A cherished dream come true in a short time. How to quickly fulfill your dream? The universe makes wishes come true

You probably have a cherished desire, but you think that its fulfillment is impossible, but what if I tell you that you are wrong? Intrigued? Then this article is for you.

It is no secret that there are special techniques, using which a person manages to achieve the fulfillment of a desire. If done exactly, you can achieve excellent results. Therefore, you should not postpone the matter indefinitely, start right now, and we will help you with this.

How to make wishes correctly?

In order for your desire to come true, you need to have some knowledge and be able to use them... You should tell about your dream, but who should you tell about it? Neighbors? Friends? They are unlikely to help in something really serious.

Who is this kind wizard who will help you? Let's conditionally call it the Universe, in other words, it is something invisible, but affecting the life of every person and, of course, yourself.

It is a well-known fact that there is a lot of unexplored and unknown in life. Sometimes an invisible hand leads us through life and leads us away from trouble, it is she who can influence the fulfillment of our desires, then we will call it the Universe.

Here are some rules that you will definitely need to know:

    The desire should only concern yourself. There is no need to think of happiness for a stranger; if you want to help someone, ask for funds to fulfill the desire. For example, if your dream is to help an orphanage, in this case, the desire should be formulated as follows: "I want to have enough money to help all the children in the orphanage."

    Before you think of something, think is this what you really want? If you ask for a lot of money, what do you need it for, what do you expect? Perhaps you just want to be happy, so it’s better to just ask for happiness.

    Desire must be positive, if you decide to punish someone, then we advise you to abandon this idea in advance. Take the chance to improve your life and also feel confident that you are empowered to decide who is right and who is wrong? Remember that evil breeds evil, it will return to you anyway.

    Don't set specific deadlines, remember that there is a time for everything. Some wishes will come true in a month, others in a year, and for some it takes several decades. As soon as circumstances develop in a favorable way, and the Universe can bestow on you, your desire to be fulfilled. Do not think that a million, or limitless happiness will fall on you from nowhere. Circumstances should turn out so that fate can fulfill your wish.

    Use special rituals and techniques.

    Don't get hung up on desire, continue to live life to the fullest. Remember that sitting in one place will not accomplish anything. In addition, the universe needs to be given more chances to fulfill your desire. For example, you want to become an important person, get your million, fate may give it to you in the form of a career as a successful employee with an obscenely large salary.

What techniques should you use to make your dreams come true?

  • wish card - take a large sheet of paper, or preferably a Whatman paper. Cut out from newspapers and magazines what you would like to get: a luxury house, money, diamonds, health, etc. In the center, you can stick your photo, this is necessary so that you can associate yourself with your dream. Be sure to look at her once a day.
  • written method - describe your dream as if it has already come true. Do this every day.
  • visualization - mentally imagine what you want. Do it in great detail, you have to believe that you have already done it.

A prerequisite should be your belief that the desire will certainly come true no matter what, otherwise nothing will work out. Remember the expression, "if a person is told all the time that he is a pig, over time he will grunt."

The principle of operation is the same here. If a person keeps talking about getting rich, he really will become rich. Use any method that will help you with this.

What can get in the way of your dream?

These can be any negative feelings. Any even the slightest doubt can hinder you. Our method works with the help of emotions and the power of thought, they should only be creative and unshakable. Learn to deal with fears, work on the ability to convince yourself and other people, learn to force yourself to work even if you don't feel like it.

Remember that the Universe is not only fulfilling positive desires. If a person keeps repeating that he can’t do anything, he doesn’t succeed, then the Universe will take this for a request and fulfill it. Nothing can stop you on the way to your dream, this is how you should think. In no case should you express your dissatisfaction - this is a destructive force, it will sow a seed of doubt in you and interfere with the fulfillment of desire.

Low self-esteem is often a serious handicap. Answer the question why you, for example, have not opened your own business so far? What is stopping you from doing this? Unstable economic situation in the country, high dollar exchange rate, lack of education? These are all excuses.

