Get life energy. Where to get energy for a woman

Today I want to touch on a purely feminine topic - where a business woman can take energy so that it would be enough for everything.

The issue of energy deficiency arises before every person. But for a business woman, it turns into a real problem. Sooner or later, a woman’s life is filled to overflowing with “must” and “must”.

And she no longer knows where to get energy for life. As a result, there is stressful situation, the woman is emotionally devastated. She no longer has enough strength either for work or family. And as a consequence, all this can still turn into the most severe depression.

Let's take a look at how a businesswoman can in practice increase her energy level.

3 main reasons
energy deficit

Energy deficit can arise for only two reasons: either due to its weak replenishment, or due to its too rapid consumption. For women, the second is just more relevant. They are unable to control their outgoing energy flow. And so they quickly empty themselves.

If we look in more detail, then we can distinguish three main reasons that lead to this.

First .
Information overload.

Any business woman is forced to take on a large variety of tasks. During the day, she has a lot of questions on which she has to make decisions. And all this requires energy consumption.

In addition, when there is a large input stream of information, it is very difficult to separate it into separate components according to the principle of value, importance and urgency. Therefore, a woman clings to everything and she is not enough for it all.

Uncontrollable emotions.

Women are generally very emotional creatures. They are naturally endowed with a wonderful gift - the ability to acutely sense the world. But in the business world, excessive emotionality plays a negative role. Not only can she beget conflict situations, she, moreover, energetically devastates the woman herself.

Emotions are a very strong signal about how well a person's life is going, whether his needs are being met, whether his plans are being realized. Very often to emotional exhaustion what leads a person's life does not satisfy him.

Third .
Plurality of social roles.

Business woman changes several during the day social roles, which are poorly consistent with each other. On the one hand, she is a leader and a business woman, and on the other, a beloved, mother, daughter. Often a woman cannot completely switch from one to another and this also takes energy from her.

What is stealing your

Each person is an energetic entity. Everything we see, everything we experience, is all energy. And the efficiency of our life depends on how strong energy flows in our body.

If a person has a lot of energy, he is healthy, cheerful, efficient and he succeeds. If energy is low, he feels depressed and tired. Such a person does not want anything, he has no motivation to move anywhere.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to work with your energy at the most elementary level. Need to know own stock and be able to replenish it at the right time.

It is especially important to be able to do this at the "key" moments of your life, when you want to change something in it.

To effectively change your life, first you need to check your energy level, and also figure out what exactly is depriving you of vitality.

The brochure "What Is Stealing Your Vitality" contains five very important tests. Test yourself with their tests in order to take the necessary measures in time. These tests will help you:

  • Understand if you have enough energy.
  • Assess your energy level.
  • Determine the moment when you need to take care of yourself.
  • Find out what is stealing your vitality.

All this will help you find effective ways replenish your energy level.

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Where to get
energy for life

Many business women have learned to organize their day in such a way that they have enough strength for everything. Most best advice- do not take yourself to the extreme and replenish the expenditure of your energy in time.

It is important to be able to disconnect from everyday life in order to give yourself time to rest.

It is very important for a woman to find for herself such ways of replenishing energy that are associated with emotions. Works very well:

    • listening;
    • conducting meditations;
    • a walk in the park;
    • relaxing massage;
    • aroma bath;
    • healthy sleep.

By the way, the inventive Japanese have come up with a cafe where visitors are offered not a business lunch, but a business dream. Here anyone can relax on a comfortable bed to the sounds of nature. Since we do not live in Japan, we can replace business dreams with simple ones.

Another source of positive emotions for women can be a well-chosen hobby. Find yourself a job that brings you pleasure, and be sure to make time for it.

Special techniques

To replenish your energy level, you can use different techniques... The most simple method probably will be “ Walk in the past”.

To do this, remember and imagine a situation or place where you felt really good, where you experienced positive emotions and felt a lot of strength and energy.

During such visualization, changes occur in the body at the level of physiology (the hormonal background changes). And this leads to the restoration of energy.

And for those who still cannot stop the flow of their thoughts and relax, they will be the best way or even.

Scientists claim that to switch hormonal background and energy supply of the body is enough for only 20 minutes. If you introduce 20 minute meditations into your daily routine, then any woman will have enough strength for everything.

A little
about restrictions

Many business women also suffer from a lack of energy because they have limiting beliefs that prevent them from being effective. Such beliefs increase stress and trigger situations, which additionally consume energy.

