Abstract lesson on the topic "Cognition. Summary of the lesson in social studies "Cognition" Cognition and knowledge topic on social science audio


Knowledge- The process of human activity, the main content of which is the reflection of objective reality in its consciousness, and the result is to obtain a new knowledge of the world around.

Views of knowledge:

    miden (practical) is performed in everyday experience - in labor, communication ..

    scientific - the main source of rational knowledge of people of the world


    artistic (shaped)


Object knowledge * Cognitive subject

* The whole world around those borders in which with him

interacting people and society as a whole

* human

Subject of knowledge * man, society

Sensual knowledge - a person receives information about objects and phenomena

the surrounding world with the help of senses

Forms of sensitly knowledge:

    feeling(is the reflection of the individual properties and qualities of the objects of the surrounding world, which directly affect the senses)

    perception (In the process of it, the subject of knowledge is formed a holistic image that reflects the objects directly affecting the senses and their properties

    representation (Such a form of cognition in which the sensual reflection of objects and phenomena persists in consciousness, which allows you to reproduce it mentally)

Rational knowledge - (German mind) - At this stage, mechanisms are included

thinking. New ideas are associated with those

which were previously obtained.

Forms of rational knowledge:

    The concept is a form (view) of thought, which reflects the general and essential signs of knowledgeable items or phenomena

    The judgment is a form of thought in which the relationship is established between individual concepts and with the help of this connection is approved or negotiated. Expressing judgments, a person enjoys concepts that are elements of judgment.

    Review is obtaining new judgments based on the use of logical thinking laws.

Types of conclusions:

A) deductive - represents a chain of reasoning, the links of which are connected

relations of logical follow from general statements to

B) inductive - conclusions are located in the chain in the sequence from

private to common. Inductive conclusions suggest.

Intuition - a specific cognitive process leading to a new knowledge.

Consciousness - measure of the intensity of our interaction with reality

Subconscious - processes in the psyche that we do not track consciousness, not


Self-awareness - This is a special state of consciousness when it turns on itself.

The main directions of knowledge

Self-knowledge knowledge of nature knowledge of society

Agnostica believed that it is impossible to get reliable knowledge

Empirics believed that this can be done only with sensations

Rationalists argued that only the mind can be the criterion of truth

True - Compliance with the knowledge of the content of the object of knowledge

Methods of knowledge

    Observation method (targeted study of individual items and phenomena, during which knowledge is received on external properties and signs of the object being studied)

    The method of the imperial description (received information is fixed using the tools of the language or in other iconic forms)

    The experimental method (method of studying phenomena, which is carried out under strictly defined conditions.

Types of Experiment:

a) research (aimed at discovering new, unknown science

b) verification (control) - during it is inspected

theoretical assumptions, hypotheses

c) physical, chemical, biological, social

The topic of knowledge of the world was relevant in ancient times. Antique philosophers for the first time shaped the idea of \u200b\u200bthe kinds of knowledge of the people of the surrounding world.

The concept of knowledge and knowledge

Knowledge is a systematic results of human cognitive activity. Thanks to the knowledge, a person has the opportunity to rationally build its livelihood, relying on the experience of previous generations.

The combination of methods and processes of acquiring knowledge is cognition. Cognition is the study of all processes and patterns of the objective world. The science examining the process of knowledge is gnoseology.

Cognition of the World: Sensual and Rational, True and False

The knowledge of the world is two forms: sensual and rational. The basis of sensory knowledge is the three main criteria - sensation, performance and perception.

Rational cognition is based on the process of thinking. Rational knowledge occurs due to the search by a man of investigatively - logical explanation for the occurrence of the objective peace.

Sensual knowledge leads to false knowledge. Relying on their feelings, a person often cannot make the right conclusions on the expense of certain events. Rational knowledge can generate both true and false knowledge.

Modern Gnosheology interprets true knowledge as irrefutable facts that do not require additional evidence.

Truth and its criteria

Truth is the degree of compliance with the knowledge acquired by a person with reality. A person cannot learn the truth in full, therefore this concept always remains theoretical.

The limited judgment of a person about phenomena or things is called limited truth. The system of limited truths can sometimes develop into the concept of absolute truth.

Manifold forms of human knowledge

Human knowledge is purchased through several forms: art, science, beliefs, paranauka. The most ancient form of human knowledge is the belief of man. Ancient people knew the world around the beliefs in the otherworldly, which was expressed in the first religions - magic, paganism and fetishism.

Parastauka is a study by a man of astrology, astronomy and other sciences that are not included in the category of classical. Thanks to the art, a person acquires the opportunity to know the world from an artistic point of view, reveal all his faces that are hidden behind logical ideas.

Social and humanitarian knowledge

The basis of humanitarian and social knowledge is social sciences. So the subject of studying history and sociology is interactions in society. Knowledge acquired during the study of these processes is social knowledge.

Unlike social knowledge, humanitarian knowledge is private. Humanitarian knowledge reveals human senses during his social interactions.

Topic: Cognition

A typelesson: Combined.

Purpose:to form a submission of students about the diversity of human cognitive opportunities.

Studentsshould know that:

1) a person acquires a sustainable desire for knowledge;

2) the senses helps a person to know the world directly;

3) A person is formed by the "image" - a unique system of representations, images and assessments that belong to itself.

