All about Jack Russell Terrier. All about the Jack Russell Terrier breed - a small lump with great energy. Who is hunting

If you are looking for a companion dog and have a lot of free time then the Jack Russell Terrier is for you. This dog was bred in England for hunting burrowing animals.

The initial goal of breeding this breed was productive hunting, so outwardly the dog looked ugly. As the breed spread and was presented at exhibitions, the appearance began to change in a positive direction.

And today the representatives of the breed are harmonious beautiful dogs.

General characteristics of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier is a medium-sized dog. The height at the withers reaches 30 cm, while the body length is greater than the height at the withers, the weight of the animal is up to 8 kilograms.

A distinctive feature of this breed is activity, and the use of the breed for hunting contributed to the development of intelligence, agility and strength.

Within the breed, dogs differ in type wool cover, they can be smooth, coarse and mixed coats. The color of this terrier species is a combination of white, brown and black.

Usually on the white body of the dog there are groups dark spots, examples of jack russell's color look at the photo.

According to the exterior characteristics of the breed, the width of the chest will coincide with the length of the front paw from floor to knee joint.

Features appearance view for breed standard:

  • the lumbar spine is strongly pronounced and constantly in tension;
  • the chest is proportional;
  • the sternum protrudes in front of the shoulders;
  • the tail is docked following the line of the ears;
  • the head is narrowed at the transition to the eyes and nose;
  • eye color-black, almond-shaped incision, pigmentation along the edges of the eyelids;
  • the jaws are strong, the bite is correct;
  • the ears are mobile, can hang down or have the shape of buds.

The dog is well built, which allows it to be constantly in motion and rightfully have the nickname "flying dog".

Dog's temper

By nature, the dogs are cheerful, nimble and positive. Energy of this breed does not occupy. From the terriers, they got determination and independence. These qualities must be taken into account during the training period of the dog, because situations arise when it does not want to train and it is difficult to cope with it.

Early socialization is necessary for the breed, otherwise aggression towards other animals may appear. The breed has a very positive attitude towards children, especially if it grows with them from puppyhood.

Since the breed's natural hunting instincts prevent the dog from being friendly to other animals, this is especially true for cats and small pets.

You should not test this dog's friendliness by trying to make friends with other pets, because they can suffer from his excessive activity.

Describing the features of the Jack Russell breed, it should be noted that these dogs should always be in business. Otherwise, it cannot be avoided bad behavior an animal that manifests itself by barking, causing damage to things and trying to dig a hole.

It is best if the dog is constantly exercising and participating in competitions.

Taking into account the character traits, it is necessary to carefully consider the ability of you and your family members to meet the needs of this active dog.

Breed tendency to disease

The Jack Russell Terrier is a disease resistant breed, but there are a number of diseases that are persistent for its representatives.

These include:

  • dysplasia of the hip joints;
  • congenital deafness;
  • eye abnormalities;
  • pathology of the femoral head.

Having this breed in your pets, you should not neglect the animal's examinations at the veterinarian to assess general condition and timely violation.

Dogs of this breed are quite unpretentious and live quietly both in apartments and in private houses. It is necessary to provide a sleeping place for the animal away from the draft and not on the aisle. Since the dogs are very playful, the place is used for rest.

It is imperative to establish a mode of walking with the dog, at least two walks for an hour a day, satisfying the activity of the animal.

The main care for Jack Russell is his ears, eyes, teeth and hair. Constant examination of the condition of the dog's eyes will save from possible problems... V preventive purposes you can wipe them with a mild tea solution using a soft piece of cloth.

Toilet for ears and teeth is required once a week. The ears are carefully examined and, if necessary, excess wax is removed. The teeth are cleaned with special nozzles with a paste for dogs.

Claws are trimmed twice a month. After walking, be sure to inspect the paws, wash and wipe dry.

The food of the dog does not require special rules. You can feed professional dry rations or natural food with the addition of fortified complexes. When choosing natural look food excludes fatty foods, lamb and pork, sweets and confectionery.

Breed training

Start training Jack Russell with early age... For better mastering of basic commands by the dog. Since this breed has good qualities for training, it is worth going through the entire course of general training at once. It includes a set of commands for the active life of the animal at home and on the street.

You can also learn the command "fetch" because dogs of this breed love to run after various objects. It is desirable that the same family member is engaged with the animal.

Training should be carried out in the active phase of the dog's regimen, the achievements of the animal are necessarily encouraged by praise and treats.

Jack Russell Terrier is a very active social dog that requires a lot of attention, and the lack of proper care and conditions negatively affects its character.

Therefore, if you have opted for this particular breed, think about whether you can meet the increased requirements of the animal.

Photo of jack russell

When it comes to hunting foxes, badgers and small rodents, the Jack Russell Terrier becomes the best assistant for the hunter - an agile and small-sized dog, on which the successful ending of the whole venture depends.

Origin story

Jack Russell, an Englishman from Devonshire, is considered to be the breeder of the breed. The fascination with terriers began in 1814. with the purchase of the first copy - a dog named Trump.