For example, if a woman believes that she has no ability for languages, then she does not see success. But on the other hand, he perfectly notices all the shortcomings, inflates them and then experiences. And all this requires colossal energy expenditures.

Or is there such a typically feminine belief that she must act in order to be successful. better than men... As a result, she is constantly dissatisfied with herself and strives to work more and more.

Therefore, in case of energy deficiency, you should reconsider your belief system - are there any among them that then lead to a loss of energy. But keep in mind that awareness of belief is not enough. It will still work, because it starts automatically. Therefore, all found beliefs are necessary.

As you can see, the question of where to get energy for life, in the case of a business woman, has its own characteristics. A woman is capable of a lot, but still the amount of her strength is limited. So don't push yourself to extreme point and pay attention to replenishing your energy level in a timely manner. Then you have enough for everything.

The presence of human energy is a necessary element of life.

Energy is a word borrowed from Greek and means action, activity.

This is some state, feeling of activity, vitality, strength, both spiritual and physical. You can feel energy as a set of qualities of interaction with the world around you and yourself. You can feel it as a certain vibration of a certain characteristic, a state of body and soul that allows a person to easily cope with life situations.

Or it doesn't match if there is not enough energy. And then there is a feeling that the world stronger, that it is impossible to do anything, or it is very difficult and costly to do it.

Indeed, we imagine an energetic person as filled with strength, liveliness, activity. Cheerful, communicative and successful, moving. An energetic person interacts with the world that surrounds him, feeling his strength, his capabilities, and using them for his own good.

And vice versa, a person in whom there is little energy is inhibited, tired, uncommunicative, often not entirely healthy. He does not strive for success or his successes are insignificant. He does not believe in himself, he depends on the environment, weather, situations, cannot resist any external influence... It is more static. He lacks the energy to interact with the environment on an equal footing.

Why can one person be active and energetic, while another cannot use the same energy?

Energy, or life force, comes from different sources:

1.genetic source - a set energy characteristics, which are passed down from parents and older ancestors, by family lineage. (For example, many in the family are choleric, or vice versa, very calm);
2.physiological - what is inherent in the DNA from birth, the program of work of cells and organs ( congenital diseases, organ strength);
3. physical - energy of movement (natural potential);
4. emotional - the energy of feelings and thoughts;
5. social source - the energy of the environment, the society in which we are brought up and live;
6. natural - the environment in which we live - water, heat, food, air;
7. spiritual source - laws and energy of space and earth ...

The average person cannot influence some of these sources.
But there are areas where we can change the quantity and quality of the incoming energy.

Known areas are nutrition, exercise, influencing body energy through classical medicine or unconventional methods, change of social environment, change of thoughts and feelings.

Despite the fact that these sources of energy are available to us, a feeling of uncontrollability may arise, since there are many areas and, as they say, you cannot keep track of everything.

But let's define what energy is for a specific person.

Energy determines the state of a person. How he feels and what he can do.
An energetic person feels light and ready for action.
A non-energetic person feels bad and fails to act, or he does everything with difficulty.
That is, energy is a kind of state, a person's self-awareness.

It is not so important where the energy comes from to a person. It is important what energy is at the disposal of a person as a result, that is, what reaches him, what happens when this energy becomes a person's tool.

Note that many people take energy for granted, and not only do not know how to control it, but do not even admit such a possibility. The weather affects the state and a person is not able to change it. Conflict or other stress - and the person has lost the ability to respond appropriately. Either ate or did not sleep enough - the body responds with a violation of harmony.

Although each source of energy endows it with its own qualities and characteristics, a person also influences the consumed energy, gives it certain characteristics and quality. But he does it mostly unconsciously.

The body reads the vibrations of the weather changes, and we already have a program in our subconscious mind that we need to lie down during this period. We unknowingly support this program. Thus, we manage energy - we reduced its level in order to wait out the uncomfortable weather.

Stressful situation - the subconscious mind gives out a portion of energy to solve the problem in the form of adrenaline. And we choose - consciously or not - how to apply this energy. React with aggression, direct them to self-flagellation or to search for a solution. That is, we give it some direction and content.
We have eaten something else, we live in an uncomfortable mode for us - again, consciously or not, we choose how to use natural energy - for our own benefit or to our detriment.