Students should understand what:

1) knowledge; 5) conclusion;

2) feeling; 6) Truth;

3) perception;

4) concept; 7) judgment;

Students should be able to:

1) Explain:

What role in knowledge play feel;

The meaning of basic concepts;

What is composed of "I";

2) to express their point of view;

3) analyze texts and statements;

4) characterize the features of the main types of knowledge.

During the classesI.. Interview.

Work in groups. -3 groups work with a task that the teacher distributed.

II.. Studying a new material.

1. What is knowledge and knowledge?

2. How to know the world?

3. What is the role of social and historical practice in the process of knowledge?

4. The process of research.

5. Truth.

6. Deduction. Induction.

Task 1. Write words coming to mind when you hear the word "knowledge". Groupe these words. Try yourself to define the concept of "knowledge."

Knowledge- The process of human activity, the main content of which is the reflection of objective reality in its consciousness, and the result is to obtain a new knowledge of the world around.

Consider the schemes and tell me that you have learned about knowledge.

1. Give examples where a person is subject and object of knowledge.

2. Give examples of sensual and rational knowledge.

3. Show "Positive" and "Negative" parties of sensual and rational knowledge.

The word of the teacher.

Feel - product interaction of man and nature. It is the reflection of the individual properties and the qualities of the surrounding worlds, which directly affect the organs of the senses.

Perception - holistic sensual images arising from the direct interaction of human senses organs with the outside world.

Representation- Sensually visual image, freely saved in memory and arbitrarily (or involuntary) reproducible in the creation.

Concept - Form of thinking, which reflects general and essential signs of learned items or phenomena.

Judgment - the form thinkingwhich reflects communicationbetween the subject and its sign, between the objects and the facts of their existence.

Review - the logical form of output knowledge, consisting in the transition from some of the initial judgments to a new knowledge arising from these judgments that are its basis.

The essence of the process of knowledge will be obtaining an objective, complete and accurate knowledge of the world around.

Among the philosophers there is no clear answer to the question of the possibility of knowledge of peace and obtaining true knowledge.

Agnostica it was believed that it was impossible to get reliable knowledge.

Empirics - what can it be done only with sensations.

Rationalists - Approved that only the mind can be the criterion of truth.

What look to the knowledge of the world do you share? Prove.


this is the correct, correct reflection of the action

in thought, whose criterion in

ultimately Practice


specifically human, conscious,

the goalless, appropriate activity


chain of conclusions (reasoning), in

the result of which from common knowledge

gets specific


conclusion from facts to the general


(with Greek. - assumption) -the system is

conclusion by which on the basis of

a number of facts is concluded about

object, communication or cause of phenomena,

but reliable

True - compliance of the knowledge gained content of the object of knowledge. Practice- specifically human, conscious, goaling, appropriate, sensual objective activity. Indeed, practice is the activities of people transforming nature and society that ensures its existence and development.

Practice - the initial item of knowledge. Many sciences were caused by practical needs. The needs of practice are the goal of knowledge. In addition, practice is the criterion of truth, that is, in practice, we check the truth, the correctness of our knowledge.

Revealing the role of practice in the process of knowledge, the teacher draws the attention of students to the unity of theory and practice. The combination of the theory with practice contributes to the successful activity of a person to transform nature and society.

However, the well-known Russian scientist, the teacher Ushinsky K. D: "Empty there is nothing to be the same as a non-a fact or experience, from which no thought cannot be taken out of any thoughts. .

Output:practice is the source point of knowledge, the purpose of the knowledge and criterion of truth, the correctness of knowledge.

4. The teacher gives a definition from the textbook; The study is the process of scientific study of any object (subject, phenomena) in order to identify its patterns. The researcher must constantly ask questions to itself.

The research methodology is a special scope of studying science. A. Akhmatova writes: "When you knew, from what kind of vehicles are growing, not going to shame!"

Science is, first of all, an explanation of a kind of reality aspect. Understanding is achieved through the formulation of general laws or principles. Laws or principles can be checked experimentally. Science is the search for unity in heterogeneous, similarities - in what seems completely unhable.

The study begins with the formulation of the problem, the topics of the study. The following is the object of the study, its

met, goal, tasks, hypothesis and protected positions. Any scientific research is a certain interest and importance for science and practice.

By putting the problem, the researcher seems to answer the question: "What should be learned from the fact that it was not previously studied?". The purpose of the study should, as a rule, solving any practical task.

Determining the object of the study, we answer the question "What is investigated?". The aspect of our research, which will be received by new knowledge, is reflected in the subject matter. The subject gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the object is considered, which relationship, properties, aspects, the functions of the object discloses this study.

One of the development methods, as well as the structural element of the study - hypothesis(with Greek. - assumption) -this is a system of conclusions, through which on the basis of a number of facts, it is concluded that the existence of an object, communication or cause of the phenomenon is concluded, and this conclusion cannot be considered absolutely reliable. The hypothesis requires verification. After checking the hypothesis or becomes a scientific theory, or is modified, or discarded if the test gives a negative result.

An object of reflection (research) can be any method, reception or procedure. For example, in the formation of the theoretical presentation, it is advisable to use the experiment, and the construction of the regulatory model is usually associated with the organization of the experienced work.

