War and Peace 1 read short

A summary of "War and Peace" in chapters and parts will help the reader quickly get acquainted with the wonderful work of Tolstoy. The work begins with a description of the event, which was organized in July 1805. At this time in St. Petersburg, a society lady who was close to the empress, Anna Scherer, decided to arrange an evening in her salon. She invited all the city's intelligentsia to the evening. And her first guest was Prince Vasily Kuragin. I arrived in a ceremonial uniform, all so "important and bureaucratic." The conversation between the maid of honor and the guest is mostly in French.

From the conversation it becomes clear that the prince has two sons, Ippolit and Anatole, and a daughter, Helene. He is not proud of his children and calls them his cross, "the burden of existence." He considers his sons to be fools, besides, Anatole costs him very dearly "40,000 a year." At the end of the first section of the first part, the socialite Anna Sherer invites the prince to marry his son. She chose Marya Bolkonskaya for Anatole, whose father is very rich. The prince liked the proposal “arrange this business for me and I will be yours forever,” Prince Kuragin answered the maid of honor.

Chapter two

In the meantime, guests are gradually starting to arrive. Helen arrived - the daughter of Kuragin, who was considered the most charming woman in the city, her brother Ippolit, the pregnant wife of Bolkonsky Liza, who does not often go out into the world, but on small evenings like this one still appears. She arrived with the sewing work.
Then came the emigrant Viscount Mortemar, Abbot Morio and others.

Anna brought each guest to her aunt for greeting, who told everyone about her health and the health of her majesty, only these conversations were of no interest to anyone, so everyone was in a hurry to quickly move away from her aunt.

Pierre, the illegitimate son of Bezukhov, the richest count, who is now dying in his Moscow chambers, also arrived. This young man stood out very much from the crowd of those invited. Anna Pavlovna Sherer considered him "a person of the lowest hierarchy in her salon." Outwardly, he is fat, massive, with glasses. He was for the first time at such an evening, so the hostess is worried that he does not cause confusion in the conversations with his ardor.

Anna Pavlovna, like a good hostess, made sure that the conversations of the guests did not subside and that everyone was interested, she fluttered like a butterfly from one crowd to another, always appearing there. Where the topics of conversation ended.

Chapter three

The hostess of the evening tries to make the atmosphere of the evening beautiful by skillfully serving the guests. All guests were divided into three groups. In one of the men gathered, among the guests from the second crowd was Helene, whom the author describes in detail, her slender figure, white shoulders, glossy hair, open chest and back. Pregnant Liza also joined here. The third group included Mortemar and Anna Pavlovna. Mortemar was going to tell everyone about the death of the Duke of Enghien, who died because of generosity at the hands of Napoleon. A group of guests, led by Helen, joined the conversation about Enghienski.

While Mertemar tells the story of the death of the duke, Anna Pavlovna is attracted by the abbot and young Pierre, who spoke in a raised voice. To distract them, Scherer approaches them.

Chapter four

The guests were joined by Liza's husband, Prince Bolkonsky Andrei. This is a nice person, not tall. The prince was not very happy to be among those present, since he knew everyone and they all bored him. And most of all he was tired of his wife. Bolkonsky approached Anna Scherer and they struck up a conversation, from which we understand that he is going to war, and will send his wife to the village to her father. Then Bolkonsky notices Pierre - the only person to whom he was truly happy. Pierre asks for dinner at the Bolkonskys'.

Helene and her father leave the evening. Passing Pierre, Helene evokes unbridled admiration in the young man, so Andrei Bolkonsky asks Anna Pavlovna to teach Pierre some courtesy lessons and teach him how to conduct conversations in society.

Chapter five

Anna Pavlovna promises to take care of Pierre. Then the action turns to the conversation between Princess Dubretskaya and the departing Vasily. The princess, a poor woman who had long lost all ties with the world, came specially for the evening to ask Vasily for her son, so that he could talk to the sovereign and her Boris was taken into the guard. After talking with Vasily, she took from him a promise that he would ask for his son, although he was reluctant to give this promise, and only because Vasily understood that the princess would not let him go just like that.
Exit Prince Vasily and his daughter.

Between the rest of the guests, a hackneyed topic of politics unfolds, where Pierre admires the revolution and the actions of Napoleon, despite the fact that the rest of the guests are horrified by Bonaparte's actions. Until the end, the guy cannot defend his opinion, but Andrei Bolkonsky supports him. The discussion was defused by Hippolytus and, as a result, the evening ends with talks about balls, the play and about where someone will see each other.

Chapter six

The guests disperse. The author describes Pierre's appearance. This is a person above average, with large hands, wide and fat, moreover, absent-minded. At the same time, he won over with good nature, simplicity, and modesty. Also, when parting, Anna Pavlovna manages to talk with Lisa about the planned matchmaking of Anatole with the princess.
After the evening, the Bolkonskys leave for home. Pierre also decided to go to them, accepting their invitation. In the Bolognskys' house, Andrei started a conversation with Pierre, wondering if he had thought of replenishing the ranks of the belligerents. However, Pierre is not ready to fight against Napoleon, a man whom he considers great. Bologna himself goes to war, because "the life that I lead, this life is not for me."

Chapter Seven

Liza enters the men and here a small family quarrel unfolds over the future departure of Bologna for the war, Lisa is against it, especially since Andrei occupies an excellent position here. However, her husband is persistent and is not going to refuse to participate in the war. Angry that Lisa made a scandal in front of a guest, Andrei sends Lisa to the room.

Chapter Eight

Friends move to the dining room, where, for a frank conversation, Andrei advises Pierre never to rush to the wedding. It is better to first achieve your goals and get married as an old man than to rush like him. Yes, his Lisa is a wonderful woman, but he would give everything now to be free. As an example, he puts Napoleon, who, only having reached his heights, tied himself to a woman.

Then their conversation switched to the life of Pierre, who was now free and who lived with the Kuragin. Andrei advised him not to get involved with Kuragin Anatol and not go to them anymore.

Chapter nine

Pierre left the house of Andrei Bolognsky at about two in the morning, but went to the Kuragin, where Anatole was supposed to swagger with his friends. Pierre joined them, although before that, Bologna promised not to get involved with the son of Vasily Kuragin. There he found Anatol and Dolokhov, who in St. Petersburg were famous buffoons and rakes. They decided to end their evening with unusual entertainment.

Chapter ten

Further, a summary of "War and Peace" 1 volume takes us to Moscow. Vasily Kuragin, put in a word for Bogdan, the son of Princess Drubetskaya, thereby fulfilling his promise. Drubetskaya came to her relatives the Rostovs, where congratulations are being received in honor of the birthday of the Rostovs' mother and daughter. There is a conversation about the sick Bezukhov and about whom he will leave an inheritance to. Pierre - his beloved illegitimate son or Vasily Kuragin, who is the heir to his wife. They also discuss Pierre, who contacted Anatole. Because of their recklessness, because of their joke with the bear, Pierre was exiled to Moscow, Dorokhov was demoted to the ranks. Father put in a word for Anatole, but he was also expelled from St. Petersburg.

Chapter eleven

The Rostovs' daughter, Natasha, runs into the living room. She was 13 years old. Dark eyes, big mouth, ugly girl, but very lively. She had an age when it is already difficult to call a child, but still not a girl. Young people run after Natasha: Boris is the son of Anna Drubetskaya, Nikolai is the son of the count. Both are beautiful, but not alike. Sonya ran in with them - a thin, not tall brunette with long eyelashes and a thick braid. Petrusha, the youngest son of the Rostovs, appeared at the door behind her. They all laugh and burst into laughter. Then Boris tells the story of the Mimi doll, which he knew while still young, without cracks and with a whole nose. Then Natasha runs out of the room, followed by Boris.

Chapter twelve

Of the youth, Nikolai and Sonya remain in the living room, who are also impatient to run away. Here was Julie, the daughter of Karagina, and Vera, the eldest daughter of the countess. In a conversation between adults, the count is indignant at Nikolai, who decided to leave the university in order to go to war. Again, Napoleon was touched upon in the conversation.

Chapter thirteen

Having run out of the living room, Natasha hides in the flower room, Boris rushes in here, who immediately leaves. Before he had time to leave, Sonya entered, and then Nikolai. Natasha becomes a witness to the conversation of young people and their kiss. Then they leave and Natasha also sets off in search of Boris. When she found him, she again brought him to the flower shop, where Natasha kisses Boris, after which he confessed his love to her and they agreed that as soon as Natasha was 16 years old, they would get married.

Chapter fourteen

Sonya and Nikolai, Natasha and Boris settled down in the sofa room. They cooed with each other, during this occupation they were found by Vera, who angered the picture she saw. There is a quarrel between Natasha and Vera. The couples go to the nursery. Further, the conversation is transferred to the living room, where the Countess and Anna Mikhailovna are talking about money, about how hard it is now for Drubetskaya, who needs to outfit Boris and this needs 500 rubles, and she only has 25. Anna Mikhailovna really hopes that her Borenka will get something from the sick Count Bezukhov, who is her son's godfather. Then the princess takes Boris and they go to visit Bezukhova.

Chapter fifteen

On the way to Count Dubritskaya, she asks her son to be indulgent. Indeed, his future fate depends on Bezukhov, and it is very important that the name of Boris be in the will. In the house of Count Dubritskaya he meets Vasily Kuragin, who was leaving the patient's room with the doctor. Whom, but Princess Vasily, was not happy to see and wanted her to leave as soon as possible. But Anna Mikhailovna remained. Boris goes to Pierre to hand over an invitation to dinner with the Rostovs.

Chapter sixteen

And Pierre was really expelled from St. Petersburg for a brawl and now lives with his father. True, here he is not very welcome, and, especially, the eldest niece of Bezukhov. Soon Vasily arrives and settles in one of the rooms in the count's house. He told Pierre not to disturb Bezukhov and not behave badly, as in Petersburg. When Boris entered Pierre's room, he found him playing a boy's game. Pierre imagined himself as Napoleon in battle. Pierre does not recognize Boris, and when Boris introduced himself, pictures from childhood began to emerge in his memory. In a conversation with Pierre, Boris says that he and his mother do not need any of the Count's wealth, for which Pierre respects Boris and he wanted to continue to be friends with him. Boris hands over an invitation to the Rostovs and they leave with their mother.

Chapter seventeen

When Dubritskaya went to see Count Bezukhoi, Countess Rostova was very saddened by her situation and decided to help her friend. She asks her husband for 500 rubles, and he gives her, without asking what they are for her. Upon the arrival of the princess, the countess gives her friend the money and they, embracing, begin to cry about the days gone by and that their friendship is still so strong. They were tears of happiness.

