How to reduce gassing. Diseases that cause increased gas production in the intestines. Causes of increased gas production

Gas in the digestive tract is normal and usually does not cause unpleasant sensations... Sometimes, under the influence of internal or external factors, this process is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of an excess of intestinal gases.

Almost everyone has experienced symptoms of bloating or flatulence in their lives. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to know the reasons increased gassing in the intestines. Let's consider the main ones.

Gases enter the intestines in two ways: they are formed under the action of microbes directly in the colon, or are swallowed during meals.

Swallowed air

Normally, a person always swallows a small amount of air with food or drinks. But in some situations, air is swallowed more intensively. This is facilitated by:

  • smoking,
  • drinking soda and drinks,
  • chewing gum
  • food "on the go", in a hurry,
  • the presence of gaps between the teeth.

The bulk of the swallowed air is expelled by belching, but some of it enters the intestines, which causes bloating.

Intestinal flatulence

The human digestive tract is not adapted for the digestion of certain carbohydrates: cellulose, pectins, lignin, chitin, etc. These compounds form the basis feces... Some of them in the intestine are broken down by the microbial flora, and some are released unchanged. When bacteria break down dietary fiber, carbohydrates, as well as proteins and some fats, intestinal gas is formed. This is mainly hydrogen, nitric oxide and carbon dioxide, as well as a small amount of methane, which are released to the outside through the rectum. Why the strong arises, we will analyze below.

Causes of excessive gassing

Excess gas is formed in the intestines as a result of the following factors:

  • use of certain food products: legumes, cabbage, apples, black bread, lamb, beer, kvass and others (read more about this in the article :);
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • change in bacterial composition intestinal microflora;
  • violation motor function intestines;
  • neurological and mental disorders.

Foods that increase gas production: legumes, cabbage, radishes, sweet confectionery

Diseases of the digestive tract

Diseases with flatulence include:

  • with secretory pancreatic insufficiency;
  • , liver disease;
  • of various etiology.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal system lead to indigestion. Undigested food debris is subject to fermentation and decay, which causes excessive gas formation in the intestines.


Have healthy people the basis of the intestinal flora is lactic acid bacteria, and opportunistic E. coli and cocci are determined only in very small quantities. But sometimes this ratio is violated, there is an excessive multiplication of microbes undesirable for the intestines. This may be due to low acidity stomach, taking antibiotics, intestinal infections.

Violation of gastrointestinal motility

Often the cause of increased gas production in the intestine is a violation of peristalsis, or rather, its weakening. Deterioration of the motor function of the colon occurs under the following conditions:

  • postoperative period (especially during operations on organs abdominal cavity);
  • pregnancy;
  • treatment sedatives;
  • anomalies in the development of the digestive tube.

Flatulence during pregnancy is due to increased level progesterone and the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines

Often a violation of peristalsis is observed when neurological diseases, psychogenic disorders, neuropsychic overstrain, stress. The result is constipation. Stool stagnates, undergoes bacterial breakdown, and a large amount of intestinal gas is formed.

Less commonly, excess gas formation in the intestine occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the intestinal wall. Also known is "high-altitude", which develops in people who are in rarefied air (pilots, rock climbers, etc.). When raised to a height, all gases of the body expand in volume, including intestinal ones.

Note: most often with flatulence, several etiological factors that act together. For example, nutritional bias and stress.

Substances that enhance gassing

The cause of gas formation in the intestines can be some substances and additives that make up the food. These are mainly carbohydrates:

  • lactose - a disaccharide found in milk and dairy products (ice cream, milk powder, milk baked goods);
  • raffinose - found in pumpkin, legumes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, artichokes, asparagus and some other vegetables;
  • fructose - found in honey, many fruits and vegetables, is often used in the food industry in the manufacture of juices and other drinks;
  • sorbitol - naturally found in vegetables and fruits, in cooking it is used as a sweetener;
  • starch - complex carbohydrate found in many foods (potatoes, peas, corn, wheat, bread, etc.).

Dietary fiber is of great importance for the functioning of the intestines. They can be insoluble and soluble. The first type has practically no effect on gas formation. The same cannot be said for soluble fiber: in small intestine they swell and turn into a gel-like mass, and in the colon undergo microbial degradation with the formation of gases. Such dietary fiber is found in peas, beans, and many fruits. You can learn more about the effect of foods on intestinal gas in the short movie at the end of the article.