In those days, terriers were the main breed bred for hunting and were popular with farmers. Boarders, Fox Terriers, Leylands, Biglies, as well as Bull Terriers and Bulldogs took part in the improvement of Jack Russell Terriers, whose homeland was England.

1904 the first characteristic of the stunted breed was determined. 2001 to official standard Terriers were divided into 2 separate breeds depending on their height:

  • long-legged parson;
  • short-legged.

Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Jack Russell Terriers are characterized by a strong build and small size. Considering that the main purpose of the ancestors of the breed was burrowing, the body of the modern representative is slightly elongated, and the legs are shortened.

  1. The size an adult dog is 24-31 cm at the withers with a weight of 6-9 kg. Males are larger in height at the withers and in weight. Due to its compact size, you can easily get a terrier in an apartment.
  2. Head flat with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The jaw tapers towards the tip of the nose.
  3. Breast not wide, deep. The neck is strong, not long. The back is straight with a slightly convex loin.
  4. Paws smooth, straight. The pasterns are strong and tightly knit. Hind limbs muscular, strong.
  5. Eyes dark, not prominent. The nose is black. There is a black border around the eyes. The ears are mobile, drooping slightly or have the shape of a bud.
  6. Tail moderately short, does not curl, usually docked.
  7. Wool dense and tough.

There are some substandard varieties of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. There are such types:

  • short-haired, with a rigid hair structure;
  • long-haired, characterized by the presence of a "beard" and funny eyebrows (need trimming);
  • with semi-long hair.

Jack Russell Terriers with long and semi-long hair are also called "broken".


According to the standard, the main color of the Jack Russell Terrier is white, which prevails in the presence of black, reddish-brown and yellow spots... The spots do not merge with each other.

For the breed, a pure white color (albinos) is undesirable, as well as a white saturation of less than 50% of the total color of the dog.

There are terriers in black and white colors (bicolor), as well as with the addition of shades of red (tricolor). Metis are considered a marriage.


Activity, friendliness, curiosity are the main distinctive features the nature of these fidgets. Just remember the famous dog.

  1. The Jack Russell Terrier's innate passion for catching animals has transformed into a love for outdoor games, where you need to catch something: a ball, a plate. There is a known dog of this breed named Anastasia, who in 2011. was entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the fact that within 44.49 seconds she managed to burst 100 inflated balloons!
  2. The dog and children get along great. If you want your child to become more sociable, then buy him this particular dog.
  3. Jack Russell Terrier and a cat in the house may not get along. It will be difficult for a born hunter to cope with his instincts. Therefore, you should not keep a terrier and a cat at the same time, guinea pig, hamster.


Jack Russell Terriers are very trainable. In three days, the puppy learns its name. Starting from two months, the dog should be regularly dealt with, adapting it to society and teaching it to perform various commands.

  1. Training is carried out in the form of games on the street, in the park, on a special site. To reward, stock up on a treat - pieces of finely chopped hard cheese, boiled meat. It is good to take a ball with you for training.
  2. Give commands clearly, using words without double meanings. The first commands that your pet should know are: "to me", "fu", "next", "stand", "sit", "lie down". Some dog handlers teach dogs to non-standard commands, which are operated only by the owner.
  3. Physical punishment is unacceptable in education. Even in case of failure, not knowing how to raise a puppy, praise your pet.

The dog must understand that the owner is you. Not prone to dominance, pygmy terriers will perceive you not only as the only owner, but also as a friend.

It does not matter what commands your pet performs, as long as it is properly adapted to life in society. This breed of dog is not aggressive, therefore, even with a basic knowledge of the commands, the dog can walk in the parks without worrying that it will attack passers-by.

Care and maintenance

At home, with careful and proper care, these cute little dogs have been living for over 15 years. There is a known terrier with a life expectancy of 21 years.

Dog hygiene and health

Jack Russell Terrier is a short-haired terrier, but the peculiarity of the coat is constant shedding. Therefore, in terms of dog hygiene, grooming takes an important place.

  1. If the dog is smooth-haired, then it is enough to comb it out once every 7 days with a stiff brush.
  2. If your pet has semi-long or long hair, then a trimmer is needed - a special tool that removes dead hairs. Trimming is done regularly at intervals of 2-4 times a year. The best time for the procedure - the molt of the animal.
  3. You should rarely bathe your pet - 3-4 times a year with special shampoos.
  4. The ears are cleaned once a week, and the eyes are wiped with a clean cotton sponge daily.
  5. After the walk, the paws are washed with warm water.
  6. Terrier's nails are cut as they grow back. The procedure should be performed carefully so as not to damage the nerve endings located near the roots of the nails.
  7. Dogs that have reached 2 years of age are prepared for mating. In order for the birth to be successful, the litter survived, it is necessary to provide the pet with enhanced nutrition with a balanced, vitamin-rich feed.

