How to effectively draw out pus from a boil. How to remove pus from a wound: pharmacy ointments and folk remedies

Despite their seeming harmlessness, they can become a source of major health problems if treated with disdain.

Therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to start taking action.

What is a boil?

A boil is a purulent inflammation of the tissue. As a rule, this affects the sebaceous glands, hair follicles or the thickness of the connective tissue. Inflammation is caused by microorganisms that enter the micro-wounds - bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci).

A boil can appear on any part of the body. But most often they form where there are many sebaceous glands or where the skin is often exposed to friction. As a result, microcracks appear on it, where infection can penetrate.

Sweating dramatically increases the risk of abscesses. Most often, boils appear on the buttocks, in the groin area and on the head.

The main reason for the formation of boils is considered weakening of the body's defenses.

Hypothermia, stress, hormonal changes can serve as a trigger. Lack of vitamins or the presence of chronic diseases also weaken the immune system and make the body prone to furunculosis.

Boils can be:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

In the first case, the abscess is located on the surface of the skin. In the second, it matures in the thickness of the tissues.


A lump appears on the skin. Very quickly, literally during the first hours, the following are noted:

  • redness;
  • sharp soreness;
  • purulent contents.

After the head becomes visible, soreness increases... Due to the accumulating purulent contents, the head of the abscess looks whitish-yellow.

As the boil ripens, the following may appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • local change in blood circulation.

After the breakthrough of the boil, pus flows out and the recovery stage begins. After healing, a scar may remain in its place..

Why is the boil dangerous?

External boils, as a rule, do not pose a particular danger. They burst on their own with the outflow of pus, after which the healing process proceeds quickly.

Internal abscesses pose a great danger..

When they break through, the purulent contents appear in the thickness of the tissues and can lead to blood poisoning, the development of sepsis and even death in the absence of timely treatment.

From external boils the greatest danger is those that are located in the face and primarily in the nose... Here, the skin is riddled with a huge number of blood vessels, which increases the risk of spreading the infection. In addition, proximity to the brain contributes to the development of more formidable complications.

Nasal abscesses can lead to the development of meningitis, an inflammation of the meninges.

Important! In no case should the boil be squeezed out, especially the internal one. If available, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment regimen or decide on surgical intervention.

Features of home treatment

It is important to achieve the fastest ripening of the boil and its breakthrough.

The essence of treatment comes down to the first stage in accelerating these processes, and then in accelerating tissue regeneration and excluding wound infection.

For this purpose, apply:

  • Antibiotics
  • Local ointments.
  • Folk remedies.

The first stage - the abscess is just forming

At this stage, you can sing to relieve inflammation and prevent its development. Warming up copes with this. For this purpose, you can apply:

  • Warming up with a blue lamp;
  • Baths and baths;
  • Moxibustion with alcohol

The second stage - the boil has already developed

At this stage, warming up will not help and may even be dangerous. It is necessary to accelerate the maturation of the head and achieve its breakthrough. For this purpose, treatment with local ointments is used. In severe cases, an antibiotic may be needed, which will be prescribed in the form of an ointment or injections.

The third stage - opening the abscess

The wound is cleared of purulent contents and treated with antiseptic agents. After that, a dry bandage is applied to it, designed to prevent re-infection.

In extremely rare cases, the boil is removed.



Anti-inflammatory and at the same time a healing agent.

The drug not only helps the boil to ripen faster, but also promotes its healing.

Copes with the function of pulling purulent contents.

In addition, she has antibacterial properties.

Its negative trait is an unpleasant smell.

Vishnevsky ointment

Improves and accelerates tissue healing, as well as heparin, which also relieves pain.


Erythromycin and Cephalexin are used as antibiotics.

Here self-medication is unacceptable - medications are prescribed by a doctor.

Antibiotics are accompanied by probiotics and vitamins to help prevent intestinal dysfunction.

Folk remedies

Furuncles are very often treated with folk remedies. And they give quite a good effect, especially if the inflammatory process begins to heal at the very beginning.

Healing dough

You can speed up the ripening of the boil using a medicinal test. A cake is made of flour and honey and applied to the abscess. The cake must be bandaged. It is better to do this at night. The bandage is changed the next day. Each time you have to make a new cake.

