Health fasting benefits. Dry fasting: the benefits and harms of complete rejection of water

Why dry fasting is considered the most effective in a protracted and painful struggle with annoying extra pounds? After all, this is a complete rejection of water, but it is unlikely that a simple liquid carries calories. Why not use regular fasting?

Varieties of fasting

To figure out where the benefits of dry fasting are, you must first find out what it is and what varieties are found.

Absolute (dry) fasting - with it, a person temporarily refuses both food and water, even any contact with a liquid. You can not drink, wash your hands, then take a shower, do any housework if it is connected with water, brush your teeth. This is the most severe dry fasting, which is safe to use for no more than a day, if at home, without a doctor.

Dry fasting- Refusal simply from food with water. The rest of the contacts are saved. You can wash, brush your teeth and, if you feel very thirsty, you can rinse your mouth. No more. You can keep it longer than absolute fasting, up to 1-3 days, if a beginner and at home, without a doctor's supervision. There are special centers where people who want to undergo fasting go. There they are constantly supervised by doctors and help to recover from dry fasting.

- this is fasting on the water, when a person refuses only food. On the day he can drink up to 1.5-2 liters of plain water, its amount is not limited. Some find that water is easier to replace with herbal decoctions or sit "for tea" or "for coffee". But the procedure gives the full effect only with water. Varieties of water fasting:

Short (1-3 days), medium (5-7 days), long (10-15),
extreme (20, 28, sometimes 36 or 40). The latter is more likely for experienced people who have been practicing fasting for many years. Their body is easier to tolerate periods without food.
intermittent (cyclic) fasting is a new trendy trend, when instead of full hungry days, people divide the day into "eating windows" when you can eat with a duration of 2-8 hours. The rest of the time they are hungry.

There are techniques with the abolition of one of the three usual food sessions. 1 or 2 days are chosen in a normal week and a person on these days refuses either breakfast, lunch or dinner as he wants.
Fasting days - one day of fasting is selected per week. It is more often called "unloading".

How does fasting usually work?

Dry fasting has its own characteristics, it is a whole complex that has several stages that a person goes through gradually:

The study of the material. Before you start, you should study well all the available literature, video, audio information about fasting. What are the contraindications, what are the consequences, what problems can be solved by a hunger strike. Then a technique for dry fasting is chosen (if you liked it dry).

Day (evening) before fasting, bowel cleansing.

Dry fasting itself.

Exit (recovery period).

The benefits of dry fasting

Studying them will help to understand why among the methods people choose dry ones, even though there are no calories in water. It is believed that it is easier to starve with water, because it deceives the stomach, muffling the hungry urge.

Dry therapeutic fasting helps the body to quickly get rid of not only toxins, but also excess fluid, because when the supply of water (tea, drinks, etc.) stops, the body looks for internal resources. This is how mucus leaves, abscesses dissolve, diseased cells, various neoplasms, and sores are broken down.

Acne and areas where the liquid accumulated - the insides of the blisters - gradually disappear. This natural mechanism- take excess water from less needed places so that systems and organs do not suffer. After all, the body performs the main task - maintaining organs, internal systems in stability. This is how dry fasting works and its results are skin cleansing, weight loss. First of all, excess fluid is removed.

Interestingly, starving people try to think more positively, even humbly. It is much easier for them to forgive insults, even the biggest ones. Their thinking becomes large-scale, deep and even philosophical. Therefore, many prophets and scholars of the past often went on a fast. Trying to find the very meaning of life.

Interestingly, the result of dry fasting can be not just weight loss, but also the complete destruction of some of the fat cells. After all, the body destroys them to get water. Therefore, they cannot then recover again.

Sometimes, having come out of dry fasting and returned to normal nutrition, people noted less fat formation. Kilograms returned, but not completely. This is with the results when the diet is normal (this is the usual menu, without restrictions).


In addition to the advantages of dry fasting, it has contraindications. Many doctors are strongly against this. They say there is no need to test the body for resistance, especially since there are groups of people who are strictly forbidden to starve, no matter what it will be. Yes, and it is extremely difficult to predict the reaction of the body, the body of each is arranged individually. It is not known what health problems even a day of dry fasting will bring.

before using the technique, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist, consult with him, talking about plans. Doctors know what happens inside the body during periods of fasting, they will tell you the most effective method and a period appropriate for a particular patient. Moreover, the doctor will tell you all the possible consequences and how best to avoid them.

The most serious problems arise in terms of dehydration:

The skin gradually dries out, painful cracks form on it (the body takes water from the upper layers, redistributing it). Lips crack, mucous membranes become inflamed, usually with high humidity.
Sleep is disturbed, performance is reduced. Constant desire to lie down.
The blood thickens, this leads to the appearance of high fragility in the vessels, small capillaries die.
Sometimes, during dry fasting, incomprehensible pains in the stomach area begin to torment.

At first, starving people can feel euphoria and lightness, this is the uncontrolled release of insulin, along with adrenaline, into the bloodstream. If this continues, there is a possibility of the appearance and development of diabetes.

Alas, dry fasting, especially long-term, is very dangerous, especially for health. In order to avoid new diseases, complications and other difficulties in the future, carefully weigh all the pros and cons and consult a doctor.

Dry fasting and disease

Of course, in addition to getting rid of annoying kilograms, cleansing, people want to know what diseases dry fasting actually cures? What problems besides obesity can be solved?

Sometimes doctors themselves prescribe a certain method of fasting to their own patients as a method of treatment. Reviews of many practitioners emphasized that at the moment of internal restructuring caused by starvation, the body joins forces for the first task - finding and redistributing water, then food. After all, external supplies have stopped. First, he forcibly takes away excess fluid from problem cells, they are the least useful.

So the cells are destroyed, the fluid is quickly absorbed. There are known cases of fasting against acne, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even against cancer. Many write reviews, telling their stories when official medicine could no longer help or they themselves were looking for what would help best. Starvation is a huge stress that can literally shake up the whole body and it is likely that after a hunger strike it will start working normally, and the disease itself will be overcome.

