Chapter I. Alphabet and Funny Signs. §6. Abbreviated writing word by its start. Stenography - what is it? Basics and Signs Stenograph Stenographic Dictionary of Abbreviations

A high-speed letter based on the use of special systems of signs and cuts of words and phrases, allowing you to conduct a synchronous recording of oral speech and rationalize the letter of the letter. The speed of the stenographic letter exceeds the speed of the usual 4-7 times.

The art of stenograph existed already, as can be concluded according to some data, in the ancient Egyptians, where Pharaoh speeches were recorded by symbols; From the Egyptians, it passed to the Greeks and Romans, which had rapiders. December 5, 63 BC. In ancient Rome, the first famous application of stenograph was held. According to the testimony of the historic of the antiquity of Plutarch, on this day at a meeting of the Roman Senate, where the fate of the conspiratorial cylinder was solved, Caton jrked with the accusation.

In the first century BC. Roman grammar Tyrone invented a special way of stenographing, called "Tiron Icons"; These badges were formed from Roman capital letters with a reduction and simplification of them; In conjunction with each other, the icons were subjected to known changes and mergers, symbolic symbolic notities were used for some vowels; Sometimes letonial designations were used to designate whole words; Some letters descended, although without a certain system. The Romans have recorded public speeches and protocols of meetings with such icons. During the empire, this wallpaper was studied in schools, and later the Christian Church used it.

With the fall of the Roman Empire Palo and this art, although it continued to exist before the time of Carroling, then it completely disappears. The number of signs was very large: Seneca counted them up to 5 thousand, during the times of Carroling there were up to 8 thousand. Manuscripts written by Tiron icons have been preserved to the present. In the Middle Ages, after the disappearance of Tiron icons, it is mentioned only about an attempt by the English monk I. Tilbury to compile a new Latin stenograph (in the XII century). In the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the new speeches were recorded by an ordinary alphabet, but with abbreviations, which were then complemented. At the end of the 16th century, the art of stenograph appears in England and receives special development at the end of the XVIII century. From England, the wallpaper spread, starting from the XVII century, and on the continent. Stenopography has reached the greatest development in the North American United States, England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria-Hungary.

The term "stenography" himself was introduced in 1602 in England J. Willis. Starting from the XVII century. In all over the world, about 3 thousand different stenograph systems and their processing were proposed, there are currently several dozen of them with a constant tendency to reduce the number of systems.

In modern stenograph, there are intersection and geometral systems. Signs for consistent systems are taken from elements of ordinary letters, combined with the help of a connecting line. The signs of geometral systems consist of geometric shapes (circle and its parts, direct different inclination) and are combined without connecting lines. Both types of stenograph were invented in England: Geometral - J. Willis (1602), mean - C. Bordley (1789). Geometral systems are adopted for languages \u200b\u200bwith relatively short words (English, French, Spanish), mean - for languages \u200b\u200bwith long words (Slavic, Scandinavian, German). Split spelling and phonetic stenograph systems. The first adheres to the spells of ordinary letters, the phonetic systems build reductions on throwing letters corresponding to inadvertible sounds. Russian systems M.A. Turn (1874), Z.I. and A.I. Saponko (1913) was built on the so-called. Impact principle - from the median vowels, only the one for which the emphasis falls is discharged.

In most systems, consonants and vowels have different designation. Elements of the usual writing are taken to designate consonant in the body systems, the vowels are denoted by the so-called. Graces of vocalization are changes in length and direction of the connecting hair line between signs of consonants, changes in the form of these signs, in particular their thickening (push), changes in the position of signs (increase and decrease relative to the letter line and relative to each other). Structure stenographic Signs for consonants is non-language, which facilitates the adaptation of the stenograph system to different languages. In pre-revolutionary Russia, stenovography was used little, the mainly of the processing of the mean German systems was used.