Thus, there are two related levels of scientific research: empirical -finding new facts, generalization and finding trends in the flow of a process; theoretical- formulation of general patterns, the creation of scientific theory.

As for the intuitive way to obtain knowledge, it is necessary to define intuition- This is a direct comprehension of truth without the help of scientific experience and logical conclusions.

The process of scientific research never ends and requires creativity and imagination. There are discoveries that occur from the subconscious, from illumination. There are such discoveries that appear from the idea, as if twisted in the air. However, the scientist L. Paster said rightly: "The case is favored by the prepared mind."

5. The result of the process of scientific research is the achievement of truth.

Types of knowledge: ordinary, scientific, social, philosophical, artistic.

Homework: Write an essay on one of the following:

1. "On the basis of the past, we know the future, on the basis of a clear knowledge of the hidden." (Mo Tzu- ancient Chinese thinker.)

2. "Search the truth is: to search for errors. (Salek Pinigin -rossy author, journalist.)

3. "The consciousness of what is false, there is already the consciousness of the truth." (Arthur Schopenhauer - German philosopher.)

4. Whoever gets in error - finds the truth. " (Gennady Matyushov - Russian philosopher.)

5. "Liberation from lies is a preaching of truth; Knowing that there is a lie issued for the truth - there is truth. " (Thomas Kempic-Religious Worker, Writer.)

How do you understand the inscription on the Delphian Temple "Know yourself"?

As you understand the words of Socrates: "Stupidity is not enough to know a little, but not to know yourself, and think that you know what you do not know."

Analyze the statements of thinkers. Do you agree with them? Justify the answer. Combine statements in groups. What binds these groups?

1. "What is needed in order to see clearly? Do not look through yourself. " (Peter Chadaev.)

2. "No one can judge others until he learns to judge itself." (Johann V. Goethe.)

3. "The better you know yourself, the less you trust others."

(Arkady Davidovich.)

4. "The most important result of all education is self-knowledge." (Ernst Feikhtherszhben.)

5. "A man stands in front of her, like a dog in front of the door you need to open on yourself." (Andrei Kruglov.)

6. "A person usually confuses Sadyugo's knowledge with the fact that on average it is known about him in his social environment, with the knowledge of his own conscious personality. The region of the unconscious is unattainable for criticism and control of consciousness. " (Karl Jung.)

7. "A man with his self-awareness is not alone. Looking inside himself, he looks into the other or eyes of another. " (Mikhail Bakhtin.)

8. "The person must be himself and know himself. Only seeing his true essence, a person can hope for happiness. " (AiMre liquid)

9. "To know ourselves: Let us not comprehend the truth, but you will bring order in my own life, and this is the most urgent thing for us." (Vlez Pascal.)

Since the world has emerged in the MGL

No one else on the whole earth

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The topic of our lesson "Cognition of the World".

The topic "Cognition" is studied in the 10th grade on the theoretical level. This is one of the difficult topics of the social studies. There are many complex terms in it:

gnoseology, agnostics, empiricals, rationalists, hypothesis, scientific theory, truth.

Why do we spend our lesson together? We already had such an experience, we in the mode of forced association studied the topic "Human activity". In my opinion, everyone liked this experiment, and we decided to repeat it.

In the 6th grade in the Social Study lessons, the topic "Self-knowledge" is being studied and this is the age when you actively know the world around us, and I think that the topic of urbadddel is informative and useful as a practical point of view. And 10 class can consolidate the knowledge available.

What are we talking about today? On the variety of forms of knowledge of the world.

The fact that knowledge does not arise by themselves, they are the result of human cognitive activity. From our tension of the mind, hard work, attentiveness, perseverance and curiosity depends on the level of our knowledge.

Slide 1. lesson plan:

1. Cognition Caution.

Educational and educational activities.

1. Knowledge and their role in human life.

2. Sensual knowledge.

3. Rational knowledge.

4. The manifold of ways to know the world.

What is knowledge? Slide 2.

Cognition is a type of human activity, during which he receives knowledge of the world around.

Cognition is the reflection and reproduction of reality in the human thinking, the result of which are knowledge of the world, the process of finding the truth.

Knowledge is the result of knowledge.

Knowledge -the result of knowledge, the right reflection of reality in consciousness. Knowledge - This is some information about the worldabout yourself.

What is shown in the picture?

All probably familiar to the biblical myth about Adam and Eve, that they lived in the Garden of the garden, Eden, in which the most diverse fruit trees grew ... and they could be fruitful and only with one apple tree forbade God forbing them. Fruits with a tree knowledge of good and evil. In that tree, a cunning and cunning snake lived, who persuaded Eve to taste the Forbidden Apple, and she persuaded to do the same Adam. People disobeyed God and were expelled to Paradise.

Do you think that Eve violated a ban and tasted an apple with the tree of knowledge?

Let's justify Eve. Perhaps it was curious, and curiosity - not a vice, if a person does not bust his nose in other people's affairs, and the manifestation of thrust to knowledge.

Slide 3. The knowledge of the world for each of us begins with early childhood. This is the path that makes each of us.