That is, the question arises about conscious management energy, about understanding - what is useful for us and enhances energy, and what is harmful and reduces the energy level.

It would seem that everything is elementary. Use what adds energy and give up what reduces.
But here our subconscious programs get in the way, which we received from childhood, through life experience, or read from smart sources - how it should be, how it is right, and how others do it to make it feel good.
A very tricky trap. Because each of us is an individual unique with its own genetic, physiological and other characteristics. And what is good for one does not at all guarantee that it will also be good for another.
However, we are more inclined to trust someone than to listen to our feelings and experiences.

Now the question of energy management is as follows - how to understand what is good for me and what is bad for me?

Our body can answer this question.

Our body is an adaptation for life in the material world - for movement, getting food or pleasure. It is the body that needs energy for life on earth. It is the body that knows best of all what energy sources are most suitable for it in order to live in the material world, to feel strength and health in order to act.

Do you want to know which of the energy sources are you using?

Think and write down 10 to 30 activities that bring joy to your life.
It can be movement, food, sleep, hobbies, success, communication with loved ones, friends, whatever.
This is what gives you pleasure.
Pay attention to what really brings joy, not what you think you should.

This is how you are energized. It is these actions that bring you a boost of energy.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg and energy management is somewhat more difficult process... But already this tip will help you to be filled with additional energy consciously as often as you want it and how it is beneficial for you.

How can you gain greater access to the energy of life right now?

Write your comments and questions - they will set the direction of articles and practical exercises about managing human life energy.

I wish you a fulfilling life!
Your Mental Balance Trainer

When there is a feeling of emptiness, when hands give up and there is no more strength, this is a signal that we have not realized the sincere desires of our heart for a long, long time. And then there is dissatisfaction, apathy and despondency, longing and self-pity ...

Difficulty waking up in the morning. You feel exhausted, squeezed out like a lemon. I don't have the strength to go to work and do everyday things. "Yes, it failed!" - you think in your hearts. But you don't have to choose. You do everything from under the stick, literally stepping over yourself. You spend your last strength to force yourself to move somehow.

One question revolves in my head: where to get the strength to live?

When the battery is almost zero, the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan comes to the rescue.

Why don't you want to do anything?

Vector systems psychology explains that everyone is naturally lazy. He will not make efforts if he does not hang a sufficiently appetizing carrot in front of him - that is, he will not do something if the execution of these affairs does not promise him strong enough pleasure, which he will eventually receive.

Man is the pleasure principle. And he can get pleasure from the realization of his inner desires. These desires are given to us by nature, they are innate.

When a person realizes his desires, he experiences the joy of life, truly happy. And then, waking up in the morning, he literally gushes with life and his good mood charges everyone around!

And when a feeling of emptiness appears, this is a signal that we have not fulfilled the sincere desires of our hearts for a long, long time. And then there is dissatisfaction, apathy and despondency, longing and self-pity. And some even have real depression.

Let's take a closer look.

Where to get strength and energy for life?

To easily get up in the morning and be full of energy, you must ... have and with every beat of your heart to speed up its execution! Well, for pragmatists - to have a clear goal in life and follow it.

And speaking even more simply - you need to understand your inner desires and put them into practice! After all, desires are always given to us along with all the necessary abilities and capabilities to realize these desires.

Each person has his own unconscious desires, which are determined by a set of his vectors. For example, a person with - an inner desire for leadership and material superiority, he dreams of taking off on the career ladder and becoming a big boss. It is the realization of these aspirations that fills his life, makes it joyful. Such people are given an additional boost of vivacity by jogging in the morning or some other sport, they like to carry on. healthy image life, this is their life credo.

What can be an obstacle for a person with a cutaneous vector to achieve ambitious goals? This can be: consciously, such a person will always strive for success, but unconsciously he is set up for failure and even gets some relief from another failure.

For a person with, on the contrary, career is not the main thing, he can work for 40 years at one plant or enterprise, as long as he is respected and appreciated by those around him. He dreams of a big family, of everyone getting together for festive table so that there are children, many children, so that everyone gets along with each other and does not offend each other.

Resentment is the key problem of a person with an anal vector, it is she who most often is an obstacle for him to a fulfilled life. Very often, faced with difficulties, a person with an anal vector takes offense at people and loses the ability to move on towards achieving their life goals.

