Kylie Minogue still cannot forget about her terrible illness

Breast cancerterrible diagnosis and yet it is one of the most common female cancers. Unfortunately, doctors cannot yet guarantee to protect women from this ailment. Just a few days ago, the sad news appeared in the press that the famous faced this disease and had to fight it. That is why today we decided to remember all famous women who had to face and defeat breast cancer.

Singer Anastacia, 47 years old

Anastacia faced a terrible disease in January 2003. Then the singer went to a doctor's consultation in order to slightly reduce the size of her breasts. Anastacia made such a decision because of back problems, but the singer's mammography was diagnosed with breast cancer. The measures were taken instantly - surgery and radiotherapy, the results of which were successful. However, in March 2013, Anastacia was again diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis. Despite the fact that the tumor was not malignant, the singer decided on extreme measures and removed the breasts completely to save myself the risk. Since 2003, Anastacia has headed her own Anastacia Fund, which helps young women fight breast cancer.

Singer Kylie Minogue, 47

Australian beauty Kylie Minogue a terrible disease overtook in 2005. In an interview, the singer admitted: "When the doctor diagnosed breast cancer, my earth disappeared from under my feet." It was difficult to believe in both the singer herself and her fans. Kylie had to undergo chemotherapy and surgery. According to the singer, this greatly influenced her life. Minogue completely abandoned bad habits in all spheres of life, and already six months later she managed to enter the stage as beautiful and bright as before.

British TV presenter Sharon Osborne, 63

British rock musician's wife Ozzy Osbourne also became a victim of cancer. In 2002, Sharon was diagnosed with colon cancer, which she struggled to overcome. But in 2012, Osborne was found to have the gene BRCA1(breast cancer gene), causing Sharon to undergo breast removal surgery due to high risk get a terrible diagnosis again.

Singer Laima Vaikule, 61 years old

Favorite of the Russian public Laime Vaikule I first had to face a terrible disease in 1991. Then the doctors delivered a hopeless verdict, equating the chances of success of the operation to 20%. However, the singer with the strength of her character and faith in better proved the opposite and coped with the disease. In an interview, she said more than once that it was her inner spirit and unshakable faith that helped her cope with the disease and not give up.

Daria Dontsova, a writer and TV presenter, 63 years old

This story looks more like a miracle, because Dontsova found out about her illness when the cancer was already on last stage... Even the doctors did not believe that the writer would be able to recover. During the treatment, Daria had to undergo 18 operations, several sessions of radiation and chemotherapy. Despite all the horror of her situation, Dontsova was able to do the seemingly impossible. She recovered and became an example that it is possible to defeat a terrible disease even in such a situation. Today Daria is official ambassador programs "Together Against Breast Cancer".

Actress Jane Fonda, 78

Popular Hollywood actress Jane Funds breast cancer was discovered at the age of 72. The tumor was established on early stage, which, of course, made the treatment easier. The operation was successful.

Singer Cheryl Crow, 54 years old

Cheryl Crow I had to face a terrible disease twice. In 2003, the owner Grammy was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she successfully dealt with. However, eight years later, Crowe was diagnosed with a "brain tumor", with which the singer is struggling to this day.

Actress Cynthia Nixon, 49

Popular TV series star "Sex in big city» also became a victim of cancer. At one time, the actress's grandmother and mother were ill with breast cancer, so, according to Cynthia, she was ready for this disease. The actress was in no hurry with a statement in the press, but it was difficult to hide the traces of chemotherapy. But most importantly, she managed to cope with cancer.

In 2013, the sex symbol of modernity - Angelina Jolie- openly declared that she had done a preventive double mastectomy. The actress explained this act by a genetic predisposition to breast cancer, which was equal to 87%. In order to avoid a terrible disease, the actress took radical steps and urges all women not to be afraid of preventive measures. Recall that due to cancer, Jolie lost two of the main women in her life: her mother and her aunt.