Chapter Eighteen

The bulk of the guests have already gathered in the Rostovs' house for a festive dinner, but everyone is expecting Natasha's godmother, Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova. She was a straightforward woman who everyone was afraid of in society and called a terrible dragon. The men at this time settled in the office and talked about the war. Here, the cousin of Countess Rostova, Shinshin, argued with the guard officer Berg about where it is better and more profitable to serve. The men then join the rest of the guests.
Pierre also arrived, who felt embarrassed, he was somehow embarrassed to be here. When Akhrosimova arrived, everyone sat down at the table.

Chapter nineteen

During the meal there was talk of war. Opinions were divided. Half of the guests were in favor of the war, the other did not agree with this. Nikolai, the son of Rostov, considered himself to be among the first. Children were bored with adult conversations, so they had their own pranks. Natasha argues with her brother and, in order not to lose, across the table asks what kind of cake will be today. Everyone took this prank well and with admiration.

Chapter Twenty

The holiday is in full swing. The adults went to play a part, the youth gathered at the harp to sing. Natasha does not find Sonya and goes out in search of her. When she found her, Sonya was all crying. She cried because Nikolai was going to fight, and then Vera also said that Sonya was not a match for Nikolenka, because she was his cousin. However, Natasha calms her friend down and they return to the hall. There Natasha invites Pierre to dance. She is glad that she is dancing with a lot, and also with a foreigner. Adults also join the youth and show them how to light up and dance.

Chapter twenty one

While the festive festivities at the Rostovs' are underway, everyone is already preparing for the funeral in the house of Count Bezukhov, since the count had his sixth seizure, so no one even thinks that he will survive. Prince Vasily went to Princess Katish to find out from her about the will, as the prince is very worried that the whole fortune will go to Pierre. Having entered into an agreement with Vasily and rallied with Vasily against Pierre, Katish says that the will is under the patient's pillow.

Chapter twenty-two

At this time, Pierre, together with Princess Drubetskaya, are going back to Count Bezukhoi. Anna Mikhailovna takes Pierre to the Count's chambers, because the father wanted to see his son. While Pierre is waiting at the entrance, everyone present is looking at him with interest. Vasily looks at Pierre with fear. Everyone is invited to the patient's room.

Chapter twenty-three

An unction was held in the room, during which Vasily and the eldest niece of the count pulled out a briefcase with papers. When the count was carried back to the bed, Pierre went up to his father and said goodbye. He could not hold back the tears, which themselves gushed from his eyes. Pierre leaves the dying man's room.

Chapter twenty-four

When Pierre and Drubetskaya went to the reception rooms, Anna Mikhailovna noticed Vasily and Katish standing aside. At this moment you are rolling something diligently hiding something, and this something turned out to be a briefcase with all the documents, including the will. Katish and the princess started a fight over the portfolio. Drubetskoy managed to pick up the briefcase. The count dies. In the morning, Princess Drubetskaya comes to Pierre and asks that he and Boris not forget about them, because his father once promised to take care of them. Then Drubetskaya returns to the Rostovs, where she describes the events in detail.

Chapter twenty-five

Actions are transferred to Lysye Gory, where the estate of Bolkonsky senior is located. It was here that Pavel Nikolai Andreevich was once exiled, and who now lives there with his daughter Marya, without leaving the world. He likes country life better. At the estate, they are waiting for the arrival of Andrey (Marya's brother) with his wife. Marya receives a letter from her friend, where she informs about the intentions of Prince Vasily and Anna Ferrer to marry Mary Anatole, the son of Vasily. The letter also describes the life of Moscow, the death of Bezukhov, and his inheritance, which went to Pierre. Now Pierre is the richest and most enviable groom. Also in the letter we are talking about eternal conversations about the war. Marya writes the answer.

Chapter twenty six

Andrey and his pregnant wife Liza Bolkonskiy arrive at the estate. Meeting of Lisa, Andrey and Marya. Andrey confirms his intentions to go to war. Andrei visits his father and talks about the military campaign against Napoleon. Bolkonsky listened without pleasure, since he did not support the war and did not approve of Russia's desire to join it.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

At dinner the old prince started a conversation with Liza, asking questions about her relatives and friends, after which the conversation again turned to military topics. Dispute between son and father over Napoleon and Suvorov. Father, as always, calls Napoleon insignificant, while Andrei considers him a great commander. Everyone remained unconvinced.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Andrey is preparing to leave for the war. My sister came in to say goodbye. In the conversation, she asks to understand the mood of Lisa, a socialite who will now have to live in the village. At parting, the sister puts on Andrey an image that should protect him. Then Andrei goes to his father to talk face to face. Andrey asks to take care of Lisa and her unborn child. In the event of his death, Andrei asks that his child live and be raised in the village. Prince Bolkonsky gives a letter to Kutuzov, and also instructs his son, whom he is proud of. The father promises to do everything for Lisa.

What grade will you give?

Prince Vasily came to Anna Pavlovna Sherer for the evening. They talked a little about politics and war in Europe, and moved on to the prince's family life. He complained to her that his son, Anatol Kuragin, hangs a lot and needs to be married. Anna Pavlovna proposed the daughter of Prince Bolkonsky, who lives in the village and has a great fortune.

Guests began to drive up. All the light of those years. The guests at the entrance performed the ceremony of greeting with some aunt, without showing any interest in her. The magnificent Helen and Ippolit, the daughter and son of Prince Vasily, arrived. The Bolkonskys arrived: Liza, who was in a position, and her husband Andrei. Pierre, the illegitimate son of the dying Count Bezukhov, came for them.

Anna Pavlovna met everyone and directed them wherever needed, speaking a couple of phrases in the subject. So she walked all evening and directed the topics of conversation in the right direction, presenting them in the form of rotating spindles.

All the guests were divided into small groups, and each such group had its own conversation, which was ruled by the occasionally appearing Anna Pavlovna. In one of these heaps, the Viscount told an interesting story about Bonaparte, in another they talked about the beauty of Helene and the like. Prince Andrew was asked where he was going next? He replied that he was leaving for the war, and that he was sending his wife to the village to her father. Pierre approached him, and they began to talk. It turned out that they are old friends.

When Prince Vasily was about to leave with Helene for another evening, Princess Drubetskaya stopped him at the door. She began to talk about her son, Boris, and asked the prince to help him in the army. Prince Vasily remembered that he owed his first successes in service to Drubetskaya's father, so he agreed to recommend Boris to Kutuzov as adjutant. After the departure of Prince Vasily and Helene, the conversation turned back to Napoleon. The Viscount talked about the French emperor, but Pierre got into the conversation. He began to argue with the viscount and in the end, the matter did not end in anything - they were interrupted by Anna Pavlovna. But then Hippolytus decided to tell an anecdote, but not even having time to begin, he laughed and this smoothed out the tense situation.

The guests began to leave. Hippolyte did not leave Liza, even in the presence of her husband. He whispered something in her ear and helped her dress. Pierre left with the Bolkonskys, having said goodbye before that to Anna Pavlovna. When they arrived home, Andrei spoke to Pierre about what he was going to do next. But Pierre, who had lived abroad since the age of 9 and had only recently returned, could not decide on anything. In response, he asked Andrey why he was going to war? Prince Andrew could only say that the life he is leading here is not to his liking.

Liza entered the room, and Pierre and Andreev interrupted their conversation. They began to say that Andrei had changed from their wedding and became different. She asked not to leave her alone in the village without her friends. But Andrei did not like this conversation, and he invited Pierre to supper. At the table Andrei talked about the fact that his life was already over and dissuaded Pierre from marrying until he became a decrepit old man. But Pierre saw in the prince a young and healthy man with a strong will and did not understand why he thought so to himself. During the conversation, Andrei asked Pierre to no longer participate in the antics of Anatol Kuragin, with whom he lived.

Pierre left at 2 o'clock in the morning from the Bolkonskys and went straight to Kuragin. He decided that the promise was empty and could be broken. Anatole was full of people, and they started some kind of bet. As soon as Pierre entered the house, he was immediately drunk and asked to break the bet. Semyonovsky officer Dolokhov argued with the Englishman Stevens that he could drink a bottle of wine while sitting on the window of the 3rd floor. Pierre broke the bet and Dolokhov climbed. He almost fell, but managed to keep his balance and drank the entire bottle. Pierre also wanted to climb, but they dissuaded him.

Prince Vasily fulfilled his promise, and Boris was transferred to the Semenovsky regiment. Borenka himself at that time was at the Rostovs' house, at the birthday of his mother and daughter. Mother, Natalya, met the guests with the count. But she soon got tired of such a boring business. A conversation began about the tricks of Pierre, Kuragin and Dolokhov. It turned out that they tied the quarterly to the bear and made the bear swim, and with it the quarterly. For this trick Dolokhov was demoted, Pierre was exiled to Moscow, and Anatole was exiled from St. Petersburg. This news could not but amuse Count Rostov, but the Countess stopped him. They also said that Prince Vasily came to Moscow to the dying Prince Bezukhov.

Laughter was heard and the Rostovs' daughter, Natasha, ran into the room. She ran to her mother and, embracing her, laughed merrily. The guests also laughed. All the youth came running for Natasha: Boris, the eldest son of the Rostovs - Nikolai, the niece of the count - Sonya, and the youngest son - Petrusha. They all laughed merrily and went into another room.

The guests continued their conversation. They talked about young people: how to educate, how to communicate with them. Countess Rostova said that she pampered Natasha, and kept the eldest, Vera, strict. Vera, who was sitting next to her, smiled, but the smile did not suit her at all. The guests departed, promising to come for dinner.

Natasha ran into the living room and hid behind a flower. Nikolai and Sonya followed her. They kissed. Natasha quietly got out and met Boris. She hugged him softly and kissed him. But he told her that he needed to be patient a little and he would ask her hand in marriage. Only 4 years old. They joined hands and went to the sofa.

Three remained in the living room: Natalya, Mother Rostova, Vera and Anna Mikhailovna. Mother asked Vera to leave. She went to the sofa where the other children were. Vera took away the inkwell and Nikolai, who was copying the poetry, and told Natasha not to run. The children went to the nursery, leaving Vera, looking in the mirror, alone.

Anna Mikhailovna complained to Rostova that she had no money for Boris's outfit. After talking a little, she got ready and went to Bezukhov, to ask for money, because he was Boris's godson.

