Castle - Fortress Carcassonne in France. Fortress Carcassonne: Details, Description, History and Interesting Facts

June 3rd, 2015

Do you know what reminded me of this fortress? He reminded me of his famous streets, remember, as we brought, but let's go back to our topic. \\

France with its history, culture and rites always attracted to themselves. So many crossed in this amazing, unusually interesting country. But in France there is an unusual, mystical (and therefore even more attracting) Place-Languedoc. This area is located in the south of the country, on the border with Spain. This surprisingly rich, diverse and fertile edge of ancient times was at the intersection of two great military (and later and trade) pathways from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic through Aquitaine and from Iberia in the heart of Europe. Oddly enough, but it is this fertile region that pays many secrets.

We will try to approach one of them.

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In the very heart of Languedok, there is a unique structure of the military and defensive architecture - Castle Carcassonne, more precisely - not a castle, but a citadel or a huge fortress. The spectacle, which appeared before the eyes of warriors, merchants and travelers, was struck by her power and strength, magnificence and grandeur. This fortress could accommodate ten ordinary (for those ideas) locks. But it turned out that this is not an isolated fortress, and the city with fortifications of which did not see the traveler of that time towering over the river OD, and therefore even more powerful and impregnable. The river separates the upper city with its historical part of the lower. The last, modern city, is small (his population is only 46 thousand inhabitants).

No fortress, no castle possessed such a powerful 2-row 3-kilometer wall with a five-way two towers, one type of which forced to tremble anyone. It was the last relic of the giants who went into oblivion. Carcassonne. This is the "Book in Stone", in which the history of each era can be traced and in which you can best study the history of military architecture from the ancient Romans to the XIV century.

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The Romans settled here in the II century before the Nativity of Christ, erecting the fortified camp of a small size at the site of the ancient Celtic settlement of the Tribal tribe. Next, the initial settlement expanded, building all new defensive structures. In the documents of the Roman Empire, the city is mentioned already in 20 to R.Kh. The next four centuries - the time of peace and prosperity for Carcassonne. After the fall of Rome, the city was captured by engewares. It was Carcasson for 300 years that was their huge "headquarters" until 725. During these three hundred years, Westges were able to restore and upgrade the fortress walls of the citadel. But in 725, the unexpected campaign of Saracin undermined the influence of the Vestry, to supplement them from its own center - Carcassonne. Many legends of the citadel are connected with Sarcins. One of them concerns Karl the Great, who for five years blocked the fortress, trying to skit the city of hunger. According to the legend, which any Carcassonian tells you, the spouse of the Muslim king Balaak, called the lady of the frame, after the hungry death of the garrison, defended the fortress alone. She chicked with a dozen dolls soldiers and fired the position of the storming positions for several days.

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Finally, the remaining grain of the last pig, which he dropped to the top of the tower. Pig's stomach breakdown, and the warriors saw grain. Karl the Great was stunned by this and ordered to remove the siege from the city. Lady Karkas was out of joy. She began to play on the pipe, thereby teasing the francs and their emperor. Karl did not hear these victorious sounds, but his squire told him: "Sir, a frame calls you" ("Sire, Carcas Te Sonne"). So, according to legend, the name of the fortress was born - Carcassonne. True, no one answered me how the grain and pig preserved in the dying deposited city? Legend, you know! So it was or not, but now anyone can contemplate the Bust Image of the Lady Karkas on one of the columns of the bridge in front of the Narbonic Gate.

After the death of Karl, his empire began to shake crushing, and feudal sovereignty led to the fact that Languedoc gradually acquired independence. At the beginning of the XIII century, this area was not part of the French kingdom, had a length from Aquitain to Provence and from Pyrenees to Kersie. So, the fortification and franc fortification and francs were eluded further from the initial Roman masonry, in some places to wear it. The second wall that emerged later was a deadly trap for those who tried to capture the city, which was destroyed between the two walls, were destroyed by a hail of stones and arrows. The distance between the towers of the inner and outer walls was located on the length of the arrows. With the constant improvement of small arms "The deadly trap" was becoming more and more disastrous.

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Delician dynasties were managed by Languedoc, the graphs of Toulouse and Pankevela clan were the most influential. In terms of its significance, Languedk with his culture, tolerance in religion, love for the beautiful, in particular to the songs (it was a country of troubadurov, who were taken here very respectfully - even the troubadur competition was arranged), did not have such a Christian world for themselves. Carcassonne reached its power in the rule of the powerful dynasty of transkeverers, sprinkled on trade with the Middle East, which they provided peaceful trading tracks. It is this wide, peaceful and pretty profitable commerce prepared the ground for the occurrence of Qatar or Albigois in the 20th century (by the name of Albi's town in the north of Languedoc). This turn in history will serve as subsequent political split, wars, inquisitions and mass beats of Languedok residents.