Resentment in a person with an anal vector arises when he experiences an inner feeling of injustice towards himself. And when he is offended, he becomes stubborn, he may even begin to do the opposite of what he should, on the contrary, from what is expected of him, and thus take revenge on the offender. But the point is that because he does not realize his desires, he makes it worse only for himself, and not at all for the people around him.

Realize unsuccessful life scenarios, you can work out the resentment and fulfill your dreams at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Where to get strength when you don’t find the point?

The sound engineer has the largest volume of desire, but sometimes he does not know at all, with his own life and does not understand his desires. After all, these desires are completely special property and qualities, they are intangible - the desire to search for the spiritual, metaphysical, the desire to explain and reveal the unknown, the mysterious and hidden. The sound engineer has a huge abstract intellect, which makes it possible to become a scientist, a researcher, and makes it possible to create and develop high technologies.

But often the sound engineer has absolutely no taste for all this. He feels a monstrous emptiness, as if someone has sucked all his life force. He suffers from insomnia and finds it difficult to wake up in the morning. And sometimes it seems that it would be better not to wake up at all. He does not want to live when he does not see the point in everything. Meaning is what he is looking for. The meaning of a separate human life and of humanity as a whole. The soundman is often left alone, it seems to him that he does not need anyone. But alone, he suffers even more.

System-vector psychology helps the sound engineer to understand that the meaning of life is revealed in connections with other people: you can understand yourself and the meaning of your life only by differences with other people, finding in them what drives them - their unconscious desires and aspirations, and by differences realizing their own. Moreover, there is no meaning to a single life, in modern world it is important to understand that we are a single species, which has a common unconscious. It lives by us, it develops through the efforts of each of us. And all we can do is to maximize our potential for the benefit of Weed.

Filling his inner shortages with realizations at the training of Yuri Burlan, the sound engineer gets rid of depression and sleep problems and gets an incredible boost of energy. Finally, he feels the taste of life and wants everything that until recently did not cause in him any enthusiasm and desire to act. It is in him that the desires of other vectors wake up, which were suppressed by the unfulfilled desires of the dominant sound vector.

This is what those who have completed the training are talking about.

Where to get energy when there is no mood?

Completely different problems in a person with. Such a person lives by his emotions, and it is absolutely necessary for him to receive an emotional response from others. This gives him a boost of vivacity. A person with a visual vector dreams of love more than anything else. AND Bad mood, and sometimes even melancholy and despondency arise in such a person when his life lacks the main thing - a loving and beloved man (or woman) nearby.

A meeting with friends, going to the theater or cinema will help to cheer up a person with a visual vector. Also for such a person great value has reading fiction, which helps to develop feelings for children and adolescents, as well as deepen sensuality and not let the freshness of feelings dull at any age.

Reading good fiction gives a person a powerful moral core that helps to survive in any life situation and deal with any difficulties.

But the main charge of life force appears with the maximum realization of its huge among other people.

What to do when you lose heart?

The training "System-vector psychology" will help you to independently conduct and determine why you do not have the strength and what you need to do in order to realize yourself in life. It must be remembered that there is always a way out.

The training "System-vector psychology" helped many people see the light at the end of the tunnel and find a solution to their problems:

Come on and discover in yourself a source of fresh strength and incredible energy.

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Sometimes it seems that life has stopped. I don't want anything. There is a lump in my throat that does not go away. The feeling of anxiety and hopelessness sharpens inside. Apathy. The world seemed to be darkened. Weakness. There is no mood, and tears roll out of my eyes on their own.

What's going on with the person? Where to get the strength?

Life is hard, of course. Many problems have to be solved every day. Some overcome them and move on, even if it is difficult. Others stumble over a simple stone, get lost and see no way out of this situation.

Where can a person get strength? Sometimes it seems that they are leaving us, there is no energy. There is a grain in it common sense... After all, our energy storeroom is constantly replenished, but if it has gaps, it will never be full.

Where to get strength and energy for life? It is necessary to find holes and patch them, eliminate the energy leak. You just need to concentrate and observe what is wasted energy. Learn to track and patch these holes.

How does a person lose energy

  • Envy, anger, hatred, irritability, jealousy, anger.
  • Loss of their own consciousness, complete dependence on public opinion.
  • Fear of upcoming events.
  • Received negative information (media, neighbors, watching bad films, etc.).
  • Feelings of regret and even guilt for what has been done.
  • Financial anxiety.
  • Efforts aimed at recognizing oneself in society, the desire to please.
  • The ability to lie and hide it.
  • Bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking).
  • Illness (mental, physical, mental).
  • Constant anxiety and worries about past events.