Anna Mikhailovna, together with Boris, came to Count Bezukhov, but she was not allowed. She asked to be informed once again that Countess Drubetskaya had arrived with her son and then they were allowed to pass. She saw Prince Vasily and got into a conversation with him about the health of Bezukhov and his affairs. But the prince was skeptical, he was afraid that she could claim the inheritance of the dying. But she discouraged him. The princesses came, the nieces of the count, caring for the sick. She said no improvement was foreseen. Boris was sent to Pierre, to invite him to the Rostovs for dinner.

The story with the bear turned out to be true, and for this Pierre was exiled to Moscow and came to his father. He asked the nieces-princesses if it was possible to see their father, but they refused him. A few days later, Prince Vasily arrived and Pierre remained at his place all the time.

When Boris came to him, he walked around the room and pierced the invisible enemy with his sword. Pierre did not recognize Boris and took him for Nikolai Rostov, but after the explanation everything fell into place. Pierre wanted to talk to him about politics, but Boris immediately announced that he did not understand it. Drubetskoy, after a minute's silence, said that he did not want the wealth of the dying man and came only with his mother. Pierre was struck by this directness, but at the same time was pleased with the young man's decisiveness. Boris again invited him to the Rostovs and, having exchanged a couple of phrases with Pierre, left. He saw his mother leaving the old count. She lamented something about his health. They left.

Countess Rostova called her husband and asked him for money. He called Mitenka, the business manager, and ordered to bring him 700 rubles. When Anna Mikhailovna arrived from Bezukhov, she was saddened. She told Rostova that the count was very bad. Rostov's mother opened the handkerchief with the money and said that it was for Boris's clothes. Anna Mikhailovna and Natalya hugged each other and cried because they were old friends and helped each other.

The guests gathered and waited for Marya Dmitrievna alone. She was not very rich, but she had great honor and directness of mind and character. The guests walked about the room and little by little they started talking. Pierre arrived just before dinner and sat in the center of the table, blocking the passage for other guests. Marya Dmitrievna also came for him. She called Pierre to her and scolded him for the trick with the bear. They all sat down at the table.

At the table, the men discussed war issues: should the Russians fight or stay at home? But Marya Dmitrievna quieted down their heated argument. Suddenly Natasha asked her mother when the cake would be served? The prank did not stand aside, and all the guests laughed and had fun.

The tables were pulled apart for Boston, and the adults went off to play cards. The youth gathered around the clavichord, and they were going to sing something. Natasha wanted to start, but noticing that Sonya was not there, she left the room. Sonya was sitting on the chest and crying. The joyful Natasha also burst into tears, and they sat together and cried. It turned out that Vera saw Nikolai's poems to Sonya and threatened her that she would tell her mother everything. Natasha calmed Sonya, and they merrily went to the guests.

Natasha ran to Pierre and invited him to dance. They went into the common room and sat down, waiting. Natasha was happy that she would dance with an adult. She took the most secular pose and talked to Pierre while everyone was looking at her.

The old men started to come out from behind the cards. Father Rostov heard a familiar melody and began to dance with Maria Dmitrievna. She hardly moved, but the count danced a lot. He was a good dancer. He told the musicians to play faster and he himself began to spin faster and faster. With the last sound, the hall was filled with applause.

At the same time, Bezukhov suffered a sixth blow. He was getting worse. Important state people came to say goodbye to him. Prince Vasily found one of the princesses and began to talk to her about the count's will. He said that all the wealth is written to Pierre and they will not receive anything. The princess did not believe at first, but after hearing some facts, she realized that she would not get the money. The prince asked if she had seen a mosaic portfolio in which there was a will. It also contained a letter to the sovereign asking him to recognize Pierre as the legitimate son of Count Bezukhov.

A carriage drove up to the old count's house with Pierrot and Anna Mikhailovna. She led him back into the house. They quickly passed the rooms. In one of them Pierre saw Prince Vasily and the eldest of the princesses whispering. On their face Pierre saw fear and confusion when they unexpectedly entered. Anna Mikhailovna led him on to the count's chambers. Many different princesses, princes, servants and doctors gathered there. Pierre asked about his father's health, to which he was told about the blow that had happened. Pierre felt a new sensation: everyone around him began to treat him more politely and respectfully. Unction began, and everyone entered the room.

Everyone was in the count's room and prayed. Then they carried the count to another bed. He saw Pierre and beckoned him with a glance. Pierre hesitantly sat down at his father's. The count croaked and was turned over on the other side, but his hand remained on the other side of the body, and he could not move it. Pierre saw this and realized how close his father was to death.

Everyone left the room. Pierre followed Anna Mikhailovna. In the room he saw how she was arguing about something with the princess. They were holding a mosaic portfolio and arguing. Prince Vasily separated them, saying that he would take everything upon himself. The middle princess came in and said that the count was dying. They all went to the old man. He died. Pierre went to sleep on the sofa, putting his hand under his head, and Anna Mikhailovna went to the Rostovs, where she told about her father's farewell to his son.

In Bald Hills, where the Bolkonskys were supposed to arrive: Liza and Andrey, everything went on as usual. Nikolai Andreevich, Andrei's father, was retired and raised his daughter at home himself. He did not go to the city, but he was often visited.

The princess came to her father for a geometry lesson. He gave her a letter from Julie Karagina and said that he would read the next letter 3. He began to teach her geometry, but she did not understand anything. No, she was not stupid, but close to her father, she could not think calmly. He started yelling at her, and she became more and more confused. Finally, he let her go.

Arriving in her room, the princess began to read the letter. It wrote about the death of Count Bezukhov and the transfer of the entire inheritance to Pierre, about the story with Prince Vasily and the sisters-princesses, about the fact that they want to woo Anatol Kuragin to her, and so on. Having finished reading, the princess began to write the answer. She said that she did not believe the rumors about Bezukhov and thought it was very good about Pierre that Prince Vasily should come to them, but there was not a word about marriage, and about the arrival of her brother, Andrei.

Andrey and Liza arrived. They did not go to Nikolai Andreevich, because he was asleep, and it was impossible to wake him up ahead of time. They went to Princess Marya. At that time she played the clavichord with Mademoiselle Bourienne. Seeing Lisa, they started hugging, kissing and laughing. The girls started talking about business in St. Petersburg, and then switched to personal. Andrei, having been with them, went to his father. Nikolai Andreevich was dressing at the moment when Andrey entered him. They talked about military affairs and the tactics of the Russians in the coming war.

At the appointed hour, everyone went to the dining room. A geological tree hung on the walls, and Prince Andrey joked about it. But my sister did not understand the joke, and was about to enter into an argument, but Nikolai Andreevich came and everyone sat down at the table. Nikolai Andreevich called his daughter-in-law to him and began to question her about everything. She, a little embarrassed, began to briskly talk about life in the city. The prince, after not much listening to her, turned to the architect, who was also sitting at the table. He again began talking with Andrew about the war and Napoleon's plans. They got excited, but soon calmed down, they began to discuss the tactics of troop movement.

There was little time left before Andrey's departure. He was packing his things when his sister came to see him. They talked about their father and Lisa. Masha, taking a promise from the prince, put a small icon on him. He went to his wife's room. She sat at work. He asked if everything was fine and kissed her. Then he went to his father. He wrote a letter. Andrey, a little embarrassed, asked him to call an obstetrician from the city when Liza gave birth. Nikolai Andreevich promised. Then he got up, gave a letter to Andrey and said that it was Kutuzov. He shook his son's hand. Father and son said goodbye, and Andrey left the room. There Liza met him and, falling on his shoulder, hugged him. He sat her down in a chair and left.

L.N. Tolstoy

Name: War and Peace

Genre: novel


Part 1: 12min 37sec

Part 2: 12min 06sec

Part 3: 13min 01sec


War and Peace shows us the times of Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 and presents us with three of the most famous literary characters. Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of a certain count, who is fighting for his inheritance. Andrei Bolkonsky, who left his family to fight in the war with Napoleon. And Natasha Rostova, the beautiful young daughter of a nobleman, who weaves intrigues against the first two men.
Tolstoy described characters from different walks of life - peasants and landowners, civilians and soldiers - and how they confronted the problems of their era, history and culture with incredible goodness. As the story progresses, characters transcend their origins and become some of the most humanized figures in world literature.
There is a huge range of characters, but they all act as if they are tied by the threads of fate. The novel relentlessly challenges the ideas of free will, fate, and providence. Nevertheless, the marital relationship is shown truthfully and bitterly, as is the main theme against which it unfolds.

L.N. Tolstoy - War and Peace Part 1. Listen to the summary online:

L.N. Tolstoy - War and Peace Part 2. Listen to the summary online.

"War and Peace" is the most ambitious, truly epoch-making work in the school curriculum. It takes many summer evenings to read it, but not all important details remain in the memory. They say that the author himself had difficulty following the course of his thoughts, so he often returned to previous chapters to start writing the next parts without inaccuracies. We offer you the shortest retelling of the famous novel by chapters, so that you do not get confused in motley events and always answer resourcefully in the lesson! Also, take a look at our .

