the stomach does not hurt, and the study itself is carried out without unnecessary discomfort. In addition, people can use alternative research methods that already exist in Penza, Nizhny Tagil, Moscow and other cities, where the method of diagnosing the stomach without swallowing a tube or a gastroscope is used. Additionally, people can use the method when the doctor puts his patient into a medication sleep, the person is not under anesthesia, but under sleeping pills.

How long does such an inspection take? Typically 40-45 minutes. After that, a person who was under anesthesia, or rather in a dream, does not feel any discomfort and side effects. At the same time, the doctor himself can normally analyze and examine a person, since he does not move and does not feel discomfort, patients simply sleep under anesthesia. This alternative allows diagnosing children, which is impossible, or rather difficult to do FGS without anesthesia. Knowing what can replace the diagnosis, it will be necessary to additionally know to whom FGS is performed, and to whom FGS of the stomach is contraindicated.

Indications and contraindications

FGS of the stomach is prescribed when there are suspicions of serious deviations in patients, for example, with ulcers, gastritis or other abnormalities. As for all indications and contraindications, they are presented in the table:

Indications: Contraindications:
The stomach hurts for 2 days. For some unknown reason. Heart attack.
Discomfort of the esophagus and stomach. Explicit curvature of the spine.
Constant heartburn. Stroke.
Constant vomiting. Heart diseases.
Failure of the swallowing function. Esophageal stenosis.
Rapid weight loss. Inflammatory processes of the oral cavity.
Anemia. Hypertension.
Pathologies of other internal organs. Angina pectoris.
The patient always undergoes gastric FGS before surgery. Mental disorders.
With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer). During pregnancy
After removal of polyps.
As a prophylaxis or examination of the course of the disease.

Important! In some cases, contraindications may not be perceived if an urgent diagnosis is required. In this case, the doctor will assess the possible risks, after which it will be necessary to take measures. It is worth noting how dangerous FGS can be during pregnancy. The child can be easily harmed, so during pregnancy, the doctor should use other diagnostic methods, for example, ultrasound.

Preparation for FGS

Before you check your stomach, you need to prepare for FGS. The essence of the preparation lies in the diet, which must be adhered to in order to cleanse the intestines, the walls of the stomach. The doctor himself always says how much not to eat, whether you can smoke, whether you can drink water and what you need to eat in general. But there are basic, general recommendations for preparation, which we will adhere to:

If a person takes medications, then at the time of the FGS it will be necessary to refuse them, or is there an alternative, then use substitute drugs, but only with the permission of the doctor. Also, smoking should be excluded 4 hours before the start, and it is better to give up cigarettes altogether during the diet. A person who smokes a cigarette will want to eat more, and gastrointestinal diseases can develop more often and more strongly.

There is no need to be afraid to look at the results of the FGS. Deciphering the results is carried out quite quickly after research and all diseases today can be cured without using surgical intervention. Each doctor knows how this or that FGS indicator is deciphered, what is normal, and where is which organ with pathologies. After the results are made, the doctor prescribes a diagnosis and treatment. By adhering to simple rules, preparation will be simple, and the duration of the examination will be shortened, since the stomach, like the walls, will be clean. Diagnosis of FGS in a child requires similar training.

Conduct and price of FGS

In the morning you need to come to the clinic and go through the FGS of the stomach. The procedure looks like this:

The photo on the side shows the FGS. Veliky Novgorod, Moscow, as well as the Penza Clinic offer a more modern device that uses a fiber optic endoscope. After examinations, the device can show the doctor a video of the gastric FGS, due to which it will be possible to better assess the condition and prepare the necessary treatment. After the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, but if necessary, he prepares for surgery.

The price for such an examination is not high, from 1100 rubles in Moscow. Many are interested in the questions, how often can FGS be done and how often should it be done? When asked how many times a year an examination should be carried out, only a doctor can say. For prevention, it is allowed from 2 to 4 times a year, but it is possible even for several days if the patient has serious pathologies and you need to monitor their changes.