Tip: If you are often worried about excess gas formation in the intestines after meals, you should reconsider your diet. Perhaps the reason for the discomfort lies in your food preferences.

What if my stomach suddenly starts to seethe and gas begins to form? Pharmacy preparations will cope with this problem most quickly. What kind of drugs will save you from increased gas production, you will learn from the next article.

What causes flatulence?

Flatulence is a condition characterized by the accumulation of gas in the intestines as a result of increased fermentation or prolonged constipation. This condition is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen due to stretching of the intestinal walls, bloating, discomfort and characteristic rumbling. Many people mistake flatulence for a disease, however, this is not the case. Increased gas production in the intestines is just one of the manifestations caused by various inflammatory processes in the organs of the digestive canal or a common violation of the diet.

Very often, babies under 1 year old suffer from increased bloating. It's not maturity gastrointestinal tract and a lack of production of certain digestive enzymes. Often one of the causes of flatulence in infants is the swallowing of air during feeding due to improper grip on the mother's nipple or bottle.

Doctors identify the most common types of increased gas production in humans:

    Alimentary - characterized by a violation of nutrition, abuse of foods that cause increased fermentation in the intestines, resulting in the formation of gases (cabbage, black bread, baked goods, legumes, potatoes).

    Increased gas production due to a disturbance in the work of the digestive canal - insufficient production of digestive enzymes, intestinal dysbiosis.

    Dynamic flatulence - caused by disruption of the intestinal muscles (for example, when toxic substances are exposed to the body during food poisoning).

    Mechanical flatulence - characterized by an obstacle to the passage of gases (for example, when tumor process in the intestine).

    Psychogenic flatulence - develops against the background of strong nervous shocks, stress, hysterical states. It rarely happens.

    Circulatory flatulence - characterized by impaired blood circulation in the intestinal wall (often observed with progressive cirrhosis of the liver).

With increased gas production in the intestine, patients experience periodic cramping pains in the area of ​​the lower abdomen, which disappear after the passage of gas, as well as the characteristic feeling of a fullness of the abdomen.

Regardless of the reason for the increased formation of gas in the intestines, the patient is advised to consult a doctor. This condition may indicate serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since flatulence is very uncomfortable and unpleasant condition, the patient is allowed to take certain over-the-counter drugs available in pharmacies.

Treatment of flatulence depending on the cause

The mainstay of treatment for increased gas production in the intestine is to eliminate the cause that led to the development this state and the appointment of drugs that relieve discomfort. Means for flatulence not only eliminate bloating, but also facilitate the passage of gas.

In order to choose the right drug, the doctor must establish the cause of the development of flatulence. For example, this condition can be caused by intestinal infection, dysbiosis, enzymatic deficiency, impaired intestinal motility and other pathologies.

With flatulence caused by intestinal infection, the patient is prescribed nitrofuran derivatives or antibiotics wide range actions.

With flatulence against the background of intestinal dysbiosis, a course of bacteriophages and preparations of lacto and bifidobacteria is shown.

In case of enzymatic insufficiency, flatulence is eliminated with the help of enzyme-containing preparations - creon, mezim, pacreatin, motilium.

If flatulence is due to the presence of tumors in the intestine, then the patient is shown a surgical operation.

It is easier to eliminate flatulence if its cause is known.

Medicines to eliminate flatulence

Flatulence like clinical symptom, can be eliminated by taking such drugs:

    Means that prevent the formation of gases in the intestines. These include the so-called simethicone-based defoamers - espumisan, baby kalm, dimethicone, dysphagil, simikol, infacol and the like.

    Enterosorbents are drugs that absorb not only gas bubbles, but also toxic substances from the intestines. These include Activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel, phosphalugel, endodesis, carbulose, chitin, algisorb and many others.

    Drugs that enhance intestinal motility, and due to this, contribute to the natural elimination of gases - motilium, cerucal.

    Preparations based on natural ingredients - dill decoction, planttex tea, brewed dill seeds.

