Obsessive thoughts about what. Fear of materializing disturbing thoughts: how to fight? How to deal with obsessive thoughts

Hello dear readers! Getting rid of obsessive thoughts, in fact, is a very important process, because they take away energy, strength, time and human health. Life must be cherished and valued every minute, and not wasted. Therefore, today I will share with you the most effective methods that will help you free yourself from heavy and unnecessary thoughts.

What it is?

Psychologists are inclined to believe that it is neurotic disorder, most often arising from traumatic events. And it is not necessary to witness murders or unexpectedly lose loved ones. For someone, the death of a pet may be decisive, as it will cause deep experiences, with which the psyche, for some reason, in this moment could not cope. But do not be afraid that now you are entitled to medical and inpatient treatment.

Exists various techniques, thanks to which a person has the ability to independently cope with this complexity. V last resort, you can enlist the support of loved ones, people who are important to you, or consult a psychotherapist. The only thing is, be prepared to make an effort to heal and release.

Judge for yourself, obsession does not last a day or two, and if you decide to fight it, then a long time has passed during which you decided to seek help. And the modern world is too overloaded with information and events that can distract at any moment. And you will not be cured for one completion of the task, systematicity is necessary here, at least in order not to again fall into this exhausting state in the future.

Top 10 Technicians

1) giving up the fight

The very first rule in the fight against negative thoughts Is not to fight them. Paradoxically, it is. They already take away energy, and if you consciously pay attention to them, exaggerating and plunging into complex experiences, not finding any resource and outlet in them, you will simply deplete your body. Do you know the expression: "In order not to think about a white cat, think about a purple dog"? It exists in different variations, but the meaning is the same.

Imagine that there is a “delete” button in your head, press it and switch your attention to more pressing matters and pleasant experiences. For example, remember the most pleasant childhood event that most of all brings a smile on your face, serenity and touching? You will not notice how the anxiety recedes, giving space to other feelings.


A great way to deal with your worries. Take a sheet and write about what torments you and haunts you. Draw if you want, and your artistic ability does not matter at all, so you should not try to arrange it beautifully and correctly. You can just mold from scrap materials, ordinary paper, plasticine, clay is perfect. After expressing harrowing ideas in a convenient way, listen to yourself, did you accurately write or draw everything you wanted? If so, now is the time to get rid of this obsession. Do not regret it, but tear it into small pieces, throw it in the trash, or burn your creation.


Changing tormenting fantasies and feelings into resources and new opportunities, a zone of proximal development. Yes, it can cause indignation, but think for yourself, if something bothers you for a long time, it means that your subconscious mind is trying to "break through" into your consciousness, and in such a not very pleasant and desirable way gives you a signal. Is that what comes up most often in your head? Worry about iron or gas not turned off? Then start developing attention and memory. Then you will know exactly what you turned on or off, and what else you did.

Believe me, this skill will be very useful to you, both at work and in everyday life, in relationships. And the article will help you.


Try to pay attention to exactly at what moments anxious thoughts begin to bother you, maybe there is some kind of regularity? For example, before going to bed, or an exciting event? Often, our subconscious is looking for ways to evade unwanted work, meetings and other things. Yes, at least from admitting to oneself that something is bored, that there is no desire to stay close to an already unloved person, to study in the specialty chosen by the parents and to do something out of habit.

5 distraction

We noticed that watching the fire, looking at the water, we think about what happy life and how good is it at the moment? As if everything is suspended around, and it seems that there is only you and the element? Do you know why this happens? Because the brain, switching attention to all sorts dynamic processes, believes that the rest is not so important, therefore all sorts of sticky and tormenting emotions go away, and that is why you feel relaxation, a surge of strength and inspiration.

The more often the brain is busy, the less likely the occurrence of neurosis.

Therefore, I propose to adopt one technique as soon as you begin to feel that there are bad thoughts in your head, start doing:

  • It is necessary to sit comfortably, close your eyes and count each inhalation and exhalation. That is: "Breathe in once, breathe out two." When you count to 10, it counts as one cycle. You need to do at least three, if you notice that it is not enough, you can continue. It is only important to breathe slowly, fully concentrating on the count, the movements of your chest and feelings.
  • Then, when you feel that you have relaxed enough, having got rid of tension in every part of your body, imagine an image that is exhausting, and give free rein to your imagination, destroying it in any way you can imagine.

I also recommend reading the article about. The whole program is described there. different methods for relaxation, you can use whatever you like, adding a second part where you need to deal with the sticky obsession.

6.Physical load

If you are mainly tormented by dissatisfaction with yourself, not ideality and echoes of low self-esteem, for example, that you do not look the way you would like, did not achieve what you wanted by virtue of character, and the like, then it will help you exercise stress... In principle, it helps in any cases when you just need to switch and give your brain a chance to rest.

Tired, exhausted - you simply will not be able to torture yourself further, plus a clean apartment, a well-groomed garden or a noticeably thinner and toned body will be a pleasant bonus.

Alternatively, sign up for courses, making your dream come true. For example, learn how to sew graceful dresses or climb rocks, skate beautifully or dance tango. When you begin to realize your desires, which you usually did not care about, you will feel happy, and then the level of thought control and, in general, claims to yourself will decrease.

7 affirmations

To get rid of the so-called neurosis on your own, the method of positive affirmations will help you. To do this, first try to figure out the meaning of the ideas that prevent you from living, constantly spinning in your head, and then transform them into positive statements, which you will begin to consciously repeat to yourself several times a day. Well, if you go back to the example with the iron on, you can reformulate it like this: "I am attentive and notice all the details and nuances that surround me."