You can make a cake from honey, flour and finely shaved laundry soap. It is much more powerful. It will take several procedures.

Garlic and onion compresses

Helps to speed up the head exit.

For this purpose, the garlic is rubbed and applied to the wound for a couple of hours. If the garlic is in contact with the skin for a long time, it can burn, so it is mixed with mashed potatoes.

For the onion compress, the onions are baked in the oven and applied to the abscess in the form of heat. The bandage is left overnight. To enhance the effect, onions can be mixed with laundry soap. In this case, take 2 parts onions and one part soap.

Warm compresses accelerate the maturation of the abscess.

As a remedy, you can use honey cakes, baked onions, a heated salt solution, which accelerates the maturation of the abscess and prevents the infection from spreading. Warm compresses are made several times a day, applying them for 2-3 hours. It is important that they are exactly warm.

After removing the compress, a dry bandage is applied to the sore spot.

It is necessary to take the powder of this spice on the tip of a knife and dilute it in water.

The medicine is drunk 2 times a day for three days.

In parallel, a warm compress is applied to the site of the lesion: cotton wool is soaked with a salty decoction of turmeric, ginger and honey and is bandaged to the abscess at night.

Beet juice

Beet juice has good stretching and antiseptic properties. It can be applied to the abscess several times a day.

Several pine branches must be boiled in 3 liters of water for 5-10 minutes.

The solution is added to the bath. Its duration should be 20 minutes.

After the procedure, a dry bandage is applied to the sore spot.

The method is good at the initial stage.

It is important to remember that in the acute stage and after opening the abscess, baths are prohibited. At this time, it is impossible to wet the boils.

Smoke infusion

In order to get rid of boils as quickly as possible, you can take an infusion of smoke.

It helps to strengthen the body's defenses, cleanse the blood.

A tablespoon of smoke is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. After that, the infusion is drunk in a third of a glass daily until the boils disappear.


After the boil opens, you can apply aloe leaf or cotton wool moistened with its juice to the wound for the fastest healing.

Treatment of boils in children

The smaller the child, the harder the body's reaction to the appearance of an abscess can be. Babies may have all the signs of toxic damage - weakness, high fever, headache.

The principles of treating boils in children are the same as in adults.

Ichthyol ointment and folk recipes can be used. It is better to treat an abscess with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is to bandage the site of inflammation well in order to prevent infection.

In case of a boil on the face and in case of severe intoxication, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. You may need hospital treatment.


  • Boils cannot be wetted and squeezed out.
  • To accelerate ripening, ointments and folk remedies should be used using soap, honey cakes, warm compresses.
  • You can speed up healing with antibacterial agents and aloe juice.
  • For the prevention of furunculosis, you can drink a course of brewer's yeast.

You can get rid of boils quickly enough. The main thing is to show patience and scrupulously follow the rules of treatment.

Scratches, cuts, punctures, and other injuries are experienced by everyone. Trauma usually resolves quickly with proper antiseptic treatment of the wound. However, in some cases, complications develop. Pus on the finger may indicate that a bacterial infection has entered the wound. Improper therapy can spread the infection. A consultation with a doctor is the best solution to the problem.

What causes pus?

Purulent wounds are the most common complication of open injuries. Exudate appears when the bacterial microflora begins to multiply rapidly in the affected area. This happens most often when the affected area is improperly processed. A high-quality antiseptic reduces the likelihood of developing dangerous complications several times. The general condition of the body is of great importance. If the immune system is weakened, the likelihood of developing a purulent process increases.

Complications of wounds are often encountered by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. In this case, pus often appears with punctured and lacerated injuries. Cuts usually heal faster. Even if exudate appears, it can be quickly eliminated.

Suppuration is a dangerous complication that can be life threatening if therapy is not timely. Self-medication should not be done. A high-quality drug to eliminate the inflammatory process will be prescribed by a doctor. Medicines, as well as folk remedies that are used most often, will be described below.

Those who do not know how to remove pus at home should pay attention to this drug. The medication is most often used by doctors in a hospital setting. There is Vishnevsky's ointment in many first-aid kits. Xeroform acts as an active ingredient. The substance is astringent and irritating. Thanks to this element, the wound develops faster, pus comes to the surface. You can also use the ointment if the wound is closed and there is no opening for exudate to exit.

