What to do if bowel spasm worries? How to relieve intestinal spasm at home Small intestinal cramps symptoms treatment

If intestinal spasms appear, the causes and treatment will always be associated with each other. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not always the factors of abdominal pain. Unpleasant sensations arise after taking certain medications, after surgery, and also if the diet was simply disturbed. What to do with smooth muscle spasms?

You should be aware that spasms in the intestines can differ in many ways, depending on in which department they occurred.

Allocate spasms:
  1. Large intestine. The patient has an increased urge to defecate, but constipation is also possible. Even after going to the toilet, a person still has a feeling of incomplete emptying. Therefore, after a short time, the urge is repeated. If this pathology continues for a long time, then the body often lacks vitamins synthesized by this organ.
  2. Small intestine. In case of irritation of the mucous membrane of this section, the absorption of water is disturbed in a person, which provokes the appearance of diarrhea. Along with this, vomiting, frequent headaches, bloating and rumbling in the intestines in adults and children appear, and pressure decreases. Due to diarrhea, the body loses a lot of vitamins and minerals, which also affects its general condition. Such pains help to remove antispasmodic drugs. Additionally, the patient needs the introduction of saline solutions.
  3. The cecum, from which the appendix departs. In this situation, pain is localized on the right side.
  4. Rectum. Manifested by frequent and painful urge to defecate.
  5. Spasm of the sigmoid colon (diverticulosis).
  6. Lead colic develops when the body is poisoned with lead. The patient's abdominal muscles are strongly tense, the body temperature rises sharply, the gums bleed, and a gray plaque appears between the gum and the tooth.
  7. Vascular colic is associated with impaired blood circulation in this area, as a result of which oxygen starvation of the organ begins. In this case, the cause of intestinal spasm may be: atherosclerosis of the vessels, aortic aneurysm, hypertension, compression of blood vessels with scars, adhesions or neoplasms.
  8. A severe spasm in the intestines requires medical attention. Often the cause is infectious, so treatment in a hospital is necessary. If colic was provoked by a disturbed diet, then after a bowel movement, the patient, as a rule, feels relief. With severe colic, a refusal to eat is required for at least 12 hours. At this time, it is allowed to drink sweet tea with a crouton.
  9. Nervous spasm occurs due to circulatory disorders. Coping with this condition can be very difficult. The most important thing is to try to overcome stress. At the same time, sedatives and traditional medicine come to the rescue, based on motherwort, valerian, mint or hop cones.

Doctors say that the causes of spasms in the intestines can be very different: from the use of low-quality products to the development of severe pathologies.

The main symptoms of spasms include:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • pain near the navel;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • violation of the stool;
  • belching.

In severe cases, there is a headache, increased sweating and frequent urination, sleep problems, chills, and general malaise.

If intestinal obstruction has become a factor in the development of spasm, then the pain develops with lightning speed, the abdominal wall strains.

The causes and treatment of intestinal spasms are always interconnected, therefore, during the examination, the doctor will ask the patient some questions. First of all, he will try to find out how long ago the intestinal cramps occurred, after which it happened and whether the patient has other symptoms. Information about the presence of chronic diseases, the place of work of the patient and the products that he used the day before may be important.

After collecting the anamnesis, palpation of the abdomen is mandatory. Particular attention is paid to the cecum area to exclude acute appendicitis. During the examination, muscle tension, localization of pain and the presence of seals are determined. If the state of the organs is normal, then the doctor can easily probe the area of ​​the colon, sigmoid, transverse and cecum. They should be soft, without lumps and growths. Pressing into the area of ​​the cecum, a rumbling is heard.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the pain, why there are spasms in the intestines, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination:
  1. A blood test (general, biochemical) allows you to determine the presence of an inflammatory process or a violation in the work of internal organs.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. The coprogram gives an idea of ​​the presence of pathological processes in the intestine.
  4. Ultrasound makes it possible to assess the state of the organ and its sections, for example, the cecum, to see the presence of adhesions or neoplasms.
  5. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination that makes it possible to assess the condition of the intestine (the presence of inflammation, ulcers, stenosis, fecal stones, etc.). For this, a flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the rectal area. Thus, the doctor can find out why there was a spasm of the large intestine, rectum and other parts of it.
  6. Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the sigmoid and rectum to detect inflammation, polyps and other neoplasms. Using a rectoscope, the doctor examines the rectal mucosa.
  7. Radiography reveals obstruction, the presence of a liquid, gas or foreign body in the organ, perforation of the intestinal walls.
  8. Irrigography is done to detect stenosis, diverticulitis, internal hernias, neoplasms, and fecal stones.
  9. Computed tomography is indicated if a tumor is suspected.