The one who wants is looking for opportunities, and the one who does not want is looking for excuses. Stop justifying yourself, learn to take responsibility for your actions, learn to believe in yourself and in your capabilities.

History has shown many cases where the dream of one person came true only through perseverance and desire. Henry Ford wanted everyone to have their own car, and Steve Jobs wanted everyone to have their own personal computer. These companies are now global brands that generate multi-million dollar monthly revenues for their owners.

Look for new acquaintances, often say "Yes!" To life. Remember, the famous American film, where a bank employee lives an uninteresting, boring life and at one of the trainings he is promised to always say “Yes”.

You know the ending, for those who have not watched it, I will say that his life has changed dramatically for the better. He met his soul mate, made wonderful loyal friends and became a happy person. All this will help you not only come to your dream, but also live a happy, fulfilling life!

Some dreams can be fulfilled very quickly, you just have to want and do it. For example, jump with a parachute. If you are waiting for a signal from the Universe - consider that this is it.

With long-term goals (learning to play the violin, composing a novel, becoming the owner of an ideal figure), things are not so simple. They end up on your New Year's promise list over and over again. You most often throw them away halfway and put off for later. But they are the ones who can change your life for the better. Do you want to create a little miracle for yourself? Then go ahead, for the dream!

What do you want?

A long-term goal is a project that you will have to work on for more than one month. Therefore, it is very important to take only what you really want. It's easy to make a mistake. Without understanding your desires, you can go completely the wrong way, and then regret the time spent.

Ask yourself why you are going to achieve something. If you chose the wrong goal, then answer something like this:

This is prestigious.
Mom always wanted me to learn this.
Everyone knows that this skill is essential in the modern world.
Friends are hinting that it is high time for me to do this.
Necessary for work.

“There are two ways in life: I must and I want. We come to this intersection over and over again. And every day we choose ", - from the book" Between I must and I want "

You shouldn't adjust to the million "must" things that other people have forced on you. It is better to think about what really inspires you, from what you feel joy, what kind of life you dream about.

If the goal matches your true desires, proceed to the next stage.

We need a plan!

It's time to decide what specific actions will lead you to the desired result. Make a list of simple things to do to help you get closer to your goal.

For example, if you are going to learn a foreign language, these items may include: study with a tutor, watch TV shows and films with subtitles, do grammar exercises, memorize new words, communicate in foreign forums, visit a conversation club on weekends.

Seriously. Come up with at least an approximate schedule right now, -

Be realistic: you will have to stick to this schedule for at least a few months, so only set goals that you can do.

Looking for time

So what have you planned for this year? Master a new profession, lose 10 kg, improve English, write a book? .. Whatever goal you have, you will have to spend time on it. And not a couple of times a month, but every day.

If you think that you do not have a single free minute, then most likely you are mistaken. We often do not even notice that we are wasting time: we sit on social networks, watch TV, agree to unnecessary meetings, load ourselves with other people's problems. Try to get rid of all that is unnecessary and you will see for yourself that your schedule is not that busy.

Don't waste your time!

If you have a family, try to negotiate a time-out with the family. For example, ask not to be distracted from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm and explain what you plan to do in the evenings and for what purpose. You will surely be understood.

You can almost always find time. Think ahead of how, where and when you will work on your projects. And do not forget that only daily efforts will lead you to a decent result.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

Are you ready to radically change your life starting next Monday? Do not hurry. Wellness expert Brett Blumenthal recommends small step tactics. It is better to get a little closer to the goal every day than to give it all out right away and earn nervous (or physical) exhaustion. Here are two mistakes people make in pursuit of their dreams:

  • They work to the point of exhaustion.

Only hard work will lead you to your goal. But if you decide not to take a break at all and cut your sleep in half, prepare for failure. How long do you think you will last? Will your activity bring you at least a modicum of pleasure in a month?

  • They pose impossible tasks. Either perfect, or not at all.