Vishnevsky's ointment has a special smell. The drug contains birch tar, which gives the drug a special aroma. This component promotes the regeneration of damaged tissue, stimulates local immunity.

Boils, carbuncles, abscesses - for all these pathological processes, Vishnevsky's ointment can be used. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components. The possibility of using the drug in pregnant or lactating women should be discussed with the doctor individually.

Like other medicines for pus, Vishnevsky's ointment is intended only for external application. The wound is pretreated with an antiseptic. Then a small amount of the product is applied to the damaged area, a gauze bandage is applied. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations once a day.

An antiseptic and disinfectant is widely used in surgical practice. You can also use the drug for those who do not know how to remove pus at home. The medicine not only suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora, but also relieves itching, removes pain.

If you believe the instructions, ichthyol ointment can be used not only for purulent wounds, but also for burns, streptoderma, prostatitis, eczema, etc. The only contraindication is an allergy to ichthyol. The medicine is applied in the same way as Vishnevsky's ointment. A small amount of the product is applied to the affected area. The wound must be pretreated with an antiseptic solution.

And what is better - ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky? Both drugs show excellent results. What medication to use in a particular case, the doctor will tell you.


A combination antimicrobial drug comes to the rescue of those who don't know how to remove pus from a pimple or wound. A substance of a white or yellowish tint is quickly absorbed and begins to act within a few hours. The inflammation decreases in size, the pus is easier to squeeze out. The active ingredients are chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The drug belongs to the category of antibacterial. However, it can be used for viral, herpes and fungal infections as part of complex therapy after consulting a doctor.

Wound suppuration is the result of the multiplication of bacterial microflora. The most effective ointment "Levomekol" against gram-positive bacteria. Methyluracil helps to accelerate wound healing. Levomekol is often used as a prophylaxis in surgery, even if there is no pus. The medicine is widely used in dentistry. With its help, you can eliminate the symptoms of diseases such as periodontal disease, stomatitis, trophic ulcers. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected area and allowed to absorb.

Tetracycline ointment

If pus appeared in the eyes, most likely you had to deal with conjunctivitis. In this case, you cannot do without an external antibacterial agent. Tetracycline ointment shows good results. This substance acts as an active ingredient that inhibits the activity of many pathogenic bacteria. Additionally, the preparation contains sodium sulfite, petroleum jelly, anhydrous lanolin. The positive results from the use of the drug are noticeable almost immediately. It is necessary to start using the medicine as soon as pus appears in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis is not the only indication for the drug. The medication is widely used in the treatment of advanced forms of acne, furunculosis, eczema, trophic ulcers. It should be borne in mind that addiction can develop to an antibacterial agent. If the unpleasant symptoms persist within five days, you should consult your doctor again.

Synthomycin ointment

An effective and affordable agent is widely used when chloramphenicol acts as an active ingredient. The substance inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, prevents them from fully multiplying. Some viruses and disease-causing fungi are also under attack. Synthomycin ointment is widely used in the complex therapy of purulent wounds. For preventive purposes, the medication is used in surgery, after complex surgical interventions. Ointment is applied to the area of ​​the seams.

The drug has practically no contraindications. In some patients, hypersensitivity to components may only develop. In consultation with the doctor, the medication can be used during lactation to heal cracks in the nipples. It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy.


How to treat an abscess near the nail, if you cannot get to the doctor, and there are no special medications in the house? Traditional medicine recipes will come to the rescue. Aloe is a plant that grows on the windowsill in almost every home. It is widely used in the treatment of many ailments. Aloe will also help with purulent wounds. The sap of the plant has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, helps to draw out pus from the wound.

For treatment, use only freshly squeezed juice. A few drops of raw materials must be squeezed onto the wound surface pre-treated with an antiseptic. Further, it is recommended to bandage the wound. Dressings should be done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. With the correct therapy, the abscess disappears completely after 3-4 days. The very next day after the start of treatment, the amount of pus decreases, pain disappears.


How to remove pus if you find trouble in the country? Ordinary white cabbage will come to the rescue. The sap of the plant helps to eliminate pus from the wound, removes edema, stimulates local immunity, and accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue. There are several ways to use the product. Finely chop the cabbage, squeeze the juice out of it. The finished raw material is used to treat the wound surface.