After the spasms of the intestines have been identified, all the symptoms have been identified, the treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.

Self-medication can have serious consequences. Intestinal antispasmodics (Drotaverin, No-shpa, Spazmalgon, etc.) help relieve pain.

In addition to taking antispasmodics, the attending physician will prescribe a diet to help relieve the spasm. For the duration of the therapy, it is necessary to remove from the diet products that contribute to gas formation (legumes, sweets, fresh vegetables and fruit crops, fatty meats, pickles, smoked meats, ice cream, carbonated drinks, etc.). The patient needs to eat food fractionally (5-6 times a day in small portions).

Some diseases that cause intestinal cramps require surgery.

Use of medications

Knowing the symptoms, when cramps appear in the intestines, the doctor will advise treatment on an individual basis, the use of a certain medication that will help to effectively eliminate colic. Intestinal cramps include:

  • intestinal antiseptics and antibacterial drugs effective against many pathogens (Biseptol, Levomycetin, etc.);
  • medicines used for atherosclerosis (Nitroglycerin, etc.);
  • antihypertensive medications (Andipal, etc.);
  • sedatives (Valerian extract, etc.);
  • enzymatic drugs (Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, etc.) are prescribed if the spasms begin after eating;
  • drugs used for attacks that are accompanied by cramps in the intestines (No-shpa, Papaverine, etc.).

After the spasms in the intestines are relieved, the patient will be additionally observed by the attending physician for a certain time. This is due to the fact that often the manifestations of the disease can be repeated.


When treating spasms in the intestines, the patient needs to follow a special diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins. With severe colic, it is recommended to completely refuse food.

Foods that can cause allergies in the patient should be excluded from the diet. The amount of meat must be reduced. You should completely stop eating fatty, spicy foods, baked goods, sauces, semi-finished products and foods that cause flatulence and gas formation.

Traditional medicine and surgery

How to treat spasms with folk methods, the doctor will tell you. Usually they use for this:

  • decoction of black currant berries, gooseberries and plums, taken in equal parts;
  • a decoction of chamomile;
  • a decoction made from plantain candles;
  • tincture of birch buds;
  • a decoction of dried watermelon peels.

How to relieve intestinal spasm at home can only be told by a doctor. Colic is not always relieved by medications. If the reason for its appearance is not associated with diseases of the digestive system, then it is enough to lie down and apply a warm heating pad to the stomach.

The operation is used extremely rarely. The doctor may prescribe it in the case when the spasm has become a sign of inflammation of appendicitis or in the presence of a neoplasm.

In order to prevent reflex spasm in the intestines, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet. The diet should contain foods rich in fiber (cereals, vegetables), lean meat and fish, dairy products. Beets, prunes and figs will quickly relieve colic.

In order not to wonder how to get rid of intestinal spasms, you need to adhere to simple rules:
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • use only high-quality products;
  • not be distracted by reading or watching TV while eating;
  • regularly play sports and lead an active lifestyle;
  • minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • do not drink food.


As a rule, the prognosis is generally favorable and depends on what caused the spasm. If this happened after eating low-quality products, then it is enough to follow the diet and the patient's condition quickly returns to normal.