It is worth remembering how sick animals starve. Sometimes the periods of their forced hunger strike are impressive. It doesn't matter if it is a predator or a herbivore, but having become ill, the animal does not eat, even the food brought by its relatives. Yes, after an illness, it quickly returns the lost mass, but only when it is cured. Sometimes seriously ill people cannot eat either. So the body throws strength to deal with the existing problem, it is simply more important for it to cure diseases, there is no time for digestion and assimilation of food.

After all, when a chronic disease develops inside (no matter what), its task is to strengthen, develop. The body is trying to get rid of it. A lot of effort goes into the daily digestion of food, assimilation of it. The development of the disease, the fight against it includes many compensatory internal mechanisms. When man goes on starvation, the body is faced with a new, big trouble.

He is forced to "turn off" some mechanisms in order to release vital energy. First, he turns off the most energy-consuming and useless mechanisms in his understanding. Sometimes the result of even a short dry fast is really amazing. As the tumors dissolve, the skin is cleansed. Opinions of people who have cured various diseases starvation are full of enthusiastic epithets.

However, the "deactivation of mechanisms" caused by fasting has its consequences. Those who have any chronic disease are always afraid of a relapse, which can return along with a host of other problems caused by fasting. Therefore, doctors do not get tired of warning: yes, thousands of people are being treated themselves, they are starving, but in order for such home methods to help, a mandatory consultation is needed. Especially those with chronic diseases! After all, there are sores in which you can’t starve at all. For example, problems with Bladder like urolithiasis.

Does Dry Fasting Solve Obesity Problems? Some, to improve the result, do alternation: physical activity, then entry and fasting itself, exit - again training. It is better, of course, to approach the problem in a complex way, especially when obesity has become a real problem.

What do experts in the techniques think?

Short-term fasting is quite capable of driving away the remnants of a cold before the formation of a full-fledged ARVI. Prolonged hunger will help to forget about acne, otitis, relieve inflammation, even concussion.

The doctors were divided. Most ordinary people, having studied the opinions of both sides, believe that yes, prolonged dry hunger is really dangerous, but you can arrange periodic fasting days without water, this is how the look is updated, the body gets a break and the opportunity to cleanse itself, at the same time a couple of kilograms will go away.

And the most noticeable effect of dry fasting is gone acne, various pimples with boils, the skin is refreshed, the processes of internal natural rejuvenation are launched. The skin has a healthy, normal appearance. It is smooth and moist to the touch. For many women, this is enough.

Each person is still left with a choice: whether to use various diets in an attempt to lose weight, or go through dry fasting 1-2 times a week. What is better, more efficient?

Rules for dry fasting

Preparation for dry fasting usually takes several days. This is a special, diet food, plentiful drink(up to 1.5 l), an enema made the evening before the start of fasting, which provided fast cleansing intestines.

It is better to starve healthy, not having serious problems in terms of health for people who do not need regular medication, even vitamins.
After entering, dry fasting itself begins (a safe period is 1-3 days of home fasting without medical supervision).

Right way out

In normal fasting, it implies the beginning of meals, but in dry fasting, water will be the best and safest way out.

the duration of the exit (recovery period) is equal to (and preferably twice as long as) the duration of the fast itself.

End your fast at the same time you started it. If you had to start by 9 am, then you should finish by 9 am (you should not retreat, even for a few minutes).

Start eating with a glass of plain water. Boiled but cooled down room temperature. Slowly, in small sips without haste, drink it. Then drink more, take a shower or a warm but short bath.

After waiting 2 hours, you can switch to homemade juices or herbal decoctions diluted with water. A table with low-calorie foods should be your best friend, because the exit is through them.

Water - diluted homemade juices (fruit or vegetable, just do not mix) - not diluted juices - vegetable or fruit salads - vegetable soup or porridge, on the water.

Eat fractionally, every 2-3 hours as the stomach asks, but without achieving satiety, in small portions. You can switch from cereals to dairy products. Yogurt, cottage cheese or low-fat sour cream. Soups, first cereals, salads, eat without spices, oils. Add meat, fried or smoked dishes to the diet as late as possible, preferably after 3-4 days of a gentle (recovery) regimen, depending on how long you have been starving.

Therapeutic starvation goes through certain stages.

1st stage.

It is called "nutritional arousal", on a "wet" hunger, its duration is usually 2-3 days, and on a "dry" - 1-2 days.

The stage of food arousal is a mild stress for the body. This stress primarily causes activation of the hypothalamus. It begins to secrete various substances that have a special effect on the glands. internal secretion in order to adapt the body to an existence without food and water.

After 24 hours of fasting, a person's secretion by the pituitary gland increases dramatically. growth hormone growth, and according to current data, dry fasting has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It activates the pancreatic hormone glucagon, which enhances the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, which provides the body with nutrition. It also removes intoxication of the body through a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

During the first stage, any signals of food can usually be annoying: the sight and smell of it, talking about food, the sound of tableware, and so on. They cause salivation, rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the stomach; sleep worsens, irritability increases, sometimes Bad mood. Thirst is bearable.

2nd stage: (increasing acidosis).

Usually this stage on dry fasting lasts from 2-4 days. As soon as a person completely refuses food and water, the consumption of stored reserves and secondary tissues begins in his body.

Split nutrients and tissues in the process of starvation leads to the accumulation of their decay products inside the body. As a result, the pH of the body quickly shifts to the acid side (acidosis), but the acidification values ​​do not go beyond physiological norms. Fasting acidosis is the first and most important physiological mechanism that triggers a chain of other healing mechanisms that are inactive on a normal diet.

4. Acidification of the internal environment of the body leads to the launch of tissue dissolution autolysis. It turns out that in acidic environment phagocytes and some enzymes are activated, the function of which is to destroy the weakened own tissue and everything foreign in the body. In turn, the processes of autolysis trigger the mechanism of cleansing the body of toxins, weakened and pathologically altered tissue. Due to the splitting of the tissue, the toxins contained in it are released and removed from the body, and the modified tissue is destroyed.

