Fasting and Spiritual Practices of the New Age. Sergey Ivanovich Filonov Dry curative fasting - myths and reality Cascade dry fasting for the discovery of superpowers

Yesterday I starved dryly for 24 hours. in addition and played sports.
last time I did this 2 weeks ago. this spring I decided to do it
every 2-4 weeks, and exactly on the 11th, 14th or 26th days of the lunar month -
these are the most auspicious days. it is very undesirable to starve on the 1st and 3rd phases of the moon.

what fasting gives me personally:
- clearer visibility of life priorities and goals.
when the body is not getting nourishment at the right time, plus or minus,
then the cells are rebuilt to feed from internal reserves. by this
the countdown starts, and the body begins to prepare for death,
in such a situation, the secondary and
- fragments of previously deleted programs and unnecessary entries in the registry are deleted.
- foreign inclusions and left neoplasms are consumed.
for in the struggle for food and - what is more important - water. everything alien - "against the wall and execution on the spot."
- go to the expense of indigestion of the stomach... what accumulates in people's bodies for a long time
and actively comes out in the form of mucus for colds. it the main cause of ARI- dump mucus.
any activity always contains by-products.
and the farther your power supply system is from the separate power supply, the more side effects
and not completely digested food, deposited in the body as a dead weight.
- the whole body is overloaded and starts to work more efficiently:
- food intake is reduced by 20% the first week from fasting,
- eyesight becomes sharper, skin is smoother and firmer,
- breathing and heart rate slows down, endurance increases.
- improves the conduction of nerve impulses and susceptibility to external signals.
- the body sheds a couple of kilograms in a couple of days... but this was the case at the beginning of the fasting.

For example, I lost 6 kilos in 5 days after the first 48-hour fast.
But right now, the body is used to it and the weight is not dumped.

fasting has one drawback:

- it becomes terribly sad... well, dying is never fun).

the feeling of hunger goes away by 12-13 o'clock in the afternoon.

how i treated pneumonia:

around 1998, I was at university and got sick in early February. then he was cured, after 2 weeks he got sick again, then he seemed to be cured. and then pus with blood began to come out of my nose. and the temperature is over 38 degrees. The ENT doctor told me, looking at my pus and an X-ray, that I have an acute one ... (forgot the name), that I have to go to the hospital. I didn't want to, but it was hard to go to classes either.

I went to the university hospital. on Friday was the case. the doctor said that I have pneumonia, that I need to go to the hospital. When I said about my pus and about the recommendation of the ENT doctor, I go to the hospital, the local doctor told me to go to the hospital.
"otherwise, pus can go to the brain. you will be punctured with a syringe will pump out pus. there you and pneumonia will be treated. Yes Yes. and penicillin will inject. no no. it needs to be punctured for a full course, 21 days. "
I knew that this antibiotic was injected every 4 or 6 hours and woke up at night. and the back seat hurts terribly.

all in all, I didn't go to the hospital... and started DRY FASTING... that is, I have not eaten for 48 hours and have not drunk for 36 hours. (You can not drink longer, hallucinations begin). naturally, no pills. Monday morning I had 36.6 in my nose clean and dry. I went to the doctor to ask to close my sick leave for Friday and Monday in order to go to school. "what kind of study! why didn't you go to the hospital? .. how is it, there were no places ?! let's go to the hospital right now." in general, I went to class. and everything was fine with me. :)

The dry fasting technique has been successfully used to treat a wide variety of diseases. The advantage of dry fasting over the standard method of water fasting is that in more severe conditions, the body has to more actively break down its own fats and destroy pathological tissues. It should be understood that dry fasting is a more severe procedure, which greatly burdens the human psyche. Therefore, it is dangerous to starve dry at home for more than 2-3 days. dry fasting is a complete exclusion of food and water consumption, both in the form of drinking and enemas and other water procedures. The duration of such a hunger rarely exceeds 3-4 days. With short periods of dry fasting, the body does not completely switch to internal nutrition, therefore, it is most often used at the initial stage of ordinary fasting. dry fasting can be used at the first symptoms of colds, but you should monitor your overall health. It is not recommended to use dry fasting for weakened patients, patients with renal pathology, liver diseases and at the initial stages of mastering the practice of fasting.

1. Dry fasting differs from classical fasting and other types of drinking regime - it is completely absent, i.e. a person stops not only eating, but also drinking.

Water is the matrix of life.

Water is the basis of metabolism; changing its structure, its physical and chemical properties, it regulates all life processes.

The water of the blood and lymph delivers all the necessary metabolites to the cells and tissues and removes metabolic products. Numerous other mechanisms of water regulation of life processes are also known. Water is essential for the existence of all living organisms - without water there would be no life on Earth.

Our body is about 75% water. Water is essential for the normal functioning of all life processes in the body: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, etc.

There is no chemically pure water in the body - many substances are dissolved in it: proteins, sugar, vitamins, mineral salts... The healing properties of water are associated with its molecular structure, and these properties disappear as soon as the structure of the water is disturbed.

But water can not only be beneficial, it can also harm a person!

As you know, water is one of the best energy-information carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure.

Extreme cases of the structural state of water are described even in children's fairy tales - this is living and dead water. In 1932, a sensation swept the world. It turned out that in addition to ordinary water, there is also heavy water in nature. In the molecules of such water, the place of hydrogen is taken by its isotope - deuterium.

In nature, it exists in extremely small quantities. But here's what was found out quite recently: heavy water can also be present in the human body.

Water with a high deuterium content is also called dead water. It is poorly excreted from the body and slowly poisons it. According to some scientists, this is caused by informational water poisoning.

This water, getting into the body, is not just directly removed, but undergoes a series of serious transformations that require large expenditures of energy from the body. Therefore, excessive consumption of such a liquid puts a great burden on the body, and can cause pathological processes- activate homotoxicosis.

It has been repeatedly noted that dry fasting is tolerated easier than fasting on water, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger.

This, in general, is not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are two big differences. The body processes the molecules of the incoming water, cleans it of unnecessary information, structures it and transforms it into its own, possessing the properties of the given organism. For this, he, as well as for the assimilation of food, needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time.

Therefore, absolute starvation is more complete, as it provides the body with complete rest. At the same time, it is more effective, since the body cannot exist without water, and therefore reserves are immediately used - first of all, excess fat (the body synthesizes water using oxygen in the air and hydrogen in adipose tissue).

2. During wet fasting, exogenous water, that is, water from the outside, enters the body. And it is she who is the main cleansing factor.

According to the law of biological expediency, the cell in this case spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes well: all toxins, poisons, toxins dissolve and toxins are flushed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.

But water is very necessary, and the cells are deprived of these indulgences, especially the sick and changed. In such conditions, the strongest, healthiest cells survive, and willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own - ultra-high quality endogenous water.

And this endogenous water should be several times better than exogenous water, again, based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the product that is obtained as a result must correspond in quality to the efforts expended. This is not a human mind that can be wrong. This is Nature itself, which provided for any scenario and does everything to keep life going.

Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared with a poisoned river, where the local chemical plant dumps waste during floods, and a mountain river that originates from the bowels of the earth and is fed by melt water with healing energy.

During dry fasting, old dead water is replaced with super-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and also all the negative information brought into our body from the outside is erased.

Having spent a not very long fast without water, we force the body to process the water that it contains in itself, and thus we are, as it were, renewed informationally and therefore, at the end of the hunger, we are informationally pristine and represent an information matrix on which there is nothing negative is not recorded by the environment.

This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and it can also be said that it is one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of dry fasting. There are no such mechanisms in any of the types of medical fasting that exist in nature.

The second most important therapeutic mechanism is anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating.

Healthy strong cells receive additional energy and water, but sick, viruses and bacteria cannot.

That is why it is necessary to carry out dry fasting in nature, preferably in mountainous areas, near mountain rivers or waterfalls.

During dry fasting, transport albumin breaks down and their amino acids go to the needs of the body: first of all, to the needs of the brain and cardiovascular system. In this case, a huge amount of hormones are released, which circulate in the blood in a free state. Three times more than usual, the amount of glucocorticoids, flooding the blood, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing all foci of inflammation in the body. The action of free forms of glucocorticoids is another powerful therapeutic mechanism of the action of hunger on inflammatory diseases.

3. During dry fasting, the internal temperature of the body rises. This temperature is felt by people as internal heat, “fire”.

The most important point in this state is that temperature itself is an important part of defense reactions. At temperature, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, therefore exo- and endotoxins, disease causing, are destroyed faster. It is also known that when the temperature rises, interferon is released more actively, which gives the body the opportunity to fight viruses.

At high temperatures, antibodies are more actively produced to protect against disease. The phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils increases, and the cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes increase.

One of the most important cells, the T lymphocyte, works best at high temperatures. Cancer researchers have shrunk tumors in size by warming them up. Temperature decreases the viability of pathogenic microorganisms. At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors used high temperatures to treat syphilis and some forms of chronic arthritis: patients were placed in a heated box.

By raising the temperature during dry fasting, the body accelerates recovery. It becomes easier for the immune system to track down and kill everything foreign and altered. If food and dead, heavy water do not enter the body, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances, and the blood is constantly cleansed by our body. In fact, the same blood composition will be purified many times through filtering elements, that is, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. The blood on the SG is cleared of all unnecessary, and the blood plasma becomes transparent as a glass, everything comes into harmony, including the clotting factors. dry fasting in this regard purifies the blood more completely than through hemodialysis or hemosorption - hardware purification of blood. Consequently, all processes in our body associated with blood will be performed almost perfectly.

The mechanism of acidification of the internal environment of the body (acidosis).
Therapeutic fasting goes through certain stages.
1st stage.
It is called "food excitement", its duration on "wet" fasting for 2-3 days, on "dry fasting" for 1-2 days.

The stage of food arousal is mild stress for the body. This stress primarily triggers the activation of the hypothalamus. He begins to secrete various substances that have a special effect on the endocrine glands in order to adapt the body to a life without food and water.

After 24 hours of fasting, a person's secretion by the pituitary gland sharply increases. growth hormone growth, and according to modern data, dry fasting has a rejuvenating effect on the body. It activates the pancreatic hormone glucagon, which enhances the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, which provides the body with nutrition. It also removes the intoxication of the body through a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

During the first stage, any signals of food can usually be annoying: the sight and smell of it, conversations about food, the sound of tableware, etc. They cause drooling, rumbling in the stomach, feeling of sucking in the stomach; sleep worsens, irritability increases, and there is a bad mood. Thirst is tolerable.

2nd stage: (increasing acidosis).
Usually this stage on dry fasting lasts from 2-4 days. As soon as a person has completely abandoned food and water, his body begins to consume stored reserves and secondary tissues.

The breakdown of nutrients and tissues during fasting leads to the accumulation of their breakdown products inside the body. As a result, the pH of the body quickly shifts to the acidic side (acidosis), but the acidification values ​​do not go beyond physiological norms. Fasting acidosis is the first and most important physiological mechanism that triggers a chain of other healing mechanisms that are inactive in the normal diet.

4. Acidification of the internal environment of the body leads to the initiation of processes of tissue dissolution by autolysis. It turns out that in acidic environment phagocytes and some enzymes are activated, the function of which is to destroy weakened own tissue and all foreign in the body. In turn, the autolysis processes trigger the mechanism of cleansing the body from toxins, weakened and pathologically altered tissue. Due to the splitting of the tissue, the toxins contained in it are released and excreted from the body, and the modified tissue is destroyed.

Control over the breakdown of body tissues is carried out by a special function, which we call the "priority principle". It is this function that makes sure that at first everything that is unnecessary, pathologically altered, is split, and then the turn of healthy tissues comes - according to the principle of importance for the vital activity of the body.

Acidification of the body and an increase in phagocytic activity lead to the normalization of the microflora of the body.

Acidosis involves the absorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air by the cells of the body. It is he who promotes the fixation of blood-soluble carbon dioxide according to the principle of photosynthesis, i.e. by the most ideal synthesis in our world. The atmospheric air we breathe becomes a “nutrient medium.

In other words, for increased assimilation CO2 cells, in combination with an increased consumption of nitrogen from the air, create the most favorable conditions for high-quality construction nucleic acids, proteins and other biologically active substances necessary for the full life of a person. In other words, on dry famine, we consume carbon dioxide and nitrogen from the air and create from them the proteins our body needs.

Increased tissue breakdown as a result of autolysis and restoration of the structure and function of the digestive organs during dry fasting stimulate metabolism and increase the body's digestive ability during the period of restorative nutrition.

During fasting, the body's protective functions are strengthened, both at the level of cells and the whole body as a whole. It becomes much more resistant to various internal and external damaging factors.

All of the above physiological mechanisms lead to a powerful revitalizing and rejuvenating effect in the period following fasting.

After we have described what triggers the process of acidosis (acidosis) of the internal environment during fasting, let us return to the acidosis itself. The process of acidification of the internal environment of the body is growing rapidly. Usually, the maximum acidification is observed on the 2-3rd day of fasting.

And it happens like this. At the very beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, the body uses it. But as soon as glycogen stores are depleted (and this usually happens on the first day of fasting), the blood begins to accumulate acidic foods incomplete breakdown of fat (butyric acids, acetone), its alkaline reserves are reduced, and this affects the state of health: a starving person may experience a headache, nausea, a feeling of weakness, general malaise.

Is growing white bloom on the tongue, dryness of the tongue and lips, mucus on the teeth, the smell of acetone from the mouth, dryness and pallor of the skin, the feeling of hunger is much reduced, while thirst increases at this time. Feeling unwell is the result of the accumulation of harmful products in the blood: fasting-induced homotoxicosis.

5. The first acidotic crisis and its importance in the improvement of the body.

The gradual acidification of the internal environment of the body during fasting leads to the displacement of most chronic diseases that develop and progress in the human body.

The strongest acidification of the body occurs during the period of acidotic crisis, and therefore at this time chronic diseases are exacerbated. By the degree of exacerbation, one can judge how successfully hunger "hooked" this or that disease and "uproots" it from the body. If the exacerbation is pronounced, then a complete cure should be expected. If it is weak, it means that hunger solves other more important problems in the body. After a while, repeat the fast, and then he will take over the remaining diseases.

After the acidotic crisis has "rooted out" the disease from the body, an increase in the defenses previously spent on the disease begins. Studies of the body's response to various bacilli indicate that the processes of self-defense and an increase in defenses against microbes begin only after the end of the acidotic crisis.

This is manifested in a tendency towards rapid healing of wounds, an increase in the bactericidal capacity of the body, which explains the beneficial effect of fasting on many diseases.

Hence, the conclusion follows: until the body of a starving person has passed the first acidotic crisis, one cannot count on a cure for chronic diseases and a sharp increase in the body's defenses.

The third stage is called compensation (adaptation).
The duration of this stage is individual for everyone. On average, it starts from the 5th day of dry fasting and ends on the 8th day. At this stage, the state of health can improve, weakness can decrease, and all unpleasant sensations disappear. This improvement can take place in waves. The feeling of hunger disappears completely, the thirst may increase. Its duration depends on the body fat stores. This stage ends with a second acidotic crisis, which lasts from 8 to 11 days.

The second acidotic crisis and its importance in the improvement of the body.

From the moment the first acidotic crisis passes through to the onset of the second, the body accumulates vitality. During an acidotic crisis, some people exacerbate their underlying disease, their state of health sharply worsens, a loss of strength occurs, sleep completely disappears, and the temperature can rise greatly. These symptoms indicate that hunger has begun to "turn out" the disease. If in the first two stages of fasting autolysis of body tissues was the only source of nutrition, then during the second acidotic crisis autolysis more performs the function of a natural surgeon.

Therefore, for the full therapeutic effect, it is necessary to go through this crisis. The most important thing is to undergo a second acidotic crisis with all types of fasting, during which there is a stronger activation of all the body's defenses, which contributes to the cure of many "incurable" diseases.

To put it simply: the first acidotic crisis eliminates the “stem of the disease”, the second one destroys the “root of the disease”.

In the process of starvation, two very interesting points stand out - primary and secondary restructuring, the body's regulatory systems are forced to switch to new conditions of life support, when the old are partially utilized and new biostructures are synthesized, which differ from the old ones in their qualitative properties. In turn, the new quality directly depends on those specific situational changes that cause shifts in the internal environment of the body.

6. The fundamental distinctive feature of any fasting, from spontaneously arising, is its dosage, because it can be stopped at any time.

It is extremely important that fasting proceeds against the background of a favorable psychological climate.

When we make a volitional decision to starve in order to influence a specific problem, our consciousness begins to "interfere" with the restructuring processes taking place in the body, to exert a regulatory influence on them. And this means that it is possible to design the future restructuring of the body with the formation and synthesis of new biostructures with useful properties, that is, in fact, we are talking about the conscious regulation of the processes taking place in the body, about the conscious improvement of your body.

All this speaks about one thing - our body, in a state of complete comfort and rest, weakens, loses its adaptive forces. But in a changing environment influenced by strong negative stimuli, hitherto unknown abilities awaken, and autoregulation mechanisms are activated. We are now beginning to understand health in a new way.

A healthy body is not one that preserves normal performance, but one that is able to successfully adapt to changing conditions, which is very important for our unfavorable environmental conditions.

It was found that deformed membranes of slowly dividing or non-dividing "aging" cells, with endogenous nutrition, acquire forms similar to those of young animals. That is, with SG, the process of restoration of cell barriers is underway. The process of division of rapidly dividing cells slows down. At the same time, the restructuring of the enzymatic system enhances the receptor apparatus of efferent cells (nerve endings) due to a qualitative improvement in the state of enzymes of these receptors (chemoreceptors), which are embedded in the cell membrane and are able to enhance the barrier function through activation of the intracellular nucleotide cAMP.

Thus, in FH, complex restoration of cell barrier functions is ensured by normalizing membranes and enhancing the cAMP system. Due to the renewal of the genetic apparatus of cells during starvation, new stem cells are formed, and additional stem cells appear in some organs. As a result of the elimination of old, damaged cells and the appearance of new stem cells, the organs and tissues of the body become much younger.

But there is another important source of rejuvenation and hunger survival. Most of the cells in the human body actively live for only a few years. After which they age and become functionally passive, like fat cells.

Even colonies of microorganisms have formed a mechanism for the "food utilization" of old cells. All multicellular organisms use their old cells as a source of raw materials and energy. But as a reserve source intended for a rainy day.

With prolonged inactivity of the mechanism of "food utilization", such cells can become, and become, a factory of pathological proteins, causing aggression own immune system, factors causing disruption of tissue and central regulation, cells, ancestors of malignant tumors.

They must be removed from the body.

For millions of years, periods of forced starvation have been the norm in animal life. Therefore, the process of freeing multicellular organisms from "extra", structurally or functionally atypical cells was not a problem. "For fishlessness and cancer - food."

Combining the mechanism of "cellular self-purification" with the mechanism of "hungry survival" was a successful and universal evolutionary acquisition.

7. Apoptosis.

This is programmed cell death, an energy-dependent, genetically controlled process that is triggered by specific signals and rid the body of weakened, unnecessary or damaged cells.

Every day, about 5% of the body's cells undergo apoptosis, and new cells take their place. In the process of apoptosis, the cell disappears without a trace within 15-120 minutes.

The genetic apparatus of multicellular organisms - animals, plants, and fungi - has a program of cell death. This is a special program that, under certain circumstances, can lead to cell death. Under normal development, this program is aimed at removing excessively formed cells - "unemployed", as well as cells - "pensioners" who have ceased to engage in socially useful labor. Another important function of cell death is the removal of "disabled" cells and "dissident" cells with serious violations of the structure or function of the genetic apparatus.

In particular, apoptosis is one of the main mechanisms of self-prophylaxis of cancer.

With pathological enhancement, there are aplasias and degenerative processes, as well as some deformities with tissue defects, and with weakening, autoimmune processes, tumors and premature aging of the body. There are, for example, rather serious reasons to believe that such dangerous diseases as aplastic anemia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, AIDS, etc. are associated with a pathological increase in apoptosis.

During starvation, a universal process occurs, on the one hand, the physiological process of apoptosis is intensified: renewal and rejuvenation of the body due to the death of old, diseased, altered cells. On the other hand, the pathological mechanisms of apoptosis are eliminated: premature aging, cancer, etc. Let's consider these mechanisms in more detail.

The body, as a community of cells, during the period of starvation "eats" not only fat cells, but also everything that "lies badly". Rather, it does not work well or does not work at all. Without the function of self-purification of cell populations, the life of an organism is impossible. Cells infected with viruses, damaged by radiation or toxins, as well as those that have reached the biological limit, have one common property- must leave the body. Or be eaten.

This is how it happens in nature.

