Socially communicative classes 1 junior. Synopsis of the communication lesson in the first junior group. Development of free communication with adults and children

Municipal KDOU

Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 2 "Solnyshko" with priority implementation

physical direction of development of pupils

Summary of a lesson on communication in 1 junior group

"You write a story for us and repeat the words"


Bushueva O.V.

Talitsa, 2012

Software content:

    Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the content of the fairy tale, to remember the characters;

    Teach to retell the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using the modeling method;

    Continue to foster responsiveness in children, teach empathize and understand the heroes of the fairy tale;

    Continue teaching children to guess riddles;

    Develop mental operations, imagination, attention, memory, creativity.

Preliminary work:

    Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok" and examining illustrations;

    Staging of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" with the help of finger theater and table theater;

    Games and exercises: "Teremok", "What color?"


Hare; fairy tale "Teremok" - flannelegraph; puppet theater "Teremok"; carrots in a basket, masks of the heroes of the fairy tale teremok; snow; screen.

Course of the lesson:Entrance. (One after another, stopped in a row, turned to the guests.)

Guys, today we have guests, I see that I recognized them. Let's give our smiles and greetings. ( Hello!)

The guests came to see how you speak loudly and correctly, how carefully you watch and listen, how you learned how to behave in class. Are you guys attentive? (Yes). Let's sit correctly: legs together, arms on knees. Are you ready? (Yes)

Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and try to guess it, and then you will find out who will come to visit us:


Long-eared very dexterous

She gnaws carrots in the morning.

He's from the wolf and the fox

Quickly hides in the bushes.

Who is he, this gray,

What is rolling?

In summer it is gray, in winter it is white,

Tell me, is he familiar to you? (Hare) Right.

Guys, look, what is this? (snow).

Here is the snow.
-What's inside?
-Would you like to watch? (Yes)
Look, look! -

There is a little white hare sitting here,

And wiggles his ears!

Bunny, bunny, come out
Look at the guys.

Educator: Not a simple bunny came to visit us, but a fabulous one. Tell me, please, in which fairy tales there is still a bunny? ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Zayushkina hut", etc.)

Bunny: Hello guys. (Crying)

Educator: Zainka, why are you crying? What happened?

Bunny: Santa Claus hid the animals from the "Teremok" fairy tale.

Educator: Zainka, how can we help you? How can you find the heroes of the fairy tale?

Bunny: It is necessary to lay out, in order, the heroes of the tale, who came to the teremok for whom, and tell the tale.

Educator: Guys, can we help Bunny get his friends back? (Yes)

Educator: Guys, look carefully, there is a teremok in the field, it is not low, not high. Who is running? (Mouse is a mouse). How does the mouse speak? (pee-pee).

Educator: Who came after the little mouse? (frog frog). What color do you think the frog is? (green). How does a frog speak? (kva - kva-kva).

Place the frog next to the mouse.

Educator: Who came after the frog frog? (bunny - jump). What does the bunny like to eat the most? (carrots, cabbage).

We put the bunny next to the frog.

Educator: Guys, let's play with you game: "Bunnies and the wolf".

Bunnies jump gallop, gallop, gallop
To the green, to the meadow,
They pinch the weed, listen,
Isn't there a wolf.

Educator: Who came after the bunny - jumpers? (fox-sister). And what kind of fox do we have? (sly, red fox).

We put the chanterelle next to the bunny.

Educator: Who came after the chanterelle - sisters? (top is a gray barrel). We attach the wolf to the chanterelle.

Educator: Who was the last to come to the teremok? Bear. What does a bear like? (honey, berries).

Educator : Look guys, we have laid out all the heroes of the fairy tale in order, who came for whom. And now, let's play a game with you: "At the bear's forest." Lena will be a bear with us.

An outdoor game "At the Bear's Forest".

Educator: Bunny, bunny come out

And look at our fairy tale.

Children, with the help of a teacher, show the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Educator: Well done, guys. All together together showed a fairy tale.

A musical instrument sounds.

Educator: Oh, what is it? What sounds?

Educator : Guys, look at these are our heroes. We helped Bunny, saved his friends!

Bunny: Thank you guys! For an interesting tale, I want to treat you to a carrot. And it's time for us to go to our fairy forest. But we will definitely come to visit you! Goodbye!

MBDOU No. 239

Educator: Grinkovskaya T.M.

Type: game
Topic: "Moidodyr"
Purpose: to form elementary ideas about cultural and hygienic skills.
Software content:
- develop in children the skill of using individual personal hygiene items;
- develop thinking, the ability to analyze, compare;
- to cultivate a culture of behavior, a good attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work: reading the book by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr".

Equipment: toys a bunny and a hedgehog, a wonderful bag, soap, a towel.

Course of the lesson:

1. Educator:
- Oh, guys, you know, today I was going to the kindergarten and on the way right next to our bush I met a bunny. He sat there all grimy and wept. I asked him what had happened, why you were so upset, and how you got all dirty. And here, guys, what the bunny told me.
It turns out that our bunny was invited to his birthday by a hedgehog. Bunny thought for a long time what to give the hedgehog and finally came up with: "What if I give my friend a picture that I draw myself?" He took a large sheet of paper, paint with a brush and began to paint. The bunny was trying so hard to draw something interesting that he did not notice how he was all soiled in the paint. He began to wash off the paint with dew, but nothing came of it. So upset a bunny walked through the forest and cried, and at this time a squirrel ran past and asked him: "Bunny, what happened to you?" He told the squirrel everything.
Oh, you know what the squirrel said: “Today I was walking in the forest and found some kind of bag, maybe it will come in handy for you? Only that it lies in it, I don’t know. ” “Thank you,” the bunny said to the squirrel, and then he came to us to ask for help. Well, guys, can we help the bunny?
Children: Yes

2. Game "Magic bag".

- So do not worry, the bunny, the guys will definitely help you. Come on, give your bag here, maybe the guys know what's in it.
Little by little I take out a wonderful bag and take out the soap from it.
- Come on, children, look, what is it?
Children: Soap.
- And what do we need soap for?
Children: To wash, soap the pens.
- Well done guys. Oh, is there something else in the bag? (takes out a towel)
- What is it?
Children: Towel.
- And what do we need a towel for?
Children: To dry off.
- Well done. Guys, now let's show our bunny how to wash and dry themselves with a towel, and also help our bunny to wash the paint.
We go to the washroom.

