Why is the feces unformed. The causes of loose stools in an adult are the diagnosis of disorders in the body, treatment and diet. Mushy stool in the morning

Information about the chair (human feces) is perhaps the most important indicator of the state gastrointestinal tract.

For many, talking about feces can cause laughter or embarrassment. But in all seriousness, you can tell a lot about your gut health and, for that matter, your overall health from the look of your stool.

Everything from shape, size, smell, color, can indicate disease, poor nutrition, or other gastrointestinal (GI) problems. Even the color and smell of bowel movements can give you clues about your overall health.

I found the best infographic on the Web (see below) and translated it into Russian for you. It will help you better understand the health of your digestive system.

And since the average person emits 7000-8000 kg of waste throughout their life, this should help everyone.

What your stool tells you

Kal(feces, faeces, excrement) the contents of the distal large intestine, released during defecation. In a healthy person, stool is a mixture of about 1/3 of the remains of food taken, 1/3 of the remains of the digestive organs and 1/3 of microbes, 95% of which are dead.

The amount of feces depends on the quantity and quality of food taken. With a mixed diet quantitatively corresponding to the needs of the body, the weight of feces excreted per day is 200-300 g, and according to some sources, up to 900 g.

The weight of feces largely depends on the content of water in it, therefore, with constipation, when the absorption of water is increased, the weight of daily feces decreases, and with diarrhea it increases.

A significant increase in feces is observed in diseases accompanied by the assimilation of food (gastric achylia, lesions of the pancreas, etc.). A special abundance of feces occurs with lesions of the pancreas, in which its weight can reach 1 kg.

The shape of the feces

The shape of the feces depends on the consistency, the content of water, mucus and fat in them. Normal feces contain about 70-75% water, have a sausage-like shape and a homogeneous dense composition. Dense, even hard feces, observed with constipation, lose their normal shape and usually consist of separate lumps from a long stay in the large intestine. With spastic colitis, "sheep feces" are often observed, which are small round lumps of a dense consistency. This dense stool contains about 60% water.

A change in the shape of feces (ribbon-like, pencil-shaped) may depend both on organic stenoses and on spastic narrowing of the sphincters. Unformed mushy and especially liquid feces is a pathological phenomenon, it contains 90-92% water. The stools can also be heterogeneous, dense lumps can float in liquid or mucus, which happens with inflammatory processes in the large intestine.

Consistency of feces depends on a number of reasons, the main of which is the time of their stay in the large intestine. Acceleration of peristalsis leads to insufficient absorption of water, slowdown - to excessive absorption. More liquid than normal, the consistency of feces acquires with abundant secretion of inflammatory exudate and mucus by the intestinal wall, while taking saline laxatives. Feces, containing a lot of fat, have a greasy consistency.

stool color

stool color in a healthy person, it may vary somewhat depending on the food taken. Most often there are various shades of brown - dairy food gives a light brown, even yellow color, meat - dark brown. Vegetable products give the stool its color, beets - red, blueberries, black currants, coffee, cocoa - dark brown to black. Some medicinal substances taken orally (for example, bismuth - black, iron preparations - greenish-black, etc.) also have a significant effect on the color of feces.

The color of the stool changes and with pathological processes in the digestive organs, there are many of these options, for example, we will give a few. If bile does not enter the intestine, the stool becomes grayish-white, clay or sandy in color. Pancreatitis (a disease of the pancreas) also produces an almost white stool. Fatty stools may be gray in color. The presence of blood in the feces gives the feces a different color depending on the site of bleeding, if in the stomach, then a dark brown, almost black color. The lower the bleeding site is located along the intestine, the less dark color and more red.

Smell of feces

Smell of feces depends on the presence in it of decay products of food residues, mainly protein ones, therefore, with an abundance of proteins in food, the smell intensifies. With the predominance of putrefactive processes in the intestines (putrefactive dyspepsia, decay of tumors), the stool acquires a fetid odor, and during fermentation processes it becomes sour. With poor chewing of food, and more with poor digestion, feces may contain undigested food residues in the form of whitish or grayish lumps.

With a significant content of fat in the feces, the surface of the feces acquires a peculiar slightly matte sheen, and the consistency is greasy. Mucus in normal feces is present in a minimal amount in the form of a thin, shiny coating covering the surface of the feces. In inflammatory processes, it can appear in the feces in the form of whitish or yellow lumps on the surface of the feces or between its fragments.

Most often, diarrhea occurs due to poor-quality products.

Loose stool in adults

Diarrhea is unsettling. It’s good if it starts at home and you don’t have to go anywhere in the near future. And if a person is at a serious meeting, at the machine or in public transport. What then? There are, of course, special remedies that allow you to quickly stop diarrhea, but they often cannot be used. Therefore, the best treatment is prevention. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet. Do not eat foods that cause even the slightest suspicion. Try to be as less nervous as possible, because stress and constant psychological overstrain cause not only diarrhea, but also other more serious health problems.

Loose stools in adults can be a sign of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and malabsorption of nutrients and water in the intestines.

Unformed stool causes

If a person does not understand why he has diarrhea, while he does not feel well, experiences abdominal pain and his temperature rises, it is necessary, without hesitation, to call an ambulance. Perhaps there was a poisoning, which can lead to sad consequences.

The causes of an unformed stool can sometimes be established only by a doctor, and even then, not the first time. Indeed, in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination, pass a series of tests and only then be treated. What is really going on? A person does not turn to anyone, he simply drinks "Activated carbon" or "Immodium". Sometimes this helps, but often leads to complications that doctors have to deal with.

Unformed stool treatment

You can be treated at home, or you can seek qualified medical help from a doctor. At home, products purchased at a pharmacy are used, such as Ftalazol, Linex, Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, and so on. Traditional medicines are also used. Unformed stools are treated with a decoction of oak bark, pomegranate peel or rice jelly. These remedies are good when diarrhea is caused by simple indigestion or food allergies. If diarrhea happens frequently and it is completely unclear what caused it, you need to go to a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Loose stools in an adult for a long time

Loose stools cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, whether an adult or a child. The symptom is unpleasant and negatively affects the state of health, health and lifestyle.