A preoperative examination involves the following tests:

  • Clinical blood test. To obtain reliable results, it is recommended to refuse to eat for 6-8 hours before the procedure. The study is carried out 2-3 days before surgical treatment so that the doctor can assess the presence and stage of inflammatory processes. In chronic inflammation, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases (more than 30 mmol per liter). During infectious diseases or in the presence of purulent wounds, the number of leukocytes is increased. With a reduced level of hemoglobin, various complications should be expected in the postoperative period. Therefore, the patient needs a special diet, taking iron supplements. It is important to determine the number of platelets that are involved in blood clotting processes, wound healing;
  • Biochemical blood test. Allows you to determine the functionality of internal organs and systems, to detect serious diseases. The analysis helps to determine the level of total protein in the bloodstream, ALT and AST, creatinine, sugar, bilirubin and other vital compounds;
  • Clinical examination of urine. Allows you to assess the state of the urinary system. For analysis, you will need an average portion of morning urine. If proteins or a large number of red blood cells are found in the urine, it is recommended to postpone the operation. In case of urgent need, the operation is carried out against the background of the use of drugs to improve the functionality of the kidneys. If salt and sand are found in urine, then additional preventive measures will need to be taken to prevent the movement of calculi;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor. This information allows you to prepare donated blood in advance in order to provide emergency assistance with the development of bleeding. The research is carried out once in a lifetime;
  • Analysis for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HIV infection. A blood test for the listed infections allows you to determine how dangerous the patient is for other patients and medical personnel;
  • Coagulogram. The test is a blood clotting test to determine the risk of bleeding during or after surgery. If a low level of prothrombin index (PTI) is found, the blood clot will take too long to form. In this case, the patient is prescribed drugs that can increase the level of coagulation. If PTI is high, the risk of blood clots is increased. In such cases, blood-thinning drugs are prescribed;
  • ECG. The study allows you to assess the functionality of the heart, to find out whether there are contraindications or restrictions to surgical procedures. ECG results help the surgeon to determine the tactics of the operation, and the anesthesiologist - the optimal dose and nature of anesthesia;
  • Fluorography or chest x-ray. Allows you to exclude the development of tuberculosis, inflammatory processes in the lungs.

Important! The validity of the tests varies considerably. Clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, ECG are valid for 10 days. Fluorography is performed once a year. The period of validity of tests for infections is not more than 3 months.

Additional tests before surgery

Before some surgical procedures, it is not enough to conduct a standard examination of the patient. If veins are to be operated on, then duplex scanning (Doppler ultrasound) is additionally prescribed. Before laparoscopy, it will be necessary to conduct fibrogastroscopy to exclude pathologies of the digestive organs, blood tests for hormones to exclude diseases of the endocrine system.

Important! If during the examination deviations were found, then the patient is referred for additional consultation to narrow specialists: endocrinologist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist.

Often, before surgery, a dental examination and oral cavity sanitation are prescribed. The absence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases after surgery. Dentist examination is a mandatory stage of preoperative preparation before installing metal implants.

Male patients over 50 years of age are advised to determine the PSA prostate-specific antigen. The study makes it possible to establish the presence of inflammatory processes that can lead to the development of severe complications in the postoperative period. Holter monitoring with ECG recording is indicated for patients with ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias. This is necessary to determine the presence of contraindications to surgery, dosage and type of anesthesia.

Specialized analyzes before gynecological operations

Examination before surgery on the uterus or appendages involves standard tests and additional studies. The latter include such manipulations:

  • Taking a smear on the flora from the vagina. The analysis allows you to determine some bacterial infections, inflammatory processes in which gynecological operations are not performed. The smear is valid for no more than 2 weeks;
  • Cytological analysis of the cervix and cervical canal. The study is carried out to determine the malignant changes in the tissues, before any surgical procedures. The test results are valid for 6 months;
  • Taking aspirate from the uterine cavity. The analysis is carried out to exclude oncopathology in the uterus. Validity period - 6 months;
  • Blood test for tumor markers CA 125, CA 19.9. The analysis is prescribed in the presence of cysts or tumors in the uterine appendages. Results are valid for 3 months;
  • Conducting magnetic resonance imaging with contrast in the presence of a tumor helps to determine the degree of damage to the uterus and appendages, the involvement of healthy adjacent tissues in the pathological process. The study is valid for 3 months.