The whole cabbage leaf can be used to make a healing compress. How to remove pus in this way? The damaged area is carefully treated with an antiseptic. Then a clean cabbage leaf is applied to the wound, the compress is fixed with a gauze bandage. After 12 hours, it is necessary to replace the sheet with a new one. If the procedure is performed correctly, significant improvements will be noticeable after the first compress.

Salt and soda

For purulent diseases of the oral cavity, a saline rinse solution is widely used. Such treatment makes it possible to get rid of stomatitis or purulent sore throat in a matter of days. Homemade solution is used as part of complex therapy.

Salt also shows good results for external wounds. How to remove pus under the nail? In a liter of warm water, you need to dilute a tablespoon of salt, add a teaspoon of baking soda.

In the resulting solution, you must lower the affected finger for 15 minutes. You can carry out the procedure several times a day. After a few days, not a trace of purulent inflammation will remain.

Chamomile is a natural antiseptic. The plant is used in many traditional medicine recipes. How to remove pus using chamomile? It is necessary to prepare a medicinal decoction. A tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials (can be purchased at the pharmacy) must be poured with 200 ml of water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for another 15 minutes. The finished broth should be cooled and filtered.

This medicine will be even more effective if you add a teaspoon of fresh honey to it. The product is thoroughly mixed, moistened with cheesecloth. A compress is applied to the wound pretreated with an antiseptic and fixed with a bandage. It is necessary to change the solution twice a day.

Garlic tortilla

Garlic has excellent antibacterial properties. It will be possible to heal a purulent wound faster if the product is used in combination with ordinary laundry soap. The pre-cleaned product is baked in the oven for 20 minutes. The soap is rubbed on a fine grater. The two prepared ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. It turns out a kind of cake, which is applied to the cleaned wound for 4-5 hours. The procedure should be carried out up to three times a day.

How to properly treat purulent wounds? Use folk recipes or, say, ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky? What's better? Only a doctor can give the correct answer. The article is for informational purposes only. In no case should one engage in self-medication.

An abscess, also known as a skin abscess or boil, is a painful, pus-filled lump that develops on the surface of the skin. The abscess can be as small as a pea or as large as a golf ball; it can occur on any part of the body. Most often, an abscess is triggered by an infection in the hair follicles or skin sebaceous glands. While boils are often quite painful and unattractive, it is not a serious problem and you can treat it very effectively at home.


Part 1

Abscess treatment

    Wash the leaked abscess with antibacterial soap. When the boil starts to drain, it is very important to keep the skin clean. Wash the abscess thoroughly with antibacterial soap and warm water until the pus drains out. After everything drains out, wipe the abscess dry with a clean towel or paper towels; immediately afterward, discard what you wiped off to prevent the spread of infection.

    Apply antibacterial cream and cover the boil. Next, you need to apply an antibacterial cream or ointment and cover the area with gauze. The gauze will allow the abscess to continue to drain and dry, so the dressing will need to be changed frequently. Antibacterial creams and ointments are specially formulated to treat abscesses and are available over the counter at your local pharmacy.

    Continue applying hot compresses until the abscess has healed completely. Once the boil has started to drain, you should continue to apply hot compresses, cleanse the inflammation and cover it until the boil is completely healed. As long as you diligently keep the abscess site clean, you shouldn't have any difficulty, and the boil should go away within a week or two.

    • Remember to wash your hands with antibacterial soap before and after contact with the boil to avoid spreading the infection.
  1. See your doctor if the abscess does not break out within two weeks, or if it shows signs of infection. In some cases (based on size, location, and presence of infection), medical attention may be required to treat the abscess. The doctor will have to pierce the abscess in his office or in the surgery department. This situation may be due to the presence of several purulent sacs in the abscess, or to the fact that the boil is located in a sensitive place like the nasal or ear canal. If the skin around the abscess is infected, you may be given an antibiotic shot or taken by mouth. Situations in which to seek medical attention include:

    Maintain good hygiene. Good hygiene is probably the most important thing if you want to prevent abscesses. Since abscesses are usually caused by bacteria in the hair follicles, it is very important to wash the skin surface daily. Ordinary soap will work for this, but if you are prone to boils, it is better to replace it with an antibacterial one.