What is liquid stool

During normal functioning of the stomach, defecation occurs once or twice a day.

If a violation of the gastrointestinal tract is observed for a long period of time, they speak of chronic diarrhea (not diarrhea). How to determine the cause and start treatment correctly is a matter that requires a serious approach and attention.

Chronic loose stools in an adult speaks of health problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also a dangerous phenomenon that can lead the body to dehydration. Together with feces, a large volume of water, useful trace elements, minerals, and nutrients are released. They are necessary to maintain the water-salt balance and normal functioning of the digestive tract. Symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Lethargy, drowsiness, constant feeling of weakness;
  • Dryness of the skin;
  • weight loss;
  • Feeling thirsty, dry mouth;
  • Decrease in the number of urination.

Remember! You can not ignore the long liquid stool with a smell in an adult. The symptom is dangerous to the body. If you ignore the symptoms, there is a risk of severe harm to health, serious treatment will be required.

There is a noticeable difference between loose stools and diarrhea. Loose stools differ from diarrhea in that the stool becomes liquid and can persist for a long period of time without other symptoms. It appears daily, every other day or occurs periodically. Diarrhea is frequent and sudden bowel movements. Accompanied by a number of symptoms: acute pain in the abdomen, high fever, quickly deteriorating health.

Causes of prolonged loose stools in adults

If a person is worried about loose stools at least once a day for a long time, this indicates pathological processes in the body. They can cause serious illness and lead to complications. Difficulties with a chair are of a different nature.

Factors contributing to indigestion:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be the cause of bowel problems. The disease is a functional disorder of the intestine. It is characterized by spasms and pains in the lower part of the abdominal cavity and diarrhea (frequent defecation, diarrhea). Urges are sharp, a person cannot control them. IBS is also manifested by increased flatulence (gas), bloating, severe stomach seething, and constipation. It is possible that the symptom occurs without abdominal pain. The disease can be hereditary or appear against the background of constant stressful situations, disorders of the psycho-emotional state.
  • Sick kidneys. With renal failure, there is a disorder of the digestive system.
  • The reason is food consumed for a long time. If spoiled, expired products are often found in food, this leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora, normal metabolism, and the normal functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted. Infected pathogenic microorganisms enter the body with poor-quality food, and poisoning occurs. Dirty drinking water negatively affects the digestive tract. After eating, there is discomfort in the stomach, nausea is felt.
  • Individual intolerance to substances (gluten, lactose, milk sugar), which are part of the products, constantly taken medications. In this case, loose stools are accompanied by nausea, increased gas formation, and abdominal cramps. There is diarrhea without pain.
  • Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the lining of the large intestine. In this case, the patient notes acute pain in the left side of the abdominal cavity, weight loss, prolonged loose stools. Blood clots and mucus appear in the feces. Periodically, the body temperature rises sharply.
  • Crohn's disease. Symptoms are similar to ulcerative colitis of the colon. It differs in that there is a lesion of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the oral cavity. Localization of pain is noted in the right lower abdomen. Pathogens, infections, severe stressful situations, and heredity can provoke Crohn's disease.
  • Dysbacteriosis. An imbalance in the intestinal microflora, in which there is a decrease in lactobacilli. Microorganisms are involved in the processes of digestion. Dysbacteriosis can occur with improper use of medications (antibiotics). Medicines have a detrimental effect on both pathogenic bacteria and beneficial microorganisms. The result is a prolonged indigestion, especially when it comes to childhood.
  • body infection. Signs are noted: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, fever. There is a deterioration in health, weakness, headaches, abdominal cramps. With the wrong approach to the choice of drugs or the ineffective use of pills, the symptoms cause the infection to flow into a chronic form. The indicator can persist for six months or several years with diseases of the stomach.

The list of reasons is incomplete. The main factors provoking loose stools are given.

When to See a Doctor

If there is a symptom, do not ignore it, even if nothing hurts. It is recommended to call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Unformed feces, odorless observed for a long time, daily (month);
  • There was a strong loss of body weight;
  • Feeling of constant nausea, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • After treatment, the symptom does not go away;
  • There was a fetid odor;
  • The man has a strong shortness of breath, the heartbeat quickens;
  • The stool is very watery;
  • Blood clots and mucus appeared in the feces. This means that complications of the disease have begun.

If stomach problems persist for a long time, consult a doctor. An adult must undergo a medical examination, take tests and undergo a course of treatment.

How to cure loose stools for an adult

It is required in the near future to find out the exact cause, determine the diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • Taking medications (anti-inflammatory, probiotics, prebiotics, antibacterial, sorbents, etc.).
  • The second advice is to follow the dietary menu (foods that can have a laxative effect or overload a sick stomach are excluded).

The method of treatment directly depends on the cause of the indigestion. The diagnosis may be different for each person with this symptom. How and with what to treat - the attending physician determines. Self-medication is prohibited! With improper treatment, there is a risk of harm to health.

Enterosorbents will help to provide first aid in this situation. Substances of the drug absorb and help remove toxic compounds from the body. Harmful substances along with sorbents naturally leave the body. The drug is used if there is a case of food poisoning. Sorbents include: Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel, etc.

Medicine offers a choice of drugs that restore the stomach. Taking probiotics helps to normalize digestion (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifiform).

It is important to take in more water to replace the lost fluid. You can make water with the addition of salt. Recommended rehydration drugs to normalize the water-salt balance.

With the correct diagnosis and adherence to treatment, you can get rid of loose stools in a week.

Diet for loose stools

Proper nutrition will help to quickly establish the work of the stomach. Strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations regarding the diet will shorten the treatment period.

  • Eating low-fat foods;
  • Lean broth;
  • Rusks, crackers;
  • Kashi on the water (oatmeal, rice porridge);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Vegetables cooked in a steam bath;
  • Bananas.

With loose stools, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, coffee, dairy products, fatty and spicy foods, bakery products, water with gases, fruit juices.


Disease is better to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures:

  • Always wash your hands before eating;
  • Choose food carefully;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Pass an annual preventive examination.

A single, rare liquid stool is not dangerous, but if a person has it for no reason and is regular, the symptom requires surgical treatment.