Preoperative examination is an important stage in preparation for surgical treatment. It allows you to minimize the risk of complications, determine the tactics of therapy, and select the optimal type of anesthesia.

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Expiry date of gastroscopy before surgery

The examination before the operation always raises no less questions than the operation itself. Despite the same laws and requirements, we still have different requirements for analyzes in different clinics.

Quite often I am asked the following questions about the examination before the operation:

  • What examinations do you need to undergo before the operation? (download the list)
  • Why do different clinics have different checklists for preoperative examinations?
  • Why do the tests have different expiration dates?
  • Why don't I ask everyone to have gastroscopy and colonoscopy?

In order to answer them, you need to refer to the regulatory documents. To date, the activities of any medical institution in the Russian Federation should not contradict the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 12, 2012 No. 572n ("On the approval of the Procedure for the provision of medical care in the profile of" obstetrics and gynecology ").

This order contains a complete list of examinations, treatment and rehabilitation measures required in the treatment of one or another gynecological pathology.

The examination for the operation in this order is divided into 3 headings:

  • obligatory minimum of examinations of gynecological patients
  • preoperative preparation of patients with gynecological diseases
  • examination related to the presence of a specific pathology - in our case, these are benign ovarian tumors

I. Mandatory minimum examinations of gynecological patients.

These are the examinations that should be carried out for every woman who consults a gynecologist, regardless of the presence of gynecological diseases. In addition to collecting anamnesis and examination, such examinations include:

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  1. Colposcopy (examination of the cervix)
  2. Microscopic examination of the discharge of female genital organs for aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms (this is the Sami usual smear from the vagina)
  3. Swab cytology (PAP test)
  4. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the genitals (once a year, then - according to indications)
  5. Examination of the mammary glands: ultrasound of the mammary glands (once a year, then - according to indications). Mammography (the first mammography, the first one every 2 years, over 50 years old - once a year).

II. Preoperative preparation of patients with gynecological diseases

When the question of surgical treatment arises, an additional examination is necessary for the surgical intervention. Today this list includes:

  1. Clinical blood test.
  2. Biochemical blood test: a study of the level of total blood protein, creatinine, ALT, ACT, urea, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, blood glucose, cholesterol, sodium, blood potassium.
  3. Coagulogram.
  4. Clinical analysis of urine
  5. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
  6. Determination of antibodies to treponema pallidum (Treponema pallidum) in the blood, HIV, HBsAg, HCV.
  7. X-ray examination of the chest organs (fluorography) - once a year

III. And finally, the examinations that need to be carried out in connection with the presence of a cyst or other benign ovarian tumors.

  1. Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, urinary tract (with symptomatic tumors, i.e. if there are signs of a malfunction of these organs)
  2. With the rapid growth of the tumor and the inability to exclude the oncological process:
    • Ultrasound + CDC;
    • study of the level of CA19-9, Ca 125 in the blood
    • rheoencephalography (according to indications)
    • colonoscopy / irrigoscopy (according to indications)
    • esophagogastro-duodenoscopy (according to indications)
  3. Ultrasound of the retroperitoneal space (with intraligamentary location of the tumor).

As you can see, all additional examinations are marked "according to indications" or taking into account clinical manifestations. That is, they do not need to be done for absolutely all patients with ovarian cysts.

In my opinion, there is only one indication for gastroscopy and colonoscopy. This is a suspicion that the formation on the ovary is a metastasis of a malignant tumor from the stomach or intestines (the so-called Krukenberg metastasis). Fortunately, they are not so common. And before carrying out these unpleasant examinations, the doctor should think, is there really an indication for them?

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This is the minimum indicated by the order of the Ministry of Health. But some important studies were not included in the list. In some unclear situations, it is important to conduct examinations such as MRI and a study of the level of HE4 (tumor marker). They allow you to make a more accurate diagnosis even before the operation and, accordingly, to carry it out properly.

Expiry date of analyzes

Order 572n does not indicate the expiration date of most examinations. They are meant to be up-to-date.

