How to restore the nervous system and how to do it quickly? Breathing exercises to calm the nervous system, relieve tension and for deep sleep

Rabindranath Tagore

From the moment of his birth, a person continuously develops and becomes stronger, adapting to conditions external environment... At first, he develops by inertia, thanks to what nature has given him, but then a moment comes when his development largely begins to depend on himself. To increase his vitality, a person needs to develop all the abilities given to him by nature. But he must do it correctly, in accordance with the laws of nature, in order to strengthen his body and spirit, and not cause them irreparable harm. In this article, I will tell you how to strengthen the psyche with different methods to prepare ourselves for the harsh reality in which we all live. Having a strong psyche, you will withstand any pressure that other people will put on you and you will be able to overcome any difficulties that fate throws at you. This world, friends, is cruel to the weak, so learn to be strong in order to survive even in the most adverse conditions and successfully defend your interests. And I will help you with this.

There are several ways to strengthen the psyche in order to prepare a person for different situations that cause most people with weakness. unprepared psyche - panic, fear, anxiety, anxiety and other similar reactions. These methods are based on such things as: stress - necessary for training the psyche, faith - necessary to stabilize the mental state, knowledge and intelligence - necessary for the stability and strength of the psyche, physical preparation - also designed to train the psyche, since it also creates stress for organism, discipline / self-discipline - necessary for a person for self-esteem and success in business, self-control - it allows the psyche not to sway due to all kinds of weaknesses, self-confidence - necessary to achieve your goals, flexible thinking - necessary to adapt and adapt to a new, unusual situation, as well as to solve complex problems and tasks. All these and many other, less significant, let's say, tools for training the psyche are closely interconnected, therefore, while training his psyche, a person works with all of them, or with most of them.


As a matter of fact, at the heart of all the methods with which you can train, pump the psyche is stress. Stress is the foundation of any mental preparation. But for effective training of the psyche, it is not the stress itself that is important, but its correct dosage. A weak stress effect causes discomfort, irritation, inconvenience in a person, but does not sufficiently destroy his psychological defense, which is necessary for its subsequent restoration and, at the same time, strengthening, thanks to the adaptive and adaptive capabilities of the body. And too much stress can break a person, cause him depression, apathy, depression, indifference to his fate. Strong and prolonged stress - destroys the body, weakens it immune system, or, more simply, kills him. With strong and prolonged stress psychological protection a person completely collapses, and it may take a very long time to restore it, or even it may not recover at all, at least completely. We know how it happens when people, as they say, break down and then live their whole life in fear, anxiety, depression, in a state of depression. Therefore, the dosage of stress is very important. Just as you cannot overload your body during physical training, so as not to overstrain and cause irreparable harm to the body, just as you cannot load your psyche in excess of the norm (based on the individual characteristics of the body), so as not to disturb it. It is necessary to calculate your resources, energy and time, which are required for your body to recover.

How to pump your psyche with an acceptable dose of stress? This can be done with the help of imitation situations that would artificially cause you stress, comparable to the stress in which a person is experiencing strong pressure and discomfort in natural conditions... It is very important here to know your capabilities in order to create for yourself exactly such conditions that would not injure your psyche, but would force it to strain to a certain level. This method can also be called a role-playing game, in which a person performs a certain role in a certain situation.

A simple example. Suppose you are afraid public speaking and want to prepare yourself for them, that is, to conduct psychological preparation for public speaking. What do you need to do for this? The most elementary thing is to train, rehearse. At first, you may imagine that you are speaking in a large hall in front of a wide audience and practice your speech, as well as those possible provocative situations that can confuse you and make you uncomfortable. A good imagination will allow you to work out a lot of details of the upcoming performance and thus prepare your psyche for it. You can start by speaking in front of a small and familiar audience, which will help you to relax and gain self-confidence, and at the same time develop public speaking skills. For example, you can speak to your family or friends, then to colleagues at work, and so on, in ascending order. The stress that you will experience in these cases - you can, let's say, be able to digest - it will cause your psyche insignificant, replenished damage. And while recovering, your psyche will be strengthened in order to adapt to the load that you put it. Everything is like training muscles - which are stressed during stress, destroyed, and then restored and become more elastic, voluminous, enduring, adapting to the loads to which they were subjected. The psyche is strengthened in a similar way. Stress - destroys its protective structure, then recovery and strengthening occurs - the psyche adapts to external conditions. Therefore, these very external conditions - it is necessary to simulate, subjecting yourself to moderate, depending on your personality traits stress. In other words - what are you afraid of, what you don't like, what causes you terrible discomfort, prepare yourself for that, by simulating the corresponding situation, either in your imagination, or, if possible, in reality, for which periodically, by efforts will, pull yourself out of your comfort zone into unfamiliar conditions and create stressful situations for yourself to mobilize all your inner resources.

It's like in military training - conditions are created for soldiers as close as possible to combat ones and they are taught to behave in these conditions with restraint, competent, disciplined, that is, they train their psyche and skills. We must also prepare ourselves for various conflict, extreme, non-standard, dangerous situations, using simulated situations and your imagination.


