A magic point that eliminates spasmodic cough. Correct performance of drainage massage in adults and children when coughing Acupuncture points for cough treatment

The complex of means that can significantly shorten the recovery period in the implementation of drug therapy, without fail includes massage.

Conducting a course of massage, especially when it comes to colds, ARVI and bronchitis, accompanied by a cough, avoids a number of complications, including those that pose a serious danger to the patient, regardless of age.

The main reason for prescribing a massage course serves as a long, poorly treatable cough in adults and children. To alleviate the patient's condition, as well as enhance the effect of drugs, doctors often prescribe one of the types of massage that is most suitable in each case.

Massage can be done not only for adults or children over six years old, but also for babies. Difference consists in the strength of the impact, the choice of the position of the body during the session and the possibility of using one of the types of massage, depending on what kind of cough is observed in the patient.

The activation of sputum excretion after the sessions contributes to a speedy recovery, but even this method of treatment has its own contraindications... First of all, these are:

  • Temperature in excess of 37 degrees.
  • The course of bronchitis in the acute stage.
  • The presence of hypertension of the third degree.
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency.
  • Oncological diseases of the lungs or bronchi.
  • Individual characteristics of children under the age of three.

The purpose of the massage for bronchitis

Gentle and gentle massage in children and more intense in adults, it has a common goal of coping with a lingering cough and speeding up recovery.

Bronchitis, like a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, it is faster to drug treatment if, thanks to massage therapy, there is an increase in blood circulation, muscle contractions of the walls of the bronchi, and movement of the epithelium.

Consequently, phlegm is removed faster, does not stagnate, the process of coughing is facilitated. Reducing intoxication helps to improve the general condition of the body.

Depending on the nature of the cough (dry or wet), the use of different types of massage is shown. So, with dry cough, especially in children, the main task is to translate it into a productive form.

In other words, it is important to bring a dry cough to a wet state in order to ensure further active liquefaction and excretion of sputum. The best thing percussion massage copes with this task, especially in children under three years old.

Wet cough considered productive, and the main task of massage therapy at this stage is to facilitate the release of sputum to prevent the development of intoxication, as well as a number of serious complications. For this purpose, it is recommended to carry out a drainage, honey or cupping massage.

Dry cough massage

Unproductive or dry cough often is intense, exhausting and manifests itself at the onset of the underlying disease.

Cough tremors accompanied by whistling noises due to shortness of breath, which leads to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea. Often there is a sensation of pain during a deep breath.

Before proceeding with the massage with a pronounced dry cough, it is necessary establish the reason its occurrence. This could be:

  • Pneumonia, bronchitis, ARVI, flu.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Reflex reaction caused by inhalation of smoke, cold air, or strong odors.
  • The effect of drugs that regulate blood pressure.

If the cause of a dry cough if there is a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or bronchitis, then only in this case, provided there is no high temperature, it is possible to supplement the drug therapy with massage.

Without the use of funds aimed at achieving an antitussive and expectorant effect, such as sinecod, herbion, stopussin, libexin, bronchicum or linax, massage therapy is not performed.

Features of massage, carried out with a dry cough, consist in a mild and low-intensity effect with the use of concomitant agents.

Preheating is carried out areas of the chest and back to slight redness. Then, with gentle massage movements, products such as camphor oil, bear, goose or badger fat are rubbed into the skin.

It is necessary to perform such a massage in a sitting position so as not to cause attacks of dry cough. Additionally, it is recommended to rub the legs with the indicated means. After the massage, it is necessary to wrap up the patient and put him to bed in a well-ventilated room.

To transform a dry cough into a productive wet form in children without the use of additional funds, percussion massage... Any other types of massage procedures during this period are contraindicated for babies.


A productive, or wet, cough is characterized by the discharge of some accumulated phlegm... Depending on the condition of the patient or, if we are talking about small children, a small amount of it may go away from the ability to cough up accumulated secretions.

To speed up the excretion of sputum and to prevent its stagnation, additional methods of exposure are required. One of these methods is massage. When massaging a child, all actions are carried out with a much lower intensity.

Drainage massage for bronchitis

The patient should be laid with his stomach on a roller specially prepared for this purpose. Further you need to rub your back so that the skin warms up and takes on a reddish tint. Adults can take a hot bath before the session. Such bathing is contraindicated for children.

Massaging passes with the help of the fingertips intercostal spaces; hands move from bottom to top. After each interval has been passed, the palm is folded in a boat and the worked out areas are patted. Next stage- compression of the diaphragm from the sides at the base. It is important to perform each movement from the bottom up.

