How to calm down quickly: practical advice. How to calm your nerves and relieve stress - advice from psychologists

Once I was very worried because before every serious event, performance, I was so nervous that I either flunked everything, or I forgot something, I would not say it in such a tone, I would not present it so brightly. People worry before a meeting, when applying for a job, when they don’t answer close person etc. You can't enumerate all the situations. However generic methods rebalancing exist.

When a person is nervous, misses important events, worrying about the little things. At this time he has:

  • declining mental activity, the ability to focus;
  • cognitive deterioration (which makes you even more nervous - a vicious circle);
  • loss of control over the situation;
  • performance decreases, fatigue increases, fatigue sets in.

Work on a life plan. This allows you to pay attention to important events, and not worry about every trifle. Constantly remind yourself of the main goals and plans. Carry the list with you.

Reasons for concern

First of all, you need to explain the causes of anxiety, sort them out point by point. Determine not only the situation and your own, but also internal factors. So, for example, the excitement before a public speaking is a consequence of poor preparation or fear of being ridiculed, shyness, ignorance of the topic.

The nervous state, as a rule, is accompanied by anxiety and. This is the body's natural response to a threat. It remains to be seen whether the threat is real. In the case of the previous example, think about what happens if you make a mistake or someone doesn't accept your presentation. Is it so dangerous and important for life?

But the anxiety before flying on an airplane is fully justified. The potential threat always exists. But in this case nothing depends on you, so you just need to accept all possible options.

So, identify specific emotions and feelings, the cause of anxiety, its object. Determine the influence of external and internal factors, your participation in the situation.

What to do

No need to deny and repeat "I am calm." Accept, acknowledge the fact of nervous tension. After acceptance and analysis, proceed to active actions:

  1. Inhale and exhale. Popular, simple and really effective advice. relieve tension, restore blood flow and hormonal background. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and exhale slowly. Concentrate on your breath. Body and mind are one. When you feel control over your breath, it will be easier to gain control over your thoughts. Try the five-three technique. Inhale for five counts, hold for three counts, exhale for five counts, and hold for three counts. So ten times. Breathe with your belly: inhale as you inflate, as you exhale, retract. Concentrate on counting and belly movements, so you will be distracted from anxious thoughts. Monitor your well-being. Respiratory techniques are prohibited for colds, respiratory diseases.
  2. Think pleasant. Remember the most delicious food you have ever eaten, the most melodic music, the most beautiful picture, the most tender hugs. Think back to a situation of success. They happen to anyone, it's just that people sometimes forget about it. Bring back your positive attitude and self-confidence.
  3. nervous tension- This . Calms the rise in blood glucose. To do this, eat something sweet or drink coffee. A quick burst of glucose will restore energy and physical forces body, filled with hormones of joy. You can’t systematically seize stress, but in some situations a chocolate bar is a medicine.
  4. Tapping your fingers on the table, walking from corner to corner, swaying on your toes are the body's subconscious attempts to calm down. But what if you come up with the same thing, but more conscious and useful? Find an interesting but monotonous activity: someone embroiders, someone solves crossword puzzles or washes dishes. Come up with your own ways different cases: at home, at work, on the street.
  5. The previous method is not suitable for everyone. If he didn’t help you, then try, on the contrary, to be active: push up, run, jump, wave your arms, stomp your feet, swear. In a moment of stress internal resources are mobilized. There is an energy that needs to be released. Those languor that we experience - and there is unspent power. Release her. Under stress, physical forces are mobilized, thought processes recede into the background. Calm the body to bring back the mind.
  6. Control the mind through the body. Forbid yourself to fiddle with clothes, slouch, look under your feet. Straighten your back, speak loudly and confidently, look straight ahead, demonstrate confidence and calmness.
  7. Devalue the situation. Will it matter in a month, a year? Does it affect your health, success, well-being? But stress and anxiety have a huge impact on health. Recall something disturbing from the past right now. Does it matter now? If there had been a different outcome then, would that have significantly changed the current state of affairs? Were you able to clearly remember what you were worried about?
  8. Keep an anxiety diary. Describe your experiences and observe which of them came true. You will be surprised how much time and effort you spend on inventing. Better get busy, fantasy is useful there.
  9. Strengthen nervous system. What is needed for this: healthy sleep, good nutrition, regular exercise, taking vitamins, hobbies, favorite work, meditation or yoga.
  10. Read D. Carnegie's book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

Make it a rule to draw your fears and worries. It is not necessary to have the relevant skills. Depict your fear (as it turns out), look at it, get to know each other, accept it. Now draw a funny hat or yourself next to it in the form of a knight. Perhaps your fear will take the form of a specific person. Or yourself. Why not?