Often, patients come with tests that she took 1-2 months ago (and sometimes more). In these cases, I proceed from the following principle: if I have no reason to believe that the analyzes have changed during this time, I do not repeat them.

But in most medical institutions, artificial terms are adopted, after which the tests are considered invalid and they are forced to retake. To avoid trouble, always check these terms exactly where you are going to carry out the operation.

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How often can a gastroscopy procedure be performed?

Gastroscopy is one of the most informative methods for examining the state of the gastrointestinal tract (its upper section), since this procedure allows you to visually assess the presence of damage to the gastric mucosa, the presence of polyps, erosions, ulcers, bleeding and other pathologies of the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Many patients are interested in the question of how safe this, in general, unpleasant procedure is, and how often gastroscopy can be done in the presence of various pathologies of the digestive tract.

The frequency of gastroscopy is determined by the attending physician.

However, this study is prescribed for many other diseases. For example, cardiovascular: before undergoing coronography, the endovascular cardiologist must make sure that there are no gastric erosions or ulcers. Otherwise, the operation will be postponed, since the patient, on the eve of the operation, must take strong anti-thrombotic drugs that thin the blood and promote bleeding.

Indications for the appointment of gastroscopy

General symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting do not always indicate the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, but if the patient complains, most likely, he will be prescribed a series of studies that should confirm or refute suspicions of gastritis, duodenitis or other gastric pathologies.

Among other indications for the appointment of gastroscopy, the following should be noted:

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  • suspicion of the presence of malignant neoplasms in the stomach / esophagus;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the state of the gastric epithelium in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • symptoms of gastric bleeding;
  • if a foreign object enters the stomach;
  • if the patient often experiences pain in the epigastric region;
  • difficulties experienced by the patient when eating;
  • to clarify the diagnosis for a number of diseases that are not related to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Care should be taken to prescribe EGDS to children under six years of age, with a history of severe mental disorders, if the patient is diagnosed with an exacerbation of chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer, when there is a respiratory tract infection. In any case, the appointment of this procedure can occur repeatedly, and the lack of knowledge in what cases and how often gastroscopy of the stomach can be done is very disturbing for many patients.

As for the contraindications to the appointment of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (the official medical name for gastroscopy), there are few of them:

  • some heart disease;
  • narrow in comparison with the standard entrance to the stomach;
  • obesity 2 - 3 degrees;
  • hypertension;
  • kyphosis / scoliosis;
  • a history of stroke / heart attack;
  • congenital / acquired blood diseases.

How is gastroscopy performed

An instrument that allows you to examine the state of the inner walls of the stomach (and, if necessary, the duodenum 12) is a kind of endoscope. The gastroscope consists of a hollow elastic tube in which a fiber-optic cable is located with an optical and illuminating device at the end. Through the oral opening and esophagus, the hose is inserted into the stomach cavity for a thorough examination. Through the cable, the image is transmitted to the eyepiece or monitor screen, and the doctor conducting the study has the opportunity to study the state of the epithelium in different parts of the stomach by turning and moving the tube in the desired direction.

Is gastroscopy harmful in terms of the condition of the esophagus and stomach walls in contact with a solid foreign object? Before the procedure, the gastroscope is thoroughly disinfected, so the likelihood of introducing an external infection is extremely low (no more than when eating fruits, bread or vegetables). The possibility of damaging the walls of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum is also close to zero, since the device has no sharp protrusions in its basic form.

But the procedure itself requires compliance with certain restrictions on the part of the patient. First of all, it should be performed on an empty stomach: the presence of food mass greatly complicates the examination of the mucous membrane, therefore it is very important not to eat 10 - 12 hours before gastroscopy. Approximately 100 - 120 minutes before the procedure, you should drink about 200 grams of liquid (weak tea or boiled water), which will clear the walls of the stomach from food debris and mucus. It is highly recommended to refrain from smoking the day before, as this provokes the secretion of gastric juice.