Mushy stool in an adult for a long time

Every person at least once in his life noticed a mushy stool. In the event that bowel movements of this consistency appear periodically, then people should consider them as a normal physiological phenomenon. But if such a chair is observed in a person with every act of defecation, then most likely he began to develop pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or other systems and organs. In such a situation, the only right decision would be to visit a medical institution, undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and receive medical appointments.


The process of formation of feces occurs in the large intestine. In a healthy person, stools have a dense texture. If for some reason failures occur in the body, then the stool becomes mushy. In the event that a person changes his usual diet, then his defecation processes may be disrupted for a while. When the gastrointestinal tract adapts to a new diet, the structure of the feces will acquire a normal consistency. But if mushy stools are observed for a long time, and at the same time such a change is not associated with an error in the diet, then a person should think about the reasons.

Modern medicine classifies mushy stools as follows:

  1. A mushy stool with flatulence in an adult has been observed for a long time. This condition is accompanied by various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Frequent bowel movements, the number of which can reach three times a day.
  3. A mushy stool with nausea in an adult in the morning can be accompanied by various disorders of the digestive system.
  4. There are fragments of mucus in the stools.
  5. Muddy feces contain particles of undigested food.

Causes of mushy stools in adults

Mushy stools can appear in an adult audience of people for the following reasons:

In what pathologies is the structure of feces disturbed

If a person has an inflamed area of ​​the pylorus of the stomach or duodenum 12, then the process of digestion of food will occur defectively

Due to inflammation of the pancreas in humans, the production of enzymes that are actively involved in the digestion of food is disrupted.

When changing diet

If a person introduces a large amount of food of plant origin into the menu, then his structure of feces will change

Due to inflammation of the gallbladder, stagnant processes begin in people

With long-term medication

If a person undergoes a medical course of therapy, which involves taking certain medications, for example, choleretic, glucocorticoids, antibiotics, then the structure of feces will change

In intestinal pathologies of an inflammatory nature

In people facing such diseases, enzyme production processes are disrupted, absorption worsens, as a result, fecal masses cannot form properly.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis

Mushy stools accompany this pathology, since the body lacks beneficial microflora

Mushy stools can be provoked by the following pathologies:

  1. different forms of tuberculosis.
  2. Violation of the thyroid gland.
  3. Malabsorption syndromes.
  4. Severe forms of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. stressful situations.
  6. Avitaminosis.
  7. Allergies, etc.


If a person has rumbling in the intestines and a mushy stool is observed, then he needs to contact a medical institution for advice. A specialist, before diagnosing a patient and prescribing a drug course of therapy, must conduct a series of diagnostic studies:

  1. First of all, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient. He should learn about his diet, lifestyle, taking medications.
  2. The patient will have to pass all the basic tests: feces, urine, blood.
  3. FGDS is carried out. Thanks to the examination of the gastrointestinal tract through an endoscope, specialists are able to assess the condition of the mucous membranes and identify pathologies. If necessary, the diagnostician collects biological material, which is transferred for histological examination.
  4. The patient is undergoing a colonoscopy. During this diagnostic procedure, a specialist inserts a probe into the rectum, which makes it possible to identify pathologies of the intestines, both small and large.
  5. Ultrasound is being performed. The diagnostician assesses the condition of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medical therapy

After the specialist manages to identify the cause of the change in the structure of feces, he will prescribe the patient a course of drug therapy, which may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Group of enterosorbents. The pathological condition is eliminated by means of "Polysorb", "Smecta", "Filtrum", "Activated or white coal", "Polifepan".
  2. A group of antisecretory drugs. Such a category of patients can be prescribed tablets "Emanera", "Omeprazole", "Omez", "Nolpaza".
  3. group of prebiotics. Patients can normalize the digestive processes with the help of "HalikForte", "Bifiform", "Bifikola", "Lizobakt", "Riolaflora Balance", "Lactobacterin".
  4. A group of carminative medicines. Patients are prescribed tablets "Kolofort", "Espumizan", "Motilium", "Pepsan-R".
  5. Antispasmodic group. If the process of defecation is accompanied by discomfort and pain, then patients can be prescribed tablets "Spazgan", "Take", "Papaverine", "Drotaverine", "Galidor", "No-shpy", "Duspatalin", "Bruscopan".
  6. A group of medicines that can normalize intestinal peristalsis. Sick specialists can prescribe tablets "Nitrofungin", "Fthalazol", "Intetrix", "Enterofuril", "Trimedat", "Imodium", "Enterol", "Furazolidone", "Sulgin".
  7. group of antidepressants. If the violation of the structure of feces is associated with stress or constant psycho-emotional stress, then specialists prescribe medications to patients that have a sedative effect. For example, Fevarin, Sertalitin, Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Imipramine tablets.
  8. Group of dietary supplements. Biological additives contribute to the normalization of digestive processes. People are shown the use of Gastrofilin, Litovit, Nutrikon, Bifidophilus, Loklo.
  9. In case of serious pathologies, specialists can supplement therapy regimens with corticosteroids, antifungal drugs, sedatives, pancreatic enzymes, and antibiotics.

Nutrition rules

To normalize the consistency of feces, patients must follow a special diet. First of all, they need to limit the amount of plant foods in the diet, as it accelerates peristalsis.

The patient's menu should contain the following products:

  1. Bakery and pasta.
  2. Cereals in the form of cereals, for example, rice, buckwheat.
  3. Cookies.
  4. Potato.
  5. Persimmon, bananas.

Folk recipes

As an addition to the drug therapy prescribed by a specialist, a patient can also use the time-tested "grandfather" methods to normalize the consistency of stool masses:

  1. You can make a decoction of chicory. To do this, several branches of the plant should be placed in a deep bowl and pour boiling water (350 ml). After that, the container is moved to the stove, and its contents are boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling and filtering, the liquid must be drunk for five days, 15 minutes before meals.
  2. You can swallow 10 black peppercorns. This method is used to eliminate diarrhea.
  3. You can make tea from mint and St. John's wort. To do this, 0.5 tbsp. dry raw materials should be poured into a thermos and pour boiling water (400 ml). The contents of the glass flask should be infused for 25 minutes. After filtering, the liquid should be drunk 25 minutes before meals. The course of therapy is 10 days.
  4. You can cook rice water, which holds the stool together. To do this, boil water (0.5 l) in a saucepan and add rice (1 tablespoon) to it. Cooking cereals should be until the state until the water becomes cloudy. After filtering, the broth should be drunk during the day.