Summing up, I would like to once again express my admiration for the masculinity of these women! After all, their example proves that it is possible to cope with this terrible disease, which is what we wish supermodel Janice Dickinson.

Singer, 32 years old

That she has cancer thyroid gland, the artist found out in 2012 during diagnostic examination... Julia went to the clinic after learning that her close friend and former producer of the group t.A.T.u. Ivan Shapovalov was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When the suspicion of cancer was confirmed, Julia did not want to discuss this topic with anyone. Only years later did she dare to tell publicly what she had to face.

Volkova went through a complex operation to remove the tumor. The operation was completed successfully in terms of fighting cancer, but due to medical error the artist could only whisper - due to damage to the vocal nerve, her voice disappeared. The singer underwent three more reconstructive surgeries: two in Germany and one in Korea. Now Julia speaks with a hoarse voice and even sometimes speaks.

Darya Dontsova

Writer, 65


The popular author of detective stories Daria Dontsova caught breast cancer suddenly - at the fourth stage. The professor, to whom the writer got an appointment, suggested that the writer had three months left to live. According to Daria, she did not experience the fear of death. But she realized that she has three children, an elderly mother and mother-in-law, as well as pets - there are those for whom to live. Dontsova was determined to win. As she later admitted, she knew that she would not die.

The writer underwent radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. The celebrity is convinced that it is impossible to joke with the disease - these methods help to defeat it, and in no case should you waste precious time visiting psychics. The writer reinforced the course of treatment with increased sports. Her favorite work also helps Daria - she writes every day. She is convinced that only the work of a person on himself helps to get out of the pit and move forward, no matter what.

Cheryl Crow

Singer, 55 years old

When in 2006 a planned mammogram revealed calcification of tissues in both breasts in Sheryl Crow, the artist postponed her world tour. Cheryl completely focused on the problem and devoted about two months to recovering from lumpectomy (surgery to remove a breast tumor) and the course radiation therapy and also added to traditional treatment acupuncture and herbal teas... Diagnosed on initial stage breast cancer was stopped without chemotherapy. Now Cheryl Crow lives without relapses of breast cancer and oncological diseases in general and is convinced that she is a "walking advertisement" timely diagnosis.

Kylie Minogue

Singer, 49 years old

Even now, 12 years later, Australian singer Kylie Minogue is experiencing the emotional repercussions of her harrowing battle with breast cancer. On May 17, 2005, Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. The star compares this experience with the "test of the atomic bomb" in terms of the effect it had on her body and psychological state.

After completing treatment in 2008 in France, Kylie Minogue began to share her experience and drew the attention of women around the world to the importance of timely diagnosis. Doctors noted the "Kylie effect" when young women began to undergo regular check-ups.

Even after defeating cancer, Kylie continues to fight it. In 2010, the star campaigned against breast cancer and celebrated her anniversary with a charity concert to raise money to fight cancer and raise public awareness. In 2014, the singer organized a charity campaign to raise funds for research. Kylie encourages everyone to undergo preventive screening and does not get tired of drawing the attention of her audience to the importance of early diagnosis of oncology. After all, it is she who is the key factor in maintaining health and life.

Sharon Osborne

TV presenter, 64 years old

Sharon Osbourne, wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne and heroine of the reality TV "Osbourne", faced cancer in 2002. Viewers watched on the air as Sharon and her family confronted one of the most dangerous species cancer - bowel cancer (colorectal, colorectal cancer). Today, this type of cancer has already reached the second place in mortality among Russians, the early stages are usually asymptomatic, and the disease is usually detected too late.

In Sharon's case, the doctors made a sad prognosis: the probability of survival is no more than 30%, since the tumor has managed to hit the lymph nodes. But that couldn't make Sharon fold her arms. On the contrary, she actively took up treatment and did not interrupt the shooting of the show because of him. Soon after the diagnosis was made, surgery was performed to remove the tumor and lymph nodes... As it turned out, the metastases spread beyond the intestine, so after the operation, a course of chemotherapy was needed.