Immediately before the introduction of the probe, the pharynx and the upper part of the esophagus are anesthetized with a spray, and excessive excitement is stopped by a subcutaneous injection of a mild sedative - the patient's calmness during manipulation is very important, since fear can lead to involuntary sudden movements, which makes it difficult to study the walls of the stomach.

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Important: the shelf life of gastroscopy before the operation is one month, after which it will be necessary to do a second examination (significant changes can occur in the stomach cavity in a month, which can affect the result of the operation or turn out to be a direct contraindication to its conduct).

The gastroscopy itself is performed in the following sequence:

  • the patient undresses to the waist, in the presence of glasses, poorly adhered removable dentures, they must also be removed;
  • the manipulation is carried out only in the supine position with a straight back, usually on the right side;
  • a special mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth, which must be firmly held in order to prevent reflexive compression of the teeth;
  • after the instruction to take a few sips and completely relax the larynx, the introduction of the endoscope begins and its lowering until it reaches the entrance to the stomach (the most unpleasant moment is the transition from the oral cavity to the esophagus, during which a natural emetic urge occurs);
  • then the doctor begins to turn the gastroscope, which allows examining the condition of the gastric cavities from all sides (the viewing angle of the device, as a rule, does not exceed 150 degrees).

Duration of the procedure

An experienced physician, when conducting a gastroscopy for the purpose of diagnosis, takes 12-15 minutes to examine the entire inner surface of the stomach, however, in some cases, it may be necessary to perform a biopsy (taking a sample of epithelial tissue for laboratory studies) or other therapeutic manipulations (for example, the administration of medications). Such a comprehensive study can take up to 25 - 40 minutes.

For some time after the manipulation, the patient should be in a supine position, food intake during gastroscopy without biopsy is allowed after 60 minutes. If the procedure was carried out with a biopsy, the first intake of non-hot food is allowed after 180 - 240 minutes. If the manipulation is performed on a child under 6 years of age or a patient with a history of mental disorders, gastroscopy can be performed under general anesthesia.

Decoding the results

The uninitiated probably will not be able to interpret the resulting images, since the resulting image will more likely resemble some kind of fantastic landscape. But an experienced doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis, guided by the method of comparison with the mucous membrane without pathologies.

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It looks like this:

  • the color of the mucous membrane ranges from red to pale pink;
  • even with an empty stomach, there is always a little mucus on the surface of the walls;
  • the front wall looks smooth and shiny, and the back wall is covered with folds.

With gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer, deviations from the norm appear, which neither X-ray nor ultrasound will record. But gastroscopy will certainly reveal them: with gastritis, an increased amount of mucus, swelling and redness of the epithelium, local minor hemorrhages are possible. With an ulcer, the surface of the walls is covered with red spots, the edges of which have a whitish coating, indicating the presence of pus. In stomach cancer, the back wall of the stomach is smoothed out, and the color of the mucous membrane changes to light gray.

How often can gastroscopy be done?

In life, there are often situations when we do not attach importance to certain symptoms that indicate the presence of pathology, and when a diagnosis is made, we begin to intensively look for ways to get rid of, undergoing consultations and examinations with different specialists. In the case of gastritis, no doctor will undertake treatment without receiving accurate information about the state of the mucous membrane. And there are often cases when, after undergoing gastroscopy, a new specialist can send a patient for a second examination to make sure that no significant changes have occurred since then. Therefore, many patients are interested in how long it will take to repeat gastroscopy.

In principle, in the absence of contraindications, the number of such manipulations is not limited, but in practice they try not to prescribe a study more than once a month - this is the shelf life of the results of the previous study. In the chronic course of the disease, in order to prevent complications (peptic ulcer, oncology), this study is prescribed 2 - 3 times a year. In the process of treating gastritis, if the real effect of drug therapy does not coincide with the expected one, gastroscopy can be performed more often.


FGDS is a generally safe procedure, although rather unpleasant. Complications in this case are extremely rare: minor damage to the walls of the esophagus / stomach, infection, an allergic reaction to medications. Sometimes after the procedure, painful sensations in the throat appear, which disappear after 2 - 3 days. How many times a gastroscopy can be done within a certain period of time is decided by the attending physician. If necessary, the procedure is performed with the frequency necessary for the successful treatment of the pathology.