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The construction of the Clana of Transkevelee was the construction of the Kotel Castle (castle in the castle or Chateau in French) and the Basilica of St. Nazaria. It was this church that became the main stronghold for the teachings of Qatar, quickly growing in Languedoc. It must be said that the course of Qatar (from the Greek Cataro-Pure) came from the Balkan Peninsula, from the territory of the current Bulgaria. Their doctrine was based on the basis of Eastern religion-dualism, the main postulates of which were, on the one hand - the existence of God of good, the creator of the whole spiritual, on the other - the devil, the creator of the material world, i.e. A person with his vices, and, consequently, the church. The foundations of the teachings were quite strict. The preachers of Qatar were ascetic in everything; The Religion of Qatar could have been confessed only by those who passed the "consolation" - the only sacrament recognized by the sect. These dedicated or "perfect" in black clothes and high, pointed caps of star and saw residents of Languedoc.

Their asceticism, the lack of "material interest" sharply rushed into the eyes to everyone who saw the rejected put on the Christian (Catholic) church in this fertile region. Papal religion shake out of such an obvious opponent. The Roman Catholic Church did not use special respect in Langecedok. In Catholic temples, sometimes several years were served by mass. Corruption of Catholic monks repelled not only the nobles, but also simple peasants. It is not surprising that, in Languedoc, in this free region, the new, deprived of many conventions, the teachings of Qatar, or Albigoites, or Valdenses (or Lyon poor) - by the name of the merchant Pierre Valdo from Lyon, who distributed his property, proclaiming the general Equality, poverty and asceticism. Qatar denied Dogmat about the resurrection of Christ, declared all the Christian sacraments deceit, except for their own "consolation." Their love for nature caused approval from the hardworking and complacent population.

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Transketeves, built by 1130 Castle Komtal, driving a royal 20 thousand people, watched "through the fingers" to the growing influence of albigians. Their favor, in something and soft-hearted, will play later with one of the trans-butchelers a dick joke. In the castle, Koltal Transketeveli was used for the first time "machine" - the shelter of defending (wooden galleries), which allowed to conduct battles, while watching the foot of the walls, under which they often did the subpopher, while remaining protected. This innovation of military architecture was borrowed by other castles in Europe. In addition, the entrance to Chateau Koltal closed the semicircular barbican (another defensive structure with the tower), built in front of the defensive moat and the bridge in the castle. There were most often filled with water. Another outdoor barbican was even more deadly trap than the inner ditch between the two walls in front of the Narbonic Gate. He was located on the side of the river and represented a section of the wall seemed more accessible than others. But those attackers who dared to climb through his wall, waited for huge round stones, which defenders rolled out with a high wall and threw straight on the heads of the unfortunate. It was a devilish millstone, who left after himself only a porridge from bodies and weapons. As you can see, Carcassonne with its fortifications created the impression of an impregnable stronghold. But was it so? At the beginning of the XIII century, Dad Innokenti III, concerned about the magnificent influence of Qatar, fearing to lose his "flock" in Languedoc, sends there a missionary delegation headed there, by the Spanish monk Dominic Gusman. But all attempts by Catholic monks are in vain. They are convinced that "Katari heresy" has already covered a huge territory: GG. Albi, Toulouse, Foi, Carcassonne, Montsegon. Their outclause is not a paradise place, but "hellish peckel". After all, not only "perfect", but also simple peasants are already saying that "the world exists forever, he has neither the beginning, no end." One of the major commandments of Albigians says: "Do not shed blood!". It throws Catholics to rabies, they recognize that this islets!

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But even greater discontent of the papal mission, the words of Qatar about the Cross are called: "The cross is not a symbol of faith, but torture instrument. The ancient Rome crucified people, and the first Christians did not believe in the cross! ". It has already overflowed the Catholics patience bowl. The mission returns back to Rome with anything. Dominic Gusman, after watching the Qatar, in opposition to their asceticism creates an order under his name (Dominicansky), even more severe and ascetic. In 1209 in Languedoc, the papal legat Pierre de Castelno is sent to Carcassonne, which was killed by one of the nobles from the Schepha of Count Toulouse. His subsequent death is the last drop of patience of Innocent III and Papal Kuria. Dad announces a crusade against heretics and appeals for help to the French king Louis Ih saint. Transkevelers, like many other wealthy people of Languedow, outraget worldly claims of the Church, the sale of indulgences and other "decomposition of Catholics", so they show interest and sympathy for Qatarams. Albigians found a worthy defender of their faith in the face of Graph Ramunda-Roger Transkevel. The crusade of the northern barons included 200 thousand people, of which 20 thousand knights. Dad provides the possibility of seizing land in the ownership of knights, so it was a hike not only for the sake of faith, but also for the sake of profit. Raimund-Roger Transkevel, having received the news about the crusade, finds out that their army in the town of Bezier destroyed 20 thousand peasants. There, during the slaughter, one of the warriors turned to the Papal League Abbot Arnold from Sieve: "How to recognize where the Catholic, and where is the heretic?". What receives a truly Christian answer to: "Kill everyone, for the Lord knows your own!".