Faith has truly great power, although it may not be the most powerful, but sufficient to use it to temper your psyche to such a state where nothing and no one can suppress you morally. Faith helps people to survive, it saves many in Hard times, even those people who are skeptical about religion. After all, the point is not who or what we believe in, but what we believe at all. Faith is based on the firm conviction of a person in what is not, but what can be. For example, a person may be convinced that in this world there is some great power of a universal scale, which will help him in a difficult situation, direct him to Right way and will help him overcome any difficulties and hardships.

No matter how unscientific it may sound, we all believe in something, someone in evolution and the big bang theory, and someone in God and in life after death. How faith affects the human psyche can be understood from the placebo effect and how people, believing in their righteousness and in God, boldly go to death, ignoring such a powerful innate instinct as the instinct of self-preservation. It follows from this that in something or someone, best of all in yourself, you definitely need to believe, but not blindly, so as not to become an insane fanatic, rejecting everything except your faith, but with a significant share of reason. For example, if you yourself, first inspire, and then argue with arguments, what kind of person you are. great person and that you can do everything in this world, then over time you will begin to believe in your own exclusivity and omnipotence, and your psyche will become as strong as steel. And if other people do it, preferably those whom you respect and value, if they will inspire you that you are exceptional, special, great, strong, intelligent, the best or one of the most the best people in the world, then your self-esteem will start to go off-scale, you will become a self-confident person who believes in your exclusivity and the unlimitedness of your own capabilities. In fact, there are no problems with this, contrary to the opinion of some experts who claim that overestimated self-esteem and self-confidence makes a person inadequate. It's all about competent suggestion and self-hypnosis, in which a person is tuned in to actions, to victories, and not just content with himself.

That is why, friends, not everyone can instill in a person faith in himself and his strength. And not everyone can be a spiritual mentor. Therefore, faith in God can be different. For some people, God is a master who must be obeyed, and for others, he is the one who created the laws of Being, the laws of nature, the laws of the Universe, according to which we are all forced to live, therefore, everything that a person does in his life, with what -that point of view will still be correct. This relieves people of the guilt that so often puts pressure on our psyche, preventing us from developing and achieving our goals. But the main thing is a feeling of one's own elitism and significance, thanks to which a person feels very good, he is satisfied with himself and confident in himself, his psyche is strong and capable of withstanding any trials. So a strong faith is a strong psyche. But at the same time, you need to believe rationally and reasonable, and not blindly and in what does not exist and, by definition, cannot be. And in order to gain faith, you need to either by means of someone's suggestion, or by means of self-hypnosis, inspire yourself with the conviction of what your idea of ​​your own exclusivity, your strength and power, the value of your life and the correctness of yours will be based on. life path... I recommend that you gain faith in yourself and in your special destiny, as well as in the fact that there is a higher mind above a person, expressed in the unshakable laws of being, which wants us to be strong and transform this world according to our ambitious desires and the most unusual and great dreams.

Knowledge and intelligence

Knowledge and intellect strengthen the human psyche even more, since they can strengthen his faith if they do not contradict it, but will enlighten him in what he believes in. Therefore, the more a person knows everything, the more he can find an explanation, and the less he will be subject to unnecessary panic and fear. If you and I know that thunder is thundering because the sharply heated air forms a shock wave, and not because God is angry, then we are not afraid of thunder and do not believe those who frighten us with it, as a punishment of God, which means that our the psyche is more resistant to such phenomena. And with the help of intelligence we can decide various problems and tasks that are not intellectually insufficient developed people can cause panic, fear, insecurity, anxiety. Ignorant people are more trusting and more inclined to obey, because they do not rely on themselves, they look for those who will solve all their problems for them, who will relieve them of fear, who will take responsibility for their fate, who will give them everything. what they need. Therefore, the more you read, watch, listen to smart things and communicate with smart people, as well as to solve all sorts of tasks and problems - by gaining knowledge and developing your intellect, the more strong and resilient your psyche will be. Raise the level of your knowledge and develop your intellect, and you will become a person morally and mentally prepared for many life's difficulties. Where one person gets confused and does not know what to do, you can find the right solution and calmly deal with a non-standard, unfavorable, difficult situation. It is not for nothing that they say that knowledge is power, and the intellect that allows this knowledge to be managed and can generate it is a great power.

Physical training

Physical training has the same strengthening effect on the human psyche as on its muscular system. No wonder they say - in healthy body healthy mind... After all, from what physical form there is a person, a lot depends: his well-being, health, self-confidence, as well as his attitude towards himself and self-satisfaction, - after all, decrepit and weak person cannot be completely satisfied with himself, because of his physical weakness, and this negatively affects him psychological state... Consequently, by strengthening his body, making it more resilient and healthy, a person simultaneously strengthens his psyche, as it is also exposed to stress. In addition, a variety of physical exercises, if they are performed regularly and are aimed at achieving tangible, visible results, help a person develop discipline and willpower, which in turn have a positive effect on his character - they strengthen him, and therefore, strengthen his psyche. person.