The control over the splitting of body tissues is carried out by a special function, which we called the “priority principle”. It is this function that ensures that at first everything superfluous, pathologically altered, is split, and then the turn of healthy tissues comes - according to the principle of importance for the life of the organism.

Acidification of the body and an increase in phagocytic activity lead to the normalization of the microflora of the body.

Acidosis includes a mechanism for the absorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air by the cells of the body. It is he who contributes to the fixation of carbon dioxide soluble in the blood according to the principle of photosynthesis, i.e. by the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes nutrient medium.

In other words, when increased assimilation CO2 cells, combined with an increased intake of nitrogen from the air, create the most favorable conditions for the qualitative construction of nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically active substances necessary for the full functioning of human life. In other words, on a dry fast, we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create the proteins our body needs from them.

Increased tissue breakdown due to autolysis and restoration of structure and function digestive organs during dry fasting, they stimulate the metabolism and increase the digestive capacity of the body during the period of restorative nutrition.

During fasting, there is an increase protective functions organism, both at the level of cells and the whole organism as a whole. It becomes much more resistant to various internal and external damaging factors.

All of the above physiological mechanisms lead to a powerful regenerating and rejuvenating effect in the period following the fast.

After we have described what "starts" the process of acidification (acidosis) of the internal environment during starvation, let's return to acidosis itself. The process of acidification of the internal environment of the body is growing rapidly. Usually, the maximum acidification is observed on the 2-3rd day of fasting.

And it happens like this. At the very beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, the body uses it. But as soon as glycogen stores run out (and this usually happens on the first day of fasting), the blood begins to accumulate sour foods incomplete breakdown of fat (butyric acids, acetone), its alkaline reserves are reduced, and this affects the state of health: a starving person may experience a headache, nausea, a feeling of weakness, general malaise.

growing white coating on the tongue, dryness of the tongue and lips, mucus on the teeth, the smell of acetone from the mouth, dryness and pallor of the skin, the feeling of hunger is much reduced, while thirst is increased at this time. Poor health is the result of accumulation in the blood harmful products: starvation-induced homotoxicosis.

5. The first acidotic crisis and its significance in the recovery of the body.

The gradual acidification of the internal environment of the body during fasting leads to the displacement of most chronic diseases that develop and progress in the human body.

The strongest acidification of the body occurs during the acidotic crisis, and therefore chronic diseases are exacerbated at this time. According to the degree of exacerbation, one can judge how successfully hunger “hooked” on a particular disease and “uproots” it from the body. If the exacerbation is pronounced, then a complete cure should be expected. If weak, it means that hunger solves other more important problems in the body. After a while, repeat fasting, and then he will take on the remaining diseases.

After the acidotic crisis has “uprooted” the disease from the body, an increase in the protective forces previously spent on the disease begins. Conducted studies of the reaction of the body to various bacilli indicate that the processes of self-defense and an increase in protective forces against microbes begin only after the end of the acidotic crisis.

This is manifested in the tendency to rapid healing wounds, increase the bactericidal activity of the body, which explains the beneficial effect of fasting on many diseases.

Hence the conclusion follows: until the body of a starving person has passed the first acidotic crisis, one cannot count on a cure for chronic diseases and a sharp increase in the body's defenses.

The 3rd stage is called compensation (adaptation).

The duration of this stage varies from person to person. On average, it starts from the 5th day of dry fasting and ends on the 8th day. In this stage, well-being may improve, weakness may decrease, all discomfort. This improvement can take place in waves. The feeling of hunger completely disappears, thirst may increase. Its duration depends on the reserves of fat in the body. This stage ends with the second acidotic crisis, which takes place from 8 to 11 days.

The second acidotic crisis and its significance in the improvement of the body.

From the moment of passing the first acidotic crisis until the onset of the second, the body accumulates vitality. During an acidotic crisis, some people experience an exacerbation of their underlying disease, their health deteriorates sharply, a loss of strength occurs, sleep completely disappears, and the temperature can rise greatly. These symptoms indicate that hunger has begun to “turn out” the disease. If in the first two stages of fasting, autolysis of body tissues was the only source nutrition, then during the second acidotic crisis, autolysis more performs the function of a natural surgeon.

Therefore, for the full therapeutic effect, it is necessary to go through this crisis. The most important thing is to go through the second acidotic crisis with all types of fasting, in which there is a stronger activation of all the body's defenses, which helps to cure many "incurable" diseases.

To put it simply: the first acidotic crisis eliminates the “stalk of the disease”, the second destroys the “root of the disease”.

In the process of starvation, two very interesting moments stand out - primary and secondary restructuring, the body's regulatory systems are forced to switch to new life support conditions, when old ones are partially utilized and new biostructures are synthesized that differ from the old ones in their qualitative properties. In turn, the new quality directly depends on those specific situational changes that cause shifts in internal environment organism.

6. The principal distinguishing feature of any fasting, from spontaneously occurring, is its dosage, because it can be stopped at any time.

It is extremely important that fasting takes place against the backdrop of a favorable psychological climate.

When we make a volitional decision to starve in order to influence a specific problem, our consciousness begins to “intervene” in the restructuring processes taking place in the body, to exert a regulatory influence on them. And this means that it is possible to design a future restructuring of the body with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures with useful properties, that is, in fact, we are talking about the conscious regulation of the processes occurring in the body, about the conscious improvement of one's body.

All this suggests one thing - our body in a state of complete comfort and rest weakens, loses its adaptive forces. But under the conditions of a changing environment, which is influenced by strong negative stimuli, hitherto unknown abilities are awakened, the mechanisms of autoregulation are turned on. Now we are beginning to understand health in a new way.

A healthy organism is not one that maintains normal performance, but one that is able to successfully adapt to changing conditions, which is very important for our adverse environmental conditions.

