Psalm 24. Reading Psalms in different life situations. When to read on the days of week

Conversation with Archpriest Alexy Ladygin about the Psalter.

- We continue talking about the Psalter. Today we will analyze the 24th psalm.

Psalm 24 of the Psalter of King David is very significant for every Christian, because in it David teaches all the faithful to pray correctly, teaches how to behave in difficult life circumstances. When a person has any upheavals in life, you need to turn to God, but you need to pray not only for yourself. Prayer should expand and go beyond self, being filled with petition for those close to you. When you find yourself in difficult circumstances, you need to read this psalm, in which the person praying asks for God's mercy and receives it.

"To Thee, O Lord, have raised my soul, my God, in Thy hopes, so I will not be ashamed forever, below, let them dare to foil mine." David says that “I raise up my soul to You,” that is, I present it before the Lord. But in order for the soul to stand before God, it must be freed from all that is superfluous, superficial, earthly, to which it is attached during our life.

We go to church, get up for prayer only when we can break away from our everyday life, bustle, and laziness. Only then the soul, together with the body, turns to God in prayer. " On Ty hopes, but I will not be ashamed". Trusting in the Lord never puts a person to shame. When he is with God, he is never ashamed - without God he can be put to shame, because in a state of godlessness, a person is left alone with his weakness, poverty and falls into the hands of enemies.

« Below, yes, they will laugh at mine". You don't even need to explain these words, because, indeed, a person without God will be laughed at. Why did God side with David? Because David always placed his trust in any deed, in any battle, on the Lord. And this hope never let him down.

“For all those who endure Thee will not be ashamed". What means " patient"? In this context, the word "patient" does not mean patience. It speaks of those who trust in God, invoke His mercy. And hope in God will never shame.

« Let them be ashamed of the lawless in vain". What means " lawless in vain"? Every person is sinful, there are no sinless people. But there are sins - guided and unknown, voluntary and involuntary. If a person commits involuntary sins, sins unintentionally, then these sins are not imputed to him as a great sin. And those sins that he commits purposefully, abide in them, bring the sinner down to hell. The psalmist draws attention to them, saying that these sins are in vain, they must be fought with, they must be overcome.

« Thy paths, O Lord, tell me, and teach me Thy paths". The psalmist David very often uses magnifying, emphasizing the meaning of spoken words, reinforcing them with repetitions, replacing them with synonyms, similar words. "Paths", "paths" - stitches, paths - it would seem that they are one and the same thing. Only there are wide paths, there are narrow ones, but any paths of God are holy. If we are talking about the ways of God, then we are talking about following the will of God through keeping His commandments. The psalmist says: "Show me the way, teach me Thy commandments."

« Instruct me in Thy truth, and teach me: as Thou art my God, My Savior, and I endured You all day", That is, I put my trust in you all day. " Instruct me in Thy truth, teach me"- teach me Thy commandments. " Yako Thou art God my Savior". Why does David call God - “ Saved my"? Because only the Lord delivers a person from those difficulties, sorrows, diseases that are in his life. He calls Him Savior, because without God it is impossible to find peace and quiet. And David asks the Lord to teach, show the truth, instruct in it. Thanks to this, a person finds salvation from the difficulties that he encounters in his life.

« And you endured all day". For Jews, the concept of "day" included all light days, this is the understanding of all life. They did not consider the night as life, it is a temporary repose of a person, a temporary death, because at night a person does not create, does not live. It says here that "I have put my trust in You all my life."