Problem solving

A good workout for both the psyche and the mind is the decision different problems, to begin with their own, and in the future and others. Problems cause stress, which, as we already know, destroys our psyche, and as the problem is solved, we develop our mind, restore the psyche and strengthen it. As a matter of fact, life constantly throws up problems for us so that we can solve them and become stronger. And what do many people do here? They run away from problems, close themselves off from them, they don't want to solve them, they don't even want to think about them. And by this, people deprive themselves of the opportunity to become stronger, more adapted, more developed. You don't need to run away from problems, on the contrary - they need to meet halfway if they are inevitable, and actively solve them - this is an excellent training for the mind and psyche. Solving problems and tasks, especially non-standard ones, a person expands his capabilities, he becomes more resistant to stressful situations and gains self-confidence. Therefore, a problem is a blessing, and many problems are a great blessing, they must necessarily be in a person's life. Of course, problems should be tough for a person, both in terms of their number and in terms of their complexity, so you need to start with solving insignificant problems that are in the life of every person, and then move on to more complex problems, including stranger. Ultimately, you can do, at least at the level of theory, solving global problems, making yourself a significant part of this world and becoming one of those on whom a lot depends in this world. Just imagine what it means to solve global problems, and against their background all these petty problems that most people in Everyday life, look like an insignificant trifle, small nuts, which are not difficult to gnaw. When solving complex global problems, a person thinks big, he feels himself greater and more powerful, he is on more high level consciousness, his ambitions are grandiose. But before you think about global issues and higher matters, it is necessary to learn how to solve simpler, mundane, everyday problems.

Act to your limit

To strengthen the psyche, it must be partially destroyed, and in order to destroy it, as we have already found out, stress is needed, which can be caused artificially, or you can be exposed to it in a natural way. Fortunately, there is more than enough stress in our life, sometimes there is so much of it that it ceases to be a blessing and begins to bring us great harm, as it destroys our mental defense, but at the same time, due to its intensity and duration, does not allow it to recover ... To adapt yourself to stressful situations and thoroughly pump your psyche, you need to be able to go beyond your capabilities, and for this you must always and in everything go to the end, squeezing all the juices out of yourself, as is done in sports. In this life, the one who goes to the end wins, and the winner gets great satisfaction from his victories, which concretes his psyche. The winner is always more self-confident than the loser, therefore any victory, even the smallest one, strengthens the psyche. Therefore, all your victories must be recognized and magnified in order to remember your capabilities, develop them and strive for new victories. But in order to win, you need to go to the end, you need to act at the limit of your capabilities and not give up.

In matters that are especially important to you, always act to the limit of your capabilities - accustom yourself to maximum calculation and complete dedication when you need it. It will not be possible to constantly act at the maximum - a person does not have enough energy or strength for this. But in the most important situations, you need to be able to give all your best. Train your endurance, both physical and mental. To do this, starve yourself, deprive yourself of sleep for a long time, start doing some physical exercises with complete dedication until the muscles stop obeying you, load your brain to the maximum, for example, using the solution huge amount problems, puzzles, or thoughtful reading until your head starts to boil. You don't need to overload yourself all the time, only sometimes in order to accustom your body to increased stress load, and to expand your capabilities. Long-term overload of the body is fraught with a weakening of the immune system, so you do not need to constantly keep yourself in tension. We have one body - it must be protected.

In everyday life, bring all your affairs to the end, never quit what you started without an urgent need, even if it does not seem as interesting and profitable as it seemed before - it still needs to be brought to its logical conclusion - you need to squeeze everything out of it. it is possible to prove to yourself that you are not a weakling, that you have character, that you can act and achieve results, no matter what. It is hard, painful, scary, disgusting, unbearable - bear with it! Don't let yourself relax - that's the worst part. Blood from the nose, but do the job. Gritting your teeth, keep doing what you are doing until you achieve at least some result, preferably successful. This is how resilience is developed, this is how the character is tempered, this is how the psyche is strengthened.

Training the psyche with stimuli

In continuation of the above, one should also point out one more important point in training the psyche with stress. To increase the level of mental and psychological stability, a person needs to periodically train his psyche with the help of various kinds of stimuli that would force her, the psyche, to work at the limit of her capabilities. Loud noise, bright light bad smell and taste, pain, hardening of the body, mental and physical overload, as well as extremely negative information that generates fear, a sense of danger, anger, bewilderment, others negative emotions- with the help of all these stimuli, it is necessary to load your psyche from time to time, thereby increasing its adaptive capabilities. You can, for example, combine complex mental activity with the simultaneous listening to loud and extremely unpleasant music in order to develop in yourself the ability not to be distracted by various stimuli while doing important work. A bright light can annoy yourself, say, at night, by waking up on an alarm clock and immediately turning on a bright light to expose yourself in this way severe stress through one of the senses. In addition to this, it will be useful to start some kind of mental and / or physical activity, then the load on the body, on the psyche, will increase significantly. With an unpleasant smell and taste, come up with some exercises yourself, there can be many options, just like with painful sensations... Find - how to torment yourself. As for negative information, then find exactly the kind of information from which you are most stressed - afraid, angry, indignant, and so on. Take this information and think it over carefully in order to get used to it and make it the norm in your life, so that in the future it does not shock you and does not have a destructive effect on your psyche. In general - force your body, your nervous system, your psyche, which is a property of the nervous system, to strain. Use different stimuli for this purpose, both artificially created and natural.