If you suffer from increased gas production in the intestines, then to eliminate this problem, it is enough to revise your diet. Perhaps flatulence is caused by the abuse of any food. If, even with a diet, your symptoms of flatulence do not go away and you are worried about constant bloating, you should immediately consult a doctor. Prolonged abdominal distention may indicate the onset of serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Naturally, no application drugs, you can reduce the manifestations of flatulence by following simple rules:

    Drink enough clean water per day.

    While eating, try to chew food thoroughly and slowly.

    Eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from the diet, chewing gum, fresh baked goods.

The most popular over-the-counter drugs for eliminating flatulence in the intestines are motilium, bobotik, espumisan, activated carbon, and unienzyme.

Often, increased gas formation is caused by improper diet.


This drug produced by Belgian pharmaceutical company and is available in the form of tablets, suspensions and lozenges. The latter do not need to be washed down with water, they dissolve instantly, falling under the tongue. Motilium accelerates intestinal motility, due to which gases escape naturally and the patient disappears from the feeling of distention of the abdomen and the feeling of discomfort.


This drug belongs to the Indian enzymatic drugs that accelerate the digestion of food in the stomach.

Activated carbon acts as an absorbent and absorbs toxins and air bubbles from the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to this effect, within 15-20 minutes after taking the drug, the patient disappears feeling of fullness in the abdomen, rumbling, pain when passing gas, belching and nausea.

Preparations based on simethicone (espumisan, babycalm, infacol and others) destroy air bubbles in the alimentary canal and prevent the formation of new ones. After taking the drug, the patient experiences relief from gas discharge, rumbling and bloating disappear, nausea and discomfort disappear.


This drug is produced by a Polish pharmaceutical company in the form of drops in 30 ml dark glass vials. Bobotik is suitable for use by children from the first month of life to relieve abdominal pain and intestinal colic in babies.

Bobotik can also be used by adults, according to the instructions attached to the drug. This drug can be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, but it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

This drug helps to destroy gas bubbles in the intestine and normalize intestinal motility. Due to these properties, repeated bloating is not observed, and gases are excreted from the body naturally.


This drug is excellent remedy to combat intestinal colic in children in the first days of life. The main active ingredient of infacol is simethicone, which facilitates the passage of gases from the intestines and prevents their re-formation.

The drug is available in the form of a sweet suspension in a convenient bottle with a pipette. This design of the infacol package allows you to accurately give the child the dose recommended by the pediatrician, without additional dilution with water. The duration of the course of therapy is strictly individual for each child.

It is important to understand that, despite the abundance of drugs in the pharmacy, which help to quickly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate flatulence, it is still worth consulting with your doctor before starting treatment. As mentioned above, flatulence may be the first symptom of the development of serious diseases of the digestive tract.

Excessive gas formation may be the result of an error in the diet, it may indicate serious disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. When a similar delicate problem you should reconsider your diet (exclude some foods), and the problem will disappear spontaneously. If this does not happen, then you need to seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Why there is increased gas formation

Every day, about 500 - 600 cm3 of gas is formed in the intestines of an adult, but this small amount is released naturally without any discomfort. Only the formation of a significant amount of a gas mixture (hydrocarbon, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide) is uncomfortable, as there is a feeling of bloating in the abdomen, pain and the need to frequent the toilet. The reasons for excessive gassing are quite varied. Among them, the most significant are the following:

  • use a large number carbohydrates, certain dairy foods or foods that provoke the formation of gases;
  • a mechanical obstruction in the intestine that interferes with the natural passage of gases;
  • violation of the innervation of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which peristalsis slows down, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines increase;
  • inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa (enteritis, colitis), as a result of which the processes of parietal absorption and digestion deteriorate nutrients;
  • changes in the microbial balance of the human intestine.

Thus, it becomes clear that increased gas production in the abdomen can be just a consequence of a food error, or it can be initial sign serious pathology. If the self-taken measures (about them a little later) do not bring the desired relief, you should visit a gastroenterologist as soon as possible to find out why this is happening.