You will find detailed instructions on how to compose and use them. And also get rid of negative wording, and generally from using a particle of "not" in your proposals. And for the success of this action, come up with a punishment, for example, 5 push-ups for each negative wording. You can make a bet with loved ones in order to increase motivation.

Any ways positive thinking will bring changes to your life, learn to notice the beautiful and pleasant in it, and then the consciousness will be rebuilt, ceasing to torment with obsessions.

8.Analysis of the reasons

If you want to "look deeper" in order not just to get rid of the consequences, but to find out the root cause of your condition, I propose to try a paradoxical technique, which consists in a thorough and detailed analysis every thought. Take a sheet and arrange a so-called brainstorming session, that is, write down absolutely everything that is swarming in your head at the moment. You should not give an assessment, just write until you feel that, so to speak, "zeroed out" and dried up a little, and you can stop there.

Re-read what you have written, what feelings do you have on the text? Find frightening phrases, and "play" with them, writing at least 5 points for each, answering the question: "What if?" Such exercises help to rationally approach the subject of tension and anxiety, since it often happens that emotions are so "overwhelmed" and a person is not able to realize that he is sometimes worried about something that does not really coincide with reality, and if he looks more closely, you can see it.

9 driving to the point of absurdity

Laughter - best therapy and the ability to release the accumulated energy, deal with anxiety, so why not resort to it? For example, you constantly replay the situation in your head that you will not like the girl on the first date. Now imagine how much she grimaces at the sight of you and tries to run away, but falls, this makes her even more frightened, and so on. Continue until you feel like the situation is really fun for you.

This technique can be difficult for serious people who have forgotten what it is to play and have fun. But if you overcome your resistance, believe me, the result will not be long in coming. I am not calling you to be frivolous and irresponsible, it is just sometimes important to add lightness to your being, and even more so to humor.

10 postpone

Remember the immortal phrase of Scarlett O'Hara: "I will not think about it now, I will think about it tomorrow"? This is from the movie Gone with the Wind. So, it really works. We do not reject an idea, we just put it off until later. And then she ceases to be intrusive, because the consciousness is calm, you will definitely return to her, only later. And then, perhaps, the level of tension will begin to fall, other pressing matters will appear that require your attention. But in this method, it is important to be honest with yourself, otherwise you will stop trusting yourself, so later, be sure to take time to realize exactly those fantasies that poison your life.

  1. Prayer is suitable for believers, because even scientists have found that when a person prays, sound vibrations make the space harmonious and calm. And if you feel peace and quiet joy- then it will be best treatment not only for the soul, but also for the body.
  2. If you have completely different views on religion, then you can try meditation. From previous articles, you may have noticed how often I recommend resorting to it, and for good reason, because these methods really work, both on a physical level and on a mental level. You can learn more.
  3. Start fighting bad habits, especially those that destroy health and kill time. With their help, you will not get rid of obsession, but on the contrary, intensify it, up to the onset of prolonged depression, affective disorders, insomnia and panic attacks.


By changing your mindset, you will bring other changes into your life. So why not make it high quality and rich? Time passes, and it is impossible to turn it back, and neuroses only accelerate this process. So take care and value every minute, take care of your health and everything will be fine with you! Subscribe to updates and join groups in social networks, the buttons are in the upper right. And that's all for today, dear readers! See you soon.

I had already been preparing this article for a long time, but I still could not write it for the reason that I was not sure that I had a complete idea of how to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Now I have learned from my own experience how to cope with such thoughts and am fully ready to tell you about it.

Perhaps some of my readers think that from the moment I started creating this site, I completely got rid of all personal problems... Indeed, I had already changed a lot by the time of the first entries in this blog, but my current state cannot be called complete freedom from negative emotions, prejudices and fears.

My situation can be characterized as a struggle with myself, during which experience and materials for these articles are born. Of course, in this confrontation between my true self and the primitive, instinctive, emotional self, the former gradually wins.

But this struggle continues: two steps back and four steps forward. Self-development stems from the awareness of one's own shortcomings and work on them. If there is no struggle, then this does not mean a final victory, but rather a surrender.

After all, self-development is an endless process. I continue to face and struggle with some problems. Including with obsessive thoughts.

Mental "gum"

These thoughts have always been with me. They could occupy my head and make me nervous, endlessly mentally referring to the same experiences. It was like mental chewing gum.

I constantly chewed the same thoughts in my head, tried to resolve them, to untie some imaginary knot. But from my attempts to weaken him, on the contrary, he tied up even more.

I remember how, in my distant childhood, I could not stop thinking about some things that I could not think about at all. It must be that my brain's habit of endlessly "processing" some experiences and ideas was aggravated in times of other psychological problems.

I recently realized that I had learned to work with obsessive thoughts. Moreover, I am ready to formulate a method that allows me to get rid of them. I realized that this article may now finally appear.

Obsessive thoughts are emotions

This is the first thing you need to understand. Obsessive thoughts are of an emotional, unconscious, irrational nature. They are associated with your deprived of all reasonable fears, anxieties and complexes.

This is why they are intrusive. The emotions that form in you make you constantly think about something. They seem to signal “Problem! Problem! We must look for a solution! "

It's like a notification in Windows or another operating system that appears as an icon and will irritate your eyes until you update a program, remove a virus, or install the correct driver.

We can say that obsessive thoughts also have a positive function. They remind you of the problems that you must solve. And you cannot just take and turn off these "notifications". It's hard to starve to death when your brain constantly reminds you of food.

