Control of the physical condition of man. Health Test Individualization Women's Sports Training


on the subject of "physical culture"

The test is designed for 5-6 classes when checking knowledge

section of the program "Basics of Knowledge".

Topic: "Physical Development of Man"

1. What is based on the assessment

physical development of man?

but. Growth, body weight, circle

chest, jerking, speed, power,

endurance, flexibility, dexterity;

b. speed, strength, endurance;

in. Height, jerking, endurance, flexibility, dexterity.

2. What is measured by life

lung capacity?

but. in cubic centimeters;

b. in kilograms;

in. in liters.

3. Specify the rate of heart rate in a healthy

nontentional man.

but. 70-80 UD / min;

b. 50-60 UD / min;

in. 90-100 Ud / min.

4. What is an objective indicator of health status?

but. Pain in the right side;

b. Hard fall asleep;

in. body mass.

5. World Health Day marks


6. Proper breathing is characterized by ...

but. A longer breathe

b. longer exhalation;

in. smooth duration of inhalation and exhalation;

7. How to breathe with long-term load of high intensity?

but. through the mouth and nose alternately

b. Only through the mouth

in. through the mouth and nose at the same time

8. What is characterized by fatigue?

but. refusal to work;

b. increased heart rate;

in. temporary decline in the health capacity.

9. The most informative, objective and widely used indicator of the body's reaction on physical activity is ...

but. Heart rate;

b. arterial pressure;

in. Potting.

10. Physical preparedness

characterized ...

but. level of development of force and endurance;

b. level of physical qualities;

in. anthropometric indicators.

11. Name the main physical qualities:

but. equilibrium, strength, speed, endurance;

b. endurance, speed, flexibility, coordination;

in. Power, endurance, flexibility, speed, dexterity (coordination).

12. What is power?

but. The ability to make

motor Action

in a minimum time cut;

b. Ability to overcome

external resistance;

in. Ability to perform

movement with a large amplitude.

13. To determine the speed

use the test ...

but. Running 200 m;

b. Running on 30m;

in. Running at 800 m.

14. For the development of speed of movements, it is necessary:

but. Motor action performed with maximum speed;

b. Motor action perform with minimal speed;

in. Motor action perform with variable speed.

15. With what test exercise is determined by high-speed-force qualities?

but. Running on 2000 m;

b. Long jump;

in. Tilt forward, sitting on the floor.

16. Test is used to define agility:

but. Shuttle jogging;

b. relay running;

in. Running 100m.

17. The most common means of development of endurance is ...

but. Running for short distances, gymnastic exercises;

b. throwing the ball jumping in length

in. Long run, movement on skis, swimming.

18. Under what conditions are especially

is tactical thinking well?

but. in the sprint race;

b. in sports and moving games;

in. When showing a separate exercise.

19. What methodological rules must be observed by doing independent study of motor actions?

but. from simple to complex;

b. from difficult to simple;

in. from an unknown to a well-known.

20. Types of motor activity, beneficially affecting the physical condition and human development, is customary ...

but. physical development;

b. exercise;
in. Physical work.

21. The meaning of physical culture for schoolchildren:

but. Strengthening health and improving physical qualities;
b. Training motor actions;
in. Improved mood.

Write an answer to the following definitions:

22. The position of the dealing, in which

kneeling legs tightened by hand

to breasts and brushes capture knees,

in gymnastics called ...

23. Rotational motion

through the head with consistent

touching the reference surface

separate parts of the body

in gymnastics called ...

24. A series of exercise,

which are performed in a certain

order, one after another is called ...

25. Impact on the human body of the external factor that breaks the structure and integrity of the tissues and the normal course of physiological processes is called ...

Right answers:








Question number







Question number







Question number







Question number







Evaluation criteria

Mark on a five-point scale





Number of correct answers

less 13




Used literature and Internet sources:

1. Physical culture. 5-7 classes: Tutorial for general formation. institutions are ed. M.Ya. Vilensky - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

2. Matveyev A.P. Physical education. Grade 5: Tutorial for general formation. institutions / A.P. Matveyev - M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

3. Materials site

Although the physical performance indicators most objectively reflect the level of physical condition, other methods based on the correlation dependence between the MPC magnitude and the main functional indicators of the organism of the body can also be used to evaluate it.