The first original and integrated stenograph system for the Russian language was the system of M.I. Ivanina, published in 1858 in his book "On the stenograph, or the art of cursor, and the application of it to the Russian language." After the October Revolution of 1917, new stenograph systems appeared - M.I. Lapecina (1920), N.I. Fadeeva (1922), N.N. Sokolova (1924) and others. In the 1920s, the stenovat was taught on different systems, which slowed down the development of stenographic education. Based on theoretical and practical comparison of the seven best systems of the stenograph produced by the RSFSR drug addict in 1933, the RSFSR Central Executive Committee adopted a decree on the introduction of a state unified stenograph (hess) in the RSFSR, which is based on the Sokolov system.

Gess - an intersection system is based on the study of the biomechanical patterns of the letter, on taking into account the frequency of letters and morpheme in the usual letter and frequency of signs in a stenographic letter. One of the principles of hess is the standard of drawing (the word is discharged in one uniform method). Vocalization is based on changing the position of signs relative to each other. The most "comfortable" stenographic signs are indicated by the most frequency units of the language. Hess is adapted to Ukrainian, Uzbek, Georgian, Polish, and other languages.

Stenography (narrowing, close) is a type of writing through a set of signs, abbreviations that allow you to quickly fix oral. The speed, originated in ancient Egypt, gained the present name and current alphabet thanks to John Willis at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Stenography - a set of signs decorated according to geometric or mean guaranger. The geometric system is based on geometric shapes (circle, sector, ellipse, horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines).

The geometric system is designed to record single-stroke words and combinations denoting the action in the future. The intersection system is distributed in European countries as well as Russia.

The feature is lifted when writing vowels and lowering when writing consonant letters. Morphological and phonetic systems are separated by type of cursor. In the first graphem, the morphemes (prefix, root, suffix, ending), in the second write sounds - phonemes.

Famous systems

Isaac Pitman is the creator of the phonetic system, which in the forties of the nineteenth century was presented in the form of labor called "Phonography". According to this principle, the words were recorded according to their sound.

So according to Pitman, the consonants are presented in the form of geometric lines, and vowels on the letter are denoted by points, strokes. Through the thickness of the strokes is determined by the bellivity and deafness of sounds. The Pitman system is officially used to record in the English parliament.

The system of Dupluoye is based on a different sign of signs. Many grafts resemble hieroglyphs, have bizarre outlines. This type of coggling was promoted by missionaries in the new light.

Wallpaper Gregga is represented by a minimum of symbols. So the vowels are indicated by the icon located above the graphem, below the graph or crosses it. This system has a direct and reverse writing of characters. The essence of the principle is reduced to the use of rounded count with a slope. The latter made the system of the second most prevalence in the world.

Who will come in handy this skill

Willing this technique will not remain unnoticed, all looking in his records involuntarily ask questions about the effectiveness of the method, about the timing of the sweeping.

The ability to quickly record texts on paper will be useful to employees of large companies, where the flow of information is constantly updated, and you need to have a lot. Maintaining records relieves scholarsing from concerns that strangers will imbued with his thoughts, ideas, plans.

Aspectation by the method of cursue will be warmed by attempts by curious colleagues or acquaintances to penetrate personal information. Electronic and sound speakers are not a guarantee of data protection and the more convenience of working with the text. So, if necessary, to analyze a certain point in the conversation must be engaged in rewinding or listening to the entire record.

On the contrary, when conducting records or abstracts through the junction method, it is possible to fix the main idea immediately, in terms of the fields in the fields. Such an approach makes it easier to work with the text in the future and contributes to the best perception of information.

Record speech by a routine way - the reduction of words when writing is not obtained by everyone. In such a situation, the mastery of stenograph will benefit and will allow you to record oral speech in a timely manner. Stenography - which is suitable:

  • secretaries;
  • journalists;
  • students;
  • doctors;
  • lawyers.

In journalism, the speed will allow you to fix the information of various volumes in a short time, and the recorder does not always be at hand (who knows when they meet an interesting interview or ingenious thought).

Students, especially medical universities and colleges, this skill will not be superfluous. Permanent memory training, a recording of a large flow of texts, many of which will be useful to prepare for the next exam.

Studying: Alphabet and subsequent steps

Stenograph - alphabet, whose symbols include elements of traditional letters. Reducing consoles, endings allows you to record complex words by several brush movements.