How do you understand this expression? Look at this kid, it was clearly interested in this big ball. But when he grows up and goes to school, his other will be interested in: what the continents and oceans are on the globe, he learns about the life of different peoples, about how the universe is arranged. And this onethe path passes each of the us. In Soviet times, a newsrier was published for children "I want to know everything," in which children in an affordable form were told about the secrets and riddles of the surrounding world. The film began with a screensaver "Hard knowledge is solid, but still we are not used to retreat!" - Epigraph lesson.

In the course of life, we get knowledge that will be useful to us in practical life: how to cook soup, how to sew a button, how to grow a flower, what a car is why it moves.

Slide 4."Knowledge is power"

We are learning in, that is, I get knowledge About nature (in the lessons of biology, physics, chemistry), about society in which we live (history, social studies), about man (anatomy, physiology, psychology).

English philosopher Francis Bacon belongs to the phrase "Knowledge is power".

How do you understand it, what does knowledge mean - power? What role do knowledge play in people's life?

In the words, the idea is expressed about the tremendous role of knowledge in the life of a separate person and humanity as a whole. Knowledge of the world and about themselves is necessary for human in all activities - for the construction of dwellings and manufacturing machines, for the treatment of patients and public administration, not to mention our daily life. Thanks to the knowledge, a person develops, its intelligence, thanks to the knowledge society moves forward.

"Knowledge - gymnastics and food for mind" Leonid Sukhorukov.

And the doctrine is an organized process of obtaining knowledge.

Slide 5.Why did a person always tried to know the world in which he lives and himself?

v.Practical benefits (study of the properties of stones and materials, animal and plant world);

v.The desire to explain the incomprehensible phenomena of nature (change of day and night, weather and climate change);

v.The need to transfer knowledge, experience from generation to generation;

v.need to learn;

v.The desire of K. knowledge - the property of a thinking man . "I think - it means I exist." Slide 6.

Slide 7. Communication of knowledge with thinking and speech.

ü The cognitive ability of a person is associated with thinking (I think, it means I exist)

ü Thinking is connected with the speech (his thoughts of the idea of \u200b\u200ba person expresses with the help of speech, language);

ü The language is a system of special signs expressing certain concepts and representations of a person (we understand each other thanks to the language).

ü With the help of the language, we express our thoughts, ideas.

If a person has a poor speech, he cannot correctly express his thoughts, it means that he does not work on his intellectual development or it is very shy.

But knowledge passes not only through the mind, but also the heart of a person, his feelings. What feelings are you experiencing when you understand the training material or solve a difficult task? Feeling deep satisfaction and joy. How nice to know that you learned something. The joy of knowledge arises when a person passes from insecurity and ignorance to know.

Task 10 class. On the board to make a response plan:

1) "Types of knowledge (knowledge)" and

2) "Features of scientific knowledge."

Do all scientists recognize that the world is chatting, and can a person get knowledge and use them in the course of life?

Slide 8.Solving the issue of the cognition of the world by philosophers. Agnostics.

Agnostics (from Greek "agnostos. "- unknowable) - philosophers who deny the possibility of knowledge.

Why did the agnity denied the possibility of establishing the truth?

1. Do not know the world. "Nature keeps us at a respectful distance from their secrets and provides us with only knowledge of the few surface qualities" (English scientist D.YUM)

2. A person can not know the truth.

Antique philosopher Kratil argued that everything in the world is changing so quickly that while we will pronounce the word denoting this subject, it will change and will not be that we accept it.

From the position of common sense, if the knowledge of the world was impossible, then humanity would remain at the stage of development of wildness, there would be no science and technology, there would be no movement of society forward. Most scientists recognize the Chemomir, although the process of knowledge is very complicated, the path to the truth goes through mistakes and misconceptions.

Slide 9. The process of knowledge. Explain the scheme.

The process of knowledge assumes the presence of two sides:

The subject of knowledge is a person who knows the subject or phenomenon.

The object of knowledge is an object or a phenomenon that man studies.

The result of knowledge is knowledge.

Slide 10.

How does a person know the world around? "There are two types of knowledge, one through feelings, another with the help of thought" (democritus)

Sensual(with the help of human senses) and rational(Using mind, thinking) Cognition.

What are the human senses?

Name the two methods of scientific research, which is in question in this fragment, and characterize each of them.

Cognitive task number 2. German chemist F.A. Saekul recalled: "I saw a cage with monkeys who caught each other, then setting out each other, then again getting up, and once grabbed in such a way that they made a ring. Thus, 5 monkeys, clutching, formed a circle, and I immediately shone the thought in my head: "Here is the image of benzene."

Based on what method of scientific research F.A. Kekule made a discovery?

Slide "I know that I don't know anything" (Socrates) limited cognitive opportunities for a person. Infinity of knowledge.

Learn to learn, not benish,

Go ahead, dare, work,

All ahead you have

Work, children and family.

You develop your intelligence,

And remember that learning is light.

Cognitive task number 3. The founder of modern aerodynamics AD. Zhukovsky, like his predecessors, began to observe the flights of birds, the source of the lifting force of their flights. Based on these observations, it created a mathematical model of the wing, scientifically substantiated the most appropriate profiles of wings for aircraft. Calculations and Recommendations N.E. Zhukovsky was fully met in practice: wings and air screws of modern aircraft are calculated by formulas and are designed based on the optimal profiles proposed by scientists.