Beware of overwork, -

Do you think that this is not about you, because you have iron? We have bad news. When you are under stress, the willpower area of ​​the brain becomes suppressed. You just don't have the energy to control yourself. In such a state, it is very difficult to avoid temptation and continue to work hard.

Goal movement is not a sprint, but a marathon. You won't learn a foreign language in a month. Don't lose those extra pounds in a week. Don't turn into a brilliant writer in a few hours. But you can make your dream more tangible every day.

Popular blogger Tynan, author of our new Superman Out of Habit, says this: “Instead of choosing to stick to a perfectly balanced diet for the rest of your days, it’s better to start by simply cutting your sugar intake by 50%. It is better not to give a vow to go jogging every morning, but start running after work on the usual route from the metro to your home and once a week arrange a full-fledged cross. "

So be patient and ...

Enjoy the process

Nothing will come of it if you don't learn to enjoy what you do. In the book Hormones of Happiness, University of California professor Loretta Graziano Breuning explains how to turn any task into a source of joy.

When we finish a long project or suddenly find an ingenious solution to a complex problem, we release one of the hormones of happiness - dopamine. Much less often we rejoice at small victories.

To stimulate dopamine production, you need to start praising yourself for even small achievements.

What have you done today to get closer to your goal? Have you learned 15 English words? Have you invented a character for a future book? Did you go to your first drawing workshop? Praise yourself immediately! All this seems insignificant, but it is from such small things that great success is formed.

Who is great? I'm fine fellow!

Perform this ritual every day and you will develop a healthy habit. You no longer have to force yourself to work / study / play sports (underline the necessary), you will start to do it with pleasure.

One important addition: don't measure your progress, but your diligence. If your dream is to lose weight, praise yourself for how well you are following your exercise regimen and diet, not the numbers on the scales. If you focus on results, you can plunge yourself into a state of constant stress.

How to deal with temptations

We are always led off course by something. A new season of our favorite TV series has come out - and now we are already lying on the couch in an embrace with a laptop, instead of going to the gym. Friends invited me to a party - and after a short hesitation we go to have fun, although we were going to prepare for an important meeting. We saw a fantastically beautiful (and equally fantastically expensive) dress - and are ready to spend all the savings that we saved up for the vacation.

What temptations haunt you?

Bright advertisements, a sudden phone call, a tempting smell from the baked goods department - any signal from the outside world can influence our behavior. The writer Marshall Goldsmith calls these signals. And there are much more negative triggers (those that lead us astray) than positive ones (yes, there are such ones too).

Remember, circumstances will almost always be against you. Are you ready to fight and not give up?

If you really intend to achieve a goal, first imagine what might hinder you. Think about how best to respond to certain situations. Write down some simple strategies you can use to resist temptation.

The exercise sounds simple, but useful. If before you acted impulsively and often abandoned your plans under the influence of emotions, now learn to notice the very moment when things can go wrong. And that's half the battle. Once you get into the habit of stopping on time and making more informed decisions, your victory will be much closer.

Little Helpers

Not only can you fight negative triggers, but you can also surround yourself with positive ones. These are any signals (people, things, events) pushing you in the right direction.

If you're looking for a slimmer figure, put a list of healthy foods on your refrigerator. Want to improve your health, but are lazy to jog before work? Find a like-minded person and ask them to pick you up every morning. We decided to improve English - buy a subscription to the language center. (You will have to go to class or your money will be wasted.) Another great motivator is a sign on which you will celebrate your achievements every day.


A very interesting method or way of making wishes through a book, or rather, the "Book of Desires", which you must create yourself and write down your wishes and dreams in it, placing on the pages of the book as well as pictures-symbols, photos and drawings. How to do this and what is needed for this, let's see below with you now and find out everything. And at the very end there is also a video on this topic.

The book of wishes is a famous and effective technique aimed at translating any aspirations into reality in just seven days.

Making a dream come true in a week is real! You just need to follow certain rules and then everything will work out. Any desires are fulfilled sooner or later, but their materialization is rather passive and slow. The famous practice "The Book of Desires" will help you speed up an already irreversible process, which will make any aspirations a reality in just seven days.