It has been found that the deformed membranes of slowly dividing or non-dividing "aging" cells acquire forms similar to those of young animal cells under endogenous nutrition. That is, with SH, the process of restoring cell barriers is underway. The process of dividing rapidly dividing cells slows down. At the same time, the restructuring of the enzymatic system provides an increase in the receptor apparatus of efferent cells (nerve endings) due to a qualitative improvement in the state of the enzymes of these receptors (chemoreceptors), which are embedded in the cell membrane and are able to enhance the barrier function through the activation of the intracellular cAMP nucleotide.

Thus, with SG, a complex recovery is provided barrier functions cells by normalizing membranes and strengthening the cAMP system. Due to the renewal of the genetic apparatus of cells, new stem cells are formed during starvation, and additional ones appear in some organs. As a result of the elimination of old damaged cells and the emergence of new stem, organs and tissues of the body become much younger.

But there is one more important source, providing rejuvenation and "hungry survival". Most of the cells in the human body actively live for only a few years. After that, they age and become functionally passive, like fat cells.

Even colonies of microorganisms have formed a mechanism for the "food utilization" of old cells. All multicellular organisms use their old cells as a source of raw materials and energy. But as a backup source intended for a rainy day.

With prolonged inactivity of the mechanism of "food utilization", such cells can become, and are becoming, a factory of pathological proteins, causing aggression own immune system, factors, causing violation tissue and central regulation, cells, progenitors of malignant tumors.

They must be removed from the body.

For millions of years, periods of forced starvation have been the norm in animal life. Therefore, the process of freeing multicellular organisms from "extra", structurally or functionally atypical cells did not present a problem. "For lack of fish and cancer - food."

Combining the mechanism of "cellular self-purification" with the mechanism of "starvation survival" was a fortunate and universal evolutionary acquisition.

7. Apoptosis.

This is programmed cell death, an energy-dependent, genetically controlled process that is triggered by specific signals and rids the body of weakened, unnecessary or damaged cells.

Every day, about 5% of the body's cells undergo apoptosis, and new cells take their place. During apoptosis, the cell disappears without a trace within 15-120 minutes.

The genetic apparatus of multicellular organisms - animals, plants and fungi - contains a program of cell death. This special program, which under certain circumstances can lead to cell death. With normal development, this program is aimed at removing excessively formed cells - "unemployed", as well as cells-"pensioners" who have ceased to be engaged in socially useful work. Other important function cell death - the removal of "disabled" cells and "dissident" cells with serious violations of the structure or function of the genetic apparatus.

In particular, apoptosis is one of the main mechanisms of self-prevention of oncological diseases.

With pathological amplification, aplasia and degenerative processes, as well as some deformities with tissue defects, take place, and with weakening, autoimmune processes, tumors and premature aging of the body. There are, for example, quite serious grounds for believing that such dangerous diseases like aplastic anemia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, AIDS, etc.

During fasting, a universal process occurs, on the one hand, physiological process apoptosis: renewal and rejuvenation of the body due to the death of old, diseased, altered cells. On the other hand, eliminate pathological mechanisms apoptosis: premature aging, cancer, etc. Let's take a closer look at these mechanisms.

The body, as a community of cells, during the period of starvation "eats" not only fat cells, but also everything that "lies badly". Rather bad or not working at all. Without the function of self-purification of cell populations, the life of an organism is impossible. Cells infected with viruses, damaged by radiation or toxins, as well as cells that have reached the biological limit, have one common property must leave the body. Or be eaten.

This is how it happens in nature.

In the absence of nutrition, a special kind of signaling molecules appears in a multicellular organism. These molecules cause the activation of intracellular proteins in the cytoplasm of "atypical" cells. These are cells that are not involved in the collective activity of the organism and are sensitive to such molecules. They include a self-destruct mechanism. The cell "closes" all programs - its core "folds". The cell undergoes "crushing". Without destruction of the outer shell, it is "crushed" into 5-10 "apoptotic bodies" and absorbed by other cells. This is how it looks in a colony of microorganisms. Or digested in the intestines. It shares the fate of fat cells.

The phenomenon of apoptosis was discovered relatively recently, in 1972. This was the most interesting development in biology and medicine in the last 50 years. By modern ideas apoptosis is a general biological mechanism responsible for the constancy of the number of cell populations, as well as the shaping and culling of defective cells.

It is on the path of this physiological "mechanism" that regular nutrition and a terrible environment stand in the way.

8. According to our observations, the activation of the process of food apoptosis occurs after 20 hours of dry fasting (subject to correct technique starvation).

With a continuous diet, "calorie garbage" becomes the number one problem. It causes diseases and premature aging of a person. "Saving technologies" save life when starving, but kill it when you are constantly full.

American researchers indirectly confirmed the benefits of Muslim fasting. They managed to uncover cellular mechanism, explaining the relationship between starvation and longevity in humans and other mammals.

Islam prescribes to abstain from food and liquids during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. Scientists David Sinclair and his colleagues found that during fasting, the SIRT3 and SIRT4 genes are activated, which prolong the life of cells. Perhaps this information can be used to create drugs for diseases associated with aging.

Experiments conducted by scientists on animals show that fasting by 120% increases the ability of the heart cells of old animals to self-purify and had virtually no effect on the condition of the cells of young animals.

To assess the effect of calorie restriction on the ability of cells to get rid of toxic waste products, scientists assessed the change in the content of certain proteins in the body, depending on age and diet. It turned out that the cells of old animals that were subject to starvation were characterized by a very high level proteins, which is essential for starting the process of autophagy.

It is interesting that the activation of autophagy is especially important primarily for heart cells, which contain a large number of mitochondria. Partial processing of damaged mitochondrial organelles is the key to maintaining the performance of the heart muscle of an aging organism as a whole.

Fabric renewal.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.V. Polezhaev, the largest specialist in the regeneration of limbs in animals, who developed a method for restoring lost paws, tails, for example, in an amphibian, writes: “Fasting is a process of increased physiological regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical composition. Interestingly, the biochemical changes during starvation and reparative regeneration are very similar.

In both cases, there are two phases: destruction and restoration. In both cases, the destruction phase is characterized by the predominance of protein and nucleic acid degradation over their synthesis, pH shift to the acid side, acidosis, etc.