  1. Chapter 1. It begins with a secular conversation between Anna Pavlovna Sherer, the maid of honor of the Empress, and Prince Vasily Kuragin. It goes in French and touches on all secular topics (a reference to the emptiness and falsity of light). In addition to organizing a future reception and discussing his guests, we are talking about the children of the prince. The son of Anatole must be married, and the lady-in-waiting is taken to arrange it. An excellent candidate is Marya Bolkonskaya, a rich, but not beautiful girl who will definitely fall under the spell of Anatole (here she is).
  2. Chapter 2. At Anna Pavlovna's evening, Helen (a vicious beauty) and Ippolit (her no less lost brother) Kuraginy (here), Liza Bolkonskaya, Abbot Morio and Viscount Mortemar gather at Anna Pavlovna's. Here also appears the clumsy and naive Pierre, the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, for whom such evenings are a novelty (he was brought up abroad). At first it seems to a young man that light is a gathering of people close to each other (here it is).
  3. Chapter 3. Anna Pavlovna's evening is compared to a spinning workshop where she launches spindles. The author's disdain for light is emphasized. Viscount Mortemar told about the death of the Duke of Enghien in the style of a secular anecdote (this speaks of the cynicism of the nobles). Pierre and Abbot Moriot were arguing about politics, and this conversation went beyond the ease of conversation in society. People are stunned by Bezukhov's open and so unusual behavior. The gallant officer Andrei Bolkonsky appears, he ignores everyone except Pierre, he is only friendly with him (here we described him in detail).
  4. Chapter 4. Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya asks the departing Prince Vasily about her son Boris. The woman is busy about the heir, in every possible way trying to arrange his career. And the conversation continues. Prince Andrew is cold, Pierre is hot, since we are talking about Napoleon. Bezukhov is a Bonapartist, he speaks passionately, which is indecent by public standards. Andrey helps a friend smooth out the awkwardness. The joker and merry fellow Ippolit Kuragin smoothed it out completely by telling an anecdote in bad Russian.
  5. Chapter 5. The guests are leaving. Pierre is clumsy. Andrey is indifferent. Liza, Andrei's wife, agreed with Anna Pavlovna about the acquaintance of Anatole and Marya. Hippolyte tries to seduce Lisa. Pierre arrives at Bolkonsky's house. Andrew tells him about the dangers of light. Pierre expresses his convictions: you cannot fight against Napoleon, and in general the war is pointless. Bolkonsky partially agrees with him, but he himself goes to war, because he is tired of everything: the high society is hypocritical and boring, his wife no longer evokes the same feelings, and besides, she is expecting a child, which is why quarrels often break out.
  6. Chapter 6. Liza arrives, meaningless chatter begins. She also reproaches her husband for leaving and his imprisonment in the village without "friends". Lisa is very dependent on society. When Andrei and Pierre were left alone, Bolkonsky confesses that he regrets the marriage and feels tied up. The prince warns Pierre against carousing with Anatoly Kuragin. He promises not to go. But it goes because it is characterless. At Anatole's binge, everyone is drunk and watching the argument: Dolokhov and Stevenson, Kuragin's friends, argued that the first would drink a bottle of rum, sitting on the window with their feet out. Dolokhov won, then everyone went to revel in another place.
  7. Chapter 7. The Rostovs have a name day, there are two Natalyas in the house - a mother and a youngest daughter (here). Preparations for the feast and visits brighten up the time of Natalia Sr. They talk about Pierre: the revelry was too large-scale, young people violated public order, and the participants were even expelled from the capital to Moscow. But Pierre still has a great future, because he is the beloved son of a rich man, Count Bezukhov, and will probably become his heir.
  8. Chapter 8. For the first time, one of the main characters, Natasha, appears (here we talked about her). She is not very pretty, but cheerful and lively. She speaks to her mother, spreading her good mood. Together with her Boris Drubetskoy (see Chapter 4), Sonya (distant relative and pupil of the house) and Nikolai (brother). Later Boris and Natasha leave.
  9. Chapter 9. Nikolai is going to become a hussar. He speaks to Julie's guest, arousing jealousy in Sonya. Nikolai and Sophia love each other, but the family does not encourage their closeness, because the Rostovs are poor, and Sonya has no dowry. Natasha and her talents (singing, dancing) are admired, her mother says that she is raising her in freedom.
  10. Chapter 10. Boris and Natasha accidentally see a quarrel and reconciliation between Sonya and Nikolai, accompanied by a kiss. After they leave, Natasha invites Boris to kiss the doll, and then she kisses him herself. They agree on eternal love.
  11. Chapter 11. Vera, the eldest daughter of the Rostovs, tells Boris, Natasha, Nikolai and Sonya about their unacceptable behavior. She always speaks intelligently, but no one in the house loves her. Natasha's mother talks with her friend Princess Drubetskaya about the inheritance of the old Count Bezukhov and her son Boris, who is also a relative of the Count. The woman wants to get profit there too.
  12. Chapter 12. The Drubetskoys, mother and son, are going to bow to the old Count Bezukhov. Vasily Kuragin, another contender for the inheritance, meets them with displeasure. As well as the sisters-princesses who live under Bezukhov. All these people are hunters for the count's huge inheritance, everyone sits and waits for him to die as soon as possible and leave money under their care.
  13. Chapter 13. Pierre arrives. He unselfishly came to visit the old man. He is greeted with irritation, seeing him as another rival. While Drubetskaya sits at the bedside of the sick count, Boris talks to Pierre, saying that he wishes the old man good health. Pierre liked Boris and decided to make friends with him.
  14. Chapter 14. Countess Rostova learns about the sorrows of her friend Anna Mikhailovna. She asks her husband for money for Boris's uniform. Drubetskaya accepts with touching tears. This woman has to begging forever in order to raise her son to his feet. Therefore, she is not afraid of any humiliation.
  15. Chapter 15. The Rostovs are talking about war and military service. Berg, the elder Vera's boyfriend, talks about his career. This is a well-fed and calculating person who always boasts of success. Pierre appears, he is awkward and shy. The guest Marya Dmitrievna arrives and shames Pierre. Then dinner, to which everyone is solemnly going.
  16. Chapter 16. At the male end of the table, the conversation about the war is again. They talk about patriotism, that we need to fight. Nikolai Rostov ardently agrees, he will have to go to war. Natasha asks about the future cake.
  17. Chapter 17. After eating - cards for men, singing for young people. Sonya is not enough for singing, Natasha follows her. She cries about the future departure of Nicholas, about the obstacles between them, about jealousy of Julie Kuragina, a more suitable party. Natasha reassured her friend. She later sings and dances with Pierre. The dance of Count Rostov and Marya Dmitrievna is an important episode, they danced beautifully.
  18. Chapter 18. Old Count Bezukhov loses the last crumbs of health, life leaves him. Prince Vasily Kuragin is already at the ready, the princesses too. Conversations about death, hopelessness and inheritance. Worries everyone if Pierre inherits something. They hope not, especially the princess. Prince Vasily, with the help of Princess Katerina, is going to steal the will in order to forge it if necessary.
  19. Chapter 19. Anna Mikhailovna and Pierre visit the dying Count Bezukhov. Drubetskaya leads the young man and speaks sympathetic words. She intends to confront Kuragin and his accomplices, seeing through and through their dishonest plans.
  20. Chapter 20. Pierre, the princesses, Anna Mikhailovna and Prince Vasily take part in the communion of Count Bezukhov. Prince Kuragin leaves with the eldest princess. Pierre helps to put his father to bed. He is struck by the sight of imminent death.
  21. Chapter Anna Mikhailovna and Princess Katerina are fighting for the portfolio. Taking advantage of the confusion from the appearance of the middle princess, Drubetskaya snatches out the briefcase. Thanks to her, the will was preserved, and Pierre became the heir to the state and received the count's title.
  22. Chapter 22. Action in Lysyh Gory, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, Andrei's father (here). He is harsh, sometimes cruel and tyrannical with his family. The father is studying geometry with his daughter Marya, but only scares her. She receives a letter from Julie with a religious book. The father also controls the correspondence. Julie writes the news of Moscow (war), her fleeting novel, Pierre's legacy, about the matchmaking being prepared for Princess Bolkonskaya. Marya replies that she likes Pierre (as a person), but she does not know about the future marriage.
  23. Chapter 23. Andrey and Liza Bolkonsky arrive. Marya is friendly to her sister-in-law, but Lisa herself is upset. The old prince talks with his son from Bonaparte, whom Andrew supports. The young man wants to imitate him, he also cares about his career.
  24. Chapter 24. During dinner, the old prince argues with his son about Bonaparte, expressing an anti-Napoleonic position. They are arguing.
  25. Chapter 25. Before leaving, Marya talks to Andrey. She persuades him to be more tolerant of his wife, to humble the “pride of thought” (as a brother can condemn a father) and wear a small icon. With Andrey's blessing, all her kindness is visible in Marya, her radiant eyes make her face beautiful. He admits that he is unhappy in the family. The father also notices this, sympathizing with him, but seeing no way out, however, promises to take care of his wife. Liza herself faints at parting.
  26. Part 2