In the absence of nutrition, a special type of signaling molecules appears in a multicellular organism. These molecules cause the activation of intracellular proteins in the cytoplasm of "atypical" cells. These are cells that are not involved in the collective activity of the organism and are sensitive to such molecules. They include a self-destruction mechanism. The cell "closes" all programs - its core "collapses". The cell undergoes "crushing". Without destroying the outer shell, it “splits” into 5-10 “apoptotic bodies” and is absorbed by other cells. This is how it looks in a colony of microorganisms. Or digested in the intestines. She shares the fate of the fat cells.

The phenomenon of apoptosis was discovered relatively recently, in 1972. This has become the most interesting development in biology and medicine in the last 50 years. According to modern concepts, apoptosis is a general biological mechanism responsible for the constancy of the number of cell populations, as well as the formation and rejection of defective cells.

It is on the way of this physiological "mechanism" that regular nutrition and a terrible ecology stand.

8. According to our observations, the activation of the process of food apoptosis occurs after 20 hours of dry fasting (subject to the correct fasting technique).

With a continuous diet, "high-calorie junk" becomes the number one problem. It becomes the cause of diseases and premature aging of a person. "Conserving technologies" save life when you are hungry, but kill it when you are constantly full.

American researchers have indirectly confirmed the benefits of Muslim fasting. They were able to uncover the cellular mechanism that explains the link between starvation and longevity in humans and other mammals.

Islam prescribes to abstain from food and liquids during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. Scientists David Sinclair and his colleagues found that during fasting, the SIRT3 and SIRT4 genes are activated, which prolong the life of cells. Perhaps this information can be used to create drugs for diseases associated with aging.

Experiments conducted by scientists on animals show that fasting increases the ability of the heart cells of old animals to self-purify by 120% and practically did not affect the state of cells of young animals.

To assess the effect of limiting the intake of calories in the body on the ability of cells to get rid of toxic waste products, scientists evaluated the change in the content of certain proteins in the body, depending on age and diet. It turned out that the cells of old animals that were subject to starvation were characterized by a very high level proteins, which is essential for starting the autophagy process.

An interesting fact remains that the activation of autophagy is especially important primarily for heart cells, which contain a large number of mitochondria. Partial processing of damaged mitochondrial organelles is the key to maintaining the efficiency of the heart muscle of an aging organism as a whole.

Renewal of tissues.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor L.V. Polezhaev, a leading specialist in the regeneration of extremities in animals, who has developed a method for restoring lost paws and tails, for example, in amphibians, writes: "Fasting is a process of increased physiological regeneration, renewal of all cells, their molecular and chemical It is interesting that the biochemical changes during starvation and reparative regeneration are very similar.

In both cases, there are two phases: destruction and restoration. In both cases, the phase of destruction is characterized by the predominance of the breakdown of protein and nucleic acids over their synthesis, a shift in pH towards the acidic side, acidosis, etc.

The recovery phase is also characterized in both cases by the predominance of the synthesis of nucleic acids over their degradation, the return of pH to a neutral state.

It is known from the doctrine of regeneration that an increase in the destruction phase leads to an increase in the recovery phase. Therefore, with sufficient reason, therapeutic fasting can be considered as a natural factor in stimulating physiological regeneration. The basis of curative fasting is a general biological process leading to the renewal and rejuvenation of the tissues of the whole organism. "

But new cells grow especially intensively during the recovery period. A similar renewal occurs in other organs and tissues, which is why fasting is a “universal doctor”. No surgeon is able to remove individual diseased tumor cells or ulcers, while maintaining healthy adjacent cells and without compromising the integrity of the tissue. The great physician - Hunger - heals just like that.

9. Preventive mechanism: protection from radiation, adverse environmental factors, prevention of cancer. Why does fasting protect from radiation and why are fasts held on the days allotted for them?

To fully answer this question, let's start with a seemingly completely different topic - how does radiation damage our body?

Radiation is a powerful stream of energy, which, penetrating into organs, due to its power, cannot be assimilated by cells and causes the phenomenon of ionization in them. Ionization is the detachment of atoms or molecules under the action of particle impacts. As a result, a lot of radicals are formed in the cells.

A radical is an extremely biologically active fragment of a molecule, which, conjunct / praquo ;. The cell is exposed to DNA molecules and blocks them biological properties that begin to damage her hereditary apparatus. There is a break in the double helix of DNA and RNA. How badly it happens, and it happens mainly in the rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, the cells stop dividing and begin to be destroyed as foreign by their own immune system.

A destructive process develops in the tissues. In such "microholes" arising from the above process, infections (which are quite enough in the gastrointestinal tract) are easily introduced and sepsis begins, which leads to the death of the organism.

Scientists have carried out a number of interesting experiments on rats. One batch of rats was irradiated or fed with food containing radionucleotides and starved. For comparison, a group of absolutely healthy animals was starved. The physiological period of hunger in rats is 12 days. The control group of healthy animals after this period completely died out, and the irradiated ones lived for 24 days and began to look even better than before, and did not think to die. The researchers were forced to kill them, and their tissues were subjected to careful analysis, as a result of which it turned out that they look great, like young, healthy animals, and do not contain any radioactive damage! Why is this happening? It turns out that on hunger, during enhanced biosynthesis, energy is needed, and previously indigestible radiation is now completely spent on this. Evil turns into good! Along the way, a number of other mechanisms were discovered that protect the body from radiation during hunger.

1) By increasing the production of alcohol, the body restores cell membranes. The restoration of cell membranes is nothing more than the strengthening of cell barriers. As a result, subsequent radioactive irradiation will have a less pronounced damaging effect on the cells.

2) The increased content of carbon dioxide in the cells reduces the ionization caused by radioactive irradiation (the effect of the Buteyko method!).

3) The rapidly dividing cells of the gastrointestinal tract, the most vulnerable to radiation, sharply slow down their division on hunger. After all, they are forced to quickly divide due to the fact that in the process of digestion they are exposed to their own digestive enzymes, damaged and exfoliated. The body, due to the rapidity of division of these cells, restores the walls of the stomach and intestines.

There is no such thing on hunger. The cells of the gastrointestinal tract are resting, and the energy previously spent on accelerated division is now spent on restoring internal structures, "repairing" torn DNA and RNA strands. This is also facilitated by enhanced biosynthesis inside the cell due to the fixation of CO2 in it, which is not the case in the dietary regime.

Thanks to this, they do not die, are not rejected by their own body, and when switching to a diet, as if nothing had happened, they divide and fully perform their previous functions. But in the diet, these two processes of division and restoration of the internal structures of the cell cannot be fully carried out, and radiation further aggravates this.

10. 4) As shown by practical research, radiation and radionucleotides are removed from the human body in just 12-14 days of wet hunger or 5-7 days of dry. At the same time, a person loses much less weight than during normal fasting. As a result of the above processes occurring during hunger, the problems of radioactive exposure are completely solved.

Indeed, after Chernobyl, Academician A.I. Vorobyov decided to use fasting for people affected by acute radiation sickness (when ulcerations form in the gastrointestinal tract). Bone marrow transplantation and the use of powerful antibiotic therapy in such cases are almost futile, and the affected people recovered their health due to hunger. For the first time in world practice, the fasting method helped in the case where other, most modern (American, Japanese) treatment options turned out to be powerless!

And no wonder, because these "treatment options" are the fruit of artificial inferences, and hunger is a natural Natural process that has nothing to do with them.

After such an introduction, let's move on to the main question - why are fasts held at a strictly defined time of the year? If we combine the dates of the fasting and the signs of the zodiac, then we will see that three out of four posts fall on the "fire signs". Nativity Fast (40 days) falls on the sign of "Sagittarius". Great Lent (48 days) on the sign of "Aries". Dormition fasting (14 days) for the sign of "Leo", and Peter's fast, its duration is not constant and ranges from 8 to 42 days.

This fluctuation is caused by adjusting to natural rhythms. In the years of an active sun, when there is a lot of energy, its duration increases. In cold years, on the contrary, the duration of this famine is reduced. There is no gag here - everything is according to the laws of Nature. During the indicated periods, an increased amount of energy falls to the Earth from Space, which acts like radioactive. It can disturb the functioning of the body.

Remember the work of AL Chizhevsky "Earth echo of solar storms", and much will immediately become clear.

If you fast at this time, the cosmic and increased amount of solar energy will be used for creation - enhancing biosynthesis. If you continue to eat as before, then the energy without being absorbed will cause destruction in the cells and free radicals will have a depressing effect on the cells, undermining the life potential of the whole organism.

But bacteria and viruses, during this period, from the abundance of energy pass into an active state and successfully attack the weakened organism. It was at this time that epidemics of influenza (spring and early winter) and cholera (summer) are observed around the world. During the years of the active sun, these processes acquire such a pronounced character that in the Middle Ages, most of the population of Europe died out from this!

You can starve at other times of the year, but the combination of increased natural energy and hunger gives best effect, activating the "fiery principle", which is extinguished on hunger. The ancient sages took absolutely everything into account and gave the best recommendations, we can only follow them.

Protection from adverse environmental factors.

Along with the "native" toxins and toxins formed in the body, the introduced poisons are removed during hunger - from the chemistry that has flooded our life, from the poisoned atmosphere, from water and food. But this, however, was to be expected. In our environmental conditions, these facts cannot but be appreciated. But fasting also gives a wonderful preventive effect. For a long time after dry starvation, the highest protective potential is maintained, with periodic starvation, a person becomes practically invulnerable to nitrates, phenols, sulfur dioxide and nuclear power plants.

11. Prevention of cancer.

Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev talked about an interesting experiment.

Students of the Stavropol Medical Institute took 120 white rats, divided them into 4 groups ... One - control, and the other three were subjected to 3-day fasting.

The first of these three was inoculated with sarcoma before starvation, the second during it, and the third after it. The non-starving control group died completely. Of the 30 individuals who were inoculated with sarcoma before the start of the experiment, half died, and out of 30, which were injected during the fasting period, a third. All those who did after him survived.

During dry fasting, the strongest, most viable cells survive, even short-term dry fasting is a serious prophylactic agent against malignant tumors.

Another "miraculous" effect of hunger was recorded by American scientists. They studied the effect of fasting on the development of severe forms of cancer. The animals were divided into two groups - experimental and control. Control rats were exposed to radiation... The dose was chosen so as not to cause rapid death of the animals, but already 2-3 weeks after the irradiation, everyone had blood cancer.

The other group, the experimental group, was even more fortunate. Before irradiation, the animals underwent complete starvation. It would seem that an organism weakened by starvation should react to this negative effect even more acutely, the disease should take on more severe forms. But the results were just the opposite! In the experimental group, compared with the control, the number of sick rats decreased by 70%.

Renewal of the body's energy.

Water is one of the best energy-information carriers. This is achieved due to the unique molecular structure of water and the variability of its cluster structure. Also, scientists have proved that in the human body, long before the onset of symptoms of diseases, local areas of "heavy" water - water with an irregular structure - "pathological zones" are formed. Any "Evil Eye", "Damage", or just human envy, in short, all negative energy is in these - "pathological zones". During dry fasting, old dead water is replaced with high-quality, energetically renewed, living water synthesized by the body itself.

Dry hunger evenly burns out with all the organs of the body everything that is unsuitable for its evolution, not only mechanically, but also spiritually. Since after at least 7-10 days, negative energy entities, feeling their death in the absence of nutrition, begin to leave you, because they cannot stand dry hunger and positive vibrations emitted by you. Especially if you back up all this with positive deeds.

Dry hunger gives you a supply of energy. It seems incredible: how is it that a person does not eat anything, spends energy, and his energy increases? But there is no paradox. Being deprived of organic food, the body intensively begins to absorb "subtle energy" from Space and the environment. With the transition to a regular diet, the effect of over-recovery is triggered - the body is gaining energy more intensively than before hunger, since all the possibilities appear for this.

After all, hunger clears chakras and energy channels, on which many abilities depend.

After coming out of fasting, sleep is reduced to 4-5 hours, a person is literally filled with strength, an overwhelming energy boils in him. This wonderful state persists for a long time, if you adhere to a healthy diet, exercise, breathe shallowly (superficially!), Be in the air and the sun - closer to Nature!

Dry hunger changes the perception of the world quite radically. Revaluation affects the most basic and familiar things. Something that you did not even know about, begins to float to the surface.
Lack of food opens the door to a completely different dimension. Measuring freedom from fear. The most basic fear: to be left without food, that is, without matter. What we look for, what we chase after, is a sense of security and comfort. Dry hunger for some time knocks the ground out from under your feet and makes you completely defenseless, weak, and humble. And through this weakness and defenselessness, paradoxically, suddenly comes incredible strength and freedom. Freedom from many restrictions ...
What seemed impossible yesterday suddenly turns out to be a reality! Character, emotional background and state of consciousness are changing. Hunger clears the mind and, in an extremely short time, does to you what years of meditation and wandering through monasteries and mentors might not have done.
Thanks to dry fasting, extra pounds will go away, and with them a bad mood and laziness. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, shine and clarity in the eyes will appear. Chronic diseases will recede or disappear forever. There will be strength and energy to start new projects or solve old problems. The prospects will expand, the worldview will change. Those minor troubles that worried and annoyed yesterday will make you smile today. Optimism will finally defeat pessimism and you will believe that nothing is impossible in the world!
After going through the thorns of your first fast, you will find that you feel refreshed and brightened, less embittered, less preoccupied with everyday worries and difficulties. You will forget about the secondary and remember the main. You will feel the breath of the wind as you have not felt for a long time, and the first sip of water after coming out of hunger will make you happier than if you bought yourself the last iPhone. Happiness lies in simple things. But we have long forgotten how it is: just to be happy! Dry hunger returns some kind of childish ability to rejoice for no reason and be grateful to God for everything!
Tatiana Zhuravleva

Chronicles of the diving Crane ... 11 days of dry hunger ...

Two months have passed since I returned ... although it seems to me that 2 years have passed ... if, honestly, I didn't really want to write ... and yet ... maybe my experience will be useful to someone or someone will be inspired and want to dive into the unknown ...
A practice that is amazing in the depth and power of self-knowledge and not only ...

I had to go into hunger on my own, because I was a day late for the agreed time ... I did it easily and naturally ... I drank the last mug of herbal infusion on the train ... I cleaned myself at home ... so I arrived empty and ready ... I'll say right away that repeated long-term dry fasting is easier …and further! It turns out that the season plays an important role ... there is something to compare ... hunger in winter or in September ... a big difference! Hmm ... in September it is more comfortable))) ...
September of amazing beauty! The real "Indian summer" ... the first three days did not notice at all ... just pleasant excitement ... finally home ... in the sense that I have such an association that I am returning home))) ... I have two neighbors ... Lena is an adult woman who is the verification turned out to be a light young angel))) and Sveta, who refused to starve and left on the 5th day ... as they say, everyone has their own reasons and motivation ...
Fortunately, the weather allowed, we walked a lot and for a long time ... we slowly stomped to the forest ... every time trying to choose new routes ... I can't resist and sing an ode to this autumn forest ... high blue-blue sky ... white lace clouds ... crystal clear air ... so clean that you can hear it how it rings and sings - a silver bell ... trembles and shimmers ... the clarity is such that you see every goosebump ... every blade of grass ... and all this leads you into such indescribable delight ... causes soooo childish joy! ... walking barefoot along the path ... boots slung over your shoulder ... at first you step carefully ... pebbles tingle ... dry pine needles ... then you don't notice ... and your steps are so light ... so weightless steps ... you soar a little above the ground ... mixed forest ... white birches and mighty pines ... dry old spruces and young green Christmas trees ... you grab everything at once ... choke with admiration ... fall on the grass ... wet, still of the greenest color ... your head is thrown back ... and a birch dome rustles over you like a tent ... gently light green shimmering with gold, and quietly the leaves are whirling ... everything is permeated with sunlight, soft and cozy ... and you hear every rustle and all this slowly, unhurriedly, like a drawn-out frame of a film ...
At night, the air is especially saturated with smells, spicy, thick, retaining the warmth of the passing day ... you drink it ... you eat it ... you gorge yourself on it))) ... I go for a walk alone in the forest ... I grabbed a flashlight, but it turns out without it it is better to see ... the night vision is being set up ... I'm not kidding ... my eyes sparkle like a cat's))) and with each hungry day lived through, the sensitivity only increases ... even the thoughts of nearby people bother you, everything changes so much))) ... somewhere they burn foliage and this intoxicating aroma permeates the entire space ... it's not scary in the forest ... curious ... mysterious ... hmm ... magical ... the silence is slowly filling with different sounds ... the night rustles ... the breeze sways the branches ... the leaves rustle ... and somewhere high up the stars twinkle ... and you float in this wonderful world quietly, a little breathing))) ...
Day, of course, noted ... so as not to get completely lost in time and space))) ... clumsy in the booklet at least a few words to remember this unique state of unity with nature ... with the world ... all that exists ...
I felt great ... not any anxiety, fatigue ... although after the walks I wanted to and lay perfectly))) ... to shake in an amicable way only on the 8th day ... it was arched ... saved by the fact that it was possible to lie on the street, on a wide bench , in a ball on a yoga mat ... in general, when comparing, the second hunger turned out to be much easier ... and then all the same I am a plump lady))) there is something to starve))) ...
Nobody canceled the hot-water bottles, from the 5th day of hunger I applied ... this time my head was especially on fire ... apparently this is my sore spot))) insomnia, was defeated by walks ... very vigorous at first, then slower ...
Sketching 5 days - on the way to the forest, and went through the village, watched a hilarious picture: Rooster and chickens))) ... Rooster, straight Rooster! Handsome! Snow-white feathers, mixed with pale gray, pearl ... down pants, scarlet comb, important))), spurs with a wheel, a chic cascade of tail ... black and white, will stand on tiptoe and leg, so slowly bring it in, put it ... and strictly co-ko -ko !!! looks at his chickens ... they mince after him ... beauties ... red-haired, colorful, two white ones))) ... watched with such pleasure))) ... well, of course she laughed))) ...
Not without the traditional, already, in my practice, the appearance of rescuers))), in this case one ... everything in order ... I lie alone ... away from the path, admiring the sky and bizarre changing clouds, when suddenly, out of nowhere ... and as always on a mighty ATV he is ... a savior-rescuer ... and word for word ... help you? Do you feel bad? ...- no, I say ... I am resting, admiring the clouds ...
On the 6th day at night it rained ... God, what bliss! What a smell the rain has !!! What air !!! Early in the morning we went out with Lena to the street, because we are not sleeping properly ... everything shines, sparkles, shimmers ... wet foliage ... sparkling droplets, and in them the reflected sun ... and wet grassaaaaa !!! And we washed ourselves with dew, and I fell into this luxurious blanket ... and the body greedily, through the T-shirt, absorbed the precious moisture))) ...
We explored the surroundings ... visited St. Nicholas Church, a very old 250-year-old ... beautiful ... snow-white outside ... small ...
very cozy inside ... clean ... prayed ... real ... it's already a joy to be there ... put candles ... prayed ... each about his own ... grace))) ...
And so our days passed unhurriedly ... they were filled with walks and simple but necessary things ... tidying up the rooms ... washing the floors ... Lena was doing needlework ... Vanechka the masseur came ... gave wonderful photographs ... a simple wonderful life ...
At night I no longer want to be in the house, I dragged the blanket and pillow outside ... well, the heat in the body is still not small ... you burn so much that sparks from your eyes))) ... and the stars are looking at you from the sky ... winking ... hold on, baby))) ... the body hums like a high-voltage cable ...
Lena ends her hunger before me ... she has 9 days ... keeps herself excellent ... a little sad to part ... made friends ...
And I still have a couple of days ahead ... morning walk ... the air is cold, smoky-bitter ... my head is clear ... the mood is even ... the movements slowed down and the world freezes ... I go to a small lake ... artificial, covered with duckweed ... neglected ... and yet ducks are swimming there ... all around trees, and most importantly, the sky! amazing in beauty ... distant bottomless, overturned by a bowl, with such clouds ... delicate feathers ... the domes of the temple are visible against the sky ... and it is so touching ... the heart is beating quietly ... peace ... serenity ... silence is so piercing that it rings in my ears ...
And now the X-hour is approaching ... dousing !!! 10th day ... Lyudmila Grigorievna proposes a new way ... from a hose))) ... the baby is rejoicing !!! The bins are full of happiness))) ...
A stream of cold water down my back ... aaaaaaaa !!! spinning like a top, substitute the belly ... chest ... indescribable joy))) ...
Immediately it becomes easier ... the heat subsides ... at night a pleasant surprise, the full moon ... oh, what a beautiful moon ... a huge white shining ... the sky is clear ... everything around is flooded with this unearthly light ... I admire ... I breathe ...
The 11th day was given affectionately ... walking ... sitting ... lying in the courtyard ... sunny, warm summer day ... admiring the insects ... listening to ringing birds))) ... again dousing))) ...
The solution is familiar ... therefore I will not repeat myself ...
Many thanks to Lyudmila Grigorievna Rozhkova for everything ... for tireless work ... for cordiality ... caring ... for what pulls out of incomprehensible sores ... and how many people thanks to her gained health and joy of being ... it is difficult to express it in words ... as they say - On such people, the Earth holds! Thank you from all my heart!