If a person has a mushy stool that is not accompanied by additional symptoms, then a diet and some medications are usually enough to normalize its consistency. In the event that such a condition is accompanied by serious complications, for example, the development of pathologies in the pancreas, the patient will have to face very unpleasant and dangerous consequences. It is also worth noting that with mushy stools, liquid is excreted from the human body. If this condition lasts for a long time period, then the patient may experience dehydration.

Preventive actions

In order for the process of formation of fecal masses to occur without violations, people should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to lead an active lifestyle.
  2. People should eat regularly.
  3. The daily diet must be properly balanced. From it it is necessary to exclude dishes that contain dyes, trans fats and other harmful additives.
  4. People should consume enough fluids.
  5. With the manifestation of primary symptoms indicating the development of intestinal, gastric and other pathologies, you should immediately undergo an examination and take the medicines prescribed by specialists.

Mushy stool: causes, treatment for adults and children

Many people have repeatedly encountered problems that are caused by sudden diarrhea and the need to quickly eliminate it. Of course, this is an unpleasant situation, so you need to understand the causes and symptoms.

Diarrhea can be a sign of almost any disease and disorder that has appeared in the human body. So the human body gives a signal about the emerging danger. If, after taking several tablets of activated charcoal, no effect is observed, then you should immediately pay a visit to the doctor by contacting the clinic at the place of residence.

Porridge-like morning stool is a consequence of the following reasons:

  1. tuberculosis of various forms
  2. intestinal infections
  3. thyroid disorders
  4. dysbacteriosis
  5. various forms of tuberculosis
  6. malabsorption syndrome
  7. diseases of the digestive organs in severe forms
  8. oncological diseases of the rectum
  9. excessive intestinal motility
  10. malnutrition
  11. kidney disease
  12. inadequate digestion of food
  13. constant stress
  14. allergic reactions
  15. avitaminosis.

Of course, there could be many more reasons. But in any case, you should not let the situation take its course when there is no effect from activated carbon. It is important to immediately contact a specialist.

Mushy stool in an adult

Many diseases change the frequency and nature of stool. During defecation, pain, burning sensation may be observed. There is often a feeling of incomplete emptying and blood in the stool.

We can talk about frequent stools if defecation continues more than 3 times a day. At this time, in an adult, the mass and volume of feces increases, their consistency and color begin to change.

If all this happens, then soon an adult will have a mushy stool. The appearance of diarrhea eloquently indicates serious malfunctions in the functioning of the intestines.

In other words, this means that there is difficulty in absorbing fluid in the large intestine, so dehydration of the blood stream can occur.

To avoid possible troubles, the body begins frequent defecation. In an adult, the restoration of water balance and intestinal microflora is easier and faster than in a child. For diarrhea that lasts more than three days, you need to see a doctor.

Mushy stool in a child

The digestive organs of a child are much more sensitive to adverse factors that disrupt the functionality of the system and create disorders, in particular, diarrhea.

In children, diarrhea can even be life threatening as it causes severe dehydration. A newborn baby may have pathogenic bacteria that do not threaten an adult in any way, but pose a great threat to the health of a child.

The main cause of mushy stools in a small child is an improper and unbalanced diet.

Medical statistics show that artificially fed children are 6 times more likely to have digestive disorders than others. Doctors explain this by the fact that mixtures with artificial ingredients are not compatible with the intestines of the child.

Mushy yellow stool

Yellow diarrhea, like any other, has the function of cleaning the body of harmful microbes, which, bringing an infection, force them to fight. Simply put, the reasons here are an infection, it is also the main factor that causes yellow diarrhea.

There are situations when such disorders are provoked by the inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa. Often mushy yellow diarrhea is caused by insufficient digestion of food, which indicates disturbances in the work of the stomach.

Rotavirus infection is one of the main causes of yellow diarrhea. It is easy to identify, because the temperature instantly rises and on the second day the stool becomes a gray mass.

This infection continues with the following symptoms:

  • runny nose
  • redness of the throat
  • pain when swallowing.

Often all this is aggravated by a general breakdown and reduced appetite, up to its complete absence. All symptoms of the disease are included in the so-called intestinal flu, since it is often activated during influenza epidemics.

Mushy stool with mucus

Mushy stools along with mucus are a sign of serious internal disorders of the digestive system, both in adults and in children.

Symptoms may occur:

  1. after eating mucus-like products or against the background of a common cold.
  2. When using fermented milk mixtures, fruits, and berry cereals, you need to be prepared for the appearance of such a chair.
  3. There are frequent cases when a severe runny nose, provoking changes in the nasopharynx, makes it possible to secrete mucous streaks into the esophagus. From there, they quickly enter the intestines.

Such phenomena can appear after an infection has entered the intestine, usually it is bacterial in nature. The acute form of mucus in most cases develops with dysentery.

Mushy stool in the morning

Surely, morning diarrhea is an unpleasant memory for many people. The phenomenon marks a frequent bowel movement, it is chronic and acute.

If mushy stools in the morning occur constantly, this indicates that there are chronic problems in the body, and an immediate examination by a doctor is required.

If morning diarrhea happens situationally, then the cause of its appearance can be identified independently. As a rule, the person himself is to blame for the appearance of such a chair.

Diarrhea may appear in the morning if a person is taking medications with a laxative effect. The intestine does not sufficiently absorb the active substances of these drugs, but when they are excreted, diarrhea appears. However, diarrhea with pancreatitis is also a frequent occurrence, and this disease is already quite dangerous.

Frequent mushy stools

Frequent diarrhea can indicate a variety of disorders of the digestive system. It may be that diarrhea acts as an independent disease. Frequent mushy stools, while it happens periodically, with interruptions up to 1 month. This disorder can become chronic or acute.