    • You can also use an abrasive brush or loofah (such as a loofah) to scrape off the skin. This will prevent sebum from clogging up around the hair follicles.
  2. Clean up any cuts or wounds - immediately and thoroughly. Bacteria can easily enter the body through wounds and cuts. It can go down from the hair follicles, where an infection occurs, and cause an abscess. To avoid this, remember to clean even the slightest cuts or scrapes with antibacterial soap, apply a cream or ointment, and cover with a bandage or adhesive tape until complete recovery.

    Avoid sitting in one place for a long time. Abscesses in the folds between the buttocks (also known as "pilonidal cysts") are usually the result of prolonged pressure from sitting in one place for long periods of time. They often occur in truckers and people who spend a lot of time on long flights. If possible, reduce the load by taking frequent breaks and stretching your legs.

Part 3

Using home remedies

    Be aware that home remedies may not work. You can try folk remedies for getting rid of boils, but they may be useless, and doctors do not recommend them. It is unlikely that any of these funds can harm you, but be prepared for the fact that you still have to turn to official medicine.

If treatment of an abscess at home does not lead to the desired result, you need to seek help from a surgeon.

Why do abscesses occur?

An abscess (abscess, abscess) is in which accumulations of pus are limited from healthy tissue sites by the pyogenic connective membrane. Typically, an abscess begins with slight redness, after which the affected area of ​​the skin becomes denser and tighter. In the future, the center of the abscess becomes softer, tissue necrosis and purulent fusion occurs with the formation of a cavity containing pus.

The most common cause of an abscess is a bacterial infection. In most cases, infection with staphylococcal or streptococcal microflora occurs, which leads to a decrease in the body's resistance. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the skin through cracks and abrasions. In some cases, an abscess can be caused by chemicals that enter the skin through medical injections or infusions without proper asepsis.

In order to avoid the appearance of abscesses, in case of damage to the skin, the affected area should be immediately treated with a disinfectant, for example, iodine or brilliant green.

How is it diagnosed?

If an abscess occurs on the skin, it is quite easy to diagnose it. A hard and painful nodule forms at the site of infection with redness around it. There is also an increase in local temperatures. A few days (or weeks) at the site of infection, a capsule filled with pus. If pathogenic microorganisms have significant virulence, then intoxication may develop, accompanied by headache, fever and malaise.

If the abscess is located in the upper layers of the skin, then it, as a rule, matures quickly and spontaneously opens with complete elimination of pus and cleansing of the wound. In the case when the abscess is located in the deep layers of the skin and it is quite extensive, then the intervention of a surgeon may be required.

What can you do

When the first clinical symptoms appear abscess of the skin, first of all, it is necessary to provide complete rest to the affected area of ​​the skin. At the stage of infiltration (the onset of the disease), when only soreness, hyperemia and slight swelling are felt, the use of cold will be useful. If the pain persists and other symptoms develop (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels), then you should switch to the application of heat, for example, a heating pad or warming compresses.

When an abscess emerges on the surface, doctors recommend "soaking" the abscess in a salt solution. Initially, a burning sensation and soreness is possible, but after a short time, relief should come. This method helps to clean the open abscess surface.

There are many methods and recipes for traditional medicine to remove abscesses. So, it is possible to get rid of abscesses with the help of honey applications, onions, garlic, aloe, mummy, propolis, as well as various herbal infusions and oil. However, it should be remembered that self-treatment should be resorted to only when the abscess has an initial stage. With an advanced form of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor, otherwise complications may develop.

Treatment of abscesses

If home treatment does not work, and the disease progresses, then you need to consult a surgeon. To eliminate the abscess, the doctor makes a small incision. After the operation, dressings should be changed daily, anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken and all the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed.

For the treatment of abscesses, local drugs are also used, which help to eliminate the disease or the early maturation of a purulent focus with the subsequent elimination of pus. These drugs include ointment ILON® , which contains active herbal ingredients. ILON® contains biologically active substances of larch resin, turpentine oils, as well as essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and thyme. The drug improves blood supply to the affected area, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect.

ILON® promotes the reverse development of a purulent-inflammatory process or significantly accelerates the process of maturation and opening of a purulent focus. Ointment ILON® easy to use and has a pleasant scent of eucalyptus and rosemary.