Create a Wish Book

The easiest way to dream and fulfill your dreams literally in an instant is to actively work with the subconscious. Everyone knows that The thought is material, and man is the pinnacle of progress. Thanks to the correct work with thinking and accurate goal setting, each of us can easily translate our innermost desire into reality.

At the beginning of this practice, it is necessary to create the very Book of Desire, which helps to open the mind, study the solution, fill your desire with powerful energy and move from a negative way of thinking to positive thinking, and therefore to the fulfillment of dreams. Just 6 simple steps separate you from your life's purpose:

First step

First, you need to prioritize. Each person has a huge number of desires that require execution... But one should choose, the most intimate and important. Do not rush things, let the main thing come true first, and then proceed with the rest.

Second step

Be sure to buy the most beautiful day planner that will be comfortable to hold in your hands. Notepad, notebook or notebook - will become your personal "Book of desires", the cover of which should please the eye. Approach the choice of this subject with all the rigor and responsibility.

Third step

You have to work as a detective, photographer or artist. Fear not, it won't take long. In order for a wish to come true, it must be supported by a visual picture. Find illustrations, pictures or drawings that connect you emotionally with desire. You can call for help on the World Wide Web. Turn on visualization, which will show the end result of what you want to get. Let photos or clippings from old magazines reflect how you will feel when you reach your goal. The main thing is to pay attention to the little things, outlining your dream in detail.

Fourth step

This is where the fun begins. Every page of your book should be strewn with positive images and clippings that reflect your dream. It is advisable to place them on the right side so that the left side of the book is reserved for freedom of thought and speech. A prerequisite is a capacious statement opposite each picture. Can be used affirmations of success, the main thing is that the phrase retains an emotional and mental connection with the picture. For example, you want for yourself a huge Art Nouveau house with 6 bedrooms, you can find an image of such a house on the Internet, print it and stick it in a wish book. A positive statement on the left might sound like this: "I love my beautiful and luxurious home".

On another page, you can safely place a happy family inside such a mansion. The members of which share a dinner together, with a happy expression on their faces. The affirmation text will sound like this: "I am happy / happy with my new home, just like my family."... So your the dream will be filled with strength on every page and will continue to grow to universal proportions.

Fifth step

It will take you at most one day to create a book. Many may be interested in the question of what to do for the other six days? In order for your dream to come true, you need to look at your "Book of Desires" every day for 10 minutes. In other words, connect with her emotionally, give mental energy and activity. You can go a step further and add new phrases, magazine inserts, or stronger emotions to your magic notebook. Imagine that you have found what you want and describe your delight on the free lines of the book.

Sixth step

While admiring the Wish Book, say aloud the affirmations that aimed at making dreams come true... Such a practice will strengthen your desire and attract the Higher powers to its embodiment.

Technique "Book of desires"

The feedback on this technique is quite encouraging. The essence of the method lies in the constant replenishment of your Wish Book. This practice is used to make dreams come true quickly.

Having created an energy book and highlighting the main desire, every day it is advisable to track the steps towards its embodiment and write these steps in empty lines. If there are no visible changes, you can always describe your mood, the action taken, or something else. It is also advisable to expand your range and desire for yourself much more than you are used to. As practice shows, small dreams do not strive to quickly come true. Dream big.

Watch a video on the topic of creating a book of wishes, which tells about the technology of making and making wishes, as well as creating the magic book itself.

Video: How to make a wish book yourself

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I want to congratulate all my readers and subscribers on the New 2015. This new year I want to wish you all a peaceful sky over your head and the fulfillment of all your cherished desires. And in this short article I will reveal several methods for fulfilling desires.

Each of us dreams make your wildest dreams come true, but the problem is that in practice they often cannot come true.

To make your dreams come true, you need to work hard, and then the universe will help us in this matter. What else can we do help fulfill your dream?