Power supply errors

The habit of eating quickly, not paying enough attention to varied and correct diet, preference for certain (not always healthy dishes) - all this provokes strong gassing... Among the products provoking strong gas formation, the most significant are:

  • legumes (any cabbage, beans, peas, lentils);
  • nuts (in large quantities);
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);
  • black bread and fresh baked goods;
  • fresh (especially fatty) milk;
  • carbonated drinks, including kvass;
  • some types of vegetables and fruits (banana, grapes with seeds, apricots).

Accordingly, avoiding these provocative foods will quickly eliminate the delicate problem that has arisen. Various tactics are possible in correcting the diet. The first method involves complete rejection from the above products. Switching to boiled vegetables, low-fat baked meat and fish, soups in diluted broth, only natural sweets in a very limited quantity will undoubtedly be useful for the digestive tract of any person. However, this tactic will leave unresolved main question which product is causing the excessive gassing.

It is more expedient to exclude products provocateurs one by one. The relationship between the use of a certain group of products and the occurrence of abdominal discomfort will allow you to accurately recognize the provoking product and exclude only it from the diet. There is another option for solving the problem - keeping a food diary. Fixing the food eaten and analyzing your own feelings will help you quickly identify the culprit and solve the problem.

Changes in microbial balance

Disruption of the natural balance between beneficial bacteria the human intestine (lacto- and bifidobacteria) and opportunistic (clostridia, enterococci, yeast, staphylococci), as well as seeding the gastrointestinal tract with pathogenic intestinal microflora lead to disruption of fermentation and digestion processes. As a result, various clinical symptoms including constant rumbling stomach and gas. Often, dysbiosis can be the result of a severe or insufficiently treated intestinal infection (salmonellosis, shigellosis, protean infection).

How to get rid of the problem of flatulence in in this case- the doctor decides (therapist, gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist). First you need to spend special research(stool culture) to assess the degree of disturbance of the intestinal microbial system. For the treatment of dysbiosis, a variety of drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at restoring the disturbed microbial balance. Everything similar drugs can be divided into two large groups:

  • probiotics (lacto- and bifidobacteria) - actually beneficial bacterial flora, which displaces pathogenic flora from the intestines, due to which the microbial balance is restored;
  • prebiotics - substances that create the most favorable conditions for recovery normal microflora Gastrointestinal tract (lactulose, inulin, glutathione, chitosan, dietary fiber and others).

The duration of treatment, the specific drug, or a combination of them are prescribed by the doctor. Self-purchase of the product you like in the pharmacy can lead to even greater disturbances in the intestinal microflora.

Mechanical obstacle

This is the worst and most complex cause of excess gassing. In fact, this is a confirmation of the mechanical intestinal obstruction, which is most often due to tumor growth. Reaching a significant size, the tumor node disrupts the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract, a delay in feces occurs, which provokes an increase in the processes of putrefaction and fermentation, as well as excessive gas formation. At the same time, symptoms such as decreased appetite, pain and a tendency to constipation are noted.

There are no home remedies available. What to do with the development of such a situation, only the doctor can decide. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is required surgical intervention, the volume of which is determined individually. The prognosis depends on the severity of the process and the treatment carried out.

Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis of various origins - all these diseases occur with impaired digestion processes and, accordingly, are accompanied by increased gas production. How to treat in each case depends on the cause of the disease, its severity and form. Most often, it is for the purpose of eliminating flatulence that the following groups of medicines are used:

  • carminative agents (Simethicone, Dimethicone), which reduce the surface tension of the bubbles and their size, which facilitates the process of gas release to the outside;
  • sorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon) bind toxins and gases, practically not being absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enzymes (Pancreatin and many of its trade variants) facilitate the digestion of food, which helps to reduce the amount of gas produced.

Flatulence occurs as a result of overeating, stress, inflammatory bowel disease and genetic abnormalities like celiac disease. It is accompanied not only by bloating, but also by pain, nausea, belching and rumbling, release of gases from the rectum, which have bad smell... It is recommended to deal with the problem after thorough examination, which will help to determine the cause and choose the methods of treatment.

Comprehensive study

The fight against increased gas production should be started with a trip to a gastroenterologist or family doctor. It will not hurt to donate feces for bacteriological culture and coprogram, to undergo an X-ray of the stomach. Tests will show if flatulence was caused by a violation of microflora or insufficient concentration of enzymes.