But, unfortunately, obsessive thoughts do not always tell us about some real problem. The mechanism by which these thoughts appear is rather subtle. And if, for some reason, “ standard settings”Of this mechanism go astray, then natural human fears and worries can take an extreme form, manifesting themselves in the form of obsessive thoughts, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Everyone knows how normal health care can turn into hypochondria, how a natural fear of danger threatens to turn into paranoia.

And now you become a regular visitor to medical forums, and thoughts about your health do not leave your head. You may be constantly thinking about danger while you are outside. Or you cannot get out of your head the thought of what people think of you, although you yourself do not see any point in thinking about it.

The conclusion I want to make is that obsessive thoughts are based on emotions. Therefore, they are not rational in nature. Therefore, they cannot be fought with logic.

This is a very important conclusion. I watched myself a lot, tried to understand how these thoughts appear and how they disappear, how my mind tries to deceive and confuse me. Earlier, in the evening, when I was very tired, I could not stop some thoughts.

For example, I might start thinking bad things about myself, blaming myself. No matter how skillful the inner lawyer may be, who, with the help of logic and common sense tried to convince me that everything was not so bad (although of course he did not rule out the problem), the accusing side always prevailed, and everything became even more confusing. The more I tried to justify myself and get rid of annoying thoughts with the help of thoughts, the more I got confused and the more these thoughts overwhelmed me. This sport with itself caused the invisible knot to tighten even more.

The next day, in the morning, I didn't even want to think about this problem with a fresh mind. If I started thinking about yesterday's "dialogue" with myself, then I understood that the problem had a place to be, but it was greatly exaggerated and exaggerated by my state. I realized that the problem should be solved, and not thought about it. There is no sense in these thoughts.

After some time, I realized what the deception and deceit of these thoughts was. If you try to destroy them with logic, they will still prevail, since they are irrational and illogical and make you believe in absurd ideas, in front of which common sense is powerless.

You can't eliminate obsessive thoughts with logic

If you are in the mood to blame yourself, then you will continue to blame yourself, even if you have nothing to blame yourself for. Because this is your mood and it is from it that these thoughts flow, and not because of any real situation! Even if suddenly you manage to convince yourself for a minute that these thoughts are groundless, then after a while they will return again if you resist them and continue to provide them with a logical rebuff.

If you are in a mood in which you think that you are sick, that something bad will happen to your health, then no positive results analyzes will not convince you otherwise. "What if the analyzes were inaccurate?", "What if I have something else?" - you will think.

And you will not see an end to these thoughts, no matter how absurd from the standpoint of common sense they are.

It is useless to try to refute them. Because it is impossible. They will return and attack you with new absurd reasons that you will believe in, since you are in such emotional state, which gives rise to these thoughts about non-existent problems.

Remember the state when you are worried about something. No matter how you convince yourself that everything will be fine, that there is no reason to worry, your perception, distorted by nervous tension and excitement, draws you a perspective in the darkest tones. Not because everything is really bad, but because you now perceive everything that way. If in this state you begin to think a lot and talk about the future, then your negative perception will attract your thoughts to the "negative" pole and it will be difficult to break out of this attraction.

The method of getting rid of obsessive thoughts

You need common sense, but only at the very beginning.

First of all, you need to figure out if your obsessive thoughts are based on some real problem. It happens that mental gum harasses you, exaggerating the problem. But an exaggerated problem does not mean there is no such problem.

So think about what the reasons are for these thoughts. Getting rid of thoughts, you should not ignore the problem, if there is one. For example, it seems to you that you have some kind of illness and thoughts about it do not leave your mind.

Maybe these are really not unfounded fears, and you have symptoms of some kind of disease. If so, see your doctor. If you have already done this and you have not found anything - forget it.

Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, there is no point in thinking about it all the time! You either try to solve it, if it exists, or forget about everything, if it does not exist.

This is the only time in the fight against obsessive experiences in which you need to apply logic and common sense.

What to do?

Pick a moment in time when you are in the best possible morale, when you are more optimistic and stronger than usual. For example, in the morning, when you are full of energy, after physical exercise or after.

Convince yourself that it makes no sense to repeat the same thoughts thousands of times in your head. That these thoughts are deception or exaggeration, the purpose of which is to confuse you.

Understand the following things well

  • you will not come to a solution to the problem if you constantly think about it
  • obsessive thoughts do not have any rational basis, and if they are associated with a problem, then you will solve it, instead of constantly returning to it with thoughts
  • you cannot get rid of mental gum with logical reasoning and reflection

Realize the absurdity of obsessive thoughts

Further, you can once again, with the help of a few logical theses, lay bare the entire absurdity of obsessive thoughts. For example: “I have nothing to be afraid of, because the tests showed nothing”, “they don’t die from attacks of panic attacks, I read about this more than once”, “no one is trying to harm me”, “even if there really are things that are worth fearing , you don't need to think about them 1000 times a day, it will only lead to nervous exhaustion. "

Your anti-intrusive argumentation should be intelligible and concise... You should not get carried away by arguing with yourself. Remember, in a long dispute with obsessive thoughts, you are doomed to failure, in which emotions and fears will prevail over logic and mind and negative perception will itself "pull" thoughts to the negative pole.

To destroy the force of this attraction, you need to think less. When you think about annoying thoughts, chew on them endlessly, you only reinforce them.

Set yourself up to ignore obsessive thoughts

Tell yourself that you will no longer think about what you think about all day. and what plagues and torments you. Indeed, why chew mental gum all the time when it doesn't make any sense?

An obsessive thought is the repetition of the same thought in different ways. You will not receive any new and valuable information from it, you will not come to any decision.