If the spasm has become the cause of the disease, then the prognosis will depend on how effectively the treatment is prescribed and carried out. How to treat a specific pathology and how to relieve the spasm that has arisen as a result of its development, the doctor should say after confirming the diagnosis.

In the case of the detection of a neoplasm, everything will depend on the place of its localization, degree and form. Malignant tumors that have been diagnosed in an advanced stage can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health, regularly undergo preventive examinations and consult a doctor if unpleasant symptoms appear.

Cramping pain in the epigastric region often indicates spasm. Intestinal colic can signal the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you find frequently recurring symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist. If serious pathologies are not found, you can try treatment for intestinal spasms at home.

Symptoms and manifestations

The most faithful is a sharp spastic pain in the intestinal region, arising and passing suddenly. However, spasms do not arise just like that, therefore, against the background of existing diseases, other symptoms may join.

For example, in the presence of spasms are accompanied by pain in the stomach, nausea or vomiting, weight loss from temporary refusal to eat, and dyspepsia.

With ulcers of the stomach and duodenum the pain intensifies sharply, especially on an empty stomach or at night when the patient is asleep. With a sharp deterioration in the condition, in addition to intestinal spasm, soreness occurs on the right side, hepatic colic appears, the skin becomes yellowish, and the patient vomits bile.

In the presence of diseases of the pancreas cramps are accompanied by bloating, girdle pain, and incessant vomiting.

Intestinal infections are accompanied by spasticity, high fever, vomiting, nausea, and persistent diarrhea. At the same time, impurities of mucus and blood are clearly visible in the feces.

sharp spasms are short-lived and gradually subside... They are the result of an accumulation of gas and feces. Perhaps the attachment of incessant vomiting. At the same time, the abdomen is strongly swollen.

Important! If the patient does not seek medical help during the day, he may die.

Causes of occurrence

Colic is the result of motor impairment. Their the following factors contribute to the appearance:

  • hyperextension of the intestinal wall;
  • irritation of nerve endings;
  • decreased smooth muscle tone;
  • violation of the ability to contract smooth muscles;
  • the appearance of pathological peristalsis: strengthening or weakening, partial loss of peristaltic waves;
  • the appearance of obstacles to the movement of feces.

Important! If spasticity is a symptomatic result of another disease, it must be treated.

Most often, colic develops on the background helminthic invasions, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gallbladder inflammation, pancreatitis. Often enteroviruses, severe intoxication and nutritional errors provoke a painful condition.

In persons with an unstable psyche and a tendency to experience an agitated nervous system negatively affects the intestines, causing spasticity, pain, diarrhea and anorexia.

Types of intestinal colic

Depending on the cause and location of the pain there are several types of intestinal colic:

  1. Appendicular- develops in the area of ​​appendicitis and is the result of inflammation of the caecum. Usually, such colic refers to the harbingers of an attack of appendicitis. Localization - on the right side in the lower abdomen (at the level of the ovaries in women).
  2. Rectal- contraction of the rectum, which is accompanied by the urge to defecate. Contraction of the anal sphincter often occurs in people prone to constipation.
  3. Lead- the result of poisoning with salts of heavy metals. The patient develops hyperthermia, the abdomen becomes tense, a gray plaque appears on the gums, and bleeding occurs in the mouth. There is no specific antidote.
  4. Vascular- the result of the resulting hypoperfusion of the intestine, which often develops in hypertensive crisis, atherosclerosis, vein thrombosis or vascular compression by tumors, adhesions.


Most often, to learn how to relieve pain, the patient goes to see a therapist or gastroenterologist... Both specialists will help you understand the cause of the discomfort and, if necessary, will refer you to a surgeon for consultation.

To begin with, general clinical studies are carried out.: the patient undergoes a general analysis of blood and urine. The first is necessary to detect hidden inflammatory processes, anemia, and the second is needed to detect sugar or other disorders, for example, the problem of bile acid metabolism. You may need to additionally donate feces for a coprogram to exclude intestinal bleeding or helminthic invasion. A biochemical blood test will show the condition of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Upon detection of significant laboratory deviations the patient may be referred for X-ray examination, ultrasound of internal organs, CT or MSCT of the abdominal cavity.