If the massage is done correctly, then a cough will begin with the removal of accumulated sputum. To facilitate the task, the patient must take a sitting position. Each stage of the drainage massage should be repeated at least three times in one session.

Percussion massage

This view massage is more suitable for children under the age of three. The procedure is of the least intensive nature, without losing, at the same time, its effectiveness.

In many descriptions of this type of procedure, it is recommended to place the child on his knees so that his head is as low as possible. it does not give pleasure neither the child nor the adult conducting the session.

The best thing lay the child on his stomach with arms outstretched, and place a pillow under the pelvic area. Thus, the baby is in a position "at an angle", and the requirement of "butt is above the head" is fulfilled in full.

The adult sits down next to the child and begins with his fingertips in intense pace tapping on the back. The fingers should not fall on the skin at a right angle, but "look" towards the head. After a minute of such tapping, the baby is returned to an upright position so that he can clear his throat.

Repeat tapping-coughing approaches is necessary four to five times, while not forgetting to change the position of the child's head every half a minute. Percussion massage can be performed up to five times during the day, provided there are no contraindications.

Cupping massage

The procedure is based on the effect of the vacuum generated during use special cans... Pulling off a part of the body, the bank helps to increase blood circulation, improves lymph flow, tissue nutrition. Two more benefits are increased immunity and restoration of respiratory functions.

For a session the patient is placed on his stomach. The back is lubricated with oil or cream. The use of glass jars is not recommended. It is better to purchase a safer version of plastic material at the pharmacy.

The bank is set on oiled back. Four pieces are enough. Further, the banks, in accordance with the lines indicated in the instructions, move in different directions. After the procedure, the patient is covered.

Dream- the best end of the cupping massage session for bronchitis.

Protracted forms of the disease
helps to cure performing honey massage if there are no allergic reactions to honey.

With the help of honey, not only the excretion of phlegm is increased, but also the release of the body from accumulated toxins and toxins, which, in turn, boosts immunity.

The procedure is carried out using warm honey... It is applied to the upper back and collar area. Then they move the hand so that it is more difficult to gradually tear it away from the body. Honey thickens, changes color and smell. The strength of the impact increases, while causing painful sensations. The session should be terminated when the patient begins to experience discomfort.


Oriental acupressure effective for many diseases, including bronchitis. Its essence lies in the impact on certain points located in the area behind the ears, on the legs, neck, shoulder blades, hands, in one of two ways.

What points to choose, where they are located, and in what way (calming or stimulating) to influence them, should be determined only specialist.

Self-use of acupressure by an unprepared person can be not only ineffective but also dangerous... In addition, for different stages of the disease, the impact on different groups of points is applied.

Session duration each of the listed types of massage is on average up to 10 minutes if a child is being massaged, and up to 45 minutes if it is an adult. The procedures are so effective that, in combination with drug therapy and the creation of favorable conditions, they do not require long courses.

It is enough for children to receive massage therapy for five days, and for adults - up to ten days. During this time, even the most prolonged bronchitis will lose its strength, the cough will gradually disappear and a lasting recovery will begin. Repeat course massage as a prophylaxis is possible no earlier than a month and a half, reducing the intensity of exposure by half.

How to do massage in the treatment of bronchitis? Watch the master class from Dr. Komarovsky on the video:

A common cold in adults is an unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience. A runny nose does not allow you to fully breathe fresh air, and coughing causes pain in the chest. The treatment of bronchitis takes up to 3 weeks, and sometimes a month. Therefore, doctors often recommend massage for coughing, which has a beneficial effect on the body. The method of exposure is selected individually for each patient.

The benefits of massage for coughing: benefits, contraindications

The procedure helps to increase blood circulation, reduce the walls of the bronchi, and improve the circulation of the lung epithelium. Cough massage allows you to quickly remove phlegm from the bronchi, thereby reducing the intoxication of the body. The therapy is indicated for patients from birth.

The baby massage technique is different from the usual technique used to treat cough in an adult. It is calm, soft, as the internal organs are just beginning to form. Massage for adults involves an intense effect on certain parts of the body.

What type of cough is the procedure indicated for?

Bronchitis is accompanied by attacks of a different nature. There are two types of coughs - dry and wet coughs. In the first case, the procedure will not help, since sputum is concentrated in the chest, the airways are clogged with mucus, which does not make it possible to fully breathe and cough up. Here one remedy is drug therapy.

