Cough massage: the benefits and techniques for performing various types of massage. How to give drainage massage to a child

  • With temperature
  • no temperature
  • Massage
  • Drainage massage
  • All children face such a symptom of diseases of the respiratory system as a cough. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, parents are ready to use different methods. One of them is a special massage that harmlessly helps to get rid of cough.


    • Cold.
    • Bronchitis.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Pneumonia.
    • Emphysema of the lungs.
    • Pneumosclerosis.

    Why massage promotes sputum discharge?

    During the massage bronchial tree warms up, and the mucus accumulated in it becomes more liquid. As a result, sputum is better coughed up and excreted from the small bronchi into the larger ones, and then into the trachea, which helps the body get rid of both excess mucus and microbes or viruses.


    Cough massage is a good alternative to the use of medications. Such a procedure can be carried out from birth, while parents can learn how to carry it out without involving specialists.

    In addition to stimulating sputum discharge, such a massage:

    • Stimulates blood flow and lymph flow.
    • Strengthens muscle fibers involved in respiration.
    • Increases the mobility of the ribs.
    • Stabilizes the respiratory function.
    • Enhances the effect of the use of drugs.


    • The child has a fever.
    • The kid just ate.
    • Cold or other illness respiratory tract has just begun (massage is indicated only from the 4-5th day of the disease, when acute stage passed).
    • The baby feels discomfort in the position on the stomach.
    • There were complications of the underlying disease.
    • The baby has skin diseases.
    • The baby's body weight is too low.

    During the period of exacerbation of the disease, massage is prohibited!

    Types of massages

    Cough massage can be done different methods, so it happens:

    • Drainage. The main feature of such a massage, which contributes to a better removal of sputum, is the location of the body - the head of the child should be lower than the body.
    • Dotted. This is very effective massage, but it should only be carried out by a specialist who knows well which zones need to be affected.
    • Canned. This massage has a good effect and positive influence for immunity, but its implementation is not always available due to the need to use improvised means.
    • Vibrating. For such a massage, gentle tapping on the back of the child is performed. It is also called percussion.
    • Medov. This type of massage is highly effective for coughs caused by chronic or protracted illness. The limitation to its use is high risk allergies.

    See the next video for more on this.

    For more information about vibration massage when coughing, see the next program.

    Massage technique

    Since the most accessible and frequently used cough massage option is drainage, we will consider in more detail the technique for its implementation. First, the child is massaged on the back, and then on the chest, avoiding the area of ​​the nipples and kidneys. The room should be ventilated before the procedure.

    Back massage

    Start by rubbing the back with the entire surface of the palms from the shoulders to the lower back and back. Next you need to do:

    • Rapid pinching movements with fingers. Perform the first pinching near the spine, and then repeat, stepping back a few centimeters to the sides, until you reach the sides chest.
    • Patting with fingertips, collected in a handful.
    • Tapping with the ribs of the palms. They are best performed diagonally, moving from the area above the waist to the shoulders.
    • Tapping with the ribs of the fists. They are also held diagonally.

    All movements should not be rough, but quite active in order to cause a slight reddening of the skin.

    chest massage

    Having laid the child on his back, rub the chest with your palms (the entire surface), moving from the center of the chest to the collarbones. The force of pressure should be small, but sufficient for the appearance of small redness. In conclusion, seat the child and rub the jugular cavity, which is located between the collarbones. Press it gently so as not to squeeze the larynx. Next, ask your baby to cough.

    After the procedure, the child is wrapped in a blanket and left to lie down for a while in a calm atmosphere. The duration of the massage is approximately 10 minutes, it is recommended to carry it out twice a day for 5 days. To facilitate the sliding of the hands, you can use oil or cream.

    See the following video for the drainage massage technique after suffering pneumonia or bronchitis.

    Percussion massage - Komarovsky's opinion

    A well-known pediatrician considers this type of massage effective for coughing and explains its name with a connection with the word percussion (as tapping is called in Latin). During such a massage, the child's bronchi begin to vibrate, and sputum is separated from their surface. And if it was difficult for the baby to cough up "adhered" sputum, then after the mucus enters the bronchial lumen, the cough becomes more productive.