Dry Fasting - That Will Change Your Life

A, 30 years old, Kazakhstan, profession - a doctor.
DZ: Endometriosis of the uterus, endometrioid cyst of the right ovary, primary infertility for 1.5 years.
I want to tell you a little about myself and my disease, as well as about the miraculous cure with the help of L.A. Shchennikov's method "Healing abstinence". I first learned about my illness when I got married and could not get pregnant for six months. I was 29 years old. Before that, no clear signs I did not notice endometriosis, there were only very long (7 days) and heavy periods from the age of 14, professional sports since childhood, which I did not pay much attention to. And who knows, maybe there was some kind of genetic tendency to this disease, the presence of stress in the years before marriage associated with the profession affected, but I could not get pregnant. It all started before we got married. In the last cycles before marriage, I had severe pain during menstruation (!), Right up to calling an ambulance, before that there was no such thing, previously only minor pains in the rectal area were observed. I began to be examined and on ultrasound I was diagnosed with a cyst of the right ovary (they said it looks like an endometrioid). An operation was prescribed laparoscopy and hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity with a video apparatus through the vagina), after which the reason for my infertility was found out. My foci of endometriosis were found everywhere - in the abdominal cavity, uterus, on the ovary. I was depressed.
During the operation, these lesions were cauterized, the cyst was removed and placed on expensive hormones that cause artificial menopause. What a pity that then I did not go immediately to hunger, but apparently, everything has its time.
After the treatment, I could not get pregnant for another 6 months (my husband was fine). Then, in order to escape from the hopelessness, I went to study abroad for 3 months, after my arrival nothing worked again. But then I was already familiar with the method of wet fasting on water, and practiced short courses. But unsuccessfully. We have already entered the queue for IVF according to the quota.
Then I learned about the dry fasting method, read a lot and when I saw the Shchennikovs' website, I immediately caught fire with a dream. I talked with Inga, I began to prepare for starvation. Eliminated everything harmful and unnatural, starved for 2 days. I realized that I was ready and in November 2015 I went to Kislovodsk. My father accompanied me on the trip.
Below I present my diary of 9-day dry fasting (Kislovodsk 2015), with the hope that those who have such a diagnosis like mine will help themselves - by a method inherent in human nature. Instead of operations, anesthesia and hormone therapy.

Today is the first day of my dry fast.
I feel cheerful, full of energy. In the morning I did yoga, took a shower. Yesterday at 18:30, before entering the fast, we ate fruit and salad from cabbage, peppers and apples. The girl and I were accommodated in a separate room - an apartment with all conveniences, where there are devices for measuring pressure, scales, manual massagers for self-massage. Starving with Yu, 26 years old, from St. Petersburg, she came to cure her autoimmune disease, systemic lupus erythematosus. Believer, wonderful person. There are only 5 people in our group, another girl from St. Petersburg and a man and woman from Moscow.
Yu and I decided to go to the last. Get rid of your ailments once and for all and lead a healthy lifestyle. She is generally an amazing person. Having fallen ill with lupus erythematosus after childbirth stress, she did not drink handfuls of pills, but on the contrary began to solve her problems natural methods, look for the reason in yourself. And I realized, according to her story, that all her problems are due to toxins accumulated in the body, and went on to cleanse the intestines, followed by a raw food diet. And she almost brought her disease into a mild one. And now, with help, SG wants to get rid of him completely.
I pray to the Almighty only about one thing, let him give me strength and support to go to the end. For the sake of the cherished meeting with the baby, I am ready for anything!

18.11.15 8:00
Yesterday's first day of fasting was wonderful, unnoticed. In the morning we went on an excursion to the Canyon, to the river, to the mountains, where we saw wonderful views of nature: mountain ranges covered with snow, a high cliff, down from which a river stretched. Then we went to the park, where the mighty age-old fir trees gave us an unforgettable scent of pine needles. We were accompanied by Sergey, who is always very attentive to our requests and wishes. He grew up in this beautiful land, and knows every corner of it, shares with us stories about his life and shows us beautiful places. Walking is recommended twice a day, morning and evening. In the morning we do exercises and go on excursions, and in the evening we usually walk on our own in the resort - park area, where we actually live.
I want to write about the first changes that took place in my body and head. Yesterday I went to bed at 22:30. Before going to bed, I already felt a slight weakness, probably, the body is adapting to new conditions. Although before the day of fasting I tolerated well. I woke up at 2:00 in the morning with a fever all over my body, especially in my back and chest (similar to a fever during the flu), it was difficult for me to breathe, and the room felt too hot. Tachycardia was also observed, I felt my heartbeat. I had to get up and go outside. The night mountain coolness and freshness immediately brought relief. I breathed in the fresh night air and lay on the bed, right in the yard. The night air was fresh, clean, and full. My body gave off heat to the coolness of the blankets on the bed, and it felt relieved. I regard this as an adaptive response to hunger, tachycardia is associated with the release of stress hormones by the adrenal glands, fever as an expansion of peripheral vessels. And the demand for cold by the body is like physical cooling in case of fever. But in this case, there are no headaches and muscle pain, which occur during an acute viral or bacterial infection, when signs of bacteremia and viremia (that is, circulation of toxins of foreign microorganisms in the blood) are also added to the fever.
After being on the street, the heat in my body began to subside little by little and I was drawn to sleep, afraid to fall asleep on the street and freeze, I went to my bed and fell asleep.
Another very important point: I had a dream that I was drinking water, clean, cool, several glasses at once. Everything was as in reality, and I woke up in a fright that I had actually drank it. I was seized with self-pity and a desire to drink water, but I pulled myself together and firmly and clearly said to myself: “No, I will not give up, I came here and will fulfill my intention. I will become healthy! " I asked God for strength. And once again I was convinced of the power of the subconscious, and as a believer, of the powerful support of God and prayer.

19.11.15 12:00
In the morning, severe weakness, slept for almost 10 hours, slept well. Yesterday, on the second day of hunger, knee joints ached, I think that the reaction of connective tissue to the circulation of toxins in the blood. The morning has passed. Yesterday we visited the St. George nunnery, it is located in a very beautiful place, on a hill, from where an incredible view of Mount Elbrus and Beshtau. This view, the fresh air cheered us up. In the evening there was a walk in a clearing in the park, which contributed to a good sleep and some vigor. The limbs were very cold, most likely due to my anemia. I measured my blood pressure, pulse, everything was as usual 90/60, pulse 69.
In the morning, the frost in the limbs passed, there was a desire to dress lighter, not to wrap up, so that the body could breathe.
This morning we went to the castle of Treachery and Love, where a mountain river flows, cold, but giving life-giving air, murmur, caressing the ear. We sat near the river, I even lay down on a small piece of wood, on a yoga mat, walked along the river, and the feeling of lightness and vigor gladdened me again. Indeed, by starving, a person takes food out of thin air !!. In this I, once again, was convinced. The absorption of carbon and nitrogen is increased. Confused thoughts, mainly about recovery, prayer for help and support to God and plans for a future way of life.
I think I'll get rid of synthetic and unnatural food once and for all.

20.11.15 18:00 5th day of fasting began
Heat appears in the body, weakness increases, which disappears after being in the fresh air. A cool shower helps. Sputum is discharged. Metallic taste in the mouth. There were minor pulling pains in the pelvic area, perhaps the process of autolysis has begun. I hope and believe. I pray. I fall asleep and wake up with the name of God.
Straw-yellow urine. Weight loss up to 6 kg on the 5th day. Today we walked in the park near our house, a clear river flows there, its murmur calms, gives joy. One kind of water brings relief. there was a desire to swim in the river, even if it is icy. The feeling of chilliness has disappeared, I want to take air baths, cheerfulness has appeared in the fresh air. If you do not think about food, hunger is much easier to tolerate.
Today in the park I saw wonderful paintings, poems and books of a local poet, who sells them there, or rather, just takes some help - money, puts it in a box if possible, and gives books just like that. He writes in such a way that the soul becomes calm and light. And in the eyes of the poet there is such depth, the grandfather looks about 65 years old, but youth and childishly pure look amaze and attract. Here's another source of recharging for me. All the senses, the perception of the beauty of the surrounding nature, the feeling of the Creator's greatness, just the joy of life have become heightened ... So, let's go for 5 days of healing abstinence ...

In the morning, weakness, but the state of health improved after a trip to the Honey Falls. There is indescribable beauty, freshness, the air is filled with pine needles and the countryside. I have such a strong fever that, despite the coolness, I swam in the waterfall - I never thought that I would dare to do this before. I was born again. I really felt better. The autolysis process has clearly begun. Inga said that on days 4-6, almost all women can begin, as it were, "cleansing" periods. Even in women after menopause.
Indeed, vaginal discharge increases every day, although menstruation should have been running out for a long time. Something of the color of black tar stands out, and in pieces. Probably my endometriosis. Inga is sure that this is so, congratulated me. The lower abdomen pulls constantly, the pain radiates to the ovarian region, constantly the heat in the lower abdomen. No sleep. Only some kind of half-asleep. I have time to dream. My stomach aches a little, apparently my gastritis makes itself felt, it is also being treated. Deep breathing helps. The urine is dark, with a translucent film. Slags come out. The pressure does not change. There are more than 3 days left. We are counting the days. Sleeplessness at night - and walking invigorates.
The hope for healing is strong. Prayer and faith are with me.

11/22/15 6 days of my dry fasting
Weakness throughout the body, growing, tormented by insomnia and fever in the chest, in the head, in the lower abdomen. Drawing pains along the appendages of the uterus, the uterus itself, the ovaries, sometimes reaching strong, but bearable. Permanent vaginal discharge, black in color, abundant, without a pronounced odor. Dark urine. Weight loss from 48 kg to 39 kg. Almost 9 kg.
A toothache started yesterday in a previously sore tooth (!), Disappeared in a day. There are no more symptoms. The night time is the most burdensome, although half of our group feels differently and some have much more sleep than me. So everything is individual .. The cold has ceased to exist for me. A man who used to wrap himself up in everything warm, now I dress lightly, every day I take a cold shower 2 times, swam in a mountain river, at the Honey Falls. This is amazing to me. After swimming in mountain springs, I am reborn again, I want to again and again. I plan to endure it for 9 days. Let's stick together. It's easiest together.

24.11.15 8:30
Weakness, fever in the head, in the chest, in the abdomen, the legs are freezing, I had to take a short warm bath for my feet .. Hell increased 109/90, pulse 119. My mouth was dry, my voice was hoarse. Periodically, abdominal pain, pulling in the lower part, less vaginal discharge, but there is. 11/23/15 swam in holy water, bathing is easier. There is relief in the open air; when sleeping outside. Weakness and nausea were growing this morning, I think this is the second crisis. After a walk on the street, I was released. The body actually feeds on air and builds new cells. Dark urine.
A feeling of lightness throughout the body. It's light in my head. I only think that I am generally independent of the material world, I want to live closer to nature, raise children, give joy. Only thirst makes itself felt, but if there is a task, you can endure.
Weight loss is also 9 kg. remains. Out tomorrow night. We comfort ourselves with this hope.

11.24.15 9-day dry hunger
7:00 p.m. I felt better, my whole body was hot, but not so oppressive. The pain in the lower abdomen is gone, the discharge is minimal. I decided to finish my course, as there were aches in my arms and legs when walking. In general, it is already difficult to survive another sleepless night. There was a fever (it was last night), I was lying with a wet towel at my head, a bottle of cold water, which I kept shifting over my body. I think yesterday I had a second crisis. My instructors said that you can go out, the task is completed.
In the evening I was waiting for the exit, I even felt better, at the very thought of him. They brought me cabbage juice, and this was the first thing I drank while lying on my stomach, chewing every sip. I have never tasted such deliciousness before in my life! The receptors were so cleansed that I felt this juice in every cell of my tongue. The skin of the hands and palms wrinkled, the thirst was strong. I drank carrot and apple juice mixed with spring water, spooned, and felt what real life and happiness meant.
A person can do anything, one has only to want!
All the people who are next to me also confirmed this ...

11/25/15 in the morning I ate a cabbage salad of carrots and apples, tangerines sucking only juice from them, the thirst did not go away. Every hour I drank juice mixed with spring water, and I could not overcome my thirst, but I was allowed to drink only 1.5 liters.

Dry fasting therapy is now considered one of the new methods of treatment. And yet this method was born at the dawn of mankind. Moreover, it can be confidently asserted that from the very beginning of the development of the forms of animal life that exist today, all representatives of the animal kingdom actively used it.

The process of starvation without water has been known for a long time, thousands of years, but, unfortunately, the majority of mankind does not apply, many do not even know about it. Let's discuss whether this process is natural?

Yes, this is a natural process, it is recorded in the genetic code of humans and animals. As soon as an animal falls ill, especially if it is serious, it immediately refuses food and water, so does the human body. But often a person does not react to such a state of the body, eats and drinks through force, often drinks what only harms him, "feeds" on pills. When the body gets sick, it begins to fully mobilize its vital forces for salvation, protection, and reserves are used, if, of course, they still exist. And so that the body is not distracted by work with food and water, the body rescue program includes a "refusal" from food and water. Similar situations can occur under stressful influences. As for the conscious abstinence from food and water in order to improve health, it probably was the result of observations of people and animals, on which fasting involuntarily had a beneficial effect. These observations, repeated many times, were remembered and then passed on from generation to generation along with other knowledge. v early period before the written history of mankind, the experience of such treatment was the oral heritage of all members of the clan or tribe, and the practice of healing itself was carried out by the elders as the most experienced members of primitive society.

In the customs of the North American Indians, dry fasting also played a central role. The American Indians saw fasting as the most important and indispensable test in the transformation of a boy into a warrior. The young man was brought to the top of the mountain, and he was left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered, without exception, by all American Indians as a means of purification and strengthening. at various times in his life, the Indian went alone into the wild, starved and meditated. Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. If this is not the case, then death inevitably follows - both of an individual and of an entire people.

Later, with the emergence and flourishing of religions, the treatment of the sick gradually passes into the jurisdiction of the ministers of religious cults - shamans and priests, and the self-treatment of the sick and the training of healers is concentrated in temples. That is why the ancient prescriptions of hunger are very often closely associated with one or another mystical beliefs, are part of a certain religious rite. Thus, the first Christian ascetics often refused food and water, but they did so mainly for religious reasons. for the same purposes, the Persian sun worshipers subjected themselves to starvation for many days, or, in other words, fasting. Druid priests among the Celtic tribes, as well as priests Ancient egypt, had to pass the test of long fasting before they could be admitted to the next stage of initiation. Moreover, in those days, the word "fasting" meant complete abstinence from food and water. and only later this concept began to mean the replacement of some products with others, say, butter - vegetable oil, meat - fish, etc. ancient people From which written cultural monuments or the so-called sacred texts or writings, scriptures have remained and have survived to us, one can find many praises for the treatment of hunger. For almost all ancient peoples, the refusal of food and water was considered the best way cleansing the body.

In the writings and instructions of the ancient scientists of Egypt, Babylon, Judea, India, Persia, Scandinavia, China, Tibet, Greece and Rome, there are many hygienic advice and descriptions of non-drug treatment, among which in the first place is the treatment of hunger.

Tibet ... A harsh land steeped in legends, surrounded by inaccessible mountains. Among the huge number of treatises and woodcut prints of Tibetan medicine, the large four-volume essay "The main guide to the medical science of Tibet - Chzhud-shi", dating back to the 4th century, stands out. BC e. it contains 156 chapters, and one of them is eloquently titled: "On the Treatment of Nutrition and Treatment by Fasting." The author of this book is Tso-Jed-Shonnu.

“Exhaustion” treats patients suffering from indigestion, eating a lot of oil, suffering from stiff thighs, colds, internal suppurations, gout, rheumatism, diseases of the spleen, throat, head, heart, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the body, loss of appetite, urinary retention, excess weight.

Diseases associated with an increase in "yellow water", "phlegm" in young men in their prime should be treated in the first half of winter with a three-day fast. Weak patients need to be weary of hunger and thirst as long as they can endure, and then give light and well-digestible food, for example, zamba and porridge. The fastest way to reveal superpowers in Tibetan monasteries was dry fasting. They conducted him in caves, in complete darkness and silence, however, there was always his teacher next to the student, who certainly helped him to pass this ordeal.

Remember that even in Chinese medicine, the effect of acupuncture is associated with the opening of energy channels in the patient's body. The problem with acupuncture is that no matter what diagrams they draw, no specialists know where these channels actually go, so the effect of acupuncture is accidental. Therapeutic dry fasting clears all energy channels at once and throughout the body, so there is no need to find any separate channel. The only thing is not to overdo it and not to clog the energy channels with slags.

Examples of dry fasting are often mentioned in dynastic stories. in the "History of the Later Han" in the chapter "Biography of Fang Shu" it is said: "Hao Mengze could swallow date pits and after that does not eat for five to ten years. He could also hold Qi and not breathe, lie motionless, pretending to be dead, up to a hundred days or six months. " In the inner chapters of Bao Pu-tzu it says:

“I have seen many times people who have stopped taking food and water, most often for three or two years, they all had a light body and good view, easily tolerated wind, cold, heat and dampness, no one was fat. " “There was such a Feng Sheng. He tasted only Qi, had not eaten for three years, dragged rocker arms with luggage up the mountain and never tired. Sometimes he drew his bow and hardly spoke, and if he did, it was not loud. Asked about this, he said that a person who stops eating has two biggest fears - how not to kill the semen - jing and how not to waste the qi. "

The skill of fasting, which the three elders taught Wang Liping, was divided into three steps according to the degree of depth. First step: "Cutting out cereals". This means: do not eat any grain products, eat in small quantities only vegetables and fruits - just to ease the burden of the stomach and intestines and with the help of these clean products to cleanse the internal organs. The requirement for this work is that it should be carried out for at least two months, and if more, then even better. During such classes, Wang Liping, like all ordinary people, studied and worked. Often he went to secluded places where there were many trees of flowers and herbs, and practiced there in the lotus position during the Time of the Mouse, Horse, Hare and Rooster in order to strengthen the five inner true qi. He completed this step in 98 days, that is, in more than three months. I felt comfortable, clean and cheerful in spirit. Second step: "Power cut". This means: do not take any food, drink only a glass of cold water every morning and evening. After this work, nothing dirty remains in the body, there is not even urine. The nature of the heart was purified earlier, but now the body is also purified. Just then there was an exchange of true Qi with nature, there was a feeling that the body was already on the other side. Wang Liping stayed in this state for more than fifty days. Third step: "Dry fasting". After the first two steps, Wang Liping's body began to resemble the body of someone who had just come out of the bath, pink, wet, shiny, thoroughly permeated with pure Shen energy and a vigorous Qi spirit. The three elders, seeing that he looks like a newborn baby, that thanks to self-improvement in melting, the body became like pure ice or beautiful jasper, that all the dirty Qi that he had absorbed from the vain world for so many years had been cleaned out to the last drop, could not help but rejoice. For four years, sprinkling with the blood of their hearts, the old people cultivated an orchid flower and finally raised it, after fine processing a precious stone came out of the jasper. This thing, unusual for the lower of the three worlds, had to be lifted, let it fly up. On that day, the elders ordered him: “From today you will start dry fasting, you will only sit here in the lotus position, without getting up, you will not drink any more water. This is the method of training. " At that time, according to the Xia calendar, the year was Bing Wu, and according to the modern chronology, there was a golden autumn of 1966, the great land of Huaxia had already begun to "seethe". And four people, not paying attention to the fact that the Universe is turning upside down, devoted all the time to their studies. Every day in the morning, at noon and in the evening, teachers sprayed the floor clean water to make the air in the room more humid. With the help of these evaporating droplets of liquid, Wang Liping moisturized the entire body, and besides that, he kept only true Qi alive. Two fathers - teachers took turns on duty beside him, sitting on the sidelines. One day passed. It took two days. Three and five days passed. Wang Liping sat like a stone statue, not a single line moved, there was a dead silence in his heart. The sun, the moon, stars, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, flowers, herbs and trees, parents, brothers and sisters, school teachers and fellow practitioners, his grandfather-teacher and fathers-teachers, spring, summer, autumn and winter, white day and a dark night, the south of the sky and the north of the earth, top, bottom, left and right, heat, warmth, frost and cold, birth, aging, illness and death, joyful fun and sorrowful grievances, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy - all- everything he had ever seen, heard, felt from among people, events and things of the lower of the three worlds on this rapidly decaying earth - everything, everything completely disappeared, disappeared from his heart, brain and body, he was in deep meditation ...