Thus, the amount of health can be approximately determined by using the baller system of estimates of the level of physical condition. Depending on the value of each functional indicator, a certain number of points (from -2 to +7) is charged. The level of health is estimated at the amount of points of all indicators with the definition of the health profile and lagging links.

1. Express assessment of the level of health in L. Apanesenko (1988). Health levels are gradually divided into 5 categories. The test consists of the following components, valued quantitatively and in points:

Index ketle (weight - growth, g / cm);

Life index (load / weight, ml / kg);

Power index - Dynamometry (F / weight * 100%);

Double work (heart rate * (Hell systole. / 100), units.)

Recovery time after 20 squats for 30 seconds. (min.).

According to this system, the safe level of health (above average) is limited to 14 points. This is the smallest amount of points that guarantees the lack of clinical signs of the disease. It is characteristic that only persons regularly engaged in recreational training (mainly running) include the level of the IV and V level. Although such an assessment of the level of health is less accurate, it allows for determining the simplest functional indicators quickly carry out a mass medical examination and population dispensarization,determine the health profile.The number of points according to different components "will prompt" weak links in the health system.

2. Countertens 3 - express control over the level of the physical condition of a person (FVViktorov 1990).

The differentiated assessment of the level of health is carried out on the basis of 11 tests of physical harmony over the score system.

Age. - Weight. - Arterial pressure. - Pulse alone. - Flexibility. - The speed of the reaction. - Dynamic power. - high-speed endurance. - Speed-power endurance. - Total endurance. - Functional test. The amount of scored points is given a conclusion about the health level.

3. Comprehensive assessment of the level of health in V.I. Belovoincluding recommendations when choosing optimal loads in wellness physical training.

The test uses 18 indicators separated by blocks: I- physiological indicators (1-6); II- physical preparedness (7-11); III- lifestyle (12-16); IV-incidence (17-18).

4. Comprehensive assessment of the level of physical condition (UFS) on E.Pirogova (1986).

For research it is necessary to measure heart rate at rest sitting and blood pressure (AD).

UFS \u003d (700 - 3 * CSS - 2.5 * Hell CP. - 2.7 * Age + 0.28 * Weight) / (350 - 2.6 * Age + 0.21 * Growth)

Hell CP. \u003d Hell diast. + 1/3 * Hell Pulse, Hell Pulse \u003d ADS - Add.

A safe level of somatic health that guarantees the absence of diseases is only people with a high level of physical condition. The decrease in UFS is accompanied by the progressive increase in morbidity and a decrease in the functional reserves of the body to a dangerous level bordering pathology. It should be noted that the lack of clinical manifestations of the disease still does not indicate the presence of stable health. The average level of physical condition, obviously, can be regarded as critical.Further decrease in UFS already leads to the clinical manifestation of the disease with the corresponding symptoms.

1. Human physiology - under. ed. IN AND. Thorevsky, M., 2001.

2. Human physiology - under. ed. N.V.Zimkina, M., 1975

3. Methods for assessing the level of health and physical performance: a training manual. Kuchkin S.N. - Volgograd, 1994. - 104 p.

4. Medical control in sports - A.G. Dembo, M.: Medicine, 1988. - 288 p.

Lecture 9.

Physiological Basics of Culture Culture and Women's Sports Training


    Anatomy-physiological features and functionality of the body of women.

    The biological cyclicity of the body of women (OMC) and its influence on physical performance.

    Individualization of women's sports training.

Women occupy a solid place in sports, quickly expanding the circle of sports disciplines, which were considered only by men. Sports such as struggle, football, weightlifting, boxing, water polo, running long distances become recognized in women's sports. High demands for achievements in some sports provide for the start of training from 6 - 7 years of age, and sometimes before. Therefore, the physiological features of the female organism, its ripening in ontogenesis require scientifically based positions of the sports training session of female representatives. Huge importance for the preservation of their health has knowledge of the features of adaptation to physical exertion, the specifics of recovery, the relationship of the WHR.

1. Anatomy-physiological and functional features of the female organism.

Sports of women and men have differences. They are associated with the difference in body size (growth, mass), composition and structure of tissues by 11 cm.