Therefore, give yourself the intention not to get carried away with fruitless reflections. After you said it to yourself, made a promise that you will not break, draw an invisible line... After this line, you no longer pay attention to obsessive thoughts.

Don't expect thoughts to return no more

They will return more than once. Tune in like this: "Let them come back, what's the difference, I realized that these thoughts are deceit and do not relate to the real problem."

Thoughts will come back, sometimes you will start to untie this knot in your head again. As soon as you notice that you are again carried away by this, smoothly divert your attention to the side. Do not argue with these thoughts, do not be upset that they came (and they will come), ignore them, treat them with complete indifference.

If you suddenly need to remind yourself of the absurdity of these thoughts, do not go further than short formulations: "nothing will happen to me, and that's it." Do not get involved in an argument that you will never win. All the endless arguments that again make you afraid or nervous are lies and deception.

Remember what I said in the article: if you are in this psychological state, in which you tend to worry about your health or about your future, or about your loved ones, then your mind will focus on this fear, no matter how absurd this fear is. Don't turn your mind against yourself.

You must know a puzzle toy that looks like a pipe. If you put in both ends of this tube index fingers different hands and try to free them with physical effort by pulling your arms into different sides, then nothing will come of it, the tube will only squeeze the fingers tighter. And if you relax and don't pull, everything will work out.

The same applies to obsessive thoughts. There is no need to want to get out of them at all costs. Relax, "hammer", let them be.

Be indifferent!

Your indifference to obsessive thoughts will rob your obsessive thoughts of their emotional content, which fills them with a force that you sometimes cannot control. Over time, you will learn to manage your attention and notice those moments when you again began to think about what you should not.

Then thoughts will leave you forever.

But there is no need to wait impatiently when this will happen: "when will they leave!", "I try not to pay attention to them, but they still do not go out of my head!" Such thoughts are not necessary!

Arm yourself with a salutary indifference: thoughts do not bother - okay, they come back - okay too. There is no need to turn thoughts about the appearance of obsessive thoughts into obsessive thoughts!

It’s not a big deal that repetitive reflections keep coming to you. If you have deprived them of their emotional "charge" and try to ignore them, then they do not harass your nerves as they used to. In this case, they become just an annoying notification window (you might have seen such windows on your computer) that pops up in your head from time to time.

And this is not so scary. You can live with it. Thoughts sometimes appear, but they no longer draw your attention and do not confuse you. They are just short signals in the head that come and go.

When I began to treat obsessive thoughts in this way, they left my head and I learned to deal with them. A fighting obsessive thoughts is not fighting if you perceive the struggle as violent resistance. Relax!


I have already said in other articles that mental illnesses:, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts can either break you down or make you stronger (as in the statement of a famous philosopher).

Fight against panic attacks can teach you. Dealing with depression can help you find the source of your happiness. And trying to control obsessive thoughts will teach you how to control your attention and control your mind.

Arm yourself with patience and work on yourself, then you will not only get rid of your ailments, but also get a valuable and useful experience as a result that will come in handy in your life!

My step-by-step video course on getting rid of panic attacks and obsessive thoughts!

I have collected all my experience in helping people with panic attacks and obsessive thoughts, all my knowledge about the problem and presented them in his new 17-day video course "NO PANIC"! Over 7 hours of videos to teach you how to overcome fear and anxiety. 3 hours of audio meditation, with which you can get rid of obsessive thoughts, eliminate panic and develop important mental skills of self-control and relaxation.

Obsessive thoughts with VSD are a widespread symptom that brings a lot of problems to a person. Feeling sudden loss control over your own thoughts when inner voice encourages to perform a number of actions, is able to plunge a person into a real shock. Even intelligent adults easily follow obsessive thoughts, completely surrendering to their power.

What are obsessive thoughts

Obsessive thoughts, fears and VSD are interrelated concepts, because every person with such a pathology belongs to the type of hypochondriacs, suspiciousness and flight of fantasies that have no boundaries. Moreover, close people do not see the full depth of the experiences of dystonic people and cannot always provide support, considering such thoughts to be a lie. In fact, the riders cannot independently fight the flow of annoying thoughts, which can lead to fear of the surrounding reality and complications vegetative dystonia mental disorders.

If a person has dystonia, the system responsible for relaxation does not fully fulfill its functions, which leads to constant stress and the expectation of something obviously bad.

Obsessive thoughts in patients with VSD are formed in this way:

  • even in childhood, such people are distinguished by strong feelings about their own health;
    loosening is observed in adulthood mental state, provoking the development of a number of phobias, among which the dominant position is held by the fear of death;
  • during the next panic attack, a person imagines terrifying pictures own death or the death of one of the people close to him;
  • forbidding himself to think about death or illness, the rider constantly carries such thoughts in own head straining even more.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

People experiencing obsessive states can distort everything so much that it is simply impossible to believe them. A similar condition that occurs with vegetative dystonia is commonly called obsessive-compulsive disorder. For each person, these states can have different manifestations, for some they manifest themselves to the maximum, for others, expressing only a little.

Anxiety, depression, irritation - all these feelings are constantly in the head of a sick person. These people cannot be distracted by positive thoughts, they begin to associate and look for something bad in every gesture, sign or symbol.