This is a scanty list of all the sources of our energy loss that exist. But now it is more clear why the vital force is leaving.

The main energy eater is the person himself, it remains to figure out where to get strength and energy for life.

How to restore your energy balance and color the world again

Tips on how to improve the quality of being and where to get vitality and energy

  1. You need to love not only yourself, but also your body, take care of it (this is fitness, visiting a beauty salon, swimming pool, etc.).
  2. Eat right (vitamins, dietary supplements).
  3. Create a good environment around you (people who share your interests, provide sincere support).
  4. It is necessary to travel more (new acquaintances, positive mood, energy boost).
  5. Make new acquaintances.
  6. Maintain your home.
  7. It is necessary to do what you love and discover talents (singing, dancing, knitting, reading, writing poetry, etc.).
  8. You need to get rid of fears, feelings of guilt, live in the present, not look into the past.
  9. Relax more, arrange walks in the park (admire the natural beauty).
  10. You can change the style of clothing, image.
  11. You need to chop off the ends of an unsuccessful personal life getting out of bad relationships.
  12. Listen to yourself.
  13. Engage in self-development (attending courses foreign language, museums, theaters, trainings, etc.).
  14. Learn to refuse if it gets in the way of your life.
  15. Live how you want, follow your dreams.
  16. Do not skimp on hugs with loved ones. For happy life there should be at least eight of them a day.

It is necessary to observe It is not in vain that all people alternate work with rest, wakefulness with hours of sleep. And also with thoughts, they must be released and switched to contemplation of beautiful fragments. Change activity to passivity. Only this scheme will make you feel good.

If you eat wrong, sleep a little, do not rest, you will not be able to achieve harmony.

Many portray themselves as losers. And they are tormented by the question of where to get the strength for success.

Our strength lies in the dream

First you need to decide what you want from life. You can wish for a lot, but if you are scattered over several goals, you simply will not have enough energy and strength. One big meaningful goal is needed. Then you need to outline a plan to achieve it and follow your dream.

The goal should be specific. You need to decide in what area you want to succeed - in your career, personal life, in sports.

The life of an aimless person is boring and monotonous. He has nowhere to draw inspiration from, because all the power is in the big dream. Successful person knows what he wants from life, and imagines how he can realize his plans. And in this case, forces and energy will appear.

But it also happens that a person is simply not up to a dream because of a large number piled up problems. He is tormented by another question - about where to get the strength for life.

Physical and spiritual energy

From birth, a person replenishes physical energy through the following sources:

  • Nutrition. And the better it is, the better our body feels. And if the consumption of food is also made balanced and moderate, filled with positive emotions, the result is amazing.
  • The physical energy of our planet. These are earth, air, plants, fire, water, animals. Contacting nature, we replenish our vitality, improve emotional condition... Therefore, it is necessary to carefully and respectfully treat her gifts.
  • The people around us, from whom we receive emotional, sensual and mental energy, which is then transformed into physical energy. It is very important to receive only positive emotions, because negative ones prevent them from functioning normally.
  • Sport. It's not only physical exercise in the form of a set of exercises, this is both massage and breathing practices. Sports people feel much lighter, healthier and more confident.

This is about the replenishment of physical energy. The recommendations are simple, the main thing is to correctly use each one, then the question of where to get the vitality will be half resolved.

Now we will touch on a more subtle sphere - spiritual energy. If it is not difficult to work with physical sources, difficulties can arise here definitely. Because here the spiritual world of the individual is affected, the level personal development, self-improvement, which is why working with them will directly depend on the spiritual level of a person and can change throughout life.

Sources of Spiritual Energy

  • Thoughts. We give birth to them ourselves. They are able to control our life. Therefore, they should be focused only on the positive, on luck, on success, on self-confidence, on achieving the goal. Negative ones contribute to the drain of vitality.
  • The senses. It's like with emotions that are capable of both destroying and replenishing the emotional and energetic background. Therefore, you should learn to manage your feelings and emotional outbursts.

It is very important to learn to think positively, to take care of your physical body and the body as a whole, this is healthy eating, and rest, and communication with positive people, self-improvement, all this will replenish and revive vitality.