Sometimes the causes of anxiety lie very deep, in childhood. Once rejected, a person is afraid of this all his life, and therefore often worries and worries. To eliminate, visit a psychotherapist, as in this case, advice on will not help.

Nervousness as a personality trait

Psychology knows many type qualifications. According to one of them (author Heymans - Le Senn), there is nervous type. It is characterized by emotionality, low activity and primacy. Such a person:

  • reacts violently to any little things, takes everything to heart;
  • thinks long before acting;
  • easily gives in to emotions, but just as quickly forgets about them (mood instability).

The nervous type lives on desires and impressions. He does not like boredom and monotony. If this is your case, then advice with monotonous actions will not work. On the contrary, it is necessary to find numerous sources of different emotions. Main feature with which to fight is suspicion.

The author of another classification, Karl Leonhard, singled out. He is characterized by uncertainty in his own actions, distrust of himself, suspiciousness, timidity, indecision, fear of mistakes, excessive expressed feeling responsibility, self-criticism.

Do you often notice irritability, anger, aggression and apathy behind you? Most likely the reason for this is nervous exhaustion. If you want to put your nerves in order, then in this publication we want to give you recommendations on how to calm them down.
The content of the article:

How to determine that an unequal system is not in order

If you have problems with the nervous system, then a number of signs may indicate this.
Feelings of anxiety and restlessness
If you are constantly worried about something, you do not leave a feeling of anxiety, and there is no reason for this, then it is possible that your nervous system is not in order. This can be expressed in the fact that you are constantly feeling anxious: have you closed the door, have you forgotten your phone, startle when loud sounds etc.
When absolutely everything is indifferent to you, you are not interested in anything and do not want anything - this is another sign of problems with the nervous system. An example of this is indifference to everything that used to interest you. You do not want anything and you are not happy with anything that used to cheer you up. You answer any questions with excuses and want to protect yourself from any information.
Another factor that may indicate disorders of the nervous system is uncertainty. You are constantly not confident in yourself and do not believe in your strength, if you have any choice before you, then you do not know what to choose and doubt for a very long time.
Do you experience a feeling of irritability towards everything that surrounds you? - clear sign nerve problems. You are annoyed by the behavior or actions of other people, and you think that they constantly do everything wrong, you are annoyed different sounds, signs, advertising in one word absolutely everything.
Have you noticed that you have become very hot-tempered? For any harmless word or joke said to you, you show a negative reaction and start to quarrel, or someone accidentally hurt you and you start a scandal.
bad dream
Poor and restless sleep may indicate disorders of the nervous system. You toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, often wake up at night and have nightmares.

If you constantly experience a feeling of anger, then this is a direct sign of problems with the nervous system. The manifestation of anger can be expressed in any situation, for example, when something does not work out for you, when they start to argue with you, etc.

How to quickly calm your nerves

How to calm nerves at home
There are many ways to calm your nerves. If you do not know how to calm your nerves, then the most the best way to do this is to be alone in a quiet and peaceful environment so that no one disturbs you. To do this, it is best to turn off the phone and other means with the outside world.
Create a favorable atmosphere in the apartment. Music that calms the nerves and a pleasant aroma in the room will help you with this. As for music, tune the radio to a wave that broadcasts calm relaxing music, or download songs of this genre to your computer. As for the aroma, aroma candles or an aroma lamp will help to create it. Try to lie down, relax and don't think about anything.
Try to do what brings you joy. Someone likes to play musical instrument, someone likes to sing, someone knits, and someone likes to make something. In a word, do your favorite thing, which always calms you and brings you joy. If nothing comes to your mind, then just go outside and take a walk, as fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, and during the walk you can be alone with your thoughts.
healthy and good sleep helps not only to relax physically, but also mentally. Scientists have proven that the human brain is able to "digest" problems in a dream. Waking up, perhaps you will look at all the problems from the other side and be able to calmly solve them.
How to calm your nerves before bed
Accept hot bath with lots of fragrant foam. A hot bath is very relaxing not only physically, but also mentally. Take a glass of wine and fruit with you, turn on some soothing music and immerse yourself in the bathroom. Nervous tension will pass almost immediately, and calm music will relax and help you not to think about anything.
How to calm your nerves at work
Sit in a comfortable chair, lean back, put your hands on the armrests and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles and don't think about anything. Do deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth, all this should happen calmly and smoothly. Do this 10 times and then just sit in this position for 10 minutes.