Again, in continuation of the above, it should be noted that in order to strengthen the psyche, it is periodically necessary to deprive yourself of not only pleasures, but also things necessary for life that are related to the basic needs of a person, in order to thus adapt your body to discomfort. Cold, hunger, fatigue, pain, suffering, all this, as we have already found out, causes stress. All this needs to be tested. Sexual abstinence should also be in a person's life, so that he can, when needed, live without what he needs. The ability to do without even the most necessary - makes a person more adapted to life and less prone to manipulation. Therefore, periodically create yourself a Spartan living environment in order, unlike other people, to maintain calm and composure in situations that many people, due to the peculiarities of their lives, are not used to. And in life anything can happen, sometimes a person can be left without even the most necessary for his existence. And where one person can break down, say, without eating for a couple of days, the other will remain calm even in absolutely inhuman conditions - and will survive. In general, the more we have, the more difficult it is for us to give up all this, and therefore, the easier it is to control us through fear. Whereas a person who has nothing to lose is not afraid of anything. And a person who is used to comfort is more susceptible to influence from other people. It is not for nothing that in times of economic crises, it is not the poor who are thrown out of the windows, but rather wealthy people, even if they are bankrupt, but at the same time have the potential to restore their financial situation... Unpreparedness for deprivation makes them vulnerable to adversity, their mind and psyche are not ready for defeat, they cannot imagine life without everything that they had and what they lost, so they commit suicide. But is that right? In my opinion, no. It is better to prepare in advance for such unfavorable situations - accustoming yourself to absolutely any life, even to one in which there is nothing. And we always have time to die.

A responsibility

Many people do not attach sufficient importance to such a quality as responsibility, but at the same time it makes a person's psyche more stable and his mind brighter. A responsible person never attaches primary importance to external circumstances - he always thinks about what exactly he can do in order to change, improve his situation. Other people can really be the culprit of our troubles, I do not deny this, because we are all dependent on each other to one degree or another. But the fact is that we must always look for an adequate response to any encroachments of other people and in general external factors for our interests, for our well-being, for our lives. If you find yourself in a burning building, you will not blame the fire for threatening your life - you will not shift responsibility for your life to external circumstances - you will try to save yourself by taking responsibility for your life. This is how we should do in all others. life situations, no matter who and how prevents us from living, who puts a spoke in our wheels. Because our well-being, our life is our business, our concern, our problems. So develop responsibility in yourself and your psyche will develop in parallel.


As with muscle recovery, mental recovery requires good good rest... Be sure to get enough sleep, especially after severe stress, eat well, relax physically, walk, have fun, take time to just sit in peace and quiet and reflect. That is - give the body time to recover. A good rest for strengthening the psyche is just as important as a good stress load, so you definitely need to find time for it.

Summing up all of the above, I will repeat once again that in order to strengthen your psyche, you need to periodically expose your body to moderate stress with the help different techniques... The increase in stress load should be smooth, based on the individual capabilities of a person, which each of you can determine through experiments on yourself and through self-observation. Periodically, you can and should bring yourself to physical and emotional exhaustion, through all kinds of stimuli, squeezing all the juices out of your body and mind. But then it is imperative to give your body enough time to recover and strengthen. So drive yourself from time to time through fire, water and copper pipes, thus tempering your psyche. In this world, you must be strong in order to survive and live. And I hope you will.

Life implies a collision of each person with problems, troubles and difficult situations... Adding to this a fast pace of life, a large concentration of automatic mechanisms and a sense of responsibility for loved ones, we get an ideal ground for the development of stress - this is already a violation of the nervous system. And if few people can influence the appearance and intensity of stress, every person will be able to strengthen the nervous system.

Ways to strengthen the nervous system

We recommend reading: - - -

Medicine claims that it is possible to strengthen the nervous system in quite ordinary ways - for this you do not need to use any sedative drugs at all. As a rule, recommendations in this direction are reduced to:

Note:in some cases, the use of sedative medicines and the use of folk remedies contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system. But if all other methods can be used independently, without consulting a doctor, then taking any medicinal substances need to be agreed with a specialist.

Strengthening the nervous system by hardening

What is included in the concept of hardening the body? Doctors say that this is an alternation of effects on the body of cold, heat and ultraviolet rays... As a result of such actions, the reflex reactions of the body are modified - it ceases to react at all to the indicated external stimuli. But hardening also has a nonspecific effect - the level of working capacity increases, a person develops willpower, and the reaction to external aggression decreases.

To get the desired result from the considered method of strengthening the nervous system, you need to carry out the actions correctly. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. The increase in the intensity of irritation should be gradual. For example, when it comes to pouring cold water, then you need to start the cycle of procedures with warm water lowering her temperature every day.
  2. Hardening should be carried out regularly. If the procedure is carried out from time to time, only on weekends or holidays, then you will not get any effect - hardening is carried out daily without holidays and weekends.
  3. Learn to correctly calculate the dose of the irritant. You need to understand that for strengthening the nervous system, it is not the duration of one procedure that is important, but the quality. That is, you should not pour cold water in the amount of a two-hundred-liter barrel, half a bucket will be enough, but every day.

There is a lot of literature on tempering, the necessary information can be found on the Internet - you can choose a schedule of procedures on an individual basis.