The Jack Russell breed was bred for hunters and high requirements for the maintenance of these dogs were not provided. Ease of care is an advantage for the owner of such a pet.

  1. The dog should have its own place - a corner where it can rest, chew on a bone or play with a toy. The place is not chosen under the door, in a draft.
  2. You will need 2 bowls for feeding - one for pure water the other is for food.
  3. Daily meals and walks are a must.
  4. In your winter hunting dog additional insulation will be needed. Even if the terrier is wire-haired, buy special warm clothing from the pet store.
  5. Terriers have one bad habit- gnaw things, furniture. So that your pet does not harm, just buy him toys: dense rubber balls, sticky bones.


When taking care of your pet, remember to maintain its health. To keep your puppy from getting infected infectious diseases, should be vaccinated on time.

  1. Immediately after purchasing the dog, contact veterinary clinic, where the terrier will be registered and issued an official document - a passport.
  2. The veterinarian will draw up an individual vaccination schedule.
  3. They will tell you if you need to dock the tail, how to feed the puppy, how to wash, how to care, if you need clothes for the dog, how to determine the onset of the disease.

Common diseases for the Jack Russell Terrier:

  • collie eye anomaly;
  • congenital blindness;
  • dysplasia;
  • Legg-Perthes disease.

Acquired diseases of Jack Russell Terriers include obesity and allergies.


IMPORTANT! Feed your pet fresh, natural products... You can use special foods that already contain the minerals and vitamins your dog needs.

If you are unsure of what to feed your puppy, then consult the breeder or veterinarian. Suitable food for a young hunting dog would be:

  • boiled veal;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables (except legumes);
  • sea ​​fish;
  • boiled chicken eggs.

When choosing what kind of food to pamper your pet, give preference to combined food so that the pet's diet is varied. The weight of an adult dog should not exceed 9 kg, so make sure that the dog does not become obese.

The frequency of feeding the puppies is 4-6 times a day. When your pet grows up, 1-2 meals a day will be enough for him.


Photo of jack russell terrier

How much does a puppy cost

The price of a Jack Russell Terrier with a pedigree that meets the breed standards can be purchased at a price of 35,000 rubles. Taking into account the peculiarities of the breed, representatives of the show class who will participate in exhibitions are also offered for 50,000 rubles.

If the availability of documents, as well as eminent parents are not important to you, then you can buy inexpensively little terrier for 13,000 rubles.


Since the breed is widespread and there are many breeders of these lovely hunters, it will not be difficult for you to choose a kennel. Read reviews, description of the breed. Clarify how to choose a puppy and what a purebred dog looks like, how long terriers live.

Jack Russell Terrier is a cheerful, cheerful dog. If you dream of a good-natured companion and friend for a child - then you do not hesitate to start this particular breed!

Jack Russell Terrier is English by birth. It’s a paradox, but his demeanor is far from English prim and imposing, and it’s hard to call him a gentleman. He is smart and cunning, hardy and agile, vicious and fearless. The breed of dogs Jack - Russell - Terrier has many faces, it has pluses and minuses, fans and opponents.

Jack Russell Terrier popular breed dogs originating from Great Britain. Outwardly, it is a short-legged, compact dog, but at heart it is a tireless and gifted hunter. A single world breed standard was adopted in 2001 (FCI No. 345).

Who is hunting

According to the classification Jack - Russell - Terrier belongs to hunting burrowing dogs, works great on small and medium fur animal, and also confidently follows the blood trail and to a larger animal.
The Jack - Russell - Terrier breed today can be used not only as a hunter, but also as a companion or guard. Oddly enough, but the dog received the greatest popularity in Australia than in its historical homeland.


The main coat color of the Jack - Russell - Terrier breed is white, with spots of red and black on the body. The length and type of coat vary. In any case, a symmetrical "mask" is welcomed on the face.

According to the standard, Jack - Russell - Terriers can have erect or drooping ears. Docking the tail does not affect the dog's show career. The tail is either left long or docked in infancy to the length of the "grip handle".

The main behavioral features Jack - Russell - Terriers are genetically laid down, but if desired, they are corrected.

Origin story

Jack - Russell - Terrier got its name from a clergyman named John (Jack) Russell, and it happened as follows.

In Great Britain, hunting has long been a favorite male pastime. Old-type fox terriers were very different in exterior from today's Jack - Russell - Terrier, but they had outstanding working qualities. These were small dogs with a smooth, short and harsh coat.

They had a disproportionate stocky body and rather large head... It was difficult to call them beautiful. They were characterized by courage, courage, an unrestrained thirst for blood and a desire to defeat the beast at any cost.

Possessing a small, strong, but agile body and strong jaws, old-type terriers have become irreplaceable and reliable assistants in hunting foxes, badgers and other burrowing animals. The preferred color of the coat was white, so that the hunter would not confuse the dog with the prey in the forest.