Remedies to calm the nerves

Medicines will help calm the nerves quickly. If you do not know what to drink to calm your nerves, then consult a pharmacist. As a rule, they recommend good sedatives, which are suitable for absolutely everyone and have a general calming effect.
Pills to calm the nerves
Most effective medicines that help calm the nerves are the tablets: Persen, Novo-Passit and Valerian. As for the drops, here you can name: Valocordin, Corvalol and Novo-Passit. The products are absolutely harmless, and do not cause addiction, and most importantly - they are made from natural ingredients.
Herbs that calm the nerves

Instead of medicines you can give preference to folk remedies, namely herbs.
The most effective way to quickly calm the nerves is mint infusion. To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of dry mint leaves, which you need to pour a glass of boiling water, after which we leave the drug to infuse for 40 minutes. Take 2 times a day, morning and evening.
In addition to mint infusion, it helps to calm the nerves - a soothing herbal collection, which is sold in every pharmacy. Calming collection is taken 3 times a day. This herbal collection includes the following set of herbs: valerian, peppermint, motherwort, oregano, St. John's wort and hawthorn. Depending on the manufacturer, some herbs may be substituted.
What foods calm the nerves
by the most best products that will help calm down are fruits. Fruit contains vitamin C, which helps reduce stress hormones. Oranges and papaya are two types of fruits that contain more vitamin C.
Fat-free yogurt and milk will also help calm the nerves. These products contain amino acids, which calm the nerves.
In addition to fruits, foods containing magnesium are also useful for calming the nervous system: green vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.
Of course, here it is necessary to mention the wonderful calming properties of tea.
Cereal bread, oatmeal, pasta and cereals - help to find a sense of calm, relieve tension and stress.

It is difficult to remain calm in stressful situations. Especially when a person is tired and has no strength. It is important to understand that nerves must be protected. Negative emotions accumulate. And this can lead to nervous breakdown. Therefore, the task of a person is to learn not to be nervous. You can effectively calm the nerves at home, without the use of sedatives.

Adequate sleep relieves nervous tension

How to understand when the nervous system needs rest

Everyone in life has had a moment when you want to cover yourself with a blanket with your head and not see anyone. Such sensations are a signal: the body needs help. This is last stage stress. There are three of them in total:

  1. Protection.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Exhaustion.

At the first stage, the nervous system optimizes the work of all systems and organs, the level of adrenaline and hormones in the blood rises sharply. In the second stage, the body continues to work for wear and tear without sleep and rest. In the third stage, nerve cells die. This reduces the performance of the body.

Recovery nerve cells- the main task, because most diseases are provoked by nervous disorders. Prolonged stress can cause diseases: tension headaches, brain tumors. It causes malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, thyroid gland etc. Symptoms of nervous exhaustion:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to improve stress tolerance

To calm the nerves, you need to establish a daily routine:

  • healthy sleep;
  • proper nutrition;
  • drinking regime.

The intense rhythm of life makes people refuse a full breakfast or lunch. This leads to avitaminosis. Vitamins are needed by the body for optimal development and repair of cells. Vitamins of group B are responsible for the regeneration of neurons. B in large numbers they are found in garlic, raw potatoes, nuts, dairy products. Multivitamins A and E are involved in the formation of nails, skin and hair.

Vitamin D deficiency is a problem for both children and adults. He is involved in the development bone tissue. With its deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome develops. This vitamin is produced in the skin by ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you need to walk more in the sun.

chief building material body is a protein. It is involved in metabolic processes and promotes the release of energy. It is especially important to use protein food people during a cold, with exacerbation of allergies. Protein is involved in the construction of cells of the nervous system. AT enough it is found in buckwheat, oatmeal, white meat, fish.

Lack of sleep provokes the destruction of nerve cells. Sleep can help calm your nerves. With a lack of sleep, a person's performance decreases sharply, appetite disappears. AT severe cases hallucinations start from stress and lack of sleep.

Drink more water

Man is 80% water. With a lack of fluid, the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands worsens. A person with an average weight should drink 2 liters of water per day.