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Laparoscopy. Analyzes and examinations before surgery.

Question about laparoscopy

half a year is not a period, after lapara !?

Comments (1)

Katyusha! I read it .. It's scary .. But perhaps it is morally necessary to prepare. Who did you do there? Can I take all tests at a paid clinic and bring them? How much did the operation cost? And how did you agree? Money in the hands of the doctor? Or a contract? I just know that your result was .. Here we will hand over the SG in July. In September on vacation and after I will come and probably will. Already a lump in the throat got stuck ((

I think to come to the family clinic for a fee for two days to collect tests there .. And then at 31 GB. Although in the family, too, the girl wrote what she did, everything was done to her in the world. there are some kinds of operations, but the amount is this .. I haven't read about the CM Clinic yet.

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And in the hospital there is a kapets soviet union hospital? Or is it a normal attitude? Conditions?

I'll write you in a personal about the doctor and the details) It turned out much cheaper than 65 thousand) I do not advise doing it in commercial, but this is my point of view) And the conditions and attitude are excellent, I was in a double room with a TV set and a separate shower and toilet )

Hi! So it's been 8 months now and I'm going to the lapar. I started my communication here completely green. I did not know what the phases of the menstrual cycle and ovulation are)))))

Ahahha)) hi-hi, my good)) Nuuuuu. we all go through ignorance to one degree or another) The main thing is that we are moving towards the goal)) Everything will be fine, do not worry (TTT)

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T e you swallowed a light bulb and checked the large intestine?

Crap. Well this is how much time you have to ask for time off from work: first for tests, then for a sick leave.

Thanks! I will wait!

(11) Consultation with a mammologist

(12) Consultation of a therapist

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(13) Blood for oncomarkets CA-125, CA - 19.9

(16) Doppler ultrasonography of the arteries of the lower extremities

And if there is a cyst, then the c-125 tumor marker should be increased?

That means we got by with an abbreviated version. For you, in principle, this is even not bad. There is less unnecessary running around.) These are analyzes for the GKB 31 of Moscow.

A smear for tumor markers? o_O And what should he show?))) It seems to me that you need to clarify - I definitely donated blood. And it's a good idea to go to a mammologist on your own initiative so that you know for sure that everything is fine. As a rule, when all sorts of problems with the female apparatus begin, then all this creeps upward.

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Why is the paw repeated? And the first one was for what reason, if not a secret, of course?

Oh, lapar, of course, the operation is not the most difficult, but all the same - it’s sad to go to the operating table as to work. Can't pipes be checked during pipe lapar? In my conclusion it is written that they checked.

About tumor markers - donate blood better. And the analyzes will not be overdue if you have not signed up for a lapar yet? They have an expiration date, as the doctor explained to me.

Calm, only calm, as Carlson said))

Blood for oncomarkets CA-125, CA - 19.9

And what kind of emergency happened to you, if not a secret?

It's true. I normally walked away from anesthesia and soon forgot it))

Tests Required for Patient Hospitalization

Free legal advice:

All tests must be on separate official forms with clearly visible hospital seals.

1. Results of blood tests for syphilis by ELISA, HRsAg and antn - HCV by ELISA (shelf life - 30 days);

2. Chest X-ray (picture and description, shelf life - 12 months).

Analyzes required for admission to surgical departments:

If necessary, as prescribed by the attending physician, in addition:

1. Gastroscopy (shelf life - 1 month);

Free legal advice:

3. Hormonal blood test: free T3, free T4 (shelf life - 10 days).

A. When receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient must provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and the conclusion of an infectious disease doctor.

B. For women of the reproductive period (with a menstrual cycle of 28 days), hospitalization in the surgical department is carried out from 5 to 20 days of the menstrual cycle.