Women, on average, lighter at 11 kg., Below in growth, have a lower muscle mass compared to men: in women, the muscle mass is 30% of the body weight - 18 kg., Muscular mass is 40% of the body weight - 30 kg. The fat component of the body is in women on average 28 - 30%, and in men about 16 - 20%. The absolute amount of fat in women is also more approximately 4 - 8 kg. Fat in women is postponed mainly in the areas of the hips, the abdomen and the rear surface of the shoulders, in men - hips, legs, under the blades and on the stomach. In the process of sports training, the amount of fat decreases, but even in athletes - styers it can only achieve its level in incredible men. Less amount of fat gives an advantage in running, but in swimming a woman consumes less energy for passing at the same speed of equal distance.

Women compared to men have a greater proportion of adipose tissue. A sufficient amount of fat is a prerequisite for the development of a normal amount of genital hormones. In some sports, such as swimming, a large fat mass creates ejecting force, facilitating adaptation to the load. With excessive weight loss with a loss of 10 - 15% fat, which is observed, for example, athlete-style athletes, an excrochenant insufficiency arises and the oppression of an ovarian-mentoral cycle.

Features of the skeleton.

Female skeleton has significant differences from male. The limbs in women are relatively shorter than in men, therefore the first in short and more often the steps when running. The breast of the spine in women is relatively shorter than in men, but longer than the cervical and lumbar departments, which ensures its greater mobility, the increased elasticity of the ligament apparatus. The chest is shorter and wider, which causes a higher arrangement of the diaphragm. In women, the width shoulders are less than that of men, but the width and depth of the pelvis, more, so the smaller running efficiency in women is associated with large rotational movements of the pelvis. The center of gravity in women is located below. In general, the female skeleton is easier, elastic, movable and less durable.

Differences in the proportions of women's body: short limbs, long torso, wide pelvis, narrow shoulders. This provides greater equilibrium stability due to the relatively low position of the center of gravity, but reduces the efficiency of movements. This affects the speed, dexterity. Good spinal mobility, the elasticity of the ligaments determine the high level of flexibility. Women more often meets a high arch of the foot and less often flatfoot, with which the beauty of movements is connected. The total muscular force (the sum of maximum values \u200b\u200bof the main muscular groups) is approximately 2/3 of the magnitude of men.

Differences in body sizes and individual organs determine the differences in the performance of women and men. The aerobic productivity of untrained women on average is 20 - 30% lower than in men. It is associated with lower reserves of a cardiorespiratory system of women. Compared to men, they have a smaller volume, mass and some functional indicators of the heart: 580 cm 3 not tr. 640 - 793 cm 2 Spores, juice (systolic blood volume) - 50 - 60 ml., IOC (minute volume of blood) - 4 liters. Lower juice is accompanied by a higher heart rate (CSS - 70 - 80 per minute.) 6 - 8 ° C. More than men and blood flow speed. With the load of the IOC increases less efficient way - to a greater extent due to the increase in heart rate. In the untrained women, the IOC can increase to 18.5 liters. (in men up to 25 liters), juice - up to 120 ml., In men up to 150 ml.

Women's IPCs in the course of sports training for endurance rises to the level of physically less trained men.

In aerobic conditions, women are more than men are able to dispose of fats, so they are more adapted to work in the greater and moderate zones of cyclical work.

Women have less external respiratory reserves. This is due to the smaller object of the chest, the lungs, the smaller power of the respiratory muscles. The magnitude is lower than in men, on average per 1 liter. Accordingly, there is less than the depth of breathing, but more - the frequency. The mod at rest is 3 - 5 L. Min., 6 - 8 in men. The working increase of the mod is 80% of the maximum in men and is achieved less efficient way - due to a greater increase in respiratory frequency. This contributes to a more pronounced fatigue of the respiratory muscles. Women are inferior to men in the magnitude of the maximum ventilation of the lungs. MVL is 20% lower than men's.

For women, the smaller content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood is characterized, a smaller amount of circulating blood by 1 kg. Body masses: ER. - 4.5 x 10 12 l., HB - 120 - 140 b.). This is associated with a lower level of androgens - men's sex hormones in the blood of women who stimulate erythropoes. A more concentration of hemoglobin determines the smaller oxygen capacity of arterial blood - 16.8% by volume (in men - 19.5% by volume). The oxygen capacitance of venous blood in women corresponds to such in men. Because of this, the arteriovenous difference in oxygen in women has a smaller value, therefore below the oxygen returns to the tissues. In women below the content of myoglobin in muscles than in men. The deficiency of hemoglobin is compensated in the body of women by increasing the IOC. Per consumption of 1 l. Oxygen in women's mock is 10 - 15% more than in men.