You should stop drinking strong tea, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks. With the use of caffeine, fluid is quickly excreted from the body. This promotes calcium leaching.

Caffeine is highly addictive. Each time it takes more to stimulate it.

Drink the best pure water


Help to calm down medicines. They stop the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause. With the abolition of drugs, a person can again begin to freak out for any reason. Many drugs are addictive. It is better to take herbal preparations. They have a mild sedative effect and practically do not cause drowsiness.

With nervous breakdowns, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed, but after taking them, there may be a withdrawal syndrome. Therefore, you need to learn how to calm the nerves without pills.

Folk methods

Remedies to help calm your nerves traditional medicine. They are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. People have been using the power of herbs since ancient times. Scientists have proven that medicinal plants contain vitamins and minerals that a person cannot get from regular food.

Decoctions and tinctures from:

  • calendula, chamomile, hawthorn;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • linden, elecampane, St. John's wort.

You can do soothing baths with herbal decoctions. This is an effective way to calm the nerves without medication. Can be added to bathing water sea ​​salt and aromatic oils. Soothing baths help to quickly relax the muscles. With prolonged stress, it is recommended to take a course of baths. The break must be at least one day.

Relaxation and stress relief techniques

Everyone should know what can be done to calm down and not be nervous at work or at home. No one is immune from stress. There are situations that can unsettle anyone. It has been proven that self-hypnosis is the most powerful tool. Self-control training allows you to give the brain a command to calm down at the right time. Not everyone can do it the first time, but simple exercises for calming will help you quickly pull yourself together.

The meditation method

Meditation is great for calming the nerves. This is the only method that allows you to calm your thoughts and get out of depression on your own. First, study all the practices, and then choose the right one. They are divided into three types:

  1. Visualization - suitable for people who perceive information visually.
  2. Breathing exercises are useful for people with developed sensory skills.
  3. Guided practices - suitable for people who perceive information by ear.

Visualization is based on the presentation of a certain picture, which helps to remain calm or quickly master oneself in conflict situation. First, practice at home. Try to relax and calm down - imagine the noise sea ​​surf. Blue sea, white sand. The waves pleasantly cool your body, wash your mind and take away all problems with them.

If you need to remain calm in a conflict, try to imagine your opponent as a buzzing fly. Imagine that you are behind the glass against which this fly is beating. She's buzzing and angry that she can't reach you.

You can calm down with the help of breathing techniques. Perform a breath square: inhale for 5 counts, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 counts. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.

Short management practices are an audio recording with a specific text. It can be of any content. The technique is used not only to calm oneself. She can cheer up, push to achieve the goal. You can write a text and ask to read it to the disk. Let a person with a pleasant voice do it.

Water soothing

Drinking water can help you relieve stress. Wherever you are, try to retire, turn on the water tap, look at it. Put your palms under the jet, focus on the sensations. Then massage with wet fingers collar area, whiskey.

Imagine that your fears and feelings are flowing along with the water. This is a great way to stop worrying before public speaking and relieve tension after a conflict.

"Unscrew" problems

Take a piece of cloth or towel and twist it as if you want to wring out the item after washing. All muscles should be tense. Focusing on your body will work if you do the exercise alone.

At the moment of the strongest tension, throw a towel on the floor, sharply relax your whole body and arms. After this exercise, you will immediately feel better.

Smoking calms: truth or self-hypnosis

When asked what calms the nerves, many answer: cigarettes calm. This is the right way calm the nerves for smokers. People who do not smoke constantly often take up cigarettes when they have a nervous breakdown. Do cigarettes calm the nerves or not?

The process of smoking is breathing exercises. Measured inhalations and exhalations help to calm the nervous system. It can be concluded that it is not necessary to smoke to calm down.

Smoking imitates the process of gymnastics

What else can you do to calm down

Nerves can be calmed without the use of medications:

  1. Start working on yourself. Stop being nervous and worried about anything. Learn to perceive the world differently.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations and people who can provoke them.
  3. Learn to enjoy the little things and don't dwell on failures.
  4. Find an activity for the soul that will distract from bad thoughts.
  5. Salvation from stress - sport. During exercise, endorphin is produced - a substance that promotes the restoration of nerve cells.

Exist different ways protect yourself from stress and reduce its effect on the body. Choose the one that is right for you.