The ancient Egyptians, according to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (425 BC), believed that the basis was a systematic (three days a month) fasting and cleansing the stomach with the help of vomit and klystyr. And the Egyptians, he noted, were the healthiest of mortals. There is also evidence that the ancient Egyptians successfully treated syphilis with dry fasting. Looking ahead, let's say that in the 19th century, or rather in 1882, during the occupation of the territory of Egypt, the French recorded numerous cases of getting rid of this disease in this way.

As you yourself understand, if people for a long time did not know the cleansing and healing value of dry fasting, then they would not insist on fasting with such persistence in all cultures and religions. The medicinal value of meaningful fasting for human life has always been masked by its religious significance. And what, in fact, is surprising in the fact that nature knows its benefits better than man? If you ever take a course of therapeutic dry fasting, then you yourself will understand how the doors will open for you to a closed society of the cleansed in front of nature. Yes, all people are outwardly equal, they all have two arms, two legs and a head. However, just as externally identical bottles can have excellent wine in one and vinegar in the other, so the inner content of people is fundamentally different. The quality of some people is clearly more valuable and sustained than others, especially with age.

Old Testament, called the Tanach in Jewish literature, reports starvation 75 times. in Exodus, the second book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Pentateuch, it is said that Moses, before receiving the Ten Commandments from God, was starving on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights (Exodus 34:28), and only then God granted Moses' attention. the Bible also mentions fasting. So, Moses starved without water on the mountain for 40 days, moreover, more than once. After the starvation "his face began to shine with rays", so that "they were afraid to approach him." after such prophylaxis, Christ discovered supernatural abilities. Buddha starved for 40 days, Muhammad starved for 40 days. and nothing happened, it only did good. as a reward - a connection with heaven, a conversation directly with God. And our medicine still does not want to take this into service. You clean and wash the dishes, why don't you want to give your body the same opportunity? If we are attacked by disease, then there must be a natural, natural way of getting rid of. Every force must be opposed. In times of danger or social calamity, the Jews had a custom and considered a religious duty to impose on themselves fasting, that is, to abstain from food and water, to pray and make sacrifices. The fasts were observed by the Jews with particular rigor and differed not only by abstinence from food, but even from all other sensual needs. Thus, the word "fasting" means "prohibition". in our sense, it means refusal to accept any food for a certain period of time. About any lean food during this period of time was out of the question. Eating lean food during fasting is a gross violation and perversion of this concept.

Fasting was an essential part of Judaism. Entirely one treatise of 64 volumes of the Jewish Talmud "Megillat Taamit", which translates as "Scroll of Fasting", is devoted exclusively to starvation. This treatise examines in detail about 25 days on which Jews are required to starve. When danger approached the people, the "Sanhedrin of the Elders of Zion" had the power to impose a general starvation in order to ask for salvation. These mass fasts usually lasted for several days, up to a week. Until now, Orthodox Jews, marking the days of tragic events in the history of the Jews, do not drink alcohol at all, but go hungry. All modern religious Jews starve on the most sacred day of Judaism, Yom Kippur, the day of purification, which falls at the end of September, when they do not eat or drink for 24 hours.

In Christianity, everyone knows the legend that Jesus Christ, like Moses, before starting to preach God's message, went into the wilderness and did not eat or drink for 40 days and nights. Jesus Christ did this fasting in full accordance with the laws of Judaism, to which he himself belonged by birth and within the framework of which he was brought up. in those days, fasting was of great importance in the life of the land of Judea, and members of the Pharisee party went on a regular fast for two days every week. It was at the end of his 40-day fasting that Jesus Christ said:

“Man does not live by bread alone, but also by what the Lord God says to him” (Gospel of Matthew 4: 4), thereby, like Moses, confirming his personal experience that the Lord God Himself begins to speak to the hungry.

In Russia in the Middle Ages, fasting was widely practiced in monasteries. in those days, as we have already said, fasting most often meant complete abstinence from food, and often from water. in the XIV century, the so-called deserts appeared in Russia, many of which later turned into monasteries. Peasants settled around them, especially to the north of Moscow, away from danger from the Tatars. Contemporaries of Sergius of Radonezh described how he very often starved himself, encouraged monks to fast, but they were strong in body and strong in spirit.

But at the same time, a reasonable, without extremes, fasting does not harm a healthy person. Here you can recall examples from Holy Scripture (at least three youths who, eating vegetables in Babylonian captivity, were stronger and healthier than their peers who ate meat), but even more striking examples from the lives of holy ascetics of the Orthodox Church, who truly showed the whole world that the flesh can be subdued to the spirit.

Rev. Macarius of Alexandria ate (bread and vegetables) only once a week during Great Lent. He lived for 100 years. Rev. Simeon the Stylite did not eat anything at all during Lent. Lived for 103 years. Rev. Anfim, too, did not eat anything during the entire Holy Fourtecost, and lived even longer - 110 years.

However, in general, in the Christian environment, starvation has degenerated into a kind of self-sacrifice, suitable only and only for special people - monks, and that for an ordinary person, they say, is not necessary. It so happened that in Christianity, some "professionals" were instructed to atone for the sins of others, while others could relax without looking back. This purposeful policy, that, they say, there are special people who will forgive sins for them and, naturally, not for free, will be released, and led the Christian world to complete decay. A reminder of the once serious attitude to starvation among Christians is the period of Great Lent, when believing Christians adhere to certain restrictions in food, having eaten pancakes before that on Shrovetide.

Muslims strictly observe the monthly fast of Ramadan. in this month all Muslims do not strictly eat or drink from dawn to dusk. The beginning and end of Ramadan are great folk festivals. Ramadan is so serious that people who are unable to observe it due to illness or pregnancy must observe Ramadan later, that is, pay off the debt. Strictly speaking, during the hours of Ramadan nothing should enter the gastrointestinal tract - not even swallow saliva. Private Muslim canteens and restaurants are open but empty during Ramadan. After sunset, however, Muslims eat modest foods such as beans, spiced lentil soup, and dates. Therefore, this month the shops where Muslims trade are inundated with dates. Muslims believe that fasting helps a person avoid sin. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad believed that a real Muslim should abstain from eating two days every week (like the Pharisees).

American researchers have indirectly confirmed the benefits of Muslim fasting. They were able to uncover the cellular mechanism that explains the link between starvation and longevity in humans and other mammals. Islam prescribes abstaining from food and liquids during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. Scientists David Sinclair and his colleagues found that during fasting, the SIRT3 and SIRT4 genes are activated, which prolong the life of cells. Perhaps this information can be used to create drugs for diseases associated with aging.

In Hinduism, various religions of India, various currents and sects actively use fasting as a means of purification, and in particular, fasting is an integral part of the practice of yogis. I wrote about dry fasting among yogis in the chapter "dry fasting in nature".

Secrets of Japanese monks

In the process of aging, the reserve capacities of all our organs and systems are diminishing every year. Therefore, in order not to grow old, it is necessary to train reserves, or rather, adaptation reserves. To train means to use it regularly, and they are used primarily when something is missing. The body may lack food, water, oxygen, information. Their deliberate, artificial limitation stimulates the use of reserve capabilities. Let us limit the intake of food and get an excellent, well-known since ancient times, method of restoring the body - fasting. This is a temporary voluntary complete rejection from food. The purpose of such fasting is the transition to internal nutrition, that is, the use of reserves.

If we additionally stop taking water, then we get dry fasting - an even more effective method of cleansing, healing and rejuvenating. With a lack of oxygen, for example, in high altitude conditions, hypoxia occurs, that is, oxygen starvation. At the same time, a powerful antihypoxic system is mobilized, and its stimulation acts on the body in the most favorable way.

With regard to information, nature has provided for a natural periodic informational fast in the form of a night's sleep. The role of adequate sleep for health and longevity can hardly be overestimated.

If we combine the methods based on restriction, then it turns out that the ideal means of restoring the body is a long sleep on absolute fasting high in the mountains.

But "... there is nothing new under the Moon!" In ancient times, Yamabushi monks lived in Japan. It is the most mysterious sect ever to exist in Japan. Their services were used by ninja - the famous medieval Japanese "special forces". After they mastered in their schools the extraordinary abilities of walking on the ceiling, fighting with and without weapons, seeing in the dark, being immune to pain, etc., from the age of 15 they were sent to "advanced" training at the yamabushi. Ascetics and hermits who lived high in the mountains taught "ninja" hypnosis and psychic abilities, recipes for poisons and balms, acupuncture, the ability to go without food and water for a long time, ways to maintain health and prolong life, etc. They passed their secrets from mouth to mouth , it was forbidden to write them down. But still, let's try to open the veil of secrets over their secrets, namely the secrets of maintaining health and prolonging life. What do you think the word "yamabushi" means? Nothing less than "sleeping in the mountains"!

High in the mountains, many people live and, naturally, sleep. Statistics show that their average life expectancy is higher than in the plains, but this is not the only point. Indeed, the name "Yamabushi" emphasizes that these are not just people in the mountains, but specifically sleeping people, that is, their sleep was somehow different from usual. Most likely, it was long-term. But you can't just sleep for a long time, you need a state of hypnosis, self-hypnosis, the effect of sleeping pills, and they mastered it perfectly. Prolonged sleep high in the mountains is a combination of mountain hypoxia, sleep and absolute starvation (during sleep, we naturally do not eat or drink). Each of these influences has a powerful stimulating effect on the adaptation reserves of the body, how powerful their combination should be. Since ancient times, people have pinned their hopes for salvation, healing, and cleansing with the mountains. many peoples have their own sacred mountains. among the Japanese, which have the greatest life expectancy, Mount Fuji-san (Fujiyama). Each of them considers it his duty to rise to its top. Tibetan Kailash, Hebrew Sinai, Altai mountain Altyn-Tu, Mount Meru - Hindus, Mount Ararat - Armenians and many, many others. The famous Elbrus was the sacred mountain of the ancient Persians.

Long-term mountain hypoxia effects:

In all organs, and first of all, in vital organs, new capillaries begin to form. Every cell in our body begins to receive more nutrients and oxygen.

The lungs begin to work more efficiently as a result of hypertrophy of the lung tissue and an increase in the diffuse surface of the pulmonary alveoli. In addition, the mass of the respiratory muscles increases.

Blood acquires the ability to carry more oxygen by increasing the number of red blood cells and increasing hemoglobin. it also increases the level of adrenal cortex hormones - hormones of adaptation. in this regard, the blood of donors, climbers or people living high in the mountains, as well as preparations made from it, are of particular value for weakened patients.

Intensive training of the cardiovascular system is in progress, since the response to hypoxia is an increase in heart rate and cardiac output.

The content of myoglobin, a protein that provides oxygen reserves in the muscles, increases.

The overall energy level, which falls during aging or as a result of illness, rises significantly.

This happens, firstly, by increasing the activity of mitochondria. under normal conditions, some of these miniature "power plants" of the cell are in reserve. Secondly, by increasing the number of mitochondria, they begin to multiply. Thirdly, due to the "revitalization" of the ancient, oxygen-free energy exchange.

Dry fasting is practiced not only in all world religions, but also in many lesser known religions.

Mormon religion. Mormons abstain from food and drink on the first Sunday of every month and distribute food or money to those in need. The purpose of these actions is to draw closer to God and focus on the religious life. Some Mormons sometimes fast individually or in groups in order to ask God for help to guide them or influence the situation.

Bahá'í religion. During the 19th month of the Bahá'í calendar, which falls from March 1 to March 20, adherents of this religion abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset in order to focus on love of God and their spiritual life.

Paganism. Although dry fasting was not an obligatory religious norm among the pagans, many of them starved for purification or as a ritual performed during the vernal equinox, shamans with the help of dry fasting went into a trance to communicate with spirits. with the help of such fasting, the body was cleared of the burden of winter and prepared for the onset of the new season. Some pagans went hungry during the autumn and spring equinoxes, as well as during the winter and summer solstices, in order to tune their bodies and their lives in accordance with the cycles of nature and live in harmony with it.

Fasting and Spiritual Practices of the New Age

New spiritual practices, sometimes referred to as New Age religions, are in reality a mixture of various ancient traditions that are now given new life. Many people who consider themselves to be followers of the religions of the new century profess the philosophy of a more global or universal spiritual practice.

The religions of the world have a lot in common and, despite individual differences of opinion on some issues, many today believe that any religion is a search for truth, which is carried out in accordance with cultural traditions. in every religion and in every culture seeds of wisdom are laid, among the carriers of these cultures there are men and women with a special gift of vision, and each of these religions determines the main goals for a person, which include self-realization, the achievement of the unity of body, mind and spirit. The practice of fasting maximally contributes to the development of such sensory perception, and one might even say that fasting could become today one of the significant factors in the spiritual unity of people around the world if it were practiced by most people. Is it possible to find a better way to strengthen peace, equality and unity of people than general practice aimed at physical, mental and spiritual development.

Dry fasting has been a part of not only religious but also state practice in many cultures. Among the Chibcha Indians in Colombia, a person who was supposed to be promoted to the role of leader or monarch had to go through a long period of testing. during the preparation period, the future head of state should be deprived of earthly pleasures for a period of five years. during this period of time he had to live in isolation in a temple, where he was obliged to undergo dry fasting, while in the interval between fasting he was scourged and subjected to various deprivations and humiliations. Because the Indians believed that only a person who has experienced all the difficulties and hardships of life on himself is capable of performing an important state function. It seems that ancient cultures knew the secret of preparing statesmen, which was later lost. Needless to say, this was a practice of training statesmen, worthy of immediate borrowing, since the training of modern statesmen is based on opposite standards of education in vice, luxury, excesses and involvement in crime.

More than 100 years ago, one of the inhabitants of Silesia - Johann Schroth - developed a method of treating thirst. Thrifty, stingy Schroth, noticing that the horses were seriously ill and not recovering, decided to ride them until they die: at home he will strip off their skins and throw the carcasses into a landfill. and stopped feeding and even watering them. Apparently he was hard-hearted. Fortunately. The same principle: every cloud has a silver lining. If he had been sentimentally humane, he would have put the horses in the stable, fed them intensely, and they probably would have died. But Schroth decided to act cruelly. He rode for a day, two, three, and the uneaten and poorly fed horses not only did not die, but recovered. "Happy find!" - thought Schroth and decided to try such a cheap and convenient method of treatment on himself. The result is wonderful. He also recommended it to the neighbors. and ended with the emergence of an effective system of treatment, which thundered all over the world. It was then polished and refined for many years. The patients were given some very simple food, devoid of animal proteins. Hard-boiled porridge, stale rolls, crackers. No meat, no fish, no eggs, no dairy products, instead of water - one or two glasses a day of light homemade grape wine.

Modern naturopaths advise the same amount of vegetable or herbal juice instead of wine. You can decoction of edible herbs - coltsfoot, knotweed, plantain leaves, nettle, quinoa, dandelion roots and leaves, linden leaves, watercress, beet tops. And, of course, dill, parsley, celery. From time to time, some bitter herbs: wormwood, centaury. Daily or every other day - enemas. The patient lives in this way for weeks, feels some thirst, but gets rid of many diseases. Of course, this is a very relaxed version of dry fasting, but even this option gives results.

When I wrote this chapter, of course, I definitely wanted to tell you about the amazing legend about Count Cagliostro. According to some versions, Count Cagliostro was starving to prolong his own youth. And, based on some statements, during such fasting, he sprinkled himself with some kind of powder, which is why he suffered terribly. As a result of these sprinkles, his skin cracked and peeled off, like a snake. But after starvation, he looked 25 years old. Count Cagliostro performed such executions on himself every 50 years and demanded the same from his entourage.

Now it is difficult to separate truth from fiction in these legends. But from the standpoint of logic, everything is flawless here. on the one hand, dry forty-day fasting itself is a factor mobilizing internal reserves in the situation of the already mentioned over-patience. on the other hand, the powder (composition unknown), which the great magician sprinkled on himself, if it was not some kind of chemical reagent that promotes rejuvenation, then, by adding dryness to the body, this already contributed to mobilization even more than just with dry fasting, and therefore such the powder promoted better rejuvenation of the body. After all, during the days of famine, the count had to focus all his will on patience and thereby literally sweep out old age and decrepitude from the body, not to mention diseases, infections, harmful bacteria. This is what, most likely, is the solution to the mystery of the eternal youth of Count Cagliostro, who, according to some statements, lived for 5000 years, according to others - living forever. By the way, the count selected people who were kind, balanced and willing to also practice periodically, like the count himself, fasting. The starvation of Cagliostro and his associates was not some kind of end in itself, they were only a means to obtain excellent health, which in turn was necessary for a stormy, active life with feasts and feasts.

The most significant contribution for science to the study of experimental dry fasting was made by Professor V.V. Pashutin (1902) with his students. A student of the famous therapist of that time, Professor S.P. V.V. Botkina Pashutin, in the conditions of the military medical academy of tsarist Russia, did many experiments on starvation on various animals and, as a result, was able to formulate the physiological essence of the mechanisms of hunger. V.V. Pashutin first drew attention to the fact that in the first period of physiological starvation, rapid weight loss occurs. Then, literally in a few days, this weight loss, under equal physiological conditions, slows down significantly. The mechanisms that conserve energy or reduce weight loss were not clear at the time. However, it was found that the consumption of body proteins during this period is kept at a minimum level, while physiological cells, especially the cells of the nervous tissue, endocrine system, do not suffer.

As a result of going beyond the limits of physiological starvation in animals, a third stage occurs - this is no longer physiological starvation. during this period, there is a sharp decrease in body weight with depletion compensatory mechanisms a person and a fall in cardiac activity. The identification of three periods of complete starvation in mammals, including the first two physiological stages, gives reason to consider V.V. Pashutin was the founder of the theory of starvation, or endogenous nutrition. His experiments have not lost their significance to this day. It was in subsequent experiments on various living things that it was found that the first two physiological stages of starvation in different living beings have different periods, and it is due to these periods of hunger that life is extended in comparison with regularly eating individuals. for example, worms can thus prolong their life 19 times, mice 4 times, and highly developed large mammals - 1.5-2 times.

But even a hundred years ago, on the basis of long-term deep research, Academician V.V. Pashutin found out that during fasting, pathologically altered tissues are consumed. It is precisely the liberation of the body from old, sick, dead, weak, flabby, decaying cells and tissues that determines a powerful therapeutic effect for a wide variety of diseases. After all, healthy tissues not only do not suffer, but seem to be renewed, which causes the effect of rejuvenation, noted by everyone, and dry fasting is now considered one of the new methods of treatment. And yet this method was born at the dawn of mankind. Moreover, it can be confidently asserted that from the very beginning of the development of the forms of animal life that exist today, all representatives of the animal kingdom actively used it.

The most common pattern in all types of fasting is the use of "tissue reserves" (V.V. Pashutin) or, in the words of F. Benedict, the transition to "endogenous nutrition", that is, the use of energy and plastic substances released during the slow atrophy of a certain parts of the body's own tissues and structures.

Atrophic changes (simple atrophy) in various organs and tissues spread lacunarly, and their severity in general is proportional to the duration of fasting.

It has been established that during fasting there is a change in the direction of internal nutrition between the organs. The main proof of this position is the fact that by the time the animals die from hunger, extreme unevenness in the weight loss of various organs and tissues is found. The greatest losses are incurred by adipose tissue - 97% of the initial weight, liver and spleen - 53-60%, skeletal muscles - 30%, blood - 26%, kidneys - 25%, skin - 20%, intestines - 18%, bones - 13 %, the nervous system - 3.9%, the heart - 3.6%, the brain tissue practically does not lose its own weight. Thus, a pattern of exceptional importance was discovered: the expenditure of internal reserves by various organs and tissues is far from uniform - the more important an organ and tissue is for vital activity, the less they lose weight and vice versa, i.e., vital organs and tissues exist at the expense of secondary organs and tissues. A deep restructuring of metabolic processes during fasting is aimed at best use reserve substances, the maximum limitation of the needs of those organs and tissues that are of lesser importance for the preservation of life, and with the redistribution of substances from less to more vital important bodies there was a decrease in body weight loss; when feeding after repeated fasting, the animals reached a greater body weight, their tissues became denser in composition than before. A sharp increase in metabolic processes was also noted during feeding of animals after short-term repeated fasting. V.V. Pashutin notes the following: “The tissue of the nerve centers and sense organs abundantly use the reserves of other parts of the body, maintaining their weight status quo until the very last moments of starvation. The meaning of such a stable state of the neural device is clear. This apparatus is intended for the development special forces, with the help of which he controls the activity of almost all the elements of the body, and therefore it is natural that with such an important function of this apparatus, he does not have any other, so to speak, purely nutritious purposes, in the sense of supplying blood with one or another substance. "

Thus, the preservation of homeostasis during fasting in general outline comes down to maintaining the "hard constants" of the organism at a constant level by changing the "labile constants".