We figured out where to get the strength to withstand everything. It remains only to save the received energy.

This can be done by observing the following rules

  1. Don't waste it. For example, you shouldn't watch emotional films at night. Outbursts of emotions, such as fear, joy, empathy, can only take away the remnants of energy.
  2. Avoid conflicts and quarrels. Humans (energy vampires) feed on the emotions of others. Don't give it to them. You just need to mentally imagine a large brick wall in front of you, and then your opponent will very quickly lose interest in conflict with you.
  3. You don't need to control others. This threatens the appearance of excessive concern for oneself and others, which leads to a loss of energy. It is necessary to stop worrying, live in the present, without looking into the future, and not stir up the past.
  4. Do not abuse stimulant drugs and sedatives... They seem to give a boost of vivacity and energy, but this is not so. The opposite process takes place, after the end of their action, a person experiences weakness and emptiness. Alcohol works in a similar way.
  5. It's important to identify your own effective sources of energy replenishment, whether it's jogging in the park, reading a book, or fitness. The main thing is that they can help you out at any time and give you the opportunity to move on. Block what is stealing your powers.

And what is taking our energy away?

Consider some sources

  1. Unfinished business. Due to laziness and other reasons, a person often does not bring the work to perfection. Everything accumulates slowly and turns into a huge pile of problems. They do not give rest day or night, hence lack of sleep, headaches, anxiety and loss of vitality. This is also due to the failure to fulfill the promised, non-repayment of the debt.
  2. Lie. The more often a person lies, the more he has to dodge and invent fables, this is an additional work of the brain, hence the loss of energy.
  3. Feelings of fear and anxiety. Constant excitement, distrust breeds panic. The body is constantly in a stressful state, which depletes it energetically. It is necessary to engage in self-improvement, increase self-esteem, get rid of complexes, become self-confident.
  4. Empty and groundless experiences. They take a tremendous amount of vitality. You need to monitor your thought process.
  5. Insufficient time spent on fresh air.
  6. Useless talk and gossip. As a rule, these are negative people, they suffer from poor psychological well-being. You shouldn't do this.
  7. Resentment. She eats from the inside. This is the literal sense of the word. You need to forgive the offenders and ask for forgiveness yourself.
  8. Lack of sleep. The main and malevolent source. If you do not sleep enough hours, our body will not receive new strength for life. You need to sleep an average of 8 hours to stay in good shape.
  9. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

All these are signs of spring vitamin deficiency. Where to get strength in the spring?

How to deal with it

  1. Correct good nutrition... What we eat affects our health, beauty, emotional and physical condition... Therefore, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, cereals, seafood.
  2. Maintaining immunity, which weakens after winter. It is necessary to carry out a complex of procedures, including hardening. Take vitamins.
  3. Outdoor activity. You need to know that exercise and oxygen increase blood flow, which has a positive effect on health. Gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day, excellent mood and well-being, a huge surge of vitality.
  4. And, of course, the emotional state. Only positive emotions in everything we do. Our well-being is directly dependent on psychological state... Therefore, you always need to be in a good mood, not lose heart, smile and be in harmony with yourself.
  • Spring weather is not always pleasing with warm, clear days. In bad weather, you should not get depressed.
  • Do not overexert yourself at work.
  • You need more rest. Reading your favorite book, watching an interesting TV show or movie are seemingly trifles, but they can cheer you up.
  • Spend more time with loved ones and friends. Eliminate communication with someone you dislike.
  • Pets can also charge you with positive emotions and calmness.

And you just need to remember that spring is the beginning of summer. And this is heat, time for vacations, picnics. It will inspire, inspire and replenish energy.

We examined the sources of where to get the forces. The main thing is to learn how to save and replenish them. And for this you must always stay in positive mood, never despair, believe only in the best. Work on yourself tirelessly, and then everything in life will work out.

Intellectual and psychological stress without interruption, a frantic pace of life that does not coincide with the tempo normal person, stress, household chores ... And it is not surprising that most people feel like squeezed lemons and wonder where to get strength and energy for life. It is quite possible to find it.

