Methods of using burdock oil. The best recipes for masks with burdock oil. Burdock oil for hair nourishment: method of application


Dear readers, do you like to take care of yourself? Hope so. I also love, but I always prefer very much simple means... It is not necessary to buy yourself something very expensive and beautiful, you can wisely apply everything that our grandmothers still used and check everything in practice. And burdock oil is no exception. It is one of our favorite oils with my daughters. Let's talk about it in more detail today on my blog.

When we set ourselves the goal of freshening up our look for spring, our hair is not the last thing we think about. Haircut, painting, styling - yes, but at the heart of everything - healthy hair... Today's beauty industry offers us hundreds of hair beauty products, restless advertising promises an unsurpassed result, and eyes literally run up from jars in bottles on store shelves. But for some reason I remember how long before this massive boom on "quick beauty" for the beauty of our hair, we used only those products that could be bought in pharmacies, or even use everything that is in the garden.

Yes, yes, I remember how I collected burdock roots, nettles with my girlfriends, made decoctions, how I rinsed my head after washing with chamomile infusion. After all, then all this current abundance was not there, but I still wanted to be beautiful. It is interesting that today, in spite of the whole variety of factory products, and most importantly, their availability, there is a clear tendency to return to natural remedies for beauty. And all kinds of recipes for improving hair are especially popular.

Burdock oil for hair.

Today we'll talk about how you can use burdock oil for hair. You know that oils are a separate topic for me. I really like them really healing properties and pretty noticeable result about the application. Here on the blog, I always try to share with you, dear readers, all the recipes and "benefits" that you can use for your health. Frequent visitors to my blog know that a lot has already been said about oils here. I will continue this topic today, because it is simply impossible to keep silent about such oil as burdock and its effectiveness for hair.

Actually, burdock oil is an oil that is obtained from the roots of large burdock, we usually call this plant in a simple way - burdock. Once upon a time, our great-grandmothers extracted this most miraculous oil on their own. The work is not easy, I can tell you. And I will be glad that today it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy.

Burdock oil for hair growth and strengthening, against hair loss.

Burdock oil is traditionally used to strengthen and grow hair.
We all know that our hair is subject to many factors, the effects of which, to a greater or lesser extent, affect our hair, and often, unfortunately, negatively. This is ultraviolet light, temperature drops, and hard water, chemical attack from hair dyes, thermal damage from styling tools and just mechanical damage when combing. Affects the condition of our hair and disruptions in the general functioning of the body: malnutrition, overwork, vitamin deficiency, and so on.

Often gets annoyed and skin covering scalp. Sometimes everything ends extremely badly, and the hair simply begins to fall out. In general, there are enough problems. Of course, if you wish, you can reduce the influence of the listed harmful factors, monitor nutrition and the state of the body. However, if the problems have already begun, burdock oil will become a kind of "first aid". Although at the expense of speed, no one will give you a 100% guarantee. Hair treatment with burdock oil is a long process.

Burdock oil for hair. Reviews.

If you want to see the first effect, then with daily use of burdock oil, it will be noticeable no earlier than two weeks later. More rare nourishment of hair with burdock oil (at least twice a week) will give a relatively noticeable result in about a month and a half. Although, of course, it all depends on the degree of hair damage. But just burdock oil is known as a remedy for hair loss. It significantly strengthens hair follicles, nourishes and strengthens the roots, preventing hair loss.

Burdock oil for hair. Benefit

Burdock oil is valuable and useful for its composition:

  • Contains in quite large quantities vitamins A, E, C, B
  • Rich in minerals: calcium, copper, iron, chromium
  • It contains stearic and palmic acids, as well as inulin, a substance that perfectly moisturizes not only the hair, but also the scalp. It is thanks to him that the hair becomes smooth and silky, as if enveloped in a film. And inulin also performs a cleansing function, acting as a sorbent, ridding the skin of accumulated fat and dirt.

So, burdock oil helps us:

  1. Eliminate itching, dry scalp, deal with dandruff
  2. Restore damaged hair structure. What is very important after dyeing, perming, and sometimes after a long period of regular styling through hot temperatures (hairdryer, curling iron)
  3. Get rid of split ends and brittle hair, restore vitality, elasticity and shine to them
  4. Stop hair loss

I suggest watching a video on the benefits of burdock oil.