"Remember Thy mercies, O Lord, and Thy mercies, for they are from everlasting"... David says: “Remember, Lord, Your mercies, in which I have trusted throughout my life. For me this is the essence of life, I cannot act differently in my life. " Indeed, David always acted very mercifully to everyone, remembering that the Lord gives His mercy only to those who showed this mercy in their lives. He further says: “ The sin of my youth, and do not remember my ignorance: by Thy mercy, remember me, for the sake of Thy goodness, Lord "... David asks that the Lord not remember the sins of youth and ignorance. In his youth, a person is inherent in ardor, therefore, with such ease he commits sins, unconsciously. These sins, as the holy fathers say, can be forgiven by the Lord in a single prayer of repentance. Conscious sins, on the other hand, need not just a prayer of repentance, but also the dejection of the body. Such grave sins are forgiven only through bearing some serious hardships and sorrows.

"The Lord is good and right, for this sake He will ordain those who sin on the way." According to all interpreters, the Lord is good because He is perfect. Goodness can only be in the Lord. We remember the words of Holy Scripture when the Lord said to one lawyer: “ … What do you call Me good? No one is good but God alone "(Mk 10:18) . Indeed, goodness, as the highest good, grace, is found in fullness only in the Lord. This kind of treatment is appropriate only for God. The right judge is the one who performs the judgment without any prejudice, hypocrisy, reward, or falsehood. The Lord is called right, because He performs righteous judgment, without any respect for persons.

"For this sake he will give law to those who sin on the way"... It says that the Lord gives the law to the sinner and judges him according to the law. " He will instruct the meek in judgment, teach the meek in his own way. " The meek are acquitted by the judgment. They are shown the correct, salvific path along which they go - " will teach the meek in his own way". The Lord always teaches the meek His commandments.

We said that the Psalter is Christological: it contains many prophecies about Christ. We cannot call a single person truly meek before the coming of Christ, because this feat was not fully accomplished before the suffering of Christ. We learn mildness only from the Lord. The Lord says: “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart ”(See: Matt, 11: 28-29). Meekness and humility in fullness could only be learned from the Lord by the disciples of Christ. According to the patristic interpretation, in the words of the meek, walking the path of God, it is said about the disciples of Christ - the holy apostles, who joyfully began to fulfill the commands of Christ, those commandments that the Lord left them.

« All the way is the Lord's mercy and truth, seeking His covenant, and His testimonies. " "By date" and " covenant"Are called the commandments of God. He who learns from the Lord the commandments of God, the Lord shows mercy and truth to him. In everything one should strive to fulfill the commandments of God.

"For Thy name's sake, Lord, and cleanse my sin, there is much more"... Of course, a person has many sins, falsehoods, but for the sake of glorifying the name of God, the Lord purifies a person.

“Who is man, fear the Lord; will give him a law on the way he pleases ”. It speaks of holiness and piety. When a person lives according to the commandments of God, then the Lord shows him His mercy, his ways become correct and righteous. In the same time " his soul will be settled in good things, and his seed will inherit the earth". It speaks about the villages of the righteous, about the time of the opening of the Kingdom of Heaven in the paradise villages. The doors of the Kingdom of Heaven were closed in Old Testament times, but there were villages of the righteous in hell. Naturally, the one who lives according to the commandments of God, his soul will be settled in the villages of the righteous. What does "inherit the earth" mean? The Jews had an important task - to have a continuation of their kind, so that through this their kind would be sanctified by the meeting with the Messiah, with the Chosen One, who will come to save humanity. For them, it was task number one, so having many children was always encouraged. At the same time, a person who did not have children was considered a sinner. Children consisted not only of procreation, but also the meaningfulness of earthly life. Parents did not squander the wealth they had accumulated for their children to use. This is a great joy.

"The Lord is the Lord of them that fear Him, and His covenant will manifest to them." That is, he will reveal the commandments to them. " Power"- means "fortress". The Lord is for us a fortress, a protection for all those who fear God.

"I will take out my eyes to the Lord, for the One will pull my nose out of the net." It speaks of the human mind. " Will expel from the network nose"- the enemy of the human race sets the nets, and the Lord saves a person, his life and path from the temptations of the devil.