Energy thieves

Before you understand where to get energy for life, it is worth realizing that it is being stolen. Our life is often made up of energy thieves. Here are some of the most "talented" criminals:
  1. Lie. The more often we lie, the less creative energy we have;
  2. Unfinished business. If we leave something unfinished, it sucks all the life force out of us. Unfulfilled promises and debts that you do not plan to return are stealing energy;
  3. Distrust and fear. It just takes a lot of energy. This also includes experiences and negative emotions, as well as the love of winding oneself up;
  4. Attempts to prove your case, quarrels and conflicts on this basis;
  5. Talk about nothing, gossip;
  6. Resentment. We are offended and thereby steal energy from ourselves. Forgive others and do not be demanding of them;
  7. Lack of sleep and bad habits... No comments;
  8. Promiscuous sex and sex without love. In bed, we exchange the energy of our feelings, and if they are not there, there is no exchange.
Now let's talk about where to get strength and energy for life.


But only with those who bring you positive emotions. Minimize contact with whiners, energy vampires different types, brawlers and those who destroy your faith in yourself. Look for friendships with those who live positively and love to work on themselves. Try to live in a positive way yourself and set an example for your family;

Eat right

Health is also energy. Proper nutrition- this is not only the rejection of junk food, soda, snacks, fast food and alcohol, but also the use of fresh and freshly prepared products, proper heat treatment (preferably minimal or steamed. Baking is also suitable) and the right combination of carbohydrates, protein and fats. It is better to take vitamins from pharmacy products too;

Contacts with nature

Yes, we are sorely lacking in nature. Therefore, instead of a club, bar and TV on weekends, it is better to choose a forest or a lake outside the city. Water gives especially a lot of energy and takes away negativity with fatigue. Weekend hikes are also good. If you do not want to travel with family or friends, ride alone and be alone with the forest. And most importantly, do not turn communication with nature into a binge: it will only take away your strength. Contact with nature can also include communication with animals, as well as work in the country. Pets are generous in sharing their energy with you, so grab it and be happy!

Sports and physical education

We will not tell you how useful it is. Here is just the main thing: it is health, and health is energy. Exercise also helps the body produce endorphins. This is also a source of energy. The main thing is to find the activity that you really enjoy. Regular practitioners know that energy increases after class.

Plan all your activities

This will not add energy, but you will know exactly what to do, so you will not rush about uselessly, wasting your energy on what. In addition, this way you will find time for rest. Write plans for tomorrow and rejoice when you can accomplish everything. Well, do not forget to reward yourself: the positive also adds energy. This also includes the daily routine. Less energy will go to waste if you make your workspace comfortable, with enough air and light.


Enough hours. Sometimes incredible advice is given, like going to bed at 10 and waking up at 5-6 o'clock. It's not realistic, but without the right amount of sleep, you will definitely not gain energy. Determine how much sleep you really need and stick to that amount.

Relaxation, meditation and yoga

15 minutes of meditation a day is enough for your head, and you can practice yoga in a sports club, where you go to fitness or to the gym. Just know that this is one of better ways add energy to yourself;

Make your list

A list of 10-30 activities that bring joy to your life. It doesn't matter what it is: food, movement, sleep, walks, rest, communication. Write down what really brings joy, and should not be in your mom's opinion. Let you have at least five sources of joy a day.

Don't get energy artificially

We are talking about energy drinks and coffee. This is just an illusion of a surge of energy and depletion of the body in essence. In addition, energy drinks are very harmful. Much more energy is found in fresh juices and herbs such as echinacea, rhodiola rosea, ginseng or aloe.

Take a walk

This is not only air, pleasant physical activity, but also a lot of impressions, and also a natural antidepressant, and depression is one of the main thieves of energy. It is best to walk slowly and enjoy all the experience.

Spiritual level

We also need spiritual energy. Its sources are:
  • Thoughts. The most powerful source of energy. And if there are more negative thoughts, then the energy is taken away from us, and if there are more positive thoughts, then it is added;
  • The senses. Like thoughts, can your energy potential enlarge or destroy you;
  • Emotions. No less strong in this sense than thoughts and feelings.
There is important point... Don't force yourself to think positively or hide negative feelings and emotions. The easiest way is to throw them out once and make room for something better.

You shouldn't live on a fake positive, it also takes energy. Positive thinking(if you don't have one) you need to study for a long time. One should start simply with the perception of things as they are, without any coloring. Over time, you will perceive everything in a more positive way.

Energy is not enough for everyone. To fix this, do not waste your energy on trifles, do not abuse negative and emotions, junk food and alcohol, and also please yourself every day. The positive only gives energy, and does not take it away.

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