Thanks to ultrasound examinations you can find adhesions and tumors, cysts, foci of inflammation and an abnormal structure of the intestine, which contributes to the formation of gas. Only after a thorough examination and examination is it worth starting the treatment of flatulence. pharmaceutical preparations or folk recipes.

An anti-gas diet

People suffering from a delicate problem are advised to do a little experiment:

  • Clear digestive system from food debris using therapeutic fasting.
  • Introduce foods into the diet gradually, starting with cereals and stewed vegetables.
  • Cook simple dishes do not mix many ingredients.
  • Write down each product in a special diary along with the body's reaction to the new component.

The technique will help to understand what food is not accepted by the intestines. This can be cabbage or legumes, cereals or dairy products. Sometimes it is enough to remove one or more components from the menu in order to get rid of increased gas formation.

  • Eat food in small portions, do not give up breakfast and dinner, do not forget about afternoon tea and lunch.
  • Dishes should be warm, too hot to injure the stomach lining.
  • It is good to have a serving of soup and stews every day.
  • It is advised to drink water herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices.
  • You cannot talk and chew food, drink coffee and smoke at the same time.
  • Chewing gum and overeating are contraindicated.

People suffering from regular flatulence should avoid carbonated drinks, champagne and beer, kvass and mineral water... Legumes, apples with pears and bananas, spinach with cabbage and radishes, radishes with onions and sorrel are prohibited.

It is worth giving up fresh bread and sweet pastries, sugar. Salads are contraindicated: from fresh vegetables, pickled and seasoned with mayonnaise. No fried meat, potatoes or fish. Minimum of grapes with gooseberries and raspberries. It is advisable not to use dates, raisins and dried apricots.

People with lactose intolerance are advised to give up milk, cream, cheese, hard and processed, ice cream.

The diet may consist of cereals, buckwheat and millet, oat and corn are especially useful. Rice grits are recommended for diarrhea tendencies, but contraindicated for regular constipation. Sources of protein will be eggs, chicken or beef, lean fish... These products need to be baked or cooked in a double boiler, served with a side dish of stewed vegetables.

An alternative to sweets is rice flour baked goods. Bread should be dried, and soups should be cooked in vegetable broth. Recommended apricots and pomegranates, turmeric with nuts and seeds, water with lemon juice and honey. The diet may contain tomatoes, carrots and pumpkin, beets and potatoes.

Citrus fruits prevent the formation of gases: oranges, grapefruits, lemons and tangerines. People who normally react to lactose are advised to consume natural yoghurts, fermented baked milk or kefir every day.

To the group of sorbents that cleanse the digestive system of toxins and putrefactive bacteria, includes activated carbon with "Karbopect", "Sorbeks" and "Extrasorb". "Smecta", "Neosmectin" and "Diosmectite" have proven themselves well.

Help with flatulence "Motilium" and "Rennie", baby drops "Bobotik", a drug of Russian origin "Motilak", Indian "Unienzyme". Contribute to the reduction of gases "Antiflat" and "Lannacher", "Disflatil" with "Espumisan".

If flatulence is accompanied by spasms, you can take "No-shpa", "Spazmol" or "Spazoverin". "Romazulan" does not belong to the group of drugs quick response, but it consists of plant components that relieve inflammation in the intestines. With regular intake, digestion and metabolic processes are improved.

Enterosgel is used after a hectic feast to cleanse the body of toxins and stagnant food, which causes flatulence with bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. "Meteospazmil" is an effective and strong drug for complex treatment excessive gas formation, therefore, it should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

Attention: Any tablets, suspensions and other products can be taken only after consulting a specialist. With prolonged use of drugs, the intestine gets used to "chemical support" and refuses to work on its own.

How to get rid of gas formation in the intestine with folk remedies

People who do not want to poison the body pharmacy products, advise herbal decoctions. Healing drinks can be prepared from lemon balm (for 1 liter of liquid 4 tablespoons of herbs), elecampane (for 500 ml of water 15 g of dry ingredient), caraway seeds (10 g per glass of boiling water).

Extracts of chamomile or toadflax, sage and calamus root are good. Sugar mixed with aniseed or dill oil has carminative properties. It is recommended to drink a liter daily herbal decoction made from chamomile with peppermint and yarrow. You can add dill seeds, immortelle and sage. To improve the taste of the drink, put a little honey in it.