The disease was defeated, Sharon no longer faced the problem of cancer, but a few years later she underwent surgery to remove the mammary glands to eliminate possible risks.

Both in Russia and in the United States, bowel cancer is the second most common cancer. Developing imperceptibly and asymptomatically, colorectal cancer is often detected at a later stage, when it is already difficult or impossible to help the sick person. Intestinal cancer is especially threatening at the age of 40.

Svetlana Surganova

Singer, 48 years old

Rock musician Svetlana Surganova faced intestinal cancer when she was not yet 30 years old. Although the diagnosis was made in the second stage, the singer struggled with the disease for eight years. A pediatrician by training, Svetlana herself felt that something was wrong with her body. Symptoms manifested themselves as in a textbook, but the singer hesitated to see a doctor. And only a sudden unbearable pain forced her to go to the hospital.

The doctors did not give the artist any guarantees ... cancerous tumor sigmoid colon, doctors were forced to make a hole in the abdominal cavity, bring out the tube and attach a pouch to the stomach, with which they had to live and perform for several years. Only the fifth abdominal surgery helped Svetlana to return to normal life.

Remembering that nightmare, Svetlana encourages everyone to be attentive to their health and visit doctors on time. The singer realized that “you need to check your body, despite unpleasant procedures". In this they will definitely agree with her. medical experts: proven that thanks to early diagnosis 9 out of 10 patients can be saved from developing bowel cancer. The most effective diagnostic method today colorectal cancer screening colonoscopy is recognized. With age, the risks of colorectal cancer increase, and at the onset of 40 years of age, doctors definitely recommend undergoing the procedure. Further colonoscopy should be done at least once every 5 years.


Singer, 49 years old

Anastacia's history has two victories. In 2003, the singer decided to do a breast reduction: a size 5 bust brought a lot of inconvenience. Before plastic surgery, it was necessary to pass standard tests, including mammography. Then breast cancer was discovered. After a course of chemotherapy, the disease subsided, and Anastacia began to recover from a difficult test - she not only lost weight, but also lost her voice. Ten years later, the disease came again. And because of this, the singer had to postpone the It’s A Man World Tour. This time, the singer decided to have a mastectomy (removal of the breast) so that the disease would no longer have a chance to catch her by surprise again.

“After cancer, I became stronger, more inspired, even more beautiful and feminine! In addition, I was taught from childhood to be persistent, so I went through the tests with a smile, ”said Anastacia.

In 2015, the artist released the album Resurrection, which is largely dedicated to the experience of illness.

Cynthia Nixon

In early 2012, the actress shaved her head for the Broadway play Wit, main character who fights cancer.

This topic is close to Cynthia not by hearsay - she herself went through a course of treatment. Cynthia does not like to spread about this story. Moreover, the very news of Nixon's diagnosis succeeded long time hide: in 2008, she admitted on the Good Morning America show that two years earlier, during a routine examination with a doctor, she found out about a tumor in right chest... This disease was transmitted to the artist genetically: her mother and grandmother transferred it.

Due to the early detection of the cancer, Cynthia was able to recover. After surgery and a six-week course of radiation therapy, the actress returned to normal life.

Janice Dickinson

Model, 62 years old

Dickinson got married last winter, but preparations for the wedding were marred by bad news.

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The 43-year-old Australian singer has been awarded an honorary doctorate by a major British university medical sciences for her contribution to the fight against cancer

The popular singer has never hidden that in 2005 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “When the doctor diagnosed breast cancer, the earth disappeared from under my feet. It seemed to me that I had already died,- says Kylie. - I remember leaving the clinic and heading somewhere. My head was completely empty and my heart was heavy. I regained consciousness on the pier. A little girl ran up to me with a leaf in her hand and asked for an autograph. When I signed, she handed me a badge that showed a smiling heart. I took the badge from the girl's hands, and she asked permission to hug me. At that moment I realized: life did not stop. I am strong and I can do anything. By the way, I still have this badge. Sometimes I attach it to my clothes when I go to a concert or to meet with fans. He became my talisman. Thank you girl! I don't even know what the name of this baby is. I really hope to meet her someday. She is an angel! And when I say that an angel saved me, I am not dissembling. "