    1. Chapter 1. October 1805. A review of the troops by Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov is expected. Just in case, everyone is preparing for the parade. But it turns out that you have to be in camping gear. Everyone is nervous. The higher ranks find fault with the lower. Dolokhov, dressed out of shape (he was demoted because of his revelry with Pierre and Kuragin), also gets in, but he fights back.
    2. Chapter 2. Arriving Kutuzov (here it is) examines the ranks, saying affectionate words to familiar officers and soldiers. Andrei Bolkonsky serves as his adjutant. The demoted Dolokhov is forgiven under the patronage of Kutuzov. The show ends, a good mood is passed on to the soldiers. Songbooks come out and sing. At this time, Dolokhova "recalls" Zherkov from Kutuzov's headquarters and calls to drink and play cards. The first one refuses. Zherkov is a local jester and the soul of the company, he constantly jokes and laughs at people, annoying some of them. He's also a shameless liar.
    3. Chapter 3. Kutuzov talks with the Austrian general, convincing him that the help of the Russian troops is no longer needed (in fact, he protects his people, and does not care about Austria). Then it becomes known that the Austrians are defeated, half of the campaign is lost. Prince Andrew is upset because he is really interested in military events. The rest of the staff only care about themselves, and not about the glory of Russian weapons, therefore they can joke and laugh, which offends Bolkonsky.
    4. Chapter 4. Nikolai Rostov is also involved in the campaign. In the German village of Salzenek, his regiment is stationed, and the hero settled in the apartment with the squadron commander Denisov, with whom he made friends. Denisov, having come after losing at cards, complains that, apart from alcoholic gatherings with cards, there is no entertainment, he would rather go into battle. Denisov is generally a straightforward person: without embarrassment of his colleague Telyanin, he says that he does not love him. Soon they come to win. Denisov has nothing to pay with, but he does not borrow from Rostov. Nikolai's wallet disappears. The hero is sure that this is Telyanin. Having caught the thief, Rostov despises him, but does not take the money. But the conversation was with the regimental commander, now Nicholas himself is awaiting sanctions, he threatened the honor of the regiment.
    5. Chapter 5. Squadron officers persuade Rostov to apologize to the regimental commander. The honor of the regiment is more important to them, but Nikolai refuses to apologize. Zherkov brings the news of the performance.
    6. Chapter 6. The beginning of the campaign was cheerful: the sun was shining, the weather was fine, the officers were looking at the monastery, joking.
    7. Chapter 7. They shoot across the bridge, Russian troops are crossing. Crush, impossible to get through. Alienation between hussars and infantry. Denisov clears the way for Nesvitsky from the passing soldiers.
    8. Chapter 8. The battle is approaching, everyone feels it, feels the line between life and death. Denisov is commanding excitedly. Rostov rejoices at his first "fight". Denisov asks to attack, but the boss refuses. The battle goes on slowly and lazily. Then they give the order to burn the bridge. There is a revival in Denisov's squadron, many hussars help to burn. The officers looking from the side note that there are too many people, concluding that the colonel just needs to curry favor. Nikolai is at a loss: there is no one to cut, he cannot help burn the bridge - he did not take a bundle of straw. The hero simply turns under his feet, looks at the sky and prays.
    9. Chapter 9. The situation at the front is not happy: the Austrian troops separated from the Russians, the strategy of the war has lost its meaning, it remains only to save people as much as possible and unite with fresh troops from Russia. However, on October 28, the French were defeated. Prince Andrew takes an active part in the campaign and feels happy. When the hero goes on an assignment to the Minister of War, he meets the wounded and gives them three gold pieces, cheering them on. The minister does not care about the outcome of the case, his indifference darkens Bolkonsky's joy.
    10. Chapter 10. Prince Andrey stops at the diplomat's friend Bilibin. They were of the same society, age and position, which meant a pleasant conversation. They talked about the real campaign, trying to understand why it was unsuccessful. Bilibin believes that Vienna is almost taken, which means that the war is over, and Austria has entered into a secret alliance with France.
    11. Chapter 11. Prince Andrey talks with Bilibin's friends. Their conversation is filled with jokes and gossip. There he also meets Ippolit Kuragin. But soon Bolkonsky goes to an audience with the Austrian emperor.
    12. Chapter 12. Austrian Emperor Franz asks simple and unnecessary questions just to say something. After Bolkonsky's audience, the courtiers are surrounded and invited to all social events. Returning from the palace, Andrei learns from Bilibin that Vienna was taken without resistance. The hopelessness of the Russian army depresses and pleases Bolkonsky, it is he who will accomplish the feat of her salvation. That is why he is hastily going into the army, despite Bilibin's persuasions.
    13. Chapter 13. Prince Andrew makes his way to the army, to meet him with a retreat. On the way, Bolkonsky protects the doctor's wife, who was not allowed to pass; he almost gets into a fight with the officer. This incident made an unpleasant impression on the entire army. Having found the headquarters, Andrei learns that the surrender did not take place, and there is a battle ahead: Bagration's detachment covers the army's retreat, the soldiers will go to their deaths. Bolkonsky asks to go there.
    14. Chapter 14. The situation on the fronts is practically hopeless, therefore Bagration has to be given an almost unrealistic task. The armistice concluded earlier helps to buy time, but its conclusion is a mistake of the commander Murat, which was soon revealed.
    15. Chapter 15. Bagration greeted Bolkonsky friendly but skeptical: in his opinion, this is a staff officer who just needs a reward. Andrey went to a detour of the troops. In anticipation of the battle, the officers eat and drink, and the soldiers drag everything from the village. The closer to the enemy, the more order in the ranks became. The most interesting thing is the Russian and French chains, standing side by side. There the soldiers quarrel, Dolokhov, who knows French, is especially good at it.
    16. Chapter 16. Before us is a panorama of the future Shengraben battle. Andrei, being at the battery, hears the officers' conversation about death, interrupted by a cannonball.
    17. Chapter 17. The battle begins. An auditor comes to see, naively looking at everything. Bagration is focused, confirming orders on the ground and instills confidence in people.
    18. Chapter 18. Bagration goes round the troops, with him Bolkonsky. There are some wounded. Heavy losses. Bagration is inspired, he is persuaded to leave the front line, but he refuses. He himself led the soldiers into the attack, shouting: "Hurray!"
    19. Chapter 19. They forgot about Tushin's battery. The rest are going to retreat. Nevertheless, the squadron, where Nikolai Rostov serves, goes on the offensive, this is the first real battle of the hero. Nikolai is full of enthusiasm. Rostov rode far ahead, a horse was killed under him, and he was wounded. He was confused, left alone. The French are coming towards. And he runs because he cannot allow him, whom everyone loves, to be killed.
    20. Chapter 20. The infantry units were cut off, they are assisted by Timokhin's company, which alone was in line. Dolokhov is also in this company. He performs feats (he took a Frenchman prisoner, stopped the enemy, was left wounded in the ranks), but this is all for show in order to become an officer again. They remembered Tushin's battery only at the end of the battle, then they only sent the order to retreat, which, due to Zherkov's cowardice, was not transmitted in time. The jester and jester Zherkov was afraid to go into the thick of the battle, so he did not give an important order to retreat. At this time, the battery defended itself with its last strength. Tushin, along with the soldiers, aches for everyone, silently calls the cannon "Matveyevna" and begs not to let them down. Then Prince Andrey came and helped load the cannons.
    21. Chapter 21. Tushin leaves, on the way seating the wounded hussar on his wagon train and taking care of him. It was Nikolai Rostov. The retreating troops reached the camp and settled down by the fires and hearths. Tushin summoned Bagration and began to scold him for leaving two guns. Tushin did not want to let the other boss down, so he did not say that there was no opportunity, he was not covered. But he was rescued by Bolkonsky.

    Part 3

    1. Chapter 1. Prince Vasily Kuragin turned Pierre Bezukhov as best he could: he arranged for him as a chamberlain, convinced the princesses to write off a bill for 30 thousand, took him into the world and introduced him to the right people, transported him to Petersburg, closer to him. In St. Petersburg there is no past Pierre's society, because his leisure is occupied by Vasily Kuragin, who wants him to marry his daughter Helene (here is her). Anna Pavlovna Sherer helps him. Pierre feels that between him and Helene everyone recognizes some kind of connection and cannot resist. Anna Pavlovna at the next evening praises her in the presence of Bezukhov. Kuragin herself struggles, but at the same time unobtrusively seduces the hero with her beauty and ability to hold on. Pierre feels that she must be his wife, because she was terribly close and already owned him. Although Pierre realizes that there is something nasty in his relationship with Helene.
    2. Chapter 2. Everyone is waiting for an offer from Pierre and trying to help it. He tries to resist the temptation, but he cannot. At the next evening with Anna Pavlovna, he is in the center of attention, next to the seductive Helen, and in his soul awkwardness. After supper they are left alone in the room, hinting to Pierre to propose. But Bezukhov only speaks with the beauty. And then Prince Vasily takes the initiative into his own hands: he runs into the room shouting: "Well, finally" - and congratulates Pierre on his engagement. The hero thinks doomedly: “Now it's too late, it's all over; and I love her too. " A month and a half later they were married.
    3. Chapter 3. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky receives a letter from Prince Kuragin, where he announces the imminent arrival with his son Anatole (the alleged groom of Princess Marya). This news does not make the old man happy, especially when he found out that Anatole was tipped to be a groom (and he does not have a high opinion of Prince Vasily). In the morning the old prince is out of sorts (scolds the courtyards for the snow that was not cleaned for Marya, but cleaned for Kuragin), Princess Marya and her companion Mademoiselle Burienne shunned him at dinner, and Liza did not come out at all. Andrei's wife lived in a constant feeling of fear and antipathy towards her father-in-law, who himself did not love her. Anatole, who has arrived, is mockingly skeptical: an ugly princess, an absurd old man - if it is funny, then you can endure it. Marya, on the other hand, is nervous and afraid at this time, and this makes her even uglier. Lisa and Burienne are trying to invent a beautiful outfit for her, but these false efforts are playing against the princess. When she was finally left alone, Marya began to think about the possibility of family happiness for herself, wanting and not believing in it.
    4. Chapter 4. When Marya went out to the guests, she did not even see Anatole: her imagination drew something bright and beautiful, future happiness. Anatole is really attractive to women, but not for his excellent qualities, but for the manner of a contemptuous awareness of his superiority in communication. This also affected Marya. A general conversation ensued about non-existent shared memories. The prince who entered noticed the stupidity of the conversation, the indifference of Anatole and the efforts of Marya. He asks Kuragin Jr., sees his emptiness (he does not even know the regiment in which he is listed). Marya is happy: in her dreams she is married (although the “husband” flirts with her companion).
    5. Chapter 5. After supper they all went to bed. But only Anatole fell asleep. Marya dreamed of marriage. Burien was preparing for an affair with Anatole. Lisa grumbles at the maid (in fact, worries about her situation). The old prince is worried about the possible separation from his daughter and wants to prevent this. Anatole and Burienne are looking for a date. The latter confesses her feelings to Marya. And the princess refuses such a desired marriage, deciding for herself that her lot is self-sacrifice for the happiness of others.
    6. Chapter 6. For a long time the Rostovs did not hear anything about Nikolai. Finally a letter arrived: he was wounded, but alive, promoted to officer. The count learns about this, not knowing how to tell the countess. Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya in conversations tries to bring about this topic. Natasha feels that something is wrong, asks what the matter is. He promises not to tell anyone, but immediately informs Sonya. She is crying. And the younger brother Petya is glad that his brother distinguished himself. Natasha confesses to Sonya that she does not remember Boris. Sonya says that her love for Nikolai is forever. Anna Mikhailovna informs the countess, and the family reads the letter, where the son briefly describes the campaign, and also bows to everyone. Then the letter became a relic, and each member of the family wrote an answer to Nikolai.
    7. Chapter 7. Nikolai Rostov meets with Boris Drubetskoy, there is a contrast between them at once: the guardsman Boris and the soldier Nikolai. The first gives the second a letter from home. Then they say, as well as Berg, with whom Boris lived. Drubetskoy skillfully carries on the conversation, keeping it pleasant for both. Nikolay talks about the Battle of Shengraben. Andrei Bolkonsky entered, with whom Boris had made friends. The prince reacted contemptuously to Rostov. The same accused all staff of the inaction in the war. This could have caused a duel. Prince Andrew is ready for it, but advises Nikolai not to bring it to this.
    8. Chapter 8. A review of the Russian and Austrian troops is scheduled for the next day. All troops are prepared in advance. The Austrian Emperor Franz and the Russian Emperor Alexander I arrived. The latter makes a great impression on Nikolai Rostov. He is simply in love with the sovereign, ready to follow him into fire and water.
    9. Chapter 9. Boris visits Andrey. Bolkonsky wants to help his friend in the service - to get a job from General Dolgorukov. At this time, there was a council of war, at which it was decided to give a battle (although Kutuzov wanted to retreat). Andrei and Boris meet Dolgorukov, who is also in favor of the offensive, so he is happy with the results. The general tells tales about Bonaparte. Dolgorukov promises Drubetskoy protection.
    10. Chapter 10. The squadron, where Rostov serves, is in reserve. The fight took place without him. But the emperor comes to them to watch the battle. The squadron is inspired, they agree to die for the king. Especially Nikolai, he would have been glad of such a fate.
    11. Chapter 11. Napoleon (here him) sends a diplomat for negotiations. However, this did not help, ahead of the Battle of Austerlitz. Dolgorukov, who was sent to the French emperor, tells Andrei Bolkonsky that Napoleon is afraid of battle. Bolkonsky has his own plan of attack. And Kutuzov considers the battle lost in advance.
    12. Chapter 12. War council passes before the battle. Kutuzov is sleepy and indifferent, then he falls asleep completely. Weyreuter, active and exhausted, he created a difficult disposition. Disputes begin. Kutuzov woke up and finished the council. After the council, Bolkonsky imagines the battle for a long time, how he himself will win it, then he will become the commander-in-chief. This will be his moment of glory, his "Toulon", like Napoleon's.
    13. Chapter 13. Rostov before the fight in the flanking chain. The hero regrets that his squadron is in reserve, and is going to ask for action to see the emperor. Bagration arrives, Nikolai asks for the case, he is appointed orderly.
    14. Chapter 14. At five in the morning, the first preparations for the performance begin. Rejection of Russian soldiers and German officers is noticeable. By nine in the morning, the French are completely ready. They entered from the other side.
    15. Chapter 15. Kutuzov gives orders contrary to the disposition, because he does not believe in it. He waits and hesitates. Alexander I rushes him, but Franz is inattentive. Miloradovich drives up to the Russian emperor, he is filled with enthusiasm.
    16. Chapter 16. Kutuzov is wounded in the cheek, and the army begins to flee. Bolkonsky takes the banner and leads the soldiers on the offensive. And then he felt pain and began to fall.
    17. Chapter 17. Rostov is sent with a message, he is in the first line, then drives past the reserves, then he sees disorder in the rear of the French and confusion.
    18. Chapter 18. Nikolai arrives in a village, but there is no longer either Kutuzov or the emperor. He is told that the emperor is wounded. He gallops to the supposed location of the sovereign. He soon finds Alexander. But Nicholas does not dare to drive up: the emperor is too saddened by the situation in battle. Dolokhov with the remnants of the regiment is trying to pull out and save the cannon. He's acting desperate.
    19. Chapter 19. The wounded Prince Andrew lies and looks at the sky. The French are arriving, including Napoleon. From a close distance, Bonaparte seems so small, ordinary, that his charm in the eyes of the prince fades and fades. I was even more asleep when later Napoleon examines the Russian prisoners (Bolkonsky was also brought to them). Andrey regrets the lost family happiness. He is considered hopelessly wounded and is not even taken prisoner.
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1. About the first volume
2. Summary of parts and chapters
3. Results of the first volume