Learn to sneaking can each

Each can start the cortification, everyone can be patient, notebook or notepad, couple of pens. No special preparation is required, this method is available to everyone, and the necessary attachments are minimal.

The stenographic alphabet includes elements of handwritten letters, which facilitates memorization. For successful development of the method, regularity is required, knowledge of certain rules, which will save from the need to memorize thousands of abbreviations.

To simplify the memorization of the graphem, compare them with the elements of the corresponding letters. This will allow, seeing similarities, easier to remember the alphabet. The first time of recording is better to lead in the notebooks into the oblique line - it will take care of accuracy and will help make the handwriting.

In the initial stages, write slowly, but accurately reproducing the outlines of the signs - a necessary condition that will help to understand your own entries. Grafts denoting consonants in most one-dimensional (only six belong to small - smaller) and are written with inclination:

  • for example, the letter "b". When writing, consider that a narrow oval starts from the basic line of the notebook, go up, then to the left, ending in the original point.
  • "B" reminds the fishing hook curved upwards, the lower part of which is the third of the distance between the main and the reference line.
  • "G" String handwritten.
  • "D" Tailing handwritten letter and a long back.
  • "F" first one third of the handwritten letter (similar to the inverted graphemus of the letter B).
  • "Z" resembles the eight with the left left upper half.
  • "K" straight with a slight inclination to the left.
  • "L" point is slightly elongated left.
  • "M" last one third of the line
  • "H" sign Tilda.
  • "P" inclined with crochet directed to the right.
  • "P" is written as b, but smaller.
  • "C" the lower half is lowercase with.
  • "T" horseshoe open book.
  • "F" reminds eight.
  • "X" is similar to the printed r. four
  • "C" loop similar to the final part (tail) handwritten letter C.
  • "H" is similar to the letter of the letter M, but more convex.
  • "W" one-dimensional S - shaped sign.
  • Small S - shaped sign, the final part of the letter "Sh".

So to small signs belong to the signs l, n, r, s, t, etc. Publications are connecting lines of different lengths and tilt, which depends on the position of the next sign of the consonant.

Computer speed includes mastering a blind ten-chart. This allows you to read, simultaneously driven it on the keyboard. At the same time, each finger occupies a clearly defined position. Begin to the method followed after the development of the main skills of working with a computer.

Mastering this technique requires a certain position of the fingers. So large on the button, the gap, indicative on the letters a and o (find the last blind simply, as they are indicated by points or strokes). The remaining fingers are located in the second row on the right and to the left of large.

Working at a computer requires a sitting straight posture, elbows must lie on the table by forming a straight angle. The purpose of learning in the early stages is to teach your fingers to a certain position corresponding to a specific letter.

When the running finger, the rest retain their positions. The latter is achieved by the multiple execution of the same type of exercises, following the multiplication and rhythm of contact with the keyboard. The main thing to remember the keyboard is tactile, not visually. To this end, you can close the paper sheet of paper, then do exercises.

Computer stenography is optimized, a number of programs for quick recording are created, endowed with the following properties:

  1. To enter, it is enough to move the cursor depicting the letter of the main text in the working window.
  2. Localization of letters is made according to their phonetics, and each letter corresponds to a set of letters combined by sound.
  3. When you hover on the letter the cursor opens a window with possible options for the latter.
  4. With the introduction of two or three letters, the words are automatically searched in the dictionary, then only the cursor movement is enough and the word is displayed in the entire field. Thus, alphabetical information can be entered without clicks, which increases the speed of creating texts on the computer.

Stenhibry, like any occupation, requires regular training, everyday practice. Move the score can everyone, for this, should be guided by certain rules, stubbornly exercise in writing and reading texts.

So, deciphering texts is aimed at developing memory. The latter allows you to remember large excerpts of texts and speeds up the speed of their playback. It is important to train reading and writing at the same time, not only to record, but also decipher the texts, trying to accurately reproduce the graphs, and transmit the meaning of the above.

For what time you can learn how to scrap

Skill development occurs slowly in early pores. Getting Started, rewrite ready-made texts, replacing all the elements exactly. Next, proceed to record text under the slow dictation, it may be errors or difficulties when playing letters, however, is a normal practice.