The next year was very difficult for Kylie and her family. Minogue underwent chemotherapy and surgery. “After the treatment, I reconsidered my diet.- says the singer. “I refused hamburgers, carbonated drinks, coffee, black tea, meat, fries.” Six months after she was diagnosed, Minogue took the stage again. Now the singer is actively involved in campaigns that encourage women at the slightest alarming symptoms see a doctor. “With the current level of development of medicine, overcoming breast cancer is an absolutely real task. It is important at what stage it will be discovered,- says Kylie. - After 40 years, every woman should regularly come to the clinic for examination. This is the only way to save life and health ".

This initiative of the singer was supported by other celebrities. More than once actresses Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Meryl Streep took part in charity telethons, the funds raised from which were directed to cancer research. Moreover, famous women who find themselves in the same situation as Kylie follow her example and openly declare their illness, talk about methods of fighting cancer and urge not to despair. It is known that the growth in the incidence of breast cancer around the world is increasing from year to year. But about 42 percent of women go to doctors at the last stage of the disease. But when diagnosed at an early stage, the probability of a complete cure reaches 94 percent.

It is known that not only Kylie suffered breast cancer. In 2003, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage in American singer Anastacia. “I will not let this ailment lead me astray- she told her fans. - I'm a fighter by nature". To set an example for other women, Anastacia allowed television reporters to film her during therapy and talked about her experiences in detail. Despite her illness, the singer began recording her third album, which soon went platinum and took the leading place on the list of the best-selling albums of 2004.

In 2006, another famous American singer Sherrill Crow, winner of the most prestigious award in the US music industry - the Grammy Award - has been diagnosed with breast cancer. "I was inspired by the example of brave women who fought this disease before me.", - said then Cheryl. After a course of radiation therapy, the singer resumed her concert activities.

I went through similar tests and "Sex and the City" star Cynthia Nixon... In 2006, after another X-ray examination, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The actress underwent surgery, she underwent a course of radiation therapy. “At first I kept my diagnosis a secret - I didn't want the paparazzi to besiege the clinic., - recalls Cynthia. - I only told the children the whole truth: I have cancer, but it is very small. My grandmother went through it too. And she was cured. So I was sure that everything would be all right with me. " And so it happened. Nixon was cured.

Among Russian celebrities speaks frankly about his illness writer Daria Dontsova... She found out about breast cancer by chance. “All of a sudden, my breasts began to enlarge, and my friend advised me to see an oncologist,” she recalls. - I was given a terrible diagnosis, but I did not feel the fear of death. I have three children, an elderly mother and mother-in-law, dogs, a cat - it is simply impossible to die ”... Daria suffered heavy treatment, operation. The disease no longer made itself felt. Today the writer participates in the charity program "Together Against Breast Cancer" and encourages women "not to lose heart, not whimper, not become limp, but laugh and hope for the best."

Recently, during a television interview, Kylie Minogue recalled this moment: “I visited a sick child in one clinic and talked to his parents. They were on one side of his bed, and I was on the other. I said the things that are natural to say in such a situation, communicated with the child, tried to support them all. And then they caught me off guard with an unexpected question: “How are you? We hope you can handle it. " It was…" Then Kylie could not find the words and burst into tears, after which she excused herself and left the studio. Memories of the most difficult life stage are still difficult for her. But, no matter what, the singer propagates healthy image life. With this in mind, a British university recently awarded Kylie Minogue an Honorary Doctorate of Medicine for her contribution to the fight against breast cancer.

“Disease is a journey inward, even though you still need someone to be around,”- says Kylie Minogue in the current interviews. Addressing women who have to fight this disease, the singer assures: “You are able to get through this. You can".