The most effective folk remedies for treating abscesses are baked onions and laundry soap. Below are many ways to help cure an abscess with the available remedies. The recipes are taken from the newspaper "Vestnik HLS" How to treat abscesses with baked onions ...

Folk remedies successfully help in the treatment of many diseases.

The most effective folk remedies for treating abscesses are baked onions and laundry soap.Below are many ways to help cure an abscess with the available remedies.

The recipes are taken from the "Vestnik HLS" newspaper.

How to treat abscesses with baked onions
Baked onions are the most effective folk remedy for the treatment of abscesses. Warm baked onions should be tied to the wound at night with a thicker layer so that the heat will last longer. In the morning, there will be no more pus in the wound, and the wound itself will quickly heal. (HLS 2010, No. 8, p. 33)

The woman has under her arm aboutan abscess developed, which for a long time could not break through. The pain was severe, it was impossible to move the hand. The folk recipe helped - the patient baked an onion, cut it in half and attached it with a slice torip. The abscess has matured, the wound healed, pus leaked out. (HLS 2008, No. 8, p. 31).

If you do not have the opportunity to bake the onion, then boiled onions and an abscess will help cure. Boil water, throw an onion cut in half there. Cook for 3 minutes. Disassemble the halves of the onions into flakes. Take the largest one, remove the film from the inside and attach the bow to the sore spot. Secure with a bandage. In the morning, cover the abscess with streptocide (knead the pill) and apply a bandage. If the wound is not running, the abscess will clear up in 1 day. (2005, No. 1, p. 31).

After mastitis, a woman had abscesses on her chest every year. The same thing every time: a scalpel, cleaning, a tube for removing dirt. Once again, a friend advised her to fix a baked onion on her chest for the night. In the morning she woke up all wet and sticky - it turns out that the abscess opened up, and all the pus leaked out. The chest no longer poured. (HLS 2004, No. 22, p. 17).

Ointment for abscesses based on propolis tincture
Take 1 tbsp. l. pharmacy tincture of propolis, butter and honey. Mix and place in a water bath. When the mixture is smooth, the ointment is ready. After cooling, store in the refrigerator. Apply this ointment to the abscess and bandage. (HLS 2013, No. 1, p. 27)

How did you manage to cure abscesses in a dog or cat with the help of aloe
Once a small lap dog was bitten by a large dog. For two days the bitten dog sat under the sofa, and they could not get it out. When she crawled out to the people, the dog had boils on its side the size of a chicken yolk. The hostess squeezed out pus, the dog groaned, but did not struggle. Then she tore off the largest leaf from the aloe and squeezed the juice directly into the wounds. The dog squeaked and crawled under the chair. I didn’t appear for a day, and when I came out, the dog's abscesses disappeared, the wounds healed, only small scratches remained. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 26)

Treatment of abscesses with ficus
Indoor ficus helps to cure abscesses and boils. You need to take 2 sheets, scroll one in a meat grinder, and put the other in boiling water. Put the rolled mass on a hot sheet and apply to the abscess, fix with a bandage, leave overnight. If it doesn't help the first time, repeat the procedure. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 31)

Potato treatment.
A pimple appeared under the man's knee, interfering with walking, the patient knocked it out. An abscess appeared in the morning. By the evening my whole leg was swollen, the temperature rose. In the morning, the doctor at the hospital was horrified by what he saw, frightened him with amputation, and made several injections.
At home, a neighbor rubbed potatoes, put this gruel over her leg, and tied it up. Soon the pain subsided, the temperature subsided. By the morning, the abscess broke through, the wound healing began (HLS 2003, No. 22, p. 20)

Valerian from abscesses
A woman had pustules in her nose during a cold. She took a stick of cotton swab, dipped it in valerian tincture and smeared it. I did this 4 times in a day, and everything went away. (HLS 2008, No. 13, p. 4)

Tincture of garlic will help get rid of boils and colds
Take a small vial and fill it 1/3 full with finely chopped garlic. Top up the bottle with vodka. After a couple of days, the tincture is ready. She should always be at home. At the first sign of a cold, inhale alternately one and the other nostrils.
When abscesses or pimples appear, lubricate them with this tincture several times a day, and they dry up quickly - repeatedly proven. The same tincture helps with insect bites. (HLS 2012, No. 22, p. 39)