It is interesting

Many of the terriers died ingloriously in landslides or in an unequal battle with a stronger opponent. In addition, getting out of the hole, the dog was soiled with earth and smelled like a wild beast beyond recognition. In the excitement of the hunt, the hounds would bully him, mistaking him for prey.

Around the second half of the 19th century, an ardent lover of fox hunting, the Reverend John Russell, conceived the idea of ​​creating an ideal breed of burrowing dogs and improving the old-type fox terriers.

The idea came to him after he bought a bitch on the market with an amazing appearance and a fox color. It was she who gave birth to the first offspring of the breed popular in the future.

It is indisputable that the fox terriers of the old type, to which new blood were mixed, became the basis of the new breed. Participants in its creation: Welsh Corgi, English Terriers. For malice, they are mixed with the blood of fighting dogs, it is from them that they received a fierce thirst for victory. This is the genetic "bouquet" inherited by today's Jack - Russell - Terrier.

Father John was not famous for his humane disposition and mercilessly rejected puppies unsuitable for the requirements of the newly bred breed. Soon, Father Russell's wonderful dogs were talked about in all parts of England. Every hunter dreamed of getting himself an unusually agile and hardy, incredibly vicious and fearless white dog with brown spots.

Positive and negative characteristics

Jack - Russell - Terrier refers to dog breeds about which it is impossible to say unequivocally whether he is good or bad. It has multiple pros and cons.


According to reviews, the Jack Russell Terrier has a number of positive advantages, namely psychological and physiological. These dogs:

  1. They are sociable, they easily get along with all family members.
  2. They get along with children, they will never be offended for no reason.
  3. They are not jealous and will not share the owner's love.
  4. They love active games, tireless in this matter.
  5. They are inquisitive, smart and have ingenuity, they are happy to complete assigned tasks.
  6. Jack Russell Terriers are well trained and well bred.
  7. Wonderful guards and defenders, despite their small size, do not know the feeling of fear.
  8. Easy to care for and maintain, suitable for apartment living.
  9. Excellent hunters for burrowing animals.
  10. They have excellent health.

There is one controversial point - the hyperreactivity and reckless courage of Jack Russell Terriers for someone is positive quality, but for someone it is purely negative.


When choosing this breed for yourself, it should be borne in mind that the Jack Russells inherited with their mother's milk those qualities that may seem negative to many people:

  1. Being born hunters, Jack Russell Terriers are too reckless and risky, and therefore walking them without a leash can bring many problems. Compared to Beagles and Fox Terriers, Jack Russell (due to its unpredictability) will always come first.
  2. They love to dig the ground and their constant digging can drive gardeners and gardeners crazy.
  3. They are trusting of strangers, they easily make close contact, especially in adolescence... Leave with strangers.
  4. Sometimes they are intrusive and demanding.
  5. They know how to manipulate a person to achieve their desires, and not having achieved are capable of tricks, tricks and dirty tricks.
  6. They need long and active walking.
  7. They are capable of showing aggression, they will never give themselves offense to anyone.
  8. Dropping energy or boredom can turn an apartment into ruins.
  9. They bark loudly and loudly, sometimes even for the slightest reason.
  10. Shed practically all year round, regardless of the length of the coat. This is especially pronounced in the conditions of a city apartment, where dry air is present.

Features of the breed and what it looks like

Speaking about the features of the Jack Russell Terrier, it should be noted that there are quite a few of them. These include:

External exterior and varieties

The Jack Russell Terrier has several looks and types. It comes with and without a goatee, it can be smooth-haired, short-haired, wire-haired, long-haired and broken.

It is customary to call brocken terriers, whose coat has a structure of hair breaks.

All varieties of the Jack Russell Terrier belong to the same group of dogs, but they carry a special set of genes that are responsible for the coat. A visual comparison can be made between them, but in terms of working, physiological and psychological characteristics they are identical members of the same breed.

Read more about the varieties of this breed.


The courage of such terriers, sometimes even reckless, can be envied. It is this feature that often leads to their death.

They are ready for a momentary attack, cocky. , chase chickens and, without compromise, enter into a fight with dogs that are obviously taller and stronger (this is especially true for males). This often leads to painful injuries and long healing times.

Character of an adult dog

Jack Russells are naturally charismatic and impulsive, which will require a special approach and attention. In no case should you let the upbringing of a puppy take its course.


Such an energetic dog will require enough mental and physical activity(from 1.5 hours 2 times a day). This is the only way to save your home from destruction. Train Jack - Russells is an exciting activity. These dogs are happy to perform difficult tricks and show good results in agility.

Health and longevity

Overall Jack Russell Terriers boast good health and longevity, that is, you can already understand how many years they live. They live up to 15 years or more, provided they are cared for. Hereditary diseases for the breed, the phenomenon is rare, since their carriers are not allowed for breeding.


In terms of food, the Jack Russell Terrier requires a competent and balanced nutrition that will support his athleticism, physical fitness and will provide the pet's body with energies. It should not be overfed and obese. Best food- for dogs with an active lifestyle.