The works of domestic and foreign physiologists have confirmed the following: the amount of reserves that the body can use during starvation before the onset of complete exhaustion is 40–45% of its weight. It was also found that with complete starvation with a loss of body weight of up to 20-25% in the organs and tissues of animals, no irreversible pathological changes.

The above fact became the basis for dividing fasting into two types: dosed fasting and pathological fasting. With dosed fasting, that physiological stage of the process of depriving the body of nutrition is used when no pathological changes have yet occurred (reversible stage), and, therefore, it cannot at all be compared with forced prolonged fasting, leading to dystrophy or death (pathologically irreversible stage). Thus, dosed and pathological starvation are fundamentally different from each other.

Porfiry Ivanov was one of the founders of the unique healing system, part of which was dry fasting. at the very end of the nineteenth century, a boy was born into a mining family in Ukraine, whom his parents named Porfiry. He graduated from the four classes of the parish school and went to work. Until the age of 36, he lived an ordinary life, but he was constantly overwhelmed by the thought of how to help people live better, teach them not to get sick and not die so early. in 1934, he had a dream several times, from which he realized that a person can not fight the negative influences of nature, but learn to use them to his advantage. He began to carry out the first tempering experiments on himself - to walk without a hat, to walk barefoot all year round, then began to walk all year round without outer clothing, pouring himself cold water on him. Soon he developed phenomenal abilities - he could do without food and water for two weeks, could go under water in the sea for 2-3 hours in winter. To test himself, in only his underpants, he went into the steppe in a blizzard for several hours, ran hundreds of kilometers off-road, in winter he drove without clothes for several hours on a steam locomotive tender. During the occupation, the Germans buried him naked in the snow or drove him for hours on a motorcycle - he did not even have a runny nose.

In addition to health, he developed very strong psychic and bioenergetic abilities, which helped him to heal the most complex diseases, including long-term paralysis of the legs, psoriasis, ulcers, tuberculosis, stomach cancer and much more. He lived not in the best time for the manifestation of such extraordinary abilities - these were the years of the revolution, the terror of the Cheka, the Patriotic War, the subsequent years of the totalitarian rule of the Communist Party. He was arrested many times, spent 12 years in total in psychiatric hospitals, but this did not break him. He tried to get his ideas across to people through the press, but that was almost impossible in those years of tough administration. he had hundreds of followers to whom he passed on his knowledge. He died at the age of 85 in 1982.

Porfiry Ivanov called his teaching "Baby". The main ideas of the 12 points are outlined in his letter that he sent to many people. In addition, he kept notes-reflections in notebooks, some of which were published only in recent years.

What is the essence of P. Ivanov's teachings? He believed that a person had in vain cut himself off from nature, only in communication with it one can become a completely healthy person. “Nature is everything. it has air, water, earth - the three most important bodies, which all gave us at one fine time. " P. Ivanov's doctrine is simple and materialistic in form, but it takes into account the presence in the surrounding world of certain forces that help a person to live in communion with nature.

We are interested in what happens when we starve according to "Baby". Energetically, it turns out like this: during fasting, the body does not spend energy on neutralizing food and water. All energy goes to the destruction of dead cells from which it was formed connective tissue, adhesions, tumors, etc., and removing them from the body. Usually, when people are hungry, they have a headache, and then the feeling of hunger appears. According to medicine, if something hurts, then it is bad. So it is necessary to stop fasting, which is usually done by many. But it hurts because energy begins to flow there, violent processes take place there - restorative, but at first they go like destructive ones - which is why it hurts. When the headache ceases, the removal of toxins begins (some have a taste of blood in the mouth, bad breath). It goes all over the body, but the head feels it first. A small detail: you need to starve "dry", that is, do not drink a drop of water. We need water mainly for removing toxins. If we do not eat the food that the body fights against, which it neutralizes, then after a while we will freely tolerate the desire to drink water. We will not be thirsty. Our body fights especially strongly against food of animal origin and artificial products.

A day of dry fasting is roughly equivalent to three days of fasting with water. Bad breath during dry fasting appears at the end of the first day, and during "normal" fasting - at the end of the third day. We need to fast for 42 hours, that is, we must go to bed hungry, spend the whole next day hungry and the whole morning of the next day. Eat only on the third day at lunchtime. Fasting must be hard at first. Fasting once a week is for a small "Baby", and for a full "Baby" - three times a week. on Wednesday and Saturday 42 hours, and on added Monday 24 hours, that is, 108 hours a week. With a big "Baby" there is a three-fold cyclic cleansing of the body. What happens in the body on the so-called "eating days" of the week (Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday)? It remains to be assumed that these days are primarily associated with the accumulation of energy reserves. Then their distribution according to requests from each cell to chromosomes. Then, the metabolic processes are corrected, taking into account the allocated resources and the excess of the potential captured by the body is calculated, which causes the need for purification and allows it, in the previous life conditions, to acquire the skills and psychology of a new way of life without consumption and protection from any environmental conditions.

Working with the physical body

Being a person far from various kinds of spiritual quests, P. Ivanov focused on the work of hardening the physical body. “We don’t want to temper, we are in a constantly warm,“ liquefied ”state. As a result, diseases spread throughout our body, health declines, the heart weakens, consciousness fades away, and lack of will sets in. and no pills will help here, since the human body resembles a stagnant swamp. "

Its system includes daily walks or standing barefoot on the ground or on the snow, dousing your feet and then the whole body with cold water, a bath, bathing in cold natural water twice a day, dry fasting (without water) from Friday evening until 12 noon on Sunday. in his system there are no special exercises to warm up the body, but nevertheless people who adhere to it showed very good results in sports competitions. He did not give special dietary recommendations, with the exception of advice not to overeat, to avoid excess food. At one time, he and a group of followers went on a hunger strike four days a week, that is, 200 days a year. while everyone lived and worked as usual.

One of the important conditions was the requirement to immediately quit drinking and smoking. He himself helped to do this to those who did not succeed.

Some of his recommendations are clearly at odds with other health systems. For example, he recommended never spitting or expelling any phlegm, but swallowing it. He never cut his hair, because he believed that through it our brain receives additional nutrition.

Working with the energy body

A very large part of the system is aimed at strengthening just the energy body. Daily dousing with cold water from a bucket on the street in any weather is a powerful energy shake-up of the body, during which all foreign energy (evil eye, damage) flies out of it and the natural defense system of a person is restored.

P. Ivanov paid great attention to breathing. He recommended taking three deep breaths of fresh air every day, morning and evening. Moreover, the air had to be mentally pulled through the larynx from upper layers atmosphere. P. Ivanov knew that the air contains energy that gives us life: "In the air that surrounds a person, there is food - this is ether, moving with air and penetrating through into the human body." He himself knew how to use this energy and taught it to others.

Working with the emotional and mental bodies

P. Ivanov understood perfectly well that if a person is overwhelmed with negative thoughts and emotions, then it is unlikely that he can claim good health. in his notes and conversations, he set out those moral and moral standards by which a person should be guided. He taught: “Help people with whatever you can, especially the poor, the sick, the offended, the needy. Do it with joy. Respond to his need with heart and soul. You will make a friend in him! Conquer greed, laziness, complacency, money-grubbing, fear, hypocrisy, pride in yourself. Trust people and love them. Do not speak unfairly about them or take unkind opinions of them to heart. Free your head from thoughts of illness, ailment, death. This is your victory. " As you can see, these lines contain wonderful thoughts, and if all people followed them, then our world would be somewhat different. P. Ivanov himself appears in them as a huge enthusiast and incorrigible romantic who believes that people can improve and live in unity with nature.

Pros and cons of P. Ivanov's system

The conditional advantages of P. Ivanov's system include the fact that it is very simple and contains recommendations that are clear to everyone. It is very far from the philosophical bells and whistles of eastern health-improving systems, and this is understandable. P. Ivanov himself had only primary education, although he was engaged in self-education. He lived in a purely materialistic country in a very difficult time, communicated mainly with workers and employees, and his methodology is focused specifically on this segment of the population. If he was born earlier or later, or in another country, then with his superpowers for healing the sick, he could become the spiritual leader of a much larger group of the population. But, apparently, he was destined to go exactly his own way.

The conditional disadvantages of P. Ivanov's health improvement system can be attributed to its orientation towards a rural lifestyle. A resident of a modern city, even who wants to walk barefoot on the ground every day and douse himself with cold water, will not be easy at all. it is difficult to find a place in the city where one can safely walk barefoot. And the circus with water pouring on the street, most likely, will gather all the surrounding residents. And the mode of operation from morning to evening leaves little room for this procedure. Of course, you can do this on weekends, but the system provides for daily douches. A cold shower remains, but this is a completely different procedure. And the system itself is focused on people with a strong spirit. Not every person will dare to fulfill all the requirements of the system as a whole. But those who find the strength to do this will get a wonderful result.

In our time, the greatest contribution to the development of the dry fasting method was made by L.A. Shchennikov ("Healing abstinence from liquids and food") and V.P. Lavrov. ("Dry cascade fasting"). I have tried to describe these methods more clearly.

About the method of healing abstinence L.A. Shchennikov is known firsthand in many cities, not only in Russia, but also abroad.

L.A. Shchennikov is a professor of alternative medicine, a naturopath, and a folk healer. For 30 years, it has been proving the high effectiveness of healing abstinence at the cellular level of the body, which is confirmed by the results of experiments of scientific research and medical institutes, as well as reviews of the followers of this technique and simply people who have embarked on the path of self-healing and self-knowledge and have acquired health and a new quality of perception of being.

Healing abstinence is a systematic method for healing various diseases and spiritual development. The uniqueness of the method of healing abstinence is not only that it is available to everyone, but also that it reveals the secrets of existence and health up to IMMORTALITY, which science and religion have been discussing for many centuries.

In the new millennium, this work will indisputably help on the path to health, development and improvement and will open up new horizons for a person for possible realization in life. How to get rid of ailments, to know yourself? How to harmonize body, spirit and mind? The author opens up new facets of answers to these and other questions of interest to readers. This extraordinary person with full responsibility claims that our health and life depend only on ourselves, that incurable diseases do not exist, and urges everyone not to believe, but to check these words!

For example, here's how L.A.'s patients respond. Shchennikov, who invented the method of complete dry fasting (Patent No. 2028160 for an invention called "Method of body rehabilitation"). He was issued a special certificate for the right to act as a bioenergy therapist No. 1068.

A resident of the Stavropol Territory O. suffered from stomach ulcers and metabolic disorders. He fasted for 10 days and forgot about his sores. in Crimea, patient Y. had a whole bunch of diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver. He kept a dry fast for 10 days, and after another 10 days he went to work. Muscovite G. from childhood suffered from bone tuberculosis and asthma. Starved for 11 days and recovered completely. Mother and son of Krasnodar Territory passed the course of dry hunger for the second time. After the first one, the son felt much better, although one cannot envy his diagnosis and suffering. in the certificate issued by the regional hospital, it is written in black and white: leukemia, lymphosarcoma. The mother shed many tears, hiding the unfortunate piece of paper from her son. But you cannot hide grief, especially since our doctors do not burden themselves with ethics in relations with seriously ill patients. With his own ears, Sergei heard the nurse say to her friend about him: "He is still young, but already a walking corpse." How much chemistry was poured into the son, how many spinal punctures were performed, it is difficult to count. Doses of drugs could have killed a bull. The son had difficulty getting from bed to toilet and back. Increasingly, thoughts of suicide were visited. The body was shaking and pounding, then the bones became fragile and sharp. the doctors' verdict pounded in my head: not a tenant. The first time Sergei managed to hold out without food and water for a short time, but the results shocked even the doctors. The blood counts improved dramatically, and the body became strong. After a month, the course of hunger was repeated. To support her son, the mother herself starved with him. Fasting was not easy, and at times it was simply excruciating. But the effect comes instantly without any drugs and operations. The son, who used to be afraid of weak drafts, now bathes in icy water. On a power meter, he squeezes 45 kg with his right and left hands. He does not remember the pills, he became mobile, he became interested in life.

A resident of Kislovodsk D. is on the second group of disability. During the fast, she cried at night out of self-pity and also prayed. But after that I experienced mental relief - lightness in the body, reduced the intake of potent drugs, and the pressure stabilized. After the “psychological shell” - the culprit of her ill health - disappeared and she changed into a qualitatively different personality, the world appeared before her completely different. “You know, I even felt a new attitude towards life in general,” she says. - It seems that the sun is shining brighter, and the foliage is greener, and some kind of delightful air ... "

He himself tells how Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov came to the dry fasting technique.

From an early age, I thought about what life is? One lives 70–80 years, the other - 100. So, the secret of longevity is hidden somewhere? I decided to figure it out myself. Studied anatomy, worked in a hospital, was fond of homeopathy, absorbed folk wisdom... in 1971 he decided to go on the path of self-knowledge. I decided to live by the principle - the worse the better. Every day I accustomed my body to cold and my stomach to hunger. In the morning, in winter and in summer, regardless of the weather, I pour cold water on my body. I got used to starving without liquid after 3 days on the fourth. Then 5 days in a row. in March 1981 he fasted for the first time 10 days without liquid. He received moisture from the air at night, and during the day assimilated it through the skin, periodically sitting in the water like a frog. Lost 20 kg of weight, recovered in a week. I got so young that people didn't recognize me. The longest fasting I survived lasted 18 days, which is more than the world record entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

And here is a description of dry cascade fasting by the author himself - contactee Valentina Lavrova (from the book "Keys to the Secrets of Life"):

The era of immortality without plant-based diets and starvation cannot be pulled by anyone, not even God. And, as he put it, he himself will lead his people to living springs, that is, he will personally monitor the prevention of health. One of the methods of such prevention is cascade fasting. It is good for beginners and experienced ones. First, you need to understand this rule: before you start fasting, it is better to sit on a plant-based diet for several days, not eating any protein foods of animal origin. Exclude fish too. Food should be purely plant-based, as Lent advises. Even without any fasting, if you often sit on such diets, straighten a lot in your body. Especially well cleaned vessels of porridge, boiled in water and without oil, even vegetable. v a large number it is also harmful. Why else should you use vegetable diets along with fasting for 30, 60 days? One does not go without the other. So that hungry genes don't develop. And they can develop, and then your starvation will not save you. Eat a lot. There will be no use from them, only harm, in addition, fear will appear. Stop after one or two tests. So everything should be integrated.

The first stage of cascade fasting. Cascade fasting is performed without water. The first step is to master the first step. Day in a day. What does it mean? You will have to eat for some time in a day. no water is consumed on a hungry day. But before this day, you should get drunk. You can stay on such a cascade for as long as you like. It can be combined with a plant-based diet. Even if you hold out for a month, you get 15 days of fasting.

The second stage of cascade fasting will require you to eat two days after two, etc. Also, on hungry days, do not drink water. But here the golden rule must already be fulfilled. How to get out of fasting? After these two days, you should drink water, then after a couple of hours start eating with kefir. Food should be protein, but not vegetable, that is, they should eat their kefir without bread. A couple of hours after taking kefir, you can eat everything. Why can't you eat bread, vegetables, fruits right away? The pancreas is worth it. This organ is inert, it is difficult to work, it will not cope with the supply of insulin into the blood at once in such a volume. Therefore, you do not need to download it. Better gradually. If you do not take this into account after fasting, it is better not to exercise. You can undermine the work of the pancreas. If there is no kefir at home, you can drink boiled milk or, at worst, fish broth; milk can be replaced with sour milk, fish broth - with chicken, but everything should be cooked without vegetables. and no bread. I have endless respect for Paul Bragg, but I cannot agree with him about getting out of starvation. He advises a way out of fasting on diluted juices, I protest this and think that this is fundamentally wrong and even harmful.

Let's think together. A child is born and goes out for milk, for protein food. Any mammal does the same. The non-nourishing organism of the newborn immediately accepts this food. Okay, let's turn to the birds. Parents begin to carry their chicks also protein food. and they will never bring them any berries or seeds; by nature, at first, they are not supposed to. You can turn to animal hunger strikes. In winter, predators go hungry for a long time, that's okay. They'll start right away with protein foods. But as for herbivores, there is no pure hunger. At least a blade of grass, at least a blade of grass, at least a piece of a twig, will fall into the mouth, that is, the work of the pancreas practically does not stop. Well, how to explain the bear's hibernation? The animal can eat both plant and animal food. Everything is also explained simply. Before going into hibernation, the bear stuffs its belly with aspen bark. Bitter, bactericidal, it remains there throughout the winter. Vegetable product. The pancreas does not go out of operation, it is always ready.

The third stage of cascade fasting. Three days after three, etc. The same thing, do not drink or eat for three days, then eat for three days, and again do not drink or eat for three days, etc. How much you can endure and you have enough strength. The way out of starvation is the same. Three days are difficult to survive without water. This is where the tests of the spirit begin. Already thirsty. See, observe the golden rule for getting out of fasting. Cleansing enemas do not need to be done. If you do everything correctly, the stomach will clear itself. But if you drink water, then enemas may be needed. They are not required for dry fasting.

The fourth stage of cascade fasting. Four days after four, etc. Everything is exactly the same. Do not eat or drink. It is getting harder and harder to endure, thirsty. The way out of starvation is the same. You don't need enemas if you don't drink water. But if you can't stand it and get drunk, then you will need it. In this case, constipation is possible. This is already a difficult period, ponds, wells, spring water will be imagined. The skin may come off the lips and gums, the mouth dries up.

The fifth step of cascade fasting. The last one. Five days after five, etc. Everything is exactly the same as described above. The way out of starvation is the same. These are the most difficult days. It is impossible to sleep. I want fresh air. The body exudes an unpleasant odor. all crystals flow in the body. The pores of the body are opened, through them what would never have been thrown out by the kidneys is removed. It is difficult to speak, the mouth dries up. I don't feel like eating, just drinking. Remember the golden rule. Initially, water and only after 2 hours kefir. Only protein, light and liquid foods. and only after 2 hours after that, you can carefully, little by little there is everything else. Don't overdo your food. After three, four and five days of fasting, you need to start eating little by little.

Do not start with the fifth step, fourth or third, it is impractical and even harmful. Master the first and second first. If you devote a month to such fasting, then at any of these stages you will get an equal number of hungry days. within 30 days - five days after five - you will still gain 15 days of fasting, just as if you were fasting a day every other day.

There is one more important circumstance. During hungry days, it is better not to wash, not to wash, not to brush your teeth - in short, no contact with water. This is necessary in order not to give water to any parts of the body and so that the cells, in contact with water, do not feed on it. Otherwise, these places will not be updated and repaired. It is difficult, of course, to resist not to get your hands wet. All sorts of chores around the house, washing dishes, etc., but then the skin of the hands will not be renewed, choose one of the two.

You may not succeed in the fourth or fifth step, do not despair. After repeated attempts, it will definitely work. and remember one more thing. After fasting, do not drink carbonated drinks, only the water is clean and better cool.

With the correct exit from fasting, this method is harmless to the body. with a full-fledged diet at the fifth pillar, you can, if you wish, return from retirement age to your twenty years. Difficult, but the one who does not fly is not an eagle.

On the cascade, 5 days after 5, any diseases can be treated. and there is no such disease that it is not treated in this way. AIDS, cancer and diabetes are all cured. All infectious, venereal diseases are also treated. If necessary, you can use this method to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. If everything is according to the rules, there is nothing sinful here. Each person should regulate the birth of children. Their number, time of birth play an important role for us. Even the gods regulated fertility. But you need to do this in the first or second month of pregnancy. and if you have already begun, then bring it to the end. and remember that fasting for 5 days after 5 with water will not give the desired result. Only without water. in ancient times this method was widely used in the countries of South Asia, but then for some reason it was forgotten.

Absolute restriction from food and water (absolute starvation) began to be used in clinical practice only in recent years (V.A.Zakharov - 1990, I.E.Khoroshilov - 1994), although the advisability of restricting water during complete starvation the pathophysiologist V.V. Pashutin. (1902), M.I. Pevzner. (1958) The "dry fasting" method is scientifically substantiated. The Leningrad Research Institute of Pulmonology has issued guidelines for the treatment of dry fasting of pulmonary diseases.