Stress haunts a modern person literally at every turn, which is why it is important to learn how to remain calm and composure in any situation. Pull yourself together and calm down without help sedatives not always easy, but if desired, with the help of special exercises, recommended by psychologists, and regular practice, you can strengthen the nervous system and bring the body to a stable state.

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    Why does stress occur?

    In anticipation important events a person has a feeling of anxiety, nervousness increases, and as a result he experiences stress. Most often, discomfort is preceded by the following situations:

    • problems at work;
    • family troubles;
    • impending responsible events, such as an exam, public performance etc.

    Nervousness has both psychological and physiological causes. Physiology is connected with the nervous system, and on the part of psychology, a person may suffer from a feeling of self-doubt, have a tendency to experiences of a different nature, and excitement for the expected result sometimes also affects.

    Some people are constantly in a state of anxiety: as soon as difficult situation getting better, they will certainly have another cause for alarm. The whole life takes place in incessant stress, which negatively affects the mood, physical condition and self-esteem.

    A person who is able to get annoyed for any reason does not know how to control and control emotions, this spoils relationships at home, in a team at work, etc.

    Anxiety can arise even for no apparent reason. Nervousness usually appears in situations that a person considers dangerous or significant for himself. AT Everyday life the main cause of stress is the fear of failure and the fear of appearing in front of others in an unsightly light. To calm down and pull yourself together, you need to determine the cause of nervousness, and only then proceed to eliminate it.

    The most effective ways to deal with anxiety

    Effective recommendations of specialists in the field of psychology will help you stop being nervous, find peace in your soul and start living calmly. It is important to understand that the tendency to nervousness is not a natural reaction of the body to a stressful situation, but a banal habit that can be eliminated.

    Proven ways to take your mind off things:

    Psychologists' advice

    Guide to action

    Analyze your own fears

    The cause of most fears is self-doubt. To start changing your life better side, you should carefully analyze all fears and acknowledge their existence.

    It is recommended to make a list of problems. On the left, write situations that can be changed, on the right - unsolvable. This approach will allow you to calm down, because there is no point in worrying and fearing everything in vain if you cannot change anything. It's also pointless to worry if the problem is solvable.

    Think back to childhood

    Many of the problems present in adult life are rooted in deep childhood. If the parents set the child as an example of the neighboring children and did not notice his merits, in 99 cases out of 100 people grow up unsure of themselves.

    In such a situation, you need to understand that all people are different. Each has its own merits and demerits. It is necessary to accept yourself with all imperfections and sincerely love

    To rest good

    A day of rest and maximum relaxation will help stop driving, freaking out and worrying about trifles. The fast pace of life makes it impossible to take a break. The result is constant stress.

    You need to disconnect from duties for a while and arrange a day off: read a book, watch TV shows, take a walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, get up, not on an alarm clock, but when you want, take a bath with aromatic oils and soothing herbs indulge in sweets. On this day, it is recommended to do what you love, for which there is not enough time in the normal rhythm of life, and just enjoy life.

    Cook or order your favorite dish

    Food is a powerful source of pleasure. Delicious food is a great way to stop worrying and worrying over trifles. The main thing is not to overdo it so that excess weight does not add to the existing problem.

    To watch a movie

    Watching films - good way have a great time alone or with friends, allowing you to temporarily abstract from pressing problems

    Get rid of the source of stress

    Not always a person can afford a whole day good rest. This tip will help you stay calm short term. To overcome negative thoughts, stop getting angry and annoyed, you need to take a break for a few minutes and just do nothing during this time

    Speak the problem out loud

    Sometimes a person just needs to be heard. In this case, the best way out of the situation would be to discuss the disturbing situation with a loved one.

    To walk outside

    Fresh air saturates the body with oxygen and serves as an excellent panacea for anxiety and stress. During lunch break or after work, it is recommended to take a walk in the fresh air. You can get a couple of stops to your house and walk

    get busy exercise

    Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state. Scientists have proven that a person who is actively involved in sports is able to withstand stress and control their own emotions.

    A morning jog, 20-minute exercise, dancing or yoga can do wonders for mood and self-esteem. Even if you are too lazy to go in for sports, initially you just need to force yourself, then it will become a habit

    sleep well

    Dream - the best medicine from all diseases. Chronic lack of sleep becomes a source of constant stress. A person needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day

    Learning to live and respond in a new way is quite possible if you constantly practice resting properly. It takes 21 days for a person to master new skills, then the discomfort will disappear, and the habit will become a part of everyday life.