The recovery phase is also in both cases characterized by the predominance of the synthesis of nucleic acids over their decay, the return of pH to a neutral state.

It is known from the theory of regeneration that an intensification of the destruction phase leads to an intensification of the restoration phase. Therefore, with sufficient reason, therapeutic fasting can be considered as a natural factor in stimulating physiological regeneration. At the core therapeutic fasting lies a general biological process leading to the renewal and rejuvenation of the tissues of the whole organism.

But new cells grow especially intensively during the recovery period. A similar renewal occurs in other organs and tissues, which is why fasting is “ universal doctor". No surgeon is able to remove individual diseased tumor cells or ulcers, while keeping neighboring healthy ones and without violating the integrity of the tissue. The great physician - Hunger - treats in this way.

9. Preventive mechanism: protection from radiation, adverse environmental factors, prevention of cancer. Why does fasting protect against radiation and why are fasts held on the days allotted for them?

To fully answer this question, let's start, it would seem, with a completely different topic - how does radiation damage our body?

Radiation is a powerful flow of energy, which, penetrating into organs, cannot be assimilated by cells due to its power and causes the phenomenon of ionization in them. Ionization is the detachment of atoms or molecules under the action of particle impacts. As a result, a lot of radicals are formed in the cells.

A radical is a biologically extremely active fragment of a molecule, which, when combined with DNA molecules, blocks their biological properties, which begin to damage its hereditary apparatus. The double helix of DNA and RNA breaks. How badly this happens, and this happens mainly in the rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, the cells stop dividing and begin to be destroyed as foreign by their own immune system.

A destructive process develops in the tissues. Infections (which are quite enough in gastrointestinal tract) and sepsis begins, which leads to the death of the organism.

Scientists have carried out a series interesting experiences on rats. One batch of rats was irradiated or fed a diet containing radionucleotides and starved. For comparison, a group of absolutely healthy animals was subjected to starvation. The physiological period of hunger in rats is 12 days. The control group of healthy animals after this period completely died out, and the irradiated animals lived for 24 days and began to look even better than before, and did not think about dying. The researchers were forced to euthanize them, and their tissues were subjected to a thorough analysis, as a result of which it turned out that they look fine, like young, healthy animals, and do not contain any radioactive damage! Why is this happening? It turns out that on hunger, during enhanced biosynthesis, energy is needed, and previously indigestible radiation is now completely spent on this. Evil turns into good! Along the way, a number of other mechanisms were discovered that protect the body from radiation during hunger.

Here they are:

1) By increasing the production of alcohol, the body restores cell membranes. The restoration of cell membranes is nothing but the strengthening of cellular barriers. As a result, subsequent radioactive exposures will have a less pronounced damaging effect on cells.

2) The increased content of carbon dioxide in the cells reduces the ionization caused by radiation exposure(the effect of the Buteyko method!).

3) The most vulnerable to radiation, the rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, on hunger, sharply slow down their division. After all, they are forced to quickly divide due to the fact that in the process of digestion they are exposed to their own digestive enzymes, they are damaged and exfoliated. The body, due to the speed of division of these cells, restores the walls of the stomach and intestines.

This is not the case for hunger. The cells of the gastrointestinal tract rest, and the energy previously spent on accelerated division is now used to restore internal structures, “repair” broken DNA and RNA helixes. This is also facilitated by increased biosynthesis inside the cell due to the fixation of CO2 in it, which is not present in the food regimen.

Thanks to this, they do not die, are not rejected by their own body, and when switching to a diet, they divide as if nothing had happened and fully perform their former functions. But in the diet, these two processes of division and restoration of the internal structures of the cell cannot be fully carried out, and radiation exacerbates this even more.

10. 4) As practical studies have shown, radiation and radionucleotides are excreted from the human body in just 12-14 days of wet fasting or 5-7 days of dry fasting. At the same time, a person loses much less weight than on ordinary fasting. As a result of the above processes occurring during the famine, the problems of radioactive exposure are completely solved.

Indeed, after Chernobyl, Academician A.I. Vorobyov decided to use fasting for people affected by acute radiation sickness (when ulcerations form in the gastrointestinal tract). Transfer bone marrow and the use of powerful antibiotic therapy in such cases is almost futile, and on hunger, the affected people restored their health. For the first time in world practice, the method of fasting helped in the case where other, most modern (American, Japanese) treatment options turned out to be powerless!

And no wonder, because these “treatment options” are the fruit of artificial conclusions, and hunger is a natural Natural process that has nothing to do with them.

After such an introduction, let's move on to the main question - why are fasts held at a strictly defined time of the year? If we combine the dates of the fasts and the signs of the Zodiac, we will see that three out of four fasts fall on " fire signs". Advent (40 days) falls on the Sagittarius sign. great post(48 days) to the sign "Aries". Assumption fast (14 days) on the sign "Leo", and Petrov fast, its duration is not constant and ranges from 8 to 42 days.

This fluctuation is caused by adjusting to natural rhythms. In the years of the active sun, when there is a lot of energy, its duration increases. In cold years, on the contrary, the duration of this famine is reduced. There is no gag here - everything is according to the laws of Nature. During these periods, the Earth from space falls increased amount energy that acts like radioactive. It can interfere with the functioning of the body.

Remember the work of A.L. Chizhevsky "Earth echo of solar storms", and much will immediately become clear.

If you fast at this time, then the cosmic and increased amount of solar energy will go to creation - enhancing biosynthesis. If you continue to eat, then the energy is not absorbed, it will cause destruction in the cells and free radicals will have a depressing effect on the cells, undermining the vital potential of the whole organism.

But bacteria and viruses, during this period, from an abundance of energy, go into an active state and successfully attack a weakened body. It is at this time that influenza epidemics (spring and early winter) and cholera (summer) are observed all over the world. During the years of the active sun, these processes become so pronounced that in the Middle Ages the majority of the population of Europe died from this!