Burdock oil for hair. Application.

Burdock oil can be applied to both dry and damp hair. But in the second case, the hair should be exactly damp, not wet. That is, after moistening with water, they need to be well blotted with a towel. So that the effect of the oil has best effect, it should be heated a little - to about 40 degrees. Moreover, for this purpose it is better not to use a microwave oven, which by its radiation can reduce the effectiveness of the oil. Better to use a traditional water bath.

In terms of dosage, for shoulder-length hair or slightly below, two tablespoons of oil will be sufficient. Depending on the thickness and length of the hair, you can choose the optimal dosage.

You must first apply the oil to the roots, dividing the hair into partings. And then distribute along the entire length. It is convenient for this to use a comb with fine teeth.

Next, we proceed traditionally: we put on a plastic cap on the hair, you can insulate everything with a towel on top. Leave the mask for a couple of hours and wash off. By the way, it is not so easy to wash off burdock oil from your hair.

How to wash off burdock oil.

It is usually recommended to just wash your hair. regular shampoo by doing this two times in a row. But those who have already used this method of strengthening hair know that after burdock oil it is not always possible to wash the hair well. Especially if the oil was applied to dry hair.

In this case, you can try the following method: dilute 4 tablespoons of rye flour warm water Beat well until the consistency of the mixture becomes similar to pancake dough. Apply the mixture to the hair, rubbing in and, as it were, lathering, leave for 7 minutes. Then rinse your hair with water, massaging well again, and finally wash off the flour that has absorbed the remaining oil.

If you washed off the burdock oil with shampoo, then be sure to apply your favorite balm to your hair. You can also rinse your hair herbal decoction... This will make combing easier. If the rye flour method was used, then it is recommended to use a solution of apple cider vinegar (one tablespoon per liter of water) as a rinse aid. This will give the hair a shine and can be combed easily.

You can apply the described method twice a week. You will not see the first results right away, but the oil will start to “work” for the future. Even if your hair is not in a deplorable state, then such a procedure can be carried out for prevention a couple of times a month.

Burr oil. Hair masks. Recipes.

Several options for hair masks.

Of course, a direct indication for the use of burdock oil is dry, brittle, lifeless hair. However, owners of oily hair have enough problems.
And just burdock oil can help in solving them, despite the fact that at first glance, the method of treatment oily hair oil can cause spores. Yes, you have to endure and take care of your hair more intensively, but the result is worth it.

In addition, the application of burdock oil even on oily hair somewhat reduces the existing secretion of sebum. Roughly speaking, the scalp begins to receive nourishment "from the outside" - from burdock oil, which means that the need to develop its "protection" decreases. So a hair mask, in which burdock oil is the main component, can be successfully used by those with oily hair type.

Burr oil. Mask for oily hair

1 table. a spoonful of burdock oil
1 teaspoon grape seed oil
1 table. a spoonful of grapefruit juice
10 drops of lemon essential oil

Mix and apply to hair as indicated above.

Burr oil. Dry hair mask

Mix burdock oil and wheat germ oil one to one. Heat slightly in a water bath and apply for three hours.

Burdock and castor oil for hair.

Quite often, burdock oil for the treatment and restoration of hair is used with another, equally beneficial for hair health, castor oil. We have already talked about it in the article. Like burdock, castor oil for hair nourishes the scalp, hair roots, prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Recipe: mix one tablespoon of burdock and castor oil, add one tablespoon of aloe juice. Rub one egg yolk into foam and combine with a mixture of oils and aloe juice. Apply the mask and keep it for about an hour, then rinse it off.

Burdock oil mask for dandruff and split hair ends:

2 egg yolks
1 table. spoon of honey
3 table. tablespoons of burdock oil
You need to keep such a mask for half an hour, and use it at least once a week.

Where to buy burdock oil for hair.