The essence of which process illustrates the example above. Specify three signs for which you identified it.

Social Score Lesson on the topic "Cognition and Knowledge"

Purpose: consider the main patterns and characteristics peculiar to the process of knowledge.

Subject: social science.

Date: "____" ____. 20___

Teacher: Hamatgaleev E. R.

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

    Activation of educational activities.

Who can say about yourself: "I know that I don't know anything"? Is it possible to rely on the accuracy of the information obtained using the sense organs? How to distinguish knowledge true and uni-in-law? Will the end of scientific discoveries come? What does Parastauka do?

    Summary of software material.

Story with interview elements

A person who studied for many years at school does not need to be explained, which means the word "knowledge." To know, to do, mean - it means to have information (a set of information) about certain areas of reality. Knowledge is opposed to ignorance, ignorance.

Knowledge - This is the result of knowledge. Knowledge is called the process of comprehending reality, accumulation and understanding of data obtained in the experience of human interaction with the surrounding world.

To improve cognitive activity, it is necessary to study its features and problems.

Do you know the world

The problem of cognos comes from the real difficulties of knowledge. In their approaches to this problem, scientists were divided into optimists, pessimists and skeptics.

Pessimistsdeny the cognitiveness of the world. Optimiststhey argue that the world is fundamentally cognitive. Skeptics,recognizing that the knowledge of the world may express doubts about the accuracy of the knowledge gained.

An ancient times the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that various interpretations and different estimates of phenomena are peculiar to different people. The essence of things themselves, hidden behind their external manifestations, is not able to comprehend. This idea was based on agnosticism (from Greek. a.gnostos - Unrecognizable) - philosophical teaching, denying the possibility of knowledge. It is curious that with the development of knowledge about the world, agnosticism did not die. In a new time, which was characterized by the rapid development of experimental natural science, the English scientist D. Yum (1711-1776) concluded: "Nature holds us at a respectful distance from its secrets and provides us with only the knowledge of few surface qualities."

Another common variety of agnosticism was conventionalism. According to this teaching, existing scientific theories and hypothesis are only agreements between scientists (from LAT. conventio.agreement). These knowledge is not able to reliably reflect the essence of the subjects under study.

To certain extent, agnosticism is preserved today, at the beginning of the XXI century, when it would seem, many mystery of the universe are open.

Supporters gnoseological (from Greek words gNOSIS - Knowledge I. logos - Teaching, the word - the doctrine of knowledge) of optimism, without rejecting the complexity of knowledge, the difficulties of identifying the essence of things, prove the failure of agnosticism. As an argument, some of them note the clarity and the reaches of scientific thought telling about the essence of the objects studied. Others make focus on the general flowability of the results obtained. And the third is to the impossibility of the existence of a person without knowledge tested in the real practice of life.

All those who recognize the cognitiveness of the world consider various ways of cognitive activity.

Sensual and rational knowledge

Science of knowledge and knowledge allocates various forms sensual knowledge. The first one is feel, i.e. the reflection of individual properties, individual signs of objects and processes. The second form of sensual knowledge - perception, Which gives a holistic reflection of objects in the manifold of their properties. The most difficult form of sensual knowledge - representation, Since there is no specific subject, which is reflected. But, as in the perception, the specific image of the object remains, with the only difference that this image is somewhat "averaged", similar images of the past have similar images and it loses its unique and random features. For the presentation is characterized by memory, its "revival". Often, the imagination is often in the presentation: with his help, a person is able to restore what has already been, to allocate individual aspects of a particular object, combine them. As a result, submission can be obtained real which a person is able to implement in practice (for example, an idea of \u200b\u200ba new device of a car), or representation unreal (for example, about the mermaid, houses, centaur, etc.).

In the process of rational (logical) knowledge, such forms are used as a concept, judgment, conclusion (sometimes include hypotheses, theories, methods).

You already know that concept - This is a thought in which the general and essential signs of things are recorded, for example, the concepts of "man", the "aircraft" is not limited to a way of a particular person or the brand of aircraft.

A more complex form of rational knowledge are judgments - The thought, approving or denying something about objects of knowledge. The judgment reflects the bonds that exist between the objects and phenomena of reality or between their properties and features.

On the basis of concepts and judgments are formed conclusionrepresenting reasoning, during which a new judgment (conclusion or conclusion) is logically derived.

Rational cognitive ability (as, however, and sensual - at the level of representations) is associated with thinking. Thinking, in turn, is associated with speech. This is done using the language. Language - This is a system of special signs having a value prescribed. As signs, sounds, drawings, drawings, gestures, etc., may appear. The prescribed value is the content that is assigned to one or another sign. The connection of the value with a sign in different languages \u200b\u200bis different (for example, words denoting a house or a person sounds differently and written in different languages). A sign usually acts as a means of cognition, although it may be an object, if we are talking about a special direct study of signs and iconic systems.

In the views on the ratio of sensual and rational knowledge, the positions of sensualists and rationalists are distinguished. Sensationalism (from lat. sensus - Feeling) in the first place in the process of knowledge puts in opposition to the mind sensual cognitive ability. Sensuals believe: "There is nothing in mind, which would not be in feelings before."

The opposite line holds rationalists. They recognize the basis of the knowledge and behavior of people mind (from lat. ratio. Mind), denying feelings as a source of reliable primary information, motivating the inaccuracy and limitation of information about the world obtained with the help of sense organs.