Remember that Jack - Russell - Long-legged Terrier does not exist in nature. A dog with long legs, which has an external resemblance to the Jack Russell, is a representative of a different breed and is called the Parson Russell Terrier. Also, there is no division according to the classification into mini and maxi.

Otherwise, Jack - Russell is no different from his four-legged fellows in reason. Caring for him is simple and includes a standard set of activities. His, comb out the dead wool, as well.

V mandatory dog cleaned auricles from sulfur and dirt, care for the eyes, monitor the condition of the teeth, vaccinate, and worms.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is not suitable for outdoor keeping, but in the cold season, at a temperature of -5% and below it.

Allergenic or hypoallergenic

The Jack Russell Terrier is not a hypoallergenic breed. Allergy sufferers should not start it. Falling hair, epidermis, dog saliva can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Puppies and their cost

Pregnancy in Jack Russell Terrier bitches lasts approximately 58-65 days from the date of mating. Labor is usually uneventful. The average litter is 4-6 puppies.

Puppies have up to three months of age there are practically no signs of the future structure of the coat. Therefore, it is impossible to say with complete certainty what kind of wool will be in the future.

The market price for Jack Russell Terrier puppies varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. It is significantly influenced by the color and structure of the coat, working qualities and the pedigree of the parents. From titled ancestors, the offspring has a promising future and is estimated much more expensive, the price of such a puppy can reach 80 thousand rubles.

Be careful, too cheap offers for the sale of supposedly "purebred puppies" of the Jack Russell Terrier should be alarming - this is an obvious cull or crossbred offspring.

Jack Russell Terrier - energetic, cheerful, active! Thanks to his cute, amusing appearance, Jack Russell is a frequent guest of television screens, of which only famous movies“Mask” and “Artist” are standing!

However, before you get yourself this little cute dog, you should seriously think about whether you can give her something, without which her life will lose its meaning. After all, it is difficult to name a more active breed than the Jack Russell Terrier.

The history of the breed

In those days, hunting foxes gained immense popularity in Great Britain, and for this fun special dogs were required - fast and dexterous to keep up with the fox, strong enough, but small enough to make their way into holes, fearless in a fight with an animal, if before it will come to work, well, and such dexterous and cunning as the fox itself!

Withdrawing just such ideal breed attended by the parson (translated from English - priest, pastor) John Russell, whom his friends called simply - Jack.
Actually, it becomes clear where the name of the breed came from - the Parson Jack Russell Terrier, because the original name was just that.

While studying at Oxford in the early nineteenth century, Pastor John Russell buys a white female named Trump, which becomes the generally recognized ancestor of the breed.

A bitch named Trump had a completely white coat with a small round spot at the beginning of the tail and symmetrical red markings on her head - her eyes and ears were colored red (the so-called Jack Russell head mask). It is this color that is still considered ideal for Jack Russell Terriers, but not the only acceptable one.

John (Jack) Russell did not have a goal to breed a dog of ideal beauty, his main task was the above working qualities. The main parts of the body that the priest paid attention to were the ears and the girth of the chest.

That is why, in his understanding of the exterior, the ears had to cover the auditory opening and be tightly pressed to the head, because the earth should not get into them while the dog was working in the hole. Well, a narrow chest (should be covered by two palms) is necessary so that the dog can easily fit in the hole.

Russell experimented constantly, mixing the blood of other terriers that existed in the UK at the time. In particular, with a fairly high degree of probability, it can be argued that genes are undoubtedly present in the blood of the current representatives of the breed.

Following John (Jack) Russell, the next generations of breeders began to breed the breed. Thus, the development of the breed went smoothly in two different directions - shorter dogs, slightly elongated in length and dogs with high square legs.

This is how completely different breed types appeared, often completely different from each other. Only in the 2000s of the 20th century, the breeds were officially divided into two:

  • Jack Russell Terrier - dog height up to 30cm slightly at the withers elongated physique
  • Parson Russell Terrier - dog up to 40cm at the withers square physique.

Jack Russell Terrier breed standard

The breed standard was approved in the eighties of the 20th century. In those years, the Jack Russell Terriers and the Parson Russell Terriers were still listed under a single standard, which, as we already wrote above, were later separated into a separate breed.

So, Jack Russell Terrier is a strong, active, fearless working terrier with a very lively temperament, compact, slightly elongated build. The ideal height is from 25cm to 30cm.

The weight of the dog must correspond to the height. It is believed that the average weight of Jack Russell is calculated as 1 kg for every 5 cm of height, so it can be assumed that a dog with a height of 25 cm weighs an average of 5 kg, and a dog with a height of 30 cm - 6 kg. However, this is a very relative definition, since all individuals are very individual.

The head is not big. The forehead is flat, the stop is moderately pronounced. The muzzle is not long. The length of the forehead from the top of the skull to the stop must be greater than the length of the muzzle from the stop to the nose.

The eyes are small, almond-shaped, very dark, with a lively shine. The eyelid should be colored black.