Today, burdock oil is quite easy to find - both in a pharmacy and in cosmetics stores. In the latter, you can often find hair products with burdock oil - shampoos and balms. I still recommend using burdock oil specifically, since in this case its effect will be more effective than if you use burdock oil simply as part of some kind of factory balsam.

By the way, there is a difference between oil and oil. Regular burdock oil is thick and very concentrated. At the same time, today it is possible to purchase analogs that are more "adapted" for use specifically for hair. This oil is lighter in consistency, however, it retains all the necessary nutrients. In general, what can you say here - you need to try and select a suitable option for yourself.

Buying tips. What to look for when buying burdock oil.

I strongly recommend that you always read the composition on the burdock oil bottle label. It should be the main component there and be indicated at the very beginning. Also pay attention to the degree of purification of burdock oil. If the liquid greenish color, that is, the oil has undergone minimal cleaning, then it is better for blondes not to use it - you can unintentionally dye your hair. For those who have light color hair, you should look for burdock oil high degree cleaning - it will be more transparent and lighter.

Burr oil. Price.

In our pharmacy, for 100 ml of oil, the price is about 50 rubles. There are also a little cheaper. There are also more expensive ones. Moreover, there are so many options. And such oil is sold in its pure form, and with castor oil, and with nettle, chamomile, lavender, red pepper, mint, enriched with vitamins, added to shampoos, etc. A whole showcase. For every taste.

This is such a wonderful oil we can use at home to preserve our beauty.

Personal Care Are you having problems with your hair? Effective, practical advice for hair care, hair coloring, how to apply various hair masks, you can find on the website Don't let your hair die!

My soulful gift for today Aria non sei piu tu adriano celentano Loved by many Adriano with a touching song. Hope you will give yourself a mood ...

I wish you all beauty, health, wonderful spring mood. Use the simplest available funds... Simple, inexpensive and very effective.

It is not only expensive cosmetics that can make your curls thick and lush, stop their loss, and reduce fragility. Women have long known about magic hair. This product restores shine and strength to damaged strands. It is available to everyone, and the effect of its use can be felt after the first use. This wonderful product is burdock oil.

Why can burdock products repair damaged hair?

This product consists of the most important components for hair follicles:

These ingredients give curls a healthy shine, stop alopecia by strengthening the roots of the strands and improving blood circulation in the skin. Additionally, you will protect your hair from dandruff. The scalp will receive the necessary nutrition, itching will disappear. The course of treatment with burdock oil makes hair absolutely healthy and stimulates its growth. With its help, you can make the hair thicker.

How is this product obtained

They make it from burdock. We have known the burdock since childhood. Everyone remembers his thorny inflorescences, which love to stick to clothes. Decoctions from burdock roots have long been used to heal curls.

Now beneficial features this plant is used to create modern shampoos, masks and balms for intense. The most concentrated curl remedy made from burdock is medicated oil... It is obtained by extracting burdock root based on almond, linseed or olive oils.

How to choose quality burdock oil

the pulp of one grapefruit, lemon essential oil (only 10 drops are needed). The mixture is kept on the head for 25 minutes. Hair long time will keep their freshness.

Revitalizing mask for combination hair: dry at the ends and oily at the roots, based on honey

These strands are dry and brittle at the ends, but they quickly become greasy near the roots. Such special care. A honey-based product is ideal for him. Take it 1 teaspoon, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock root oil and mix it with the yolk and the juice of two cloves of garlic. This medical mask effectively fights excess sebum without overdrying the ends of the strands.

Garlic stimulates hair growth. The mask is kept for 25 minutes and washed off with warm water with apple cider vinegar(for the solution, take 1 tablespoon per liter of water) to remove the smell of garlic. The harsh aroma can be masked by adding a few drops of lemon or orange oil to the rinse water.

A mask that activates the growth of new hairs: the best way

This tool is intended for normal hair, which began to fall out intensively. The mask will quickly stop this process. For its preparation, mix 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and onion juice. A teaspoon of honey and whipped yolk are added to them. The mask is heated in a water bath and spread on the roots for half an hour. You will like the result of its application: the curls will become strong and lively, and after a while a fluff of growing new hairs will appear on the head.