    How to calm down before an exam

    During the exam, many people worry too much, which negatively affects the future mark. The human brain is focused not on the correct answer, but on the fear of failure. Fear of failure prevents action, paralyzes.

    The following tips will help you stay in control:

    1. 1. Stop thinking about failure as the end of the world. You need to pass the exam, but life will not end, and the world will not collapse if the teacher does not count the answer.
    2. 2. It is recommended to draw up a plan for preparing for the exam in advance and strictly follow it, then the probability of failure will be minimal. Thorough preparation will add confidence, so that anxiety during the process will be much less.
    3. 3. In the evening before the exam, you should refresh all the information in your memory by briefly going over the main theses. It is better to go to bed a little earlier to rest and gain strength before the crucial stage.
    4. 4. Take a break from intrusive thoughts and stop plunging into a stressful situation will help active recreation, sports and physical labor. Even a small charge can switch thoughts in a different direction and give the brain the opportunity to rest.
    5. 5. It is recommended to take a shower before leaving the house. The sound and feel of flowing water is great for relieving tension and helping to cool emotions.

    Express help: how to quickly pull yourself together in a stressful situation

    When overwhelmed by sad thoughts, fear of the future and other negative emotions you can use the following techniques:



    If irritation, anger, anger, fear overcome or you are very nervous in the middle of the day, it is recommended to use the following technique: turn on the tap and just watch how the jet flows.

    A glass of water, drunk slowly, works better than the strongest antidepressants and brings you to life

    Special breathing technique

    Breathing in a certain rhythm allows you to quickly recover and calm down. You need to breathe as follows: inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 2 counts and exhale smoothly for 4 counts. Only you need to breathe not with your chest, but with a diaphragm, that is, with your stomach

    This method is especially good when you want to throw out anger and other negative emotions on another person. In this case, you need to take a breath and mentally count to ten.

    Write a letter

    Most effective method to overcome stress and release negative emotions - write a letter. After all the troubles are imprinted on a sheet, you should tear it into small pieces and burn it, imagining how all real problems are burned along with paper


    Negative emotions just need an outlet. Sometimes you don't have to hold back tears to calm down. Crying will help you quickly and effectively relieve stress and remove toxic substances from the body.

    How to stay calm during an important meeting

    If neither emotional mood, neither breathing practices nor other methods work, and the excitement is still present when talking with important person or people, one should depict external calmness and equanimity.

    Demonstration of outer peace helps to find inner harmony and relax during an important meeting. Not only well-being determines facial expressions, this rule works flawlessly in the opposite direction. It is recommended to smile, follow gestures and avoid closed poses - this will allow you to position the interlocutor towards you and tune in with him on the same wavelength.

    Folk recipes

    If the above methods did not give the desired effect, they will come to the rescue folk remedies. Help calm your nerves at home herbal preparations- they do not have a negative impact on health, unlike medications.

    Herbal preparations are considered stronger, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared independently. This will require the following ingredients:

    • valerian root;
    • sweet clover;
    • dried hawthorn flowers;
    • peppermint leaves;
    • hop cones;
    • motherwort.

    A spoonful of the mixture should be poured with 0.4 liters of boiling water and let it brew. It is recommended to drink tea before going to bed.

    However medicinal herbs can be used not only in the form of tea, one more effective remedy against stress - fragrant sachet pads. It is recommended to place them anywhere at home, and if necessary, take them with you to work or carry them in a car.

    A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey will also help to calm down in the middle of the day.

We often say that our nerves are completely loose, that we need to calm our nerves. But how? Modern man lives in the atmosphere constant stress and it is difficult for him to stop being nervous. We have little contact with nature, too often we meet with strangers. We are affected by sounds that we do not seem to pay attention to - the noises of the city, other people's conversations, other people's music. We become irritable and throw out our irritation on those who are nearby or close the irritation in ourselves, but this leads to illness and shortens our life.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress

First, you need to take care of your health. You need to see if you have enough vitamins and microelements - with a lack of these substances, the body does not work properly, we are more prone to stress and depression. Eat more chocolate, strawberries and bananas, which contribute to the production of joy hormones in the body. Drink soothing herbal teas.

Learn to find joy in small things - in good weather, in what children make us happy, in the smile of an outsider, in good movie, book, etc.