But a wet cough during massage is an indication for treatment. The main goal in this case is to help the phlegm, mucus come out, thereby alleviating the patient's condition.

Contraindications to the procedure.

Cough massage is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • temperature;
  • stage of severe exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hypertension and heart disease;
  • pathology of the kidneys, as well as the liver;
  • tuberculosis and skin diseases.

Massage for acute bronchitis is an effective remedy used in the treatment of dry cough. Through the use of various techniques, doctors, acting on certain points, facilitate the course of the disease.

Massage for bronchial pathology: technique

The functional purpose of the procedure used in the treatment of cough is to activate the removal of accumulated sputum and mucus from the bronchi. Masseurs achieve a similar effect thanks to various techniques, between which there are some similarities and differences.

The choice of technique depends on the course and nature of the disease. Since some types of procedures cannot be performed without knowledge.

Basic technique: vibration massage

If wheezing is heard coming from the chest, cough treatment can be started. This type of manipulation is carried out at home.

Therapeutic massage is performed in the following order:

  1. Lay the patient on his stomach. Rub the surface of the back with straight palms from the waist to the head, gently affecting the skin along the spinal column until slight redness is formed.
  2. The second technique is a light intense pushing of individual sections, with the help of both hands and 4 fingers, rising from below and rushing upwards longitudinally to the spinal column from both sides.
  3. Gently tapping with your fingertips parallel to the spine, gradually rising from the lumbar region to the top.
  4. Pat on the chest with boat-shaped palms

Between the individual receptions, the patient is given the opportunity to clear his throat, because all the manipulations performed are aimed at the intensive removal of accumulated sputum, mucus from the bronchi.

Duration of treatment is half an hour, 2 times a day. If the patient has a dry cough, then drug therapy is prescribed to induce phlegm before the massage.


The anti-cough procedure is indicated for both babies and adults. The patient is placed in such a position that the pelvis is slightly higher than the head. For this purpose, a roller is placed. After warming up and kneading the back muscles, they proceed to manipulations. When coughing, they are directed from the lower back to the head, which facilitates the discharge of phlegm.

At the end of the treatment, the masseur helps, while exhaling, to gently push out the accumulated air, pressing on the back in the chest area.

This type of manipulation is used to treat an advanced form of bronchitis, but in this case, additional impact on the legs will be required.

Acupressure massage for coughing

The basis of treatment is the impact on individual parts of the body. To eliminate cough, press, stroke the points located on the legs, in the arms, behind the ears. And also near the shoulder blades on both sides of the spinal column and neck above 7 vertebrae.

This type of treatment procedure requires knowledge of anatomy, so only a professional massage therapist with medical education can perform it.


One of the most popular treatments that is useful after severe bronchitis. The composition of honey contains nutrients.

Execution technique:

  • Before applying the natural product, warming up, kneading the back muscles is carried out.
  • Then the masseur gently acts on the chest area using the “hands off” technique. The patient's head should be lower than the entire torso.
  • When discomfort appears, the massage should be stopped. After manipulation, apply a compress to the chest, take a shower and go to bed.

Liquid honey is used for treatment. In case of allergies and wounds on the skin, the procedure should be abandoned. Similar treatment is indicated for pneumonia.

When coughing, honey massage has a beneficial effect, both at the initial stage of the disease, and with prolonged bronchitis. But for everyone, the effect of manipulation is individual.

Cryomassage as a cough treatment.

Cryomassage is rarely prescribed, but it is no less effective than other medical procedures. Manipulations begin with kneading the right side of the back with a smooth transition to the other part.

The exposure is carried out with a cryopack at a temperature of 23 degrees. First, gently stroke the skin, then apply the application for 10 seconds. Then a cool bag is applied several times to the body for 5 minutes, wrap the patient in a warm blanket.

To obtain the proper effect of the treatment, an expectorant drug should be taken half an hour before the treatment. High temperature, oncology, hypertension are the main contraindications for the procedure.

Cupping massage: features

This technique makes it possible to achieve high results in severe bronchitis due to vacuum. For these purposes, a plastic can is used, which is placed on the patient's back or chest. The cough becomes softer during massage, the phlegm is excreted intensively.

Similar manipulations are carried out with pneumonia. Due to this effect, the circulation of blood and lymph is accelerated. What contributes to:

  • intensive nutrition of tissue cells;
  • elimination of the disease.

This treatment method stimulates the respiratory system. It can be carried out independently.