    Komarovsky focuses the attention of parents on the fact that percussion massage, with its effectiveness, cannot be called independent method therapy. famous doctor emphasizes that such a procedure is necessarily combined with medication and, more importantly, with a sufficient amount of drinking and air humidification. Komarovsky also notes that such a massage cannot be carried out with elevated temperature body.

    According to a popular pediatrician, a percussion massage that parents can do at home should look like this:

    1. Lay the child on his stomach, and put a pillow under the pelvis so that he is above his head.
    2. Sit next to the baby and use your fingertips to make intense and frequent taps that should not hurt the baby. It is desirable that the fingers come into contact with the skin at an angle directed towards the head. During tapping, change the position of the baby's head every 30 seconds.
    3. After 1 minute, the child should be raised, and then offered to cough.
    4. Repeat this series of tapping and coughing 4-5 times.

    This procedure can be carried out up to 6 times a day.

    For more information on how to do massage for bronchitis, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

    In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky shows how to massage when coughing.

    Massage treatments are one of the most effective methods expelling mucus when coughing. They help to alleviate the condition of the baby without the use of medications. The principle of operation is to put pressure on certain points of the back, transmitting a signal to spinal cord to nervous system. As a result of this process, the whole body relaxes, which contributes to the unhindered discharge of sputum.

    Execution technique

    There are several techniques that help to remove sputum when coughing in infants. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.


    The peculiarity of this technique is that the baby's head should be lower than the torso. To do this, under the child you need to put a small pillow or roller. After proper placement, you should proceed with the following manipulations:

    After the procedure, the baby must be wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, it should lie for about 1-2 hours. During this period, every 15 minutes it should be turned over to the other side. This will help to avoid stagnation of mucus in the lungs.

    The duration of 1 session should be 10 minutes. At the same time, the number of procedures per day should be at least 2. The full course of treatment in this way is designed for 5 days.

    Watch a video on how to do drainage massage From cough:


    Vibration massage consists in tapping on the back of the baby. Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Put the baby on the tummy.
    2. Mom should put an open palm on her back, avoiding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trunk of the spine.
    3. The second hand should be clenched into a fist, making light taps from the fingers to the wrist.

    The duration of 1 procedure should be no more than 3-4 minutes, their number - 3 per day. The entire course of treatment takes an average of 4-6 days. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the cough.

    Expectorant (postural)

    This type of exposure is similar to drainage massage. Let's see how it is done step by step:

    1. Put the child on a pillow or cushion so that his head is lower than his torso, you can also place him on his knees.
    2. The baby should lie face down.
    3. On both sides of the middle of the spine, grab some skin.
    4. Turning it over, move towards the shoulders.
    5. Step back a couple of cm to the edges of the sides, do the same manipulation.
    6. Do 10-20 approaches.

    The duration of 1 session is no more than 3-5 minutes. It is necessary to do such manipulations 3 times a day for 5 days. After each session, the baby will be excreted sputum. For maximum effectiveness, he can be given an expectorant medicinal syrup before the massage.

    Percussion (Komarovsky method)

    This method consists of the following actions:

    The duration of such treatment is 5 days. The number of procedures is 3 per day. In this case, you need to know about the following rules for conducting percussion massage:

    • It is not an independent method of therapy, it is used as an adjunct to drug treatment.
    • You should not do such a massage at elevated body temperature.
    • Do not use this method while taking medications that inhibit the cough reflex.
    • During the massage it is required to avoid the area of ​​the spine.

    Cough massage for sputum discharge is highly effective. But to achieve the desired result, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations of experts:

    • During the procedure, use baby cream or warming oil.
    • Massages should be agreed with the attending physician.
    • The first procedure is carried out on the fourth day of the child's illness.
    • During the procedure, the baby should be without clothes, so you need to take care of a comfortable air temperature.
    • Movements should not cause discomfort, the child should not cry after such exposure.
    • If there is a deterioration in the condition, then the massage procedures must be stopped, and then consult a doctor.
    • For faster and more effective coughing, the child needs to press the root of the tongue with a teaspoon.