About the first volume War and Peace

In the first volume, the reader is introduced to the main characters: Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, the Rostov family, Princess Marya. The reader is also given a description of the first hostilities with France and a description of historical figures: Kutuzov, Bagration, Emperor Alexander the First, Napoleon.

The first part describes the Petersburg society and tells about the attitude of civilians to the war. All the main characters are also brought to the scene of the action and the following events, important for the subsequent plot, occur: the acquaintance of Pierre and Natasha, the departure of Prince Andrei to the war, the inheritance of Bezukhovs.

The second part describes the hostilities that took place in Austria: the defeat of the Mac, the unification of the Russian and Austrian troops, the capture of Vienna by the French and the heroic behavior of the vanguard of Bagration.

The third part tells at the same time about the life of ordinary people, who also have important events and military operations, or rather, the battle of Austerlitz. This is done so that the reader understands that war and peace can be not only in the military sense, but also the struggle taking place in society itself is meant.

Summary of Tolstoy War and Peace 1 volume in parts and chapters

Part 1

Chapter 1

It was 1805. The novel begins in the house of the maid of honor Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Prince Vasily came to visit her. They talk about the war, discuss secular news and the prince's children - two sons and a daughter. His daughter and eldest son are beautiful, well-mannered and are liked by everyone without exception. And the youngest son, Anatole, besides a beautiful appearance, no longer possesses any positive qualities. The prince is worried that he leads an idle life and spends a lot of money. Anna Pavlovna proposes to marry Anatole and the daughter of Prince Bolkonsky - Princess Marya. Prince Vasily approves of this idea.

Chapter 2

A secular society gathered at the maid of honor: Prince Vasily with his daughter Helene, his eldest son Ippolit with a friend, the pregnant princess Bolkonskaya (wife of Marya Bolkonskaya's brother), Abbot Morio and others. A new face appears in society - Pierre Bezukhov, the illegitimate son of the Catherine grandee. The hostess does not like this young man because she is afraid that he will begin to express aloud his thoughts, which contradict the views of those around him. For Pierre, who had come from abroad, this was the first invited evening in Russia, and therefore, knowing that he was in an intelligent society, he tried to listen attentively to the conversations of the guests.

Chapter 3

All the guests of Scherer were divided into hobby groups and discussed their thoughts. The viscount, whom the hostess presented in the most favorable light, came to the evening. The guest began to entertain the audience with funny stories about political figures. Anna Pavlovna tried to follow all the guests so that their conversation did not become too serious. In the midst of the Viscount's conversation, she notices that Bezukhov is talking animatedly about something with the abbot. Hurrying to them and changing the conversation to the topic of the climate, the lady-in-waiting joined them to the general circle.

Chapter 4

At this time, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Liza's husband, enters the living room. He was a handsome young man, but by his appearance one could guess that he was bored by everyone present at the evening, and especially his wife. It turns out that he is going to war with the French as Kutuzov's adjutant. For Prince Andrey, the presence of Pierre is a pleasant surprise. Prince Vasily and his beautiful daughter are about to leave society. In parting, he asks Anna Pavlovna to help Pierre get used to society.

Chapter 5

The old princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya makes a request to Prince Vasily: she asks to transfer her son Boris to the guards regiment. At this time, a dispute about Napoleon flared up between Bezukhov, Bolkonsky and the Viscount. Pierre, having enlisted the support of the prince, considers Bonaparte a hero. The dispute ends with Prince Ippolit with his own anecdote, which he was unable to tell in such a way that the listeners would understand him.

Chapter 6

The guests began to disperse. Anna Pavlovna said goodbye to Bezukhov, then to Liza Bolkonskaya, asking her to talk about the matchmaking of Anatole and Princess Marya. Hippolytus helped the little princess, whom he liked, to get ready. Prince Bolkonsky hurried his wife and invited Pierre to come to them. In the Bolkonskys' house, sitting in the prince's office, Andrei and Bezukhov began to discuss what the latter intended to do and the conversation turned to a military topic. It turns out that the prince does not like the life he is now leading and this is one of the reasons why he is going to war.

Chapter 7

The prince's wife enters the study. Upon learning that they are discussing her husband's departure to the war, Lisa begins to say that she does not understand the reasons why he wants to leave her alone and send her to a village in which she has no friends and will not be able to attend social evenings. The husband asks her to calm down, and the princess, wishing them good night, leaves.

Chapter 8

After dinner, Andrei confesses to his friend that he is unhappy in marriage and advises him to marry as late as possible. It turns out that young people have known each other for a long time and are friends. Bezukhov admires Bolkonsky's willpower and lack of dreaminess in him. The prince asks him to stop being in the company of Anatol Kuragin, the youngest son of Prince Vasily, in whose house Pierre lives, because he is a very frivolous young man. The young man gives the floor to his friend.

Chapter 9

Pierre, having left the Bolkonskys late at night, in spite of the promise given to the prince, decides to go to Anatol. He had a large company, in which everyone drank and ate a lot. Bezukhov, who arrived, was forced to drink too. A certain Dolokhov on a bet drinks a whole bottle of alcohol, standing on the ledge of the wall outside the window. Having decided to continue the walk, the whole company is going to go to someone, taking with them the bear that was in the room.

Chapter 10

Some time passes. Prince Vasily Kuragin fulfilled the request of Drubetskoy and her son Boris was transferred to the guard of the Semyonovsky regiment. The princess comes to visit her relatives the Rostovs. The Rostovs are a big family: Count Ilya, his wife Natalya, their children - Nikolai, Natasha, Vera, Petya and the orphaned niece Sonya. The Countess and her daughter Natasha have a name day. Many guests are gathering, who greatly bothered the princess. Tired of visitors, she decides to receive the last guest - Princess Karagina with her daughter.

The guest talks about the latest Petersburg gossip, as well as about the drunken trick of Anatoly Kuragin, Dolokhov and Pierre Bezukhov. This trick amused Count Rostov and the rest of the audience too.

Chapter 11

At this time, a young generation rushes into the room: Natasha Rostova, who was 13 years old, her brother Nikolai, a student, the youngest, Petya Rostov, Sonya, 15 years old, and Boris Drubetskoy, a young officer. All of them were animated by a funny game with Natasha's doll, Mimi. Nikolai and Boris are best friends. True, Drubetskoy is more sociable than his friend. Boris sets off to prepare the carriage for his departure with his mother.

Chapter 12

This chapter discusses the relationship between children. Nikolai Rostov and Sonya are in love with each other, as are Natasha and Boris. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai to the Rostova Jury, with whom he talked sweetly only out of politeness. A brief description is given of the eldest daughter of the Rostovs, Vera, whom the family disliked and did not understand, although she was not stupid. After sitting a little longer, the guests leave.

Chapter 13

Nikolai finds Sonya who is offended at him and asks her for forgiveness. The girl forgives the young man and they kiss. Seeing this, Natasha calls Boris and also kisses him. Drubetskoy promises to ask for her hand in 4 years. Natasha is happy.

Chapter 14

Vera was disliked by everyone in the family, even her brothers and sisters. When the countess asked her to go to the children, the girl saw that they were in pairs. She did not understand their childhood love and spoke down to them. Natasha says they know she is in love with Officer Berg. And the couples offended by her go to the nursery.

Countess Rostova and Princess Drubetskaya are talking. Natalia Rostova praises her friend for taking care of her son. Anna Mikhailovna is worried that she will not have enough money to equip Boris, and therefore she decides to go with him to his godfather, Count Bezukhov, who was dying. She hopes that he will bequeath something to the young man. Count Rostov, having learned where they were leaving, asked to convey the invitation to dinner to the count’s illegitimate son, Pierre Bezukhov.

Chapter 15

Drubetskaya and her son went to Count Bezukhov. She asks Boris to be attentive to the godfather. Although the young man does not like this pretense, for the sake of his mother he agrees. At Count Bezukhov they meet Prince Vasily, who is his relative. Anna Mikhailovna thanks Kuragin for the help provided and asks about the count's state of health. She sends Boris to Pierre to convey an invitation from the Rostovs.