The ears are small, very mobile. Two types are allowed - the so-called "button ears" - ears slightly raised on the cartilage and tightly attached to the head at the level of the skull line. The ear is short; the tip of the ear should end at the level of the corner of the eyes. Hound ears, i.e. Elongated ears hanging down the sides are considered a disadvantage, erect ears are not allowed.

The jaws are strong, tightly fitting, the teeth are large. Scissor bite. Absence or damage of teeth in working dogs is allowed.

The neck is strong, not too short.

The body is slightly elongated, but not tax-shaped. The back is straight and strong. The chest is deep enough. The distance from the withers to the elbow is approximately equal from the elbow to the ground. The chest is not too wide - should be covered by two palms (about 40-43 centimeters in girth)

The shoulders are well muscled and well angulated, the elbows are close to chest not turned inside out. Feet straight, perpendicular to the ground, not curved at the elbows or pasterns.

The hindquarters are strong, muscular, the angulation and hocks are well defined. When standing, viewed from behind, the pasterns should be parallel.

The tail is set high, straight or slightly curved towards the skull. Not twisted, no kinks Sufficiently thick at the base.

Wool cover. Three types of wool are allowed - smooth, hard and broken (transitional type). Even in smooth-haired dogs, the coat is quite dense. The coat is not clipped. Rigid and transitional type trims.

Color. On this moment recognized two colors: white-red (bicolor) and white-red-black (tricolor). For any colors White color should prevail.

The movements are free, strong, with a good drive.

As for, then it all strongly depends on what type of coat your breed representative has. Of course, the easiest to care for is the coat of smooth-haired Jack Russell Terriers.

Here it is enough to brush your four-footed friend with a rubber brush and wipe with a damp cloth every week. However, it should be borne in mind that it is Jack Russell terriers with a smooth coat that are most susceptible to shedding. And when Jack Russell sheds, then the whole house and all the clothes are covered with small white hairs.

As for wire-haired terriers and brokens (transitional type), they shed much less. Wire-haired dogs practically do not shed on their own. This is due to the fact that all wire-haired dogs lack the mechanism of hair renewal (i.e. shedding). But it is for this reason that such dogs need regular trimming (stripping) - that is, pulling out dead hair.

How often you need to trim your dog is a very individual question. It all depends on the dog itself, on the time of year and on the goals pursued by the owner.

If we are talking about pets, and not about show dogs, then trimming the dog is enough once every 6 months. However, in this case, the dog is unlikely to have a well-groomed appearance. Half of this time, she will be either bald or overgrown. Since for such a long period the wool is overripe and is removed completely.

Show dogs are trimmed regularly - about once a month. This state is called rolling and it allows you to always have a well-groomed coat.

Well, the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. If you are not lazy, but trim your wire-haired pet about once every three months, then he will delight you with his appearance all the time.

If you are planning to get a dog of this breed, you should be able to walk with your pet for a long time and actively every day. Walking 10 minutes around the house is not a Jack Russell Terrier option.

The pet will simply find where to put energy in the apartment! Expect at least two hour walks a day with adult dog At the same time, the dog should spend time on a walk actively moving and playing.

Jack Russell Terrier Health

In general, Jack Russell Terriers differ enough good health... They are very hardy and active, however, Jacks have pathologies and diseases that are typical for representatives of this breed.

- a violation of the development of the joint, when the bone does not enter the joint correctly, and the joint itself is deformed and this causes the dog severe pain... Dysplasia happens different forms and treatment depends precisely on the form of development of the disease.

Dislocation of Patella (knee joint) Is another hereditary disease associated with joint disease. Dislocation patella is a hereditary disease of Jack Russell Terriers and decent breeders do genetic tests for their dogs to confirm that they are not carriers of this disease.

In addition, joint diseases affecting Jack Russell Terriers include arthritis and, which often affect older dogs.

Another hereditary disease characteristic of all terriers is the defeat of the lens of the dog's eye. The disease is often incurable, leading to blindness in the dog. Also, as in the case of dislocated patella, genetic tests are done for the predisposition to cataracts in dogs. Thus, when buying a puppy, you can protect yourself from similar vision problems with your beloved pet.

- a disease associated with a violation of the production of the hormone insulin and, as a result, an increase in the level of glucose in the dog's body.

- another one typical illness Jack Russell. Recall that allergic reactions typical for any dog ​​breeds with a predominantly white coat color. Allergy symptoms or atopic dermatitis may long time not to make itself felt, but to manifest itself only in adulthood, or they may begin to “spoil life” already from the first period of flowering of allergic active plants.

Character of Jack Russell Terriers

At first glance, it may seem that the Jack Russell Terrier is perfect dog companion for the apartment. Cute, funny, small - what could be better? However, it is in this delusion that the biggest mistake of inexperienced owners lies!

Life with Jack Russell Terrier is not too difficult, but only if you understand exactly what the character of this dog is.