- Look, bunny, now we will show you how to wash your face properly, and you remember everything and wash with the guys.
Use of artistic word:
We know, we know yes - yes - yes,
Where is the water hiding here.
Come out, voditsa, we came to wash.
Okay, okay with soap, my sweethearts.
- Well done, guys, I see you all washed your hands well with soap and wiped them dry with a towel. Oh, look, but our bunny is completely unrecognizable.
While the children are washing, wash the bunny with them or replace it with the same clean other hare.
Bunny also washed with you, and look how clean and tidy he has become, it's nice to look.
I invite the children to return to the playroom.

3. Physical education.

- Guys, let's play with our bunny.

Bunny gray washes,
Apparently going to visit:
I washed my mouth, washed my nose,
I washed my eyes, washed my forehead,
I washed my hands, washed my legs,
I washed my ear, wiped it dry.
(the action is performed on the text)

3. The plot game "On a visit to the hedgehog"

- Something bunny wants to tell me?
- And the bunny says thank you and invites you to go to the hedgehog with him. Well let's go?
Children: Yes

Outcome: This lesson contributes to the development of cultural and hygienic skills of children of the first junior group (2-3 years old).



This work program was developed in accordance with the program MBDOU "Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 65" in Vorkuta, developed on the basis of an approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova and M.A.

The leading goals are to create favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of preschool children; formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual; all-round development of mental and physiological qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics; preparing a child for life in modern society. To achieve the objectives of the Program, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child;

Creation in groups of an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which will allow them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to improve the efficiency of the educational process;

Creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

The variability of the use of educational material, allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

Ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

Coordination of approaches to the upbringing of children in preschool and family settings. Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten groups and preschool institutions as a whole.



Educational area "Communication"


Topic of the week

Subject-developing environment

Interaction with parents


Hello kindergarten

1. Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Kindergarten". Tasks: to acquaint children with the work, offer to look into different corners of the group, consider new toys. (10, p. 149)

2. “On! Give". Objectives: to develop imitation of movements (use of gestures on, give ) and speech of an adult (repetition of words on, give , phrases with these words, for example: “On the ball. Give me a cube. On a spoon. ") (6, p. 44)

1. D / I "Guess who called." Tasks: to teach children to recognize peers by voice, to answer questions from the teacher; develop attention, auditory perception. (10, c.168)

2. Round dance game "Who is good with us." Objective: to help children overcome shyness. (5, p. 190)

3.. D / And "Orders". Tasks: to develop orientation in space, the need to communicate with adults, friendliness to them; to acquaint with the location of objects in the group room, their purpose; to teach to show interest in toys, to carry out assignments at the request of an adult.

Group room furnishings






To study the peculiarities of communication between adults and children in the family.

Sun and rain

1. Reading the nursery rhyme "Rain, rain, more." Objectives: to arouse interest in folklore; teach to understand the content of a poetic work; develop the emotional sphere. (5, p. 84)

2. Speech game "Sun and Rain". Tasks: to develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention (5, p. 106)

1. The game "Rain". Tasks: to teach to correlate their actions with the words of the call (children wave their hands up, expecting a heavy rain, show their palms on one side and on the other, scoop up an imaginary thick with a spoon. (11, p. 61)

2. Game-fun "Rain". Tasks: to organize elementary hardening procedures by spraying water from a spray bottle; invite children to run away (dodge) from water spray - "rain"; provide emotional relaxation, prevention of nervous tension.

Small mirror


Sounding objects (bell, hammer, ratchet, trumpet, tambourine)



Physical education

Advice: when bathing children at home, use a shower, a watering can to simulate rain.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Autumn has come to visit us

1. "Antoshka". Tasks: develop the active speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements. (6, p. 59)

2. Game-task "Song-song". Tasks: to consolidate the correct onomatopoeia; to develop phonemic hearing, speech activity, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

1. Ecological game "Find and name the vegetables in the picture." Objective: to teach to recognize and name vegetables. (5, p. 35)

2. Ecological game "Acquaintance with fruits". Objectives: to teach to distinguish between an apple and other fruits; develop various sensations - visual, tactile, gustatory and olfactory; develop speech.

Pictures depicting vegetables

Fruit, bandage



I'm in kindergarten

1. Reading of the poem by E. Blaginina "Dinner". Tasks: to teach children to understand the speech addressed to them, to respond to the appeal, using available speech means; to develop and activate the vocabulary, to include familiar actions in it. (3, p.54)

2. "Come play with us." Objectives: to develop the ability to use a loud voice. (3, p. 22)

1. Educational situations on the topic "Playing together." Tasks: to play with children in various situations of communication, to teach to establish contacts with peers; to acquaint with the speech structures of a polite address with a request, a proposal, an apology. (10, p. 158)

2. D / I "The doll Olya is having lunch." Tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​using utensils; to form a generalized concept of "dishes", primary ideas about the origin of things; develop gaming experience, the need for communication with adults, friendliness to them; involve familiar words in the naming, make a sentence with them on the topic.

Doll Masha

Toy dog, kitty, chicken, plate, saucer, crock, table, chair, tablecloth

Toy bear, bunny, fox


Chairs by number of dolls


Spoon, Cup

Pot Kettle




Show parents the value of home reading, which serves as a way to develop a child's passive and active vocabulary, verbal creativity.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents



1. "Vodichka, vodichka" nursery rhyme. Tasks: to make children enjoy listening to the nursery rhyme, the desire to participate in the story. (5, p. 112)

2. Speech game "Vodichka". Tasks: to develop speech breathing (pronunciation of a sound on one exhalation, drawn-out), to form the correct pronunciation of a sound [s]. (5, p. 85)

1. Designing "Fish". Tasks: to teach how to put a fish out of geometric shapes, to form the concepts of "whole", "part", to develop memory, attention, speech. (5, p.133)

2. "Bulki". Tasks: to form a strong oral exhalation; teach the ability to blow through a tube; develop the muscles of the lips.

Gienesh Blocks




Tip: Get wind-up bath toys

Who lives in the forest

1. Reading of B. Zakhoder's poem "Hedgehog". Tasks: to teach to listen to poems, to foster a love of fiction. (5, p. 131)

2. Examination of the pictures "Who lives in the forest." Tasks: to support the initiative to enter into verbal communication; develop and activate the dictionary (red fox, fox, chanterelle; fluffy bunny, runaway bunny, cowardly hare; clubfoot bear, teddy bear); teach to reconcile a noun with an adjective; develop auditory attention, coordination and a sense of rhythm.