"Look at me, and have mercy on me, as I am the only begotten and beggar." Here the psalmist speaks of himself: that there is a time when a person is left alone in his spiritual quest, abandoned by everyone. In this state, he says: “ The afflictions of my heart are multiplied; bring me out of my needs. " "The afflictions of my heart"- these are very difficult inner experiences that relate not to some physical weakness, but to the state of God-forsakenness, despondency. The man says: "I am alone in this life, beggar, and everyone has left me." Then a strong heart experience is born, when everyone turns away from you, is ready to betray you, then you think and cry to God: “ Lead me out of my needs. "

"See my humility and my labor, and forgive all my sins." What can we offer the Lord? Only to show that there is humility and work in our hearts. "For this, Lord, deliver me from all my sins."

"See my enemies, as if you have multiplied, and with the hate of the unrighteous you hate me"... Man has a lot of enemies. It happens that he feels lonely and is afraid that many enemies have overcome him. What can he say to God? They hated him unrighteously. Here David says that there must be truth in everything: if I did something bad and deceitful to a person, let him down, for which he hated me, then he really hates me. And if I didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t betray, I didn’t do any harm to him, then why and how he hated me is the essence of unrighteousness.

"Preserve my soul, and deliver me, so I will not be ashamed, for I have hoped for you." When each person experiences such difficulties, torments, remains alone with himself, his trials, then he knows that there is still Someone who can share with him sorrows, experiences, can help in this trial. This is David's prayer. He asks God for help, for Him to preserve, correct, teach; brings repentance in this psalm, asks the Lord to forgive the sin of youth and ignorance. At the same time he says: “Lord, I didn’t do anything for these people to rebel against me, to hate me. I am lonely, Lord, help. "

This psalm is like a kind of lamentation, a groaning to the Lord about the state in which you are now. At the end of the psalm, David asks: "Save my soul, and deliver me, so I will not be ashamed, as if I trusted in You"... With these words he wants to say: "Save me, Lord, save me, show that I believe correctly, so that everyone knows that I trust only in God, I do everything with the blessing of God." The strength of the psalmist David lies not in wisdom, not in intelligence, not in the support of his people. All that he has - he always talked about it - all this is only due to the fact that he trusts in God, believes in Him and considers Him to be his helper, protector and deliverer from all evil.

"Kindly and righteousness cleave to me, as if you have suffered, Lord"- I constantly trusted in You, pinned my hopes. What kind " gentleness and rule "? These are the ones who saw that the Lord helps David, gives him strength, strength, victory. And then they turned to him and stood beside him, feeling the power of God and reverence for God. Seeing such hope, they joined David, realizing that David's strength was in his God.

"Deliver, O God, Israel from all his troubles." These are the wonderful words of the psalmist David, in which he shows how the prayer should end. When praying, you need to ask not only for yourself, for your needs and sorrows, but also for the people that are dear and close to you. Many argue about this that you need to pray for yourself, you need to know those for whom you are praying, you cannot pray for those you do not know. The psalmist David answers us by saying that we need to pray for everyone, especially for our people of the same faith. Therefore, he ends his prayer with a petition for all of Israel, as he is part of the Israeli people.

Decoding: Lyudmila Kedys

Psalm to David

Psalm of David.