The Jack Russell Terrier is perhaps the most active breed of dog. This is a motor, an engine, an awl in one place - call it what you want. And if you do not give the dog sufficient physical and mental stress, then you will face big problems both in terms of a house that is smashed to smithereens, and in terms of absolute disobedience on the street.

Another serious mistake is that inexperienced owners perceive the Jack Russell Terrier as decorative dog... No and no again! Jack Russell is a working terrier with all the ensuing consequences. He is a hunter for mice, cats, birds, squirrels, frogs, etc.

If you don't teach your dog the right behavior from childhood, then it will run away after everything that moves - the instinct will take its toll.

Jack Russell is a very smart and cunning dog. Remember the origin story, because in cunning and dexterity, he should not have been inferior to the fox. If you do not initially show him who is the boss in the house, then the arrogant dog sitting on his head will be provided for you.

As for the attitude towards children, then we can say that for small children (on average, up to 7-8 years old). Firstly, Jack Russell is small enough for a child to easily injure a dog, and secondly, like any terrier, he is unlikely to allow the child to prank that hurts him.

But for older children, Jack Russell is an ideal friend and companion. The child and the dog will be able to conduct great amount time in active and fun games in nature. Here Jacks have no equal!

Regarding the communication of Jacks with other dogs, it should be said that these relationships are not always successful. On the one hand, the Jack Russell Terrier is a very sociable dog that needs dog games like air, but on the other hand, especially for males, dogs of this breed can show aggression towards other dogs.

With Jack Russell Terrier, you should always remember that these little dogs are sure that they are no less and no weaker than a shepherd or pit bull, and if Jack does not like something, he will certainly enter an unequal battle! Therefore, the owners of males should be alert at all times when communicating with other dogs.

Training and education

Jack Russell Terrier is smartest dog, which has excellent ability to perfectly different types training: from performing in a circus to searching for drugs at the border.

These little dogs lend themselves to training very easily, because it is not for nothing that they are such frequent guests on the set. The owners of Jacks will not let lie that each of the representatives of the breed, even not engaged in training specifically, can certainly show a couple of tricks. And all because Jacks really, really like studying.

Jackie is a very active dog, so quite often they can be found in agility competitions or dancing with dogs.

These nimble little creatures adore their owners and if the owner has good contact with the pet, then their tandem will undoubtedly succeed in obedience classes! In this path, you can also develop and go further into dog sports by participating in obedience competitions (dog obedience competitions).

The main thing to remember when training a Jack Russell Terrier is to start raising a dog from a very early age, from the first day of the puppy's presence in your house. If you let everything take its course, then the smart and stubborn Jack will certainly "sit on your neck."

If you show an interest in the lessons in your pet, you train the puppy in the game and with love, then any Jack will reciprocate you and you will get real pleasure from the relationship with your four-legged friend.

Pros and cons of the breed

Indispensable advantages of Jack Russell Terriers:

  • Small dog, does not take up much space in the apartment
  • Intelligence and ingenuity
  • Cheerful playful disposition
  • Excellent learnability
  • Perfect companion dog for active people

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Long active walks are required (at least 2 hours a day)
  • Stubbornness and cunning
  • Smooth-haired dogs shed heavily

Jack Russell Terrier- one more representative canine world from a number of little hunters. Half of the name of this breed consists of the name of the first breeder of these small but very active dogs.

For these small representatives of the canine world, a predominantly white coat color with red inserts is characteristic.

The coat itself can be characterized by coarse or smooth hair.

Red spots are most often found in the head area - on the ears and muzzle of the dog, although this is not regulated.

Jack Russell Terrier has an average height of 25-30 cm (which did not interfere and still does not prevent dogs from taking a full and active part in hunting), a deep but not wide chest, a medium-sized head with a flat skull.

All these characteristics of the breed are essential for more comfortable and agile dog work in burrows. Once upon a time, these qualities of the breed were the most valuable for hunters.

The history of the emergence of the breed

Many dog ​​breeds gained their popularity due to people's interest in the hunting craft.

In England, the most common was horse hunting, in which they were very actively used and, capable of driving the beast for days and tirelessly.

But if the fox managed to get to the shelter and jumped into the hole, then through the efforts of some it was already impossible to do here.

In the case of badgers, this problem was solved well, being able to climb into such a hole and "smoke" the beast out of there. But in the case of foxes, fox terriers began to be used in Europe.

They were the ancestors of dogs, which were bred by a breeder named Jack Russell at the beginning of the 19th century.

The result of the whole hunt directly depended on how agile and persistent the dog was.

Moreover, the hunters transported fox terriers ... in bags!

Photo 1. The history of the Jack Russell Terrier breed goes back more than two centuries

They got these little hunters only when there was an urgent need for their participation.

These dogs were sent directly to the fox shelter, where with a short and persistent bark they drove the owner of the hole straight to the hunters.

After the ban on hunting of such a concept as "persecution", a number of dog breeds were out of work. The situation was saved by enthusiasts who bred and did not allow this or that breed to sink into history.