Chapter 16

Pierre Bezukhov did not immediately recognize Boris. He decided that it was Ilya Rostov, as it turned out later, he confused everything: after all, his son's name was Nikolai. Young Drubetskoy tells Bezukhov that he does not need his father's money, and from this statement Pierre liked him even more. He promised that he would come to the Rostovs in order to get to know Boris better. The princess was unable to talk to the count, because he does not recognize anyone. She hopes that he will mention them in the will and for this she is going to come again.

Chapter 17

Countess Rostova was worried that her youthful friend had to beg for money. She asks her husband to give her 500 rubles. Count Rostov, seeing how upset she is, instructs his servant Mitenka, who was in charge of all his affairs, to bring 700 rubles. When Anna Mikhailovna returns and says that she was unable to talk to Count Bezukhov, Natalya Rostova asks her to accept these 700 rubles. Embracing, both friends cry with tears of joy.

Chapter 18

Guests begin to flock to the party. Before the meal, the society was divided into two parts: the male, which talked in the count's office, and the female, which sat in the living room. In male society, the conversation was on a military topic, in particular, about the manifesto. Officer Berg, with whom Vera was in love, bragged about his promotion.

Pierre Bezukhov arrived later and Countess Rostov and Princess Drubetskaya tried to start a conversation with him. But due to his shyness, he answered them in monosyllables. Natasha Rostova's godmother arrives, Princess Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, whom everyone feared and respected for her directness and rude manners. She presented the little birthday girl with earrings and scolded Pierre for his scandalous trick.

At the table, the guests were also divided into male and female parts. Sonya was jealous of Nikolai Rostov of Julie Karagina. Berg spoke of his love to Vera, Boris called those sitting at the table to Pierre, and exchanged glances with Natasha. Pierre, for the most part, ate and drank a lot.

Chapter 19

At the table, a dispute about Bonaparte flared up, Shinshin, a relative of the countess, and the colonel argued loudest. Their argument is interrupted by the question of young Natasha about what kind of cake will be served. But no one was angry with the girl for this trick.

Chapter 20

The dancing began. During a break between them, Natasha calmed Sonya, who was jealous of Nicholas for Julie and worried that Vera would tell the Countess everything. Young Rostova reassured the girl and said that Pierre was very funny. Then the girl invited him to dance. After dancing, the youth began to sing, and after singing, the count began to dance with Princess Akhrosimova, whose dance delighted the guests.

Chapter 21

Count Bezukhov is getting worse. According to the doctor's forecasts, he could die from day to day. Prince Vasily begins to worry about his share of the inheritance and decides to consult with one of the direct heiresses of the count, Princess Ekaterina Mamontova. It becomes known that Bezukhov wrote a petition to the sovereign that Pierre should be recognized as his legitimate son. If this turned out to be true, then the entire inheritance went to him. Mamontova tells the prince where all the Count's documents are and accuses Drubetskaya of setting Bezukhov against the Mamontov sisters.

Chapter 22

Anna Mikhailovna, together with Pierre, comes to his father. Passing the princesses' chambers, they see that Vasily Kuragin and Princess Mamontova are greatly alarmed by something. Drubetskaya tells Bezukhov not to worry about anything, that she will follow his interests. Pierre does not understand anything, but decides to obey her.

Chapter 23

The unification of Count Bezukhov began. All the relatives, the count's servants, gathered. After the end of the ceremony, Drubetskaya brought Pierre to his father so that they could say goodbye. The young man was horrified by the state of his father and was very saddened by this. When the elder Bezukhov fell asleep, Anna Mikhailovna and Pierre left the count's chambers.

Chapter 24

A scandal erupts, in which Princess Katerina Mamontova, Princess Drubetskaya and Prince Vasily take part. Anna Mikhailovna is trying to take the briefcase from the princess, which contains all the count's papers. In the midst of the struggle, they are informed that the count is dead. Princess Katerina is angry with Pierre because she understands that the whole inheritance will go to him. Prince Vasily suddenly realizes that he has already become old and is crying. Pierre spends the night by his father's bed in frustrated feelings. Princess Drubetskaya returns to the Rostovs and tells all the details of what happened.

Chapter 25

The reader is introduced to Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the father of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. He, together with his daughter Marya, lives in the estate, which is located in Lysyh Gorki. Everyone knows him as a demanding and strict person, even in relation to his daughter. In his house everyone lives according to the established routine, and the old prince himself teaches Marya.

The prince gives her a letter written by her friend, Julie Karagina. In the letter, the girl says that there is only talk in Moscow, that about the upcoming war. Julie is so worried about this topic also because Nikolai Rostov, with whom she is in love, volunteered. She also says that the heir to the entire fortune of Count Bezukhov was his son Pierre, who was recognized as legitimate. The girl does not like him and she writes that now everyone is trying to give their daughters off to him. Also, a friend warns the princess that she is considered a profitable party for the son of Prince Vasily, Anatole. The letter ends with a request to convey news about Andrei Bolkonsky and his wife.

Princess Marya writes a letter in response, in which she sympathizes with Pierre and does not agree with Julie's opinion of him. For Princess Bolkonskaya, the most important quality in his character is a kind heart. She says that she heard that Prince Vasily is going to come to them, and if her father decides that she needs to marry Anatole, she will obey his will. About his brother, Bolkonskaya writes that soon they are expecting his arrival with his wife, but he himself will go to war.

The princess realizes that because of the letter, she starts her clavichord game later than usual.

Chapter 26

Unexpectedly, Andrei Bolkonsky arrives with Liza. Mademoiselle Bourienne is delighted to see them. They take by surprise Princess Marya, who is very happy to see her brother and his wife. Lisa and Marya hug and cry, then the little princess begins to tell the latest news from her life. Princess Marya asks Andrei when he is going to go to war and receives the answer that the very next day. The brother and sister are very glad to see each other after parting, and after waiting for his father to wake up, Prince Andrew hurried to him.

Bolkonsky Sr., for the sake of his son's arrival, made an exception in his daily routine and allowed him to be present at his toilet. Prince Andrew was very glad to see his father and communicated with him in the same way as with Pierre. Nikolai Bolkonsky asks him to tell about the latest military news, but he listens to his son inattentively. More and more inspired, Andrey passes all the news to his father, who has already heard them. Having finished packing, he tells the young prince to go to the dining room.

Chapter 27

All the family and the architect, Mikhail Ivanych, who, for some unknown reason, had been invited by the prince, gathered for dinner. Andrei, examining the portrait of his father, expressed the opinion that even the most intelligent person will have his weaknesses. Princess Marya did not support her brother - for her, her father always did everything right.

At dinner, Nikolai Bolkonsky talked with the little princess, who was afraid of him. In a conversation with her father-in-law, she retold a lot of secular gossip, which the old prince did not like. During conversations between father and son, a dispute arose over the assessment of Napoleon's actions. Prince Andrei considered him an excellent commander, Nikolai Andreevich held a different opinion. He believed that the French ruler was just lucky. Bolkonsky Jr. was surprised that although his father did not leave his village anywhere, he was well aware of the state of affairs in European states.

The dinner ended, but father and son each remained unconvinced. The princess, who did not take part in the dispute, confidentially told Marya that the prince was very smart and therefore she was afraid of him. For the young princess, her father was always kind.

Chapter 28

The next day, Andrei Bolkonsky is getting ready to go. Princess Marya approaches him to talk before leaving. She asks him not to be too strict with Lisa, to which her brother honestly admits to her that neither he nor his wife are happy in marriage. The princess was very religious and asked the prince to take the little icon with him. Andrei, realizing that it is very important for his sister, promises not to film him. He asks if it’s hard for her to live with her father, to which Marya replies that she is happy with everything.

On the way to the old prince's office, he sees Mademoiselle Bourienne, whom he does not like. During his farewell to his father, Andrei asks to take care of his wife and son. The old prince promises to fulfill his request, gives him a letter of recommendation, and so that Andrei does not see his feelings, he hurries him to leave. During parting with her husband, the princess faints. Prince Nicholas leaves only after the departure of his son and, seeing the princess without feelings, goes into his office.

Part 2

Chapter 1

It was October, 1805. Kutuzov was offered to join his army with the army of Archduke Ferdinand and Mac. The Russian commander did not consider this idea a success, so he decided to inspect the detachment that arrived at the Braunau fortress to show that the Russian army was not yet ready.

Chapter 2

Kutuzov comes to the inspection of the regiment, in whose retinue are Bolkonsky, Nesvitsky, Andrey's friend and the cornet Zherkov, who turns out to be Dolokhov's old acquaintance. The demoted Dolokhov serves in the regiment being examined, Bolkonsky reminds Kutuzov of him and the epaulettes are returned to him.

Chapter 3

Kutuzov tried to explain to the Austrian general that the Austrian soldiers could cope without the help of the Russians. He asks Prince Bolkonsky to draw up a paper describing the reasons why the Russian army cannot move forward. Andrei Bolkonsky changed while in the army: he became lively and showed great hopes for a military career. At this time, the famous Mack comes to the Russian commander-in-chief, who confirms the rumors about the defeat of the Austrian army. It becomes obvious that the clashes between the Russians and the French cannot be avoided. Prince Andrew, realizing the seriousness of the situation, is in joyful excitement that he will be able to take part in hostilities.

Chapter 4

Nikolai Rostov ended up in the Gusar Pavlograd regiment, in which he serves as a cadet. The young man lives in an apartment with Captain Denisov. This chapter tells how the Archmister Telyatin stole the captain's wallet, but Rostov caught him in this, but, having condemned him morally, left him money.

Chapter 5

At Denisov's apartment, in a conversation between officers, Rostov talks about Telyanin and the regimental commander makes a remark to him. Nikolai wants to get satisfaction for the insult inflicted on him, but the head captain and Denisov convince the young man that he is wrong and Rostov apologizes. At this time, Zherkov comes to them and announces the news of the defeat of the Austrian army and tells them to prepare for an offensive.

Chapters 6-7

Kutuzov retreated to Vienna, ordering to destroy the bridges behind the army. Nesvitsky was sent by the commander-in-chief. After a short rest, he sets out for the ferry to rush the laggards and oversee the destruction of the bridge. The shelling of the crossing begins. At this time, Denisov appears and demands that he be allowed to pass with his squadron.