    AT without fail need to control the body temperature of the crumbs. If he has a fever, then massage as a cough treatment is not suitable.

    When a child coughs, parents try their best to alleviate his condition. The main difficulty is that it is difficult for small bronchi to cough up thick sputum.

    He suffers, and his mother suffers with him.

    But in fact, a wet cough is the first symptom of recovery. Its appearance means that the sputum is successfully excreted, and now it is necessary to facilitate its discharge.

    Vibration massage is suitable as a means to thin the mucus in the bronchi and for easy expectoration.

    Also, massage is effective tool for the treatment of an already lingering wet cough, full recovery From cough.

    How to do it right vibration massage chest when coughing to young children? He contributes speedy recovery and will not do harm if parents follow some recommendations:

    • Before the session, give your child an expectorant medicinal product. After half an hour, you can start the procedure.
    • Can't do procedure infected baby. Skin rashes are another reason to refuse a session.
    It is forbidden to massage a child whose body temperature is elevated
    • The first procedure is carried out on average on the fourth or fifth day of illness.
    • It is important to monitor the microclimate of the room. Optimal indicators: the temperature in the room is not less than 18 and not more than 23 degrees, the humidity is about 60%.
    • the procedure is carried out in the morning and late in the evening.

    Benefits and effectiveness

    One of the most effective types massage for cough- vibration. It is based on dynamic tapping on the child's back. It is approved for babies of any age, including newborns. Its benefits are invaluable:

    • helps the baby to cough up sputum;
    • eliminates inflammation and spasms of the bronchi;
    • strengthens the immune forces of the body;
    • prevents the occurrence of complications;
    • improves blood supply to the organs of the respiratory system;
    • reduces bronchial walls;
    • reduces toxicity in the body.

    Vibration massage is especially useful for kids under 12 years old.

    The point is that they respiratory system is still developing, and they are not able to cope with such an ailment as bronchitis on their own.

    Poor sputum discharge leads to its stagnation in the bronchi. If the sputum has acquired a greenish or dark green tint, we recommend that you pay attention to the execution technique. Gradually, children find it difficult respiratory function, and in the accumulated secret, bacteria actively multiply.

    Obviously, at correct technique and preparation, the benefits of vibration massage for bronchitis in young children are very significant.


    Vibration cough massage is very easy and fast. To do this, lay the child on the tummy, tap on the back with the outer edge of the palm.

    For babies done in a more gentle way. Place your hand on the back with your palm down, without touching the spine.

    Clench the other hand into a fist and start tapping lightly from the fingers to the wrist. The procedure is softened due to the fact that the effect on the child's skin is not direct, but indirect.

    The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the age of the children. For babies, a couple of minutes of tapping with fingertips on the back is enough.

    For kids from one to five years old, they do it within five minutes. Older children and teenagers can increase the duration of the session up to 10 minutes.


    In addition to massage, use other methods of thinning sputum. let's baby herbal infusions from the foliage of St. John's wort, plantain, licorice, wild rosemary.

    Only complex treatment and following the instructions of the pediatrician will give positive effect and quickly save your child from the disease.

    Many young mothers have heard about such a procedure as drainage massage. It is used, as a rule, to stimulate the discharge of mucus from the child's respiratory tract. Such massage for children is considered the most in an efficient way in the treatment of colds and bronchitis without the use of drugs. It is prescribed even to infants with a weakened cough reflex. Today, this service is provided by many medical centers, however, every parent who cares about the health of his crumbs can learn the basics of drainage massage himself and perform it without outside help. More detailed information to carry out this procedure aimed at eliminating various diseases respiratory tract in children, you will find in our article.

    First, let's get acquainted with the features of drainage massage for babies. Experts recommend that in order to avoid complications, before using the procedure, consult a doctor. In addition, there are several general restrictions when performing massage. These include elevated body temperature and the presence of disease in acute form at the baby.