1 To Thee, O Lord, I have raised my soul, my God, in Thy hopes, that I shall not be ashamed for ever, below, let them dare to foil mine, 1 To Thee, Lord, I have exalted my soul. My God, I trust in You - may I not be ashamed forever, and may not my enemies laugh at me,
2 for all those who endure Thee will not be ashamed. 2 for all who wait upon you will not be ashamed:
3 Let them be ashamed of the lawless in vain. 3 let the wicked be ashamed in vain.
4 Thy paths, O Lord, tell me, and teach me Thy paths. 4 Thy ways, O Lord, open to me and teach me Thy paths.
5 Instruct me in Thy truth, and teach me that Thou art my God, My Savior, and I endured You all day. 5 Guide me to Your truth and teach me, for You are God, my Savior, and I have been waiting for You all day.
6 Remember Thy mercies, O Lord, and Thy mercies, for they are from everlasting essence. 6 Remember Thy compassion, O Lord, and Thy mercies, for they have been from time immemorial.
7 The sin of my youth, and do not remember my ignorance, by Thy mercy, remember me, for the sake of Thy goodness, Lord. 7 Remember not the sins of my youth and my ignorance; by Thy mercy, remember me Thou for Thy goodness, O Lord.
8 The Lord is good and right, for this sake He will give the law to those who sin on the way. 8 The Lord is good and just, therefore He will give the law to those who sin on the way.
9 He will instruct the meek in judgment, he will teach the meek in His own way. 9 He will guide the meek in judgment, He will teach the meek in His ways.
10 All the way is the Lord's mercy and truth, seeking His covenant, and His testimonies. 10 All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth to those who seek His covenant and His testimonies.
11 For Thy name's sake, Lord, and cleanse my sin, there is much more. 11 For Thy name's sake, Lord, and Thou shalt have mercy for my sin, for it is great.
12 Who is man to fear the Lord? It will legislate him on the way, he will. 12 Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will give him the law in the way he chose.
13 His soul will settle in the good, and his seed will inherit the earth. 13 His soul will be settled in the midst of blessings, and his seed will inherit the earth.
14 The Lord is the Lord of them that fear Him, and His covenant will manifest to them. 14 The Lord is a rock for them that fear Him, and He will reveal His covenant to them.
15 I will take out my eyes to the Lord, for the One will pull my nose out of the net. 15 My eyes are always to the Lord, for He will take my feet out of the net.
16 Look at me and have mercy on me, as I am the only begotten and beggar. 16 Look at me and have mercy on me, for I am lonely and poor.
17 The sorrows of my heart are multiplied; take me out of my needs. 17 The afflictions of my heart have multiplied; bring me out of my troubles.
18 See my humility and my labor, and forgive all my sins. 18 Look at my humility and my exhaustion and forgive all my sins.
19 See my enemies, as if you have multiplied, and with the hate of the unrighteous you hate me. 19 Look at my enemies - for they have multiplied and hated me with unrighteous hatred.
20 Save my soul, and deliver me, so I will not be ashamed, as if I trusted in You. 20 Preserve my soul and deliver me, so that I will not be ashamed that I trust in You.
21 Goodness and righteousness cleave to me, as if You suffered, Lord, 21 The good-natured and straightforward joined me, for I was waiting for You, Lord.
22 Deliver, O God, Israel from all his troubles. 22 Deliver, God, Israel from all his troubles!
Interpretation on Psalm 24 In the proposed psalm, the face of each of those called is introduced, that is, of all those who have been collected to guide them towards spiritual life. And the same psalm is pronounced on behalf of a whole people who asks for deliverance from captivity. The words of this psalm are proper to pronounce during the time of martyrdom. Ps. 24 :1 . To You, Lord, have raised my soul. They say this as those who have already converted from idolatry. Below, let me dare to fool mine " , and precisely the enemies are mental. Ps. 24 :2 . For all those who endure Thee will not be ashamed , that is, all who have already put their trust in God and become glorious. Since he had hope, he boldly claims that he will receive what is asked for in prayer. Ps. 24 :3 . "Let the lawless be ashamed in vain" . This speaks of those who are still in idolatry. Ps. 24 :4 . Your ways, Lord, tell me. Understands the gospel doctrines. Ps. 24 :5 . Instruct me on the truth. He says this as if he had not yet attained the truth. And teach me that you are God my Savior . If the prophet prays in this way, as if he had not yet cognized the ways of the Lord, who had not learned to walk in the paths of the Lord, who had not been instructed in the truth of God and had not been taught what should be known about God as the Savior; then who can not be intimidated by what has been said:"dSer, who are like mShri in themselves and understand before you"(Is. 5 : 21)? Ps. 24 :7 . The sin of my youth, and do not remember my ignorance. He calls madness youth; and the time of their idolatry was sheer folly. In a different sense he understands the sins of the people in Egypt; because there, too, they served idols. So, do not remember those sins now, but show love for mankind, as You were philanthropic and merciful then to the ignorant. For Thy goodness, Lord . I beg you to grant me this, not according to my dignity, but according to Your love for mankind. Ps. 24 :8 . For this sake he will give law to those who sin on the way. Enlighten sinners, show sinners the way. Ps. 24 :10 . All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth. For those who constantly feed on divine words learn exactly from them that all the economy of our Savior Christ our God has been dissolved by mercy and truth. Those who bring repentance, for which they have sinned, He grants mercy and forgiveness, and glorifies and crowns the invincible ascetics of virtue, pronouncing judgment on them with truth; but on those who lived lawlessly and did not bring repentance according to the statutes of truth, he imposes punishments. Ps. 24 :13 . And his seed will inherit the earth ; understands the works that served him to inherit the mental earth. They are made the seed of good men, by whom he means those born according to God. Ps. 24 :14 . The Lord is the Lord of them that fear him, and his covenant will show them , that is, the covenant of the gospel. What, then, will reveal if not the way of salvation? For all the ordinance of God is directed towards giving the good the enjoyment of what is desired for them. This is something, he says,"show them" , that is: will lead them into the enjoyment of the desired for them. Ps. 24 :17 . The sorrows of my heart are multiplied. I am surrounded by many sorrows from everywhere. Therefore, balancing this humiliation and calamity with my iniquities, grant me the forgiveness and forgiveness of sins. From my needs oppressing melead me out .
Ps. 24 :18 . See my humility and my labor. For we must not be careless and inactive, relying on the mercy of God, but we must also bring the labors of deeds from ourselves. Ps. 24 :19 . See my enemies, as if they multiply. Bows down to God for the mercy of enemies by crook. Ps. 24 :21 . Good-naturedness and goodness cleave to me. And this is characteristic of virtue - to disdain to communicate with bad people, to have accomplices and friends who respect the truth and observe frankness. So did the prophet (as he says about himself), in the thought that he honors the Lord by this.
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Pfat of David, 24