Alopecia areata mask with mustard

it effective remedy from baldness, which stimulates the development of new hair follicles. For the mask, mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock root oil with the same amount of dry mustard and sour cream. The gruel is rubbed into the roots and kept for about half an hour. When applied, the mask will tingle, if the burning sensation is very strong, it must be washed off immediately.

Hair growth enhancing mask: with red pepper (can be done with castor oil)

Curls grow rather slowly, but it turns out that this process can be accelerated.

Such a recipe will help not only stop hair loss, but also make their growth more intense. K (take 1-2 tablespoons) is added at the tip of a knife. Apply the product to the head and let sit for 15 minutes. With a strong burning sensation, the solution can be washed off ahead of time, and the amount of pepper for the next mask should be halved.

How long do you need to apply masks for a tangible result?

Hair treatment with burdock oil is always very effective. All recipes allow you to improve the condition of the curls after the first application. Masks will make the loosened strands elastic and shiny, but to stop intense hair loss, it will take about 2 months of constant use of the selected product.

Additionally, you need to consult a doctor to rule out diseases that lead to baldness. The reasons strong loss hairs can become stress, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a treatment that will restore the balance in the body. If serious illnesses the examination will not reveal, then the use of burdock oil with the addition of plant components necessary for your hair will definitely stop alopecia. As a result, your curls will become thick, strong and healthy.

For many decades, burdock oil has occupied a leading position among cosmetic and medical supplies for hair care. Burr oil in addition to scalp hair, it can be useful for eyebrows, eyelashes and even a beard.

It gently restores the damaged hair structure, normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions, heals, prevents.

It is not so often that you can find a drug that has so much the widest range actions. Burdock oil contains tannins, proteins, acids and many vitamins. That makes it indispensable in the manufacture of all kinds of hygiene products for hair, such as shampoos, various balms, conditioners, masks.

(burdock) is the main component in the manufacture of oil. Typically, vegetable oils are obtained by squeezing parts of the plant.

Burdock oil is obtained by infusing pre-crushed roots with vegetable oils. Often they use olive oil, peanut oil,. The use of other vegetable oils is also possible.

A little later, the options for preparing the drug at home will be considered in detail.

Useful properties of burdock oil for hair

The secret of extraordinary popularity this tool lies in its composition. Among the main useful components are:

  • a huge complex of minerals - copper, iron, calcium, zinc, chromium;
  • palmitic and stearic acids (it is thanks to them that the hair follicles receive various nutrients);
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, which are responsible for balancing the acid-base balance;
  • natural inulin - essential component improving metabolism. As a result, tangible changes appearance hair (straightening and smoothing occurs);
  • proteins - strengthens brittle hair and give shine;
  • tannins.

Such a rich composition has a beneficial effect on many tissues and organs. Improves fat metabolism and assimilation of vitamins, enhances skin protection. There are positive changes in blood circulation and metabolic processes.

The use of burdock oil for hair

Burdock oil can be used for almost any hair, however, it should be noted that hair with high fat content will become even more oily from the use of the oil. But the goal tends to justify the slightly higher fat content.

How to apply burdock oil to hair correctly

Exists different ways the use of burdock oil for hair growth and improvement of their structure.

The most common and at the same time the simplest is to apply a slightly warmed product to all hair roots (hair must first be moistened with warm water and wrung out with a towel).

To do this, divide the mass of hair into partings and rub gently into the base of the hair with gentle massage movements. Later remedy must be spread over the entire length. This can be easily done with a flat comb. In this case, it is advisable to moisten the ends of the teeth with oil.

To significantly enhance the effect, you must wear a cap that does not allow air to pass through, or wrap your head with a vapor-proof film, for example, polyethylene. And then insulate with a towel or scarf.

How much to keep burdock oil on hair

The oil is washed off after 1 to 3 hours. All this is done in the usual way, the only thing is that the consumption of shampoos, for obvious reasons, will be increased. Overall, though, the product rinses off fairly easily.

The procedure is carried out every 4 to 7 days. The entire course usually takes about two months.

Burdock hair masks

Exists a large number of recipes for masks based on burdock oil. Most of them are easy to make at home.