1. Game situation "Hares are visiting squirrels". Objectives: to teach children to identify animals on the trail.

2. D / I "Who hid in the picture." Tasks: to teach children to carefully examine the drawing, to recognize famous forest animals from an incomplete image, to name the animals; develop visual perception, activate the name of body parts of animals in speech, teach how to coordinate words in sentences. (10, p. 264)

3.. Staging game based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Tasks: to activate independent speech statements when looking at toys. (3, p. 42)

A set of pictures with the image of a hare, fox, bear, vlok


A set of toys for staging a fairy tale




Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Autumn in the city

1. Reading the poem by A. Pleschev "Autumn has come". Tasks: to acquaint with a new poem, to teach to understand its content, to acquaint with the phenomenon of autumn. (reader for preschoolers p. 50)

2. Speech game "Kap-Kap-Kap". Tasks: develop the vocal apparatus, develop the ability to pronounce onomatopoeia loudly and quietly. (5, p. 245)

1. D / I "Our clothes". Tasks: to expand children's ideas about the items of demi-season clothing, to teach the name of individual items of clothing, their parts, color; enrich the vocabulary of children, activate the corresponding concepts in speech; talk about the need to dress for the weather.

2. Game with plot pictures "Wander through the puddles". Tasks: teach to carefully consider the picture and name the objects depicted on it, expand vocabulary. (5, p. 114)

Pictures depicting demi-season clothes

A picture with a picture of rain






Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Visiting the traffic light

1. Reading and memorizing the nursery rhyme "Let's go". Tasks: to teach to recognize cars among other objects, to show them at the request of the teacher, to make movements with the car to the text of the nursery rhyme.

2. "Cars". Tasks: to develop imitation of movements and speech of an adult (repetition of sounds [w] and onomatopoeia of the BBC).

(6, p. 40)

1. Game situation "We are going on the bus". Tasks: to teach children to play the role of passengers, to apply personal experience in the game, to interact with the conductor (teacher); contribute to the development of the plot, teach children to use speech constructions for polite requests.

2. P / A "We are machines". Tasks: Teach children to imitate the movement and hum of the engine, start moving at the signal of the teacher, “drive along the road”, “without leaving” on the track.

3. Entertainment "Traffic lights visiting children". Objective: to expand the understanding of traffic lights, to learn to distinguish between colors.

Toy cars






Conversations with parents "Children should know travel rules"

Friendly guys are our kids

1. Nursery "Chiki-chiki-chikalochki". Tasks: to introduce a new nursery rhyme; evoke a joyful mood. (5, p. 135)

2. "Sasha". Tasks: develop the active speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements. (6, p. 55)

1. Educational situations on the topic "Playing together." Tasks: to play with children in various situations of communication, to teach to establish contacts with peers; to acquaint with the speech structures of a polite address with a request, a proposal, an apology.

2. The story of the researcher "Turnip". Puppet theater based on a fairy tale. Tasks: to teach to understand the meaning of the work, to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations, to recognize and name the characters; invite the children, together with the teacher, to play around the actions of the characters with the help of puppets during the reading.

Toy horse (stick with horse head)

Puppet show



Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


My family

1. Nursery "Goat-Trouble". Objectives: to highlight the image of a goat, a kind and wise mother who protects her children. (5, p. 189)

2. "White-sided magpie". Tasks: develop the active speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements. (6, p.54)

1. D / And "Whose baby". Objectives: to teach children to recognize and name baby pets; intensify in speech and clarify related concepts. (10, p. 153)

2. Conversation with children on the topic "My friendly family". Tasks: to form gender and family affiliation in children, teach them to name their family members; to learn to understand elementary questions, to answer them.

Dolls, tea utensils

Family illustrations

Dolls in clothes



Recommend parents to use every opportunity to communicate with the child, the reason for which may be any events and associated emotional states, achievements and difficulties of the child in the development of interaction with the world, etc.

My house

2. Table theater "Teremok". Tasks: to teach to independently examine the figures from the table theater, to speak at will; to emotionally respond to what is perceived, to be included in the telling of a fairy tale; clearly pronounce the sounds [z], [u], onomatopoeic words (pi-pi, skok-skok, kva-kva)

(3, p. 34)

1. "Fence near the dog's house." Objectives: to teach kids to build a one-color fence according to the teacher's model, alternating building parts in shape. (5, p. 112)

2. Playing with fingers "Stands in the field of a teremok". Objectives: to develop hand motor skills.


Table theater "Teremok"

Colorful pouch



Show parents the value of dialogical communication with a child, which opens up the opportunity for cognition of the world around, exchange of information and emotions.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Sorceress Winter

1. Examination of a picture from the series "Our Tanya" (winter). Tasks: to teach children to perceive the image in the picture, to answer the teacher's questions about its content. (5, p. 147)

2. The game "Snow". Tasks: to develop in kids the ability to understand the instructions of an adult, to use prepositions in speech.

3. Reading of Kondratyev's poem "Winter". Tasks: to teach to listen to works of small size, to understand the content, to teach to see the beauty of winter nature.

4. Speech exercise "Snowflakes". Objective: to develop speech breathing.

1. "Winter round dance". Tasks: bringing the kids closer to each other, helping children to imagine the beauty of winter nature, teaching to pronounce the text, accompanying it with movements. (educational games for preschool children, page 38)

2. Game exercise "Snowflakes" (reading the poem by A. Barto "Snow"). Tasks: to acquaint children with the poem, to teach them to perform the actions that are described in it; develop coordination of movements, the vestibular apparatus.

3. Practical exercise “Dressing up ourselves”. Tasks: to teach to seek help from adults, to activate the names of objects and details of clothing, polite words in speech; develop self-service skills in children, teach them how to put on various items of clothing.




Physical education

Advice: visit the slides, walk along the paths of the winter park. Develop parenting skills using family assemblies, communication training and other forms of interaction.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Father Frost's workshop

1. The story of the researcher "Zayushkin's hut". Tasks: to teach children to follow the development of the plot, to name the heroes of the fairy tale, to pronounce repeated remarks after the character during repeated reading; promote the development of expressiveness of speech, maintain interest in oral folk art. (10, p. 132)

2. Examination of toys (car, horse, mouse). Tasks: to teach to consider objects, to highlight their details, to distinguish objects in size - large and small, to communicate with the teacher and each other, to express their thoughts about the observed object and from personal memories, to pronounce the sound [and] in isolation in onomatopoeic words.

1. Game situation "New Year's gifts". Tasks: to teach to perform game actions, to use polite words in role-playing dialogues; to maintain interest in gaming activities, the desire to convey acquired knowledge and impressions in the game. (10, p. 129)

2. Creative workshop: decorating the group. Objectives: to teach children to hang toys on the Christmas tree in a group, to help adults decorate the room with snowflakes and other New Year's attributes; develop fine motor skills of the hands; to improve the accuracy of finger movements; to form primary aesthetic ideas.