You can starve at other times of the year, but the combination of increased natural energy and hunger gives the best effect, activating the "fiery principle", which is extinguished by hunger. The ancient sages took absolutely everything into account and gave best advice we just have to follow them.

Protection from adverse environmental factors.

Together with the “native” slags and toxins that are formed in the body, the introduced poisons are also removed during hunger - from the chemistry that flooded our life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from water and products. But this, however, was to be expected. In our ecological conditions, these facts cannot be underestimated. But fasting also gives a wonderful preventive effect. For a long time after a dry fast, the highest protective potential is maintained, but with periodic fasting, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.

11. Prevention of cancer.

Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev told about a curious experiment.

Students of the Stavropol Medical Institute took 120 white rats, divided them into 4 groups ... One was the control group, and the other three were subjected to a 3-day fast.

The first of these three was vaccinated with sarcoma before fasting, the second during it, and the third after it. The non-starved control group died completely. Of the 30 individuals that were inoculated with sarcoma before the start of the experiment, half died, and of the 30 that were injected during the fasting period, a third. All those who were made after him remained alive.

During a dry fast, the strongest, most viable cells survive, even short-term dry fasts are serious. prophylactic against malignant tumors.

Another "miraculous" effect of hunger was recorded by American scientists. They studied the effect of fasting on the development of severe forms of cancer. Animals were divided into two groups - experimental and control. Rats in the control group were exposed to radioactive radiation. The dose was chosen so as not to cause a rapid death of the animals, but already 2-3 weeks after irradiation, all had blood cancer.

The other group, the experimental group, was "luckier" even more. Before irradiation, the animals underwent a course of complete starvation. It would seem that the body weakened by starvation should respond to this negative impact even more acute, the disease must take more severe forms. But the results were just the opposite! In the experimental group, compared with the control group, the number of diseased rats decreased by 70%.

Renewal of the energy of the body.

Water is one of the best energy carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Also, scientists have proved that in the human body, long before the onset of symptoms of diseases, local areas of "heavy" water are formed - water with an irregular structure - "pathological zones". Any “Evil eye”, “Corruption”, or just human envy, in short, all negative energy is located in these “pathological zones”. During dry fasting, the old dead water, for high-quality, energetically renewed, living water, synthesized by the body itself.

Dry hunger evenly burns with all the organs of the body everything that is unsuitable for its evolution, not only mechanically, but also spiritually. Since after at least 7-10 days, negative energy entities, feeling their death in the absence of food, begin to leave you, because they cannot stand dry hunger and positive vibrations emitted by you. Especially if you back it all up with positive deeds.

Dry hunger provides a supply of energy. It seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, spends strength, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb "subtle energy" from the Cosmos and environment. With the transition to normal nutrition, the effect of super-recovery is triggered - the body is more intense than before hunger, gaining energy, since all the possibilities appear for this.

After all, hunger cleanses chakras and energy channels, on which many abilities depend.

After getting out of fasting, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person is literally filled with strength, an overflowing energy seethes in him. This wonderful state is long-lasting if adhered to healthy eating, make physical exercise, breathe shallowly (superficially!), be in the air and the sun - closer to Nature!

"Observe nature, learn from it, take the best and improve - there is no limit to perfection."

Dry therapeutic fasting is now considered one of the new methods of treatment. Meanwhile, this method was born at the dawn of mankind. Moreover, it can be confidently asserted that from the very beginning of the development of the currently existing forms of animal life, it was actively used by all representatives of the animal kingdom. The process of starvation without water has been known for a very long time, for thousands of years, but, unfortunately, most of humanity does not apply, many do not even know about it. In nature, dry fasting is much more common and more common than wet fasting. All living matter uses varieties of dry fasting (anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation) to survive, heal and improve its species.

Let's discuss whether this process is natural?

Yes, this is a natural process, it is written in the genetic code of humans and animals. As soon as an animal becomes ill, especially if it is serious, it immediately refuses food and water, so does the human body. But often a person does not react to such a state of the body, eats and drinks through force, often drinks something that only harms him, “eats” ... pills. When the body falls ill, it begins a complete mobilization of vital forces for salvation, protection, and reserves are used, if, of course, they still exist. And so that the body is not distracted by "work" with food and water, the body's rescue program includes a "refusal" of food and water. Similar situations can occur under stressful influences.

As for the conscious abstinence from food and water for the purpose of health, it probably arose from observations on people and animals, on which "fasting involuntarily" had a beneficial effect. These observations, repeated many times, were remembered and then passed on from generation to generation along with other knowledge. In the early period of the pre-written history of mankind, the experience of such treatment was the “oral heritage” of all members of a clan or tribe, and the practice of healing was conducted by the elders - as the most experienced members of primitive society.

The history of the emergence of the system of dry therapeutic fasting has its roots in ancient times, and above all to Indian yogis. It has already been said that yogis have always been excellent observers of nature, animals and flora. That is why in their recommendations they tried in every possible way to bring man closer to nature, to nature. Yogis paid attention to the fact that not a single animal, when it is sick, will not eat, and if it is seriously ill, it refuses water.

Abstinence from food and water has deep roots in Chinese traditional medicine. It pursues the goal of not just regulating the health of the body, but the idea of ​​some evolutionary transformation of it. Chinese healers believed that by changing the quality and quantity of food consumed physical food one can gradually switch to “energetic” food, and then completely to pure, so-called “genuine” or “original” energy of the Cosmos. This system represented a gradual rejection of material food in general. At first they ate more material (in terms of hardness) food, then they switched to jelly from vegetables and fruits, and then only their own saliva and air ether remained in the diet. “You need to eat - how to breathe” - was inscribed on one of the Egyptian pyramids. But the priests of ancient times erased this inscription...

In the customs of the North American Indians, dry fasting also occupied an important place. The American Indians considered fasting as the most important and indispensable test in the transformation of a boy into a warrior. The youth was brought to the top of the mountain and left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered without exception by all American Indians as a means of purification and strengthening. V different periods of his life, the Indian went alone into the wild, starved and meditated.

Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. If this is not the case, then death inevitably follows, both of an individual and of an entire nation.