A referral to an endoscopist is necessary for examinations such as colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The latest diagnostic methods will help identify the exact cause of the patient's painful condition.


How can you relieve intestinal spasms? If severe attacks have begun, it is not recommended to relieve pain on your own with the help of heating pads, enemas, muscle relaxants and antispasmodics. Without the proper knowledge, self-medication can be harmful.

Important! Therapy can be carried out only after the arrival of doctors, when they exclude signs of life-threatening conditions, such as an attack of acute appendicitis and intestinal obstruction.

If the operable cause has been ruled out, doctors prescribe... If the pain is the result of a neuropsychic shock, sedatives are prescribed.

Antispasmodic effect is possessed by "No-shpa", as well as medicines based on belladonna extract. If spasms are accompanied by bloating, it is necessary to correct the diet and exclude gas-forming products. Spasticity against a background of stool disorder is controlled by antidiarrheal drugs.

Remedies symptoms and treatment of intestinal colic in adults with folk remedies:

If the contractions are not pathological, then during an exacerbation, a heating pad with warm water is placed on the stomach... In other cases, it is contraindicated.

Antispasmodics will help to remove the painful condition... Medicines based on papaverine, drotaverine, platifillin, mebeverine act best on the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract. Examples of trade names: "No-shpa", "Papaverin", "Sparex", "Dutan", "Platifillin".

Sedatives are prescribed depending on the degree of neuropsychic shock... Herbal remedies, barbiturates, bromides (Corvalol, valerian tincture, motherwort tincture, Persen) can be used.


If the discomfort is not pathological, but is situational and does not disrupt the patient's life, a diet is suitable for prevention. A balanced diet with limited fatty, fried and spicy foods normalizes the general condition.

To exclude the appearance of cramps, food should be taken 4-5 times a day. and in such quantity as to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger. It is also recommended to protect yourself from stress and nervous shocks.


Intestinal spasms can be neurogenic, pathological and physiological in nature. Before starting self-medication at home, it is recommended to see a doctor to rule out life-threatening conditions. Timely therapy of the underlying disease minimizes the risk of complications.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Appoints diagnostics and provides treatment. Group Expert on Inflammatory Diseases. Author of over 300 scientific papers.

Bowel spasm (intestinal colic) is a symptom that manifests itself in the form of intense visceral pain, cramps, and contractions of the intestinal wall. In most cases, this symptom is a sign of gastroenterological pathology, but psychosomatic pain is also not excluded. Also, it should be noted that this pathological manifestation is never a separate disease. Elimination of the symptom is possible only after clarifying the etiology. Self-medication is unacceptable.


Intestinal cramps can be caused by the following etiological factors:

  • acute and chronic forms, gastroduodenitis;
  • generalized viral infections;
  • poisoning with toxic substances, poisons, chemical compounds;
  • adhesive;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the intestine;
  • obturation of the intestine with a tumor;
  • consequences after surgery;

The psychological factor should be singled out separately. Often, intestinal spasms can be caused by psychosomatics. In such cases, treatment should not be prescribed, but.


Depending on the clinic and the localization of this symptom, there are three forms of it:

  • rectal;
  • appendicular;
  • lead.

The last form of manifestation of a symptom can only be due to toxic poisoning.


Intestinal spasms, regardless of the underlying factor, are always characterized by severe, cramping pain, intensity of varying degrees. The accompanying symptoms will depend on the underlying disease. It should be noted that if the ailment is due to psychosomatics, then a clearly expressed additional clinical picture is not observed.

In gastroenterological diseases, intestinal spasm is accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • feeling of discomfort, pain in the abdomen. As the pathological process aggravates, they will become more intense;
  • often with seizures;
  • with a fetid odor;
  • , most often observed after eating fatty, fried foods;
  • , against the background of which it is observed;
  • bouts of diarrhea, which can be followed by prolonged constipation.