This type of disorder can have different manifestations:

  • doubts about their own actions: a person worries whether he actually turned off the iron or stove before leaving the house, he does not believe his own eyes and sometimes take photos of empty sockets in order to review them, at least a little to calm down and neutralize the feeling of anxiety;
  • actions are charms that can save a life: so, a person can return home if something, in his opinion, went wrong. There, he performs some kind of ritual (for example, looking in the mirror or combing) that saves his life. The situation can reach the point that a person creates rituals for himself that contradict one another, which puts him in a real dead end, the reaction of the body to which can be absolutely inadequate;
  • constant scenarios of death, both one's own and those of loved ones: footage of death can regularly haunt a person, and, at the same time, he will be afraid that such thoughts will provoke the development of such scenarios himself.

Obsessive compulsive disorder should not be mistaken for schizophrenia. These two pathologies are different, because the obsessive thoughts of the rider have some features:

  1. Awareness of all the negative power of one's own thoughts: a person does not like their appearance, they terrify him. Such a patient does not aim at self-destruction or harm to others.
  2. Understanding the delusional nature of their own thoughts, awareness of the clear difference between fantasy and reality.
  3. The desire to get rid of such thoughts, to clear their head from them.

Traditional treatment

To rid a person of obsessive thoughts, experts prescribe strong sedatives, tranquilizers, such as Anaprilin.

In general, in such a situation, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • anxiolytics.

These medicines help the patient calm down, eliminate high degree anxiety and pay less attention to experiences.

The constant use of this kind of drugs has its negative sides:

  • the need to constantly spend considerable sums of money for their purchase;
  • the presence of restrictions that do not allow you to fully enjoy life;
  • probability of occurrence adverse reactions from the body;
  • resumption of obsessive thoughts after drug withdrawal;
  • there is a small chance that even the constant intake of quality medications will get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Psychocorrection of obsessions

Obsessive experiences torment a person physically and mentally, not allowing him to rest, keeping him in constant tension. Psychocorrection of such behavior allows you to gradually come to complete getting rid of these unpleasant manifestations of VSD.

Patients with strong obsessive thoughts may well return to a fulfilling life, if a competent specialist will work with them.

Anxiety is relieved through the use of such techniques:

  • finding out the root of the problem: the patient and the doctor discuss what can happen if you do not follow your own thoughts;
  • reduction of susceptibility to thought provocateurs: produced by hypnosis;
    finding tools for self-relieving anxiety.

According to numerous studies, this technique gives excellent results... After a few sessions, patients gain the skills necessary for self-soothingness.

Important! The technique of psychocorrection of obsessions gives results and is applied only if the patient agrees to it of his own free will.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts on your own

To get rid of obsessive thoughts that are the cause of your suffering, internal problems, delusions, it is important to constantly work on yourself.

To eliminate obsessive experiences, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Meditation: despite the long time spent, it allows you to learn self-complacency.
  2. Switching your own attention: to be distracted from experiences by including in the work of each of the senses. This method is easy to use, but gives only a short-term effect.
    Add activity to your life: start playing tennis, walking in nature more often, not overeating before bedtime, doing what you love with loved ones.
  3. Get rid of physical stress: muscles that are in constant tone cause a response from the psyche, expressed in the appearance of obsessive thoughts.
  4. Therefore, it is so important to be able to relax your body with the help modern techniques for relaxation.
  5. Don't forget about communication: meet more often with interesting people, expand your own circle of acquaintances, discuss only positive news with friends.
  6. Minimize TV viewing for a certain period of time and social networks full of messages about tragedies and disasters: you should not give the brain food to create obsessive thoughts about death.
  7. Read less about vegetative-vascular dystonia on special forums, where the same people share their own feelings and symptoms: it is highly likely that a person can find even those signs of a disease that he did not have before.
  8. Do not try to keep your own thoughts under control: if a person tries with all his might not to think about something, he, most likely, will think about it incessantly.
  9. Heal not so much own body How much soul: high spirits, optimism in outlook on the future - this is the way to get rid of obsessive anxiety.

When embarking on the path of dealing with obsessive thoughts, which so often appear in the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, one should remember that it is impossible to control all the processes occurring on earth. It is unlikely that a disaster will come if the person does not turn around three times before leaving home, or chooses the wrong color of socks. A person cannot control his own thinking, just as thinking should not completely control him.

Unpleasant, frightening and particularly intrusive thoughts come to any head.

From simple doubts and worries to meaningless phobias. How to get rid of fears?

Moderate and reasonable fear is an emotion important for self-preservation. This is the main rule of species survival. If we are afraid of poisoning, then we will not eat expired yogurt. If we do not want our finger to be bitten off, we will not stick our hand into the cage with the leopard.

But there is a category of manic fears that are unfounded and useless, and they are extremely harmful. Obsessive thoughts interfere with self-development and movement forward, they limit us, and deprive many of the usual happy moments.

What are obsessive thoughts

Anyone has come across a situation: a nice dinner, an evening movie, I want to rest, relax, but negative thoughts persist in my head. Instead of driving them away and living in peace, people begin to grind them over and over again, becoming more and more convinced of the validity of fears.

Moreover, the sufferers do not come to any conclusion, decision or plan of action, but simply go into a panic.

An example of such an obsessive thought, which is not easy to get rid of: "I will definitely be fired." Once the boss looked askance at you, a colleague announced an upcoming layoff, and the office manager hinted that they were unhappy with you ...

And so it started! rolls over, you reluctantly remember all the moments that allegedly confirm the theory of dismissal. You start going to work with a tremor in your hands, flinch at the boss's voice, and in the evenings you experience obsessive fears again and again. How to get rid of them?

Where do fears and obsessions come from?

We are terribly afraid of losing what we especially value. Parents and children, health and life, work, friends, money, real estate.

There are also unexpected fears, they can be called “professional”: a virtuoso pianist or a famous surgeon shaking his precious fingers, the composer fears losing his hearing, and a genius scientist is panicky afraid of diseases associated with mental confusion and memory loss.