Who is right?

Of course, the cognitive ability of feelings is limited, but it should be admitted that this is the only channel with which a person is directly related to material reality. Without sensual knowledge, primary orientation in the world is impossible, it is impossible to comprehend beauty and harmony.

Rational knowledge in its interaction with practice is able to overcome the shortcomings of the sensual knowledge of reality and ensure the actual infinite progressive development of knowledge. However, rational knowledge is impossible without sensual. For example, in physical theories, the sensual visual side plays a considerable role (in the form of schemes, drawings and other images). In other words, in real knowledge, sensual and rational are interrelated and act as a whole. This unity is not at all violated by the fact that in some cognitive situations, sensual, and in others - a rational principle.

Truth and its criteria

Through the senses, thinking, as well as with the help of intuition and emotions, a person during the cognitive process receives knowledge of subjects and relationships. But these knowledge may be both true and false.

Truth - This is the correspondence of the knowledge gained value, such a reflection of the object is a cognitive subject, in which the cognitive object is reproduced as it exists in itself, outside consciousness. OR Otherwise: Truth is the compliance of ideas or approvals to the real situation. The concept of "truth" is complex and multilateral.

As a person can not always know the truth in full (for example, reflecting quantum-mechanical or social and historical processes) and its knowledge is limited to this particular moment, then such truth is called relative. Relative truth - This is a limited correct knowledge of anything. Over time, relative truth can be a private case of a general rule or to be delusible. Of the relative truths there are absolute truth. Absolute Truth - This is a complete, comprehensive knowledge of the complex object. The content of truth is constantly expanding, it is refined, thus, the process of knowledge is infinite.

Not all truth is absolute and final. There are not so many such truths at all. Significantly more truths relative.

How to distinguish the truth from error, from erroneous conclusions, which often take place in the process of knowledge?

There is a point of view that knowledge only then is true when it is consistently, logically slightly, that is, agreed with the existing system of views.

Another criterion of truth is the recognition of the true of what is useful for a person.

These points of view characterize the properties that I would like to detect in true knowledge. However, the critics of the outlined views noted that not every logically slender theory is true and, on the contrary, knowledge that does not bring direct benefit, can be true for calibration.

A more reliable criterion of truth is the practice. If, for example, a nuclear power plant created on the basis of a certain physical theory gives electricity, it means that this theory is true. But this point of view is criticized: the practice does not cover the entire real world, besides, practical confirmation of any theory may not immediately occur, but after many years, but this does not mean that this theory is not the truth. Therefore, in philosophy is put forward idea of \u200b\u200bcomplementarity: The leading criterion of truth is a practice that includes material production, the accumulated experience, the experiment is complemented by the requirements of logical consistency and in many cases practical usefulness of certain knowledge.

Approvals that do not correspond to reality are either delusion or false. If a error -this is the content of knowledge, not corresponding to reality, but erroneously acceptable for true, false -this is a distortion of the actual state of affairs, aimed at introducing anyone to deception. From the point of view of morality, delusion is a conscientious not true, and deception is unfair.

True manifests itself specific in each area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In a historical study, it will be different than, for example, in chemistry or literary criticism. In mathematical science, the substantiation of provisions is always finalized by theoretical proof: the criterion of the truth of these provisions directly acts the theory. The specific truth and under judicial investigation, where often it is difficult to make it difficult to make it, exploring many hypotheses, facts, data obtained by experiments, testimony.

Features of scientific knowledge

The closest to the truth is the scientific knowledge. At the same time, it differs from other types of knowledge, as well as scientific knowledge from other forms of knowledge. First, scientific knowledge is guided principle of objectivity. It should reflect the object as it really is. Secondly, scientific knowledge, in contrast to the blind faith in mythology and religion, has such a sign as rationalistic substantiation.Thirdly, the science is characteristic of the special system of knowledge. Scientific knowledge is not simply orderly, such may be everyday knowledge, but also expressed in the form of the theory or an expanded theoretical concept. Fourth, scientific knowledge is peculiar checker. Scientific observation, and practice, and logical reasoning may be the means of checking the results of scientific knowledge. In this case, it is not necessary to check every time you need to appeal to scientific truths. The truth in science is characterized by knowledge, which in principle are checked and ultimately are confirmed, i.e. reliable.

At the same time, in addition to reliable knowledge, varieties may be found in science. problem knowledge (hypotheses are not true and not false). Knows science I. misconception which are overcome by the further development of cognitive activities of scientists. We will not hide that sometimes there is also a false knowledge that willingly applied to scientific clothes.

In scientific knowledge allocate two levels: empirical and theoretical. These levels differ, primarily the fact that empirical knowledge Reflects the object being studied by an accessible observation when the researcher interacts with the subject studied directly or using instruments. BUT theoretical knowledge It deals with the logical model of the object being studied, a pronounced special scientific language.

The empirical and theoretical levels differ in the research methods, which are also divided into empirical and theoretical. Empirical include observation, measurement, description, comparison, experiment, with which the accumulation and fixation of experimental data takes place. To theoretical - analogy, modeling, abstraction, idealization (i.e., mental design of objects that do not actually exist) and other methods with which the laws of science are revealed, scientific theories are created.