With viral infections, intestinal spasm can also occur, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • organism;
  • body;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  • - frequent urges that do not bring relief, accompanied by a burning sensation and itching;
  • , even with minimal physical activity;
  • unstable blood pressure.

Intestinal spasm quite often can be caused by adhesive intestinal obstruction, which can be characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • strong cramping character;
  • vomiting, which may contain undigested food particles;
  • stool and gas retention;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach, even with the minimum amount of food consumed;
  • heartburn, belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • body.

In case of poisoning with toxic substances, the following symptoms may appear:

  • abundant;
  • nausea with severe vomiting;
  • bouts of diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • loss of consciousness is possible;

With appendicitis, the clinical picture can be supplemented by high body temperature, high blood pressure, while the pain is sharp, severe cramping in nature. If at this stage of the development of the pathological process, the patient is not provided with medical assistance, it develops, which is extremely life-threatening.

Intestinal cramps are quite often the only symptom in the initial stages of helminthiasis. As the disease worsens, the following symptoms appear:

  • weakness, lethargy;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • sharp bouts of diarrhea;
  • deterioration or, conversely, an increase in appetite;
  • loss of body weight.

In the presence of the above-described clinical picture, even if the symptom develops on a nervous basis, you should consult a doctor, and not engage in uncontrolled intake of medications or treatment through traditional medicine.


First of all, a gastroenterologist clarifies complaints, anamnesis of the onset of a symptom and life, as well as an objective examination of the patient. If there is a suspicion of psychosomatics, then the consultation of a psychotherapist may be required.

To identify the etiology of the disease, the following laboratory and instrumental examinations can be carried out:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • detailed biochemical blood test;
  • coprogram;
  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • MSCT of the abdominal cavity;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • colonoscopy;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • plain radiography with contrast agent.

To clarify the cause of this symptom, the examination plan can be adjusted by the attending physician.

Based on the test results, the doctor can determine the root cause and prescribe the correct treatment.


Only a qualified doctor can correctly tell how to relieve intestinal spasm after identifying the etiology of the pathological process.

As a rule, in the presence of such a symptom, treatment is complex, including diet. In some cases, conservative treatment is not advisable, surgical intervention is required.

Medication therapy may include taking the following drugs:

  • antispasmodics;
  • pain relievers;
  • to improve peristalsis;
  • sedatives if intestinal spasm is caused by psychosomatics;
  • antiemetic;
  • antidiarrheal.

Compliance with dietary nutrition is mandatory. Excluded from the diet.

Small intestine spasm or, in other words, intestinal colic is a sharp and prolonged contraction of the intestinal muscles, combined with a delay in the relaxation phase of these muscles. Most often, colic occurs in the small intestine, but often spreads to its other parts, becoming generalized. Symptoms of spasm of the small intestine are similar to signs of other gastroenterological pathologies, therefore, it is almost impossible to correctly prescribe treatment without diagnosing.

The causes of intestinal spasms

Normally, the contractions of the intestines are in the form of peristaltic waves, with contractions and relaxation. They cover almost all the intestines that make up the intestine - from the 12-tip to the sigmoid (with the exception of the rectum, which is not involved in intestinal motility). Moreover, different parts of the digestive tract have their own order and sequence.

Small bowel spasm is formed due to severe irritation of the intestinal walls, which can be activated by a number of reasons of a physical or mental nature.

For example, intestinal colic can occur due to:

  • organic or synthetic poisons or metal salts that have entered the intestines with food;
  • the worms that have multiplied in it, causing blockage and inflammation of the intestines;
  • bacteria trapped in the intestines on stale food;
  • viral infections;
  • disruption of the pancreas and stomach as a result of frequent overeating or quick snacks, due to which food that has not been fully digested enters the intestine and creates an additional load on it;
  • toxins released during necrosis of the intestinal walls as a result of circulatory disorders.

In addition to these reasons, intestinal colic can occur due to functional disorders of the digestive tract:

  • gallstone disease;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • colitis;
  • liver pathologies.