3 ways to help make your dreams come true:

1 The first way is visualization.

In this way, we need to calm down and get distracted from all emotions and external stimuli. And then imagine that you have already achieved your innermost dream. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that to use all your senses. You should see this vivid picture in front of your eyes.

Imagine what you will do, how you will behave, what kind of lifestyle you will have, and so on. Moreover, if you do this constantly, then a certain program will be established in your brain that allows you to achieve all this. Our thoughts are material, and this has been proven by scientists.

But of course there is one small negative note here - in order for all your dreams to come true, you must not only dream and visualize, one of the main points here is the verb- Make! Without it, all your visualizations are doomed to fail.

Anecdote on this topic:

Once upon a time there was a man, and all his life he thought correctly, prayed to God and dreamed, dreamed. But so he died poor and unnecessary. Once in heaven, he began to complain to the Lord that he had been unfair to him. To which God answered him: “Yes, you asked, that's right! You asked for a million, a beautiful wife, and so on. But what did you do for this? - After all, you could at least buy a lottery ticket, and sometimes go out to meet people !?

You need to dream, but all this needs to be supported by some kind of action.

2 Dream card.

The second, also a very wonderful and positive way to get closer to your dream. Create a mock-up of your goals and dreams on a Whatman paper or computer program. Place your photo in the center, and place the photos of your goals around. And at least once a day, consider it, investing more positive emotions. I hung such a map in the bedroom above the bed, and I look at it from time to time. And already some goals have begun to move forward.

Word- Make here, too, has not been canceled!

3 Write down your dream!

For those people who have problems with visualization and presentation, you can use the following method. Get yourself a notebook for your dreams, and in it you will write down everything you want in detail. Also, write everything down in detail and with feelings, and try to constantly re-read your notebook and add more and more desires. It all sounds like some kind of magic, of course, but trust me- It works!

  1. Decide and understand that this is really your dream.
  2. It takes time to make a dream come true.
  3. Perform certain actions that, in your opinion, will bring you closer to its execution.
  4. Do not get hung up on your dreams, do not become like a zombie, live in the present and
  5. And practice the practice constantly and with a certain frequency - for example, every other day.

I forgot!

There is another good way to bring your dream closer - this is a ritual of action. This method, I read, is used by yogis. Its essence is as follows - for example, you want a car for yourself. And for this you perform a certain action. Desirably associated with

Do you want to fulfill your dream? But don't you know how? read in this article about 3 simple but very effective ways to help you make your dreams come true. And also about a few important recommendations

Ways to help make your dreams come true

1 creative visualization

The main method for making dreams come true. It consists of two stages. The first is preparatory. On it, one should enter the alpha state, calm the mind, stop emotions. The second is direct attraction. You should draw the desired scenario in your imagination, fill it with emotions. Present the end result. It is important to invest in visualization all possible sensations, to use all the senses. Images must be clear.

2.Map of desires

Another method that helps to fulfill your dream. Very simple and positive. You need to create a collage of your goals on a Whatman paper or in a computer program. Place your successful photo in the center. Then regularly look at the dream map. Do it in a concentrated manner. Invest emotion.

3.Written methods

Good way. Especially for those who are not very good at visualization. Every day, in a notebook of your desires, you need to describe in detail your dream in detail. In present time. As if she had already materialized.

1. Before starting the practice, you should understand if this is really your dream.

2. Work on the limitations that might hinder you on the path to your dream.

3. Remember that a dream takes time to come true, a dream comes true with a delay.

4. Be sure to combine practice with action.

5. Enjoy life now, don't wait for the future!

6. Do the practices not once, but many times.

Rituals to make a dream come true

There is one secret booster and booster to make your dream come true. This is a ritual. You need to devote some actions to your desires. For example, I take a 10 km walk in the name of someone. This method is used by magicians. Helps!

Candle meditation to make your dream come true

For this purpose, only new candles should be used. Make yourself comfortable. Place a candle in front of you. Light it and contemplate the flame, while keeping the intention in front of you. Visualize it. Think about it. Please note that you cannot extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end.

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