Physical education as a way to get rid of nervous disorders

A variety of physical exercises allows you to choose a set of activities for your individual taste. Conventionally, all physical exercises can be divided into 4 groups - sports, hiking, games and gymnastics. It has been scientifically proven that regular exercise helps improve performance, prevents development chronic fatigue, prevents the development of psychological and neurological problems, has a positive effect on health.

It is especially important to engage in physical exercises for people who are engaged in mental work - this will help relieve neuropsychiatric stress, give relief to the brain, and restore energy balance.

Doctors emphasize that specifically for strengthening the nervous system, walking in the fresh air is an optimal choice - an excellent combination physical activity and hardening, the possibility of individual selection of the number of meters or kilometers traveled (clear dosage) and complete absence any financial costs.

Alcohol and smoking are enemies of the nervous system

In order for the nervous system to function in full and to withstand stressful situations, you need to saturate the body with vitamins. To do this, it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:

  • bran bread;
  • peas and beans;
  • kidneys;
  • egg yolk;
  • liver of birds and animals;
  • oat groats;
  • meat.

In addition, the menu must include cottage cheese, cheese and canned fish.

It is this adjustment of the diet that will help to significantly strengthen the nervous system.

Distribution of periods of wakefulness and sleep

Doctors say that a competent daily routine is half the way to solving the problem of strengthening the nervous system. It should be borne in mind that the daily routine for each person is individual, therefore, when compiling it, it is necessary to take into account functional features organism, learn to reduce or increase the load.

We recommend reading: - -

It is very important to stabilize night sleep- it must last at least 7 hours. Moreover, the younger the person, the longer its duration. If a person systematically does not get enough sleep, or he has a shallow sleep, then this can lead to irritability, rapid fatigability, loss of appetite.

The most good sleep the one that starts at 23-24 o'clock and ends at 7-8 o'clock in the morning is considered. Elderly people and childhood It is highly recommended to set aside 1-2 hours of daytime for extra sleep. In order for sleep to really bring rest and to be complete, doctors advise to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed, to ensure admission to the bedroom fresh air and maintain the temperature regime in the room within 18-20 degrees.

Traditional medicine and medicines

To improve performance and strengthen the nervous system, you can use folk remedies... It's about decoctions medicinal plants with a strengthening and calming effect - for example, lemon balm, rose hips, viburnum, motherwort, valerian, chamomile and others. In the case of already existing apathy, depression and weakness, lemongrass, Eleutherococcus and Echinacea will help.

In order to restore the balance between arousal and inhibition, a person can be prescribed some drugs - for example, "Novopassit" or "Persen", which are made on the basis of medicinal plants.

We recommend reading:

Note:decoctions from the above medicinal plants can be used independently in the absence of diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, brain and respiratory system... And here medications, even at first glance the safest, should be prescribed by doctors.

As for yoga and meditation, such psychophysical loads really have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthening it. But such a result will be obtained only if yoga and meditation are performed under the supervision of specialists.

Note:often, as a nervous relief and stabilization of the nervous system, people are invited to attend seminars, conferences and coaching / trainings - such "classes" will not improve the psycho-emotional state, but will only aggravate the problem. If you really ask for help, then to real, qualified and certified psychotherapists.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical columnist, therapist of the highest qualification category

In the article "Strengthen the nervous system at home" we will tell you how to use recipes traditional medicine you can strengthen the nervous system. It is difficult to always keep yourself in hand, to pretend that everything is normal and pleasant in life, to smile regardless of your mood. All people are subject to stress and nervous breakdowns... How can you strengthen your nerves, how to make sure that various negative outbursts do not upset your health and do not interfere with those around you and yourself, so that you have the strength to communicate with loved ones.

Folk remedies will help strengthen the nervous system

In our body, nerve fibers are 1 billion meters long. Shouldn't believe that nerve cells are not restored, then we would not be able to resist the attacks of fate, any troubles would lead us to a dead end. Nerve fibers are very slowly, but restored, you need to take care of your nerves and think about how to strengthen them with the help of folk remedies.

We are well aware of the saying that all diseases are from the nerves. How can you strengthen your nerves so as not to flinch from any shout or loud word, not to get depressed, not to get irritated for any reason. You need to know that our health is in our hands and strangers cannot be taken and destroyed vital energy... Stop such communication at once, do not allow yourself to be insulted, to raise your voice to yourself. After all, you have achieved quite a lot in life. If something fails in life, be persistent in achieving your goal and then fate will appreciate your efforts.

Remember, circumstances do not control you, but you control your emotions, feelings, life. This will add confidence to you. Then go to water treatments... Any body of water, river, sea is an excellent helper for the nervous system. Water strengthens the immune system, relieves stress, and soothes. In the summertime, take every opportunity to soak up the sand, sunbathe, swim in the river or sea.

And how to strengthen the nerves if it is winter outside and there is no sea. We take warm baths with decoctions of herbs, chamomile, lavender, sandalwood are suitable for them. Pour 100 grams of herbs with 3 cups of boiling water, strain and pour into a bath with water. Let's turn on the music, light the candles and allow ourselves to relax.