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Count Transkevel makes a decree: "I offer the city, roof, bread and my sword to everyone who is pursued, who remained without the city, roofs or without bread." Hundreds of Qatar and their followers are going to Carcassion. On August 1, 1209, the Crusaders approached Carcassonne and settle down at the river OD, thereby cutting off the city from the water. The siege began. Crusaders began to roll out siege guns, one of which was scary demanding. This siege tool could throw the stones weighing 10 kg and more per distance, about 800-1000 meters. The precipitating managed to even break through the Defense of Carcassonne, having broken one section of the wall, but the defenders of the citadel, at the time of the celebration of the Crusaders, knocked them out of the captured break in defense. Transkevel and his people had powerful resistance, despite the tenfold numerical superiority of the precipitating.

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12 days and nights of the siege passed when the last water ended in Carcassonne. Then the transkevel left under the white flag of the enemy camp for negotiations, but, despite the Knight Code of Honor Ramund-Roger was captured and on the orders of Baron Simon de Monfora was enclosed. So Carcassonne due to lack of water and treason quickly moved into the hands of the enemy. Enclosed in the chain, Count Transkevel was planted in the dungeon of his own castle Komtal, where, without preparing the tests and hunger, passed through three months later. His possessions and the title captured his enemy, the leader of the crusade Baron Simon de Montfor, who turned Carcassonne into his headquarters. After he captured the dozens of Languedoc Qatari settlements in a short time, as they said "on the same devilish breath." In 1218, the Crusaders were sieged to Toulouse, but at the siege it was killed by Simon de Montfor. There is a version that the stone that was hidden in it was released by women Toulouse. I note that the Mother of the Graph Ramunda-Roger was Countess Toulouse. In Carcassonne, a stove is preserved in the castle Koltal and the depicting of the siege of Toulouse and the death of Simon de Montfor. King Louis Holy Ix in 1229 personally headed the Crusaders. But it did not help. Qatari wars dragged into. Looking ahead, I will say that the last Qatars will be burned at the same time when "falls" the Order of the Templars. But it will be only at the beginning of the XIV century

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To this topic we will move later. In 1240, the Crusaders attacked the Son of Transketevel, but was defeated. "But the fact that the sword did not succeed will try to achieve the cross!", "Pope Gregory Ix expressed my thought. In 1233, he sent his agents to Carcassonne for the exposure of heretics. Thus, the Citadel became the "Fortress of the Inquisition". Dominic Gusman and his Dominican Order became a military force of Holy Inquisition in Languedoc. After more than 30 years of incessant wars, the beats of the nobility and simple Luda, Languedoc was a depository spectacle. Fields are not plow, cities, villages, castles are destroyed; The country of cheerful troubadurov turns into the edge of eternal Catholic funeral processions. The last "Citadel of Faith" Perfect "- Montsegury Castle, located on a steep sheer cliff remains. The latest prayers of all who recognized Qatar views are connected with it. But Monsensegur "Falls" in 1244. Rome wins with his religion. But four hundred years inquisition will conduct "acts of cleansing from a badge". King Philip is brave, the son of Louis Saint, for this, even ordered to build a Tower of the Inquision in Carcassonne in 1280. But Katari "heresy" was not completely destroyed. We will return to this, a kind reader, in the second essay about the secrets of Languedoc.

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The protective structures of Carcassonne played a decisive role in century war, when the black prince, the son of King Eduard III English, tried to capture Languedoc. But the walls of the citadel turned out to be "not on the teeth". However, according to the Pyrenean Agreement of the XIII century, the border of France was transferred to south, thereby, which reduces the strategic importance of Carcassonne. The decline began. By the beginning of the XIX century, the fortress was abandoned and destroyed. And only thanks to the hot calls for the famous historic writer Prosper Merim and public opinion, the French government again draws "his own opinion" to Carcassonne. In 1844, the famous architect Violet-le-Duke is starting to its restoration and reconstruction. Thanks to his enthusiasm, the unique monument is saved. According to some testimonies, several Qatari priests managed to avoid the Inquisition, and secretly maintain their faith near Carcassonne. It is even claimed that if Dad did not declare a crusade, then this religion would have spread in Europe everywhere, and Carcasson could become the second Rome. And yet Carcassonne is the greatest achievement of military architecture of the beginning of the Middle Ages. Few castles and fortresses can compare with him, except the castle of the Order of John the Krak de Chevalier in Syria and the Rumelichisary Fortress in Istanbul.