Anaerobic performance in women is also lower than in men. ATP and CRF reserves are 20% lower due to smaller volume of muscular capes. Reserves of anaerobic glycolysis and glycogenolysis are less, which manifests itself in a relatively low level of MKD and the maximum concentration of lactic acid in the blood.

For women, the specifics of physical qualities are characterized.

Power and its topography in women and men are not the same. Absolute force in women less. Differences in relative strength are smoothed. The topographically weak upper muscles of the upper shoulder belt are detected by 30 - 60% lower strength, lower strong leg muscles, especially the hips - by 20 - 30%. Women's muscles of the limbs are distinguished by thin fibers. The percentage of fast and slow fibers depends on genetic factors, and not from gender.

Women, on average, detect a lower level of speed development. This is associated with the functional features of the CNS. Women less often meets left-hand (5%) and "Levonozhost" (12%). By 20 years, a significant increase in the domination of the right ear (up to 55%) compared to men (28%) is noted. The right-sided profile of asymmetry prevails - a combination of the advantages of the right hand, legs, vision and hearing. In this regard, women have a high ability to process speech information, regulation of movements and exceed men in verbal memory.

This allows you to use the stories method while learning. Women inherent higher emotion and excitability. Digital memory and processing speed of primary information in women below. Therefore, the solution of new tasks, especially in the conditions of time deficiency, they have difficult. They are easier to perform standard tasks. Variants of elementary manifestations of speed are individual: the speed and maximum frequency of movements in persons of both sexes depend on the genetically determined type of nervous system.

In a wicked woman, a woman is better, compared with men, adapted to sharp changes in the external environment, such as starvation, temperature shifts. In general, the quality of endurance in women is higher: when running to the marathon distance, they are able to continue running and after the finish. But in terms of the economy of running equipment, women are inferior to men due to the morphological and functional features of the propeller and its regulation (short legs, frequent steps, a large amplitude of body oscillations). In women, there are 1 kg powerhotrata. Body masses: when walking by 6 - 7%, when running - by 10%.

Total endurance reaches in women maximum indicators by 18 - 22 years, speed-to 14 - 15, static - by 15-20 years. In women, muscles have great static endurance - the bodybuilders of the body, the men are flexors.

The quality of dexterity is individually. The base of its development is the high sensitivity of the skin receptors, motor and vestibular sensory systems, thin differentiation of the muscular feeling. These functions provide coordination, clarity, smoothness and beauty of movements. Women have sharp vision, wide field of view, high ability to assess the depth of space and color scheme. They only distinguish high-frequency sounds.

The quality of flexibility is sufficiently developed in girls, the most favorable development period is 11-14 years old. In girls engaged in sports, flexibility begins to decline after 16 - 17 years.

2. Menstrual cycle and physical performance

The main physiological feature of the woman is the reproductive function - the ability to fertilize and pregnancy. This is aimed at all the functional features of its organism. The reproductive function of a woman is associated with an ovarian menstrual cycle (OMC). It consists in cyclic changes in the function of the genital glands with simultaneous fluctuations in the physiological state of other organism systems: CNS, cardio-respiratory, etc. In the ovary of the newborn girl, 40,000 unripe eggs are laid. For the first time the cycle appears in girls at 12 - 14 years (sometimes 9 - 10 years). The average duration is 28 days (with oscillations from 21 to 42 days). During the core period, 400 - 500 genital cells are completely ripening.

OMC includes interconnected and hormonally caused separate, parallel cycles: ovarian, uterine and menstrual wave (cyclicity of functions of other systems).

The regulation of the menstrual cycle is carried out by the bark of large hemispheres, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, peripheral fabrics and organs reacting to sex hormones.

The training process is programmed with an obligatory account for the five phases of OMC (classification of N.V. Svetnikova, 1976).

The first phase - menstrual - continues from 1 to 3 - 7 days of OMS, is associated with a spasm, a deader of the capillaries of the mucous meter and its rejection, which is accompanied by the breaks of small vessels and bleeding (50 - 200 ml. Blood).

The second phase - postmenstrual - continues from 4 - 7 to 12 days, is characterized by the growth of the follicle in the ovary, the ripening of an egg, the increasing synthesis of estrogen and the development of the mucous membrane.

The third phase is ovulatory - from 13 to 14 days - is characterized by a gap of the ripening follicle, the outlet of the egg and the promotion of it in the uterine pipes in the uterus.