A clinical experiment conducted in the mid-90s on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy showed that absolute curative fasting (without food and water) has serious prospects in terms of treating cancer and severe immunodeficiencies. With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids. This technique is used according to very strict indications, when the vital force in a cancer patient is sufficiently preserved, and it is desirable to use it in the initial stages of the disease, because when detoxifying the body, it is necessary to have reserves for its restoration. Otherwise, excessive stress for the body arises - fasting can weaken the remaining energy of the body and speed up the sad ending, especially after chemotherapy, radiation or in the presence of concomitant diseases.

Interesting information about dry fasting

European illusionists are undoubtedly talented and inventive, but they are still far from Indian yogis and fakirs. A resident of the Indian subcontinent has puzzled modern medicine - this person has not eaten or drunk anything for 68 years, and at the same time looks great. To dispel all the doubts of critics, the yogi agreed to a medical examination and round-the-clock surveillance of television cameras. Pralad Jani has been living on a sinful earth for 76 years, and 68 of them does not take food and water. at the age of eight, Pralad had a vision of a goddess who blessed the boy. since then he has been living in a cave, constantly being in a state which in Hinduism is called samadhi. Naturally, the newly appeared saint has a mass of adherents who make pilgrimages to his cave. Along with the believers, there were also critics who are sure that a person cannot live without food and water. Then the saint decided to undergo a medical examination, which was carried out at Sterlig Hospital in Ahmedabad. video cameras were installed in the saint's chamber, which capture every movement of an unusual patient. All the time during the experiment, the fakir does not take a shower, so that he is not accused of drinking water. The only liquid that is brought to him is 100 ml of water used for rinsing his mouth. The fakir takes water into his mouth, rinses his mouth, and then spits it out into a special bowl with weights, which marks the amount of water spat out.

Doctors conducted a thorough analysis of their patient's medical condition and concluded that his body was functioning perfectly normal. no disease or organ dysfunction was found in Pralada Jani. Despite her advanced age, Jani is in excellent physical shape. True, he does not produce feces at all. According to doctors, literally a few drops of urine regularly appear in the patient's body, which accumulate in the bladder and then are absorbed by the walls. During the entire observation period, the saint never once used the toilet. The experiment lasted ten days, but no changes were noticed in the subject's state of health. Obviously, this way of life is really familiar to him. The mental state of Pralada Jani was also recognized by doctors as completely normal. He thinks sensibly, does not get nervous, does not get irritated and is always complacent. Doctors cannot explain in any way the phenomenon that they happened to observe.

A delegation of European scientists is sent to Nepal to investigate a unique phenomenon, which some call almost the reincarnation of Buddha. Fifteen-year-old boy Rama Bahadur Banjan has been without food or water for six months now and has been meditating in the shade of a tree. Scientists say this is impossible, but no one has yet been able to prove the fact of deception. The place where Rama Bahadur sits has become a place of mass pilgrimage.

Our mountaineering instructors told me a very interesting story about the unique man "Berendey". Before the ascent, an outlandish grandfather with a thick white beard appeared in the climbers' camp. The group was preparing to go to Belukha, the highest peak of Altai - 4506 meters. Grandfather asked the climbers to take him with them! From the surprise, the men were speechless. And then they explained to Berendey that the Belukha area was avalanche-prone, and he had no equipment. Well, they couldn’t tell him bluntly and rudely: “What are you, grandfather, have you lost your mind? What did you aim at? So it's easy to climb the Belukha itself! " Nevertheless, Berendey was seriously offended by the climbers and, alone, without equipment, as he was, in rubber boots, went upstairs even before the group set out on the route. One climbed to Belukha, left a note there according to the rules and went back down to the camp, and without the "crampons" and ropes. After this ascent of the strange alien, the climbers could not come to their senses for a long time, thinking about what had happened. Grandfather "ran" to the top, which required a high climbing technique, as if for a walk, and returned unharmed. Who is he?

It was the traveler Pyotr Grigorievich Nikitin. True, he prefers the status of a wanderer. This fall, Pyotr Nikitin left Moscow (on a bicycle), heading for Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. For a long time he "stuck" under Medvezhyegorsk, studying petroglyphs and other monuments of ancient culture, as well as the healing properties of minerals, collected shungite and even bathed in a quarry with shungite water. and sat back in the saddle of the bicycle. I arrived in Kandalaksha, pitched a tent in a pine forest near the city, spent the night, and in the morning went to get acquainted with the northerners.

Very interesting nature in the North! - the wanderer admires. He was especially attracted by the mystery of the Seids - the sacred stones of the tundra.

The ancient Slavs also had their own sacred stones - family, ancestral. Our ancestors turned to them for help, and they materialized these requests, - says Pyotr Nikitin and edifyingly notes: - You need to know your roots! The wanderer Nikitin sees his spiritual mission in making the world around him kinder and more just, and the purpose of his travels is to achieve harmony of spirit and body, that level of consciousness in which there is unity between God, man and nature.

Petr Grigorievich does not forget about his mission. In the forest near Kandalaksha, armed with a chisel, he gouged the commandments of the ancient Slavic god Svarog on a huge boulder, and left a charm at the stream. Then he continued his journey to Monchegorsk and Polyarnye Zori, and then to Murmansk. the restless traveler drove into the capital of the Arctic region on his well-worn bicycle in the evening. I set up my tent again in the hills outside the city, and in the morning I went to get acquainted with him. I also found a place to live. While I was waiting for the opening of a visa to Finland, I not only got acquainted with Murmansk, but also held numerous meetings with the townspeople. He especially enjoys meeting young people. Peter Nikitin is an active propagandist healthy way life. - Healthy, not healthy. I insist on this, - the traveler corrects. - the ancient Slavs had a wonderful word "health".

Pyotr Nikitin at first aroused the curiosity of those around him with an unusual appearance. The white-bearded grandfather in a shirt with Slavic symbols embroidered on it and belted with a sash looked like a forester. He spoke to students of a technical university, in other educational institutions, clubs, creative associations, and even bathed in Lake Semyonovskoye with polar walruses.

Good water! - Pyotr Grigorievich responded approvingly about bathing. “I did the impossible with God's help,” he recalls his ascents, especially the first one, the very one, to Belukha.

Visited Krasnoyarsk Pillars and the Alps. in the Himalayas climbed a seven-thousander. Usually he travels by bike and on foot. He traveled through the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. The foreign travels of the Russian wanderer are Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, China, Tibet, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia ... He advised that he did not get to India, although he had a visa.

It is proud that it has already twice encircled the globe along the equator. the traveler's plump album contains pictures from different parts of the planet. Nikitin is filmed now with Tibetan monks in orange robes, now under the hot tropical sun on the ocean coast, now on the glaciers of the Himalayas. There is Kamchatka and Baikal. In Kamchatka, the restless Petr Grigorievich visited five volcanoes, and had to communicate closely with bears, who feel at ease in these wild places.

He also rides a Soviet-made bicycle. He is silent about age. Or he says: "The soul has no age!" Strong and lean, the traveler in one look already changes the idea of ​​the inevitable decrepitude in old age. He ran marathons, participated in peace marches, became a follower of the Porfiry Ivanov system.

For almost fifteen years he has not eaten meat or fish. in Gorny Altai he starved for forty days, like Jesus Christ in the desert, and the dry fasting lasted fifteen days. and now I am sure that if a person survives sixty days of fasting, he will be able to live for years without food. in one of his travels in the Urals, Nikitin met a woman who has been without food for five years. Adherents of "solar food" (those who do not eat at all, but claim that they take energy from sunlight) - and there are several thousand of them - gather at their forums in Australia. But Peter Grigorievich has not yet reached Australia.

Extreme physical and psychological stress seems to have become the norm for the Russian wanderer. He walks barefoot in snow, hot coals and broken glass.

Nothing is impossible for me! - says Nikitin.

On his travels, he got into such bindings that he miraculously remained alive. Was under avalanches and rockfalls, once came across bandits who crippled him. But nevertheless, kind people met him everywhere, in all countries. The Russian wanderer Nikitin is sure that very bad things will not happen to him, because he tries to live according to his conscience and does not reject God.

The traveler earnestly tries to return to the origins, takes on the road the ancient Slavic Vedas. Calls himself an Orthodox person... True, in the wanderer's worldview, Marxism-Leninism, Eastern philosophy, the Roerichs' Living Ethics, the Theosophy of Helena Blavatsky, the Vedas of the ancient Slavs, oddly coexist. Nikitin's interest in pre-Christian Russia made him learn Old Slavic. Peter Grigorievich also speaks German and a little English. Has two higher educations. The profession of a mechanical engineer often helps him along the way.

The family of the restless traveler lives in Kazakhstan. he has eight children, six grandchildren, and will soon have a seventh.

He recalls, again returning to the origins, that the family of the ancient Slavs was considered complete if sixteen children grew up in it. In order for a strong, viable generation to grow up in Russia, we need a healthy family without bad habits, observance of God's commandments.

Nikitin could not resist reproaching the fair sex, who, in his opinion, had changed the feminine essence:

A woman must definitely braid her braids - all the power is in them! Yes, and wear a dress, not trousers, as is now customary.

After long wanderings, Pyotr Grigorievich returns to his family, but not for long, to hit the road again. As if some unknown force pulls him out of the house.

I am a wanderer, - Nikitin emphasizes again. - and the place of residence does not play any role for me.

For Peter Nikitin, nothing is really impossible. His home is the Earth.

The woman who doesn't eat

Not at all for reproach to others, not at all in order to save money or from lack of food. Zinaida Grigorievna Baranova refused to eat and drink and for two and a half years has been fed only with the holy spirit, the sun, oxygen and nothing else. In other words, I switched to energy nutrition (which I will discuss in detail later on). And, despite all the laws of physics and biology familiar to our consciousness, not only does she not die or faint, but she is also happy, sings songs and dances in the company of her friends. And, what is most paradoxical, she does not lose weight at all, and her health is much better than ours. But what distinguishes her from a normally eating person is the dazzling glow that emanates from her body, and complete calmness at the expense of her “belly”. Agree, one of the most important and pleasant events for an ordinary person is eating, or at least tea, and there is nothing to replace such pleasure. Believe it or not, Zinochka (as her close people call her) is very happy with the changes that have happened to her. The miracles that occur to her do not seem to be miracles at all - we, the dark ones, have not heard of such things, and Zinaida Grigorievna knows several thousand such people, they are called sun-eaters. In the West they know about such people, they arrange conferences with them, and materialist scientists are trying to take this phenomenon with pressure. But pressure does not succeed, because the matter smacks of mysticism and interaction with higher entities. Having learned about such an unusual person, I, just like you, probably rightly developed a healthy protective feeling of distrust and anticipation of contact with incredible secret knowledge. I was driving to a meeting and expected to see something - either a mummy, or a yoga mystic, emaciated and darkened. Further, my imagination did not fly away. and what - a very benevolent, smiling, pretty, rosy-cheeked and slightly plump woman with a clear and clear voice floated out to meet me. She took my hands, frozen from the street, in her warm and soft, and it seemed to me that it was me who had been starving for a long time, and she ate and drank. And something that I don't even know about, such strength and energy came from her handshake. I convey our conversation without hiding or transforming anything from you. And anticipating it, I want to assure you of the authenticity of this situation. The surrounding people confirmed: Zinochka sits with them at the same table, but never eats or drinks, and many love to invite her for this, they say, no loss. In addition, having arrived at the conference where the Maitreya Society, to which Zinaida Grigorievna belongs, gathered, I lived side by side with her for several days and I can say that she was not seen in food or drink. So let's move on to the conversation. - Zinochka, is it true that you have not eaten or drunk anything for two and a half years? How could this happen to an ordinary common man?

The following examples have been recorded in history: I am not the first and, for sure, not the last. Now there are more and more people in the world who, with their unique qualities, prove that human capabilities are unlimited. In March 2001, newspapers reported that Australian Jazz Mahina had been living without food for 7 years. She drives around different countries, conducts seminars and this year was in Poland. One of our friends traveled to Poland, met with her and invited her to Russia in 2003. She promised to come. she has a website on the Internet, she conducts seminars and teaches not so much about how not to eat. The essence of her seminars is the establishment of unity with God. Only then, when he enters such a state, a person can go further, led by teachers. As it is said in Agni Yoga, the student is ready and the teacher is ready for him. and the teacher will come and help. For example, I did not set myself the goal of living like that.

How did this happen? how did it start? - This is a rather lengthy process. Before that, I was in very poor health.

Disability of the 2nd group for cardiovascular diseases. The reasons for this were different, including the death of my 18-year-old son in 1980. I had only one way out - to look for unconventional ways of healing. At that time, healing was already beginning to develop, but I did not go to any healers, I just started looking at health-improving literature, including Malakhov's book “Help Yourself”. I bought its 1st volume and, based on his recommendations, I cleansed the body: intestines, liver, lymph nodes, joints. She underwent urine therapy - treatment with steamed urine. during the same period I was engaged in physical labor in the foothills of the Caucasus: I mowed, and weeded, and dug, and built. Alone, no helpers. My health began to improve, but in addition I began to read a lot of spiritual literature. I started with the Bhagavad Gita, oddly enough, I understood for myself what God is

That this is the highest energy. I bought the Gospel. Alternating between physical work and reading, I read it several times, emphasizing each time some new points. I read Klizovsky, Agni yoga, and other literature. - How did it happen that you refused food?

I am telling you the background, I mark the stages of spiritual development. First, submission to the will of God. It is very important to establish balance within. Then - a conscious attitude to the state of transmutation. You heard that word, right? It is conscious, with confidence in the highest leadership, no matter what happens. Further - living according to the commandments of God, it also means a lot. and a desire to help people: I wanted to tell, explain what I knew to people. Then I prayed:

"Lord, help me in meeting like-minded people." Suddenly I received an invitation to St. Petersburg, where I met the leaders and books of the School of Transformation. and I helped to get acquainted with these books here, talked about what I learned. and so imperceptibly I embarked on the path of serving people. I was already a pensioner, and it was not difficult for me to find time for this, but financially it was possible - the trips were not so expensive. Since April 1996, there have been meetings 2 times a year, I was at everyone, brought materials, told people what they were talking about. I had a small club in my apartment - there was a physical cleansing, spiritual cleansing and balancing of the chakras, an intensification of the transmutation process. What does it mean that a person can not eat for a long time? He must necessarily have a connection between his energy centers, his microcosm with the macrocosm. There will be no overflow of energies - nothing will come of it. Such things are not done by an effort of will. At a subtle level, the lungs were transformed to provide the body with moisture from the air.

How did you understand what processes are taking place in your body?

I am a biochemist by training. She taught at the institute for 20 years. and if this topic is discussed with my colleagues, then with a purely materialistic approach such things are impossible to understand. I felt how my body and mind were controlled from above by our spiritual teachers. They told me that I could do this so that I would not be afraid of anything and boldly follow what I hear.

Every second I felt care, attentive control and constant connection with higher powers, otherwise all this could not happen to me. In order to feed on the energy of space, it is necessary for the subtle centers to work, which are responsible for the perception of prana from space. At first I switched to such food: nettles, dandelions, currant leaves, juices, and all this - in very small quantities. When the restructuring of the energy centers took place, I heard the recommendation: "Now try without food." I obeyed and stopped eating. - and you didn't want to? - Not. I felt good. - Are you surprised? - I, on the contrary, was very happy, because it was the pre-Easter period, and I was happy with such a cleansing. I thought: "Thank God, we do not eat." - And you were allowed to drink? - Yes, at that time I was still drinking. After 23 days, the recommendation followed: "Now try without water." - I would be scared to follow such recommendations ... - I felt care and love and refused water. - How quickly did you lose weight? How many kilos have you lost? - I lost weight very slowly. My weight was about 90 kilograms, and now I weigh 73, but the process of losing weight has completely stopped. For a year and a half, my weight has not changed. - How much do you no longer eat or drink? - Two years six months.

And when you watch others eat, how do you feel? - To your health, bon appetit. When children and grandchildren come to me, I can cook something for them. - Probably, it was a real shock for the relatives? - Not only for relatives. - And when it's hot and everyone needs to drink a lot? - My body works in a completely different way. I feel full of abundance in everything. Sometimes I can just rinse my mouth out. - A person eats and drinks about two hours a day. It gives him great pleasure. To replace this pleasure, he needs to offer something more "tasty"? - This is the energy that I feed on. And food is just attachment. On my example, the Teachers of Light prove that something else is possible.

This is not fasting or dry fasting. Water enters the body, but in a completely different way. As the Bulgarian healer Ivan Todorov explained to me, there are insects that build cone-shaped structures in the desert. in them at the very top there is a depression where a drop of moisture is stored, which they have enough during a drought. These are roughly the structures he saw in my lungs. There is a condensation of moisture in the lungs, and the lungs then send it into the blood. I sweat normally if it's hot, and salivate and urine.

How do ordinary doctors feel about this phenomenon? - No way. They don't believe it. They say that an examination is necessary, and have already tried to conduct it many times, but I am not interested in wasting time and effort on this. Disbelief is their problem. - For what purpose was this done with you?

Each of us is a unique space laboratory. We all go through an individual path of transformation and this is one of the paths. Now is the time when the sky descends to Earth. Helena Roerich, Ivanov and other teachers warned about this. - Did something change after that in your spiritual development, or did you feel only physical changes?

"... everything from a cow is pure." (Vedas) Over time, when the body rebuilds completely to endogenous respiration, it will be possible to switch to endogenous nutrition. The body will choose the necessary substances from the air. There are people like that, who do not eat anything solid, already now!

Sun eaters

Years without poppy dewdrops in your mouth. Sun eaters are people who, by their own conviction, decided to refuse to eat food through the stomach. They claim that they feed on the energy of sunlight, which they take through the skin. for several years such people did not even have poppy dewdrops in their mouths. Despite this, they do not look emaciated or thin, but on the contrary, full of strength and energy. Among them, in particular, the Indian Manek, who did not eat or drink for more than a year and was under the supervision of amazed doctors, the Australian Jasmahin, who abstains from food for more than 8 years (!!!), and the Russian researcher Alexander Komarov. His record is two years. Every day a person is obliged to allocate considerable time for cooking and eating. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even an afternoon snack or late snack. Foodies and eternally dissatisfied people do not count the meal wasted time, for them it is a favorite pastime, and they look forward to an hour of food. Someone has calculated that a person eats on average about 100 tons of food during his life! Imagine how much money you can save by not buying food!

We are used to hearing about people who arrange fasting days for themselves or engage in prolonged fasting. Some do not eat for three, seven or even 21 days in a row, while they do not deny themselves the intake of water and must stimulate bowel cleansing. When we are told about those who do not eat or drink for months or even years, we regard it as something from the realm of fantasy, mysticism, or as the privilege of special enlightened personalities.

So, on New Year's Eve 2001, The Times of India wrote about an incredible incident. 64-year-old mechanical engineer Hira Ratan Manek has been without food for a year. During all this time, he has not swallowed a crumb of bread and drinks only boiled water. The Indian feeds on ... the energy of the sun. As Manek himself explains, people live mainly on secondary solar energy, which plants, vegetables and fruits used before them. We are required to learn how to absorb solar energy directly, from its primary source.

This case is by no means a hoax, but a fact officially confirmed by the doctors of the Institute of Multipurpose Therapy at the International Health Center (Ahmedabad), as well as by the specialists of the Jain Association of Physicians, who began to monitor the health of the sun-eater two days before the start of the hunger strike. The experiment lasted for a total of 411 days. during all this time, the mechanical engineer did not take even poppy dewdrops in his mouth.

It turns out that the hunger strike of an Indian engineer is far from the only case... in Australia, in Queensland, another living legend lives - a 47-year-old intelligent and educated woman who calls herself Jasmahin. for 20 years she has been a vegetarian, and since 1993, that is for more than 8 years, she has not eaten any food at all! She, like an Indian, assures that she feeds on the energy of sunlight, assimilating it through prana, or “ life breath", Which, according to the beliefs of Hinduism, is the bearer of the principle of life.

