How to extend the life of a bouquet of flowers. No leaves in the water

Not only flowers in pots and tubs decorate the interior, but also cut flowers - in a festive or modest bouquet.

Any plants most naturally and organically look in their natural surroundings, but skillfully collected in beautifully beautiful bouquets, fragrant floral sets, they delight no less than their natural counterparts. There are many secrets that help preserve the beauty and freshness of the bouquet. Tips apply not only to donated flowers, but also to those that are collected with their own hands in the garden, front garden, in the meadow for interior decoration, a festive table or as a gift.

A full bouquet - a set of quality flowers

The fate of the bouquet is decided at the moment of its creation from the gifts of Flora - the ancient Roman goddess of flowers. There are so many floristic rules that listing even some of them will take a lot of time. Often we buy a bouquet of cut fresh flowers or receive a fragrant gift for a holiday, birthday, and also for no reason, as a symbol of love, respect, gratitude.

When choosing cut flowers, pay attention to the freshness of the shoot leaves and corolla petals. The same principle must be followed when the florist makes a bouquet in front of you. When there is a period of time from the acquisition to the donation of fresh flowers, it is better to opt for half-open flowers, ready to bloom just about. A closed bud may not have enough strength to turn into a full-fledged flower, already fading will quickly wither. An artificial "skirt", an elastic band encircling flowers, can be a trick to disguise the staleness and inferiority of the bouquet.

Plants of the same species get along better with each other than "neighbors" fragrant with different aromas in a complex composition. There are flowers that cannot stand the presence of others in the bouquet, or they emit substances destructive for them - toxins. In contrast, the shoots of cypress or thuja have a beneficial effect on the composition of the air, cleansing it of rotting bacteria - the enemies of plants. Consider the "unity and struggle of opposites" when forming a bouquet.

Plants are "individualists":

  • orchids
  • lilies

Tulips wither from substances released into the water by daffodils. You can combine them in one bouquet only by holding them separately for a day, after that changing the water. Lilies will accelerate the death of daisies, cornflowers, poppies, which are already short-lived. Lilies of the valley are tolerated by few plants; they are completely incompatible with roses and tulips. By the way, in order to prolong the life of the bouquet, it will not be superfluous to change the water every day, while you can rinse the stems themselves under running water.

Choosing a vase and a place in the interior for a bouquet of flowers

There are different techniques for extending the life of a bouquet. The main thing is not to leave the flowers tightly tied, they need space for better water access. You can achieve long-lasting flowering in cut plants by increasing the suction area, constantly renewing the cut stem and the nutrient solution in the vase. Its size matters; flower stems should be placed freely in any container. The vase must be clean, it is better to wash the container with laundry soap in advance, which helps to destroy harmful microorganisms that can accelerate the decay of the stems.

For lush bouquets, luxurious festive compositions, classic vases are suitable. Their colors are white, black, brown, beige, green. The shape of the container should be in harmony with the nature of the bouquet and its constituent parts.

Use glass (colorless, colored transparent and opaque), crystal, ceramic, porcelain, brass vases for flowers. Aluminum containers must not be scratched inside. When the oxide film on the aluminum surface is destroyed, the metal interacts with water and solutions.

Flowers with short stems are not suitable for tall vases. If you need to achieve stability of the stems in vases, place disinfected moss, a layer of sand, crumpled copper wire or special ceramic holders on the bottom.

It is not advisable to place large bouquets in small rooms. Modest snowdrops, lavender, violets, lilies of the valley in round vases look organic in the bedroom. In the dark, the process of oxygen formation in plants stops, they breathe, emitting carbon dioxide. It is better to take the bouquets out of the bedroom at night into a cool, spacious room. Strong-smelling plants can make it difficult to breathe and cause allergies. Do not put them in the rooms where you sleep or work!

Avoid placing the bouquet in a warm place or in direct sunlight. The freshness of the flower arrangement will last longer if the bouquet is removed to a cool place at night.

What to do to prolong the life of the bouquet?

If the flowers cannot be immediately put in a vase, spray them with clean water, cover with cellophane, damp paper. But for a long-term existence, a solution is needed that feeds the flowers through the tissues of the stem. Leaves are "extra mouths", without regret, free the lower part of the stem from leaf blades, remove thorns on roses, and for tulips and lilies - stamens with pollen sacs.