Strengthen Nerves with Nutrition

In order for the nervous system to function normally, nutrition must be varied, then the brain will receive a lot nutrients... For normal nervous activity we use seafood, offal, cereals, coarse bread. Chocolate, strawberries and bananas produce hormones of joy in the body, which lower the threshold of irritability and raise mood. Various drinks and herbal teas have a sedative effect, help relieve nervous tension and calm down. We brew 1 teaspoon of a mixture of St. John's wort, valerian, oregano in a glass of boiling water, add a spoonful of honey, and you will be provided with a healthy sound sleep.

We will strengthen the nerves using folk methods

To do this, we take infusions and decoctions of herbs that do not cause adverse reactions and have a mild effect.

1. Let's prepare herbal collection, for this we take 10 grams of peppermint, 15 grams of valerian root, 20 grams of sweet clover, 25 grams of hawthorn, 30 grams of oregano. Mix and pour 3 tablespoons of this mixture with boiling water, cool, drink ½ cup before meals several times a day. The broth normalizes sleep, strengthens the nervous system.

2. Take 3 tablespoons of oregano, put it in a thermos, fill it with a liter of boiling water. We drink half a glass before meals in the morning and evening. This broth soothes, relieves nervous irritability. The infusion should not be given to pregnant women, because it stimulates the contraction of the uterus.

3. Pour 2 tablespoons of valerian root with one liter of boiling water, and steam in a water bath. Strain and take 70 or 100 grams after meals. Valerian normalizes cardiac activity, relieves emotional excitement, helps with mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

Go in for sports this will help keep the nervous system and body in good shape. Exercise burns body fat, toxins are removed from the body and stress is relieved. If it is not possible to visit gyms, then go to hiking and study at home. Get yourself a puppy or kitten at home, it will make you more collected and purposeful, and will not let you get bored. Communicate with friends and loved ones, they represent for you the source of joy that you miss so much. And in difficult moment remember the wise Solomon - everything passes, this will also pass.

Herbal, medicinal baths

It is useful to use herbal baths, they have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen hair, raise the tone of the whole body. When we lie in a herbal bath, we wet our hair, let it soak it with a decoction of herbs, then massage the scalp and massage the joints and hands. Before taking a bath, wash with a washcloth and soap. After the bath, we do not rinse or use soap. For regulating and restorative baths we use medicinal dandelion, creeping thyme, succession, celandine, horsetail, common oregano, pharmacy chamomile. And also birch, black currant, stinging nettle leaves, spruce and pine needles.

For restorative and soothing baths for various nervous disorders, we use hawthorn flowers, valerian medicinal, medicinal calendula, peppermint, oregano, motherwort, stinging nettle leaves.

For women, herbal baths include: birch leaves, stinging nettle, linden flowers, horsetail, pharmacy chamomile, turns, common oregano, grass great celandine... Baths with such plants give the skin freshness, firmness and elasticity, cleanse the skin of metabolic products, and have a soothing effect.

Medicinal herbs in your home medicine cabinet


Motherwort is close to valerian in its own way biological action... It slows down the heart rate, reduces blood pressure blood, has a calming effect. Good prophylactic agent with insomnia, with increased nervous excitability.

Take 15 grams of motherwort herb and fill it with a glass of boiling water. We insist 20 minutes. We drink 1 tablespoon 3 or 5 times a day.


Valerian regulates the activity of the heart, improves blood supply to the heart muscle, dilates blood vessels, and acts as a sedative. It is used for neuroses of the heart, for headaches, insomnia, and for nervous excitement. If you systematically apply valerian, then the effectiveness of use will be in the event that it is used for a long time.

Take 10 grams of dried rhizomes and valerian roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for half an hour, then insist for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day.


Has a calming effect on the nervous system. Cleans Airways... It is used as an expectorant for constipation and insomnia.

Take 2 teaspoons of oregano herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. We take it warm 20 minutes before meals, half a glass 4 times a day.

Sedative folk remedies

No wonder they say that many diseases originate from the nerves. And as for panic attacks, there can be no doubt about it. You need to strengthen your nerves, and the fight against panic attacks will be much more productive.

Read an article that just gives mass useful tips how to strengthen your nervous system. Advice is easy to implement, there would be a desire, as they say.

In our time, nervous disorders have become constant companions of almost all of us. Constant stress, tense rhythm of life, overwork have a negative effect on the human nervous system, oppressing and shaking it.

First, irritability accumulates, then nervousness arises, the result of which is the nerves that have surrendered. Even outwardly calm person can have tremendous internal stress. We will tell you how, with the help of breathing exercises, physical education, nutrition, proper sleep and traditional medicine to strengthen the nervous system.

Breathing exercises

The simplest breathing exercise to strengthen the nervous system can be performed at home, at work, in public transport, on a bench in the park, in general, anywhere, as soon as you feel that you are beginning to get annoyed.

  1. Inhale in 4 counts (or 4 heartbeats).
  2. Hold your breath for 2 counts.
  3. Exhale in 4 counts.
  4. Hold your breath for 2 counts, then inhale again for 4 counts and repeat all over again.

If you feel that you can take deeper and longer in and out breaths, increase the count from 4/2/4/2 to 6/3/6/3 or even 8/4/8/4, etc.