B. You also need to have 2 elastic bandages (length 3.5 - 5 meters).

When planning a surgical operation, the patient can receive the following document from the attending physician:

To the clinic at the place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming surgical operation, I ask you to examine the patient

and attach the results of the following studies (analyzes):

4. Complete blood count (shelf life - 10 days);

6. Coagulogram (shelf life - 10 days);

7. Biochemical blood test: total protein, total bilirubin, amylase, creatinine, urea, potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, ALT, AST, iron, glucose (shelf life - 10 days);

8. ECG (shelf life - 1 month);

9. Consultation with a cardiologist.

If necessary, as prescribed by the attending physician, in addition:

10. Gastroscopy (shelf life - 1 month);

12. Hormonal blood test: free T3, free T4 (shelf life - 10 days).

13. Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient must provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and the conclusion of an infectious disease doctor.

Analyzes required for eye surgery:

1. Results of blood tests for HIV, syphilis by ELISA, HRsAg and antn - HCV by ELISA (shelf life - 30 days);

2. Chest X-ray (picture and description, shelf life - 12 months);

3. Blood group, Rh factor;

4. Complete blood count - blood formula (shelf life - 10 days);

5. General urine analysis (shelf life - 10 days);

6. Biochemical blood test: K +, Na +, CI, ALT, ACT, bilirubin, urea, amylase, creatinine, glucose (shelf life - 10 days);

7. Prothrombin index, blood clotting (shelf life - 10 days);

8. ECG with interpretation (shelf life - 1 month);

9. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (description);

10. Conclusion of the dentist on the rehabilitation of the oral cavity;

11. Conclusion of the otolaryngologist on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

12. Conclusion of the therapist on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

13. Conclusion of other specialists on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery (if necessary; agreed with the attending physician).

When planning an eye surgery, the patient can receive the following document from the attending physician to the clinic at the place of residence (work):


Moscow, st. Dm. Ulyanova, 11 Contact Center: (4

To the clinic at the place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming eye surgery, I ask you to examine the patient

1. Complete blood count (formula), blood sugar;

2. Biochemical blood test (K +, Na +, CI, ALT, ACT, bilirubin, urea, amylase, creatinine);

3. General urine analysis;

4. The result of the Wasserman reaction, HIV, HBS antibodies, ACV antibodies, blood type;

5. Prothrombin index, blood clotting;

6. Conclusion of the dentist on the rehabilitation of the oral cavity;

7. Conclusion of the otolaryngologist on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

8. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses (description);

9. Fluoroscopy (fluorography) of the chest organs (description);

10 Electrocardiogram with interpretation;

11 Conclusion of the therapist on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery;

12 Conclusion of other specialists on the absence of contraindications to eye surgery (if necessary) _______________________________

Tests required during hospitalization patients

for IVF treatment:

for both partners;

for both partners;

Blood test for TORCH infection (woman) - unlimited.

Photocopies of the passports of both spouses.

Conclusion of experts if there are chronic diseases.

Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient must provide data from a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and the conclusion of an infectious disease doctor.

When planning IVF treatment, the patient can receive the following document from the attending physician to the clinic at the place of residence (work):


Moscow, st. Dm. Ulyanova, 11 Contact Center: (4

To the clinic at the place of residence (work)

In connection with the upcoming IVF treatment, I ask you to examine the patient

and attach the results of the following studies (analyzes):

1. Results of blood tests for AIDS, syphilis by ELISA, HRsAg and antn - HCV by ELISA (shelf life - 30 days) for both partners;

2. Fluoroscopy (X-ray) of the chest organs (picture and description, shelf life - 12 months);

3. Blood test for group and Rh factor (unlimited) for both partners;

4. Clinical blood test (valid for 14 days);

5. Blood biochemistry + electrolytes (valid for 14 days);

6. Coagulogram (valid for 14 days);

7. General urine analysis (valid for 14 days);

8. Swabs for flora and art. cleanliness (valid for 21 days);

9. Smears for cytology (valid for 1 year);

10. STI smears (PCR) (valid for 6 months);

11. ECG (valid for 3 months);

12. Conclusion of the therapist (valid for 1 year).

13. Blood test for TORCH infection (woman) - indefinitely.

14. Conclusion of experts, if there are chronic diseases.

15. Upon receiving positive results for hepatitis, the patient is obliged to provide the data of a biochemical blood test for ALT and AST and the conclusion of an infectious disease doctor.

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