Acute diarrhea occurs as a result of infection with one of the intestinal infections. Poor washing of vegetables and fruits often contributes to the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the human digestive system, which gives rise to the disease.

There are several ways that lead to the formation of diarrhea:

  1. Very frequent stools, which can reach the number of several dozen times a day, which is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and high fever, indicates a progressive salmonellosis.
  2. With cholera, the stool is almost always not only frequent, but also watery, it quickly leads to dangerous dehydration of the body.
  3. If frequent watery stools are observed, in combination with pain, mucus and blood, a medical examination is required, which cannot be postponed.

After finding out the cause of frequent diarrhea, you should immediately begin to treat the disease that caused it. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed diet, and in the future, avoid eating foods that can provoke the occurrence of frequent mushy stools.

Why there is a mushy stool and how to get rid of it

At least once in a lifetime, every person has encountered a mushy stool. A single appearance of such a symptom does not pose a threat. However, if this symptom is repeated every day, then this is a serious reason to think about your health and visit a doctor for a quality diagnosis.

What is mushy stool

In every healthy person, feces are formed in the large intestine under certain conditions. With the normal functioning of the digestive system, the stool is soft, but formed. However, if for some reason a failure occurs, then the feces acquire a characteristic mushy consistency. If such a symptom was the result of an error in the diet, then you should not worry, as this is considered a variant of the norm. However, with daily and frequent bowel movements, in which mushy stools form, one should think about a more serious reason.

Varieties: for a long time, frequent, with mucus, in the morning and others

Depending on additional conditions, the following varieties of this symptom can be distinguished:

  1. Mushy stools for a long time and accompanied by flatulence. May appear at any time. Most often accompanied by various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Frequent. In this case, emptying can occur more than 3 times a day.
  3. Appearing in the morning. May be accompanied by nausea and other digestive disorders.
  4. With slime. In the feces, mucous streaks may be present in sufficient quantities.
  5. Thick with particles of undigested food. Mushy stools may be heterogeneous and have a porous structure. Quite often contains some fragments of food.

Causes and provoking factors in adults and children

The main reasons why mushy stools can occur:

  1. Diet errors. When eating a large amount of plant foods, there may be some change in the structure of feces.
  2. Gastroduodenitis. When the duodenum and the pyloric zone of the stomach become inflamed, digestion becomes defective, as a result, a mushy stool can form.
  3. Taking medicines. Changes in the structure of feces can occur during treatment with certain medications. These include Enterol, broad-spectrum antibiotics, glucocorticoids, choleretic drugs.
  4. Pancreatitis. In inflammatory processes in the pancreas, an insufficient amount of enzymes is often released for high-quality digestion of food. As a result, a mushy stool is formed.
  5. Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder associated with stagnation of the secret can lead to a similar symptom.
  6. Decreased appetite. Poor intake of food in the body provokes the formation of mushy stools.
  7. Inflammatory processes in the intestines. Pathologies of this nature lead to underformation of feces. As a result, absorption in the small intestine deteriorates, and there are not enough enzymes for digestion.
  8. Dysbacteriosis. An insufficient amount of beneficial microflora gives rise to similar symptoms.

Diagnostic measures

A timely approach to diagnosis is extremely important to determine the cause of the onset and eliminate symptoms. Main research methods:

  1. Interrogation of the patient. It is carried out in order to eliminate errors in the diet. The doctor asks the patient about the medications he is taking that could provoke changes in the stool.
  2. FGDS. Endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum is carried out by probing. In this case, a thin tube with an optical device at the end is inserted into the esophagus and from there it moves to the stomach and duodenum. In this case, areas of inflammation and other changes in the mucous membrane are determined.
  3. Colonoscopy. Similar to the previous method, only in this case the probe is inserted through the rectum. Thus, pathologies of the large and small intestines are diagnosed.
  4. ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity can detect diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Medical treatment

If the cause of the mushy stool is gastroduodenitis, then the doctor most often prescribes drugs that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and drugs that help restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. These medicines include Omez, Nolpaza, Emanera. The drug that affects the motor function, Trimedat is able to influence both too fast and, conversely, slow peristalsis, regulating the progress of the food bolus.

In pancreatitis, drugs are prescribed that can compensate for enzyme deficiency. These include Mezim, Pancreatin and Creon. Thanks to them, food is better digested, and the stool is slightly fixed. If acalculous cholecystitis is present, a diet is indicated. The appointment of choleretic agents during exacerbation of symptoms can only worsen the course of the pathology.

In inflammatory bowel diseases, remedies are shown that regulate the functioning of this organ. Most often, the doctor prescribes Pepsan-R. This drug relieves inflammation and reduces excessive gas formation, as well as Colofort, which regulates bowel function.

When dysbacteriosis is present, the best treatment is a prebiotic containing beneficial bacteria. These funds include: Linex, Hilak Forte and others. They contribute to the reproduction of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Medical treatment - photo gallery

Diet food

Diet with mushy stool plays a decisive role. Sometimes, by changing the diet, it is possible to quickly and permanently eliminate the problem. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of vegetable food consumed, which helps to accelerate peristalsis and forms liquid feces. You need to include in your diet:

Diet food - photo gallery

Folk remedies

Alternative methods of treatment can be used as an auxiliary way to eliminate this symptom. To do this, use herbs that affect the functioning of the intestines. The most effective recipes:

  1. A decoction based on chamomile and oak bark. This remedy not only regulates the intestines, but also fixes the stool. It will take 1 tsp. the listed ingredients, which must be placed in a saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Then let stand for another 2 hours and strain. Take a quarter cup 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week.
  2. Mint tea. Additionally, St. John's wort is required. It is necessary to mix both herbs and 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let stand for 25 minutes and then filter, taking 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals for 10 days.
  3. A decoction of chicory. It will take 2-3 branches, which must be poured with 350 ml of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, drain the liquid and divide it into 3 doses. Take the drug should be 15-20 minutes before meals for 5 days.

Folk remedies - photo gallery

Treatment prognosis and consequences

As a rule, in the presence of mushy stools that are not burdened by additional symptoms, the prognosis is good. With timely diagnosis and treatment, recovery occurs quickly enough. One of the most dangerous consequences is severe pathologies of the pancreas, in which self-digestion of the organ can occur and the production of enzymes will completely stop. In addition, the advanced course of gastroduodenitis and liver diseases is fraught with the appearance of ulcerative lesions.