    How to do drainage massage for a child: a technique

    Before giving a massage to a child, the room should be well ventilated. The air temperature should not be below 22 degrees. The procedure should be repeated twice a day: before meals - in the morning, and in the evening before putting the baby to bed.

    At first, the child is on his back. Massage the front wall of the chest, nose with a nasolabial triangle. After that, a massage is done from the back, laying the baby on the roller with his stomach so that the head and upper roots of the bronchi are lowered below. Next massaged back wall chest crumbs, bending their arms in elbow joints and placing his hands under the head of the child.

    After the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the baby warmly for half an hour. It is very useful to put a warm compress after this. The course of drainage massage is recommended for 10 days. Even if relief comes after the first few procedures, it is necessary to complete all sessions to the end.

    Drainage massage for children with cough, bronchitis, for sputum discharge, after pneumonia

    The stroking massage of the legs is done with light circular movements from top to bottom, along the outer surface. lower extremities. Pay attention to the feet: massage all the fingers, bend and unbend them.

    Back drainage massage for children

    Movements are performed one after the other:

    1. Lay the baby on his tummy so that his head is below the level of the body.
    2. Place a pillow or cushion under your baby's neck.
    3. Stroke the back of the crumbs with light movements so that he relaxes.
    4. Step back two centimeters on both sides of spinal column and do light pinching from the middle of the back to the shoulders 20 times.
    5. Step back the same amount to the sides, again repeat the same manipulations.
    6. Now the movements will be carried out practically on the sides, but there is no need to affect the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits.
    7. Stroke the back of the crumbs 20 times with tightly pressed palms towards the shoulders.
    8. Place your palms on edge. Make 20 movements obliquely towards the shoulders.

    Drainage massage for infants up to a year

    Babies are delicate and fragile, so when performing a massage, parents often worry that they can harm the baby. Experts recommend not to abandon this procedure, but simply to perform all movements easily and gently. Hands before the massage must be warmed, the nails should be cut as much as possible and be sure to remove all jewelry. You can use baby cosmetic oil to slide your palms over the baby's skin.

    For babies, all massage techniques are performed with minimal effort, laying the baby on the back and on the stomach, placing a pillow or roller to give the body a higher position. Massaging the baby appearance of mild redness, paying attention to the intercostal spaces, trapezius and latissimus dorsi. Massage is performed by tapping movements on back side arms. In this case, the palms should slide along the back longitudinally, avoiding the heart zone. They also perform tapping, laying the child on its side.

    After this, the baby is seated and pressed on the root of the tongue so that he coughs. Next, the nose is cleared of mucus. With a dry cough, false croup, elevated body temperature in children under one year old, drainage massage is not used.

    After studying our article, you are convinced that this type of massage is very simple in technique, so it can be easily performed without outside help, at home. It can be carried out as an independent procedure or combined with other methods of exposure recommended by the doctor. The main thing is to perform all movements as gently as possible so as not to harm the baby. But do not forget about one more rule: treatment respiratory diseases in children it will be effective if the drainage massage procedure becomes part of complex therapy aimed at the speedy recovery of the crumbs. Therefore, before using this method for the treatment of bronchitis, cough and pneumonia in children, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

    Take care of your kids and don't get sick!

    Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

    Cough caused by various diseases, cause discomfort during the day and do not allow a full rest at night. Official and ethnoscience They offer a wide variety of cough suppressants. One of these manipulations is cough massage. It should be done when sputum is released, dry cough cannot be stopped with massage.

    Most often children suffer from cough. Due to the fact that children cope worse with the process of coughing, take medicines poorly and cannot tolerate the imposition of mustard plasters, experts advise alleviating their suffering and getting rid of coughing with massage.

    Adults also need it, because it helps. Cough massage is used of any kind, but it is done with common goals:

    For the treatment to be effective, the massage procedure should be carried out at least 3 times a day. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to study contraindications and consult a doctor.