Toys (car, horse, mouse)



Attributes to decorate the group




Tip: decorate the Christmas tree at home with the children

Visit Santa Claus

1. Reading the poem by Z. Alexandrova "Santa Claus". Objectives: to draw the attention of children to how the group room is decorated, to prepare children for the perception of festive events; to generate interest in the traditions of New Year's celebration. (10, p. 128)

2. Game "Santa Claus brought gifts" (modification of the game "Magic Bag"). Tasks: to develop coherent speech, imagination, tactile perception; teach children to name objects correctly, indicate familiar signs of objects.

1. Game situation "Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden came to visit us." Tasks: to teach children to provide all possible assistance to adults, to carry out elementary assignments; pay attention to the mutual arrangement of serving items, activate the name of dishes in speech, learn to name the actions performed.




Tip: attend children's New Year's performances


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Farewell to the Christmas tree

1. Reading and memorizing the poem "Christmas tree". Tasks: to teach children to understand the meaning of the work, expressively repeat the lines of the poem; to enrich ideas about the past holiday, to develop the emotional sphere of children. (10, p. 127)

2. Examination of a Christmas tree decorated with toys. Tasks: to engage in dialogue with adults, to develop and activate the vocabulary; name the items included in the circle of actions (Christmas decorations, balls, crackers, bows, prickly needles); to form an idea of ​​the holiday, to evoke positive emotions. (3, p. 23)

1. D / And "Find an object": plot "Gifts". Tasks: to teach by description to find an object (boxes of various shapes and colors), to name what lies inside; to form the ability to compare, contrast, ask the simplest questions.

Christmas tree, little Christmas tree, Christmas toys


Winter games and fun

1. Reading and telling the nursery rhyme "Three sleds flew like in the snow, in a blizzard." Tasks: to continue acquaintance of kids with small folklore genres, reflecting elements of folk life; to reveal the content of the work, resorting to the principle of clarity, using methodological techniques of "playing around" the actions. (5, p. 149)

2. The game "How we fed the birds." Objective: to teach the distinct pronunciation of the sounds [x], [k]. (5, p. 15)

1. Game situation "Dolls are rolling downhill". Tasks: to teach to perform game actions, to play next to peers; contribute to the accumulation of gaming and communication experience, activate speech.

To draw the attention of parents to the possibility of developing the child's communicative sphere in the family and kindergarten.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Fairy tale after fairy tale

1. Reading and dramatization based on V. Bianchi's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse". Tasks: invite children to listen to a fairy tale, consider illustrations, teach expressively pronounce the lines of characters, convey their actions; contribute to the formation of the sound culture of speech, the development of its expressiveness. (10, c.180)

2. Speech game "Mouse". Task: to form the correct pronunciation of the sounds [p], [p].

(5, c.136)

1. Game "Tsarevich". Tasks: to teach to establish contacts with comrades, to finish words, to use an affectionate appeal to each other. (moral education in d / s, p. 18)

2. Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale "The Hare and the Fox". Tasks: to teach children to convey the elementary actions of characters, to use props, costume details; to form the ability to imitate the movements of animals, to convey the mood of the characters of the fairy tale.

3. Reading the nursery rhyme "Tili-bom!" Tasks: teach children to listen carefully to the text, understand the meaning, highlight the main idea of ​​the work, find characters and fragments of the nursery rhyme in illustrations; warn children against playing with fire.

Attributes to the tale

Mouse toy



Recommend to parents works that define the range of family reading in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the child. Show methods and techniques for introducing a child to fiction.

Dad, mom, I am a close-knit family

1. Game-lesson according to r.s. "Three Bears". Tasks: to teach children to follow the development of the plot based on illustrations, to distinguish between characters; to teach expressively to pronounce the lines of characters, convey emotions, give characteristics of characters (daddy is a bear?) (10, p. 152, p. 154)

2. "Cockerel, Hen and Chickens." Objectives: to continue to acquaint with folklore works that tell about a cockerel, a hen, and chickens.

1. Conversation with children on the topic "My friendly family." Tasks: to form gender and family affiliation in children, teach them to name their family members; to learn to understand elementary questions, to answer them.

2. Game situation "Family on a walk". Tasks: to teach children to take on a role, to perform play actions; to acquaint children with options for role-based behavior; activate the speech of children, teach to play with peers.

Folding screen



Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


My dad is the most

1. Reading T. Bokova's poem "I have a dad!" Tasks: to acquaint children with a new poem, to help understand the content, to expand the understanding of the relationship between dad and children, to foster interest in fiction.

2. Execute the command "soldier"! Objectives: to enrich the active vocabulary of children (verbs). (6, p. 32)

1. Game exercise "Dad can do anything." Tasks: to teach to name and, with the help of pantomime, to show various actions according to a model, to teach to answer questions about what responsibilities different family members perform; activate the relevant vocabulary.

Flexible body boy toy


Demonstrate the value and relevance of both business and emotional communication.

My favourite toy

1. Reading a poem from the cycle "Toys" A. Barto. Tasks: to introduce new verses, to help understand their content; to form the ability to distinguish from a number of poems the one that you especially liked. (bond 225)

2. "Toys". Objectives: to develop the active speech of children. (6, p. 51)

1. D / And "Find by description". Tasks: to teach children to find toys by description; to form the ability to compare, contrast; activate the names of toys, colors in the speech of children. (10, p. 164)

A toy



Desktop screen



bull, horse, elephant, ball (or pictures with their image)




Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Mother's day

1. Staging of the tale "Little kids and the wolf". Tasks: to maintain speech activity and initiation, the desire to enter into verbal communication; on the basis of a fairy tale to expand ideas about the relationship between mother and children; strengthen maternal authority, instill obedience; to show the confrontation between good and evil using the example of images of a goat and a wolf; to affirm the triumph of a good beginning. (3, p. 62)

2. Speech game "Loudly-quietly". Tasks: to develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: to speak loudly, then softly. (5, c.140)

1. D / And "Whose Mom". Tasks: to teach to name young pets, adult animals; enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech. (10, p. 33)

2. Game situation "Helping Mom". Tasks: using the method of indirect guidance, to facilitate the organization of the game, to teach children to reflect their impressions in the game, to apply the skill; teach children to play with their peers, use the course of the game, conduct role-based dialogues.

1. Facade of a village house (goat hut)

2. Interior decoration of the goat hut

3. Forest (goat pasture; toys: goat, kids, wolf characters of the puppet theater

Pictures of mothers and their cubs



To draw the attention of parents to the possibility of developing the child's communicative sphere in the family and kindergarten.