Ointment for abscesses with wormwood
In 200 g of heavy cream (preferably homemade) add 1 tbsp. l. chopped wormwood herb, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool until warm, strain. Put the resulting ointment in the refrigerator. Lubricate abscesses with this ointment as needed. Keep the medicine for no more than five minutes, then wash with a cotton swab or rinse with water. At first, the abscess will twitch and hurt. Then the wound will quickly heal. (HLS 2012, No. 12, p. 32)

How to treat abscesses with soap.
The woman developed an abscess on her finger. The folk remedies that she knew did not help. When the pain could no longer be tolerated, the finger swelled and turned purple, I went to the hospital. The surgeon said that it was necessary to cut, otherwise gangrene would begin. The woman did not agree to the operation. At home, a neighbor suggested a simple folk remedy for abscesses - you need to moisten a piece of bandage, lather with baby soap, put it on your finger at night and fix it. The woman did just that. In the morning, pus began to come out, and the pain subsided after 2 hours. After several procedures, the finger became normal. (HLS 2008, No. 22, pp. 31-32).

Soap and milk ointment for abscesses

Boil 100 g of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. The soap must be freshly manufactured. Cook, stirring occasionally, until it thickens, like a jelly, so that it does not spread, after cooling, the ointment thickens a little more. This ointment heals boils, boils, abscesses. One woman's son had 140 boils on his body, she already thought that her son would die, but this ointment managed to cure him (2002, No. 16, p. 4).

The grated soap can simply be diluted with boiling water to the desired consistency, put on the abscess at night, with a bandage and polyethylene on top. In the morning all the pus comes out (2007, No. 6, p. 30).

How to make an abscess ointment at home
Mix 50 g of grated laundry soap and 150 g of boiling water, add 20-30 g of beeswax, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 50 g of rye flour. Stir. If the wax has not dissolved, heat it up a little. The ointment is ready. Helps to treat abscesses, various abscesses, mastitis (HLS 2008, No. 7, p. 30)

Treatment of abscesses with sweet clover

The herb and flowers of sweet clover are widely used in folk remedies for the treatment of abscesses, boils, and various abscesses. This herb accelerates the maturation of abscesses and the passage of pus. Melilot is used in various forms: in the form of a decoction for baths and compresses, an ointment for abscesses is made from it (melilot flowers are boiled for 30 minutes in interior pork fat), warm poultices are made (the grass is placed in a small bag and boiled in a small amount of boiling water for 30 seconds) ... In the field, the leaves and flowers of sweet clover are simply kneaded and applied to the wound to soften and absorb the swollen and to draw out pus.

Ointment for abscesses from sweet clover.

2 tbsp. l. grind sweet clover flowers with 3 tbsp. l. melted butter. Apply the resulting ointment to accelerate the ripening of abscesses (HLS 2011, No. 18, p. 36)

Cedar gum can help heal an abscess
Siberian foresters smear cedar sap on cuts and wounds, bandages with cedar resin are applied to the abscesses, which, accelerating ripening, helps to soften and draw out pus. For abscesses and furunculosis, an ointment is made by melting cedar resin, butter and wax. (HLS 2011, No. 2 p. 28,)

Bark decoction flatbread
Boil the barberry bark for 10 minutes. Mix a small amount of broth with barley flour to make a dough. Blind the cake and attach to the abscess. It will ripen quickly, the pus will come out. (HLS 2011, No. 7 p. 29)

Treatment of abscesses with nettles
Nettle tincture should always be at hand. It is suitable for the treatment of any wounds, bruises, abscesses, as well as treats joints and osteochondrosis. It is very simple to prepare it: in May, pick up young shoots of nettle, fill a container with them loosely, pour vodka and put it in the sun for 2 weeks.
Apply gauze moistened with this tincture to the sore spot.
If he picks up a finger near the nail, then tie a bandage soaked in tincture overnight, and wrap it with plastic on top. By morning, the abscess will break through.
If joints hurt, then rub them with this tincture. (HLS 2011, No. 10 p. 33).
In addition to nettle tincture, vinegar infused with nettle has great healing power: pour 1 glass of dry leaves with 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar, leave for 3 days. To cure an abscess - apply a bandage to it with medicinal vinegar (HLS 2007, No. 13 p. 32).