The fourth phase - post-sewer - from 15 to 25 days, is to form a yellow body from the remains of the follicle and the release of the hormone of progesterone. The hormone activates the development of blood vessels and secretory processes in the mucous membrane. In the absence of fertilization and pregnancy, the yellow body after 10 to 12 days is subjected to reverse development.

The fifth phase - pre-prone - occurs in 2 - 3 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (from 26 to 28 days). It is associated with the regression of the yellow body and the cessation of the secretion of progesterone.

Adaptation of women to large physical stress is closely related to the level of genital hormones. Development of motor qualities, the growth of sports results in girls - adolescents depends on the individual pace of puberty. The violation of the function of the sex glands leads to a decrease in sports results. At the same time, moderate exercises within the framework of physical culture are favorably affecting the state of the sexual sphere, physical development during the growth and formation of girls. In 87% of women actively engaged in physical culture, childbirth flows easier, healthy children are born. The effect of large physical exertion depends on the proper construction of the training process, taking into account the CMC. Training with alternating large, small and medium loads in microcycles have a beneficial effect.

In animal experiments, it is shown that small physical exertion does not cause changes in the ovaries. Excessively permanent loads of 60% violate hormonal and reproductive functions in rats, lead to the death of eggs, the reverse development of yellow bodies, uterine atrophy.

3. Individualization of women's sports workout

Taking into account the fluctuations in the level of hormones and the state of all functional systems at the sports training, it should be borne in mind that in 5 - premenstrual and 1-menstrual phases, in 3 - ovulatory days the mental performance decreases, the functional value of the work performed is increasing, the functional stress arises.

In 1 Phase, the OMC change the nervous psychic sphere of a woman: lethargy, indifference or increased irritability appears, the visual control over the actions performed, emotions, is disturbed by mutual understanding with partners, coach, judges. Failies are sharply experienced. Brake processes are enhanced in the CNS, sensitivity of sensory systems is reduced. The accuracy of gaming techniques is significantly weakened, memory indicators fall. There is a delay in water in the body. Aerobic performance is reduced by reducing the concentration of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and oxygen tank of blood. Economical activation of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is reduced when loading. The level of metabolism is sharply falling, primarily protein. As a result, the overall and special performance, speed, endurance, strength is reduced. But the flexibility is improved.

To this phase, the first training "retractor" - microcycle should be timed (from 1 to 7 days). It consists of two phases: a) the reducing or "phase of reduced performance"; B) "phases of gradually increasing adaptation." With a decrease in the total load, use exercises for flexibility, relaxation, with the participation of the upper limbs. Due to some disappointing motor skills, correlation work is carried out to improve sports technology, high-speed loads are gradually increasing. Global static efforts, exercises with outling, the participation of muscles pelvis and abdomen, jumping contraindicated.

In the 2 phase of OMC, due to an increase in estrogen level, efficiency, endurance and speed. Restores the automation of movements. The predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases the economy of functions. In the second microcycle (from 8 to 13 days) it is possible to use the limit loads of the necessary orientation. From 12 to 14 days, due to probable ovulation, training is carried out in the "restorative" mode - on the background of a small amount of load.

The beginning of 3 microcycles coincides with the 3 phase of wow (13-14 days - ovulation), accompanied by a sharp decrease in the functionality of women and results in sports. The concentration of estrogen in the blood begins to decline against the background of an insufficient increase in progesterone. Falls the level of the main exchange. A woman during this period does not control the state, does not limit the motor activity, despite the contraindications of large loads. They have a negative effect on the system of hormonal regulation of sexual functions, causing an imbalance in the activity of the ovaries. To control the date of the occurrence of this phase, it is possible to measure the "basal" temperature, timing to the rest intervals.

Later, from 15 to 25 days during the next, 4 microcycles occurs the zone of "superaptation" with a high content in the blood of estrogen and progesterone, a sharp increase in metabolism, performance and adaptive reserves of the body. During this period, athletes are able to transfer the loads of significant intensity and volume - shock and competitive - without health consequences. In the last days of the microcycles (26 - 28), a picture of "declining adaptation" is characterized, which coincides with 5 (premenstrual) Phase of Omc.

The structure of the 28-day OMC makes it possible to clearly divide the classes on the main and additional. Of the total load (100%), the volume of the Phase OMTS should be divided as follows: 1 phase - 12%, 2 phase - 31%, 3 phases - 9%, 4 phases - 35% and 5 phase - 13% (total - 100 %).