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If you, dear reader, introduce the same opportunity as me, to visit Carcassonne, be sure to visit the citadel day and late in the evening. And the evening walk start with the old bridge of the XIV century across the OD River. Complete to the foot of the fortress and among the complete darkness and silence, you will hear the sound of only your steps. And the bulk of Carcassonnaya walls and towers will rise above you, skillfully highlighted. Imagine yourself among the storming this impregnable stronghold and believe the greater impression you will not get anywhere! Carcassonne will not leave you indifferent. Believe me. N.B. In Carcassonne, films of the historic and adventure genre are often removed, in particular, "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves", "Musketeer" and others.

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Entrance inside the fortress is free, the entry of vehicles is prohibited from 10.00 to 18.00.
To visit the castle Komal, you need to join the official excursion (daily, from April to September - from 9.30 to 18.00, from October to March - from 9.30 to 17.00; cost - 6.5 euros).
The Basilica Bell Tower is open from mid-June to mid-September, from Monday to Friday - from 9.00 to 11.45 and from 13.45 to 18.00, on Sundays - from 9.00 to 10.45 and from 14.00 to 16.30.

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Carcassonne Located on the picturesque shores of the river OD in the southern part. This unique city is part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region and the Administrative Center for the Department of OD. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and has not only important historical importance for the country, but also is considered one of the outstanding attractions of the whole old world.


By its structure, Carcassonn is divided into two parts: the lower city, located directly along the coast of the river OD, at an altitude of 100 meters above sea level, and the upper city, located on the elevation and is an old fortress castle with majestic towers, surrounded by medieval walls. This part of the city is called SITE and is a real open-air museum. Spectacular defensive structures, ristar and ancient tower, proudly towering over low houses and forest areas of the region are the cultural property of France and serve as a unique architectural embodiment of the long-saved era.

The lower city, called the ancient bastide, is formed from a variety of residential buildings, administrative buildings and other structures located in the shape of a hexagon, the angles of which are crowned with medieval bastions. All narrow streets and alley are concentrated around the main square of the carno, while most of them are intended exclusively for pedestrians. In the role of a kind of intermediate paragraph between the SIT and Bastide, the Quarter trival is the symbol of which is an old bridge, having a pronounced medieval entourage. Other areas and quarters of Carcassonne are more reasoned, and a significant proportion of buildings refers to the end of the last century. Between themselves, the city shores are connected with the help of bridges across the river OD, gracefully complementing the romantic image of the capital of the region. As one of the most popular tourist centers of the country, the city has several dozen cozy comfortable hotels, excellent restaurants and shops, although due to its specific medieval appearance does not have a superior transportation system and some other amenities.

general information

Square Carcassonne occupies a little more than 65 square meters. km, with a population of about 45,000 people. Time lags behind Moscow for 1 hour and 2 in winter. Time Zone UTC + 1 and UTC + 2 in the summer season. Quality code (+33) 468. Official site of the city

Brief excursion in history

For a long time, including the Neolithic era, Carcassonne had a convenient geographical location, being close to the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. During the centuries, these lands owned Romans, Westges, Saracins, Frank. In the summer of 1209, the city fell under the onslasis of the army of the Crusaders, and its territory was departed to the King of France - Louis IX, known as Holy Louis. A little later, the Carcassonns raised the uprising against the new ruler, but it was depressed, and the rowers were expelled to the other side of the ODA, where the construction of the city, named after Bastide, soon began. In the future, the social struggle began between cities, and the steady growth of the Bastide economy served as a reason for their correspondence competition in economic terms. Big damage caused this cities of a centenary war and raging on the European continent in those years, plague. In 1355, the eldest son of the King of England, Edward Woodstock, famous in medieval history under the nickname "Black Prince," attacked her bastide and burned it, but at the same time she did not touch the Site River. A few years later, the new city was restored, and after some time the SITE and Bastid were united, which was reflected in the heraldry of the modern coat of arms, which is symbiosis of 2 coat of arms of the old and new city.