Finally, the difference between the two levels of scientific knowledge is that the empirical knowledge of fragmented (they provide information only about individual sides of the object being studied), and theoretical knowledge represent a more systematic picture that reveals the essence of the object being studied. (Give examples of empirical and theoretical knowledge from physics, chemistry, biology, social studies.)

The said belongs to the study of natural objects and to the study of society and man. However, social and humanitarian knowledge have their own specifics.

Social and humanitarian knowledge

Social sciences reveal objective laws expressing significant, universal and necessary connections of phenomena and processes occurring in society. Social knowledge As a product of these sciences is, first of all, knowledge of relatively sustainable and systematically reproducible relations between peoples, classes, socio-demographic and professional groups, etc.

Social knowledge has its own specific features.

If a representative of social sciences is a historian, a sociologist, a philosopher - refers to the facts, laws, dependencies of the social and historical process, then the result of its research is social knowledge. If he considers the world of man, goals and motives of his activities, spiritual values, personal perception of the world, then in this case, the scientific result is humanitarian knowledge. When the historian examines public trends in the development of mankind, it acts as a social scientist, and when individual-personal factors study, it acts as humanitarian. Thus, social and humanitarian knowledge of mutual permanent. Without a person there is no society. But man cannot exist without society. Stories without people do not happen. However, without the study of natural processes, without explaining the essence of historical development, it would not be science.

Philosophy also applies to humanitarian knowledge, since it is addressed to the spiritual world of man.

Humanitarian considers reality in the circle of goals, motifs, human orientation. The task of humanitarian is to understand his thoughts, motivating, intentions. Understanding - One of the features of humanitarian knowledge. This is how an outstanding domestic scientist M. M. Bakhtin (1895-1975) wrote about this: "Humanitarian sciences - the sciences of man in its specifics, and not on a lacking thing and natural phenomenon. A person in his human specificity always expresses itself (says), i.e., creates the text (at least potential). Where a person is studied outside the text and regardless of him, this is no longer humanitarian sciences (anatomy and physiology of man, etc.) ... see and understand the author of the work - it means to see and understand the other, someone else's consciousness and his world ... "

Turning to the texts of letters and public speeches, diaries and program statements, artworks and critical reviews, philosophical essays and journalistic articles, Humanitarian seeks to understand meaning, who invested the author in them. This is possible only considering the text in the context of the environment in which his creator lived, in binding to his life world.

Understanding the text cannot be as strict as an explanation of objective social connections. On the contrary, there are such interpretations of the text that are not necessary, the only true, undoubted, but have the right to exist, especially since the plays of A. P. Chekhov and W. Shakespeare today are filled with other meaning than at the time of their creation. Therefore, humanitarian knowledge has no accuracy of natural and technical sciences that actively use mathematical calculations.

The ability to give the texts of various meanings, the abundance of random relationships, the impossibility of information of knowledge to unambiguous, all recognized definitions do not depreciate humanitarian knowledge. On the contrary, such knowledge facing the inner world of a person can affect him, spiritualizing, transforming its moral, ideological, ideological landmarks, to promote the development of all His human qualities in the person.

Manifold human knowledge

With all the respect and recognition of the significance of scientific knowledge and knowledge, it would be incorrect to limit the results of human cognitive activity only by science.

In the first stages of the historical development of human civilization, the need for the knowledge of the world in one way or another was satisfied in the mythological and religious explanations of the phenomena of nature, social relations and diverse manifestations of man. In myths, which were the narration about the origin and existence of peace and its individual parts, were reflected in various information, including close to the truth. However, mythology did not explain how the world was arranged. Her appointment is to give a holistic picture in which there is a past, and a modern state. Italian philosopher D. Vico (1668-1744) withered myths to the first edition of the mental dictionary of mankind. It was a kind of "live memory", which retained the whole set of knowledge, skills, experience of peoples.

However, the incarnations of scientific knowledge, accumulated at the beginning of the magic, began to demand other forms of expression over time.

Along with the process of accumulation of knowledge, there was a labor and other social practice. Life itself gave the so-called practical knowledge Born by experience of everyday life. It was essentially empirical, expressed by a specific language that could be incomprehensible in the separation from practical actions. Indeed, who can measure the "slightly" or pinch? At the same time, this language becomes absolutely clear when performing the sample or when working with a master who owns the necessary techniques.

There are a lot of useful information to be in itself folk wisdom. It is not only captured by practical experience, but also reflected common sense. Folk wisdom is usually expressed in proverbs, sayings, riddles. Common sense is a spontaneous look of people on the surrounding reality and on themselves. Common sense as if summarizes the experience of different people, manifested in a similar situation. Along with true knowledge, common sense may contain both prejudices, and even steady delusions, since the experience of different people can be very diverse. It is curious that in folk wisdom in the same reason you can find directly opposing judgments, because this experience itself chooses a variety of practice. Probably, you will not be difficult to bring examples of such contradictions.

A special type of knowledge is art. It primarily deals with the artistic development of the world. The distinctive features of the artistic knowledge is the use of an artistic image. Being a reflection of reality, the image carries the properties of real objects. At the same time, it does not simply reflect the world, and, as it would generalize the important properties of many real objects and does it with artistic means, ideal copyright models.