During the exercise, focus only on breathing, no extraneous thoughts, you can even close your eyes so that nothing is distracted. By doing the exercise for three minutes, you will feel relaxed and calm. But do not do this exercise for more than 5-7 minutes. In general, regular execution breathing exercises will allow you to relax not only "here and now", but also to bring the nervous system in order. Here are 5 more helpful breathing exercises:

  1. Stand near a window or go outside. Make it free deep breath slowly raising his hands up. Continue inhaling until your arms are connected above your head. Hold the position and breath for 7-10 seconds, then exhale freely, slowly lowering your arms down. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath, raising your hands, palms down, to shoulder level. Then pause and spread your arms out to the sides. Bend your body to the right and left as deep as you can, leaving your legs still. After 2-3 bends, exhale sharply through your mouth and lower your arms along your torso.
  3. Lie on a flat surface on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for a few seconds, and lift the adze using your hands and toes and the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 5-6 times. It not only calms the nervous system, but also strengthens the abdominal and back muscles.
  4. Stretch your arms forward and rest your palms against the wall. Take deep breaths in and out, while bending your elbows until your forehead touches the wall. Return to the starting position with a sharp jerk. When doing the exercise, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and breathe freely. Take a deep breath while raising your arms to the sides and up to shoulder level. Hold your breath and rotate your arms first forward, then backward 3 times in each direction. Then exhale sharply through your mouth and slowly lower your arms down.


Correct, natural nutrition Is another one of effective ways strengthening the nervous system. Lovers of soda and fast food will not have strong nerves since the set excess weight does not contribute to this in any way. At the same time, "fast food" destroys not only your nervous system, but also your digestive system. If you like chips and hamburgers, change your eating habits urgently.

To strengthen the nervous system, you will need a lot of calcium, since when it is lacking, the transmission of nerve impulses becomes difficult, as a result of which the nervous tension grows and takes root.

In addition to calcium, strong nerves need B vitamins. Without them, you cannot boast of nerves of steel. Scientists have shown that these vitamins contribute to stress resistance and help to cope with powerful nervous stress.

To obtain daily rate vitamins of group B, it is enough to drink 3 glasses of freshly squeezed orange, tomato or grapefruit juice... Also rich in vitamin B and brewer's yeast. Enough 1 tablespoon to get the required dose of vitamin. Do not forget about meat, egg yolk, legumes, cabbage, wheat and other foods rich in protein and B vitamins.

Physical exercises

This is one of the most powerful ways to strengthen the nervous system. Especially walking and running. Walking or running a distance of about 3-5 kilometers every day will not only help you to lose overweight, improve health, speed up metabolism, but also strengthen the nervous system. Even normal walking will make the blood circulate faster, normalizing breathing and beneficially affecting the nervous system.

You can also strengthen the nervous system using water treatments. You can go to the pool or take a contrast shower in the mornings and evenings, since it is the cool water that strengthens the nervous system. In addition, you can get strong nerves with the help of a bath or a solarium, relaxation in which will give you peace and tranquility.

Folk remedies

That just does not heal with herbs. But the fact that with their help you can strengthen the nervous system, everyone knows, probably. Everyone has heard about such soothing herbs such as St. John's wort, peony, valerian, lavender, motherwort, and for many they even became saviors from nervous tension. On their basis, you can prepare many means to help strengthen the nervous system.

Fortifying herbs: viburnum, centaury, sweet clover, lemon balm, catnip, St. John's wort, wormwood, hops, mint, chamomile, wormwood, primrose, motherwort, meadowsweet, lavender, calendula, hawthorn, dried cress, oregano, valerian, angelica, wild rose, honeysuckle, linden, nettle tansy, birch, peony, fenugreek.

  1. To prepare a strengthening infusion of centaury, pour 2 tbsp. dry herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 10-12 hours, then strain the infusion, divide into 4 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Helps to strengthen the nervous system and herbal infusion with viburnum. Mix 1 tsp. viburnum bark, 1 tsp. motherwort, 1 tsp. caraway seeds, 1 tsp. fennel fruit, 1 tsp. valerian root. Take 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour, then strain and drink one glass 2-3 times a day.
  3. A soothing tea can be made with fenugreek and lemon balm. Mix the two herbs in equal proportions. Every 2 tsp. pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Drink 2 glasses of soothing warm tea daily.
  4. Lemon balm can be used to make another strengthening tea. Mix 20 g lemon balm, 20 g St. John's wort, 10 g orange flowers, 5 g rose hips. Take 2 tsp. herbal mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. To strengthen the nervous system, take 1 glass of herbal tea 3 times a day.
  5. Another recipe medicinal tea... Mix 30 g St. John's wort, 20 g peppermint leaves, 15 g lemon balm. Pour in 2 tsp. the finished mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain the finished infusion and drink 2 glasses during the day.

Herbal baths

As we have already said, any water procedures help to strengthen the nervous system. Herbal baths are also water treatments. They will not only calm and restore the nervous system, but also strengthen hairline and will raise the vitality of the body.