There are also ordinary, everyday fears: for example, anxiety that a fire or a robbery will happen in the house in your absence.

Phobias stem from our core desires, ambitions and strengths. We dream of being good fathers, valuable employees, popular, healthy, wealthy people.

Those who are distinguished by increased responsibility are most of all afraid of making a mistake, letting others down. The one who is used to controlling everything is terribly afraid of getting into a situation where nothing depends on him.

A pregnant woman can shake for hours from an unreasonable fear of losing a baby (after all, she has read horror stories on women's forums). Stranger witness terrible disease unwittingly begins to look for symptoms in himself (and, of course, finds a dozen or two).

The mother, who gave a slap on the head of the stubborn little one, worries that she turned out bad parent, and she will not be able to properly educate her offspring. The child is afraid that the parents will quarrel, divorce and he will be left alone.

How to get rid of phobias and negative thoughts

Obsessive fears lead to lingering, health problems, mental disorders, and a nervous breakdown.

It all starts with simple experiences, but then more serious symptoms are connected to them: nausea, dizziness, migraine, vomiting, weakness, fast fatiguability, apathy.

TO obsessive fears common phobias can also be attributed: fear of spiders, closed spaces, heights, snakes, microbes, diseases, crowded places, intimate relationships, darkness.

It is difficult not to cope with such stories, poisoning life on your own, and it is better to turn to an experienced psychologist.

But in mild, not neglected cases it helps rational approach... So how do you get rid of obsessive fears?

Step 1
Where does fear grow its legs

Soberly weigh (or better - write down in a notebook) all your reasons for a phobia. Most likely, already at this first step, you realize that there are no real reasons for fear - only someone's gossip, words and speculations of your suspicious person.

It is worth looking for deep-seated problems within yourself. Perhaps subconscious reasons for your anxieties will appear, from a total desire to control everything to a craving for self-blame.

Step 2
Chat with a responsible or informed person

The second step is to consult with a pros in your area of ​​thought, someone who can give you an accurate answer.

For example, a pregnant woman will ask everything exciting questions a gynecologist and genetics, undergo an ultrasound scan, take tests and receive a certificate that she is completely healthy and afraid in vain. Official documents and opinions are great things to convince yourself.

Step 3
Take action

Any conclusions, decisions and activities are beneficial to the fight against obsessive thoughts.

Anyone who is afraid of being fired will directly ask the boss: “Are you satisfied with me as an employee? Perhaps I should get additional competencies, attend some courses to cope with my work even better? "

Step 4
Laugh at yourself

A sense of humor is a great thing that can a global problem wrap up a joke. Include irony and think about your fear in a satirical context.

Isn't it really funny to be afraid that a brick will fall on your head? In addition to humor, high-quality relaxation and positive thinking helps in the fight against obsessive thoughts.

Step 5
Unreasonable fear is a meaningless emotion

No one gets better from thoughts that depress the nervous system. They are useless, because they lead nowhere: to be afraid is unproductive!

Consider if there is something real you can do to protect yourself from what you fear? Complete a full examination in medical center, conclude a contract with the best maternity hospital in the city, go in for sports, drink vitamins, put an alarm in the apartment?

Resist unreasonable anxieties with all your might by solving only real problems and only in effective ways. Remember, obsessive thoughts and fears worsen the quality of life, prevent you from enjoying it!

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety? It would seem that terrible in the thoughts that invariably arise in the head, distracting from current events. However, this position is fundamentally erroneous, since obsessive thoughts exhaust a person, pursuing him, they take energy, take time and have a destructive effect on health, interfere with enjoying their own being. Life is fleeting, so every minute you should appreciate it, and not waste it. Obsessive thoughts can greatly complicate everyday life. Psychology refers to obsessive-compulsive thoughts as obsessive-compulsive disorder and offers a variety of methods for getting rid of them.

The modern abundance of information, which a person has to process every day, provides individuals with the necessary knowledge, but at the same time often leads to an incorrect perception of this information. Pesky ideas visit everyone, but in some individuals they "settle" for a long time and greatly complicate their existence, often acquiring the scale of mental deviation, especially if they are caused by mental trauma in the present or are associated with past shocks. There are many types of similar psychoemotional deviations. In most situations, you can get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears on your own using simple ways and special exercises.

Past emotional blows are common causes of anxious moods and annoying thoughts of impending horrors or setbacks that may occur.

They can be based on the fear of repeating an undesirable situation and not understanding how to get out of it. At the same time, similar thoughts may appear groundlessly. Accumulating, and anxiety provoke nervous overstrain, leading, first of all, to dysfunction of the digestive tract. The most common disorder arising from an imbalance in the emotional background is a stomach ulcer, followed by a disorder of the myocardium.

In addition, the constant exposure to stressors and obsessive thoughts give rise to the following problems:

various dependencies, for example, food, alcoholic;

- overweight, which is a consequence of overeating or abundant production of the hormone cortisol (with emotional shock, cortisol is thrown into the bloodstream in order to help the body overcome difficulties, however, with prolonged stress, this hormone inhibits metabolism);

- ailments of the reproductive system due to hormonal surges (there are failures in hormonal cycle, violation of the microflora of the genital organs, neoplasms often appear, a decrease in potency, a deterioration in the quality of sperm);

- weakening of immunity, as a result of which the body becomes easily susceptible to various infections;

- observed psychical deviations generated by depressive moods (suicidal tendencies, complexes, phobias, mental ailments).