1 To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul. My God, I trust in You, may I not be put to shame forever, and may my enemies not laugh at me!

2 For all who hope in you will not be put to shame.

3 Let them be put to shame who do iniquity in vain!

4 Thy ways, O Lord, show me; teach me Thy paths.

5 Instruct me in Thy truth and teach me, for Thou art the God who saves me; and I hope in You every day.

6 Remember Thy mercies, O Lord, and Thy mercies, for they are eternal.

7 The sins of my youth and my ignorance do not remember; remember me according to Thy mercy, according to Thy goodness, Lord!

8 The Lord is good and righteous; therefore, He grants His law to those who sin on the way.

9 He will show the meek the truth, He will teach the meek his paths.

10 All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth for those who seek His covenant and His revelations.

11 For the glory of your name, Lord, cleanse me from sin, for it is great.

12 Which man fears the Lord? God gives him the law on the way prepared for him.

13 His soul will find bliss, and his seed will inherit the earth.

14 The Lord is the support for them that fear him, and he will show them his covenant.

15 My eyes always look to the Lord, and He will pull my feet out of the net.

16 Look at me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and poor.

17 The afflictions of my heart are multiplied; deliver me from my troubles!

18 Behold my humility and my heavy burden, and forgive my sins!

19 Behold my enemies; they have multiplied, and with unrighteous hatred they have hated me.

20 Save my soul and deliver me from troubles, so I will not be ashamed that I trusted in You!

21 The good-natured and righteous joined me, for I trusted in you, Lord.

22 Deliver, O God, Israel from all his troubles!

Psalm of David 25

1 Judge me, O Lord, according to Thy righteousness, for I live in gentleness and, trusting in the Lord, I will not faint.