Visiting the sun

1. Reading the nursery rhyme "Cockerel". Objectives: to acquaint children with a folklore work that tells about a cockerel; emotionally enrich kids with the warmth of folk poetry. (Bon 261)

2. "I'm lying in the sun." Develop the active speech of children; teach to accompany speech with movements. (6, p. 59)

1. Fun game "Sun bunnies". Tasks: to explain to children the essence of the observed phenomenon, to teach how to “let the bunnies go” with the help of a mirror.

Cockerel toy




Encourage parents to help their child establish peer relationships.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Spring fairy tale

1. Reading rn.s "Kolobok". Tasks: to help to understand the content of the tale, to encourage to pronounce the words in a kolobok song. (5, c.192)

2. Play-staging "Bear and kids". Tasks: to teach to emotionally respond to what is perceived, to engage in communication with adults in the form of speech and game actions, to pronounce the sounds [e], [y] correctly, in isolation and in a phrase. (6, p. 29)

1. P / N "The Fox and the Hare". Tasks: to acquaint children with the rules of the game, teach them to perform game actions; exercise in running, develop quick reaction, endurance, interest in P / I; remind the rules of safe behavior during the game.

2. Reading the tale "The Wolf and the Kids". Tasks: to form interest in books, the ability to listen to fairy tales, to follow the development of an action based on illustrations, to empathize with the heroes of the work; form initial ideas about safe behavior.

Stage Attributes



Physical education


To draw the attention of parents to the possibility of developing the child's interest in the course of familiarization with fiction

Baby book

1. Reading T. Volgina's poem "Wow-wow". Tasks: to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds by imitation; foster respect for others. (5, p. 115)

2. The game "The dog barks". Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the dog and its puppies; to strengthen the articulatory and vocal apparatus; to learn to pronounce the sound [f] clearly, moderately loudly and very loudly, sound combinations "af", "fu-fu". (10, p. 39)

1. Consideration of baby books. Tasks: to teach children to find in the drawings and name the characters of fairy tales; activate the speech of children, enrich vocabulary; foster a love of books.

2. Practical exercise "Fluffy towel." Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Moidodyr". Objectives: Discuss with the children why things ran away from being dirty. To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, teach them to wash their hands thoroughly and correctly; talk about the importance of keeping your face and hands clean.

Pictures of a puppy, horse, calf, chicken

Baby books




To draw the attention of parents to the possibility of developing the child's communicative sphere in the family and kindergarten.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Be healthy

1. Reading of V. Berestov's poem "Sick Doll". Tasks: to introduce a new poem, help to understand the content, teach to pronounce sounds correctly; foster sympathy and caring attitude towards the "sick" doll. (5, p. 243) (reader for preschool children in 2-4 years 240)

2. The game "U lali have a toothache." Tasks: develop the speech activity of children, teach the clear pronunciation of sounds [o], while rounding the lips. (5, p.97)

1. D / I "Why do we need ears?" (a variant of the game "Guess who called"). Tasks: to teach to understand the essence of the game task, to act in accordance with the rules; develop attention, auditory perception. (10, p. 112)

2. The game "Aibolit checks the health of children." Tasks: to educate an understanding of the value of health, to form a desire not to get sick, to strengthen health; exercise in distinguishing carrots, beets, lemon by their characteristic features.

(5, p. 69)






Encourage parents to help their child establish relationships with peers, younger children; suggest how it is easier to resolve a conflict (disputable) situation.

On a visit to the sun

1. Reading the poem by G. Boyko "The Sun". Tasks: to introduce children to a new poem about the sun, to help them understand the content; encourage toddlers to participate in reading. (5, p. 254)

2. Speech game "The wind is blowing." Objectives: to develop the ability to use a loud and quiet voice depending on the situation. (5, p. 253)

1. Game exercise "Where is the sunbeam?" Objectives: to teach how to find a sunbeam and tell about its location; create a joyful mood. (5, p. 230)

2. Reading the nursery rhyme "The sun is looking through the window." Tasks: to acquaint with a new folklore work, to foster love for the native language, to encourage repetition after the teacher of individual words and phrases, gestures; create a positive mood.

3. Game situation Guests have come to us. " Tasks: to propose to play with various situations with the help of toys, to teach to behave culturally, to receive guests, to teach to use the appropriate speech constructions.

Sun image




Show the meaning of kind, warm communication with a child, not allowing rudeness; Demonstrate the value and relevance of both business and emotional communication.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


Blooming spring

1. Learning the chant "Come to us spring". Objectives: to acquaint children with the folk tradition of "clicking", to call for spring, to tell why people were waiting for the end of winter; help children learn the chant, teach expressively to pronounce the text. (10, p. 201)

1. Game situation "Hares in a spring meadow". Tasks: to teach children to perform game actions, to join the game with an adult, with peers, to use various attributes; to form the ability to perform elementary role-playing actions.

2. The game "Who is attentive." Objectives: to develop hearing acuity. (5, p. 129)

3. Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens". Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about adult animals and their babies; when examining a picture, involve in the expression of impressions on the basis of existing experience; develop the speech of children, the ability to listen to the teacher, answer questions, repeat after him; teach to perform game actions.

Hare mask






Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


My grandmother and grandfather

1. Reading the nursery rhyme "I'm going-food to the woman, to the grandfather." Objectives: to arouse interest in folklore; to teach to concentrate attention, to be included in the game actions suggested by the teacher; foster an emotional response to the content of the nursery rhyme. (3, p. 50)

2. "In the poultry yard of grandfather and grandmother." Tasks: to teach to respond to the request of the educator; develop sound culture of speech, diction, speech breathing. (3, p. 19)

1. Finger game "Ladies". Tasks: develop the active speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements. (6, p.56)

2. Practical exercise "Wash your hands before eating." Storytelling of V.Viktorov's poem "Washing". Tasks: to form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to focus on how to properly soap hands, wash off soap, wipe hands; teach to expressively pronounce the lines of the poem, maintain a positive attitude to hygiene procedures, form a conscious attitude towards one's health.

Rolling horses

Bright ribbon

House (table, bench, toy dishes, characters of the puppet theater grandfather, woman, painted wooden spoons



My family

1. Reading the story of L. Slavina "Tanya and little brother." Tasks: to acquaint with a new work of art, to teach to understand the content, to answer questions, to foster a caring attitude towards each other.

2. Game-dramatization "Teddy bear and kids". Tasks: to teach to be involved in dramatization, to correlate game actions and emotionally expressive movements with words, to clearly pronounce the sound [e] in isolation and in sound combinations. (3, p. 29)

1. Game situation "Mom feeds the baby." Tasks: to teach children to perform game actions, to select the necessary items, attributes for the game; maintain interest in the game; enrich the gaming experience, teach to be guided by the game actions of peers. (10, p. 87)

2. Practical exercise "Find the magic words." Tasks: to form communication skills in children, to teach to understand the meaning of polite words and to apply them correctly, to politely address adults; pay attention to the joy we experience when we are kindly treated

Teddy bear

Toy kids



To study the peculiarities of communication between adults and children in the family.