First of all, in order to eliminate anxiety and obsessive thoughts on your own, it is recommended to allow the positive to settle in the soul. It is necessary to try to control the flow of thoughts, avoiding negative assessments of reality, thoughts with a minus sign. If a bad thought, an unpleasant association, or a bad image occurs, you should immediately switch your attention to any pleasant event or memory. You can also indulge in joyful dreams or rainbow planning for tomorrow's existence. It is necessary to recall life events when a person felt the happiest, most successful, loved, successful, and remember these emotions in order to be able to refer to them when apathy rolls over, sad thoughts and depressive thoughts begin to prevail.

People are immersed in their own world, filled with despondency and indifference to what is happening, when they lack positive emotions... This often leads to depressive moods, and sometimes it can give rise to real depression.

If it is difficult to switch to pleasant thoughts or memories, then it is recommended to acquire an interesting hobby or other occupation to your liking. For example, you can start going to the pool, water has the ability to eliminate negativity, sign up for a sports section, because sports promotes the production of the hormone of happiness. In addition to the beneficial effect of physical education on a person's mental attitude, sport also takes free time, which leaves no opportunity to indulge in sorrow or succumb to the influence of obsessive thoughts and anxiety.

It is necessary to introduce into the habit of small breaks, diluting active daily life. Man is a living, functioning organism, and he needs ordinary rest. A common cause of obsessive thoughts and anxiety is banal overwork.

It is also recommended to allow yourself to “laze around” a little during the day, for example, watch an interesting movie, read a novel. This will eliminate anxiety.

When obsessive thoughts are the result of the habit of "grinding" daily events, replaying over and over again in your head, take off it is quite easy to cope on your own. First of all, it should be admitted that not all thoughts are logical, smart and true. After all, thoughts that are constantly reproduced by the brain are not necessarily part of the surrounding reality. Obsessions are often illogical and completely inadequate. You should know that thought is only a reflection of the conditions of being of individuals, their mood, moral guidelines, values, mood, life circumstances, outlook, imagination, reading and worldview. The confusion and intricacy of all these components in the brain often gives rise to the emergence of obsessions.

Resisting internal conversation, as well as ignoring it, is not only pointless, but often dangerous. Since a person by such behavior independently drives his own person into a trap, where panic and anxiety reign. Therefore, it is recommended to realize the presence of obsessive thoughts, to admit the very fact of their presence. After that, you should try to become an outside observer, looking at the ongoing "dance" of thoughts from the side. At the same time, one should avoid even the slightest attempt to analyze them. Questions like "why these thoughts appear", "what led to them" will be driven back into the trap.

It must be remembered that annoying internal dialogue is only a stream of thoughts, in which it is not at all necessary to believe. It is more important here to listen to your own feelings, which arise as a result of annoying thoughts. Perhaps the person experiences anger, irritation, joy, sadness, or denial. These emotions should not be afraid, one should accept and live them. Such a process will lead to transformations in the psyche. The consequence of this will be the attenuation of the described sensations and the restoration of mental comfort.

At the same time, one should not expect instant relief from obsessive thoughts and anxiety. It is necessary to prepare yourself for the fact that the process of releasing from the yoke of annoying thoughts is quite long. Therefore, you should closely familiarize yourself with relaxation techniques. After all, the brain also needs rest and constantly nervous thoughts will exhaust it. Various breathing practices, self-hypnosis, auto-training can help you relax and eliminate unnecessary stress.

It is also advised not to avoid social contact. Since a benevolent interaction helps to distract from obsessive thoughts and tune in to positive. And the deliberate fencing of oneself from society will only aggravate the condition and intensify the symptoms.

Methods for getting rid of obsessive thoughts

Most psychologists agree that obsessive compulsions are often the result of traumatic events. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be a witness to the tragedy or to experience the sudden death of a loved one. For some people, the death of a pet can become a trigger mechanism, since it will give rise to deep emotional experiences that the human psyche is not able to overcome on its own for any reason.

Before embarking on the path of dealing with obsessive thoughts, you need to understand the following:

- the situation will not be resolved by itself if you constantly think about it;

- any annoying thought is devoid of a rational foundation, while, if it is due to a specific problem, then it is this problem that needs to be solved, there is no point in thinking about it all the time;

- it will not be possible to eliminate annoying internal dialogues through reflection and finding a logical argument.

Today, many methods have been developed that allow you to cope with annoying internal dialogue on your own.

Below are some ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts on your own.

As mentioned above, first of all, it is necessary to stop fighting annoying thoughts, since this battle is a losing battle in advance. Obsessive thoughts thus take away the strength and energy of a person, and if the individual also consciously begins to pay attention to them, plunging deeper into negative experiences, then he will simply weaken his own body. One well-known expression can be used here: "In order not to remember the black cat, one must remember the purple dog." This statement can be found in various variations, but the meaning remains unchanged.

When obsessive thoughts begin to overwhelm, it is recommended to mentally imagine that there is a "delete" button in the brain, which should be pressed, and switch attention to topical activities or more pleasant things.

Creativity is one of the most effective ways to get rid of neurosis-like states. It is necessary to write on a sheet of paper about everything that torments, causes inconvenience, that interferes with a comfortable existence.

You can draw problems. In this case, it does not matter at all whether there are artistic abilities. Beauty and clarity of lines are not important here, the main thing is to give freedom to your own imagination.

You can sculpt a disturbing problem out of clay or plasticine, or cut out of colored cardboard. The main thing is to allow yourself to do everything that your soul wants at the moment, to express tormenting ideas in the most convenient way. After the work done, you must carefully listen to the sensations inside. If you don't want to write, draw or dazzle anything more, then it's time to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety on your own. You can tear it into smallest pieces, burn it, throw it away, fly it into the distance with an airplane, crush it, crush your own "creation".