Almost all ancient peoples considered the refusal of food and water the best way body cleansing.

From a physiological point of view, the body in the process of complete starvation does not experience a significant fluid deficit, because for every kilogram of splitting fat mass (or glycogen), up to 1 liter of endogenous (metabolic) water is released daily.

Dry fasting gives more health effect than complete fasting (with water), because. already on the third day of absolute starvation, acidosis sets in, after which the patient's state of health improves significantly, and the greatest healing effect for the body. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days.

Dry hunger up to 3-4 days does not lead to severe dehydration body, (the body excretes about 1 liter endogenous water daily, with the breakdown of fats) and is relatively easy to tolerate. Carrying out a 3-day dry fast is equivalent to a 7-9 day fast with water.

The unloading period takes place in the same three stages as during complete starvation, but the timing of their onset is reduced. The stage of "food arousal" lasts several hours (very individually), the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the 3rd day of absolute starvation, a “ketoacidotic crisis” occurs, after which the patients feel much better (the stage of compensated ketoacidosis). Contrary to the established opinion that dry fasting is subjectively more difficult than wet fasting, there is rather an inverse relationship. Feelings of thirst in patients do not occur (with the exception of a slight dry mouth), hunger and feeling unwell caused by ketoacidosis are stopped faster.

When using dry fasting, there is more early start and more complete breakdown of deposited fats. After 24 hours, the content of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood increases. The proportion of fats in the energy supply of the body increases by the beginning of the 2nd day of absolute starvation from 15 to 31%. The reduction of excess body weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg per day, with 40% of the lost weight accounted for by water, 30-40% due to the breakdown of adipose tissue, 15-20% due to the loss of lean body mass, mainly liver glycogen and skeletal muscles (Khoroshilov I.E., 1994).

There are two types of dry fasting. One, the most hard and dry, is associated with a complete rejection of water, and not only from drinking, but also from any contact with water. That is, we do not wash, do not bathe, do not take a bath, try not to wash our hands and not come into contact with water. Another, milder way is associated with the refusal to use water inside, while external contact with water is allowed in any possible and accessible form.

Now we will analyze the processes that occur during these methods of fasting, their differences and advantages. Let's start with the fact that dry fasting puts the body in more severe conditions than water fasting. The processes in the body that are aimed at survival are much deeper during dry hunger. The body must not only adjust to a different consumption of energy and reserves, but also resist dehydration. Also, with dry fasting, we work out not only the fear of living without food, but also without water. As a result, we penetrate much deeper into the inner world, coming into contact with deep-seated fears. As a result, the transformations of the inner world are much deeper. If you refuse food and water, after 18-20 hours there are noticeable changes in the composition of the blood, the condition of the mucous membranes. Healthy cells of the body begin to take away from the weak, sick and alien not only food, but also water. Sick, poor-quality cells, as it were, dry out and are rejected. In addition, in the absence of an aqueous medium, various viruses, bacteria and even worms stop multiplying, and if fasting continues for several days, they themselves leave the body or die. This is only a small part of the processes taking place within us. During dry fasting, the mucus that has accumulated in our body is destroyed, respectively, it ceases to be a breeding ground for various pathological microorganisms. The vitality of every cell of the body increases very quickly and significantly.

Within us, during dry fasting, processes are activated that are aimed at significant renewal. It starts as soon as we come out of dry fasting. The whole body is renewed and rejuvenated. During dry fasting, the vessels are effectively cleansed. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the oral cavity are perfectly cleansed and updated.

For dry fasting, a special attitude is important. For most people, it is psychologically more difficult to bear. Although many people who have made up their minds and gained such experience often switch to dry fasting in their practice. Enemas with dry hunger are contraindicated. Even if the intestines do not work, it quickly and immediately recovers when you exit the fast. It is acceptable to do a small series of enemas before fasting, especially if you feel clogged, slagged in the body, if you have a tendency to headaches.

Let's return to two types of dry hunger

The first way is to completely refuse contact with water, both from the inside and outside. The body is placed in the most severe critical conditions and activates hidden internal reserves for its survival. The body begins to shrink very slowly. And first of all, our diseases, mucus, viruses, tumors, and edema dry out. They shrink due to the fact that the cells of the body take food and fluid from them. As a result, the cells become strong and very alive. Water and liquid consumption is reduced. The breath changes. The lungs are updated. If you starve like this for three or four days, the sensitivity increases incredibly. We begin to feel sharp smells, we feel subtle energies, the states of people, it is difficult to be in energetically dirty spaces, and, on the contrary, it is very pleasant in clean ones. Ponds, streams of water begin to dream. Sometimes in a dream you drink water and quench your thirst. The mouth, lips, throat dries, the skin dries. The great advantage of this particular type of fasting is the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin and mucous membranes.

The second type of dry fasting is the refusal to take water inside, but contact with water from the outside. A supporter of this type was Porfiry Ivanov. He urged to fast weekly for 40-42 hours dry, while dousing with water, swimming in open reservoirs. He himself was starving for a long time. Some people, fasting dry for several days, sit in the bathroom for hours, often wash, wet their hair. External contact with water makes it easier to tolerate fasting, it is easier to fast longer. Each contact with water cleanses the pores, refreshes, invigorates. True, after this it is often more desirable to drink.

The effects of internal cleansing during the second type of fasting are almost the same as during the first, maybe a little weaker. But skin rejuvenation is much less. If we rinse our mouth and throat, then the mucous membranes are also less cleansed. When we come into contact with water, the skin absorbs water. Skin nutrition is activated. This is the advantage of this method. It is also desirable to contact with clean water.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

Of course, with all its advantages, there is a fairly significant harm to fasting. After all, even a short-term restriction of oneself in food is a stress for the body, and stress, as you know, rarely benefits.

The harm of "liquid" starvation

Harm of fasting can be divided into two parts. The first is diseases that the starving man did not know about, but which hunger gave development. However, this harm can be prevented if you visit a doctor in advance and undergo an examination. Even if it takes more than one day, if necessary, it can save you from serious health problems.