In 1814, a nineteen-year-old boy bought his first terrier on the market.

A guy named Jack, who wanted to build a career as a church minister, did not even think to study, and even more so - to carry out selection work to breed his own breed.

But his passion for hunting foxes led to the fact that he devoted more than half a century to breeding dogs - most own life.

His first dog was a non-standard terrier of the time, he was distinguished by the similarity to foxes. And his nickname coincided with the name of the current US presidential candidate - billionaire Trump.

It is a terrier named Trump who is considered the ancestor of the Jack Russell Terrier breed.

With whom the Trump terrier was crossed is not known for certain.

Considering that the color of the modern Jack Russell Terrier is predominantly white, it is believed that the first breeder used monochromatic dogs in mating.

However, the appearance future breed Russell was the least interested. He ensured that the dog showed poise and agility in the hunt, while it should not be aggressive towards other dogs.

His dog had to have a strong grip so that he had enough strength to pull the fox out of the hole, if it did not jump out by itself. At the same time, his ears must be protected from dirt and small debris, which, of course, is in any fox's hole.

Jack's quest to achieve precisely these characteristics from the breed was crowned with success.

The first breed standard was published in 1904. The breed was named Parson Russell Terrier.

Jack Russell himself was no longer there by that time, but the successor of his work - Arthur Heinemann - made a lot of efforts to preserve and consolidate best qualities breeds

The appearance of the Jack Russell Terrier

Among the Jack Russell Terriers, representatives began to appear and even became widespread and popular, which were distinguished by their "squat".

Photo 2. Jack Russell Terrier gradually gained public recognition

Their short legs did not meet the breed standard and for a long time such representatives of the breed were not recognized by the official kennel clubs.

Short-legged terriers have gained wide popularity among those who prefer horse hunting on foot.

Considering that over time, horse hunting began to be forgotten, more and more people became interested in short-legged terriers, who were not embarrassed by the increased aggressiveness and slowness of this species.

They liked the great endurance of the short-legged Jack Russell Terriers, which was an advantage when hunting on foot.

Homeland of recognition

Only in Australia, where short-legged representatives of this breed were brought from England in the second half of the 20th century, did local dog breeders become seriously interested in them.

Since there was no horse hunting for foxes on this continent, local breeders appreciated the perky nature of these dogs more than their hunting qualities.

Photo 3. Short-footed Jack Russell Terrier

It was there, far from the place of origin, that the variety was recognized and later included in general standard breed.

Explicit external differences between these dogs could not but lead to the fact that the common and short-legged species were separated, and this name was retained by the Australian (already) short-legged dogs.

Ordinary terriers of this variety have English name Parson Russell Terrier.

Now everything falls into place, but the similarity of these two breeds is so obvious that often Parson Russell representatives who find themselves in Australia are registered as Jack Russell Terriers.

So, the Jack Russell Terrier are short-legged dogs first registered in Australia, and the Parson Russell Terriers are their older brothers from England. Below in the article there is a video about the breed that will help you deal with these two species.

Jack Russell Terrier personality

Jack Russell Terrier has a hunting, working origin - this should not be forgotten when choosing a breed.

With due diligence, they get along well in the apartment.

They are very energetic dogs that need permanent place and a space where they could show their hunting instincts, run and explore their surroundings.

An apartment dweller or a warlike hunter?

Rather, the second. Because at every opportunity, a representative of this small breed will try to show their hunting skills to the maximum.

Photo 4. Jack Russell Terrier is a real hunter

The cat will also get its share of your dog's hunting instincts, but this will already depend on the breed of the latter. Fighting back a couple of times, the cat may well secure the status of a friend with whom you can play.

For dogs of this breed, self-confidence is characteristic, and decisiveness in their actions is expressed very clearly.

This can manifest itself when communicating with dogs of other breeds, to which the Jack Russell Terrier is prone to show aggression.

Dogs of this breed treat children very well, especially if they grow up with them. Already an adult Jack Russell Terrier, in whose life a child appears unexpectedly, may be intolerant of him.

Again - it will depend on how the dog was brought up.

Regular training, walking and exercising with the dog is very important and is an integral part of correct upbringing dogs of this breed.

If you do not give the pet the opportunity to show its instincts, to throw out its energy, then it can end in disastrously for household items, floors, chairs, tables, in general - everything that a small stalwart can get to.

Sedentary people can face a number of problems when raising and keeping dogs of this breed, so it is undesirable to have a Jack Russell Terrier if you do not have the opportunity to regularly physically load your pet.

The same can be said for people who prefer quiet dogs.

Jack Russell Terriers do not have a quiet demeanor, and even more - they love to bark, because they must control their personal space and protect it FROM EVERYONE in general.

Two such terriers, left unattended in the apartment, will not only fight among themselves, but can cause a lot of trouble for the owners in terms of subsequent cleaning.

Representatives of this breed have excellent intellectual data, thanks to which they do an excellent job with training tasks and new lessons.

Jack Russell Terrier - video tour:

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