The soft Mediterranean climate is dominated on the territory of Carcassona. In the summer there is dry and hot, and winter warm. It rains, as a rule, water the region in the middle of spring and at the end of autumn. The snow falls quite rarely, but due to the active Sun melts within 1-2 days. The average air temperature from June to August is from +22 to +25 degrees, while it rains at least there are infrequently, but may be accompanied by strong thunderstorms. Even, the winds often blow the wind, regularly being the cause of the death of vineyards. The best time for visiting these places serves the period from May to September, when sunny, clear and warm.

How to get

The main means of communication with the outside world in Carcassonne is the railway station, which connects the capital of Languedoc-Roussillon with such French cities like, Kiyan, Narbonne, Bezier and. The local airport has an air service with, and. It is enough to just get to the historic center of France by car, on the "two seas" highway, connecting Carcassonne, Toulouse and Montpellier.


For movements within the urban trait, it is most convenient to use the bus. There are only 11 bus lines serving the main part of the city. In the summer season, there are special free electric cars "Les Toucs" on the territory of the Bastide quarter, designed to facilitate public transport work in a high tourist season. It is not recommended for renting a car here, especially in summer when traffic jams constantly arise. A significant part of the city is intended to be at the disposal of pedestrians, so lovers of hiking, the journey through medieval streets can deliver true pleasure.

Attractions and entertainment

The undoubted symbol of Carcassonne and his visiting card is the same medieval fortress (SIT), on the right bank of the river OD. The main elements of this architectural ensemble are the County Castle and Basilica of St. Nazaria. The buildings are surrounded by a double bed of fortress walls with a total length of about 3 km. Especially stand out on a general background of 52 tower, whose roofs reflect the sun glare in clear weather, allowing you to consider the outlines of the fortress, being a lot of kilometers from the SITE. In turn, from the walls of the castle, fabulous views of the black mountain, river spaces of one, picturesque grape plantations and a mountain range of Corbier are opening. In addition to the fortress and basilicists of St. Nazaria, in Carcassonne, it is worth looking at the historical houses of Louis Saint Louis, an excellent fountain depicting Neptune on Karna Square in Bastide, the Museum of Fine Arts with its unique collections of European masters and the Cathedral of St. Michael with the charming statue of Our Lady, created in Gothic style. We must also take a look at all 4 urban bridges, including the Garigliano Bridge, an old pedestrian bridge, a new bridge and a bridge of the future.

Advanceders of acute sensations are recommended to visit the Museum of the Inquisition, also located in Site. Its rooms present ancient torture chambers and exhibits with a description of torture guns, which the bloodthirsty inquisitors tormented their victims. Nearby is a house with the casting, acting as a children's attraction. Every year, in the first half of August, a festive medieval festival with knightly fights, rich in the entertainment program and all sorts of competitions, is organized on the territory of the SIT fortress. On such days, thousands of people come to celebrations, and the city comes to life, turning into a real time car, on which anyone can make an unforgettable trip to the Middle Ages.


The corporate dish, which is invariably present in the menu of almost any urban restaurant is "Kasul". This culinary work of art, consisting of baked beans baked in the oven with the addition of housing, lamb and sausages, like not only to local residents, but also to tourists. In addition, other multinational dishes are also presented in the restaurants of Carcassonne, as well as all sorts of sweets and drinks, which are mainly presented with wines made on local vineyards.


In stores and souvenir shops of the city, a wide selection of goods for every taste, but specially popular with tourists use souvenirs with symbols of the medieval fortress of the SITE.

Being one of the most striking representatives of the historic and cultural heritage, Carcassonon, hundreds of thousands of tourists from different countries of the world annually attracts every year, who with a restless interest consider unique historical monuments, leaving the shore of the Ode with a luggage, filled with a mass of unforgettable impressions.

Carcassonne is an old city that is located in the southern part of France. Tourists from all over the world willingly go to Carcassonon at any time of the year to make a unique trip by car time and on time to be in France the times of the Middle Ages. And those who are indifferent to history and architecture will be happy to spend time on the lap of nature.

Picturesque landscapes of the city, as well as unique parks and natural reserved zones will not leave indifferent anyone. In addition, gourmet and experts of exquisite alcoholic beverages can safely go to Carcassonne to tasting national cuisine and wines of local production.

City in the city: Corner of the Middle Ages

Carcassonne is a real paradise for those who are not indifferent to the old good Europe times of the Middle Ages. The uniqueness of Carcassonne is that in this city there is a corner with a massive antique fortress. In French, this place is called "SITE".