Also, fasting can be harmful if it is not followed correctly. It is known that the best period for fasting is three days. Maximum four. At the same time, you need to drink water. During these days, the body, in order to make up for the lack of energy, begins to actively get rid of excess: excess fat, toxins. As a result, sodium and cholesterol levels are normalized. However, all this will happen against the background of weakness, lethargy, headaches, pallor, bad breath.

However, if you abstain from food for longer, then the harm of fasting will be stronger. All types of metabolism are disturbed, the kidneys and liver begin to work poorly, toxins accumulate, poisons are formed that affect nervous system and the cerebral cortex. After 10 days, the cells begin to die. If you do not start feeding the starving at least parenterally, that is, by injection, he may die.

The deadly harm of "dry" fasting

However, not only fasting, in which you can drink, but also one in which you can’t drink at all, in other words, “dry” is gaining popularity. The harm of such fasting is many times greater than the harm of fasting "liquid", when you can drink. Its irreversible consequences occur already on the third day. It is incredibly difficult to save a starving person after seven days without food and water.

Obviously, the biggest harm is the lack of water. Water, as you know, is life, and dehydration of the body will lead to a serious disruption of life. Only numbers - the loss of water, reaching 10% of body weight per day, leads to a serious decrease in viability. Loss of up to 25% leads to death.

When, in the process of "dry" fasting, a person parted with 1-5% of the fluid from body weight, he begins to feel thirsty, sometimes incredibly strong, the temperature rises, and nausea appears. Loss of 6-10% leads to shortness of breath, severe headache, loss of the ability to move and violation of the logic of speech. When 11-20% is overboard, the starving person begins to become delusional, he hears and sees poorly, his body becomes colder, his tongue swells. If an exacerbation of diseases is superimposed on all this, a person can be lost.

Fasting can be beneficial if it is thoughtful and short, if before it begins, a person who wants to limit himself in food (but not in water!), visits a doctor, if at the first pain signs he quits fasting and seeks medical help. Otherwise, fasting can cause significant, irreparable damage to the body.

Starvation is medical procedure, which helps to overcome diseases, cleanse and recover. The most common are fasting on water or dry.

Dry (absolute) fasting is a hard form of treatment, which consists in refusing food and drink. You can not interact with the liquid, it is forbidden to wash your hands, take a shower. It's hard to follow the rules optimal duration– from 1 to 3 days. You should fast longer only after consulting a doctor. One-day absolute refusal of food contributes to the treatment of diseases. Water is involved in metabolism, with its lack, the body spends body fat, as a result, they split. The technique requires special preparation. At first, you should eat only lean meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals. Drink plenty of liquids with lemon or honey. To exit, start drinking clean water in a sip every 20 minutes. Gradually add kefir, light salads, and plant foods to your diet.

Refusal of food on the water is more forgiving. Food should be replaced with plenty of fluids. This helps to remove toxins and prevent complications. The procedure can last from one day to several months, effective option– 1-2 weeks. Contributes to the purification of thoughts: many experience feelings of lightness, happiness, the perception of the world changes. You should prepare for the diet in advance: 3 days before the start, eat plant foods, drink juices. Then give up food, drink water. The release takes about two weeks. First, use fruit drinks, compotes, then add boiled vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products. Gradually return to your usual food.

How to choose the right technique

Fasting varies in type and duration. A one-day refusal of food will not amaze with the results, but the body will get the opportunity to cleanse itself and recover. Experience influences the duration of food refusal: for beginners, a short (1-3 days) or medium (3-7 days) is suitable. Do not set too high goals - failures and nervous exhaustion may lead to deterioration.

Absolute fasting is much more difficult, tougher, recommended for experienced practitioners. Do not forget that each method requires preparation, proper entry and exit.

What is the best fasting

It is impossible to say unequivocally which is better: dry fasting or on the water. Much depends on health. People with certain diseases are strictly forbidden to carry out therapy in one way or another. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Practitioners prefer a dry refusal of food, with which the acidotic crisis occurs faster (after 2-3 days) and the effect is stronger. It is recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases, there is no production of gastric juice.

Refusal to eat liquids is practiced for weight loss. Kilograms will leave at the onset of a crisis, the weight will stop.

Dry fasting is indicated for:

  • obesity
  • allergies;
  • depressions;
  • infertility;
  • asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • arthritis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis;
  • endometriosis, adenoma;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension.

Water hunger is indicated for:

  • disturbed metabolism;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis, coronary disease hearts;
  • asthma, bronchitis;
  • sarkiodosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enteritis, colitis;
  • osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • adenoma;
  • neurosis (schizophrenia).

Advantages and disadvantages

To choose the ideal option, you need to understand the pros and cons of the methods. Feedback from practitioners on the Internet, their blogs, books on methods will help. famous doctors. It is important to tune in psychologically: pray, meditate, do yoga.



  • efficiency can be achieved in a short time;
  • the result is more noticeable;
  • trains willpower, rejuvenates;
  • there is no feeling of hunger.


  • is a complex technique;
  • strongly affects the psyche, it is difficult to avoid contact with water. Feeling untidy leads to irritation or low self-esteem;
  • side effects cannot be avoided. There are consequences of dehydration, a large amount of hormones is released. There is nausea, dizziness, dry skin, insomnia, weakness, stomach problems.


  • promotes cleansing, restoration of the body;
  • with the right input and output, a healthy nutrition system is formed;
  • the immune system is activated;
  • side effects gradually disappear;
  • forms a regimen, the body heals, you need to sleep at least 8 hours, regularly walk in the fresh air, do light workouts;
  • treats physical and psychological diseases.


  • fat is lost more slowly. Over time, kilograms may return;
  • muscles disappear;
  • some inflammations may develop: ulcers, gastritis, colitis;
  • intestinal microflora is disturbed;
  • the body weakens.

Contraindications to methods

Starving is prohibited when:

  • lack of body weight;
  • problems with the liver, gallbladder;
  • diabetes
  • anemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • brain damage;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • tuberculosis.