Text: Alina Simonova

43-year-old Kylie Minogue flew to Cannes to present her new film, and at the same time gave a frank interview to the Paris Match newspaper. In it, she talked about her illness and confessed her love to her boyfriend Andres Valencoso.

Everyone knows Kylie Minogue, first of all, as a singer. However, she began her career as an actress. Before connecting her life with music, Kylie starred in the Australian TV series Neighbors. And now the director Leos Carax offered her a role in his new science fiction film Holy Motors. It is one of 22 films to be claimed for the Palme d'Or.

Before the premiere, to which Kylie appeared in a stunning khaki dress, the actress and singer was interviewed by the French newspaper Paris Match. So, in it, she talked a lot about breast cancer, which she managed to cope with: “Over time, people forget about it. But not me. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about what I went through. One look in the mirror is enough, as I immediately see the scars that the disease left me - both moral and physical. There are days when I get such a rage at the thought of why this had to happen to me. But more often I thank fate for the fact that I managed to cope with the misfortune, ”Kylie confessed.

When Minogue stunned her fans in 2005 with the news that she had a malignant breast tumor, everyone was amazed at how resilient and courageous this little woman was in her misfortune. I looked very open. But alone with myself I felt horror. I knew I had to be strong. And I was very lucky that I was surrounded by people who truly loved me. I'm like a cat with several lives left. I've made terrible mistakes both in my career and in personal life, because of which it was at the very bottom. But it didn't end so badly as a result. ”

Kylie's treatment took place in Paris, where she lived with her boyfriend Olivier Martinez. The actor was very supportive of his beloved during the illness, but despite everything that they had to go through together, the couple still broke up. Now Martinez is going to marry Halle Berry, Kylie is dating the Spanish fashion model Andres Valencoso, but she is not at all eager to become his wife: “Love is hard work. I never believed that marriage is the end of history. There are people who believe that their beautiful romance will last a lifetime. I tell myself that my relationship will last exactly as long as fate has predetermined, but it’s easier for me not to be disappointed later. ”

The illness changed Kylie a lot: “I became wiser, more tolerant, less demanding. I am very happy because Andres respects and loves me for who I am. He doesn't care if I'm in parade or if I just woke up disheveled. Sometimes I start to have an incomprehensible reflection, and I begin to torment myself with questions: "Who am I?", "What do I want?", "Where am I going?" ... He is always there, no matter what happens. I love him so much! He is a handsome, wonderful friend and very easy-going. "

On January 20, Zhanna Friske's family officially confirmed the information that famous singer, TV presenter and actress diagnosed with cancer, thus confirming recent rumors of a serious illness.

We wish Jeanne a recovery and, with hope for the best, we propose to recall the stories of those celebrities who once fell ill with cancer, but were able to defeat this terrible disease.

(17 photos total)

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1. Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood diva underwent breast surgery in May 2013 to prevent her risk of developing breast cancer.

- The doctors decided that I have an 87% chance of developing breast cancer. As soon as I found out about this, I wanted to minimize the risk, - Jolie told the press.

She noted that her oncological diseases are hereditary. The mother of the actress died of this disease at the age of 56, after almost 10 years of fighting cancer.

2. Robert de Niro

The famous American actor faced a terrible disease in 2003 at the age of 60 - he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. De Niro, however, did not despair, especially since the doctors' forecasts were optimistic.

“Cancer is detected at an early stage, so doctors predict complete recovery", - reassured the press secretary of the fans of the actor. Robert De Niro underwent radical prostatectomy - the most effective operation in the fight against his kind of disease. The recovery took place extremely quickly, and after a while the doctors declared that De Niro was absolutely healthy.

The actor didn't let the disease destroy him. creative plans and almost immediately after treatment began filming in the film "The Game of Hide and Seek". Since then, he managed to appear in more than twenty films, including "The Area of ​​Darkness", "My Boyfriend is Psycho", "Malavita" and "Downhole Revenge".