2 Temp me, O Lord, test me, kindle my womb and my heart!

3 Thy mercy is in my eyes, and I have pleased Thee, keeping Thy truth.

4 I have not sat in the council of the vain, and I will not go in to the wicked.

5 I hated the assembly of the wicked, and I will not sit with the wicked.

6 I will wash my hands with the innocent, and I will go round about Thy altar, O Lord;

7 May I hear your song for your glory and tell your wonders.

8 Lord, I have loved the beauty of your house and the holy place where your glory dwells.

9 May you not destroy my soul with the wicked, and my life with men shedding blood!

10 In their hands they have iniquity, they are full of self-interest.

11 But I live in innocence; spare me

12 Lord, and have mercy on me! My feet are on the right path; in churches I will bless You, Lord!

Psalm of David, before the anointing, 26

1 The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? Lord Protector of my life, whom shall I fear?

2 When my wicked offenders drew near to me, and my enemies, desiring to destroy me, they faint and fell.

3 If a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear; if the army rises up in me, I trust in God.

4 I have asked the Lord for one thing, and this is what I strive for: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to attend His holy temple.

5 For He hid me in His abode in the day of my troubles, He hid me in the secret rest of His abode, He lifted me up on a rock;

6 And now he has lifted up my head over my enemies. I went around the altar and offered sacrifice to His monastery with my praise and exultation. I sing and sing to the Lord.

8 My heart has said to you: "I seek the Lord." My eyes seek You; I seek Thy face, O Lord.

9 Do not turn your face away from me, do not turn away in anger from your servant; give me help, do not reject me and do not leave me, O God, my Savior!

10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord has received me.

11 Grant me the law, O Lord, in Thy way, and guide me on the right path in the face of my enemies.

12 Do not deliver me into the hands of my persecutors, for unrighteous witnesses have risen up against me, and have been deceived in their iniquity.

13 I believe: I will see the blessings of the Lord in the land of the living!

14 Trust in the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strengthened; hope in the Lord!

Psalm of David 27

1 To Thee, O Lord, I cry, my God; do not be silent before me, but in your silence I will not become like those who descend into the grave!

2 Hear, O Lord, my prayer, when I pray to you, when I lift up my hands to your holy temple!

3 Do not draw me in with sinners and do not destroy me with those who do wrong, with those who say "peace" to their neighbors with malice in their hearts!

4 Reward them, O Lord, according to their deeds and according to the craftiness of their designs, according to the works of their hands, repay them, reward them what they deserve!

5 For they did not understand the works of the Lord, the works of his hands. Slay them and don't let them rise up!

6 Blessed be the Lord, for He heard my prayer!

7 The Lord is my giver and protector; my heart trusted in him, and he helped me, and my flesh flourished; and of my own free will I glorify Him.

8 The Lord is the strength of His people, the Protector and the salvation of His anointed.

9 Save Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, save them and exalt them forever!

Psalm of David, on the transfer of the tabernacle, 28

1 Offer to the Lord, sons of God, sacrifice lambs to the Lord! Give glory and honor to the Lord!

2 Give the Lord the glory of his name! Worship the Lord in His holy court!

3 The voice of the Lord on the waters: The God of glory thundered, the Lord on the waters of many.

4 The voice of the Lord is strong, the voice of the Lord is splendid.

5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; and the Lord will bring down the cedars of Lebanon.

6 And he will erase them to the dust like the calf of Lebanon, but beloved Israel is strong as a young unicorn.

7 The voice of the Lord, stopping the flames of fire.

8 The voice of the Lord shaking the wilderness; and the Lord will shake the Caddian wilderness.

9 The voice of the Lord permits from the burden of the fallow deer and uncovers the oak groves; and in his temple everyone will proclaim glory to him.