  • An example would be a very popular mask, which includes burdock oil, oils, etc.

Its manufacture consists in mixing in equal proportions of all the listed oils. The resulting mixture is carefully rubbed into the hair roots, as well as the scalp. For one procedure, 40-50 milliliters of the mixture is enough.

  • But with intense hair loss, a mask with hot pepper... It improves skin regeneration, awakens hair follicles.

Burdock oil with the addition of pepper solves the problem of brittle hair and split ends.

This mask should be treated with special care (due to the presence of pepper) and not exceed the time frame of the procedure. It is recommended to hold the mask for no more than 30 minutes and apply no more than once every three days. The course of treatment is not more than a month.

  • For oily hair, a mask with the addition of eggs and a small amount will be useful. It normalizes the sebaceous glands.

It will also be useful for split ends.

  • Deserves special attention.

It is known to be very beneficial for hair in itself. It supplements the mask with carotenoids and chlorophyll, as well as vitamin K.

This composition is almost universal and can be used even for children. It copes well with itching and as well as promotes hair growth.

There are many different types of medical and cosmetics, which include burdock oil. On the Internet, you can see a lot of reviews on these drugs, including negative ones.

Reading negative reviews, it should be understood that, in the vast majority of cases, the wrong use of drugs lies.

Burdock oil - how to use it correctly

Oil, when used correctly, has no contraindications and side effects... By adhering to the rules below, you can be completely sure of a positive effect.

  • The first thing to look out for is whether allergic reaction... Even with external use, it is necessary to check the portability of this component.

It is quite simple to do this: just apply a drop of oil to the area of ​​the skin behind the ear. If after 30 minutes there is no reaction, you can safely apply the product.

  • Be sure to take into account that burdock oil is stored for only a couple of months, after which the effect of the application may not fully meet expectations.
  • It is highly desirable to apply the product to slightly damp hair. This technique significantly increases the percentage of assimilation of nutrients.
  • Burdock oil is not recommended for daily use. Overuse of the product can make hair look heavy and unkempt.
  • The oil must be warm before use and during the process. After application, be sure to insulate your head or even use a hairdryer.
  • It should be remembered that one or even three procedures will not give visible results. An integrated approach is required.

How to make butter yourself

There are many recipes and methods for making burdock oil for hair at home, but among the many, two fundamentally different approaches can be distinguished.

First- with heat treatment,second- without impact high temperature... For maximum preservation of nutrients, it is advisable to use the method without additional heating. But it has one drawback - the preparation time is 1 - 3 weeks. While with heat treatment, the oil is cooked starting from a few hours.

Here are some cooking examples.

Recipe number 1.

To prepare the oil, it is necessary to grind the dried burdock roots (preferably to a powder state). Place 10 - 11 tablespoons of the crushed mass in a glass container. Add one liter vegetable oil.

Insist in a dark place for at least 3 weeks, shaking the liquid from time to time. The oil is ready, all that remains is to strain.

It is quite easy to prepare oil with heat treatment.

Recipe number 2.

250 grams of roots are poured with oil, in a volume of 0.5 liters. Withstand 24 hours, then boil for 15 minutes, filter.

Applying in this recipe essential oil instead of a vegetable one - you can significantly increase the usefulness of the drug. Although such a technique will significantly increase the price of the final product.

Recipe number 3.

1 liter of vegetable oil (for example) is placed in a ceramic dish and 4 tablespoons of dry crushed roots are added. A hermetically sealed container is kept at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4 hours. To do this, you can use the oven.

Burdock oil is deservedly recognized as the most unique agent among the known, intended for hair care. Almost a panacea for all problems associated with hairline... In addition, an inexpensive and affordable drug.

It should be noted that the scope of this oil is not limited to the items considered. It is also used for certain diseases. gastrointestinal tract, in pediatrics, as well as for solving nail problems.

Burdock oil is multifunctional and unique remedy... Exists enough ways to use this product. It contains a lot tannins, unsaturated acids, vitamins, minerals, so it is great for treating skin, nails, eyelashes and the method of application of which is very diverse, has been used for a long time, but all more people starts using it every year. This is due to the effectiveness and naturalness of this product.