Chapter 8

A crush began on the bridge. Nesvitsky confused the order, but Zherkov, who arrived, handed over the necessary orders to the colonel. The two officers watched from the distance from the gunshots. Denisov's squadron was supposed to set fire to the bridge. During the buckshot, the first wounded appeared. Nikolai Rostov tried to be courageous, but then he found himself among those soldiers who ran after the hussars. After that, the young man began to consider himself a coward. The Russians were able to set fire to the bridge before the French.

Chapter 9

On October 28, Kutuzov with his army crossed to the left bank of the Danube, and on the 30th defeated Mortier's division. And even though this victory was overshadowed by the loss of soldiers, the wounded, it raised the morale of the troops. Rumors of Bonaparte's retreat began to circulate in the army. Prince Andrei took part in hostilities and coped with all the affairs that Kutuzov entrusted him with. The commander-in-chief sent him with the news of this victory to the Austrian court.

Chapter 10

Prince Bolkonsky stopped at his friend Russian diplomat Bilibin and told him about the cool reception. Bilibin replies that there is nothing surprising, because this is a victory for the Russian army, not the Austrian one. Prince Andrew becomes aware that Vienna has been taken by the French and that the majority believe that this campaign is lost. Bolkonsky fell asleep, thinking about the awaiting reception from the emperor.

Chapters 11-12

In the company of Bilibin, Prince Andrei met Ippolit Kuragin, whom he had once been jealous of his wife. Bilibin promises to show Bolkonsky all the charms of Brunn. The prince tells the emperor all the details of the battle and he is awarded the Order of Maria Teresa, 3rd degree. Returning to the diplomat, he sees that he is collecting things and learns that the French have crossed the bridge in Vienna and will soon be on the banks of the Danube. Prince Andrew is in a hurry to warn the Russian army.

Chapter 13

Prince Bolkonsky hardly finds the army and Kutuzov. Having passed to the commander-in-chief, he learns that orders for battle have been given. Kutuzov sends Bagration's vanguard to restrain the French and with tears in his eyes says goodbye to him. Bolkonsky asks to join Bagration's vanguard, but Kutuzov will not let him.

Chapter 14

The French sought to cut off communication between the troops of Kutuzov and Russia. To prevent this, a vanguard was sent, led by Bagration. Murat decided that the small detachment was the entire Russian army, he proposed an armistice for three days in order to await reinforcements from Vienna. For Kutuzov, this was the only opportunity to give Bagration's detachment a rest. Napoleon figured out the trick of the commander-in-chief and wrote about it to Murat, and he himself went with his army.

Chapters 15-16

Kutuzov still allows Bolkonsky to go to Bagration. Arriving there, Andrei sees that everything is calm, because Murat has not yet received Bonaparte's letter. The prince meets Captain Tushin and is imbued with sympathy for him. Later, he again meets with the captain, walking through the battery, who was busy scribbling the location of the French troops in his notebook. At this time, a cannonball falls into the center of the booth set up by the soldiers.

Chapters 17-18

Murat, learning that he was deceived, decided to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of Napoleon and destroy a small army before his arrival and opens fire. At this time, Bagration and Bolkonsky were touring the entire avant-garde. Tushin, without waiting for orders, decided to set fire to the village. Prince Bagration gives the order to Zherkov to go to the left flank and say that they need to retreat. After a while, surrounded by gunpowder and smoke, Bagration shouted "Hurray!" launched an attack, which was able to ensure the retreat of the right flank.

Chapter 19

Thanks to the actions of the Tushin battery, the retreat of the right flank is obtained - the French are distracted by the fire in Schengraben. Zherkov did not give Bagration's order because he was scared. At this time, the commanders of the left and right flanks argue with each other. The squadron, in which Rostov was, was surrounded by the French. After Denisov's command, the attack began. Under Nicholas, a horse was wounded and, falling to the ground, instead of shooting at the enemies, he threw a pistol at the Frenchman and ran. The Frenchman wounded him in the arm, but Rostov runs to the bushes, in which there were Russian riflemen.

Chapter 20

The fight was not in our favor. But Timokhin's company was able to change everything, which suddenly attacked the French from behind the forest. Dolokhov served in the same company, who distinguished himself by taking two French officers prisoner and, despite being wounded, remained at the front. They remembered about the Tushino battery only when the cover left in the midst of the battle. However, thanks to the energetic leadership of Tushin, active shooting was conducted from his battery, because of which the French decided that it was there that the main enemy forces were located. Due to the awakened passion, Tushin did not immediately understand that he had been ordered to retreat several times. Only when Bolkonsky arrived and helped to withdraw the guns to Tushin, the battery retreated. Then Andrey left.

Chapter 21

On the way, Tushin helps a young shell-shocked officer - it was Rostov. Upon arrival in the village, Bagration summons the captain. The prince asks Tushin why he left two guns, to which he replies that there were not enough people so as not to say that the cover left the battery in the midst of the battle. He is rescued by Bolkonsky, telling how everything was to Bagration. Tushin sincerely thanks Andrey. Meanwhile, Rostov is delirious and feverish. The next day, the remnant of Bagration's vanguard joins Kutuzov's army.

Part 3

Chapter 1

Prince Vasily becomes close to Pierre and for the sake of profit wants him to marry his daughter. After receiving the inheritance, everyone in society suddenly began to treat him very well. Vasily Kuragin decides to transport Bezukhov to Moscow. The young count tells himself that he is in love with Helene, although she seems to him stupid.

Chapter 2

Pierre Bezukhov still cannot decide to propose to Helen Kuragina. After celebrating her name day, when all the guests have departed, Prince Vasily helps Bezukhov to propose to his daughter. Helen accepts him and after a while they get married.

Chapter 3

Prince Vasily, together with Anatole, is going to see Prince Bolkonsky. This news does not please the old prince, because he despised Prince Kuragin. On the day of their arrival, he was out of sorts and everyone fell under his hot hand, even the little princess, who was very afraid of him. Mademoiselle Burienne and Lisa are trying to put in order the princess, who was not very beautiful in appearance, but possessed an inner beauty. Princess Marya doubted whether she should agree to marry her unloved, but she was ashamed of such thoughts.

Chapters 4-5

The princess goes downstairs and meets the Kuragin. She tries to be nice to everyone, but her father began to make comments about her daughter's appearance, which upsets her. Sympathy arises between Anatole and Burien. The next day, Prince Bolkonsky tells his daughter that she will have to decide herself whether to marry Anatole or not. The princess promises to think it over. Leaving her father's office, she sees a French woman in Anatole's arms. She later calms her down and says that she is not angry. Marya informs her father and Prince Vasily that she will not marry Anatole. The princess decides that the meaning of her happiness lies in self-sacrifice.

Chapter 6

For a long time there was no news from Nikolai in the Rostovs' house. A letter arrives stating that he was wounded, but one should not fear for his life and he was promoted to an officer. Soon the whole house knew about Nikolai and everyone began to write him a letter, which should have been conveyed through Boris Drubetskoy.

Chapter 7

The letter reached Nicholas when a review was to take place by two emperors, Russian and Austrian. He needed to get to Boris, who had a letter. Boris served with Berg and the meeting of old friends was warm. They exchanged military stories, and at the moment when Rostov was talking about his injury, Bolkonsky entered, who treated Boris favorably. Nikolai and Andrei did not like each other and Rostov almost challenged him to a duel. But the prince was able to divert the conversation in a different direction and left.

Chapter 8

The next day, a review of the Russian and Austrian troops was held by the emperors. Nicholas was ready to die for the emperor, he was in such admiration that even Bolkonsky, who was in his retinue, did not spoil his mood. After the show, everyone was confident of victory.

Chapter 9

Boris decides to ask Prince Andrey for help in promotion. Bolkonsky promises to arrange him for Prince Dolgoruky, but does not have time, so Drubetskoy's promotion is postponed. The next day they set out on a campaign, and Boris remained in the Izmailovsky regiment until the battle of Austerlitz.

Chapters 10-11

The city of Vishau was occupied and a French squadron was taken prisoner. Rostov saw the sovereign and began to admire him even more. Emperor Alexander was very worried when he saw the wounded, which further exalted him in the eyes of Nicholas. A French parliamentarian comes to the Russian emperor and offers a personal meeting with Napoleon. The Emperor refuses and transfers the case to Dolgoruky. The French troops were retreating and everyone was in anticipation of a decisive battle. Bolkonsky had a plan for a flank battle, which he tried to tell Dolgoruky, but he advised him to show it to Kutuzov. At the council of war, Kutuzov listens to almost nothing about the plan, because the most important thing is to get enough sleep. Andrei begins to think about the fact that he may die during the battle and thinks about his life.

Chapters 12-17

These chapters deal with the battle. Napoleon moved the main forces to Kutuzov's column. Kutuzov himself was irritable because he did not like how the battle plan was being carried out. He ordered to retreat and only Prince Bolkonsky remained by his side. The fleeing battery began to fire at the French, they fired at Kutuzov. Bolkonsky picked up the fallen banner and with a shout of "Hurray" rushed to the battery, but fell from a blow to the head, and except for the sky, he saw nothing else.

Chapter 18

Rostov is sent with an assignment to the commander-in-chief. On the way, he hears shots - it's the Russians and Austrians shooting at each other. He is looking for Kutuzov, but they tell him that he was killed. Rostov sees the sovereign, but realizes that he is too tired and does not give him the order.

Chapter 19

The battle is lost. Napoleon drives up to the bleeding Bolkonsky and orders him to take care of him. The prince ended up in the hospital, where they returned to him the little icon of Princess Marya. He suffers from delirium and fever. He finds himself among the hopelessly sick, who were left in the care of the inhabitants.

Results of the first volume

At the end of the first volume, it is told how wealth changed the life of one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, that, due to his inexperience, he linked his life with a woman whom he considered stupid. The character of Princess Marya is fully revealed, as not just a girl who grew up far from society, but as selfless and very kind in relation to others.

Other characters - Prince Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov and Boris Drubetskoy - have changed. Finding themselves in the thick of military events, they begin to appreciate life itself and the Fatherland more. The description of the battles shows the reader how difficult it was to fight Napoleon, but nevertheless, Russian soldiers selflessly fought for their Motherland.

In the first volume, the author shows that, despite the fact that there is a war, the life of civilians goes on as usual: they also make important decisions for their lives, such as Princess Marya, who, having refused to marry Anatol, realized that her happiness is self-sacrifice. After all, regardless of whether there is a war or a peaceful life, people continue to love, worry, care and make a choice in issues of concern to them, and a rethinking of life values ​​and the development of characters' characters can take place.

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