Topic of the week

Direct educational activities

Forms of activity in the daily routine

Subject-developing environment

Integration with other areas

Interaction with parents


My safety

1. Reading the poem "Ice". Tasks: to acquaint with a new work, to help to understand the content, to repeat the rules of safe behavior during the ice-covered period, to offer to answer the questions of the poem. (10, p. 166)

2. Speech game "Cat's house on fire". Objectives: To develop the ability to act out a simple familiar plot.

1. Game situation "Hen with chickens". Tasks: develop the speech of children, teach to accompany speech with movements; to teach to apply the acquired knowledge in the game, to acquaint with models of behavior in various situations.

2. Game situation "Naughty Chickens". Tasks: invite children to carefully observe the actions of the characters, explain why the chickens are in danger; remind the rules of safe behavior on the playground. (10, p. 66)





Show the meaning of kind, warm communication with a child, not allowing rudeness; Demonstrate the value and relevance of both business and emotional communication.

Hello summer

1. Reading the nursery rhyme "Cucumber, cucumber". Tasks: to expand vocabulary at the expense of cognate words with different shades - cucumber, gherkin, gherkin; to acquaint with the folklore character - the mouse, giving the image realistic features. (3, p. 62)

2. Games with pictures "Going in a circle". Tasks: to train the sound [w] in pronunciation, to develop a sense of rhythm. (5, p. 126)

1. Game situation "What will we give Mishka for his birthday?" Objectives: to continue to develop the need for communication with adults, friendliness to them; learn to convey your ideas about the meaning of objects in life, using the appropriate vocabulary. (2, p. 14)

2. An outdoor game-task "Catch a mosquito." Tasks: to acquaint children with the rules of the game, to teach energetically to push off from the ground upwards.

Clip art with image of a beetle or paper beetle

Teddy bear with a red bow on the neck

Keg of honey


Small toys, balls by the number of children

Insect on a string



Develop parenting communication skills using family assemblies, communication training and other forms of interaction

List of used literature.

  1. Vinnikova G.I. Classes with children 2-3 years old: First steps in mathematics, development of speech. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.
  2. Vinnikova G.I. Classes with children 2-3 years old: Social development, the world around. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.
  3. Vinnikova G.I. Classes with children 2-3 years old. Guidelines. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.
  4. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist. The system of work in the younger group of kindergarten. Moscow: Mosaic-synthesis, 2010.
  5. Bondarenko T.M. Complex lessons in the first junior group of kindergarten. Voronezh: "Teacher", 2005.
  6. Yanushko E.A. Development of speech in young children. M .: "Mosaic-synthesis", 2010.
  7. Yanushko E.A. Modeling with young children 1-3 years old. M .: "Mosaic-synthesis", 2011.
  8. Yanushko E.A. Drawing with young children. M .: "Mosaic-synthesis", 2010.
  9. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. The main general education program of preschool education / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2010.
  10. Timofeeva L.L., Korneicheva E.E., Gracheva N.I. Planning educational activities with preschoolers in the daily routine. First junior group. Toolkit. - M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012.
  11. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. M .: "Mosaic-synthesis", 2006.

Organization of activities in the first junior group of a kindergarten in the educational area "Social and communicative development" (children 2-3 years old)


  • To bring up in children a kind, caring attitude towards adults and peers;

  • Form the concept of "boy-girl".

  • Promote the development of speech as a means of communication with peers and adults;

  • Replenish children's vocabulary and activate it in speech.

  • Form an idea of ​​the surrounding space, the ability to navigate in it.

  • Introduce some types of transport (ambulance, fire engine, truck, bus).

  • Form an idea of ​​what is useful and what is harmful to human health.

  • To form in children the ability to self-service themselves;

  • Form a primary understanding of adult labor;

  • Teach adults to do verbal assignments.
Implementation of educational work on the social and communicative development of children 2 -3 years old

Socialization, development of communication, moral education

To form in children the experience of behavior in the environment of peers, to foster a feeling of sympathy for them.

Promote the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers, foster emotional responsiveness (draw the attention of children to the child who has shown concern for a friend, encourage the ability to regret, sympathize).

Foster a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed; develop the ability to play not

quarreling, help each other and rejoice together in success, beautiful toys, etc.

To educate the elementary skills of polite treatment: to say hello, to say goodbye, to make a request calmly, using the words "thank you" and "please". To form the ability to behave calmly indoors and outdoors: not to make noise, not to run, to fulfill the request of an adult.

To cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and loved ones.

To teach children not to interrupt the speaking adult, to form the ability to wait if the adult is busy.

Child in family and community

The image of I. To form in children elementary ideas about themselves, about changing their

social status (growing up) in connection with the beginning of attending kindergarten; anchor

the ability to say your name.

To form in each child the confidence that he, like all children, is loved, about him

care; show respect for the interests of the child, his needs, desires, opportunities.

A family. To cultivate an attentive attitude towards parents and loved ones. Encourage the ability to tell the names of your family members.

Kindergarten. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of kindergarten, its community with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

To draw the attention of children to what clean, bright room they play in, how many bright, beautiful toys there are, how neatly the beds are tucked in. On a walk, draw

attention of children to beautiful plants, equipment of the site, convenient for games and recreation.

To develop the ability to navigate in the group room, on the site.

Self-service, independence, labor education

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Form a habit (first under

supervised by an adult, and then independently) wash your hands as they become dirty and before eating, dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

Teach with the help of an adult to put yourself in order; enjoy individual

objects (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

Form the ability to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Self-service. Teach children to dress and undress in a specific order; at

a little help from an adult to remove clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front,

Velcro fasteners); in a certain order, neatly fold the removed clothes.

To teach to be neat.

Socially useful work. To involve children in performing the simplest labor actions: together with an adult and under his control, arrange bread bins (without bread), napkin holders, lay out spoons, etc.

To teach to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to arrange the play material in places.

Respect for adult work ... Encourage children's interest in adult activities. Pay attention to what and how an adult does (how he cares for plants (watering) and animals (feeding); how a janitor sweeps a yard, removes snow; how a carpenter repairs a gazebo, etc.), why he performs certain actions ...

Formation of the foundations of security

Safe behavior in nature. Introduce the basic rules of safe

behavior in nature (do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not stroke them, do not tease; do not tear or take plants in your mouth, etc.).

Road safety. To form primary ideas about cars, street, road.

Introduce some types of vehicles.

Safety of your own life. To acquaint with the objective world and the rules of safe handling of objects.