Remember that the fastening of the skill occurs only in practice. To start training, simple words will be suitable, whose writing should be repeated several times. Gradually, accelerate the pace, reaching the stage of writing 60 words per minute, proceed to master the writing of solid texts.

Improving the skill, go to fix the basic moments of the text in the form of an abstract. An outdrawal will help focus on a clear reproduction of the graph. Pay attention to the compounds, the correctness of the latter is the key to the successful transmission of the meaning of information.

Compliance with spelling rules is a necessary stenograph condition. We work out the skill every day, adhering to the cursor conditions, and the result will not make yourself wait. The development of the entry-level letter takes up to three months, but it all depends on the perpetuity, therefore the timeline may vary for different persons.

Remember, stenograph classes require compliance with certain principles:

  1. Carefully read the rules for writing the graph, reduce the elements and their compounds.
  2. In addition to theoretical aspects, constant improvement of skills in practice is required.
  3. Scuffing training must be regular.
  4. When forming the skill, start with a slow but accurate text creation.
  5. A set of signs should be supported by reading the error correction written.

There is no magic keyboard, no magic fountain pen capable of helping in this situation. It is necessary to simply take advantage of special icons, allowing and writing and printing very quickly, connected.

In one reduction, a whole proposal lies. Without "emissions" when writing and without subsequent decoding when reading. Writing abbreviated signs as simple as letters - only graphics looks compact.

Multiple repeat of the same texts - the necessary work on errors. Teach yourself to accurately maintain records, stenography does not tolerate carelessness, be patient when making stenograph.

This type of fixation of information will help both students and employees of large companies. Stenography trains, attention, concentration is a workout for mind. In general, the speed is similar to the development of a new language, and all new contributes to the development of new neural connections.

In this video, you will see a lecture on the stenograph:


(from greek. στενός "narrow", γράφω "I write") - the use of special simplified signs to quickly record human speech. Stenographic techniques for writing words in ancient Egypt (so-called demotika) The author of the ancient Roman stenograph is considered Tiron (1 V. BC) one of whose inventions - Titlo - lasted in Cyrillic to 18 V. So-called "Tyron notes" numbered several thousand.

In our country, in 1820, one of the first books on the stenograph in Russian "Graphodromia, or the Art of Sootpinus" MA Corf. The first modern system of stenograph was introduced by the Englishman J. Willis in 1602, which was developed by the so-called. Geometric principle of stenograph:

This principle is suitable for single words and analytical structures, so it is distributed mainly in England and France. Another direction in the stenograph - items suggested the German Gabelsberger in 1834. The latter principle adheres to most European countries, including Russia (Sokolov modification), where government languages \u200b\u200bbelong to a flexive system. Examples:

It should be distinguished by the concept of wallpaper for three components:

b. Reduction of words (see) by discarding the beginning, the end of the word (with a point or), its middle (through a hyphen or, or with special signs). For example, "Structure" - Straight,. Current, page, StrCTR (Sonsonant Principle); "God" - BG, "Paragraph" - §, "Years" - GG. (ideographic principle) "Light" - s / t.

in. The density of the letter (see) causes a positional varying of signs (the same signs in different positions are considered different) and at the same time the stenography acquires partially syllated character: etc.

Stenography (especially the "geometric" variety) had a noticeable impact on the creation of writing for North America's aborigines (Algonquin, Atapacks, Eskimos) and the tribes of South China (Miao, Fox).

The very early system of the stenograph invented the Greek slave Mark Tully Tiron in 63 BC. To record the speeches of Cicero, although it is known that another 4th century. BC. The Ksenofont historian used a speed-to-write memories of Socrates. One sign (&) is preserved from this system, which is often called a tyrony sign, or ampersand.

Grammatology Dictionary. 2011 .