Influence of sports training on a woman's body

Modern sport to achieve high results use excessive loads. It contains health risk elements. Regular use of large physical exertion without taking into account the characteristics of the female organism can lead to a violation of the CMC. Large loads cause hyperfunction of adrenal cortex, increased secretion of androgens, braking the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

Highly qualified athletes in a functional plan are not uniform. The smaller group is well adapted to large physical and psycho-emotional loads. Long-term classes in compliance with the principle of graduality in increasing the volume and intensity of loads, with good heredity in a childbearing function, derive the body to a high level of activity of the sex glands. In 67% of cases, the menstrual cycle is shortened to 1 - 3 days, which allows not to interrupt the training process.

Another, large group, discovers various disorders of the ovarian function. Training started before the start of puberty can delay the sexual development (CPR). The frequency of the CPR depends on the radiance of the reasons: 1) the load intensity (in non-training and engaged in sports school sections - 5 - 7% of cases, among athletes at the age of 15 - 17 years - in 23%); 2) from the sport (in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, swimming -, respectively, 67%, 31%, 16% of cases); 3) by age. In which intensive loads begin (from 7 to 9 years - 20%, from 12 to 13 years - 18%, most rare - from 10 to 11 years - in 3% of cases).

Age 10 - 11 years is optimal compared to 7 to 9 years, when large loads inhibit the development of hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and from 12 to 13 years - communication with a violation of the formation of cyclicity of their activities. In girls who are actively engaged in sports, the period of the formation of regular OCC is delayed: in athletics and swimming in 35%, the skiers - at 76%, in gymnasts - 78%, in the untouched these features of the CMC met with a frequency of 2 - 10%.

Secondary disorders after the manifestation of the CMC are found in athletes 3.5 times more often (72%) than non-sports. Especially dangerous the formation of training loads in the first 6 - 12 months after the occurrence of OMC. There is a place or impairment of ovulation associated with the lack of estrogen or underdevelopment of the yellow body, leading to the deficit of progesterone. The disorder of ovulation blocks the development of the situation of pregnancy, the lack of progesterone threatens the unbearable of the fetus.

From these positions, women are not recommended to engage in some sports. With direct contact with rivals, severe injuries are possible. Gym classes are associated with the unnatural body position, shocks of the pubic on sports shells, which lead to the displacement of the organs of the small pelvis. The uneven development of the muscles of the abdominal press or spin is accompanied by excessive deviations of the uterus of the Kepent or the Zada. Vibrations that take place in bicycle, equestrian sports cause atrophy of the uterus and ovaries. Maximum static efforts with a fitting in the "standing" pose and in the "Nature" leads to the omission of the uterus.

Excessive loss of athletes 10 - 15% of the mass is often complicated by infertility. The first menstruation and the further formation of cycles depends on the accumulation of the "threshold" amount of fat. Intensive endurance load detains the deadlines for the first menstruation (Menarche) to 20 years. For bodybuilding, weightlifting, due to excessive muscle hypertrophy and a sharp decrease in fat during the acquisition and maintenance of sports form, the cessation of menstruation is characterized. The mechanism of this phenomenon consists in violation of the condition of the hypothalamus regulating the reproductive function. In women who train on endurance, iron deficiency, anemia, bone demineralization, complicated by frequent fractures can manifest.

Unfortunately, the "dangerous" for the reproductive function of women Sports are widespread and included in the World Championships and Olympic Games. Given the reality, it should be prophylactically carried out timely control and self-control for the character of the CMC in order to individualize the training process. With early diagnosis and correction of loads of the disorder of OMC reversible.

An assessment of the physical condition is the starting point to start fitness classes. After all, you should know the indicators of your physical condition in order to compile a workout plan, including specialized physical exercises to increase the level of different indicators. So, after considering the endurance test, we go to other tests.

Evaluation of the physical condition. Test for equilibrium

The assessment of the physical condition is consisted of several key indicators. The same equilibrium is one of them. It naturally depends on your age and a simple equilibrium test will very clearly show at what level you are.

Equilibrium test with one foot: Remove your shoes and socks and stand on a solid surface. Ask anyone to measure time segments. Close your eyes and lift one foot on 15 centimeters from the floor. Bend the knee deploy the bent foot and attach a foot of the bent foot to the leg on which you stand (if you are standing on the right leg, then attach left leg and, accordingly, if you are standing on your left foot, then attach the right leg). Watch how much time you can be in this position.