    Types of massage

    There are several types of massage, each of which provides certain benefits. Therefore, the choice should be guided by the impact of the procedure on the health of the patient.


    Drainage is the most popular of all types. It stimulates expectoration in both children and adults, even indicated for infants. It is necessary to perform the procedure half an hour after taking an expectorant.

    Before you start massaging the back, it should be smeared with cream, the patient should be put on the surface so that the head is slightly lower than the body, a pillow should be placed under the neck.

    The massage technique consists of the following manipulations:

    The duration of the drainage massage for adults is 30 minutes, and for babies 15 minutes is enough. The course of massage is recommended in the amount of at least 10 sessions. After the session, the patient needs to be warmed up, wrapped in a blanket, thereby making him a warming compress.


    Acupressure when coughing is considered the most difficult to perform, because you should know all the points necessary for this. It is suitable for both adults and children.

    To perform it, it is better to contact a specialist - only he knows the location of biologically active points on the human body.

    The massage session includes stroking and vibration impact on the point for 1-2 minutes. These zones are located in the following locations:

    The process itself does not cause discomfort even to small children.


    Cupping massage is useful for both adults and children when coughing.

    In addition to improving coughing, this procedure has an effective effect on stimulating processes such as:

    • improves blood and lymph circulation;
    • eliminates swelling in muscle tissues;
    • excess fluid is removed from the body.

    The procedure requires glass or rubber medical banks. Before this, the back is well smeared with cream or cosmetic oil so that the jar can easily glide over the skin of the back without coming off it.

    Next, set fire to a piece of cotton wool, previously moistened with alcohol (a piece should be held with tongs), and hold the fire under a jar turned upside down. Then quickly attach it to the skin. Do the following manipulations at least 10 times for each jar:

    Do all the movements, then wrap the patient in a blanket and let him sleep.


    Vibration cough massage is especially effective for childhood, it can be done even for babies. After all, newborns have not yet formed a respiratory system, and they are not able to cope with strong cough on one's own.

    For the discharge of sputum, assistance is required in the form of a vibration massage. It should be noted that it is also useful for adults, only in the presented version it must be carried out more intensively with the use of effort during exposure with hands.

    Vibration massage should be done in this way: put the patient on the stomach and tap on the back with the edge of the palm for 10 minutes. It is required to resort to sessions twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

    For young children, it should be carried out in a sparing version: place the palm on the back without touching the spine, with the fist of the second hand, tap on the first hand, moving from the fingers to the wrist. children infancy a couple of minutes of such exposure is enough.

    Vibration massage when coughing is very effective in diseases of the respiratory tract, as it performs the following functions:

    An important feature of such a massage is that before the session you should drink an expectorant and only after 30 minutes begin to manipulate.

    Do not massage if there is a dry cough. Massage is effective only when wet cough, it is not curative, but only helps to eliminate sputum.

    During the session, you can not touch the spine - this can damage it, especially if you carry out manipulations little child, massage is prohibited for a disease such as false croup and patients with high fever.

    Massage is useless in acute infectious disease, therefore, if a child coughs, there is also skin rashes, manipulation is not recommended. You can not massage a child if he has a severe form of malnutrition and a very small body weight.

    The session should be carried out in a ventilated room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees and humidity not higher than 65%. If during a session of any type of massage you feel discomfort and pain, you should stop it and consult a specialist.

    Simultaneously with the massage, you should drink herbal expectorant infusions and decoctions. Preparations for maintaining immunity will help the body cope with this unpleasant problem. It is necessary to treat cough under the supervision of the attending physician.

    Child M, 1.5 years old, cough for two weeks. The intake of expectorants did not lead to positive results, secondary signs of the disease are not observed.

    Was held comprehensive examination to exclude a more serious pathology - nothing was found, only sputum in the bronchi. A vibration massage was prescribed - after 4 sessions, the amount of sputum decreased by half.

    Massage is distinguished by its effectiveness, able to save the patient from bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, headache and other serious pathologies.