  • Cut off the lower part of the stem from the flowers under the tap from the tap or in a container of water (with a sharp knife or razor blade). The cut should turn out oblique and long (from 3 to 10 cm), it is desirable to refresh it more often.
  • Lignified or solid green shoots (jasmine, almonds, roses, chrysanthemums, asters) additionally split along a few centimeters.
  • Use water for flowers at room temperature.
  • Place a pinch of crushed charcoal on the bottom of the disinfection vase.
  • Submerge the stems two-thirds of their length in water.
  • Do not leave the bouquet in the sun, near the battery, the best temperature conditions for it are 18–20 ° С.
  • Change the water in the vase often.

Any flower will quickly wither in the warmth, in a draft. It is better if the air temperature is moderate in the room where the bouquet stands. Some plants need coolness, frequent spraying with water. For large, dark colored roses, a cold bath at night may be helpful.

Plant species
Roses Oblique cut. Dissolve ½ a non-American aspirin tablet or a drop of bleach in water. The water should be hot, but not boiled. Add 10-15 grams of sugar per liter of water. Can be stored for up to 25 days.
Carnation An oblique cut in the area of ​​the knot on the stem, dip its tip in alcohol for a few seconds. Add 15 grams of sugar and 1/3 of an aspirin tablet (for 1 liter of water) to the hot water for flowers. They are stored for up to 3 weeks or more.
½ aspirin tablet for 3 liters of water or 5 crystals of citric acid.
Chrysanthemums, asters ½ aspirin tablet for 3 liters of water (or 5 crystals of citric acid) or 10-15 grams of sugar for 1 liter of hot water. They live a month in a bouquet.
Branches of mimosa, acacia, lilac, freesia. Place in a light purple potassium permanganate solution. Add 15-30 grams of sugar per liter to the water. They will delight with flowering for a long time (more than a month).
Peonies Split the ends of the stem and dip it briefly in hot water. Refrigerate the day. Add 10-15 grams of sugar per liter of water. Peonies are short-lived flowers, even after taking measures to prolong the freshness, it will not be possible to preserve the bouquet.
Orchids The water should be warm and fresh. Cut the stems carefully, by millimeters. Fully blooming flowers live in a bouquet for 1 to 3 weeks.
Daffodils Treat stems of plucked flowers in buds with warm water, put in cool water for a day, spray often. Add 10-15 grams of sugar per liter of water. They live from 7 to 10 days.
Lilies There should be one blossoming flower on the shoot, the rest in buds (then they will open). Split ends and dip in cold water.
Marigold The stems begin to rot quickly. Set apart from other colors.

Try to restore turgor to tulips with warm sweetened water and bright lamp light. It is easier to revive a wilted bouquet consisting of thick-stemmed plants (roses, chrysanthemums). To do this, refresh the cut, split the stem and place the flowers in hot water (60–70 ° C). Add one or two teaspoons of sugar to 1 liter of water. Roses with short stems and few leaves come to life faster.

Plants - "long-livers" in bouquets - chrysanthemums, asters, roses. To keep these and other flowers fresh for as long as possible, follow these simple guidelines. Remember, in order to preserve the freshness of the bouquet, at least three rules must be observed: change the water daily, keep the bouquet cool, and prevent strong decay of the stems and water pollution. Create conditions for Flora's children in which they will delight for a long time with their flowering and fragrance, even when cut.

Date of publication: 07.03.2014

Any woman will be pleased to receive flowers. They say that if flowers are presented from a pure heart, then they stand for a long time, however, this is just a saying. The only way to prolong the freshness and beauty of cut flowers is to take proper care of them.

You can enjoy the beauty of the presented bouquet longer than usual if you follow a few simple tips:

  1. The vase for the bouquet must be clean and of a suitable size. Flowers should not be too crowded. It is recommended to pre-settle water for cut flowers.
  2. If the bouquet was brought from a cold street, do not rush to put it in water, put it on the table for an hour, let the flowers gradually warm up.
  3. Before placing the bouquet in a vase, it should be processed. Be sure to cut off all the leaves from the part of the stem that will be submerged. Leaves or small shoots left under water will only become a breeding ground for bacteria and begin to rot. In order to increase the ability of the flower to absorb moisture, it is recommended to additionally cut the stems by 2 cm at an angle of 45 °. You should know that this procedure must be carried out with a sharp knife, immersing the tip of the stem in water to avoid oxygen entering the capillaries of the plant.
  4. A vase with cut flowers is not recommended to be placed either in a draft or in the sun. By the way, it is destructive for many flowers to be near fruit.
  5. You should always remember that some flowers are incompatible and cannot be in the same bouquet. For example, daffodils and tulips will wilt faster than usual if they end up in the same vase. And the rose fully justifies its name as the queen of flowers, since it does not tolerate neighborhood with any other flowers. But the main enemy of the rose is the carnation, with this flower it is better to put them even in different rooms.

If some flowers in a bouquet wither faster than others, be sure to choose good flowers in time, cut the stems again and put them in a separate vase.

  1. In order for the flowers to stand as long as possible, experts recommend changing the water in the vase 2 times a day, and sprinkling the leaves and stems from the spray bottle. For lilies, it is important that drops of water do not fall on the flower petals, since this is destructive for them.
  2. There are ways to prolong the beauty and freshness of the bouquet through various additions to the water. Many popular methods recommend adding sugar, activated charcoal, vodka and even vinegar to the water, but since from the point of view of biology, all this has no logical explanation - the most effective and 100% remedy is feeding for cut flowers, which are sold in specialized stores.

In addition to general advice on how to properly care for cut flowers, I can say that each specific type of flower has its own secret.

Better to put the bouquet in boiled water, the temperature of which is about 15? In this case, 2/3 of the length of the stems should be under water. Roses will retain their freshness longer if the temperature in the room where the flowers are located does not exceed 21 ° C. You can reanimate roses that have begun to fade by putting them in a bath of cold water overnight. And also, you can build a small greenhouse for the flowers at night: wet a plastic bag, put the wet side on the buds and tie. Leave the structure overnight, the greenhouse effect created will revive the roses.

Early spring flowers: tulips, daffodils and irises must be placed in cold water.

You can even add some ice from the freezer to it. If this procedure is repeated every morning, the tulips will stand much longer than usual. It is generally recommended to place the daffodils in a separate vase, as they produce mucus that will inevitably kill other flowers. However, it is quite possible to combine with daffodils hyacinths. The mucus secreted by daffodils does not harm these flowers. Hyacinth stems themselves secrete mucus, which prevents water absorption, so it is better to use hyacinths with bulbs or part of an onion, but if you have a bunch of flowers in a cut, then do not forget about this feature and clean the cut of the stems daily.

One of the popular ways to extend the life of a cut gerberas- rub the cut of the flower with salt.

Since gerbera stems are poorly preserved in water, no more than 3-5 cm should be poured into a vase.In water, gerbera stems immediately begin to bend, so if you want the flower to stand right for the first hours, you need to put it fixed. In flower shops, gerberas are usually fixed by wrapping them in thick paper.

Slices poppies it is recommended to lightly burn over an open flame (or dipped in boiling water) and then immediately immersed in cold water. This rule also applies to peonies and to all flowers whose stems contain milky sap.

Mimosa so that it retains its freshness and aroma longer, you can place it in hot water, and spray the flowers themselves with cold water. Please note that the tips of the tree-like stems of this flower, after pruning, need to be "crumpled" a little more so that the flower picks up water better.

So, cut the stems under water with a sharp knife, change the water in the vase every day and take into account the secret preferences of some flowers, and then the flowers will delight you with their appearance and aroma longer than usual!

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You will need

  • - water;
  • - vase;
  • - citric acid or vinegar;
  • - coniferous extract;
  • - sugar;
  • - washing powder;
  • - brush;
  • - a sharp knife or secateurs.


If you have an old Soviet five-kopeck coin in your house (any copper coin will do, however), put it on the bottom of a vase with water. It will collect on itself, deposited on the walls of the vessel.

Remove the lower, weak processes from each flower. Get rid of the leaves at the bottom of the stem as they will rot when submerged in water.

Add a few drops of vinegar or a few grains of citric acid to the flower water. Stir it and place the bouquet in the solution.

Rinse daily under cold running water and prune plant stems. Flowers with woody stems (such as lilacs) should be cleaned every day with a soft brush.

Change the water in the vase every day. Do not forget that it must be boiled and settled.