Therapeutic massage of the chest has a beneficial effect on the body, restoring immunity, and facilitates the discharge of mucus during a lingering cough. The procedure helps to speed up recovery without the use of additional medications. Treatment is carried out according to clinical indications and only in the absence of contraindications. Therefore, you should first consult with your doctor.

Health ecology: Impact on this point also eliminates shortness of breath, a feeling of fullness in the chest or choking, helps with bronchial asthma ...

The harmonizing effect on the Ying-Chuan point allows you to eliminate the spasmodic incessant cough that prevents a person from falling asleep.

Impact on this point also eliminates shortness of breath, a feeling of fullness in the chest or suffocation, and helps with bronchial asthma.

The Ying-chuan point is located in the third intercostal space, 4 tsun to the side of the midline of the chest.

What is TSUN

Tsun is an ancient Chinese unit for measuring distance. In another way, it is called "Chinese inch". Similar measures of length have been and continue to be used among other peoples of the Far East, for example, in Japan and Hong Kong.

At different times and in different parts of the Celestial Empire, the Tsun had different lengths. In the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, the length of the cun was 3.73 cm.Since 1984, in the People's Republic of China, the length of the cun is taken equal to 1/30 of a meter, or 3.33 cm.

For acupuncture and acupressure, you need to know the location of the acupuncture points. Since people differ from each other in their sizes, it is impossible to use conventional measures of length to describe the location of biologically active points on the human body. In ancient China, for this purpose, they used "individual cun along the middle finger" - the distance between the skin folds of a bent middle finger in a man's left hand, and in a woman's right.

In recent decades, along with individual tsun, it has been widely used proportional cun... It is obtained by dividing the distance between certain points of the body by the standard number of equal parts for each area of ​​the body.

For example, the arm contains 12 proportional tsuns from the ulnar fold to the wrist, and 9 proportional tsuns from the axillary fold to the ulnar.

For the leg, anatomical landmarks and the distance between them in tsuns are also determined.

Usually, for a person, the individual cun is approximately the same as the proportional one. Therefore, any of them can be used for measurements.

An interesting way to find acupuncture points was suggested by L.D. Fikleson. On a rubber band of the same width and thickness, 15 identical divisions are marked - this is the maximum number of proportional tsuni. Handles are attached to the ends of the tape. The tape is stretched between the extreme points of the body area to a mark corresponding to the number of tsuni in this area. Having marked on the tape the distance to the desired point in tsuny, we get its location.

Thus, describing the position of the points, we can say, for example, that the points of the canal (line, meridian) of the bladder are 1.5 cun to the side of the midline of the spine.

How to find out TSUN

There are many definitions of tsun; in fact, each author gives his own. Sometimes a distinction is made between "female" and "male" tsuni (on the right and left hand of the individual, respectively). In addition, different parts of the body can be measured by different tsuni.

There are methodologically similar concepts in European culture - for example, in the Russian language there are known units of length “in the finger (in the palm) in width (thickness)”, “step”, “as tall as I am”, etc.

Cun on the middle finger

Connect the ends of the bent middle and thumb of the left hand so that they form a ring. Cun is the distance between the outer ends of the transverse folds at the 2nd phalanx of the middle finger.

Cun on the thumb

The width of the left thumb along a line passing through the corner of the nail bed.

Cun on four fingers

The total width of 4 closed fingers of the straightened palm of the left hand is equal to 3 tsun. (Nilesh Baksi and Ch. Asrani "Let's Talk About Alternative Medicine - Acupuncture" 1986 Publ .: New Delhi, Banglador.) ).

Proportional cun

The distance from the elbow crease to the wrist crease is divided into 12.5 parts. Equal to the tsun of the thumb. published



Every year, in the autumn-winter period, each of us at least once, but certainly catches a cold. How to deal with different types of cough - this is about this article. I hope that it will help you to get back on your feet faster. Health to you!

1. Cut the radish into small cubes, place in an ovenproof saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Wipe the resulting mass, squeeze, pour the juice into a glass container. Take 2 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before bedtime.

Cut a core in a black radish, pour some honey into the recess. After a few hours, the radish will start juice. Drink the resulting juice 3 times a day:

Adults - 2 tbsp. l.,

Children 4-14 years old - 1 tbsp. l.

At night, drink 200 ml of warm milk, dissolving in it 1 tbsp. l. honey.