Fans of historical films and cartoons Walt Disney immediately recognize this castle. It was in him that one of the films about Robin Hood was shot. And in the famous cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", the main characters live in the fortress, which is an accurate copy of SITE. The fortress is on a high hill, and at the foot of the hill you can wander around the narrow streets and present yourself to a medieval knight or an excellent lady.

Location: 1 - Rue Viollet Le Duc.

The church of St. Nazaria is an ancient Christian church. Initially, it was completely sustained in the Romanesque style, but then repeatedly rebuilt. The church having a basilica shape dates from the sixth century. Before the beginning of the nineteenth century, this temple wore the honorary status of the Chief Cathedral of Carcassonne.

The temple attracts the attention of tourists with its powerful and at the same time beautiful appearance, as well as an amazing combination of romance, gothic and later architectural styles. This is due to the fact that in the entire history of its existence, the cathedral is completely rebuilt several times.

Location: La Cité, Place Saint-Nazaire.

For those who like to enjoy natural beauty and want to relax to relax from the water, the best rest will be a visit to the beautiful Lake Cavayire. Here is crystal clear water, snow-white sand, a cozy shadow of sprawling trees, as well as everything you need for a comfortable stay on the beach.

On the shore of the lake there is a fully equipped beach area. To get to the lake from the city center, you will need only a few minutes. Swimming and holidays on the beach will give a traveler a lot of pleasant minutes. This is a great place for a relaxing and comfortable family holiday.

Built in the fourteenth century old bridge over the river two hundred meters long in our Viemy is open exclusively for hiking travelers. Evening walk through the old bridge is the perfect option for a romantic date.

During the walk along the bridge, you can remove the units of the city, so you need to take a camera or camcorder with you. From panorama. Opening a bridge, captures the spirit even from the experienced traveler. The main practical function of the old bridge is that it serves as a transition from the historical development area to the modern part of the city.

Location: Rue du Pont Vieux.

School Museum

Children of school age, as well as everyone who wants at least to return to school years at least, is recommended to visit the Unique School Museum. This is a small, but very cozy museum consisting of several halls stylized under the classrooms of old time.

Here you can see feathers, inks, ancient school furniture and caustic books, for which European children once studied. Also in the museum there is a library. For children, interactive programs and master classes are held, on which modern boys and girls turn into a hundreds of the past.

Location: 3 - Rue du Plo.

One of the largest and most beautiful temples of the city of Carcassonne - Church of St. Vincent, built in the nineteenth century. Be sure to go inside the church to see stunning vintage stained glass windows. This is a valid church, there are services for parishioners, and sometimes there are concerts of organ spiritual music.

If you go upstairs, you should not miss a unique chance to see the city of Carcassonne from a bird's eye view. For the entrance to the temple fee is not charged. In the church, you can purchase and put candles, as well as buy souvenirs with the symbolism of the city of Carcassonne.

Location: 79 - Rue du Dr Albert Tomey.

In Carcassonne there is a small corner of Australia. This is a unique nature reserve "Australian Park". There is a small contact zoo on the territory of the park, where it will be especially interesting to children. Here you can feed the animals, play with them and watch the life of exotic animals under the guidance of the caretaker. The main thing is to choose a cool day, and then a walk about the park will bring much joy.

For children, a variety of animated programs, quiz and master classes are held. Also here you can eat and buy souvenirs. The park has everything you need for a comfortable family holiday.

Location: Chemin Des BartaVelles.

Carno Square is the oldest and most famous market square in the city. High Latany grow here, in the center of the square there is an original fountain.

On the square there are always a lot of people, here you will like those who love lively places. It employs an agricultural market where fresh fruits and vegetables can be purchased, as well as other agricultural products of the highest quality. For those who want to eat a large selection of various dirty dots, from bistro to elite restaurants. The market works on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The area of \u200b\u200bGambetta is an ideal place for a relaxing, secluded rest. This area is drowning in the luxurious greenery of a variety of trees and shrubs of the most intricate form.

Here there is a playground for the younger generation, as well as the amusement park for the whole family, where the entertainment is presented for every taste, from carousels for the smallest to exciting attractions for fans of acute sensations.

On the square is never too hot, because the trees and bushes give a reliable shadow. Those who prefer a quiet rest can calmly sit on a bench with a newspaper or wander around the area with a camera.

This attraction will suit all lovers of classic horror strokes. At attraction there are two options. One is designed for a children's audience, and the second is on adults. The principle is the same. A person comes into a completely dark room, and hears various frightening noises, creaking, grinding. All this is seasoned with special effects, and a complete feeling of finding a house with ghosts is created.

ATTENTION: Before buying tickets for the attraction for a child, you should think good to think that instead of pleasure, the child did not experience stress and fright. If the baby is not afraid of anything, you can safely buy a ticket, and the impressionable children are better to bring to another place.