It is useful to fill dishes with chopped dill and cloves, drink water with turmeric (a pinch of seasoning per glass), or ginger (5 g of dry component per 100 ml).

Treat excessive gas formation with potatoes: squeeze juice from young tubers, take 150 ml per empty stomach twice a day. The course should last 10 days.

Grandma's Recipe: Black Salt

  • Trim the crust off the rye bread, mix the crumb with a lot of salt.
  • Add water and knead the dough.
  • Form into several flat cakes, bake until black.
  • Grate the cooled blanks on a fine grater.
  • Add powder to food instead of regular salt.

Nuts against flatulence
You will need kernels of cedar and walnut varieties, which are crushed, mixed with lemon juice and honey. After thorough kneading, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, put a pinch of purified clay into it. Place in a jar and refrigerate.

You can get rid of increased gas formation with folk and traditional methods while dieting and exercising. If flatulence persists, you need to consult a doctor, because this problem often indicates more serious illness digestive organs.

Gassing is a process that takes place in the body of every person. The content of gases in the intestine of an adult on average reaches 1 dm 3 / day, while 0.1-0.5% of this amount is released through the rectum every day. Most often this occurs during bowel movements, but sometimes under the influence of various external and internal reasons there is also an involuntary release of gas.

The human body produces more than ten types of gases around the clock. These include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide and others. All of them are a by-product of the life of the inhabitants digestive tract microorganisms. If the volume of gases does not exceed physiological norm, then they often leave the intestines imperceptibly and silently. Problems begin when due to various factors the amount of gases produced increases many times over.

At pathological condition their daily volume can sometimes reach 10 dm 3 or more, while at the same time at least 3 dm 3 are taken out daily. This state of affairs forces the patient to experience a feeling of embarrassment and discomfort, he has to limit himself in many ways. If increased gas production becomes a companion of a person for a long time, he is diagnosed with flatulence.

Additional Information! Sharp selection gas from the intestines, accompanied by a sound produced by the sphincter in medicine, is called flatus (flatulence).


Signs of flatulence are familiar to most people from childhood, since this phenomenon has no age restrictions. These include:

  1. Bloating: the abdominal cavity is bursting from an excessive amount of gases formed in the intestine, its volume increases, the patient feels strong abdominal pressure.
  2. Belching: gases in the intestines when large cluster are able to partially leak into the stomach. From there, they exit through the esophagus and the oral cavity, mixing with the air swallowed during meals and accompanied by a characteristic loud sound.
  3. Abdominal pain. The accumulation of gases expands the intestines, contributes to the squeezing and displacement of other organs of the abdominal cavity, and prevents regular bowel movements. The result is severe cramping pains that usually go away after a bowel movement or gas.
  4. Diarrhea, constipation. Digestive disorders are not only a consequence of gas formation. Irregular bowel movements, like flatulence, are the result of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders or some other reason. In most cases, these symptoms come in pairs.
  5. Hiccups: intra-abdominal pressure constantly increased due to flatulence negatively affects the condition of the digestive opening of the diaphragm, as well as the esophageal sphincters. Their muscles relax, which is why hiccups - jerky breathing movements - appear more often than usual.

A patient suffering from excessive gas in the intestines often complains of constant feeling heaviness in the stomach, which naturally increases after each meal.


The factors contributing to the appearance of flatulence are divided into pathological and non-pathological. The first include various diseases, mainly of the digestive and nervous systems, to the second - factors external character that have nothing to do with the processes taking place in the body.

Non-pathological causes of increased gas production are primarily associated with an improper diet and diet. These include:

  • frequent and irregular consumption of foods that contribute to the formation of gases: legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils, beans), fruits (apples, grapes, bananas, plums, pears), carbonated water and drinks;
  • the use of products that cause fermentation processes (beer, mushrooms, kvass, sauerkraut, brines, etc.);
  • abuse of products containing lactose (milk, kefir, yogurt);
  • gluten intolerance.

Note! Sometimes the most harmless and everyday foods, such as black, wheat, Rye bread as well as other bakery products.