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    SHORTHAND - (from Greek. Stenos is narrow close and ... graphic), a high-speed letter (exceeds the speed of usual 4 7 times) is based on the use of special systems of signs and cuts of words and phrases, allowing you to conduct a synchronous recording of oral speech. ... ... ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    shorthand - Tahigraphy Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. Stenography of the SUB., Number of synonyms: 9 borzo-methods (9) ... Synonym dictionary

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    SHORTHAND - Stenography, stenograph, MN. No, wives (from Greek. Stenos is narrow and grapho writing). The method of writing through special signs and contractile receptions, which makes it possible to quickly write oral speech. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    SHORTHAND - Stenography, and, wives. The method of high-speed recording by special signs, which makes it possible to quickly and accurately record oral speech. | arr. Stenographic, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    SHORTHAND - Women, Greek. Mistress, abbreviated letter, sleeping for speeches. Fit writhing letter. Stenographer, Pillar, scribe. Explanatory dictionary of Daly. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    shorthand - And, g. Sténographie f. c. Stenos is narrow, close + grapho I write. A high-speed letter based on the application of a special system of signs and cuts of words and phrases, allowing you to conduct a synchronous recording of speech and rationalize the technique ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

The brevity of stenographic design allows you to increase the speed of the letter several times compared to the usual, if the same degree of automatism is achieved. As in the usual letter, abbreviations are applied in the stenograph, but in more large volumes. The general dictionary of abbreviations cannot reflect the needs of everyone, because many words are associated with different areas of knowledge, professions, interests. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of building cuts to create their own.

The shortest cuts are formed from one alphabetic sign: B. - be, G. - year. A little longer than the reduction with vowels: ABOUT - society, I3 -language. Accord signs: Dr. - the other OIR - University. A large group of abbreviations is formed by the beginning of the word, two - three signs: Bib - library, Na - People. Sometimes to the beginning of words have to attribute endings: Hand- GUSTs - Guide, 3Akone- GUSTs - Legislation. Abbreviations with one end of the word are convenient if these words are used in sustainable combinations: Prof. - 3 go -Profoyuznaya organization.

Other phrases, names: Names: ProI3Vod - WORK a - labor productivity, Ver - COURT - Supreme Court.

Drawings are added to the group of numbers and signs: drawings: APPLAUSE - Ladoshka brackets. The second part of the stable combination is replaced by movement up and forth: THOUGHT and the Federation Council, and move down back indicates the word N3ad . Multile expressions are reduced: NEB - Can't be, sometimes they are written with a margin: AS and N. - Be that as it may.

The application of abbreviations is justified if they are firmly absorbed, otherwise write faster. For better assimilation it is useful to compile derivatives: printing, printing, printed, etc.

Some cuts are built according to the rules of the professional course. Raised one-dimensional sign read with N.: VNiMAY, raised sign with R Presents S. FROM- SO : SO - Ver sh. There is a practice of temporary cuts: the lecture on the thickness of his last name is written T. , and about Turgenev - too T., the rest are completely.

Paragraphs in the transcript are not indent, but a sign Z. .

Some words in the educational transcript are also given in brackets, everyone can choose a more complete or more short inscription for themselves.

Chapter I. Alphabet and fusion signs
§6. Abbreviated designation words.
Abbreviated writing word it start

In stenograph, it is often used to receive abbreviated writing words by their start - the first syllable with the addition of subsequent consonant (if the syllable ends onto the vowel). For example: Machine - Mash, People - Nar, Shop - Mage, etc. Sometimes the reduction is written a little longer if you need to distinguish one cut from another similar to it, for example: Candidate - Kan, Office - Kanz, etc.

Our pronouction with the subsequent abbreviated word is written without removable, forming a phraseogram:


Exercise 13. Shy ahead, achieve a fluid reading of the transcript, emphasize the abbreviations, write the exercise for the dictation several times.

1. Here is our second machine park. 2. We are so important on the construction of the dam. Each operating machine, every car. 3. At first we went to the chief of the mine. 4. How did you have been supplied from January to March? 5. We have passed the practice of building the "Fabric" store. 6. Where is the administration of our factory? 7. At the head of the construction of the car other brand. 8. Brother gave another job. 9. Our school started the fourth batch of a chess match. 10. Did you know that our cars went to the base in the third hour of the day? 11. There is the same substance? 12. Yes, the substance is the same there. 13. Here is capital construction.

Exercise 14. Climb the transcript and repeat it several times.

Exercise 15 (graphic). Each example, and then write all the exercise several times.

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