To acquaint with the concepts "can - not", "dangerous".

Form ideas about the rules of safe behavior in games with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand, etc.).

Labor activities (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, brings food, changes towels).

Development of gaming activities

A special area of ​​pedagogical work with young children is

the formation of game activity.

Play as a form of children's activity permeates various activities of young children. In modern pedagogy, various types of children's games are distinguished: fun games, didactic games, games with plot toys, dramatization games.

In the pedagogical process, the game should pay special attention to:

Elements of the game should be included in all types of interaction between a teacher and children;

Play should be the main form of organizing various types of children's activities;

During the day, there should be special times for a variety of games.

An approximate model of the organization of activities in the educational area “social and communicative development in the first junior group.



Cooperative activity

with a teacher

Independent activities of children

Family activities

Examination of objects and communication with the teacher.

Examination of illustrations, posters.

Consideration of plot pictures

Reading nursery rhymes.

Reading works of fiction

Children's games with objects.

Situation games

Didactic games

Role-playing games

Educator stories

Board games

Builder games.

Observing the work of a nanny, a janitor.


Labor assignments.

Acquaintance with fiction.

Examination of illustrations, pictures.

Examining pictures

Communication with the teacher.

Examining illustrations

Situation games

Didactic games

Observing the work of a nanny, educator, music worker.

Observing older children playing.

A journey through the kindergarten.

Role-playing games

Consideration of the algorithms for the sequence of dressing for a walk, undressing after a walk, washing.

Educator's story about dangerous objects used by people

Examining books.

Examination of illustrations, photographs, albums Examination of subject pictures.

Cut pictures.

Games with objects.

Board games.

Building games: games - inserts, rolling balls.

Storyline - role-playing games


Assistance in the manufacture of attributes for games.

Conversations with parents

Sliding folders


Joint activities with children.

2.1.2. Cognitive development.

Target cognitive development is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of DO - the formation of cognitive motivation in children.

Directions of the cognitive development of children:

Sensory development of children (color, shape, size);

Formation of ideas about Russian folk culture and traditions.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts,

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

Organization of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old


To acquaint children with sensory standards;

Exercise in establishing the color, shape, size of objects, their properties and qualities;

To improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use touch, sight, hearing in cognitive research activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: a lot - a little, one - a lot, one or two;

To acquaint children with the objects of the immediate environment and actions with them, expand the horizons of a holistic picture of the world.

Remind children of the name of the city in which they live.
Organization and implementation of educational activities for the cognitive development of children 2-3 years old of the educational field "Cognitive development"

Subject activity and cognitive abilities

At an early age, the cognitive development of the child is carried out within the framework of the subject

activities. Object-related activity at an early age determines, i.e. "Leads" mental development, therefore it is called leading. It is in the course of objective activity that the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the most important abilities, skills and personal qualities of the child - speech, thinking, cognitive activity, purposefulness and independence. Therefore, the creation of optimal conditions for the enrichment and development of various actions with objects is the first task of the educational process at an early age.

In this area of ​​development, several directions can be distinguished.

First of all, this is the development of culturally normalized, practical and instrumental actions.

A special task facing the teacher in the framework of subject activity is mastering

household and self-service skills. Gun action kid

masters not only in everyday life, but also in the process of individual and joint games and activities with an adult.

Joint activities should not be imposed on the child. The teacher responds to the kid's request for help, connects to his game, helps to overcome difficulties. He can help the child to properly coordinate and distribute their actions. In this case, you should not perform actions for the baby, it is important that the child learns himself to highlight the necessary properties of objects, for example, to select and connect parts of a pyramid or matryoshka in the right order. Provider tips should not be directive. The child should be problematized, given the opportunity for his own attempts, freedom of action. The adult encourages the child's actions, praises him. You should reasonably combine the joint activities of the child with the adult and the independent activity of the baby. The teacher must offer the child types of activities that correspond to his skills, identify the "zone of proximal development" and create conditions for mastering more complex actions. When organizing joint activities, first of all, it is necessary to interest the baby, to support his desire to act with the object, without forcing him to accurately reproduce the pattern of action.

The next task of educators in the framework of substantive activity is development in children

cognitive activity. Teachers create conditions for acquainting children with the world around them, enriching children with impressions and for children's experimentation. Educators should support the curiosity of children, encourage any expression of interest

The most important area of ​​cognitive development at an early age is

improvement of all cognitive processes - perception, attention, memory and

visual-action thinking.

The next pedagogical task of this direction of child development is

the formation of purposefulness and independence in objective activity.

Cognitive development of young children, covers different aspects of the subject

activities and includes the following 4 sections:

Games and activities aimed at the development of practical and tool actions

Games and activities aimed at the development of cognitive activity

Games and activities aimed at developing perception and thinking

Games and activities aimed at developing focus and independence in

objective activity.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of similar objects. Learn

distinguish between the number of items (one - many).

The magnitude. To draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (a large house is a small house, a large matryoshka is a small matryoshka, large balls are small balls, etc.).

The form. Learn to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball, etc.).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate practical experience in children

development of the surrounding space (the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Expand the experience of orientation in parts of one's own body (head, face, arms, legs, back).

Teach to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Development of cognitive and research activities

Cognitive research activities. To acquaint children with generalized methods of studying various objects of the surrounding life. Stimulate curiosity. Include children in joint practical cognitive activities of an experimental nature with adults.

Sensory development. Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities, gradually including all types of perception. Help inspect objects, highlighting their color, size, shape; encourage to include hand movements

on the subject in the process of getting to know it (to circle around the parts of the subject, iron them, etc.).

Didactic games. Enrich children's sensory experience in games with didactic material (pyramids (turrets) of 5-8 rings of different sizes; "Geometric mosaic" (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); cut pictures (from 2-4 parts), folding cubes (4 –6 pcs.), Etc.); develop analytical skills (the ability to compare, relate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory attributes - color, shape, size).

Conduct didactic games to develop attention and memory (“What's gone?”, Etc.);

auditory differentiation ("What sounds?", etc.); tactile sensations, temperature

differences ("Wonderful bag", "Warm - cold", "Light - heavy", etc.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Familiarization with the subject environment

Arouse the interest of children in the objects of the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, vehicles.

Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made

(paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity (find the same one, pick up a pair), group them according to the method of use (they drink from a cup, etc.). Expand the various uses of items.

Promote the realization of the child's need for mastering actions with objects.

Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (identical shoulder blades; red ball - blue ball; large cube - small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft, fluffy, etc.

Promote the appearance in the children's dictionary of generalizing concepts (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.).

Familiarization with the social world

Remind children of the name of the city (village) in which they live.