With persistent mushy stools, a large amount of fluid is lost, which can eventually lead to dehydration. This symptom cannot be ignored.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure is the early detection of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. To do this, at the first signs of pathology, you must consult a doctor. If blood is accidentally found in the feces, then it is in no case possible to postpone a visit to a specialist.

Additional preventive measures:

  • regular and proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • adequate fluid intake;
  • exclusion of products containing trans fats.

Mushy stools, which occur quite often, cause a lot of discomfort. To get rid of such a symptom, it is recommended to approach the treatment in a complex manner. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet and the problem disappears without additional methods of therapy.

anonymous , Male, 29 years old

Hello. About three months ago, I began to notice a change in the shape of the stool. He became a little flattened. After a while, it became thin, like a ribbon. After some more time, it seems to be decorated almost like a sausage, but the edges are slightly flattened. Then again ribbon-like. For some time there was constipation, or rather a feeling of incomplete emptying, then again almost completed. There is no blood in the stool. There is undigested food, especially fruits and vegetables. That's how I suffer in various doubts. Thought it was cancer. Three times, once a month, I took a general blood test, all indicators are normal. Hemoglobin 150, COE-7, leukocytes 4.66. Sometimes there is an itch in the anus, sometimes it’s difficult to push. Then again, I seem to walk easily, but not quite like a sausage. After physical work, it is easier to go than after a sedentary day. For some time, the stomach hurt in the region of the nerve ganglion. He took pancreatin and omeprazole, the pain seems to have disappeared. Pain in the intestinal region does not bother at all. I consulted with the paramedic about blood tests, she said that with such an analysis, oncology is unlikely to be the case, and the cause must be sought elsewhere. Please tell me if she is right with my symptoms and the result of blood tests? And what could it be?


Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! Recently passed medical examination. Donated blood for cholesterol, glucose, clinical. He also took a urine test. Everything is okay. Previously, I donated feces to the eggworm, they also found nothing.


Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! And whether the diseases listed by you can pass or take place without serious consequences? The fact is that nothing hurts me, there is no diarrhea, I feel good. Only a slight itching in the anus, sometimes a burning sensation after an act of defecation, during which you have to push yourself, and the shape of feces, which most likely affects the psychological and emotional state, but not as painful, are disturbing. And another question, I read on the same Internet that increased ESR, low hemoglobin and elevated leukocytes can indicate a possible cancer. These indicators are normal for me, I feel good, I have not lost weight, I eat well, none of my relatives have ever had cancer, I have never smoked or consumed alcohol, is it possible to exclude oncology based on this, or these indicators are in no way affect cancer, and it can develop even with excellent tests and health? It is very important for me to rule out cancer. The rest seems not so dangerous and is treated.

Hello! Get checked out by a coloproctologist. Your blood counts are normal, and if there are no complaints, then you don’t have cancer, don’t worry. For complete certainty, you can donate blood for oncomarkers (CA 72-4, CA 19-9, CA 242, CEA, AFP). Sincerely, Adelshina L.R.


Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me! You honestly reassured me, otherwise I read on the Internet about a ribbon-like chair, and that these are symptoms of cancer, I had depression and stress. And my complaints are mainly about a ribbon-like stool, and then, on a psycho-emotional level. I will follow your advice. I will hand over a blood and I shall address to the expert on this question to exhaust all doubts.


This is most likely, because sometimes there are constipations, sometimes the anus itches, sometimes there is a burning sensation, when washing, it is felt that the anus seems to be a little swollen and protrudes, but almost immediately goes back. Please tell me a remedy for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids? I was told that thyme baths help a lot. It's just that my work is all on the road, and it's very difficult to get to the doctor. Sometimes there is simply no time, and sometimes you have to make an appointment half a year in advance for some specialists.

First of all, you need to achieve daily stool without straining. Those. constipation should not be. In nutrition, pay attention to sour-milk products, dried fruits, boiled and raw vegetables, vegetable oils, herbs, cereals, nuts. With hemorrhoids, it is desirable to limit as much as possible spicy, spicy, salty, fried foods, rich meat broths, mushrooms, legumes, black bread, fresh milk, sweet carbonated drinks, strong alcohol, strong tea and coffee, turnips, radish, sorrel, semi-finished products. After each act of defecation, it is better to wash yourself, lubricate the area of ​​the anus and the lower part of the rectum with relief ointment. At night, put a rectal suppository (proctosedyl, hepatrombin G, ultraproct) for 7-10 days. The simplest and safest candles are sea buckthorn. But you should definitely see a doctor! Sincerely, Adelshina L.R.


Thank you very much for your complete and detailed answers! For your responsiveness, understanding, for getting into the position and taking the time to answer! I will definitely use your advice! Good luck with your work and speedy recovery to your patients!

Many people have repeatedly encountered problems that are caused by sudden diarrhea and the need to quickly eliminate it. Of course, this is an unpleasant situation, so you need to understand the causes and symptoms.

Diarrhea can be a sign of almost any disease and disorder that has appeared in the human body. So the human body gives a signal about the emerging danger. If, after taking several tablets of activated charcoal, no effect is observed, then you should immediately pay a visit to the doctor by contacting the clinic at the place of residence.

Porridge-like morning stool is a consequence of the following reasons:

  1. tuberculosis of various forms
  2. intestinal infections
  3. thyroid disorders
  4. dysbacteriosis
  5. various forms of tuberculosis
  6. malabsorption syndrome
  7. diseases of the digestive organs in severe forms
  8. oncological diseases of the rectum
  9. excessive intestinal motility
  10. malnutrition
  11. kidney disease
  12. inadequate digestion of food
  13. constant stress
  14. allergic reactions
  15. avitaminosis.

Of course, there could be many more reasons. But in any case, you should not let the situation take its course when there is no effect from activated carbon. It is important to immediately contact a specialist.

Mushy stool in an adult

Many diseases change the frequency and nature of stool. During defecation, pain, burning sensation may be observed. There is often a feeling of incomplete emptying and blood in the stool.