Location: 9 - Place du Grand Puits.

Carcassonne is one of the most interesting cities of southern France. There is a huge number of vacation options for families, couples in love and single tourists.

In the southern part, in the province everything is literally impregnated with the spirit of time. In these parts and is the most interesting attraction of France - Castle Carcassonne. It is here that the tourist falls a unique chance to make a trip in time and plunge into the stormy waters of medieval history, because the walls of the castle of Carcassonon remember a lot. This fortress is even called the "Book in Stone", as it is possible to trace the history of military construction from the ancient Romans to the 14th century.

Carcassonne, France - a little story

For the first time, the mention of Carcassonne can be found in the chronicles belonging to the 1st century to our era. But archaeological finds clearly testify: the first settlement here was founded in a century earlier by Gallam. Since the time of their board, the city has repeatedly passed from hand to hand: the fortress of Carcassonne owned and francs, both Westges, and Saracins and Romans. In the 12th century, the city passed into the possession of the Trankavel family, thanks to which he became the refuge of the albigois heretics. As a matter of fact, thanks to the alby feast, the lower city appeared in Carcassonne, in which life is actively bulit. The old upper city gradually turned into a unique museum, so well preserved due to the restoration carried out at the end of the 19th century.

Carcassonne, France - Attractions

Of course, in such an amazing place as Carcassonne there is something to see.

First, this is the upper city, called another Citadel or Sieve, entered into the UNESCO World Heritage List. More than fifty towers, huge walls, pivops - all this can be seen in the upper city. You can get into it through the Narbonic Gate dated 13 centuries. The first sight of Carcassonne, his business card is waiting for tourists already on the inside of the citadel bridge, and rather on one of his colon. We are talking about a statue of a woman with a cunning smile. This is none other than the lady of Carcass, in honor of which, in fact, the city and received his name. As the legend says, it is the resourcefulness and a sharp mind of this person who helped the city to escape from the conquest of the troops of Karl the Great. True, this is or not - today no one will surely say. But from those who want to capture in the photo with the lady of the carcass of the aback. Photographed with the lady Carcass, it is worth going on a trip through the narrow streets of the medieval fortress. One of these streets will certainly lead to the Cathedral of St. Nazaria, whose building has retained the imprint of all the eras that it survived. And I had to endure the cathedral a lot, because it was built in the distant 11th century. In the cathedral preserved unique vintage stained glass winds. In the upper city, the Archaeological Museum of Carcassonne is also located, some of the exposition of which is devoted to the tombstones delivered here from ancient cemetery. Presumably, these plates were crowned with the burial of Qatar and they belong to 12-14 centuries. Military history lovers are unlikely to be able to pass by the fortification of fortification facilities in the upper city. The Museum of the Inquisition is also located, because it was on this land that the history of Catholic church ships began. In the museum you can see torture torture and the place of conclusion. Little travelers will be able to rinse the nerves in the house with ghosts, located completely side with the museum.

Widow arrived at the upper city, you can move to the city of Nizhny, or in other words - Bastida. You can get here by passing on the old bridge dating from the 14th century. The lower city also keeps a lot of interesting things: this is the Cathedral of St. Michael, and the buildings of Louis Saint, and a fountain in the form of Poseidon, and the Museum of Art.

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In Languedoc-Roussillion there is a small town Carcassonne (Carcassonne), which is 11th century. The doctrine of Qatar (Albigians). From ancient times, the city had a convenient strategic location, being at a crossroads between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. In the fate of the city, the civil wars and the crusade of Pope Innokentia III were played a major role.

Carcassonne is divided into two main parts. The first is "Site de Carcasson", a medieval fortress-settlement with a history that has 2.5 thousand years. Picturesque fortifications (more than 3 km of walls with 52 towers, where some episodes of the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves") were reconstructed at 19 V. Alas, as in most restorations of that period, the preservation of authenticity was not considered the primary task. Nevertheless, it is this part of Carcassonne that UNESCO is included in the list of world heritage cities, obscured by the wall. And it is she who are interested in many tourists arriving here with a day trip.

In the second part of the city, Ville Basse ("Lower City"), there are several sights, and there are hotels here.