Acute spasm can be caused by appendicitis or a strangulated hernia, and chronic spasm by a neoplasm in the intestine.

Intestinal colic of a cramping nature may appear after surgery on the intestines due to the formation of adhesions that delay the movement of food along the intestines or completely stop it. These cramps are worse after physical activity.

Colic can also occur as a side effect of certain medications, as a result of nervous stress or excessive anxiety. But spasms of a neuropsychological nature occur less frequently than in cases of pathological processes occurring in the intestines.

Intestinal colic symptoms

Intestinal colic symptoms include:

  • sensations of pain in the navel area, which is barely noticeable or moderate;
  • feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen;
  • his bloating and severe flatulence, especially after drinking alcohol, chocolate, soda.
  • urge to defecate, not ending with it;
  • constipation or vice versa, diarrhea;
  • a feeling of insufficient bowel movement after a bowel movement;
  • belching with air;
  • lightheadedness and subsequent vomiting.

In difficult cases, with intestinal colic, there may be a headache, cold sweat, chills, general weakness, drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia due to aching pain.

Severe intestinal cramps after eating are caused by intestinal obstruction or mesenteric thrombosis, and symptoms often appear all together and with great intensity. The pain quickly spreads over the entire abdominal area, while the abdominal wall is often very tense. Relief of pain often means that necrotization has begun at the site of the obstruction and pain receptors die off, so the intestinal mucosa loses its normal sensitivity.

How does intestinal spasm develop?

The pathogenesis of this pathology is quite complex:

  1. Most often, severe pain occurs as a result of stretching of the intestinal loops by large masses of food passing through them, which move paroxysmally along them due to increased intestinal motility.
  2. But spasm is also possible as a result of powerful irritation of the nerves that are located in the walls of the intestines.
  3. Spasmodic pain often occurs due to many intestinal diseases, such as colitis and enterocolitis.

It is possible to understand the cause of the appearance of spasms only after carrying out diagnostic procedures and identifying the disease against which they arose. Seek advice, diagnostics and treatment should be addressed to a gastroenterologist.

Intestinal cramps therapy

Treatment of spasm of the small intestine begins with the removal of pain. At home you can drink 1 tab. No-shpy, other painkillers (Andipal) or carminative drugs. But you should not abuse these medicines, since they can significantly distort the real picture of the disease and thus become the reason for an inaccurate diagnosis and complication of the situation.

You can also give an enema with a warm decoction of mint or lemon mint. It is forbidden to apply a heating pad to the stomach - this can exacerbate the severity of the problem. If after painkillers and enemas the pain does not go away, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

In the treatment of colic, rectal suppositories with Papaverine are also used, which are considered an effective antispasmodic. Suppositories for intestinal spasms are injected into the rectum twice or three times a day, 1-2 pcs. In especially serious cases, if the intestinal spasm could not be removed with drugs, surgical intervention is used.

If the cause of the appearance of spasms does not lie in the field of gastroenterology, then a consultation with a neuropsychiatrist will also be required. This is necessary so that you can choose the most effective physiotherapy procedures: acupuncture, hydrotherapy, massage or remedial gymnastics, which will help relieve nervous tension. Conversations with a psychologist also have a good effect.

To understand how to treat intestinal spasms, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of pathology, provoking factors and pathogenesis. Intestinal spasm accompanies a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are characterized by visceral pain with increased intensity. Pathology is directly related to the numerous contractions of the intestinal walls. The main manifestation of colic is cramping pain, combined with additional symptoms. To determine the diagnosis, ultrasound, X-ray, instrumental and laboratory research methods are required. Therapy for spasms is conservative. Basically, antispasmodic and sedative drugs, diet, and antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed.

Etiology of the disease

Prolonged, severe cramps in the intestines are not considered an independent ailment, they are regarded as symptoms indicating a malfunction in the functioning of the digestive tract. In most cases, a similar type of functional disorder in the activity of the intestines is observed in children under one year old. Also, stomach cramps with intestinal colic disturb adults. Before starting treatment for a spasm of the intestine, you should find out the cause of the development of the malaise.