We can talk about frequent stools if defecation continues more than 3 times a day. At this time, in an adult, the mass and volume of feces increases, their consistency and color begin to change.

If all this happens, then soon an adult will have a mushy stool. The appearance of diarrhea eloquently indicates serious malfunctions in the functioning of the intestines.

In other words, this means that there is difficulty in absorbing fluid in the large intestine, so dehydration of the blood stream can occur.

To avoid possible troubles, the body begins frequent defecation. In an adult, the restoration of water balance and intestinal microflora is easier and faster than in a child. For diarrhea that lasts more than three days, you need to see a doctor.

Mushy stool in a child

The digestive organs of a child are much more sensitive to adverse factors that disrupt the functionality of the system and create disorders, in particular, diarrhea.

In children, diarrhea can even be life threatening as it causes severe dehydration. A newborn baby may have pathogenic bacteria that do not threaten an adult in any way, but pose a great threat to the health of a child.

The main cause of mushy stools in a small child is an improper and unbalanced diet.

Medical statistics show that artificially fed children are 6 times more likely to have digestive disorders than others. Doctors explain this by the fact that mixtures with artificial ingredients are not compatible with the intestines of the child.

Mushy yellow stool

Yellow diarrhea, like any other, has the function of cleaning the body of harmful microbes, which, bringing an infection, force them to fight. Simply put, the reasons here are an infection, it is also the main factor that causes yellow diarrhea.

There are situations when such disorders are provoked by the inflammatory process of the intestinal mucosa. Often mushy yellow diarrhea is caused by insufficient digestion of food, which indicates disturbances in the work of the stomach.

Rotavirus infection is one of the main causes of yellow diarrhea. It is easy to identify, because the temperature instantly rises and on the second day the stool becomes a gray mass.

This infection continues with the following symptoms:

  • runny nose
  • redness of the throat
  • pain when swallowing.

Often all this is aggravated by a general breakdown and reduced appetite, up to its complete absence. All symptoms of the disease are included in the so-called intestinal flu, since it is often activated during influenza epidemics.

Mushy stool with mucus

Mushy stools along with mucus are a sign of serious internal disorders of the digestive system, both in adults and in children.

Symptoms may occur:

  1. after eating mucus-like products or against the background of a common cold.
  2. When using fermented milk mixtures, fruits, and berry cereals, you need to be prepared for the appearance of such a chair.
  3. There are frequent cases when a severe runny nose, provoking changes in the nasopharynx, makes it possible to secrete mucous streaks into the esophagus. From there, they quickly enter the intestines.

Such phenomena can appear after an infection has entered the intestine, usually it is bacterial in nature. The acute form of mucus in most cases develops with dysentery.

Mushy stool in the morning

Surely, morning diarrhea is an unpleasant memory for many people. The phenomenon marks a frequent bowel movement, it is chronic and acute.

If mushy stools in the morning occur constantly, this indicates that there are chronic problems in the body, and an immediate examination by a doctor is required.

If morning diarrhea happens situationally, then the cause of its appearance can be identified independently. As a rule, the person himself is to blame for the appearance of such a chair.

Diarrhea may appear in the morning if a person is taking medications with a laxative effect. The intestine does not sufficiently absorb the active substances of these drugs, but when they are excreted, diarrhea appears. However, it is also a frequent occurrence, and this disease is already quite dangerous.

Frequent mushy stools

Frequent diarrhea can indicate a variety of disorders of the digestive system. It may be that diarrhea acts as an independent disease. Frequent mushy stools, while it happens periodically, with interruptions up to 1 month. This disorder can become chronic or acute.

Acute diarrhea occurs as a result of infection with one of the intestinal infections. Poor washing of vegetables and fruits often contributes to the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the human digestive system, which gives rise to the disease.

There are several ways that lead to the formation of diarrhea:

  1. Very frequent stools, which can reach the number of several dozen times a day, which is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and high fever, indicates a progressive salmonellosis.
  2. With cholera, the stool is almost always not only frequent, but also watery, it quickly leads to dangerous dehydration of the body.
  3. If frequent watery stools are observed, in combination with pain, mucus and blood, a medical examination is required, which cannot be postponed.

After finding out the cause of frequent diarrhea, you should immediately begin to treat the disease that caused it. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed diet, and in the future, avoid eating foods that can provoke the occurrence of frequent mushy stools.

Kal or chair, or excreta, or feces(lat. faces) - the contents of the lower sections of the colon, excreted from the body during defecation. Feces are the end product of digestion resulting from complex biochemical processes in the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that feces are formed from chyme in the large intestine.

The daily amount of feces in healthy people can vary markedly. Plant food increases the amount of feces, animal - reduces. With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces usually does not exceed 190-200 g.

The original feces of newborns is called meconium. Black tarry feces with a fetid odor - melena.

The medical scale of the forms of human feces, including 7 gradations of the type of feces, from hardened dark lumps to watery slurry, is called "".

Characteristics of the feces of a healthy person
Normal stool has a dense consistency and a cylindrical shape. A large amount of plant foods in the diet makes the feces thick and mushy. A liquid-mushy or watery consistency of feces can be with a large intake of water.

The color of feces on a normal mixed diet is dark brown, on a meat diet it is black-brown, on a vegetarian diet it is light brown, and on a milk diet it is light brown or light yellow. Taking bismuth and bismuth-containing drugs (De-Nol, Ventrisol, Novobismol, Pilocid, Vikanol life, Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, Vitridinol, Ulcavis, Escape, Tribimol, Gastro-norm, Pepto-Bismol) make the feces black. Iron gives feces a black color with a greenish tinge. Sorrel and spinach give the feces a greenish tint, pork - reddish. Blueberries and black currants stain the feces black or black-brown.

Feces usually have a mild, unpleasant odor, which is due to the presence in it of indole, skatole, phenol, creazoles and other substances formed as a result of bacterial breakdown of proteins.

Feces normally should not contain mucus, blood, pus, food debris.