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Keep in mind that not all flowers can cohabit painlessly in the same vase. So, for example, neither roses nor carnations accept any neighborhood.

Helpful advice

If you make your own bouquet, then cut the flowers early in the morning. Do this with a sharp knife or pruner with the blade at an angle to the stem. After the flowers are cut, immediately submerge them up to the sepals in water.

Instead of vinegar and citric acid, you can add pine extract to the water. It has antibacterial properties and will keep flowers fresh for a long time. For one liter of settled water, you need 50 grams of sugar and 50 grams of pine extract, which must be dissolved in water.

If pine extract is not at hand, then it can be replaced with ordinary washing powder. Just add the amount of product to the water that will fit on the tip of a knife.


  • Extend the life of the bouquet

A bouquet of flowers is a great gift, and I want it to please the eye as long as possible. The bouquet is placed only in settled or boiled water, tap water will shorten the life of cut flowers.

You can disinfect water with aspirin, alcohol or potassium permanganate. In addition, different flowers require different conditions.

Carnations should be trimmed at the thickened knot. The water in the vase should be at room temperature, in which you should dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1/2 aspirin tablet.

Gerberas should be cut in hot water, pour 2 teaspoons of alcohol into a vase of water and add 2 teaspoons of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Gladioli will delight the eye longer if you add 1 crushed tablet of aspirin or activated carbon to a vase of water, these tablets can be replaced with a couple of drops of ammonia.

Lilies must be placed in cold water, and the stems must be split beforehand.

Daffodils should be kept under hot water, and then put into cool water, after adding 0.5 teaspoons of sugar to it.

Roses will be more comfortable if you split the ends of the stems and add 1 aspirin to the water.

It is better to put tulips in very cold water.

Chrysanthemums love room temperature water with the addition of 0.5 aspirin tablets. It is better to split the ends of the branches a little.

If a disinfecting component is added to the water, then it can be changed once every 3-4 days. The lower leaves on the stems of flowers should be removed as they can rot when in the water.

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Unfortunately, cut flowers die very quickly. And we so want the beauty and emotions with which the bouquet was presented to stay with us longer.


To understand how to help a bouquet stay fresh and beautiful longer, let's look at the root causes of its death.

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Why does the bouquet fade?


Just choosing the right freshness and buying flowers is not enough. When a flower is cut, it no longer receives moisture and nutrients needed to continue flowering and generally maintain life. On the cut of the stem, pathogenic bacteria begin to develop, which further exacerbate the situation.


Therefore, to extend the life of the bouquet, we need to solve three problems - to enable the flower to receive more moisture or reduce the need for it, provide the minimum necessary nutrition and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungal infections.


Some flowers are simply not compatible in one bouquet and oppress each other. A striking example is the combination of roses and carnations - such a bouquet will last no longer than a day or two, even if the flowers were just cut. Another big and common mistake of florists is to combine tulips and daffodils, lilies of the valley and violets.

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How to provide moisture to cut flowers?


You can reduce the need for water consumption by removing the lower extra leaves from the stem. Each leaf serves as an additional area for the moisture of the cut flower to evaporate and without it, the bud will feel better. It is generally better to leave lilacs without leaves, and for beauty, put a twig with leaves in a vase, separating it from a twig with a flower.


In order for water to flow into the stem without problems, you need to update the cut daily. Moreover, this must be done under water, otherwise air bubbles will clog the vessels and this will prevent the penetration of water.


Roses, lilacs, chrysanthemums have dense ligneous stems, which must not only be cut obliquely, but also preferably split into a centimeter and a half. The needles are also removed from the rose, and the stamens from the lilies.


If the plant secretes milky juice, then the end of the stem should be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds.


And if the stem is hollow (lupines, dahlias), then water is poured into it and the hole is plugged with a lump of cotton wool.

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How to prevent rotting?
To prevent the development of putrefactive bacteria in the water, charcoal, potassium permanganate or boric acid are added to it. Tulips and callas are sprinkled with a pinch of salt, chrysanthemums react positively to soda, and dahlias - half a teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water. I've heard that some people pour a shot of vodka into the water for the same purpose.



How to provide nutrition for cut flowers?


The easiest and most effective way is to eat with a heap of a spoonful of sugar (2 possible) per liter of water. Chrysanthemums and asters in water with sugar and with regular care can live up to 1.5-2 months !!!