2. Boiled and baked pears are an excellent remedy for severe coughing and choking. A decoction of dried pears quenches thirst at high temperatures. Pour 1 cup of chopped dried pears with 500 ml of water, cook for 20 minutes. Insist wrapped for 4 hours. Strain. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

3. To facilitate the separation of sputum, drink lingonberry juice with honey or lingonberry syrup, 1 tbsp. l. several times during the day. At the same time, instead of tea, drink a decoction of leaves or dried strawberries.

4. For dry cough, inhale. Chop and mix 1 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves, 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers and 1 tbsp. l. licorice root. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 5-10 minutes, then inhale the steam. Inhalation should not be done for children of the first years of life; they are not recommended even at high temperatures!

5. Use compresses to treat chronic coughs. Mix 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. vodka. Heat the mixture in a water bath, stirring constantly. Apply the resulting "dough" to a gauze bandage and attach to the chest. Cover with plastic on top, wrap with a warm scarf. Keep the compress cool.

6. Chop 2 ripe bananas, pour 200 ml of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. Strain, add honey. Drink warm.

7. Mix 100 ml of fresh radish or carrot juice with 100 ml of milk or honey drink. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 6 times a day.

8. Mix 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. camphor. Saturate a woolen cloth with this mixture and apply to your chest.

9. 10 fruits of dates, pour 500 ml of water and cook for 30 minutes. Strain, squeeze. Drink hot for a dry cough. You can boil 6-7 dried dates in 200 ml of milk.

10. Insist 30 g of raisins in cold boiled water for 45 minutes. Throw in a colander. Eat raisins before going to bed with hot milk. The remedy helps even with a strong cough.

11. Such a mixture will relieve a child's cough. Finely grate 1 apple, 1 onion and 1 carrot of approximately the same weight. Add 2 tbsp. l. honey, mix well. Give the children 1 tsp. warm 4-5 times a day.

12. Mix 2 tbsp. l. grated apples, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. grated onion. Take 1 tsp warm. 4-7 times a day.

13. An excellent cough remedy is viburnum tea with honey.

Chop and mix 1 tbsp. l. dried currant leaves and 1 tbsp. l. linden blossom. 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Drink it warm, like tea, 3-4 times a day.

14. Mix 300 g butter, 300 g honey, 200 g sugar and 100 g natural cocoa butter or cocoa powder. Heat in a water bath, stirring occasionally, but do not bring to a boil. When the mixture is smooth, remove from heat. 1 tbsp. l. Dissolve the mixture in 200 ml of hot milk. Drink hot 3-4 times a day and always at night.

15. To soften the cough and facilitate the release of phlegm, this recipe will help. Mix 2 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. alcohol (or vodka), add 1 raw yolk. Take the mixture in 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals.

16. Fiery milk for cough. It is cooked like this: Take a few heads of onions, add chopped garlic (you can have a whole head). Pour milk over everything so that the milk is 1 cm higher than the pulp. Boil the onion until soft for 20-30 minutes. Let it brew for 1-2 hours, strain, add a little honey, or without it. Take one tablespoon every hour during the day, several days.

Cut 10 onions into cubes, chop 1 head of garlic. Pour in 500 ml of milk, cook until softened. Add mint and lime honey to the mixture. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. several times a day.

17. Honey and ginger cough drops. 250 g of honey and 1 tsp. Place the chopped ginger root in a non-stick saucepan and cook until thickened. Let the finished mixture harden a little. Divide into 15 lozenges. Eat 2-3 lozenges a day. After 3-5 days, the cough will disappear.

Acupressure massage for a cold

Acupressure massage is a type of Chinese treatment that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is a technique for influencing the entire body as a whole, allowing you to get rid of a particular disease due to a complex effect. It is carried out through the so-called biological points of the body, which are responsible for the work of one or another organ. I wrote in more detail about the benefits of acupressure here.

Acupressure massage leads to the implementation of the following therapeutic effects:

Strengthening the immune response by activating both the cellular and humoral links;
increased activity of metabolic processes in the body;
improvement of microcirculation in a particular organ (in this case, we are talking about the respiratory system).
Rules for performing acupressure for colds

Acupressure massage, which is used in the development of acute respiratory infections, must be performed according to certain rules. They increase its effectiveness and allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time and return a person to the usual way of social activity. The basic rules for performing acupressure for colds are:

The need to perform massage immediately, that is, when the very first signs of an illness appear;
with the index and middle fingers, it is necessary to perform circular movements at a biologically active point, leading to its activation;
movements should be smooth and gradually increasing;
then again it is necessary to make them less intense, that is, it is necessary to alternate between strong and weak effects;
each point should be given an average of about 5 minutes. This time is enough to activate the work of the body for which she is responsible;
acute respiratory diseases require massage three times a day;
the average course of treatment is about 10 procedures.
Acupressure massage also has a prophylactic effect, that is, it prevents the development of colds. Therefore, it is good to perform it during the period of possible epidemics, that is, in the cold season.