Cramps in the stomach and intestines are manifested by cramping pains. In some cases, there are violations of communication with motility in the intestine. The main links during severe spasmodic pain are the processes of stretching the intestinal walls, as well as irritation of the nerve centers and endings. In addition to all this, there is a malfunction in the tone of the muscles, the possibility of contraction and the occurrence of peristaltic waves is upset.

Spasms in the intestines are manifested against the background of a digestive upset, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and hepatitis. If the digestion process is disturbed, then the food lump, which has not undergone sufficient processing, irritates the intestines, which provokes a spasm. One of the most common reasons for this condition is nutritional errors.

Colic manifests itself with intoxication of the body, against the background of industrial poisoning, as well as in the case of ARVI or influenza. In such a situation, intestinal spasm occurs due to the detrimental effect of toxins and toxic substances on the neuromuscular center. Intestinal infections can be attributed to the reasons for the development of malaise, since the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms has a combined effect. The process irritates the nerve endings, provokes excessive exudation and stretching of the intestine. The combination of these phenomena provokes a failure of peristalsis and motor skills.

As for asthenic people with a labile psyche, cramping pain is directly related to spasm. Against the background of emotional shock, a failure occurs in the autonomic regulation of peristalsis.

Spastic contraction is inherent in bowel obstruction. The development of spasm is observed in the case of obturation of the organ with coprolites, a foreign body and a tumor, gallstones, bezoars and worms. Often intestinal colic occurs during acute.

Considering the cause of the ailment, as well as the localization of pain, several types of spasms can be distinguished. One of them is the appendicular form, which develops against the background of inflammation in the appendix. The rectal type is directly related to rectal spasms, so there is a frequent urge to defecate. The lead form manifests itself in lead poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning: bleeding from the mouth, the presence of gray plaque on the gums, tension of the peritoneum, fever. As for the vascular type, it is directly related to the hypoperfusion of the organ proceeding against the background of atherosclerosis, hypertensive crisis and thrombosis.


The symptoms of intestinal spasm are bright and expressive. The main symptom of intestinal spasm is cramping intense pain concentrated in the abdomen. If spasms accompany the course of gastritis, the following clinical picture is observed: weight loss, lack of appetite, nausea. In the case of peptic ulcer disease, pain occurs at night or on an empty stomach. With hepatic pathologies, spasms are localized in the right side, have the type of hepatic colic. There is itching, yellowness of the skin, vomiting of bile.

As for intestinal infections, they are accompanied by nausea, profuse vomiting, fever, diarrhea, colic, intestinal spasm. In the feces, blood and mucus are observed. If helminths are the cause of the malaise, then the clinical picture is accompanied by apathy, weakness, severe fatigue, itching in the anus and skin rashes. With intestinal obstruction, severe spasms, cramping pain, and bloating occur. There is a lack of peristalsis.

Features of therapy

Treatment of intestinal spasms is prescribed by a doctor. First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, it is not recommended to stop the spasm with antispasmodics, pain medications, enemas and heating pads. This can blur the clinical picture or aggravate the pathology.

If the diagnosis excludes acute pathology of a surgical nature, the patient is prescribed pathogenetic therapy. When a spasm manifests itself against a background of stress, sedatives are required. With the help of belladonna and Drotaverinum, the smooth muscles in the abdomen are relaxed. A warm heating pad has a similar effect. In the case of flatulence, diet therapy is prescribed, as well as enemas to cleanse the intestines of accumulated gases and feces. When a spasm manifests itself against a background of loose and frequent stools, Smecta is prescribed. For the treatment of recurrent colic, not related to diseases of the internal organs, you should take sedatives, follow a special diet.

Regular spasms in the intestinal area are pathogenic. In some cases, colic and cramps signal a violation of the diet. To eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to correct the menu. If the reason lies in pathology, then medical attention is needed.

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