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We create the conditions for the bouquet


Any bouquet will last longer in a cold room than in a stifling heat. It is advisable to create a humid microclimate by spraying flowers in the evening. Direct sunlight is also very negative - shade or partial shade is better.


If the bouquet has been transported for a long time and the flowers have been lightly grafted, you can put them in a bathroom with cold water under a slight oppression so that the stems and flowers are completely submerged in the water. After an hour, you can take them out, hold them down a little while the water flows down and only then put them in a vase.


Drafts are destructive for bouquets.


It is better to take a ceramic vase. Transparent glass vases allow light to pass through, and light gives life to microalgae and bacteria that spoil the composition of the water and shorten the life of the bouquet.


I hope my tips will help you prolong the joy of contemplating flowers. Enjoy your experience!

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How to get rid of the inability to choose flowers for a girl?


Surely every man likes to watch a woman's reaction, presenting her with a bouquet of flowers, especially when she loves these flowers. But, it is not a fact that you already know all the tastes of your companion, it is possible that this is only the first or second date, as the people say - “flower and bouquet period”.

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What's the beginning of a relationship?
Buying large bouquets at the beginning of a relationship is not recommended, sometimes it is not even beautiful. A girl after this can feel uncomfortable. One beautiful rose is the perfect solution for a first date. Blue flowers can also be a good option if you buy them and send them remotely, without your direct presence, through a courier. It's a good idea to add some romantic message to them.

Color selection rules
If you decide to give a bouquet of flowers to the girl you like personally, then we suggest paying attention to a small arsenal of techniques that will allow you to choose the appropriate option. Choosing a bouquet is a whole art, here you need to take into account many factors, among them: the character of the girl, eye color, hair color, etc. Today, buying flowers is absolutely not a problem, you can even do it without leaving your home.

Brunette girl
The bride with black hair will have a bouquet of red roses to her face. Gladioli and orchids will also do well. The basic rule here is that the flowers must be bright, and preferably large. A bright bouquet of flowers always draws attention to the attractiveness of its owner.

Girl with blond hair
If your taste is preferable to fair-haired girls, then flowers of pastel delicate shades, for example, light yellow, light pink, etc., will look best next to her. The trick is that bright colors cannot emphasize the natural tenderness of such a girl. But, it should be noted that sometimes it is different, for example, when a bright bouquet will complement the image of a girl, will allow her to be presented in the light of femininity, a well-thought-out style.

Girls with red hair
For red-haired girls, dark tones are perfect, try to lean more towards bouquets of roses, orchids, violets, and other neat flowers, always a strict color scheme.

There are many options for decorating a bouquet, the main thing is just to know which flowers should be included in it. The right choice will allow you to successfully complement the image of the chosen one, give her notes of luxury and attractiveness.

How to choose the right flowers for a girl
In especially difficult situations, if there is no way to stick to the choice of flowers, it is better to turn to professional florists who will determine which flowers will be ideal for a particular case. Whatever it was, difficulties with choosing a flower should not be a reason for refusing such a pleasant gift.

The life of any rose is short-lived, whether it grows in a flower bed or stands in a vase of water, but sometimes, having received a particularly gorgeous bouquet from a person dear to our hearts, we are ready to do anything to make the flowers last longer!

Several ways to extend the life of a bouquet of roses

According to florists, these regal plants are quite capable of maintaining their beauty for two to three weeks, or even a whole month with proper care. So what needs to be done for this? How to keep flowers in a vase for as long as possible? There are many quite effective methods, thanks to which you can admire the delicate charm of fresh flowers for at least a few days longer.

And if you really want to, you can even try it, so that later you can plant it in your flower garden. If the flowers have not been preserved with chemicals to preserve their presentation, soon their cuttings will give roots, and you will have a new wonderful specimen.

Video about caring for cut roses

So, having received a wonderful rose or a whole bouquet as a gift, you thought: how to keep it longer? After all, I really don't want to send such beauty to the trash can in a few days! First of all, remember that you do not need to immediately remove the flowers from the gift wrapping. A special microclimate is created inside the package, which helps the plants adapt to new conditions, so it is better to leave the bouquet packed for at least a few hours and only then unfold it, if you don’t like the type of gift wrapping.