Make this equilibrium test three times and averaged the results obtained on time measurement. You must be able to simultane in this position 30 seconds or more if your age is 30 years or less. With an increase in age, it is natural that this indicator should decrease. "If you have more than 65 years old, then a very good result will be if you can save the balance in this posture within 5 seconds," says Serban.

How to improve equilibrium indicator:Practice a rack on one leg or walking from the heel on the sock. Also well affects the development of a feeling of equilibrium yoga and tai chi.

Evaluation of the physical condition. Test on flexibility

A simple test on shows your level.

Test "Sit and reach":Start with the stretching legs - lie on your back and lift the right leg to the chest and hold down within 10-30 seconds. You can grab your hips with your hands to help your leg be closer to the chest. Repeat exactly the same exercise with the other foot. Then get drunk torso: sit down and pull your legs in front of you. Bend your left foot in your knee so that it touches the feet of the legs of the right hip. Then your hands down under the stretched leg. Do the same with the other foot. After a pair of stretch marks, go intensively for one to three minutes.

Put the measuring ruler on the floor. Tick \u200b\u200bthe scotch tape 15-inch (38cm) point on the line. Sit on the floor, the measuring ruler is located between the legs. Your legs should be stretched forward, to look into the ceiling, and the heels must be on the 14-inch line (35cm) socks apart. Cut forward with both hands along the measuring ruler and watch how far your fingers will be able to reach out. Repeat three times with fivenecond breaks between each stretch. Write down the longest segment (goal to achieve your heels).

How to improve flexibility:Start regularly perform sets of stretching exercises with the use of the maximum number of joints. Include the stretch stretch, forearm and legs be sure. Also contribute to an increase in flexibility.

Evaluation of the physical condition. Test for strength

The muscular power is the key to remain active for many years.

Test on:Lie on the floor. Ask anyone to measure temporary segments. Consider how many times you can sit for a period of 60 seconds. This exercise will give you an idea of \u200b\u200byour basic strength - the strength of your abdomen and the muscles of the thigh.

Results will vary depending on your sex and age. What are you younger, the greater the number of cycles of this physical exercise you can do.

For men by age from 18 to 25 years, any quantity is more than 49 Wonderful result, from 35 to 38 average result. For men, over 65 years old, any result is above 28 excellent, and from 15 to 18 average result.

For women age from 18 to 25 years, any quantity is more than 43 wonderful results, from 29 to 32 average result. For women, over 65 years old, any result is above 22 excellent, and from 11 to 13 the average result.

How to increase muscle strength: Start, both with free weights and with power simulators. Select the main muscle groups and increase the load gradually loading. Also excellent discipline that focuses on the development of the main muscles is pilates .

Moving with fitness to the next level of physical development.

By making these tests, you must understand that the assessment of the physical condition is not some kind of separate process, but the starting point. With its help after carrying out similar tests every few months, you will understand the degree of your progress during fitness classes and you will see real results.

"Perceive the improvement in the level of physical condition as a result of fitness classes as a marathon - a long-term process," says Serban. If you devote time to him, the results will not wait long for a long time.

Natalia Svanov

Reading time: 4 minutes


The term "sports training" involves competent use of all knowledge, conditions and methods for aimed at developing an athlete. Tests are called nonspecific exercises with a numerical result obtained during measurements. They are needed to understand their current health status and determine readiness for physical exertion. So, we determine the level of sports training.

Endurance test (squats)

Foot put wider shoulders and, aligning your back, take a breath and sit down. Up rising in exhalation. Without stopping and leisure, we make so many squats, as far as the strength is enough. Next, write the result and refer to the table:

  • Less than 17 times is the lowest level.
  • 28-35 times - medium level.
  • More than 41 times - high level.

Test for endurance / Muscle Muscles Muscles

Men are pressed with socks, beautiful ladies - from the knees. An important point - the press must be kept in tension, in the blades and the lower back do not fall, the body to keep in a flat position (the hips with the case must be on the same line). When pressing, we descend in such a way that the head is 5 cm from the floor. We consider the results:

  • Less than 5 pushups - a weak level.
  • 14-23 push ups - medium level.
  • More than 23 pushups - high level.