10 The Lord after the flood inhabits the earth. And the Lord will sit as King forever.

11 The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Psalm, song on

renovation of the house of David, 29

2 I will exalt Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast lifted me up and did not let my enemies triumph over me.

3 O Lord my God, I cried out to you, and you healed me.

4 Lord, thou hast brought my soul out of hell; thou hast removed me from those who go down into the sepulcher.

5 Sing to the Lord, His righteous, remember and glorify His holiness!

6 For his wrath punishes, and his will gives life: in the evening there will be weeping, and in the morning joy.

7 And I said in my prosperity: "I will not be shaken forever!"

8 Lord, according to your will, give strength to my soul! But Thou hast turned away Thy face, and I fell into confusion.

9 To Thee, O Lord, I will cry, and I will pray to my God. What will my blood give me when I am put to corruption?

10 Will my dust glorify you, or will it declare your truth?

11 The Lord heard and had mercy on me; The Lord gave me help.

12 Thou hast turned my lamentation into joy; Thou tore my rags and gird me with gladness.

13 Let me sing thee in my glory, and I will not be sorrowful. O Lord my God, I will praise You forever!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever, amen

In the end, a psalm of David, in a frenzy, 30

2 In Thee, O Lord, I have trusted, that I may not be put to shame forever. Deliver me from troubles by Thy righteousness and save me!

3 Incline Thy ear to me; make haste to deliver me; be my Protector, my refuge, accomplish my salvation!

4 For you are my dominion and my stronghold! Instruct me and nourish me with good things in Your name!

5 Lead me out of the net that they have set for me, for You are my Protector, Lord!

6 Into Thy hands I commend my spirit. You have delivered me, O Lord God of truth!

7 Thou hast hated those devoted to vain vanity; I trusted in the Lord.

8 I will rejoice and rejoice in Thy mercy, for Thou hast looked upon my humility, Thou hast delivered my soul from troubles,

9 And he did not put me into the hand of my enemies; he brought me out into the open.

10 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am in sorrow; from grief my eye is clouded, my soul and my womb.

11 For in afflictions my life melts, and my years pass in sighing. My strength was exhausted in privation, and my bones shook.

12 I have endured reproach from my enemies, and most of all from my neighbors; instilled fear in all who knew me; when they saw me, they ran away.

13 I was forgotten, and it was as if I died in their hearts; was like a broken vessel.

14 For I have heard the cursing of many who live round about, when they gathered together and consulted how to pluck out my soul.

15 And I, trusting in You, Lord, said: “You are my God!

16 My lot is in your hand. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and my persecutors.

17 Show the radiance of your face to your servant; save me by your mercy! "

18 Lord, may I not be ashamed that I called you! Let the wicked be ashamed and go down to hell!

19 Let the wicked mouth be numb, that with pride and contempt they accuse the righteous of iniquity!

20 How much goodness You keep, Lord, for those who fear You, who trust in You in the face of the sons of men!

21 You will hide them under the shade of your face from human rebellion, you will hide them in your abode from human strife.

22 Blessed is the Lord, for He has shown me His mercy wondrously, making me like a city enclosed.

23 But I said in a frenzy: "I am rejected from Thy eyes!" And now you heard my prayer, when I cried out to you.

24 Love the Lord, His righteous ones, for the Lord demands the truth and punishes those who display pride!

25 Take courage, and let your heart be strengthened, all who trust in the Lord!

Psalm of David, for instruction, 31

1 Blessed are those who are forgiven of iniquity and whose sins are forgiven.

2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin and in whose mouth there is no lie.

3 When I kept silent about my sins, my bones were faint, for I groaned all day.

4 For day and night your hand was heavy on me; and again I tasted torment, when my conscience bit me like a thorn.

5 But I have known my iniquity, and have not hidden my sin; I said, "I confess my iniquity to the Lord," and You have forgiven the iniquity of my heart.