Burdock oil for hair: first method of application

It is most often used for dull hair and hair loss, for the care of thinning hair. Here it can be noted that burdock oil can be mixed with other oils, or with egg yolk. The mask should be applied to clean, dry hair, be sure to rub into the scalp. Now you need to put on a protective cap on your head, it costs at least an hour to keep the mask. Then you can wash your hair with shampoo. The mask can be used twice a week if the hair is severely weakened, and for prophylaxis - once a month.

Burdock oil for hair: the second method of application

The oil can be used in both prophylactic and medicinal purposes... It helps to eliminate such phenomena as: dandruff, split ends, fragility and brittleness, loss of shine and elasticity, hair damage due to coloring, perm, skin irritation, dryness and itching. At regular use helps in strengthening the hair roots, gives them additional nutrition, improves blood circulation in the skin under the hair.

The oil compress with nothing added is used as follows: rinse hair clean water blot with a towel. Rub the oil into the scalp with gentle movements, and then distribute along the length of the curls. The oil should stay on the hair for a longer time, penetrate into them and into the scalp. It needs to be kept from an hour to three under a polyethylene cap and a towel. After that, the head should be washed using shampoo, it is worth using a balm. You do not need to blow-dry your hair.

Burdock oil for hair, the method of application of which is described here, it is better to purchase cosmetic, that is, specially produced. Its composition is lightened to the maximum so that it can be used as a hair care product. This makes them easy to wash without weighing them down. Blond ladies should pay attention to the shade of burdock oil. You should choose only clear or slightly yellowish oil.

Let's take a look at the properties of this oil. From those who use it for the first time, you can often hear that it is difficult to wash the curls from it, the dyed hair has faded, and the discolored ones have become darker. In this they are right. This product really has that quality. This is due to the inept use of this tool. Castor and burdock are often used in combination, this allows you to get excellent result... At correct use oil allows you to get positive result, since it contains a whole set of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

We can recommend the burdock method of application which is not very different from the use for hair. To apply the oil easily and comfortably, use a swab or brush. You can make a mixture with castor oil from burdock oil, pour it into a jar from used mascara, then it will be much more convenient to apply it. Of course, the result will be visible only after a couple of weeks of constant use, then the eyelashes will become long and thick.

Take care of yourself and have fun with it.

In the article we talk about burdock oil, its beneficial properties and use in cosmetology. You will find out what types of burdock oil can be found on sale, how the product is useful for hair, face skin and nails.

Composition and useful properties of burdock oil

The beneficial properties of burdock oil are due to its rich chemical composition, it includes:

  • vitamins - A, E, C and group B;
  • minerals - iron, calcium, chromium;
  • polysaccharides - inulin.

Also in the composition there are fatty acids - stearic, palmitic.

When burdock oil is applied to the skin of the face or hair, a greasy film forms, which allows it to retain moisture. The polysaccharide inulin acts as a sorbent - it cleans the surface of the skin and hair from dead cells, accumulated fat and dirt.

Burdock oil improves blood circulation, which means it stimulates improved delivery nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The herbal remedy activates water-lipid metabolism, increases local immunity and accelerates the regeneration processes.

Types of burdock oil

In addition to the classic natural burdock oil, you can find on sale herbal remedy with red pepper, nettle and vitamins.

With red pepper

Burdock oil with red pepper is used for hair - to accelerate their growth and stop hair loss.

Red pepper extract improves blood flow to the scalp, allowing more nutrients to flow to the hair roots.

Useful trace elements nourish hair follicles, strengthen them and accelerate hair growth. It also effectively removes dandruff.

Be careful when using this type of burdock oil. Do not allow strong burning scalp, otherwise you can get burned and provoke the development of an allergic reaction. In case of unbearable burning sensation, immediately wash off the burdock oil.

With nettles

Burdock oil with nettle extract is advisable to use to strengthen hair roots, the remedy is effective in the treatment of baldness and seborrhea.

The herbal product stops hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, and accelerates hair growth. Burdock oil helps in the treatment of dandruff, promotes fast healing wounds on the skin, eliminates itching.