Arouse interest in the work of close adults. Encourage to recognize and name some

labor activities (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, cleans the room, brings food,

changes towels, etc.). Telling adults to be industrious helps them to successfully complete work activities.

Acquaintance with the natural world

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

Learn to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys of pets (cat, dog,

cow, chicken, etc.) and their babies and name them. Recognize some wild animals in the picture (bear, hare, fox, etc.) and name them.

Together with children, watch birds and insects on the site, feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish between vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.) in appearance.

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

To cultivate respect for animals. Teach the basics of interacting with nature (consider plants and animals without harming them; dress for the weather).

Seasonal observations

Direction of development of children: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical development.
Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic, physical areas.
Types of children's activities: play, cognitive, communicative.

Target: socialization of children in the conditions of a children's collective.

- to form in children the skill to establish good friendly relations, communication skills with each other.
- continue to teach children to understand the speech addressed to him; anwser the questions;
- to develop verbal communication not only with adults, but also with peers using primary means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, actions, etc.).
-to develop feelings of empathy in children:
- develop sensory perception in children: distinguish objects by color;
- develop attention, creative thinking;
- to teach the use of various survey actions (tactile).
- contribute to the establishment of friendly relations between children, the formation of the ability to act in concert in the game;
- to bring up moral qualities in children: kindness, care, attention;

Tasks by educational area.

Social and communicative development- to develop the ability to play communication with peers, the desire to participate in joint collective activities, taking into account the emotional state of peers, to stimulate the speech creativity of children; develop play activities, foster friendly relationships, emotional responsiveness;
Cognitive development- to develop cognitive interests, intellectual development, to form a holistic picture of the world, to broaden the horizons of children;
Speech development- to activate the manifestation of aesthetic attitude to the world around us, to develop aesthetic perception, emotions and feelings, an emotional response to the manifestation of beauty in the outside world;
- to form in preschoolers aesthetic needs in the field of art, the desire to comprehend artistic values, artistic perceptions.
Physical development- to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, to develop coordination of movements (including hands and fingers).

Preliminary work with children:
Social and communicative development conversation with children about friendship, relationships to each other. Didactic game "Call affectionately by the name of your friend"
Cognitive development The teacher's story "Friendship", reviewing the album and books on the topic, construction of the "House of Friendship"
Speech development reading fiction.
"We are different". Yana Dubenskaya
"Girlfriend Masha". Galina Borgul
"Whose mushroom?" Nadezhda Bichurina
"I have a lot of friends." Violetta Berezhnaya
"My friend". Olga Chekashova
"Friendship is a gift." Yulia Belousova
"Horrible dream". Maria Sikina
"The skates made us friends." Nadezhda Bichurina
"Serious question". Nadezhda Bichurina
"Vovka and a cockroach". Vera Prazdnichnova
Artistic and aesthetic development Listening to V. Shainsky's song "About friendship", "We divide everything in half", listening to the song "Friendship begins with a smile", listening to the music "On the road of good", "Kindness", the musical game "Dance in pairs", "The sun and the rain" ...
Physical development - learning games and dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics "Friendly fingers", "Ducklings", "This finger ...".

Methods and techniques. Surprise moment, game technique, artistic word, demonstration of actions.

Song "Smile" (music by Shainsky, lyrics by Plyatsky).
Song "Kapitoshka" lyrics by N. Ososhnik, music. V. Ososhnik,
Music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky "Song of the Magic Flower"
dolls, umbrella, cardboard blanks for designing "Flower of Friendship"

The course of the lesson.

Emotional attitude
(Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle, dolls sit on chairs, turning away from each other)

Hello palms! Clap, clap, clap!
Hello legs! Top, top, top!
Hello cheeks! Splash, splash, splash!
Chubby cheeks, splash, splash, splash!
Hello sponges! Smack, smack, smack!
Hello teeth! Click, click, click!
Hello my spout, beep, beep, beep!
Hello guests!

These are the eyes. Here. Here.
These are ears. Here. Here.
This is the nose. This is the mouth.
There is a back.
There is a stomach.
These are pens. Clap. Clap.
These are the legs. Top. Top.
One, two, three, four, five
We will begin the tale.

Educator:- Guys, look what happened to our dolls?
(Answers of children)

I had a fight with my friend
We don't play with him anymore
And we don't talk to each other,
He and I are no longer alone.
Each with his own resentment
All day one sits.
Each with his own resentment
He speaks incessantly.

Educator:- Guys, today we will teach our dolls to be friends. What is friendship?
(Answers of children)
Educator: Friendship is when people want to be close together, play together, do not quarrel, share everything. Friendship is the smiles of friends

Imitation game "Mood"

Educator:- Let's smile with you (children smile).
- Now we felt sad, frowned (children frown)
- Guys, when we smile, we feel so good, joyful, when we frown, we immediately want to be sad.
Let's show our guests how friendly we are and play

Dynamic pause "Sun and Rain"

Educator:-Here we played with you, our little legs are tired.
We will all go to the rug,
And we will have a little rest.

- Not only girls and boys are friendly, our fingers are also friendly.

Finger game "Friendly fingers"

Friends in our group (fingers in the lock, bend and girls and boys straighten them)
We will make friends with you, (connect fingertips Small fingers of both hands)
One, two, three, four, five (clap each pair, start counting your fingers as soon as possible)
One, two, three, four, five (shake with brushes)
We're done counting

Educator:- Do you know, guys, that you can draw friendship, you can sing a song about friendship and even dance, and now we will also depict friendship. Constructing a magic flower - "Flower of Friendship". (To the song "Magic Flower" children collect the flower of Friendship)
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And dew with grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share.
Friends only quarrel


Educator:- Look, guys, our dolls are smiling at each other, they are happy. So our dolls made up.
-So what is friendship?
Children's answers
- How can you express friendly feelings?
Children's answers
Educator:- That's right, well done.
And now let's join hands and make a big friendly round dance. We will pass on our warm friendly relations to each other, we will smile at each other. (The song "Smile" is played)

Used Books:

1. Education and training of young children / Ed. Pavlova L.N. - M.: Education, 1986.
2. Education of young children: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents / Ed. E.O. Smirnova, N.N. Avdeeva, L.N. Galiguzova and others - M.: Education: educational literature, 2010. - 158 p.
3. Pechora KL, Pantyukhina GV, Golubeva LG Young children in preschool institutions: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2008
4. Play with me, mom! Games, entertainment, fun for the little ones / I.A. Ermakova. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2011.
5. Outdoor games and play exercises for children of the third year of life. M.F. Litvinov. Linka-press Publishing House Moscow, 2012.

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