6 Therefore, every righteous person will pray to you at a favorable time, and many waters will not drown him.

7 You are my refuge in the affliction that has declared me! My joy, deliver me from those who surrounded me!

8 “I, the Lord, will admonish you and instruct you on this path, and you will follow it; I will fix my eyes on you. "

9 Do not be rebellious, like a horse and a mule, devoid of reason! A man leads them with a bit and a bridle, so that they follow him.

10 The sinner will be severely punished, but the one who trusts in the Lord, mercy embraces.

11 Rejoice in the Lord and rejoice, righteous ones, and rejoice in uprightness of heart!

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever, amen

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Interpretation of Psalm 24

This psalm is a prayer to the Lord for guidance and forgiveness - grant them to David according to His mercy. The psalm is written as an acrost, that is, each of his poems begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in their sequence (such a literary form was used among the peoples of the ancient East, because it made it easier to memorize a poetic work).

It is believed that Ps. 24 was written in the days of Absalom's rebellion, which David perceived as payment for a grave sin he had once committed (driven by a passion for Bathsheba, he doomed her husband Uriah to death). In verse 3 he speaks of people acting against him in violation of the law; in verse 16 - complains of his depression and loneliness (the number of those who remained faithful to David and fled with him from Jerusalem was small). On the other hand, the acknowledgment of the gravity of one's sin, sincere repentance for it and a prayer for forgiveness by the grace of the Lord sounds verses 7,11,18 and others.

Ps. 24: 1-3... The wicked in vain (verse 3); those (apparently, Abvesal and those who took his side) are meant who decided to oppose David, the anointed of God, “in vain,” in vain, having no reason or reason to justify them in any way. May they be ashamed, or rather, may they be ashamed (meaning "may their plans not come true"). In verse 2, the phrase "may I not be ashamed" means "do not let me be discouraged" (for in You I trust).

Ps. 24: 4-7... Request for constant, day after day, guidance from God; knowing the law of Moses, David asks the Lord that in his practical, everyday life, He would show him the ways and "paths", and by them would guide His chosen one. May not be taken away from David bounty ... and mercy, the eternal source of which is the Lord. By "bounties" can be understood the sending down of material goods, by "graces" - both material goods and things of a spiritual order, and above all - a feeling of inner peace, peace.

In verse 7 - a plea for the forgiveness of sins ... and crimes committed in youth, when it is more common for a person to act in a fit of feelings than on sound reasoning. David does not try to justify these sins with his "youth", he prays to God to forgive them by His mercy ... and His goodness.

Ps. 24: 8-10... The Psalmist praises the Lord for His righteousness and for the fact that the meek, that is, those who love Him and are ready to listen to Him, who keep His covenant and His revelations, He also directs ... to righteousness, and teaches them His ways.

Ps. 24:11... In verse 11 there is again a plea for the forgiveness of David's "great transgression" (evidently in his dealings with Bathsheba and Uriah).

Ps. 24: 12-14... These verses echo in their "theme" with the ancient Israelite "literature of wisdom" and, above all, with Proverbs (compare Prov. 1: 7; 9:10; 15:33; 31:30): only a man who fears God , will remain in good, and his descendants will inherit the land. For only to them will the Lord show the way which to choose, and will reveal the "secret".

His own, that is, something hidden from others. (This implies a particularly trusting relationship of God with such people, in the process of which they are revealed in the spiritual plane more than others understand; a deep penetration into the meaning of His covenant with people has a beneficial effect on their inner state, as well as all the direct influence of God on them.)

Ps. 24: 15-22... Psalm 24 ends with a humble and passionate prayer, in which again lamentations of sorrow and suffering, and a prayer for deliverance from enemies, and an expression of sincere hope in the Lord are repeated. The hope of "deliverance" is closely linked in this psalm to the confession of sin. The last verse is a prayer for Israel's deliverance from all their troubles.

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