Microorganisms in the feces of a healthy person
Qualitative and quantitative composition of the main microflora of the large intestine in a healthy person in colony-forming units (CFU) in terms of 1 g of feces (according to OST 91500.11.0004-2003 "Protocol of patient management. Intestinal dysbacteriosis"):

Types of microorganisms

Age, years

less than 1
1–60 over 60
Bifidobacteria ( Bifidobacterium)
10 10 –10 11 10 9 –10 10 10 8 –10 9
Lactobacillus ( Lactobacillus) 10 6 –10 7 10 7 –10 8 10 6 –10 7
Bacteroids ( Bacteroides) 10 7 –10 8 10 9 –10 10 10 10 –10 11
Enterococci ( Enterococcus) 10 5 –10 7 10 5 –10 8 10 6 – 10 7
Fusobacteria ( Fusobacterium) <10 6 10 8 –10 9 10 8 –10 9
Eubacteria ( Eubacterium) 10 6 –10 7 10 9 –10 10 10 9 –10 10
Peptostreptococcus ( Peptostreptococcus) <10 5 10 9 –10 10 10 10
Clostridia ( Clostridium) ⩽10 3 ⩽10 5 ⩽10 6
Escherichia coli ( Escherichia coli) typical 10 7 –10 8 10 7 –10 8 10 7 –10 8
Escherichia coli lactose-negative <10 5 <10 5 <10 5
Escherichia coli hemolytic 0 0 0
Other opportunistic bacteria: Klebsiella ( Klebsiella), Enterobacter ( Enterobacter), hafnium ( hafnia), serratia ( Serratia), proteus ( Proteus), morganella ( Morganella), providences ( Providencia), citrobacter ( Citrobacter) other
<10 4 <10 4 <10 4
Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus)
0 0 0
Staphylococcus saprophytic ( Staphylococcus saprophyticus) and epidermal ( Staphylococcus epidermidis) ⩽10 4 ⩽10 4 ⩽10 4
Mushrooms of the genus Candida ⩽10 3 ⩽10 4 ⩽10 4
Non-fermenting bacteria: Pseudomonas ( Pseudomonas), Acinetobacter ( Acinetobacter) other
⩽10 3 ⩽10 4 ⩽10 4

Fungi are found in the feces of approximately 65-70% of healthy people. candida albicans(Burova S.A.)
acidity of feces
The acidity of the feces of a healthy person eating a mixed diet is determined by the vital activity of the microflora of the large intestine and is equal to 6.8–7.6 pH. The acidity of feces is considered normal in the range from 6.0 to 8.0 pH. The acidity of meconium is about 6 pH. Deviations from the norm in the acidity of feces:
  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) occurs with fermentative dyspepsia
  • acidic (pH 5.5 to 6.7) may be due to malabsorption of fatty acids in the small intestine
  • alkaline (pH from 8.0 to 8.5) may be due to putrefaction of food proteins that are not digested in the stomach and small intestine and inflammatory exudate as a result of the activation of putrefactive microflora and the formation of ammonia and other alkaline components in the large intestine
  • sharply alkaline (pH over 8.5) occurs with putrefactive dyspepsia (colitis)
About constipation, diarrhea, fecal incontinence
Read more about constipation in the American Gastroenterological Association's Guidelines for Constipation. The crux of the problem." Part I and Part II, “Constipation. World Organization of Gastroenterology Practice Guide”, “Nutrition for children with constipation”, “Non-pharmacological measures for constipation”, “10 tips from the American College of Gastroenterology for constipation and fecal incontinence”, and the article “Constipation”.

About Fecal Incontinence: "Fecal Incontinence" from the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Feces in children with various diseases
In the first day or two of life, healthy newborns excrete meconium - feces, which is a thick, viscous mass of dark olive color, odorless, accumulated in the intestines before the birth of the child, before the first application to the breast. The absence of epithelial cells in the composition of meconium may be a sign of intestinal obstruction in the newborn. The admixture of meconium to the amniotic fluid at the beginning of labor indicates intrauterine asphyxia. Feces in children of the first year of life on natural feeding are mushy, golden yellow in color with a slightly acidic odor. The number of bowel movements - up to 7 times a day in the first half of the year, and 2-3 times a day - in the second. With artificial feeding, the feces are thicker, putty-like consistency, light yellow in color, with an unpleasant odor, the number of bowel movements is 3-4 times a day for up to six months and 1-2 times a day for up to a year. In older children, the feces are shaped (a type of sausage), dark brown in color, do not contain pathological impurities (mucus, blood). Defecation occurs 1-2 times a day. With various diseases, the nature of the stool changes, there are:
  • dyspeptic stool, liquid with an admixture of mucus, greenery, white lumps, frothy, sour smell, occurs with simple dyspepsia - "fermentative dyspepsia"
  • "Hungry" stool, meager, reminiscent of dyspeptic, but thicker, darker, happens with malnutrition
  • stool with toxic dyspepsia is watery, light yellow in color with an admixture of mucus
  • with colienteritis, the feces are liquid, ocher-yellow, less often greenish, with an admixture of mucus and white lumps
  • with salmonellosis, the feces are liquid, the color of marsh greens, a small amount of mucus, there is no blood
  • with dysentery, the stool is quickened (up to 15 times), contains a large amount of mucus, pus and streaks of blood, there are almost no feces, defecation is accompanied by tenesmus
  • with typhoid fever, the stool is quickened (up to 10 times), liquid, fetid, in the form of pea puree, occasionally contains an admixture of bile
  • with cholera, stools are almost continuous (up to 100 times a day), plentiful, in the form of rice water, never contain blood
  • with food poisoning, the stool is liquid, frequent, profuse, greenish-yellow in color with an admixture of mucus, rarely streaked with blood
  • with amoebiasis, the stool is quickened, the color of raspberry jelly
  • with giardiasis, stools 3-4 times a day, yellow-green in color, soft consistency
  • with viral hepatitis, the stool is acholic, gray-clay color, without pathological impurities
  • malabsorption syndromes are characterized by polyfecal matter, when the amount of feces exceeds 2% of the food eaten and the liquid drunk. This syndrome is observed with disaccharide deficiency (lactose and sucrose), celiac disease (intolerance to gluten, gliadin), intolerance to cow's milk protein, with