Protect yourself from unpleasant spectacles, switch an aggressive action movie to a calm movie or educational program. Listen to soothing, measured, and not dance music that makes the heart beat in an imposed fast rhythm.

Reward yourself more often for achievements, praise yourself, love yourself. A person who loves himself and accepts himself as he is is much less likely to “break down”. Confidence in yourself and your actions makes you less vulnerable to criticism.

Meditation, gymnastics, shower will help to calm down

Tell yourself that you are calm. To relax, take a walk, listen to the birds singing or the sound of the forest.

Get some exercise. Lack of movement is also one of the sources of stress. Sport can help not only keep the body in good shape, but also strengthen the will, and therefore help calm the nerves.

Use the healing properties of water - swim, visit the pool, take cold and hot shower.

Learning to control ourselves

Set a goal to "calm your nerves." Analyze why you are nervous, understand that in many cases your reaction is not justified by the current situation.

Learn to control yourself. Release aggression in a way that is safe for everyone - direct it towards achieving any difficult goals and overcoming obstacles.

How to learn to calm your nerves

AT modern world every person experiences serious emotional stress, stress, nervous breakdowns. Of course, in such a situation, it is necessary to be able to take control of your emotions and learn to calm your nerves. Of course, there are many ways to calm down, so each person can choose what suits him.

Most simple method, which, however, not everyone resorts to to calm their nerves, is to count to ten and only then start talking. Do not forget that while doing this you need to breathe deeply - this will saturate the blood with oxygen, make the brain work more efficiently, which means you will not think about the moments that disturb you.

You need to be able to be distracted from the subject that irritates or annoys you. It is necessary to remain optimistic in any situation.

Don't let yourself worry. Do not scold or blame yourself for what happened. It would be better to analyze why this situation and what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again.

You need to rest more often. To stop being nervous, you need to go in for sports, walk in the fresh air, because when we get tired, we become irritable and nervous, and this is not the most in the best way affects our health.

No need to constantly think about the negative moments in your past. It is better to think only about positive events. As soon as you remember something negative, you need to distract yourself and occupy yourself with some interesting thing.

Want to calm your nerves? Then you need to use as much as possible. less products that contain stimulants - these include coffee and strong tea. Besides, alcoholic drinks and tobacco also negatively affect our ability to calm the nerves.

Try not to rush. Constant haste is the cause of stressful situations, so you need to learn how to manage your time. Try to avoid increased load.

Learn to ignore minor annoyances or treat them with humor.

Accept that you are not perfect and you never will be. It is impossible to please everyone, and if you make increased demands on yourself, then nothing good will come of it. Don't waste your time and nerves.

How to Stop Worrying and Be Calm

Sometimes, even a person who is usually calm and balanced can experience nervousness. The reasons for this nervousness may be some troubles and problems in the family or at work, chronic fatigue and others. Anxiety is detrimental to health. Therefore, every effort must be made to overcome it.

Nervousness will not help solve problems, but on the contrary, it will only aggravate the reaction to problems. You have to try to understand what is causing it. If possible, it is necessary to moderate the psychological and physical activity, not bad also to calm the nerves to take a vacation or day off.

Your sleep is important. First of all, you need to take care that sleeping place be as comfortable as possible, and the room in which you sleep is periodically ventilated. Often, nervousness appears due to elementary lack of sleep. If possible, you need to increase the rest time.

The simplest joys of life

Nutrition is also an important factor. Heavy, indigestible food will not allow the body to fully recover. You should follow a sparing diet, eat easily digestible foods but don't cut calories. To stop being nervous, try not to drink drinks that excite the nervous system: cocoa, tea, coffee. Or at least limit their use as much as possible. Try to replace them natural juices, decoctions of herbs, mineral water. At night, you can drink sedatives, which are sold in pharmacies.

To calm your nerves, you should walk more often, breathe fresh air. If you live in major city, try, at least for the weekend, get out into the park or into the forest. Quiet rest in nature restores nerves very well.

Looking for joy in everything

Any change of scenery can have a positive effect. If you want to stop being nervous, change the environment if possible. Go on a trip abroad, to the sea, to the mountains. New impressions will have a good effect on the emotional and psychological state.

Try to get as much as possible positive emotions. Do what makes you happy. Going to a cafe or to parties, playing sports, perfectly calms and tones swimming. You can watch entertaining and humorous programs, go to the cinema or to the theater. The more positive emotions you have in your life, the less space there will be for nervousness.