What biologically active points to activate in case of a cold?

Knowing which biologically active points need to be massaged when the first signs of a cold appear will allow you not to waste time in vain. You will be able to immediately begin the treatment process and move closer to recovery.

There are seven main biologically active points that are affected during the development of acute respiratory infections.

These are the following zones:

Central part of the forehead.
The forehead is conventionally divided by two perpendicular lines that pass through its center. This will be the point that needs to be massaged. She is also massaged to combat psycho-emotional stress;

The point that is located on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrow arches.
Her massage is able to effectively cope with a cold. By the way, rubbing this point at the moment when you want to sneeze can prevent sneezing, since it blocks the transmission of sensitive impulses from the nasal mucosa;

The point that is obtained when crossing a line that is a continuation of the brow arches
on each side and the bridge of the nose, that is, it is located just below the previous one.

There are two such points - to the right and to the left. It also effectively treats the common cold;
to find this point, it is necessary to draw a straight line from the pupil downward. The point is obtained in the zone of intersection of this line with the zygomatic arch. It is necessary to carry out simultaneous massage of the right and left of this point;

There are two more points at the base of the nostrils,
that is, one on each side. It is necessary to massage the point on both sides at the same time to reduce the manifestations of a cold;
this point allows you to effectively deal with sore throat and sore throat, as well as cough. The point is located at the junction of the clavicle with the sternum. There are two of these points - to the right and to the left. They are massaged at the same time;

Neck pain and headaches are relieved by massaging a point located near the foramen magnum. There is only one point, it has no pair.

Acupressure massage for colds

It is on these points that it is necessary to exert a dosed effect in order to defeat a cold disease.

Contraindications for performing acupressure for colds

However, like any medical technique, acupressure has certain contraindications. If available, this method of treatment should be abandoned. In such a situation, one should resort to traditional methods of treating acute respiratory diseases.

The main contraindications include:

Pustular diseases on the skin in those places where it is necessary to perform massaging movements (in this case, there is a risk of generalization of the infection throughout the human body, as blood flow increases);
moles at the site of exposure (mechanical irritation of these formations can lead to their malignancy with the development of melanoma - one of the most malignant human tumors);
oncological processes in this area (there is also a risk of malignancy).
In conclusion, it should be noted that acupressure for colds has proven its effectiveness for centuries. They began to use it even when there were no drugs. In order for recovery to occur as quickly as possible, this type of massage is indicated at the very beginning of the disease. The technique for its implementation is simple. You just need to know the points to be influenced. Also, one should not forget about contraindications.

If you need a clear example of acupressure for a cold and respiratory diseases, be sure to watch the following master class:

Shiatsu massage for coughing ">

Shiatsu massage for coughing: a) on the midline of the sternum; b) at the subclavian point; c) below the collarbones; d) in the occipital fossa; e) at the base of the nasal septum; f) in the collar area; g) in the middle of the radial side of the forearm.

Shiatsu massage for coughing.

Cough is a symptom of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, hypertension. It can occur with whooping cough, sometimes with diseases of the central nervous system. The cough can be persistent and paroxysmal, dry and hypersecretory (with sputum production). Before using the Shiatsu finger point massage, it is necessary to determine the cause of the cough.

Samoshiatsu should be done
a) on the points of the midline of the sternum: from the neck - the jugular notch to the tip of the xiphoid process - stroking the skin with gradual pressure and rotation for 1-2 minutes on each point. The distance between the points is 1 transverse finger. Total points on the sternum line 5-6;
b) pressure on the subclavian points with immersion and rotational massage for 2-3 minutes,
c) on points below the previous ones by 3 cm, the effect is similar to the previous ones;
d) to a point in the occipital fossa - 1-2 minutes;
e) to a point at the base of the nasal septum;
f) at the points of the collar zone on the horizontal line of the apex of the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and between the shoulder blades and the spine - 2-3 minutes;
g) on ​​the hands: on the radial side of the forearm, in the middle of the distance between the wrist fold and the outer fold of the elbow joint, massage with immersion and rotation for 3-4 minutes.

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