Improper diet can also cause the appearance pathological causes flatulence - gastroenterological diseases.

Intestinal dysbiosis

A disease resulting from an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. The causes of dysbiosis can be prolonged use of antibiotics without subsequent mandatory probiotic therapy, decreased immunity, a violation of the diet, transferred intestinal infection, gastrointestinal diseases.

Flatulence is an obligatory companion of dysbiosis, but, in addition, the disease can be determined by the presence of symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, and bloating.



Inflammation of the colon, the symptoms of which are manifested by bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, constant discharge of gases, feelings of heaviness and squeezing in the abdominal cavity, frequent (4-5 times a day) loose stools, cutting paroxysmal pains.

Colitis is acute and chronic. In the second type, the disease is always accompanied by lung symptoms dehydration and exhaustion (dryness and pallor of the skin, a slight smell of acetone from the mouth, aggravated in the morning, lethargy, weight loss, deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair, nails).


Inflammation of the pancreas caused by enzymatic disorders. The pancreas is a complex organ that is not included in any of the body systems and is capable of simultaneously producing hormones and enzymes. With pancreatitis, the outflow of enzymes from the pancreas becomes difficult or stops altogether, as a result of which the digestive process is disrupted, and the gland begins to digest itself.

This process very quickly turns into acute condition, signs of intoxication appear (fever, severe pain, chills, vomiting mixed with bile). The patient's discharge changes color: the feces become light, almost white, and the urine, on the contrary, darkens. In this case, treatment is carried out in a hospital, often the patient requires surgical intervention.

The causes of pancreatitis can be mechanical injury, helminthiasis, alcohol abuse, food and chemical poisoning, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.


Inflammation of the small intestine associated with damage to its mucous membrane and characterized by acute pain in the epigastric region, nausea, weakness. In the acute phase, the disease is manifested by fever, vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, violation heart rate, hypertension, intoxication.

Poisoning becomes the causes of acute enteritis, infectious diseases... Chronic enteritis can cause helminthic invasions, uncontrolled reception medicines, unhealthy diet, work in chemical plants.

Important information! Since the symptoms of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are similar, to determine them and accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor. Self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to the body and provoke the development of such serious diseases as cancer of the esophagus and intestines.

Nervous diseases

In addition to digestive disorders, diseases can also become an indirect cause of flatulence. nervous system... The most common among them are neurotic disorders- this is the name of a complex of diseases manifested against the background of various psychoemotional and social factors.

Their relationship with digestive disorders has an evidence base - an overexcited nervous system suppresses appetite, as a result of which a person experiences a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, and also keeps muscles, including smooth intestinal muscles, in excessive tone. As a result, the patient develops diarrhea, constipation, belching, increased gas production, and physical exhaustion appears.


Aerophagia is a tendency to excessive swallowing of air while talking, eating, physical activity... This syndrome is most commonly seen in children. infancy- they tend to hastily swallow milk, after which they suffer from gas formation and show signs of severe anxiety - pull their legs to their tummy, scream, refuse to sleep.

In adults, aerophagia is a disorder of the nervous system and is treated with sedatives, resting, physiotherapy exercises, breathing exercises, light antispasmodic medicines.


Often unpleasant symptoms bloating during pregnancy. The reason for this is hormonal changes occurring in a woman's body throughout the entire period of bearing a baby.

The main culprit for flatulence in future mother is the hormone progesterone. It relaxes the ligaments and muscular apparatus, removing the tone of the uterus and thereby reducing the risk of miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy and premature birth- in the second. Main by-effect from an increase in the production of progesterone - relaxation of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, which entails disruptions throughout the digestive process.


Coloproctologist is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of intestinal diseases. At the first visit of a person with complaints of increased gas production, he will ask him about his lifestyle, diet and diet, find out what diseases the patient has suffered throughout his life.

After collecting the tests, the doctor will start examining the patient. Proctological examination includes visual examination of the perianal area, manual examination of the rectal area and rectum. Already at this stage, diseases such as hemorrhoids, fissures are often detected anus, perianal dermatitis... If the cause of flatulence cannot be established in this way, the patient is sent for tests and apparatus examinations.