3. Christina Applegate

Actress Christine Applegate, best known for her role as the daughter of the Bundy family in Married With Children, not only defeated breast cancer, which she was diagnosed with in 2008, but also gave birth after the recovery of her first child.

The disease was diagnosed at an early stage. The actress chose the most radical method treatment, due to which she had to remove both breasts, but this deprived her of many problems and, also, 100% prevented the possibility of relapse. The removal operation was successful, after which plastic surgeons restored Christina's breasts.

4. Kylie Minogue

The Australian singer toured Europe when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 at the age of 36. The star immediately postponed the tour to undergo surgery and chemotherapy. At the same time, loyal fans who bought tickets to Australian concerts decided to support the idol and did not return the counter-stamps after they heard the sad news.

“When the doctor told me the diagnosis, the earth disappeared from under my feet. It seemed that I had already died, ”the singer recalls. However, Kylie Minogue found the strength to fight, she underwent an operation to remove the tumor, she underwent an eight-month course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, the disease has receded, and since then, the singer and actress, while continuing to delight fans with her performances, has also been organizing campaigns aimed at educating women in the diagnosis and control of cancer. “With the current level of development of medicine, it is possible to overcome breast cancer. The main thing is to find it in time, ”Minogue is convinced.

5. Yuri Nikolaev

The Russian TV presenter has been battling bowel cancer for several years. When, in 2007, doctors told him about a terrible disease, he said, "the world seemed to have turned black." However, it was only a moment of weakness. Yuri Nikolaev managed to gather his will into a fist and not fall into despair. He preferred to overseas cancer clinics specialized center in Moscow, where he underwent more than one operation and underwent a full course of treatment. As a deeply religious person, Nikolaev is convinced: "Only thanks to God I am alive and do not need any more doctors." Now the presenter is involved in several television programs at once, such as "Property of the Republic" and "In Our Time".

6. Anastacia

American singer knows about fighting cancer not by hearsay: twice she heard from doctors the fatal phrase "You have cancer." This happened for the first time in 2003, when the star was 34 years old.

“I’ve never been as scared as I was that time,” she recounted the day the doctor told her about a malignant tumor found in her mammary gland. Anastacia was operated on, she had to agree to the removal of part of one of the mammary glands. The disease receded, but returned in early 2013. Having canceled all the performances, the singer again began the course of treatment, and six months later her fans rejoiced again - Anastacia did not let the disease break her for the second time. “Never let cancer take you away, fight to the last,” the singer addressed to all those who also faced a terrible disease.

Today, Anastacia is known not only as a singer and songwriter, but also as the founder of the foundation that bears her name to educate young women about the detection and treatment of cancer.

7. Hugh Jackman

In November 2013, the American actor announced that doctors diagnosed him with skin cancer - basal cell carcinoma. At the insistence of his wife, Deborah, he visited a doctor to examine the skin on his nose, and as a result he was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma.

“Please don't be stupid like me. Be sure to check, ”wrote Jackman. He also advised everyone to use sunscreen.

The form of cancer diagnosed in an actor is the most common malignant tumor in humans. It differs from other types in rare metastasis, but it is capable of extensive local growth.

8. Daria Dontsova

The popular writer managed to defeat breast cancer, despite the fact that the disease was discovered when it had already reached the last, fourth stage. As Dontsova said in one of her interviews, when in 1998 she turned to an oncologist, he told her bluntly: "You have three months left to live."

“I was not afraid of death. But I have three children, an elderly mother, I have dogs, a cat - it is simply impossible to die, ”the writer recalls with her inherent sense of humor. terrible event... The hardest treatment - chemotherapy courses and a number of complex operations - the woman endured steadily, without complaining about fate. Moreover, it was during the period of endless procedures that she first began to write. First, just so as not to go crazy, then - because I realized that this is what she wants to do in life.