Russia in this regard is no exception; it is also rich in phenomenal personalities. The Interfax TIME correspondent met the researcher Alexander KOMAROV, who developed his own method of abstaining from food through the stomach and for two years took only 100 grams of food every four days. At the same time, A. Komarov does not at all look emaciated, emaciated or excessively thin. According to him, he feels great and is full of energy. - Alexander Viktorovich, does not abstaining from ordinary food contradict human physiology? - No way. On the contrary, the amount in which a modern man eats is alien to his physiology. in humans, there are three types of food: through the skin, lungs and stomach. at present, the main type of food is eating through the stomach, then food through the lungs and only in the last place is food through the skin. But this is fundamentally wrong. Since ancient times, the main type of human nutrition has been the assimilation of food or substances from the outside through skin covering , additionally - through the lungs and only last - through the stomach. Compare people who eat very little and a lot. It is well known that in gluttons, the organs of the digestive tract are strongly stretched, thickened and deformed. But, despite all the abundance of food eaten, the body absorbs only about 1.5% of the food consumed, the rest is excreted in the form of feces or is a waste that settles in the body. in maloles, the digestive organs decrease, become straighter, and the eaten food is removed from the intestines within 15–20 minutes. In fact, a person must take food through the stomach in very small quantities, and it can be achieved that all of its amount is completely absorbed by the body. - What is nutrition through the lungs and skin? - Nutrition through the lungs is the absorption of substances from the air that are necessary to cleanse our body. Since we introduce a lot of foreign substances through the stomach, the body's system tries to remove them. Inhaled oxygen enters the bloodstream and burns unnecessary substances, and their "corpses" are removed thanks to the red blood cells produced by the spinal cord. If the body were absolutely free of toxins, then, ideally, the production of red cells completely stopped, and human blood was only lymph, which has a bluish color. Nutrition through the skin, in one way or another, also occurs in the modern man-glutton, only much less productively than it could be. This type of food can almost completely replace food through the stomach or make it secondary, spare. It allows a person to get from the environment all the necessary substances, including water, and, of course, free him from spending on food and cooking. Perhaps this statement will seem unconvincing, but the fact is a fact - a person, following certain methods, can take hundreds of times less food through the stomach and feel much better. - and yet people are dying of hunger and dehydration ... - The transition to nutrition through the skin should not occur abruptly, but gradually. You also need to know the transition technique. People dying of hunger or lack of water do not know how to do this, and since they are deprived of food, they are most likely in extraordinary conditions. The presence of fear, impending trouble, helplessness take away a huge amount of energy from them, which aggravates their situation. in our case, a person voluntarily decides to refuse to eat food through the stomach, he slowly adapts his body to this. in the first week he does not eat for only half a day, the next week - a day, then - 1.5 days. So gradually it comes to the fact that he can completely refuse food, only occasionally replenishing himself with water. The degradation of the digestive organs took place over a long period, and the physical body was transformed into the current nutritional system. Our task is to make the body remember what has been in it since ancient times.

As far as I understood, you did not completely give up food. for two years, you still ate once every four days, even though the diet was only 100 grams of food ... Why?

The fact is that, switching completely to nutrition through the skin, a person acquires unusual properties. his eyesight and hearing are not only sharpened, he begins to hear other people's thoughts, even his involuntary desires are fulfilled. It is necessary to be very prepared for such opportunities, since being among people, you can break a lot of firewood. Therefore, having left at first to a complete refusal to eat, I decided to go back and limited myself to a 100-gram meal every four days.

By the way, the leading Indian neurologist Sudrikh Shah, who observed the state of health of the starving engineer Manek, does not exclude that in the process of such adaptation of the body, the frontal lobe of the brain is stimulated, which, apparently, is responsible for parapsychic activity. Moreover, all other parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, medulla oblongata, do not undergo any changes.

How can you explain that sunlight carries all the necessary substances for the active existence of a person?

Sunlight and the light of distant stars itself carry systems of paired elementary particles (parapositronium and orthopositronium). These particles can enter into resonance with particles of body cells and form everything chemical elements necessary for human nutrition. That is, the "factory" exists in the person himself, in the cells of his skin.

In general, there is one type of food in the Universe. This is a redistribution of matter or energy. All systems with a higher energy absorb systems with a lower energy and thereby increase their mass and energy. So is the person. Either it absorbs energy and develops, or it loses it and dies. Natural selection takes place and the fittest survive. Man, like all living and nonliving systems of the world around us, can develop only with the help of nutrition. Without an increase in mass or energy, there can be no development of systems.

Most people strive to reduce their weight. But in order to live actively, you need energy, which is directly related to body weight ...

Man, like any living system of the Universe, is a universal system that at certain moments can be closed or open. Indeed, without an increase in energy, any system will sooner or later disintegrate. Therefore, when applying various methods, the question should not be about reducing a person's weight, but about reducing the volume of his physical body (while maintaining weight and, accordingly, energy). Therefore, we sun eaters are not like malnourished people. Losing your weight drastically means throwing your energy out. The human body should not be loose, but dense, like the body of a small child.

When changing the diet, an imbalance occurs internal systems person, will it not lead to illness? to this Camilla added that a few months ago she went to visit relatives in Poland. There, on the occasion of her arrival, a sumptuous table was laid. When she said that she wasn’t eating anything, they, of course, did not believe her and began to reproach her for refusing the treats that were prepared especially for her. in the end, she had to eat a little, but it felt like the food was somehow disappearing from her mouth.

Be that as it may, the example of sun-eaters living not in some other mythical world, but next to us, shows that a person does not need food! In any case, its gross, material variety is not needed. Sun-eaters say that plant food and food of animal origin contains secondary solar energy, and it is this energy that an ordinary person eats, whether he is just an eater or a sophisticated gourmet. Sun-eaters, according to them, feed on the same energy directly from the primary source. But recent studies by the most advanced sun-eaters have shown that it is not necessary to look at the sun or the stars. Since they feed on prana, which permeates not only our star, but literally everything in our Universe. That is, the presence of this energy does not depend on the point of our location in time and space. Energy food is present everywhere, and our entire Universe, in connection with this important circumstance, is one giant festive table, heaped with the highest quality and best food that you can ever imagine.

It is never possible to overeat prana, it should not be prepared and time should be spent on assimilation and chewing. You do not need to go to the latrine after the assimilation of prana to evacuate its excess. And, most importantly, there are no side effects from eating such food and you cannot overeat it. The body itself, without cluttering your consciousness with unnecessary details, will assimilate this food as much as it needs.

And, perhaps, the next step in the history of the development of man and mankind presupposes the settling of the entire boundless outer space by him due to a significant increase in the biological adaptability of each individual person, his ability to adapt in the most incredible conditions at a modern point of view. For example, in the cosmic vacuum, where the temperature during the day fluctuates with an amplitude of one hundred degrees, on Venus, where almost four hundred-degree winds rage, or in open space at - 273 degrees. and even on the sun and stars, perhaps a man of the near future will be able to live.

Limitless human possibilities and limitless Universe. Probably in order, now seemingly lifeless and meaningless, the Cosmos was created so that a person would live in it, and not only to admire the stars and try to conquer near-earth space with the help of primitive flying machines. The future belongs to the Man with his infinite potential, to the Energetic Man. Yet, as it turned out, Man is divine and this is best confirmed by the example of the sun-eaters. in the world today there are several tens of thousands of people of a new, energetic formation and, judging by their ever-increasing number, this is only the beginning of a new direction in human evolution.

What is dry fasting? How to quickly lose weight and restore health with the help this method our reader will tell ...

Are extra pounds stubbornly returning?

“This is an amazing and the best experience of my life! I am an absolutely healthy person, the only thing that didn’t suit me was the extra 20 kg I gained after giving birth. As soon as I didn’t fight with them, what I didn’t do - they stubbornly returned and ruined life ”.

“I am an extreme person: walking on coals, holotropic breathing”, diving deeper, etc. After trying a lot, I decided to experience dry fasting. What is it, how is it carried out? I confess it was scary. Moreover, I decided to go on the most severe fasting. "

What is dry fasting?

Judging by medical data, a person cannot live without water for more than 3 days, and so, this is not so! If we all arranged such a relief for ourselves at least once a year - we allowed the body to cleanse itself and get rid of excess, we would forget about what disease is.

“I lived these 9 days + a way out of hunger in Crimea, in a group with like-minded people, we walked a lot, swam in the sea (January is the month, but it turns out that on the 3rd day the body includes all its reserves, so it is simply not possible to catch a cold! ) ".

Indicator normal state the body throughout the entire period is the amount of fluid released naturally. Since we swam in the sea (plus a cold shower) and were in an area of ​​high humidity, 200 grams of urine per day was the norm. Weight loss is also taken into account - from 500 to 1 kg per day.

A forced, but pleasant measure during dry fasting is slowing down, so that you don't get dizzy. You need to spend almost all the time in the fresh air, moving at a slow pace. Also, daily breathing and joint exercises are carried out. Joints become amazingly flexible, breathing is cleared!

“I devoted the entire course to another useful limitation - I was silent. A pleasant surprise had an interesting spiritual experience. When on the 9th day I went out onto the balcony, then suddenly I acutely felt my merger with the whole world, there was a feeling that something very huge, great, boundless had been stuck into a jumpsuit called a body for the vaguely familiar, grandiose experience of separating myself from myself…

In fact, it is quite difficult to convey in words the feeling of being unlimited - like the sea, the sun, a stone, a flower. Himself - like everything and everyone! I now carry this unforgettable state with me, as the most precious thing that a person can only know about himself. "

What does dry fasting give?

“On the 5th day my kidney stones came out, I did not even imagine their presence. The vascular mesh on the legs has disappeared. The pigmentation on the face has gone. Hands and feet stopped sweating profusely. And many more pleasant things ...

In 9 days I got rid of 12 kg and switched to a raw food diet, but that's another topic.

Our body is a grandiose mystery. If you remember the Bible, then it says that Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to fast, his experience supported me. "

In conclusion, I will quote the words of one monk:

“A different ailment comes every year,

By fasting you forestall his coming!

All reserves are in you!

Alas, forgotten

The vaccine that Christ was opened. "

The benefits of dry fasting

On dry fasting, the body is engaged in survival, it "devours" and eliminates all unnecessary things that prevent it from being healthy.

Disadvantages of dry fasting

On the 5th day, during dry fasting, a sea of ​​energy is released, and therefore, it becomes impossible to sleep, plus the body temperature rises, and you have to carry a bottle of ice water with you to cool the body.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Holotropic breathing (HD) is a method of transpersonal psychotherapy, which consists in hyperventilating the lungs due to rapid breathing. As a result, CO 2 is flushed out of the blood, the blood vessels of the brain are narrowed, the inhibition of the cerebral cortex begins, and the subcortex is activated, which causes the experiences that have been displaced from consciousness (

Dry fasting is fasting without food or water. Most people will think, “Is it possible? And why do I need this? Is this some kind of madness? What about the body without water? But I'll die of dehydration in 3 days! So it is written in all textbooks. "

In fact, everything is not as difficult and scary as it seems at first glance. Most importantly, dry fasting really works! Many people were convinced of this, who tried a lot of drugs, but could not get rid of chronic diseases or illnesses, and some even got rid of diseases that are considered incurable by medicine.

Most people live like they are immortal and in front of them - Eternity! They push all thoughts of death into the farthest corner. But the ruthless statistics are: Russia is the 2015 working-age mortality champion.

Wherever you go - everyone talks only about their sores. Healthy people- Hardly ever. And where do they come from, if the health given to a person at birth (if, of course, he was born healthy), he thoughtlessly and ineptly wastes, while steadily getting sick, getting old, getting fat, feeling tired, irritated and unhappy.

Although for many this is a natural and understandable state: “Well, what do you want? I’m already 50 years old! ”

The conclusion is disappointing

Almost everyone around is sick, and people are dying like flies. Visiting medical facilities and doctors is often a waste of time and money. When a person realizes this, he suddenly remembers popular expression unforgettable Ostap Bender: "The rescue of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself", and he begins to look for a way out.

There are actually many paths to health. But there is the fastest and most effective way to solve all issues at the same time - from spiritual rebirth to healing from deadly diseases. This is dry fasting.

If you were diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis, but you decided to fight for life, if you want to become slimmer and stabilize your weight forever, if you want to radically cleanse your body, improve your health and quality of life, increase energy, it is better not to say: “I won't be able to , This is not for me".

For those who find dry fasting something completely incredible, I want to inform you: the Nobel Committee confirms that fasting is good for your health! In September 2016, the Nobel Committee identified the winner of the prize in the field of physiology and medicine. It was the Japanese researcher Yoshinori Osumi, whose works reveal one of the mechanisms of the life of our cells - autophagy.

What is autophagy?

I'll try to explain it in simple terms. Let's imagine the apartment we live in. Garbage inevitably appears in it, which must be removed. Otherwise, our apartment will eventually turn into a garbage dump. Therefore, we wash the dishes every day, wipe the dust and do a general cleaning once a week. Roughly the same thing happens in the cells of the human body.

In the process of life, "garbage" constantly accumulates in the cell, which awaits general cleaning. This very general cleaning of the cage is called autophagy. It turns out, a kind of recycling process - the processing of unusable parts of the cell. Thanks to autophagy, the cell is cleared of the infection that has got into it and of the formed toxins.

Autophagy starts to work most intensely when the body is starving. In this case, the cell generates energy from its internal resources - from any accumulated debris, including from pathogenic bacteria. This phenomenon is also called "self-eating". During fasting, the body breaks down unwanted, old or damaged cells and turns them into a source of energy and growth. Read more about Yoshinori Osumi's autophagy research:

Someone might think: “Do I really need to starve? Why torture yourself like that and what is valuable in such experiments? Let's think together.

We are constantly chewing something. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, we have regular snacks. We all eat wrong: we don't chew, eat a lot and at the wrong time - in the first half of the day we drink coffee with buns, and at night we overeat with a hearty dinner or chips under the TV. What can we say about the various hazards from supermarkets - alcohol, frozen foods, canned food, fried, sweet, salted, smoked, and more ...

As a result of such a regular and constant daily malnutrition, all our organs and tissues are overflowing with toxins and toxins, which the body simply does not have time to excrete. Our body and all organs need a simple rest and the opportunity to cleanse and reboot. Dry hunger is such a reboot. Cleansing and reloading - for the soul, body and mind.

For two thousand years the Christian religion has recommended "prayer and fasting," and thousands of preachers have recounted the story of forty days of starvation in the desert. Religious fasting was often practiced in early Christianity during the Middle Ages. Tommaso Campanella says that sickly nuns often sought salvation in fasting “seven times seventy hours,” or twenty-one and a half days.

Fasting is often mentioned in the Bible, where several long-term fastings are recorded:

  • Bible, Old Testament. Book of Exodus, chapter 24, 18 (Moses - 40 days): Moses entered the middle of the cloud and ascended the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.
  • Bible, Old Testament. Exodus, chapter 34, 28-30: And Moses stayed there with the Lord forty days and forty nights, he did not eat bread or drink water; and wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the decathology. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, and Moses had two tablets of testimony in his hand when he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that his face began to shine with rays from the fact that God spoke to him. And Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, and, behold, his face shone, and they were afraid to approach him.
  • Bible, New Testament. The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 4: 1-2 (Jesus - 40 days): Then Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and, after fasting for forty days, and forty nights, finally hungry.

Dry hunger greatly affects our perception of the world, there is a reassessment and rethinking of life. When we do not drink or eat, doors open to us to a completely different dimension. We become fearless: free from fear. And first of all, the most powerful fear: to be left without food and without water.

After all, what is the average statistical person striving for? For safety and comfort. Dry hunger helps you feel your own strength to do without, it would seem, the main suppliers of energy for the life of the body. And through this, feel the incredible strength and freedom from many restrictions and stereotypes imposed from childhood.

Dry fasting clears the mind and cleans the brain well

And what is important - in a very short period of time you can get something that years of meditation and travel to monasteries and places of power would not have done. Moreover, there are not so many places of silence left, it is not always convenient to get to them, and it is not always possible to find time for regular meditations.

Dry fasting: what practice confirms?

Dry fasting is the most powerful and effective means of solving various issues and problems. The most important ones are:

Weight loss and stabilization

The fastest way to lose weight is different types and times of dry fasting. When water does not enter the body from the outside, excess adipose tissue is broken down faster, while providing the body with the necessary supply of not only water, but also energy. The metabolic rate changes, which helps to quickly lose weight and subsequently stabilize weight.

Dry fasting burns fat reserves three times faster than water fasting.

Boost immunity

With a severe water deficit, the body not only gets rid of excess fat, but also "self-eats" all weakened, diseased cells, old and unnecessary cells (now this has been confirmed by the Nobel Committee!).

At the same time, uninvited guests (infections, viruses, bacteria) also die. As a result of these processes, the tissues of the whole organism are renewed and immunity in general increases.

Fight inflammation

Dry fasting puts the body in extreme conditions, forcing it to extract water from the cells. Therefore, "extra" body tissues (adipose tissue, tumors, edema, cysts, acne, boils, purulent accumulations in the form of a runny nose, vaginal discharge, etc.) break down and leave the body faster than during fasting on water.

Radiation protection

As you know, it is impossible to escape from radiation. But using fasting methods in the treatment of irradiated patients in Japan (after atomic explosions), as well as after the Chernobyl accident, scientists have achieved excellent results. After conducting various experiments, scientists have stated that the radiation level in patients has decreased several times.

Rejuvenating effect

With the right recovery period after dry fasting, the body begins to actively divide stem cells, which leads to rapid renewal and rejuvenation. People who have known you for many years may pass by, simply not recognizing you.

Wrinkles are smoothed out, skin elasticity returns, potency returns, vision and hearing are restored, eyes shine, chronic diseases will go away forever. Energy and inspiration for new projects will appear. Fluff suddenly starts to break through on bald heads)))

Recovery from various diseases

Any sane person wants to live a long and happy life. Moreover, not in a wheelchair, but vigorous and full of creative energy. And it is worth grabbing some kind of illness, as trips to hospitals convince - it is better not to go there. You can't solve anything anyway.

Having tried dry fasting at least once and feeling its overwhelming effect, many people "get hooked" on this practice forever. Too many bonuses can be received at once and forever, and regardless of anyone or anything!


With regular practice of dry fasting, your life will definitely change for the better, your diet, your way of thinking will change, you will become calmer and more judicious. And most importantly, you will break out of the vicious circle of diseases and problems, and suddenly you will feel childishly happy and grateful to God and everything around you for EVERYTHING!

Why is dry fasting more effective than other types of body detoxification?

The experience of fasting is experienced by many people who are concerned about their health, who are engaged in meditations, who strive for spiritual enlightenment. Dry fasting, that is, a complete rejection of not only food, but also water, is practiced by a much smaller number of people. The reason is also in the widespread stereotype that a person cannot live more than 3 - 4 days without water, and in fear, and in disbelief in their strengths, and in an insufficient amount of knowledge about this health-improving method.

"Well, I'm not a camel!" - says the doubter. But the human body is an amazing creation of nature, capable of adapting to extreme conditions, and in these conditions reveal its secret reserves. The capabilities of a camel are trifles compared to the capabilities of the human body and spirit ...

Those who at least once decided on dry fasting no longer doubt its effectiveness. A person who has gone through at least a short dry fast becomes convinced that this method of cleansing the body is much more effective than all the others - including regular fasting.
Of course, dry fasting should be carried out competently, according to special methods, best of all - under the supervision of an experienced mentor. The result amazes the beginner: the effect of dry fasting is so clear. With regular practices, the effectiveness of this practice increases, since the law of the transition from quantity to quality comes into effect.

- So what is the effect of dry fasting, what happens to the body during this practice?
- What prompted the great ascetics of various religions to endure dry fasts for many days?
- Why do yogis, shamans, qigong practitioners subject themselves to dry fasting?
- Why is the effectiveness of this technique really higher than that of other methods of cleansing the body and spirit?

# 1. Intensive release of stem cells into the blood - activators of the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

Our body is capable of self-healing and self-rejuvenation. These processes are triggered by stem cells. But if a newborn has one stem cell for 10,000 cells, then in a 50-year-old person this ratio reaches 500,000: 1. The number of stem cells decreases with age, and, consequently, the body's regenerative capacity decreases. But it is possible to increase the release of stem cells into the blood!

Fasting starts the process of intensive cleansing of the body. The body gets rid of sick and old cells, freeing up space in tissues - one might say, "rooms" - for stem cells. Stem cells are injected into the blood in b O The vacated "rooms" occupy a larger volume than usual, launching the processes of renewal and rejuvenation in the tissues.

With dry fasting, even more stem cells enter the bloodstream. This fact has been proven by scientific experiments. An experiment was carried out at the "Cryocenter" under the guidance of Doctor of Biology Yu. Romanov, using expensive equipment. Yuri Gushcho was on a hunger strike for a week (preparation took one week, recovery from starvation - three). The number of stem cells in the blood by the end of the 7-day fasting decreased, but at the exit began to increase rapidly. The experiment proved that after exiting starvation, the body increases the production and release of stem cells into the blood by 3 times, and the effect is fixed for several months.