Appointment diagnostic methods depends on symptoms and results initial examination... These may include:

  • analysis of feces for dysbiosis;
  • a blood test for some types of helminths, Helicobacter bacteria pylori;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • colonoscopy - examination of the rectum and colon using a probe with a camera;
  • transrectal examination of the rectum with ultrasonic waves - ultrasound performed through the patient's rectum using a special rectal probe;
  • irrigoscopy - X-ray examination of the rectum and colon, which allows to identify diseases such as intestinal diverticulitis, colitis, Crohn's disease, enteritis.

The listed diagnostic methods make it possible to determine with maximum accuracy the causes of flatulence, dysbiosis, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and other digestive disorders. If necessary, the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with similar symptoms can be dealt with in parallel and medical specialists another profile is a gastroenterologist and a neurologist.

Note! A visit to a coloproctologist requires little preliminary preparation... 2-3 days before visiting the doctor, the patient will have to give up fatty and fried foods, you can take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet / kg of body weight per day. On the day of the examination, you should make sure that the intestines are well emptied. If you cannot do this naturally, a cleansing mini-enema, which you can pre-purchase at the pharmacy, will help.


Table. The use of drugs for increased gas production in children and adults

Drug name Action Children 3-12 years old, adults Children under three years old
Phosphalugel adsorption + +
Enterosgel adsorption + +
Bobotik +
Espumisan suppression of gassing + +
Meteospasmil relaxation of rectal smooth muscles, protection of the intestinal mucosa children from 12 years old, adults
Sub-simpex destruction of gas bubbles in the intestine + +
Motilium stimulation of intestinal motility children from 5 years old, adults
Nourished anthelmintic drug + children from 2 years old
Vermox anthelmintic drug + children from 1 year

Folk remedies

Herbal infusions and decoctions, which help to normalize gas formation, can also help in the treatment of flatulence:

  1. Dill water: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, insist warm (preferably in a thermos) for 6 hours, cool. Children under one year old should be given 1 teaspoon three times a day, children over one year old - ½ glass, adults - 1 glass three times a day.
  2. Fennel infusion: pour 2 teaspoons of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, take in the same volumes as dill water... Children over 1 year old and adults can add mint and valerian leaves to the infusion in equal proportions.
  3. Melissa: 4 tbsp. Spoons of dry leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water, put on a steam bath for 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 15-20 minutes before meals.
  4. Wormwood: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried wormwood with a glass of boiling water, insist in a dark place for 12 hours, take 100 ml per day, dividing the entire volume of the broth into three doses. The duration of the course is 7 days.
  5. Cumin: 2 tbsp. spoons pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, cool, drink according to Art. spoon three times a day.

Effective folk remedy garlic is considered from flatulence. A small peeled clove of garlic should be swallowed without chewing in the morning one hour before breakfast and washed down with a glass of cold water. It is necessary to repeat the procedure for 10 days once every six months.

Prevention and diet

If the appearance of flatulence provokes an unhealthy diet, the patient needs to adjust the diet and food intake. To do this, you need to break the daily volume of food into 5-6 meals - this will improve metabolism and reduce the likelihood of increased gas formation.

The menu must be complete, it must contain daily rate proteins (100-120 g), fats (50 g) and slow carbohydrates (150-200 g). It is impossible to abuse protein food - it takes a long time to assimilate it, which contributes to the formation of gas.

During periods of exacerbation, the following foods should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • kvass, beer, kombucha;
  • slow carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets, white bread, white flour pasta);
  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades, sauces, seasonings;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage, cucumbers;
  • broths;
  • meals and drinks with milk;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • fruits (apples, pears, plums, grapes, melon, watermelon;
  • dried fruits;
  • carbonated drinks.

The temperature of the food eaten matters - too hot or too cold food negatively affects the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Products are best used boiled, stewed, baked. Salt intake should be kept to a minimum.

It is important to eat in a calm, measured environment, chewing each bite thoroughly. Better if at least acute periods meal times will be the same.

Increased gas production in the intestines is a symptom that can manifest itself as a result of the abuse of food rich in vegetable fiber, proteins, slow carbohydrates, and as one of the manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases. To get rid of it, you need to follow a diet and see your doctor if you have frequent signs of indigestion.

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