Having completely defeated the disease, Dontsova now does not avoid talking about cancer, but on the contrary, talks about this test, giving hope for recovery to cancer patients: “You can feel sorry for yourself for the first two hours, then wipe your snot and understand that this is not the end. We'll have to be treated. Cancer is cured. "

The American actor went through a course of chemotherapy in 2010, since he was diagnosed with malignant tumor in the language. At that time, she was the size of Walnut but was subsequently successfully cured. However, the real danger still threatened him - in the form of amputation of the tongue and lower jaw.

Already in January 2011, the actor announced that he had defeated cancer and was feeling great. “The tumor has disappeared. I eat like a pig. Finally, I can eat whatever I want, ”Douglas commented on his“ cure ”.

The American actor, known for the TV series "Dexter", was also diagnosed with cancer.

In January 2010, the actor's representative confirmed the information that he was undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Because of this, the continuation of the filming of the series turned out to be a big question. Treatment for the disease ended in remission, and after a few months it became known that Hall was completely healthy.

The Russian journalist and TV presenter began the fight against cancer in 1993. Then, during an examination in one of the US clinics, doctors literally stunned him with terrible news. “There was a feeling that I was on full speed flew into a brick wall, "- later told the famous TV presenter in an interview with the correspondent of the newspaper" Interlocutor "about that day. However, experts assured Posner that this diagnosis is not fatal, especially since the disease was detected at an early stage. According to the TV presenter himself, he did not undergo a course of chemotherapy, the doctors insisted on an early operation to remove the malignant tumor.

“When I left the hospital, my strength left me for a while. Then I somehow managed to tune in, ”says Posner. An important role in the fight against the disease was played by the support of family and friends, who never for a minute stopped believing in his recovery and at the same time treated him as if nothing terrible had happened in his life. Eventually, the cancer receded.

20 years have passed since then, Vladimir Pozner regularly passes medical examination and encourages others to follow their example. In 2013 he became ambassador international program Together Against Cancer.

12. Sharon Osborne

The wife of famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne removed her mammary glands in 2012 as a preventive measure. Some time before, Osborne had colon cancer, and doctors warned Sharon Osborne about the possible onset of the disease, which is why she agreed to a double mastectomy.

The British singer underwent surgery to remove thyroid cancer in July 2000. A few months later, in January 2001, he announced that he was completely cured.

Then Rod looked at the disease as a sign, and dedicated a song to the Canadian runner Terry Fox, who, having lost due to leg cancer at the age of 19, ran a few years later across the country with a prosthesis to raise funds for cancer research.

In 2005, the famous singer underwent a complex operation in Germany to remove a tumor. but surgical intervention led to a sharp weakening of immunity, the formation of a blood clot in the lungs, pneumonia and inflammation of tissue in the kidneys. In 2009, Kobzon was operated on again. The artist continues his treatment to this day.

The performer of the role of Miranda in the TV series "Sex and the City" in 2002, fell ill with breast cancer. She did not want to create a sensation and told reporters about her illness only a few years after her recovery. Later, she played in the theatrical production based on the play "Wit" by Margaret Edson, the role of poetry teacher Vivian Biering, a cancer patient. For this role, the actress shaved her head.

The strongest cyclist on the planet, seven-time winner of the Tour de France, a living legend, also fell victim to cancer. Advanced testicular cancer with multiple metastases in all organs was diagnosed to Armstrong in 1996. However, the strong-willed athlete did not give up and agreed to a risky method of treatment with a possible side effect... There was practically no chance of survival, but he won. The cyclist created the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help cancer patients and decided to promote the fight against the disease by riding the bike again.

17. Laima Vaikule

The famous Russian singer faced the disease in 1991: in America, doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. At the same time, there were not so many chances that she would survive.

In a media interview, she said that the illness turned her life upside down, made her think about many things and look differently at familiar things and relationships. “Only after experiencing what happened to me, I began to look at life differently,” said Lyme. After the treatment, the singer decided to return to the stage as soon as possible. She began to pay more attention to her family and friends.

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