Exhausting fantasies, ideas and feelings can be transformed into new opportunities, resources, development zones. For example, if the thought of an unplugged iron or an unlocked door has eternally pursued, then you need to start developing your own attention and memory. In addition to the fact that this will help to remember exactly the turned off iron, these skills will also contribute to labor activity and will greatly facilitate everyday life.

In order to get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety, it is recommended to try to identify the patterns of their occurrence. For example, disturbing thoughts begin to prevail closer to the evening or early morning. Maybe they arise only because the subconscious of a person wants to help a person - to evade an undesirable business, work, call. Intrusive thoughts can be a kind of bell, signaling the need to look back at your own life: maybe boring work is tired or tortured by everyday life. When obsessions arise, it is important to understand what triggered them.

The distraction method has proven to be equally effective in getting rid of obsessions. After all, sometimes a person needs so little to feel happy - to hear the sound of the sea, to see the sunset, to enjoy the singing of spring birds.
Sometimes you can stare at the fire and forget about all the disturbing situations for the soul, as if time had stopped and everything had stopped. This is due to the fact that the brain, being distracted by various dynamic processes, believes that the rest is not so significant, and therefore any sticky and exhausting thoughts, emotions, images go away, as a result of which the individual feels relaxation, feels a surge of strength, and inspiration illuminates him. ... Therefore, the more often the brain is occupied with various tasks, the lower the likelihood of neurosis.

It is also necessary to realize that when an individual from the outside accepts obsessive thoughts and commits certain actions as a result of their influence, then he must take responsibility for these actions, as well as their consequences. Do not shift the responsibility to haunting thoughts. Once a person acted in accordance with them, therefore, it was he who accepted them. In addition, the actions were performed not by thoughts, but directly by the individual himself.

In order to get rid of obsessions, it is recommended to stop relentlessly reproducing thoughts and study. Because it is self-hypnosis that has tremendous power. Thanks to him, you can eliminate pain, to cure a psychosomatic disorder, or to improve the state of mind. The self-hypnosis method is widely used in psychotherapy.

Finding himself in a crisis situation, the individual unconsciously begins to utter statements that can only worsen the condition. Self-hypnosis is connected, leading to a feeling of complete powerlessness, a sense of despair, melancholy, various disorders and ailments. If a person begins to notice that he is constantly repeating a negative attitude, then it is recommended to replace it with the opposite one, trying to repeat it more often.

Also, in order to independently get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxiety, one should deliberately abandon hidden interests and benefits. No matter how unnatural it may seem, an individual, overwhelmed by exhausting annoying thoughts, often looks for an imaginary benefit for his own person in their presence. At the same time, they do not admit this to themselves. Psychologists call this phenomenon “secondary benefit”.

When it seems that the benefits of torture outweigh the benefits of mental comfort. However, this is only self-deception, so you should try to find and comprehend the "secondary benefit". Only after this will the individual be able to eradicate obsession and find a way out of the existing situation.

People suffering from haunting obsessive thoughts should realize the absurdity of these thoughts. Several coherent reasonable theses contribute to the exposure of the absurdity of the thoughts tormenting them. It is important that the arguments are intelligible, clear and concise. It is better not to enter into a prolonged argument with your own obsessive thoughts. Because this behavior is doomed to failure in advance. Such a dialogue will end with emotions gaining the upper hand over reason.

There is a certain group of annoying thoughts that are easier to overcome than other intrusive thoughts. They are characterized by a connection with certain actions, the future, which is in the hands of people. The described group includes the fear of the future, consequences, loneliness. This also includes the popular question of how to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a person.

The basis of these fears is banal indecision. You need to stop worrying and start acting. You should face your own fears directly. After all, it is not known in advance whether they are justified or not, it is not known tomorrow it will be as it seems or otherwise. The only possibility to find out is to test empirically what will happen next. Fears will dissipate on their own when a person is convinced that the reasons for anxiety simply do not exist. You need to concentrate your own will in a fist and follow in the forward direction.

It should also be understood that the problem is best solved in a comprehensive manner. Before embarking on the implementation of the above methods, you need to review your own routine and daily diet... It is recommended to minimize the consumption of psychostimulants. Better to replace herbal infusions with a focus on sedative herbs, habitual caffeinated drinks and teas. A collection consisting of St. John's wort, medicinal valerian and mint will be effective. The effect of this drink can be multiplied by using buckwheat honey.

As mentioned above, to get rid of obsessions, it is necessary to diversify one's own leisure, so as not to leave even a minimal opportunity for annoying thoughts to take possession of the individual's consciousness. It is necessary to exclude idleness from everyday life. Therefore, the day should be scheduled literally by the minute. You cannot leave even seconds for destructive thoughts.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to carry out psychological work with oneself on a daily basis. This work should be aimed at eliminating tormenting thoughts from the head. It is easier to do this when there is an understanding that every thought is only a tiny part of the person himself, which is due to the environment, upbringing, environment and many others. Therefore, one should not identify oneself with obsessive thoughts. Only after this postulate is accepted by the individual and assimilated, you can proceed to the next steps.

Obsessions are difficult to resist, and almost impossible to destroy. This statement it is necessary to admit, in order to move on. Destructive thoughts should be ignored without engaging in "demagoguery" with them.

You do not need to immerse yourself in your own inner world, giving complete control over yourself to obsessive thoughts. It is better to pay attention to the riot of colors and the variety of events in the real world.

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