A bit of history

Carcassonne is mentioned in the chronicles already from the 1st century BC. e., And the first settlement here founded halves in the 2nd century BC. e. Since then, who just did not own the city: both Romans, and Westges, and Saracins, and even francs. After the collapse of the Frankish Empire, the city of Trankavel seized the city. In the 12th century, thanks to the prosperous trade relations with the Far East, the city becomes the refuge of Albigians, adherents of the movement of Qatar, and in the eyes of the Pope, it acquires bad fame as the heresy seedler. Soon the crusade was organized under the leadership of Simon de Morfon, which the fortress was departed after its conquest. After an unsuccessful attempt to the uprising, the King of France, Louis Saint, drove the carcassones from the fortress to the other side of the river OD. So, from 1247, the city began to spread out the limits of the fortress walls, divided into two parts on both sides of the river OD. So it remains to this day.

Weather in Carcassonne

How to get to Carcassonne

Carcassonne Railway Station connects the city with Toulouse (travel time for 1 hour, cost 15-23 EUR), Narbonic (40 minutes, 12-19 EUR), Bezier (1 hour 9 minutes, 13-22 EUR) and Montpellier (1 hour 59 minutes, 21-34 EUR).

In Carcassonne, even has its own airport, which since the end of the 1990s. Beginning of the low cost airline Rynair from Europe and at the moment it has a regular communication with Great Britain (London, Liverpool and Nottingham), Ireland (Dublin, Cork and Shannon) and Belgium (Charleroi).

Prices on the page are shown in August 2018.

Search for flights to Toulouse (Nearest a / n to Carcassonne)


In Carcassonne, you should try the traditional French dish Cassoulet ("Casulé", with an emphasis on the last syllable), which is baked beans with the addition of housing, lamb and sausages. So, in the restaurant L'Écu d'OR, located on the street 7-9 Rue Porte d'Aude, prepare 5 varieties of this dish.

But the Auberge de Dame Carcas restaurant at 3 Place Du Château specializes in the milk piglery and thanks to this company dish, is particularly popular among tourists.

Popular hotels in Carcassonona

Entertainment and attractions of Carcassonne

The river OD separates the upper carcassonne from the lower. The upper city is a citadel (other names: sieve and fortress), preserved to this day with Gallo Roman times and amazing with its beauty. The lower city is inhabit - the population is about 46 thousand people.

The sieves are surrounded by internal and outer defensive walls, although the outer wall was built a lot later by order of the Holy Louis, and there was a blank shaft between two lines of the gate. And in 1997, the upper city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In Carcassonne, you should try the traditional French dish Cassoulet ("Casulé", with an emphasis on the last syllable), which is baked beans with the addition of housing, lamb and sausages.

In the territory of the Citadel, the castle was built during the time of the transkabels, and the Romanesque Negotie was built to the Basilica of St. Nazaria. The building of the Basilica is divided into two parts: Romanesque Ness, belonging to 11-12 centuries. and Gothic translat and choir (13-14 centuries). Until 1801, the Basilica was the Cathedral of Carcassonne, but as the significance of the lower city increased, the value of the upper fell. And also inside the basilica preserved vintage stained glass windows.

On the territory of the Citadel special attention should be paid to the castle. Presumably, it was built in 1130. One of the Viscounts of the Trankavel family, the members of the dynasty of which ruled in Carcassonne from 11 to 13 centuries. Now the Archaeological Museum is located in the castle, in one of the halls of which the tombstones of the round shape with the crosses depicted on them are presented. They were delivered here with old cemeteries Saint-Michel de Carkason and churches in Loraga. Scientists belong these relics by 12-14 centuries., Although there are still a sense of their origin. Some experts believe that it could be the tombstones of Qatar.

Professionals will be interested in learning the Military Art technique of the Middle Ages on the Sieve fortifications that remained in the territory in the territory of the Fittionic facilities, and the Fiesta lovers take part in the Annual Art Festival, which every year in July passes in the walls of the Carcasson Fortress. Not far from Carcassonne there is a tiny town called Mirpoix (Mirpoix) with old houses of 13-15 centuries. and the Cathedral.

Museum of the Inquisition

In the territory of the Citadel, a museum of the Inquisition was created, reminding all visitors about the events of those times when heretics were subjected to terrible torture. But the museum created is no coincidence! After all, it was here, on the Carcassonne Earth, the first church court of the Catholic Church took place, created by Pope Innocent III in 1215. Four years later, a church tribunal was founded in southern France, investigating crimes against faith. In Carcassonne, the Tower of the Inquisition was well preserved, in the underground darkness of which tortured heretics, and the round room consisting of two large windows and a huge fireplace is located above it. The museum is also represented since ancient-known electric chair, guillotine, faithful belt, garrot and dust, as well as - press for skulls and so-called shame masks.

Little travelers will have to taste the house with ghosts or La Maison Hantée, which is located next to the Museum of the Inquisition. On the same area, a well has been preserved, which Qatar has been preserved during habitability.

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