Compared to a product containing pepper extract, it is milder.

With vitamins

Burdock oil with vitamins A, E and group B can be used for hair, and for the skin of the face, and for strengthening nails.

Vitamin A promotes the speedy regeneration of cells, helps to retain moisture in them. Vitamin E enhances blood circulation, has antioxidant and rejuvenating effects. B vitamins contribute to improved nutrition of skin cells and hair follicles, collagen and elastin production.

Burdock oil for hair

The secret of the effectiveness of burdock oil in hair treatment lies in improving blood circulation to the scalp and cleansing it of dead cells. This allows useful substances freely go to hair follicles and feed them.

Adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids provide fast growth hair, strengthening their roots and restoring the structure.

Before using burdock oil, it must be heated in a water bath to 35-40 degrees. How to apply the product - massage movements rub the oil into the scalp, you can apply the product to both dry and damp hair.

If desired, you can distribute the product over the entire length of the hair. You can use a wide-toothed comb for easy distribution of the oil.

After applying the product, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for 1-2 hours. Rinse off with warm water using shampoo. After using burdock oil, it is better to dry your hair without a hairdryer.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Burdock oil can be used not only for hair care, but also for eyelashes and eyebrows. The oil stops the loss of eyelashes, makes them longer and more voluminous. Applying a product to the eyebrows will make them thicker and more manageable.

Apply burdock oil daily to lashes and eyebrows using an old mascara brush, after washing and drying it. Remove excess product with a cotton pad or paper towel.

For these purposes, you can use pure burdock oil or with the addition vitamin complex... Do not use the red pepper product under any circumstances.

Men can also use burdock oil - for a beard. Burdock oil components activate hair growth, make them more manageable and silky.

Burdock oil for face and body

Pure burdock oil, as well as oil with added vitamins, are used for face and body skin care. The product restores the water-lipid balance of the skin, retains moisture on its surface, eliminates dryness, which is typical for the autumn-winter period. With the help of burdock oil, you can also eliminate dryness on the elbows, heels, knees.

The oil cleanses the skin of the face and body from dead cells, excess fat and pollution. It softens the skin, provides antibacterial action helps eliminate acne. With regular use vegetable product accelerates regeneration processes at the cellular level, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, this allows you to smooth wrinkles and improve complexion.

Burdock oil is recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and body 15-20 minutes before taking a bath or shower. Since the product is made on the basis of base oils, it can be applied to the skin in its pure form. To do this, use a cotton pad, remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Burdock oil for nails

The use of burdock oil is not limited to hair and skin care of the face and body, it can also be used to improve the health of nails. The agent obtained from burdock root strengthens the nail plate, accelerates the growth of nails, and prevents the development of fungal infections.

Regular use of burdock oil for nails solves problems such as brittleness and delamination. The product also softens the cuticle.

Rub burdock oil into the nail plates and cuticles, or take a bath before a trim manicure.

Burdock oil at home - recipe

You can prepare burdock oil yourself at home. The recipe presented below is taken from the book by K. Ippolitov "Home Perfumery" 1906 release.

How to make burdock oil


  1. Burdock root - 20 g.
  2. Olive oil - 200 ml.

How to cook: Finely grate the burdock root. Pour olive oil over the raw material. Place the ingredients in a water bath and heat for an hour, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Pour the oil along with the raw materials into a dark glass bottle, leave for 7-8 days in a dark place.

How to use: Use burdock oil as directed. Strain before use. Store in a dark and dry place.

Instead of olive oil you can use sunflower, almond, rapeseed.


Burr oil - natural product and has no contraindications, as it is used externally. However, the use is unacceptable in the presence of individual intolerance to the substances present in the composition.

Perform a simple test to determine if an allergy is present or not. Apply a small amount to the outer fold of the elbow and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. If there are no rashes, feel free to use a product for skin and hair care.

Where can I buy

You can buy burdock oil at a pharmacy or in an online store.

At the time of buying herbal preparation be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions.

The average price of burdock oil is 35-70 rubles. The cost depends on the specific point and region of sale, the brand of the manufacturer, the availability of additional components.

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