Thus, it is not difficult to prolong life and youth by 15 - 25: you just need to regularly practice fasting.

# 2. Elimination of edema, swelling, inflammation.

Dry fasting puts the body in extreme conditions, forcing it to extract water from the cells. Therefore, "extra" body tissues (fatty accumulations, tumors, edema) are broken down faster than during fasting on water.

This mechanism is well studied by science. During fasting, the metabolism is radically rebuilt, passing through three stages:

1. Stage of food excitement. When fasting on water, the feeling of hunger disappears after about three days. If a person practices dry fasting, the body goes through the stage of food arousal in a day. (Most people who practice dry fasting note that it is easier to tolerate physically than fasting on water, since the feeling of hunger passes faster).

2. On the third day, with dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis begins, that is, much earlier than with refusal from one meal. The body switches to the ketoacidotic way of metabolism.

3. With normal fasting, the second acidotic crisis begins on days 9-11. Its health-improving effect is even higher. So, with dry fasting, the body enters a state of autolysis faster than with water fasting.

What does it mean? During autolysis, the body is looking for energy reserves within itself. Where to get them, what fabrics to put into the furnace?

Our body is wise: it begins to burn excess, unnecessary, harmful. These are fats, and tumors, and cystic neoplasms, and inflamed tissues. With dry fasting, the breakdown process goes faster, since the body needs to get not only nutrients, but also water (yes, like a camel).

The more time the body is starving after the second crisis, the longer the body is in a state of autolysis, the more efficient is the process of breaking down unnecessary tissues. Therefore, it is important to achieve an acidotic crisis as quickly as possible, which is achieved with therapeutic dry fasting.

No. 3. Informational cleansing of the body with "living" endogenous water.

In the process of dry fasting, there is an intensive cleansing, washing out toxins and toxins. But cleansing occurs not at the expense of exogenous (coming from outside), but at the expense of better, purer endogenous water just synthesized by the body. In extreme conditions of dry fasting, the body must activate the production of its own, endogenous water, and only healthy cells are capable of this. Weak, diseased cells are simply unable to produce "living water", and therefore die and are rejected by the body.

But even this is not the most important thing in the process of replacing exogenous water with endogenous. Endogenous water synthesized by the body is devoid of alien information content. In fact, there is a replacement of "dead" water for "live". All negative information brought into the body by exogenous water is erased.

Without exogenous water alien to the body, blood and lymph are intensively cleansed, passing through a kind of internal filtration. Renewal of lymph and blood during dry fasting occurs only at the expense of "living" endogenous water. As a result, by the end of dry fasting, these two essential body fluids are almost perfectly clean. Accordingly, all tissues of the body, through which blood and lymph circulate, are cleared of external information impact.

This information clearing phenomenon- one of the main advantages of dry fasting. Refusing only from food, this effect cannot be achieved. No other form of medical fasting activates this unique mechanism that destroys negative information that has ever been introduced into our body along with "foreign" water.
After dry fasting, the body becomes informationally virgin. This effect cannot be achieved in any other way of purification.

No. 4. Boosting immunity, anti-inflammatory effect.

During dry fasting, a person often experiences a fever. An increase in temperature during therapeutic dry fasting leads to a powerful immunological effect. The concentration of biologically active substances in body fluids increases. Among these active substances are immunoglobulins and immunocompetent cells. Eventually:
- the production of interferon is enhanced;
- its antitumor and antiviral activity increases;
- there is an increase in T-cell proliferation;
- in neutrophils, the bactericidal and phagocytic activity becomes higher;
- lymphocytes have a higher cytotoxic effect;
- growth is inhibited and the virulence of microorganisms is reduced.
Feeling hot during dry fasting is very good, as it indicates the body is fighting infections. Each cell of the body becomes a kind of mini-furnace, a mini-reactor: slags and poisons are destroyed inside it. If the cell is too distorted by the disease, it burns out completely.

No. 5. Achievement of a high cleansing effect without additional procedures.

Dry fasting does not need (and cannot) be supplemented with enemas, saunas and other water procedures, as is often the case with normal fasting. These procedures are used in order to enhance the cleansing effect during normal fasting, but when the body is dry, it is more efficiently cleansed of toxins and poisons thanks to "living", endogenous water.

Many people like that dry fasting passes without enemas, hydrocolonotherapy, which are not the most pleasant procedures for many people. The body itself, without additional introduction of water, gets rid of toxins and toxins. We have already written above about the temperature rise during dry fasting. This mechanism not only enhances the body's immune response, but also turns each cell into a tiny thermonuclear reactor, which independently destroys all unnecessary, harmful, alien.

No. 6. Intensive weight loss, and mainly due to fat.

With dry fasting, metabolism changes, which contributes to effective weight loss and subsequent weight stabilization. Fat reserves during dry fasting are burned three times faster than during wet fasting.

Another advantage of dry fasting is that adipose tissue after quitting the practice is not completely recovered, unlike water fasting.
And the third, very important advantage. During normal fasting, both adipose and muscle tissue are lost in approximately equal volumes. With dry fasting due to restructuring metabolic processes mainly fat is burned. Since fat cells are 90% water, during dry fasting they break down 3-4 times faster than muscle cells.
Consequently, there is not only a decrease in body weight, but also a silhouette correction. The figure becomes more slender, leaner, and the body becomes flexible.

Let's name another plus of dry fasting: it is economically beneficial. You don't need to buy special foods for your diet, you don't need to prepare special meals, and you certainly don't need to spend money on any medications. In addition, dry medical fasting is harmless and, as we have already said, does not entail a significant loss of muscle mass, and therefore is the best way to fight obesity.

Examples: and…

No. 7. Anti-aging effect.

Dry fasting guarantees a high rejuvenating effect associated with cleansing the body of sick and weak cells - they cannot withstand extreme conditions. The cells become stronger, with the next division, respectively, give a healthy "offspring". Therefore, renewing skin, hair, nails shine with health and youth.

Dry fasting, putting the body in extreme conditions of survival, triggers the mechanism of natural selection, one might say - the internal struggle between the weak and strong cells of the body. In the struggle for scarce resources obtained as a result of autolysis and synthesis of endogenous water, cells with an intact genome win: strong, healthy, efficient. In the process of dividing, they produce the same healthy cells.

Examples: and

No. 8. Preventive effect, protection from radiation and other adverse environmental factors.

Dry fasting is a natural preventive mechanism that protects the body from the adverse effects of environmental factors, including radiation. Radionuclides are excreted in 2 weeks of normal fasting and 5 - 7 days of dry fasting.

The practice of medical fasting has been used in the treatment of people who have undergone radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident and suffered from acute radiation sickness. The use of both powerful antibiotic therapy and bone marrow transplantation in such cases is considered futile. Academician A. I. Vorobyov decided to use the method of curative fasting - for the first time in world medical practice. The results amazed the healthcare community: the patients began to recover, there was an improvement general condition, a progressive decrease in the level of radionuclides in the body was recorded. Where American and Japanese treatments have failed, dry fasting has shown excellent results.

No. 9. Effective prevention of cancer.

It has been experimentally proven that dry fasting is an effective way to prevent various diseases, including oncological.

Experiments of Professor Yu.S. Nikolaev, conducted on white rats, demonstrated that animals subjected to dry fasting, after radiation exposure, are much less likely to develop blood cancer than their counterparts. The experiment was carried out at the Stavropol Medical Institute, where 120 white rats were divided into 4 groups. All animals were vaccinated with sarcoma. The first group - before the start of fasting, the second - in the process of it, the third - after leaving the practice. The control group ate as usual.

As a result of the experiment, all animals from the control group that did not undergo starvation died. In the second group, 50% of the rats survived, in the third, two-thirds survived. In the fourth group, where the animals were injected after coming out of fasting, all the rats remained alive.

Another experiment was conducted in the United States. The rats were exposed to radiation, which caused blood cancer in all animals of the control group. In the experimental group, where the rats were starving, the percentage of sick animals was 70% lower.
It would seem that after hunger, the body should be weakened, which means it is defenseless against diseases, but this is not so. In fact, the opposite is true: getting rid of weak cells in the process of starvation, the body is more successful in resisting even the most severe diseases.


No. 10. Energy renewal, cleansing of energy channels.

With dry fasting, the body's energy is renewed. The work of the brain is activated, creative abilities are revealed, the soul reaches a harmonious state. Willpower is strengthened. Dry fasting implies spiritual work, therefore, at the energy level, the results are amazing: all negative information layers, which are popularly called the evil eye and spoilage, are eliminated, negative energy entities (so-called larvae) are detached and expelled, energy channels are cleared, and chakras are opened.

Areas filled with "heavy", "dead" water - pathological zones in the body in which negative energy is concentrated - also dissolve. These zones appear long before the disease manifests itself in the form of symptoms. As a result of dry fasting, "heavy" water leaves, its place is taken by "living" endogenous, that is, synthesized by the body itself. Pathological zones disappear, and, consequently, the root causes of various diseases and psychological problems are eliminated.

No. 11. The influx of energy, an increase in the energy reserves of the body.

A person comes out of dry fasting with a new supply of energy. He needs less sleep, his performance increases. At first glance, this is surprising: it would seem that if a person does not eat or drink anything, but still spends his energy, where does the growth of energy reserves come from? But there is no paradox here. First, during starvation, the body, feeling a lack of resources, begins to more intensively draw subtle energy from the surrounding nature, from space. With dry fasting, the intensity of this process is even higher. Secondly, after exiting dry fasting, the process of over-restoration of the body begins. The body begins to gain energy, create energy reserves.
Thirdly, clearing the energy channels, chakras during dry fasting gives a person the opportunity to freely receive energy from the environment. The body itself, purified and renewed, is able to accumulate, accumulate more energy than before starvation. As a result, after exiting dry fasting, energy boils in the body. A person needs 4 - 5 hours of sleep, his working capacity is exceptionally high, and vigor, optimism, and cheerfulness reign in his soul.

7 main bonuses of dry fasting.

Do you want to extend life and youth by 15 - 25 years? This is not difficult. Start practicing dry fasting 36 hours a week. Many people who take care of their health or strive for spiritual enlightenment have experienced fasting. So it was from time immemorial. But dry fasting, that is, a complete rejection of not only food, but also water, is practiced by a much smaller number of people. It is all the fault of the stereotype that a person cannot live more than 3 days without water, as well as an insufficient amount of knowledge about this healing technique.

At the words "dry fasting" in many people you can see a variety of emotions in their eyes: fear, bewilderment, skepticism and the desire to enroll you in the ranks of crazy people. But for some reason the ranks of the "crazy" who have mastered this method are growing exponentially and their practical results are inspiring.

Both in ancient times and now, fasting was the shortest path, developing spiritual and mobilizing the physical capabilities of a person for self-improvement and healing.

What are the main bonuses you can get from competent dry fasting practice? Watch the recording of the online meeting "Dry fasting: 7 main bonuses":

Bonus 1. Independence and freedom from stereotypes.

Modern man is a being dependent on society. The head is filled with imposed stereotypes, actions are dictated by patterns of behavior driven into the subcortex. The practice of dry fasting helps to get rid of these patterns and stereotypes, to become independent of social attitudes.

Here's the simplest example. It is enough to close bakeries and bakeries - for example. due to interruptions in the supply of flour or because of the epidemiological danger - and a "hunger riot" will begin in the city. Even if the counters are bursting with other goods, people will panic: how is it, how to live without bread? After all, “bread is the head of everything,” “bread and porridge is our food,” “even in besieged Leningrad, they gave us a piece of bread.” Since childhood, we are taught “what to eat with bread”. And guests are greeted with "bread and salt". And how, indeed, can you eat borscht or bacon without bread? How to make sandwiches, sandwiches and burgers? The media will surely inflate this panic to universal proportions: a disaster! There is no bread in the city, the city is starving!
Surprisingly, not only those who are ready to eat bread with dumplings and pasta, but also those on strict diets will panic. A man has not eaten bread and rolls for months, and feels great - but everyone around is shouting "there is no bread in the city", and he also panics!

And this situation is not as far-fetched as it seems. The media regularly report on the rise in prices for grain, flour, and, as a result, the rise in prices for bread. This inflames the atmosphere in society, makes people feel anxious, and even provokes someone to literally stock up on biscuits. In fact, opinion polls show that most people regularly throw moldy bread into the trash bin!

Modern man consumes much less bread than his peasant ancestors, but stubbornly repeats "wise proverbs" that have lost their relevance. Many people do not eat flour at all or eat it occasionally, not with every meal, since nowadays you can choose from a huge range of products. Where does the panic come from then? From stereotypes hammered in from childhood!

Here's another example. Many babies look at milk with disgust, but adults stubbornly repeat: "Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!" And they literally shove milk porridge, milk noodles into the child's mouth ... No milk, milk has risen in price? Catastrophe! But after all, vegans and raw foodists feel great without milk, you can find alternatives to this product that contain the necessary substances and trace elements. Why is it considered that for health it is necessary to drink milk? And all of the same peasant realities that have lost their relevance, when the nutritional value of the diet was low, and the lack of calories, fats, vitamins was “finished off” with milk, and the cow was called “the nurse”. But now are the times!

Third example. "The child should eat well!" How many people have this attitude broken their lives, how many have become addicted to food, sick with obesity due to the fact that in childhood they dutifully ate "a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad, a spoon for grandmother, a spoon for grandfather"? Children are stuffed with food, again, obeying the ancient attitudes "what if tomorrow there will be nothing to eat." But now for the developed countries it is not the problem of hunger that is relevant, but the problem of obesity! And still there is a massive overfeeding of children, turning them into pink pigs.

Fourth example. Anyone who has traveled on trains knows the specific aroma that accompanies the trip: a mixture of the smells of fried chicken, boiled eggs, "doshirak" ... Getting ready for the trip, almost everyone considers it their duty to fill a bag with food. And then - to stand in line at a public toilet (unhygienic even in the cleanest carriage) to first wash your hands, and then get rid of what you have eaten ...

Did you know that food increases the cost of an air ticket by 10 - 20%? A set of food in economy class, which costs 100 - 300 rubles, is estimated by airlines several times more! It is cheaper to fly in locoasters, also because they usually do not feed there. But many people prefer to fly "in comfort." How is it - to fly for three hours and not eat during this time ?!

Once you learn to practice even short-term 36-hour fasting, you will feel how much freer you have become. You will not carry a bag with food and bottles of water, spend money in cafes and fast foods, look for where to wash your hands or go to the toilet. You will love traveling light!

You will learn to think critically and abstract from social attitudes. You will get rid of the fear of hunger and the rising costs of unnecessary things. The broken stereotype: "A person cannot live more than 3 days without water" will help you question any opinion, even the most authoritative opinion that is persistently driven into your brain.

Bonus 2. Development of creativity, high efficiency, spiritual bonuses and insights.

Thousands of years ago, people realized that fasting is the shortest way to develop a person's spiritual and creative capabilities, as well as a portal that opens access to abilities for self-improvement and healing. In ancient India, Egypt and Greece, starvation was an integral attribute of the spiritual practices of ascetics, yogis, sages, and this method was used not only to treat diseases, but also to train the will, reveal talents, and develop mental abilities.
For example, Pythagoras systematically conducted long-term fasting for forty days. He knew for sure that fasting can increase mental awareness and develop creativity. The great mathematician accepted the students only after a long period of starvation, believing that only in this way, entering the training can clear the mind and be ready to accept new knowledge.
Almost every religion practices long-term fasts. Great religious leaders of different nations subjected themselves to fasts for many days, went into the desert for the purpose of asceticism. The traditions of Hinduism say that the great ascetics of antiquity accumulated such an amount of energy - tapas - that they became stronger than the gods.
Now dry fasting is still in the lead in the number of ways to achieve spiritual enlightenment, enhance intellectual and creative abilities. After going through various periods of dry fasting, many people seem to have a "veil falling from their eyes." They begin to “see” and “hear” what was inaccessible to them, penetrate with a spiritual glance into the depths of space, begin to paint pictures and write poetry. Actually, they generally have a desire to CREATE, CREATE, CREATE. They have the energy that allows them to break out of their daily gray routine.

Bonus 3. Getting rid of bad habits.

Most people have at least one bad habit, an unhealthy addiction. Someone is not against a glass of cognac or a glass of light wine, someone definitely wants to take a drag on a cigarette, and someone is overcome by endless (and unconscious) chewing of something tasty under the TV or at the computer. Often a person has not one such habit, but a whole set.

Getting rid of unhealthy addictions is extremely difficult. Often a person spends a lot of money on cigarettes, and at the same time - the same amount on all sorts of nicotine patches and psychological assistance, reads books on how to quit smoking - and again buys a pack of cigarettes ... It is no less difficult to get rid of the habit of chewing and overeating, a glass and other addictions. Man becomes a slave to his habits.

In order to get rid of unhealthy addictions, a complete reboot of the body is required. It is dry fasting that allows such a reboot, "zeroing" the information field of the body. Fasting cleanses the body and soul, relieving a person from both physical and psychological addictions.

Bonus 4. Slim, beautiful figure, rapid weight loss and stabilization.

The beauty industry brings multi-billion dollar profits to its owners. The production of slimming products is one of the main directions of this business. Incredible, but true: a person first spends money to get fat and blurry, and then - to lose weight. Where is the mind ?! Where is the logic?!

By practicing dry fasting regularly, you will stop worrying about getting slimmer. Beautiful body- a natural result of regular dry fasting practices.
That being said, you will be amazed at the financial savings this approach provides! First, the “toilet waste” is reduced, because a person who regularly goes hungry eats much less than an ordinary person at other times. He does not snack on any nasty things, does not overeat, does not buy food junk. He just doesn't need it! Do not want! Secondly, there is no need to enrich manufacturers of weight loss products. You don't have to pay for slimness, take pills, buy slimming patches and the like, and even less do liposuction. The saved money is better for going out into the countryside or on a trip!

Bonus 5. Bright anti-aging effect.

Another direction of the beauty industry is the production of anti-aging products, the provision of anti-aging cosmetic and surgical procedures. A lot of money is spent by people striving to preserve youth! But the effect is short-term at best and harmful at worst. You've probably seen photos of stars who have been disfigured by plastic surgery. But even if a successful result is achieved, the "fit" face takes on an unnatural look. And injections of Botox (a real poison called botulinum toxin!) Simply paralyze the muscles of the face. The skin is smoothed, but the person looks like a doll.

Why spend money on such procedures with a very dubious effect, when there is a natural rejuvenation remedy - simple, free and safe? This is dry fasting, which promotes the release of stem cells into the blood (which is important - our own, not others'). Thus, dry fasting stimulates physiological processes regeneration and growth of protein structures. By stimulating stem cell growth by dry fasting, you can add 15 to 25 years to your life!

Bonus 6. Healing from diseases that official medicine considers incurable.

"Instead of medicine, it is better to fast for a day or two," said Plutarch. But now the practice of dry fasting is ridiculed by “graduates,” as are vegan and raw food diets. It's not hard to see why: pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers and clinics are making huge profits, and therefore are not interested in promoting simple and free therapies.

The great healer of antiquity Avicenna became famous among the poor, as he prescribed them the most affordable medicine - fasting. But if everyone will be treated in this way, how can one make money from diseases of people? That is why the cheapest and most effective method of treatment is obstructed in the modern world.

However, dry fasting is not even a treatment method, but a way to gain access to the body's own regenerative resources. "Fasting in itself is not a cure, but a means to reveal the ability of the human body to effectively heal ... at a speed unthinkable with any other method," wrote the famous naturopath Herbert Shelton. And the correctness of these thoughts was confirmed by the reviews of dry fasting of thousands of people who were healed of acute diseases and chronic ailments.

Bonus 7. Maximum problems are solved in the shortest possible time.

Dry fasting is a unique method for solving a whole range of problems that weigh down our lives. Fasting without water is a powerful tool that works in several ways. This practice heals, rejuvenates, prolongs life, improves the figure, cleanses the body, eliminates bad habits, destroys stereotypes, makes us independent of the attitudes of society, reveals spiritual, creative, intellectual potential.

The main thing is to stop procrastinating. Impressed, inspired - go ahead! Start changing your life right now. As Paul Bragg rightly noted: "The best day is TODAY!" GET STARTED! (see links below)

The website of the School of Dry Fasting and Raw Food Diet by Anna Yakub "Dream":

Activities of the Dream Dry Fasting and Raw Food Diet School:

If you are unable to come to the on-site program, we recommend that you sign up for and take part in the 14-day ONLINE intensive "Fasting Together", where you will learn the practice of 1-3 days of dry fasting: -practic.html

Success Stories or "WHAT has changed in my life after practicing prolonged dry fasting ":

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