Quite widespread in modern knowledge finds the so-called parastauka (from lat. p.ara After, with, accomplishing knowledge). It, in contrast to common sense, which seeks clarity and recipes, sins with nebula and pseudo-native (from Greek. pseudos. FALSE), i.e. false scientific language. Sometimes the paralysis includes knowledge that are not found until the time before the time of a slender explanation within the framework of existing scientific theories. But more often, Parachnauka claims universality, manifests intolerance to other points of view. (Think, to what kind of knowledge you would attribute astronomy and astrology.)

    Practical conclusions.

    In the process of cognitive activity, it is not necessary to unambiguously trust the authorities of the senses, although without them the picture of the world is poor and inexpressive. To see anything is not enough, you need to think about what you saw.

    In an effort to know the truth, remember that the position of an optimist will help you overcome the objective difficulties of knowledge of the world. The path to the truth can be severe, similar to aspiration on the mountain, and, as the German scientist K. Marx rightly said, only he would get to her shining vertices, who, not afraid of fatigue, climbs on her rocky trails.

    Please note that modern philosophy considers the truth as a complex phenomenon. The establishment of truth always requires interpretation. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to both the logical evidence of certain allegations and for compliance between them and real life.

    The ancients said that Multivarce did not teach the mind, but ignorance should not justify the disbelief into the mind. To obtain scientific truths, it is not enough to load memory, it is important to organize the idea, to own all the arsenal of scientific knowledge methods.

    With all due respect to science, you should not diminish the values \u200b\u200bof folk wisdom, common sense and art. They concentrated the experience of the former generations of people. Many outstanding scientists were connabases of painting, music, theater, drawing them not only inspiration, but also great guesses and illnesses. True scientist, so as not to be sealed, it is important to realize the specifics of the artistic knowledge of the world.

    Remember that the light and final knowledge usually promises Parastauka, but the truth does not always lie behind such promises. The poet's right, who wrote: "Oh, how many discoveries to us are wonderful to enlighten the spirit, and the experience is the son of the mistakes of difficult, and genius - a friend's paradoxes." Often the theory lags behind the practice, difficult to understand, but it is behind it - the foundation and fundamentality of scientific truths.


From the book of the domestic philosopher E. V. Ilyenkov "Philosophy and Culture".

"Mind" ("Wisdom") is not the "knowledge" in itself, not a combination of information laid down in memory, not information and not a set of rules for combining words with words, terms with terms. This is the ability to properly manage the skill, the ability to relate these knowledge with the facts and events of real life, objective reality, and most importantly - on their own, this knowledge is mined, to replenish - so long defines "mind" every really smart philosophy. And necessarily leads to the formation of the mind, thinking. In the contest on a simple memorization of information, the smartest person will not be able to hide with the most stupid and imperfect electronic computing machine. However, it was precisely in this advantage before her - the advantage of the presence of the mind ... A clever man - unlike stupid - even with a small stock of knowledge learned in school, knows how to apply this stock to solving issues that get up to each of us every minute and hourly in life. Let even these questions are simple. And vice versa, a stupid person, even with a huge reserve of knowledge stored in his memory, it also falls about the most simple life situations requiring independent, in advance (i.e. a priori) not provided for, not prescribed solutions ...

Questions and tasks for the document

    How do you understand the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? Is it possible to say that no value do not have knowledge?

    Does the argument of E. V. Ilyenkova contradict the famous philosophical statement "Knowledge - Power"? Argument your answer.

    Based on the given text, determine the main signs of the concept of "mind".

    Give examples of how learned knowledge helps to solve problems arising in life.

      Questions for self-test.

    What values \u200b\u200bof the word "knowledge" are you known? What are the proximity of these values?

    Who are such agnostics, what are the essence of their views on knowledge?

    What significance in cognitive activity is sensual knowledge?

    What is the features of rational knowledge?

    What is the essence of the disagreements of sensualists and rationalists?

    What is truth? Contact the dictionary to highlight the main signs of the concept of "truth".

    Why is truth most often not final and absolute?

    What is the features of scientific knowledge?

    What is the difference between the knowledge of social and humanitarian?


    Which point of view on the cognition of the world is close to the position of French mathematics, physics and philosopher J. Poincare: "The main provisions of the Euclidean geometry is also nothing more than an agreement, and it would be so unreasonable to ensure that they are true or false, how to ask a question , True or false a metric system. These agreements are only convenient. " Agregate your answer.

    The philosopher of the Renaissance Nikolay Kuzansky argued that "rationality is knowledge of the truth, the feeling of beauty and the desire of the good." How do you understand the thought of philosopher? Do you agree with this judgment? Agregate your answer.

    In the folk drama "Boris Godunov" A. S. Pushkin, the old chronicler Pimen says Gregory: "Describe, not to be caught by a wilderness, all that will be a witness in life ..." can I confounded by this teaching, if we are talking about the knowledge of society? Agregate your answer.

    Word your position in the dispute about the essence of truth. What is your position different from the position of sensualists and rationalists? What are they close to?

      Thoughts wise.

"Truth belongs to a person, delusion - his era."

I.-V. Goethe (1749-1832), German Writer, Poet, Thinker

    Completion of the lesson.

      Evaluation of students' responses.

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