Ointment for abscesses from resin and onions
Heat 500 ml of vegetable oil and add 100 g of pine resin and 100 g of wax there. Cook for 30 minutes. Cut off the bottoms of 10 onions along with the peel. In a mixture of oil, wax and resin, throw the bottoms one at a time, carefully, the mixture may escape. Cook for another 20 minutes. Cool slightly and pour into jars through 4 layers of gauze. This ointment well heals abscesses and boils, as well as burns, frostbite, bedsores, scratches. (HLS 2004, No. 15, p. 24)

Treatment of abscesses with birch leaves
Pick birch leaves, rinse, dry. Apply a layer of leaves to the abscess and secure. It is better to do this at night, by the morning the abscess will already break through. (HLS 2009, No. 9, p. 13)

Folk remedy made from honey and flour
Mix in 1 tbsp. l. butter, vodka, honey and flour. Put the resulting ointment on gauze and attach to the sore spot for 5-6 hours. Usually everything goes the first time, but if the abscess is large, then repeat the procedure. (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 30).

An equally effective remedy for abscesses is a honey-soap cake.

Melt 100 g of honey and 100 g of grated household soap in a water bath and combine with 100 g of flour to make a cake. Apply this cake to abscesses and boils (HLS 2007, No. 14, p. 32).

An even simpler folk remedy for the treatment of abscesses is a cake made of liquid honey (if it has hardened, melt it in a water bath) and flour (it is better to take rye flour or 2 grade flour). Put 1 tsp on the flour. honey and knead the dough so that it is elastic, but not hard crumbling and not liquid sticky. Make a cake from the dough and apply it to a sore spot: an abscess, a boil, a purulent wound, a bruise. This is a very effective remedy. (HLS 2001, No. 13, p. 18,).

Treatment of abscesses with beet leaf
The woman's little son pricked the heel, and an abscess formed. A friend advised me to attach a beet leaf to the wound. The child immediately stopped screaming and fell asleep. The leaves were changed often, they pulled out the pus and the wound quickly healed. Since then, a woman has always treated abscesses with this remedy and dries beet leaves for future use between the pages of books, soaking them in winter before use.
Somehow her mother got an infection during the injection, the injection site began to pick up, then they remembered about the beetroot leaves - everything quickly passed.
Once a neighbor came to them to ask for an aloe leaf, because his daughter got a splinter under her nail. The woman gave him an aloe, but also gave him a leaf of beet. The next day, the neighbor again came for a leaf of beets, because the aloe did not help, the beets helped to cure the abscess in the child. (HLS 2006, No. 13, p. 31-32)

Garlic compresses
When the abscess is just beginning, then you need to cut off a plate of garlic and fix it on the sore spot. If the bunks are already old, then you need to grate the garlic, put it in some small container - for example, a bottle cap, turn the contents over to the abscess and secure with a plaster. (HLS 2004, No. 18, p. 24)

Leg abscesses - celandine treatment
A woman with polyarthritis developed sores on the soles of her feet. For many years she could not get rid of them until her husband decided to use celandine. I passed the plants through a meat grinder, squeezed out the juice, mixed with alcohol 1: 1. The woman soared her feet every evening and rubbed the soles of her feet with the resulting product. All the abscesses passed and did not appear again. (HLS 2005, No. 7, p. 23)

Treatment of abscesses with burdock root.
Dig out the burdock root, wash and put in the refrigerator. In the morning on an empty stomach, cut off a piece and chew well, so that the whole mass is moistened with hungry saliva. Apply this mass to sore spots for a day. The next morning, repeat the procedure. For quick treatment, it is advisable to apply the infusion inside - 1 tbsp. l. chop the root, brew with 1 glass of boiling water, insist overnight. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning, after chewing on the fresh root. Drink the whole portion at once - 1 glass. (HLS 2003, No. 12, p. 16)

Burdock and sour cream.
The woman's finger became inflamed, an abscess appeared. The pain was terrible, the surgeon said "cut". And the old healer looked at her finger and advised at sunrise and sunset to apply a burdock leaf with sour cream to the abscess with the lower part, topple the hare skin and tie it with a rag. After 4 days, the abscess burst, the rod came out, the wound began to heal. (HLS 2003, No. 21, p. 3)

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