You should not immediately put flowers in a vase, first you need to "give them a drink" by dropping them for three hours in a bath of water at room temperature. In this case, the stems with leaves should be completely under water, and the flowers and buds - outside, otherwise they can rot from the ingress of water (just in case, wrap them with paper). Having a deep bucket at home will greatly facilitate the task.

You should not immediately put flowers in a vase, first you need to "give them a drink" by dropping them for three hours in a bath with water at room temperature

To extend the life of roses:

  • during the "soldering" of flowers right in the bath under water, cut the stems by a couple of centimeters at an oblique angle and flatten the ends a little - so air jams will come out of the capillaries in the stems, and the roses will absorb water better;
  • remove the leaves that will be under water in the vase;
  • peel the lower part of the flower stems (four centimeters) from the bark;
  • it is advisable to choose a vase of such a height that two-thirds of the length of the stems are hidden under water;
  • in ceramic vases, water stays fresh longer, since its walls do not allow light to pass through;
  • you can pour tap water into a vase, settled or boiled - the chlorine contained in it will not harm the plants, but, on the contrary, will prevent the reproduction of putrefactive bacteria;
  • the water temperature can be cool in summer, and warm water should be used in winter;
  • you can additionally disinfect the water in the vase with an aspirin tablet, charcoal, a glass of vodka, a pinch of citric acid or some silver product (do not accidentally pour it with water!);
  • add sugar to the water to replenish the carbohydrate reserves of the flowers - 20 grams will be enough per liter of water;
  • change the water at least once every two days, re-adding sugar and bactericidal agents, while the stems must be washed with running water and the sections must be renewed, and the vase must be thoroughly washed with soap;
  • keep a vase with a bouquet away from sunlight and drafts, in a cool place;
  • do not place flowers near fruits, as the ethylene released by the fruit has a detrimental effect on them;
  • Spray the plants daily with a spray bottle, being careful not to hit the center of the buds.

Flowers with fully open, down-turned leaves are not worth buying - they will wither very soon

If you know for sure that the roses from the bouquet have been treated with chemicals, you can safely drop dishwashing detergent or bleach into the vase - such chemicals will no longer harm the flowers.

Thanks to the tricks listed above, you will be able to significantly extend the life of flowers, but sooner or later they will still begin to fade. You can make them stand in the vase for a few more days with a drop of ammonia added to the water, or you can put the flowers in boiling water for five minutes and then put them in cold water. Another, more troublesome option: transfer the roses to a bathtub filled with cool water at night so that the flowers do not get wet. But this procedure will have to be done every night, as the plants will get used to the "water regime" and will feel uncomfortable in the vase.

If you buy flowers yourself, be sure to pay attention to the degree of their freshness: the leaves that border the flower heads are tightly adjacent to the buds. Flowers with fully open, down-turned leaves are not worth buying - they will wither very soon.

It is advisable to choose a vase of such a height that two-thirds of the length of the stems are hidden under water

Growing gorgeous roses in a flower garden, you most likely cut them into bouquets from time to time to decorate rooms in an apartment. In this case, you will need not only advice on how to save cut flowers, but also recommendations on the cut itself, because this largely depends on how long they will stand in a vase.

Here are the basic rules for pruning:

  • it is better to choose stems with buds that have already acquired a characteristic color and are about to bloom;
  • in densely doubled varieties, stems with "loose" buds are recommended for cutting, when the lower petals have already begun to open - very dense buds in a vase may not bloom, but simply wither;
  • do not cut more than three stems from one bush;
  • try not to crush or deform the ends of the stem when cutting, otherwise the moisture-conducting vessels will be damaged;
  • flowers should be cut with a pruner or a sharp knife;
  • the best time for cutting is early morning or late evening, when the plants contain the maximum supply of moisture and nutrients;
  • cloudy weather is good for cutting, but you should not cut roses during the rain, since the petals quickly deteriorate from moisture that gets on them.

Video on tips on how to keep cut roses fresh for longer

Cut flowers should be immediately brought into a cool room, and if you intend to present them to someone as a gift, put them in the refrigerator for a while, so they will retain their freshness longer. Keeping roses in a warm place speeds up the metabolism in plants, and they wilt much faster.

Otherwise, in order for cut home flowers in a vase to last longer, they need to be looked after in the same way as store flowers.

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