To prepare a herbal bath, use the infusions of the herbs mentioned above, in particular creeping thyme, dandelion, celandine, string, lavender, chamomile, field horsetail, oregano. Also, pine needles, black currant and birch leaves, dioecious nettle are also used to strengthen the nervous system. With the strong nervous disorders motherwort, peppermint, hawthorn, calendula, valerian, oregano will help to cope.

Lying in the bathroom, it is useful not only to wet the body, but also to dip the hair into the water, letting it soak in a decoction of fragrant herbs. It is also helpful to massage your scalp with your fingertips using light circular motions. Don't forget to massage your joints and hands. It will also help you relax and calm down.

Before taking a herbal bath, be sure to take a shower and wash the body with a washcloth and soap, since after application healing bath rinsing the body and using any soap products is not recommended.

  1. Pour 60 g of lemon balm leaves with a liter of water, put the mixture on fire and bring to a boil, then leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain the broth. Then pour it into a bathtub filled with water and soak it in herbal water for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Mix in equal proportions wormwood, linden, rosemary so that you get about a kilogram of the mixture. Fill it with 4 liters cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew (15-20 minutes). Strain the finished infusion and add to the bath with warm water. Soak in the herbal bath for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Pour 100 g of oregano with 3 liters of boiling water, let the mixture brew for an hour, then strain it and pour it into the bath. It is recommended to take a bath with oregano before bed for 20-25 minutes. The course of procedures is 3 times a week for a month.

Healthy sleep

A prerequisite for the restoration of the nervous system is a healthy full sleep... As a result, you will be energized throughout the day. In order for a sound and deep sleep, it is important to properly prepare for rest.

  • Try not to overwork during the day and do not lie down immediately after active work to bed. Let your brain relax a little and get ready for sleep, not in front of the TV, with constantly changing images of violence and advertising, but with a pleasant conversation or light reading.
  • Try not to overeat at night, because sleeping on a full stomach will not be complete. Choose light foods for dinner and eat no later than 4 hours before bed.
  • If it is possible to sleep with open window, do not neglect it. A supply of fresh air will help relax both the brain and the body.
  • The bed for sleeping should be comfortable. This does not mean that it should be too soft and fluffy. Ideally, the bed should have an orthopedic mattress to avoid curvature cervical spine.
  • Do not take sleeping pills, as they only exacerbate the situation and are addictive. Instead, drink a soothing herbal tea.

In our article, we will tell you how to strengthen the nervous system at home using traditional medicine.

Agree that modern life every day puts our nervous system under enormous tests.

But all people are subject to stress, leading to nervous breakdowns.

And if you notice that stress has firmly entered your life, then you need to think about how to prevent them.

The length of the nerve fibers on the human body is 1 billion meters. Remember the statement that nerve cells do not regenerate? Don't trust him. After all, if this were true, then any unforeseen situations would simply lead us to a dead end.

And it would be very difficult to get out of them. In fact, nerve fibers are regenerated, but very slowly. But in order for them not to collapse, you need to think about how to protect your nerves. And folk remedies will help with this.

Everyone knows the saying that all our diseases arise from nerves. You must remember that your health is only in your hands. You cannot allow it to be destroyed by strangers who can shout at you, insult you.

And if you don't get something in life, then you need to try to achieve your goal. Remember, you cannot allow circumstances to control your life; you must control your emotions and feelings.

Water soothes the nerves perfectly. Water will help to strengthen your immune system, relieve stress and soothe like no other. That is why in the summertime, do not neglect any opportunity to swim in the open water, sunbathe.

But even if you decide to strengthen the nervous system in winter, water will come to your aid. You just need to take warm baths, adding decoctions to them. medicinal herbs... You can take chamomile, sandalwood, lavender. In order to prepare such a bath, take 100 g of herbs, fill them with 2 cups of boiling water, then strain and pour into the bathroom. While taking a bath, turn on the music, light the candles and relax.

You can also strengthen nerves with nutrition.

In order for the nervous system to work without interruption, your diet must be varied. Include in your diet seafood, cereals, wholemeal bread. Strawberries, bananas and, of course, chocolate are excellent mood enhancers. It is these foods that can improve your mood.

It is also important to use soothing teas. Take 1 tsp. a mixture of St. John's wort, oregano and valerian, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Add 1 tsp there. honey - the mood will definitely improve.

Strengthening the nerves with folk remedies

You need to take infusions and decoctions of herbs that have a mild effect on the nervous system.
Here are some recipes for such herbal decoctions:

  • 10 g of peppermint should be mixed with 30 g of oregano, 25 g of hawthorn, 20 g of sweet clover and 15 g of valerian root. Then take 3 tablespoons. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled down, take 100 ml of it before meals.
  • 3 tbsp oregano should be put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take this remedy for? glasses before meals in the morning and evening.
  • 2 tbsp valerian root, pour 1 liter of boiling water, steam in a water bath. After strain and take 100 ml after meals.
  • everyone knows the properties of valerian, which puts the nervous system in order. If you apply it systematically, you will protect your nervous system.
    Recipe: 10 g of dried roots and rhizomes of valerian need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, then let it brew for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Sports will help keep the nervous system and body in good shape. Physical exercises contribute to the reduction of fat reserves, as well as the elimination of toxins from the body. If you do not have the opportunity to study in gyms, do not be upset - you can practice at home or go for walks.

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