Index Rufier

Determine the reaction of the cardiovascular system. We measure your pulse in 15 seconds (1p). Next, quench 30 times for 45 seconds (average pace). After finishing the exercises, immediately proceed to the measurement of the pulse - first in 15 seconds (2r) and, after 45 seconds, once again - in 15 seconds (3r).

The index of Rufier himself is determined by the following formula:

Ir \u003d (4 * (1p + 2p + 3r) -200) -200/10.

We consider the result:

  • The index is less than 0 - excellent.
  • 0-3 - above average.
  • 3-6 - satisfactory.
  • 6-10 - below average.
  • Above 10 - unsatisfactory.

Speaking briefly, the result is excellent, in which the amount of cardiac beats is less than 50 for all three 15-second gaps.

The reaction of the vegetative nervous system on physical activity - orthostatic sample

The test is carried out as follows:

In the morning (before charging) or after 15 minutes (before meals), carried out in a calm state and horizontal position, measuring the pulse in a horizontal position. Pulse We consider for 1 minute. After that, we get up and rest in a vertical position. We again consider the pulse within 1 minute in a vertical position. The difference in the obtained values \u200b\u200bindicates the heart reaction to the physical activity, subject to the change of body position, due to which it is possible to judge the body's training and the "working" state of regulatory mechanisms.


  • The difference in 0-10 shots is a good result.
  • The difference of 13-18 shots is an indicator of a healthy untouched man. Evaluation is satisfactory.
  • The difference in 18-25 shots is unsatisfactory. Lack of physical fitness.
  • Above 25 shots - a sign of overwork or a disease.

If the usual for you, the average disintegration difference is 8-10, then the body is able to quickly recover. With an increased difference, for example, up to 20 shots, it is worth thinking - where you overload the body.

We estimate the energy potential of the body - the Robinson index

This value demonstrates the systolic activity of the chief organ - heart. Than this indicator will be higher at the load height - the higher the functional abilities of the heart muscles. On the Robinson index, it is possible (of course, indirectly) to talk about the consumption of oxygen myocardium.

How to spend test?
We rest for 5 minutes and determine your pulse within the 1st minute in a vertical position (x1). Next, the pressure should be measured: the upper systolic importance must be remembered (x2).

The Robinson index (the desired value) looks like the following formula:

Ir \u003d x1 * x2 / 100.

We estimate the results:

  • Il is 69 and below - the rating is "excellent." Work reserves of the hearthold system in excellent shape.
  • Il is 70-84 - good. Heart reserves are normal.
  • Il is 85-94 - the average result. He indicates the likely insufficiency of the backup capabilities of the heart.
  • Il is 95-110 - the rating is "bad." The result signals the violations in the heart.
  • Il above 111 - very bad. Violated the regulation of the heart.

Do you overestimate the capabilities of your own organism or vice versa, are underestimated - special load tests will be advised of impartially.

Test for strength

Recently, a healthy lifestyle in fashion, it is about this that people are often recorded in avid athletes today, absolutely unsuitable for high loads. Not knowing, own potential, they train extremely intensively and overload the body, thereby applying to him significant harm. Personally risk people who choose the powerful muscle for themselves.

Special load tests will help determine the degree of your readiness for serious sports load and choose the optimal mode and intensity of classes - such, in which physical activity will give strength and vigor, and not exhausted the body, depriving his last forces and health.

Cool pedals

Even the most accurate and modern diagnostic equipment at best may only be about pathology. Diagnostics based on load tests tells about functional changes in the body.

It looks like this study. The patient is conveniently satisfied in the wellergometer saddle, rests on his back and in the middle track begins to rotate the pedals. At this time, the connected sensors read all the necessary information about the state of the most important systems of the organism of the tireless cyclist. While the patient actively overcomes the imaginary distance, the smart technique measures its pulse and blood pressure, carries out gas analyzes (calculating the consumption of oxygen and the extraction of carbon dioxide), removes the electrocardiogram and echocardiogram (heart ultrasound), etc.

Not all are equal

Of course, for each person, the load test program is selected individually, depending on its gender, age, growth, weight and, of course, health condition. Previously, these programs were calculated manually, today it is done using a computer. For example, professional athletes will easily cope with the rapidly increasing load, the usual patients need to increase its pace and power gradually. For unhealthy people, there is a lightweight workout option, which provides gradual increase in the load. If necessary, for example, for the elderly, every three minutes of the dough is a break.

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